Back to 1st Part
(c) by Susan N.

Hello, again, I see that my first posting has made it here, so I thought I would confess the second part to my introduction to animal sex.

My name is Susan, and as I said in my first confession, I am a UK housewife married for over 20years(and very happily, may I say). Still, after my first taste of sexual contact with an animal, my mind has been opened up to an all-new world that I now need to explore.

My first time with my husband’s brother’s dog, a huge red setter, was just a lust-filled affair because he caught me at a time when I was masturbating and just on the verge of
coming, and it was the dog that tipped me over into one of the most powerful orgasms I have had for a long time.

Two days after the event, I found myself constantly thinking about my perverted sex session and how far I could go with it. I mean, just what could I do with this dog?.

After my husband left for his job and the kids were packed off to school, I started to search the internet to read material about women and dogs. It took me about 30mins to find a site (this one), and I was shocked by the number of animal sex stories here.

So not wasting any time, I began reading, and after about an hour, I was so turned on my panties were soaking, and my fingers soon found their way into my pussy.

I momentarily took my eyes from the screen to slip out of my panties. I held them in my hands, looked over to the dog who was sitting in the corner and thought, “I wonder what he would do with my wet panties?” and threw them across the living room to the dog. I sat and watched him.

He got up onto his paws and padded over to my discarded garment, lowered his head, and pushed his snout into my panties. You could hear him take a sniff as he began moving them around the room with his nose.

His tail began to sway. I was sitting there with my legs open wide, watching this dog sniff my drenched panties, and again my fingers started to tease my now swollen pussy lips. I was very, very wet as I slid two fingers deep in my twitching hole and slid them around so that they were well covered in my cunt juice. I pulled them out of my cunt and slipped them in my mouth. Mmmmmm, it tasted divine.

Still sitting with my legs spread with my other hand, I did just what they do in the stories. I patted my pussy to attract the attention of the dog, His ears pricked up, he raised his head, and he wandered over to me, and without asking, he moved straight into my wet cunt.

Still sucking on my fingers, I stretched out my long legs, opened them as wide as possible, leaned my head back, and let the dog feed on me. It was not very long before I was pleasured with a string of little orgasms, you know, girls, the tiny explosions deep in your pussy that is the prelude to the big earth trembler.

There was no way I would let him lick me to a final orgasm; I needed something more this time. So reluctantly, I pushed the dog away. Holding his head in my hands, I leaned down, kissed him on the nose, and said, “You’ll have to wait if you want more of that pussy.”

The dog wagged his tail, his tongue hung out the side of his mouth, and he sat before me with a look on his face as if to say, ‘Please can I have some more.’

And back to the reading I went, I spent about another hour reading story after story learning what others do with dogs and the best way of trying it, and all the time, my fingers would dip into my pussy to keep it burning.

I had come to the point where I was so dammed horny that I just needed sex, and it now. So I turned off the computer, stood up, and walked to the door. I stopped and looked back at the dog. He was sitting there, his tail banging on the floor and acting like the slut I was about to become. I lifted my skirt, exposing my ass and
slapped it, the dog came running over, and his tongue slithered over my skin.

I did not need to take the dog’s collar to get him to follow me. He was a willing partner as we walked up the stairs. As I walked, I began discarding my clothing. I stood in my bedroom before the big mirror and looked at the image before me. I stood topless. My nipples ached to be touched. I slid my hands down my body and lifted the hem of my skirt until I could see my shaven cunt.

I held my skirt up and parted my trembling legs, and without asking, the dog moved in for his treat. His long wet tongue slipped effortlessly over my already dripping cunt.

I could not decide whether to look down and watch him or look at the show in the mirror because both were making me hornier and hornier, I looked down as the dog head twisted to lick my cunt, and again, he swamped me with more mini orgasms.

My legs began to tremble even more now, and I knew that I would fall if I did not sit down. I pulled away from the dog and very quickly stripped out of my remaining clothing.

I sat on the edge of our bed and opened my legs for the dog. He needed no asking. He seemed to know what to do, and again he attacked me with his tongue. I fell back on the bed and just let him take me with his tongue. My whole body felt like it was being taken over by pure lust.

It is hard to describe the feeling a woman gets when she is so fucking horny she needs a good hard fucking or her cunt given a long licking until she erupts into one almighty orgasm. I was at that point laying there enjoying the feel of a dog’s tongue lapping all over my soaking wet cunt, and when I thought I would never get there, he would drag his rough tongue over my swollen clit, making my whole body shiver and twitch.

As I began to drift into the state of a pre-orgasmic stupor. The dog stopped licking, and he jumped up, so his front paws were on the bed. He stepped forward, and I could feel his fur rub against my wet cunt, and I tried to grind myself on his body.

My thoughts wandered back to when I first saw his big angry red cock, and I knew I had to try. I needed to see whether it was possible would he fuck me with his cock.I reached under him and felt for his sheath, and my fingers were greeted with a few inches of sticky wet dog cock. I wrapped my hand around his cock meat and tried to wank him to his full monster size.

I did not need to move my hand at all because his rutting instinct took over, and he started to thrust his hips at my hand, and it was only about 5 minutes before I had a hand full of hard hot dog cock.

All I had on my mind was getting fucked. I held in my hand this huge cock, and now I wanted it in my cunt. Twisting my wrist, I tried to position him at the mouth of my pussy. He was as horny as I was as he franticly thrust his cock at me.

Now again, only a woman who has experienced sex with a dog will know what a dog is like. Once he starts thrusting his cock he doesn’t care where it goes as long as he drives it into something warm and wet.

There was no way I could hold on to his cock any longer. He was thrusting his hips at me. His cock slipped from my hand. I could feel the beginnings of his spurting juice splatter against my bum. I tried to move my cunt around in the hope we lined up, but to no avail, he poked at my legs, my ass. He even dug it into my clit hard and a shot of his liquid sprayed on my belly.

I was getting frustrated about him not hitting the mark when he found it. With no finesse, he slammed his hard dog cock right into my throbbing cunt, and for a moment, it hurt like hell. I pulled back a little, wondering if I had made a mistake doing this but after a few minutes of his frantic fucking pain turned to pleasure as I was filled to bursting with this magnificent red dog cock.

I just lay back and let him have me. It was the most fantastic feeling I have ever felt in my life. It felt so tight as it slipped in and out of my wet cunt. The more he fucked me, the more of his juice flowed from my pussy. I was crying out to come in was desperate to be finished off. As his rough fur rasped over my swollen clit. My orgasm was building fast.

I grabbed my heaving breasts with my hands and started squeezing and twisting my nipples to increase the pleasure. I looked at my dog lovingly. His mouth was open, and his saliva was dripping on my tits.

Then something grabbed my attention down by my cunt. Something was trying to push it way past my wet cunt lips. Something that I did not recognize felt huge. Looking over at the mirrors on the bedroom cupboards, I watched the dog slamming his cock into me, and I caught a glimpse of what looked like a big ball by the dog’s cock.

His rampant thrusting became more urgent as I watched this thing grow to about the size of a tennis ball. I could feel it push harder against my wet cunt with each thrust of his cock until he tried to thrust it into my cunt.

For a moment, I was overtaken by a sudden feeling of alarm. How would I take that? the largest thing I had used was a cucumber, but this was a massive ball of flesh. I was about to reach down to prevent him from pushing it in me, but he beat me to the punch. As soon as my hand slipped between us, he seemed to know instinctively, and he forced it in.

Holy fucking christ, did it hurt? It felt like a colossal plug had been rammed in my cunt, and it was being dragged up and down my pussy. I confess I did cry in pain at first, but the dog did not care. I was stuck with this big lump of dog flesh deep in my cunt, and he still fucked it into me.

About 5 minutes, the pleasure factor took over, and my mind was dragged back to the need to come. By now, I had let go of all inhibitions. If I was acting like a slut then a slut I was going to be.

Grasping the dog’s head, I pulled his face and looked at him hard, and snarled, “FUCK ME HARD!!”

Laying under the dog, I was taking over the thrusting motions, so as he thrust at me, I thrust down at him driving his cock and knot deeper up my cunt. I had lost all reason I wanted to be fucked and fucked hard until I came.

The familiar feeling of oncoming orgasm began to build in my loins. Lifting my legs, I started grinding his fur against my clit, moaning out, “Yes! Yes, fuck me! Fuck me, make me come! Yes! YES!” I was grabbing handfuls of dog fur, trying to get him to fuck my cunt harder, and with each thrust of this dog cock I grew nearer and nearer to orgasm.

I pulled his head down. I dragged his face over my swollen nipples twisting his head to get his wet tongue on my tits. Then it hit me in one massive wave of perverted sex lust. I was overwhelmed with a shattering orgasm that ripped through my shuddering body wave after wave of orgasm tore into me, tears were running from my eyes, my legs went rigid, and the dog’s cock was trapped in my hungry cunt as I wallowed in come lust.

I have no idea how long I orgasmed. For all I know was, it was fantastic. The dog stood motionless with his cock deep in my pussy (I now know what happens when the knot is inside).

I lay on my bed weak, unable to move a muscle as the dog tried to pull himself off me. I could feel his knot being dragged over the inner walls of my well-abused cunt, and with a sloppy plop, it slipped out. I could feel copious amounts of fluid running from my cunt. I lowered my hand to my now very sore pussy to investigate the discharge and swiped my fingers over my pussy lips, and I raised my hand to look at it thinking it might be blood.

My fingers were wet with the dog come, and without thinking, I raised my hand to my mouth to taste our mixed juice.

I lay there just looking at the ceiling with my fingers in my mouth, savoring the fruits of our perverted union. There was no way I would let it stop there; I wanted more, lots more. Now I know the pleasure of what I had done. I needed to take full advantage of this dog before he went home, and my evil mind was planning my next sexual assault on the dog.

The End.