Madison sat in the car, debating on if she was ready to get a new partner or not. Her last dog, Maxwell had been with her for nine years and recently passed away. They had lived alone in the cozy little house for many years and now it seemed just so lonely just by herself.

Growing up, she certainly had her choice of the boys and even a few girls. Then for her eighteenth birthday, her dad had given her a little male Boxer puppy and she named it Maxwell.

It soon became apparent when Maxwell had finally reached adulthood.
He humped everything in sight and she remembered watching his thick, veiny cock slide up and down the furniture legs, humping and thrusting, leaving his watery drips everywhere. Her cunt always grew a little damp when she watched her boy do his thing. She often wondered how his cum would taste or how his beautiful cock would feel thrusting in her grip.

Curiosity finally got the better of her one night after having two glasses of wine and after being stood up on a date.

She was sitting on the floor, looking at texts on her phone. Maxwell came over and lay down beside her. She glanced up from her phone and noticed he was laying on his side and she could see his hanging balls resting on his leg and his furry pouch. She put her phone down and timidly reached out, touching his furry bulge. He raised his head and stared at her but let her touch his sheath again. The red tip of his dick started to poke out and her touch grew heavier, touching and massaging his cock. The fur tingled her fingers as she slid her hand back, feeling the base of his dick inside the fur.
She eased down beside her companion and looked at him.

“Can mommy to suck your dick?” she asked.

Maxwell looked at her in the same frozen expression. She took it as a yes and bent her head down until her lips rested an inch from his swollen cock. She stuck out her tounge and tasted the salty tip as Maxwell rolled onto his back, hiking his leg, giving her better access.

“Oh, so you do want a blowjob, hun?” she giggled and massaged his bulge, letting his growing cock slip into her mouth.

His cock was burning hot and slick but she liked the new taste and started to suck his shaft. Maxwell moved his legs in the air, trying to hump her mouth as she sucked him off. He let his head roll back and his tounge flop out as he panted, letting his mistress suck his doggie cock.
She let her hand grip farther back on his sac and he seemed to go crazy, trying to thrust deeper into her mouth. She felt his knot slip out of the pouch and she gripped it gently, pulling his cock farther into her mouth.
Suddenly the first hot cum shot hit the back of her throat and she jerked her mouth off his dick only to get another shot across her cheek. She watched his dick spurt out watery, hot cum again and again as she maintained her grip. She locked her lips back around his spurting dick and let him impregnate her mouth with his spunk. The saltiness and thin texture of his cum thrilled her as she sucked him dry. She pulled her mouth off his cock and wiped her lips.

“Such a good boy. Thank you Max. Maybe next time Mommy might let you stick your dick somewhere else,” she whispered.


She wiped her tears and climbed out of the car, walking toward the dog kennel, taking a deep breath as she walked in. The sound of barking dogs flooded the building and she stopped at the check in station.

“Hi, I’m Madison and I think you found a puppy for me?”

The young girl flipped through her notepad, reading back her information.

“You wanted a male, preferably a Boxer breed or similar, right?

“Yes, did you have one come in?” she asked, hopeful.

“Yeah, but he isn’t fixed yet, but he’s scheduled to in a couple of days.”

“Oh no, I want him for breeding purposes, so he needs to remain intact.”

“He’s not registered or pure bred or anything like that? What kind of puppies are you hoping for?”

“Well, I have a couple of nieces that want a puppy so I figured why not all of us get a dog out of the situation? I get mine, train and breed him and then get some puppies to give out.”

Madison thought, running through her story again. That should answer any questions on why she didn’t want a neutered male.

“OK, I guess that’s ok, but he’s still the same price,” the girl stated, leading her down a long hallway. She opened a door and pointed to the far right. “He’s in the last cage, bottom row. I’ve got to grab a leash and paperwork so go ahead and see if that’s the one you want and I’ll be right back.”

Madison slowly inched toward the cage, hoping he would be as beautiful as her Maxwell.
She looked around the corner of the cinder blocked cage and let out a long, held sigh.
“My god boy, you are fucking beautiful. Come here, let me see you,” she said, calling to the dog with extend hand.
The sleek, tan Boxer/Pit mix got up, timidly inching closer to the cage door. He had an undocked tail that thumped against the wall rhythmically as he approached her. She admired his muscular, blocky frame and thick neck as he sniffed her outstretched hand. His tail remained thumping the cage as she grew more bold and stuck her hand through the door slat, rubbing his short, sleek coat.

“Yeah, you are a pretty boy, aren’t you,” she whispered. She glanced underneath him as his large dark hanging nuts and full sheath. “Let’s get you home.”

Shortly after signing and paying she led the new dog out to her car. He hopped right in like he knew he was going to a better place and sat down in the passenger seat, panting and looking happy.

“You ready to go see your new home?” she asked excitedly. He leaned over and ran his tounge across her cheek as if to say, ‘please’.

She laughed and started the car, driving them through the dark streets until they pulled under the carport and parked. Clipping the leash back on and leading him inside, he immediately started to sniff his new surroundings but never once offered to mark his territory. His tail wagged like a waving flag as he investigated.
She laughed at his search. “So how did you get to keep your tail, boy? You don’t see many Boxers or Pitbull with their tails still intact. I think it makes you even more handsome.”
She let him get acquainted to his new territory, leaving him to go take a shower.
She soaped up and rinsed off, trying to think of a name for her new boy. She stepped out and dried off as she mumbled names trying to see what sounded good.
The dog ran past her bathroom to check out her bedroom.

“Maybe Jaxton? No. How about Buck?” she sighed and then thought, “You look like a Jake don’t you?” she asked, peeking around the corner. The dog was busy sniffed under her bed. “No? How about Jacob?” The dog stopped and looked up at her, perking his ears and cocking his head. She grinned.

“So Jacob?” The dog looked at her, tounge hanging out of his mouth as he cocked his head the other way in silent observation. “Ok then. Welcome home Jacob.”

In the weeks that followed, they found out about each other’s likes and dislikes. She like to sleep late, so Jacob wouldn’t wake her until after eight to potty. He liked a certain brand of dog food, so that’s what she bought. He liked to follow a certain path around the neighborhood and she liked quiet time with him curled up next to her.

One day after walking Jacob around the neighborhood, she noticed he was a little aggressive to the male dogs they passed and quite friendly to the females.

They arrived home and she fixed his dinner and she grabbed a glass of wine. She watched him hungrily chow down the food, admiring his powerful muscles ripple across his flanks and chest. His hanging balls swinging as he chomped down, crunching the kibble with his strong jaw.

She sipped her wine, waiting until he finished and then they moved into the living room where she sat on the floor, leaning back against the couch. He grabbed a chew toy and wanted to play, shoving the slimy plastic toy against her arm and playfully growling. She obliged and tossed the toy over and over until he finally gave up and lay down beside her, his massive chest rising and falling as he panted. She admired his smooth black balls, hanging down almost touching the floor. Madison reached out and touched his sheathed cock, feeling the bone inside it.
Jacob looked up at her curiously but didn’t resist.

“I bet you got blue balls from seeing all those bitches today, hun boy? My sweet baby need to cum?” she asked softly, gently rubbing his crotch. He laid his head down, letting his new owner fondle his jewels. Soon his veiny red cock swelled and poked out from his hairy sheath.

“There’s what mommy wants,” she whispered, her hands moving more quickly, rubbing and massaging until his entire nine inches protruded.

“Damn boy, you got a big cock don’t you boy? His cock throbbed in her hand, leaking precum. She massaged his sheath until his knot was exposed and she laid her forearm against it. His cock stretched from her wrist almost back to the crook in her elbow.

“Maybe I should call you horse?” she laughed and resumed pleasuring her new lover. She dipped her head and took his leaking cock in her mouth, tasting the bitter precum and continuing to suck him until it cleared and saltiness replaced it.
She wrapped her hand around his hot, throbbing knot and gently tugged on it, pulling his cock into her mouth and sucking his slick, veiny cock. Jacob was just lying there, letting his new bitch service him.

She reached her free hand in between her legs and rubbed her clit. She felt moistness soak into her panties as she pleasured herself while enjoying the cock in her mouth.

Jacob’s cock erupted in hot cum, shooting into her mouth in powerful spurts. She swallowed each salty shot only to be rewarded by another one after another.
Jacob panted, enjoying this new bitch draining his balls while he just simply lay there blowing his load into her mouth.

A minute later, Madison climaxed, her cry muffled by the dog cock in her mouth. She spasmed and jerked with her orgasm but didn’t stop sucking her boy’s dick. She came off her orgasm and found her puppy was drained dry too.
She took her lips off his dick and he resumed cleaning it himself. She got up, weak legged and made her way into the bedroom, stepping out of her shorts and pulling her top off. Her bare tits hung free and her panties were still moist from her leaking orgasm. She crashed onto the bed and closed her eyes. Just before slipping off to sleep, she felt Jacob hop on the bed to join her. He curled up next to her and laid his head on her stomach, closing his eyes.

Madison slowly woke up with the pleasurable feeling of something wet stroking her cunt. She opened her eyes slowly and looked down.
Jacob was standing in between her spread legs, tail wagging and licking last night’s cum from her panties. Her pussy throbbed from the warm tounge running across her silky panties.
“Oh Jacob, my sweet baby. Is this what you want?” she asked, raising her ass and shoving her panties down and kicking them off. She spread her legs, bending them at the knee. Jacobs tail wagged as he dove back into his bitches snatch, licking and tasting her.
The dog ran his tounge down, pushing past her velvety folds and entering her, making her squeal with pleasure.

“Oh yeah baby, make mommy feel good,” she gasped, squirming and twisting as he shoved his warm tounge into her cunt. She looked around and saw his massive cock hanging below his hairy belly and his black balls swinging as his tail wagged.

“Here boy, make mommy your bitch,” she whispered and flipped over, shoving her naked ass toward the dog’s face. He lapped at her more, driving his tounge down in between her ass, teasing her puckered asshole and making her squeal.
He paused, resting his head on her bare ass, waiting to see if she would protest. She wanted his dick so bad, her loins ached for his penetration. She shoved her ass back against his muscular chest.

He granted her wish and mounted her, hooking his strong arms around her waist and pulling her into his crotch. She felt the tip of his cock slide between her lips and she moaned, shoving back harder against him.

“Fuck me boy, fuck me!”

Jacob shoved his leaking cock into her with one powerful thrust and she screamed out in pain and pleasure. She would have liked for her pussy to adjust to his thick member but Jacob had one purpose and one need and that was to breed this bitch. His hips jackhammered her backside, driving his cock in and out of her at incredible speed.
She let her head sink to the bed, keeping her ass up for him and moaned. With each thrust she could feel his bulbous knot hit against her cunt and after a few minutes of getting slammed repeatedly, her lips loosened and he gave a hard thrust, planting his knot firmly inside her and plugging her tightly.

“Oh fuck,” she moaned as she orgasmed, her pussy contracting and flexing around his cock, hugging his swollen knot, milking his cock for his hot seed.
She was in heaven and wanted to be nowhere else but impaled on the end of his cock for the rest of her life.

Jacob felt his knot slip inside her and now that his bitch was prepared, his cock bulged and releases his sperm, spurting them directly into this bitches womb.

“Oh baby. Yes, fill me with your seed. I want to have beautiful puppies for you. Lots of them,” she moaned as another orgasm rushed over her. She closed her eyes, drifting off in ecstasy. “Lots and lots of puppies.”

After a while she awoke to him as he tried to pull his knot free. She relaxed and he was able to work it free, letting loose a flood of hot cum dripping onto the bed. She franticly reached back, trying to shove her finger inside her cunt to plug the flow of cum, but his knot had stretched her out so much it was useless. She sighed sadly, turned over and lay back, letting his love drain from her loins.

Next time, she had to find a way to keep his warm puppy batter inside her. She lay there coming down from ecstasy as Jacob came up beside her and plopped down, about to clean his massive cock. She pushed his head back and proceeded to suck his dick clean until it finally receded back into its furry sheath.

“I’m sorry boy, I really wanted to give you some babies,” she whispered, slowly petting his head. He looked at her almost telling her,
“Yup, I guess we’re gonna have to do this all over again.”

They both slept until the late afternoon when Jacob woke her, standing over her face and licking it.
She opened her eyes, smiling and kissed him back, letting him shove his tounge in her mouth where she gently suckled it. She could feel her moistness growing in between her legs and her nipple became hard.

Jacob pulled his head back, sniffing the air. He could smell this bitch’s sex. He continued to follow his nose, running it down her tits, farther down her stomach and finally in between her legs. He sniffed her wetness and gave her a quick lick making her body shudder. She pulled her knees back spreading wide and he moved in between her legs, stepping over her and placing a furry paw on either side of her waist. He started to hump again, sliding his cock through the air, trying to find a hole and she tilted her ass up more, letting his dripping cock slid across her puffy lips.

“Oh fuck, Mommy wants you to fuck her so bad!” she whimpered as she aimed her cunt as his thrusting cock.
His veiny cock found her wet spot and pushed and inch inside her velvety folds, making her cry out. Knowing he found his hole, he lunged forward and thrust again, sliding his thick veiny cock deep inside her. Her eyes rolled back in her head as he filled her with his throbbing, burning cock.

Jacob felt his cock slide into his bitch and heard her moan with pleasure. That was all the encouragement he needed and he thrust fast and hard, pounding her cunt, slamming his knot against her swollen cunt. He thrust harder, trying to wedge his knot inside her so he could make his bitch pregnant with his seed.

Madi felt the dog’s cock slam into her pussy, pushing her lips apart, trying to fit his knot inside her. She was reduced to moans and shudders as she let Jacob treat her as he saw fit. Drool dripped onto her bare tits and stomach as he straddled her waist and she kept her legs open and pulled back for him. She cried out again as he gave a hard shove and she felt his knot slip inside her. Her body quivered as another orgasm washed over her and he slowed thrusting, pushing against her cunt, letting his knot seal it, preparing her for his seed. She let her knees go and pulled her legs in around her lover’s powerful frame, pulling him closer and deeper.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she moaned when Jacob’s throbbing cock finally released his load in hot, powerful jets, spreading warmth throughout her womb. “Yeah baby, give me some pups. I want tons of them to raise with you,” she moaned. “Oh my sweet boy, I love you so much.” She reached up to his panting head and pulled it down as she raised up, kissing and licking his tounge as he shoved it into her mouth.

She released his head and lay back on the bed, her eyes half closed, enjoying the warmth spreading throughout in her belly as he stayed still, panting and waiting for his nuts to drain.

Twenty minutes later, Jacob started to get restless and wiggled, trying to back up and unplug her. She squealed a time or two before she was able to release her lover. She could feel his love dripping out of her gaping cunt, soaking the sheets and mattress between her legs. She closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep as Jacob lay beside her and cleaned himself.

Later that night, she opened her eyes and looked beside her. She smiled lovingly at her best friend, lover and guardian as he slept, nestled next to her head. He was snoring softly and his legs would give a sporadic jerk occasionally. She reached out and softly stroked his blocky head. He opened his eyes slightly and she thought she almost saw him smile as he drifted back to sleep while she stroked him.

Madi woke the next morning to a wet tounge sliding across her lips and face. She giggled and reached up, wrestling Jacob’s head as he tried to wake her.

“Shit, must be eight o’clock, hun sweet baby?”

He licked her face again, confirming her question.

“Alright, I’m gonna let you out, but after that, I’m going back to bed,” she said, as she rolled off the bed and followed him to the back sliding door. She pulled it open and he pushed past her, trotting into the yard, nose to the ground, looking for the perfect pee spot.
She watched him sniff, hike his leg and let loose a stream of piss, sniff again and repeat the hiking piss until after the fifth sniff, hike and piss he ran back to the door. He slipped in and ran to his bowl, tail wagging as he stared up at her.

“You know, if I wanted somebody this needy, I would find a man,” she said slyly and grabbed his bowl to fill it. She sat it down and he dived in, chomping and smacking, his tail wagging the whole time.

“Ok boy, I’m going to bed. Come up when you’re finished,” she said, starting up the stairs.

She went into the bathroom and sat down on the toilet. She couldn’t remember how many times she had climaxed and had lost count. Jacob was an unstoppable sex machine and he was the only one that could give her what she wanted. No, what she needed.

She began to wonder what it would feel like to take his big cock deep in her virgin ass. She knew his knot wouldn’t fit, but damn, feeling his hot, veiny cock sliding in and out of her ass as he humped her rear.
She let her hand fall down in between her legs and started to rub her clit, thinking about her next sexual position.

Jacob appeared in the bedroom and he saw her sitting on the toilet. He could smell the same ‘in heat’ smell again and his cock started to poke out. He came into the bathroom and she looked up, removing her hand and smiling.

“Hey boy. You got a full belly now?” she asked, petting his head. He sniffed her hand and licked it, following the scent down in between her legs.
He sniffed and lowered his head, licking in between her legs making her shudder.
She spread her legs more and scooted toward his licking tounge, grabbing his blocky head and pulling his lapping tounge closer.

“Oh my,” she moaned out as he worked her pussy. She could feel her orgasm rising inside her loins and soon she was humping his probing tounge until she cried out and came. He hungerly tasted her wetness, shoving his warm tounge inside her folds, lapping every drop.

She shoved his head aside and got off the toilet and ran towards the bed. She hopped on it, landing on her hands and knees, shoving her ass back toward him. She turned her head back and slapped her bare ass.

“Come on boy, I want you to take my virgin ass,” she called and watched him follow her, jumping on the bed behind her. He didn’t offer kindness or foreplay as he quickly wrapped his paws around her waist and forcefully pulled her back into his leaking cock. She felt his cock hit her pussy and she dropped her hips, feeling his cock slide up and poke her clenched asshole.

“Oh yeah boy, right there. That’s where Mommy wants it,” she cried out and buried her face in the pillow, letting out a scream as he jammed his cock, burying it deep inside her puckered hole.

Jacob could feel this hole was different and much smaller and it hugged his hard cock tighter than before. He grunted as he pulled back, plunging it back inside. He repeated this action several times and soon it loosened up and he started thrusting in earnest.

Her moan muffled by the pillow, continued as she felt his hard, hot cock drive in and out of her loosened asshole. She reached in between her legs, rubbing herself as her lover fucked her ass. She was getting close to release, building each time she felt his knot hit her ass. He fucked her like a powerful, unrelenting machine, harder and faster than she thought possible.

She let out a deep groan, feeling her cunt clench and release as the orgasm ripped through her. Her ass joined in the muscular spasms, loosing and after a final hit, Jacob’s knot slipped inside her hole. She let out a yelp, but continued coming off her orgasm, not wanting him to stop.

Jacob felt his cock slip in and he was locked and loaded. He slowed to short strokes, pulling and pushing on his knot, planted firmly inside his bitch. A wave of ecstasy washed over him as his cock released his stored puppy batter, flooding his bitch with his future offspring. Spurt after spurt, he drained his nuts, panting and drooling, locked with his human bitch.

Madi felt his hot load fill her ass and soon could feel it squeeze out from around his knot and drip down her leg. She panted along with the dog as they both tried to catch their breath.

She yelped as he hiked his leg over her bubble butt, turning and now resting ass to ass. The felt a renewed spurting inside her after the change in position.

Finally, after twenty minutes of resting butt to butt, he stepped forward, tugging and she squeezed her eyes shut, trying to relax enough to release him. At last his deflated knot and long cock slid out of her open hole, releasing a flood of his watery cum down her legs. She flopped over on her back, not worried about the sheets and bed anymore.

Jacob made his way up to her and licked her face. She licked back and they kissed and tasted each other until he finally lay down beside her, resting his muzzle on her flat tummy. She stroked his head softly, closing her eyes and thinking about what new positions and new adventure awaited her and her lover.