(c) 2021 by johnnie666666

Chapter One

I hadn’t suspected anything at all. Lydia and I were a very happy couple, we enjoyed a lot of sex and told each other our darkest fantasies.

When I first got my hands (figuratively anyway) into Lydia’s knickers I couldn’t help but notice how big her cunt lips were. They were fantastic, they must have hung down 2” and they were constantly wet. She sits next to me on the sofa and just pulls and stretches her lips while we both sip wine. She can easily pull them out to 5”.

Once our relationship became more serious I threw away all her knickers so that there wouldn’t be anything to stop her lovely lips from hanging down where they wanted to be. Lydia responded by wearing her shortest skirts and making sure her legs were always partly open so her lips could “breath”.

Soon after that I began to shave her cunt. At first I tried all the clever shapes; hearts, arrows, etc, but eventually settled on a ½” wide landing strip that stops an inch above her cleft. Everything else is smooth. It is fantastic. Lydia likes it so much that she has taken over shaving it herself.

You can see that my woman is a very special, very sexy and very amenable person. There wasn’t anything this woman wouldn’t do if I asked her to. What I didn’t know was that there wasn’t anything she wouldn’t do even if I hadn’t asked her to!

While we are in the house Lydia wears just a man’s dress shirt with a couple of buttons done up. This gave me loads of flashes of her big tits and her horny cunt, and when she sits she generally has one leg pulled up onto the sofa so that her legs are wide open and she can pull and caress her lips as she watches TV.

One particular morning I was in a rush. Lydia was dressed in a white and blue pin-stripe shirt with one button done up, standing leaning against the counter top sipping tea when I left the house.

I hadn’t even got to the car when I realised I had left my phone on the table in the kitchen. I rushed back to get it. I left the front door open and walked towards the kitchen door. I saw her reflection in the window opposite and stopped stunned. She was leaning back against the counter. She had the shirt tails in her hands pulling the shirt open from the bottom and her thumbs and forefingers stretching her cunt’s lips apart. Our dog was licking her cunt. Her lips were spread so wide that the dog’s tongue easily slid up between them. I just stood there watching in disbelief. I could hear her muttering. “Oh you naughty dog, you shouldn’t do this now”. Shortly after I saw her lower her body slightly and open her legs a bit more to give the dog more access to her lips. “Oh, I am such a dirty cunt aren’t I?” she was asking the dog. I could see her knees trembling, she threw her head back and started gasping “Oh, Oh, Oh, I’m coming, fuck, I’m coming, Oh, Oh, Ooooh” as she couldn’t stand it any more and squeezed her legs shut on the dogs, still busy, tongue.

I watched in amazement as she then dropped to her knees and spread her legs wide. I could see her cunt in the reflection. Her lips were huge and red and even in the reflection I could see her cunt was gaping open. She put her hand back between her legs and called to the dog “Come on, quickly you naughty dog, now see what you’ve made me do!” The dog had clearly done this before because he just walked up behind her and she grabbed his big cock in her little hand and fed his hard rod into her cunt. I could hear her murmuring with pleasure as she made sure she had all the dog’s ample meat in her cunt before dropping her shoulders to the kitchen floor and pushing her arse up into the air to give the dog the best angle to fuck her. And fuck her he did. I have never seen a fuck so fast. I could just about make out her face and I could see from her chin that she was red with desire and excitement. The dog didn’t stop pummelling her cunt until he spewed his spunk into her. I could hear her talking again. “Oh no you don’t, I’m not having you knotted inside me this morning you bad dog”. She crawled away from the dog who just went and laid against the wall.

I wasn’t prepared for what happened next either. Instead of standing up, she got up on one knee and then crouched with her back against the kitchen unit with her legs wide apart, her arse virtually on the tiled floor and began to scoop the spunk out of her cunt with her fingers and lick the spunk off them. She continued doing that while she told herself what a dirty cunt she was. She was right though!

I slipped away quietly, waited 5 minutes then came back into the house making a lot of noise, swearing loudly about having forgotten my phone. Lydia was standing with her back to me, leaning over the counter with her tea cup in her hands. As I walked in the kitchen she turned to me and smiled. I could see her pert bum at the bottom of her shirt. There was no visible sign of the rampant sex that I had seen 5 minutes ago. I grabbed the phone and went behind her, kissed her neck, patted her bare bum and left.

For the next few days I could think about little else other than seeing my wife being fucked by our dog. I wondered how often they “did it” and what else they might get up to. I had to know! I decided to go on an undercover mission to find out all about my wife’s bestiality escapades.

I came up with a plan, not particularly ingenious, but enough for me to find out what I was dealing with before deciding whether to intervene.

First, I made sure that I left at exactly the same time each day. This was 15 minutes before the time that I had used to leave. I was able to be quite flexible regarding my arrival time at work so I had between 45 minutes and an hour to observe my wife’s habits. I had taken the lock off the side gate. There was no reason for her to go round there so I wasn’t worried about her noticing it missing. Each day I would leave, drive around the corner, park the car and come back into our street from the other end so I could get to the side gate without being seen from the front window.

The first day I did it I was trembling. Part was worry that I would be seen, part was worry of what I would see, and part of it was just the excitement of creeping around and being a voyeur.

I wasn’t seen; she was far too busy! I had only been out of the house for just over 6 minutes and she was lying on the floor with her legs wide open, her shirt undone. She was squeezing her nipples and massaging her big tits while the dog lapped at her cunt with gusto. I watched and after a few minutes I could see the signs of her impending orgasm. She put her hands on her thighs and grabbed hold of her cunt lips and pulled her cunt as wide as she could to get as much of the dog’s tongue on her throbbing clitoris. She had her lips fully extended to about 5” so they formed a guide from her arse to her clitoris for the dog’s tongue. She was squeezing her tits together with her upper arms and I could see her face getting red as she began to reach her peak. When she did I heard her scream through the closed window! She closed her legs tight with the force of the orgasm. Then she dropped her legs to the floor and went back to squeezing her nipples. Her nipples were rock hard and sticking out an inch. She must have been so horny. The dog stood there between her legs waiting. From my vantage point I could see his huge member twitching and the precum dripping off onto the kitchen floor tiles. Suddenly Lydia rolled over onto her tummy and opened her legs and began to raise her arse off the floor. I could see the dog getting excited as his bitch prepared her cunt for him. Lydia was fingering her cunt, spreading her cunt lips and dipping a finger into her soaking hole before she rubbed her juices all around her labia. The dog was getting very excited and was shuffling his feet and pushing his nose against her hand, hurrying her up. Eventually she opened her hand and beckoned the dog to her. He just walked up behind her. She expertly took hold of his huge pink cock and stuffed it into her hole. Lydia kept her face and tits on the floor tiles so I couldn’t see her face, but I could see the dog pounding his cock into her willing cunt. Even having seen it before I was still amazed how he could fuck so fast. He was pulling his cock out of her cunt almost 7” then ramming it back in so his balls hit her clitoris and I knew that she would have another clitoral orgasm before he came. Although I couldn’t hear her scream I could see her little hands clenching and banging the floor as her orgasm took control of her body. The dog fucked her harder and harder. Then he seemed to stop with his cock deep inside her and I wondered whether her orgasm had made him cum. It hadn’t. I could see him pushing and moving his big cock from side to side and pulling and pushing. It took me some time before I realised he was pushing his knot into her. This time she relaxed her cunt muscles and let him get it in. Once it was in the dog, once again, began to pound her cunt and I knew from the size of the dog’s cock that the end of his cock would be grazing her uterus as he thrust his big cock deep inside her. I could see that Lydia had come again and this time it brought on the dog’s orgasm too. I could see the different movements he made as he filled his bitch’s cunt with his spunk. His knot acted as a plug to keep all his spunk inside her. Isn’t mother nature wonderful!

Soon the dog wanted to pull his cock out of Lydia’s cunt, but with her orgasm having tightened her cunt and his big knot still inside her he couldn’t get away. Classically, he moved around until they were arse to arse and he stood there tugging his cock until his knot had reduced enough for it to plop out. As soon as it did it was followed by a big gush of doggy spunk that began to run down Lydia’s inner thigh. She reached back and scooped it up on her finger and licked it off. I was also treated to another show of her cleaning her cunt by crouching down and scooping the copious amount of spunk out of her cunt and feeding it to herself on her fingers. Stunned by the display I slipped away and went to the office.

A few days later I decided to come home for lunch. I was hoping to find Lydia horny and “discover” spunk in her cunt as I had watched her being fucked again that morning, before diligently cleaning her cunt. This was obviously part of her ritual and I wondered why she did it.

When I got home I parked around the corner and went through the side gate. I didn’t expect to see anything going on as I had already seen her being fucked a few hours ago. I could see Lydia standing at the sink doing the washing up. Her shirt must have been done up because I couldn’t see her big tits. Then I saw the dog walk into the room. He walked straight up behind her and put his nose up her shirt, lifting it above her arse. I swear he prodded her between her legs with his nose to make her part her thighs. I was gobsmacked when she opened her legs, pushed her arse out and carried on washing up as the dog licked her cunt from behind. From this vantage point I could see the dog’s cock growing as he licked her. I must have been 9” of rigid pink doggy meat! His tongue was working its magic too as I saw Lydia had stopped washing up and had lowered her head onto her hands on the front of the counter so her back was flat and her cunt was more available to the busy tongue. I couldn’t believe she was being brought to another clitoral orgasm by the dog. It was only a few hours ago that he had fucked her and filled her cunt with his spunk. I saw her arse start to lift up and down as she approached her orgasm and could see her face go red as it reached the point of no return and she screamed out loud with the force of the orgasm. This time she wasted absolutely no time. She dropped to the floor and put her hand out for the cock. The dog shuffled forward until his cock flopped into her hand and she greedily fed it into her hungry cunt. The fucking was as frantic as it had been each time I had watched them. I could see that Lydia had several orgasms before letting the dog get his knot inside her tight cunt. I continued to watch until I knew he had spunked and that they would be knotted for 5-10 minutes.

I walked round the side of the house to the front. I took out my key and put it noisily into the lock. I opened the door and called out “Honey, it’s such a nice day I thought we’d do lunch” as I walked into the kitchen and found her knotted to the dog. They were arse to arse. She had her hands over her eyes and she was whimpering “No…, no…” over and over, followed by “Sorry, I’m so sorry…”. I walked up to her and lifted her head with my hand. I pushed her hands away from her eyes and told her to open them. She did and saw my rigid cock was millimetres away from her mouth. She opened her mouth and I slipped my cock in. She sucked my cock deep into her mouth, then swirled her tongue around my glans, then she bobbed up and down on it before she swallowed it. I was in ecstasy. Her mouth was doing wonderful things to my cock and I knew she was trying to work out in her head what she was going to say to me when I had finished fucking her mouth and the dog managed to get his cock out of her cunt. By now they were arse to arse again and I could feel the tugs as the dog tried to pull his big cock out of her. It came out with a plop just as I flooded her mouth with my spunk. I saw her gulp as she swallowed my hot spunk, then her hand went down between her legs and I knew she was about to start her cleaning ritual as the spunk was already running down her thighs. Suddenly she remembered I was there and stopped; her hand was holding her cunt, stopping the doggy spunk from dripping on the floor tiles. I took my cock out of her mouth. I didn’t want her to know that I had been spying on her; neither did I want to stop seeing the sight of her scooping the spunk out of her cunt and licking it off her fingers.

In a moment of sheer brilliance I told her to stand up. She stood in front of me, still holding the spunk inside her cunt with the palm of her hand, her magnificent breasts were rising and falling, she was still panting from the energetic fuck. I told her to back up to the fridge, then to crouch down with her legs wide apart until her arse touched the tiles. Then I told her to scoop the spunk out of her cunt and lick it off her fingers. She did as she was told and I wondered if she was relieved or shocked that I had told her to do exactly what she would have done had I not been there. As soon as she was “clean” I told her to stand up. I sent her off for a shower and to dress to go out for lunch so we could talk.

I sat in the kitchen, watching the dog lick his cock and balls, until Lydia came back down. Her hair was still a bit wet. She looked fantastic. She had on a silky dress that was tight enough to show off her magnificent tits but loose enough for them to be able to bounce around. Her erect nipples left me in no doubt she was braless. I knew she was knickerless to because she doesn’t have any. She did a little pirouette to show me how her dress would fly up and show off her naked shaved cunt if there was the slightest breeze. I stood up and took her in my arms and kissed her, just to make sure that she knew that I wasn’t angry with her. Then I walked her to the door, I turned back and saw the dog looking balefully at me. I called him over and we all left the house together. We had to walk around the corner to the car but Lydia didn’t ask why I hadn’t parked on the drive. I held the dog’s leash in one hand and held Lydia’s hand with the other as we walked along. By the time we had reached the car we had been tooted at three times by drivers admiring Lydia’s naked bottom as her skirt puffed up. It was a long time ago that I forbade her from holding a dress, or a skirt, down in the wind. Initially she had found it a reflex and very hard to stop, but gradually she had mastered it and now she could completely ignore the feeling of the wind wafting between her thighs as her dress came up to her waist, or higher, even if someone was walking towards her and would not be able to miss seeing her naked cunt.

We drove out to a nice little pub that had low ceilings and booth seating. I bought us drinks and ordered a light lunch. We settled into a booth in the corner opposite each other, the dog went under the table between our legs. We sat sipping our drinks, looking at each other in silence until I broached the subject that was on both of our minds. “Why” I blurted out “did you let the dog fuck you?”

“Well, it was your fault really” she said. “And how is that?” I asked. Then she told me her story.

“Well, you know I don’t have any knickers, and I only wear a bum skimming shirt while I am at home. As, you know my cunt’s lips are always wet, and most often one or both of us can smell my arousal. You know I am always aroused! You know I can’t keep my hands off my cunt lips, and that makes it worse because they just stay wet and I stay horny. Well one day, I was in the kitchen cleaning the worktop and I dropped a spoon and it went under the sofa. Instead of pulling the sofa out as I should have done, I got onto my hands and knees and stretched my arm under the sofa to get the spoon. It was right at the back by the skirting board, but I thought I could reach it. I sort of lowered my back and spread my legs a bit more to get under the sofa, I had to get my head and my left should completely under it in order to reach the spoon.”

I looked at her expectantly waiting for her to continue as she took a sip of her wine. “Well, the position I was in must have left my cunt completely open because before I knew it the dog’s cock was deep in my cunt and he was fucking me hard before I could move. I tried to get out but I was jammed under the sofa by the weight of the sofa and with the dog deep inside my cunt I couldn’t move because of the weight of the dog. He just fucked me so hard and so fast I was cumming all the time. I can’t begin to tell you how good that first fuck was, even though it was a total and utter surprise and I would never have let it happen given the opportunity to stop it – honest, you have to believe me?.”

“So, what happened then?” I asked.

“I felt so guilty. Guilty that it had happened and guilty that I had enjoyed it so much. I was terrified you would find out and that you would walk in the door in the next minute and find me full of doggy spunk. So I crouched, like you told me to today, and scooped as much spunk as I could out of my cunt”.

“Then you licked it off your fingers?” I prompted.

“Yes, I don’t know why but when I had a scoopful of warm spunk in my hand I smelt it and stuck my tongue in it. It tasted so good that I have done it ever since”.

“So, how long have you and the dog been fucking exactly?” I asked. I wasn’t prepared for her answer though.

“It must be about a year, I think” she said. To say I was surprised would be a major understatement! I hadn’t even guessed. I hadn’t smelt anything, nor had I felt anything different about her cunt, even though the dog’s cock is longer and fatter than mine is.

“How often do you let him fuck you then?” I asked.

“Oh, as often as he wants really. He is quite demanding! Ever since that first time he treats me like his bitch. When he wants to fuck he just sticks his nose between my thighs to give me the message. Sometimes he will lick my cunt until I come and then fuck me, or sometimes he just wants to fuck straightaway”.

“So, how often does he get to fuck his bitch then? Every day?”

“Oh no” she said, “probably 4 or 5 times a day”

“But what about weekends when I am around?” I asked, confused.

“Well, when you go to play golf on a Saturday he fucks me at least twice, sometimes three times. He seems to sense that he isn’t allowed to when you are there so he makes the most of it when you aren’t. Then, I usually manage to get enough time to give him a blow job or two, and sometimes I take a chance and let him fuck me while you are in the study on the computer. That’s why the cleaning is so important, so you don’t see me rush to the bathroom to wipe away the spunk as it is running down my thighs. Imagine if you came out of the study as I walked past and you could see the congealing spunk running down my leg?”. She laughed.

I was stunned. My wife is telling me that she not only fucks the dog, she sucks his cock. She continued.

“Sundays are a bit harder. He always fucks me twice while you are out getting the papers and when you disappear while I prepare lunch he usually licks me to orgasm and I either let him fuck me quickly or I suck him off. Usually it’s sucking because it is easier to get away if you were to walk in the room”.

“So”, I said, “you get fucked and/or licked by the dog 4 or 5 times a day, every day? And you still have enough of a horny cunt to fuck me every night? Except when you have your period. So, how does the dog manage when you have your period?”.

She smiled. “Oh, that’s easy! I just put a tampon in when I get up so you see it going in. When you leave I take it out and the dog deals with the blood with his tongue. Even when he fucks me he licks the blood off my thighs and off his own cock, if I don’t get there first. Then when you come home I “change” the tampon, which means I put one in”.

I looked at my lovely wife. She was smiling at me as she told me her story. I could see her left hand had slipped under the table. I ducked my head under and could see that she had her legs wide open and her dress pulled up. She was gently tugging and caressing her cunt lips as she owned up to fucking the dog. What a woman!

I told her to use both her hands to stretch her lips wide and open her cunt up and let some of her smell out. Then I kicked the dog so he started to get up. He couldn’t stand properly under the table but he could stand enough to get his head, and more importantly his tongue, between my lovely wife’s thighs so he could lick her clitoris. I sat there watching her getting redder and redder as the dog’s magic tongue worked on her clit. She began to shake and tremble. She said she needed to stop because she was nearly cumming. I smiled at her and told her she could only stop AFTER she had cum. She was shaking more now. She was begging me to let her stop in case she screamed as she came. She told me she often screamed when the dog licked her because his tongue was so rough the orgasm is more intense. I smiled and sat back and watched as she got closer and closer until finally she threw her head back and clenched her teeth as her orgasm arrived. She mewled loudly enough for someone in the next booth to put his head around to see what was going on. When the guy saw her sitting with her legs wide apart and her hands still stretching her naked cunt’s lips apart and down her thighs, fortunately the dog had already slumped back to the floor. The guy quickly turned away and I could hear the shocked whispers as he told his party what he had seen. If only he had looked 20 seconds before and seen the dog’s tongue at work! Someone opposite him leant out of the booth to look, but could only see one of her spread knees and me smiling at him.

I was enjoying myself immensely with my newfound ultra horny cunt. I hadn’t realised that Lydia was being fucked up to 7 times a day, between me and the dog, and the more she got it seemed, the more she wanted. We finished our lunch and walked back to the car, oblivious (well she was) to the breeze lifting her skirts and displaying her charms. I opened the passenger door for her and she smiled and sat in the seat. I told her to pull her dress up to her waist, which she did willingly, even opening her legs wide to show me her engorged lips. She was a bit shocked though when I put the dog in the foot-well in front of her and between her shiny thighs.

As we drove along the road I watched out of the corner of my eye as Lydia held the dog’s head between her thighs so she could feel the heat of his breath on her hot cunt. I told her to recline her seat, spread her legs and put her feet on the dashboard and to put her arms behind her neck and to close her eyes. I watched the dog. Occasionally he stuck his tongue out and licked her cunt lips but he made no concerted effort to lick her properly again. Even so, it was a very horny image. I could smell her arousal too. I took the chance to divert to a more major road, a dual carriageway. Lydia wasn’t paying any attention to the road as she had her eyes shut and was concentrating on the feeling of her cunt with the warm dog breath gently blowing on it and the touch of his tongue. I told her to pull her cunt lips out and stretch them apart, without opening her eyes. She did so and the increase in the musky smell of her sex was magnified in the confines of the car. The dog couldn’t ignore it now and he began to use his long tongue to stroke the passage that Lydia’s parted and stretched lips made between her arse and her clitoris We passed a truck and I slowed down until we were level with the cab. The driver had his window open and I stayed next to him as he cruised alongside us watching our dog feverishly lick Lydia’s cunt. I managed to find two other trucks for her to unknowingly flash at before one of the driver’s blew his horn and Lydia jumped up, opened her eyes and pushed the dog away. I made her look up and smile and wave at the driver before turning off and heading for home. My mind was full of different ideas of what I was going to do with my horny wife and our horny dog.

When we arrived home we entered the house and I told Lydia to take off her clothes. She was used to this and reached for her shirt once she was naked. I told her that she couldn’t put it on today, and to come into the lounge. I made her tell me everything she had ever done with the dog. Bizarrely she told me that once she had a threesome with our dog and a stray in the park. The dog had put his nose up her skirt while they were walking through the park. She had tried to say no, but since she had never said no before he wasn’t having any of it and kept ramming his nose between her legs until she stopped walking and opened her legs. He began to lick her cunt, enough for her to know he was serious, but then he went round behind her and stuffed his nose between the cheeks of her arse. She knew that meant she had to kneel and be fucked. She was rather nervous but quite excited as she dropped to her knees and let him ram his horny cock into her cunt in the park. She was worried when another dog approached. More worried that the owner was just behind! There was no way she could stop the pounding cock in her cunt and the other dog was barking at them. She managed to coax the dog over and pulled him down in front of her and licked his cock. When his cock grew she sucked his cock. She didn’t want to really (she said) but was scared of being discovered by someone attracted to the barking; clearly no thought about stopping her dog fucking her! She told me that the dog had spunked in her mouth before our dog spunked in her cunt and she had swallowed the whole load before carrying out her cleaning ritual on her cunt to eat our dog’s spunk. I asked Lydia to demonstrate giving the dog a blow job. She smiled briefly, then dropped to her knees and called the dog over. She had her legs spread wide and was fingering her cunt and offering the fingers to the dog. The dog licked her fingers and began to push his head between her thighs. Lydia reached under him and grasped his growing cock. When she was satisfied it was erect enough she rolled the dog onto its back. I was amazed to see her just put her mouth over his cock and appear to swallow the whole thing! This was so sexy, as was the view I had of my wife’s gaping cunt as she sucked the dog’s cock. I quickly stripped off my clothes, caressed my hardening cock a few times before kneeling behind her and shoving my cock into her slippery cunt. God it was good. She wasn’t ready for it and I could feel her muscles tense as my cock slid past them. I kept up a steady rhythm until I saw the dog tense and I knew he was spunking into Lydia’s mouth. I told her to keep the spunk in her mouth and to wait until I told her to swallow. Then I began to fuck her really hard. My sac was banging against her swollen clitoris and I knew she was likely to have another clitoral orgasm before I could fill her cunt. Her orgasm came much quicker than I thought. Although she squeezed hard I managed to maintain control and continued to pump my hard cock in and out of her superbly juicy cunt. She had her head on the floor and she was pinching her nipples. She had her mouth shut tight, still full of doggy spunk. That got me thinking. When I was ready to blast my spunk into her cunt; I quickly pulled out, turned her around and made her open her mouth and stick her tongue out. I could see all the doggy spunk lying there under her tongue and it just brought me over the top and I released my spunk all over her tongue, where it ran off to mix with the doggy spunk already there.

We laid there on the floor on our backs. Lydia had her legs spread wide, she was moaning that there was no spunk in her cunt to clean up. I told her to wait a while. We laid there and dozed. I was nearly asleep when I felt a slight movement. Lydia had her left hand between her thighs. I just knew she was spreading her lips, trying to get her sex smell to arouse the dog. It was only just over 40 minutes since she had sucked the dog off and been fucked by me but she was already horny again.

The dog came and stood between her spread thighs and began to lick. I laid there and thought I must be the luckiest guy in the world to have such a horny wife. It didn’t take long, and after another monstrous screaming clitoral orgasm Lydia turned on to her knees and guided the dog’s monster cock into her needy cunt. Then she smiled at me and grabbed my cock in her hand and brought her mouth down on it. My vision was watching my wife being fucked hard by our dog while she gave me an expert blow job. With her expertise it didn’t take long for me to come in her mouth. Then, as a surprise for me, she turned around and pushed the dog onto its back and started to suck his cock, her mouth still full of my spunk. I looked up and could see the gaping hole where the dog’s huge cock had just been taken out of her cunt. She expertly sucked the dog until he spunked, then showed me the mess in her mouth before swallowing.

What a woman! I couldn’t believe what a voracious appetite for sex this woman has. Now she doesn’t need to hide her desires from me she is being fucked more than ever; probably eight to ten times a day by the dog and several times a day by me, or as much as I can manage anyway! I can’t wait to see her performing with the dog while she is menstruating and I’m keeping my eyes open for other dogs, and maybe owners, that can help me keep up with her needs.


Chapter Two

Having found out that my lovely wife Lydia was being fucked 6 or 7 times a day by our randy dog, and had the opportunity to watch a few times, I decided to add a few ground rules (really sex rules, but Lydia was happy with the term ground rules).

First I told her that she had to completely shave her cunt, I wanted it to be completely smooth so she could really feel the hairs of the dog as she gave herself to him to be used as his bitch whenever he wanted. I told her that while she was in the house she had to be naked. If there was someone else in the house she could wear a short dress, but never a bra – she doesn’t have any knickers, so no need for rules there.

It was clear that the dog already he thought he owned his bitch. I had seen him shove his nose up her skirt or shirt to get her to drop onto her knees to be fucked by him. So I changed the rules slightly. I told Lydia that if the dog began to lick her cunt she had to stop what she was doing, put her hands behind her back and open her legs wide and crouch slightly and tip her pelvis to give him maximum access to her cunt and allow him to lick her until he decided to stop, not her, and not because she had been licked to an orgasm.

I also told her that if the dog made her come she had to repay him by having him fuck her. This meant that if his cock wasn’t hard she had to suck him to make it hard. Each and every orgasm had to be rewarded by a fuck. Generally, the rule was that as soon as the dog made her come she had to immediately turn around and get on her knees ready to be fucked. If the dog didn’t understand she had to encourage him to poke his big cock inside her. I made this unconditional, just in case there was someone in the house and she was scared of being seen fucking the dog. I knew she wouldn’t break the rule and she would let him fuck her regardless of whether there was someone else in the house.

Lydia soon got into the new rules, especially as they started that night and I was there to “supervise” from then until Monday morning. The dog caught on quickly too. Friday night, right after she shaved off her landing strip, the dog licked her shaved naked cunt as soon as she walked back in the room, naked of course. Lydia was very good she stood with her legs at least 18” apart, with her hands clasped behind her. She crouched a few inches and tilted her pelvis so that her cunt lips were obscenely sticking out. Her huge tits were heaving a bit and she closed her eyes so she wouldn’t have to look at me watching her. The dog did a brilliant job. I could see his big rough tongue licking from her arse to her clitoris and occasionally dipping inside her soaking vagina. He continued licking until she was panting and her body was twitching. Then suddenly she was having an enormous orgasm. I knew she wanted to squeeze her legs together but she followed the rules and remained standing with her legs spread until the dog had licked off all the vaginal juices that her orgasm had produced.

Without waiting more than a second Lydia turned around and dropped to her knees. Her hands went behind her to stretch her cunt open for her master. The dog didn’t delay either he just walked up behind her, he was tall enough that he could walk over her upturned arse and prodded her cunt with his cock dripping copious amounts of pre-cum. Lydia grabbed his throbbing cock and fed it into her saturated needy cunt. I watched as the pace of the fuck increased and increased. I thought it was frantic at the beginning with the dog’s huge cock pummelling my lovely wife’s cunt. But as the fuck progressed I could see the fucking getting faster and harder. I also noticed that Lydia was keeping her arse as high in the air as she could so the dog’s massive balls were bouncing against her tender clitoris. For this first time I told Lydia she had to squeeze her cunt muscles so the dog couldn’t get his knot insider her, but I told her that unless she had been instructed not to she had to push her cunt open when she felt the knot beginning to grow and she had to allow him to get his knot inside her every time he wanted to. Thinking back, I believe this was every time. At least every time I was around to witness.

So when the dog started to hump, trying to get his knot inside I could see the effort Lydia had to make to stop his knot from forcing past her vaginal muscles. She was a good girl though and soon the dog whined a bit and I could see his body pumping as he filled his bitch with his hot spunk.

When he had pulled out and gone to lick his cock Lydia stood up and crouched down ready for her normal cunt-cleaning ritual. Suddenly a new rule jumped into my head. I told her to keep her hand tightly over her cunt to stop the spunk escaping. I told her the new rule and watched her carry it out for the first time. She crawled over to the dog and pushed his head away from his cock with her own head. Then she used her own mouth and tongue to clean his cock instead. It was a very erotic sight seeing my lovely wife’s arse as her hand cupped her ample pussy lips and her head bobbed up and down on his softening cock as she licked away their joint sexual juices. When she had finished she turned and asked if she could now clean her cunt. I started to say yes, then I thought of another little change of the rules. I had her stand there while I went to a cupboard and took out a pint beer glass. I made her crouch down over the glass and put two fingers from each hand into her cunt and stretch it open. A lot of doggy spunk plopped out of her cunt into the glass. She wasn’t looking happy so I asked her what the problem was. She said she really looked forward to the cleaning and licking her fingers. I told her that once all the really runny spunk had gone into the glass she could put her fingers inside her cunt and scoop out any remaining spunk and lick it off her fingers. She smiled at me, handed me the glass and proceeded to carry out the rest of her cleaning ritual.

I looked at the glass there was about one half of an inch of doggy spunk at the bottom of the glass. I put it on the counter and told Lydia that she had to add to the contents of the glass every time she was fucked by the dog. My wife isn’t slow though. She asked what she had to do if she sucked the dog’s cock. I smiled and told her that she could drink that spunk straight away. She seemed happy with that.

By the time I was ready to go to bed Lydia had been fucked four more times by the dog. He seemed to walk around the house with a semi-erect cock all the time, I was quite envious really, although I knew that if I told Lydia to get on the floor with her arse in the air ready to be fucked by me she would willingly do so at any time. However, I really liked watching Lydia’s face as the dog fucked her, not to mention watching her huge tits swinging as his monster cock pounded into her tight cunt.

Her last fuck of the evening, with the dog, was fantastic. We were sitting on the sofa next to each other watching a film. Lydia was sitting (naked still) with her legs wide open and her ankles crossed on the sofa. I could smell the strong aroma of sex as, as usual, she was gently pulling her huge outer lips, allowing the strong smell of her regularly fucked cunt to permeate the lounge. The dog was lying in front of the fire, apparently asleep. I noticed him partially roll over and sniff the air, still with his eyes closed. Then he opened one eye and looked over at the couch. He rolled fully over and stood up and stretched his legs and yawned. He licked his lips and walked slowly over to the couch. He put his nose right up against Lydia’s cunt and seemed to take in a deep breath before sticking his tongue out and beginning to lick her huge lips. The rules didn’t cover this situation so I had to make one up really quickly! I told Lydia that she had to pull her legs up and get her elbows behind her knees and her knees as wide apart as possible any time the dog approached her while she was on the sofa or an armchair. She asked if I meant when the dog put his nose between her legs as he had just then, and I said “No, if he comes near to you assume the position”. She looked at me, “but if I do that my whole cunt will be exposed to his nose, he’ll never ignore that even if he was just going to walk past me to go into the kitchen. He’ll see my horny cunt, smell my horny cunt and lick my horny cunt every single time”. I grinned. “That’s the rule” I said. The dog had already started doing what Lydia had predicted. He was licking her cunt furiously, and I was interested to see if there was any rhythm to the number of times his big tongue slid inside her cunt, rather than across it. Certainly it seemed that his tongue covered the whole estate from her anus to her clitoris. Each lick started with his tongue curling into her arse, through her parted labia before flicking her clitoris. It wasn’t many minutes before Lydia was shaking her head. Not because she didn’t like it, but because she didn’t think she could stop herself from coming. I told her to relax and let it happen. She looked at me and smiled and said thanks before squeezing her eyes shut tight and seemingly pushed her cunt lips out for the next assault by the rough tongue of the dog. Her pushing her cunt out seemed to make the dog’s tongue slide inside her vagina every time it traversed the space between her anus and her clitoris. Lydia was gasping now, her little feet were wiggling and her face, shoulders and chest were getting red as she tried to hold the orgasm back as long as she could to feel the fabulous sensation between her thighs. She couldn’t stop it for long though and the orgasm arrived, first with a whimper, then with a scream as waves of passion coursed through her.

Somehow the dog knew it was enough and he backed off a foot or so. I could see his erection was pretty impressive and doubted that Lydia would have to suck his cock tonight. Lydia slid off the couch and turned her arse towards the TV. She opened her legs wide and pushed her arse up really high. I could smell her arousal so goodness knows what the dog could smell! He came up behind her, then shuffled his big body over her arse until his cock was prodding around looking for his bitch’s cunt hole. Lydia’s hand snaked between her legs and grabbed the end of the dog’s big cock. She pulled it towards herself and fed it into her cunt, letting go of it as soon as she could so she would get the thrill of feeling the whole 9” sliding quickly into her.

As soon as it was inside her the dog was pumping really hard. I could see the effort he was putting into it and how Lydia was carefully arranging her cunt so she got the maximum feeling from every thrust of the huge penis. Lydia’s shoulders were on the floor so she could get her arse as high as possible to get maximum penetration. This also had the additional benefit of allowing her to feel the dog’s balls bashing her clitoris as he pummelled her cunt. I felt the need for a new rule. I told Lydia that whenever her shoulders were on the floor she had to squeeze her nipples hard. Lydia’s hands snaked out from under her and slid around to her huge tits, scrabbling around she eventually found her nipples under the bulk of her tits. She grabbed the nipples and pulled them down so that I could see them under her arched back. I could see the effort she was putting into squeezing them and I told her what a good girl she is. She groaned her thanks.

The dog’s cock was thrusting deep inside her and occasionally he was virtually pulling all the way out before thrusting the whole 9” back inside her. I could see that this was the movement that had the most effect on my lovely wife and I made a mental note to teach the dog to do this all the time to increase her enjoyment. Eventually he began to slow and his thrusting was very much just pulling out an inch and pushing back in hard. He was spreading my wife’s cunt lips to force his knot inside her. I could see the knot beginning to grow and he managed to get it in fairly quickly before it had grown too much to fit. I peered between their two bodies and I could see my wife’s vagina was horribly stretched. The knot must have been 6 or 7”. It looked impossible! As soon as it was in, I think, the dog started short hard thrusts before he pushed in deep and I knew he was pumping my wife full of his doggy spunk. Lydia was sweating with the effort of the 15 minute fuck. Good girl though, she was still squeezing her nipples hard. She had the weight of the dog above her arse so she couldn’t have lifted her shoulders off the floor if she had wanted to.

Now he had come inside his hot bitch the job was done and the dog wanted to be free. He pulled and pulled to get free before turning so they were arse to arse. Still he pulled and couldn’t get away from my wife’s tight cunt. Soon though, less than 10 minutes, the knot had shrunk enough for the dog to pull out. He went straight back to the fireplace and started to lick his cock. Lydia was on the ball though. She grabbed her cunt with her hand to stop the spunk leaking out and scrambled across the floor on her knees. She pushed the dog’s head away and licked and sucked all their juices from his softening cock.

As soon as she was done I passed her the beer glass and watched her crouch over it and take her hand away from her cunt. Her cunt was still widely stretched by the dog’s huge knot and she didn’t need to put any fingers inside to open it. The white globules of dog spunk just dripped out of her cunt into the glass. When it had stopped dripping she passed me the glass and started to scoop out any remaining spunk and lick it off her fingers.

I took the beer glass from her. The bottom of the glass held about 2 inches of dog spunk. Apparently the dog produced more spunk if he managed to get his knot into his bitch; which he had done every time apart from that first time when I had told her not to let it happen.

As we went to bed I picked the glass up from the counter and handed it to Lydia. “Bottoms up” I said. She looked at me strangely for a minute, then twigged. She put the glass to her lips and tipped it up, pouring the goo into her mouth. She had to hold her head back in order for me to see it or it would have spilled out. Her mouth was completely full. I smiled and told her to swallow. She did so before telling me it tasted better straight from his cock or her cunt. I told her I didn’t care and that she was to keep all the spunk that was runny enough to drip out of her stretched open cunt until bed-time every day. Needless to say Lydia promised that she would.

We went to bed. I couldn’t keep my hands off my gorgeous wife. Soon she was licking my cock as I squeezed her nipples and stroked her breasts. I laid her on her back and thrust my hardness into her. I held her arms over her head and rammed my cock into her as hard as I could, crushing her clitoris with my pubic bone on each ram. Then I stopped momentarily and withdrew my cock before slowly pushing it back in and circling her whole vagina slowly with my pubic hair gently stroking her now completely shaved pubis and labia. The contrast against the frantic fucking of the dog was too much and Lydia was screaming as she came, squeezing my cock hard, trying to get my spunk insider her. I continued to slowly fuck my beautiful wife until she had two more orgasms then I planted my cock as deep inside her as I could and told her to squeeze the spunk out of it – if she could. She did, and I dumped loads of spunk inside her. Lydia wanted to get out of bed and scoop it out and eat it, but I wouldn’t let her. I told her to go to sleep because tomorrow would probably be a busy (for her) doggy-fucking day and that I might have to make up some new rules.

Some of them were already forming in my mind!

Might continue with Lydia if anyone cares to give me some more ideas of what she should be doing?


Chapter Three

I had discovered that my lovely wife Lydia was being fucked 6 or 7 times a day by our randy dog, and managed to watch a few times. I made up some new “rules” that meant she would be fucked even more by the randy dog. I wanted her to be completely under the dog’s (and my) control. To make it more fun for me I made her completely shave her cunt every day and remain naked when in the house, and to be always available to be fucked by our horny dog. I also took away all her bras and most of her “normal” clothes just leaving her things to wear that I thought were sexy.

The next morning I started Lydia with a new routine. This involved her sucking the dog’s cock as soon as she came downstairs. When his cock was hard she scooted round and helped him get his big cock into her cunt. When I walked into the kitchen she was moaning as the dog fucked her hard. I told her that she had to let the dog get his knot into her cunt if he wanted to. She told me that he already had and she could feel his cock bashing against her cervix! Lydia made a small scream as he dog came and she felt his spunk gushing into her womb and filling her vagina. She laid there on her knees and shoulders. I could see the huge knot with her cunt lips stretched over it. It looked huge.

I had the morning off as there were some things I wanted to do in the house so I went to her wardrobe and took out a short yellow flowery summer dress with buttons up the front and left it on the bed. I went down and told Lydia to leave the dog’s spunk in the beer glass and get showered and dressed. I still found it very horny seeing her crouching over the glass and pulling her cunt lips open and watching the sticky goo dribble into the glass.

She came down 15 minutes later in the dress I had left out. She was smiling happily and lifted the skirt of her dress to show me her naked, shaved cunt. I asked her to come and give me a kiss because she was going out to the shops. She looked quizzically then came and bent over and kissed me. I put my hand up her skirt and fondled her big cunt lips. I pushed a finger inside her cunt, it was soaking wet. I knew the dress was very short and that if there had been anyone standing behind her they would be able to see her fat cunt lips pushing her thighs apart. She stood up next to me as I undid four buttons at the bottom of the dress and three at the top. Damn she looked sexy! It wasn’t obscene, you couldn’t actually see her naked mound but it was very close. And her big tits were straining to escape from the gap between the top of the dress. I gave Lydia a shopping list that I had made up and told her to go to the big supermarket the other side of town to buy the things on the list. I also told her that she always had to bend from the waist to pick anything from low shelves. She gave me a wicked smile and turned around and bent over showing me her lovely arse. I told her to open her legs a bit first, which gave me a superb view of her cunt lips as she bent over to show me again.

It was at this point that the dog walked into the room. Lydia stayed where she was showing me her magnificent cunt and the dog walked up behind her and started to lick her cunt. I hadn’t really seen it this close before and it was a sight to see his big rough tongue stroking from her clitoris right up to her arse. I watched mesmerised as his tongue lapped away and could hear Lydia getting more and more agitated as the dog’s tongue did its magic on her clitoris. She actually screamed when she came and I could see her thighs shaking as she desperately fought the urge to close her legs to stop the big tongue continuing to lash her now sensitive clitoris. I saw her turn and look at the dog and realised she was checking to see whether he was erect or not. He wasn’t and I had the pleasure of seeing her pull the dog to the floor and take his flaccid cock into her mouth. It only took moments for her hot tongue to get the dog’s big cock out of its sheath and perfectly rigid. Then she turned around showed the dog her smelly, open cunt. The dog just stood up and walked over her until his cock was stabbing around her vagina, looking for the hole he expected to find there. Without any prompting Lydia’s hand snaked between her legs and grabbed the stabbing cock and positioning at her soaking wet and throbbing cunt. The dog rammed his cock into her and I heard a whoosh as he knocked the air out of her as his cock bottomed out in her vagina. As soon as he was in her he started to piston his cock in and out, I saw her tilt her cunt so that she could feel his balls bouncing on her (must be) tender clitoris. I took the opportunity of being so close to manoeuvre the dog a bit, I pulled him away until his cock was only just inside her then let him go and pushed him back, all the way inside. Lydia was frantic, she was screaming for his spunk, but the dog was learning and he was pulling back and thrusting so she had one inch inside her followed by nine inches. I knew it was driving her to new heights by the moaning. I hadn’t been watching the dog’s knot grow and was somewhat surprised when suddenly he rammed in and stayed in and I could then see it stretching her cunt as he continued to ram into her with the knot keeping his cock deep inside until he paused, rammed once and I could see his legs shake as he delivered a cunt full of spunk inside her.

As I sat and waited until the dog’s knot subsided I released my rigid cock from my trousers and Lydia smiled as she took it into her mouth and sucked me. God, she was a great cock sucker and I came even before the dogs cock slipped out of her cunt and Lydia stood up. She turned and smiled at me. “That wasn’t one I expected to get” she laughed as the spunk began to run down her thighs. I watched her as she got the glass off the shelf and position her pretty cunt over it and dropped the globules of spunk into it before poking her finger deep inside herself to capture any remaining doggy goo that she could lick off her fingers. Off she went to the supermarket, looking absolutely gorgeous and very radiant after a very vigorous fuck! She took the dog with her, even though she knew it wouldn’t be allowed inside the store, I also knew that she wouldn’t leave him in the car and who knows what could happen between the car and the store?

As soon as they were gone I got to work on my new scheme. I had bought five tiny web cameras with little microphones. The lenses really were tiny pin pricks, but I had been told they had fantastic resolution capabilities. I had already walked around the house and chosen my sites carefully. In the lounge I put one in the coving in the corner of the room where it should be able to see most of the room. I had to lift the carpet in the bedroom above it to wire it up and I had bought special network connectors that plug into the ring main sockets to get the images back to the PC in the study. I put another camera in the bedroom where it had a good view of the bed and the area between it and the door, I put one in the hall so I would be able to see the front door and the hallway before the stairs rose. I put another in the kitchen so I could see the whole length of the room as well as the seating area at the end. The last one I put in the fascia outside the lounge doors. This was a special wide-angle camera that would have a view of most of the garden. I didn’t know whether any al-fresco fucking was going on but I wanted to know if it was!

I had been finished for a good half-hour before Lydia came back with the groceries. She gave me a tight smile and I asked her what was up. “Just the bloody dog, up my bloody skirt” she said, somewhat exasperated. “And your bloody rules too”. She went straight to the counter and picked up her pint glass. She put it in the floor and lifted her dress up to her waist and crouched over the glass, she slipped two fingers into her cunt and spread them open. The globules of dog spunk dripped out of her cunt into the glass. There was quite a lot of it and I wondered if he had fucked her more than once. I helped her bring in the groceries then sat her down with a cup of tea and asked her what had happened. Apparently all went fine when they arrived at the supermarket and she tied the dog outside and he sat nicely as she went into the shop. However, when she came out of the shop he immediately stuck his nose up the skirt of her dress and started to lick her bald cunt. Fortunately, she said, there weren’t too many people around and she stood with her back to the car park, hoping people wouldn’t notice what was going on. That worked fine until a man came to tie his dog too. As he bent down to tie the lead to the pole he noticed the dog’s nose was up her dress and he stayed glued to the spot, watching her until she came with a little murmur of a moan. She knew she was meant to get on her knees to be fucked but simply couldn’t do it in front of this man. She told me she rushed back to the car, threw the groceries in before climbing on to the back seat and lifting her dress up over her back. She then called the dog in to the car and closed the door, pausing only to suck his cock to make it rock hard she then helped him get his cock inside her and let him fuck her. As this was her first doggy fuck in a fairly public place she made the wise decision not to let him get his knot inside her, which is just as well because after the dog had spunked in her cunt and lost interest she found that the man that had been tying up his dog was standing outside the car peering through the window looking directly at her big cunt lips and the spunk beginning to dribble out between them.

Later that evening we were sitting in the lounge, Lydia, naked, was playing with her cunt. Stroking it and then running her wet fingers across her erect nipples. The dog walked in from the kitchen and I was stunned how quickly Lydia reacted. She just lifted her legs up on to the sofa then put her elbows behind her knees as I had told her. Then she spread her legs wide putting her hot cunt on display, just to see if the dog was interested in a fuck. He was, and I could see his cock was already semi erect. As Lydia had predicted there was no way the dog could walk past the smell of that cunt. He came straight to the sofa and began to lap away at Lydia’s cunt. She was already hot from playing with herself and the dog’s rough tongue soon had her holding back her screams. When she came I could see it was a good one. I could see her cunt juices running out of her and down the crack of her arse on to the leather sofa. She said something that I didn’t hear and the dog just jumped up and put his front paws either side of her body, his, now erect, cock was prodding around trying to find a hot cunt to stick it in. Lydia showed him by grabbing his big cock and feeding it into her hungry cunt. I watched, a bit mesmerised, as my wife was fucked again by our dog. I was trying to count how many times he had fucked her today. I decided that if it was only once at the supermarket, we never got that far in our discussion, she had been fucked twelve times by him today. No wonder his cock is semi erect he is fucking my wife more than once an hour! I watched closely as the dog rammed his cock into Lydia’s cunt, I was pleased to see that he had learned to give her his whole length by virtually withdrawing all of his cock before ramming the whole length back in. It made a difference to Lydia too, she was gasping as he fucked her hard, the hair above his cock was tickling her naked, shaved mound and pressing against her erect clitoris. I saw her body flush the first time she came, then I could see her pushing her cunt lips out as the dog fucked her hard. I could also see his knot start to grow and was fascinated to see him ram it inside my beautiful wife’s horny cunt. I thought once he got the knot in that he would stop ramming, but I was surprised to see him continue to pull out and ram in until her cunt lips were stretching over his knot, then he pushed in deep and stayed there until the knot made it impossible for him to get his cock out. Her lips were stretched open and I could see the huge knot under the skin of her vagina. His fucking became short and sharp as he prodded her cervix with his big cock. I saw her cum again as his cock rubbed against the g-spot behind her tummy wall. The g-spot orgasm was obviously a bit different to her “normal” vaginal orgasm because first she had a big clitoral orgasm from the dog’s hair stroking her exposed clitoris, quickly followed by an enormous vaginal orgasm from the deep and rapid fucking the dog was giving her soaking wet cunt. The dog shuddered as he pumped his spunk into my wife’s cunt. Lydia laid there with little beads of sweat on her top lip, her nipples were rosy red. Only her cunt was white because it was stretched so much with the dog’s knot. I left them there on the couch and went into the kitchen. I put our wine glasses into the dishwasher, then I picked up her spunk glass and took it into the lounge. The dog was just about managing to extricate his cock from my horny wife’s cunt. As he did she jumped off the sofa, one hand was held over her cunt to keep the dog’s gift inside her, she used the other hand to grab his cock and lick their juices off his prick. Once that was done she turned to me and took the glass, crouching over it she dutifully dribbled the spunk out of her cunt into the glass. She was standing in front of me. She looked fantastic! Her nipples were enormous and her cunt lips were huge and hanging down. She could see that I had a hard-on and asked me if I wanted a blow job.

Of course I said yes, and she undid my trousers and pulled them off, my erection springing up as it was released from the constraints of the clothes. She got down on her knees between my legs and took my cock in her mouth and began to gently swirl her tongue around my glans and lick my rock hard shaft. The she pushed my legs further apart and ran her mouth down the underside of my cock and started to lick my balls, taking them into her mouth one at a time. I was in ecstasy; her mouth was doing fantastic things to my cock. I looked over at the dog and was amazed to see that his cock was still semi-erect. I knew how many times he had fucked today and I saw him deliver loads of spunk into my wife’s hot cunt only 5 minutes ago, but he was still aroused and he was sniffing around her arse and I felt her jump as his tongue contacted her big, wet, cunt lips. Lydia made a slight adjustment to her hips so that her cunt was more pushed out, her tits were crushed into my inner thighs but she continued to focus all of her attention, and her mouth on my cock. I loved it when she started moaning into my cock meat as the dog’s rough tongue brought her to yet another clitoral orgasm. I told her to open her legs wide, I called him up and he jumped up and put his paws either side of my legs so his big cock was dangling around trying to find Lydia’s cunt hole. I told Lydia to feed her cunt with her master’s cock. I saw her eyes glance up to mine as she registered the import of what I had said before she reached between her thighs and directed his cock into her soaking cunt. That blowjob was fantastic! I think the rampant fucking of the dog made her take it deeper in her mouth than she ever had before. When I came I held her head, I pulled my cock out of her throat and rested it on her lips and told her to open her mouth. It was so hot looking at her sexy face as I pumped my hot spunk onto her tongue. She stayed there looking at me with her mouth full of my spunk until the dog filled her too, filled her cunt to overflowing with yet another dose of doggy spunk. I made it her thirteenth of the day. It was getting late, so as soon as she had let the spunk drip out of her cunt into the glass I had her stand up and drink it. I was amazed to see it was virtually at the half-pint level and Lydia had to swallow five or six times before she could drink it all. She finished by licking her lips before giving me a big wet kiss.

Lydia was already half asleep when I slid into the bed but she turned towards me and gave me a fantastic kiss. Although I had just filled her mouth with my spunk the sight of her and the dog fucking so much today had made me so horny that I put her on her knees and rammed my cock into her stretched cunt. I told her what a naughty girl she was and that nice girls didn’t fuck big dogs. She was panting as I fucked her and I could feel her pushing her cunt back towards me so that my balls were bashing against her clitoris. Lydia came first. She squeezed my cock so hard that I came straightaway. I filled her vagina with my spunk. Even before she asked I told her she could eat it straight out of her cunt. She looked at me with dreamy eyes before crouching next to the bed and dipping her fingers deep inside her to scrape my spunk out of her cunt and lick it off her fingers. I am not sure I stayed awake long enough to register her getting back into the bed!

When I left for work the next morning Lydia was just getting her first doggy master’s fuck. I bent down and gave her a kiss. She lifted her head off the floor and gave me a smile as she kissed me before collapsing back down on the floor under the rampant onslaught of our dog’s massive cock.

As soon as I got to work I couldn’t resist checking out my new webcams. I connected to the home VPN and entered the IP address of the camera in the kitchen. Lydia was sitting at the breakfast table eating toast and sipping tea. Her legs were wide open and the dog was standing between them licking her cunt. Suddenly I saw her tense and realised she was about to have an orgasm. I could hear her gasp as the orgasm took hold of her. I could see her stretching her legs wider apart, which I guessed was her way of coping with not being allowed to squeeze her thighs together when he made her cum. I was delighted to see that she kept to the rules and left her uneaten toast on the table when she got onto her knees and coaxed the dog to fuck her. I still loved watching the ferocity of the canine fuck. I could see, just about, Lydia’s head and shoulders change colour as the dog brought her to a vaginal orgasm. I could also see from his change of thrusting that he had managed to get his knot inside her cunt. The short strokes as he filled her cunt confirmed my guess. I needed more sound!

I left them knotted and got on with some work. I next checked in about two hours later. I couldn’t see them in the kitchen, the bedroom, the hallway or the garden. I thought it was the wrong time of day to be in the lounge but that was where I found them. Lydia was sitting on the couch in a short blue dress holding a cup of tea and a saucer. I was a bit mystified until I noticed that there was someone sitting in the chair nearly obscured under the camera. I could make out it was a woman and that she had blonde hair. She had a fairly short skirt on and was also holding a tea cup. I guessed it was one of Lydia’s friends. I could barely make out what they were saying but it was clearly a “catch up on news” and guessed they hadn’t seen each other for a while. I was still straining to hear their words when the dog walked in from the kitchen. He was actually walking past the sofa that Lydia was sitting upon when I saw her registering his arrival. I was so impressed when she just lifted her legs up and grabbed her knees with her elbows showing her friend and the dog her hot cunt. I heard the friend’s cup slam onto the saucer and saw the dog turn and put his nose between Lydia’s thighs. I heard the friend gasp as the dog started to lick Lydia’s cunt. She just sat there transfixed as the dog brought Lydia to a screaming orgasm. I was more than impressed when she made some unheard apology to her guest as she slid onto the floor and threw her dress over her back and pulled the dog’s cock into her horny cunt. The dog didn’t care about the audience and there was no real sign that Lydia did either because she let the dog get his knot into her and I could see her frantically drumming her hands on the floor as she came before the dog eventually filled her cunt with his hot goo. I watched for the whole time until the dog pulled his shrinking knot out of Lydia’s cunt and was pleased to see that she clamped her hand over her cunt and licked the dog’s cock. As she left the room I switched to the kitchen camera and saw her dripping the spunk into the glass. I wasn’t sure but it looked like there was already a couple of inches of spunk inside the glass and it was barely 11:00 am! I noticed a movement at the edge of the boundary of the cameras field of vision. It was Lydia’s friend standing in the lounge doorway watching her draining her cunt into the glass before putting it back on the shelf.

The friend then walked into the kitchen and stood next to Lydia as she was still crouching over the glass. By this time Lydia was scooping the left over spunk and licking it off her fingers. I couldn’t hear the words clearly but the friend was obviously asking Lydia what was going on. Lydia stood and put the glass back on the shelf and they walked back towards the lounge. I switched cameras back to the lounge camera and was pleased to see that they were sitting next to each other on the sofa directly opposite the camera. I still wasn’t sure I recognised the friend but even with the poor acoustics I could hear the friend questioning Lydia about her antics with the dog. When Lydia stood up and took off her dress I only just heard her say “Now you know what a horny, dog’s bitch I am I don’t have to wear this, do I?” Lydia sat down again, but this time she had her leg lifted and her knee on the cushion and her whole cunt was facing the “friend”. The speech was still to quiet to hear, but the way Lydia was leaning forward and the gesticulating told me that there was an earnest discussion going on. Suddenly Lydia leant forward and lifted the woman’s skirt. The skirt was fairly short and the woman didn’t have any stockings on. I could see she had a white thong on and with a little “zoom” I could see a definite “damp patch”. Lydia slid to the lounge floor and ran her hands up the outside of her friend’s thighs before grabbing her knickers and pulling them down, taking them off her feet and throwing them away. I heard Lydia say something about “horrible things” before she lifted the girl’s legs off the floor and over her shoulders. She was licking her friend’s cunt! I could see her big, naked cunt lips facing the camera as she diligently sucked her friend’s cunt. As the friend got hotter and hotter she unbuttoned her dress and pulled it off her shoulders. She leant forward and reached behind and unclasped her bra. Soon they were both naked. She was an attractive woman. Nowhere near as pretty or as sexy as my Lydia, but then I was seriously biased. She had medium sized tits but huge nipples. She was a bit heavier around the middle than Lydia and she had big thighs and hips. She slid her arse down the sofa so that her cunt was slightly off the edge of the cushion giving Lydia maximum access to her snatch. There was no mistaking the friend cumming. Her thighs just closed on Lydia’s head and she was humping her cunt into Lydia’s mouth before she just collapsed back onto the sofa and her legs went limp onto Lydia’s shoulders. Lydia pulled herself up between her friend’s thighs and kissed her for a long time. I could see her fingers stroking the woman’s big nipples. They were still talking. Damn these useless microphones! Then the woman reached forward and ran her hands down Lydia’s tummy and cupped her cunt. I could see her fingertips from behind. The woman leant forward and began to kiss Lydia and they were both naked and on the floor. They were kissing passionately, the friend on top. I could see her hands were all over Lydia’s body stroking and caressing her tits, nipples and then her cunt lips. The woman worked her way down Lydia’s body kissing her as she slipped lower and lower until her mouth was kissing Lydia’s cunt. I saw her fingers caressing Lydia’s cunt lips and spreading her wide as she began to lick her clitoris and her inner lips. I could tell that Lydia was having the time of her life. She was pinching her nipples and stroking herself, pulling her tits up and down as she rubbed her tits and nipples. Her legs were pulled up high. The friend’s somewhat thicker thighs were open wider as she knelt between Lydia’s creamy white thighs. I could see her big cunt lips were pink and puffy from Lydia’s cunnilingus earlier. I don’t think the woman had counted on the dog coming back into the room though, because when he started to lick between her thighs she seemed to jump a mile. Lydia managed to calm her down though and the woman resumed licking Lydia’s cunt. She also opened her legs wider to give the dog more access to her hot cunt. From the camera angle I could see that the dog’s usual semi was now a totally hard and erect cock. The question for me was not if, but how long it would be before he rammed his cock into this puffy cunt. It wasn’t long though because she seemed to cum in a few minutes, her arse started to pump up and down as she tried to cope with the power of orgasm that a rough tongue produces. It was when she squeezed her legs shut tight that I realised the orgasm was in full flow. I heard a mumbling of Lydia’s voice then the friend gingerly opened her legs. The dog was on her straight away. He was stabbing his cock into her, unable to find her vagina. Another mumble from Lydia and the woman put her hand between her legs and grabbed the big dick and aimed it at her cunt. As soon as the dog felt the wet walls of the inside of her cunt he just went for it. He rammed his cock into her to the hilt. I was pleased to see he had learned a little from my training and seemed to take much longer in and out strokes than I think most dogs do when fucking other dogs. Clearly Lydia didn’t warn her about the knot because after 10 minutes urgent fucking the dog suddenly rammed in and started to do the urgent short strokes he did to fill his bitches with his hot spunk. I saw the woman’s licking had made Lydia cum. Good girl, she kept her legs wide open throughout the spasms. Then she backed up a bit and sat with her knees up and open wide, watching the dog’s final peak as he filled his new bitch with his doggy spunk.

I wondered whether Lydia would ask the friend to deposit her share of the doggy spunk in the glass in the kitchen. What she did though was ultimately more horny. I watched her lay on the floor next to her friend, kissing her and stroking her tits and their big nipples. I could hear a mumbling and I knew they were whispering together. Then the woman got up, she stood astride Lydia’s head and lowered her cunt to Lydia’s lips. Lydia’s hands ran up the woman’s thighs, her thumbs slid between her cunt lips and spread them wide apart. The doggy spunk started to drip out of her cunt right into Lydia’s mouth. When it stopped dribbling Lydia pulled her down and pushed her tongue deep inside to get any remaining spunk. Still not satisfied Lydia pushed two fingers into her friend’s cunt and scooped out more spunk and licked it off her fingers. I realised that the show must be over and went back to work. I was amazed to see that I had spent 45 minutes watching the action on the webcam. It was only noon. I vowed not to indulge myself again until my lunchtime.

When I accessed the home network at 13:30 I checked out the IP addresses around the house before I eventually found Lydia and the dog in the hallway. Lydia was on her arse sitting on the second stair with her legs wide open leaning back on the stairs. The dog had his paws on the third stair and he was ramming his cock into Lydia’s cunt. I watched her huge tits bouncing as he lunged at her as she was comprehensively screwed by our dog’s big cock. I could see her cunt stretching as the dog’s knot expanded inside her cunt, stretching the skin to virtual transparency again. When he spunked inside her she stayed where she was as his knot was firmly in her stretched cunt and she couldn’t move. As I was waiting I switched to the kitchen camera and saw her walk in, her legs somewhat bandy after the vigorous fuck. She took the glass off the shelf and emptied her cunt into it. I realised then that I had missed more than one fuck.

After that I steeled myself to only checking home every hour. Every hour Lydia was being fucked, had been fucked or was about to be fucked. Every time she had a look of bliss on her face that I really loved. I couldn’t get my mind past the vision of seeing her eating her friend’s cunt and I sat for several minutes thinking how I could encourage both more doggy sex as well as more lesbian sex.

I arrived home about 7pm that evening. Lydia was on her knees – as she had been when I left that morning. The dog was giving her a really good seeing to. As I walked past I told Lydia to lift her arse up higher and to push her clitoris out. I stood and watched as she did and was rewarded with a huge clitoral orgasm in less than two minutes. I left the two of them still knotted and went up to change. Then I went into the study and checked the history on the web cams. I flicked through quickly because I wanted Lydia’s mouth on my cock. She had been fucked fifteen times that day by the dog.

I sat in the kitchen with a glass of wine until the dog’s knot had shrunk and Lydia could join me. She sat opposite and sipped the glass of wine that I had poured for her. I asked her how her day had been. She looked at me and smiled. “How do you think?” she asked. “I must have been fucked a dozen times by that horny dog”. I didn’t correct her, I didn’t want her to know about my new voyeur capabilities just yet. “Wow” I said, “did you get time to do anything other than fuck?” She laughed. “not really! I was always busy being licked or fucked”. I purposely hadn’t said anything about the girlfriend because that would have given the game away. I wondered if she would tell me. She did, but much later.

Dinner was a bit late that evening. Lydia was just about to start putting the dinner on the plates when the dog came up behind her and started licking her naked arse. She paused and looked at me. I nodded and she opened her legs giving the dog access to her lovely cunt. She leant against the cooker, spread her legs wide and pushed her arse out. It looked so erotic to me watching the big, long tongue lapping at my wife’s naked cunt. I could see the tongue as it came through her legs, curling up her mound before drawing back and wiping the crack of her arse. I saw her start to shudder as the orgasm began. She followed her instructions though and kept her legs wide apart, even though I knew the natural reaction when she had an orgasm was to clamp her legs shut because her clitoris became so tender. When the orgasm had passed she got on her knees just where she was standing and coaxed the dog to come to her. He was ready for her. His big doggy cock was swinging about as he walked over her back and started to prod around trying to find her hot hole. She reached between her legs and grabbed the big weapon and speared herself with it before collapsing on the tiles and pushing her arse up as high as she could under the dog’s tummy. This gave the dog the perfect angle and I knew it gave Lydia the most intense feeling too. I watched them fornicate. My cock was hard as a rock in my trousers and I considered putting it in her mouth while she was being fucked, but I also knew that she liked to keep her shoulders on the floor to get the most cock in her cunt. I just watched. After ten minutes vigorous fucking the dog got his knot into Lydia’s cunt and it was nearly all over. He pumped for another couple of minutes then I saw his legs shuddering as he delivered his payload deep inside her. After another ten minutes his cock slipped out of her cunt and Lydia clamped her hand over it to stop the spunk running out while she licked his cock clean. I passed her the beer glass and she crouched over it and dribbled another few ounces of spunk into what was already a lot of spunk in the glass!

We ate dinner and chatted. I was trying to think of a way to get Lydia to talk about her lesbian fling but nothing came to mind. Later, we were sitting in the lounge sipping wine and listening to music. Lydia was naked of course and was sitting cross-legged on the sofa, absent-mindedly pulling her big lips as we talked. When the dog walked in the lounge she immediately pulled her knees up and opened them wide, with her arms behind her knees and her hands together to keep them up. The dog immediately began to lick her cunt. I was so glad I had thought of this rule because it was so erotic to watch. That’s when she started. “Oh, God, I nearly forgot. I had a friend from college over today. We were sitting in here drinking tea and chatting when the dog came in! I didn’t know what to do. I just followed the rules and assumed this position and let the horny monster lick my cunt until I came! You should have seen my friend’s face, it was a picture! Shock – whatever, she couldn’t take her eyes off me. Then when I got on my knees and let him fuck me she just sat there with her mouth open, dumbstruck!” I smiled at her. I didn’t say anything. I wanted to see if I would get to hear the lesbian bit. “She even followed me into the kitchen and watched me dribble the spunk into the glass. She asked what I was doing and I told her that I had to keep all the spunk until you came home and let me drink it. I told her how I used to get it straight from my cunt right after I was fucked but that you made a rule that I had to keep it so you could see how many times a day I was being fucked.” I nodded, encouraging her to continue, her breath was getting a bit short and I knew the orgasm was approaching. “Well, we went back into the lounge and I said that as she had seen me being fucked by the dog there was no need to cover my modesty with the dress anymore, so I just slipped it off and threw it on the back of the sofa and sat down. I put my right leg up on the sofa so she could see my cunt. It made me so horny. She was sitting next to me and I was telling her how I had began to get fucked by the dog and how you had caught me out and made the rules for me, like no underwear – ever, no clothes in the house unless there were visitors. And, most important, to always be available for the dog’s tongue and cock. She looked so shocked. She was even more shocked when I lifted her little skirt and saw she had a huge damp patch between her thighs! I said to her look you are really turned on aren’t you! When she nodded I just slipped my hands up her skirt and pulled her pants down and threw them away. I told her off for wearing them. I told her I hadn’t worn knickers for years and actually didn’t even have any. Then I pushed her legs apart and started to lick her cunt. She loved it. She held my head as I parted her cunt with my tongue and licked up to her clit before sucking her clit into my mouth. She was panting already! I soon had her legs pulled up and wide open. I undid her dress and told her to get it off, then I told her to get rid of the bra too. When she was as naked as me I really went to town on her cunt. I don’t think she had ever been licked the way I licked her! When she came she screamed and squeezed her thighs on my head! I couldn’t move, but I carried on licking and she was humping my face like I had a cock inside her! Oooh, wait, wait” She had to stop talking because the orgasm was building up inside her as the dog licked her cunt. I could see the familiar blush on her face and shoulders as she struggled to make herself wait for the right peak to let herself go. When she did she just gasped. “Oh, Oh, Oh that was so fucking good! You are such a good fucking doggy aren’t you? Come on then, Come to Mummy, Come and fuck Mummy’s cunt you naughty dog” She rambled on like she had that first day I found her being fucked by the dog. It was lovely to listen to her. She dropped to the floor and fed her cunt with its prize. The dog rammed into her as soon as he felt the warmth of her cunt walls. I was pleased to see that he had indeed learned to pleasure Lydia properly. He was giving her such long strokes of his massive cock. I knew I couldn’t do that as well as he could because my cock wasn’t anywhere near as big as the monster he was ploughing into Lydia’s cunt. Lydia was a good girl and was squeezing her nipples really hard. I could see them swelling. I waited until they had finished and were untied. Lydia went and fetched the glass and deposited her new spunk into it. It was definitely more than half full. That was 17 fucks today as far as I could establish and it wasn’t bed time yet!

Lydia put the spunk glass on the coffee table and picked up her wine glass and continued her story as if she had just paused for a sip of wine, rather than being fucked for 15 minutes by a randy dog! “Well, when she had finished cumming all over me, she was a squirter, I’ve never licked a squirter before, and my face was covered with her cum. She started to kiss me tenderly and lick her cum off my face. Then she was feeling me up and kissed her way down my body and started to lick my cunt! I spread my legs wide to give her plenty of room and caressed my tits as she licked me. She had seen me get fucked by the dog and didn’t notice when he came in and started to lick her cunt. You should have seen her jump! I told her to stay still and spread her legs wider for my good doggy. She did! When he started to poke around looking for her cunt I told her to let him fuck her because she had made his cock hard. She just grunted, but I saw her hand go under and soon she was being fucked hard as she continued to lick me. When I came it was a hard one. I very nearly had to shut my legs my clitoris was so tender! But I didn’t. I backed away from her a bit and sat and watched the dog fuck her. Funny, that must be how I look when he is fucking me! She didn’t know about knots, so when he got his knot into her she was shocked. I bet her cunt had never been so full! Anyway, he spunked deep inside her and soon he pulled out and went away. I grabbed him and licked his cock clean. She clambered over me and continued to kiss me and fondle my tits! She was so turned on. She kept saying how good it had been and she had never known how good it would be with a dog. She gave me a funny look when I asked if I could have his spunk. She laughed and asked how I would get it. I told her to sit on my face and I would help myself. So she crouched over my mouth and I spread her cunt lips and waited until the spunk began to drip out. Then I stuck my tongue inside and licked out as much as I could before I poked my fingers inside to get the rest. Lovely!” Lydia had noticed that my cock was solid and tenting my pants. “Oooh, more lovely cock” she said and undid the zip and leant over and started to lick my cock. End of conversation. She licked and sucked my cock until I came in her mouth. She proudly showed me her mouthful before swallowing it and licking her lips. I never did get any more of that story!

I stood up and took the wine glasses and the spunk glass into the kitchen. I heard Lydia tidying up, then she came into the kitchen and stood next to me. I was clearing the debris from the plates into the bin. I saw the little white thong in there and smiled. Lydia wouldn’t let her friend have her knickers back! I went back to the dishwasher and put the plates in. then I gave Lydia the glass. She looked at it and said “Wow, must be 13 or 14 fucks in there” as she started to drink it. I didn’t correct her. She finished the glass and I put it in the dishwasher and switched it on. I turned off the kitchen light and followed Lydia’s lovely arse along the hall to the stairs. The dog was lying at the bottom of the stairs. As soon as he smelt Lydia’s cunt he got up and immediately started to lick her. I looked at her and smiled. It was only 30 minutes since he had last fucked her and this one would make 18 times today! Where did the animal get the stamina? She turned around and sat on the stairs and spread her legs wide. I stood there watching. She soon came. Her clitoris must be constantly aroused, she gets so many orgasms each day! The dog was immediately inside her and pumping away. I told her no knot tonight as I wanted to go to bed. She looked at me, smiled and nodded. Then she asked if she could have the spunk straight out of her cunt this time. I told her she had to come to the bedroom and take it. I stepped over the fuckers and went upstairs. I did my things in the bathroom and slipped into bed. I laid there listening to the sound of Lydia being fucked hard. I was nearly asleep when she came in the room. She came to my side of the bed. I could see the spunk on her thighs and a little drop on the end of her big lips. She ran her finger between her labia and delicately licked her finger. I nodded and she crouched down and spread her knees wide. I had seen her do this when I accidently caught them fucking that first time, it was so erotic to watch her. She poked two fingers deep inside her cunt and scooped out loads of spunk. She eagerly licked it off her fingers and repeated the process until there was no more spunk to find. She had used to do this every time he fucked her to make sure I would never catch her with spunk in her cunt in case I might think she was having an affair! If I had done so I don’t think I would ever have imagined she was being fucked by the dog! When she was satisfied there was no more spunk in her cunt she pulled the covers back and clambered on top of me, one knee either side. She kissed me as I stroked her big tits and rubbed her nipples on my chest. I took her nipples in my mouth and gently swirled my tongue around them. She managed to get my cock between her cunt lips and was rubbing my cock up and down her soaking wet slit. I moved her by her tits, lowering her down so I could kiss her again. She had my cock rubbing on her clitoris now. She kissed me hard and begged me to let her put my cock inside her. I told her she could as long as she didn’t move once my cock was deep inside her. She was so desperate she would have agreed to anything. I let her lift my cock up and slide inside her until her clitoris was rammed against my pubic bone. She started to move up and down. I grabbed her by the waist and held her still. “I told you, no moving” I said “You are only allowed to squeeze your cunt muscles”. I knew she was desperate to fuck hard but she was also used to following my instructions. I felt her vagina walls close on my cock. It was wonderful. Then she let the muscles relax before squeezing again. It was like a very gentle vice on my rock hard cock. She carried on squeezing and relaxing, she had established a nice rhythm now, but was still begging me to let her move. She carried on squeezing until I could feel myself starting to come. She could feel it too. The constant squeezing and relaxing had increased the sensitivity inside her cunt and she could feel the stiffening of my prick as I prepared to shoot my spunk inside her. It was too much for her, she had a mighty orgasm, which made her squeeze my cock even harder and tipped me over the edge. I came deep inside her, my cock throbbing against the walls of her cunt. She kissed me and slid down the bed and licked my cock clean before sliding over to her side of the bed. She asked if she could have my spunk now but I told her no, that she would have to wait until it woke her up when it started to run out of her cunt later. She smiled at me and we both laid there holding hands until we fell asleep. I didn’t hear her get out and eat the spunk but it was gone by the morning.

Probably the end of this story? Feedback and/or requests for more action from Lydia and i will consider it.

The End