(c) by FOXI2

She stood before her husband as he demanded, aware of her near nakedness. Jack sat before her, studying her as if inspecting a slave instead of a wife. As requested she wore only a miniscule thong and a top that barely covered her large breasts that he loved. He said that they were the firmest, perkiest tits that he had ever licked. Cora remained still knowing his temper was easily set off and she always obeyed him. She was a petite girl half his age with shoulder length blond hair and a body that was trim and sexy as he demanded it should be. She worked out daily making sure her tummy was flat and her body toned and fit.

“Come here, baby,” he said gruffly.

She moved close enough so that he could touch her. His fingers toyed with her pussy through the thin material making her shutter. She hated him, despised him more now than ever before for making her do things that were…shameful. His finger moved in a slow circle right over her clit and she mentally fought the urges that sprung from such a touch. It was her failing and she knew that if he continued she would falter and become the girl he needed and wanted.

“You look incredible, baby. Such a hot little thing. I need you to take care of some friends of mine that are coming over this evening. They need… attention. The kind that only you can give.”

“Please Jack!” she began to beg, hoping that some semblance of the person she first knew would come back, but he put a finger to his lips silencing her.

“Don’t. You don’t want to upset me. They’re very important to my business and the last thing I need is a wife that won’t do her husband’s bidding. Understand?”

His voice was sharp and she closed her eyes aware that he could not be refused no matter what she felt. His finger trailed over her swollen clit that seemed to push against the silky fabric and then lower sliding along her slit and lower still until it rested against her asshole. Cora’s will was quickly fading as she knew it would. Her body betrayed her often and she paid the price each time. She realized that this man, this horrible excuse for a human being, owned her, body and soul. His touch, though repellent, still was able to stir in her the desires she craved and so much wanted. She was so young and new to those feelings and Jack was able to make them rise to the surface.

“Yes, I understand,” she said softly. His fingers were like a hot fire making her move in a subtle sexy way against them as he rotated the finger over her asshole.

“That’s it, baby. You’re getting to like it. Go put on some perfume and get ready. I want them to get the special treatment.”

Cora, her body tingling from his touch turned and left. She made it back to her bedroom and slumped onto the bed and began to cry.


They had met in New York at a business convention. She was working for a computer firm, he the CEO of a trucking company, the biggest in the city. Cora was awed by his obvious power and was thrilled when he approached her and asked her out for a drink. At first she was hesitant, careful. Men like this had girls at every port, so to speak, and she didn’t want to be another notch in this powerful man’s conquests. Her company was excited about the possible prospects linked with such a man and encouraged her to go ahead on the date. She did. He was soft-spoken and kind and no matter what she wanted or needed he was there to make sure she got it. The dinner went well, with Jack taking over much of the conversation. He was so excited about his business and it made her feel the same. He dazzled her and finally coaxed her into bed making her feel things that she had only read about. He had won her heart and overwhelmed her with his power.

In a matter of months they were married. He controlled every aspect of their lives and she was grateful in the beginning since his life was so much larger than hers. After the first year everything changed. The honeymoon was indeed over. Cora realized that the man she thought she had married was nothing more than a shell covering something evil inside. He was nothing more than a mobster and monster. She tried to leave him once and paid the price. Friends and family were hurt in unexplained weird accidents. She was made to promise never to leave him. She did.

Then he demanded her to service him sexually in degrading ways. Things that she felt were below her. But she did them non-the-less. He trained her like some prostitute making her take him anally then sucking him off as he came, tasting herself as he did so. He made her masturbate for him and another man who worked at one of his clubs. The man was gross and disgusting, telling her to do things as she played with herself. Then she did something that even surprised her. She had an orgasm as she pulled her nipples as the man requested. That was when she realized how far down she had gotten. She was enjoying some of the degrading practices her husband was forcing her to do.

Jacks mother, Anna, was another problem. She was a force to be dealt with. Jack loved her and often times invited her to stay at the house for a weekend. The woman was beautiful even in her sixties and kept her body in great shape. She wore only the finest clothes and had her hair done by a famous stylist. But despite all the refinements, she was as perverted as her son. Many times Cora would sense the woman staring at her, looking her over. On one occasion Anna whispered to her that she looked good enough to eat, making Cora shiver from disgust. During the summer she would lay out in the sun by the large pool in her micro bikini that Jack picked out. He loved to watch her. She used to enjoy it until one day Anna wanted to put lotion on her. Jack insisted that she allow her to do so. So she lay on her stomach as Anna spread the hot lotion on her. Jack sat back to watch, drink in hand, enjoying the scene before him.

Anna looked at him and winked as she moved her hands lower rubbing the lotion over Cora’s tight ass. Cora closed her eyes, enduring this humiliation, knowing that Jack was watching, enjoying the view of his mother using her. The woman’s fingers kneaded her ass cheeks and Cora found herself falling into that sexual trap, the one that made her body betray her. Anna insisted that Cora remove her bathing suit so that she could get the lotion on her properly. Cora looked at Jack, begging him with her eyes, but it was like asking a stone. She took off her suit and lay there on her stomach, naked before them both. Anna resumed rubbing the lotion on her, but now had full access to her in every way. She dribbled the hot lotion between the girl’s ass cheeks making it run down to the towel below and Cora bit her lower lip trying to stop her sexual urges from overwhelming her.

Anna, her long fingers delicately probed between the girl’s legs, making sure to rub her clit and slit that were sufficiently oiled up. Then she rubbed over Cora’s asshole and that made Cora moan. She heard Jack give a soft laugh, as if he had already known what would breach her moral wall. He had obviously told his mother and now she was using it on her.

“Such a beautiful girl you have, Jack,” said Anna as she slid a finger inside Cora’s ass.

The feeling of it made Cora sigh in pleasure. It always did. It was her weak spot and Jack knew it.

“Open your legs wider for me, child,” said Anna as she moved into a better position, her finger slipping deeper and making Cora raise her ass higher to meet the woman’s thrust.

Cora knew that she had lost, her body loving the feel of the woman’s finger in her tight asshole. It slipped in and out so easily being lubricated by the lotion. Soon Anna pushed in two fingers then three, stretching her ass wider with each thrust.

“Mmmmm, my dear, you’re so tight. You must practice more, take lots of cock inside you,” said Anna as she drove her fingers harder and faster making Cora groan.

Jack watched, excited as he witnessed his mother’s degradation of his innocent wife. He knew how she was. He was raised by her and often times when his wayward dad was gone, used by her too. He loved her and would give her anything, even his hot little wife.

Soon, Cora was cumming so hard, squirting all over the towel beneath her. Anna licked her lips at the sight of the girl’s cunt splashing her juices all over. To Anna, it would be a slow process of control. Soon she would have this hot young thing in the palm of her hand and doing everything she demanded as well. She was done, for now. Cora never forgot how Jack allowed his mother to do that to her. She did not speak to him for days. He laughed at her ridiculous nature and told her that when his mother came back to stay she would do whatever she demanded without question. She only nodded.

The second year brought about new and more degrading things and Cora tried to fight them without success. Jack was way too powerful. He was her master, keeper and slaver. Whatever he wanted she did and to whom he wished. Men and women sometimes stayed over, business acquaintances that needed her special attention. She fucked them all. What made her so frustrated was that she was pleasured too. Her body craved their attention once she was toyed with. It was if a button was pushed that simply turned her on sexually. Then the next day she would hate herself.

Now their lives were mixed into a sexual dominating effect that Cora could not fight against. She bought sexy clothing, shaved her pussy to look like a little girl, practiced the muscles in her pussy to keep it tight and used various size dildos to stretch her asshole. When Jack wanted her to service a friend or client, she did so.


Cora sat on her bed thinking about all that had transpired in her life with Jack. It was if she had entered an alternate universe where all that was decent and moral was gone. In its place was utter perversion. The guests would arrive soon and she needed to be ready or face her husband’s wrath. She cleaned up and made sure that she was silky smooth. She had no idea if the guests were men or women. Either way she had to please them. Cora knew that once she was turned on, anything went. She tried to control the urges but always lost. They used her in so many ways. Some were soft and gentle, others brutal and cruel.

She heard the doorbell and her husband’s voice. They were here. She put on an evening dress over the thong and bra and went downstairs to greet the company. She was met by two large men whose names were Harry and Pete. Obviously her husband’s side of the business. They were crude and filthy men who made comments about her in front of Jack, who did not seem to care.

“Holy shit Jack. Your wife is one hot bitch. Damn,” said the one called Harry, a hairy muscular man who looked at her as if she were his next meal.

Pete was the quiet one, but infinitely more worrisome. His eyes were mean looking and dangerous. Equally large like Harry, but as tight as a spring about to let go. She served them drinks and left the room. She waited in her room, knowing that soon both men would come to her. It was inevitable, Jacks way of making his guests at home. Soon she heard them approach her door and she prepared herself. The door opened and both men entered. They told her to take her clothes off and soon she stood before them naked, their greedy eyes taking all of her in.

“Fuckin’ hottest little body I’ve ever seen. Look at that cunt, Pete,” said Harry who was slowly unzipped his pants and getting naked. Pete who had already removed his clothes nodded staring at Cora with those dark scary eyes.

“Come over here, baby. Let’s see what that nice mouth of yours can do,” said Harry shaking his semi-hard cock that was as thick as Jacks and wasn’t even hard yet.

Both men stood on either side of Cora flanking her so that she could not move. She took one in her mouth, tasting his purplish head as she sucked it. The other she stroked with her hand, feeling the fleshy texture as she jerked it and the wetness that leaked from its head. They groaned as she did them. Her mouth was so hot and their cocks took her letting her suck one then the other.

“Fuck, gonna cum soon if she keeps gonna like that. Get on that bed and open them nice legs wide,” commanded Harry as he stroked his massive cock. She did as she was told and watched as Harry moved between her legs and slid his huge cock up and down her wet slit. Cora closed her eyes, her body was winning and she was beginning to enjoy the feelings. She could not fight it any longer.

Harry groaned as he pushed his cock into Cora.

“Ahhhh…damn! She’s so fucking tight! Pete, get over there and let her suck you while I loosen her up.”

Cora moaned as she felt the giant prick slide into her. Immediately she started to cum, knowing it was only the beginning. The feeling of that hard meat was driving her wild. He began to fuck her slowly at first, then harder and faster, his balls slapping against her ass. Pete was pushing his cock in and out of her mouth as if he were fucking it, holding her head as he did so. Soon all had a rhythm going as they fucked Cora. Harry pulled out and lay on the bed telling Cora to straddle him. She did, sliding down on the man’s huge shaft to the hilt. Then she began to ride him, her ass rolling and grinding making Harry groan in pleasure. Then she felt another presence behind her. Pete was behind her and poised to enter her ass. She moaned as she felt his cock slip past her anal opening, stretching it wide. She was impaled by both men and they were fucking her hard.

“Shit, that’s so fuckin’ good, damn!” cried out Harry as slammed into the girl harder and faster. Pete was doing the same. His cock was completely inside the girl’s asshole, his balls pressed hard against her ass.

They fucked Cora who cried out over and over, her cunt exploding, her juices flowing down her thighs. The men soon followed, their hefty cocks shooting hot cum inside her ass and pussy at the same time. When they left, she remained naked on the soaked bed. Her ass and pussy was sore from the sex and drenched in their cum.


The next day Jack ignored her. Cora read by the pool and she felt a modicum of pleasure at her small piece of privacy. By the end of the day Jack approached her to tell her that Anna was going to stay for a week. Her peace and tranquillity was destroyed over the news. Anna arrived the next day suitcases in hand and a large Doberman that stayed close by her side. Jack greeted her with a kiss and Cora hugged her, though she was repelled by the woman. Jack was happy to see his mother as he always was and it seemed that his personality lifted. Cora was suspicious even at the best of times.

Over the next two days Cora was surprised to see that Anna had not requested anything from her and she hoped that that would remain the case. But it was not to be so.

One night, Cora went downstairs to get water and found Anna feeding her dog, who she called, Studly. Anna did not speak as Cora, in her nightshirt, got a drink. Both Anna and the dog watched her intently.

“My son tells me that you are a very special whore for his friends. I think you like this don’t you?” asked Anna as she petted her dog.

Cora said nothing, not wanting to continue the conversation with this woman.

“He tells me you spread your legs wide for man or woman. That you cum like a slut in heat. Is this true, Cora?” she again asked.

Cora put down her glass and was about to leave when Anna told her to stop. She hesitated, knowing that a command from her was law in Jacks house.

“Take off that silly shirt. I want to see you naked.” she commanded as she continued to stroke the animal’s large head.

Cora slowly did so, pulling the nightshirt over her head and revealing her body to the woman. She felt Anna’s eyes all over her and suddenly felt embarrassed.

“So beautiful, so hot. You shave your cunt to look like a little girl. Do you like to be treated like one? You like someone to be your daddy and fuck you?”

Cora felt her body start its course of betrayal. It tingled at the woman’s comments, the sexual images. She needed to leave, but was commanded to stay like the dog before her.

“You like big men’s cocks inside that tight little cunt of yours. I know you lick women’s pussies too. You love to cum don’t you?” said Anna as she rubbed the sides of the dog. It was wagging its short stubby tail in response.

Cora closed her eyes and nodded.

“Yes,” she spoke softly.

Anna smiled wickedly, knowing that the girls will was fast breaking down. She knew this young girl well. Her son advised her.

“Play with your nipples. I want to watch. Show me how hard they become my little whore,” said Anna as the dog stood up allowing her to reach beneath him and rub his belly.

Cora, her will all but gone, did so. She reached up and began to pull on her hardening nipples. They were so sensitive as she pinched and rolled them making her moan softly. She licked her lips as she tweaked them into rock hardness. Anna watched her, loving the scene before her. The girl was incredible in her beauty and so ready for more perversions. She reached lower, grasping the animal’s furry pouch moving it back and forth. Cora saw what she was doing, her mind having a hard time taking it in. She knew what the woman was doing before her and she found herself hypnotized by the sight of it.

“Come here,” commanded Anna, pointing to a spot right in front of the animal. Cora hesitated, her body so hot and horny now that she was being made to touch herself. She moved slowly and stopped before the dog.

“Open your legs wider. Show me your lovely cunt,” said Anna as she coaxed the dog’s pointy cock from its furry hiding place.

The dog, fully trained, licked out at the treat before him, swiping his long hot tongue over Cora’s clit and wet slit. She felt an electric thrill course through her from the contact that made her legs wobble a bit.

“Stand still,” commanded Anna as she jerked the dogs cock into full erection. It hung down at least eight inches.

Cora kept pulling her nipples as the dog continued to lick her making her moan louder now. She was trying so hard to stop, to run from this depravity. This woman was making her succumb to a dog and she was doing so. The animal slid his tongue over her cunt, driving her into a sexual frenzy as it caressed her clit and asshole in one swipe. Anna could see that the girl was getting turned on quickly by the animal and knew it was time to take her to the next step.

“Come here, on your knees, bitch!” yelled Anna.

Cora knelt and moved toward Anna still pulling her hard nipples.

“Suck his cock. Show me how you use those beautiful lips,” she commanded.

Cora closed her eyes, trying desperately to leave, to walk away from this, but found herself leaning forward, grasping the animal’s hot cock and putting it into her waiting mouth. The dog whined softly as Cora tasted dog cock for the first time. It was huge as she tongued it and slavered it from top to bottom. She was truly lost now and found that she wanted it, needed it. Anna watched this wanton display, smiling knowingly. The animal began to pump its cock into her mouth as if fucking it and Cora did her best to accommodate him. She held onto its sides as he drove his cock deeper into her mouth sometimes chocking her and making her gag. Cora could taste the animal’s pre-cum as it squirted in her mouth and she swallowed it. Anna had seen enough.

“Get on all fours, Cora. I want to see your ass high and those legs open.”

Cora moved away from the animal and obeyed. Then she felt the dog mount her, its front legs encircle her waist and knew what Anna was about to do. She panicked, not wanting to do this, wanting to get up and run. But the dogs face settled near her own as it tried to push its cock into her. The dog licked out, his tongue lashing her face, her mouth and she opened it to him, tasting his tongue as it slid into her. Anna grabbed the animals cock and placed it at Cora’s open cunt and let go. The dog feeling the tip of his cock inserted into the female’s wet warmth drove forward burying his thick cock all the way and slamming it deep.

Cora cried out as she felt the raw energy of the dog and the hard cock slip into her. The animals jerky jack hammer fucking made her feel even dirtier. But soon the cock did its job, and she began to love the feeling. She was bucking back against the dog now, loving the hot connection as he slammed harder. Anna watched her, her fingers inside her panties that were soaked through. Cora started to cum, her cunt exploding her juices over the dogs ramming cock. He never stopped for a second, his sleek hard body fucking her non-stop. She loved his hot cock inside her, the thickness of it and the length that rammed her. She moved against him, pushing her ass back to capture every inch of him. She could see Anna watching her seeing her degradation and loving it.

Suddenly the animal paused, his body over her as she continued to move back fucking him. She could feel his cock expanding, filling her to the point of hurting, then he started to cum. She moaned in pleasure as she felt the hot sperm of the dog wash her insides and fill her. Over and over he shot his cum and soon she was cumming too, crying out as she squirted. They remained together for minutes as the animal continued to cum. When he finally pulled out of her a wash of hot cum drained from her gaping pussy. Anna moved behind her, spreading her ass wide and looking at her juicy cunt.

“You enjoyed this. His cum is still coming out of you my little slut,” she said as she spread Cora’s cunt wider to see better. Cora raised her ass higher for Anna, wanting her to see her. She was beyond caring. Her cunt was on fire.

Anna pulled Cora’s clit hood back revealing her swollen clitoris.

“Mmmmm, look your little girl cock is so excited, Cora. You are so very hot.”

Cora felt the woman grasp her clit between two fingers and begin to jerk it like a cock. She groaned as she pushed upwards more, opening herself to Anna.

“That’s it my sweet girl, you like what Anna is doing to your baby cock.”

Anna slipped her thumb inside Cora’s wet asshole making the girl moan. She continued to pull her clit as she thumb fucked her juicy ass.

“OH GOD! ARGH!” cried out Cora as Anna pushed her thumb as deep as she could and them pulled it out to ram it home again all the while pulling her sensitive swollen clit.

“Yes, that’s it my little slut, take it. Open to me. Studly will soon be ready for more,” said Anna as she twisted and pushed her thumb deeper.

That night Studly was indeed ready and Anna had Cora take him in her tight ass. His huge doggie cock slipping inside her hard and fast until his knot expanded again and he started to cum inside her bowels with his hot sperm. Cora cried out in orgasm as he jammed his cock ever deeper into her asshole. She came over and over, her cunt squirting onto the floor beneath her.

When Studly moved off her Anna began to finger the girl’s asshole until she was able to slide her entire hand inside her. Cora was filled with pleasure and pain as Anna began to fist her ass. Never before did she ever feel anything so sexual, so complete and Anna dominated her, used her. Anna rammed her fist deeper making Cora beg her to never stop as she came over and over. Before the night was through, Cora sucked Studly
until he came in her mouth and took Anna’s fist in her cunt. She was a hot little slut for the woman and the dog.


The next day Cora took a shower. Washing away the animals smell and Anna’s imaginary touch. She could not believe she lowered herself to such behavior. But she had and did all those things and enjoyed them. Now she regretted it. Jack smiled at her as if he had knowledge of her night’s sexual pleasures, and no doubt his mother told him about his little whore. Anna sat with her son and Cora hid by the kitchen opening to listen. She had to know what was being planned for her. She could see them close together.

“She is spectacular, my son,” said Anna as she stroked his knee.

Jack was drinking and nodded at his mother. His cock hardening at her touch.

“I know that. She is one hot piece of ass for sure,” he said.

“You know that we will need her in New Jersey soon. I wish to use her for entertainment at the meeting, all the important ones will be there.”

He nodded as her fingers lightly stroked his ballooning cock. His eyes closed as she grasped his hard cock through his pants. The meeting was indeed an important one. His bosses would attend. Cora would and should provide the sexual entertainment. He could imagine those dirty bastards using her. They were even worse than he was.

“She is quite ready. She took my fist easily in her ass and cunt. Poor Studly was completely worn out, poor baby.”

Her fingers tightened on his thick cock jerking it back and forth through the fabric of his pants. He groaned in pleasure. She was always so good at this.

Cora watched this display of incest, her body heating up from the sight of mother and son sexual contact. Her pussy was getting wet and she knew that she was being changed, her mind dwelling on sex more and desiring it as often. They were doing this to her and she was succumbing to the effect. Now they were talking about her attending some meeting and being used by important men. Images of old powerful men sliding their fat cocks into her made her close her eyes as she slid her hand inside her soaked panties. Her clit was swollen and she pulled it making her
moan softly.

“Randy will deliver the donkey to the club that day and Cora will be the show that night for them all. They are looking forward to seeing her perform.”

Anna had unzipped him and pulled out his rock hard cock, stroking it as she spoke. Jack leaned back his breathing excited as his mother jerked him off. Cora gasped at what Anna said. Were they really expecting her to have sex with a donkey? Obviously Anna expected it, just like she expected her to fuck Studly, her dog. She wantonly did so like the whore she was. The thought of fucking such an animal frightened her. Their cocks were enormous and there was no way she could possibly take it. Then she remembered how Anna fisted her making her cum over and over. Was she preparing her for just such an event? Cora was so unsure as to what to do. Could she do such an act before a room full of people? She listened more.

“Mmmmm, my boy, you are hard! You like Anna’s plans for your little slut wife. I know you do, it excites you. She will do as I say and take that huge cock into her beautiful cunt. You will see.”

She leaned down and took him into her mouth as Cora watched. Cora rubbed her cunt faster as the old woman sucked her husband. She deep-throated him and Jack lifted his body from the chair driving it farther down his mother’s throat. Anna cupped his balls and lightly squeezed them and soon he was jerking and moaning as he came inside her mouth. It dribbled down her chin to his pants. Cora shuttered also, squirting hard inside her panties.


New Jersey was a maze of highways and malls as they drove to the club. Anna sat near Cora rubbing her bare leg as they went. Jack was on his cell phone doing business.

“You will like this meeting, my little Cora. Something very special is planned for you. Something that will help your husband move up in the business.”

Cora smiled and looked back out the window. Anna’s fingers moved ever closer to her pussy and Cora was breathing excitedly at the touch. She had time to think about what they planned for her. Many a night she masturbated at the thought of fucking such an animal. It turned her on to think that strangers were going to watch her do it. Now she was on her way and so close to what she had fantasized over the last week. But it was so depraved and it was beyond her, despite what her body demanded. Anna finally reached her soaked panties and began to flick at her clit through the material. Cora closed her eyes and spread her legs wider, knowing that Anna would ask.

“Such a good girl,” Anna said, as she kissed her ear. “You are getting trained well. You will obey Anna in all things, yes? Mmmmm…I cannot wait for you to do my bidding this night, my lovely girl.”

They were in the back seat of the car as Jack drove. He was ignoring them as he did his business on the phone. Anna pulled Cora’s panties aside wanting to touch her bare flesh. The girl’s cunt was dripping wet and Anna slid a finger deep inside her hot silky pussy.

“Wider, open wider, baby. I want to fuck you,” said Anna as she slid another finger into her. The sopping wet noise of her drenched cunt filled the car cabin. Their lips met in a heated kiss as Anna slid her tongue inside Cora’s mouth. Cora moaned into Anna’s mouth as she felt four fingers enter her. Cora relaxed as she realized the woman was going to fist her right in the car. Then she did. Anna pushed hard sliding her hand past her wrist into the girl making Cora cry out in pleasure.

“Yes,” thought Anna, “the girl will take him easily. She is already open for him.”

“Do you want to feel a big cock inside her my little whore?” asked Anna as she pumped her in and out making her squirt onto the seat.

Cora, lost in this erotic sexual delight could only nod. She already knew what Anna wanted her to do and was ready for it, wanted it now more than ever. The thought of the donkey’s hard long cock sliding deep inside her made her only want it more. She came again soaking Anna’s fist and wrist. She was a whore a slut and decided to enjoy the benefits of it. If this is what they wanted from her, then so be it. She would do anything they wanted, they desired. The club was a large building and dozens of cars filled the parking area. All were expensive limousines with drivers at the ready.

“We’re here,” said Jack as he drove in.

Anna took Cora in the back of the building away from the bosses and friends. She undressed her and cleaned her and as Cora watched pulled out a tube of KY gel rubbing it all over Cora’s cunt and asshole. As she was doing so she leaned in to kiss her and they hungrily drove tongues in and out of each other’s mouths.

“I am getting you ready to perform for the people here. You will do all that I say, do you understand?”

Cora nodded as she felt Anna slipping her hand back into her cunt, stretching it as she fucked her. Cora moaned as she pushed against the older woman’s hand. Then she pulled out and slid several fingers into her asshole making Cora grunt from the pressure. Soon her hand slid inside her asshole. Cora squirted hard, her cum pulsing out of her.

“Tonight you will fuck a donkey. His cock is so beautiful. You will suck him to hardness and take him in your cunt and ass, do you understand my hot girl?”

Cora nodded, her breathing excited as Anna led her to the stage. In the crowd were at least a hundred men in expensive suits. On the stage was the donkey. He was huge and Cora stopped to rethink what was happening to her. But she had little chance as Anna pushed her onto the stage, naked.

The men shouted and cheered, some threw money as she moved toward the beast. Like a dream she found herself under the lights of the stage, her body glistening with sweat, her pussy soaked and ready for anything. She approached the donkey that looked so sad, its ears pricked up from her approach. She rubbed his head his face, her desire being inflamed at just the touch of him. This was the moment she was fantasizing about. She ignored the jeers and shouting men as she kissed the creatures face. The donkey licked out, its huge long tongue swiped at her breasts making her shutter in pleasure. Then it licked her face and she opened her mouth to accept him. The animals tongue entered her mouth and she sucked it, tasted it in pleasure.

She moved around the donkey, touching its flank along the way until she came to his rear quarters. Kneeling she looked up at the donkeys sheath. So far the animals cock was not out and she reached up to touch the creatures balls and sheath. Soon the huge cock slithered out elongating to a full foot. The flanged head of its cock was dripping wet. Cora hypnotized by the sight of it moved closer, grasping it and taking it into her hot mouth. The crowd roared its approval as she sucked the donkey. The animal honked out its approval also making his cock grow another several inches. Cora sucked it deep into her mouth, licking it and running her tongue the length of it to its heavy balls. Two men brought onto the stage a large bench that they put next to the animal. Cora knew what it was for and climbed upon it, her legs wide, her cunt in view of all in attendance.

She got on all fours under the beast and grabbed its long thick cock, placing at the entrance to her open soaked pussy. The crowd waited with bated breath as she pushed back against it. Then roared in excitement as she took ten full inches of the donkey inside her stretched cunt. She cried out as the cock opened her up to the max, the huge head stretching her with every inch that it penetrated. She began to fuck back against the donkey, driving the cock even deeper. Soon she was moving faster, the animal pumping its flank fucking her harder. Cora started to cum hard as she felt the cock expand inside her cunt squirting everywhere on the stage. The men cheered her on. She slowed her movements and then slid off the animal’s huge cock, repositioning herself for her next move. She aimed her ass higher and pushed against the cock taking him into her tight asshole. She grunted in pain as the animal jerked, driving his cock deep.

She relaxed as much as she could as the donkey fucked her harder. Her tight asshole squeezing his gigantic cock. Soon the animal was cumming, filling her ass with his hot jets of sperm. It slid out of her ass to the floor, her asshole slippery and more open took him deeper until all fourteen inches disappeared inside her ass. She came over and over as she drove her body back to capture every inch of him. Her cunt was dripping wet, her clit enormous. She squirted so much.

Finally the donkey had enough. His cock was deflating as it plopped from her asshole. She had fucked him to the delight of the crowd. She left the stage, Anna took her hand and led her to the small room where she undressed her.

“You did very good, Cora. The donkey was fucked incredibly. Did you enjoy yourself, my little whore?”

“Yes, Anna. I loved it so much,” said Cora, realizing that she was now one of them.

The End.