(c) 1998 by by Jouissance

Part One – Katy’s First Lesson

Trudging back toward the stables, Katy wondered if this job was really worth all the effort. She had had a long walk and now it was starting to rain. She was going to get soaked in the last mile. She tugged at the dog’s leash and started to jog back to the farm and shelter. She had been working at the riding school for six weeks now and the summer holidays were almost over. This was the start of her last week. The job wasn’t terribly well paid, but then Mrs. Johnson, the owner of the riding school allowed Katy to stable her own horse there for free and she was able to ride everyday after her jobs were completed. When she had taken the job she had assumed it would consist mainly of looking after the horses. It had turned out, however, to be a kind of odd job girl, doing all the things that nobody else much wanted to do. Today’s task had been to take Mrs. Johnson’s Retriever out for a long walk. It wasn’t her idea of fun, but she was nearly home and looking forward to getting warm and dry.

By the time she reached the barn at the end of the farm lane the rain was coming down in sheets. Katy decided to shelter in the barn for a while, at least until it eased up. It would be warm inside and she would have a chance to dry off a little. The girl entered the old building, dragging the large dog behind her. It was quite deserted and she sat down amongst the warm, dry hay after hooking the dog’s leash over a post. Looking around for something to dry herself on, she found an old blanket draped over a rail. It was old and rather threadbare but seemed clean enough. She rubbed her short blonde hair dry and then turned to the dog. If they were going to be here for a while then she had better dry him off too. Katy began to rub vigorously over the golden yellow fur. The animal seemed to enjoy this and became excited, barking and licking at her face. Once she had completed her task, Katy settled back amongst the straw to wait for the summer storm to pass.

As she lay there she noticed that the dog was even more excited than she had first thought, very excited indeed. There, between its hind legs, was a shiny pink projection. Katy knew enough to guess that this must be the dog’s penis. She stared in fascination. Not having a dog of her own, this was new to her and oddly exciting. As she lay there staring at the dog, it began to strain against the leash. It pulled the leather tight as it tried to reach Katy. Twisting around, it slipped its collar and ran towards the girl. Before she could move, the dog had bounded up to her and planted its paws on her chest, licking her face wetly. Katy tried to rise and push him off and as she did so her hand brushed up against the shiny red organ. It felt hot and wet to the touch. The contact stirred the Retriever even more and he began to rub himself against her hand. Pulling her hand quickly away, Katy succeeded at last in rising to a kneeling position and pushing him off. She patted and stroked the dog’s head and managed to calm him down once more. From her new vantage point the girl stared in rapt attention at the thing beneath the big dog’s belly.

She had heard stories of other penises, boy’s penises, from some of the tarty girls at school. The tales they told, of cocks and pricks as they crudely called them, had both horrified and fascinated Katy. She had always been a shy girl, more at home with her horse than with young people her own age. Her parents were very protective of their little girl and kept a careful eye on the sort of friends Katy made. Boys especially were frowned on and so Katy had never had a boyfriend in her 16 years. This job was her very first taste of freedom. It was one of the main attractions and one that more than made up for the rather tedious work she found herself required to do. The other girl’s stories, of rubbing boys things and in one case of sucking one in your mouth were, at the same time, repulsive and exciting. Katy watched the dog’s thing, it’s prick, jerking under its belly as if it had a life of it’s own.

On a sudden impulse she reached out and stroked the red organ where it emerged from the hairy sheath. It was hot and somewhat sticky. As she continued to rub, it grew longer. An increasing length of thick red meat slid forward and hung down beneath the soft golden fur. Katy wrapped her fingers around it and began to slid her hand up and down along the length as she had heard the other girls describe doing to their boyfriends. The dog obviously found this extremely arousing; the cock jerked and twitched in her hand. Wetness oozed from the slit at the end making her hand slippery. Katy pulled away and raised the gooey hand to her face. She sniffed and found the smell to be strong but not unpleasant. It made her feel hot and itchy between her legs just like those nights when she couldn’t sleep and rubbed her self there. Katy stuck out her tongue and licked the sticky fluid from her palm. The gooey liquid tasted like nothing she had ever experienced before, musky and salty but nice. She reached out a hand to stroke the smooth fur of his head. Her other hand, still wet with the juice from his prick, rubbed absent-mindedly over the front of her jodhpurs. She had a warm feeling and felt moisture within her knickers.

The dog was whining and clearly desired her to return to her previous task. Instead, Katy rolled him over onto his back and, grasping his now fully erect cock again, brought her face close up for a good look. It was now a bright red, shading to pink where it emerged from the furry covering. The texture was not as smooth as she had first thought, being covered in bumps and thick veins. The big organ was still leaking fluid from the slit at the end as she squeezed it and, remembering the taste on her hand, she put out her tongue and lapped at the goo running back down the shaft. The great heat of it on her tongue was a pleasant surprise and with only a moments hesitation she put her open mouth over the end and then closed her lips. Kneeling on all fours over the prostrate animal she began to move her head up and down, the prick sliding slickly between her lips and over her tongue. Katy reached back to rub again at the increasing itch between her legs, completely engrossed in this new experience. Such was her concentration on her new game that she failed to hear the creak as the barn door swung open behind her.

“You dirty little bitch! What do you think you’re doing?”

The horrified girl jerked her mouth from the wet cock and turned to see Mrs. Johnson standing in the doorway leading her horse. She had clearly been out riding and must have had the same idea as Katy about finding some shelter.

“I-I’m sorry,” Katy stammered. “I don’t know what happened. I-I’ve never ever done anything like this before.”

“You my girl, are a dirty little dog slut.” Mrs. Johnson stood and stared at her. The woman’s voice sounded outraged but Katy thought she saw a smile flicker briefly across the haughty face. “Dog suckers really do deserve to be punished child.”

She hitched the horse to a rail and walked over to where Katy still crouched over the dog.

“First of all though, I think you had better finish him off. The poor creature must be in agony.”

“What do you mean?”

“Bring him off girl.”

“Bring him where?”

“My god, you really haven’t done this before have you? Well just carry on where you left off. Do it now. Suck his doggy prick and just see what happens,” grinned the woman.

“What are you going to do?” queried the stunned girl.

“Well firstly I’m going to dry my self off and then I’m going to sit here and watch you suck my dog off whilst I think of a suitable punishment for a horny little dog-fucker. Now get on with it.”

Katy’s excitement had long since evaporated, but she saw that the animal was still erect and waiting. She rolled him onto his back once more and returned, apprehensively now, to her oral stimulation. She sucked more slowly now and less deeply. Out of the corner of her eye she watched as her boss pulled a towel from her saddlebag and dried her long black hair. After a couple of minutes she suddenly felt the slippery cock swell in her hand and moments latter her mouth was filled with spurting jets of hot fluid. She gagged momentarily and then pulled her mouth away to spit out the liquid.

“Don’t you dare my girl! Swallow it down now or you’ll be sorry.”

Katy reluctantly did as she was told, wrinkling her face in distaste as she gulped down the mouthful. The cock, still gripped in her small hand, continued to spurt jets of cum. It splashed over Katy’s shirt, soaking the fabric.

“What happened? Please Mrs. Johnson what was all that stuff? Why did I have to swallow it?” Katy asked tearfully.

“He came girl! He shot his load. He spunked in your mouth.” she looked down at the kneeling, sobbing girl. “Oh come along it wasn’t that bad. You really haven’t done that before have you? You really didn’t know what would happen. You’ve not wanked a boy off then?”

The term was one that Katy had heard the rough girls use in the playground. It was what they called it when they rubbed boy’s hard things.

“No, never! I haven’t done anything like that. It’s not nice.”

“How sweet! How old are you Katy?”

“I’m sixteen next week.”

“Mmmm. A real live sixteen-year-old virgin. Well your punishment is decided then darling. You will stay here with me while I teach you a very special lesson. Just think what people would say if they heard what you were doing in her with my poor doggy.”

“Please don’t tell!” Katy burst into tears. “Oh don’t. I’m so sorry. I won’t do it ever again.”

“I won’t tell anyone. If… you do as I tell you. You will be a good girl now and do exactly as I say. If not then I shall have to fire you immediately and that will mean no more free stabling. And of course everyone will hear what a dirty little dog slut young Katy is.”

“I’ll be good! I’ll do what ever you want. All the nasty horrid jobs.”

“Oh no dear. I don’t want you to work. I just want you to learn. And you can start by taking your clothes off.”

“What? Here? In front of you?”

“Of course in front of me. I want to see what I’m getting. Do it at once girl.”

Katy began to undress, her face crimson with embarrassment. As she did so Mrs. Johnson took out her mobile phone and dialed.

“Stephen. It’s me. I got caught in the thunder storm so I’m sheltering in the old barn down the farm lane. Come pick me up would you and bring the horse box. Oh yes, young Katy’s here with me. Hmmm? Yes I bet you would. Well we’ll see. Just get here will you. Right see you soon.” With that she broke the connection.

Katy had removed her jacket and her boots.

“Don’t stop there girl. I haven’t got all day. Take off that messy spunky shirt and let me see your tits.”

Katy blushed still deeper and hung her head in shame. Her fingers fumbled with the buttons of her blouse. As she slipped it off, the girl tried to cover herself with her hands.

“Hands away! Down by your side and let me see. Very nice. No bra, but then you don’t need one do you? Such tiny little titties but such lovely big hard nipples. It must be the cold eh? Well get those jodhpurs off and I’ll see about warming you up a little.”

The frightened girl unfastened her tight trousers, sliding them down and off. She stood before her boss wearing only white knickers and socks. The older woman had unfastened her own shirt and her hand was inside. Katy could see the hand moving beneath the fabric, stroking and squeezing.

“Carry on then. Let’s see if you are as blonde down below as you are on top. Get those pretty knickers off.”

“You want to see me… down there?”

“Down there!” laughed Mrs. Johnson. “Yes child. Down there, your front bottom. What do you usually call it?”

“I don’t call it anything. It’s rude to talk about things like that.”

“Well here is the first lesson girl. It’s your cunt; your slit; your twat; your pussy. What is it?”

“It- it’s my p-pussy Mrs. Johnson.”

“That’s right. Now show it to me. Knickers off!”

Hesitantly Katy did as she was told. She stood before the older woman in only her socks now and once again she tried to hide herself behind her hands.

“I told you before girl! Hands by your sides. Very nice. You really are lovely aren’t you. What a sweet little blonde cunt.”

“Please Mrs. Johnson. Can I put my clothes back on now. I really have learnt my lesson.”

“Christ no child. You haven’t even started to learn yet. And stop calling me Mrs. Johnson. I’m not your fucking school teacher. My name is Diana. But you darling can call me Mistress.”


“That’s right. Now I saw you rubbing your cunt while you sucked that big dog cock. Do you frig yourself often?”

“Frig myself?”

“Play with your pussy. Finger your cunt.”

“I touch it sometimes when I go to bed. It helps me to relax if I have that itchy feeling between my legs and I can’t sleep.”

“Have you got that itchy feeling now? I have; I’m as hot as hell.” She finished unbuttoning her shirt and pulled it open to reveal a shiny red satin bra that strained to contain her large breasts.

“Come here now. I want to see just how itchy you are.”

Katy moved to stand beside the reclining woman, her head bowed in shame. Diana reached out and grasped the girl’s hand. Drawing it to her breast she held it there.

“Now as tasty as your tiny titties are darling, then these are real tits. Aren’t they beautiful?” She kept her hand on top of the girl’s, squeezing and forcing her to knead the big firm breasts. Her other hand slid up Katy’s leg until it cupped her sparsely haired blonde cunt. Katy gasped.

“Don’t! Please, that’s not right.”

“Not right! That’s pretty rich coming from a little slut who just swallowed my dog’s spunk.” she ran her palm over the soft hair of Katy’s pubes. “Very nice. I haven’t had a tender little pussy like this to play with in ages. Did the dog make you wet I wonder?”

With that she pressed a finger between the young girl’s cunt lips and sought out her moisture. Withdrawing it again she paused to admire the way it glistened in the soft light of the old barn before slipping it into her mouth.

“Mmmmm. Nice and sticky. And as sweet as only a virgin can be. Now get down there and take my boots off. Quick now or I might just have to warm that soft little arse for you.” She picked up her riding crop and flexed it in her strong long fingered hands. Katy crouched at her tormentor’s feet and tugged the black boots off. Her naked bottom jutted upward and Diana rubbed the leather of her crop sensuously over the pale flesh.

“Nooo. Don’t Mrs. Johns…Mistress.”

The squirming girl completed her task and remained prostrate at the woman’s feet.

“That’s better. Now unfasten my jodhpurs and remove them.”

As Katy bent forward to carry out her instructions, Diana’s hand slid beneath the girl to fondle the tiny breasts. The nipples became erect at her touch and she pinched one hard between her finger and thumb.

“Oww!Ohhhhh.” Katy’s cry of pain tailed off into a moan as the woman continued to pinch the hardening bud.

“Do you like that darling? Is it good you little slut?”

“I don’t know. It hurts but it feels funny too. Why are you doing this?”

“Because I like it girl. And you will too.” She gave the stiff nipple a last vicious twist as the girl pulled her trousers free.

Diana reclined now in only a matching bra and panties. Katy remained crouched and cowed at her feet.

“Well now girl. This is where your lessons and my fun really begin.”

As Katy watched, the woman pulled the damp crotch of her red knickers aside to reveal her cunt. The girl was surprised to see a grown woman with no hair between her legs.

“You like my shaved pussy, do you? It gives such a lovely clear view. Take a good look now.”

She spread the plump lips wide with her fingers, offering Katy a glimpse into her crimson cunt. It glistened with her juices.

“Come closer. Take a good look at my beautiful slit. Here, get between my legs.”

Katy shuffled, naked, between the woman’s thighs. Riding had made then hard and muscular. As she got close the woman put her hands on the back of Katy’s head and pushed the surprised face hard into her crotch. The sixteen-year-old struggled but remained firmly held.

“There’s a good girl. Now it’s time for the next lesson. Come on girl! Put your tongue out and lick Diana’s twat. Hurry now. I don’t have any patience with bad girls.”

She leant forward over Katy’s wriggling body and applied a couple of vicious open handed slaps to the girl’s jutting bum. Katy’s arse reddened with the imprints of Diana’s strong hands. She cried out but the sound was largely muffled by the wet cunt pressing hard against her mouth.

“Any more disobedience and I’ll take the crop to you. Ahh yes. That’s better. Now lick my slit. Doesn’t that taste better than the dog cock you had earlier? That’s the way, push you tongue in my hole. OHHH! That’s nice. Do you rub that hard little knob at the top when you frig yourself? That’s your clit. Now I want you to suck on mine. That’s right, suck it between your lips. OHHH fuck, you are a natural you little bitch.”

Diana squirmed beneath the girl’s warm wet tongue. Her pleasure was partly from the sensations that Katy was producing in her now dripping sex and, equally, in making the innocent child bend to her will.

“That is a very tasty little arse you have darling. It looks so nice, glowing pink like that.”

She reached over again and began to spank the tight little bum once more.

“Do you like that, Katy? Do you like having your arse warmed?”

Katy remained firmly held in place as she was forced to suck on the hot cunt for several minutes, her mouth driven forward as her body recoiled from Diana’s rhythmic spanking.

“AHHH FUCK! With my guidance you could become an expert suck slut in no time. Oh Christ, stop for a moment.”

She released the girl’s head and Katy raised her face from between the warm wet thighs. There were tears in her eyes from the spanking she had received and she gasped for breath. Diana pushed her up into a kneeling position. Raising her crop she drew it across the girl’s small breasts.

“Did you enjoy that? I know I did. Well Katy? Answer me. Say you liked licking my cunt.” She took a swipe at the tender tits with her crop. “Say it!”

“OW! I liked it. I liked licking your… your cunt Mistress Diana.”

“And did you like having your bum seen to? Tell me!”

“It hurts. It really burns.”

“But it makes your pussy hot too. Doesn’t it? Well?”

“It feels funny. It’s got really wet and runny.”

“You learn fast Katy. Oh dear me, look at your slutty little face. All covered in cream.”

Grasping the face of the kneeling girl, Diana leaned forward and licked her own juices from Katy’s face. Moving to the soft young lips she thrust her tongue deep between them and into the mouth beyond. Katy was shocked and tried to pull away from the unexpected penetration, but Diana persisted until Katy began to respond in kind.

“You see? I told you.” Diana finally broke the kiss. “I said I would teach you a lesson. You are starting to like it. Now down on the floor. On your back you horny little bitch.” She pointed to where the blanket lay discarded on the ground. Katy meekly laid herself down. Diana removed the last of her clothes taking off her knickers and releasing large hard breasts from the matching bra. She moved toward Katy, standing a moment with her feet on either side of the girl’s head and rubbing her fingers over the lips of her shaven cunt. She looked down at Katy as she did this, grinning broadly.

“It’s pretty, isn’t it girl? Now carry on where you left off. I’m going to taste your sweet cunny.”

With that she knelt down, lowering her crotch over Katy’s face. Leaning forward across the small body beneath her she parted the legs and brought her mouth down on the fresh blonde slit. Katy moaned as the woman’s tongue pushed between the pale curls and began to run rapidly back and forth along the tender lips. She had never felt anything like it and the pleasure pushed her own inhibitions to the back of her mind. She redoubled her own efforts with her new mistress’s pussy. Bolder now she took her cue from Diana and used her fingers to spread the woman’s wet lips wide, allowing deeper access. Katy’s tongue found the depths of her mistress’s hole and she quickly followed it with one slim finger. Diana grunted and raised her head for a moment.

“Fuck! That’s good child. You’re a fast learner. Quickly now, more fingers, all of them. OHHH yes! Now make a fist!”

Katy pushed hard. The whole of her small delicate hand slide slowly inside Diana’s cunt, it’s entry eased by the copious flow of lubrication that was now pouring out. Diana moaned deeply and her breathing became short and ragged. She returned her attention to Katy’s slit and thrust her tongue deep, stopping only when she met with the girl’s hymen. It was Katy’s turn to cry out as she was penetrated by the long wriggling tongue. She felt a spasm begin deep inside her and moments later, with Diana’s fingers dancing over her small erect clit, Katy reached her first real climax. Her moans filled the air in the once silent barn and she pulled her sticky hand from the woman’s cunt. As Katy opened her mouth to scream her pleasure, Diana pressed her cunt hard against it. She too began to come loudly as she ground her gaping sex over the girl’s face. Reaching her peak she screamed out and ejaculated a thick stream of cream into Katy’s open mouth.

“AHH! AHH YES! Fucking hell girl, there’s nothing like the taste of a juicy cunt. Wouldn’t you agree? OHHHH CHRIST! Here it comes again.”

She continued her shuddering orgasm, pressing her streaming cunt to Katy’s open mouth for some time before finally subsiding. Eventually she rolled off and knelt beside the sixteen-year-old, looking down at the small, sated body.

“Well, for a first time that wasn’t bad at all girl. I’ve certainly had worse. You liked that too didn’t you? Didn’t you Katy?” she pinched one of the girls now fully erect nipples, hard.

“Ouch! Y-yes.” stammered the stunned stable girl. “I haven’t felt anything like that before. But can I go now? My mum will be wondering where I am. I have learned my lesson.”

“No you can’t go. You haven’t learned all the lessons I can teach you. Not by a long way. Let me worry about your mother. You will stay here. You know, for a virgin you really have been a very dirty little slut today, haven’t you? So far you’ve sucked off a dog, had your arse well spanked, had you cunt sucked out and fist fucked a woman to a spurting cum. All you really need now is a nice big cock.”

Katy looked at her in horror.

“Well you have to start sometime girl. This is supposed to be your punishment for being a dog slut. You have been a dirty little bitch. Come on now, get up and come with Me.” she rose and pulled Katy to her feet. Taking the young girl’s hand Diana led here to where the horse waited patiently.

“Now drag over a couple of those hay bales. Push them together. That’s the way.”

Katy obeyed, totally in awe now of the woman who had, so swiftly, taken control of her life.

“Next to me now. That’s a good girl.” Diana was crouching beside her horse. “If you liked the dog’s cock then just wait until you see this.”

She reached around under the stallion’s belly and grasped his cock sheath in both hands. She began to massage the length slowly and firmly and, as she did so, a great dark rod slid forward. It extended, as Diana increased the pace of her manipulation, until it hung almost to the ground.

“Isn’t that just fantastic? God but I wish all cocks were that big.”

“It’s really scary! You should be careful, he might not like it and a horse can really hurt you.”

“Silly girl. It’s not the first time I’ve done this. He and I are old friends, aren’t we boy?”

Katy watched in awe as Diana grasped the great cock in both hands once more and resumed her masturbation of the horse. She lifted the wide flaring head and began to rub it across her tits and over her nipples. Trapping it between her large breasts, she let out a moan.

“Ohhhh yes! It’s so hot. He loves a good tit-fuck. Look girl, he’s leaking precum already. I do love spunk on my tits. Come close now and have a taste.”

Katy had been, until now, a reluctant participant in Diana’s games but as her own arousal increased her inhibitions had lessened. She felt as if she was being driven not by her old self but by some new Katy. A girl whose compulsions came not from her head but from her newly awakened cunt. The old Katy, the girl who had taken shelter in the barn not long ago, would not have moved close to the naked woman who knelt holding out her glistening breasts.

“That’s the way Katy. Open wide now.” Diana pressed her spunk covered nipple into the girl’s mouth. “Yes suck it hard my little cum slut.”

Katy nurse hungrily at the stiff peak savouring the taste of the first trickles of horse cum. Diana stoked Katy’s soft blonde hair. This one, she knew now, was beginning to enjoy herself. She pulled her tit from the avidly sucking mouth and was delighted to see the look of disappointment on Katy’s face.

“If you like the taste so much darling then come get some from the source.” she held up the huge cock before Katy’s face. Strings of precum hung from the head. “Lick it for him. He loves it.”

The girl stretched forward, her tongue extended. She licked at the tip of the great prick, sucked up the sticky strings. She moaned in pleasure as Diana stroked her small tits.

“That’s very good. You are learning well. Tasty isn’t it? Now off you go over the bales and spread your legs. Come on, show me that sweet cunny. Spread it wide with your fingers.”

Katy no longer hesitated when Diana gave her an order. She lay back on the bales with her young pussy lewdly displayed. She froze however when Diana led the horse towards her.

“Oh no! Please don’t! You can’t put that thing in me!”

“Don’t be so silly. You couldn’t possibly take a cock this size. It’s a squeeze even for me. I just want to watch you play with your pussy while I suck him off. Then if you are a good girl I might let you have a cum shower. Now touch yourself for me. Let me see you finger your pussy.”

Nervously at first Katy’s fingers began to rub along her juicy lips. She watched as Diana moved the horse closer and then knelt to bring his cock head to her mouth. Katy had merely licked the end but Diana opened her lips wide and enveloped the great head. Diana’s jaw was stretched to its limit by the huge bulbous cock tip and Katy stared in astonishment and anticipation. Diana’s pleasure was evident in the deep groans that came from her throat as she gorged herself on cock meat. Then as the horse cock began to jerk in Diana’s hands she pulled her mouth away and pointed the thick length directly at Katy. A couple of strokes more and the prick leapt between her fingers and began to shoot jet after jet of hot sticky spunk. The fluid sprayed over Katy’s body covering her from head to toe. As the cum hit her pussy she thrust her hips upward and spread her legs as wide as she could. The river of sperm ran over her exposed cunt and tricked down over her bum.

“OHH! Diana! It’s so hot. It’s running down my bottom.”

The girl used her hands to rub the horse cum over her soft smooth flesh as the torrent slowed to a trickle.

“O fuck, what a sight. A cum covered slut if ever I saw one.” husked Diana. “I must have some of that.”

She led the horse away and returned to lean over Katy’s outstretched body. She began carefully to clean all traces of the horse cum from the girl. Her tongue licked and probed and she sucked up the great pools of spunk that she found in every hollow. Katy watched intently as her mistress moved down to her cunt and began to lick it clean too. The sixteen-year-old was in ecstasy, pushing her little pussy up to meet the intruding tongue and she was surprised and disappointed when Diana suddenly stopped. Looking down she found the woman looking up and beyond her. Turning her head she saw Mr. Johnson standing in the doorway.

“Stephen, there you are. I thought you would never get here. Come along now, I have a job for you. I caught Katy here sucking off the dog and I have been administering a little corrective instruction. I’ve taught her a lesson. In fact I’ve taught her several. The only thing we have been lacking is a suitably sized cock. Now we’ve got one haven’t we? Don’t just stand there man with that hard-on in your pants. Make your self useful you worm. Take your prick out and come here.”

Diana clearly liked to be in charge with her husband as well as with young girls. Without speaking, Mr. Johnson unzipped his fly and released his erect cock. Katy stared as he walked around her to join his wife. While clearly not as massive as the horse cock, it still looked frighteningly large to the virgin girl.

“Please Mistress Diana. Don’t let him put his thing in me. That’s rape!”

Katy tried to get up but instead Diana moved quickly to turn her over. She now lay face down on across the bales, her cunt exposed beneath her well spanked red arse. Diana moved to straddle her, sitting across her back facing her husband.

“Now don’t be such a silly little bitch.” she said sternly over her shoulder. “you’ll love it once it’s in. He’s a bit of a wimp really but he has a reasonable cock. I’ve had a few young girls work for me over the years and I always like to have Stephen open their pussies for me. He’s like me in some ways, he loves a virgin cunt. We’ve had a few in our time but rest assured darling that yours is the best I’ve ever had. Now just relax and get ready for your first fuck.”

Katy could not see what was going on, but she felt Diana’s fingers on her cunt and spreading the lips wide. The head of Stephen Johnson’s prick rubbed against her clit before coming to rest against her pussy lips.

“Please Mrs. Johnson! Make him stop. Please Diana, I’ll do anything you want.”

“But this is what I want girl. I want to see your little pussy opened up and filled with my husband’s cock. I want him to fill your sweet cunny with spunk.”

Diana took hold of her husband’s sizeable prick and rubbed it along the lips of Katy’s cunt. She was very wet; a combination of the licking she had recently received and the last few strings of horse cum that lingered around her hole. The teenager could feel the head of Mr. Johnson’s prick come to rest tight against the entrance to her virgin pussy.

“Now Katy, he’s going to start to push it in.”

The girl was aware of increasing pressure being exerted on her hole and then the head began to slide forward, stretching her lips.

“OW! STOP IT! It hurts Diana. Please?” Katy began to sob as her slit was slowly opened.

“Hush now. Nearly there darling. He’s about half way in. It does feel good now doesn’t it? It looks wonderful. Your little pink pussy lips are stretched around the shaft. Just one last push and he will be right in. Let me give you a little frig to take the pain away.”

Katy could feel the cock head deep within her but as Diana’s skilful fingers reached beneath her and toyed with her clit she began to relax and her resistance weakened. Then suddenly the progress of the cock was halted as Katy felt it meet some obstruction.

“Ohhhh. I can feel it right inside me now. Play with me more Diana. I want it deep in me. Touch my pussy and then make him push it right in hard. I want it now. Really I do.”

Diana leant forward and put her tongue to work on the girl’s tight arsehole. Then as Katy’s breathing quickened she raised her head again.

“Now Stephen! Do it now. Fuck the little virgin for me.”

With one last thrust Katy’s cunt opened completely and she took the whole length of the prick. She cried out briefly and then let out a low moan.

“AHH! Oh yes. Make him do it Diana. Make him push it in hard.”

“You heard my little slut man. Give her a good shafting.”

Stephen paused only a moment before beginning to pump his cock into Katy’s newly opened quim. Diana climbed off her perch, happy that the young stable hand wasn’t going anywhere. She knelt beside Katy and kissed the girl deeply, pushing her tongue into her new plaything’s mouth as her breath began to quicken.

“This is just so fucking horny girl. It makes me so wet to see a cute little thing like you getting screwed. You must tell him what to do. He’s pathetic really, but he gets off when women talk dirty to him. Tell him Katy. Show him all the nice new words that I’ve taught you today.

“Yesss. Fuck me harder Mr. Johnson. Push your big prick up my little pussy. Put your spunk up me. Squirt it in my cunt. I want your thick hot cum filling my twat to over flowing. AHHHH! AHH DIANA! I’m going to come!”

“I do love a dirty mouthed little slut! That’s right, push back to meet him. Fill her with cum Stephen.”

As Katy reached her climax, Diana pressed one of her swollen nipples between the young girl’s lips. Moments later the young pussy was filled with a stream of spunk. The hot fluid flooded her depths and leaked back around Mr. Johnson’s prick. He halted and left his cock in place until it softened and slid out.

“Thank you Stephen. That will be all. Put that away now. Take the horse out to the box and wait in the car.

Silent still, he moved quickly away. His place was taken by Diana who buried her face in Katy’s pussy. She lapped the spunk that ran from the newly opened cunt. Katy pushed back to meet the probing tongue.

“Oh that was lovely Diana.” sighed the girl. “Can we do it again?”

The woman raised her head, her face glistening with fluids from Katy’s well used cunt.

“I think we might do lots of things dear. In fact I already have a super idea for tomorrow. You have been such a good pupil and learned your lessons well. There is someone I want you to meet, someone who needs a little extra tuition herself. But for now Katy darling, I think I ought to drop you home.”


Part Two – Breaking in Caroline

Katy was late arriving for work the following morning. When Diana had dropped her off at home the previous evening she had been so excited that she had thought sleep would be an impossibility. But such had been the exertions of the day that she had fallen asleep in the act of fucking her aroused pussy with her fingers. Her dreams had been full of Diana. The big breasts thrust in her mouth, the taste of her mistress’s juicy cunt, the exciting sting of the hand on her bum and the feel of her fingers as they probed her quim. Her sleeping head had been filled too with visions of stiff pricks. The dog and horse cocks she had tasted and the thick rod that had opened her and filled her with spunk. Such had been her exhaustion that she had slept through the alarm and woken late to find her fingers had again stayed to her hole. She masturbated herself to a climax before licking the fingers clean and getting up to dress. Thus it was that she arrived at the stables an hour late.

She looked for Diana but finding no immediate sign, she hurried to the stable to start work. She called first, as always, at her own horse’s stall. Her first task every day was to feed and water him. Today she saw him in a new light and her eyes fell on his cock sheath. Turning to the feed store she saw a bag hanging from a nearby peg and a note pinned to it.

Dear horny little slut, When you have finished the feeding and watering then join me at once in the indoor exercise ring. I have someone there you must meet, and a little task I think you might enjoy. It’s just the thing for a dirty little bitch with a hot wet little twat. Bring this bag with you and no peeking or you will be sorry. Your mistress.

PS You are already late so keep your hot little hands off your horse’s prick.

Katy was both intrigued and aroused. For a moment she considered looking in the bag but thought better of it. Her sore bum reminded her that Diana was not a woman to be disobeyed. She reread the note, absent-mindedly rubbing her cunt through her jodhpurs. She could feel the heat and moisture growing at the thought of joining her teacher once again. She knew she still had much to learn and that Diana was the best tutor a girl could wish for. Katy quickly completed her tasks and headed for the indoor ring on the other side of the property, the mysterious bag clutched to her chest.

The first thing she heard on arriving was the sound of Diana’s voice raised in anger.

“Good lord Caroline! You just don’t seem to get any better do you? You really are the worst pupil I have ever had. Christ! The things I put up with to make a living!”

Katy sneaked a look around the door. There was Diana standing in the middle of the arena whilst a small figure mounted on a plump little pony trotted erratically around her. Katy recognised the other girl as Caroline Whittingham. She was a year younger than Katy and her parents were the local landed gentry. They paid handsomely for their only daughters riding tuition. Katy thought Caroline a stuck-up spoilt little cow and a hopeless rider too. Diana clearly shared her opinion on this point. As Katy entered, Diana caught sight of her and called out.

“Katy! Good, you’re here. Better late than never. You brought the bag I see. Splendid! We’ll need that later I hope. You know young Miss Whittingham I take it?”

“Yes Mrs. Johnson. I take care of her pony. Hello Caroline.”

“Oh, it’s you! What are you doing here?”

“There’s no need to be bloody rude girl! Katy is one of my best pupils. She is here to help me with your lesson.” she gave Katy a knowing smile and the girl blushed at the memory of her “lesson” the previous afternoon.She felt a trickle of moisture soak her knickers. Diana turned back to the mounted girl and spoke sternly.

“Now Caroline! You will canter for me please. And do try to get it right this time.”

Caroline tried to switch the pony from a trot to a canter and failed miserably. Katy could see that the silly little cow had no idea of how to control the animal. The pony ignored her efforts and Caroline raised her crop, striking the poor animal repeatedly on the flank.

“You horrid little beast!” she shouted. “Do as you are damned well told!”

“STOP THAT AT ONCE!” yelled Diana. “It’s not his fault you silly little bitch. You’re just bloody useless, aren’t you? You can’t treat the poor animal like that.” She grabbed the reins from the stunned rider and brought her to a halt. Caroline dismounted, blushing and Diana gripped her firmly by the arm before turning to Katy.

“Look after the pony please Katy, while I show this nasty little bitch just how I deal with horrid little girls. And take that crop, she won’t be needing it.”

Katy took control of the animal and led him to a net of hay as Diana dragged the struggling Caroline over to a ringside bench.

“What are you doing. You can’t treat me like this. My daddy could close this place down in a minute. Let me go at once!”

“Your father is a bigger shit even than you are. As far as I am concerned he can fuck himself. And believe me darling I know from experience that no one else need waste time doing it. I’m going to spank you fat little arse girl. Come on now, over my knee.” she pulled the wriggling fifteen-year-old across her lap. “Now then Katy, just watch this. You know what a good hiding can do for the most difficult girl, don’t you?”

She began to smack the girl sharply on her jodhpur-covered backside, looking across at Katy with a look of pure pleasure on her face. The body across her knees continued to twist and turn but her show of defiance was over. After twenty vicious strokes she was sobbing quietly.

“Katy darling, come over here and help me please. You can carry on for me while I hold the little bitch still.”

Not needing to be asked twice, Katy moved swiftly to where Diana sat with the girl across her knee.

“It’s quite a fat little bum don’t you think darling? Give the little slut’s arse a beating just for me. In fact let’s make it easier for you.” With this she pulled Caroline’s trousers and knickers down to expose a plump well rounded bottom. “Now I want you to apply the crop for me. Nice and hard if you will please.”

Katy needed no further encouragement. She never had liked the girl who now sniffed and sobbed before her and she found the idea of whipping the fat little arse very exciting. She raised the springy riding crop high and brought it whistling down across the girl’s buttocks. The loud crack and following scream both echoed around the arena and a thin red weal appeared on Caroline’s pale white bottom. Katy felt a spasm of pleasure deep in her cunt.

“That’s the way Katy. Very good. Now carry on please. Ten strokes should be a good start.”

Katy quickly found her rhythm and was soon raining blows on the younger girl’s jutting arse. Caroline’s pitiful sobs only served to make the whole experience more arousing.

“Oh look how red her bottom is Diana. I bet it’s going to be really sore.”

Looking down, Katy could see that Diana’s hand had strayed beneath the girl and was now probing at the junction of Caroline’s thighs.

“Stop the punishment now please Katy. You really must feel this. She hasn’t a single hair on her pussy yet. It’s ever so soft and smooth. And, if I’m not mistaken, really becoming quite sticky. Get down here and finish stripping her bottom half. We must have good access if you are going to help me teach the naughty little girl her lesson.”

Katy crouched behind the girl and undressed her from the waist down. Between her sobs Caroline was becoming agitated.

“What are you doing? You’re a pair of bloody lesbians. Stop it you perverts!”

Diana slapped the red bum once more, with considerable venom.

“Come on now Katy dear. You really must have a feel of this plump little cunny. It’s quite lovely really. So baby smooth.”

Katy ran her hands slowly over the girl’s red hot arse and then brought them down to her hairless cunt. It was utterly smooth as she cupped it beneath hand.

“Oh Diana! For such a nasty little girl she has such a wet little pussy.”

“I think you know what to do with a wet pussy, don’t you darling?”

Katy knew precisely what Diana required of her. Positioning herself behind the writhing girl, she forced Caroline’s legs apart and began to tongue her soft cunt flesh. Caroline tried to squirm away from the contact but Diana held her firmly in place. Katy felt and tasted increasing moisture from the virgin slit.

“Stop it you perverts. You can’t do things like this.”

“Oh do shut up you little bitch. We can do what ever we like. And we like to play with little pussies. Don’t we Katy, my little suckslut? Give her little clit a rub, there’s a good girl. That might shut her up a bit.”

Leaving her tongue on the tightly folded cunt lips, Katy reached around and began to frig the girl’s clitoris. As she grasped it between her finger and thumb she was amazed at its size. She raised her head and smiled up at her mistress.

“It’s not a little clit at all Diana! It’s huge! It’s like a little prick sticking out.”

“Well give that little prick a wank for me darling. Play with her for me Katy. Just think, your own little virgin and you can make her come. I must say, she is a fat little thing. She already has titties bigger than yours. Her nipples aren’t nearly as stiff though.”

Katy could see Diana’s hand inside Caroline’s shirt, squeezing the sizeable tits. Caroline had ceased to struggle now and as Katy returned to her pussy licking, then the only movement she made was a rhythmic one as she pushed back against the wet tongue.

“Go on now my little cunt licker. She’s starting to enjoy it. Rub her clit a bit faster now. She’s going to come.”

Caroline was breathing hard now and Katy pressed her mouth tightly against the hairless pussy, drinking down the surprisingly large amount of cream that oozed out on to her tongue.

“You see Caroline,” said Diana, “you may be a very nasty bitch but Katy and I do teach very nice lessons, don’t we?”

The girl was in no state to answer. As Diana stoked Caroline’s long hair, she reached a climax on the Katy’s newly experienced fingers and mouth. Her high pitched cries and the sweet taste of her virgin cunt were making Katy very hot. As the new member of their little group reached the height of her pleasure, she went limp across Diana’s knees.

“Katy! You really have surpassed your self. Even I didn’t make a girl faint on only the second occasion I ate pussy.” She stretched out a hand and stroked Katy’s damp face.

“Well I have a very good teacher Diana. Please, can we leave her to recover now? I need some attention too. Please mistress? I’m so hot and wet.”

“Of course you are my dear. We can just lie her down on the bench here until she comes to her senses. I will have to think what reward you deserve for a job well done. You have been a very good girl.” Diana bent to kiss her young pupil. Her tongue slid deep into the girl’s mouth savouring the taste of Caroline’s cunt which lingered there. “That’s such a sweet tasting pussy. I must have a little of that myself later.”

“Please, Diana. I really need my cunny taking care of. I want to be filled up.”

“My! You were a virgin less than twenty four hours ago and now you’re a seasoned fuckslut! Well I have just the thing for a horny girl like you.” she clicked her tongue sharply, twice. “Come here boy. Come here now.”

Caroline’s pony stopped chewing on the hay that Katy had given him and ambled over to nuzzle Diana’s outstretched hand.

“I think he’s just the right size for your second fuck. Bigger than poor Stephen and absolutely full of cum.”

“I’m not sure I can take him inside Diana. He must be really big.” Katy was torn between a need to have her young pussy filled and a nervousness about taking on a large cock so soon.

“Well he’s not as big as my horse and I can take his prick, at a stretch. I’m sure that if any sixteen-year-old can take this pony’s cock then you are the slut to do it.” As she spoke, Diana undressed her prot\E9g\E9. “Come on girl, show Diana what you can do.” she stroked the breasts of the now naked stable girl and then slipped two fingers between the lips of her cunt.

“Mmmm. Your certainly wet enough. The small fence there is just the right height I think. Bend over that and I’ll get him good and ready for you.”

As Katy bent forward over the low jump rail, Diana took up her position crouching beside the pony’s belly. Katy had seen her at work on one of these huge cocks before. Diana’s expert handling soon had the great prick fully erect. It was perhaps twice the length and thickness of Mr. Johnson’s, which had taken her virginity only the previous afternoon. Diana could not resist sucking on it for a moment before leading him into place behind young Katy.

“Spread those lovely legs as wide as you can. I’ll point him in the right direction.”

“Hurry please. I’m so hot from sucking her slit that I’ll just die if I don’t get a fuck.”

The woman moved the pony into place and took hold of his prick, rubbing the head up and down over Katy’s cunt lips to lubricate it thoroughly. Then parting the lips as wide as she could, she placed the great cock at the entrance to the wet waiting slit. The beast needed no further prompting. He began to press forward, slowly forcing his thick meat into the depths of Katy’s sopping twat.

“OHH FUCK! He’s so big! And so hot! AHH this is even better than yesterday.”

“Well men do have their uses, but I prefer a cock like this any day. Besides, this lovely animal doesn’t talk back. It looks so lovely. He’s stretching you so much and your lips are gripping him so tightly.”

“What is she doing to my pony Mrs. Johnson?”

The question came from Caroline. The girl sat up as she slowly recovered her senses. She stared at the bizarre sight before her, still groggy and somewhat confused. Diana knew that this was a decisive moment in her plans. She had the perfect opportunity to take full command of the girl before she recovered her senses.

“Splendid! You’re awake are you? Well get up girl and come over here. Don’t just lie around slacking. Come to me at once!”

In her somewhat dazed state Caroline obeyed without thinking. She stood beside Diana as the woman continued to guide the pony’s prick into Katy from behind.

“Now be a good girl and do as you are told. Isn’t he a magnificent animal? Just look what he is doing for Katy.”

Caroline’s eyes were fixed on her pony’s cock as half it’s length pumped rapidly in and out of Katy’s pussy. Katy was moaning loudly as her climax approached.

“OHHHH! OHHH YESSS! It’s just so thick. He stretches me every time he pushes deeper. He keeps leaking this wet stuff into me all the time. OHH! Play with my tits Diana. Please? I’m nearly there!”

“I’d love to darling but I must keep a hold on this big hard cock or he might hurt you with it. Caroline here can do it for you. Go over there in front of Katy and play with her titties.”

“No! I won’t! It’s not nice.”

“You do it girl or I’ll whip your fat little bum until it bleeds!”

Caroline had no reason to doubt Diana’s threat. She moved swiftly in front of the older girl and placed her fingers on one stiff nipple.

“Ohhh yessss! That right. Stroke them for me. It makes me really hot. Harder now! They’re nice aren’t they? Yes that’s it. I’m going to come on your pony’s great big prick Caroline. It’s right up me now.”

As she reached her climax, Katy grabbed the other girl by the hair and pulled her close, kissing her full on the mouth and pushing her tongue inside. The girl struggled violently but Katy held her fast as she continued to come, moaning into her soft mouth. At that moment the animal gave a loud whinny and emptied his spunk into Katy’s cunt. A huge amount of hot cum flooded Katy, many times what Mr. Johnson had emptied into her the previous day. It was far more than her young pussy could possibly contain and, as Diana pulled the cock free of the clutching slit, it ran copiously from her stretched hole.

“Come here Caroline. Come on you little slut and see what your pony has done.”

Caroline knelt beside the woman, between Katy’s wide spread thighs.

“Look at that Caroline. Isn’t it a pretty sight? Look close now.”

Diana placed her hand behind the young girl’s head and pressed her forward, rubbing the startled face in the stream of liquid that ran from Katy’s cunt.

“Oh yes! Lick it for me Caroline. Kiss my cunny.”

But Diana pulled her away again just as quickly.

“Oh no you don’t! That’s my treat.”

The woman placed a hand on each of Katy’s bum cheeks and buried her tongue deep within the stretched and oozing slit. She licked the combined juices until the girl was clean and free of the pony’s thick spunk.

“That was wonderful.” sighed Katy when at last Diana removed her tongue from her slit. “It’s such hot, sticky stuff. Can I have a taste?”

Diana pulled the girl to her feet and kissed her, passing a thick sting of cum from her mouth to Katy’s.

“Mmmm. Delicious. Can Caroline have some too?”

Diana grasped the younger girl by the shoulders and repeated the operation. Caroline swallowed almost without thinking. Diana grinned down at her.

“Well done Caroline. I’m pleased to see you are a much more obedient girl already. Come along now, we can all sit together and get our breath back.”

Caroline had ceased to question Diana’s commands and did just as her riding teacher told her. Soon the three of them were seated on the bench. Caroline sat between the naked Katy and the still fully clothed Diana. She herself was naked from the waist down and she sat down carefully, her sore bottom burning as it touched the bench. The other two reached their arms around her shoulders and stroked her face and hair.

“What now then girls? I must say that a good spanking and a good licking have improved your behaviour immensely Miss Caroline. You know Katy, there are some girls who just need a good seeing to. Caroline here isn’t a nasty girl really. She is just spoiled and needs showing who’s boss.” Diana began to unbutton the young girl’s blouse, uncovering her breasts. They fairly strained against her white cotton bra.

“I told you Katy. They are bigger than yours already. You’re going to have beautiful big tits when you get older Caroline. Let’s take that bra off shall we and set them free.”

“Wow! They’re huge! She will soon have bigger titties than you Diana.” Katy stared in wonder at the plump tits with their big pink nipples. “Shall I give them a lick Caroline? You’ll really enjoy it.”

Katy bent to take a stiff teat in her mouth. Diana fixed her lips on the other.

“Ooo. That feels lovely,” cooed Caroline as the other two sucked her tits.

“Well you two have both had a come haven’t you?” said Diana when she final took her mouth from Caroline’s breast. “That just leaves me.” she leaned back on the bench and lifted up her long skirt to expose her cunt. “I think we should show Caroline here just what to do with my hot pussy.”

She smiled at Katy as the girl moved between her legs pulling Caroline down beside her. “Show her how to eat my cunt darling. You have a natural talent and you should pass on your expertise.”

Diana spread her lips wide, drawing them apart with her fingers. The two girls had a perfect view of her dripping slit.

“Come on Caroline,” said Katy, “just do as I do.” She pressed her tongue to her teacher’s quim and began to lick her hard

“That’s good Katy. Now you suck my clit Caroline. There at the top. That’s right. OHHH! Very good.”

Caroline touched her tongue to Diana’s clit. Tentative at first she was soon licking and sucking the hard fleshy knob with abandon.

“YES! That’s so fucking good. Carry on Caroline. But Katy, I want you to fetch that beg for me. The one you brought with you. There is a present in it for you.”

Katy moved, somewhat reluctantly from Diana’s sex and went to retrieve the mysterious bag. She looked inside as she had been so tempted to do earlier. Reaching within she withdrew the object she found there.

“What is it Diana? It looks like a prick. It’s all rubbery though, and what are the straps for?”

“That, my sweet little slut, is a dildo. Now hold it out. Do you see how the straps hang? That’s it. Step into them and fasten the belt around your waist.”

Katy quickly saw how the device fitted and was soon equipped with her own thrusting cock.

“Like this Diana?” she grinned widely at the woman, gripping the shaft of the rubber prick and bouncing it in her hand.

“Bloody hell girl. You do look hot. I could quite fancy a length of that myself. But that will have to wait. I need you to teach naughty Caro here her final lesson for the day. When you have a wild and unmanageable horse it has to be broken in. And the same goes for badly behaved, willful little tarts.”

Caroline jerked her face away from the woman’s pussy.

“What do you mean? What are you going to do?” she looked back over her shoulder and saw Katy stoking her rubber prick. “You’re not putting that in…mmmff.”

The protest was silenced as Diana pushed the girl’s face back into her crotch once more and clamped her thighs around Caroline’s head.

“You see what I mean Katy? Still a willful child and she needs to be broken in. That task darling I leave to you. This position will be perfect. Its often called doggy style. Just right for my little dog slut.” she laughed and motioned Katy toward her. “Get down behind her and fuck her fat little bottom for me. There is some baby oil in the bag. Pour it on your lovely cock and on her bum. We don’t want it to hurt too much.”

Katy unstopped the bottle of oil and poured a generous stream over the thrusting dildo before squirting some over Caroline’s tight puckered arse hole. She rubbed it around the entrance before pushing a finger inside.

“Gosh! It’s really tight. It’s hard to get past the knuckle.”

“Don’t worry about that. She will stretch soon enough. Push deeper.”

“It’s going in easier now. I’ve got lots of oil up her bum now. But Diana, why can’t I fuck her cunny?”

“Sorry Katy but her cunt is mine.” Diana smiled down at her young pupil “I’m saving that for a rainy day. Listen to me now Caroline. My best slut is going to screw you up the arse. You will lick my pussy while she does it. If you do that like a good girl then I will make sure that Katy gives you a nice big come. If not then Katy will take the crop to your sore little arse and beat you so you can’t sit down for a month. Is that understood?”

Caroline made a muffled sound, her face buried between Diana’s legs.

“I will take that as a yes.” Diana chuckled. “Off you go now Katy. Don’t keep the poor child in suspense.”

Katy moved in closer to Caroline’s raised bottom and started to rub the oily head of her dildo along the cunt lips. As the younger girl started to move against it she raised her aim and pressed the head against the well lubricated anus. Katy pressed firmly and pushed her hips smoothly forward. She watched as the cock stretched Caroline’s bum for a moment before it suddenly slipped past the sphincter. Caroline let out a muffled moan of pain.

“Oh don’t be such a cry baby Caroline. And keep that tongue moving. Ahh that’s better. Press on Katy. It’s for her own good.”

Katy continued to push, her prick making slow progress into Caroline. Then with a sudden release the remainder slipped fully into the tight arse and Katy found herself buried to the hilt.

“Ohhh!” Katy gave a moan of her own now. “The end’s pressing in my clit. It rubs when I push.”

She began to thrust steadily in and out of the younger girl’s bum.

“That looks so tasty,” grinned Diana. “Ohhh, she’s being a good girl with her tongue too. It pushes into me when you push your cock up her. Good girl Caroline. And I keep my promises. Finger her clit for her Katy. Make her come hard.”

Diana loosened her grip on Caroline’s head. The girl stayed where she was, her tongue pushed to its full length into Diana as the woman reached down to stroke the swelling young tits. The dildo in Caroline’s arse gathered pace as Katy neared her own orgasm. This in turn pushed Caroline’s face harder into her riding teacher’s pussy bringing Diana to the edge. At last the three came simultaneously. Their cries and the smell of their cunts filled the air in the riding ring. They collapsed in a heap; Caroline with Katy’s rubber cock still buried in her bum and Diana’s thick creamy juices filling her mouth.

They recovered only slowly. Caroline gave a low moan as Katy withdrew the strap-on from her arse and then she lay down, exhausted. The other two rose to their feet, one of Diana’s arms around Katy’s shoulders while her other hand stroked the ever erect prick that jutted from the girl’s groin.

“Katy, you amaze me. You are quite the best pupil I have ever had.” she kissed the sixteen-year-old deeply. “What ever shall we do next?”


Part Three – Girl’s Night In

It was Friday and the last day of Katy’s holiday job at the stables. She was putting the finishing touches to her tack when Caroline came running in. She wasn’t dressed for riding, but instead wore a very short white dress that made her look younger than her fifteen years. Apart, that was, for her well developed breasts. She was breathing hard and Katy’s eyes were drawn to the big tits as they rose and fell beneath the thin, tightly stretched fabric. She had loved her threesome with this younger girl and her mistress, Diana, but had not had a chance in the three days since to get Caroline alone.

“Please, Katy. Mrs. Johnson says she wants you up at the house straight away.” Caroline was breathless and had clearly run swiftly to deliver her message.

Katy had seen nothing of Diana in the last couple of days. Her teacher and lover had been away on a visit and had returned only a short time before. The summons excited her immediately and she felt her young cunt grow moist in anticipation.

“Calm down Caro! Come over here and tell me exactly what she said.”

Katy sat on a hay bale and patted a spot beside her, indicating that Caroline should sit. Caroline was a changed girl since her beating and arse fucking and she meekly sat down beside Katy.

“Now take a deep breath and tell me the message properly.”

Caroline did as she was told and the intake of breath caused her large breasts to press still harder against her dress. Katy put her arm around the young girl’s waist and with the other hand she squeezed her friend’s over sized tits.

“Ohhh Katy! That’s so nice. But we must go right now. Mrs. Johnson said that if I didn’t bring you back to the house in ten minutes then she would take her crop to my bum.”

“That doesn’t sound too terrible to me.” giggled Katy. “You really liked it when I beat your bottom the other day. It made your cunt really creamy.”

Caroline blushed deeply. She was squirming in her seat as Katy continued to rub her breasts through the fabric of her dress.

“Still,” said Katy, “if Diana wants me then we had better go. She doesn’t like to be kept waiting.” She released the girls tits and pulled her to her feet. “Come on then Caro or I might have to spank your bum myself.”

They half walked , half ran, to the house. Both wondered what Diana might want with the two of them. Reaching the front door Katy rang the bell and waited. Moments later the door opened and Diana stood before them. This was a very different Diana from the riding instructor the two girl’s were used to seeing. She wore a shiny, tight fitting, black dress with an extremely short skirt and the top cut low to accentuate her deep cleavage. It was so tight that Katy guessed that she wore nothing underneath.

“There you are Katy.” she saw Katy staring at her outfit.

“You like my party dress do you? It’s made of rubber darling, in case you were wondering. Here, feel how nice it is.”

She took the girl’s hand and drew it to her latex covered breasts.

“I’m so pleased you could come. We can’t have a farewell party without our guest of honour. And as for you Caroline, you did well. I won’t have to whip your plump little bum for you. What a shame.” She smiled wickedly at the younger girl.

“Well come in the two of you. We can’t have a party standing out here on the doorstep.” she stood aside to let the girls enter.

“First things first Katy. I have phoned your mother and told her that as you have been such a good worker, I’m throwing a party to say thank you for all your efforts. She is quite happy for you to stay over tonight as we will be going on rather late. I will run you home in the morning. Mr. Johnson has been sent out for the night and so we can have a nice girl’s night in. Just like a pyjama party. Except I don’t expect anyone will need their “jammies. Oh yes! And I have a little present for you.” she handed Katy a beautifully wrapped package.

“What is it Diana? Can I open it now?”

“Of course you can. Unwrap it right away.”

Katy tore open the package and found a white dress just like the one that Caroline was wearing.

“I have already given the same thing to Caro, as you can see. I want my best girls in their party frocks tonight. Sometimes it’s just so nice when a little girl looks as a little girl should. Even if I know that underneath she is a sexy little bitch with a hot creamy cunny. Why don’t you go put it on and get ready for your party. I must wait here. I have another surprise for you. I’ve been away, staying with an old friend. I told her all about my girls and she couldn’t wait to meet you. So I’ve asked her to come and join our little celebration. She should be here any moment now.”

“Who is it Diana?” asked Katy. “Is it anyone we know?”

“Oh no darling. But I’m sure you will like her. And I know she will love my two best girls. Run along now and get ready. Caroline, go with her and help. You remember what I showed you this afternoon?”

“Oh yes. I remember, and I will do a good job. Come on Katy, I have to get you ready.”

Caroline grabbed Katy’s hand and led her, excitedly, up the stairs. She pulled the older girl into the bathroom.

“What’s this special thing you have to do for me Caro?”

“Diana says that you must do as I say. She told me that I am in charge of getting you ready and you have to obey me. So take your clothes off and then sit down on the edge of the bath.”

“Stop messing about Caro. I’m not…”

“Diana said you have to do as I say or she will be very, very cross. There won’t be a party if you don’t do as I say!”

“Ok, but this had better not be some silly joke.”

She began to strip off her working clothes and soon stood naked before the fifteen-year-old. Caroline licked her lips as she stared at Katy’s small hard tits and blonde cunt.

“Now sit on the side of the bath and spread your legs really wide. Diana wants me to shave all the hair from your cunny”

“I hope you know what you’re doing.” protested Katy, nervously.

“O yes. I practised this afternoon on Diana’s pussy and she showed me just what to do. She said I did it really nicely.” She knelt between Katy’s legs with a can of shaving foam and a razor beside her.

“Hold still now. I’m going to make it all soapy.”

Caroline squeezed a sponge-full of water over her friend’s spread pussy. Katy sighed deeply as the warm liquid ran through her blonde pubic hair and trickled over her outer lips. Caroline applied a squirt of shaving foam and massaged it into the soft golden curls before taking up the razor and beginning, carefully, to remove them.

After a few nervous minutes, Katy looked down to see her freshly bared cunt. Caroline squeezed the sponge over the soft flesh once more and sat back on her heels to admire her handy work.

“It looks just like mine now. All bare and pink.” giggled Caroline.

“Well that wasn’t too bad. But you had better dry it off for me now before I catch a cold.”

Caroline reached for one of Diana’s big, white, fluffy towels.

“No! Not with that,” laughed Katy, “use you tongue.”

She pulled the other girl’s face between her open legs, spreading her lips with the fingers of one hand. Caroline went about her task with enthusiasm, licking the last traces of water from around Katy’s mound before pressing her tongue firmly between the open lips. She found the slit hot and very wet.

“That’s nice Caro. Now suck my clit. Put you lips around it and …”

Katy was interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. Caroline heard it too and paused in her licking. They heard the door open and then the sound of voices downstairs.

“Are you girl’s ready yet?” Diana called up the stairs. “Come along now, let’s not keep our guest waiting.”

“We must hurry!” said Katy. “Here, help me get the dress on.”

She dressed hurriedly, pulling on the little white dress. She instantly looked several years younger. Caroline produced a pair of white cotton knickers.

“Diana said you must wear these too. They look a bit small. But so are the ones she gave me.”

Caroline lifted up the hem of her dress to reveal identical panties. They were indeed a couple of sizes too small. They stretched tight over her pubic mound and outlined her cunt lips, making them stand out against the fabric. Katy struggled into her own pair, producing an identical effect.

“Come on Caro. Let’s go and see who Diana so wants us to meet.”

They left the bathroom together and walked down the stairs hand in hand. The sight that greeted them took their breath away. Standing next to Diana was the most stunning woman either of them had ever seen in their young lives.

“O good! There you are girls. My, don’t you make a pretty pair. Well come here darlings and meet the fourth member of our little sleepover. Katy, Caroline, this is my friend Helen.”

The woman standing beside her was an imposing and, Katy thought, slightly scary figure. Katy had thought that Diana was tall but Helen stood a head taller. She was well over six feet. She wore black leather trousers and a matching waistcoat. Both were tight on her slim figure and the waistcoat stretched across very large breasts.

Caroline’s eyes were drawn to Helen’s face. Her hair had been cropped to a blonde stubble and the face beneath sported numerous piercings. Several heavy silver rings decorated each ear, together with another in her nose and a stud through her lower lip. Both girls stood in stunned silence as they absorbed this vision.

“Well? Don’t just stand there with your mouths hanging open.” chided Diana. “You can at least be polite girls and introduce yourselves.”

“I’m sorry. H-hello, I’m Katy. I’m very pleased to meet you.”

“And I’m Caroline, but everybody calls me Caro.”

“Hello girls. I’m pleased to meet you too. Diana has told me so much about you. You both look very pretty this evening.” Helen’s voice was low and faintly husky. “I love your sweet little dresses. They make you look like sisters, and so young too. I do like my girls to look like girls. How old are you?”

“I’m nearly sixteen, and Caro is just fifteen. Are you an old friend of Diana’s?”

“Yes dear. We know each other very well. Don’t we darling.” She reached out a hand to stroke Diana’s cheek. “We were at school together when we were your age.”

“Let’s not stand out her now. Come on through to my little den. I have everything we could need for a wonderful party.” Diana led them to a large room at the back of the house. “Here we are. My own private little playroom.”

The “playroom” was not like any Katy had ever seen before. The walls were a deep red, as was the soft thick carpet. Heavy drapes covered the windows and the only furniture consisted of two leather sofas arranged on either side of a low table, and an ornate Chinese lacquered cabinet against one wall. The table was covered with food and wine.

“Gosh Diana!” gasped Caroline. “It’s a funny looking playroom.”

“Well it all depends on what sort of games you want to play. It’s my own private little retreat. Absolutely no men allowed. We girls need somewhere to get away from it all. Don’t you agree Helen?”

“Absolutely. Now why don’t we tuck into our party tea? You sit here next to me Diana and the girls can sit together on the other sofa. They look so sweet together that I can’t bear to split them up.”

Helen sat on the sofa, her long leather clad legs curled beneath her. Diana took a bottle of red wine and filled four glasses.

“I’ve never had any wine before Diana.” Katy said. “My mum doesn’t approve of drinking.”

“Well your mum’s not here darling. It’s your party and what mummy doesn’t know won’t hurt her. Drink up now. You too Caro. This is a very good wine. Only the best for my two favourite little sluts.”

The girls blushed at being spoken of this way in front of a stranger but both sipped their wine as Diana told them. Helen smiled across at them and extended a long tongue to lick her deep red lips. Katy saw that the tongue too was pierced.

“This is really nice.” Katy took another larger mouthful of her drink. “Can we start on the food please Diana? I’ve been working all day and I’m starved.”

“Of course darling. Tuck in. I assumed you’re not a vegetarian. I know she likes a taste of meat Helen.” Diana chuckled and started on her own food.

For the next half an hour the four concentrated on the luxurious spread that Diana had prepared. They exchanged gossip and jokes, but several times Katy caught Helen staring intently at herself and Caroline. She had seen that look before, in Diana’s eyes. She recognised it already as pure lust. Helen and Diana made sure that both girls were well supplied with wine and as time passed, both of them came to feel pleasantly relaxed.

After their meal, Helen lay back on the sofa and lit a cigarette.

“Well girls. I don’t know about you but I feel quite stuffed.” She began to unfasten the buckles that secured her waistcoat. “I think we should all get comfortable, don’t you?”

The leather waistcoat opened exposing Helen’s naked breasts. They looked all the larger on her otherwise slim body. Like so much of her face, her nipples too were pierced. Heavy steel rings hung from each erect teat. Caroline and Katy stared in wonder at the beauty of Helen’s tits.

“Do you like them girls? I bet you’ve never seen titties like these before. Diana loves them. Don’t you my dearest suckslut?”

“They are so beautiful. Please can I suck them Helen?”

“Of course you may. Do it well and please me.”

Diana bent to take one of the stiff, pierced nipples into her mouth. She sucked it hungrily.

“That’s goood.” Helen gave a low throaty moan and pressed Diana’s face hard against her breast.

“I see you have nice big tits for such a pretty little girl Caro. Why don’t you show me? Help her off with that dear little dress Katy. Uncover those titties for me.”

Katy turned to her friend and began to unbutton Caroline’s dress. In a moment the young girl sat in only her undersized cotton panties. Her large plump breasts were displayed and the tiny knickers accentuated the nakedness of her pussy.

“Mmmm. Gorgeous! Such a sweet child with such grown up tits. Couldn’t you just eat her up Katy? Why don’t you give her a kiss? I love to see pretty little girls being friendly.”

Katy needed little encouragement. She had been waiting for days to get her hands on Caro again and she was still aroused from the interrupted licking in the bathroom. She pressed Caroline into the sofa and kissed her hard, her tongue pushing between the soft lips and probing the wet little mouth beyond. Caroline responded readily and soon the two girls were entwined on the leather sofa. Katy’s hands squeezed and pinched the younger girl’s ample breasts while Caroline slipped her hand up under Katy’s dress and rubbed her wet cunt through her knickers.

The two women sat and watched this for a while, arms around each others waists as they whispered to each other. It was Katy who finally broke off the mutual exploration.

“I’m sorry but I have to go to the bathroom. All that wine and then Caroline rubbing my cunny has made me desperate for a pee.”

“I know just how you feel Katy.” Helen smiled at her. “I could do with a piss myself. Why don’t we go together?” She rose from her seat and took Katy by the hand, leading her out of the room. “Back in a few minutes girls,” she called back over her shoulder, “and no mischief while we’re away.”

On reaching the bathroom, Katy hesitated for a moment waiting for Helen to leave her. The woman showed no sign of doing so.

“You go first Katy. I can wait for a while.”

The woman watched as Katy shuffled from foot to foot in embarrassment. Finally the girl could wait no longer. She simply had to pee and raised up her dress before pulling down the tight, damp panties and seating herself on the toilet. Helen moved to stand close before her. She towered over Katy, her large hard tits jutting out above the girl.

“Come along now. I can’t wait all night you know. You’re not doing anything I haven’t seen before. Lots of times.” For the first time with a tone of authority appeared in Helen’s voice. To Katy, it was like the first time, when Diana had caught her with the dog. It frightened her slightly but it was exciting too and she felt the heat and wetness increase in her cunny. Relaxing her muscles she allowed a stream of urine to escape, splashing down into the toilet.

“Music to my ears darling! I do so love to watch a pretty young thing like you let loose. I see you don’t have any pussy hair little girl.”

“Diana made Caro shave it for me.” Katy’s golden stream slowed to a trickle.

“Diana is such a sweetie. She knows I love my little girls with baby soft twats.”

As Katy’s pee dribbled to a stop, Helen reached down her hand. She slid it between Katy’s cunt and the toilet bowl and stroked her fingers gently over the wet lips. Catching the last drops of piss on her fingers she raised them to her mouth and licked them clean.

“Oh yuck! That’s horrid,” exclaimed the shocked Katy.

“No darling. It’s quite delicious. You can’t beat a little thing like you for fresh sweet piss. You still have a lot to learn. Diana is a wonderful teacher but there is a limit to what even she can do in a couple of days.” Helen caressed Katy’s soft blushing cheek then pulled her to her feet. “Come on now, it’s my turn. I wouldn’t bother with those knickers now. I doubt you will need them again this evening. Help me with these trousers would you. I love tight leather, but they are an absolute bitch to get out of.”

Helen stood with her hands on her hips as Katy unfastened the skin- tight leather pants and slid them slowly down her long, curvaceous legs. Katy was not surprised to see that the woman wore nothing underneath. As Helen stepped out of the tight leather, the girl noticed a glint of metal from the clean shaven cunt. Helen sat down on the toilet and spread her legs wide. The inner lips of her cunt pouted out, a deep dark purple and shining with moisture. Looking down, Katy could see the metallic gleam again.

“Well? Don’t just stand and stare. On you knees little girl and kiss my cunt. Come on, hurry. I have a surprise for you.”

Katy fell to her knees before the beautiful and imperious woman. As she drew close to Helen’s slit she saw what the glint of metal really was. Helen’s clit jutted out and there, passing through it, was a bright silver ring.

“Helen! It’s beautiful! But doesn’t it hurt?”

“It stings like hell at first but once the job is done it feels divine. I walk around on the verge of coming most of the day. Imagine if you could have your little clit gently rubbed, every waking hour. Which reminds me, I want my pussy none too gently rubbed right now. Get to it girl. Eat me out. Now!”

Katy pressed her face between Helen’s legs, her chin resting on the toilet seat. She took the long pierced clit between her lips, gently teasing the ring with her tongue and slipped a finger into Helen’s sopping cunt before adding two more. She thrust hard and fast into the woman’s creamy pussy.

“AHHH YES! Oh that’s good child. Diana said you had a natural aptitude. That’s it, finger-fuck my slit. Do it hard! More! Quickly now, here it comes. Ohhh baby girl that’s the way. AHHH FUCK!”

As Helen reached her climax she pressed the girl’s face hard into her cunt and, without warning, released a jet of hot piss straight into her mouth. Katy coughed and spluttered but Helen held her tightly, forcing the girl to drink down a large part of the copious golden stream. Helen’s climax ebbed with her piss. She relaxed her grip on Katy’s head and tilted the small wet face upwards. Looking up past the tits that jutted above her, the girl stared into Helen’s face. Her expression was one of awe. Helen grinned down at her.

“You see? Now that was fucking nice wasn’t it girl? A little piss never hurt anyone. Diana said you were ready for some new lessons. Did that taste good?”

“It was… amazing. It tasted all salty but it tasted of your pussy too.”

“Good girl. Now we really ought to get back downstairs. Who knows what sort of naughtiness that horny bitch Diana might get up to with sweet little Caro if I don’t keep her on a tight leash.”

Helen got up from the toilet and helped Katy to her feet. She kissed the girl for the first time and licked up stray drops of her own piss. Naked now she picked up the leather trousers and led Katy from the bathroom and back downstairs. Re-entering Diana’s den they found her on the sofa, her legs drawn up and spread. The top of her latex dress was peeled down and she pulled at her nipples. Her skirt was rolled around her waist with Caroline crouched beneath her. Caro had her thumb in Diana’s bum and three fingers pushed deep in the woman’s cunt. Diana was flushed and her face glistened with sweat. It was obvious she had just come.

“Hello again you two. Have you been having fun? You seem to have lost your trousers Helen dear. Have you been having your evil way with my darling little slut?”

“You look like you’ve been a busy girl yourself!” laughed Helen.

“Well Caro looked so lonely there on her own. I thought I should give her a cuddle. Are you having a nice party Katy?”

“O yes, thank you Diana. I licked Helen’s cunt for her. You should see Caro! She has a ring through her clit too. And she pissed in my mouth when she came!”

“Dear Helen.” laughed Diana. “I can always rely on you to be the life and soul of the party.”

“Well I think we should take a moment to relax.” said Helen stretching herself naked on one of the sofas. “Katy, Caroline, come sit beside me for a while.”

Both girls joined her on the leather couch, Caroline naked on one side and Katy, her white dress riding up to her waist, on the other. Both snuggled against Helen’s large breasts, gently stroking them and occasionally toying with the rings that hung tantalisingly from her nipples. Diana sat on the floor at Helen’s feet, her head resting on the muscled thighs. Katy was somewhat surprised. She had not thought of her mistress taking a submissive role to anyone. In this relationship however, it was clear that the powerful Helen was the dominant partner.

“Well?” asked Helen “What’s next for our sweet little girls?” She was running her fingers over both girls” soft hairless cunts. “Do you have any nice little party games in mind Diana? Or perhaps some toys for the children to play with?”

“I’m sure I can find some toys, as you well know darling. Both our little darlings have played with one of them already. Tell Helen about the other day in the riding ring Caro.”

“It was really scary at first! Diana and Katy smacked my bottom really hard when I was bad, then Katy sucked my pussy, it was so nice I fainted, then when I woke up Katy was getting fucked by my little pony Rags, he did lots of spunk up her and it went everywhere! I didn’t want to play at first but Diana held me and made me suck her pussy then I started to like it then Katy put this plastic thing on then she put it up my bottom and fucked my bum!”

She related all of this in such a breathless rush of childlike excitement that Helen burst out laughing.

“Well you did have a busy afternoon, didn’t you? Your still a pussy virgin then Caro?”

“I was saving that treat for myself.” interrupted Diana. “But as my guest then you may have that pleasure if you wish.”

“No darling. She’s your find. I wouldn’t dream of depriving you of her cherry.”

As she spoke, Helen lit a cigarette. Katy saw it was different from the first one. This was a hand-rolled one like the ones the farm hands smoked, but rather bigger and fatter. As Helen exhaled a thick stream of smoke, Katy noticed it smelled different too.

“What a funny smell! Is it special tobacco Helen?”

“How sweet! Yes darling, very special tobacco. Best Nepalese black. Here Katy. Give me a kiss.”

Katy hesitated. She did not like people smoking and thought it would make Helen’s mouth taste unpleasant.

“Come on now girl! Don’t be silly. I want to taste that sweet mouth of yours again.” She pulled Katy’s face towards her while taking a long pull on the joint. She clamped her mouth over the girl’s and blew a stream of smoke deep into her lungs. Her mouth stayed in place for a few seconds to prevent Katy exhaling. When she withdrew, Katy coughed expelling the smoke.

“I didn’t like that Helen! It wasn’t nice at all.”

Helen grasped the girl by the hair again ignoring her protests.

“Don’t such a baby Katy. You haven’t given it a chance yet. Open your mouth.”

She pulled the struggling girl close again and repeated the smoky kiss. She forced Katy to hold it for longer this time. When she took her lips away this time, Katy released the smoke more slowly.

“I feel a bit funny now Helen. What is that stuff Helen? Is it drugs?”

“Oh it’s just a bit of dope dear. It won’t do you any harm. You will feel wonderful in a moment. It will make you nice and relaxed.”

Katy lay back on the soft leather of the sofa as the dope took effect. Helen ran her fingers through the girl’s short blonde hair.

“You see how good it feels now? It will take away all your little worries and inhibitions. Let’s have that little dress off now. I want to see those lovely little titties that Diana has told me so much about.”

She unfastened the small buttons and drew the dress up over the girl’s head. Katy lounged on the sofa naked, her legs spread and her fingers gently rubbing her clit. Her small hard tits were flushed pink and her nipples, fiercely erect, jutted upward.

“You weren’t exaggerating Diana. They are absolutely gorgeous. I do so love little girl’s tits. Why don’t you go and find us some toys to play with darling while Caro and I suck on these sweet titties? Come on Caroline move over and give her tits a good licking.”

Caroline eagerly obeyed. Moving to the other end of the sofa, so that Katy was sandwiched between herself and Helen, the youngest of the group sucked at the small breast with its thrusting pink nipple. Helen took the other. The stud in her tongue teased the stiff teat unmercifully and soon Katy was moaning loudly. She ran her hand over Helen’s cropped head, loving the feeling of the bristling stubble beneath her fingers and against the sensitive flesh of her tit. She watched Diana get to her feet and cross to the ornate red and black cabinet that stood against the wall. Opening the doors she paused for a moment as if deciding what to do.

“Helen darling? Take my slut’s tit out of your mouth for a moment. What do you fancy? I’m just spoiled for choice.”

Diana threw the doors wide open and Katy saw that the cupboard contained a vast array of objects. She recognised one of them immediately. It was the dildo she that Diana had had her wear to fuck Caro’s arse. She saw several similar assemblages of rubber and leather. Hers was by far the smallest in the collection.

“We’ll need strap-ons I think,” said Helen thoughtfully, looking up from Katy’s tit. The hard tip glistened with saliva. She looked thoughtful for a moment. “Two, I think and the big double ended one for me if you would. Oh, and that springy little black crop. Fetch them over her would you darling?”

She returned her attention to Katy’s breast with renewed vigour. Caroline had a finger in her friend’s pussy and quickly added another. Helen joined in, applying her thumb, hard, against Katy’s clitoris. Their combined efforts roused her from a drug induced languor. She thrust her pussy against the busy fingers. Helen pinched the small clit between her thumb and finger masturbating it like a tiny prick.

“Ahh yesss! Do me hard. That’s right Caro, finger fuck me deep. I’m going to come! Oh yes, frig my clit! Faster! I’m there! I’M COMMMMMING!”

Katy’s climax was long and loud for, despite all that had happened so far this evening, it was her first orgasm. When the spasms in her cunt receded she lay back on the cool leather of the sofa. Her eyes were closed as Caroline and Helen both kissed her hungrily, breaking off occasionally to devour each others tongues.

When she opened her eyes again, Diana stood before her. A long, thick, pink dildo thrust forward from her groin, secured in place by tightly buckled straps. From one hand she dangled another rubber cock by the straps. In the she held a long flexible object, both ends shaped like huge red pricks, and a black riding crop like the one she had brandished at Katy on that first afternoon in the barn and that Katy herself had used on Caro’s bum.

“You look quite shattered dear. Why don’t you just rest there for a while?” Diana smiled sweetly down at her.

“I will.” Katy replied. “What are you going to do now? And what’s that big bendy thing? It looks so funny!” She giggled, pleasantly stoned now.

“That one’s mine.” Helen reached for the double headed rubber prick. “And this is how you use it.”

She opened her legs wide and, spreading her cunt with her fingers, began to slide the cock deep into her hole. Half the length, about a foot, disappeared inside her.

“Oh Christ that feels good.”

Helen stood up and faced Katy. The other half of the dildo projected from her pussy. Without intrusive straps to hold it in place it looked like a part of her. Her own foot long cock.

“Well girl, do you like my prick?” Holding it like her own erection she ran her hand back and forth along its length. “What about you Caro? Do you think my big cock looks hot? Open wide child and suck it for me.” She placed her hand on the back of Caroline’s head.

Katy watched in wonder as Helen rubbed the head of the dildo over Caroline’s lips. Pushing her hips forward she slid the tip into the girl’s small mouth. Caroline gagged at first but then began to suck avidly on the rubber prick as it stretched her lips.

“That does look so pretty.” sighed Diana. “Now you just sit and watch for a while. When you feel up to it then this is for you.”

She handed the remaining strap-on to Katy. It was far larger than the one she had worn before and she rubbed her hand lovingly along its length.

“It’s my turn now.” Diana looked down at Caroline, anticipation written across her features. “I want that special treat I’ve been saving. Take your prick out of Caro’s mouth for a moment please Helen. Now sit here next to Katy and keep her company. And you Caroline, kneel down. That’s right, now you can suck that big prick again.”

Diana placed Caro between Helen’s legs. She knelt there, her mouth full again of rubber cock. Her large tits hung beneath her and her soft plump bum stuck out temptingly. Diana crouched beside her as the girl’s head bobbed up and down in Helen’s lap. Caro was so absorbed in her first experience of fellatio that she didn’t notice Diana move into position behind her and grasp her gently by the hips. But when she felt the first contact of the strap on against her virgin cunt, Caro’s head shot up. She pulled her mouth from Helen’s cock and looked back over her shoulder.

“Please Diana. I’m not sure I want to.”

“Don’t be a big baby Caroline. Helen, look after our little girl.”

Helen turned the youngster’s head back toward her. She took up the thin crop from the sofa and stoked Caroline’s worried face with it before pushing her head back down. She slipped the pink rubber prick back into the girl’s mouth and pressed down, burying half the length in Caro’s throat.

“Now be a good girl and suck on that while the lovely Diana opens your tight little quim. It only hurts for a moment and then it will be heavenly. Tell her Katy. Tell her how good it feels to have your cunny filled.”

“Yes. Just wait Caro! It’s wonderful, really. Mr. Johnson did me the first time. And you saw how Rag’s big cock filled me up.”

“Now hold still girl!” commanded Diana. “Stop wriggling about! Give her a touch with the crop would you Helen? I can’t get the head in if she won’t keep still!”

Helen swatted Caroline’s plump white bum with the thin leather switch. It raised a thin red weal almost immediately. Caroline tried to cry out but the dildo filling her mouth stifled any protest. Helen repeated the stroke a dozen times, bringing a whimpering end to the girl’s struggles.

“That’s better! Now relax Caro while I open your cunny.”

Diana pressed the head of her rubber prick to the tight slit of the young girl kneeling before her. As the lips parted to admit the bulbous tip, the woman thrust roughly forward and Caroline’s hymen tore. There was a low moan deep in the girl’s throat and then she pushed herself back to meet the advancing dildo.

“Go on Diana! Fuck her hard! I want to see it going all the way in and out.”

Katy, now fully alert, shouted excited encouragement to her mistress. Helen turned and smiled at her. She found that Katy had slipped into the harness of her own strap-on and was rubbing it’s length rapidly as if masturbating her own real prick. As she did so, she pushed the harness end of the rod repeatedly against her clit.

“O Christ but that’s a pretty sight!” Helen grinned at her. “I’m glad this is only a plastic prick. The little bitch is nearly biting it off!”

Caroline’s teeth were clenched on the shaft of the dildo as she neared her orgasm. Moans and growls sounded in her throat as Diana continued to pound her tender cunny. At last Caro could stand no more and she pulled away from the prick that filled her mouth.

“Ooooo! It’s so good. Push it in! Push it in! Push it hard! I want… I want… AHHH! AHHHHH! YES!”

She climaxed violently and collapsed forward, her head resting in Helen’s lap. The woman stroked her head as Diana withdrew her strap-on from the newly deflowered Caroline. Katy could see that the cream that coated the shaft was tinged pink with a trace of blood. Diane got to her feet and stood beside Katy, presenting her cock for inspection. The girl stretched out her slim neck and took the shaft deep in her mouth, sucking it clean of a mixture of Caroline’s lubrication and her virgin blood.

“Thank you Diana. That was tasty. Was it worth the wait?”

“Well worth it darling. It almost makes up for not taking yours.”

Helen now lifted Caroline’s chin and gazed into her sleepy eyes. Caroline smiled up at the other three, utterly exhausted.

“Thank you Diana. Thank you Helen. I’m very tired now. I think I’ll have a lie down.”

“Of course Caro dear. Here you are.” Diana took a cushion from the sofa and, laying the girl gently on the deep, soft carpet, placed it beneath her head.

The two women and Katy bent over the recumbent figure and kissed her. Diana placed her lips on Caroline’s and gently slid her tongue between. Katy kissed each of the plump tits in turn and Helen took the little clit in her mouth before licking the freshly fucked cunt clean of bloodied cream. Caroline sighed deeply and closed her eyes. She was asleep.

The remaining trio looked at each other and grinned.

“Well now,” Diana broke the silence, “it seems to me I deserve some reward for organising this splendid party for you Katy.”

She began to loosen the straps and slipped her dildo to one side. She took the other cushion from the sofa and lying on the floor, placed it under her bum. Her swollen wet cunt was thrust forward, invitingly spread.

“Come on Katy. It’s time for Diana’s fuck. Do me little girl. My pussy’s running and I need your big cock!” She spread the lips and grinned lewdly at the girl.

“Go on Katy darling!” laughed Helen. “You don’t get an offer like that every day. The horny bitch needs screwing.”

Katy crawled forward between Diana’s thighs, her plastic prick swaying beneath her as she moved. She gripped it by the shaft and rubbed the head teasingly along the juicy slit. Diana arched her back pushing up to meet the great round head. Katy though pulled back continuing to taunt her teacher. Only when Diana reached her limit, her bum raised off the floor and her whole body bowed up and seeking for the dildo, did Katy ram the whole length into the depths of her mistress’s wet hungry pussy.

“OOO! You dirty little girl! I’ve been waiting for this all night. Fuck me darling. Fuck me with you big hard prick! Helen, please, come and join us.”

Helen knelt beside her and placed the projecting half of the double- headed cock on Diana’s lips.

“Give it a lick for me you horny bitch. I want it good and wet.”

Diana ran her tongue back and forth over the twelve inch shaft that projected from Helen’s crotch, covering it in saliva.

“That’s lovely. All slippery. Now I can give you a tit-fuck.”

She laid the glistening rod between Diana’s breasts and pushed them firmly together trapping it. Pulling and pinching at her lover’s rigid nipples, she began to thrust her hips, sliding the dildo between the hard tits and in and out of her own creamy pussy. She established a rhythm to match Katy’s and the two of them synchronised their fucking of Diana.

“That’s wonderful girls. Keep it up Katy. Screw me hard now. Push it right in and rub your cunt against mine. YES! Do it like that! Fuck me like the dirty little slut that you are!”

Diana was breathing hard, her breasts rising and falling rapidly even as Helen continued to thrust between them, pinching the nipples hard between her sharp nails.

“Fuck me Katy! Fuck me! FUCK ME! FUCK! FUCK! OH FUCK!” Diana climaxed as she and the girl ground their clits together, the dildo entirely buried in her cunt. Helen continued her thrusting assault on Diana’s cleavage, seemingly lost to the sensations in her own pussy as the twelve inches within her slid back and forth.

Katy pulled her prick from Diana with a liquid pop. But instead of allowing her to rest, Diana held her close. She reached down, pushing Katy’s strap-on up where it made a sticky trail across her flat stomach. She pulled her own dildo back into position and pushed it up into Katy.

“Your turn now! I’ll teach you how to ride. Ride me girl! Ride my big cock!”

The girl sat erect, straddling Diana and quickly beginning to rise and fall.

“That’s it. Just like you were at the trot.”

Katy moved up until only the head remained between the lips of her cunny, then plunged back down burying the full length of the rubber shaft within her.

“Stick you big cock up me Diana. I need fucking. I need fucking really hard. I feel so hot in my pussy.”

“What a couple of sluts!” Helen, distracted, had stopped her tit-fuck. She still hadn’t come despite the double ended dildo pulling at the ring that pierced her clit. “How did you find such a fuck hungry little girl?”

“My reward for living a pure life darling.” Diana grinned up at her friend. “Give me that lovely cock of yours. It needs a touch more lubrication.”

She licked greedily at the flexible length jutting from Helen’s pussy lips, covering it in a shiny coating of spit.

“There, that’s good,” she said, pulling her mouth away. “Fancy a Katy sandwich?”

Helen moved away from her position by Diana’s face. Pausing only to kiss Katy’s lips, twisted now in pleasure, she moved behind the girl. She pressed her hard breasts against Katy’s back and reached a hand around to play with the nipples of the sixteen-year-olds tiny tits. Her other hand grasped the thick rubber shaft half buried in her own sex. It was slick with Diana’s saliva as she guided it into position against Katy’s arse. She used her hand as she started to feed the head into the girl’s bum until the bulbous head forced it’s way past the muscular ring of her anus.

“OHH! It’s so tight! It’s good. Don’t stop now Helen. I want it all. Give me more. Fuck my bum!”

Helen continued to feed the rubber length into Katy’s arse while at the same time Diana shafted the shaved, wet and swollen cunt. Helen came to rest with her cunt pressed tight against the young girl’s bottom, all twelve inches hard up her arsehole and an equal length in her own wet hole. She continued to play with Katy’s tits and kissed her neck. The kisses quickly turned to bites.

“OWW! That hurts! Do it more. Yes, harder! Put your cock right up my cunny Diana! Fuck me up the bum Helen! Screw me hard, please.”

Katy collapsed forward onto Diana, the woman’s large breasts pressed against her own small ones. Their mouths ground together, tongues thrusting and twisting. Given the change of position Helen began to shaft Katy’s arse with long slow stokes. The double dildo was forced deep into both their holes. Presented with the girl’s buttocks, Helen couldn’t resist giving them a smack.

“AH! Do it Helen. Smack my bum. Make it hurt!”

“You heard her Helen. Make the little bitch sting. You want it don’t you Katy? You know what a randy little slut you are. Can you feel our cocks, you dirty girl?”

“Yes I feel them! I feel your pricks in my holes! Spank me harder Helen. I have been a dirty girl, haven’t I?”

“You’ve been… you’ve been a naughty filthy little slut. A sexy little bitch.”

Helen was laying into Katy’s bum cheeks with the crop now.

“Only dirty little girls… Ahhh! Only dirty little girls get fucked up both holes! Oh Jesus… Oh fuck darling… You’re a dirty… filthy… sexy… beautiful little bitch and you’re making me COME… COME… I’M COMING I’M COMING SO FUCKING HARD!”

Cracking the leather switch across Katy’s thighs, Helen buried her cock to its full length one last time as the orgasm tore through her body. The violence of that final thrust drove Katy hard down on the other cock. Diana’s dildo sank deep into Katy’s tight young cunny filling both her holes to the limit. The girl felt the two dildos pressed close within her body as she reached her climax. The other end of the dildo came to rest hard against Diana’s clitoris. They came together, joining Helen who was still gripped by her of massive orgasm. All three collapsed in a flood of juices and a crescendo of screams.

They lay together on the soft red carpet for a long time, in a tangle of sweat soaked limbs. Finally the sat up and looked down at the girl curled on her side before them. Helen stroked Katy’s face with the supple leather of the crop and then presented it to her lips. The girl kissed it tenderly. Diana ran her tongue over the reddened bum, soothing the marks of her beating.

“This has been the most wonderful night I’ve ever had.” sighed Katy as she lay exhausted. “Thank you both for a lovely party. You’ve both taught me so much.”

“Oh it was our pleasure,” laughed Diana.

“What a darling girl you are.” added Helen. “I wish Diana could have introduced us earlier. Much earlier.”

“I’m so sorry the summer is over Diana. I wish it could go on for ever.”

“Well Katy, summer may be over. But it’s only five weeks to half term. And I can always use a well trained girl in the holidays.”