(c) 2020 by Sissywoo2000

It was never that dirty, and it wasn’t even that big. Mr. Chambers house was Leifang’s favorite to clean. And Mr. Chambers himself was a nice man, she came early and he gave her breakfast and coffee in the morning and they talked. He was in his fifties, balding, and a widower. He lived here alone with his big mutt, Buster, who was well trained, but a total goofball.

Lei was nineteen, and had immigrated with her mother when she was four, and spoke fluent Mandarin as well as unaccented English. Since her mother had died two years ago, she had been supporting herself as a maid. She was small and cute, with light brown skin and shoulder length hair.

This particular Tuesday, breakfast was laid out, bagels with lox for Mr. Chambers and just cream cheese for the vegetarian Lei. She smiled. Mr. Chambers was so considerate. He always asked about schooling and paid her more than average. Lei really liked him, even developing a crush on the middle aged construction manager.

Today Mr. Chambers wore a suit, not the usual jeans and flannel. “Lei, could I ask a huge favor? Could I leave Buster here with you? He’s usually fine to come to the site with me, but I have a meeting in the city and I can’t really take the big guy. Just for the morning, you understand.”

“Of course, Mr. Chambers. I love dogs! I wish I had one actually.” Hearing his name, the big brown half Dane half something else sauntered up. “You’re just a big sweetie aren’t you?” she said, scratching his head.

Buster snorted happily and pushed against the little Asian woman and she laughed. He had thirty pounds on her and was almost as tall as she was.

Mr. Chambers left and Buster went off doing whatever dog’s do. He really was good, but if he was left alone he might tear the place up. Lei set to work in the kitchen, scrubbing counters and cupboards and floors. She flit about in her short maids uniform, which she wore for male clients as it always lead to a better tip, scrubbing both the bathrooms, even though the second one hadn’t been used since she was last there. Lei took pride in her thorough job.

The house was scrubbed clean by 11:00 and Mr. Chambers wasn’t scheduled to be back until after noon. Lei pursed her lips, deciding what to do. Normally she just left and found someplace private to eat and… Take care of herself.

Lei was in the habit of a midday masturbation session. She had always had a very strong sex drive, even though she had never really done it, and she found that if she didn’t take care of herself she was miserable for the rest of the day.

She drank a glass of water and decided, hey, she was done and she had an hour, she may as well make herself at home on the plush rug in the living room. She took a towel and laid it on the rug. The she took off her lacy knickers. And sat her bare butt on the towel.

Lei licked a finger and spread legs and began fondling her hairless slit, gently. She found herself thinking about Mr. Chambers. If he ever asked her out she would have said yes. She had seen cocks in porn and wondered what his looked like, if it was big. She hoped it wasn’t too big though, she was a small woman and she was a virgin, having only put tampons and a small vibe in there.

She was starting to feel really good. Her fingers worked circles on her clit. She was breathing hard and her eyes were closed. She never could cum laying on her back however, and rolled over onto all fours and stuck her butt in the air and continued rubbing her now wet and dripping slit, resting her head on one arm while the other did the work.

She didn’t hear him come in, and had no reasom to think anything of it if she had. It wasn’t until a cold wet nose pushed against her tight little asshole that she knew Buster was even there, and she yelped in surprise. “Buster! No, bad dog!” she chided. She started to roll back over and Buster must have sensed he was losing his chance and mounted the horny little female. He knew the smell of a bitch in heat and he knew what to do about it.

“No! Buster, no! I’m not a girl doggy, you can’t!” she protested trying to get away. He was so strong though. His grip on her sides firm and his furry belly was hot and heavy on her back and he was already humping like crazy. His thick red member began snaking out of his sheath and searching for a home. Leifang’s body began to betray her brain and she found on a deep level a desire to be taken by this huge brute of a dog. She was weakening her struggles, and just as she realized she wasn’t going to get away, the inevitable happened.

Buster was a good boy, well trained and friendly, but as a mate he was not a gentle lover. Eight hot inches of dog cock hit her tiny hole and plunged deep. She screamed in pain and Buster began pounding her like a jackhammer.

It wasn’t long before the pleasure eclipsed the pain, and she surrendered to it. It wasn’t purely physical, she later realized. The humiliation of being dog-fucked was a tremendous turn on. Then with a hard push, something the size of a baseball at the bottom of his cock forced its way into her battered young pussy. It hurt and she cried out, and came hard all at the same time. Her brain went empty as she jerked and spasmed in the most powerful orgasm of her life.

When she finally stopped, she felt a little clearer headed. Buster was still in her, cumming, hot liquid shooting into her already overful pussy. “OK, just let him finish and then clean up and pretend this never happened. Nobody needs to know,” she told herself.

She came again when he roughly pulled one leg over, screaming as he turned and they were now butt to butt. She realized, to her horror, that he was stuck inside her. “Oh, no, Buster, you have to get out!” she moaned. She pulled, but she was already practically hanging from his huge knot, and it was clear that she wasn’t going anywhere. Leifang was learning first hand what knotting meant in mating dogs.

She tried to take deep breaths as his sperm was filling her more and moreand the pressure grew. Ten minutes, twenty, every once in a while she would tug on the tie but they were stuck together tightly. She came, involuntarily, twice more. Her heart pounded in her ears.

Then it happened, the moment she dreaded. They had been ass to ass for twenty five minutes when the door opened. She frantically tried to pull away, but Buster was inside her until he was done and that was that.

“Oh, my.” Mr. Chambers said calmly. Leifang was in tears as he looked up from her position on all fours, but her arms gave out and she was face down ass up again.

“M-mr. Chambers! This isn’t what it looks like!” she stuttered.

“It isn’t? Because it looks like you and Buster are getting along better than I expected.”

She saw him, her head on the carpet go over to the shelf across the room and pick up a decorative box.

“I must admit I was a bit surprised to see you begin frigging yourself on my nanny cam.”

“Oh, God,” she sobbed.

“Desi, my late wife, was a little doggy bitch too, and we bought Buster to be her dominant lover. I guess you didn’t know he was trained to mount an upturned ass like that.”

“Nooo!” she whined. She had never been so humiliated, not even close.

“Lei, it’s OK,” he said, sitting on the floor. “I’m never gonna tell anyone and the nanny-cam video is as good as deleted, if you want.” He stroked her hair.



He stroked her while she lay tied, soothing her softly. “He usually ties for about an hour. That’s longer than most dogs.” The tie actually lasted 72 minutes, 4 seconds, she later found out by the time stamp on the nanny-cam.

“He’s pulling out now,” he warned. His knot had finally shrunk down again and she moaned loudly as his huge member pulled out with a wet popping noise.

A flood of thin dog-cum gushed out of her. Mr. Chambers led Buster to the other room and returned to find poor Leifang curled up, crying. Her pussy was dripping onto the towel.

“I’m sorry,” she sobbed.

“I’m not mad, sweetie.” Then he left the room.


Mr. Chambers reentered the room and picked up the small, crying nineteen year old. He carried her to the bathroom, where the tub was full of water. “I can stay and help, or I can leave you alone.”

“Please stay. Thank you, Mr. Chambers,” she said barely audibly.

“Jack, please. If I’m gonna see you naked, I think we should be on a first name basis.”

She offered him a weak smile. He gently undressed her. The uniform had to be cleaned. She was absolutely stunning, he thought. Her little b-cup breasts were perfectly shaped, with thimble sized nipples. She was beyond embarrassment with him now.

To Jack’s credit, he didn’t stand and ogle her beautiful shape. He sat her in the tub and began to wash her. She could have stopped him and he would leave her alone, surely, but he was being far kinder to her than she had expected. When he came to her sore, delicate genitals, he looked at her, giving her a choice and Leifang hesitated just a second before opening her legs for him.

To her, this was like a strange dream. Was it a nightmare? A fever dream? It felt to good to be a simple nightmare, but she could not reconcile the humiliation and pleasure in her mind. He used his bare fingers as she lifted a bit from the water, and soaped her cleft and labia, looking her in the eyes as he slowly massaged her tender, sore pussy. She found herself breathing heavily again, but just as she was feeling good he moved on.

The bath had been highly erotic, and the sexual energy between them as he cared for her was tangible. “Thank you, Mr… Jack.”

“You’re quite welcome, Leifang. I’m going to leave you to dry off, if you don’t mind. There is a robe for you on the bed. Then come down to the living room, and we’ll have a talk.”

She drained the tub and toweled herself off, putting her black hair up in the towel and slipping into the fluffy robe. She was nervous to talk about what had happened, but she went downstairs to the living room.

It still smelled strongly of sex, she immidiately noticed. It had been less than an hour since she and Buster had finally uncoupled. She was met with tea.

“I owe you a huge apology, Leifang. Buster is well trained not to try and mount a woman who is not in position. It’s just dumb coincidence that you took that position for him. If I had known, I obviously wouldn’t have left him.”

“Oh course, you did nothing wrong… Jack,” first name basis was difficult. “I had no business doing that, it was thoroughly unprofessional.”

“Maybe,” he said. “You were finished with work and here alone, yes? So I see why you would assume it was private, though you never know who might be watching.” He indicated the nanny-cam and she blushed.

“If I might ask… Did you like it?”

Lei wanted to shout no, of course not, it was sick. But she just blushed more and looked down at her bare feet.

“It’s OK. A lot of women have fantasies about it. Like I said, when my wife was alive, we did a lot of pet play. She would pretend to be my puppy and wear a collar with her dog name on it and crawl around naked. We got into it, sometimes spending the whole weekend like that. And we both got so turned on by it, we always wound up fucking like crazy. She told me she fantasized about being a bitch for a real dog. I thought it was the hottest idea I had ever heard.

“I found out through a forum about a special breeder, who had males bred to have a high sex drive, a huge amount of cum and extra long knot-time. I bought Buster and one day, a Friday when we planned a whole weekend of puppy games, I brought him home.

“She was already naked and in a collar, with her buttplug tail in her ass when we came in. She actually peed a little when she saw him. I told her he knew what to do with a bitch in heat like her, and she was to take him whenever he wanted. Then I took her out to the yard and he fucked her brains out.

“She only fucked him when she was in her puppy persona, and he knew a bare upturned ass was a green light.” he finished.

Leifang shifted uncomfortably. The story hadn’t turned her off. Quite the opposite, she was incredibly aroused. She had not fantasized about dogs, but had about submission, and being a petgirl was total submission. “And only you two ever knew about it?”

“No, we had a group of friends, and would regularly get together for petgirl play dates. She even got a pawprint tattoo in her bikini area, just above her cleft. There were three guys and four petgirls. One guy had two slave-girls, consentual of course, who he would ‘punish’ by making them play puppy and get fucked by Buster. Boy, they learned quickly why my wife always wore a tailplug.”


“Buster starts humping and when he finds a hole he fills it, and he doesn’t much care which one.”

“Oh.” she was a little queazy and very turned on by the thought.

“We had that going for a year, and then Desiree died in a car accident. Drunk driver. And it was just me and Buster. I find him a bitch to breed about once a week. There are plenty of women who are curious to get dog-fucked, if you know where to look. Poor dogs breed means he is miserable if he doesn’t drain his balls every so often.” Leifang knew how he felt. “Anyway, I just though you might want an explanation. Poor boy misses his bitch. I miss her too, she was the sweetest, kinkiest, most loving wife a man could have.”

Leifang thought for a second. “What was her name?” she finally asked.


“You said she had a puppy name…”

“Oh, yeah, Cuddlebutt. I liked how cute it was.”

Leifang had been thoroughly humiliated in front of this man, this lovely kind man. He had not shamed her for the perverse act he had caught her in. She realized she had never felt so much pleasure as when she was hanging helpless on Busters big cock.

“If… If you want… I’ll be your pet girl sometimes.” She offered nervously.

“Are you sure?” He said, surprised. In response she leaned forward and kissed his mouth. He kissed back and she began to shrug off the robe. He help and allowed himself to fully enjoy her tiny brown body. She was young, smooth and sweet as candy.

She sank to the floor in front of him. She had seen a thousand porno blowjobs, but she hadn’t yet given one. The dog had claimed her virginity, but Jack could receive her first blowjob. She struggled clumsily with his jeans. “Sorry, I’ve never done this before…”

“Sucked a cock? It’s OK, I’ll guide you.” He was already hard and his cock smacked her face when it sprung free. She giggled. Gently she touched it.

“I don’t want to gag on it,” she said.

“That’s mostly for porn. Just start by tasting the tip.”

She did, gently touching her tongue to his pee hole. Salty, and slippery. It was odd, but good. She licked up one side and down the other. He gasped when her soft tongue hit under the head. He gently guided her, giving soft instruction on what felt good. And she definitely had a natural affinity for it.

She bobbed in a steady quick rhythm, stroking him with her right hand where her mouth couldn’t reach. He was not huge, but not small either. She had read that a little less than six inches was average, and he was maybe slightly more.

“Oh, babygirl, I’m gonna cum soon.”

She kept going. His instructions stopped and now he gust groaned. Then the first thick, hot cum hit her tongue. It was salty and a touch bitter, but not bad. She pulled him out and stroked the jizz out into her mouth. He came a lot, a good mouthful, and she smiled up at him with cheeks puffed out a bit. She opened her mouth to let him see his load, like in the porn movies. “Wanna see?” he asked. She nodded. He turned his phone on selfie mode and she opened her mouth again to see herself, naked and mouth full of semen, a bit leaking down her chin. She looked like such a slut, a total cumslut, and she never felt so hot. She impulsively reached up and snapped a picture. Then she closed up and let the sticky mess slide down her throat.

“Holy fuck, that was hot. Are you sure that was your first time?”

She giggled again, scooping the cum from her chin and sucking her finger clean. “I think I like having sex with you, Jack,” She said.

The rest of the day they spent with Jack showing the young woman the joys of sexual pleasure. She was ready to go right away but he would need some time to recharge. He led her to the bedroom and took his time going down on her young pussy. It was a whole different type of pleasure than she had felt with Buster. That had been raw, brutal. But Jack balanced passion with skill. He asked her to tell him if something felt good or not, and began kissing her inner thighs. Most of his focus was on her clit, and he seemed to delight in bringing her up to the edge of ecstasy before moving and focusing on her labia, or treating the sweet honey inside. Finally, she demanded as she got close to her orgasm she said, “Don’t stop! Don’t you motherfucking stop!” and then convulsed in sheer sensation. Hey mind went nearly blank, and she jerked and shuddered for a long time.

He moved up the breathless teens body and kissed her on the mouth. She tasted her own girlcum, and found the whole thing dirty and sexy. She was exhausted, having been through quite an ordeal. She was greatly she didn’t have any other houses to clean today. He held her naked body and she dozed. She had never felt as secure and cared for in her life.

An hour later she woke up. His rough hand rested on her tiny left breast. He was awake and reading a book. “What are you reading?”

“Dumas. Count of Monte Cristo. Do you know it?”

“I read the musketeers in high school.”

“So we need to talk,” he started, “about where we go with this. I believe anything like this you should go into with eyes wide open.”

Lei thought about this bizarre, amazing, humiliating, wonderful day. She was sore all over. She was still turned on from the unexpected loss of her virginity.

“I really like you, Lei. I haven’t had a petgirl in years, and a cute little Asian beasty-bitch has been a fantasy for a long time. You seemed into it yourself, once the shock wore off a bit. So, do you want to go down the rabbit hole? Your life will get much, much more interesting if you enter this world with me.”

“Will it be scary?” she asked. But she knew the answer.

“Sometimes. But there’s only one other girl I’ve ever known to get off on the dog cock as much as you did, and I think the scary and humiliation helped, yes.”

Leifang slowly nodded.

“So, here’s my plan. If you want to go down the rabbit hole, you will move in with me, and to everyone outside, in public you will be my new girlfriend. You will continue your classes, we’ll go to dinner and movies, all that stuff. But at home, when you put on that collar, you’re my pet puppy. You’ll have a pet name, and I will train you. And you will be Buster’s bitch. Anytime he mounts, you take it, and you endure the knot.

“I also have some petgirl clubs I’m a part of, even though I have been inactive for a while. We have parties, and you will be in full bitch mode for those. If you are into girls, there are always a couple of hypersexual pet sluts that you can put on a show for us owner with. We may or may not bring Buster, not everybody gets down with bestiality.”

Leifang weighed this unexpected, life changing decision. Before today, she would have been too timid to consider it, or even really acknowledge her perverted desires. But like it or not, she had revealed herself to Jack Chambers, far more than physically, and there was no unseeing that.

“If I want to stop? If I decide I hate it?” she asked.

“Then we stop. Unless you are currently tied with Buster, then we stop once he’s pulled out. You have a safe word, and if you say it, we break scene, whether it’s to stop permanently or to fix a problem.”

“And what about… Us. Will we still have sex?”

“Sure, when you aren’t in puppy mode. If you’re collared, you are Buster’s. But I make an exception, for you sucking my cock.”

“How often would I be collared?”

“As often as you want.”

They talked about details, work, school and her current little room that she rented, and finally she said, “OK, I want to try it!”


She packed her few belongings. She didn’t own much, mostly clothes, everything else at the boarding house was communal. She fit it all into her old Camry and drove to her new home. She arrived at the old house she had so often cleaned. Jack was ready for her at the door, smiling broadly. There were also three other cars.

Jack met her with a glass of champaign. “There is something extra in there to make you hot and help you relax.”

Lei sipped her champaign as Jack introduced her to his guests. Two men and a woman, and four others women on leashes, naked and gagged. The first man was large and the darkest black man she had ever seen. He was endtoduced as Joshua, and the pretty, pale asian girl on the leash was Candytits. Joshua ordered Candytits to ‘shake!’ and Lei took the pet girls limply offered hand. She noticed her second garment, if it could be called that, a ring gag that made the girl drool uncontrollably. “Show plug!” he ordered. The beauty turned around and showed off the black tail plug firmly up her tight pucker.

“Go ahead and take a closer look.” Jack whispered in her Leifang’s ear. She did, and could smell the girls dripping horny pussy. She also could hear a quiet buzzing noise, which she shivered to realize was the poor, horny girls buttplug.

Next was Andrew, a short, bald white man with a busty blond Amazon, plugged, collared and with a panel gag covering her mouth. She was named Fifi. She was beautiful but looked sadder than Candytits.

The woman was a wickedly sexual dominatrix named Goddess Naomi, in heels that brought her up four inches to about 5’8″. Her girls were named Foxy and Roxy. Foxy was mocha colored and Roxy was a pale skinned brunette. Plugged and collared, they were ungagged and smiling.

Foxy was slim and athletic, no breasts to speak of and pearced nipples. Her clit was also pearced and an Emerald jewel ring glinted prettily when one looked.

Roxy had very long dark hair and elfin features. She was not massively endowed but substancial, a c-cup, and was a touch softer than Foxy. But the biggest surprise when she was in the ‘beg’ position was that instead of a pussy was a tiny cock, locked in a pink chastity cage. Leifang was blown away, she had never seen anyone so thoroughly feminine, down to a sweet soprano bark.

Leifang was feeling the champaign and whatever was in it. When master suggested she get ready for the ceremony he agreed, and took off her clothes for everyone. They all watched the pretty girl appreciatively. She allowed each master and their pets to take a very close look at he body. She felt a thrill when Candytits shoved her face into her rear and took an illicit lick of her asshole. Her master gave her two hard smacks on the ass for her inappropriate lick. The other puppies did not lick but took deep smells of her sweet holes. Now Leifang knew why she had been instructed to wash extra thoroughly.

Properly examined by all in attendance, she was led by Jack to the center of the room and told to kneel. She looked up at him smiling as he presented her with her new collar, supple leather with a heart shaped tag. On one side it had the words “Property of Jack Chambers” and a phone number. On the other side was her new puppy name, which she had no say in choosing. She was to be called “Bubbles.”

“When you wear this collar, you will cease being Leifang Chen and become Bubbles. You will be trained in obedience and good behavior. You will speak in nothing but noises appropriate to a dog. You take on this role freely and willingly.”

Goddess Naomi held her hair while Jack, her new master, wrapped the collar around her neck. She had never felt so turned on. She enthusiastically yipped, never taking her eyes off his.

Collared, he patted her head, and then she was on all fours, a petgirl like the others. But the ceremony was not done. First, master used a thick lube on her asshole. She later learned it was a special concoction that would keep her anus slick for hours on end. Master went to the sliding door to the back yard and allowed Buster in.

Bubbles gulped, knowing what was expected of her and feeling completely debased and humiliated. Buster liked her face, and then went to where his real interest lay. His nose hit her butthole and then his tongue and she went head down ass up for him.

Buster could smell his bitch in heat, and he didn’t care who was watching. Bubbles closed her eyes in shame as she let him mount her naked body. This time she had given herself willingly, not by some freak accident or miscommunication.

He was already humping, searching for her opening, and he tightened his grip on her sides. She was a bit squirmy, and dropped low, too low, and his hot, thick doggy cock hit her tight, forbidden entrance. She screamed as he pushed deep into her ass, not her pussy.

Holy hell did it hurt, being stretched like that so suddenly. She was grateful for the lube at least. Buster was fucking her hard and fast, pounding deep and growing. Master was soon there with her. “Good girl. Breathe and relax. That’s it, that’s my good girl.”

Bubbles was in pain, but desperately wanted to be his good girl, and tried to relax. It helped, the pain lessened and she began to feel an odd pleasure, unlike when she was taken vaginally. She realized that the dog now had claimed her virginity, fore and aft. Only her mouth had been given to a man first. No matter what, that would always be true.

Buster began to work his knot against her hole and she felt it pop in with a great stretch. And then she felt the orgasmic pressure as his knot ballooned inside her and they were stuck, again. She did not know how long, but he felt even larger than she remembered.

Bubbles’ pussy was spasmimg in pleasure, rolling through her body like thunder. She was pressed into the carpet as Buster turned the tie. It was now that the other puppy girls were allowed to approach. She was aware of noses and tongues finding her backside, she propped herself up enough to look in the happy, beautiful face of Roxy, whe lay on her back and started kissing her.

Pure lust was overtaking all of them. Tongues found pussies and assholes. After making out with Roxy, her puppy sister Foxy took her place. She squirmed under the girl hanging from the dog cock and managed to get her lips to Bubble’s quivering pussy. In the mean time, she had her own face in Foxy’s bald puss. She licked it, her first taste of feminine parts, and the two were soon deep in a lewd threesome with the dog. Bubbles’ own tongue tasted her from clit to plug, before focusing on the places that made Foxy shudder.

While the threesome with the dog played out, Roxy had pulled out Jack’s cock and began giving him expert head. “She’s such a well trained little sissy, Naomi. You must be proud.”

“Yes, I’ve invested a lot of time and money in her, but it’s been worth it. The trick is orgasm denial. She knows she will never cum like a boy again and she’s always so horny! It makes her pliant and extra submissive.”

The other two, Candytits and Fifi also started sucking the cocks of the other’s master. Goddess Naomi was masturbating to the whole scene.

Bubble’s couldn’t stop cumming! She was afraid she wasn’t doing a very good job for Foxy, just because between the girls expert tongue and the ever increasing load of hot dog sperm filling her guts, she couldn’t concentrate.

Soon the girls switched around. Fifi attended Goddess Naomi, Candytits gave Bubble’s a sloppy cum kiss, followed by Roxy before she lay with her feet over her head and presented her rear to Bubbles to lick. She didn’t taste bad, she thought, not like Bubbles expected she would.

The pressure kept building inside her belly as spurt after spurt after spurt of hot doggy jizz filled her, locked inside her by the massive knot that sealed them together. Soon, the other puppies were fucked out and went and laid at their masters or mistress feet, content. Bubbles had been stuck for a half hour, and had cum an unknown number of times. Buster was still giving her a dog cum enema. Master came over and she looked up at him with an expression he recognized. She was fuck-drunk. He felt her swollen belly. “So much doggy sperm. I bet that’s uncomfortable.” He sat with her, petting her head as she moaned and occasionally shook with orgasm. They were less constant now, but still shudders of pleasure came every few minutes.

Buster started getting restless around the 50 minute mark, and someone called him over. Bubbles squealed in surprise and sudden pain as she was initially dragged by the ass and then forced to crawl backwards. Then a female voice, Mistress Naomi called him to the other side of the room.

Tears flowed. The masters all laughed as poor Bubbles was more humiliated than she thought possible. Finally after ten minutes of calling the male dog from one side of the room to the other, Master Jack ordered a stop to it. They had their fun, and he didn’t want to risk her injury.

She lay whimpering another fewinutrs before feeling another pull, this time as Buster’s knot shrank enough and began to leave her.

A loud, wet pop rang through the room, and she was finally free. The masters applauded. A final bit of humiliation. A cherry on top.

And she slumped, half conscious and glistening with sweat. Master gently made her lift her hips as he placed a towel under the poor puppy. Dog cum ran freely from her well fucked hole. “I’m so proud of you.” he whispered in her ear and never had she wanted such praise more.

She was unaware of what happened over an hour as she basically passed out. She vaguely felt the dog collar being removed. She then slept, and dreamt about dogs fucking her hard and long.