(c) by Randall

It was a night much the same as many others. I was sitting home, lonely, horny, and wondering what to do about it. There was no one to call and nowhere to go, so I decided a nice long walk might help. It was quite a hot night, so I threw on a tee shirt and some loose shorts. There is a park fairly close by me that I decided to go to and walk around for a while. I made it to the park in about 15 minutes and walked around there. The park had a track that went around the perimeter, and I started walking around it.

The park closed in the dark, but it was easy enough to just park in a parking lot nearby and walk past the gate. I walked around the park for a while, but I was still just as damn horny. Finally, I decided just to jerk myself off. It was a lovely night, and no one was around. Why not. I pulled my shorts down, exposing my rock-hard cock. I began stroking myself and closed my eyes, letting my imagination take me where it would. I stroked harder and harder but then suddenly I heard something. I quickly moved to the bushes, tripping and almost falling on the shorts around my ankles.

I managed to get hidden before they came by and was quite annoyed to see it was a pack of dogs. Damn. I looked at them for a second to see if they looked dangerous but quickly realized it was a bitch in heat being followed by about 6 or 7 horny males. One jumped on her and started fucking her hard. He was ramming himself all around her, but he was bigger and kept missing his target because he was too tall. The bitch seemed frustrated, whining and walking around the others.

“I know how you feel,” I said softly, still nursing my cock and quite blue balls. I’d been hoping maybe my ‘disturber’ was human. I was bi, and the thought of a guy who was also horny and might want to get some relief in my aching ass was undoubtedly good. But it wasn’t male or even female, just dogs.

I watched as another mounted her, trying to get his cock into her. His red cock was easily visible even in this dimly lit park. I’d never paid attention to dogs before, but seeing these dogs trying to get a good fuck from the bitch was a turn-on. I was so damn horny anyway, but I realized I was just absently stroking my cock as I watched then hump and slide off her. She was a smaller dog, marked like a hound with short hair and coloration, but a small lab or maybe mid-size collie.

Most of the males were large. I saw one Rottie, one german shep, and 4 or 5 mutts of size from medium to quite large. I wondered if there were only large dogs around here or if maybe the smaller ones had already hit the target and, being finished, had wandered back home.

Another male was on her, hammering away and missing his mark also. The more I watched, the hornier I got. I decided I wanted to watch closer if they would let me. I kicked my shorts off my feet so I wouldn’t trip again and slowly walked out toward them. Happily, they didn’t seem to mind. I got about 10 feet from her, where I could see, and sat down. I could see the bitch as she let each one on her. I could also sense her frustration as a dog after dog rubbed his cock on her back for several strokes before hopping off her. Her hind legs and back were completely wet, and the smell of her heat and their attempts were very musky and robust.

One of the males came up to me sniffing. I held still, not wanting to agitate them. I didn’t want them to run off, and I certainly didn’t want to be bitten. He sniffed me for a while till he found my cock, which he licked. The complete surprise of him doing that and the electric shock of ecstasy it sent up my spine made me jump away with a grunt. Immediately he jumped back too, growling a bit.

“Sorry boy… good boy…” I said softly, “You just surprised me.” He looked at me for a second and then walked back to the bitch to try again. I could see his cock pistoning out, and he was spurting liquid on her back, and he rubbed his cock, looking for a hole.

“At least you have some cocks wanting you even if they are doing more teasing than pleasing,” I said to her, returning to my stroking. My cock was still rock hard, and I knew I’d cum soon. Suddenly one of the smaller dogs found the mark. I watched his cock piston in and out of her with speed I was amazed at and turned on by. He pounded his cock into her until soon it was impossible to see anymore. It was just him shoving against her and holding herself still and getting a good fuck.

Wanting to get a closer look but still not wanting to agitate or frighten them, I went forward onto my hands and knees and slowly crawled toward them. Suddenly, with no warning, one of the other dogs licked me right up my crack from balls to the backbone. I had been rimmed before, and I liked it a lot, but it was superior to that. The rough hot tongue brought chill bumps to my whole body.

Before I could even look, it happened again. “Holy fuck,” I half said, half moaned in pleasure.

This felt incredible. Before I knew it, two more tongues joined in, and I was in such bliss that I couldn’t have moved if I’d wanted to. The ecstasy, the bliss, the total pleasure they were giving me was indescribable. I felt so good my arms went weak, and I laid my chest and head on my arms, keeping my ass up for fear of missing one of those beautiful licks.

I had not even imagined encountering anything this good when I came here near them. I’d just wanted a bit of a look as I jacked off. Now I felt so good I couldn’t even move a muscle. I was on fire. Suddenly one of them was on my back, humping and squirting the hot liquid on my asshole and cheeks. I felt his hot, wet cock sliding between my cheeks and into my ass in about a second. The bliss I felt, and the total shock of suddenly being fucked made me very slow to react. This was all he needed. I tried to jerk forward, but he had a grip on my hips like a vice, and his belly was slapping my ass, his cock totally buried inside me and moving back and forth to his humping.

As I moved, so did he, and he was pounding for all it was worth. Also, it was hot, wet, and felt very, very good inside me. It felt too good, and my passion and need for the feelings quickly outweighed my shock and thought it was dirty and wrong. It felt so incredibly beyond excellent that I soon went from trying to pull away to pushing back and meeting his thrusts. I truly enjoyed the fuck he was giving me more than I had ever enjoyed one.

Maybe it was the heat of the situation. Perhaps it was because I needed it so badly. Maybe it was something else. I know his hot spurting cock felt so good hammering into me deeper and deeper that all I could think of was “more, harder, deeper.” I wanted to get hold of my cock, but he was ramming me so hard that it took all I had to hold myself up, try to match him, and not let him shove me forward on my face.

“Fuck me hard,” I half moaned as his burning spurting cock went deeper and deeper into me.

His balls were slapping me in the sensitive area between my balls and asshole. He humped with all his strength, seeming to somehow go deeper with every thrust. Then I felt his cock getting bigger inside me. It was also spurting hard into me. That feeling was all I could stand as he slowed just a bit, and I was finally able to get hold of my cock.

The fucking I had just gotten was so damn intense that I was on edge anyway. Within a few strokes, I could feel my orgasm starting. Unfortunately, he was slowing down a lot. I could feel his cock in me, and I wanted to keep it there at least till I finished cumming. I squeezed my ass hard as I stroked, and my cum started coming out of my cock like a geyser.

I came and came, his cock making me keep cumming longer than usual. When I finally finished, I was spent and dropped my head and chest back to the ground. My friend was lying on my back, relaxing after his hard fuck (or so I thought).

I could feel his massive cock in me, throbbing and spurting and seeming to get even bigger by the second. Finally, part of my brain kicked in, and I remembered how they got stuck in the bitch. I glanced up at the bitch in front of me to see her standing ass to ass with the mutt that had finally gotten her. Fuck did he have me? I pulled forward and felt something damned large pull against the inside of my asshole.

As if to reinforce the fact, my lover hopped off and swung his leg over my ass, and suddenly we were ass to ass. I could feel his cock inside me, pulling my insides as he pulled against me. It wasn’t a hard pull, more of a standstill and get-bred bitch pull. Damn, it felt so fucking good. It was gigantic, but it felt so damn good. I realized I was stroking my cock again, which was already partially rigid.

His cock stretched me as it pulled, and I had never felt anything so massive in me. It was just throbbing and squirting. I wasn’t sure if it was as big as it could get or just whether I had stretched to the limit, but we were locked tight together, and he was filling me inside. Suddenly he seemed to stop squirting, and I thought he was finished cumming, then he started squirting long, hard loads into me. I had no idea what he had been doing, but obviously, he was now cumming.

I could feel his hot cum pooling inside me and running deeper and deeper. I looked up again and could see the other dogs circling both me and the other bitch, waiting their turn. Somehow this made me even hornier and impassioned. I’ve never been fucked like this before or felt this good. We stayed there for a long time before I heard something in front of me.

I looked up again and saw the dog pull his cock free of the bitch. Damn, it was big, even half-erect like that. Quickly the other dogs were licking her, and then soon, one was on her humping again. As he humped her, I could see his cock poking around on her back. Suddenly he hit the mark and started humping crazy hard. Unfortunately, he only humped hard for 4 or 5 seconds before he accidentally slipped out.

He kept humping for a few moments, his cock rubbing on her back. Then he hopped off. He was only half-hard, but he looked like he had a knot on his cock the size of a baseball. Damn, he was smaller than the one in me. I wondered how big this one was. I looked back at my lover, and he was standing proudly, his tail bouncing up and down with the squirts going into me. It was big enough to hurt a bit, but it felt so good that the small hurt just made it better.

I found myself wanting to see one of the cocks closer. I stopped stroking myself and just let myself bask in this beautiful feeling. I reached out and rubbed my hand on the side of the dogs as they passed. Their powerful muscles could be easily felt under their soft coat of fur.

I reached out a bit further and touched the sheath of one of them. He stopped and stood still, waiting to see what I was doing. I rubbed his sheath, feeling a cock inside that must have been 8 inches and a knot about the size of a lemon, and he was only half swelled. As I rubbed, he began humping, his cock poking out and shooting liquid on my hand and arm.

Curiosity made me lick it. It was metallic and coppery. It had the musky cum taste but metallic and like copper and wilder. That’s the only way I know to describe it. I felt the one in my ass shrinking. He shrank enough that he pulled free of my ass in a short time. It hurt some coming out as he was still half swelled when he pulled free, but I quickly looked back to see him. Half swelled, he was easily eight inches, and his knot looked like a baseball.

He immediately turned and licked me a few times, even getting his tongue inside my well-opened asshole. This feeling sent me almost to the moon, and I wanted another orgasm. I dropped my head and chest to the ground, reaching back to pull my ass as open as possible for him with one hand and stroke my rock-hard cock with the other.

Before the licking was over, I felt another furry weight on my back. As soon as he hopped on me, he wrapped his forepaws around my waist. He managed accidentally but very conveniently (for him) to trap my hand against my hip as he thrust. I pulled at my arm, not sure I wanted another fuck, but he weighed too much to push myself up with one arm, and it took a few seconds to pull my other arm free of the vice-like hold he had around my waist.

While pulling at my arm, I was laid out perfectly, and I felt his hot cock go into my already open asshole. He wasted no time, but as soon as he felt my insides, he almost leaped forward, driving his whole length into me and only stopping because his belly hit my ass. I swear he went forward so hard that my head went forward in the dirt, and I’m sure part of his sheath went in.

Once my hand was free, I felt his hot cock deep inside and working back and forth as it swelled. Fuck, it felt far too good to even think about stopping, and as soon as I could get myself onto all 4’s and off the ground, I was again begging for the fuck as I met his thrusts with my ass, helping him drive his wonderful cock as deep as we could make it go.

Again I abandoned myself to the total bliss of this hard fuck, moaning and humping back hard. Soon I felt the swelling and knew I was his till he was done. I pushed back, wanting his cock as deep as possible before it locked inside. We humped against each other as he swelled and stretched me. He kept getting bigger and bigger.

Soon I realized he was a much better-hung dog than the last and wondered if I had made a bad mistake by not stopping while I was ahead. I was stroking my cock, and the fear of his continued swelling, the stretching of my ass. It all was somehow pushing me toward another orgasm despite anything.

I stopped stroking. I was sure my closeness to cumming was all that was keeping this from really not feeling good, and I certainly did not want to cum now and suffer for 30 minutes. Finally, he stopped humping and was content to lie on me as he swelled a bit more. The inside of my ass was stretched tight like a guitar string.

Then, suddenly, he hopped off, turning and spinning my insides with him. I worked my ass up and down, getting his knot loose enough to let it spin. Finally, it did spin, giving me feelings both bad and good. Then we settled in this position for a while.

Shortly I felt him pulse and get just a bit bigger, then his cum started going into me. As he came, his pulsing seemed to settle him a bit, and soon the hugeness felt less harmful and became more of a turn-on to me. I began wriggling my ass on his cock, enjoying him every way I could. His pulsing inside me was incredible, as were his massive hot loads.

“That feels so good, boy,” I said as I worked my ass on him.

My whole body was on fire and trembling. I worked my ass and hips more and more, and he pulled hard against me and filled me with loads of cum. Soon I could control myself no longer and just began pulling, working up and down, moaning, and cumming so hard I almost passed out.

I locked. My whole body was locked in a continuous spasm of cumming. I spurted so hard that I felt like I was drilling a hole in the ground. Then as it subsided, I dropped down to my chest, exhausted and basking in the afterglow of the most intense orgasm I’d ever had.

“Well, with all this moaning and cumming, I’d say you like having a nasty dog cock buried in your ass,” I looked up just a bit to see two boots standing in front of me.

If possible, I would have dug a hole, crawled in, and pulled the dirt in on top of me. Oh fuck. My whole body was red from embarrassment, and I could feel it glowing. And the dog’s cock was still well swelled and cumming, so I couldn’t even move.

“What’s wrong? Nothing to say, pervert?” I heard the voice say.

I wished I was dead. No, that I’d never been born. I felt a hand grab my hair and pull my face up. I had a minimal choice but to comply. As I rose, I saw the guy smiling.

He said, “You know, I’d say your ass is far too stretched to be any good, but I think you might be able to suck a good cock. At least you better be able to. Look up here at me.”

He let go of my hair, and I looked up only to realize I was looking into a camera phone. ‘CLICK’

‘Fuck,’ I thought to myself. All the dogs walking around had made such noise that I had not heard his footsteps.

“Well now bitch, Looks like you’re gonna give me the best blow of my life unless you want this photo to follow you everywhere,” he said, pulling his pants down to reveal an already half-hard and huge cock.

I was too embarrassed to be horny anymore, but he grabbed my hair and pushed his cock in my face, and for fear, I opened my mouth and took him deep. I sucked him, but this guy must have been 11 inches uncut and thick as hell. He pushed his cock down my throat, and I took what I could.

Also, this whole time the dog had still been pulling and cumming in my ass, and despite myself, I was getting turned on again. The guy with the huge cock moaned a bit when he suddenly lunged forward, almost gagging me. I could see the dog behind him was licking his ass, trying to get away.

I took a breath, reached up with both hands, grabbed his hips, and pushed/swallowed his cock down my throat. I also pulled his ass cheeks open. Damn, his cock was genuinely massive. The dog went back to licking, and he had nowhere to go. I could only keep him there so long before letting him out. I think he was getting confused. I don’t think he wanted the dog to lick, but now he knew how damn good it felt. As I sucked, I could feel the dog in my ass shrinking. The part of me that was turned on again. OK, most of me. I hated to feel it going, and I felt genuinely empty as it slid out. I moaned a whine of disappointment as it left me without meaning to.

“Damn, you are a dog cock lover, eh?” he said in response to my accidental whine. “I think I’ll just put something back in that asshole for you,” he said, pulling free of my mouth.

I have to admit, despite his blackmail, I was enjoying myself again, and the thought of that huge cock turned me on a lot. I stayed still as he went around me, and suddenly I felt it ram into me to the balls. That hurt my asshole, but the inside was well stretched and accommodated him fine. He was quickly hammering his cock into me, and as soon as the burn from the sudden entry wore off, I truly enjoyed it. I think he was surprised at how easily he fit.

I was surprised but happy. I felt him jerk and thought he might be cumming, but then I realized from his comments that the dog had found his ass and was tonguing him again. I began fucking him harder. I then had an idea. I was unsure if it would work, but I certainly wanted to try.

As he fucked my ass, I picked up my feet and rotated them to lie over his thighs, and at the same time, I dropped my chest to the ground, grabbed his hips, and pulled him into me hard. I felt him fall forward onto me as I knew he would as he was propped on my back with his hands. I shoved my ass back and up as I pulled him into me hard as I could. This put him on almost all fours. Considering a horny dog was licking his ass already, I was hoping they would get the idea. I don’t think he realized that my pulling him into me as hard as I could also pull his ass cheeks open. He thought I was cumming.

“Do you like my cock, eh bitch?” As he pushed it in me hard, I heard him say, “That’s fine. Cum for me. Be truly my little bitch.”

I could feel the dog’s tongue hit my fingertip occasionally, so I knew he was being licked well, but I think he was so pleased to make me cum that he was just pushing his cock in deep. I hoped the dog would do something soon. I pretended to cum, moaning and jerking my hips while holding hard.

I felt a sudden weight increase and a paw on top of each of my hands. Immediately he started trying to move, but I held my ass fast against him, keeping him up, and the dog was very effective at controlling my hands. I felt him pushing on my back to get up, but I was pretty sweaty, so he slipped right back down. I was moaning and pulling his ass.

“Stop, Dammit!! What the fuck. Get off MEEEEEE!” I heard the EEEE get loud and knew the dog had hit the mark. I could feel the dog humping him, making his cock fuck me. It felt fucking good, and I had to concentrate, not just let go and enjoy it. “Dammit, make him STOP! Oh, fuck!! Oh Hell! FUCK! Oh shit! Oh damn, what a cock!”

I heard all kinds of things from him, but I made sure I kept his ass up there. He kept moaning and moving, and I tried to shove him back as the dog shoved forward. Then I felt something completely unexpected. “I’m cumming,” I heard him say.

At first, wondered if he was lying, but no, I could feel his hot loads shooting into my ass. Fuck, it felt good. I rammed my ass against his belly, enjoying his cum and ensuring I got every drop. When I finally knew he was done, I slowly crawled out from under him, feeling his long cock pull free of my ass as I moved. Once free of him, I turned around to see him on all 4’s and a dog impaled inside him. I could see he was still in a bit of heaven from cumming so hard.

“I’m not the only pervert who likes a dog cock I see,” I said to him.

“No, you’re not,” he said. I was a bit surprised by his answer.

I watched him for a moment working his hips up and down. “I see that I’m not,” I said, fascinated.

I crawled so I could see his ass closely. It was swelled out with the dog’s cock, and I could tell by the tail that he was cumming and filling this guy up. A sizeable furry weight landed on my back with no warning, and his cock was immediately probing between my cheeks. I didn’t move for a second, deciding whether or not to let him have me. You quickly learn that no response means yes as the third quick poke of his cock slid up my ass. Like the others, as soon as it started, he almost leaped forward, immediately sinking it into me up to the hilt.

“Oh FUCK YES!” I said, pushing myself back against his thrusting and almost shaking with the ecstasy of feeling his hot cock slide deeper and deeper as it quickly started swelling.

Fuck I didn’t care what was happening as long as he kept sinking that hot spurting rod into me. Soon I could feel the knot growing big enough to lock inside me. My body was quivering with pleasure and need. Nothing could have made me do anything except try to match his thrusts and help him in, not even being ripped apart. No words can or will ever describe the total waves of complete joy, satisfaction, passion, and absolute ecstasy I felt as he humped and swelled.

The entire world was gone, and all I had or wanted was this feeling of this slick nasty spurting veiny growing swelling cock and knot that was moving all my insides as it planted itself inside, impaling me and becoming one with me, owing me and making me it’s complete slave till it was done.

I hoped it would never be done. If he had never been done fucking me, I would have willingly and wantingly stayed right there feeling that and loving that and having all I need forever, knowing nothing will ever be as good.


I’ll do my best to describe the details:

Imagine something the size of a pencil but is well padded, very slick, hot to the touch, and spurting a liquid that makes it even slicker. This object pokes around on you till it hits and starts in your ass. As soon as it begins in, it is quickly shoved in all the way, but it is so small and slick that there is no pain whatsoever, just the sudden shock of it shoved in rapidly and deeply.

This tends to surprise/shock you just a bit, making it even more intense. Now in less than a second, it’s in all the way, and you feel the dog’s hot belly slapping you on your ass while his soft fur is rubbing your back. Occasionally, you can feel his shaft with the hard fur on the tip hitting your asshole on the outside.

He humps you hard, holding your hips as he rams himself in. he humps brutal and swift, maybe two strokes per second, maybe three, but fast enough that you cannot keep up. You can only push back and maybe try to push yourself back against his thrusts every other time. Imagine if someone had a small dildo in their hand and rammed it into you as fast as possible. No keeping up. Just enjoy the intense speed and let it happen.

A dog has a higher temperature than a human, and his cock is usually inside his body, so the description ‘hot’ isn’t just because of the moment. His cock feels like it was heated before it went in. It stays with the ‘hot’ feeling from start to finish.

So, it’s in, and because he’s humping, it’s going from ‘in’ to ‘in deep’ to ‘in’ to ‘in deep.’ Now, it’s just bouncing in and back and in and back, but it starts swelling. First, the base begins swelling into a knot, so the small dildo turns into a ball with a small dildo on the front. The ball grows and grows within three or four seconds. You can start feeling it hitting the inside of your asshole each time he releases.

I call it ‘release’ because he isn’t pushing in and pulling out like a human. His cock is soft behind the ball. So, it’s like he flexes and shoves it as deep as he can, then relaxes, and slides back on its own, then he bends and shoves again, then it slides back, etc.

So, he pushes and releases for a while. All this time, it’s swelling, so obviously, each time it goes forward, it comes back a bit bigger, so it cannot come back as far. This keeps up till it swells so much that it locks in place and starts stretching you. (note: dogs with medium-sized cocks often swell no more than this and never swell so much that you get stretched, though they still feel huge and tremendous inside).

About this time, you feel the throbbing. Each of his heartbeats sends a pulse of blood through all the veins on it and in it, which makes it throb
and pulse inside you. It keeps swelling till it’s stretched you well and settled into a place. By this time, the shaft is almost fully inflated, though it will get about ten to 20% longer, feeling as though it is snaking its way deeper and deeper into your bowels, spurting pre-cum all the time.


Back to where we were:

So here I was reeling from pure pleasure, him lying on my back and his cock throbbing. My cock was standing hard at attention and throbbing. I look back over at the guy and see how his ass is so full it’s stretched with the dog’s cock hung in it and the cum going into him. Suddenly he hopped off and turned, sliding me a bit sideways to help him, and when he was done, I was against the guy’s side. As my senses returned to me, though still turned on, I said, “You’ve done this before?”

“Often,” he said, “It looks like you also have.”

I felt a bit embarrassed. “No, first time tonight. So why the hell the insults and the camera?”

“Sorry, just wanting to make sure you didn’t run away. You’re the first person I’ve met into it, and I wanted to make sure you stayed. Just wanting to have some fun with you.”

I felt him pulling my leg up. I readjusted my weight so I was on both hands and one knee. He pulled the other up and out sideways, then slid under me, resting my leg on his back. Then he moved sideways under me and slid my cock into his mouth. Holy shit, I’d been fighting to have enough control to talk, and I lost it. It felt so good.

I pulled his leg up and slid under him, sliding his cock into my mouth. He started cumming almost immediately. I started swallowing his cum, but this pushed me over the edge, and I felt him swallowing my cum as well. After cumming for a while, I felt the last of my cum flow out. He was still cumming, and despite how tired I was right now, I managed to keep his cock in my mouth till I had every drop. Once he finished, I dropped down to my chest on the ground, his leg still on my back.

I lie there for a while, enjoying the huge cock still filling my ass with cum. Suddenly I heard a moan and looked up in time to see the half-swelled cock pull from his ass, followed by a lot of cum, which came out and ran down his balls and splattered all on the ground and my face. Part hit me in the mouth, and I swallowed it.

Almost immediately, another dog was trying to mount him, but the dog missed a lot with his leg on top of me. Somehow this was a turn-on as it sprayed me in the face. The dog missed a few more times, then hopped off him. He laid down and rolled out from under my leg, then got on all 4’s again, and a vast dog jumped on him. It looked like a big st bernard. He dropped to the ground and let it hump air for a moment. I guess it was too heavy.

Then he went back up, and a German shepherd was on him. I saw them move forward in moments, heard the slapping of a belly to ass, and knew he had the cock inside. He moaned and pushed back toward the dog, getting him deep. The dog fucked him hard for a few seconds, and he began to groan, then it slowed and stopped on his back, and I knew he was tied. In no time, the dog had stepped off him and turned around.

Soon the ball in my ass started to shrink. He pulled it free of me, releasing tons of his load, which ran down my legs and balls. My ass was getting sore, but it felt so good I wanted at least one more nice cock in me. I did not wait long. The furry weight on my back was an excellent sign that the hot cock would soon enter and enter it. He seemed to have the best aim of any of them as he pushed his whole cock into me hard at the first jab.

Again I felt him hammer it in deeply as it swelled and spurted. Again all thought of my sore ass and everything left me, and I was just caught up in bliss. I could feel his cock now too big to leave my ass, but humping it inside with every stroke just before he shoved it in deep and hard. Damn, I felt like I was about to explode with cum, and I almost did just before he stopped humping. I started to reach back and stroke my cock, but instead teased myself by just holding still and enjoying the cock and cum filling.

He stepped off me and turned, a feeling I was finally able to handle without the chill bumps, then settled into a good pull and soon started cumming inside me. Damn, the ever continuous spurting of that hot seed felt good. I wondered if, as much as I had in me and with it all swimming, it had made it to my stomach yet? Somehow this nasty thought turned me on even more. He pulled on me and came into me, keeping me in a most pleasant physical and emotional state. I stayed there, enjoying the feeling and letting his cock spurt and tease me toward my orgasm.

I came closer and closer before I felt him shrinking and then popping out. Dogs surrounded me, and another one was on me in no time. He had some difficulty finding my hole, but when he did, he had no problem pile driving his cock as deep as possible, holding me in a death grip, and he rammed it deeper and deeper.

My body shook from the beautiful feeling. Soon he was swelled to his max size, which told me that dogs vary just like us humans. His knot and cock slid around inside me, and as he stepped off to turn, he popped out. He was not nearly as big as the others, but his knot was big enough to hurt, and the burning sensation in my asshole immediately put a damper on the orgasm I was close to having. Another mounted me so quickly I didn’t have time to react, and I tried to drop, but he had such a grip on my hips that I could not easily move, and before I managed anything, he managed to find and enter my burning anus.

I was entirely out of my mind. One part of me felt the burning pain of the cock that was jerked out of me and wanted to stop everything, and another was turned on like hell from this one’s pounding. Soon though, I began to stop burning and just enjoy the wonderful pounding. It wasn’t like I had a choice as his knot was well swelled in me and still growing. Unfortunately, as it got bigger, it made me burn again. So I felt good and was driven insane, but it kept hurting enough to stop me from cumming, which was very frustrating.

Soon he reached his huge maximum size, stretching me entirely back out. Fuck it burned and felt great at the same time. I’ve never had pain and pleasure together before, and it somehow mixed into a damned tease that kept me crazy but no more. Then he stepped off me and turned, and the burn took over again. That hurt like hell and stopped any progress toward cumming. I might have expected many things, but damn it felt like someone had rubbed some potent hot sauce in my asshole. He was far too big to come out, though, so all I could do was grit my teeth and hope the sensation would pass soon.

I stayed there for about 5 LONG minutes, just being as still as possible, trying to ignore that burn, and enjoying the other feelings. Finally, the good, sexually stimulating sensations were getting more powerful than the burning, and it was starting to feel good again. I slowly tentatively moved my ass up and down a little, and it did hurt just a bit, but I mainly felt better. The more I moved, the better it felt. I stroked my cock as I moved my ass on his colossal knot, feeling him cum deep in me.

I stroked myself hard as I worked my ass up and down. I could feel that my orgasm would come now. I was getting back to that pleasurable feeling all over. Damn, his cock felt so good inside me. I heard a sound and looked up to see my friend get a quickly shrinking cock pulled from him. It was so hot to see it hanging under the dog’s belly. I could see he was stroking himself also.

I saw the huge dog mount him, but he dropped down quickly as he mounted him. I wondered if this dog weighed so much or if he was avoiding him for some reason. I didn’t care that much as I was feeling better and better. The burn in my ass was almost gone and made me super sensitive to his pulsing, and I was being filled well.

Another dog mounted him, and I watched with a kind of ‘floating in limbo’ fascination as he sunk his cock, ramming into him hard and fast. His moaning and jerking told me he was cumming as the dog tied with him. I stroked myself more and more, loving the whole sexy scene. It is hard to put into words where I seemed to be. It was like I was floating and ultimately just a feeling. Almost like I was high, but with no drugs. Damn, I felt so good.

Then without warning, I felt his cock shrinking. I knew it hadn’t been that long. Maybe he had fucked a few times already and was tired. Anyway, he was pulling free of me for whatever reason, and soon his cock slid out with a warm wet nasty feeling of cum running out and down my balls and thighs.

I kept stroking, waiting for another to mount me. I so wanted to go back to that feeling I just had. I so wanted to cum. Another mounted me but was far off, poking my right butt cheek. I moved a bit, but he moved with me and kept poking till he gave up and hopped off. Soon another mounted me but also far off. Damn, what a tease. I kept stroking and waiting for one to do it right again.

Suddenly there was a massive weight on top of me. It knocked me down on the ground because I had only been on the one hand (stroking with the other), but my ass stayed up. I realized it was the big dog and knew he had to be dying for some because he had tried a lot but hadn’t tied once all night that I had seen. He had a grip on my hips but was a bit high. I pushed myself back up using both hands and hoping I’d help him aim. I made it back up and felt him hitting my tailbone. Then he hit and slid down but missed. Then he hit and slid down but missed again. Then he hit and slid down, and his cock slid into my willing and in heat asshole.

Holy shit, when he felt that, he knew he wasn’t letting his chance go. He gripped me with his paws so hard it hurt, ramming his cock in with two steps forward on me. “Don’t let him!! Fall away from him!!,” I heard the guy say. Fuck that. I was so close to cumming and needed it worse than a crack addict needed a hit. Suddenly he humped me hard, and I felt him already partially expanded knot go in. Damn, he was long. He shoved it deeply, gripping me so hard and ramming me so hard that my whole body was going forward and back despite anything I could do.

His cock very quickly expanded inside me, locking me to him. I wanted to cum badly. It felt so good to feel him in me. On the one hand, I managed to support myself, grabbing my cock and stroking it as he pounded his tremendously hot long cock deep into my bowels. Soon it swelled tight and locked inside me, just moving my guts forward and back with his humping. I stroked my cock as I felt it grow more and more. It soon got so big it hurt and was still getting bigger, but somehow, this felt good as I stroked.

His spurting head was now going beyond the others and deep into my bowels, far beyond the others of tonight. I felt like I might rip apart, and it hurt so good I wanted to as I stroked. His cock swelled more and more till I had to open my knees more to accommodate him. I could feel the head of his cock just behind my belly button spurting. Damn, he was so huge. Suddenly I started cumming uncontrollably, my body spasming to his humps.

It seemed like a blissful eternity that he humped, and my cum came out with his movements. Finally and dreadfully, I slowed, then stopped. He stopped humping simultaneously and was just standing over me, his cock holding my ass against his belly. Fuck he was so huge. I felt like a balloon stretched over a bowling ball and was just hoping no one had a pin. I moaned uncontrollably, trying to stretch enough to accommodate his mammoth size as it continued to grow just a bit bigger and longer. “Tried to warn you,” I heard him say.

“I – ugh – thought you just – ooh – fell because his weight knocked you down,” I managed.

“Nope, just know my limits,” he said back.

“Ooohhh damn!! Is he the size of a bowling ball!?” I asked.

“Don’t know. Never saw it fully swelled. Saw him make a Great Dane bitch whine like hell, though. That was enough for me.”

All I could do was try to deal with it mentally. It was TOO big. I had played with inflatable butt plugs before. I’d pumped one up to about 12 pumps to see how that would feel, and it was so big I could only stand it for a few seconds before letting go. He was about 20 pumps, I think. My body cramped trying to push him out but only managed to make a cramping push and ease off.

“Fuckkkk,” I moaned. I reached back and could feel his massive ball through the flesh of my ass. I tried to move a bit to help the fit, and suddenly he humped me a few more times, making it even bigger. He was so tight in me that our flesh was one. I could feel his knot lodged behind and under my tailbone. I could feel every spurt of his pre-cum going through his long cock and out into my belly.

Then I felt him cumming harder and knew he had gone from pre-cum to cumming in me. He was so tight that I could feel every hot nasty sticky load as it went into my ass, up into my bowels, and splattered inside me in my lower belly. It felt good. It felt perfect. Suddenly I realized just how he had me. The lower part of his cock was lying hard against my prostate.

Every spurt forced its way through his cock, running along my prostate as it did. My balls were already tingling, and my hips felt tight. Suddenly I felt myself sliding over the edge and cumming again. I pulled against his cock as I came. He seemed to like this, which made his cock draw even more from me.

Soon I was spent and stopped. He was far from finished. His long orgasm was only beginning. Again I tried to relax and let his massive cock stay inside me, but my body again pushed against it. It was not moving, but it did not feel good. Then it did feel good again. Again spurt after spurt massaged my prostate to a level I had no control over, and my balls started drawing as my hips tightened.

Again I began cumming. I came for a while before winding down again. I had no strength left as I wound down and let my head and chest down to the cool earth. My ass was not moving unless he decided to move it.

I lay there for a short while, feeling way too full and way too uncomfortable before I felt again my orgasm coming on. Soon, I felt myself spurting my seed again, my cock jerking. It felt good but thoroughly used me up. I finally stopped and just lay there. I could feel my prostate push and his cum shooting across it. I knew I’d cum again soon. I didn’t want to, but I had little to say about it.

In a short while, I again started cumming. It felt good but hurt also. I looked under at my cock, which was jerking, but almost nothing was coming out of it. I have no words to describe it. I mean, I was cumming, and how can that not feel anything but good, but also I was almost dry-heaving from my balls, and it didn’t feel good.

It subsided again, and again I relaxed as best I could. I realized I was going to go from feeling too full to being made to cum over and over till he was finished. I rested for a short while before I started orgasming again, jerking and moving though nothing came from me. My stomach muscles were hurting from both trying to push him out when relaxed and being so tight during my repeating orgasm. Again I was brought to orgasm, and dry humped the air for a while before relaxing again.

By the time he finally shrank, I had lost count of my orgasms and lost control of my body. I was his fuck doll bitch, and he used me for everything I could be used for. As he finally stopped cumming, then shrank enough to pull free from me, I fell forward onto the ground in a puddle of my cum, dog cum, and dog pre-cum.

I must have been so exhausted that I completely fell asleep. I only remember waking up stuck to the ground. I pulled myself loose from the weeds and grass I was stuck to and looked around. The dogs and my friend were long gone. My clothes were nicely folded and in the fork of a nearby tree. As I got them I saw a note which read:

“I am glad you enjoyed the night and the sex. I am sorry you got nailed by the big one, but I have to say I’ve never seen so many orgasms from one human being. I have your video, but it’s for my private viewing pleasure, so you need not worry. I come here every other Thursday. Maybe we’ll meet again. Len.”

I managed to get dressed with much pain from my sore abdomen and ass. With my share of pain, I also managed to get home, showered, and went to bed. When I got up, I needed badly to shit, and about five gallons of doggie cum ran out of me. I was so sore that I knew I would never be going back there. I hurt everywhere.

But a week can heal a lot, and now that Thursday is coming up again.

The End