(c) 2021 by MacDaddy1226
Mentioned by Shady Lady Julie, 1st published on WRIST

I was married at 25 to a 23-year-old little minx. Though she was very small breasted, she had the cutest little ass. The thing was that she had terrible self-esteem and I took advantage of that situation.

I was curious about women having sex with dogs and suddenly I felt possessed. I wanted to turn her into a hot little dog slut. She was very reluctant to even try, but I kept up until I convinced her to give it a try. I searched the internet for chat rooms involving animal sex. I ended up in a chat room looking for someone that had an experienced unaggressive dog she could try, of course, I was really careful being a newbie.

We got contacted by a young couple not far from us who were looking for a woman to be with their Lab beside the wife. I explained my wife’s fear of even trying but the wife talked me into speaking on the phone with her and her husband. We video chatted with them a couple of times. I think during the fourth conversation my wife asked her what it was like.

The couple were called Shirley and Dan and their yellow lab Buster. Shirley and my wife Marney really seemed to hit it off. Shirley kept telling Marney that dog fucking was a total thrill so Marney asked Shirley to show us on video chat.

Shirley said, “Sure,” so we set up a video meet the next day as Marney was getting very interested after all the rah-rah talk from Shirley.

Friday night our cam session began with Shirley showing us how she rubbed Buster until his red spear came out of his sleeve. She then leaned over and licked the tip until he started spitting out of the end. Marney’s whole demeanour changed. She just stared at the screen slack-jawed, then she suddenly told me to set up a live meet. I don’t know what triggered her, but I chatted to Shirley about a live meeting and she invited us over the next night as they were only about 90 minutes from us.

Marney overheard the arrangements but then she started freaking, getting scared that she decided too quickly.

Shirley told her to watch this and got on her hands and knees. Dan got Buster lined up and put a damp pair of Shirley’s panties in front of his nose. Buster started humping like crazy and soon he was fucking the hell out of Shirley. Shirley was a cutie normally but she had a weird look on her face as Buster was pounding her pussy She kept calling Marney to the screen so she could see how the dog was making her crazy thinking it would stir Marney’s juices.

She told Marney, “You will love our little Buster.”

Marney put her hand between her legs and started rubbing her pussy like crazy.

This whole chat had me hard as a rock. Dan had shed his clothes and was sticking his cock in Shirley’s face.

Marney said she did not want to chat anymore and wanted to go fuck. She said she couldn’t take it anymore and told Shirley she was ready for tomorrow. Meantime Shirley had been pounded for a few minutes and Buster had shot his load in her before he got off and went and laid down.

We ended our chat after we thanked them for the intro show. Marney had trailed off to the bedroom and was playing with herself in our bed, so I said our goodbyes and told them we could not wait until tomorrow. I went into our bedroom and Marney was laying on the bed fingering herself like a wild woman. I’d never seen her masturbate before and told just how hot she looked.

Before I knew it Marney grabbed my cock and started sucking it as if she needed it to survive. I came in minutes. I got between Marney’s legs and tasted her sweet juices. I ate her until she came again and lapped up all her sweet juices. She curled up next to me and whispered in my ear that she could not wait to become my little dog slut tomorrow. I’ll do anything to make you happy she told me, then we dozed off to sleep.

When I woke in the morning, Marney was already up and the smell of fresh coffee was coming up the stairs. I stumbled down to the kitchen, she smiled at me, asked me how I wanted my eggs and turned her sweet ass towards me. I have to admit I was beside myself wanting to see my darling petite wife get pounded by a big dog cock. Also fearful she’d be so hooked, I’d become an afterthought to her after giving herself to a big dog. I’ve seen enough videos of girls looking like they were possessed as dogs rammed them. As wary about this as I was, I was more excited.

We ate breakfast in relative quiet, finally, she broke the tension asking me if I still wanted to see her become a dog slut with a wicked smile on her face. She put my hand on her crotch and I felt she was soaked. I slipped my finger inside her panties and into her. I got hard as a rock, pulled her to me, dove my face into her pussy. I thought she’d scream as I drove my tongue as deep as I could to get all her juices. She came all over my face and laid back breathing heavy trying to catch her breath.

She looked at me and saw I had a worried look on my face. “What’s wrong my handsome man”?

I told her of my thoughts of losing her to dog sex.

Her head fell back and said, “My silly man, there is zero chance that will happen. I love you more than I can ever tell you.” She kissed me hard slipping her tongue deep in my mouth and I nearly sucked it off.

We decided to get ready to go.

The drive to Dan and Shirly’s was pretty quiet. The closer we got, the more I feared losing her over this stupid kinky thing I had requested, thinking I had made a huge mistake. She did something she’d never ever done before, reaching across the seat and started rubbing my crotch.

She asked me to pull over at the closest place I could find so she could suck my cock. “I need to taste you right now, my panties are wet again.”

I found what seemed like a remote alleyway, put the car in park and as soon as I did she practically ripped my jeans open sucking like she needed my cock to survive. She sucked my cock and cupped my balls then switched to sucking them for a minute or two. This was crazy. She slipped her finger under my balls inching toward my asshole, she rubbed it with her finger there for a bit then pulled her hand out and sucked on her finger.

‘Who was this sex maniac?’ I asked myself.

“Give me your cum, NOW,” She demanded and got her finger wet, put her hand back in my pants and stuck her finger in my ass up to my prostate.

Her mouth was like a vacuum as I relaxed and felt myself cumming hard. She sucked me until I went limp. Then I laid my head back on the headrest.

“Well that was nice,” she said looking at me licking her lips.

With that, she kissed me and I could taste myself in her mouth.

‘Who was this wild woman?’

With that she said, “We better get going, don’t want to be late.”

The rest of the way there I started having second thoughts.

‘What had I done?’

My crazy fantasy had changed my cute little wife, did she really want to do this? To have some stranger’s dog fuck her in front of me, to give me what I asked for. To become a hot kinky dog slut of a wife.

We pulled into Dan and Shirley’s a little after 11:00 which was earlier than the noontime arrival we agreed to. Marney was beside herself with anticipation. I turned off the car, I just sat there, my feet felt like they were glued to the floor of the car. I stared at the steering wheel not wanting to breathe. I just wanted to jump into a time machine and go back a couple of days. I was really regretting putting this whole thing together.

Dan and Shirley came out of the door smiling and waving us up to the porch. Marney had already jumped out of the car and started towards our hosts. She stopped, came around to my side and opened my door.

“Are you okay? You look like you are sick,” she said.

I mumbled I was fine, took her hand and walked towards the porch, but my stomach was doing flip flops. I felt like I’d been punched in the gut. All the excitement of wanting to see Marney with a dog was just not there as the realization of what was going to happen hit me.

After a pleasant greeting, we were invited into their house. Dan suggested Margaritas and went to make up a batch. I looked over at Marney, she looked really nervous. Soon Dan returned with the drinks and we all lifted our glasses.

“Here’s to a really fun night,” Shirley said.

Shirley moved over next to me on the couch placing her hand on my arm trying to reassure me that things would be okay. Dan could see I was having second thoughts and told me not to worry and he could see how much Marney and I loved each other by our glancing looks at each other.

Suddenly Marney screamed at looking at me, “You wanted this, quit being a wimp about it, I’m the one that’s going to fuck a dog after all.”

I stood there, my jaw fell open and told her I was so sorry to have asked her to do this.

She said, “Relax, I’ve had this same fantasy for years and remember I love you and nothing will change that.”

With that, Dan stood up and said, ”Look, if you don’t want this, we certainly don’t want you to do it. From our conversations, it sounded like you both wanted to see Marney taste some exciting forbidden fruit. Have another drink and think about it. If it would help you decide, I’m sure Shirley would love to be fucked in front of you.”

He looked at Shirley as she understood what he wanted and left the room. She returned a few minutes later dressed only in a robe with Buster in tow.

“Well, what do you two think?” she mewed looking at Marney and me.

Marney shrugged her shoulder looking my way and said, “Yeah Shirley, I think I’d feel better seeing you fucked right now”

Shirley went to pop a dog porn video in the DVD player, “This might help loosen everyone up,” she said, “This one really makes me wet.”

The movie started and it was a really cute girl laying next to a large Great Dane. She moved her hand over the dog’s fleshy sheath, easing out the pink tip. It was huge and as we watched more and more of it became revealed, then she leaned over and started licking and sucking on the tip.

I saw Marney’s chest rise as her breathing got a bit more excited. Marney once mentioned that she’s often had a fantasy of being tied up and forced to do any number of sex acts.

Shirley was duplicating the actions on the screen with Buster making the temperature rise in the room. We were getting a live dog sex show right here in her living room. Shirley quit watching the screen and let her freak flag fly sucking on Buster’s cock.

Marney was licking her lips looking over at me raising her eyebrows questioningly. Shirley reached over and put one of her hands on Marney’s ankle working it up her calf. Marney understood what Shirley was trying to get her to do without a word being spoken.

Marney slipped off the chair and moved right next to Shirley staring intently at Buster’s leaky cock being worked by Shirley’s mouth. She shocked me as she opened Shirley’s robe and put her hand on one of Shirley’s beautiful, what I thought looked like C-cup, breasts. Shirley moaned as Marney lightly rubbed the breast then reached her fingers to the nipple and rolled it with her fingers. This was a side of my sweet shy petite wife I’d never dreamed about.

Dan leaned towards my ear and softly said in my ear, “I put a little special K in Marney’s drink,” then leaned back and winked at me.

Shirley moaned and took her mouth off Buster’s dick before leaning over and giving Marney a deep tongue kiss. Marney shocked, jolted back for a second, then got way into it and started a tongue battle in Shirley’s mouth.

Shirley broke off the kiss panting and leant to Marney’s ear and whispered something to her I could not hear.

Marney smiled, nodded her head yes as she was starting to pant like Shirley. She grabbed Marney’s hair and eased Marney’s head toward Buster’s glistening cock. The precum squirting from Buster was hitting Marney face so she opened her mouth trying to catch as much of it as she could. Marney was going full dog slut at his point licking around the tip then sliding the end between her lips moaning.

Shirley had moved her hands to Marney’s jeans waistband and she opened them and slipped them down from Marney’s waist. While this was happening, Marney was sucking Buster like a wild woman. Marney wiggled around a bit allowing Shirley the opening she need to slip off her jeans. Here was my wife pantless on the floor sucking off a dog while her new friend was starting to rub Marney’s wet crotch over her conservative white cotton bikini undies.

Shirley started kissing and licking on Marney’s ankle working her way slowly up Marney’s slender leg making Marney crazy with lust. Shirley was obviously very skilled with another woman. Then she slipped her fingers inside the waistband of Marney’s waistband saying, “Does little Marney want Mommy to eat her pussy while you service Buster?”

Marney could just moan, “Oh yes please Mommy Shirley.”

Shirley dipped her head down to Marney’s sweet pussy. She started by teasing her clit for a bit listening to Marney moan with pleasure who the whole time sucking Baxter like his cock was her lifeblood.

“Our little Marney want to start her servitude to me becoming Baxter’s bitch?” Shirley added her fingers to her tongue and mouth on Marney’s pussy.

She nodded at Dan, who smiled and left the room not a word said.

Shirley produced a leather collar asking, “Marney are you sure you want to be Baxter’s bitch for me?”

Putting the collar around Marney’s neck fastening the buckle then she hooked a leash to the collar, standing. She pulled the leash as Marney’s face was coated with dog precum telling her, “Time to go to the playroom bitch.”

Pulling her along through the same door Dan had left through. She looked at me as she told me, “You are about to see something that will blow the top of your head off, come along and stay quiet.”

We were led down a few stairs to a large room with a red padded item in the centre.

“Come along my pet,” Shirley said to Marney. “Hop on up here and let Mommy get you prepared for your dream to come true.”

Marney climbed on what I found out was a breeding bench and Shirley strapped her shoulders, knees and wrists to the table. Dan had retrieved Baxter, attaching his leash to a ring on the wall. Meantime I could see Marney’s pussy glistening as her breathing became very rapid, gasping for air. I located a chair near the bench and sat down speechless watching what was happening before my eyes. I saw my wife squirming around on the bench and as I looked at her I heard myself telling her how sorry I was to have put her into this situation.

“QUIET, YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF CRAP,” Shirley snapped at me. I shut up, tearing up looking at my sweet quiet wife laying there panting like some slut from the dog sex movies. I noticed there were 10 to 12 more chairs by me and it dawned on me I was sitting in a small gallery.

‘What had I got us into?’ I kept asking myself.

Shirley was standing next to the bench putting her hand on the small of Marney’s back, “How’s Mommy’s little slut doing? Thinking about what’s going to happen to you my little one?” She asked Marney. She ran her hand over Marney’s ass to her quivering pussy lips. Slipping a finger to the clip she slowly rubbed the hot little button.

“Argh,” moaned Marney as she volunteered, “Mommy, I want to please you so much.”

“You will my little one,” pushing a finger into Marney, “Soon darling very soon,” she added more fingers asking, “Are you ready to make Baxter happy pet?”

“Oh yes Mistress, please.”

Shirley gave Dan a look and he went over to Baxter, bringing him over to the table. Shirley put her hand under Baxter’s belly and around his sheath, pulling on it, exposing the pointed tip of his pink veiny cock.

“Want a taste slut?” she purred to Marney.

“Oh yes, Mistress yes please I need it,” moving her hand to Baxter’s wet shaft moving it toward her lips. She lifted her head licked the tip, ran her tongue around the end and then opened her mouth, sucking it in while moaning like she was in heat.

Shirley was slowly working her fingers one, two, three then adding the fourth into Marney’s pussy. Juices were leaking from Marney in a way I had never seen before. Shirley was a master at finger fucking making Marney squirm trying to get more into herself. Shirley pulled back her hand, then folding her thumb to her palm she eased her whole hand into Marney.

“You like that slut?” she asked Marney.

“More,” was all Marney could blurt out, while frantically sucking on Baxter’s growing cock.

Dan moved over to move Baxter around behind Marney.

“My little Marney, dog slut, do you want to get Baxter’s big cock in you to fuck you?” Shirley said as she continued fisting her hand in and out of Marney’s distended pussy. “Tell your mistress what you want, my little bitch, come on, beg for his big cock.”

Sweat was rolling down Marney’s pretty face as she had a distorted smile lifting her head to look at me. “Please mistress, Let Baxter fuck my pussy, I want it so bad.”

“Look at your husband and tell him what you want,” Shirley commanded.

Marney looked directly at me, “I am going to become his dog slut bitch. I can’t wait to be fucked while you are sitting there watching me,” she said.

Shirley was frantically fist fucking Marney’s pussy while lining up Buster’s hard cock at the dripping pussy. She yanked out her fist and pushed Baxter forward toward Marney’s pussy and he drove it deep in Marney,

She screamed, “Make me your bitch Baxter.”

I could tell she was cumming, shaking like she was having a seizure. Baxter pumped in the final inch and began a frantic pace of pounding Marney. Her eyes were rolling back in her head, her tongue out, gasping for breath. This wild scene continued for many minutes as Marney’s breathing slowly returned to normal. Baxter never did knot with her and slipped from her pussy cum dripping from her well fucked pussy.

I had not realized Dan had been taping this whole event. He took the camera off the stand and moved in for a closeup of Marney’s contorted face.

Shirley said, “Is that what you wanted slut?”

All Marney could do is smile and nod her head up and down, “Thank you Mistress for making me your slut bitch,” she said. “I am yours to do with as you wish from now on.”

“Oh my little pet we are just beginning tonight,” Shirley said smiling and still looking at me she said, “Dan do you want to fuck this bitch?”

Dan came over pulled out his cock stroking it to its eight full inches before he took position behind Marney and rammed his hard cock in her pussy.

Marney looked at me smiling as Dan pounded her pussy hard.

Shirley asked me, “Would like a turn next?”

“She’s my wife.”

Shirley snapped back, “She’s my little dog slut now, So do you want to fuck her or not?”

Marney looked over at me and just smiled.

I nodded and took out my cock stroking watching Dan fuck my wife, still strapped to the breeding table. Dan came and then pulled out before moving around to Marney’s face, telling her to lick him clean. I was not pleased but I was strangely turned on as I took my turn fucking my wife.

“You good and lubed up stud?” Shirley asked me.

She lubed her a finger with some of the fluids leaking from Marney before moving them to Marney’s asshole. Moving her finger around Marney’s cute little anal star asking her if she was enjoying it. Marney nodded yes, then Shirley slipped a finger into Marney’s ass, followed by a second. I could feel her fingers through the thin wall of skin between Marney’s two love holes.

“She’s ready, fuck her ass, slam your hard cock into her asshole,” Shirley ordered, then asked Marney, “You like doing this for me, don’t you slut?”

Marney looked dreamily up at Shirley saying, “Yes Mommy anything you want.”

I was loving pounding her ass but I kept thinking, ‘who is this slut?’, it’s sure not my Marney.

She was pushing back against my thrusts moaning something I could not understand and I knew I could not hold back much longer.

“Come in my slut’s mouth,” Shirley snapped.

I pulled out went around to Marney’s mouth where she pulled my cock to her face, sucking like a vacuum. She drained me in seconds and then licked my cock clean smiling the whole time.

“Does my little dog slut want some more of Baxter’s big red cock?” Shirley asked Marney while she rubbed Marney’s clit. Marney nodded yes, so Shirley stuck two fingers into Marney teasing her while asking her, “Beg me slut.”

“Oh Mistress Please, I need it so bad,” Marney begged.

“Again, slut,” Shirley said.

“Oh Mommy, please let your doggy slut have more of Baxter’s big cock.”

Dan brought Baxter over to the bench. Marney reached out grabbing his sheath stroking it to expose the pink tip without being told. She looked to be in a trance as she stroked the sheath until more of his big pink monster was showing.

Marney licked her lips, pulled him close and started licking around the tip, “Oh, I love his taste.”

Shirley went back to working her fingers in Marney’s dripping pussy as a moaning Marney sucked the tip of Baxter’s cock.

“What does my little slut want?” Shirley asked her.

“I want Baxter to fuck me until I pass out,” was Marney’s muffled answer.

The words seemed to make her wild with lust as she really was sucking hard on Buster. Shirley was working on getting her whole fist into Marney’s dripping pussy again and soon she was fully fist fucking Marney. In turn, Marney had taken Baxter deep into her mouth sucking like a tornado.

“Does doggy slut need a good fucking? Tell me bitch,” Shirley said fully knowing what she was doing.

“Yes mistress, your doggy slut needs to be fucked hard. Please Mistress, please,” Marney begged.

Shirley kept up her hard fisting smiling at me, as she nodded to Dan. He moved Baxter from Marney’s mouth around behind her. Shirley had Baxter get up on the breeding table holding his dick in line with Marney’s swollen pussy lips.

”Beg for it bitch,” Shirley snapped.

“Oh mistress please, your doggy slut needs to be fucked hard,” was Marney’s response.

“I didn’t hear you slut,” Shirley teased.

“OH GOD FUCK ME TIL I PASS OUT,” Marney screamed.

Shirley slipped her hand out guiding Baxter into Marney. He thrust balls deep pounding in a frenzy. After only a few thrusts Marney’s cum could be seen frothing out around Baxter’s big cock pumping in and out wildly. She seemed to be on one constant orgasm. This frenzied pace kept up for a few minutes then Baxter stopped but seemed to be pushing his hips forward and Shirley held his ass as he started forcing his big knot into Marney.

“Oh God, he’s splitting me,” Marney growled. Once his knot slipped inside, Marney sighed as he started pumping her full of his hot seed. Her belly swelled, looking like she was pregnant.

“How’s my dog slut doing?” Shirley asked.

“Oh mistress I am getting so full. I don’t think I can hold it, I’m going to burst”

Shirley began stroking Marney’s belly gently cooing “It’s a good feeling, isn’t it bitch?”

Dan handed her a pointed butt plug already lubed and ready. She planned on plugging Marney as soon as Baxter shrunk enough to pull out of Marney’s pussy. Shirley steadied the tip of the plug at Marney’s hole not wanting to let any cum leak out. As Baxter’s cock started to shrink, cum started dripping down Marney’s pussy over her clit. Shirley pushed the plug in just as Baxter slipped out,only losing a few drops. Marney’s eyes were glazed over rolling back in her head as Baxter got off her, laying down licking himself clean.

Shirley patted Marney’s ass asking her if she liked being full of dog cum.

“My God mistress it’s wonderful but can I please empty myself?”

“Okay, but first you must get a belly full of man cum.”

Dan positioned himself in front of the bench. Crazed, Marney pulled Dan’s crotch to her face, mouth open waiting for his cock. When it was within reach she sucked his dick like it was the air she need to live. Dan held her head and started fucking her mouth and he was soon pumping balls deep into her throat. She gagged but kept her lips wrapped around his shaft.

Shirley reached down and started playing with Marney’s clit as Dan kept up his pumping, saying he was getting close to cumming. Shirley changed her hand position to grab the base of the plug in Marney’s dripping hole. Dan pushed forward to start to cum in Marney’s mouth as Marney worked hard to swallow it all.

Shirley knew it was time to release the flood of dog cum in Marney’s pussy, “Cum for me, my sweet pet,” Shirley said as she pulled the plug from Marney’s pussy.

Dog cum gushed out as Marney thrashed about in the midst of an insane orgasm. Her head dropped panting, trying to catch her breath. There was her cum and dog cum all over the breeding bench from her pussy.

Shirley unbuckled the straps holding Marney to the bench. Once unstrapped Marney tried to get up and Shirley needed to help her up onto her unsteady legs. I thought Marney would come over to me wanting to be held. However, she fell into Shirley’s arms moaning, “Thank you mistress for making me your dog slut. I finally know what I am to do with the rest of my life.”

Shirley asked her, “Would you like to clean the bench with your mouth slut?”

“My God, may I mistress, please?”

Shirley nodded as Marney bent down lapping all the fluids from the bench smiling as she did.

“Slutty enough for you?” she said, looking directly at me, her breath panting. She finished cleaning the bench, licking her lips with the wildest look in her eyes. Shirley pulled her close to her breasts stroking her hair.

Looking over at me Marney said, “You can go home now, I’m staying the rest of the weekend here if my mistress will allow me.”

I did not know what to do and I said, “Marney, don’t be silly, you are my wife and you will be coming home with me.”

She replied, “I became the dog slut you wanted, now let me be the slut you begged me to try to become.”

Shirley said, “Why don’t you go home and come back to collect your wife Monday morning? I promise we’ll take special care of your little darling. Go on now, it’ll be fine.”

“Yeah you asked me to do this,” Marney added. “I’ll see you Monday. Please try to understand”

Shirley took Marney by the hand leading her to a large walk-in shower bathing her new slave. In a few minutes, they returned both clad in soft fluffy robes smiling.

“It’ll be fine,” Marney tried to assure me, “I need to spread my new wings a bit. I love you, but I need to do this.”


I sat pondering what choice do I have. Marney loved this new role and decided to move in with Shirley and Dan. She had been there for three months and I was going nuts. I could not even talk with her and had no idea what was happening. Finally, I got a phone call from Shirley asking if I was interested in getting Marney back home. I said of course and was told to be at their house the next night and plan on staying the weekend.

As I drove to Shirley and Dan’s my mind racing, thinking what could this possibly be about and what would I have to do to get my wife to agree to return home with me.

I arrived at the specified time, parked my car in the drive before walking to the door. The door opened and Marney grabbed me and hugged me, “You came for me,” she said.

“Slut, what did I tell you?” Shirley snapped.

Marney released me and went to Shirley’s side on her hands and knees, “That’s a good little slut. Come in John and let’s discuss our plans for you two.”

I followed Shirley into the living room sitting on the couch. She took her place in a chair like she was queen and Marney followed along sitting beside the chair like a trained pet.

“There are some demands that are non-negotiable while there are some things I’m willing to let slide,” Shirley announced, “Understand?”

I nodded my head in agreement hoping I would be able to agree to her terms.

“Okay, first I’ve had a fantasy of you sucking off my husband. Oh yeah and also Baxter,” she said looking to see my reaction.

Marney cried out, “No not that.”

Shirley slapped her and told her to shut up.

I told Shirley I was not going to agree to that at all and hoped it was not a deal-breaker. She sat for a bit thinking about it. She finally said, “I guess we can forget about that at least for now. Tomorrow we are having a party and your lovely wife is the guest of honor, I hope you enjoy it. But tonight, it will be just us and of course, Baxter.”

Shirley suggested we move to the playroom and after we settled into the room chatting, Dan stood up walked over to Shirley, opened his fly and presented his cock to Shirley. She reached out and started stroking him. With her other hand, she lifted her skirt and started playing with her pussy then she pulled her hand away and gestured to Marney to come over.

“Marney my pet, make Mommy nice and wet for Dan’s big cock,” she said.

Marney scampered over planting her mouth on Shirley’s pussy inserting her tongue deep. Shirley pulled Marney’s head to her and I thought she was trying to get her whole head into her pussy. Shirley kept busy licking and sucking Dan and after a few minutes of this crazy sight, Shirley pushed Marney away and laid down on the floor. As much disdain as I felt for her, I had to admit to myself she was one hot sexy bitch.

“Marney, my pet, go get Baxter and make him ready to fuck me.”

In the meantime, Dan laid on top of Shirley and jammed his hard cock into her in one hard stroke.

“Oh baby, you make me so horny,” Dan yelled.

“Fill me with your hot cum, Dan,” Shirley moaned as Dan pumped hard into her pussy. His hands grabbed her beautiful breasts, like two small grapefruits firm with thick dark nipples.

Marney had got up and went to get Baxter then returned. She attached his leash to a hook on the wall and proceeded to prepare him for his mistress. She laid next to Baxter moving her hand to his sheath stroking as she exposed his pink tip. As she stroked, more of his pink cock began to show, then she leaned over to lick it around and around. His cock continued to grow and she opened her lips and began sucking on it as she got it good and hard.

Dan was watching Marney working on Baxter’s cock and knowing what was coming, could hold out no longer and pounded into Shirley’s juicy pussy. He started cumming filling Shirley with his seed. After a few minutes, he slipped out leaving Shirley looking glazed, cum dripping from her well-used pussy.

“Bring my beasty boy Marney, I’m ready for him,” Shirley snapped.

Marney guided Baxter over to Shirley who had rolled over to her hands and knees. Baxter was thrusting his hips fucking into the air as Marney helped guide him to his mistress’s dripping pussy.

Once aligned, he thrust deep into Shirley, “Gawd, I love this fucking dog,” Shirley moaned.

“Marney, bring me your tasty pussy to eat. I’m so fucking horny.”

Marney did not need to be told twice and laid down placing her pussy right up to Shirley’s wildly waving tongue. I had not seen Shirley dive so intently into Marney’s pussy, but she was licking and sucking while moaning from the pounding Baxter was giving her pussy. I could hear Marney moaning as she was getting ready to squirt, which she did only occasionally.

Shirley was moaning into Marney’s pussy adding her fingers to her mouth, which explained why Marney was getting ready to squirt. When she is fingered deep and fast pressing under her lovely mound, she could squirt like a fountain.

Baxter slowed his pace as he was pressing his knot into Shirley and she was going crazy. Marney screamed as she started to squirt and as Shirley was being pumped full she was lapping all the squirt she could get into her mouth, looking like a woman possessed.

This whole sight had me as hard as a rock. I pulled out my cock and started frantically tugging on it. Shirley pushed Marney towards me telling her to suck me off which she proceeded to do. It only took me a few minutes to unload my cum in my wife’s mouth.

Marney worked me over until I was spent and shrinking, then looked at me licking her lips smiling from ear to ear. She leaned toward me kissing me slipping her tongue deep in my mouth and I could taste myself on her lips, but I really didn’t mind. Actually, I was thrilled as this was the first passionate kiss I’d had from Marney in weeks.

Shirley was dripping with sweat and when Baxter’s knot shrunk enough for him to slip from her pussy the fluids that gushed from her cunt were a mixture of Baxter, Dan, and her own cum.

“Marney, time to clean up your mistress’s pussy,” Shirley purred breathlessly sounding almost lovingly.

Marney laid down clamping her lips on Shirleys’s pussy, sucking out the remaining juice. She sucked and swallowed all the juices then set about lapping up the puddle that had formed on the floor. After Marney had finished she looked, up licking her lips smiling.

Shirley said we should all get to bed, as there was a party we needed to be refreshed to attend tomorrow.

“Marney will sleep at the foot of my bed as she usually does, while you John can sleep in the guest room next to ours. In the morning Marney can explain what happens at our typical party. Tomorrow will be expecting 12.”

When I woke on Saturday the sun was shining in the window as my mind was racing. I wasn’t sure what to make of this visit.

‘Was I really going to be taking Marney home?’ I asked myself or was this just one of Shirley’s mean mind-control games.

I decided to try to relax and be content with the idea Marney was going home with me on Sunday. I got up, washed up and peeked in their bedroom, they were not in there so I headed downstairs. I could smell coffee and bacon frying and there was Marney wearing a hot little corset, with an apron, cooking at the stove.

“Morning sleepyhead,” Shirley smiled at me. “I told you there were some things to consider before you could take Marney home and we will discuss them, but not today, tomorrow morning. Marney dear, come sit down and explain to John what happens at one of our get-togethers so he knows what to expect.”

Marney smiled came over with my breakfast, sat smiling at me, ”Very well Mistress,” and she proceeded to explain at one of their parties Marney’s duty was to be available to whoever wished for whatever they wished. Some would bring a dog others not and it was always a late-night affair where Marney was usually worn out by the night’s end.

“Does that cover it Mistress?” Marney asked Shirley.

“Very well explained Marney. Now John we won’t be having any problems with you, will we? After all, you are a special guest and getting to see your precious wife service so many people. If you behave and try to enjoy the evening in the morning we’ll speak about Marney going back home with you. Are we clear?”

I was speechless but nodded my head. I did not like the sound of it, but one; Marney seemed okay with it and two; she could be coming home with me in the morning. I felt I had to go along as I ate breakfast in silence, but my stomach was in knots.

Marney left the room returning in sweats, her cleaning clothes. She cleaned the kitchen up then proceeded about the house dusting, picking up and vacuuming, the usual cleaning duties. Dan poured us each a glass of iced tea and asked me to join him on the porch, so I followed along, sitting in one of the rocking chairs.

“I’m really very quiet and let Shirley run things as she likes to be in charge, but I just wanted to tell you, you have one hell of a good woman there. She has been a top-flight submissive dog slut while she’s been here with us, and she is so damn cute. To be honest, if you take her home tomorrow, I’ll surely miss her, but I’ll see her again soon enough.”

I sat trying to absorb what he had just said thinking what was he actually saying, “What do you say we watch some football today and relax.” Dan inquired.

I said, “Ah Dan, what do you mean if Marney goes home with me that you’d be seeing her again soon enough?”

His reply was only, ”You’ll find out in the morning, I better say no more.”

He walked back into the house and I sat there more confused than if he’d said nothing at all, except thinking I’d better play ball with Shirley if I wanted my wife back.

As afternoon turned to evening, Marney brought out sandwiches and more tea for Dan and me. Then she left saying she needed to get ready for the evening. Dan grilled burgers and we had burgers and salad for dinner. Soon guests started arriving but I got first name only intros until I believe all the guests had arrived. Marney had been busy offering drinks to everyone. Then Shirley stood in the centre of the room, clearing her throat, the room went silent.

“Ladies and gentlemen this is John, our slut’s husband. He’s here to observe his wife in full servitude. Marney, explain your role here tonight to those who do not know,” Shirley finished and sat.

Marney stood in the centre of the room telling everyone she was Shirley and Dan’s sub dog cum slut and loved to serve. Everyone should feel to use her as they please, as it would be her pleasure to make them happy.

Marney looked at me trying to get a read on my reactions as to what had just occurred. I felt like the house fool sitting there, waiting for my wife to be used by this group of perverts. I felt terrible I ever got Marney involved in this.

“Hop on up Marney,” Shirley said patting the breeding bench as she strapped Marney’s wrists and ankles. “Okay, who’s first,” Shirley said looking around the room.

A handsome couple walked up with their golden retriever in tow. They each took their turns using my precious Marney, but she seemed oblivious to what was happening to her. This went on for a couple of hours then she was released from the table and was passed around like a party favor. She was covered in cum and sweat but smiling the whole time.

Dan had been filming this whole thing centring in on Marney and I found out later that Dan and Shirley had given Marney a dose of special K before the party. No wonder she seemed to be loving all this. The abuse went on until the wee hours of the morning until Marney could barely lift her head to say thank you and goodbye to the guests.

“Want to help your wife get cleaned up and ready to join you in bed tonight?” Shirley asked me.

I jumped at the chance to help poor little Marney to her feet, helping her upstairs to the bathroom. She was peeling off her stinky wet clothes while I ran her a nice hot bath. I eased her into the tub, letting her soak a few minutes then washing her back, neck than the rest of her body and shampooing her long black hair. All I could say was how sorry I was that I started all this as I tried to pamper her a bit. When she was finished I wrapped her in a nice fluffy towel and led her to my room.

When we entered, she shut the door dropped the towel hugging me “I love you so much, John,” she whispered kissing me full slipping her tongue into my mouth.

After all that had happened this evening and she still wanted me. She dropped to her knees pulling off my pants and underwear stroking my cock. I was happy but shocked as she pushed me back to sitting on the bed. Then she took my cock into her mouth licking her tongue all around my cock, sucking on me like I was giving her air. She reached her hand to cup and massage my balls still sucking on me, working me into a frenzy until I unloaded my cum filling her mouth. She sucked me until I went limp before she cooed and crawled up into my arms. I wrapped her in my arms until she drifted off to sleep. I held her wondering how I could make things right with her as I myself drifted off to sleep holding my precious lovely wife gently in my arms.

I was woken up by Marney getting off of me pulling on her clothes.

She looked at me saying, “Darling please get up so we can get ready to go home?”

I rubbed my eyes and got up and dressed following her downstairs. Shirley was making breakfast in a robe offering us coffee and a seat, astonished I just sat down.

Dan sat there looking like he knew something I didn’t, that he did. Shirley put a plate of bacon eggs and toast in front of Dan, Marney and me before sitting herself in front of one.

“Well John, how did you sleep? Hope you are open to my proposal.”

Taking a bite of her breakfast chewing she looked me straight in the eye and said, “Here’s the story, I am letting you take Marney home, as she has not stopped saying how much she loved you and missed you the last few weeks. Despite being sexually used and abused she never stopped begging me to let her go home. I decided okay but she and you must agree to allow her to return to be our toy at our parties every other month or so. She had said she would enjoy this as well.”

Marney looked at me longingly smiling nodding her head in agreement.

“Well John, it’s up to you. Oh yeah, we will continue to film the parties if you would like a copy, we can send one home with your little dog slut if you’d like.”

I wanted my wife back with me so badly I’d have agreed to anything. I really did not care about a copy of the videos as I knew they would all just be a repeat of last night with little change.

We all finished eating and I shook Shirley’s hand, gathered my wife and we headed home together finally. Marney cuddled me the whole way home as I told her the house was a mess, reminding her I’d been living on fast food living like I was single and a slob.

“Sweetheart, it does not matter, we have plenty of time to fix that. The important thing is I’m coming home,” she cooed at me.

As soon as we got into the house, she set about picking up pizza boxes and fast-food wrappers cleaning like a whirlwind. I was reminded how well she had cared for me and our home before I decided I needed her to try being a dog slut.

As I looked at her smiling at me the whole time, “Marney my darling wife, I am so sorry to have put you into a bad spot. I vow I will spend the rest of my life loving you for the wonderfully caring, loving woman I am lucky enough to have you love me.”

“Honey, I actually enjoy most of my slut time. It makes me crazy, not loving, but being fucked like a slut and I like it, only I missed you so much. I look forward to going back to be a party dog cum slut for a night. It makes me wet just thinking about it and I believe our love and marriage is strong enough to allow me this vice. You will never lose me again. I look forward to growing old with you.”

She came over and curled up with me on the couch kissing me tenderly and we spent most of the rest of the evening just cuddling on the couch kissing before going to bed sleeping in each other’s arms.

I am one of the luckiest guys on the planet. She has now been going back to Shirley and Dan’s parties for a few years now and our own life here has been wonderful. I could not love her more. She’s always smiling and humming when she comes home after. She is also insatiable with me after she rests for a day. God, I love this woman.

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