(c) by wisconsindog

Jen is a very attractive woman in her mid 30’s. She is 5’7″ long black hair. Thirty-eight DD breasts that are firm and have a nice wiggle in them that turns all the guy’s heads. She has dark blue eyes, 139 lbs, with tight abs from working out all the time. Her ass is nice and tight, a squeezable ass that sways as she walks.

Jen works at a local bank; she’s been there for over 5 years and is getting sick of being a teller.

“I’m so sick of doing a job and getting little pay. All I’m doing is making someone else richer,” Jen said.

Jen is wearing a tight white shirt that has her nametag on that says ‘Jenny.’ Her shirt is so tight that she has to unbutton it three buttons, so her boobs don’t rip the buttons off. She is wearing a black lace bra that lifts and presses them together. Her black hair is flowing down her back. She has it tied in a ponytail. She is wearing a black skirt that is down to her knees showing off her silky smooth tanned legs.

Jen finishes counting her till and stands up as her boobs bounce in her shirt, and she walks to the vault to put it away. As her boobs sway back and forth in her shirt. She walks past bob her boss as he turns his head and watches her ass wiggles in her skirt! He can see her firm peach shaped ass cheeks wiggling as she walks by.

Jen walks into the vault, and set the drawer on the shelf as she turns and walks out of the vault. As she walks out of the vault, Bob gradually slides his hand down and lets it bump into her ass as she walks by.

“Hey!” Jen yells as she walks out but then smiles. Because she loves the attention, she turns her head to look at him as she glances down and sees that he has a tent pole in his pants. She turns her head back and walks to her desk to get her purse.

“Goodnight Bob!” she said as she intentionally bends over to pick up her purse as she wiggles her ass at him as her skirt rides up her butt and shows bob her black lace panties.

Jen grabs her purse and walks home to her apartment. Along the way she stops at a newspaper box and then reaches into her purse to find some quarters as she fumbles in her purse for them she drops her purse onto the ground,

“Oh, damn it,” she sighs.

“Let’s me get that for you! Ma’am” a pimple face teen boy said

Jen turns her head and sees a tall young boy wearing a white shirt with blue shorts on.

As the boy bends down to get the purse, he sneaks a peek at her cleavage.

Jen sees his eyes locked on her ample breasts as she takes a deep breath, lifts them up, and exhales as they fall.

The boy stares and swallows hard as he starts to stand up. ‘

Jen stood up and said, “Thanks,” as she winks at him.

“You’re welcome, ma … ma … ma’am,” he stutters as he hands her the purse.

“Here, Let me pay you for your help!” she said as she digs into her purse and finds a 20 to pay the young boy! She starts to hand the boy the 20 as she drops it on purpose.

“Oops,” she said as she bends over to pick it up as she wiggles her ass and steps back and presses her ass into his crotch and wiggles it.

She can feel his cock getting hard in his shorts. Just then, she stands up quickly as her boobs bounce up and down. The boy staring at her boobs wiggling up and down.

She hands the boy the 20 and smiles as she presses her ample boobs together with her elbows. The boy grabs the 20 and smiles shyly as he turns and walks away slowly. She reaches in, finds the quarters, and slides them into the machine, and it pops open. She reaches in, grabs a paper, and shuts the door. She sees a bench, sits down, opens the paper, and flips it to the job section, but a big advert attracts her eyes.

‘Looking for someone to help milk on my farm; it pays $1,000 per month if you agree to live on the farm. Text 555-5555.’

“Wow… one thousand a month. All my college and bills would be paid for in a month,” Jen said. She reaches into her purse, pulls out her cell, enters the number, and replies to the number. ‘I’m very interested, how soon do you need help?’ Jen texts to the number and clicks send.

“Knowing my luck, I won’t hear an answer!” she sighs

As she sets her cell down next to her, crumples up the paper, gets up, walks over to a garbage bin, and throws it away. She turns and walks back to the bench and bends over to get her cell and purse. Just as she grabs her cell, it said, ‘ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.’ Her cell said off, and she shrieks, and frantically taps her cell to see the text.

‘If you can come by now you can start today,’ the text said.

Jen shrieks and jumps up and down. As she jumps, her boobs bounce up and down so hard that her shirt buttons pop off and her shirt flies open.

“Shit, oh well, my bra will just look like a swimsuit top,” Jen said.

She grabs her shirt, pulls it off, and tosses it into the bin and leaves.

“Shit, I don’t have a car!” She frowns as she grabs her cell and text’s back.

‘Sure, but I have a problem. Could you come and pick me up, I’m next to the post office.’

Within 2 seconds, there’s another ‘Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.’

She looks down, and it reads, ‘Sure. Be there in three minutes. I’m in town for some supplies anyway.’

Jen shut her cell off, puts it into her purse, and adjusted her boobs in her bra. Just then, a red beat-up pickup truck pulls up.

“Miss, are you the one that texted about the farm job?” an old guy in his late 50’s wearing bib overhauls with a dark blue shirt and a red baseball cap that had a farm tractor logo on it.

“Yes, sir, I am,” Jen said as she grabs her purse and walks over to the truck and hops in.

“I’m Dick,” he said as he extends his hands to shake hers.

She reaches over and shakes his hand. He shakes her hand hard causing her ample boobs to swoosh back and forth in her bra and almost pop out.

“You look very nice, miss,” Dick said.

“Call me Jen,” she said.

“OK, Jen,” he said as he turns and drives to a farm deep into the country to an isolated farm. “We’re here!”

“Wow, such a nice farm,” Jen said.

Dick and Jen get out of the truck and walk towards the barn. “Let me show you around Jen,” Dick said as they walk into the milking barn. “Now as you can see, here are the stalls that the cows are put into.” As he walks into the stall and lifts up the stanchions bar, he said, “Now this bar is where the cow’s head said and this bar drops and holds the cow into place while it is being milked.”

“Hmmmm, how do you milk the cows?” Jen said in a very curious voice.

The farmer reaches up, grabs the milking tubes that are attached to the cord, and pulls them down.

“With this… I take this and put it on the nipple of the breast. I’m sorry, I meant teat of the cow and turn the machine on and it starts a pumping suction that pumps and releases to milk the cow”, Dick said.

“That’s fine, Dick. How much power does it have?” Jen asks as she looks at the tubes.

Dick flips the switch on the milking tube harness, and it starts to make a hissing sounds. Dick puts his hands on the opening of the tube as it starts to pump harder as the sound gets a little harder.

“Wanna put your hand on it?” Dick asks.

“Sure,” she said as she reaches her hand out and puts it over the opening of the tube.

She can feel the suction of the pump, feeling the vacuum cleaners when you put your hand over it.

“See, Jen,” Dick said as he turns to look at her, as he notices that her nipples are hard and are poking in her bra.

“I see that you like that?” Dick said as he gulps.

“Yeah, reminds me of a vacuum cleaner,” she giggles as her breasts wiggle in her bra.

“How do you know when the cow is finished milking?” Jen asks as she is playing with the tube, covering and moving her hand back and forth.

“Well, as you see over there,” Dick said as he turns and looks at a 55-gallon drum. “That drum over there is where all the milk said and when it gets filled with milk from all the cows it turns off.”

As the farmer turns to look at Jen, he sees that she has taken her bra off and has put the milking tubes onto her nipples. “Feels great…” Jen said giggling as she lets go of the tubes as the bounce up and down from the alternating pumping and releasing.

“Hmm, Jen, before we put them on the cow, we put some cream on the teat, so they don’t get sore,” Dick said as he stares at her breasts wiggle and bounces from the tubes sucking and releasing.

“Damn, Cows have it made. I’d love to do this for a job,” Jen said giggling.

“Well, we normally don’t do on women, but if you want to do this for a job, you’re more than welcome too,” Dick said as he laughs, thinking that she isn’t serious.

“Sure, can I start now? Can you make me into a cow?” Jen said as she stares at the tubes wiggling on her nipples. She feels herself starting to have an orgasm.

“You sure?” Dick said.

“Yes … yes … yes … yes…” Jen moans as her orgasms explode.

I want to be on all fours and milked like a cow,” Jen said.

“OK, let me get the paperwork, and then you can start A.S.A.P.,” Dick said as he walks out and heads toward the house.

Jen grabs the tube and tries to pull them off, but the sucking is too strong. She pulls as it pulls on her breasts. Just then, she has another orgasm.

“Oh my god, this is great,” Jen said

Just then, Dick returns with a clipboard with papers on it with a pen. “OK, sign here and here…” Dick said.

Jen grabs the pens and quickly scribbles her name on all the sheets.

The farmer turned the pumps off and said, “So… Are you ready to be a cow, Jen?”

The milking tubs popped off her nipples with a loud noise as they fall. Jen is rubbing her nipples. “Hell, yeah,” Jen said as she reaches behind her and unzips her skirt and lets it fall to the ground and then grabs her panties and pulls them off and lets them fall to the ground.

“OK,” Dick gulps as she stares at Jen’s perfect body, ample breasts, and wide hips and clean shaved pussy. Dick reaches behind him on a shelf and reaches for a roll of duct tape and some winter mittens without the thumbs. “First, we need to protect your hands.” As he slides the mittens onto her hands and then wrapped them tightly with the duct tape onto her hands. “Now, since cows don’t stand, you will have to be on all fours. So here are some knee pads to protect your knees.”

As she lifts her left leg up and he slides them up to her knee, then the right legs get kneepads. Jen bends over and gets onto all fours. Dick grabs her ankles and duct tape them to her thighs to keep her onto all fours.

“Now you look like a cow, Jen,” Dick said.

“Moooooooooooooooooo…” Jen said, and wiggles her breasts.

“Now, let’s get you into the stall,” Dick said as he slaps her ass.

“Mooooooooooo… Jen said as she wiggles her ass and crawls into the stall.

She crawls over to the stanchions bar and puts her head into it as it triggers it and the top bar falls and traps her head into it and locks in place.

“Are you ready for your milking Jenny?” Dick asked.

“Moooooooo,” Jen said.

“Ok, here we go,” Dick said as he grabs a small jar of some cream and dips her nipples into it.

Then sets the jar down and clicks on the switch to the pump. The farmer reaches under Jen’s breasts and fondles them to stimulate them to milk as Dick grabs one tube, which is hissing, and put it onto Jen’s left nipple as it clamps on and starts sucking away. Then he grabs her right breasts, fondles it, and then grabs another tube, which is also hissing and puts it onto her right nipple as it clamps on and starts sucking away. Jen starts to moan from the pleasure of the milking tubes yanking on her breasts like a baby sucking on them.

The farmer gets up and going into a small room and walks out with a needle and a small medicine jar. He pokes the jar with the needle and fills the needle with the liquid and then raises it up and taps it. Then he slaps Jen’s nice tight ass. It wiggles and bounces for a bit. Then he pokes her ass with the needle and then pushes the fluid into her body.

“I just injected you with a cow hormone called ‘Mooagen.’ It’s a new drug from the FMJ—Farmer’s medical Journal—it was made to help cows produce more milk. I figure that it won’t hurt to try it on you,” Dick said.

“Well, it’s getting late, so I’ll be back later to check up on you, Dick said.

“Oh yes … oh … yes … OK…” Jen said as she is moaning and having explosive orgasms, one after another. Dick turns and walks out of the barn as he closes the door. “Oh … My … God … This … IS … the … best … job … ever…” Jen said as the pumps are pumping for any milking that is in her breasts as she gets tired from all her orgasms and falls asleep.


The next morning at 5 am, farmer Dick walks into the barn to get ready for the cows to milk and sees that Jen is sleeping on all fours with the milking tubes pumping away on her breasts. She’s wiggling and shaking her breasts as the cups suck away at them. He turns and looks at her breasts and has to take a double look and sees that her breasts have grown from her normal size ‘DD’ to a large ‘F.’ He has to blink his eyes to clear them to make sure.

“Damn, I guess the drug is working,” he said as he walks over to the tank and looks inside and sees that there’s some milk in the bottom of it. Then he looks at the filler tube connected and sees that milk is spurting into the drum. Splash, then splash every couple of seconds. ‘WOW, to keep her producing milk. She needs to be bred,’ Dick thought as he opens the door and whistles aloud.

Then he walks behind Jen as she is starting to wake up.

“Oh my… What a dream. I dreamed I was a cow,” Jen said as she shakes off the druggy sleep and looks around. “Wow, I am a cow! Awesome,” she said as she giggles and wiggles her breasts that are still being milked on. “Wait a min… Wow, my breasts are bigger than before.” She wiggles them, and she hears milk swooshing around in them.

“Well, to keep them full of milk you’ll need to be bred to keep you stimulated to produce,” Dick said as a huge mastiff dog comes flying into the barn and sees Jen’s ass up in the air and said and sticks his sniff into her ass crack and takes a huge sniff.

“Whoa, that’s cold, but I won’t have a dog fuck me, sorry,” Jen said as she tries to move her butt from his nose.

However, the more that she wiggles her butt, the more the dog sniffs and licks her butt crack.

“Sorry, Jen, due to a condition with my heart, the med’s that I am on won’t let me get an erection,” Dick said.

“Oh hell, no… Uh … Ah … Nooooooooooo…” Jen said.

She wiggles and trying to get the dog to stop licking and sniffing her tight pussy and ass.

“Just to let you know, you signed papers that are legally binding, and it states that I own you as my property and will do as I see fit. Also, a lawyer and a judge notarized it,” Dick said. “Just stand still and let him breed you.”

Jen tries to wiggle her ass violently, but there isn’t much room in the stall. Dick slaps Jen’s ass.

“GO, boy, breed the bitch,” Dick said.

Just then, the dog leaps up, wraps his paws around her waist, and starts to air hump her ass trying to find it! Then his cock finds her wet, swollen pussy lips and slips in as he pokes it in hard as Jen starts to moan.

“Oh my god, it’s so hard and thick,” Jen moans.

The dog starts to hump her ass like a jackhammer. Jen is moaning and panting like a bitch-in-heat.

“Ohhhhhh…my…uh…uh…uh…uh…u.h.u.h.h.h.h.u.u.uh.h.h.h…” as his cock is slamming her pussy making his balls slap her ass with a loud ‘slap…slap…slap…slap…’ “Oh my god…I can’t…stop…cumming…His…cock…is…soooo…hot…and making me…want …it…to…never…stop…” Jen moans.

The dog is thrusting so hard it’s making Jen’s breasts bouncing all over the place. Making the tubes bang on the floor. Just then, the dog starts to whine as he plunders his cock deep into Jen’s pussy as his knot starts to swell up and start to pulsate as his cock starts to throb and shoot huge loads of dog cum deep into her pussy.

Ohhhhhhhhhhh…my…God…” Jen starts to moan and whimpers like a bitch dog.

The dog shoots at least 20 squirts of his cum deep into her pussy.

The End.