(c) by tauhound

Nyah hound is a slightly short and thin beautiful blonde woman, she is a successful, kind and polite girl who is slightly shy and introvert. But that’s just one aspect of her, because behind closed doors…

Nyah hound is a sex addict. The more dicks she has to play with and cum being shot inside her, the happier she is. She will fuck anything with a cock, and loves to swallow, as well as being abused and degraded.


Nyah was at her parents house, there was a party for her mothers Fortieth birthday. Nyah didn’t live there anymore as she was now nineteen-years of age and worked at a grocery store. Nyah lived across town in a flat, on a council estate. Everyone at the party was drinking pretty heavily, her included. She was getting a tad dizzy from the combination of alcohol and dancing with family and friends so decided she need a little time-out away from everyone.

She went upstairs, slightly woozy, and sat down heavily on the bed in her old bedroom. Almost instantly she collapsed back onto her back. At this point her door opened. Looking up, she saw her cousin, Les, walk in and shut the door behind him.

“Les? What’s up?” Asked Nyah.

“Ah, the party’s getting a bit hectic for me.” He replied, as he sat down next to her.

“Yeah me too, that’s why I’m up here.”

“Yeah…” Les went to reply, but he stopped as he looked down at Nyah lying next to him, her slender legs over the edge of the bed, noticing how high up her miniskirt was.

“So how are you and Hannah doing?” Asked Nyah.

“Yeah not too bad. Our sex life is a bit dry,” Replied Les.

“Yeah?” Chuckled Nyah, “… shame, she’s got a nice guy in you.”

Les moved his hand to her thigh. “Yeah? Thanks.”

Nyah sat up, “What are you doing, Les?”

“Nothing… just lay back down,” He said, grinning as he grabbed her arm.

“Les, stop it…!” Whispered Nyah.

“Shush! People will hear us,” chided Les, as he ran his hand up Nyah’s skirt.

“Les, no… Stop it now you fucking bastard. Stop it!” Nyah said, her voice low and hushed.

Les put his hand over her mouth now, and slipped his free hand into her thong and began to rub Nyah’s clit. She moaned underneath his hand, but still had an angry look on her face.

After a few minutes of fingering her pussy, Les pulled Nyah off the bed to her knees.

“Les, stop this right…” Nyah was cut off when Les took out his massive cock. She suddenly found herself massively turned on, but Les was her cousin. She couldn’t, surely…

He suddenly grabbed her hair and forced his dick down her throat. “Look, just do this. If you try to stop I’ll just say you wanted it. So why don’t you just be a good little slut, and suck my cock.”

Nyah closed her eyes, and began to run her lips up and down Les’s massive dick. She reached up with her hand and began to massage his balls as she worked. “Ha-ha! You’re really getting into this now aren’t you,” He said quietly.

“Mmmhhh” was Nyahs reply.

“Tell me who your favourite cousin is, you slag.” he whispered.

Nyah took her mouth off his dick. “You,” She mumbled.

Les leant down, “Sorry, who?”

“You’re my favourite cousin, Les.” replied Nyah, a she started wanking his cock in front of her face.

“God yeah!” replied Les, “… now swallow my cum so we can go back downstairs.”

He suddenly forced his dick back into Nyahs mouth and began fucking her mouth hard. She moaned as she felt Les blow his hot load in her mouth. She swallowed it all, greedily, as he held her in place by her hair.

“Good work. I’ll be having you whenever I want to know, you’d do well to remember that. Don’t dream of telling anyone or I’ll make them think you want this.” Les zipped up his pants and left the room.


Nyah lay on the floor for a few minutes, before composing herself and heading back down to the party. As she got to the bottom of the stairs, she was confronted by her mother. “No one here is fit to drive your cousin home, can you do it, dear?” She asked Nyah.

Les stood behind Nyahs mother, smiling cheekily at her. “You can, surely?” he said.

“Oh I don’t know…” mumbled Nyah.

“Nonsense, you two go, Les needs to get home,” her mother ordered.

Nyah sighed. “Sure, come on, Les.”

They walked tot he car in silence and Les go in the front seat beside her and she set off to his house. It was an awkward silence, until Les broke it. “I know you loved it,” he said.

“No, I didn’t.” replied Nyah.

“Yes, you did. You want me as much as I want you.” He said seriously.

“No Les, no I don’t. You’re my cousin, and you forced yourself on me, and now I can’t tell anyone.”

“Yes, and you love it, I’ll prove it when I next have you.”

Nyah stopped, they were at Les’s house. “You’ll never have me, don’t you dare.” replied Nyah.

Les laughed. “Do you want me to tell your family how much you wanted it?”

Nyah shook her head.

“Well then. Get out the car.” Les commanded.

Nyah did as she was told, and as she turned round from shutting the door she saw Les’s border collie, Rocky, stood staring at her, tail wagging furiously. She bent down to pet him, but was suddenly pulled up by her hair.

“You’re my plaything now, you understand?” Les said viciously.

“Yes,” replied nyah, all her resistance had left her as she didn’t want her family to think badly of her.

“On your knees, hands on the bonnet. Now, you fucking bitch,” Les shouted at her.

Nyah did as she was told, and felt Les’s rough hands pull her skirt up, and thong down.

“Les… Please…,” She mumbled, as she felt him lining his dick up with her vaginal opening.

Les slapped her ass hard. “Bitch, just shut up and take it. This is all you’re good for, being fucked like a dirty whore. I know you want it, I read the messages on your phone to your boyfriend… or should I say – master! Now shut up.”

Les suddenly slammed his dick into Nyah’s wet pussy, hard and fast. He pounded her furiously, holding her hair tight, pulling her head backwards as he raped her.

Nyah cried out, trying to stifle her moans with her hands, but secretly loving her cousin forcing her to take his cock.

“Oh god, bitch, I’m gonna cum,” Les moaned loudly.

“No, no, not in my pussy! No Les – wait – in my mouth. I’ll let you cum in my mou…” Nyah was suddenly cut off by Les forcing her face down into the bonnet.

It was too late.

Les shot his cum in Nyah’s pussy.

Claiming her, making her his.

As he pulled out, Nyah could feel cum running down her inner thighs, trickling out. However, she began to feel a new sensation making Nyah collapse to her hands and knees on the ground. She felt a licking at her legs. Looking back she saw Rocky, Les’s border collie, licking her. The sensation was nice. It felt really good as Rocky licked her pussy clean of Les’s cum.

Until suddenly he pounced on her.

Les laughed hysterically. “Looks like Rocky’s using you next, slut!”

Rocky began prodding with his dick, trying to find a hole.

“No, Rocky, get down!” Nyah whispered weakly.

Rocky’s canine dick soon found its mark, and he thrust it inside her hard.

“Oh God… Rocky!” Nyah cried out.

Les took out his mobile and began filming it. “Holy shit, I’ll be keeping this video! You’re going to be fucking me and Rocky whenever I want from now on, or everyone’s gonna see you dog fucking. YOU SLAG!” Les said. He laughed again at her.

“Rocky… Oh Rocky… I’m gonna cum… Oh God, Rocky… I’m gonna cum on your big dog dick Rocky… Rocky… I’m… Ahh…,” Nyah moaned, as she shuddered through her orgasm.

Rocky continued to furiously hammer his dick inside her.

“Rocky, good boy… good boy,” panted Nyah, as Rocky fucked her.

Rocky knew what he was doing. He lifted his leg over her, and began to pump his bitch full of cum.

“Oh god… Rocky… You’re getting bigger… Oh Rocky you big sexy boy… Yes, yes more… Fill me rocky… I want to carry your puppies… Please… Let me be your bitch,” she panted.

Les was still laughing and filming. “You fucking slut… ‘Oh Rocky, Fuck me harder!’… You’re nothing but nasty whore,” he mocked her.

Rocky suddenly slid his dick out of Nyah’s pussy and was off her. He had emptied his balls inside her pussy, but his knot wasn’t big enough to tie her. Rocky was walking about excitedly and gave Nyah’s face some licks. Les brought his phone camera close to film all the sticky white dog cum dribbling out of her pussy and down her leg. He even caught several Queef’s which made him laugh.

After he had enough, he put the phone back in his pocket. “Well bitch, that’s enough for now. I’m off. Come on Rocky,” Les said.

Rocky stopped licking Nyah’s face, and followed Les inside. Nyah lay there on the ground in front of her car, completely used and spat out. Eventually she climbed to her feet, looking around, she couldn’t find her thong – it was missing. Knowing Les probably took it, she began to sort out her general appearance.

So much cum was running out of her pussy and down her legs she thought she was peeing. In the car she had some rags so she wiped herself as clean as she could. After Nyah was satisfied that she was presentable, so that her mother would not be suspicious, she got into her car and drove off home.

I guess Les really is my favourite cousin, she thought as she drove.


In the four-weeks that followed the initial raping of Nyah in the driveway, Les had kept her busy. He had enough material on her to keep her thoroughly blackmailed for life. Nyah just began to just accept her new position as Les’s sex slave. She’d get a text saying: ‘Home alone, get over here now, no underwear’, or something along those lines. She’d go around and then Les would use her, and degrade her in the most perverted ways.

As awful as that sounds, the truth is Nyah enjoyed it. The occasions he got Rocky involved, Nyah enjoyed the most. She had come to love the feel of his dick in her pussy, and of his knot swelling inside her as he pumped her full of cum. Even Les videoing it all was actually quite a turn on for her.

One night, when Nyah had walked to Les’s home he didn’t even let her get past the hall. He just pushed her against the wall, lifted her legs round him and forced his big thick dick inside her. Nyah wrapped her arms around him and rode his cock like an obedient slut.

“Yes slut… come on… ride me… I only have time for a quickie today… come on… you fucking bitch… whore!” he said harshly as they copulated.

Les was being more forceful than usual, but Nyah liked it. “Oh Les… Yes… Come on… Fuck me… Use me… Pump me full of your cum… Come on!”

“Oh yeah, bitch, I’m cumming!” Les grunted.

The pair started moaning in unison as Les shot his load in Nyah’s pussy. He pulled out and zipped his trousers up, satisfied he’d used her thoroughly.

“Okay bitch, I’m off. Walk Rocky for me, and he’d better be walked when I get back in a few hours or else I’ll do what I promised last week. I’ll start lending you to my friends,” Les waggled his finger at her.

Nyah nodded, as she pulled her skirt down.

Les just left without even saying goodbye.

Nyah walked into the next room to find Rocky, who was as usual happy to see his bitch. His tail wagged, and he jumped up on her and licked her face.

“Hello Rocky,” Nyah said.

She was genuinely happy to see him, she really did find him adorable.

“How are you?” she asked, kneeling down to hug him.

As she did she felt his tongue across her neck, it made her go tingly; she loved him licking her. “Oh Rocky, why can’t it just be us? Les doesn’t deserve me like you do,” she said to the dog.

Rocky continued to lick Nyah’s neck.

“Oh… You know how to make me feel so good. I’ll return the favour, I promise,” she smiled, as she leant back and opened her legs.

Rocky instantly stuck his snout to Nyah’s pussy and started lapping at her with his tongue. He ran it over her clit and it made Nyah shudder and sigh with pleasure. “Oh Rocky… You’re such a good boy… Such a good, good boy,” She sighed, as Rocky continued to lick her. “Rocky, come on, I have to walk you, boy. I’m not being ungrateful, I just have orders.”

She reluctantly got to her feet, clipped on Rockys lead, and took him out to the massive park in her village. She walked round to a small secluded area with him. On the warm, dry night and she lay down; hidden from any prying eyes.

“Oh Rocky, come here.” she called.

She pulled him so he stood just to the side of her head. Nyah decided that since he had been so good and pleasured her orally, she should return the favour. She reached up and felt for his balls with her hands. They were soft and furry, and she loved petting them.

As Rockys cock began to slowly harden, she smiled. “Oh Rocky, I wonder what you taste like my big beautiful boy.”

She ran her hand down the length of his cock before taking it into her mouth and running her lips up and down it. She took it out her mouth and began rubbing it up and down, with her hand.

“You taste so good. Oh my sexy boy,” She purred.

She started wanking his cock until it was very hard, then sat him down and rolled him on his back. After kissing Rocky’s balls for a while, she took his dick in her mouth and lowered her head all the way down until her nose was pressed against his fur.

It was at this point that she felt something cold and wet in her pussy. Nyah stopped sucking Rocky’s cock and looked round to see a black Labrador sniffing at her pussy.

“Rocky is this a friend of yours?” She giggled, as she looked to see the black labs enormous red cock hanging down between his legs. “And what’s your nau….”

Nyah was cut off suddenly as Rocky jumped on her, pushing her to the ground. He loomed on top of her, his paws on her shoulders.

“Oh, I didn’t mean to…,” she was cut off again.

Rocky suddenly stepped forward pushing his dick into her mouth. Nyah tried to push him off but couldn’t. To her great shock she suddenly felt another set of paws on her, it was the Labrador.

Rocky was fucking Nyah’s mouth hard and fast now, his dick was forcing its way past her gag reflex and making her splutter. However, Rocky wasn’t stopping.

I’m sorry, Nyah thought wildly, I shouldn’t have ignored you.

It was at that point she let out a muffled cry, something was prodding at her pussy. The Labrador. Nyah was powerless to stop him as his cock slipped into her wet pussy.

Nyah moaned through Rocky’s cock, as two big dog cocks took her from both ends.

All of a sudden, Rocky’s dick started to swell. Nyah panicked, as it started swelling in her throat. Rocky then started to push forward so Nyah’s head was back. She felt his cum blasting down her throat. At the same time, she felt the Labrador cock expanding in her pussy.

Oh my god, she thought, I’m going to be stuck here between these two for the next twenty-minutes!

Sure enough, the black lab was soon shooting his cum in her pussy, as Nyah writhed through orgasm after orgasm. Rocky’s cum was being shot straight down her throat, she’d never realised how much he had to offer.

Sure enough, a good half an hour later the lab just pulled out of her and left. Rocky’s cock started to decrease in size too. Nyah sat up, getting her breath back. She turned and hugged Rocky. “Oh thank you my beautiful boy. You and your friend were wonderful,” she said hugging rocky.

Looking at her watch, Nyah laughed as she realised she had been gone for nearly an hour and a half now. “Come on boy,” she said, “I think we’d better be going.”

She gave Rocky a kiss. As he licked her tongue, she began to lick his, French kissing the dog she loved so much.

“Rocky, no matter what Les says I love you. He’s no one. I’m just using him to get to you, my love.” she said, between kissing him. She grabbed hold of his lead and walked him back to the house, content with her fun evening in the park.


Nyah had finished work and was, as usual, frustrated. Work had been long and annoying, and her boss was a boring man, with no use other than to tease with the short skirts she always wore.

As usual she walked down her road and past the houses, the council estate her flat was situated in was at the end of the road. It was always fun to walk down this road as she knew all the men were perving on her from their windows. Probably jerking off as they did.

However, today took a different path.

“Aye love, can you come in here a minute?” a deep voice called out to her.

Nyah looked to her right to see a tall well-built black man staring at her from a doorway, smiling and waving her over.

“Sorry, I’m a bit busy.” she called out.

As she turned to walk away she bumped into something.

“Oh I’m sorry…” she began.

However, as she looked up two more huge black men were smiling down at her. “Nah, you got time, trust me,” one of the men said.

The two intimidating looking black men grabbed her and turned her around. Too intimidated to even make a sound, Nyah didn’t struggle, as she was frog marched inside the house by the two strange men.

The door locked with a swift click behind her, and Nyah was walked into a large sitting room, with nothing but a couch, a couple of chairs and a TV. At this point, two more black guys walked in.

“Cool man, you got that slut to come in?” said one of them, staring at Nyah with narrow eyes.

“Don’t you call me a slut,” Nyah shouted at the man.

One of the men slapped her face making her cry out in pain.

“You shut your mouth, slut, you’ll be doing as we tell you tonight, understand?” the face slapper said.

Nyah, slightly aroused by this display of dominance over her, simply nodded in response.

One of the men walked over and pushed her onto her knees. “We’ve been watching you parade down here for months now, showing your stuff like a the little slut you are, so now we’re gonna show you what happens to cock-teasing sluts.”

The man unzipped his pants and took out the biggest dick Nyah had ever seen in her life, about ten-inches long and as thick as her wrist.

“That won’t possibly fit in…” she was cut off by him grabbing her head and forcing his dick in her mouth.

“Slut, we don’t wanna hear you talk. You’re here because we wanna use you, and we know where you live so don’t even dream of telling anyone,” face-slapper warned.

Tears ran down Nyah’s face as the huge black dick began choking her.

The man pulled out and said, “Now lick my balls, you slut.”

And no sooner had he finished speaking Nyah did as he ordered, taking his balls to her face and excitedly licking and sucking at them.

At this point the other guys walked over to her and stood round her, taking their dicks out and wanking as they watched her at work. She was amazed as all these black dicks were bigger than anything she had ever seen, except for that Labrador. They didn’t even have to say anything now, Nyah started wanking them and working them with her mouth in turn, swapping between each dick.

“Yeah… you little slut, you love it don’t you,” one of the men said.

Nyah nodded as she took as much of one of the other man’s cock down her throat as she could.

One of the men then pushed her over the couch. Nyah let out a yelp as she felt her skirt pushed up, and tights and underwear yanked down.

“Look at her tight little pussy and ass, boys, We’re gonna have some fun with this one!” the man said.

Soon enough one of them was holding her face down and lining his dick up with her pussy. He slowly slid inside her as she moaned out loud, “Oh god… Yes… Yes… Go on… Deeper,” She moaned through the cushion.

The man started thrusting hard and fast, his huge balls slapping against Nyah’s clit making her squeal with excitement. Shortly she felt his breath on her ear. “I’m gonna cum all over your pussy and ass, you slut,” he said.

Before Nyah could protest (only because she wanted it in her mouth) the man began to spunk all over her, covering her like he promised.

Nyah was then grabbed and flipped over onto her front, and another guy grabbed her legs, holding them apart, he started to fuck her too. At the same time, two more of the men got on either side of her, and started wanking onto her face.

Nyah was moaning, and kept reaching up to play with the two dicks near her face. The men all started groaning and she knew what was going to happen. So she closed her eyes and opened her mouth, holding her tongue out she felt the cum of two dicks splashing over her face, and kept lapping and swallowing as much as she could.

The man fucking her pussy pulled out and started wanking over her, furiously cumming all over her face as well, under her chin and down her neck. Nyah lay there panting, happy that she got to taste some cum, and then the last guy stepped up.

“Turn over, you slut.” he commanded.

As Nyah did as she was told, she felt him lining his big dick up with her ass. “No… Wait… Not my ass!” She cried.

The man grabbed her arms, holding them behind her back, and slid his massive dick all the way inside her.

“Say you love it, slut,” He said, as he started fucking her ass.

“No… It hurts… Oh please… It really hurts,” She panted, as the man was thrusting harder.

“Say you love it or I’ll cum in your asshole, and not your mouth, you slut,” he moaned.

“Please stop… You’re too big… It hurts… It hurts bad,” she yelled out.

“Say it,” the man yelled at her again. He slapped her ass cheek hard.

“Alright… I love it… I love it,” she said.

“Why do you love it?” the man asked her

“Cos I’m a dirty… fucking… slut,” She said.

“Good girl, but I’m sorry to tell you that I don’t believe you. So I’ll be cumming in here anyway,” he said.

All the other black men watching what was going on burst out laughing, at her.

Nyah cried as she felt him shooting his hot load up her asshole, “No… I did what you said… It’s not fair,” she complained

The man pulled out and all five of them stood back, watching Nyah compose herself.

“Can I go now?” She mumbled looking at them individually.

Face-slapper said, “Yeah, get out you filthy whore. You’re stinking up my house.”

She climbed to her feet and put her clothes back on over the wet cum on her body. Her asshole burned.

As she began to walk out, the man who raped her ass grabbed her arm and pulled her close. “Remember slut, we know where you live. So if you tell anyone you’ll be sorry,” he said to her menacingly.

“Yeah, and let this be a lesson about walking like a cock tease,” another said.

Nyah, still covered in cum, and missing her underwear, walked out into the darkness for home.


A few weeks later, Nyah was bored at home alone. She always hated being alone, having to use her dildo, or putting a strap-on on her favourite stuffed tiger or bear was good, but not as good as real cock, which she loved so much. Les was away, and she missed him.

So Nyah went online to a forum she liked. She decided to put up an ad in the dating section entitled: ‘Femdom looking for a few sub-boys to abuse, bully, maybe rape, and have fuck her and give her their cum’.

She sat back, taking a sip of her drink as she eyed the “Post” button. Meh, what my Master doesn’t know won’t kill him, she thought as she posted the ad.

Days passed, and Nyah grew more and more restless, but forgot to check her account. Four days later, sure enough, she remembered and logged on. Seeing her ‘Inbox’ contained 17 messages for her.

“God fucking damn yes!” She cried, happily, as she began picking through the emails. After much time contacting them requesting pictures of their erect dicks, she finally settled on three guys, whom she arranged would come over in two days time.

The time passed with the ever-increasingly horny Nyah counting the hours, until the time finally came and late one Friday night, she got a knock at her door. She opened it to see that the three guys had met up prior to coming round.

“Hey, you must be Nyah?” a tall, muscular brunette one of them asked.

“Yes,” she replied, “… and you three are?”

“I’m Tom.” he replied.

“I’m Dean.” said a slightly shorter blonde haired man.

“Carl.” replied the last, slightly chubbier man.

“So you’re going to be my three little bitches tonight, huh?” she asked, smiling sexily.

The guys eyed her up and down, seeing her completely clad from head to toe in dominatrix gear; high heels, a leather corset, fishnet stockings, black makeup and nail varnish all clad around her slim frame.

“I think I speak for all of us when I say we’re at your mercy,” Tom said.

Nyah smiled and lead them into her bedroom.

“Alright bitches, your mistress is hungry. Get all your clothes off, and lie on the bed side by side,” she ordered.

The three men did as they were told. Their dicks semi erect, as Nyah moved down to their waists.

“Your mistress is so fucking hungry,” She said, as she began stroking the three dicks, rubbing up and down the long hard shafts, caressing their balls. “Would you like your mistress to pleasure you, bitches?”

“God yes!” Said Carl.

“Oh please, mistress.” said Dean.

“Yes, mistress.” Replied Tom, finally.

Nyah positioned herself on Toms legs (Tom was in the middle) and began kissing his balls. She then put her right hand on Deans balls and her left hand on Carl’s balls and began to lick and fondle the three men at the same time.

“Your mistress… Is very impressed,” She said, between licks.

Nyah then moved her hands up to Carl and Deans shafts and began to wank their two dicks respectively. She moved her mouth over the top of Toms and took the head in her mouth, before moving her lips down the shaft.

The three men lay there moaning and sighing as Nyah whorishly pleasured all three of them at once, doing a great job of demonstrating just how good she was at her favourite job; being a whore.

She suddenly sat up, and began to strip.

“Wank for your mistress, my little bitches,” she ordered, coyly, as she took her underwear off, revealing her smooth, shaven pussy.

The three men, of course, did exactly as they were told.

“Now, you three are going to fuck me one at a time. Carl will go first, then Dean, and then Tom. You will fuck me until you need to orgasm but will NOT cum, do you understand?”

“Yes mistress.” The three replied.

At this point Carl pushed Nyah onto all fours. “I’m going to use you like a fuck toy, mistress, if that’s okay with you?” he asked, shyly.

“Of course, I wouldn’t want it any other way,” She laughed.

Carl began sliding his cock in Nyahs already wet pussy, as she moaned and sighed, “Oh god yes, fill your mistress with cock, that’s it!”

Carl began thrusting hard.

“Dean, bend over in front of me; I want to lick your asshole right now.” demanded Nyah.

Dean did as he was told, and Nyah greedily tongues his asshole.

“Mistress, I’m nearly ready to cum,” Said Carl, excitedly.

“So soon?” Said Nyah, slightly disappointed, “… then Dean, fuck your mistress and Carl, bend over in front of me so I can lick your asshole instead.”

The Two did as they were told, Dean began ruthlessly fucking Nyah with his massive cock as she rimmed Carl, Tom watches all the while, wanking himself off.

“Do you like watching your Mistress, Tom?” Asked Nyah, as she lovingly caressed Carl’s asshole with her tongue.

“Yes Mistress.” he said, his dick rock hard.

“Mistress, your pussy is so nice and tight… I’m gonna cum soon!” warned Dean.

“Then pull out and start to wank yourself next to Carl.” she ordered, as Dean and Carl sat at the head of the bed, staring at Nyah’s sexy nudity, masturbating.

“Tom, I want you to fuck me, and kiss your mistress lovingly,” ordered Nyah, as she lay on her back and opened her legs, exposing her pussy to Tom.

Tom got on top of her and thrust inside her wet pussy, putting his arms round her and kissing her deeply, their tongues ravishing each other.

Nyah moaned through the kissing as Tom went balls deep, slamming her hard and fast, enjoying the two guys watching her masturbating too.

It wasn’t long before Tom was ready too. “Mistress, I want to cum so badly for you!” he exclaimed.

Nyah laughed, and got on her knees, all the while furiously rubbing her clit.

“All of you, come on, you can all cum now, all over your mistress’s slutty face, and while you do tell me what you think of me!”

The three did as commanded, and stood over her. Nyah smiled as all three of them began loudly moaning “Nyah, Nyah…” and she closed her eyes, opened her mouth and held out her tongue, listening to the array of ‘Slut, whore, bitch, cumbucket, slag, dirty bitch’ that they all called her as they shot their thick, hot, sticky cum all over her face and hair. Nyah felt it raining down on her as she rubbed her clit furiously, orgasming herself.

The three men stared at Nyah, their mistress, not knowing what to do or say as she sat there on her knees, her face and hair soaked now they’d emptied their balls all over the slut. “Get out, my bitches. When I want you, I’ll have you back. Don’t ever come here unless I’ve asked you to. Is that clear?”

The three all responded with “Yes, Mistress.” They got dressed.

Tom and Dean walked out the bedroom and out the door. Carl stopped for a brief moment and watched Nyah smearing the cum off her face and licking it up off her hands.

She really is a cumbucket slut, he thought as he walked out.

The three left, eagerly awaiting their next call.

Nyah was desperately trying to get all the cum off her, and into her mouth. She stood up once done, and smiled, walking over to her laptop computer, turning on the screen, and stopping the webcam recording.

Master will be pleased with what a whore I’ve been. I’ll have to show him this. Eventually, She thought to herself.


Nyah got home from work exhausted, it had been a long day at the Grocery store. Les was waiting for her and immediately approached her as soon as she had gotten through the door. He had a key to her flat now, and came by whenever he wanted.

“We’re going out. You’ll be wearing nothing except a long coat, do you understand?” Les ordered.

“Yes Master,” She replied, trying to hide her sigh. Nyah didn’t want to go anywhere. However, she belonged to les and had to what he told her. Going to her bedroom, she stripped completely naked, with the exception of a long coat and her knee high leather boots.

Her and Les left the house. When they got to the car Les said, “You’ll be in the boot.” He opened it. “Get in, slut.”

Again, Nyah did as she was told, curling up on the blanket Les had left in there. Les shut the boot, and before long the car was in motion. Nyah didn’t know where she was going, all she knew was that she was excited.

After what seemed like an hour or so, the car came to a halt. Nyah heard Les get out, and as soon as he did, he opened the boot and let her out. In his hand he held her lead and collar. “Come on, my bitch, let’s get you inside.” he said, as he clipped her collar on, and then attached the lead, so he could walk her to the large farmhouse.

Les, still holding her lead with one hand, knocked on the door, and a black man answered the door.

“Hey dog, we’re here,” Les said, fist bumping the man.

“Great,” replied the man, “Take her through to the barn, I’ll be there in a minute.”

Les turned around and pulled on Nyah’s lead, so she followed. They walked inside the barn and inside was the biggest black and white stallion Nyah had ever seen.

“He’s beautiful, Master,” exclaimed Nyah.

“He is, and I’m sure he’ll think the same of you pretty soon,” he replied with a wry smile.

Nyah couldn’t help but fixate on the stallions enormous balls as he paced round a large stall. “I’ll be very good for him, Master. I promise,” she said.

“I know you will.” replied Les.

The man from earlier came in and stood beside them. “This is Thor.” he said. “Okay Les, let’s see what your bitch has to offer.”

Les took off Nyah’s coat and unclipped her lead. She stood there completely naked in nothing but her collar and her boots. The man looked her over thoroughly.

“Very nice,” he said with a nod.

He placed a hand on Nyah’s chest, feeling her breasts. Nyah lets out a small sigh of pleasure.

“You’re gonna be good for Thor, aren’t you bitch?” he asked her.

“Yes sir,” replied Nyah.

“And you’re gonna be good for me, as payment for Thor – aren’t you?” he said, then looked at Les.

“Definitely sir,” replied Nyah, hoping he had one of those big black cocks like the men in her street.

“Well get to work then, slut, I think Thor’s getting excited,” the black man ordered.

Nyah did as she was commanded instantly, and with the man and her master watching, she immediately got to her knees beneath Thor in his stall. Nyah ran her tongue around his enormous balls, loving every second of it. She fondled them as she worked, and noticed his enormous cock beginning to drop from beneath its sheath. As his dick got bigger, Nyah massaged him.

“Thor, you’re such a big sexy boy,” exclaimed Nyah, as his dick grew and grew, becoming harder each second.

Nyah stood up and moved round him, running her finger under his tail, which Thor instantly lifted for her. “Oh, you like that do you big boy?” asked Nyah, as she pressed a finger lightly onto his asshole. Thor kept his tail up, as Nyah giggled, moving her face under his tail she began to rim the enormous stallion, running her tongue around his asshole and inside it, kissing it occasionally.

She stopped for a moment to glance underneath, and noticed his dick was fully erect now.

“Master, Sir?” she said, stopping for a moment, “May I enjoy Thor’s cum?”

Les and the dark skinned man looked at each other, grinning. “Go for it.” replied Les.

“Put on a good show for us, you little slut.” laughed the black man.

Nyah got down on her knees, underneath Thor again. She took his enormous length in both her hands, and began wanking him, giggling as he started thrusting into her hand. Nyah licked the tip of his dick, kissing it all over as she worked it, occasionally moving down to his balls.

“Please Thor…” she sighed between licking and kissing up and down his dick, “… cum for me big boy, it’ll feel so good!”

Thor’s thrusting became faster and more aggressive, and Nyah knew what was coming. She presented her face in front of the stallions enormous member and started rubbing and stroking as fast as she could.

Before she knew it, hot jets of cum were covering her face. She held her mouth open and tongue out, trying to swallow as much of it as possible. A good five enormous bursts of cum later, and Nyah was happily rubbing it off her face tits and licking it all up. Before she knew what was happening however, the black man had walked over and walked Thor away.

He turned back to face Nyah. “My turn now,” he said, as he grabbed her and forced her face to the floor. “You’re going to be my little white bitch for the night, aren’t you?” he asked.

“Yes sir,” replied Nyah passively, loving every second of it.

He took his pants off, revealing his enormous dick. Nyah looked in awe. “I want it… I want it inside me, sir… Please!” she begged him.

“Oh you’re gonna get it, bitch.” he replied, as he slid his dick into her pussy.

Nyah lets out an enormous gasp as he stretched her.

The man began pounding at her hard and deep, his balls slapping against her clit made Nyah squeal with each thrust.

“Say you’re my little white bitch,” he commanded, as he slapped her ass.

Nyah squealed from her spanking. She screamed out, “I’M YOUR LITTLE WHITE BITCH!”

The man then turned her over, and placed one hand on her neck. “You’re gonna be bred by me tonight, you slut, did you know that?”

“What?” asked Nyah, looking over at her master to see him filming it.

The black man began fucking her again, his dick going all the way in and out.

“Beg for my cum, you whore,” he urged, his face in a frown.


“Beg for it, you fucking cunt!” he shouted at her.

“No… No! You can’t cum inside me,” she begged.

The Black man laughed at her. He spat in her face to show his contempt. “I can do what I want, and what I want to do is empty my balls into a little white whore, like you!”

“No… No… Wait… stop,” begged Nyah, through her moans and gasps of pleasure.

She made no real attempt to stop him other than her words.

“Oh God, you little slut, I’m gonna cum inside you,” he said, pumping harder and screwing his face up.

“Ah… No… Wait…,” begged Nyah, without realising her legs were wrapped round his waist, pulling him in deeper.

“You say no, but your body’s saying yes, whore,” laughed the black man. He started shouting with each thrust, “TAKE… MY… CUM… MY… LITTLE… WHITE… BREEDING… BITCH!”

Nyah screamed “OH MY FUCKING GOD… YES!”

As she felt her pussy being flooded with his cum, she screamed as she orgasmed around his enormous black dick.

The man pulled out, happily looking down at his cum running out of Nyah’s very used pussy. He crawled over her and wiped his dick clean on her face, as she lay there unable to move from pleasure, her tongue hanging out trying to lick his dick so desperately.

“Say thank you, bitch.” he said.

“Th-Th-Thank You,” Nyah mumbled, as Les turned off his camera.

The man got up and pulled his pants back up, taking out his wallet he handed Les five dollars.

“Here’s five times what you asked me to pay for the whore,” he laughed. “I’ll pay for her again too, if you ever want me to?”

Les laughed. “Anytime, just let me know and I’ll bring her here for you to play with.”

Les put Nyahs coat and lead back on her, and the three of them walked out to the car. Les opened the boot, and as Nyah walked past the black man, she suddenly got onto her knees, and unzipped his pants getting his dick out.

“What are you doing slut? I’m done with you,” he said, confused.

Nyah kissed his dick, and gave his balls a quick licking and a few kisses. “Thank you, sir.” she said, before climbing in the boot and curling up on her blanket.

“Good girl.” smiled Les, as he closed the boot.

The End