(c) 2012 by flamingphoenix


There is a small yet good size village that sat in the middle of a valley that sat on the border of several different countries making relationships with other countries easy with trade much more easier also surrounded by mountains and hills. Seemingly protecting it from any natural threat that would come blazing down on them from nowhere, lucky enough the hills and mountains allowed enough space to form between two large enough to allow for a river to run through from one side of the valley to the other .

This allowed for irrigation canals to be dunged out so they could feed crops and livestock before disappearing into a underground cavern where the townsfolk were able to dig down to where the water lay enough to get a well dug out. The hills and mountains were far apart enough to allow for the land to be cleared enough to allow for crops to be grown and livestock were caroled to keep grass cut and meat provided for the entire village when the idea of growing crops weren’t in that many heads.

The rest of the ground were covered by forests ran through the opening on either side of the river allowing for the trade route to be sent through and animals of several different kinds to fill the forest that surrounded the village providing hunters with a target to hunt for. Although it did allow for dangerous creatures and other weird creatures to wander into the forest at times causing many people to get killed in the process and for the hunters to bring back weirder kills than most.

In the village center, townsfolk went about their daily lives either selling produce, stock and furs that the hunters brought back from their hunts having skinned the animals themselves during their travels. The rest went about governing the village, protecting the villagers, laying down the law in the process of announcing village news or news that came from outside the valley. Pretty much everything seemed normal like every other village nothing out of the ordinary that seemed out of place.

However there was one huge problem that came through the valley on the final month of the summer when the crops are plentiful to last throughout the winter, turning out a great profit for the farmers for centuries if they were to be traded. However the village found themselves being terrorized by hordes of gnomes that come during the night with mischievous laughter and screams that sent shivers throughout the entire village felt by the every villager in the village no matter how far they may be. The entire night causing much of the townsfolk to lie awake at night jumping at each creak of the wooden floor board, each scream either it be human or gnome.

Nevertheless the worse came much later in the night signaled by a loud roar that sounded through the village shaking the very walls that surrounded the frightened villagers even more, causing many to jump each time knowing what was about to arrive. Thunderous footsteps sounded on the dirt path deep growls animating in a beastly throat joining the screams of the gnomes although silencing them with the only noise being that of the townsfolk looking in the same cellar hiding away from the attackers, breathing heavily and the occasional crash of doors being sent inward from a hard jam from something massive and strong.

After the crash came yet another moment of silence as no one knew what would happen next as each year was different than the last however the results were the same. As if by cue, there came a blood curdling scream rang out throughout the night sending tremors through the others. There came several pleas of help from a female as something massive began dragging her out into the streets for all who dared to look out to see what was going on. Nevertheless no one dared knowing what would happen with it being a death sentence just by looking out of the window especially if gnomes were near when someone would look out.

When dawn finally broke throughout the now peaceful valley with the folks stepping out from shelters that had been built for protection against the invaders, to find the devastation wrought upon the entire town. All around the city windows were smashed, blood and gore were scattered throughout the streets coloring the town pretty much red like the saying was put spread across the streets and on the walls of shops leaving the sight to be known almost like hell. Stores and vendor areas were completely trashed with food and meat being completely stripped from the shelves leaving barely anything useful.

Produce and meat were taken from storehouses were completely stripped of any harvest that was stored there leaving barely anything for the civilians to live off with it being a bad time of the year to start new crops. The problem although simple at first point had started at the beginning of the early centuries of the village…

The gnomes although very terrorizing at times, were the easiest when the defenders of the villages would put up a great effort to stop the rampage holding off the invaders several times. However that changed rather quickly although no one truly knew when the gnomes went about looking for a leader to direct their attacks in a better way making the future terror nights to be what they are today.

Nevertheless, the next time the gnomes raced into the village they did so with no fear or remorse when they charged with great strength and numbers causing the archers to look on in dumbfounders as the number of attackers continued to pile up at the gates as the arrows began to come down on them. The actions continued to keep the gnomes back long enough to make people feel safe until something new changed the face of the rampages coming upon the defender village with the villages looking on from windows as a single Orc a beastly character with its body covered in shaggy hair long and rangy. With a beard that shared the same length as his hair, although his body was extremely saggy as if the creature was very old or he had a reduction in weight and it didn’t know how to exercise.

Built around the village after the gnomes had started attacking was a wooden wall set up for the archers to be positioned correctly to protect the city. With it surrounding the entire village guards posted around the hour not knowing when the next attack would happen, the next problem coming with limited man power with men and boys not were being able to help much with crops and livestock needed to be attended to.

Nevertheless many hunters came volunteering for scouts figuring that they could still make a profit for themselves by killing game and still keep an eye out for gnomes. The problem was that after the rampage, the gnomes disappeared into thin air almost revealing no sign where they had come from.

When the Orc charged down the hill not stopping its charge breaking through the groups of gnomes as they hit the wall throwing them to the side one by one never breaking a stride. Arrows continuing to pour down on the Orc trying to stop it however when it hit the gates that protected the city along only handful of people in at a time. Nevertheless the wooden gates never stood a chance wood splintered and shatter with time slowing down to a crawl as gnomes began pouring in attacking civilians and guards as the Orc stood there looking around looking for its first victim.

Taking great pleasure in the screaming and pleas as the gnomes took pleasure in causing havoc and not one to rush into things, the warlord looked around spying a group of cowering women and young girls trying to hide away from the attacking swarms. Approaching the group, their screams of fear and anguish as the massive creature approached them stopping only a few feet away from the group allowing their fear to feed his greed and lust growing hungry by the minute.

Snorting and growling low in its throat, the women grew even more fearful by the sight of a mammoth size cock started pushing outward against the creatures lion cloth that covered its groin, Backing away from the creature causing the creature to growl in a dark laughter before lashing out with its massive arms grabbing ahold of one of the girls while the gnomes went about blocking the girls escape either taking the opportunity to grab the others to take their own pleasure on them.

Ripping and shredding the clothes off his target, the Orc took even more glee from the screams coming from his prey/victim as he finally got his victims clothing off leaving a lush and untouched woman lying below him. The woman was probably about 18 the perfect age to be bred and the Orc was going to rip that away from her without a second thought.

“Please don’t this!” the woman pleaded with the creature as it threw her on to all fours where the woman tried to scramble away however the Orc Warlord grabbed ahold of the woman’s waist before the poor lady could get even a foot away from him pulling her back against his cock which was fully exposed. The Orc growled into the woman’s ears as a warning causing her to freeze whimpering in terror shuddering in fear allowing the Orc lust to reach a peak leaning down he grabbed ahold of the terrified woman’s breasts using them as hand holds before driving the cock deep pretty much ripping its way past her virginity without a care in the world. In the process ripping apart the woman’s pussy walls causing her to shriek loudly out in pain and disgust from being used in such a way.

Arching her back, she found her pussy slam shut down on to the sharp intruder trying to push it out of her as tears began streaming down her face in pain as she continued to plead with the creature to stop. However the Orc continued to plow himself deep into the woman below him letting out a loud groan and moan of ecstasy from the rape digging his filthy nails deep into the woman’s fleshy breasts drawing even more blood from her body. With the rest coming out from her opening as the woman found herself dying little by little finding her energy leaving her that she resigned her to relief rather than pain because she knew well enough that she would die soon from the torture.

Feeling the woman fall limp to the ground, the Orc warlord finally growled in frustration and anger because although the rape gave him deep pleasure the fact that human females couldn’t last long enough to remember the rape much less survive it. Pulling his cock free from the lifeless corpse, the Orc stood furious as one of the gnomes ran over to him bowing politely before speaking.

“Excuse me, my lord. But if you may allow me to take care of that.” The gnome said being one of many gay gnomes that wanted to pleasure his master. However the Orc Warlord didn’t like any kind of homo’s sucking his cock or licking his asshole of any kind back handed the gnome sending him flying into a vender stall where it lay helpless looking up at the warlord in shock.

“Have everyone strip this village’s storehouse of anything useful take all the horses that are old enough to be used as work horses leave the young for the village to produce more for next year. Do the same with cattle, sheep, pigs etc. take anything valuable take great pleasures in the women and men if you want but do not bring that sort of thing into my palace, you swine!”

A loss for words the gnome could only nod before pulling himself out of the trash stall going about complying with the Orc’s orders. This would continue with the Warlord going about mistreating the gnomes at which he wouldn’t give the gnomes the fair share of food, loot and sometimes the women leaving several of them sexually frustrated to the point that they had to take the pleasures out on each other.

Even to the point that most would put an herbal drug into one’s drink which turned out to be hormones and other items that would cause changes to occur in the gnomes bodies. The usual changes occurred were breast development, reduction of penis size and a few other things that seemed to hardly develop that the gnome in question would admit to.

After the last attack the villagers of both the current and surrounding area found that they had the same problem to the point that the two governing groups for all of the villages agreed that something needed to be done or none of them would actually survive to the next summers end. So they came up with a plan.



High in the mountains that seemed far out the reach of any normal man or human, sat a castle high as the sky floating among the clouds hidden pretty much from sight almost. No real trails seemed to lead up to it however by closer inspection a winding trail that was made of rough stone and rock before coming to a long stretch of winding stone stairwell that was carved straight into the cliff face,

It ran straight up to the castles hidden entrance as seen before from a distance was that the walls were all sealed with only several key areas for windows for observation and plotting. Surrounded by 12 walls as it allowed it for to sit comfortably on the mountain top where it sat waiting for orders or an attack. Stationed high above its walls stood several massive guard towers where guards sat with watch with the walls patrolling up and down them keeping a deep watch on the surrounding area.

Sitting on his throne surrounded by piles of gold, roasted meat and barrels of alcohol stacked to the ceiling with mugs of fine wine from the countryside being poured by the minute emptying out barrels by the hour.

Gnomes came and went rolling the empty barrels out of the throne room by the minute, the Orc warlord grunted with pleasure and drank the wine by the gallons most of it rolling down the corners of his mouth making the clothes that he wore drench with alcohol. The years of stealing food and wine along with supplies from the villages had taken its toll on his the most as he took the most pleasure in eating 3/4 ‘s of the stuff leaving scraps for his subjects.

The warlord had become a slob and was gaining weight somewhat with little exercise other than the walk or so called charge that the groups took each year had. He found himself still filled with sexual energy with little way to release it since the human females couldn’t survive the encounters, the Orc finally had to reduce himself to plowing through the mares that they had taken from the farms.

With the mare’s hind legs shackled so it wouldn’t kick him in the nuts, the Orc went about ravaging the horse’s opening finding it inviting especially when the mare was in heat. The gnomes themselves went about pleasuring the stallions either taking the stallions cock into their mouths where the stallions although very hesitant about it went about accepting the pleasures while the rest of the gnomes went about being mounted enjoying the wild fuck that each stallion gave them.

During the times when the mares were in heat the air in the throne room was soon filled with pheromones which seemed to drive the horses in a state of fearless taking great eagerness to ram their cock’s deep into the holes taking great pleasure in raping the tight openings with their massive cocks.

The squeal of the gnomes taking out their frustrations on their catch while the Warlord went about enjoying himself almost in a drunken haze when the final mug of wine was brought up to him. Half snoozing in his throne, the gnome that was bringing up the mug was the same one that the warlord had half knocked him across the town on their first attack. As it approached the throne, he opened up a package of advanced hormones and a special concoction of estrogen and other materials that a local magician from one of the villages had made up himself.

Within a second of the stuff hitting the foul liquid it became mixed into the liquid showing no trace, smell or color of it in the alcohol, was shown into it even if the warlord would look more closely at it would never find a hint of the secret stash anywhere.

For the past 6 months the gnomes had been passing on the stash of hormones to the warlord and the fact that the Orc had been dropping back the mugs of alcohol by the barrel without an incident having happen during the entire time. Each packet had a stronger dosage than the last to the point that it would increase the changes intended on the Orc.

You see about 6 months ago after the last incident and the after the governors had agreed about a course of action however the true problem came about putting it into action. Sending out scouts immediately after the last attack this time with experienced trackers and an army following behind it allowing the trackers to do their job.

In less time, the group was able to take ahold of one of the stragglers that had fallen behind and brought the gnome before the council that had been formed for the sole purpose of finding a solution to the menace. Alone and without any kind of friendly face among the angry townsfolk that were right behind him, the gnome tried to stand tall as the council started addressing him.

“What is your name, gnome?” one, the head council member by the sounds of it, asked drawing the creatures attention his way.

“Glimbly Neighful, human.” The gnome answered at some stuttering.

“Well Glimbly, we are here to see if we could work out a solution between your people and the humankind. You see we are tired of this problem and we know that your kind must be getting tired of being thrown against our arrows while your warlord sits waiting until your kind has cleared out the defenders then he would march in as the victor as if having done fight the battle himself and won it single handily.” The leader said looking over the small creature observing a common fact. “And by the fact that you look so petite that by my guessing is that you haven’t been eating well like your slob of a boss.”

The gnome threw up an eyebrow in wonder if what the council was offering was correct. “What do you offer in exchange for my people’s help?” he asked finally causing a sense of relief to fill the air once more.

At that moment the council went about laying out what they ask of the gnomes offering what they could in exchange for their assistance. However there was some problems that were addressed was the fact that even if the men of the villages that could actually send troops there to sneak up on the Orc, there no way that the gnome was willing to risk his own people.

That’s when the council brought in the villages magician that was well known for practice in wonderful arts with potions and miracles offering to give the gnome, if he could get his people to agree to help, something that could knock the Orc down a notch or two. When the gnome asked what the magician had in mind, the magician went about trying to explaining the idea however when the shouts of several people that were upset about the rape of many mothers and daughters along with ruining crops and livestock to the point even the young don’t survive another month without their parents to guide them.

The ones that did survive lived in fear of ever being ridden again and many of the farmers went about putting them down when they reach a certain age or at least hide them. The council had received numerous complaints that they wanted something done about the Orc right away had caused the council to seek an answer which lead them up to this point.

With an evil smirk of his own, the gnome went about explaining the hormone packages that the gnomes had been forced to use on each other to release their sexual needs. The council looked stunned looking and talking amongst themselves before turning their attention back to the gnome once more.

“What’s your plan, Glimbly?” The leader asked. With a smile of knowledge once more, the gnome went about asking for the magicians assistance with making the concoction of extra strength enough to drop the Orc down a couple of notches to the point that he wouldn’t put up much of a fight when the time came.

Now in the castle the Orc was already showing the side effects of the hormones and blockers that were racing throughout his system. All ready his muscle mass had trimmed down greatly leaving barely any bulging muscle along the creatures arms but loose skin. His aggressive nature that had made him such a fearsome in the charges there had changed where the gnomes had caught him crying in waves then angry about something to the point that he would slap one of the gnomes around before asking if the gnome was all right afterwards.

The Orc’s breasts and nipples began to change beginning to ache and itch the areolas that sat on top of the breasts became more sensitive and large becoming more apparent by each day that the packages were given to him. Like the rest of his body, the breasts began to sag hanging loosely away from the rest of his body and if the dang Orc would just work out once in a while maybe something or someone would find him sexy to sleep with him.

This daily batch that Glimbly was about to give him would be the final packet would rob the Orc of his manhood completely. The packets had already made him sterile to the point that there was no cumm coming out of his balls which probably would make a lot of the mares in their possession. Even though they seemed to enjoy it once in a while when they were in heat, the mares tried desperately to get away from the senseless rape and back to their children that they were taken from.

They weren’t allowed to breed with any of the stallions there which irritated them further to the point that they desperately wanted to get away from there. Glimbly looked at them with sadness but had patted them on the nose as a reassuring pat as a way to show that their torture would be over soon offering the same thing for the stallions before he approached the Orc.

The warlord threw the empty mug that he let out a loud belch before allowing his eyes to fall on the approaching gnome his eyes lazily with drunkenness and half asleep. Glimbly trembled in fear that way the Orc wouldn’t expect anything out of the ordinary although that didn’t matter now as the warlord seemed to be getting too careless and uncaring nowadays making the gnomes task so much easier.

The Orc took ahold of the proffered mug pretty much ripping it out of the gnome’s hands offering a grunt and snarl signaling that the gnome was dismissed. Quickly as he had approached, the gnome disappeared into a separate room leaving the Orc to his fate.

In the other room several other gnomes waited for their fellow gnome to come back with either the warlord hot on his tail furious about being duped with drugs or with the gnome coming in to let them know that the mission was accomplished. When Glimbly had come back after meeting with the human council, many were surprised showing their confusion and conviction figuring that their fellow soldier had been killed on his back to the keep. Glimbly shook off the men’s concern telling them to gather in their barracks after night fall before the gnomes began engaging in their senseless fuck fest for the rest of the evening.

Unsure about the sudden motive, many of them unsure about what the gnome was talking about or had in mind nevertheless the groups met inside of the room after eating their meager rations before disappearing for the night.

That night Glimbly went about explaining what the humans were willing to do in exchange for their help in getting rid of the warlord. Now many of the gnomes who were still under the Orc’s spell pretty much outright refused to participate in the plan however that soon changed when Glimbly went on saying that those that refused to assist with the human’s plan would be subject to intense rape not only by the humans but by all of the livestock that the groups had captured over the year. Although this would happen after they had locked the gnomes that refused to participate in overthrowing the warlord would be locked up in a room loaded down with food of course…however the food would be laced with hormones. The gnomes may be able to last a while without food or water they can’t go 6 months without food or water causing them to realize that they had little or no choice at all but to agree to the demands of Glimbly and assist them.

Now walking right into the room, Glimbly found that everyone were there as he gave a final nod signaling that the final package had been given to the warlord. All they could do now was wait, one other thing that the gnomes gave the Orc to make sure to put the rest of the operation into motion had gone about put a sedative in the meat that was being given to the warlord.

“Now we wait.” Glimbly said calmly as the group waited for the first signs that their plan would continue.



The grand clock that sat in the main hall outside the throne room chimed signaling that they had given the chemicals enough time to work their weird magic on the Orc’s half-way changed body. Pushing the doors open peering inside the room, the gnomes found that everything was silent except for the occasional neigh or squeal from the still living livestock in the room.

Turning back to look at the others, Glimbly nodded as the group charged into the room setting into action immediately. Although many of them wanted to go about chowing down on the leftover food, they knew that they had little time to act before the Orc woke up in a possible rage. Several gnomes grabbed ahold of the sleeping Orc, they pulled the body down from the throne as several other gnomes went about dragging a wooden like vault box that was generally used for mating horses but now it was going to be used for the horses revenge.

Glimbly took action at that point taking one of the others to the side quickly as the others went about removing the lion cloths that the Orc was wearing for garments leaving the breasts that had grown to droop fully with the rest of his skin. The hair had grown further out from his body leaving him look more like an animal than humanoid.

Calling for the gnomes to stop, Glimbly went about calling for shears to be brought forward as the gnomes went about shearing off the hair that was present taking great greed in shaving the Orc bald which included his head. The gnomes went about holding off when they got to the Orc’s head not removing all of the hair, no rather they went about cutting off most of it only leaving a small yet little tuff of curly like hair sitting on top of his head.

Glimbly was about to order that the other gnomes were to get the Orc into place in the box to be bred by whoever wanted the chance however a series of laughs sounded as two gnomes came forward bearing a tiny box in hand. Opening the lid, a tiny pink bow was shown to be inside the box causing Glimbly to grin evilly.

Nodding before stepping off the side to allow the gnomes to go about securing the bow to the Orc’s tuff of hair before turning toward the others to begin tying down the Orc into the box being tied down spread eagle with his face facing one hole while his ass facing the other for an easy breeding.

“Send word to the villages that the plan is into full effect. We are going to have some fun with this piece of crap before we bring his slave ass to the council.” Glimbly ordered as the gnome looked unhappy about being order to go deliver a message to the human filth but he knew that he would get his chance at the Orc in one way or another. Glimbly watched as the gnome scurried away from out of sight before he turned toward the now tied in Orc as the other gnomes began closing the hatch locking it in place and making sure that the Orc couldn’t get out as much as he tried.

“The sedatives should be wearing off soon, should we get on with the slaves humiliation right now?” one of the gnomes drawing Glimby’s attention. Glimbly was one that wanted to take the Orc first using the beast’s mouth to give him pleasure, he remember that he promised the horses because of the fact that they were the truly tortured creatures in the castle.

“Go find a stallion that is horny and is known to enjoy rough with his fucks. It’s time for the Orc’s first experience to be the harshest.” Glimbly answered starting to strip his clothing that had become ripped and torn after going without any kind of repair allowing his erect cock to spring out of its confines of his pants as he grew excited with the sight.

It didn’t take long for the other gnomes to find a horse that fit the exact profile that he wanted exactly for the first time. A massive shire breed having been taking from a horse breeding farmer along the coast nearer to the castle allowing for the gnomes to drag the chosen breed to the keeps and castle stables aka the throne room. A few things that they took from the stocks were huge collection of mare urine which came from a mare in heat that they used for breeding purposes although the gnomes used it for their own purposes generally applying it to their own asshole to entice the stallions more easily.

And it worked beautifully to the point that not only did the stallions enjoyed harsh mating with the gnomes as the stallions were ones to find that the small creatures that offered their eager holes to the large phallus that each stallion offered. In the past the Orc would never look on becoming disgusted with the way that the gnomes went about allowing themselves to become bitches for the work labor although he couldn’t blame them for the fact that although they begged for a chance to pleasure him as after the first few months of which when he tried to rape the women and young girls he found that he could never get off before they died.

However most of them ended up in the same way as Glimbly had injured and been truly insulted about their sexual orientation had hurt their pride. When the male horses began catching the scent of the mares coming into heat, they became harder to control when they tried to get them to plow the fields as their huge cocks were fully grown when they were taken out into the field to get the fields plowed.

They had to separate the horses during the mating time however the horses found some relief from the mules and donkeys who as good at work and may be stubborn as heck they were two of the few creatures that would enjoy allowing another male mount them. It would occasionally happen with the bulls also causing for more of an orgy than what the warlord actually wanted to see so he would disappear into his throne room where he went about creating his own orgy with the mares only as they seemed to be the only creatures that could handle such a ravaging fuck.

The sound of an unconscious groaning brought Glimbly back to reality as he moved to the front of the vaulting box as the other gnomes went about applying the pheromones to the Orc’s rear and hole as the Orc seemed to have come fully awake now. Inside the box the Orc thrashed around in the box trying to figure out what was happening.

“WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON, YOU PIECES OF FAGGOT CRAP?!” He growled out thrashing about in the box sending shudders throughout the box making the box creak and squeak in the process. The gnomes stepped away from the box as the first stallion stepped forward with its nostrils flaring and its huge cock slowly pushing out of its sheath from catching the sweet smell of the exotic scent. Snorting hard as the horse bent its head down to the rear opening allowing its nostrils to drink in the sweet scent allowing his tongue to leave his muzzle sticking the tongue into the opening touching the Orc’s virgin hole. “WHO THE HECK IS THAT BEHIND ME RIMMING MY ASSHOLE?! MAN WHEN I GET OUT OF HERE I AM GOING TO TEAR ALL OF YOU TO SHREDS AND I WILL MAKE SURE THAT YOU WILL NEVER GET ANY PLEASURE ANYMORE!!”

The stallion neighed with pleasure as the hole constricted trying to keep the tongue from going any further exciting the horse further. When he heard the sound of neighing caused the Orc to panic trying to rip the bounds that held him tightly in his place trying to get away from the possible rape. “GET THAT DISGUSTING BEAST AWAY FROM ME! WHAT ARE YOU GUYS THINKING?!”

Stepping forward from the dim lights of the throne room, Glimbly allowed himself to be seen for once to the Orc being fully naked and his cock fully erect at what was about to happen. “I see that you are awake, pretty little sissy. What don’t you like the idea that you are about to get the best sex in your life now because we have done so much work on your body for the last 6 months? The village magicians have told me that the packages that you have been taking with your mugs of alcohol you have developed nicely although you could go with losing some weight.” Glimbly said letting out a harsh laugh of his own as he indicated for the gnomes controlling the stallion to let him go to go ahead and get going.

“WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! THERE HASN’T BEEN ANY CHANGES THAT I KNOW OF!” The Orc challenged the gnomes as he heard the stallion quickly approach the end. “I TOLD YOU TO GET THAT BEAST TO GET AWAY FROM ME!”

“You aren’t in any position right now to give orders right now, man for all of the hormones and estrogen running through your blood stream right now I thought you would become more to like a good fucking rather than giving it to the mares. Now that your cock and balls are pretty much useless now so if you even get an erection you won’t be able to breed anyone with your awful off spring. No, now the only way that you can get pleasure or an orgasm is by getting fucked…from now on you will be on the receiving end of a good fuck. Now do you like how we have changed your body to become more like the females that you have tried to breed with?”

“NO! NOW GET ME OUT OF HERE AND I MAY FORGIVE YOU FOR YOUR ACTIONS!” The Orc challenged not long before he felt the box shudder and lurk from getting mounted with the added weight from the stallion as he couldn’t stand it any longer with its hard cock throbbing and wanting to get its way into the Orc that was trapped into the box.

“Well too late now, you have waited too long to even beg further for your release.” Glimbly answered swiftly stepping back as the stallion went about jamming his cock around the box trying to find the Orc’s unwillingly whole. The horse was getting frustrated with how his cock couldn’t find the hole to be bred to what point one of the Gnomes came forward taking ahold of the cock guiding it into the proper hole although very hesitant about allowing the Orc to have it. In the past the stallion had been one of the gnome’s favorites either taking the cock into his mouth giving it a good blow job or bending over one of the fences to many hours of being bred.

The cock’s flared head felt the flesh of the Orc’s sloppiest ass that tried its best trying to move out of the way so the cock would give up, however since the box held him tightly in place making sure that he wouldn’t move allowing for the cock to fully touch the slimily hole sending a sensation throughout the stallions entire cock as a signal.

Bunching up his hips, the stallion jammed his hips forward sending the head straight into the Orc’s unwilling hole causing the Orc to scream terribly feeling like his insides were being torn apart. The horse went about driving the cock deep into the squirming screaming Orc that had offered his hole to the stallions cock.

“GET HIM OUT OF ME! DON’T LET HIM DRIVE ANYMORE OF HIS FILTHY COCK INTO MY BODY!” The Orc called finding him being beaten harshly. The worst was yet to come as Glimbly stepped up in front of him waiting for the Orc to open his mouth before taking his fully erect he slammed his cock into the Orc’s mouth silencing the Orc’s screaming for once.

“Shut your mouth you bloody coward and start sucking!” he ordered grabbing ahold of the box on either side thrusting his cock deep into the Orc’s mouth groaning in pleasure. The Orc found himself in a state of disgust and rage wanting to get out of the box so he could kill the gnomes in anger, once he was done with them he would make them scream of their own which what he planned on shoving up their rears.

The stallion above the vaulting box was however not concern about the threats that the Orc was throwing out against the gnomes as he was having so much fun and getting a ton of pleasure from the abuse that he was giving to his past torturer. Having just been weaned off his mother when the hordes of gnomes and the Orc warlord had marched right into the town where his past owner had lived to, coming to terrorize the entire town.

In the few hours since the group had arrived and attacked the town in mass, the stallion has found his mother being taken away from him careless. Filled with rage and sadness for those events, he had promised that that one day he would find the Orc and claim revenge on the creature.

When he had been a bit older, the stallion had been taking himself to the castle where he found himself among several horses being lead into the throne room where the sight that waited was sickening. Exhausted, skinny with bones showing through the skin, stallions and mares lay scattered throughout the room either barely standing or laying down on their sides in pain, dead or dying from one reason or another. Walking away from the rest of the group, the stallion soon found himself looking down at what remained of his mother. With cumm dripping from both of her openings plus what looked like it was coming from her eyes also, lying down on her side with her ribcage rising and falling indicating that she was still alive but barely.

Stopping near her, the stallion lowered his head to hers drawing her attention toward him and at that time the mare drew in her last breath before passing away.



Those last minutes lasted in his mind to fuel his lust and drive causing him to renew his brutal mating driving the cock deeper than ever into the Orc. Grabbing on to the vaulting box tightly with his forelegs burying his cock deeper into the Orc’s abused hole feeling his balls constrict tightening up against his thighs before letting out a shrill neigh as his cock unleashed several buckets load of cumm into the Orc’s system. To the gnomes that were watching the coupling that was happening could’ve sworn that they could see a smile form across the stallion’s muzzle as he held his cock deep into the Orc.

In the box, the Orc gasped in shock and pain as he still felt the cock throb inside him indicating that he was being filled to the brim with the Stallions potent cumm. At that moment, Glimbly found himself unloading deep into the Orc’s mouth as a smile played across the gnomes face as he collapsed on to the vaulting box holding his cock there for a long while before slowly pulling out.

“So how was the girl? Is she ready to be bred by another stallion?” one of the gnomes asked as the current stallion finally pulled out although by the sounds of it weren’t wanting to pull out however he found his cock fully out of the Orc’s hole snorting and panting in pleasure as he was led away to a different area. All around the place the gnomes were bringing in fresh hay and grain along with troughs of water for the horses there as the horses went about going crazy for the food.

“Mmmmm, nah the soldiers from the villages should be here in a few minutes to transport this bitch to the council. However go ahead and allow the others to take their chances with the Orc before the humans arrive.” Glimbly answered pulling his pants back up as the news for the chance at taking on the Orc’s hole quickly spread throughout the gnomes as the entire group went about removing their own clothing.

The Orc wasn’t sure on how many gnome’s had taken the opportunity to breed him before the endless fuck fest finally ended allowing cumm to leak out of both holes leaving him exhausted with the only that kept him up were the ties that banded him to this hell hole. Taking the opportunity to relax, the Orc barely heard the sound of human voices added to by gnomes.

“I see that you boys have taken the opportunity to take great pleasure in breaking the bitch of pride.” One human said nodding his head in improvement being lead through the great hall admiring the collection gold, food, art that were scattered all over the place.

“Aye, you have to realize that the old warlord that we were mistreated like many of the horses that are here right now but we are going about feeding them properly now. Would you be in need of help of escorting this bitch back to the villages?” Glimbly asked with a smirk playing across his face.

“Nah, we only need a pulley system to lower the hog tied beast to the ground where we have carriages waiting for him to be transported back to the villages for punishment. The rest of the agreement is in place though correct?”

“Correct, all the things that I and your council agreed on have been placed and awaiting for you on the ground where your party is already waiting for your arrival.” Glimbly answered being subtle in his response. The gnome had stopped talking noticing that the captain of the guard that had been sent to take the captive back had a huge erection tenting his pants. “Mmmmm, Captain looks like you are getting an erection by just looking at this sight. Would you like some help with that?” Glimbly asked stepping forward to rub the erection through the material causing the Captain to groan arching his back as the gnome went about unzipping his pants allowing his hard cock to spring out of his pants.

Glimbly got down on his hands and knees as he took the cock into his mouth as he began to lick and suck on the huge cock sending shivers throughout the human’s body as the man went about grabbing ahold of the gnomes head shoving the cock deeper into the gnome’s mouth.

Behind him a mischievous gnome who hated humans no matter what was provided, came forward stealthy with the jar of pheromones as he stuck a group of fingers into the Human’s whole slick with the juices. This action caused the human to groan pushing back on the fingers finding it rather strange yet pleasurable as the gnome suddenly pulled out as a nearby stallion had already caught the scent that was coming from the human. Snorting as the scent became heavily, the horse quickly approach the human’s rear breathing in deeply as the horse drew near. Pulling away from the human’s rear as the horse snorted stuffing its nose into the human’s rear breathing in the intoxicating scent allowing his tongue stick out licking at the hole enjoying the taste that was on its tongue. The human felt shock almost by what he could’ve sworn was the sound of a horse that was coming up behind him. To the point that he was afraid about was happening until he felt a tongue stick out and draw across his sensitive hole causing his legs to begin to buckle causing him to fall to all fours over the back of the gnome as he braced himself up from the floor as the stallion continued to rim his asshole good.

However that was short lived when he found that his ass soon was covered by fur as he was shocked even further when he found some heavy and hard start being pressed against his ass. “What the-? Get him off of me!”

“I am sorry, Captain. However that horse has gotten a death lock on your waist and the only way he is going to let you up is after he is done filling your hole with buckets load of his sperm.” One of the gnomes took the opportunity to respond.

Glimbly didn’t seem to care about the protests as he always enjoyed this part taking the Captain’s ankles in a tight hold holding the man in place as the stallion began probing for an opening that he had tasted the sweet scent pressing down on the man’s back completely removing any chance of him escaping.

With his heart pounding away in his chest, the stallion stabbed at the man’s rear getting frustrated with not hitting anything that would indicate that it was the hole. One of the gnomes that had taken the time to watch the action happen nearby went about taking ahold of the horse’s cock repositioning it correctly before releasing it with the horse’s next thrust driving deep into the man’s hole drilling into the man’s guts.

Screaming loud enough that it echoed throughout the entire castle with the breath being driven out of his lungs with each deep thrust that continued to happen with earnest. The captain couldn’t believe how much pain he was experiencing although it had dulled in time that the horse continued to drive the flared cock deep into the poor hole.

The blowjob that the gnome below him was giving him continued to cause an overload of his sense between the pain and pleasure causing the grunts of pain to turn into that of pleasure. Groaning finding him thrusting forward into the gnome drawing the stallion with him as he couldn’t stop himself from releasing his spunk into the gnome’s mouth that continued to drink the nectar.

This in the process caused the Captain’s hole squeezed/clamped down on to the massive intruder clenching the flare head holding it well inside his bowels in the process. This action sent the horse over the edge forcing the cock to go deeper before the horse reared its head back letting out a loud neigh signaling the horses ejection allowing the cock to send tons of sperm that had be saved up in the balls crashing into the man’s bowels. Unknown to him was the fact that the gnomes has added something special to the concoction of female pheromones that they applied to the captain’s whole.

The stallion continued to hold on to the man making sure he didn’t move an inch until he was finished with breeding the man with his seed before the cock was pulled out allowing him to dismount the human leaving the captain feeling nearly empty. After about 10 minutes of being hunched over trying to regain his breath, the captain was able to stand somewhat up right once more.

Wiping the remains of the man’s sperm that had leaked from his mouth when the man had erupted into his mouth before the gnome smiled getting back to the task at hand. “When you feel better enough to walk or walk properly out of here on your own, your party will be awaiting for your return.” Glimbly informed the staggering captain before leaving the man to be sniffed by the stallion who continued to nibble on his neck as a sign of appreciation.

About an hour later after making his way down to the base of the mountain in which the castle sat upon it, like the gnome had said before, the convoy that had been assembled by the council for the retrieval of the Orc warlord laid waiting for his return. Walking a bit funny toward his horse that sat at the front of the group, a stallion that was well hung by far from the rest of the horses which he had noticed long ago. Quickly mounting the saddle before calling the others to attention.

“Company! Move out!” he called as he didn’t notice the stallions nostrils flare out catching the faint scent of a mare in heat plus he could’ve sworn that something was dribbling down his back. All ready there were ideas were running through not only through the stallions mind but the man’s mind about wanting to continue the experience although it was really painful he couldn’t get his mind off the details or what just happened.

Running through his mind about how to entice his stallion into fucking him hard again probably that night, the Captain realized that half the horses in the convoy were mares that probably were getting close to heat causing a erection to start coming up once more.

High up in the castle keep over looking the valley floor that sat near the mountain allowing for a proper view, Glimbly grinned to himself as he watched the small convoy start out toward home quickly disappearing from view over the hills. Not only had the gnomes had gotten rid of the Orc that had made their lives a very miserable one, but he had gone about planting the seed of bestiality into the humans that would cause attacking the villages, after their supplies had lessen, a lot more easier in the future.

You see the hay and grain that the gnomes had brought the horses after the Orc was secure into place, was laced with a special potion that a different warlock had given them in exchange for half of the profit that the gnomes had collected over time. The potion when a smear of a mare’s pussy that the mare was in heat, was placed on a opening of a male or female of any species, the smell would stay with that person or thing forever. No matter how hard the human or creature tried to scrub off the scent off it would stay on them to the day that they died.

The captain was the first subject for the potion and by hope that it will spread throughout the entire village and villages in the area. Glimbly would go about sending out scouts to make sure that before the gnomes were to attack once more that the entire town was in a orgy that ranged from sea to sea.

The convoy had at least a day of travelling before they would arrive to the village that where the council awaited for their arrival, wanting to continue on with the trip stating that they felt a lot better if they could sleep in beds instead of on the ground. However the Captain said that the location was just as fine with no real worries of being attacked here so the others threw down their bedrolls and started setting up camp.

The orc had fallen asleep by the sounds of it allowing for the group to get some piece and quiet looking to bed down early so they can get out of the area. With the meal having been eaten and the nightfall quickly falling the party quickly bedded down. The silent night sounds seemed to be a silent nightsleep, nothing seemed to be letting out a scream however in the late time of the night the sounds of animal lust and grunts that sounded nearby that caused several of the company to jump awake in startle.

Grabbing for their weapons, several looked around trying to locate the source of the sound which was trouble because of the fact that the campfire had died down during the night. Grabbing the wooden stakes that were still in the fire making for good torches, the small party started to search the camp trying to look for the sound sources.

Well it sure didn’t take long for them to find the source and boy what a surprise when they found it, bent over taking on his stallion who was humping away at his hind end, the Captain seemed to be enjoying the fuck more of it this time than the first time. With the added light the Captain looked up in surprise but offered a smile of his own as he let out a long groan in the process before speaking.

“About…time unnnghh you guys…oh god that’s good…got up. You don’t know what you are missing…oh fuck yeah big boy go ahead and pump your cumm into my hungry hole.” The captain said stopping once more as he tried to regain his breath. “You should really try this, it’s a lot better than sleeping with one of those whores in town when out on patrol…and the horses are so happy to comply with giving you such a good fuck that you won’t have to worry about spending money to have sex.”

Before the company could answer the captain groan as the cock was pulled out of his abused hole allowing a torment of cumm to come out of his hole. “There is a thing load of mare smear in my bag…go grab some and come join the fun.”



By the late afternoon the next day, the convoy was pulling right into the village the streets were lined with crowds that came out to see the beast that had ruined their life style. To their surprise, they found that the lead wagon that was in front of the pack was being towed by none other by the Orc warlord himself or herself. The sight of the Orc’s breasts hanging down from his chest and from his head was that of a pink bow that sat on its head caused a lot of the villagers to laugh at the sight with the defeated look on its face caused many to cheer at the sight.

Trailing behind the freak, the party of soldiers that brought the Orc back into the town marched into the village showing how proud that they were. During the night, the captain had gotten all of the men to enjoy in the pleasure of having sex with their stallions with the seed of desire for animal bestiality driven deep into their guts with each of them looked forward to another night of being mounted.

A new group of soldiers met the group at the council hall where they undid the harness that held the Orc in place before ushering the beast into the hall where the council was to place judgement down on the warlord. One guard stayed back to address the soldiers that had come back. “Captain, you and your men may go home for the day as your duties are done for today. You are to report back to the barracks for reassignment tomorrow.”

“Aye, sir.” The captain answered directing his horse toward a different part of the town feeling pride knowing that it meant more free time with the stallion. The other men would follow suit having their own animals that would provide their own unique fucks.

In the council chambers, the council went about debating on what kind of punishment that they should bestow upon the Orc when the guards brought the creature into the chambers on either side of it. Looking up the council went about addressing the Orc.

“Orc, I believe you know why you are here.” The head council member went about addressing the disfigured creature. The Orc just growled baring his fangs spitting down on the floor. “I will take that as a yes. Do you have anything to say before we sentence you to punishment?”

“You pigs have better let me go before I rip apart these bonds then I will rip all of you a new hole.” The Orc threatened.

“Very well, then its time to for the punishment.” The council leader answered before continuing. “This council has found you guilty of crimes of murder, rape, armed robbery, etc. So after minutes of discussion it has been decided that you will be committed to these punishments.

1. You are to live in a pig style for the rest of your days

2. You are to pull carts of manure throughout the streets everyday from dawn to dusk.

3. Since you enjoyed raping our women, you are going to have sex whenever someone or something wants to take you violently. That meaning animals of any kind male and female, human again male and female.

4. You are to be public flocked and spit upon by everyone in the towns as you are going to pull carriages through each village where your shame of being part female part male shall be known everywhere.


“Guards, take this beasts away to begin his punishment.” The leader said indicating for the guards to take the Orc away who continued to scream at the top of his lungs throwing threats out left and right. Around the village the threats could be heard from far throughout the valley.