(c) by Jimbo2

Gloria Johnson told me this story and asked me to put it together for her. I hope you will enjoy it as well as I did. A little history of her and then her story follows.

Gloria Johnson is an outstanding lady in her community. She attends church every week and belongs to a couple of ladies groups in the church as well as one in the local community. She is actively involved in the local community and is well thought of my everyone that knows her. She is the ideal neighbor and her reputation in the community is above par. No one would think that she has a dark side to her. But she does, a very dark side.

One of her favorite things is reading erotic literature and playing with herself at night. Since her husband has long been gone, she has depended on masturbating to relieve her pent up sexual feelings. She would die if people knew her fantasies and what she did each night. Especially the kind of doggie stories she likes to read..

I had just stepped out of the shower and slipped on a thin housecoat over my shoulders as I sat down at the vanity in the bathroom. I was not wearing any panties, just my short housecoat was all I had on. I picked up a story I had downloaded from the internet and started to read it.

It was a story about a lady being fucked by a dog and his master. It was turning me on and I was really stating to get into it as my pussy became moist. I had not planned on masturbating but my hand dropped to my wet cunt as I read the story. I was so wet.

My fingers were dancing over my slit as I rubbed my enlarging clit. I was getting hot as I continued reading the story. I was so involved that I did not hear the doorbell ring at first. Then I heard it ringing as I quickly removed my fingers from my wet slit. I jumped up and walked to the door. As I looked out the door I saw it was the young Paperboy who was ringing my doorbell. He also had his big, black Lab with him as the dog usually went with him on his paper route.

I opened the door, still in just my housecoat and invited him to come inside.

“Hi, Mrs. Johnson. I came by to collect for this week’s paper.” He said.

“Yes, sure. Won’t you come in while I get my purse?” I answered.

As he came in, the big Lab pushed inside as well. The boy tried to push him out but I said it was OK for him to come inside. I even reached down and petted his head as I told him how big he was.

“Let me get my purse and I will pay you cash instead of a check this time.” I told him. “Do you have a receipt that you can give me?”

“Yes, Mrs. Johnson. I have one in my basket on my bike.” He answered, “I will get it for you.”

He turned and went out the door as I also turned to go get my purse. The big Lab was standing there behind me and followed me to get my purse. As I turned around, his nose went between my thighs all of a sudden and I felt his hot tongue as he licked my moist pussy with one big lick. I was startled at first and just stood there.

“Damn! That felt good!” I said to him as I started to spread my thighs for another lick from his hot, probing tongue.

I felt his long tongue as it lapped at my wet pussy and knew the dog must have smelled my juices as I pushed him away from me, not wanting the paperboy to see his dog licking my exposed pussy. But it felt so good!

As I turned away from him to go back to the door, the big Lab jumped up onto my back, pushing me to the floor. I was on my hands and knees as I felt his big paws grabbing my hips on each side. I was trying to get away from him as I felt his huge doggie cock at the entrance to my pussy. The dog was going to fuck me!

He was putting his huge cock in my wet pussy as I tried to get away from him. There was no getting away from him as he pounded that huge doggie dick to my cunt. I felt it as he slid it in, the thick head slamming so deep as he plunged that cock to me.

“Oh! Oh! You are hurting me!” I shouted, not wanting him to withdraw from me, but knowing I must not let the boy see his dog fucking me.

The Lab shoved his cock so deep to me and I felt his huge knot trying to enter my tight pussy as he hammered it to me. Then in one swift move, he sank that huge knot to my wet pussy! I was locked to his huge cock by the big knot that had swelled up inside my twat. I was so full! His cock had me full of that big doggie dick and I caught myself pushing back to it as he slammed that huge dick to me!

I could not get away from him. There I was on the carpet with this big Lab knotted to my tight pussy! I glanced up to see the paperboy standing in front of me watching is dog fucking me as my face turned red.

“Make him stop! He’s hurting me! Your dog is raping me! Please get him off me!” I shouted, but in reality, it was feeling so good to me.

I looked up to see the boy as he unzipped his pants and took his cock into his hand, saying, “Mrs. Johnson, Do you really want me to make him stop? You look as if you were liking it a minute ago.”

I saw the boy’s huge, young cock as he started to stroke it, smiling at me as the dog got faster, pounding his doggie cock to me. The boy had a good sized cock and I was surprised at the size of it. It was a good 9 inches long and very thick!

It had been several years since I had really been fucked, but I had never been fucked like this. I had a huge dog cock buried in my pussy and it was pure bliss as I felt it against my womb. I looked down between my legs and saw his big cock buried in my neatly trimmed pussy.

“I think you like my dog fucking you. He is really deep in you. Maybe you would like some of my dick too.” He said as he grabbed my head with one hand and guided his cock to my face.

“Open up and taste my cock. I want you to suck it for me. You are such a hot lady!” he said as his cock went to brush against my lips. “I have dreamed of you sucking my dick. And I love your hot body. You have such a lovely pussy!”

I started to tell him no, but as I opened my mouth to speak, he pushed that massive young cock into my mouth. His hand still stroking it as he pulled my head to his waiting cock. I felt it as it slipped into my hot mouth, the heat from his young dick felt so good as I opened wider to take more of it as the enormous dog cock hit my sweet spot. I started to cum from his big slimy doggie cock slamming hard to me. I was bucking back to his thick cock as he pounded my pussy. I was loving it!

“I have been watching you a long time and knew you needed a good fucking,” said the boy, “I have jacked off to the thought of your hot body taking my cock.”

His young cock was so good! I sucked on it as I felt the huge doggie cock hit bottom again, making me cum once again as I felt it start to throb inside my hungry pussy. I knew the dog was getting ready to empty his hot cum in me as his cock throbbed so hard deep within my cunt.

I felt it as the hot cum started to flood my insides, filling me with his doggie cum. I was on fire inside my pussy and he was flooding my womb with that doggie cum. I kept cumming over and over as he shot his huge load of hot cum to me.

I felt the boys cock as it too, started to throb in my mouth, knowing he was on the verge of cumming. I had always loved sucking on a nice hot cock and his was no exception. I worked his huge cock deeper into my mouth, as it went partially down my throat, making me gag a little as I felt it swelling in my mouth.

I wanted his cum! I wanted his hot, young cum as I sucked on it, milking it as it started to shoot that hot nectar to my suckling mouth. I felt his hot cum as it flooded my mouth, sucking on it so greedily as not to spill a drop of his young cum as it shot down my throat. It was so good!

All three of us was cumming at the same time as I felt both cocks pumping their hot loads of cum to me as my body went wild, trembling as my own climaxes raked my body. I was loving it! Being fucked by this huge doggie cock and this young cock shooting its hot juices to me.

“I want to fuck you too. Do you want me to slide my dick to your wet pussy?” he asked as he shot his load to me.

I was nodding my head as I milked the last drops of his cum from that beautiful dick. I wanted him to fuck me with his cock, to pound my pussy too, just as the dog was doing at this very moment.

I felt the boy as he reached down and played with my upturned ass as he shot the last bit of his cum to me. The dog was finished shooting his hot cum in me as I felt his cock go a little soft, but not too soft. His knot still had me hung to his big dick as I came once again, my entire body shaking as I came.

The boy was spent and I was still trembling as I felt the huge knot started to shrink inside my cunt as we all slowed to a stop. The boy withdrew his half hard cock from my mouth as his cum dripped from my chin as I felt the dog releasing me from his spent doggie cock.

I rolled over on the carpet as the dog withdrew that slimy cock from my dripping pussy. I had his cum running out of my wet pussy and down my thighs as I lay back to rest a minute or two.

“You mustn’t tell a soul about this,” I said, “You have to keep this a secret. Just between the two of us. No one must know of this.”

“Mrs. Johnson, I promise not to tell anyone. I wouldn’t want people to know about this either. People would not understand, would they?” he asked.

“Ok then, lets go into my bedroom and I will let you have some of this pussy if you give me a minute or two to clean up first.” I told him as I lead them both to my bedroom.

I wiggled my hips a little extra for him, knowing he was watching my ass sway as I moved to the bedroom. It turned me on to know this young boy was sexually excited by my body and wanted to fuck me.

I went into the bathroom and washed the doggie cum from my slimy, cum covered pussy as I watched the boy get onto my big bed.

“Pull off those pants for me. I want to see all of that nice cock. I want to touch it and play with it too.” I instructed him, “I don’t think I can suck the dogs cock though. I hope it is Ok with you if I don’t.”

“No problem with me. Just as long as I get some of this hot pussy,” he said as he reached for my cunt.

I lay under him and pulled his ass cheeks to me as he rubbed the thick young cock over the length of my slit, pausing to rub it against my enlarged clit. He then put my legs over his shoulders as he pulled my ass to him, sliding the tip of that massive cock to the entrance of my desire. I had to have that big, young dick in me as I worked my hips to him.

I felt his cock as it slipped inside my pussy, spreading me open as he took my hips in his hands and sank that cock into me with one swift hunch. It went so deep! I felt it as its hot flesh pried my pussy apart, the thick head working its way deeper. I was loving it! This young boy had a man sized cock on him and he knew how to use it!

“Fuck me! Fuck my hot pussy! Fuck me with that big dick of yours! Give it to me!” I shouted as he rammed that cock to my wanting pussy. “I love it! I love it! Fuck me! Fuck me hard!”

He was sliding that cock to me as he thrust his hips in and out with every movement as I threw my pussy back to him each time. I was really getting fucked now! He was pounding that big cock to me as I felt it hit my sweet spot so deep in me. I felt his balls as they touched my asshole each time he went deeper.

Then I felt the dog as he started to lick my asshole as his young master was ramming his cock to my pussy. The dog’s hot tongue at my ass and this boys hard cock buried in me was too much! I started to cum as I felt that huge cock so deep in my cunt. I was almost ready to have the dog fuck my ass as the thought of it went through my mind as I trembled from my ongoing climax.

“I have a couple of my friends who would love to fuck you. Would you like me to bring them over for you?” he asked as he slammed that cock to me.

“Yes! Oh, Yes! I would love to have two of you fucking me at the same time! Are they as big as you?” I answered as I continued to cum, over and over again.

“My friend Billy has a huge dick. We have talked about how he would love to fuck you, to pound you with his big dick. You want me to bring him next time?” the boy asked again.

“Yes, bring him to me tomorrow! Please bring him to me! I would love to have you and him fuck me!” I shouted as my climax shook my whole body as the dog licked my ass.


Early the next morning the boys had played hooky from college and came over to my house. He had brought two other boys with him, not one!

I was still a little sore from the fucking I had received the day before. I let the boys in along with Blackie, the paperboy’s big lab as my pussy started to throb inside. I knew today was going to be a good day for me. I was going to get lots of cock today!

“We are here to please you in every and anyway. We want to make an all day thing out of this so let’s get busy.” said the paperboy.

“I think I would love that! Are you boys up to an all day fucking?” I replied as I led them to the bedroom.

“Mrs. Johnson, We want to see you let Blackie fuck you. They don’t believe me about you letting him fuck that big knot to you.” He said. “We are all going to fuck you at the same time then.”

“Well, get those clothes off and let’s get started. You boys have a real treat in store for you today!” I answered as I stripped off my housecoat, exposing my neatly trimmed pussy to them.

“Who is going first? One of you or is it Blackie?” I said as I lay down onto my bed.

“Fuck the dog! I want some of that beautiful pussy first.” Said Billy, “Look at her beautiful pussy! She has the hair trimmed around it. Did you do that for us?”

“No, I keep myself trimmed and very clean. Do you really like my pussy?” I asked.

“Like it? I love it! You have a perfect pussy.” He answered as his hand went to his huge cock.

I saw his cock as it got harder, the huge dick was so long and thick! He must have had a 10″ cock and it was so thick! I wanted that massive cock right now! I wanted his cock in me as he climbed on top of me.

“Be easy with me. I haven’t had a big cock like yours before.” I said, “You have a very nice dick. Let me rub on it a little.”

As I took his huge cock in my hands, I started to rub it along the length of my pussy, bringing the thick head to my clit as I rub it around on my slit. My hand would hardly go around this hulk of meat as I slid it over my cunt lips.

“I want to be on top of you. I want to work my pussy down onto this gorgeous cock! Do you mind if I sit on top of it?” I asked as I slid from under him.

“Mind, Mrs. Johnson? I would be delighted to have you on top of it! ” he answered as he pulled me on top of that beautiful prick.

I took the thick head again and worked it to the entrance on my pussy lips, letting my juices get me ready for that huge cock. I eased my little pussy down to it, letting the head slip in a little as I felt it spreading my tight little cunt. I started to rotate my hips as I worked my pussy over that gigantic cock! It was so big!

Feeling his cock pushing deeper into my tiny pussy was driving me crazy with lust for that cock. I sank myself down a little further as I felt it prying its way deeper into me. I looked down to see his cock as it slipped into me, inch by inch. To see his massive cock sliding into my wet pussy was so exciting! I continued to work my twat onto his big fuck pole as he grabbed my hips as pulled me down even more onto it.

“Now, fuck me! Fuck me with that big dick! Fill my pussy with that monster! I want it all! Fuck me!” I shouted as I felt it slide home.

He was so deep in me as I bent over, putting my tits to his lips as he fucked that big dick to my starving pussy. I had my ass in the air as I fucked his huge cock, rotating my ass around as I worked him deeper.

It was so good! That massive cock buried in me! I motioned for the paperboy to come to me as I wanted to suck on his cock while I was being fucked by Billy. He came to me and I opened my mouth, as I licked the tip of his cock.

“Why don’t you let the other boy fuck my ass while I suck your dick? Does he want to fuck my ass?” I asked as I worked my ass in little circles.

I took his cock into my mouth as I slowly started to enjoy that hot dick, sucking on it ever so slow. Then I felt the other boy behind me as his dick touched my ass cheeks. It had been a long time since I had been fucked up my ass. But I wanted it now. I wanted a cock in every hole I had. I wanted to be fucked!

I felt the boy spit on his hand and rub it on my tiny hole as he eased his cock to my waiting ass. I felt it as it started to enter, me fucking back to take it as I pushed my ass to his cock. It slipped in! I had his cock in my ass! I was being ass fucked as I worked my cunt over that huge dick in my pussy, all the while sucking on the other boys cock as climax after climax started to rake my body.

Here I was, the lady who went to church on Sundays and was an up standing citizen in the community, on my big bed, being fucked by three young boys. Being fucked at the same time by all three cocks as I felt them pounding each orifice as their young cocks plowed into my sex crazed body!

They were giving me a good old fashion fucking! As I took each cock and worked on it with whatever hole they were in, I was in pure heaven! I had always wanted to try this. It had been one of my wildest fantasies, to be fucked in every hole at the same time, to have three cocks in me at once!

Each time one cock would sink into me, I would cum. These young boys were really fucking me good! I was loving every minute of it as they hammered their cocks to my body. I had never had such a feeling before. The cock in my pussy was filling me so completely and the one in my ass was so hot! Sucking on the other one made me take it down my throat. I was deep-throating his cock as they fucked me!

I was cumming over and over each time. I had cum so many times! I felt each cock as it swelled up inside me and felt the hot cum as they each filled my body. The one in my ass was so hot when he shot his load of cum to me! It felt so good! I took each cock and worked on it, milking each one of it’s love juices as they pounded their cocks to me.

I then glanced over to see the big Lab licking his red cock as he watched us, him knowing it was his turn next, as he licked that slimy cock. I reached out to take it into my hand as he licked my fingers as they went around his doggie cock. I felt his big knot swelling again under my touch as I slowly stroked it for him as the boys pounded my every orifice with their young cocks. I knew that I soon would have that huge, slimy dog dick in me as I came one last time.

The boys rolled off me one by one and I withdrew the young cock from my mouth as I licked the cum from the tip of his spent cock. His young cum tasted so good and I gave it one last lick as he sat up.

“Damn! You are one hot lady! I knew you would have a nice pussy. I love the way you keep it trimmed so close!” said Billy as he took his big cock into his hand.

“Now, I can see Blackie wants some of that hot pussy too. Are you ready for him to fuck you?” asked the paperboy.

“Yes! I want to feel that big cock of his in my pussy again. Just like yesterday. I want to feel him as he swells up inside me.” I replied as I got on my hands an knees.

I felt the boys as they open my ass cheeks and pulled my hips up as the big Lab mounted me from the rear. His paws once again went around my hips as one of the boys guided his probing cock to my wet cunt.

I had one of them sucking and playing with my breasts as I felt one taking each ass cheek and rubbing it as the huge doggie cock sank into me once more. Blackie pushed it forward and buried it up to the hilt in one swift hunch, making me sigh as it slid deep into me. I felt that huge knot as it touched my small, but well fucked pussy. It was trying to penetrate me!

The I felt it slip in, as his cock once again locked my pussy to that huge knot! He was hung up to me! That big doggie dick was so deep in me as I felt the head touching my womb as he pounded it to me.

Billy had his huge cock at my face, waiting for me to suck on it as the other two boys played with my ass and sucked on my swollen tits. I eased my mouth over the thick head of his massive cock as I licked it along its long hard flesh. I took my hand and brought his balls to me as I sucked on them also, swapping from his big cock head to his balls as I licked.

“Suck my cock, Mrs. Johnson! Suck on it for me!” Billy said as he drew my head to his large cock.

With the doggie cock knotted to me and slamming against my sweet spot, I began to cum again. I had lost count of how many times I had cum. The hot meat of that dog cock and Billy’s huge dick buried in my mouth was so good! I did not want it to end as I fucked my hips back to take that huge, slimy doggie cock so deep, still suckling on that enormous cock of Billy’s as I felt his cock start to throb in my mouth.

“Maybe we can have Blackie fuck your ass. Would you like that Mrs. Johnson?” asked the paperboy, “Would you like to have his dick in your ass?”

Nodding yes and unable to say a word, I heard the boys as they started to jack their cocks for me. I knew they were going to give me a cum bath as I sucked on Billy’s big cock. I was not disappointed as they started to shoot their hot cum onto my back and ass as I felt the dog cock starting to erupt in my pussy.

This made me suck on that cock harder as the dog filled me with his hot cum, shooting the slimy dog cock up my tight pussy as I came once again. Billy also started to flood my mouth with his cum as I sucked on it so hard as the dog kept pounding at my dripping pussy.

“Man, I can’t wait to fuck her ass, too” said Billy as he shot that load of young love juice to my suckling mouth. “Would you like that Mrs. Johnson?”


The neighbors next door moved in a while back and brought with them, a big black lab. His name was Hammer and he was a very large, friendly dog. I would see him in the yard as they let him out to exercise. I got braver as I would pet him and talk to him whenever he came around. I had started to feed him a few doggie treats from time to time out my back door.

It was late one evening as I was reading an erotic story which involved a big lab and had been playing with myself. I had gotten so worked up and my pussy was so wet as I slid my fingers over my clit. The story had me so turned on as I started to think about Hammer next door. The more I thought about him, the wetter I got.

It was then that I saw him at my back door wanting a doggie treat. I removed my hand from my wet pussy and sat up, whistling to him. He heard me and wagged his tail as I got up and went to the door. I opened the door and coaxed him inside with a treat. I was wanting to try and get him to lick my pussy.

As I held the doggie treat out to him, I removed my house coat, which was all I had on. I petted him and took his head, trying to guide his mouth to me. He must have smelled my juices as I saw his cock began to grow.

“Good doggie. You have such a lovely cock,” I told him as I stood over him, my wet pussy dying for him to lick it.

I saw his cock getting so big! It was massive as the long red cock slipped from beneath its sheath. As I tried to get his head between my thighs, he pushed upwards with his long nose and sent me to the floor. I was laying there on the floor, surprised at my falling down.

As I got turned around on my hands and knees trying to get up off the carpet, I felt him start to mount me from behind. His paws went to my hips as I felt his slick cock go between my legs. He was going to fuck me! I didn’t know whether to try and get up or scream. The moment of indecision was too long.

I felt him as his cock found the entrance to my wet pussy. His big head was stabbing at my cunt as I looked down between my thighs to see his cock. I reached back and opened my pussy lips for his dick as I pushed my cunt to him.

He went in with one long stroke! I thought I would die from the feel of that huge doggie cock as it slid into me. He was so big! I was being raped by a dog!

I felt it as it slid so deep within me, my pussy spread so full of cock as he pumped that massive cock to me. His paws had my hips as he hunched his loins, jamming his cock even deeper with rapid thrusts as he fucked me. It was feeling so good! His big cock so deep in my tight pussy as he pounded me.

“Oh, Baby! That feels so good! Fuck me! Fuck me with that big doggie dick! Fill me with that cock!” I cried out to him as he hammered me.

Each time he would shove that huge cock to me, he would hit my G-spot deep inside and I would cum! His hot cock was making me a cum machine as he fucked me. I felt his knot as it started to swell, the large bulb at the base of his cock started to swell up as he lunged one hard time at me, sinking that big knot to my wet pussy.

I felt it as he slipped it past my entrance, as it locked me to his cock! I was hung up with this dog and was loving it even though it was uncomfortable at first. His knot in my pussy was hurting a little as he slammed it to me.

There I was, on my hands and knees on the floor, being fucked by a big dog! Who would have ever thought I would be doing this? Me, letting a dog fuck me! But here I was and I was loving it!

I must have cum a dozen times as he pumped that doggie cock to me. Every time he hit bottom my entire body would shake and tremble as the climaxes continued. I felt his huge cock as it started to throb inside me, knowing he was ready to shoot his load to me. I was so hot that I wanted that hot cum in me as I pushed back to his big doggie cock.

“That’s it! Fuck me! Shoot that hot cum to me! Fill me with your slick cum!” I cried out, “Fuck me! Fuck my pussy! Oh, Yes! Fuck me!”

He seemed to know exactly what to do as he started to shoot that huge load of hot doggie cum to me, filling my pussy with his burning juices. I felt the heat from his hot cum as he flooded my insides, his hot cum spurting so deep in me. The feel of his hot cum shooting in me made me that want that dog cock that much more! I was going wild as he still had me bonded to him, his large cock spewing his doggie cum to me as he pounded my pussy.

I finally stopped moving and was wanting him to stop as my pussy was getting sore from his large cock fucking me. He did not stop, he just kept pounding his massive cock to me as he held me to him. His hot cum was flowing out of my dripping pussy as I felt his cock started to go a little softer.

I took that as the time to get away from his dick as I reached back and removed his cock from me as I pushed him away. I saw his big, red cock as it withdrew, the slimy cum dripping from it as it fell out of my pussy, my cunt full of his cum.

“Good Boy! You were so good! I guess we will have to do this more, huh?” I asked as I got to my feet, “You really know how to please a lady.”

As I went to the bathroom to clean myself, I gave him a couple of doggie treats as I petted his head, his cock still sticking out from its sheath. I began to wonder about him. How did he get the name Hammer? He seemed to know what to do with that dog cock. Was he maybe giving it to someone next door? Maybe he was trained to do this and I just happened along. I knew I would find out the answers to my questions some way.

That was the first time I ever had a dog fuck me. But it sure was not the last time. Hammer and I became a regular thing. I would volunteer to keep him when the neighbors were out of town.

Hammer was so good at fucking me. He was better than any man I have ever had. His big cock was so huge and he knew just what to do with it as he pounded it to me. I was loving every minute of having him with me. I would lay in bed at night and masturbate to the thought of him fucking me! I would close my eyes and think of that huge, red cock fucking me as I played with my clit, cumming over and over at just the thought of him

Linda, my next door neighbor had to know what was going on. She was very attached to him also and I knew by her expressions when we chatted that it was she that he was fucking. She did seem a little jealous of him coming over to my house so much. I tried to engage her to talk about sex and animals but she never would.

Then one day, I walked in on her and Hammer as he was pounding her. She was on her hands and knees as I saw his cock ramming her upturned pussy. She was moaning and groaning so loudly that she did not hear me as I entered the room.

“That’s it! Fuck me! Ram that doggie cock to me! Fuck me hard!” I heard her say as she turned to see me standing there, my hand playing with my own pussy as I watched her getting fucked!

She tried to jump up and cover herself but it was too late. She knew she had been caught fucking Hammer. Her face turned red as she started to cry.

“Please, don’t tell anyone. I am so ashamed. I did not want this to happen. I have never done this before.” She said, crying, “Please, you won’t tell anyone will you?”

“I have known he has been fucking you for a long time, Linda.” I answered, “Why would I tell anyone? I know this is not your first time with him. But you do have to share him with me. OK?”

From that day on, Linda and I became good friends. We would take turns letting him fuck us and even help each other out as we would play with his cock and guide him to one another. We even got to where we would lay under each other and lick and suck on one another as he pounded our pussies. I finally found out she had named him, Hammer, due to the way he hammered her pussy.

Linda helped me find my own K9, a big Rot that we both trained in the art of pleasing us. He was about half grown when I got him and I named him Slammer. It took a while for us to train him to fuck us. He learned to lick our pussy fast and we went from there.

Linda showed him how to mount me from behind and how to wrap his paws around my waist so as not to hurt me as he pulled me to him. We used socks at first to put on his paws. We would play with his cock and jack him off sometimes. We even got to where we liked to suck on his cock.

After Slammer, I got another big Lab. He too, was trained by us. I named him Pounder. Linda and I started to go our separate ways as she moved away but I still have my two big dogs. Before Linda left, we taught my two doggies how to fuck me at the same time.

I would squat over one of them as I took the other one and learned to take him in my ass. Now I have days where I will take both of them at once and some days where I will let each one fuck me separately. I love to feel them as their cocks shoot their cum to me, in all my holes.

I would love to have another lady living with us. I have an ad in the paper but it will take a certain kind of lady to deal with me and my two dogs and no one has answered it as yet. Do you know of anyone who might be interested? A good neighbourhood, a place of your own, with all the doggie cock you could dream of, so what more could a lady ask for?

The End.