(c) 2022 by Iamjackieluvsit

Chapter One

This story is about when I was back home living on the family farm, still living with my family and how I and my Mom alike are sold to make money for the farm by my Dad who with the help of others, set us up as a sideshow for people to pay and come see both my Mom and I alike fucked.

It was certainly not the first time in my life at home that I had been sold as a sex companion to someone who wanted to fuck a young girl as I was then, and it was then my Moms and Dads doings that led to it happening.

I will never tell of those horrid times at all that happened, and fact is I was simply to young for them to even be written and posted on here anyway.

But this was totally different than that in every way possible, and even though I had time after time been fucked by both my horrible Dad and worse off than that my own damn Brother.

This day started out in a what is going to hell on fashion, as I was told at the breakfast table that I had to go clean our barn out and make everything in it spic and span because we were going to have visitors over this evening and it needed to be cleaned and everything in it spic and span as my Dad and Mom alike ordered me to do.

Dad and my sorry ass brother went out on horseback to take care of the cattle etc. and leaving I and Mom at home to do all this cleaning for our guest and visitors tonight.

I cleaned everything up in the barn, raked the dirt floor of all manurer and such as that, cleaned out all the stalls, washed all them clean as could be, and found something in there I’d never seen there before.

It was a big barrel that had been cut down some and had this strange leather like almost saddle thing on top, and I was wondering just how to hell this thing was even in our barn in the first place and secondly who had put it in there?

But non the less I cleaned it to and used the saddle soap even to clean and polish that leather thing thrown over it, noticing it had all kinds of scuff marks on it, not thinking it was for what it was for, but as soon as I was finished and in the house Mom told me get me a good bath out in the horse trough and get myself cleaned up and ready for our guest tonight.

And she really emphasized my being clean where I really needed to be cleaned at. Now in times past when I was ordered and told to do this it meant I was going to be sold to some old farmer who wanted to fuck a young girl as I was then.

But this was all different than that! We were going to have guest tonight, not just some horny ass old farmer who wanted to fuck either me or Mom, while Dad raked in the cash from it or him and Mom alike most of the time to pay bills for the farm we owned.

I really began questioning just what to hell was going to go on in our barn tonight, after having to clean it so as I was ordered to do?

And now being told to clean myself where it mattered most had me scared to death of just what to hell was going to happen tonight!

I cleaned myself down there and all over my barely anything titties, even at just barely 18 I had no more breast and body being such a stick girl as I was, so much so that was my nickname at home.

My fear of being sold to yet another horny ass old farmer made me sick at my stomach thinking of such a thing again.

But something was way different this time as all those past times I had been sold to have sex like that.

I had knots in my gut and a pain in my butt about it all this time!

I got cleaned and scrubbed and got out of the horse trough I always in the summer heat bathed in as did our whole family during summer months, otherwise my Mom and I had to tote water to the damn house to bathe us all in the winter and fall and early springs.

We were dirt poor farmers, my clothes in fact were hand me downs my brother outgrew and I then got them to wear.

I go into the house drying my hair with the towel Mom had left out there for me, as she stood right there and inspected me for cleanliness, and I mean so far as making me spread my legs wide open, and she stooped down and inspected me in my most private area!

She pushed two fingers up inside me and brought them out and outright tasted me with them to her mouth as she smiled and told me good job stick now go to your room and don’t you come out for anything except what you need to do today.

Not that it was out of the norm of when I was going to be sold to one of them horny ass farmers to fuck again, but was all different all way different today!

Mom told me then that tonight both She and I were going to put a show on for all the guest, and I better stay clean all day long everywhere.

Never ever before had this ever been this way, and I was wondering just what to hell kind of sick show she and I were going to be a part of tonight and somehow that damn old barn of ours was going be where it would happen at.

I was then patted on my small tiny bubble butt and sent off to my room, but the way Mom acted it was as if she couldn’t wait for it!

She acted like it was something she really wanted and wanted badly.

That scared me even more because I knew it was something to do with sex it had to be or I wouldn’t have been ordered to get cleaned like I had to and then to have my Mom inspect me like that was just horrible.

I went and stayed in my room to scared to come out fearing what would happen to me if I did!

I was looking out the window and saw Dad and my Brother riding back up to the barn and was cussing because I knew they’d go in that barn and make everything I had cleaned nasty and I’d get the blame for not cleaning it good enough.

But this time all they did was take their saddles off throw them on the corral fence and shoo the horses into the corral and closed and locked the gate.

Came into the house as I heard Dad tell my Mom the truck would be here soon, and asked her if she was ready for tonight?

Hell yes I am Mom said going on to say I can’t wait for it all myself, and stick is all cleaned up and ready for her part of it tonight as well.

Great said my dad, this will help us pay a hell of a lot of debt off from the proceeds of this one tonight honey.

What in the hell have they planned for tonight I thought? Worse than that I feared just what was going to happen to me in that barn tonight?

Mom well that was her own damn business she was a grown woman, me I was still barely over 18 and to damn young minded for all this sex stuff.

Mom fixed lunch and brought me mine to my room, as I was dressed in one of my old worn and half torn dresses and Mom told me I’d be better off to not even wear anything because tonight I would be naked with no need to dirty any of my clothes at all.

As I was half sick at my stomach about all this, and scared to death of what was going to happen I just could not eat.

It was starting to get hot that middle of the summer hot, and I went to open the several windows to cool it off as much as the hot summer breeze could do in my room, we were so damn poor I could not even have a fan in my room, and my brothers for that matter as we shared the same bedroom.

Then as I was doing that a great big truck pulled through our cattle guard and came up to the house first and big fat old farmer I knew who had traded with my Dad many time and vice versa, got out went into the kitchen where they all were, and I heard him ask my Dad where he wanted all of them put?

I didn’t hear my Dads answer only saw him that old fat farmer and my brother leave the house and the old farmer got into his truck started it up and drove to the barn and backed up to the doors my Dad and my Brother had already opened.

Then they were getting all kinds of stuff out of that truck and taking into that barn I had spent all morning cleaning as best I could, then after what had to be them finished unloading what all it was that truck had in it, they closed the doors of the barn that old farmer got in his truck and started it and told my Dad and my Brother see yah’ tonight for it all and I’ll have my best one loaded and ready!

Best what I was trying my best to think what to hell it could be, and it just didn’t register with me in my mind about it.

I am considered and said at that time of my life told I was slow, and I just couldn’t even learn like others at all even in school.

I was in effect totally and fully mental challenged as I still am to this day.

And so much so that in my mind all I was good for in my Dad’s and Mom’s eyes was to be sold for sex to old farmers around that area, not even treated as anything in our lives back then but an outright secondary person to them all.

I didn’t exist or was cared for like my Brother was!

Oh when they would sell me for sex to some damn horny ass farmer around there, oh I got almost treated as an equal among them, but only because they were making money off my body being sold to someone.

That’s how my whole life was living at home on that farm.

This had gone on 8 to 10 years earlier than my 18 yrs old at that time.

Sick as hell it all was and to be done like that as a child, is horrific totally life fucked up horrific!

Little did I know at that time that my best girlfriend Loretta whom I grew up with and we were running buddies and best friends as far back as I can remember and little did I know that she in fact went basically through the same shit I did. Only with her it was her damn Dad and that worthless Uncle of hers doing it all to her.

Me it was my Mom, my Dad, and that damn Brother of mine in our family, and them selling me for sex.

I was sick at my belly something awful that whole afternoon about what was going to happen in that damn old barn of ours tonight that my Mom and I were to be a part of.

Later and later into the afternoon I lay on my bed so torn apart about it all, that I was crying in my worn out homemade pillow stuffed with nothing other than torn rags and old clothes that were to worn out to wear anymore and stuffed into one of moms old skirts and tied up and made a pillow for me.

Then the sun was about to start going down now middle of the horizon down, as I saw cars and trucks coming down the road in groves, and groves, staying far enough behind each other that the dusty old road didn’t flood their cars and trucks up with it.

They all drove right up to that old barn of ours parked all over the place, and I swear there were more at there than we ever had at our old country church on Sunday’s.

My Dad and brother went out and opened the side door on our barn and I saw my Dad taking money as they entered the old barn, my brother acting as an usher like on Sunday’s when at church and we were ushered in to be seated for the sermon of the day.

But this damn sure weren’t going to be an old barn revival thing tonight!

Hell no it wasn’t as I watched it all through my open window, seeing them piling into that old barn of ours, they were paying money to my Dad to see whatever to hell it was my Mom and I alike were going to do.

Now all the traffic slowed to a stop cars and trucks everywhere around that old barn and backed up to almost our front yard of our house, except one left open area that led from that side door out to our house path they had parked so as to leave that like that.

Now the sun was giving way to nightfall as I saw lanterns in our old barn begin to light up getting brighter and brighter in there now knowing now that all the lanterns I saw being brought into it by the guest visitors were being lighted up and had it shining bright as could be in that old barn now.

Then here came that old farmer in his truck again that pulled up and backed up to the barn as the doors were opened, and I saw people sitting on long benches everywhere inside as I heard that old fat farmer telling my Dad it was time for the show, and he brought his best one for it all.

His best what my mind tried to think, but naive and slow minded thinking as I was and am I just could not register in my mind anything about it.

But then four farmers wife looking women were walking together and headed to our house, all dressed in their Sunday go to meetin’ dresses, then went right to our door knocked on our old tore up screen door, and came right on in when I heard my mom tell them to do so.

I ran to my door put my ear on it as hard as I could to listen and hear what they were saying from the kitchen, and only made out this and that but heard my Mom say; “Yes ladies I am so ready to do this!”

Then they all left out of the house them four farmer wives surrounding my Mom because she was only in her bra and panties as they walked her towards that old barn of ours, opened that side door and led her into it and shut that door.

I sat on my bed crying and crying knowing whatever to hell was going on in that barn, was outright totally sexually related and my Mom was in there right now, doing whatever it was and she was wanting it! She was so anxious for it! I heard her tell them she wanted it!

It seemed like hours and hours went by as I could hear sounds of all the guest visitors oohing and aahing out and long silence fell then, and suddenly hours and hours later I heard clapping and whistling and such sounds pile out from inside that old barn.

Then again silence only sounds of muffled talking from them all filtered through the night air through my window, as I went and stood at it and looked out, and suddenly that side door opened.

My mom had an old blanket thrown over her as the same four farmer wives helped her walk back to the house my mom was in some sort of pain and had trouble even walking but they were all helping her and took her up onto the porch and I swear her belly was outright swollen out like the dickens, and she looked pregnant!

I ran to my door again trying my best to hear what was going on in our kitchen and only made out the sounds of my Mom grunting out loudly in horrible pain it seemed as the ladies all said, oh you’ll be alright in a few days when that seal breaks and you flood it all out of you.

Then I heard them all coming towards my bedroom and heard them telling my Momma it’ll be alright Joy you’ll get better when that seal breaks and you flood it all out of you in a few days, as I heard them open my moms and dads bedroom door and ran over to that adjoining wall our room, and heard more clearly them telling her lay down Joy and enjoy what he gave you, and damn did you ever get the fuck of your life by him!

That made me shiver from head to foot throughout my whole stick girl body hearing that, and I was scared as hell now, fearing my Mom was horribly hurt and thinking what to hell did she just get fucked by?

My slow mentality of a mind hadn’t as yet registered that whatever to hell it was she fucked I soon would be the next one!


Chapter Two

Now as the room silenced and all I could hear was my moms labored cries of pain in her room on her bed, as I heard all four of those women leaving her room, as I ran to my window to see them leave the house and go back to that barn, but they didn’t leave!

Then I hear footsteps in the hallway as if coming towards my room or to the bathroom one, then I saw my door handle turn and I was about to jump out my window and run away as fast as I could even naked as I was it mattered none at that moment, I wanted to run and hide somewhere where no one could find me.

But the moment that door opened and I was trying to crawl out that window someone grabbed me and held me, as those four women came into my room now as I fought and struggled and tried to free myself from whomever was holding me through that damn window of mine.

I turned to do something to get away either through my window or get away from being grabbed and held there and duck by all four of those women and escape out our front door from all of this, but it was to no avail, as I was held as these four women came towards me, and I then heard my own Dad’s voice saying I got her ladies come and get her, I figured I’d better do this to help you all.

My own Dad was the one holding me like this through the damn window in my bedroom!

I was screaming and pleading for them to leave me be, and at my own Dad to let me go, so I could run away from all this, but he laughed and said; “Oh no stick you are going nowhere but that barn of ours for your own show!”

Those ladies came right up to me and grabbed my kicking stick legs and then around my arms as my own Dad held me through my window for them to do this.

One of them told the others we better give her some rag to make it easier to take her!

Then out of the blue from somewhere I felt this rag go over my nose and mouth, as I fought like hell as best I could to free myself, then suddenly the lights went out and I was knocked out, at least in the way that I could hear them but I was in darkness, as I felt my body being picked up and lifted by my feet and shoulders, and being carried.

I could hear our old hardwood floors creaking as we were all walking on it my carried by my arms and legs, my mind trying to make my body react and help me get free from them all but nothing would move!

Then our old tore up screen door squeaked open and then heard it slam shut as now out into the yard I knew we were and being carried off somewhere into the night I was.

All the while what little mind wasn’t affected by what the hell ever they had made me inhale, in that damn rag they shoved into my face and over my nose and mouth, now feeling myself being carried off somewhere, then it all stopped.

I heard our old side door of the barn squeak as I knew that sound all to well, and then carried some more and then felt my body being tossed onto a table and felt myself being flipped over onto my belly on it, then I felt a sudden prick right into my ass cheek, as I was trying my best to scream and move my body and get out of this but nothing would do anything, I couldn’t even hear my voice screaming in my head at the top of my lungs.

All I did was feel this horrid this awful horrid fire shooting from my ass cheeks and throughout my entire skinny body as I heard one of the women telling the others this Spanish fly will get her ready to fuck him!

Yeah I heard one of them saying back our vet told us this stuff would make anything want to fuck, and it worked good on her Momma didn’t it!

I heard all of them out loud agree to that, as I heard one saying my Momma did it freely and openly but this daughter of hers sure as hell didn’t want to come freely did she?

Oh this skinny thing is going to get that little belly of hers so filled out it may burst from what he’s going to fill it with!

OMG I thought just what’s going to fuck me and do that? But that wasn’t all I was at that moment concerned with, Oh hell no, it was that horrendous fire hot heat spreading up through my loins that was my every mind thought at that moment, oh I was on fire inside where I shouldn’t have been on fire at all!

Spanish fly my mind swirling about trying to come to grips with the horribleness of all this, and yet my mind was thinking Spanish fly? Did a Spanish fly just bite me on my ass cheek and made all this happen?

That thought now makes me laugh but seriously as a young woman in those times, in that very situation, in that very form of what was happening, and hearing she’d been bit in her minds thought of naiveness by a Spanish Fly, yet in reality it was she had been injected with it by these farmers wives, for the sole purpose of getting her heated up to have this farm animal fuck her!

Now all you prim and proper thinking Professors and English and Grammar and Spelling Teachers out there reading this give that above written sentence a serious thought about!

Imagine writing that and this story period and turning it in to your prim and proper Teacher? What would happen? Seriously give it a thought!

While your all on my ass and trying to better me as the writer you so want me to be, yet look what your criticising? Is your thoughts and care of what happened to me such a concern? Did you or have you told me that?


All you care about or concerned yourself with was to spout off with your prim and proper English this, and grammar that, and Spelling this and not damn concern in the least that is shit happened to me!

As my Dad used to say; “Stick that in yer’ Pipe and Smoke it!”

OK done ranting and going on a rampage about my poor English, my poor Grammar, My poor Spelling and back to telling my story to you all which I don’t want to even do at all!

Why am I telling this you ask?

Because in doing so it is helping me rid my mind of my life long hiding this awful horrible stuff inside my mind, and having had horrendously stifled my growth all these years mentally from it, so I can begin to heal those awful wounds left me all these years from it, and blossom myself out of such a horrendous mental condition from it!

That’s the reason and reasons I am telling my life’s sexual happenings in writing to all you readers. Not because I am trying to be so “PERFECT” in my Grammar, In my Spelling, and in my writings and stories as you so care about that, but give a shit less the mental condition the very stuff your so wanting to read has left me in!

Now all that said back to my story; See my mental state of mind? Thank you so much for fucking up my good Karma spiritual mental healing I was having today!

I lay on that table where all those four women had brought me, and threw me on top of, and injected my ass with such a terrible horrible thing as an non human animal prescription, to make a female one go into heat and be bred and mated with a male animal one.

That’s my point of this story. That’s my written testimony of it. In my own words and in my own minds account of it all.

Tell me my followers and readers if absolute grammar and spelling and all that proper English crap is why you have followed me and so liked,. and want to read my own written account of all this?

I know one thing and that is that stuff whatever to hell it is, has horrible side affects on a woman young or old!

It makes your mind go crazy as hell with need to be fucked! Need to be Bred! Need to be Pleasured! And drives from your pussy opening all the way to blow out through your ovaries the need and desire for it all.

I felt everything and I mean everything inside me there from the very outer lips, clit, vagina, fallopian tubes, and entire womb, and ovaries, all fire hot as hell heated and throbbing, and driving your mind and body crazy with the total absolute desire to be fucked and put out it’s horrible throbbing fire, of everything a woman’s insides have in that regard.

Is there proper English, and spelling, and grammar to describe that any other way?

But that’s exactly what was happening to me at that moment and time on that table.

It was horrible. It was horrific. It was the worst thing any human could do to another human.

And to a barely over 18 naïve mentally challenged young woman?

Oh Oh Oh I didn’t know that they would say then right!

Well you fucking know it now BITCH!

If it weren’t for my beloved Man_Dawg who has gotten me to do this and write this, I have no idea where I’d be now.

But here I am now confronted by the very damn prim and proper people who put me on that damn table, injected my ass with that vet prescription so I could be hauled off into a room and fucked by a damn animal!

Yeah now it makes a difference whether or not my writing is so perfect as you want it to be.

It is my story, told in my own way, in my own backwoods country corn fed girl way, and in my own mentality of writing it as it damned well should be, now please sit your Karen ass down and read my story and shove your fingers up your wanton pussy, or a that big huge black dildo you so crave to fuck yourself with while you read how as a mentally challenged young woman I was forced and made do this!

Horrible isn’t it!

But after I began to get feeling back into my body, though still unable to fight like my mind so had wanted to, they picked me up off that table, and I was screaming and crying out from the horridness of what they had injected me with, and now carrying me to my final doom.

Right off into an arena that had been made in our old barn, with all these prim and proper upstanding Perfect Grammar and Spelling people who paid so dearly at that door to come sit and see me get fucked by an animal!

Oh I could see them in that audience hiding their outstanding in the community faces with little mask and those going to Halloween ball face stuff, and paying so dearly to come and watch a mentally challenged young teenage woman get fucked by the animal soon to be brought in to fuck her.

My head was thrown back from my shoulders downwards as these fine outstanding prim and proper women of this community hauled me to be put and prepped in such a horrible way that a farm animal could come fuck me, and I saw them all.

They carried me over to what I saw was the very damn thing I had cleaned and polished so up this morning, doing in absolute reasoning to make my parents proud I had done such a good job of cleaning and polishing.

The very damn ones that had offered me up as a damn sacrificial sex offering female wise, for some male farm animal to come and fuck.

You think that won’t fuck your mind up? Make your mentality for life forwards all fucked up?

Oh but make sure while your all fucking mentally challenged, and fucked up from such an ordeal as such, that you use proper grammar, and English, and spelling!

But there I was being carried off into this arena like set up My own Dad and Brother and that old farmer who brought it all here and helped them set it up, and then brought back whatever farm animal I was being led to that barrel like thing, and be fucked by who only know what kind of farm animal. My Momma sure already knew.

She was back in the house hurting like hell impregnated out by whatever to hell it was or is.

Now it was my turn as a barely over legal age teenage girl to be done the same way!

I hadn’t bore children like my Mom had! I wasn’t all that sexually active! And the only ones who had fucked me were small dicked old farmers from around the area!

Yes sure our farm dog Jasper had already had me, but from the judgment of things now that was nothing compared to whatever it was about to come and take me and have me.

It had to be something no right minded woman would crave and want on her own! OMG my own Mom had been and done just that!

These women carried me to that barrel thing set up, and turned me head first to it as I saw this strange almost wild looking hammock of a sorts but more of a hold you up off the floor thing than a true real hammock would be, and designed and shaped so that only your upper body could even fit on it.

I was put on it and slid upwards onto it with my upper body as I felt the soft leathery feel of it as it cuddled me into it at my shoulders and body that was being scooted up into it until my firm little bubble butt was on the very edge of it, as they let me go leaving my long thin stick legs off the end to lay over onto the floor of it.

Then one of them go to the front where my head hung down off that thing and squatted down and had this leather looking sling weapon like the one David used to slay Goliath with like thing put the big part or cradle of it where you would put a rock or such in and put it under my head and then reached up with one arm, while the other held my head in it and slid it through an eye made into the barrel top inside.

Brought that hand down and held my head while reaching the other arm out to the other side and put that strap through an eye like the other one was and pulled it down and using both then as my head cradled in pocket of it began to lift upwards going higher and higher with it until I could see clearly down the entire length of my skinny thin body that was itself cradled up in the hammock like thing.

She then satisfied with how my head was lifted as it was tied both straps off and got out from just under this barrel now over the top of me, as now I felt two other women grab each of my legs just under my knees and lifted and then stretched them wide out as could be and using leather straps they had put under each of my knees and pulled them tight as they could and tied them off.

Now here I was head pulled up raised above my body, my thighs pulled wide open as they could go straps under my knees and tied tightly outwards to very edge of the curved inside of that barrel over me, then they grabbed my ankles and pushed them against my spread wide open thighs, and used straps all up and down my thighs to tie my lower legs and ankles to my thighs and left my ankles tied like that to where they were almost wanting to try and touch my ass cheeks on each side.

I was now tied and spread wide open my head raised up to where I could see everything down my whole body right up to where my clit area was just barely showing out through my thick reddish blonde mound of hair that I hardly ever even trimmed with scissors.

I was in fact tied spread eagled as could be under this barrel that was over me now.

Then those same two women stood up and disappeared from my vision and then I saw arms reaching and then grabbing my hands and pulling them up and outwards and then felt straps go around my wrist and being tightly tied to what had to be yet other rings to hold the straps through them and be tied off.

I was then totally and absolutely tied up as could be sprawled out by both arms and legs and I lay there panting from the heat of that injected Spanish Fly and my belly writhing and spasming about from all of that stuff working horridly up inside my very womanhood making it all horribly throb and burning up with fire.


Chapter Three

Withy my being taken against my mind and bodies will, into this arena like set up my very own Dad, Mom, and Brother had set up and planned in our barn for both my own Mom first, then me now brought in like I was and injected with that horrid vet prescription of Spanish Fly mating stuff.

I was now under this barrel on a hammock like sling that hugged to my upper body, my head raised above me and in a sling that held it that way and tied off, my arms spread wide out and tied at the wrist to the top of that same barrel, my thighs spread wide open as they could go, and straps under each knee tied off to it my lower legs pulled against my thighs and wrapped around and around with leather straps and tied tightly to keep them against my spread wide open thighs.

Now with my head raised up above my body I could see all the way down to my reddish blond thick mound of hair, my clit barely showing itself through all that and tied so tightly there was no moving at all, even though as yet I had gotten my feeling back for any of that, everything was numb, except up inside me!

My vagina/pussy was on fire inside me the absolute whole of it from my outer lips up into my pussy and my uterus, and my womb, and up through my fallopian tubes and into even my ovaries were on fire, and a horrible hot throbbing going on throughout the entire womanish given from birth things, making me lay there in the horrid heat of it all my belly twitching and spasming so wildly from it all happening.

Then I hear something happening that echoed into the barrel like a strange almost ratcheting sound, as it seemed to get louder and louder then I saw a really thick leather sling come into view just at the very top of the barrel where my legs and feet were so opened out and tied up, as lower and lower it dropped as that ratcheting sound was echoing into the barrel and filling my mind and ears with hearing it while that sling like thing lowered and lowered downwards.

Finally it was on the ground as the ratcheting stopped and I was looking out through the barrel end my feet and legs were tied so upwards and outwards at seeing people sitting on benches right almost before just feet away looking directly at and staring at my spread open area and my pussy so displayed for all their eyes to see and gaze and stare at.

I could hear echoing into that barrel sounds of them looking at each other whomever they sat by and whispering things to each other about what they saw but no clear voice at all just mumbled echoing sounds of it all.

My mind thinking as I looked outwards through that barrel over me, and making out features of all to familiar faces who were there to see and watch this live sex show of My Mom and I alike, that there were indeed Aunts, Uncles, In Laws of both my Mom and Dads sides of the family, what I saw more than anything was that sitting right there together in front of me was both sets of Grandparents!

OMG my mind wanted to explode with was my own Grandparents of both my Mom and Dad were here to witness and see this horrible thing happen to me.

Aunts and Uncles and all sorts of in laws scatted about above them in the bleacher like things brought here for this.

Suddenly I feel someone who grabbed me by first my hair then I felt touch my shoulders and then I saw a head lean over me and in doing so told me;

“Drink this honey child and it will help you so much through what your about to get fucked by!”

I wanted to fight not to be forced to drink it at all but how could I my head was so tightly tied upwards above my thin body, there was no way to fight.

There was a long paper straw bent towards me as she brought it up to my lips and then using one of her hands grabbed and pinched my nostrils together until I had no choice but open my mouth to get a breath of air and she pushed that straw into my mouth and let go of my nostrils, which made me suck that liquid up into my mouth and struggling for air as I was trying so hard to do, I had to swallow it all.

That’s it honey child she said to me, drink it all down so you feel so good when he comes and fucks you in just a bit. Oh your going to feel it all so much that you will think it’s inside your small little belly then.

Those words made me shudder all over as she told that to me.

Then as I heard the sucking of that straw in the bottom of the glass she held for me to drink out of she smiled and said that’s a good girl honey child you suck it all up in that little tummy of yours, you will need it every bit to help you soon.

With that said she pulled her head back and the glass and she alike disappeared from my vision forwards only looking down my body still as my eyes began to flutter, and my belly trembled and squeezed as I had no choice to see it all happen, as my mind became ever more clouded, and drifted off into never never land, but a strange euphoria spread all over me now enveloping through my entire body.

Oh it was indeed something else to experience it inside your own mind of it happening and taking place.

Knowing now all the things I do about such things as potions and even drugs that will induce that euphoria in you like that ecstasy drug but picture in your mind that times 4 fold what that will do and your almost at the mindset of what this did to me then.

And worse so it was laced with something like acid or lsd in those days available, but hard to come across especially in areas like this all farmers and very tiny small town all of us lived around and our area.

Whatever it was and laced with and had in it all I know is it made me absolutely feel that way now as it began to work it’s intended objective inside my mind and throughout my whole thin body, it felt like my eyes had dilated so much as if how they do when you go get an eye exam and they do that sort of way.

The bright lights were almost to much to bear to look and see outwards from where I was shaded over by that barrel over top me.

I know it made me began to shudder and shiver all over as much as I could, as my mind began to outright focus on that fire hot heat inside all my female parts.

Even my tits and my nipples began to become harder feeling, and my nipples hard as rocks and now, throbbing like the rest of my inside female parts were doing.

I know I was breathing heavy labored breaths as it all starting working me over.

I saw my spread and tied wide apart and upwards thighs shiver, and tremor, now like an earth quake going through my whole body from the center core of my belly outwards.

Then I heard it! OMG I heard it! Coming from outside that barrel somewhere and echoing up into the barrel and hearing it!

Loud Grunting Sounds oh they were absolutely horrendous in loudness, as my mind and body shook with total absolute fear of what I knew that sound was.

More and more those grunting sounds came and getting louder and closer, and closer, towards where I was already prepared to accept it.

Then into my view it came!

Now turning and standing there right in front of me where I was tied and prepared to mate with it he stood.

His big thick nostril snout now sniffing up into the air smelling what my mind told me it did when about to mate one of it’s kind females.

There before my raised head and dilated looking directly at him eyes and stood on four legs was a huge boar hog!

He stepped as close to me as he could get, his huge head banged into the barrel trying to get his snout as close to my pussy as he could get his snout to do.

Several times he backed his head up and banged right up against that barrel trying as hard as he could to get at my offered to him pussy.

Thank goodness that barrel stopped him, as my mind was screaming, oh no please, oh no please don’t do that, my heated for breeding womanly insides were going crazy to want anything, something no matter what to put the horrid throbbing fire going on inside the whole of all my female parts out and satisfy it no matter what, or what it was.

Then he was yanked back by the very one that had brought him here and that was that old fat farmer who had showed up twice in his truck, and the last time to bring and deliver this huge male hog to fuck my Mom and I in this live show of animal sex with a woman and almost girl I was.

The crowd watching it all was gasping and oohing and aahing out as they saw this huge boar hog doing this.

My mind was so scared of his actions, as if he was going to bust in here and eat me alive scared thing.

Then as he again tried to lunge his huge head back into the barrel I heard cranking and wild spinning sounds as that sling began to rise from on the floor capturing him right under both his front legs starting to raise him up as he thrashed his head about trying to get it right where he wanted it, but up he was going as I sighed a loud relief of fear leaving from my mind.

As higher and he was raised up until I could see his head no more now the broad hugeness of his chest and front legs I saw go up into the air as his legs were trying so hard to try and walk but being in the air did nothing for him to do that.

Up higher he went as I saw his huge chest and front legs disappear upwards and now saw just beyond his huge chest and just saw his sharp hooves now landing on the very end of the barrel and then they left from my sight.

Then all I saw was his huge under belly and it took all my view away as it filled the whole of the barrel I was under and done this way so he could take me.

Near darkness enveloped me for moments on end, as I saw his huge under belly raising up, and then little tiny pillars of light came to me, then I heard wild sounds of something banging against the top sides of the barrel over me, making it echo inside this barrel like thunderous sounds of it all.

I could hear his sharp hooves clawing at and scratching into that leather thing thrown over the barrel and now knew it’s part of why it was there as I then heard his huge chest landing on top the barrel as I heard that chain spinning sound stop then again as I knew he was being lowered onto the barrel as I felt it give with the heavy weight of him on it where he was lowered until it took all his weight.

I feared it was going to crush in and crush me with it all. but it creaked and groaned just a bit then settled to nothing at all.

Then the worst of it was soon to come!

For now Creeping ever closer and closer towards me was the whole of his hind end, as I saw his back legs walking slowly forwards as I heard his front ones claw ever more at the sides of the barrel.

Then my mind shot wildly into like a bursting sound and feeling like seeing and feeling a huge fireworks show going on, on there was no fireworks, or seeing bursting things flare outwards in the nights sky, oh no it was only my now seeing what he was going to fuck me with!

A really long sheath greyish pink colored with fine white and grey hairs all around it came into my clear view, and what was so much worse than that, was the huge, and I mean huge, sack his horrendous sized balls were in.

He had what my mind thought then and even now to be a big 10lb sack of potatoes filled out as full as it could be stuffed with them full, and two huge almost grapefruit sized nuts in that sack that hung now so low they all but touched the dirt floor as he worked his hind legs forwards more and more.

My mind couldn’t even comprehend the fullness of what was going to happen, I was so awe stricken with fear knowing he was getting it all closer and closer and would soon feel him enter me!

I hadn’t as yet come to grips with knowing just what he was going to do or how it would all do, Oh I knew my mind was just so totally frozen in the horror of what I saw coming closer and closer now, that the reality of what was truly going to happen didn’t even register in my mind yet at all.

I was gasping horrid breaths of outright scared to death sounds that echoed inside that barrel and filled my brain with it and the horrid fear I had now.

Then right up between my widespread and tied wide open legs that sheath of his came swinging and bouncing about so much it was hitting both my inner thighs banging against them harder and harder as closer it came to my pussy.

As suddenly it stopped that banging against my inner thighs stopped, his coming closer to me stopped, everything just stopped.

Then through what I see just barely outside of his whole hind end taking up the entire barrel I was looking at I saw one of the women now stoop down at first then sat on her knees right at the end of the barrel on my right side, and then she lowered her head down and was looking into the barrel at both him and me, and then raised her head up from there and told whomever that was perfect.

As again she lowered her head back where it had been and looking directly at me said;

“OK honey child he is where he needs to be exactly now, and I’m going to reach my hand in and work him out, and you just watch, as his big spiraled curly cock comes out, and then starts screwing up into your tight little pussy honey!”

“Oh it will feel really hot at first honey child, and you sure going to scream from it all, but once he starts screwing that hot cock up into your pussy your going to come totally unglued!”


Chapter Four

“OK honey child he is where he needs to be exactly now, and I’m going to reach my hand in and work him out, and you just watch, as his big spiraled curly cock comes out, and then starts screwing up into your tight little pussy honey!”

“Oh it will feel really hot at first honey child, and you sure going to scream from it all, but once he starts screwing that hot cock up into your pussy your going to come totally unglued!”

My mind was horrified at her saying this to me.

Then she reaches her hand out grasp his sheath and begins to stroke it and out through end of it a spinning curly corkscrew comes out as then more, and more spin out from it getting ever closer to my pussy.

I so wanted to fight it, so wanted to get away from all this, but I was bound and tied and drugged with that horrible vet prescribed mating potion, his corkscrew cock spinning and twisting and spiraling towards my pussy.

Then it came into contact with my clit and then spun upwards through my thick reddish blonde mound of hair and up further even as he would reload his hips and send it spinning up over my mound across my lower abdomen and spun it twisting and spiraling up past my belly button even.

I screamed and cried out as the length of it with it’s horrid heat going over my clit area made me do so.

Back it spun from atop my entire belly and it had nearly reached up to my small tits as I saw the thing spiral and twist and spin backwards from a different direction than it had spun upwards and forwards the slime of his hog pre-cum left a trail where he had screwed it upon my belly up nearly to my tiny small tits.

It then came back through my slick with his cocks wetness hairy mound, and all the time still raking against my clit, making me scream and cry out as it was driving me totally lustfully crazy.

My body had betrayed my mind!

I was trying in vain to push my mound against that hot slick cock of his, and my whole body wretched with shudders as those corkscrew spirals spun themselves through and over my clit, bumping and brushing through my lips driving me into an ever crazier lustful mode the heat and slickness was to much to bear.

The helper woman was smiling as she watched my body respond and my mind making me shout and scream out in horrid outright disgust and lustful desire my body felt.

She deliberately had made his cock do this!

The entire audience had gasped and awed out as they saw his cock go so far up on my body it nearly crashed into my tiny little titties.

Now she grabbed that tip of his spiral corkscrew cock as he again plunged his hips forwards, and it started spinning and twisting the other direction now and then it hit square in the middle of my quivering fevered lips as I screamed and cried out again, as the heat in them was totally horrendous of his cocks hot temperature, as I felt it screwing itself up into my pussy.

My screams and cries continued as more and more of it spun and screwed itself up into my pussy the heat filling me with such horrid feeling yet that screwing into my pussy was driving me crazy.

I all but lost my mind from it then and there, not able to recall if I had indeed had mind boggling orgasm then and there, but something was blowing up inside me like a hot lava volcano, and just something erupted deep inside me my mind went totally blank.

When at last I finally came to and around from that he fucking me hard and fast now, that screwing in and screwing back out cock had me screaming not in horridness any longer, oh hell no, it was absolute passionate wantonness to be fucked like this then!

And fuck me he continued to do as yet more and more and more orgasm began crashing into each other, long continuous ones as then I felt something way up inside me screwing itself ever deeper than where it had previously banged and collided into the back of my pussy, then I screamed out as yet more horrid heat of it I could feel in spot as it was screwing through and into it.

I screamed ever louder when that happened and again the fiery hot intensity of it was to much and my mind again blanked out.

As I awoken from that one I felt my belly being filled with hot oh so hot spurting’s and jetting’s of his hot cum shot against the very depths almost up into my belly it felt spraying and filling me so much I began cry out in the agonized pain and pleasure of it.

Then I saw my tiny skinny little belly swell out, and began swelling out more, as I was screaming out in being filled and forced to fill outwards with all his hot cum boiling like hot water inside me, my belly on fire from inside out now, as he kept spraying and spewing and jet washing his hot cum into my womb.

Oh it was horrendous, it was awful, it outright all of it and unbelievably pleasurable at the same time, as my belly swelled out more and more as I became impregnated with his hog cum, only background minded of the crowds awes and gasping’s as they saw me become filled and impregnated to the point I thought my belly was going to burst wide open.

Then the squirting and spewing hot lava like cum ceased, as I felt his cock pulling back through my uterus, from being crashed up against the very back of my womb and curled about from so much cock being crammed up inside it.

Further and further and further it pulled out of me there as I felt that cock move from being so crashed and curled up inside my womb and then felt like this almost hot I mean really hot candle wax like stuff being squirted up into my womb and uterus as his spiraled cork screwed end of his cock screwed back through my uterus and now into my pussy but left my belly swelled out horrendously as he had pumped me full of his sealing wax like like cum.

Then through my entire pussy that cock screwed outwards from making me scream and cry out and yet another powerful orgasm swept over me and again I blanked out.

How long I was then left under that barrel and my belly bloated out horrifically from his cum and sealing my womb shut with it I have no idea I just remember coming to and I was in my bed, grunting and groaning out loud just as my own Mom was in their bed in the other room.

Both of us filled and totally impregnated with his hot fiery hog cum, that did not at all relinquish it’s horrid heat in the two of until the next morning, as she and I alike struggled to even get up and move and when we did it was in totally pregnant fashion.

Two or three days our bellies stayed impregnated like this. Both of us in horrible feelings as our bellies were so bloated out and our wombs filled to bursting stage from it all.

Then both she and I alike could be heard throughout the whole house as our bellies emptied of it’s pent up and swelled out contents, oh the feel of it shooting through our uteruses and through our cunt’s made both of us scream from it as our bellies shrank and shrank until at least they were totally emptied of the hog cum inside them.

I never ever wanted to go through that again in my life! My Mom sure as hell didn’t either!

The End