(c) 2001 by Linda Jean

Chapter One

I looked at Jim and said “What time will you be back Sunday?” Jim turned and said to me, “I told you dear, I fly in about 6:30, and I’ll be home in time for the evening service. I am still having Chuck do the evening service, just in case. Are you still going to Abilene to the women’s thing?”

I said, “Sure, I think every community needs to band together to get that filthy pornography out of all our towns here in Texas. There are so many sex shops around here. It is a disgrace. Mary and Bobbie-Jo (church sisters) told me they now have over 8,000 signatures to give to the city counsel.”

Jim looked at me and said, “Keep it up honey. With you heading up the other churches and the good people here, we’ll get all those smut shops out of Austin real soon. Are you still planning on driving up to Abilene?”

I said, “Sure. It is only a 2-3 hour drive. I’ll be checked in by 10:00 provided I get out of here before 6:30 and get through the city quickly.” I went over and kissed Jim good-bye and said, “We’ll talk after the service Sunday. I plan to be back for it myself.” I asked, “Is Tommy doing the Sunday night service or are you? Oh, If I get back early enough, want me to pick you up at the airport?”

Jim said, “Yes, Tommy is going to take it, but as for picking me up, I’ll leave my car in the long-term parking and come straight back here.”

I said as I walked out, “OK dear, have fun and relax. I can’t wait to get up there and get some new or better ideas”

I went out to my Voyager van, and was off. It took a good 15 minutes just to get out of town and on the 183 North. I was thinking how long it had been since Jim and I had spent time apart. It had been years. We started the church about 8 years ago out of our home bible study. Now the church is so big we have to have two morning services on Sunday and that is with the new building holding 4,000 souls. Life was good and I was leading the way to rid Austin of the filthy scum that wanted to have sex stores, sex shops and allowing the poor college students to get caught up in that sickness. They hid behind the laws and poisoned our community. I had to stop this.

I don’t know how long I had been driving. I saw the 620 intersection just ahead. I could smell a sweetness in the air. It was so strong. I glanced down at the gauges and my heart stopped. I had two red lights glowing on the dash; one was the temp and the other the oil. I then realized the sweet smell was coming from my steaming engine. I looked in the mirror and saw all kinds of white smoke coming from my van. I remembered that time and time again Jim would tell me that if I ever saw one of the red lights come on I had to stop right then. Here I had two of them bright red.

I pulled over to the side and turned off the motor. I reached for my cell phone only to remember I turned it in for repair. I know the kind of people around here and they are all friendly. I looked at my watch and saw it was almost 7:30 and those on the road were most likely going to work. I just knew that someone would stop and offer help and I would not be delayed too much. I was right, by the time the motor stopped making the turning over sound like some kind of truck, a man stopped. I was standing outside with the hood up looking at all the steam coming out from my van.

He walked up to me. He was heavy set, had a clean-shaven face, wore glasses and said, “Hello Ma’am. I don’t know much about cars but I think you need some help. Can I give you a lift?”

I am friendly however I am not stupid, I said, “No thank you. But you could call a tow truck for me if you have a cell phone.”

“Sure thing Ma’am. I know a tow truck service real close. Are you a car club member?”

I said, “Yes” and he went back to his car and made a call. He came back to me and said a tow truck was on the way. He told me he would stay with me until the truck got there. I thanked him and we started with small talk.

It took about 20-25 minutes before the truck arrived. In that time I found out he owned a small diner/coffee shop just down the road along with a small motel. I told him who I was and where I was going and why. He agreed with me that something needed to be done in Austin. He had seen exactly what I was talking about and what I was fighting.

I found out that the tow truck was coming from the nearest service station that, lucky for me, was also an auto repair shop. His Brother owned it and he promised that he would make sure that Steve, his brother, would not over-charge me.

He asked if I wanted to call my husband. I told him I couldn’t. That he flew out this morning, also for the weekend. He suggested that I wait to find out the problem, that it could be a simple one and as long as I had not damaged the motor, I may still make it to my meeting today.

The tow truck arrived and the nice man that was helping me left. Funny thing, all the time we talked he never told me his name. Steve looked at it and said, “Well ma’am, it looks like your water pump is frozen. It won’t turn and your fan belt is gone. If you want, I can tow you to the shop, replace it and you can be on your way. It will most likely cost $48.00, provided you turned off the motor in time. Or if you want I could tow you back to Austin. It is only about 35 miles away. I would have to charge you $50.00 plus mileage.”

I asked him, “Can you fix it today?”

He said, “Sure, no problem. I’ll run over to Burnet. It’s not even 8:00 yet. I’ll have you be back on the road by 11:30, easy.

I said, “Well, let’s fix it. I want to get to Abilene by 4:00.”

Steve hooked up my van and I rode with him in his truck to the garage. He told me his brother Phil instructed him to be extra nice on his pricing and that for most people he would charge about $150.00.

I thanked him and as we pulled into the station I asked him if I could use his phone. I thought I should call my office to let the hotel know I would be arriving late. Steve pointed me to the diner and said, “We all use the diner phone. Why not get some breakfast and I’ll be real fast with this here van of yours?”

I walked over to the coffee shop and looked around. Steve was right. It was small but clean and what a perfect place. I said a little prayer and thanked God that Steve stopped to help me when he did.

I walked over to the pay phone and using my calling card, dialed my husband’s office. A woman came on the line (I assumed the telephone operator) she said that due to an accident, the lines were down and should be back working in about an hour. I looked at my watch and it was 8:15.

I hung up the phone and sat down at a nice clean table. This lovely young waitress came up to me and said, “Mornin’ Ma-am. Care to order?”

I said, “Sure. I’ll be here for a while. My car is being worked on next door, so no hurry. I’ll have two eggs, toast, coffee and orange juice.”

She smiled and said, “Sure thing” and walked to the kitchen. A minute or two later she was back with the coffee.

I sat there sipping the coffee and looking out the window.

The next thing I remember is I was dreaming of a very sexual, very erotic, very nasty dream. I was dreaming. I knew I was dreaming and I was with two men. My dream was like nothing I had ever even thought of before in my 33 years of life.

What amazed me was, even though I knew this was a dream, I could feel myself liking it more than when I had sex with Jim — much, much more. I had a man in me and I was giving oral sex to another. I felt myself close to a climax and as I was ready to go over the top, so to speak, I heard a loud truck horn blast away. I knew my train of thought was broken and I was going to wake up.

I laid there a minute trying to think of where I was? Did I make it to Abilene? Was I in my hotel room? Why were my legs sore? Why was my bottom sore? Why was my butt hole sore? Why did it smell like sperm? How did I get here — wherever it was that I was at?

I laid on my back, eyes closed trying to remember all of this. The only thing I could remember was my car, the diner and the last thing — the coffee. I felt very hungry and I could hear rain outside my room. I remember it being sunny and no rain was forecast until Sunday. I knew I would be driving in it back to Austin from Abilene.

I opened my eyes and it was light. I had to pee in the worst way. I also realized I was wearing stockings and a garter belt. I got out of bed and looked at what I had on. The stockings were red and on the inside of them I had crust of something.

I looked around and saw the bathroom. I went in, sat down and when I did gobs and gobs of gooey stuff came out of me. I could hear it plop in the water. As I let my bladder go, my mind was racing. I started to cry. I could not remember where I was, why stuff was coming from my body like this and why my legs were so sore.

I wiped myself and as much as I did not want to, I had to smell some of this stuff oozing out of my vagina. I smelled it and my stomach turned. It looked and smelled just like Jim’s sperm.

Even after all that had dropped from me while I sat there, I still had a big gob of it on the paper after I wiped myself. I knew I had somehow been raped — taken against my will. I had to call the police.

I got up and went in the room to look for the phone. I saw the bed. It was full of sperm stains and there were Polaroid pictures all over it.

My stomach was turning as I walked over to them, I knew I did not want to look at them, and yet I knew I had to. I could tell as I walked closer they were the kind of pictures that I hated — the kind my committee and I were fighting to rid our cities and towns from. They were porno.

The closer I got the sicker I became. All the pictures were of one woman and her face was mine.

I reached down and picked up one. I was kneeling and I was sucking a black man with a huge penis. I felt myself starting to throw up and I ran to the bathroom. I vomited and vomited until I could not get sick anymore.

I went back inside the room and gathered all the pictures. I sat down as I looked at them. In every one you could only see my face, no one else.

I looked close for some sign of glassy eyes, anything to give me an idea what happened. What I saw was total bliss or total lust. I saw myself straddling a man and he had a big penis, which I completely hid inside of me. Then another and another, black men, white men and Mexican men.

There were pictures of me with two men then three men. I saw pictures of men with their clothes on having sex with me and pictures of a woman using something strapped to her hips with a huge fake penis attached having sex with me.

She used a big fat beige colored penis; a big fat brown colored one and a big fat black one. I could not see her face but by her red, long hair I knew it was that waitress from the diner.

My face was clearly shown, and it was of pure lust and pleasure. I had a very big smile on my face and I could tell from the pictures I was not forced into this sick thing being done to me. I then found more pictures of her, only this time I had my face in between her legs and then I had the harness on me as I was using the three big fat fake penises in her in her. As well as sucking one as I did her.

I cried and cried as I sat there looking at those filthy pictures. I counted 52 pictures of those filthy things.

I heard the phone ring and I did not say a word as I picked it up. I was sobbing too much to talk. A woman’s voice said, “Turn the TV on, and watch it Mrs. Johnson.”

As if in a trance, I walked to the TV and turned it on.

A big man named Phil appeared on the screen. He was sitting at a desk and started to speak, talking to me. “Well, Mrs. Johnson by now you have found the pictures and have had a good cry. You must be full of questions and I will answer them all. First of all, I need to thank you for your timely breakdown. If I had not come along when I did, none of this would have been possible. Before you go crying rape or kidnapping or anything like that, you better think again. The only proof anyone will ever find around here are pictures like you have on the bed right now and of course the 43 different sex videos you made these last 2 days. That’s right miss high and mighty, you have been making porno movies ever since 9:00 last Friday morning and not in any one of them were you forced to do anything you did not want to do. The telephone is on right now. Feel free to call the police. Call your husband. Call anyone you desire. However, if you are as smart as I think you are, you may wish to hear me out first.

First off, Marline, I am not going to blackmail you. I don’t need your money. I am not going to force you into coming back here and fucking the truck drivers or myself again. I won’t kick you out of bed, but once you leave, you will never be required to return, unless you have the desire to come back and play. I have to tell you baby, you suck one hell of a cock and that asshole of your is wild. No, Marline, all those videotapes and pictures we made are my insurance. The first time I ever see you leading, setting up or supporting another anti-porn rally or meeting, your nasty, filthy disgusting videos will be released. I have to tell you Mrs. Johnson, you made some videos yesterday that even got an old porno guy like myself blushing and hard as hell. I don’t want to spoil your surprise. I’ll let them speak for themselves.”

I sat there – numb. I could not move. I was watching his lips move and hearing everything he said. Tears were running down my face. I could not believe I had fell right into the den of Satan himself.

“It is now Sunday morning,” he said. “You will be out of here by 5:30 just in time to get back to join your husband for the evening services at your church just as you planned. The only difference is instead of going back to Austin with all those ideas on how to close our sex shops down, you are going to be working for us behind the scenes killing this campaign you started and leave us all alone. Oh and of course, good old Jim when he fucks you tonight will most likely notice a huge difference.

First of all he should notice the size of your pussy; how big it has gotten. With all the fucking that you have done these last two days, that cunt of yours has been stretched 4-5 times the size it was when you first got here. And most of all, he is going to notice how hot you are for his cock. Shit, if I did my plan right, that poor husband of yours is going to be all worn out and you, my dear, will not even be close to wanting to him to stop.

I can see you now — he rolls off of you and you have to get up and go to the bathroom to fuck yourself three or four more times. Oh don’t worry Marline; I am going to send you home with your three favorite rubber cocks; the ones that you fell in love with these past 2 days. Knowing your sexual appetite, I am sure you are going to need them from now on.

You are still at my truck stop. Well, it really is not a truck stop exactly; it is more like a cock stop. The shop and diner are a support for the real business here. You see Marline; I have a booming whorehouse. Oh don’t worry my dear, your van is fixed and there is no charge.

You see Marline, all the truckers stop here to get their cocks serviced by my girls. I have 8 girls working a shift — three shifts a day and you sort of “pinch hit,” so to speak. I must say you where a hit. Well, to be totally honest with you, we told the boys you were doing this for the kicks and they did not have to pay the normal $25.00 for 5 minutes. They were told you were here doing it only for the sex and they could leave tips. Needless to say, I suggested they leave a quarter. After all, a cunt like you, as hot as you, should really have paid them.

Well needless to say, all the boys took their time and you had a line at your door for two days. Oh sure, I lost a hell of a lot of money but I have a feeling I am going to reap much more than money from your little stay here. Anyway Marline, you will find all your tips in the top drawer of the nightstand next to the bed. Take it all. You sure earned it, to say the least.

Yes, Mrs. Johnson you have been fucking strange truck drivers for two days straight and do you know what is so exciting about it? You have craved every one of them that fucked you. Now stop your sniffling and watch what you have been doing non-stop all day Friday, Saturday, and Saturday night and what you are going to be doing this afternoon before you go home. That is right. Unless you want the videos we now have to be sent out, you will continue being the cunt you have been the last two days. Only today you will remember everything you do.

I am going to play them for you. That way you will know how this all started, and how you became the star attraction on my 40 new videos. I call them, “Mrs. Marline Johnson Can’t Get Enough — 1 through 40.”

Don’t you like my title selection? I like the ring it sends out. Now sit there and watch, bitch.”

The screen changed and I saw myself walk into the diner. I watched as I went to the payphone and then sit down in the booth. The waitress took my order and brought back my coffee. I sat there looking at the trucks driving by and finished half of my coffee. I noticed that I sort of put my head down and the waitress came over and I heard her ask me if I was all right.

I told her I felt woozy and she told me to come with her, to lay my head down in the ladies room. I got up and went with her out the door; she had to help me walk. Then the picture changed and I was being helped into this room I was now in. She laid me on the bed and comforted me. She told me to lie on my tummy, that I might feel better. I rolled over and she left.

I could see my eyes closed and she came back carrying a syringe and she walked up to me, lifted the back of my straw dress, pulled down my white panties and injected me.

Then the scene changed again and Phil was back on the TV taking to me, he said “Oh, don’t worry Mrs. Johnson, that wasn’t any heroin, coke or speed. You are not addicted to any drugs. You do have an addiction all right but it sure as hell isn’t to drugs. That shot had two lovely things in it. The names of both are way too hard to say. The first part was a short-term memory block. It blocks your memory of everything and who you are. It is, let’s say, a chemical induced amnesia. Now the next part is the real kicker. The other part of the shot wakes up your sexual drive. Well to be honest with you Mrs. Johnson, it gets you horny as hell and your body craves sex, you crave sex like your body craves air.

I am sure you have heard of Viagra, well this is a sister drug to be used in very small amounts. It is for women to cure them from a lack of sexual drive and desire. It gives women that lost desire back or in some cases it increases their desire nearly 100 times over.

Well, in your case, we sort of tripled it. It wakes up the sex drive so strong that it is amazing what a woman will do for sex once she tries it. In fact it works better than anything ever known to man. It is being used in a lot of other countries, because it is so strong in creating such a sexual desire. Our good old FDA has banned it here in the U.S.

Now that little drug works on two places at the same time. First in your mind, making you desire sex, no, that is wrong, it would be more correct to say that it creates in you a craving for sex. The second part works on your clit, making it swell up and very, very sensitive. This causes a desire between your legs that will make you feel as if your cunt is on fire for a stiff hard cock. I call the drug by my own made up name, HCRTF. It means Hot Cunt Ready To Fuck.

There was one more part of the shot, it was a antidote to the mild “Mickey” we slipped you, so as you will see Marline, you wake up very quickly and horny as hell ready to fuck the first thing or person you can.”

The screen changed and there I was lying on a bed on my tummy with the redheaded waitress sitting next to me stroking my ass cheeks. I heard myself moan, and she rolled me over. I saw my eyes open and I watched as I saw her hand working up my long dress. She worked her way up to my crotch and I saw myself open my legs and bend them back so she could touch me. I could see myself grinding my crotch back against her hand. She stopped just long enough to reach under my dress and pull down my panties. I saw how wet the crotch was and I watched as she moved on the bed, knelt down and started licking my crotch. I laid there moaning and moaning. I watched as I ground myself against her mouth and tongue. My stomach turned and I began to feel myself throbbing down between my legs.

I watched as I held onto her head and would not let her go. I was wild with lust. She inserted fingers inside of me and I was bouncing up and down hard trying to drive her fingers deeper into me as she licked (or tried to) my swollen clit.

I saw the door open and Steve came in. He said, “Is she ready Joy?”

The red head stopped licking me long enough to say, “Almost, she needs a little more prepping.”

I watched as Steve undressed and knelt next to my head. He tried to put his penis into my mouth but I turned my head and kept flinging my hips into Joy. Joy stopped long enough to say, “Suck his cock bitch. Suck it or I stop. Do it now you cunt!”

I opened my mouth and Steve knelt over my face. I grabbed his penis so I would not choke, I guess. I watched as he fucked my mouth and Joy licked and fingered me. Steve climaxed in my mouth and I coughed and spit out his sperm. He reached down and through my bra, pinched my right nipple real hard, and said, “You never spit out a guys cum. You swallow it down. It is your nectar.”

Things seemed to slow down. Well, they seemed to slow down and I was still heaving my groin up against Joy’s fingers. She said, “I think she is ready now.” Then she pulled her fingers out and brought them to my mouth. “Suck them bitch. Suck your cunt juice from my fingers.” I did as she said. I started to do it slowly at first and then I again started going wild.

Steve, in the mean time, started rubbing my clit. The camera came in real close and I could see my clit all swollen and red. He asked me if I wanted to cum. I moaned. He asked louder. I moaned louder.

Joy pulled her fingers out from my mouth and my lips went chasing her fingers as she pulled out. Then she said, “Tell him bitch. Tell him if you want to cum or not.”

I could hear my voice answer them both, I said, “Please, please I need to cum. I want to cum. Help me. Oh God, I want to cum.”

Then Steve said, “I would say she is ready. Help me get her up.”

They stood me up and I went after Steve’s mouth with my own. Then Joy came over and started kissing my neck at the same time. Soon I was going after her lips with mine as we walked to the two chairs in the room. They sat me down in one with Joy and I kissing deep and hard. Steve sat across from me in the other chair. Joy broke her kiss and stepped back.

Phil came back on the screen again and said, “My, my. You sure were hot and horny after that drug weren’t you Marline? That HCRTF really works well, doesn’t it? We both know you would have never allowed anything like that without it, don’t we? Did you also know that you couldn’t hypnotize a person to make them do things that they do not want or desire to do Marline?” I have been told, for instance, that if a woman such as you that thinks sex is only for her husband inside her bedroom with the lights off will not do anything to change that. Even a trained hypnotist cannot hypnotize you to change the way you are or feel at all. No one can force a person such as yourself to do anything immoral at all because her subconscious will not let her break her morals or standards.

There is a key, you see. The subconscious or the mind has to recall those morals when the person is under or “hypnotized.” That is, what your morals are. With our little memory block, the mind remembers nothing, on top of that my dear, the only thing your mind can think of is sex. Your mind and body are craving sex. Your mind is screaming for cock. Your body is screaming for a cock. With both your mind and body both craving a hard cock, you have got to climax. Well you see this next part was pretty easy. What I can’t wait to see is how you are going to react now that the memory block is gone. I don’t know if you know anything about computers or not, but what we have done is, in a rough way of putting it, re-programmed your mind. And your body now has no choice at all.”

The screen changed again and Steve said very softly “Ok Marline, if you do everything I tell you, I promise you that you will have the best, the most mind-blowing, mind-melting climax that you have ever had in your entire life. Would you like that Marline?”

I sat there in front of him, legs apart, my hand pulling up my long dress and as he spoke I started to rub my clit and I moaned.

Steve said, “That’s it baby, rub it. Now, close your eyes and listen to my voice. Listen as you rub. That’s it. You can only hear my voice. It is making you go deeper and deeper into a deep sleep. That’s it Marline, deeper… Yes, keep rubbing. Go deeper into your sleep. Listen to my voice. Can you hear me Marline?”

I said, “Yes.”

Steve then said, “You want to climax, don’t you Marline?”

I said, “Yes, I do.”

Steve asked, “Are you on fire? Do you want to be fucked? Do you need a hard cock?”

I answered without any hesitation, “Yes, I do.”

Then he said, “Tell me what you want and what you need.”

I kept lightly rubbing myself and again without any hesitation said, “I need a hard cock to fuck me, I need to cum, I want to cum, I need it bad.”

Steve said, “Listen very closely, you have a memory loss. Your name is Marline Johnson. You are married and you are addicted to sex. You have to have sex. Your body craves sex. You came here to give your body what it wants — what it craves. You cannot get enough sex. It is what you live for. You do need sex right now don’t you Mrs. Johnson?”

I answered very clearly and very sexily, “Yes. Yes I do need sex right now.”

Steve then said, “Good. We know nothing else about you. No one here knows anything about you. All we know is that you love to fuck and love to get very nasty. You are very perverted when it comes to sex. You came here to feed your perverted sexual desires. You love the taste of sperm. You love it more than chocolate, more than ice cream, more than pie or cake. You love the salty taste of sperm from men and the sweet taste of nectar that comes from a pussy. You love to eat and suck out a pussy that has just been fucked getting all the sperm and cunt juice.

We know that you like to talk dirty and you have a gutter mouth when you are fucking. We know that you get extremely turned on when people talk dirty to you. You love it when you are called a “bitch” and it turns you on knowing you love to fuck like a “bitch” in heat.

You really get turned on when anyone refers to you as “cunt”, “whore” or “slut”. Most women hate those words but not you. Hearing them and being called them makes you extremely horny. When you hear the words “cock,” “pussy” or “asshole,” you always think of sex. You hear the word “cock” and you always want to put one in your mouth. When you hear the word “pussy” you crave sexual release. You can get it buy fucking or by eating and loving to lick a pussy.

When you hear the word “asshole” it makes you crave a cock up and in your ass. You have no control over this. Your cunt and your asshole want cock and your mouth wants cock. You have got to have cock. You crave cock — any cock.

In fact, Mrs. Johnson, you will do anything to get fucked by a male. You will fuck a male human or a male dog and it doesn’t matter just as long as you can fuck a hard cock. You will do anything to eat a woman, to fuck a woman. We know you love being fucked in your mouth, in your cunt and in your asshole.

Some of your strongest climaxes come when you are being fucked in your asshole and you are sucking a man’s cock or eating another woman. You love being fucked in your ass and your cunt while you suck or eat a woman.

You are the hottest woman alive. You desire nasty, filthy sex all the time.

When you see a man’s cock, you will crave it. You will have to fuck it. You do not care where you are at or what you are doing. Sex is the only thing that matters to you. You crave climaxing and you crave to make others climax. It makes you feel wonderful when you make another person climax.

Mrs. Johnson, you are a pussy and cock-hungry bitch in heat and you cannot get enough cock and pussy. This is all we know and this is all you know. You remember nothing. Do you understand Marline?”

I answered him and said, “Yes, I understand.”

Steve then said, “Marline, tell me where are you from?”

I answered, “I don’t know.”

Steve then asked, “How did you get here?”

I answered, “I don’t know.”

He then asked, “Why are you here Mrs. Johnson?”

I said, “I need a man, any man. I need to get fucked. I am looking for nasty filthy sex. I am so fucking hot. My pussy and ass need a cock.”

Steve said, “Good, very good Mrs. Johnson. Can you remember why you are here? Do you remember anything at all other than that?”

I said, “I am addicted to sex. I need sex. I want to get fucked and fucked. I want to eat pussy.”

Steve said, “Good girl Mrs. Johnson. Now, do you remember anything else?”

I said, “I can’t remember anything. I really need to have a cock to fuck me. I need it bad.”

Steve said, “Good Mrs. Johnson. What about a dog? I have a big dog that will fuck you like crazy. Would you want my dog to fuck you, bitch? “

I answered him, “Yes. Fuck yes. I need a dog’s cock. Oh God, any cock.”

Steve then said, “What about a nice hot pussy? Would you like to eat a woman’s hot wet slimy cunt right after a man pumped his sperm inside of her and pulled his cock out?”

I said, “Yes, I would. I would suck her and suck his cock, cleaning them both.”

He then said, “Ok, Marline. Now, listen closely. You are going to get all the sex you desire and crave. When I say the word “now” you are going to have the strongest and best climax of your life. Whenever you are having any kind of sex with yourself, when you masturbate, when you use anything to fuck your hot pussy or when you have sex with a woman or with a man, in order for you to climax you must hear another person say the word “now.”

No matter how hard you try, you will never be able to climax unless you hear another person say the word “now”. Do you understand Marline?”

I said, “Yes, I understand.”

“You have never had a climax like this in your life before. When you hear the word, you will experience the strongest climax in your life. You have never felt anything like this climax before this moment. Do you understand Marline?”

I answered, “Yes, I understand.”

When another person is fucking you, you are wild. You are a screamer. You cannot control yourself. Your mouth will not stop begging for them to come, to make you come. No one can beg for cock better than you can. When a man is fucking you, you will tell him you love his cock. You will tell him he is the best man that has ever fucked you. You will beg him not to stop. You will plead for him to go faster and harder. You will beg him to shoot his sperm deep inside of you. You will tell him how much you love him fucking you, you will tell him how much you love his cock in you.

When you have a dog fucking you, it is the same. You will talk to the dog as you would any lover, and you will tell him how much you love his cock. You will fuck him hard and beg for him not to stop. You will fuck him hard and you will go right to the edge of a climax, but you will never be able to climax unless another person say’s the word “now”.

When you have sex with another woman, you will make her climax and climax over and over. You get enjoyment from making her climax. You will go right to the edge of a mind-blowing earth-shattering climax, but just like the dog, you have to hear the word “now.” Do you understand this Mrs. Johnson?”

I sat there watching. My pussy felt like it was on fire. My gut hurt with desire for sex. My mind was spinning and I mouthed the word as I said it on the TV, “yes.”

Steve said, “Good, I am going to hand you a small rubber dildo coated with KY jelly. You are going to insert it into your hot little cunt. Remember whenever you use anything to fuck yourself you must use a lubricant. If you don’t, your poor little cunt will get all raw and sore. KY is best, however butter and Vaseline are also good. Always use something when you fuck yourself or when another person fucks you with a fake cock. The only time you do not have to use a lubricant like that is when your cunt is full of male sperm. When your cunt is full of the sweet nectar, you can fuck and fuck over and over and never get sore. Do you understand Mrs. Johnson?”

I answered, “Yes, I understand.”

“Also when you fuck yourself in your asshole, it is best to also use a lubricant. Now stop rubbing yourself and hold out your hand.”

I did as he said and I watched as Joy handed me a rubber dildo.

Steve then said, “Put the cock in your mouth Marline. Love it with your mouth before you put it inside of you. Yes, that’s it. Suck it just like you sucked my cock on the bed. Ok, now bring it down. Let Joy put KY on it and around your hot little hole. Ok, now lift your legs up. Now put it in that hot little hole of yours. Yes, that’s it Marline.”

I watched as I did everything he told me to.

Then he said, “Do you like the way it feels Marline?”

I answered him and said, “Yes, I like it.”

He then said, “Do you love the feeling of it Marline?”

I said, “Yes, I love it”

He asked me, “Can you feel the cock sliding in and out of your hot cunt, fucking you?”

I said, “Yes.”

Steve then said, “Do you want to cum now or wait some more?”

I answered, “Now, please, I want to cum now please. Oh God it feels so fucking good. Give it to me. Fuuuucccckkkk me. Oh, fuuuccckkkk mmmmmeeeee!” I was mesmerized as I watched myself pounding in and out of myself with that rubber cock.

Steve said, “Not yet Bitch. We have to do a few more things first. Keep fucking yourself but stop talking. You can moan but listen to my voice. That feeling you are now feeling, is wonderful isn’t it Marline?”

I said, “Yes, I love it. I love it so fucking much.”

Steve said, “Yes, you do and you want this feeling all the time don’t you Marline?”

I said, “Yes, I do. I have to have it. I want it all the time.”

Joy walked over to Steve, knelt down and took his limp cock into her mouth. I watched as she reached down and started touching herself as she sucked him. Steve said, “Listen to my voice Marline. The sex is getting better and better. You are getting closer, yes, closer to your orgasm. You have to climax soon or you will die trying.”

I watched as I was now slamming the cock in and out of myself harder and faster. The faster I was fucking myself, the wetter my pussy became. My pussy was making sloshing noises as the cock went in and out. Sitting there watching, I felt a craving between my legs. I wanted that same feeling that I was watching on the TV.

Steve said, “You’re close, so close. Now, listen to me. You can’t cum. No matter how hard you fuck that cunt of yours, you can’t cum. No matter how hard you try.”


Chapter Two

I sat there. I could not believe my eyes. I was stark raving mad. I was doing things that I despised.

Here this woman was starting to fuck my asshole with a fake cock and I loved it. I was moaning with pleasure. The more she shoved in me the more active I became. I was soon bouncing up and down on Chuck’s monster cock and Joy was sawing away at my ass with her rubber cock.

She said, “Just wait Mrs. Johnson. Wait until you get a mans cock in there while you are hard at work fucking one in your pussy at the same time.”

I watched and cried out in pleasure, “OH FUCK! OH JESUS IT FEELS GOOD! IT FEELS SO GOOD! DON’T STOP! PLEASE DON’T STOP!”

Joy went on, “Picture this Mrs. Johnson: one guy laying down so you can suck him, one man on his back and you are fucking him for your dear life and another is fucking this lovely asshole of yours.”

I cried out over and over “FUCK ME, PLEASE FUCK ME! GIVE IT TO ME! GIVE IT TO ME!”

I heard Chuck say he was close and Joy said, “Remember Chuck, any word but the one we told you about. Give it to her baby. Load her up.”

Chuck grabbed my hips to hold me and his legs went stiff. It was very apparent that he was climaxing and shooting his nectar deep inside of me. He stopped but I didn’t. I kept moving until his limp cock fell out then I quickly turned around and started to suck him. I wanted his wet gooey cock in my mouth and I wanted to get him hard again. I watched as I worked his limp cock and cleaned it. Joy never took the cock out of me; she just kept fucking me.

I could not take any more of this. I got off the bed and went to the nightstand. I saw the other two cocks along with the tube of K-Y. I went back to the front of the bed. I hated myself for what I was about to do. My mind was screaming at me to stop, to fight this sick filthy urge. It was not a long fight. I am just like a thirsty dying person — needing water. I could not help myself. God forgive me, I had to do it.

I put the KY on the cock and placed the base of it on the floor squatting over it. I brought the tip to my asshole. I then took the other cock and placed the tip of it against my hole. I did not want both cocks in me at the same time — my very being had to have them inside. I just knew I would go crazy if I did not use them both to fuck myself while I watched myself on TV doing the most disgusting, filthy things.

I never took my eyes off the TV as I slowly slid down onto both of them. Oh, the feeling I received as I felt those two cock stretching me as I slid down on them! I started rubbing my clit and watched as I heard Joy say to Chuck as he left, “She is ready for two guys now. Tell Steve to send in two or three men. This bitch can’t get enough. Tell them to hurry.” She then said to me, “Oh baby, you are going to love this. I’m going to have you filled in all three holes and if you are real good, I’ll let you cum.”

The door opened and in walked 4 men. Joy said, “Ok boys, come get your bitch in heat, I want one of you on your back and you better be ready for the ride of your life. This cunt is going to ride you like a fucking bull. One of you get over here and let her see your cock. She loves to suck a cock, don’t you bitch?”

I looked up and said, “Yes. Oh yes. I want a cock to suck.”

Joy then said to the boys, “By the way boys, after you fuck her in her cunt and you cum, let her lick and suck you clean. Hey, put those away. No rubbers. She is clean and she wants your sperm inside her.”

I heard that and it brought me back to reality. Rubbers. Condoms. No condoms. My God! I could catch a sexual disease! I knew I could not get pregnant but what about herpes, HIV, Gonorrhea and all those other things? How many men fucked me? How many men did I suck off? Are they trying to kill me?

Despite this going through my mind, I kept rubbing my clit and slowly bouncing up and down on the two rubber cocks. I could feel tears running down my cheeks. I was crying because I could not stop myself. I could never make love with my husband again. I could spread whatever I had to him. He and I would be ruined. How would the church react knowing that their minister and his wife caught VD or HIV? They would know I was a sick, perverted, woman.

I was crying as I watched the four men walk to the bed where I was on my hands and knees being fucked in my ass by Joy and her huge dildo.

One man lay down on his back and his cock was already hard. I moved to it fast, straddled him and slid down slowly onto his groin. Joy never stopped fucking me. Another guy came around and got on the bed moving up to my mouth. I saw the cock half hard and went after it, sucking it lovingly, gulping it down. I watched as another guy moved up behind me, working his legs in around the man under me. I watch as Joy pulled out the fake cock from my ass and the man spit on his cock. He moved in close and I watched his cock disappear into me. I watched as I was fucking all three cocks at the same time. The men were all holding on, trying to make sure they did not come out of me.

I was wild. They hardly moved at all. I was fucking them. I don’t mean I was rocking slowly up and down; I was like a sex starved lunatic. It was all they could do to keep their cocks inside of me as I fucked them. They were holding on for dear life. I worked their cocks so hard! I sit here amazed that I did not break one of them off inside me. I was working them hard and fast.

Joy said, “Remember boys, say anything you want, do anything you want but no one is to say the word Steve told you not to say. She is a freebee. If you say the word, it costs you $300.00. Now fuck that bitch good. Make her squeal like the pig she is.”

They were all moaning and mumbling. It was hard to make out what the men were saying over my lustful, craziness. I was so loud. I was yelling at them to fuck me harder. I kept telling them how great they felt in me, that I had never felt any cocks as big as them. I was talking so filthy. I kept using the “fuck” word and I was just plain crazy with lust and my sick cravings. I watched as I tried and tried to work myself to a climax.

The men were lost in my efforts. The guy fucking my ass was the first to cum. He finally pulled out and the fourth guy moved right into his place. I looked at the way I was moving and I could not believe my energy.

The guy with his cock buried deep in my throat and mouth was the next to cum and then just as the guy under me started, the guy in my ass came.

My mouth was free now and I let out a scream as I shoved hard back against both cocks pulsing inside of me. I watched as one man would walk away from the bed and another was let in the door to replace him. Joy would go in and out of the room, giving directions to the men.

My legs were killing me as I was kneeling there watching the TV and slowly moving up and down on those two lovely rubber cocks fucking me as they where held in place by the floor. I finely just sat on them both and I felt them go deep inside me filling me. I sat there and watched as man after man took turns in my ass, in my mouth and in my cunt.

I have no way of knowing how much time passed but every now and then Joy would let them say the word “now” and I would shake and shudder with a climax of my own as they fucked me. What really amazed me was, every time Joy would say it on the TV, I would have a mind blowing climax sitting there rubbing my clit, stuffed by both of my rubber cocks.

Finally after what seemed like hours, Steve came back and told me to rest. He and Joy had me lay face down on the bed and told me to sleep.

Steve said, “Marline my sweet cunt, lay there like this, and sleep. I know you want more cock and I’ll let the guys come in and fuck you while you are asleep. You need the rest.”

He and Joy positioned my legs sort of cocked and open. Somehow the camera got a close up of my asshole and cunt. My asshole was wide open and sperm was oozing out of it. My cunt also had sperm oozing out of it.

As they finished, the last thing Steve said was, “Now get some sleep bitch and don’t worry about who is fucking you, just sleep.”

My eyes closed and they walked out. I waited and watched a long while before anything happened. Then the door opened and a black guy walked in. He took off his pants and got on the bed. He moved up behind me and slid his cock in me. I could not tell which hole he was in, but I knew he was in one of them.

I watched in fascination as I lay there moaning and sleeping at the same time. At least I think I was sleeping. I did not fuck back. I was like an open sperm bank or sperm dump being filled with sperm. He came, pulled out and left. After a few minute another man came in. He was white and he did the same thing.

By now I had climaxed so many times watching this stuff on the TV I was getting tired and I felt worn out. I leaned back against the bed and just stared at the TV. The phone rang and it startled me. I stood up and when I did both rubber cocks slid out of me and laid on the floor. I answered the phone and this time it was Steve. He said, “Are you tired again Mrs. Cunt? Is your pussy tired Bitch?”

He said that and I felt a new surge of desire for sex — I mean cock.

He then said, “I have another tape I want you to see but first you should take another little nap. When we finish the next tape, I have some boys that can’t wait to fuck you again. Now, just lie down and relax. You are going to need your strength in a few hours. You better pick those two cocks up first and clean them off. Too bad they slipped out. However it sure made a good shot for the camera.”

My mind screamed, “No! Oh God, no! Oh fuck no! Oh God, they are recording me! They are watching me and recording me!”

I looked around and could not see any cameras. I remembered all the different shots from above, from the sides, from the floor.

I guess they saw me looking all around because Steve said, “You didn’t think we were finished making movies of you now, did you Mrs. Johnson? You can’t see the cameras but they see you. Look up at the smoke alarm; see the red dot? That’s one. Now look over to the two sprinkler heads; now over to the lamp on the nightstand; now the one over on the table. Look at the clock on top of the TV; the picture above the headboard; over at the vase on the floor near the wall; now the one next to the chair; now the mirror above the TV and the mirror on the bathroom wall. The bathroom also has 8 cameras in it. So as you can see, we are keeping a safe eye on you. So to speak.”

Again tears rolled down my cheeks.

Steve said, “Now, now Marline, don’t cry. You will be all finished here in about 6-7 more hours and you will never have to see this place again. Well at least in real life that is. Hopefully, you will never see it at all anywhere. Don’t worry Mrs. Johnson your secret is safe with us. Us and the 183 men that you have fucked so far in the last two days.”

I heard him laughing as I hung up and fell onto the bed crying.

I found myself dreaming. I was dreaming of men, of women. I was dreaming of fucking strange men in strange places. I was dreaming of women — my husband’s secretary and women in the choir — my secretary. I started dreaming of watching a dog fucking one woman then coming over to me and fucking me. I remember all that went on in the dreams, not once did I climax. I know I wanted to but I could not reach that desired goal. I heard the phone ring and it pulled me out of my dreaming and I woke up.

Phil was on the phone. He said, “Ok bitch enough sleep. Get your ass over and watch what else you did. This is from last night. You better get your KY and cocks ready. You’re going to really get worked up with this one.”

I remembered the cameras and said to myself, “No matter what, no matter how turned on I got, I would not touch myself again. I will not do anything more for these sick assholes to film me.”

I moved to the end of the bed and the TV came on. I was kneeling over the coffee table. I had a guys cock in my mouth and man after man took turns fucking my asshole. The reason I knew it was my asshole was because I was fucking my cunt with my big black rubber cock. It was clear as anything. On top of that, all the men were telling each other how sloppy my asshole was from their cum.

I saw a new woman walk in the door and she walked over to us and said to the men, “Boys remember to tell our cock hungry bitch how much you like her red hair. Remember boys, compliments go a long way with this cunt and by the way boys, she gets turned on when you tell her what she really is. She loves it when you talk dirty to her.”

All of a sudden one after another, man after man, they all said to me, “You have lovely red hair bitch, or you have a lovely red hairy cunt” over and over, again and again. It was like electricity being jolted through me, over and over again.

I felt my body and mind respond to those men talking on the TV to me. I sat there and my cunt felt like it was on fire in seconds. I started to almost drool over those cocks fucking me on TV.

I did not want to touch myself. I did not want to do anything but get out of here and leave. Why couldn’t these people just leave me alone? I wouldn’t tell on them.

I heard the men saying over and over, “Lovely red hair,” again and again.

My cunt ached. My clit felt swollen. I even felt my asshole clinching wanting to feel a cock in it. My mouth was dry and I wanted s cock.

I grabbed the big black cock and the tube of KY. I placed the opening of the tube into my hole and emptied the slime into myself. I got on the bed so I could watch the men fucking me and I went to work. I lay on my tummy and worked the cock in and out my cunt. I looked down long enough to find the other rubber cock and I grabbed it. I went back to watching myself on TV and without looking and with only one try I had the second cock going into my asshole.

I lay there on my tummy, with one hand under me fucking myself in my pussy and the other up over my ass cheek fucking my asshole. I have no idea what I looked like. I did not care. Hell, I did not even think of it. All I could think of was climaxing.

The boys in the video helped me every now and then by yelling, “Now!” as they would shoot their sperm into me.

I watched as the woman who I heard one guy call Sally brought in three big black dogs. She said, “Stand back boys and watch the show. This bitch is going to go wild with these three fucking dogs here.”

Everyone moved back except the guy I was sucking. The woman told him to hurry and cum because I would end up biting his cock off with as much pleasure as these dogs were going to give me. Sally said most girls lose total control.

The woman took my hips and pulled me back so I had my arms on the coffee table and I was kneeling on the floor. She then took off the leash from one dog and said, “Go get her Rex.” Rex moved up behind me and started licking me. I watched as I moved my hips up and back pushing against his long tong as it worked first in my cunt and then my ass.

I was going wild. I was screaming, I mean screaming, “Do it! Lick me! Make me cum! Eat me boy! Eat me!”

I was crazy the way I responded to this dog.

I heard her say, “Ok boys this is what you all paid to see.”

Then she said to me, “You like the dog licking your ass and pussy don’t you Mrs. Johnson?”

I just thrashed and moaned loud very, very loud.

“Come on bitch, talk to me! Mrs. Johnson, talk to me or I’ll have him stop!”


She said, “Ok then Marline. Do you love his tongue deep inside your asshole?”

I said, “YES!” very loud and dreamy.

Then she asked, “Do you love his tongue deep inside your cunt Mrs. Johnson?”

Again I moaned loudly and said very dreamily, “Yes, oh fuck yes! I love it!”

Then she said, “Up boy! Go!”

With that command the dog leaped up and wrapped his legs around my back. He plunged his cock inside of me. His ass was like a jackhammer.

I let out a steady yell — it was pure lust and pleasure. I think it was two words, just, “Oh God” only it took me a good 3-4 minutes to say those two words just one time.

I laid there on the bed fucking myself real hard as I watched in a trance. I could tell I was way beyond any kind of control.

Rex yelped as he came in me.

The woman said “NOW, NOW BITCH!’


It was like a non-stop climax. I could not stop coming. I was still climaxing when he jumped off of me.

His cock was all red and bigger than anything I had ever seen. It had a huge ball that seemed the size of a big tennis ball very near his balls. He no more than got off when another big black dog jumped on.

This time I said, “Oh Fuck!” over and over.

The minute his cock was buried in me, Sally started in again, “NOW BITCH! NOW! NOW! NOW! CUM BITCH, NOW!”

It happened every time she said, “Now” on the TV. I climaxed with the dog fucking me. I also climaxed over and over laying on the bed fucking myself watching the disgusting scenes on the TV. I watched. I kept climaxing with my two rubber cocks fucking myself. I climaxed from start to finish.

The second dog finished as I knelt there climaxing.

She had the third dog mount me. Again she made me climax. They all took a lot of pleasure watching me shudder and shake. I began to beg for them to stop however that made it worse. It seemed like hours before the last dog finished and they all stopped making me climax.

I watched, as I would fuck several men then a dog; then another man and all the dogs. I was crazy with sexual desire and I looked like a lunatic.

My arms were tired and my wrist seemed numb. I had to pee badly.

I managed to pull myself off the bed and make it to the bathroom. I sat down and went. I heard the KY dripping out of me and dropping into the water. Then I had a bowel movement. I cleaned myself and knew I needed a bath. I ran the water and got in. I laid back and daydreamed.

I lay there wondering what the rest of my life was going to be like. I had no control over my body or over my mind. The hypnoses and that HCRTF drug for women had messed my life up. My body seemed to have a mind of its own and it wanted nasty filthy sex. My body craved the flesh pleasures of life.

I always loved sex with my husband. Jim was a skilled and perfect lover. He had a lovely cock and he also knew how to use his mouth on and in me. But could he alone keep me sexually happy now? What about all that stuff about strangers? Showing myself? Panties and all that? Would I really do all that stuff? Would my body and mind rule my moral nature? Was I now addicted to sex like some people are addicted to drugs and other things?

I already knew the answers to all these questions. I knew that I was not in control of my body, of my mind or my desires. I knew that from now on no matter how disgusting it was to me in one part of my brain, the rest of me was this sex-crazed, cock-hungry, pussy-hungry, bitch-in-heat.

I lay there wondering if I could kill myself. Would God still take me to Himself if I committed suicide?

I drifted off to sleep in the tub.

I heard the phone ring. I got up dripping wet and answered it. It was Joy. She said, “Did you enjoy your bath Mrs. Johnson? It is time to get dressed and come over to the diner. Phil wants to talk with you.”

I said, “Alright, I’ll be right there.” I hung up the phone and looked around. I saw my dress hanging on the wall. My bra, shoes, panties and pantyhose were there also. I dried myself off, put on my bra, looked at my panties and realized I did not want to put them on. I started to reach for the pantyhose and stopped. I knew I did not want to wear them either. I put my dress on and walked out the door over to the diner. I could feel the air under my long straw dress on my bare bottom. I felt, I don’t know, sort of free, unconfined.

I walked in the diner and it was full of men. As I walked in the door I saw at the very first booth were two men. One man said to me as I was starting to walk past, “My bitch, you have Lovely Red Hair.”

I stopped and looked at him. He was sitting in the booth right near the end. He had his hand stroking a stiff cock. I melted. I was on fire when he said those words and then to see his cock, all hard, all stiff.

I knelt down. I reached for it and took it in my mouth. I held it as I stroked it up and down. The other man slid out from the other side of the booth and knelt behind me. He lifted the back of my dress and as he pushed his stiff prick into my boiling hot cunt, I shoved back against him. The man I was sucking held my head as he said, “Now bitch. Now! I’m coming!”

I began shuddering myself with a wonderful climax. The guy fucking me came quickly and pulled out.

I pulled myself up and could not look at the man. I felt ashamed of myself. I just did the most disgusting thing possible right in a public place. There were windows everywhere. Anyone could have looked in the diner and seen the most disgusting thing I have ever done in my life. I stood up and the guy sitting down said, “You were right Phil. This cunt can clean the varnish off a door knob with her mouth.”

Phil said, “Well come on over here Mrs. Johnson.”

I started to take a step when the two guys at the next booth did the same thing. The black guy said, “Hey cunt, I love your Lovely Red Hair. I got a stiff hard cock to stuff in your nasty little pussy. You want it don’t you bitch?”

I looked at his hard cock and said, “Yes.” (I did not understand why the men felt it was necessary to say something about my hair all the time.) I saw both of them with their cocks out. I still had to climax three more times before my 60 minutes were up. They would not have had to say a word. I saw their cocks and I had to have them.

I did the same thing with them. I sucked one while the other fucked me, only this time the black guy fucked me and he chose my asshole. I climaxed when the black guy came and said the magic word.

I stood up. My dress fell back down and I could feel the sperm running down the insides of my legs. It felt so nasty and so filthy. I hated these men for doing this to me and I hated myself for loving every second of it. I knew the game now and I knew I would fuck or suck every man there in the diner.

I took two steps, turned and knelt down again sucking the next man while the other fucked me in my asshole again. I did this at 12 booths and tables finally making it to Phil’s table. By the 4th or 5th booth, every time I stood up and moved the air would push out the sperm from my ass or cunt depending where it was the man deposited it. Sometimes when I moved the sperm made a very loud, nasty noise.

No matter what happened, nothing would stop my body and mind from doing what Steve had planted in my mind.

I got to Phil’s table and knelt down, expecting to suck him, only his cock was still in his pants and he wasn’t even beginning to get hard. I looked at him and he said, “This was a test Marline. You are ready to leave here. Your purse is in your van. Your rubber cocks that you love so much are in your suitcase and your tips came to about $300.00.”

“Considering that you fucked close to two hundred men in three days that isn’t all that much. Some of my girls make three times that for just fucking two guys at the same time but then they don’t love fucking and sucking cock like you do. I know you. You just fucked and sucked 28 men and if I had my cock out right now, you would want it too. You are a fucking whore — a cock-sucking cunt, cock-hungry slut and what makes it worth all this time and effort spent on you is — you really are.”

“You loved every thing you did. You are nothing but a cock-hungry bitch in heat. Go home and remember what I said. One whisper of your anti-porn crap and your videos hit the streets”

“I put my private telephone number in your purse. If you need to call me, feel free to do so. Now get out of here before I change my mind and have you stay here and fuck another 200 men.”

I stood up and with my face red as an apple I turned to walk out. I had to pee again and I said to Phil, “I need to use the ladies room before I go.”

Phil said, “Ok, but then get the hell out of here!

I went to the ladies room and sat on the stool. Joy and the other woman came in.

Joy said, “You are not leaving yet you fucking cock-sucker. You are going to eat us both and when you leave here, you will be leaving here horny as hell.”

The other woman said, “You have Lovely Red Hair and I want it buried between my legs right now.”

I got off the toilet stool and knelt on the floor between her legs.

I was so fucking hot and horny. I know they said the hair thing but it was something else. Maybe it was everything I just did in the diner. Maybe it was Phil and his nasty speech to me calling me all those names. Right then I didn’t care. I just wanted to eat this lovely sweet pussy.

I licked and tugged at her clit. With my right hand I fingered her hole. Joy came up next to her and they started kissing. I reached up under her short uniform and felt her wet bare pussy. When I felt that I went to work. They both went wild with my mouth and fingers working them to climax after climax.

No matter what I did to them they would not say it. They said all kinds of other things but never once did they say, “Now.” They both knew I needed to hear it to get the climax I wanted and loved so much. I ached wanting to climax. I knew I had to get four climaxes in 60 minutes or I would go on and on trying and trying.

When they finished and tired of me making them climax my knees were sore. My cunt was on fire. Joy shoved the top of my head away so hard I fell backwards and they both laughed as they walked out.

I can’t tell you how sick I felt. My whole body craved a climax like a junkie craves drugs. I was on fire. I was in need of 4 climaxes. They used me and made sure I left this place hot and hornier than hell.

I stood up, straightened my dress and walked out. I could not look at anyone as I walked to my van. I got in. The keys were in the ignition and my purse was there. It had dollar bills overflowing from it.

I felt cheap. I felt sick to my stomach. No, not because of the money but because I knew I needed to fuck someone and hear them say, “Now,” as they climaxed. I knew I would not get relief from this heat — from this sick desire. I started driving toward Austin.

It was still too early to be arriving home. It was 3:45 and I was not due back until 6:30 I had almost 3 hours to kill and I was already inside the city limits. The rain had stopped and I decided to drive to the other end of town opposite from the church and rest, parked in a park.


Chapter Three

I drove to the only park I knew of and kept trying to think of ways and of things to get rid of this fucking burning desire I had. I parked the van and thought a walk may help me get this off my mind. As I started to step out of the van I looked down and saw the big flashlight I kept sitting along my seat for emergencies. We kept it there in case I might break down at night. I picked it up and said to myself, “I have an emergency right now for you baby,” and I put it in my bag. I saw the ladies room and walked over to it.

The park facilities were all made of wood and the men’s and ladies rooms where side-by-side. They both shared a mutual wall. I went into the woman’s side and chose the furthest stall from the door that was up against the dividing wall. I closed the door, pulled up my dress and tucked the end in under my waist belt. I put one foot on the stool and brought the heavy big flashlight up into me. I was so full of sperm from fucking all those guys at the diner; the fat flashlight slid right in. I felt the coolness of it as I pushed it in. It felt good. It felt filling and it felt hard.

It was only then that I remembered I had to have something in my asshole at the same time and that I had to say, “Fuck Me. Fuck me. I Love It. I Love It” 10 times.

Oh, it felt wonderful, so very wonderful. I rested myself against the stall-dividing wall, leaned back and closed my eyes. I tried to visualize I was being fucked standing up by a big man with a huge hard cock. He was fucking me hard and fast and he kept saying over and over, “Now, Now, Now!” No matter what I did in my head, it would not work. I even started to say it to myself, over and over. I said, “Now! Now! Come baby. Come for ma-ma! Now baby, cum, cum!” That did not work either.

I remembered the chant I started out and remembered I had to say it out loud. “Fuck me, fuck me, I Love it, I love it. Fuck me, fuck me, I love it, I love it. Fuck me, fuck me, I love it, I love it.” The more I said it the better it was feeling. I found myself also saying it louder each time. “Fuck me, fuck me, I Love it, I love it. Fuck me, fuck me, I love it, I love it.” I said it 5 more times, then again and again. I was so close but I could not get there.

I was so frustrated. I was ready to cry. I heard a loud noise from the wall in front of me and for the first time I looked down at the wall and I saw three small holes and two very big holes. The small ones were maybe the size of a dime. The two big holes were the size of a big softball. I could see movement at the holes and an eyeball looking at me. I knew this was my chance. I knew If I could somehow get this guy turned on maybe I could get him to fuck me or if he would let me suck him off.

Looking at the hole I said just loud enough for him to hear me, “Like what you see? Like watching a poor woman having to fuck herself? Don’t you wish your cock was in this hot, wet, horny pussy of mine?”

I knew I had to talk as nasty as possible. I knew I needed to act like a sex-crazed slut in order to get him interested. I was becoming afraid that he might just like to watch and masturbate as he watched me.

I said, “I need a cock, I need to be fucked, I need a cock to suck.”

When I said that he made a quick scramble and moved around and he hit the wall hard. I then saw this stiff cock come through one of the big holes. I had to kneel down to put it in my mouth. As I did, I rested the flashlight on the floor and just rode it up and down as I worked his cock. I could hear him on the other side of the wall. He started talking softly. He was saying, “Yes, oh yes, that’s it. Oh it feels so good. You have a wonderful mouth.”

My heart was racing from the way he was talking. I knew he was going to say it.

“Oh fuck, your mouth is like satin. Take it. Take it. Here it comes. Suck it baby, suck it.”

The closer he got, the louder he got. He was really loud. I knew it would come out any minute, “Yes, Yes, OH FUCK! OH SHIT! HERE IT COMES! I’M COMING! I’M COMMMMMMIIIINNNNGGGG!”

I was rubbing my clit hard and fast as I slid up and down on my flashlight. He shot his sperm in my mouth. I gulped it and lovingly took my time with it in my mouth. I was disappointed because he did not say, “Now.” Yet in another way I was excited and happy making him cum in my throat. I made him climax and that made me feel good as well as accomplish part of what I had to do to get my sexual satisfaction. I did feel good but I was still hot as hell.

I heard him say, “My friend here wants you to suck him too.”

He pulled back and this big black cock appeared replacing his through the hole. I went to work. The guy was pounding hard against the wall as I held onto his cock and sucked. We were very quiet. I could hear him almost snorting and my ears where listening to every sound coming from him. Very muffled, I could clearly hear him say, “NOW bitch! Now eat my cum!”

I heard that magic word and my body shook in a wonderful climax. In appreciation I worked his cock with love. He took me to my desired, sick place. He slowly pulled out and knelt down. He said through the hole, “Thanks lady. I wish I could have fucked you instead.” Then he disappeared.

I sort of stayed there kneeling with my flashlight still in me. I have no idea what I was waiting for. Maybe something inside of me thought there were more men over in the men’s room. I only needed three more and I had 23 minutes to do it. I knew I could wait here but time was ticking away. I had to get this out of my system before I returned home. I knew I could not be in this state of desire around any of our church members.

Maybe if I were to go out and walk around the park?

I stood up and I had to taste myself so I licked the flashlight. It had a flavor of sweet woman and men’s sperm.

I put it in my purse and walked out of the ladies room. I looked at my watch I had only 15 minutes left to achieve the other three climaxes or I would have to start over at four. I looked around and noticed 5 young men standing over next to a pickup. I looked close at them and I knew if I could get just three of them to fuck me I would be released from this damned sexual desire I had in my loins and brain.

I walked over to them. It was still quite light out and I watched them like prey for my sick desires. As I got within talking distance one young man in his early twenties said, “Hey Ma-ma, I hear you suck a mean dick. Want some more or have you had enough?”

I had to assume that one of these young men was the first guy I sucked since none of these boys where black.

I said, “I’ll do you boys one better. I’ll make a deal with you. I’ll fuck three of the 5 of you right now but it has to be right now and in less than 10 minutes under one and only one condition.”

One kid said, “What condition?”

I said, “When you guys cum, you cum inside of me and you say the word “now” when you shoot your sperm in me — deal?”

One kid said, “Sure, but what’s the rush baby? We have all night.”

I said, “I don’t. I have 10 minutes and only 10. Now do you boys want it or not?”

One guy with long hair said, “Come here. Get between the car and the side here. I want it. I want to bury this cock of mine deep in you.”

I moved with him quickly and we got in between the pickup and car next to it.

He said, “Bend over and grab your knees. This cock is going in your asshole. Any objections?”

I said, “No. Just hurry. Put it in and fuck me.”

This kid lifted the back of my dress up, flipped it over my back and I felt his cock trying to push into my asshole. He was taking too long. I pushed back and just for a minute it stung as it went in. He only made about 4-5 strokes when he gripped my hips and said, “Now bitch, now, take it, take it!”

Oh that word, that lovely word! I reached back and grabbed his legs trying to pull him deeper as I climaxed.

When I gained my senses, I said, “More… I need more. Hurry, someone come over here.”

The first kid pulled out and said, “Fuck her ass. She loves it there and is she ever good.”

Another guy moved in and his cock slid right inside. I could barley feel it. However it still made me moan with pleasure. I reached down and pulled the front of my dress up out of the way so I could play with my clit as he fucked my asshole. He also climaxed very quickly and he let me know with that lovely word. He said it over and over and over. With every breath he used I shuddered and climbed higher and higher. It seemed that there was no end to how wonderful this feeling could get.

I glanced at my watch. I had 4 minutes left for one more climax. I looked at the other young men and they were standing there with their cocks in their hands watching us and stroking. I quickly said, “No, for God sakes don’t cum. I need you bad, fuck me, fuck me!”

The kid behind me pulled out and another replaced him. He fucked me good and he fucked me hard. He climaxed and shot his hot sperm deep inside of me. He did as I asked and my body shook with each breath that he moaned saying, “Now.”

I started to come down. My legs were sore. My arm, wrist and fingers almost felt numb. The kid behind me pulled out and the fourth kid moved in and slid his cock in my pussy.

He said, “I know you said three lady but I am going to fuck you before you leave here.”

I was not as hot as I had been because I accomplished the required 4 climaxes in 60 minutes. However, I knew I could not just leave unless I did all five.

I looked up and forward. The one guy that was blocking the front with his body was facing me. He had his cock in his hand and he was pumping it hard and fast. I knew I would not have to screw him. I could tell he was going to cum with his hand. I put my head down and ground my hips and pushed and pulled the boys cock fucking me. He came with a blast and saying my lovely word, I did not expect to climax this time but as he came in me he said it and fireworks went off in my loins and my mind. I climaxed hard, real hard.

I heard the guy in front of me say, “Now! Oh fuck, here it comes now!”

I felt his sperm hit the top of my head and hair. Again I shuddered and shook to another climax. The one behind me pulled out. I stood straight and looked around praying to myself that no one saw what we had been doing. When I stood up, my dress fell back down and as I was doing this one of the boys had a hankie and started to wipe the others sperm from my hair. I was catching my breath and trying to calm down.

The one guy wiping my hair said, “Gees, Tom, you could have stepped back instead of shooting your cum in her “Lovely Red Hair.”

He said that and I wanted to scream, I wanted to cry but most of all I wanted to fuck or suck some more.

One of the guys said, “Thanks lady but we got to get out of here.”

I looked at my watch and realized I also had to leave. I had less than an hour to get home, get cleaned up and less than an hour to achieve 4 more climaxes. I knew right then and there that I could not do it. I would end up going into the service needing a hard cock between my legs.

With tears in my eyes, I walked back to my van. I got in and drove home. I was lost. I had no control over myself. My body and my mind betrayed me and I could do nothing to stop it from happening –nothing at all short of suicide.

I remembered that I could make the cravings go away if I fucked myself in my cunt and asshole chanting, “Fuck me, Fuck me, I love it, I Love it,” 10 times but I had to do both holes. If I could get home quick enough I knew I could do it in the safety of my own home in the privacy of my bathtub.

I got home and as I pulled into the driveway good old silver came bounding up to the van. It was obvious that he had missed both Jim and I this long weekend. Silver is a lovely gentle big Rot. I opened the door and petted him on the head. I squatted and he licked my face as I scratched behind his ears and rubbed his back. I always did this whenever I came home. It was our routine.

As I squatted down I heard another burst of air come from me and I could smell the sperm aroma come up from between my legs. Silver smelled me also. He bent his head down and started sniffing at me. Within a minute or so, he was whining and trying to get his head under my dress. I quickly looked around to see if anyone could see what was happening. I did not see anyone but I knew better than to stay there as horny as I was and with Silver having the scent of sperm. I wondered if he could smell the leftover sperm from the three dogs.

I stood up and went to the side to take out my suitcase. Silver was right behind me with his nose buried into my ass. I kept swatting at him telling him to get away but he wanted nothing to do with that. I knew I had to get away from him or I would be letting him fuck me right there in the drive.

I knew I could not look down at his dick because if I did see it I would have to fuck it. I was glad they screwed up and showed me that part. I at least knew how to avoid doing something so disgusting. Silver followed me to the door. I would always open it and he would go bouncing in and run up stairs. I knew I could not let him in. I knew that if I did, I would be on the floor right at the door entryway with him fucking the shit out of me. I had a hard time keeping him outside.

I could hear him whining and scratching the door as I walked up the stairs. I walked to the bedroom to see Jim asleep on the bed. I guess he got home early. I knew I could not let him see me or for that much smell the strong odor of cum all over me.

I went down the hall and quickly got in the shower. I wanted to take a bath but I was afraid that the bath would wake up Jim. I took off the dress and put it in the bottom of the hamper. I made it in the shower just in time before Jim came in. He said, “Hi honey. I caught an earlier flight. How was your weekend?”

I opened the shower door and we kissed. I closed it and said, “It wasn’t much to talk about. I did not learn anything I did not already know. Besides, I have been thinking… maybe we are beating a dead horse? No one is gaining anything over this. We have not closed one sex shop. I am beginning to think I am wasting my time and energy.”

Jim was sitting on the stool and said, “Speaking of sex love, I sure missed you.”

I heard that and opened the shower door.

I said, “Get your clothes off and get in here. I missed you too and I could use some sex before we go to church.”

Jim got into the shower. I knelt and took him in my mouth. At the same time I started to work my pussy with my hand, rubbing my clit and sliding first two then three fingers in and out of myself as I sucked him. It did not take much to get him hard, it never does. Jim held my head and I was glad he was as big as he was. Very few of the men I fucked this weekend where larger than he was (well maybe more) but he was a good size.

Before this weekend I had only known this cock that was in my mouth. It was the one that would give me pleasure; it was the one that made me feel like a wife and woman. Right now it was a cock, it was a man’s cock.

I made love to his cock with my mouth and for the very first time for Jim, I took him deep in my throat. He moaned out loud as my lips hit his hairy groin. I could feel the head of his cock down inside of my throat. I started to move it in and out taking every inch of him. I could feel his hands tighten in my hair. I knew by the way he was pumping into my mouth he was going to cum. I waited and felt his whole cock pulse as he shot his sweet love nectar into my mouth.

Jim said, “Oh honey, Oh baby, now, I’m coming now! I’m coming!

I gulped his nectar down and I felt my body shake with a wonderful climax. My fingers worked my clit with a flurry as he emptied his balls into me. Slowly, very slowly, I worked his cock with love as I felt him starting to go soft. He pulled out of me and pulled me up. As he did, my hand went to his cock, just holding it. He gently took my face and brought it to his.

We kissed with the water running on us both and he said, “Where did you ever learn to do that?”

I looked at him and I knew this was going to be the very first time I had ever lied to him or to anyone in my life. I said, “One of the work shops we had was to see the enemy. And since the enemy was porno, one of the workshops was to watch a sick porno film. I saw the girls in the porno do that to some men and I wanted to try it with you.”

I realized that his cock was beginning to get a little hard. That really excited me.

He said, “What other naughty things did you see?”

I smiled and said, “Well to be honest honey, I saw a lot of different things I would like to try with you.”

Jim kissed me softly and his cock was almost rigid. “What kind of things honey?”

I said, “Dirty things. Nasty things.”

Jim was rock hard now and said, “What kind of dirty, nasty things?”

I was stroking his hard cock now as we kissed again. I said, “Things like you taking me in the behind; in my butt hole.”

Jim said, “Do you think you would like to try that?”

I said, “Only if you would like to try it.”

Jim kissed me and said, “How about right now? Would you like to try it now? I mean right here?”

I kissed him. Holding his cock I turned around. I bent over and pulled his cock to me. I let go and he reached down and brought it to me. As he started to shove into me, I jerked and shoved back hard against him. My asshole hurt for a second or two but I needed him in me. I needed his nectar.

I reached down and started in on my pussy again. I moaned as he fucked me. I said, “I want you to let me know when you cum. Tell me. Say, “Now,” when you shoot!”

Jim was humping me as I was bent over. The water was hitting my back. I could feel my climax going wild inside of me. I was there. I was ready for my husband to climax and get me off. He grabbed my hips and was fucking me hard. He was grunting and grunting loud. I have never heard him like that. He was really turned on. He gripped me hard and shoved in holding me.

When he did he said, “NOW BABY! OH GOD! NOW!”

I closed my eyes and shook and shuddered to another wild climax. I clenched my ass cheeks on him milking every drop I could get from him. He slowly pulled himself out.

I stood up and turned around. Not knowing what to expect, I almost waited for him to tell me how sick doing something like that was.

Jim came to me, cupped my face, kissed me and said, “I can’t wait to see what other things you picked up from those porno videos. I wish I could have gone with you and watched it with you.”

I said, “Well now you can see why I am having doubts about those kind of movies. I mean if a husband and wife watched them and they ended up doing things like this, maybe they are some help. I am really confused. I just don’t know any more.”

Jim said, “I am sure it is confusing but you have to remember those women and girls in those movies are forced into doing that stuff. I am sure it is like any other movie. It is all acting.”

I reached for him again and found his cock now limp and really shrunk down in size. Jim said, “We better hurry honey. Church is going to start pretty soon.”

I held him and played with his cock. I said, “You know we can play hooky. Tommy is doing the service and besides, I have lots of other things I want to try with you.” I still needed to climax two more times and my time was running out.

Jim said, “You know I can’t do that. I should be there.” He got out of the shower and toweled off. I waited for him to leave me alone in the bathroom.

When he walked out I bent over and put fingers into both my holes. I started my chant, “Fuck me, fuck me, I love it, I love it.” I spoke it out loud as I knew I had to but soft enough so the shower would cover my voice.

I had said it 9 times when Jim stuck his head into the bathroom and said, “Come on honey, we’re going to be late.” I had to stop. I froze so he could not see through the shower door what it was I was doing.

I said, “Honey, would you mind if I did not go tonight? I have had a very long drive and I really could use the rest. To be honest I am really not feeling up to my normal self right now.” (Boy I sure was not lying that time).

Jim said, “Sure, honey. Go ahead and stay home. I’ll tell anyone that asks that you are not up to your normal self.”

I said, “Thank you honey. I’ll see you about 10:00 if I am not asleep.”

I knew that once Jim left I could get out my rubber cocks and get rid of this craving in me. I got out and dried myself. I walked to the bedroom and went straight to my suitcase. I stopped and called out, “Jim, Jim, you still here?”

I waited for an answer. One did not come so I found my new toys and lay down on the bed. I started to insert the big brown one in myself when I remembered the lubricant. I got up and searched my suitcase for KY hoping they gave it to me. To my disappointment there was none. I remembered what he said I could use. Getting up I went downstairs and got a tub of butter from the fridge. Silver was scratching the door wanting inside. I almost opened the door until it hit me why he wanted inside.

I went back up stairs I spread out the towel on the bed, dipping my fingers into the tub of butter, I smeared some all over the brown one first, then the huge black one. I knew what I had to do — I had to climax three times fucking myself in order to get this craving out of me. I laid back and inserted first one in my ass and then the second into my cunt.

My God, here I am now using those nasty words. Last Thursday I would have said buttocks and vagina. However last Thursday I would not have even thought of doing such a thing.

I pulled my legs back giving myself easy access to both holes. I slid the one in my ass in and out first relishing the good, loving feeling. Then I started the one in my cunt moving in the opposite direction as the other one. I started in chanting, “Fuck me, and Fuck Me, I Love It, I Love it.” “Fuck me, Fuck Me, I Love It, I Love it.” “Fuck me, Fuck Me, I Love It, I Love it.” “Fuck me, Fuck Me, I Love It, I Love it.” “Fuck me, Fuck Me, I Love It, I Love it.” “Fuck me, Fuck Me, I Love It, I Love it.” “Fuck me, “Fuck me, and Fuck Me, I Love It, I Love it.” Fuck Me, I Love It, I Love it.” As I kept saying it, the better it felt, and the more I loved it. “Fuck me, Fuck Me, I Love It, I Love it.” “Fuck me, Fuck Me, I Love It, I Love it.” On the tenth time I exploded, I crammed both cocks in as deep as I could. Using the balls of my feet I lifted my ass right off the bed as I shuddered and shook convulsing in pure pleasure.

I finally finished and fell to the bed. I only had to do that two more times. I pulled back my legs again and this time I wanted to try making them both go in and both come out together. I started fucking myself again. I closed my eyes and pictured two big men fucking me. One was on his back and I was lying on top of him on my back. I had another man on top of me fucking me. I started talking to my two rubber lovers, “Fuck me, and Fuck Me, I Love It, I Love it. Fuck me, Fuck Me, I Love It, I Love it. Fuck me, Fuck Me, I Love it, I Love It. Fuck me, Fuck Me, I Love It, I Love it. Fuck me, Fuck Me, I Love It, I Love it. Fuck me, Fuck Me, I Love It, I Love it. Fuck me, Fuck Me, I Love It, I Love it.”

I was losing it. I was losing my mind. OH FUCK, OH FUCK… all reason was gone. I did love it; I did love the feeling of fucking myself like this. I knew that I loved being this cunt, this slut. I started shouting it out, “OH SHIT! OH FUCK ME, FUCK ME, FUCK ME BABY, FUCK ME, I LOVE IT, GOD I LOVE IT! FUCK ME, FUCK ME BABY, FUCK ME, I LOVE IT, GOD I LOVE IT! FUCK ME, FUCK ME BABY, FUCK ME, I LOVE IT, GOD I LOVE IT! FUCK ME, FUCK ME BABY, FUCK ME, I LOVE IT, GOD I LOVE IT! OH JESUS, OH JESUS, I’M COMING, I’M COMING!”

I pulled both cocks as deep inside of myself as I could. I was rocking on my hands impaling me.

I started to come down from my mind-blowing climax. I kept my eyes closed and kept those two men in my mind.

I started talking to them, “Ok boys, one last time. Make mommy cum. One more time. Fuck me hard and fast.”

I don’t know why but I felt I should open my eyes. When I did I froze standing just inside the doorway was Pam my secretary.

She was leaning against the wall. Her right hand was inside of her pants they were unbuttoned and halfway down her hips. She was staring at me.

I blurted out, “Oh my God!” and closed my legs at the same time very fast. I turned to my side and was so embarrassed.

I heard Pam say, “Oh no, please don’t stop. I am so sorry, so sorry, very sorry. Jim told me you were not feeling well, so I borrowed his keys and came over to be with you. I am so sorry walking in here like this. I should have rang the bell. I am so sorry. I could not help it. I heard you screaming with so much pleasure from your ecstasy, it just overwhelmed me and I could not help it. I had to peek and see who was giving you so much pleasure. I thought you were up here with a man. I could not help it. I had to see who it was. I had to watch. I get off watching. Please forgive me.”

I lay there and opened my eyes. Pam was still standing leaning against the wall. She still had her hand inside her panties and she was really rubbing her clit, pausing only long enough to run a finger or two in her hole than back at her clit. I asked, “You like to watch?”

She said, “Yes, I am so sorry. I won’t tell a soul.”

I slowly rolled back onto my back; I opened my legs and started moving my cocks in and out. I asked, “So you want to watch me fuck myself?”

Pam said, “Yes, oh God, please do it again please.”

I said, “I will. Come closer so I can watch you play too.” I pulled my legs back fully exposing myself to Pam. I watched her as she walked up to the side of the bed. Her pants fell as she walked to the bed. I kept my eyes on her hand hidden behind her panties.

I said, “Slide your panties down.” I watched as she stopped and slid them off. She was standing there naked from the waist down. I watched as her fingers went back to work. I started fucking myself again.

Pam said, “Do it, do it.”

I said, “I am.”

She said, “I mean say what you were saying again. Say it. Talk to them.”

I knew what she wanted and I started in. “Fuck me, Fuck Me, I Love It, I Love it. Fuck me, Fuck Me, I Love It, I Love it. Come on boys; shove it in deep, deeper. Fuck me, Fuck Me, I Love It, I Love it. Fuck me, Fuck Me, I Love It, I Love it. Fuck me, Fuck Me, I Love It, I Love it.”

I watched her as she was going wild rubbing her clit. I looked up at her and said, “I want to lick you. I want to eat you. Would you like that Pam?”

Pam did not say a word. She moved onto the bed. She said, “Want me to kneel over you?”

I said, “Yes, please.”

I watched her move over my face and I watched as her open pussy came down to my mouth. I felt her velvet soft inner skin all slick and wet. I found her swollen clit and it was huge. Maybe 4-5 times larger than mine and 3-4 times larger than Joy or Sally’s clit. I can’t explain it. My mind was lost in lust. I was cramming myself full of cock and pulling them out. I had the biggest clit in my mouth and Pam was loud. She was telling me to suck it, pull it, to eat her. Between eating her and the feeling I had fucking myself I was on a rocket ride ready to explode.

Pam cried out, “Oh GOD, I’M COMING NOW! OH GOD NOW!”

I shook and shuddered to a mind-blowing, mind-melting climax. As Pam climaxed her cunt got so wet. It was so sweet. As I came down from my climax I made love to her pussy with my mouth.

I don’t know how it happened but somehow she must have leaned forward and before I knew it she had her mouth on my clit and she grabbed hold of the cock that was slowly easing out of my cunt. She pushed it back in and started fucking it in and out. I had my hand resting on the cock in my ass and I felt her hand move mine away. She grabbed both and started in. I moved my hands up and grabbed her hips as I kept working her cunt and clit.

I was lost in her pussy. I had to move my mouth just to breathe because my nose was buried in her sopping, wet hole. I started to climax and when I did, she also started. We both lost it; we were animals working for our own pleasure. I was getting pleasure from giving her pleasure and she was doing the same.

I could not begin to tell you how long we both rocked in pure ecstasy. It was by far the longest period of time I had ever experienced pure sexual lustful pleasure. As much as I had enjoyed the filthy sex I had had this weekend (at least to this day) I have never had pleasure like this in my life.

In my mind I was begging God not to let this stop. It did and as I came down so did Pam. Pam rolled over onto her side and turned onto her back. There was pure silence. I was trying to catch my breath and relish everything I had just experienced.

I broke the silence and asked her, “Do you know what time it is Pam?”

There was a short silence then she said, “About 18 after 8.”

I said, “Did you want to go back to church?”

Pam lay there and after the longest time she said, “I would rather do this another time, using your dildos, if you don’t mind.”

My heart started to pound. I said, “Yes. Sure. I would like that.”

Pam turned around and resting on her elbow she looked at me and said, “Is this going to hurt us? I mean can you still have me as your secretary now that you know I like girls as well as men?”

I looked at her and said, “This is our little secret.”

The cock in my pussy slid out all by itself. I pulled it up to my mouth and it had a buttery sweet taste.

Pam said, “Let me.”

She took it and went to work on it. When she finished she said, “Ok, now my turn. Will you help me please?”

I said, “First let me go clean this other one up.” The other rubber cock was all messy and I could see brown stuff on it. I got up and took it to the bathroom. After I washed it and had it real clean I went back to the bedroom.

Pam was in the middle of the bed, her legs where wide open and she was gently rubbing her clit.

I stood there watching. Pam was a lovely girl, 31, white, brown hair, great body and a very pretty face.

I said, “Put butter on it and put it in. I want to watch you this time.”

She reached over to the nightstand and took some butter and put it on the cock. I watched as she lifted her knees and pulled it into herself. I felt so warm watching.

She said, “Do you want me to use the other one also?”

I said, “I have an idea I want to try.” I moved to the bed and put butter on the one I had. I stood there and slid it into my pussy. Once inside I held it there while I got up onto the bed. I moved to straddle Pam as she did me.

I said, “Take mine and I’ll do yours.” I felt her hand take hold of my cock and I went for hers. Within seconds we were laying belly to belly, my mouth sucking on her huge clit and hers on mine. She was fucking me and I was fucking her. I was concentrating on making her climax and my own climax seemed to come from nowhere. We were thrashing back and forth. I was working at giving Pam the best climax of her life and she did the same to me.

When I noticed she was no longer thrashing about, I also noticed I wasn’t either.


Chapter Four

We lay there again, catching our breath. I finally asked, “Now what time is it?”

Pam said, “It’s a little after 9.”

I said, “We better get up and get this place straight. We sure don’t want Jim to come home and find us like this.”

Pam agreed. We got up, cleaned up my toys and straightened the bed. I put on another one of my long dresses and Pam put her pants back on. We went downstairs and I put on some tea.

I started to feel a little different — I mean, it was slowly hitting me. I had just had the most mind-blowing sex with my secretary and I loved every minute of it. Pam must have been thinking the same thing. Pam said, “I am so sorry for walking in and catching you like I did. I will never tell a soul.”

I said, “Pam I am glad you did. I loved every second we spent with each other.”

Pam said, “What about work?”

I said, “Well if we do that at work we will have to be a lot quieter.” We both broke out in a wild laugh.

That was the moment Jim opened the door and walked in. “Well I see you two are having fun. You both missed a great service. Tommy was in his stride tonight. He was full of the Spirit tonight.”

I leaned over to Pam and said, “I would say we were rather full tonight ourselves. Would you say so?”

Pam and I again laughed as Jim moved to me to kiss me hello. “What’s so funny baby?”

I was still laughing and said, “Oh honey, it’s girl talk.”

Pam stood up and said, “I did my cheering up. My job is finished here tonight.”

I cut her off and said, “Oh no, your job is not finished. You are required to cheer me up once or twice a day just like you did here tonight, starting tomorrow. Now go home and get a good night sleep.”

Pam said, “Oh sure, like you think I could sleep a wink tonight?”

I said, “You better. You will be working long and very hard tomorrow. You may even have to work late.”

Jim heard that and said, “Don’t let her work you like her slave now Pam. Stand up to her. If you don’t I know she will work you hard.”

Pam said very sexy and just low enough for me to hear, “The harder, the better for me.” We both laughed again.

Jim said, “OK, OK I give up. I’m going upstairs.”

When he was out of sight, I walked Pam to the door. She kissed my cheek and said “Sweet dream tonight. I know I will be dreaming of you. I just hope I get some sleep.”

I said, “Well, if you can’t sleep, do what I will be doing with my fingers.”

Pam said, “And what might that be my dear?”

I kissed her cheek and said, “I will be letting my fingers do the job of relaxing me.”

She giggled and went out the door.

I went upstairs and Jim was just getting into bed. I stood there, took off my dress and Jim saw I was stark naked and said, “My, don’t you look good.”

I walked over to him very slow and said, “I want some more of you. I have other things I want to try. You up for it honey?”

Jim said, “Oh honey, it’s getting late. We did it twice tonight. Can’t we wait until tomorrow?”

All the time he was talking I was moving to him. When he said the word tomorrow my mouth hit his limp deflated cock. I let it out of my mouth just long enough to say, “I don’t think so” and I went back to sucking him hard.

One thing about Jim, he may have been tired, but his cock was alive and well. While keeping him in my mouth, I moved onto the bed and moved myself right over Jim’s face. He knew what I wanted and I felt his mouth go to work. He stopped after a moment and said, “Hmmm, you almost have a buttery taste.”

I said, “Shut up and eat me.”

He did and went back to work. I had him worked up and hard as a rock. I felt him bringing me close to an orgasm and I wanted his mouth free to let me know when he was coming. I quickly moved around and squatted over his hips. I lowered myself down onto him. His cock as stiff as it was and as big as it was, just did not fill me up the way I wanted. I started moving my hips and grinding my cunt onto Jim’s groin. I said, “Grab my nipples and pinch them.”

Jim said, “What?”

I said, “Grab my fucking nipples and pinch them real hard.”

He looked at me real strange and grabbed them. I felt him pinching and pulling. This made the pleasure in my loins grow stronger. I started going wild and really working his cock.

Jim got into it. “Oh baby,” he said, “do it, do it honey. Fuck me Marline. I’m close baby, work it, come on honey. Oh I’m coming. I’m coming.”

I shouted out, “Say now! Tell me NOW!”

He shouted out, “NOW, NOW, FOR GOD SAKE NOW!”

I moved my ass hard and fast screaming, “Oh God, give it to me! Fuuuucccckkkk me baby! Oh fuuuccckkkk mmmmmeeeee!” I worked his cock milking it for every drop of cum in him. I finished my climax and lay down on top of Jim.

He lay there and finally said, “My God Marline, where did that come from?”

I said, “I don’t know. I just snapped. It just felt so good.”

Jim said, “I never heard you ever say the “F” word before in our life together.”

I said, “Honey, we are alone. This is our bedroom and this is our bed. The Bible says what we do here is sacred and blessed by God. We make love. We have made love. We have had sex and tonight we fucked. It was wild and it was good. Didn’t you like it?”

Jim said, “I loved it. You just surprised me. I want to do this again tomorrow!”

I said, “Keep this baby hard for me and you can take me anytime you desire.”

Jim said, “You sure seem to have a strong sexual desire. Maybe I should try and get my hands on a tape like you saw. It just may make our sex life a little spicier.”

I said, “Oh don’t do that. If anyone ever found out that you and I watched a porno tape together they would not understand. How would it look for the leader of the anti-porn movement watching porno in her home?”

Jim said, “You’re right. Maybe you can get hold of the one you saw. Lets say maybe we just borrow it to study. Do you think you can get hold of it?”

I said, “I don’t know, I’ll make some calls and see. I have one more thing to do before I go to sleep.” I lifted my hips, turned around and took Jim’s half-limp, very wet cock into my mouth. At the same time I lowered my cunt onto Jim’s mouth. He knew what I wanted and went to work licking me nice and clean. I licked Jim good and clean.

Jim said, “Oh my Marline, that was wonderful. Is that another thing you saw on your video?”

I said, “No, I just had the urge to clean you up and to have your mouth doing me the same way.”

Jim said, “Anytime you get another idea like that, let me know. I am game. Now, can we go to sleep?”

I moved my mouth back to his cock and said, “Sure I can’t interest you in just one more climax honey?” and I started to work his cock again with my mouth. Nothing I could do would get his dick hard. I knew it was a losing battle.

I heard Jim snoring. He fell asleep while I was sucking him trying to get him hard.

Phil was right. Poor Jim would now not be able to keep up with my demanding sexual needs. I just can’t get enough cock.

I lay down next to Jim and reached under the bed for one of my rubber cocks that I hid there earlier. I still had Jim’s sperm inside of me and felt comfortable without using any other lubricant. I raised my knees and slid my cock inside. I lay there and slowly slid it in and out bringing pure pleasure to my body. I wanted to cry out my fuck chant to climax but I knew I could not with Jim lying right next to me.

I loved the feeling. I craved to climax somehow. I drifted off asleep while I was fucking myself.

When I woke up I felt the big cock between my legs, however it was not inside of me. Jim was dressing and said, “Come on sleepy head it’s time to get up.”

I said, “But honey, today is Monday. We are off today.”

Jim said, “Sure it is. I thought we could go play golf, how about it?”

I lay there craving to climax with my rubber cock. I knew I had to fuck myself some more before I got out of bed. I knew I needed to climax and wanted Jim to fuck me again. I knew I couldn’t. I just knew he would find my rubber cock lying between my legs in bed with me.

I said, “Honey, I have so much to do. I was gone all day Friday and Saturday. I do have some catching up to do.

Jim said, “OK, would you mind if I went?”

I said, “No, go ahead and play golf. Have fun. I’ll see you tonight and you better plan to give me a good fucking — maybe two or three times.”

Jim laughed as he came to the bed and kissed me good-bye. “You are bad. I’ll be looking forward to that.” He then turned and left.

I reached down between my legs and found my cock. I raised my knees and slid it in. I was dry; I pulled open my nightstand drawer and pulled out my tub of butter. I wasted no time in lubing it and my cunt hole. I could hardly wait to fuck myself. I slid it in and began my chant; my nasty, filthy, loving, chant. “Fuck me! Fuck that nasty cunt! Fuck me. I Love it! I love it! Fuck me! Fuck me!”

Over and over I said it and on the 10th time I expected to climax and to climax hard. I didn’t. Then it hit me. I did not have a cock in my ass. I also realized that no one was there to help me by saying the trigger word. I knew I did not need anyone else as long as I said my fuck chant 10 times and did both holes at the same time. All this because I woke up horny as hell from the night before. I needed to climax bad.

All the fucking I gave myself did was make the craving in my cunt stronger. I knew that as long as no one was there to say the trigger word, I would have to do my fuck chant and use my rubber cocks. I had to do something or I would be subject to this uncontrollable craving for sex all day. I would be craving to fuck a man and/or a woman and, God forbid, a dog all day long.

I pulled out the other cock, lubed it up, and I put some butter in my asshole. I inserted it and went to work. I knew I could get rid of this craving if I did exactly what I should. I said my fuck chant and I said it loud, “Fuck me you bastards! Fuck my nasty cunt! Stick it in! Fuck my ass! I love your cocks! I love your fucking cocks! Fuck me! Fuck me! I love it! I love it!”

I said that 10 times and on the 10th time my mind exploded. I thrashed on the bed in a huge climax. I crammed both cocks into me as far as they would go. I shuddered and cried out, “Oh God! Oh My God! Give it to me! Fuuuucccckkkk me! Oh fuuuccckkkk mmmmmeeeee! I’m COOOOOMMMMMIIIIIIIIIINNNNNGGGGG!”

I came down from my high after about 10 or 15 minutes and I began to feel as if I might be able to have some kind of control over myself again after all. I would just have to do this every morning and somehow avoid doing things or get around people that always complement me on my hair.

Since I have such pretty hair I hear that all the time. “I know,” I thought, “I’ll wear hats and put my hair in buns.” I knew I could work at avoiding hearing those blasted words again.

I felt good about myself for thinking of that. My problem now was last night with Pam. What was I going to do about her? She has been my secretary now for 5 years. She knew me better than any other person before last night. Now she fell into my hell. I had no idea she liked women and before this last weekend my only interest in her was as a friend and helper. This was going to be awkward. Now she thinks that I like sex with woman also.

I had to admit that before Friday I would have never thought of sex with another woman without wanting to throw up. Now, I did have a warm feeling when I laid there thinking all about this. I knew that Pam would be at the office and I knew I would have to face her. The way she left last night and by the way we both talked, she may be expecting more than office work. What on earth was I going to do? It is one thing when I am under the influence of the “Red Hair” thing because it brings out those cravings and I can’t control them at all. Right now I wasn’t influenced or driven by those sick cravings.

Then I also realized that before last Friday I had never, ever even thought of touching myself. Yet here I was lying in bed with an afterglow of not only playing with myself, but also using an object to put inside of myself in place of my husband. On top of that, I said the filthiest things as I did it.

Now I was starting to feel bad about it. I realized that I loved it so much that I was almost ready to do it again just to enjoy that filthy feeling of being so nasty with myself.

I laid there remembering, lounging in the after glow. I told myself to get up. I knew I had to get to the office to get some things done but most of all to get things straight with Pam.

I got up, showered and put my hair in a bun. I went to the dresser and pulled out a nice clean bra. I put it on then opened my drawer that had my panties and pantyhose in it. I looked at them and stared at the drawer. I picked up a pair of panties and put them on, then the panty hose. I stood there and I felt so confined. I could not breathe. I knew the only way to stop this feeling was to take them both off, so I did. I knew I should put them back on, yet all I could do was remember how bad I felt with them on.

I stood there thinking that I should not go out of the house bare under my dress, yet I knew I could not leave the house any other way. After a while standing there I went to the closet to get a dress. I have all kinds of dresses. Because of my upbringing and church background, I never wore any pants or pantsuits.

When I was a little girl my mother let me wear shorts only for hiking when our girls church group went out by ourselves. All of my dresses were very conservative. They were all long and even the short dresses were a good 3 inches below my knees. My favorite dresses are my straw dresses. They are by far the most comfortable and I feel they are very pretty. I chose a bright blue one and put it on. I knew I had to go out and buy some new hose or new stockings at Target. That way I would be nice and bare and open — ready for a hard cock to fuck me.

I caught myself thinking that way and got mad. I should never think like that. I walked to the mirror and looked at myself with my hair in a bun. I knew I would avoid anyone saying those words if I had my hair up like this.

I walked down the stairs and with every step I knew I was naked. I also knew I should have put something on but I told myself I did not have time. I would just have to be very careful. “Besides,” I thought, “I would be at my desk all day in my private office.”

I walked the two blocks to the church office and with every step I took I seemed to recall every thing I did at the park. Trust me, as I went through it in my mind it was not pleasant.

I was sick with myself. What made it worse was that I had used no protection. I had sperm in my body and any one of those many men could have given me VD or some kind of sickness.

By the time I reached my office door, I was crying again. What would I tell Jim, what would I do if anyone every found out that I had caught something or worse yet, caught something and passed it to Jim or someone else and they died?

All of a sudden dying sounded very good. I walked in my office and Pam said a very cheerful, “hello.” I walked past her with tears streaming down my face. I managed to say hello back to her then shut my door. Leaning my back against it I felt so sick to my stomach. I went to my desk and sat down.

Pam buzzed me on the intercom and asked me if I was all right.

I said, “I’m just moody. I needed a good cry. Give me about 30 minutes and I’ll be ready to get to work.”

Pam said, “I hope I am not the cause of your feeling.”

I said, “I have to go. We’ll talk later,” and I hung up on her. I just sat there. I had no idea what I could do or what I would do. I thought about calling my gynecologist and talking to her but what would I say to her? Do I tell her I had sex with over 200 strangers the last 3 days and three dogs? Of course not. Maybe I could tell her I was raped or something. I could tell her several men raped me on my trip and they did not use protection. It made sense to me. Maybe she could give me some kind of shot to make sure I wouldn’t catch anything.

I have no idea how long I sat there, pondering what I was going to do. The thought of suicide seemed the easiest way out. I just know God would not want everything to come out and what happened to me would embarrass His work here that He has done through Jim and me.

I heard the buzz from the intercom. I picked it up and it was Pam. “Sorry to disturb you Mrs. Johnson but there is a woman on the phone that said she was with you in Abilene this weekend. She says she has a large donation to give to you for this next Saturday’s rally. She is on line 4.”

I was stunned. I did not go to Abilene. Who could the woman be? I hit line 4 and I said, “Yes, this is Mrs. Johnson. How can I help you?”

I heard a woman’s voice and recognized it as Joy. She said, “Hold on you big cock-sucker. How’s our cock-hungry big slut doing?”

When I heard her talking so filthy to me, my mind and body tingled. God forgive me it turned me on a lot.

Then I heard Steve’s voice, “Well, my little church slut. Fucked anyone there in your office yet?”

I said with tears in my eyes and my cunt throbbing with desire, “Why can’t you leave me alone? I won’t fight you anymore. Please leave me alone.” I was crying as I spoke to him.

Steve said, “Cucumber, Cucumber. Close your eyes. Relax. Calm down. Now stop your crying.” I heard him and I did, I felt myself relax. Then he said, “Marline, everything is going to be all right. Now tell me everything you did, everyone you came into contact with and what you have been thinking since you left here yesterday.”

I sat at my desk almost in a trance and told him everything I had done. I left nothing out. I told him about driving to the park and having sex with the two men in the park restroom through the hole in the wall. I told him about the 5 guys outside and how just when it was all over, one guy said he was sorry for messing up my “lovely red hair” and I had to start all over again but I didn’t have the time.

I told him about fucking myself and having sex with my secretary after she caught me masturbating. I told him about Jim and how we had sex three times. I told him how he fell asleep and I still was in sexual need. I told him how sick I felt because I fucked over two hundred men and the three dogs over and over. I told him I am afraid of catching something. I told him I was thinking of suicide and then I was ready to call my gynecologist for help before he called.

Steve said, “Listen to me Marline. Listen to every word. I am going to have you repeat everything I say back to me. Now listen.”

“You cannot commit suicide. You cannot tell anyone what happened to you. If you do, the movies you made for us these last three days are going to be released and we will send them to your entire church board.

As for VD or anything like that, well life is a risk. I have girls here that never use protection and they have been fucking a lot more men than you did. Sure you can always catch something. You car can hit you while you walk to lunch. Life is a gamble.

You are to forget all about the use of any kind of protection. You do not like sex with anything covering a man’s cock and you have to feel the skin-to-skin contact. You have got to feel him shoot his seed inside of you. You need it for lubrication as well as your climaxes. You will refuse sex when the person insists on using any kind of protection. Remember that there is no more risk of catching anything because of sex than there is of you winning the lottery.

Forget about catching anything at all. Your body will not even allow you to catch a cold, let alone something that comes from having so much pleasure. Now tell me everything I just told you.”

I repeated everything back to him; word for word.

He then said, “When you wake up, you will remember everything we just talked about over the phone deep in your sub-conscious. You will not cry anymore about this. You will go on as usual with your life and work. You will enjoy your new sex life to the fullest and everybody will be happy. Do you understand Marline?”

I said, “Yes, I understand.”

He then said, “Tell me what you are Mrs. Johnson.”

I said, “I am a cock-hungry, bitch in heat. I need sperm and I need pussy. I am a red-hot cunt waiting for the first cock to fuck me.”

He then said, “Good, Mrs. Johnson, you are the biggest cunt I know. Now, I will count to three and you will wake up. You will remember everything. Ready? 1… 2… 3… wake up.”

I opened my eyes and recalled everything that had just happened.

I was still holding the phone and Steve said, “Do you feel any better right now Mrs. Johnson?”

I answered, “Yes. Won’t you just please leave me alone? I promise I will not get involved with anything anti-porn. I am killing the anti-porn committee here at the church.”

Steve then said, “I know my little cock-sucker, I know. We just felt it would be good to check up on you. We do not wish you any harm. All of us here want you to enjoy life and your newfound pastime. By the way, my sweet cock-sucking, pussy-eating cunt, did I ever tell you what lovely red hair you have?”

I heard him and people around him laugh as the phone went dead. My mind screamed, “NO! NO! OH GOD, NO!”

It was no use. He triggered it. He called me to trigger it. He was a mean person. I could feel my breathing beginning to get quicken. I felt the heat in my loins. My mind started thinking of cocks, big cocks, fat cocks. I started thinking of Pam, her pussy, her wonderful pussy and her satin lips.

I reached down to my lap and pulled up the front of my dress as I sat there in my chair. I found myself and started rubbing.

My office door opened and Pam walked in pale. She came to my desk and sat down in one of the two chairs I used for counseling. She said, “I am sorry. I am so sorry. I was worried about you. I was so worried. I knew something was wrong. I did not know what to do so I listened in on your phone call. You have got to call the police. Whatever it was, you are not to blame.”

I sat there as my greatest fears had come true. I started crying again. I had been found out. I said, in between my crying, “It is not that simple. I can’t tell anyone. If they found out that you even knew they would release over 50 sex movies that I made since last Friday morning. What is worse is they are very, very nasty movies. I mean the worse kind.”

“They filmed me having sex with lots of men — one right after another — sex with several women and the dogs. I fucked dogs over and over. I could not help it. I did it and they made me love it, they made me crave it.”

Pam got up from her chair and came to me while I sat in mine. She said, “Oh Marline I am here. I won’t tell anyone. Maybe I can help you. I can support you. I’ll do anything to help.”

I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her close as I said, “You can’t help me. No one can. They used something that makes me desire sex. They made my body crave it. On top of all that they hypnotized me and whenever anyone talks dirty to me it makes me horny. It turns me on and when anyone says, “Lovely red hair,” it triggers the craving in me so strong I cannot get it out of my mind. I have to fuck. I have to have sex. And no matter how good it feels, no matter how great it is, I cannot climax unless another person says, “Now.” It is only then that I can achieve a climax and when that happens, it is the very best climax of my life. They always increase in pleasure.”

I told her I have to have sex with a male and climax four times in 60 minutes or have sex with a woman and make her climax three times. Or I have to do what you caught me doing last night when I was fucking myself. I have to climax 4 times in 60 minutes.

“Oh Pam they even had me have sex with three dogs. I don’t know how many times.”

Pam said, “They forced you to have sex with dogs too?”

I said, “No they didn’t force me. I just ran out of men. Well, yes, I mean no. Oh I had to climax. Don’t you understand? It did not matter whose cock fucked me. I just had to have a cock fucking me.”

Pam then said, “… And they made movies of you fucking men, women and the dogs?”

I said, “Yes. All that. I could not help it. They made my body betray me. I could not help myself. I can’t fight the cravings.”

By now, my cunt was throbbing. I had stopped crying and I started moving my left hand as I talked with Pam. I rested my hand on her knee as she stood next to me with my head being held by her against her tummy. I very slowly moved my hand along the inside of her leg. Pam asked, “When was it that you first had sex with a woman? Was it this weekend?”

I kept moving my hand up her inner leg very slowly and I was moving my fingers around and over her skin gently as I slowly worked upwards. I said, “Yes, it was Friday sometime.”

Pam then asked, “What was it you did? Tell me how it happened.”

I knew I had turned Pam on and I wanted to do just that in the worst way. I needed to make her climax three times. It was very apparent to me she was more than willing. She shifted a little and opened her legs some more standing next to me. I started telling her how I woke up with Joy rubbing my ass and how she directed almost all the action. I told Pam how I ate Joy on the floor. How she fucked me, how I fucked her, how I ate her after Steve fucked her.

Pam asked, “Did you like eating her? Did you like fingering her?”

I said very softly, “Yes,” just as my fingers touched the bottom of her panties. She was soaking wet. I could smell her and I could feel how wet she was right through her panties.

Pam moaned and said, “Yes, oh please, touch me the way you touched her.”

With my fingers I worked her panties down to her knees. I moved my fingers back up to her hole and found her clit. Again I was amazed as to how large it was. I took it between two of my fingers and started to stroke it up and down like it was a tiny cock.

Pam held me tight against her belly and was breathing hard as she asked me, “Did you finger-fuck Joy? Did you suck her clit while you fucked her? Fuck me like you fucked her. Shove your fingers in me. Fuck me Marline.”

I was really into this now. I could tell Pam was building to her first climax in my 60-minute period. I let go of her clit and found her wet hole. It seemed like velvet as I pushed in two fingers. First I pushed upward and on the second inward plunge I had three in her, then within minutes she was begging me.

“More! Fuck me. Make me cum.”

I was not touching myself. I could feel my own loins on fire. I felt like I was almost ready to climax myself. Pam kept holding my head tighter and tighter.

I heard her say, “Now, now, now, now, now, cum baby, now, now!” I heard her and my body shook. I mean it shook so hard, if I had not been holding onto Pam I might have fallen off of my chair.

I felt Pam’s pussy clenching around my fingers in her. She had climaxed also. I heard her again, “Now, now, now, cum for me baby, now!” I shook and shook.

I started gasping for air. I said, “Please, Pam, no more. Please, let me rest, please.”

She said, “One last time Marline. Now, now, now!”

It was all I could do to hold onto her. The power of the climaxes kept building and got so much stronger each time. Pam pulled back, then knelt down and kissed me.

She said, “So, if I understand you right, we have about 40 more minutes to make me climax two more times. What about if I climax while I am making you cum?”

I said, “I don’t know. I guess it would work as long as you climax three times.”

Pam said, “Come over here to the couch. Lay down. I’m going to eat you and bring myself to a climax just for you.”

I laid back, reached down and pulled up my dress. I spread my legs and Pam knelt down putting her soft mouth on me. I felt her grab my clit with her lips and heard her moan. I lay there and closed my eyes.

I listened to Pam, as her breathing was hot and heavy. Every once in awhile she would stop and say, “Hmm, you are so good.” Then she would go back to work on my cunt. Then she said, “I’m getting close Marline. I’m really getting close.”

I felt her fingers now moving and pushing into my asshole as she worked my cunt with her tongue. Pam worked her fingers in and out fast as she ate me. She cried out, “NOW! NOW! OH SHIT! I’M COMING!”

She put her lips onto my clit and sucked very hard. I felt more of her fingers now work into my cunt as well. I lay there shaking. My body seemed to bounce on the couch.

“Oh God, Give it to me! Fuuuucccckkkk me! Oh fuuuccckkkk mmmmmeeeee!” I climaxed and shoved back against her fingers in both holes and her mouth sucking my clit.

I could barely hear the phone ringing. Pam heard it and got up to answer it at my desk. When she pulled her hands and fingers away, I replaced them with my own. I was still hot as hell and still needed to have one more climax.


Chapter Five

I heard Pam say, “Oh, Hello Pastor Johnson. Yes she is here. She is tied up with something right now. Do you wish that I disturb her, or can I give her a message for you? OK, I’ll tell her. See you later Pastor.”

I lay there gently working my fingers in and around my hot open hole. I said, “What is the message?”

Pam said, “He called to let you know Mr. Kelly just called him to tell say he was on his way over to meet with you since you were not at home. He needs to see you about the south wing expansion. He needed your input for the design. The only problem is, he is about 5 minutes away.”

“That is just fucking great!” I blurted out. I sat up and pulled down my dress. I then said, “I have got to get off. I cannot function like this.”

Pam said, “When he gets here would you like for me to have him come back after lunch?”

I said “Oh God yes, I don’t dare see him right now. I can’t control my urges. I can’t see him like this. I will end up fucking him or sucking him.”

It was then we both heard the front door chime. Pam went into her office to meet Mr. Kelly. The door was not closed all the way and I could hear Pam. She really went to work on him. “I’m sorry Mr. Kelly, Mrs. Johnson is really tied up until after 1:00. Could you return then and she will be able to give you a full 30 minutes?”

Mr. Kelly said, “I can’t return then. I have to get these plans submitted before noon. Mrs. Johnson had an appointment with me Friday and she changed it for this morning. She told me to be here at 8:45. I am here and I will wait. I have to get this done today.”

Pam said, “I’ll see what I can do. Wait here.”

Pam walked into my office and started to tell me when I interrupted her and said, “I heard. He is right. I did tell him to be here. I forgot. Send him in. I’ll get rid of him.”

Pam left and then I walked to the door. I opened it and went to greet Mr. Kelly. “I am so sorry Bill. I have so much to catch up with. Leaving for three days really put me behind. Come in. Pam will make sure we are not disturbed. We have to finish this for the South wing.”

I closed the door behind us and Bill went to the couch. He opened up the plans he had rolled up in his hands onto the coffee table. I turned a chair around from in front of my desk and sat down. I leaned forward to see the plans he was showing me.

Everything was finished. He had shown them to the board and Jim. I was the last person to approve them before they were submitted to the city.

Bill and I sat opposite each other. My chair was a little higher than where he was sitting on the couch. He and I were both bending forward. He was pointing out things and I was watching closely. I don’t know why I did it but as I leaned forward the very first time I reached down placing my hands on my knees. I ever so gently and quickly pulled back my dress so the hem came up over my knees.

I don’t think Bill noticed it at first but as I bent forward more, I also pulled back my dress. I had this desire to show myself to him. I had my legs slightly open and I could feel the air under the front of my open dress. I started to look at Mr. Kelly. I was sure he was trying to adjust himself sitting there opposite me. He started showing me things that he did not have to — pointing to things on the plans yet not looking at the plans himself. I found that he was trying to bend over even lower. I wondered if he was trying to look up under my dress.

I saw a pencil on the plans and bent forward to get it. I accidentally bumped it and it went off on his side of the coffee table. He said, “I’ll get that” and he bent real low reaching for it. I saw where his eyes were and they were not on the floor. I sat up and sat back just a little. If he was trying to look up my dress, I was not going to make it difficult for him. He fumbled for the longest time and then finally found it. He handed it to me and then he sat back on the couch; or I should say half laid on the couch. His head was almost level with my hips. I knew that if he tried hard enough he could look up my dress and see I was naked.

I looked down at his pants and saw that his cock was hard and pressing against his fly. The subject seemed to change. Everything started to have two meanings to it. For instance Mr. Kelly said, “That has got to be the loveliest thing I have seen yet.”

Now that could have been the plans he had finished or the view he had in front of his face. I then said, “One thing about it — we sure need it.” That could have meant the south wing or again it could have meant that I needed it, which I really did.

He then said, “It looks so small.”

I then said, “I am sure it will accommodate anything we need it to.”

Mr. Kelly was very uncomfortable and reached down to adjust his cock in his pants. I knew I had turned him on and I had the warmest hot feeling because of it. I then said, “You have no idea how long I have been waiting for this. I can’t wait to get into it. You know what they say Mr. Kelly – “Timing is everything.” We have to seize the moment. Time is wasting.”

Now if you did not know that I was sitting in front of him with my legs open and naked. If you did not know Mr. Kelly was looking up my skirt. Anyone listening would think that we were talking about the south wing. However, we both knew that we were not.

Mr. Kelly asked, “How does your husband like that?”

I said “Oh this?” and I opened my legs wider and pulled back my dress some more. “Oh he loves it. Trouble is, it takes more than him to keep it happy if you know what I mean.” I watched Mr. Kelly start rubbing himself through his pants. I said, “It looks as though you have everything here right in hand. I think you will be able to submit your plans when you leave here. The only thing I am wondering is, how are you going to get past my secretary with that bulge in your pants? What will she think?”

I knew I had passed the point of no return long ago. I knew that I was taking the biggest risk I had ever taken in my life. Mr. Kelly was a church member. He was a board advisor and I knew he was happily married.

I made no pretense about it anymore. I leaned back in my chair, opened my legs wide and started touching myself less then 5 feet from Mr. Kelly’s eyes. He unzipped his fly and started stroking his cock. I said, “No one must ever know about this Bill. It has to be our secret — agreed?”

He said, “Yes. Oh yes.”

I kept my hand working and I stood up. I moved over to the side of the coffee table, pushed it aside then knelt down in front of him. I took his rock hard cock in my mouth. I started working it while I fingered myself. I could feel his cock start to swell and knew it was getting ready to shoot its sperm out. I pulled back and said, “I want you in me. When you cum, you have to promise me you will tell me when you are coming. I want you to say, “Now” when you start to cum. I will grind you silly milking your cock if you do that for me. One more thing Bill — I lose control and you may have to cover my mouth. I can’t help it.”

I got up from my knees, stood up, opened my legs nice and wide, then bent forward. I looked back at him as he also stood up. I said, “Put it in me. Slide it in.”

I felt him move in behind me. I felt his cock slide in and I went to work on my clit. I knew that it was only he, Pam and myself in the office area. I started to get loud. “Oh, God Bill. Oh Fuck, oh fuck! Give it to me. Fuuuucccckkkk me! Oh fuuuccckkkk mmmmmeeeee!” Mr. Kelly put his hand on my mouth to quiet me as I had asked. I shook his hand away and got louder. I wanted Pam to know he was fucking me and he was going to make me come one last time before my time was up.

I shoved back at him fucking his cock for every inch he had. We were like animals. I was grunting and moaning. He was huffing and puffing. My orgasm kept building and building.

“Oh God, Give it to me! Fuuuucccckkkk me! Oh fuuuccckkkk mmmmmeeeee! Harder! Faster! I love your cock. It is so fucking big. It is so fucking hard – so fucking goooooood. Give it to meeeee! Give it to meeeee!”

I finally heard him say it, “NOW, YOU BITCH! OH GOD NOW!”

I felt his cock pulse inside of me. I felt my mind explode, my cunt clenched at his cock. I was milking his cock for every drop of his nectar. I screamed, “YES, YES, GIVE IT TO ME, HARDER! HARDER! FUCK ME YOU BASTARD! FUCK YOUR HOT WHORE SLUT!” I don’t know why I did it, I think I did it so Pam could hear. Maybe I did it to add to his excitement or maybe to add to mine.

He finally finished and started to pull out. I said, “NO, wait.” I pulled and turned real fast. I knelt in front of him and took his wet, slimy cock in my mouth. I had to have that nectar in my mouth. There is nothing else like the taste of a man’s sperm and my juice mixed together in this white, slimy, gooey love nectar. He held my head as I slowly cleaned him. I kept working his cock until it was completely flaccid. I stood up and looked at him, then said, “Please keep this to yourself and you can have me anytime you want.”

He said, “It’s a deal. What about your secretary?”

Knowing that Pam was listening, I answered, “Oh, I sent her to get something. She probably won’t get back before you leave.”

Bill got himself together, rolled up his plans and we went to the door that was cracked open. Sure enough — Just as I had hoped, Pam took my hint and was not there when Mr. Kelly and I walked out.

Just as he was walking out the office door, Pam walked back and said, “Sorry Mrs. Johnson. I had a hard time finding it. I hope your meeting went well?”

Mr. Kelly said, “Oh yes. It went very well.”

I said, “Well to be honest, not well enough. To be perfectly honest, I could have used a little more. I think you need to set an appointment for Mr. Kelly. I think I will need a few more meetings before I can give my full support on this project.”

Pam said, “How about tomorrow at 2:00 Mr. Kelly?”

He said, “I can be here. Are you sure we need to Mrs. Johnson?”

I said, “I am positive. I do feel it would benefit us all if you could plan to be here a good hour or so. I mean you never know where these meetings can go.”

He said as he walked out, “OK, two it is.”

Pam and I watched him walk to his car and waited until he started driving away. Then she came to me and hugged me. “My goodness Marline! I thought you would wake the dead as wild and as loud as you got.”

I asked her, “I assume you were at the door listening?”

Pam said, “No, I was at the door peeking. It is a good thing your backs were turned to me. I had the door halfway open, masturbating as I watched you. I am surprised you two did not hear me as I climaxed when you two did.”

We heard a car drive up and we both looked out. It was Jim returning from golf. It surprised me, because on Mondays he is normally gone all day with his clubs. Pam went to her desk and I walked out to meet him. I kissed him and said to him as softly and as sexily as I could, “I am so glad you are here. You have no idea how bad I needed to see you.”

Jim said, “Honey, you have such lovely red hair. Why did you put it in a bun?”

I could not believe it. I wrapped my hair up so no one would trigger my cravings and the minute I see my husband, he says it. Within an instant I needed him. I needed to fuck all over again.

We walked in and went to his office. Since it was Monday his secretary was not in. We went into his private office and I gave him a hot, wet horny kiss. I let him know I was ready and wanting his attention. I was so thankful that he responded. When we broke the kiss, he said, “Lets go home.”

I said, “Later. I can’t wait. Close the door. I want you now.”

We kissed and with our lips locked Jim kicked the door closed. We moved to the couch and we were both taking his pants and shirt off. I broke the kiss just long enough to say, “I want you to eat me. Eat me now.”

I held onto Jim as he laid me back onto the couch. I reached down and pulled up my dress. As I did this, Jim got to his knees. I knew he was expecting to pull down my panty hose and panties but instead he found that I was naked under my dress. Looking at my freshly fucked cunt he could see I was all wet. I don’t know what he was thinking but he made the comment, “I have never seen you this turned on or this wet.”

I responded, “I am hot for you and I am wet for you. Eat me.” I cannot tell you why I wanted my loving husband to eat my pussy right after I just had another man fuck me. It was nasty, very nasty. Maybe that is why I loved it so much.

Jim went wild eating and licking me. I waited for him to mount me. I finally could not wait any longer. I said, “Come on baby, put it in me. I need it now.” He moved up and I felt his rigid cock slide inside. “Oh Jim Give it to me. I love your cock. I love how big it is. I love how long it is. Fuck me baby. Fuck me hard. Your cock is so strong, so hard. Give it to me you big man. Fuck your hot little wife and make me come baby. Do you like how wet you make me? Fuck mama. Fuck me good. Give it all to me – deeper.”

My pussy had been fucked so much and stretched so much; I could barely feel his cock. Don’t get me wrong. Jim is well hung. I mean he is over 8″ long and very thick. It was my pussy. I mean, here he was fucking his wife after 200 different men and dogs and rubber cocks (talk about sloppy seconds). I know my cunt was way too big for him right now.

What amazed me was how much Jim went wild fucking me. Jim moaned as he fucked me. I knew that in all the years we had made love, we had seldom had wild sex. I knew my husband and I knew that he was getting enjoyment like never before and that I was really giving him pleasure. I felt his cock swell up and I was so ready.

I waited for him to tell me he was going to cum. I heard him grunt and moan, then I felt the pulsing of his cock as it shot his sperm inside of me. He did not say it. I held on. I ground my cunt hard against him. I tried to think of him yelling out, “NOW, NOW!” but all the thinking in the world would not do it. I lay there panting and fucking back hard knowing that I would not get my goal.

Jim slowed down and pulled out of me. I pulled myself up and bent forward taking his half-hard cock in my hand and mouth. I wanted to clean and lick him and I had a small hope that maybe I could get him hard again and maybe this time he would say it so I could cum also. It did not work. He went soft and I finally gave up. I got up and we kissed.

Jim said, “I have to tell you my love that was the very best sex we have ever had. I thought nothing could beat last night but this was wonderful. I don’t know what you women talked about this last weekend but whatever it was, I love the results. I have never seen you so wet and so hot. I love it when you are so wicked like this. Your pussy was so open wanting me. I could hear it sloshing as we made love.”

He said that and I immediately thought to myself, “It is so sloppy because your cock isn’t big enough to fill it anymore.”

He then asked, “Do you really like licking me clean like that? I mean cleaning me and sucking me afterwards? It feels so good but it also seems so nasty. I love it. Want me to get a warm wash cloth and clean you up?”

I said, “Not right now honey. I want to carry you inside of me the rest of the day. I like the wet feeling of your sperm oozing out of me.”

He then said, “Want me to get your panties from your purse?’

I said, “Oh I did not wear any panties today. I wanted to be ready for my man when I saw you.”

Jim brought me to himself and before we kissed he said, “You are so bad. So very bad. I love it.” I kissed him and I knew I had to leave. I had to get fucked again and soon.

I said, “Honey, I have to run some errands. I am going to the store can I get you anything?”

I had no idea where I was going to go, maybe home, maybe to the store. I knew I had to leave. If I stayed there, I would want sex with Pam again. She could get me to climax and with Jim around always walking into my office, I knew I could not take a chance. I also knew I had to do something about this empty feeling in my cunt and this craving that I needed to put something in it. I preferred it to be a man but right now anything resembling a cock would do. I did have my cocks at home.

I went to my office to get my purse and Pam said, “I heard you with the Pastor. What are you going to do?”

I looked at her and said, “I don’t know. If we were alone we could finish what he started and he couldn’t finish himself. I can’t take any chances. Stay here. I’ll call you later. I just may need you to tell me “now” while I do myself.” I kissed her on her cheek and walked home.

I walked into the house and went upstairs. I had no plan. I just wanted to climax. I thought I could lie on the bed, masturbate with the phone to my ear and have Pam say “now” for me. I stood at the closet and took off my dress. I stood there in my bra naked and hot. I was facing my closet when I felt something cold touch my butt. I jumped and looked. It was Silver. I guess Jim had let him in the house and I did not notice him when I got home. He started licking me and I guess he smelled the butter and Jim’s sperm.

By the time his tongue hit my ass cheek the second time I was opening my legs and leaning forward opening myself up to his mouth. Silver is a nice big dog and his tongue is long. I could feel it work it’s way up and I swear inside my asshole. I bent forward some more and opened my legs more. He sought out my cunt and wormed his long tongue inside of it.

I was panting with pleasure. I remembered the dogs that worked me over at Steve & Phil’s place. If anyone had seen me I would have looked a sight. I moved very slowly with my legs apart, bent over, working myself to the bed. Once there I was trying to decide if I should get on it or kneel down resting myself on it.

I could hear Silver whining as he licked me. I turned my head to look at him. Then I saw it — I saw his cock and it was pink and sticking out of its skin. It was nice and big and I knew I needed it inside of me right then.

I knelt down and Silver jumped up on my back just like he would jump up on a bitch in heat in the middle of the road. I am not a big woman and with him being so big it was perfect. He rammed his cock inside of me and fucked. He hammered my cunt like a jackhammer. “Oh fuck! Jesus! Oh FUCK! OH GOD! OH BABY! OH SHIT! OH SHIT! GIVE IT TO ME BABY! FUCK ME! FUCK ME! MAKE ME COME BABY! I LOVE IT! I LOVE YOUR COCK!”

I could feel his front paws digging into my sides and tummy as he pulled and rammed himself into me. I could feel his cock swelling up getting bigger and bigger. I felt as if he was fucking me with a log. I felt him shoot his sperm inside of me.


It did not work. I was right there. I was ready. I just needed the word. I remembered Pam and looked at the phone out of my reach. With one hand I held Silver to my back as I moved to the side and closer to the nightstand. I did not want him to dismount from me and I had to get Pam on the phone. I finally was able to reach it and I dialed my office. Pam answered.

I could barely breathe let alone talk. I could feel Silver flexing inside of me. I managed to say very softly and sexy as hell, “Oh Pam, Pam, I need it. Please say it, please.”

I heard, “Now, now, now, now, now, now!”

I started my climax, and with every “now” it became stronger.

Pam kept it up, over and over. I could not talk. My body was out of control. I shook and shook I finally dropped the phone and I started back down to earth. I could hear Silver whining so I let him go. I picked up the phone and said, “Thank you Pam, I really needed that.”

Pam asked, “Were you using one of your Dildos?”

Without thinking I just said, “No, it was Silver.”

I heard a gasp from her then realized what I had just told her — I just told my secretary that I had just fucked our dog. I felt so ashamed and sick about it.

Pam then said, “Well if I counted right you now need to come one more time in 22 minutes. I want to help you.”

I asked, “Is Jim still there?”

Pam said, “Yes, he is talking with a couple right now. Tell me what you are wearing and what position you are in.”

I said, “I am wearing only my bra and I am kneeling next to the bed.”

Pam asked, “Where is Silver and what is he doing?”

I said, “He is licking my cunt and asshole. His cock is starting to go back into his sheath.”

Pam asked, “How does his cock feel?”

I answered, “Wonderful!” I then asked, “Pam, could you talk nasty to me? I mean, dirty? Can you do it without anyone hearing?”

Pam said, “Yes. Let me shut my door. Just rub your fucking cunt bitch while I am gone.” She said those words and I felt so fucking hot. I wanted to hear more. I reached down and rubbed my wet clit. Pam came back and said, “OK Bitch, how is your lover? How is your dog? Is your nasty cunt ready to get fucked again? You are such a slut that you could go out and just fuck the first man you could find, couldn’t you slut?”

I said, “No, men talk, my dog won’t.”

Pam said, “Did he fuck you in your nasty cunt or your fucking asshole?”

I swooned and my head was spinning with pleasure as Silver licked me and Pam talked dirty to me. I said, “He fucked me in my cunt. He filled it and stretched it.”

“Good,” Pam said. “Now lets have him fuck your nasty asshole. You want that don’t you, you filthy, nasty, whore?”

I said, “Yes, I want it bad.”

Pam said, “I’m sitting here, playing with myself as we talk. I am pretending that you are under my desk; licking my pussy as I talk on the phone with an old girlfriend I use to have years ago. She is a nasty fucking slut just like you. Do you like touching your nipples bitch?”

I said, “No, they do nothing for me.”

“Too bad,” she said. “I can climax touching and playing with mine but then I am not a fucking slut like you. Am I?”

I said, “No, I am the whore. I am the slut. Oh fuck, Pam! He is really licking me again! Oh shit! He is standing. I think he wants to fuck me again!”

Pam said, “Of course he wants to fuck you, cunt. What else is a nasty bitch like you good for? You want his cock in you don’t you bitch?”

I felt Silver jump back up on my back and I could feel the tip of his cock stabbing at me; seeking out my pussy.

I said, “He’s mounted me, he wants me again.”

Pam said, “Reach down and grab his prick; bring it to your asshole. Have your dog-lover fuck your nasty asshole. I know you want it there don’t you cunt?’

I grabbed his cock as she talked and brought the tip to my ass. I moved my hand just as I felt him slam it inside. I could not talk. I could not breathe.

Pam was talking so nasty in my ear and the cock on Silver was hammering into me like a jackhammer. I could barely hear Pam say, “Tell me when he starts to come. I’ll get you off, you fucking slut. Push hard against him. Squeeze your ass cheeks tight. Give him a ride. After all, you are his bitch. You are his fuck tool. You will be his from now on. He is going to be fucking you more than your husband. Do you know why bitch? Because you have to have his big, fat, long, hard, cock in you.”


Pam never stopped. She kept talking filthy to me. All it did was make the feeling that was building in me grow stronger and stronger. “Talk to him you slut. Talk to your dog fucking you. Talk to your dog pounding your tight, wide asshole,” she said.

I could feel his cock swelling. I knew it was ready to explode again and I was ready. “YES! OH FUCK YES! OH GOD! GIVE IT TO ME SILVER! FUCK YOUR BITCH! FUCK YOUR BITCH! OH FUCK! OH SHIT! HE’S COMING! HE’S SHOOTING IN ME! OH JESUS IT IS GOOD!”

I could hear Pam, “Now bitch! Now you fucking whore! Now, now! Fuck back! Fuck back! Now, eat me bitch! Oh shit! I’m coming too! Oh Jesus! You made me come too!”

The phone went quiet and Silver slowed to a stop. This time I did not try to hold him. He pulled back and his knot made a plopping noise as his cock pulled out. He moved to the wall, lay down and started licking himself. I laid on the bed my body tired to the bone. I finally heard Pam start talking again, “Oh Marline. That was wild! I hope I did not offend you talking the way I did, did I?”

I somehow managed to say, “Oh shit no. You were perfect. I loved it. You made it so much better. It was wild. I guess this is phone sex then. God I am so tired. Thank you so much for helping me climax. Thank you very much.”

Pam said, “Oh Marline no, no. Thank you. Up until yesterday, I felt all alone here knowing I was a sex freak working for you and you were too snobbish about sex to talk to.”

I said, “Well we both know that woman doesn’t work there any more.” I said those words and it hit me what I was saying. Here not only was I talking about my change but also I seemed to be proud of it. It was then that I said, “I’m sorry Pam. I have to go. I’ll call you later.” I then hung up on her.

What had I become? What am I going to do? I can’t live like this. I cannot let my sexual desires run my life. It will end up ruining my life, my marriage and my church. I had to do something to take back my life.

I lie on the bed and fell asleep. I never dream. Never in my life did I remember dreaming. This was the very first time I dreamed. It was a very filthy dream.

I dreamed I was laying on my back on a table at a truck stop. My legs were up and man after man walked up to the table and would stick his cock in me and fuck me. He would fuck me and talk to his friends that were watching him. He would come, and then he would move to the side of the table where I would suck him and lick him nice and clean. While I did this, another man would take his place fucking me.

In my dream I was begging the men to say the word “now” but they would not. Over and over each one would tell me that I had “lovely red hair.” The men watching me get fucked would laugh at me and tell me they knew the word but would not say it.

I started to scream at them to say the word, to let me come. I woke myself up as I said, “Say it, for God sake say it.” I woke up and realized that it was my first dream and I was horny as hell.

I looked at the clock and it was 2:30. I decided I was going to go see my sister in Fort Worth (well north of there about 35 miles). I called my husband and lied to him. I said, “Honey, my sister just called and she needs me to go up to see her. Could you get along with out me for a few days?”

Jim said, “Sure honey. Is there anything I can do to help you?”

I said, “I don’t know right now but I will call and let you know.”

Jim asked for the phone number in case he needed to get hold of me.

I said, “Kelly did not give me her new number and I forgot to ask. I’ll call you with it when I get there. I love you and miss you already.”

He told me he loved me and we hung up.

I went to my closet and searched for the shortest skirt or dress that I had. It turned out to be a yellow summer dress. Whenever I wore it in the past, I had to wear a heavy slip under it because in the sunlight a person could see right through it very easily. I put on a clean bra, chose some nice black flats and remembered I still needed to go get some new stockings. I put on the dress with out any slip and went downstairs.

I had a heck of a time with Silver. He had a one-track mind and that was on my pussy. I made it to the car and drove to Target. I picked out six different pair of stockings. They were the kind that holds up them self and they came halfway up the thigh. I chose 5 dark ones and one white pair. I went into the changing room (one of those coed type in the center of the clothing department. I had to wait for a man to finish up in it first).

It was finally my turn and I went inside. I put on one pair of dark ones. I wanted to make sure no one could see the tops of the stockings. I was very satisfied. Standing there, I looked at myself very closely. I saw a different woman now. I saw a woman that would do anything for a hard cock in her. I reached down and felt myself. I was still very wet with sperm oozing out –sperm from Jim and sperm from Silver.

I stood there and started to rub my clit back and forth. With my other hand I decided to try and play with my nipples. Pam said she really received a lot of pleasure from them. Since Jim was not a boob man, he never played with them. Thinking about it, I did recall how nice it felt when some of the men took the time to gently suck them as they fucked me. I discovered that I did indeed get pleasure from touching them.

I started to get lost in the wonderful feeling when I heard a knock on the door, then a man’s voice. “Is there anyone in there?”

I did not hesitate, I quickly yet gently un-hooked the latch. I sat on the bench, leaned back against the wall, opened my legs wide, started rubbing and fingering my clit. With my other hand I worked my nipples through my bra. I closed my eyes and waited.

He knocked again and said, “Is there anyone in there?”

I felt the rush of air as he opened the door. I was in a panic, yet I was more excited than I have ever been in my life. Who was it? Did they know me? Were they inside the room with me? Was it a man? Was it an employee?

I heard the latch being hooked and I heard a zipper being pulled down. I slowly opened my eyes. I did not look up, I looked straight in front of my face, and I saw this huge big, long black cock. I watched as this man was stroking himself. I let out a moan and my cunt was throbbing, wanting to feel this magnificent cock inside of me.

His cock was rock hard. I leaned forward and as I moved for his cock, he moved for my mouth. We met and I started to love his cock with my mouth. I wanted to feel it down my throat. I wanted to feel it in my pussy. He kept pumping it with his hand as I had my mouth full of cock.

He pulled back out of my mouth and he bent over and said, “Stand up and bend over. Johnny here wants to feel your hot little pussy sucking him inside of you.”

I got up and stood in front of him. I looked up and said, “When you come, say the word “now.” I have to hear that in order to climax.”

He said, “OK baby. I’ll say it.”

I turned around with my back facing him and bent over. I grabbed my ankles and I moaned as his huge cock started to stuff me. I swooned as I felt it slowly inch its way inside. I knew I would start screaming out with pleasure so I brought both of my hands up to my mouth. I covered my mouth as I moaned and started in with my pleasure.

I swear I saw stars as I felt his cock sliding in and out of me. I could hear him breathing hard as he fucked me. I was shoving back against him. I could feel him pulling all the way back almost to the point of his cock coming out then sliding it all the way deep inside of me buried to the hilt. I could feel him shoving against my cervix. That in it added to my pleasure. He seemed to have total control, giving me pure steady pleasure, with no sign of fatigue. He shoved in. I shoved back. I then felt his cock pull all the way out then without either one of us touching it, he shoved forward and it went right back into my waiting open hole.

I had never experienced this before and I loved it. He was good at it. He got it working fast gave me an amazing feeling as his cock head popped out, my hole wide open with the air going inside of me, then his cock ramming deep back inside. I was at the top, I was there and I was waiting for him to shoot.

I felt him grab my hips with his big hands and he held me tight as his cock pulsed over and over hard as his sperm emptied inside of me, then he said it. “Now bitch! Now bitch! Take it all! Take it bitch!”

I shook and shook. If he had not held onto me I know I would have fallen over. We stayed like that for a while then I felt him pulling back. He pulled and pulled out as his long cock slowly came out. I stood up, turned and I kissed him.

I said, “Thank you. You will never know how bad I needed that.” I knelt down and took his wet cum covered cock into my mouth. I gulped and managed to swallow it down my throat. He held my head as I made love to his cock with my mouth.


Chapter Six

I heard him say, “We better get out of here before someone needs to use the room and catches us.”

I let go of his cock and he zipped himself up. I stood up and he opened the door. Standing there was a man, a lady and a teenage girl.

I should have turned seven shades of red, but I did not. I just said, “Thank you for the help.” I smiled and walked to the register to pay for my stockings. Standing in line, I felt someone walk up behind me. I turned and it was the man who was standing outside the dressing room.

He handed me a card and said, “Call me someday. Maybe we could enjoy a cup of something someplace?”

I looked at his card and it had a telephone number and a Temple City address. I smiled and said, “Who knows, it may be sooner than you think?”

I went outside and drove up the 35 and as I passed the 290 I saw a huge truck stop. I remembered my dream and my filthy mind started to work.

What If I were to park my car there and hitchhike up to Fort Worth? Maybe I could find a horny truck driver and his partner and they could take turns fucking me in their sleeper on the way up to my sisters?

I got off and drove back to the truck stop. I parked my car near a light and went inside to the restaurant. I sat down and the waitress came over.

She said, “Easy pickings tonight kid. You new around here? I don’t think I have ever seen you before.”

I said, “Oh, I am on my way to Fort Worth. My car broke down and I have to wait and call my sister to come pick me up.”

The waitress said, “Oh I’m sorry Darlin’, I thought you were a working girl. I am so sorry. Hey, the coffee is on me. How about a free piece of pie to go with it?”

I said, “Oh that’s OK. I am sort of flattered that you thought I was a hooker. At least I think I am.” We both laughed and I said, “I’ll take that coffee and pie, thank you.”

At the table next to me sat two truck drivers. One man said, “We’re going to Fort Worth Darlin’. Could we give you a lift?”

The waitress came back and said, “Back off Kenny. She knows better than to ride with you boys. Don’t’ you hon?”

I smiled and said, “Well, if I did take them up on their offer, would I be safe or not?”

The waitress laughed and said, “Oh sure you would be safe. They wouldn’t hurt you or anything. They would most likely bore you to death with their truck talk.”

She poured the coffee and walked away. I looked at the one guy and said, “You boys wouldn’t bore me would you? I mean we don’t have to talk at all. In fact, I would be glad to pay you for taking me to my sisters.”

The other guy laughed and said, “Oh sure. You’re so broke you have to have someone come pick you up. What would you pay us with?”

I smiled and said, “My, you boys have been on the road much too long. I am sure I have something to offer you both in exchange for a ride. You do have a sleeper, don’t you boys?”

They stopped laughing and I could tell they were stunned. The waitress came back and said, “I don’t know what you told them but whatever it was must have been something. They never stop talking. Look at them. It looks as if the cat has their tongues.”

They finished their coffee and one said, “If you are serious, so are we. We’ll take you to your sisters.”

I reached in my purse and pulled out my wallet. I had close to $300.00 in it. I looked and looked for something smaller than a ten and I could not find any so I left her a nice tip.

The men saw my money. I looked at them and said softly and very sexily, “Don’t worry boys, I am not about to pay you in cash. I have a better idea.” we walked out and we walked toward all the parked big rigs.

As luck would have it, we walked close to my van, I asked the boys to wait a minute so I could lock up my purse. I have a keypad and I locked my purse inside. I turned to them and said, “I won’t need my purse for what I have in mind.” I took both their arms and we went to their truck. They took me to the door and both wanted to help me up into the truck.

It was one of many parked in a big line. There were trucks everywhere. I knew no one could accidentally see us and at this point I could care less. I wanted to fuck these two men. It was only about 3:45 and it was plenty light out. I knew that when I climbed up the side to get into their cab, with them standing on the ground under me, they would have a free show.

Come to think of it, I guess we all knew that. Like I said earlier, I am small in stature, so I played that to my advantage. I took two steps up and asked, “Could one of you boys help me? It is hard getting up into your cab.” I looked down and I saw them both looking right up my skirt. I had one leg straight and the other bent; I could feel the air on my wet dripping pussy.

I said, “Come on boys. A girl needs a hand here. Give me a boost.” I felt two pair of hands on me, one on each butt cheek and two hands under my skirt, inside my thighs and several fingers into my cum filled pussy. I was waiting for that and I squatted back onto their fingers and said, “Oh my, what strong fingers you boys have. Now I’ll give you both a good 30 minutes to stop that.”

I felt long fingers sliding in and out. One guy said to the other, “Shit this fucking bitch is dripping wet! She is so hot. I got her first.”

I started moving up and down meeting his fingers and then I felt fingers at my asshole. “Oops,” I said, “now you have a whole hour to stop that double finger fucking.” I felt fingers slide inside my asshole I really went to work riding up and down their fingers. I started moaning and started to get loud. I finally had to say, “Come on boys, let’s see how good that sleeper is for some good old hard double fucking.”

I climbed up the steps into the cab with them right behind me. Their fingers never pulled out of my holes until I had to twist around the seat to get back to their big sleeper. Billy said to Harry, “Shit man, this bitch is so fucking hot. We better keep her away from the gear shift.”

Then Billy laughed and said, “Maybe after she fucks you Harry but when I get through with her she won’t need a cock for a week or two.”

I went straight into their tiny living quarters. I expected it to be cramped in there, however to my surprise, it was very roomy. It had a big TV, big bed, big closet, little table and I went straight for the bed. I undid the back of my dress as Harry took off my bra. He went straight for my tits and I loved it. I took his belt loose and undid his pants. I had his stiff cock in my hand and his fingers were working my wide-open hot pussy.

We rolled on the bed and I ended up on top. I knelt over him and slid down on his cock. I watched Billy (his partner) move next to us and get on the bed with us. He asked, “Will you suck me at the same time?”

I answered, “It might be safer to fuck my asshole baby. I get kind of crazy and I sure don’t want to bite it off.”

He moved around and tried very hard to stick it in. I guess he could not figure out how to get his legs in between ours and with my thrashing on Harry’s cock I know it did not make it easy for him. He finally gave up. I was very disappointed to say the least.

I said, “Come here. Give me that lovely cock. Let me suck your balls dry.” He moved up and got to his knees so I could go to work. I did and when I felt like Harry was going to explode in me I pulled off of him, let the cock in my mouth out and told them both, “There is a price for fucking me boys. I want to hear you when you are going to shoot me with your cum. You have got to say “now” when you’re going to cum. You say it and I’ll fuck you all night. You don’t say it; you pay me $50.00 like you pay all your whores. Agreed boys?”

They both said yes.

I reached down between my legs and aimed Harry’s cock in me and went back to fucking his brains out. I found the other cock and went to work sucking his balls dry. I heard them both, first Harry who said it over and over, then Billy who I was sucking started in. “Now, Now, Now, Now, Now, Now.”

My mind swirled. I kept coming and coming. I could not breathe. I realized that Harry had both hands and fingers pulling and pinching my nipples hard as I started to climax.

Then Harry joined in, “Now, oh God, now! Shit you have a great pussy.”

I was dripping with sweat. I was gasping for breath, however none of that took my mind off of what Harry was doing to me. What amazed me so much was, I loved it and it felt good. I rocked on his cock. I swear my pussy was gobbling up every drop of his sperm shooting into me. I rocked and rocked in pure heavenly bliss. I was still in my bliss when the boys pulled out of me.

Harry rolled me over and Billy got off the bed. He opened what I thought was a closet and I saw a toilet/shower. He went in and peed. I did not waist time and quickly turned around to suck and clean off Harry’s cock. As I did that Harry pulled me to himself and went for my cunt. Billy turned and saw us. He said, “Jesus, Harry, how can you eat that slut? You don’t know how many guys have fucked her. God, Harry I swear you are a very sick puppy.” Then he zipped up his pants and got behind the wheel. He started the truck and we pulled out. Harry and I bounced around licking and sucking each other.

When Harry stopped, I let his flaccid cock loose and he turned around facing me as we both lay on our sides. He spoke softly and I could barely hear him over the sound of the truck. He said, “I love eating a woman after she has been fucked. I am not queer; I just get so turned on eating a cum-filled pussy. Do you think that is sick?”

I smiled and moved my mouth to his ear. “I sure hope not, cuz, I love it also. Tell you what you big boy, you figure out a way for me to fill that and I’ll let you suck it all out.”

He said, “Are you serious?”

I said, “I sure am.”

We kissed and Harry said, “If you want you can use the shower and there is a blow dryer in the drawer if you want to wash your hair.”

I got up and got in the shower. It was small and close but it sure felt good to clean off all the sweat and wash my hair. I stood there bouncing around as the truck went down the road. I expected the water to run out or go cold but it didn’t. I sat on the toilet and went potty as I dried my hair. Thank god I have short hair. I got out of the shower and saw the boys sitting in the two front seats.

I said, “Well boys, do you want me to dress or do you two want to take turns and come back here and play some more?”

Harry got up and came back with me. I lay back on the bed as he dropped his pants and slid his cock into me. I pulled back my knees and started in, “Oh baby, your cock is so fucking big! God, I love the way it makes me feel! Give it to me baby! No one has ever fucked me like this before! You’re so strong and your cock is so fucking hard! God, your cock is so fucking fat! I can feel it deep inside of me! Harder! Harder! Faster! Fuck me harder! Fuck me! FUCK ME! GIVE IT TO ME! HARDER! FASTER! FASTER!”

Harry crammed his cock into me and cried out, “NOW! NOW! TAKE IT! TAKE IT! NOW!”

We rocked with my cunt milking every drop from him. I flexed my muscles. Harry pulled out and went straight for my pussy. He started sucking my hole and then licking the sides and then he started in on my clit. I wanted to suck his wet cock that he had just pulled out of me. I could not manage to get turned around to do it. When Harry finished he said to Billy,” You want some more of this Kid?”

Billy said, “Yea, she has got to be the hottest woman I have ever seen in my life.”

I lay there as Billy slowed the truck and pulled off to the side. He and Harry switched places. Billy came back. I could not wait for him. I had my fingers working on my clit rubbing it. Billy asked me as he took off his pants, “You ever been fucked in your ass Darlin?”

I looked up at him and smiled. I said, “Yes, I have.”

He then said, “Well, you’re about to get fucked again.” I started to roll over onto my tummy when he said “Oh, no, I want you on your back. I want to watch that pretty face of yours as I fuck that asshole.”

I raised my legs back and Billy aimed his cock into my ass. I felt it slide in so slowly and filling me. He was giving me the pleasure that my body and mind craved. Once inside he moved my legs onto his shoulders and I reached up to grab his sides. I wasn’t going to let him go until I got my climax from this guy.

I started in on Billy. “Oh baby I love your cock! It’s so fucking big! I love the way it makes me feel! Give it to me baby! Fuck me you bastard! Fuck that asshole! No one has ever fucked me like this before! No one! You’re so fucking strong! Your cock is so fucking hard. God your cock is so fucking fat! I can feel it deep inside my ass. Harder! Harder! Billy, harder! Faster! Faster! Fuck me harder! Fuck me! FUCK ME! GIVE IT TO ME! HARDER! FASTER! FASTER! OH JESUS! OH JESUS! FUCK MEEEEEEEEEEEEE!”

Billy buried his cock and cried out, “NOW! NOW! TAKE IT! NOW, NOW, NOW, NOWWWWWWWW!”

We climaxed and once he finished pumping his sperm in, he pulled out. My legs fell and I just lay there watching him pull up his pants then move to the front. I heard him say, “Shit Harry, you have got to do her ass. She is so tight.”

Harry said back, “I can’t fuck that bitch anymore for a while. She’s the first woman that has ever worn me out.”

I smiled at myself. I then asked, “What time is it?”

Billy said, “It’s about 4:42.”

I then asked, “Would it be possible to stop so I can call my secretary? I need to let her know I am not going to be in for a few days.”

Harry said, “We have time. We don’t have to be into the docks ’till 6 in the morning. We have all kinds of time.”

I said, “Good, I also need some new stockings.”

Billy said, “How’s Wal-Mart? There is one here in Temple.”

I said, “That’s great. Oh I forgot. I locked up my purse in my van, never mind.”

Billy said, “Oh don’t worry about that. I’ll buy them for you. You can call your office on the cell phone while I go get them.”

I sat on the bed, putting my bra and dress back on. I watched as we pulled off the highway and into the parking lot. We had to park far away from the store. Billy asked my size and I told him. Then he told us he would be right back. Harry handed me the cell phone. I called Pam and asked her to cover all my appointments. I was going to be gone for a few days. Pam said she would and that she would miss me.

When I finished Harry asked me, “Were you serious when you said what you did earlier?”

I looked at him trying to remember what it was that he was talking about, and then it hit me. I said, “Oh, sure. I was very serious. If you can figure out a way, you can eat all the cum out of me you want.”

He then said, “If I do, you have got to promise not to let Billy know.”

I said, “Baby, you just get me fucked and what you do with me after is just between you, me and my pussy.”

Harry then said, “I have an idea that could get you enough cock to keep us both happy.”

It was at this time Billy opened the door. “I hope you like these. I got one red, one black and one white,” he said.

I took the package and said, “Thank you Billy. They will do nicely.” I pulled out the white ones and with them watching I sat on the edge of the bed, opened my legs wide and slowly put one stocking on at a time. I could see their eyes staring at my open, dripping hole.

When I finished, I smiled and said, “You boys ready for some more yet?”

Harry said, “Not me, but I have an idea. Have you ever been to an X-rated truck stop baby?”

I had, but I said, “No, what are they like?”

Billy said, “Well, it is sex. Just pure sex.”

I said, “Good, I’m game.”

Harry went into more detail. “Well the one I am thinking about is outside of Waco. It is a sports bar, a poolroom, a pinball room, a room that sells sex toys and a section where there are video booths that show adult hard-core sex movies. Most of the booths have glory holes in them and they show adult sex movies on the TV everywhere.”

I said, “Well if they show them everywhere, why do they have the private booths?”

Harry said, “So the guys can go in and jack off or use the glory holes.”

I said, “Would there be a place I could fuck or suck a guy in there?”

Billy said, “You bet. We can get you into a booth and let you work a glory hole.”

Harry then said, “I have a better idea. I think a nice gang-bang in the pinball room would work out very nicely.”

We talked for a while and the time passed so quickly. It was about 5:30 when Harry pulled into the parking lot of the Truck-Sex shop — or cock stop as Phil had called it. I could not believe all the cars and trucks there.

We stopped and Harry asked, “Well, you ready baby? You’re about to have a great time in there. Stay close to me and just follow my lead, OK?”

I said, “You’re the boss big boy.”

Billy said, “If anyone asks you if you will spend the night with them, let us know so we don’t wait around here all night.”

I told him, “I am sticking with you guys. You’re taking me to my sisters after we leave here right?”

Harry said, “Right.”

As we walked to the front door I saw all kinds of signs. One said “XXX Sports/Sex bar.” Another said, “Watch the game. All drinks half price during the game.” Another said, “No one under 21 allowed (except girls that is.)” Another said, “Private club, members only.” The closer I got the more signs I saw. “X-rated Hardcore Adult Sex Films Inside. X-rated Hardcore Adult Fun Inside. Must Be Member to enter Club Property.”

I said to myself, “My God, this is exactly the kind of place I have been trying to get closed down. Here I was going inside of it in hopes of finding sex and lots of it at that.”

I saw other signs that said they had X-rated toys, private X-rated video booths and much more.

We walked in the front door and it was a small room with a huge sign. “Membership required beyond these doors. Clothing optional for club members.”

Harry said to the big lady sitting there, “Hi Peg. I brought a friend to see your place.”

Peg gave me a good look over and asked Harry, “Is she a pro?”

Harry said, “Oh no, she is with me and is crazy for sex.”

Peg said, “Well, have her read and sign the club rules and have her initial every box. If you boys come to watch the game, the Cowboys are getting their asses kicked.”

She handed me a clipboard. I looked at it and it said that by my signing the form I agreed to abide by the club rules and failure to do so would cause me to lose my membership and I would forfeit my club dues for the year. I turned to Peg and asked, “Just what are the club dues anyway?”

Harry laughed and said, “$1 for women and $12 for the men.”

Peg then said, “Hey we have to be 100% legal. That way as a private club, we don’t have to worry about violating the public decency laws.” I read and initialed each sentence.

The first one said, “I agree not to break any drug laws of this State. I agree not to bring harm to any of my fellow club members. I agree that “no” means “no.” I agree not to force anyone to do what I want. I agree not to speak of what happens in the clubhouse to non-club members. I will not ask for or take any money from another club member. I agree to the privacy of my fellow club members. I agree that what I do or see done here is between my fellow club members and myself. I agree to obey every law in this State pertaining to public decency. I realize that this club is not open to the public and is not subject to the public decency laws.”

I read and initialed every line then signed it at the bottom. Harry handed Peg a dollar for the annual dues when two men walked out of the club entrance door and started by us. I heard one man say to the other, “It’s her. That’s the redhead I told you about.” He stopped, turned and asked, “Didn’t I see you Friday at Parson’s café? You’re the little Darlin’ that loves to be told how lovely your hair is aren’t you? Lets see — you like it when we say, “You have lovely red hair,” isn’t that it?”

I went through several changes all in a micro-fraction of a second. I was embarrassed. I was so fucking turned on I just had to fuck a man as soon as possible. I needed it so bad my tummy hurt.

The other guy said, “No way Eddie. This little Darlin’ is way to lovely to be the woman you told me about.”

Eddie replied, “Oh yea? Lets see — Phil said it turns her on to call her names. She loves it, don’t you Darlin?”

I could not talk. My head was spinning.

Harry asked, “Did you see this little girl at Parson’s?”

Eddie said, “Oh yea. I fucked her Friday morning on the way into Austin and when I stopped on the way back out she was back there.”

Peg said, “Then you are a hooker.”

Before I could answer Eddie said, “Oh no. According to Steve at Parson’s she went there and paid Phil to arrange a gang-bang for her.”

Peg looked at me and said, “Hell girl, you paid those assholes? You could have come here and played house just by paying the dues. I don’t have beds here but I am sure you can meet a few guys and go somewhere to play.”

Harry said, “We just wanted to grab a beer and relax a bit.”

Eddie said, “It is obvious you don’t know this little lady. She fucks like a mink. Sucks cock better than a hungry queer and loves to eat pussy. You better keep your legs closed Peg. I watched this bitch eat out several women. You are quite a hungry little slut, aren’t you Darlin?”

I must have turned seven shades of red and yet, I was so fucking turned on hearing this stranger talking about my sex-hungry nature.

The man with Eddie said, “We don’t have to rush off Ed. We can stay awhile. I want to get to know this little Darlin’ here.”

Harry said, “Lets all go in and you can buy the first round.”

Peg said, “You boys go inside. I’m going to give our new member a tour of the place.”

She buzzed the door and we all went inside.

Peg told me she wanted to show me the place since it was my first time.

I could hear Eddie tell Billy, Harry and his partner, “If I know Peg and that little Darlin’, Peggy is going to get eaten out but real good.”

When we walked in I saw a nice big bar to my left and a lot of tables and guys sitting and drinking. I received a lot of catcalls and whistles. I saw three waitresses in their mid-20’s walking around taking and placing orders. They wore bright blue chaps, with a skimpy push-up bra that had openings for their red protruding nipples.

They also wore white cowgirl hats. They all looked like first-rate models and sexy as hell. The first thing Peg said was, “Don’t mind the boys Darlin. Any woman that walks through the door, they think will run over to them and jump their bones. Ignore them. They won’t harm you and remember dear, all you have to do is say “No” and if they don’t stop — out the door they go. I don’t put up with any shit here.”

She walked me around showing me first a small theater that held about 20 theater seats. She said, “Some of the guys will just come in, get some food, watch the game or a movie or two, then get back on the road or the locals go back home.”

“Once in a while some guy might get brave and suck off another guy while he watches the show in the X-rated theater. Trouble is, most of the guys coming in here are straight. Oh, they will go use a glory hole. I guess it is OK to get a blowjob from another guy just as long as they can’t see who it is. Maybe they think it is a knock-out girl like you sucking their cock.”

I asked, “What is a Glory Hole?”

Peg said, “I’ll show you when we get to the video booth room.” Then she took me back into the main barroom and threw some heavy red curtains open. The door led into a poolroom that had three big pool tables. “Some guys just come into to watch the sports stuff, like tonight the Monday Night Football. Some come here to watch dirty movies, play pool or play pinball. Others come to relax and just kill time between loads.” As she spoke she pointed around the room at the various machines and TV’s.

She then took me into the video booth room. It was packed with men. She took me right past them and as we walked, I had hands all over my ass. She found a booth with a green light on and said, “When there is a green light it means the door is not locked. Just because it is not locked does not mean it is empty. It just means you can open the door if you want and if it is empty, you can watch a sex movie in private. Of course, if the door is not locked and there is a person inside, it means you are welcome to join them in the booth while they or you watch and share the movie.”

She walked in and a guy was standing there. She said, “Are you going to watch a movie or not? I want to show this little darlin’ how it works.”

He did not say anything and walked quickly by us.

Peg closed the door and showed me how to lock it. She dropped in a coin or something and the screen lit up. She showed me how to change the channels. Then she pointed to the three walls. She said, “See those holes in the walls?”

I said, “Yes.”

She said, “Those are called “glory holes.” The guys will get turned on, get hard and put it through a hole, and then another person, they hope a woman, will suck them off. Trouble is, there are very few women that come in here. Most of the women truck drivers that come in just eat; watch a movie in the theater or drink.

Oh, we have a few members like you that can’t get enough and they will hang around the glory holes. Myself? I don’t like sucking dick. I prefer to be eaten by a lovely little gal such as yourself. Was Eddie blowing smoke when he said what he did Hon?”

I was having a hard time breathing. I was so fucking turned on. I looked at this fat person and as I did she reached down under my dress. She went straight for my pussy that felt so on fire.

As her fingers touched me I let out a sigh and moved to kiss her. In the dark she fingered me and I humped her hand hard. I broke the kiss and she pulled back and lifted up her muumuu dress. She reached down and pulled down, then stepped out of her big panties. There was a wooden bench there and she sat down on it opening her legs. I squatted down as she sat because I did not want to get my white stockings or dress dirty. I went straight after what I needed so bad. I had to work at getting to her clit. Once I did, I found a rather large one.

She grabbed the back of my head and held me as she started in, “Eat it cunt! Eat my fucking nasty pussy! Suck that hole of mine!” I could hear her very clearly. I could hear her over the video machine showing the sex movie. She was louder and the better it felt to her the louder she got. “Oh fuck, what a mouth you have! What a tongue! That’s it! That’s it! Now, suck it! Yea, oh fuck yea! Suck it!” I moved my hand up to insert a finger into her the way I like. “Oh yea! OH YEA! THAT’S IT! OH FUCK! OH BABY! KEEP IT UP! YEA RIGHT THERE! EAT IT! EAT IT YOU FUCKING BITCH! EAT THAT PUSSY! I reached down and with my other hand I started in on my slimy, cum-filled pussy. I started working my clit and the hotter that Peg got, the better it made me feel.

I felt Peg grab my head with both hands and she pulled me into her cunt hard. “NOW, YOU FUCKING BITCH! NOW, OH FUCK I’M COMING! I’M COMING!”

I heard her. I heard the word and I rocked on my hand as I squatted there eating her. She slowly eased the pressure on my head and it was apparent that she experienced a great climax. I kept licking her clit and her hole in between, sliding my fingers in and out of her hot hole. I don’t know how long it was before she finally took the side of my head and pulled me up as she stood.

She kissed me and said, “Eddie was right. You do love to eat pussy and you are one of the best. We better get out of here or you won’t get out of here at all. Come on.”

Peg put her panties back on and we unlocked the door and walked out. There were so many men standing there it was hard to walk past them. When I did they had their hands all over me.

I wanted to stop and fuck every last man there but Peg had my hand, pulling me out. We got out and Peg said, “Go back in there at your own risk doll. If I was you I would grab Harry first. I have one more room to show you.”

We walked back into the main bar and to another set of heavy drapes. These were blue. “This is the pinball room.” I looked around and saw two booths, and four pinball machines back-to-back. All four were being played.

The machines were all x-rated and spouted off a lot of sexual stuff when the balls hit different things. It also had 3 TV’s up in the corners all showing the Monday Night Football game as the other rooms. Complete with sound but I could not understand anything because it was so noisy.

We walked out into the bar and Peg said, “Oh shit. How could I forget the toy room?” She said, “Come here. I have got a toy room for you to see.”

We walked through a set of saloon type doors into a retail section that had every filthy thing a person could imagine — rubber dicks of every shape and size, books, magazines, along with videotapes.

Peg said, “Honey, if you see anything in here you want, it is yours. Hey Betty, this is… Marline? Isn’t it hon?”

I said, “Yes, Marline.”

Peg said, “This is Marline. She gets anything she wants, on the house and she loves pussy. So don’t be surprised to find her between your legs later. Well, come on hon. Your boys are probably sick with worry that I won’t bring you back to them.”


Chapter Seven

I moved from my chair and knelt in front of her, she opened her legs and she was sopping wet.

As my lips licked and tugged on her clit, she said, “Oh yes, Oh darling, you do know how to make a gal feel good. That’s it Marline, suck me baby, suck the pussy that fucked every boyfriend you ever had. Lick the hole that your precious Charlie could not get enough of.”

All my life I knew she was fucking every boyfriend that I ever had. I knew that when she did fuck my boyfriends that she would make sure that they thought it was me they were fucking. And when they actually did try it with me I would end up turning them down. Then when I would not do it with them, well they just dropped me. No wonder all the boys’ thought I was a crazy nut-case at school.

I licked her wet pussy with love. I loved her cunt and I loved her nasty pussy that had fucked all my boyfriends. I wanted to make that pussy climax. I needed that pussy to climax.

It did not take long. Kelly sat there moving her hips and rubbing herself against my mouth. Her ass was on the edge of the chair and her legs wide open. She helped me to herself as she rocked in a climax. I had told her how I needed to hear the word “now” in order to climax. I was sure she would let me climax with her. I was wrong. She ground herself into my mouth as she cried out in ecstasy. Saying everything nasty except the one word that I needed to hear to climax myself.

When she finished she pushed my head back so hard I lost my balance and ended up on my ass on the floor. Kelly got up and said, “Not bad Marline. Oh yes, I forgot, you need to be called by your right name don’t you sweet sister? Lets see, bitch, cunt, slut, all those words turn you on don’t they? You’re just a fucking whore that can’t get enough cock. Get up off your ass and come into the bedroom. We’re going to dress you in your proper attire, suitable for a fucking slut like you.”

I got up and followed her to the bedroom.

Kelly said, “I’m going to take a shower. You can use the guest bath and take one also. Meet me here when you finish and I’ll have your clothes ready for you.”

I went in and took my needed shower; I cleaned the outside of both of my holes. As much as I rubbed my clit and fingered myself in the shower, I could not get my much-needed climax. I looked all around the bathroom for something, anything to use to fuck myself. All I could find was the stool brush.

I knew I needed two things in me at the same time, so I did not even bother to use it. I finished and returned to the bedroom. Kelly was also drying her hair as I walked in drying mine. We looked at each other and I realized that we even dried our hair the same way. Hers was the same length as mine and it amazed me that after all these years nothing had changed about us in the slightest way. I looked at the bed and there was a very short red leather skirt, black fish net hose, black garter belt, a white short top and a pair of white high heels.

Kelly said “that’s for you, put them on.”

I asked, “What about a bra and panties?”

Kelly said, “You told me you can’t wear panties but if you want, pick a pair from this drawer; as for the bra — forget it. I want your tits free and available for people to touch and feel.”

I went to the drawer, opened it and saw all kinds of kinky sexy panties. I looked at them and could not make my hand reach in and pick one up so I didn’t.

Kelly saw me and said, “I thought so. Now get dressed. Our first appointment is in half an hour and I want him to see you are a fucking slut that will fuck him crazy only if he signs with me. Get dressed.”

I went over to the bed. I was so fucking excited, so turned on. Kelly was treating me so bad and it drove me crazy with lust and desire. When I finished getting dressed I stood there. I knew exactly what I looked like and I looked just like a streetwalker — one of the women on 3rd street that walked the street. The top of my stockings showed as well as the garter straps holding them. I knew that the back of the skirt barely covered my ass cheeks.

Kelly said, “My! You do look like a whore all right. Come on bitch. You have work to do.”

I looked at Kelly and she was dressed so conservatively, she had a lovely suit on, her hair was perfect, the skirt went down past her knees. Looking at her you would think it was me just 5 days ago.

We went down to her car and it was a small Honda. I knew that when I got in, I could not help but show myself no matter what I tried to do to stop from showing myself. Kelly drove a few blocks and pulled into a 76 gas station up to the full service pump.

Some pimple face young kid came out. He went to Kelly’s side and asked, “Fill it up lady?”

Kelly said, “Sure kid and make sure you clean the windshield,” pointing over to the window in front of me. She said, “There is a spot over there that I can’t get off. Maybe you can try?”

I could not see the guys face because I was sitting so low but I knew he could see me and my white thighs showing above my stockings and my very short skirt.

He said in a shaking voice, “Yes ma’am. I’ll clean it real good for you.”

He put the gas hose in and while he did, Kelly said, “Open your legs and let him see that nasty cunt of yours Marline. When I tell you, reach down and rub your clit. Then when I tell you, I want you to ask him for the key to the bathroom and ask him if he could help you with a problem you have.”

I sat there. My sister was so nasty. I was shocked and I was excited and so fucking hot. I did exactly what she said. I waited for him to start cleaning the window in front of me. When he started, I opened my legs very slowly, it was apparent to me and to Kelly that his eyes were on my pussy.

Kelly said, “Wider… open up for the guy you slut.”

I swear my blood was boiling. I opened my legs and I did not wait for Kelly to tell me to touch myself. I reached down and started rubbing my clit; I did that for a few moments then I slid first one then two fingers into myself. I brought them out and brought them to my mouth where I sucked them as if they where a cock.

Kelly said, “Look at his crotch. You got him hard as a rock.”

I looked and she was right, he was hard all right.

She said, “OK, sister, go fuck him. I want you to empty that cock of his.”

I closed my legs, opened the door and asked him, “Where can I go to get fucked real good?” He was shocked, he could hardly speak. I looked at him and said, “Do you have a bathroom somewhere that I could go and maybe you could help me out?”

He said, “I don’t have any money lady.”

I said, “That’s ok kid. It’s free provided you know how to use that thing of yours.”

We both heard the gas shut off. He ran around to put the hose up. Kelly paid him and said, “I’ll wait over here while you take care of my sister. I think she wants a fill-up also.”

I walked over to the ladies room and watched as he almost ran over to me. I opened the door and he followed me in. I did not wait. I was ready. I needed him and he was as bad as I was.

I bent over, pulled up my tight skirt and he plugged my wet hole in one swift movement. He started pounding into me and I managed to tell him to tell me “now” when he was coming and to bury it deep in me when he came.

I heard him tell me those magic words, “Now, Now, Now!”

I started coming instantly. He held me tight as he came. When he finished he pulled out and said, “thank you lady, thank you.”

He zipped himself up and left. I pulled down my tight skirt and walked out. Kelly placed a towel on my seat and I sat back down inside.

“Nice,” she said. “One down, many, many more to go.”

We drove about 20 minutes before pulling up to an office building. I turned and asked, “What is it that you sell?”

Kelly said, “Oh, just office equipment — copiers, faxes; stuff like that. I lease them to the offices. Now just follow my lead and prepare to be the cock-sucking slut that you are. Sit across from the person I end up talking too. Just slowly keep crossing your legs. When I tell them that there is a rebate if they sign today, that is when you are to open your legs wide and show them your nasty red cum-filled pussy.”

We walked in and Kelly said we had an appointment with Mr. Zeldon. The receptionist looked at both of us and asked, “Are you two twins?”

Kelly said, “Yes, but we are nothing alike, as you can see. She is, well let’s just say, a friendly woman. I have to take her to the station from here. Can I see Mr. Sheldon?”

The lady said, “Sure, go on in. He has been expecting you. We like that new copier you loaned us.”

Kelly walked in his office and I followed. She closed the door and introduced me as her twin sister, the “black sheep” of the family.

Mr. Zeldon shook my hand and said, “My, you look lovely Marline. I am glad you came with your sister today. Please be seated.”

I sat in one of the two chairs in front of his desk Kelly sat in the other chair.

Kelly said, “Look, Mr. Zeldon, you have had the copier now for two weeks. It is time to either sign the lease or we pick it up. Before you answer, let me tell you the benefit of signing a lease today with me.”

I just sat there slowly crossing and uncrossing my legs. I watched his eyes as they watched me.

Kelly went on, “Sign the lease today and you have a rebate that only you can enjoy.”

That was my cue. I opened my legs and showed Mr. Zeldon my red bush and I am sure my slit was open and wet. I was still hot and horny and I still craved a cock to suck or fuck.

“My sister here has agreed to offer you a personal rebate and on the rental date she will have dinner with you anyplace you wish, or knowing the kind of cock-crazy girl she is, she may want to eat your cock for dinner.

I know this is being crass Mr. Zeldon but as you can see my sweet sister is quite a slut and she needs to fucked. If you prefer, she will suck you off or both. Just sign the lease and Marline is all yours.”

Mr. Zeldon sat there with his mouth open staring at me. I slid my hand down to my slit and found my clit.

Kelly said, “Come on Marline, I don’t think Mr. Zeldon is interested in you or my copier.”

She stood up and I started to stand when Mr. Zeldon said, “No, wait! I want the copier. Where do I sign?”

Kelly brought out the papers and said, “Why don’t you help Mr. Zeldon with his cock while he signs these papers dear?”

I got up and moved around the desk to Mr. Zeldon. I knelt down and with a great deal of effort, while he signed the papers, I unzipped his pants and took out his stiff cock. I started loving it with my mouth while he tried to sign all the papers Kelly kept handing him.

When he finished signing Kelly said, “Ok Marline. Go get your sperm you want so badly.”

I asked him, “Do you want to fuck me and then have me suck your cock clean or do you just want me to suck your cock?”

He was almost speechless, however he did managed to say, “Fuck you first.”

I stood up and laid over his desk. He moved behind me and since my red skirt was so short, there was nothing for him to raise up. He entered me and started fucking me hard and fast.

I started in by telling him what a great man he was, “Oh baby, fuck me! Oh, I love your cock! Give it to me! Fuck me! Oh honey, I love your cock! Fuck me honey! Fuck me harder! Fuck me good!” It did not take much for me to reach the top waiting for him to climax and hoping Kelly would say the word to let me climax myself. I was there and ready.

“OH YOUR COCK! I LOVE YOUR COCK! OH I LOVE THAT COCK! FUCK ME! FUCK ME!” I looked over at Kelly and she was standing at the door along with the secretary, both were watching us. I felt his cock swell up and pulse. He was coming. Kelly said “Now slut! Come for us all. Now bitch!”

I felt myself shudder and shake; my cunt flexed and pulled at his cock pulling every drop from him that I could get.

I felt like I was going to lose my mind. It felt so good because it was so nasty and my own sister was using me, humiliating me and watching me. Mr. Sheldon finished and pulled out. I heard Kelly tell the other woman, “Watch this.”

I turned around, knelt down and started sucking him. I licked and mouthed him clean. I loved it. I loved every drop. And I loved that cock that was just fucking me with my very soul.

Kelly then said, “If you want some, she loves eating pussy as much as she loves sucking men.”

The woman said, “No thanks. I am just thankful you called me in to watch. I have never seen Mr. Zeldon so happy. I have to get back to work.”

Mr. Zeldon said, “Thank you Ms. Adams and thank you Marline. I can’t wait for the contract renewal.”

I stood up and walked to the door. I felt the sperm running down my leg.


Chapter Eight

I said, “Yes, I understand. I will do it.”

Kelly said, “You bet your sweet ass you will or I won’t fix this thing for you.”

We walked into the store. Kelly and I got buzzed into the office door and we walked upstairs to the manager’s office. On entering, the manager was a short fat man, he was stunned when he saw that we were twins. Kelly looking so conservative and perfect and myself looking like a cheap, common, street whore.

He shook my hand as Kelly introduced me. Then I sat on his red vinyl couch across from his small gray desk. Since we were upstairs, the wall behind his desk was mirrored glass so he could look out and down at his store.

I crossed my legs to allow him a real good look at my lovely legs and of course my bottom. We were alone in his office and looking at him I was torn in my feelings. Part of me wanted to get his cock in my mouth and the other part of me wanted to throw up because he was not the least bit attractive. In fact just the opposite.

Kelly said, “Marline is visiting me for a day or two. Her suitcase got lost so you’ll have to forgive her for her attire. She still thinks she is in high school and refuses to grow up. She has this little sex problem that just kills mom and dad. Mark, I need to use the ladies room. Would you mind keeping an eye on Marline? I’ll be a few minutes. I have to watch her every minute or else she is trying to rape some poor unsuspecting guy.”

Mark said, “Oh sure. I’ll stay here with her and don’t worry Kelly, she will be safe with me.”

Kelly said on her way out, closing the door, “Better be careful. She can make a monk crazy with lust.”

Mark laughed as he kept his eyes trained on my crotch. I slowly re-crossed my legs as Kelly shut the door. I said, “Is it hot in here or is it me?”

I could see beads of sweat on Marks forehead. He looked flushed and he said, “Oh it is really hot in here right now. Will you be in town for long?”

I uncrossed my legs and opened myself up for him to see every bit of my wet pussy. I said, “I wonder if your cock is hard yet. Is it mark?”

I saw the shock on his face; he never expected a question like that. He said, “Ah, well, with this view, who wouldn’t get a hard-on.”

I stood up and walked over to his chair and stood right next to him. I said, “Feel how wet I am right now. Feel my poor, hot, little pussy.”

His hand went up between my legs and he slid two then three fingers right in to my slimy, wet cunt. I looked down at his crotch and saw he was hard.

I said, “If we hurry, I bet I could suck you off before Kelly gets back.” I did not wait for an answer from him. I knelt down and he turned in his chair. Then he stood up long enough to undo his pants and slide them down just enough for me to get at him. He was not all that big but not small either. He sat down and I took him in my mouth. I was able to take his cock all the way inside. I could hear him moan and I felt him place his hands on my head.

I reached under myself and rubbed myself as I sucked his cock. He never heard Kelly return and come back into the office. I did and I knew she was standing there watching as well as waiting for the right time to speak.

Then it hit me, “What if it wasn’t Kelly?” I could not see and with the chair turned to the side, I am sure looking over to the door was the last thing in Mark’s mind.

Then I heard, “Marline, what are you doing? Stop that this instant!”

I did and I pulled back. Pulling away from Marks hands. He tried to cover himself with his hands as she said, “Mr. Wilson, I trusted you to watch her so she would not seduce you like that. Now what am I going to do? Once she gets started like this, she goes nuts until she gets a climax.”

Mark looked at her, than at me. I knew my cue. I started in, “Oh please Kelly let me suck him. Let him fuck me sister. Please, I need to come.” I leaned forward to Mark and went for his cock sticking up.

Kelly said, “Marline you know I have a job. I have to convince Mr. Wilson to sign the lease. That is why we are here. We are not here for your sexual pleasure. Now get up and get your hand out of your pussy.”

Mark started to stutter and he said, “I’ll sign the lease Kelly. Please let us finish so your sister won’t suffer like this.”

Kelly said, “Oh no Mark, I know you men. if I let her finish sucking you off or let her fuck you, then you come, you’ll forget all about the lease. If you are going to sign the lease, you have to sign it first, then I’ll leave you two alone so you can get Marline cooled down.”

As she said that, she was placing the papers on his desk. Mark signed them and Kelly picked the papers up. She said, “Ok Marline, I’ll be out in the car. You have 10 minutes before we have to leave.” She turned and walked out closing the door behind her.

I bent forward and started sucking him again. I could feel him start to lose control and just as I felt he was about to shoot his sperm into my mouth, I stopped and said, “Oh Mr. Wilson, would you stick this lovely cock in me? I need it so bad. Fuck me Mr. Wilson. Please fuck me?”

I stood up and he got up behind me. I turned to the glass wall and leaned forward placing my hands on the glass as I bent forward. Mark moved in behind me and as he started to insert his cock in me I said, “In my ass. Put it in my asshole.”

He did and I shoved back as he started in. I ground myself hard into him. I cried out, “Oh baby, fuck that ass! Fuck it Mr. Wilson! Give it to me! Give me your sperm! Harder, harder! Oh FUCK! OH FUCK! IT FEELS SO GOOD! IT IS SO BIG! YOUR COCK IS A MONSTER! YOUR SPLITTING ME WITH IT! OH SHIT! TELL ME “NOW!” TELL ME “NOW!” SAY IT! SAY IT DAMIT! SAY “NOW!” GIVE ME YOUR SPERM!”

I felt him empty his balls inside of me I shuddered with pure lust and enjoyment. He held me tight with his hands as we rocked back against each other and my mind turning shooting stars as he began to pull back. I heard the plop as his cock came out and I felt him move away.

I heard him say “your sister is waiting, we don’t want to keep her.” I knew that was my que to get out of his office. I stood and met Kelly at the car. We did this over and over until we had all the papers signed for her boss.

On our arrival we went into her boss’s office and with a big smile Kelly said (as I sat down on the office couch.) “There you go Peter, all signed and I need to ask you a favor? Would you mind if my sister waited here for a few minutes, I need to make a quick run, I’ll be gone about a half hour.” Peter said “sure it will give us a chance to get to know each other and maybe I can find out some tid-bits about you.”

Peter laughed and Kelly said “oh no you don’t marline won’t tell you anything about me, will you dear?” I smiled and said “well only if your boss ask the right way.” We all laughed and Kelly headed out the door.

The plan was for Kelly to run back and quickly pack while I was to waited with her Boss. Right before she closed the door she said “Peter what ever you do, don’t tell Marline how pretty her red hair is. She has this thing about thinking it looks bad all the time.”

Kelly closed the door and the first thing out of his mouth was “You do have lovely red hair, it makes your face look very lovely” I thought “That Bitch.” At the same time I began to crave a dick. I began to think of anything to interest Peter into taking me. I know Kelly and I planned this, but she didn’t have to light the fire so to speak.

I just sat there looking at Peter, he stood up walked around the desk facing me. He said Marline when you sit there like that with your legs wide open for me to look at that cunt of yours I know you are a slut, you and your sister don’t fool me. She won’t fuck me because I’m her boss, but you dear, I think you’ll fuck me because I am her boss won’t you dear.” He said that as I reached forward and began unzipping his pants. I found him and he was nice and hard. I said “you are in for a treat, but one thing, call me Kelly.”

Leaning forward I took him in my mouth and the sex rampage was on. Kelly had been gone maybe five minutes and we were at it.


Chapter Nine

Kelly was right about her boss. When he wore out fucking me, I was still begging him for more so he called in the rest of the men that were there at the office at the time. I was on the floor of his office fucking and sucking every man in her office. Almost all of them called me Kelly and I told every man fucking me to let me know when he was going to cum. I wanted to make it real good for him… well myself.

I would fuck one and suck another then they asked me what gave me the most pleasure. I could not help myself. I said it before I could stop my mouth from working. I said, “I love to double fuck and suck a cock.” Well, we did it. I fucked them all with my clothes on and when the last man finished he left the room.

Peter said, “Well honey, did you get enough? Your sister isn’t back yet. If you want I can go get some guys off the street? I mean, I don’t want you to leave here thinking that we don’t care.” He laughed and moved to the couch.

I had cum dripping from my ass and my pussy. I started to sit down and Peter said, “No, Oh no! Go in and clean yourself up. I don’t want any stains on my leather couch.”

I went into his bathroom and I heard Kelly return and ask, “Where is my sister Peter?” with a forceful voice.

He said, “Oh she went into the bathroom. She had to pee or something. Did you get everything done?”

Kelly said, “Yes. I hope she was no trouble. I mean she was well taken care of wasn’t she? You didn’t take advantage of her did you?”

Peter said, “Oh no. You know me. I promise you that she never left this room. She has been a doll.”

I walked back in as he said that and he said, “Now Marline, tell your lovely sister how you were no trouble at all.”

I looked at her and said, “I don’t know how it could have been any better to tell you the truth.”

Kelly said, “My dear, you look all aglow. We need to get going.” She took my hand and we started to walk out.

I stopped turned and went pack to Peter. I gave him a very hot, wet kiss and I said, “Thank you and tell the boys thanks too.” I turned and went back to my sister. I giggled as we walked out side.

She asked, “Well was I right? Did he do it?”

I said, “Yep, you were right, he did it and then he got all the men in there to fuck me too. I am glad you did not hurry. Are your bags packed? Can we leave now?”

She said, “I borrowed this van. It is all packed and we are off.”

It was only an hour drive back home, just outside of Austin. Kelly stopped at a real nice Howard Johnson’s. We got a room and I was close to tears again thinking of what was going to happen here.

After entering the room Kelly said, “Look Marline, it is almost over. You have this one last thing to do and by noon tomorrow I’ll have everything fixed. Fuck this up now and I’ll just head back home and you just keep lusting after men’s cocks. It is up to you.”

I looked at her and said, “OK, lets get this over with. What do you want me to do?”

Kelly said, “First call hubby and tell him you are back and that you want to have an intimate encounter here. Tell him you are hot and waiting for him. Tell him to call you from downstairs and the door will be unlocked. Lets see… tell him to come in and expect the best lovemaking session of his life. Tell him nothing is too nasty tonight.”

I asked, “What about me?”

Kelly said, “You, my dear, will be sitting on a chair in that little closet. You will stay there until I take your husband into the shower. Then when we are there you will go out and sleep in the van until I come get you in the morning. Then when your hubby has gone to work in the morning, you and I will go settle this little blackmail matter. This time tomorrow everything should be back to normal.”

I looked at her almost in tears, I wanted to scream at her and tell her, “NO, NO, NO,” but I knew I could not. I had to stop this sick sex-cycle I was stuck in. I had to stop this blackmail and I did do everything she had asked me to get to this point. I looked at her and said, “OK, I’ll call him but do I really have to watch? I mean to be honest; I really don’t want to watch my husband make love to you. Can’t I just wait in the van or something?”

Kelly said, “Dear sister, don’t you get it? We are not going to make love. We are going to fuck. When he goes home in the morning it will be after we have fucked every way possible. I want you to watch your husband get the best piece of ass that he will ever get in his entire life. I want you to watch and hear him as I take him to places you can never take him. I want you to hear from his lips that he loves me and that he loves fucking me. Besides, you just may learn something.”

I just looked at her and picked up the phone. It rang three times before Jim answered. I said, “Hi honey. I’m back in town now. I’m at Howard Johnson’s room 215. I thought we could do something different and maybe pretend – oh, I don’t know, maybe this was a bad idea? Do you want me to just come home or do you think this could be fun?”

I waited almost hoping he would say come home but he didn’t, he said, “That sounds great! I’ll be there in 30 minutes.”

I said, “When you get here, use the house phone and call me in my room before you come upstairs. I want to give you a real nice surprise.”

He said he would and we both hung up.

I told Kelly that Jim was on his way. Kelly grabbed the vanity stool and placed it in the very small closet. I could barely sit there and close the slatted doors. Kelly wanted to make sure I could see the bed clearly and I could. I wanted to change clothes and get more comfortable because I knew I would be put through a lot of torture watching Jim and Kelly having sex. The only thing she would agree to was that I could take off the garter and stockings. So I sat there in my short skirt and blouse. I also knew that watching them could sexually turn me on because I know Jim and he likes to talk to me when we make love.

I just knew I was going to get so hot I would have to do something to help get myself off. I took off my stocking and garter then I went into the bathroom and looked around for something to maybe help me. I found a nice shampoo bottle. I was very thankful it was not one of those small tiny bottles.

I slipped it inside my waistband and when Kelly was not looking I placed it in the closet. When the phone rang I thought I was going to jump out of my skin.

Kelly answered it and with a very sexy voice she said, “Hi baby. Come up. The door will be unlocked. Come in and be prepared for the best sex of your life. Oh yeah, I am hot. How can you tell? No, I did not watch any more of those sex videos. It has been too long since I last saw you and we have a few days to make up for it. Now, stop your talking and get your ass up here.”

I went and sat in the closet on the stool. Kelly walked over, closed the doors and said, “Not any noise; you blow this and I’ll still fuck your husband and you will still be hooked and blackmailed. Are you going to be quiet?”

I looked out through the slats and said, “I understand and you won’t hear anything from me.”

Kelly lay on the bed and asked, “Do you have a clear view? Can you see everything?”

I answered her and said, “Yes, I see everything.”

Then we both heard footsteps to the door. Kelly laid on her back in her sexy baby dolls with her open crotch panties; she raised and opened her legs, exposing her glistening pussy. She put her right hand down to her clit and started to rub. With her left hand, she started to work one of her nipples. She began to masturbate. I could not see the door but I heard it open and I watched as Jim walked past my doors.

I heard Kelly say, “Hi honey. Glad you made it on time. I hope you don’t mind baby but thinking of your hard dick just turned me on so much I had to start without you. Do you mind sweetheart?”

Jim started tearing out of his clothes and said, “Oh no. Please, I want to watch you.”

I sat there right at the edge of tears when Kelly said, “Tell me that I have lovely hair dear. I want to hear you say that.”

Jim said, “Oh baby, you have such lovely hair. I love every bit of you.” I wanted to scream. I wanted to burst out of the closet and cry out, “WHY? WHY did you do that?” But I knew why she did it. It was to torture me and I was in instant sexual heat. I automatically craved a man’s cock and all I could do was watch my husband fuck my sister. I was so glad that I snuck in the bottle so I could at least fuck myself. I sat there with my eyes glued to the slats not wanting to miss any nasty thing that they did.

I watched as Kelly rubbed her clit and said, “Oh baby, I love that cock of yours. It is so big and it is the loveliest thing I have ever seen. Stroke it baby, faster, faster baby. That’s it sweetheart. Yes! Good, good! God it is getting so big. Come here honey. Let me wrap my mouth around it. Let me suck it for you honey. Come finger me as I suck you off.”

I watched as Jim moved to the side of the bed and Kelly slid over to him. He reached down and replaced her fingers with his as she grabbed his cock and took him in her mouth. I watched as Jim was going wild fingering her and as she ground herself up against his fingers as he fucked her. He was moaning loud and she was grunting.

I started to pray, “Please say, “Now.” Please say, “Now.” I need to hear the word, “Now.”

Then I heard, “Oh yea, oh honey, oh baby I’m going to come. I’m going to come.”

He grunted and arched his hips forward against Kelly’s mouth and let go with his sperm. Kelly moaned and ground her cunt up hard against his hand.

I was rubbing my clit and I had the bottle sliding in and out of my open pussy. I was working hard to try and get a climax myself with no results. My whole body ached hard for it but Jim or Kelly had not said the magic word for me. I watched as Kelly lovingly sucked every drop from my husband and as Jim just threw back his head enjoying my sister’s mouth working on him.

I reached for my breast to help stimulate my own pleasure hoping the additional pleasure would help me. It did not.

Jim finally pulled back and sat on the bed. He said, “My god Marline I have never seen you like this.”

Kelly asked, “Do you like me like this? I mean, I kind of like acting like a bad girl when I am with you. I like doing these kind of nasty things. Do you think I am bad wanting this dear?”

Jim leaned over and gently kissed her then said, “Honey I love it when you act nice and dirty in bed. I fantasize of things like that now and then.”

Shit Kelly jumped on those words with both feet. She held on to his cock and moved over pulling him next to her. Then she said, “Oh baby, that turns me on. It gets me wet as can be. I fantasize a lot and I want to hear what you fantasize about. Do you think of juicy, nasty things? Do you think of fucking other women? I mean it is only a fantasy and besides, as you know, it is natural to think of other women. I don’t mind. All I want from you is this lovely, hard cock fucking me hard; fucking me deep and fucking me often. “I want to know every woman you have fantasized about baby, tell me, and I’ll tell you about my dirty thoughts.” Kelly was going too far. I know Jim. He would explode any minute. I know Jim and he never would think about anything like that. Not my husband. Kelly kept stroking his cock and Jim was now fingering her as she had her legs open facing me and I could see his fingers and her open hole.

Jim said, “Oh honey are you sure? I mean, do you really want to know that? Wouldn’t it be better to just keep those kind of things to ourselves?”

Kelly said, “No honey. I want to know. I want to pretend I am whoever it is you want to fuck with this lovely hard cock of yours.”

Jim moaned and said, “Well, I’ll tell you one and then you tell me.”

Kelly said, “No fair. I am sure I fantasize much more than you do. I mean ever since I was a little girl I have done things in my mind that I would never do in real life.”

Jim said, “Tell me. Tell me.”

Kelly said, “I fantasize that I am with a man that calls me dirty names.”

Jim interrupted and asked, “What kind of names?”

Kelly said, “I want to be called a cunt, bitch, whore, slut. Things like that. I think of a man fucking me in all my holes and I crave being gang-banged.”

Jim groaned and started sucking Kelly’s tits.

She went on and said, “During church when you have a long sermon, I will look at a man and think of some nasty, dirty thing to do to him or him to me.”

Again Jim moaned and broke his kissing and sucking long enough to say, “Who?”

Kelly said, “Oh no. I don’t want you mad at anyone. It is only a fantasy.”

Jim stopped and said, “You tell me honey and I’ll tell you who I think about.”

Kelly asked, “Are you sure? I mean, right now you are hot, turned on and hard as a rock, but later you could get mad and this could all turn against both of us.”

Jim said, “I’m sure. I will not get mad and besides I think of things like that also. Who? Tell me.”

I sat there listening to them and I could not believe Jim. I could not believe that he ever thought like that. Besides Kelly did not know the men’s names in the congregation.

Kelly said, “You know Jim? Last week I pretended that he came to my office to talk and I fantasized that he came in and made me suck his cock. He then bent me over my desk and fucked me in my ass.”

Jim was fingering her wild and asked, “Jim? You mean Jim Bakker or Jim Thomas?”

Kelly asked, “Does it matter? Do you really care?”

Jim was humping her hand and said, “No, I don’t care.”

Then Kelly said, “I think of them both fucking me all the time. Now who do you think about?”

Jim said, “I think of fucking your secretary Pam. She is so hot.”

Kelly asked, “Do you think of her sucking this lovely hard cock of yours?”

Jim groaned but did not answer.

Kelly said, “Come on baby, talk to me. Tell me, do you ever think of her wrapping her mouth around this cock of yours?”

Jim said, “Yes.”

Kelly asked, “Do you ever think about fucking her with this in her hot little pussy?”

Jim moaned and said, “Yea.”

Kelly kept after him, “Do you ever think of sliding this up her ass and making her scream with pleasure, begging for more?”

Jim moaned, as he was right at the edge of a climax and said, “Yea, yea, I do.”

Kelly asked, “Who else? Who else do you think about putting this lovely, hard cock of yours into? And where?”

Jim moaned and humped her hand as he said, “Oh honey, no one. No one but you Marline.”

Kelly said, “You liar. Tell me or I stop and you can go home.”

Jim moaned and said, “Cheryl! I think of Cheryl a lot!”

Kelly kept up her verbal attack and asked, “Cheryl — do you think of fucking her mouth, her ass or her hot pussy?”

Jim said, “All of them. I think of fucking her in all her openings.”

Kelly then said, “I have fantasized that I am fucking a lot of men with you watching me take on all comers. Want to hear about it or is that too nasty?”

Jim said, “Tell me! Tell me please! I want to hear about your dirty thoughts.”

I could not believe Jim would say that.

Kelly said, “Well it always starts with me working in the kitchen at church and someone knocks on the back door. I open it and there are three men, always black, asking for some food. I invite them in and I lay on the table open my legs and invite them to eat me. They do and they start fucking me one after another. I take their big black cocks. I take them all in my cunt at first and then I take them all in my asshole and finally in my mouth. Then I straddle one within my pussy while another moves in behind us in my ass and I take the third in my mouth. I always come over and over and over.”

I watched as Jim was humping hard and fast in Kelly’s hand and groaned out loud as he came. Kelly said, “That’s it baby, that’s it sweetheart, come for me. Come for your little slut. Come for me baby. See me being gang-banged by those three nasty black men baby?”

Jim was going nuts as his body jerked. I started to try and climax myself. I closed my eyes and said very softly to myself, “Fuck me I love it. Fuck me I love it. Fuck me I love it.” It took all ten times before I could feel any kind of climax relief. I shuddered with a hard climax and the minute it was over my body craved another. I reached down and put a finger under me and inside my ass. I was afraid I would make too much noise and spoil everything going on in the room on the bed, but I didn’t.

When I looked back to the bed Jim was now on his back and Kelly was slurping on his dick. He had his hands in her hair moaning. I heard him say, “Honey, I don’t think you can get him hard right now. You wore me out too fast baby.”

Kelly stopped sucking his cock, turned and said to him, “Tell you what darling; you lay there, close your eyes, think of Pam, think she is here hot as hell wanting your lovely cock. Think of how it is going to feel fucking her hot pussy with this log of yours. Oh, my darling you’re already getting hard. I better get back to work. I’ll be your hot Pam. I want you to talk dirty to me. I’m your nasty fantasy slut. Make me boil with your dirty talk. You, my dear will be one of my dirty little fantasies.” Kelly bent down and took Jim’s cock back into her mouth slurping and making the loudest sucking noises.

Jim was talking to her, “Pam baby, suck that cock you cunt. Play with my balls. Oh you slut. Your mouth is heaven, pure heaven. You make me so hard. I can’t believe you have made me hard three times Marline.”

Kelly pulled up fast and said, “Honey, if you play right you get everything you want. If you can’t play right, you can just jack off. I am Pam, remember? I am your wife’s secretary. I am the woman you dream about when you fuck your wife. Now tell me. Tell me that you think about me and when and what.” She bent back down and took him in her mouth again.

Jim moaned as she did and said, “Oh Pam baby, I love your mouth. I dream of that mouth when my wife sucks me. I dream I am eating your pussy when you are sucking me.”

Kelly turned herself around and knelt over his mouth then lowered herself to his mouth. It was hard to hear Jim as he talked to her and ate her at the same time. I could see his cock and it looked so big. I mean it looked huge. I could see his big vein and he was so hard. Kelly turned around and straddled his hips grabbing his cock. I watched as she guided his stiff cock into her.

I heard him say, “That’s it Pam. Put that fat cock in your pussy. Fuck me baby.”

Kelly said “I’m going to fuck you better than your wife. I love your cock and it is made for my pussy. Hummmmmmm… that’s it. God, you’re so big. I love it in me. Ohhhhhh yea. It is the hardest cock I have ever felt in my nasty hole.”

Jim picked up on that and said, “I bet you fuck a lot of men with that nasty cunt and I know you love it don’t you Pam?”

Kelly said, “More than you could ever know. I fuck men all the time but no man has a cock like this. No man makes me feel like a woman the way you do Jimmy.”

I watched as Kelly was bouncing up and down on Jim’s cock. I thought for sure that it was going to come all the way out several times. Kelly said, “Reach up and work my tit’s; work my nipples.” She was going fast and hard riding his dick. Finally she leaned forward and they kissed. They kissed hard and with passion that Jim and I never had. Kelly was fucking Jim faster and harder as they ground against each other. I could see Jim’s balls churn and move, as he was getting ready to shoot his stuff into my twin sister.

They both groaned out loud as they came together and Kelly kept moving her ass up and down. I could see their cum mixed together running down his pulsing dick. I know that if it were me fucking him, I would just stop and grind hard against him getting every drop deep inside of me. What Kelly was doing looked like she was milking him. What made me jealous was that Jim loved it. I know Jim and I know I never in my wildest sex could make him feel like my twin sister was making him feel right now.

I was also on fire and I was on my knees masturbating, fucking myself and chanting to myself over and over, “Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me.” After the 10th time I did get my climax. I knelt there rocking and shaking in my bliss.

Finally the two of them stopped and Jim looked like he was drained.

Kelly said, “Come on my darling. My sweet husband. Let’s get up and take a shower. I am still turned on with all this dirty talk. You have turned me on more than I have ever been in my life. I feel like a changed woman.”

Jim said, “I never want you to change. I love this new woman. I love this wicked lady I have for my wife.”

They slowly got up and they went into the bathroom Kelly closed the door and in a minute she opened it. I could hear the shower running and Jim in there. Kelly said, “I’ll be right back dear I want to order us some food. You’re going to need your strength for our next round.”

Kelly walked over to the closet and opened the door. I was sitting back on the stool with my bottle hidden in my waistband again.

She said, “Go down to the van. I’ll get you in the morning and well take care of your problem. I’m going to take good care of your husband tonight. In fact, he is going to leave here as one pussy-whipped husband.”

I stood up, slipped on my shoes, grabbed my purse and the keys and went downstairs. I was still hot as hell. Kelly hit my trigger and I had not climaxed three times in one hour so I still had this God-awful craving to get fucked by a man — any man. I just needed cock.

I felt crazy with lust and I could hardly think. I was naked under my skirt and my tits bounced as I walked. Down stairs I looked at the bar and knew that if I was going to get any cock I would have to first find a man or maybe ten that I could interest in fucking me.

I walked in and looked around. It was rather crowded and I felt I better go to the lady’s room to make sure I looked presentable. I went in and looked in the mirror. My hair was a mess and my makeup needed fixing. I set my purse down and went to work. I am lucky that I have a natural beauty but even with that it did take a few minutes to take the edge off, so to speak. I stood there working and all I could think of was how I was going to turn on a man or a bunch of men enough to get them to fuck me. I needed to climax three times in a one-hour time span and I had to do it now.

I walked out and found an empty table that sat four. I sat down and before my butt hit the seat I had a man at my table asking me if he could join me. I wanted to stand up and tell him, “No he could not. That if he was a real gentleman he would take me someplace and fuck my brains out.”

I looked up and said, “Please I could use the company right now.”

He sat down and asked, “Are you staying here tonight?”

I said, “Yea, but my sister kicked me out because she has a man in the room and I just have to wait. I just hope she finishes soon. I don’t want to sleep alone in the van tonight.”

He laughed and said, “Oh, I am sure that you won’t be sleeping alone in any van tonight — that is if I can help it.”

I smiled and said, “Aren’t you sweet? Are you inviting me to your room to sleep or do you have something else in mind?”

I guess he never came across a response like that because he then asked, “Are you a pro? I mean how much do you charge?”

I sat there almost shocked. I said, “Oh no, my sister really did kick me out. So she could screw her boyfriend. I am not a pro. I’m just a horny girl with no place to go.”

The man said, “Let me get the tab and we can go to my room. You can stay there as long as you want. I’ll tell my partner he needs to sleep next door with Frank.”

When he said that it hit me — he knew two other men and if I played this right, I could get my needed sex this hour.

I said, “Wait a minute. Let’s not jump too soon. Besides you don’t want a girl like me in your room. I am a very naughty girl and I have very kinky tastes.”

This got his interest and he sat down, pulling his chair next to me. He put his hand on my right knee and as he talked he slid his hand up my short skirt. I opened my legs and he reached his and my goal. I felt his fingers work into my very wet pussy. He leaned over and after kissing me gently on my neck he said, “So you have a kinky side. I love a kinky girl. What kind of dirty little things do you like baby?”

I moved and kissed him. I kissed him hard and he fingered my hole. We broke the kiss and I whispered into his ear, “I want your friends to join us. I want them to fuck me too.” I said that and I felt my face flush with blood. I said that to a complete stranger and I was telling this man in my own town that I want to fuck him and his friends.

He said, “You got it baby but I have to tell you, you sure as hell ain’t going to get any sleep.”

I smiled at him and said, “Honey, if I wanted to sleep I would just go get another room. I came into this bar for a reason.”

By this time the waiter came over and asked us if we wanted anything. My new friend said, “I don’t but if you want something come up to room 318 after work. We’re going to have an old fashioned gang-bang and you are welcome to join us.”

I looked up at him smiled and said; “Bring a friend if you want.”

We stood up and the man who I was talking to escorted me to the door then had me wait until he could let his friends know what was going on.

He came back and said that they would be up in a few minutes. Before we got up to his room I had already sucked his cock in the elevator hallway, as it was secluded. In the elevator he bent me over and stuck his cock in me fucking me all the way up the short way to the third floor. Before we stopped at his floor I was racing to my climax. He was fucking me hard and as the elevator stopped and the doors opened, I shook with a lovely nasty climax.

I looked up to see a man with an ice bucket standing there waiting for the elevator. He stood there watching as my new friend pulled out of me and then watched as I stood up. My new friend slowly zipped his pants and we walked out as the man held the doors for us. My new friend said to him as we walked out, “Room 318, any time you want some hot ass, come on over. We’ll be screwing all night and she wants as many men as she can get, don’t you honey?”

I looked at him and said, “Come join in. You won’t be sorry.” I gave him a very warm smile and turned walking to the room with my new friend.

When we walked into the room my new friend said, “Take your clothes off baby, and spread em.”

This man had a one-track mind and I loved it. I got out of my clothes just as the door opened and two men walked in. One guy said, “Hey it’s her; she’s the one.”

The other guy said, “No way. This girl is prettier.”

They were both getting out of their clothes as I laid there waiting for one of the three to get in me. I was rubbing my clit and sliding fingers in and out of me as I waited.

One guy said as he got on the bed, “Do you like to hear men tell you that you have lovely red hair baby?”

I moaned as he said those words and my cunt felt like it was on fire. I said, “Please, please fuck me, please.” He was on me and he came in less than a minute.

I heard him say, “Now, now cunt. Now bitch.”

I climaxed and my body shook into convulsions.

He pulled out and said, “I told you it was her. I got all of her movies.”

One of the other men climbed on the bed and started fucking me. The other man got up and put his cock near my mouth. I went for it and made love to it as the man rammed his cock in and out of me. I heard more men come in and although I could not look around what I could see out of the side of my eyes, were men getting out of their clothes.

I heard the first guy telling the others, “This is the porn star they call “Big Red.” She cums when you tell her you are coming. Just say, “Now” and watch her get off. If she slows down just tell her she has lovely red hair.”

Some guy said, “Shit, I got six movies of her fucking that dog. Shit, she loves gangbangs.”

Another man said, “I got movies of her with that blonde bitch. Shit, she loves eating pussy. Did you see the one where she went into a diner and did everyone in there?”

One guy said, “I only saw her with a girl in a kitchen and in a bathroom.”

I sucked as the guy I was sucking came in my mouth and I milked him dry. All this nasty talk — all these men turned on by those movies. I kept hearing man after man saying, “Now, now, now, now.” I came and came and came. My body felt like it was being drained.

I heard one guy say, “I’m getting some of that ass. She loves it in her asshole.”

The guy fucking me came and when he did someone said, “Let her suck it. She loves to suck the guys after they fuck her.”

He pulled out and straddled my neck as I sucked him and cleaned him. Someone lifted my legs back as he got up and I felt a cock at my asshole. I relaxed my butt hole as he slid his cock into me. Oh, it hurt like hell for a whole minute or two but I did not have time to think about it because they kept saying, “Now, now, now, now,” over and over again.

I had another cock in my mouth and my mind was in a whirl. I was thinking of only one thing. Nothing else: cock – cock — lots of cock and lots of sperm. I wanted lots of cock and I wanted every drop of sperm.

I climaxed so many times my body just wore itself out. The last hour or so I just laid there as they kept taking their turns.

I was covered with sweat and cum. Some of the men wanted to jack-off and let their stuff hit my naked body and in my hair. By 6 a.m. I was a tired and cum-drenched woman. My legs felt numb. My butt hole felt like I had a truck driven up in and it was leaking. My pussy felt sore and I wanted to sleep. When the last man left I was alone. I got up and took a nice long bath. I drifted to sleep in the tub.

I woke up and called Kelly to see if my husband had left yet. Kelly answered and said it was clear to come up. I dressed and went to our room.

When I walked in she was half-asleep and looking at me. She said, “You didn’t sleep in the van. Did you get a room?”

I said, “No. I met a man and I slept in his room.”

She gave me a smirk and said, “Sleep my ass. I’m going back to bed. Your husband kept me up until around 4. He left because of some early prayer thing. You are supposed to meet him for lunch. I’m going back to bed. Wake me at 9 or so.”

Kelly went back to bed and I said, “I’ll call the clerk. I need some sleep myself.” I did and we fell asleep. The phone woke us both up at 9. By 10 we were finally ready to leave. Kelly wanted to get the other thing done and head back. I wanted to get it done and get back to my normal life if there would ever be such a thing for me ever again.

We drove to the diner and we waited in the van at a distance watching and waiting. Finally I saw Phil walking drive up and get out of his car. I pointed him out to Kelly and she told me to call him. After checking information and going through a lot of people I finally got Phil on the line.

I handed the phone to Kelly and listened as she began talking. She said, “Hello Phil. I am outside in the blue van. I want to speak with you. No I am not going to go in there. I don’t want to be filmed again. I’m sorry Phil but saying “cucumber” won’t put me under anymore. Now we can talk now or you can watch my news conference. I think if you wait for that you will wish you had met with me first. I’ll wait only 5 minutes. If I don’t see you walking out to speak with me, I will be leaving and go to my noon news conference.”

She hung up turned off the phone and said as she moved to the back seat, “He’ll be out in a minute. Hand me my bag.”

I did and she reached in and pulled out a gun. I was getting scared. I looked up and saw Phil and Steve walking out to the van. Kelly got real low and told me to lock my door and roll down the passenger window and invite him inside.

I guess Phil saw the window going down so he walked to that door. I said, “Get in. This won’t take long.” He opened the door and Steve opened the back door.

Kelly pointed the gun at them and said, “Get in and shut the doors.”

The look on both of their faces was of shock and confusion.

I sat there and Kelly started talking, “Like I said Phil, we are having a news conference this afternoon. As you can both see my sister and I are exact twins. I am the black sheep of the family and the people that know me know I would be the one to make those sex movies not my straight-laced sister. Now you can go along with what I am about to put out to you or Marline here is going to take your asses to court and you will lose everything you have, including your sex business. Are you ready to hear us out or do you want to take your chances?”

Phil said, “You can try but your sister here has a birth mark right on her inner thigh. I’m pretty sure you don’t have a matching one. You can try and pull this off but her husband will know. You can’t win in any fucking law suit.”

Kelly said, “Oh really? When I said we are identical, I mean we are — including the birth marks. Now, here’s the deal: you give Marline here the antidote to that fucking drug. What is it called again? Oh yes, HCRTF. I want the antidote to it and I want you to break the hypnoses thing on her also.”

Phil said, “What if I do? I mean what’s in it for me?”

Kelly was quick. She said, “What is in it for you is, you get to keep your business. You get to keep those tapes and you can publicly release them. Only difference is you will say I am the one in them and not my sister. I am not doing this out of the goodness of my heart. You will pay me for my hard work. You will pay me well in cash. If, in the future, you may wish to make any more films you will pay me in advance. I also want a signed confession stating how you kidnapped me, drugged me and used me for; what was it two or three days? My sister is going back to work fighting you and your friends in this dirty business. I will be speaking out on your behalf. Is it a deal?”

Phil said, “It’s a deal but there is no antidote to that drug, it is made up.”

I said, “What?”

Phil and Steve both broke out laughing. Then Phil said, “Sorry bitch, but that was a shot of pure water. It was all in your head.”

I said, “No, that was a real drug, I am hooked on sex like you wanted. I would never do anything like that without being drugged.”

Phil laughed and said, “Sorry honey but it was water. Oh we did slip you a mickey, but that was all. I guess you just woke up tired and my story seemed too convincing.”

I felt tears swelling in my eyes. I said, “But the trigger, the hypnosis, I can’t help myself. I have no control over my desires or my body.”

Kelly jammed the gun into the side of Phil’s neck and said, “You stop this shit and get the antidote.”

Steve spoke up and said, “He’s not lying and we did not expect her to respond. We fucked her while she was drugged. It had that date-rape drug in it. Her body just responded to the sex and when we taped it to blackmail her it surprised us that she believed any of it.”

Phil said, “Look I could not hypnotize anyone. I have no idea how to do it. Everything she did she did on her own. I guess it is the placebo effect thing. Even if I somehow did hypnotize her. I know for a fact no one will do anything they don’t want to under hypnosis. So I guess she wanted to do those things.”

I was now crying. I could not hold it back. Kelly said, “Is it a deal or not? We have a news conference to attend. I will be there supporting my sister telling the world how you kidnapped and drugged me and made me make those dirty movies. I’ll tell them I am coming forth to help my sister shut you down and then I’ll insist that the police charge you as Marline here sues you. So what is it? Deal or not?”

Phil said, “How much? How much do you want?”

Kelly said, “I want $50,000 and a contract for more movies at $18,000 per movie paid in advance. I want the confession written and signed by both you and Steve here.”

It took about an hour for Phil and Kelly to get the paperwork done. We drove away with a cashier’s check made out to her for $50,000 and she had a contract for five more movies.

We drove to my house. I changed into some very respectable clothes. Kelly took my clothes and made herself up to look like a hooker. I called my contacts at the TV station and we went to the station. Kelly and I did the interview with her telling the interviewer and the world, “My sister and I do not talk. We do not get along. She disapproves of my line of work. I am a porn star and my movies are now in this area. She is trying to stop my livelihood and this is not going to happen.”

We left and she drove home. I drove to meet Jim. Before Kelly left she said, “Call me if anyone gives you any trouble. I love you and no one is going to hurt you while I’m around.”

I hugged her and said, “Thank you. I owe you my life.”

She interrupted me and said, “You don’t owe me anything and I am going to make tons of money doing what I love most. You paid me your debt last night with Jim. Be good to him. He’s a good man.”

I said, “Yea, I know. Things are going to be different. I just don’t know about this craving still in me. I mean I can’t believe it was all in my mind.”

Kelly gave me another hug and said, “Just be careful. Don’t go blowing your marriage or your life over some dick.”

We kissed and she drove off.

I watched her drive away and I knew that I had opened up a door in my life that I did not want to close. I also knew that from now on I had to make sure I never got caught on video ever again.

The End