(c) 2020 by Iamjackieluvsit

Our Niece who had just graduated, and came to stay with us, and check out the local University in our town; To see if that was where she wanted to enroll in and a possible scholarship.

She truly is not my actual maternal Niece, She is actually my husbands Sisters daughter.

Now she by no means is a nieve; Straight laced girl; Just the opposite actually.

Wild and acts like a mare in heat!! I know beyond a doubt she’s fucked well over her share of young men. But the truth of all that is; She has really never had a big dick in her at all ! You all know the story of that all to well; Those pencil dicked little boys she’s fucked have never been able to give her a good really deep fucking::

I’ve busted her countless times letting boys into her room at our house, while staying with us and having sex with them. Oh sure their those bam, bam, bam, and it’s over with hurriedly.

Oh she’s got her uncle totally fooled!! He thinks she’s the perfect little angel, that could do nothing like that at all!! I just keep on letting him believe that and haven’t said a word about what a little fuck hoe she actually is!!

Yeah she’s a beautiful young woman:: Long blonde hair down to the middle of her back:: With just enough tits to make boys/men look at her wherever she goes; She’s slim and long legged; And Has a tight little rounded ass that tops off the lustfull appeal she thinks she has on men::

In highschool she was a cheerleader; Which tells you just how her beauty got her by:: Oh she’d hug right up to her uncle and I damn well knew that little bitch was toying with him, when she had her cheerleading outfit on; These are just things a woman knows, And a keen eye to see it all sure lets the cat out of the bag per say.

She is indeed one of those slutty teasers and cares little really what man or boy she teases with her body and her ways!!

How she’s gotten by without being half near raped by some man she’s teased, who takes action when being teased like that, Just is beyond me.

I’ve seen her naked numerous times while she’s been here; Sure she is beautiful; Can’t deny that at all.

But to have the hold on all these boys and men is yet another thing::

She only trims her blonde bush just enough to cover those thin pouty pussy lips and clit area; She was sitting at the edge of her bed when I walked into her room to put her laundry away and there she sat; Legs wide apart and that thin lipped pussy lips of hers were closed absolutely shut; Not one bit opened in the least! Her clit stood down into them and sure told me she could absolutely have a long extending one when aroused!

Of course she quickly pulled her legs together and tried to cover herself and telling me to knock before I entered her room in the future.

I on the other hand said:: “Look young lady, this is my house, and in the damn future if you don’t want me to just walk in, then lock your damn door!”

Her little titties firm and proud, had nice hardened nipples that stood out like little stalks from them!

I am in some deep closeted way a bi-fem, and have indeed had a couple lesbian relationships; Now given the fact she’s my praternal Niece, has indeed kept me from tearing into that and giving her beyond a doubt her first “real” pleasureable fucking and pussy eating!

Oh how I’ve wanted to get with her and take my huge dildo and give that pussy of hers a stretching out and deep fucking she’s never ever had as yet!

Enough on all that now to the “real” story at hand! How my Pepper was the one that really put the meat pounding to her and fucked her like she’d never been fucked before!

One morning after my husband had gone to work:: I was down in the kitchen both cleaning, and getting the days menu laid out and things cut up and ready when needed.

When I started hearing really strange gruntal, groaning sounds coming from the living room above. And heard her pleading No, Oh please No, don’t do that!

Then she began to cry out my name and pleading for me to come help her!

Well I kind of instinctively knew what was going on up there:: Given any chance, and opportunity; My huge dog Pepper would go after any woman no matter who to hell they were if they presented to him the right signs.

Either having their legs open sitting on the couch or chair, He’d take that as his invetation that they wanted his tongue pleasure! Oh he’s shoved his snout right up to many visiting women at our place in a heartbeat!

She had many times herself pushed him away from her crotch and scolded him for being naughty!

But i’d noticed that here the last few weeks she just didn’t pay him no real mind when he’d do that:: Sometimes she’d push him away and others she’d just shut her legs.

No doubt somehow, someway, He had gotten to her this morning!

I came up the stairs and instantly saw why!!!

The little bitch was totally naked having just showered and why in the hell she was running about the damn house naked was beyond me.

For there she was totally naked sitting on the couch legs open a bit and Pepper burried up between them his snout plunged into her blonde pubic hairs his tongue, lashing out, licking the enterity of her outer lips and over her clit.

The whole time she was screaming out help me get him away from me, as every time his tongue lashed up over her clit, she jumped, and shuddered all over; Now using her arms and tried to shove him away from her, but he’d have none of that! As he lept his head up, snarled, and snapped, and growled at her that made her stop that instant and he went right back at her hair covered pussy lips, and began licking again and again.

I now had gotten behind the couch standing over her and began to try and sooth her screaming out for this to stop.

She looked up at me eyes as wide as can be full of absolute fear, and disgust, telling me to stop him.

I merely reached my hands down along her lean body and imediately Pepper shot his head up and snarled, snapped, and growled at me.

Oh I knew all to well that he would have none of that at all. So I laid my hands on her head and began a soothing stroking action, and told her there was no way to stop him from this, that he’d eat us both up if we did anything!

All the while he’d returned to his spot of nose plowed up into her upper mound hair his tongue back to lashing out over her outer lips and raking across her now fully extended clit, making her jerk and jolt when he did.

AS my hands stroked through all that blonde head of hair her head turned up to me the whole time and the jolting and jerking from his getting at her clit, was having a lustful though still fearful affect on her.

I just told her, she’d have to absolutely open her legs, and let him have at it till he tired from it and stopped. Of course knowing all to damn well that he wasn’t going to stop! Oh hell no! Not my Pepper!

She was now crying out how she couldn’t let him do this it was to nasty and dirty!

I carresing her through her hair and soothing her as best I could through this said:: ” How in the hell did this even start?”

She just cried out: ” I came in here when I heard a noise, and sat down, and he, he, he, just shoved his damn nose up between my legs and started licking me!”

AS now the lapping sounds were a bit louder and damn sure wetter, as he continued his long lapping over her labia and that extended hardened clit of hers.

Now her screaming out as she was at first, had subsided to just grunts and groans; I told her open your legs wide apart and let him get done, it’s the only way this is going to stop.

She finally had succombed to her fate, and spread her legs widely apart.

As I used my strength to reach out onto her shoulders and push her body down as she helped me in doing so, sending her ass right at the edge of the couch.

Pepper re-adjusted himself back and not missing a lick one over her entire pussy lips and over that clit of hers making her still jerk and jolt each time.

With this new fully opened position, Pepper began licking faster and faster, as she was now really grunting, and groaning!

Her body had given in to the intense pleasure, yet her mind was still doing it’s best to not let her body respond to it all.

Pepper had his ways and I had damn well taught him the expert art of using that tongue of his, to absolutely make any woman give in to the pleasure of it!

And she was damn sure doing just that by the grunting, and groaning sounds, turning to absolute lustfilled ones, her ass now even starting to move about in complete, and total submission to it all.

Her arms grasping at the couch cushions and her eyes fluttering and the absolute lust of it showing in them now!

The wetness between his laping tongue and her labia was soaking wet now and Pepper knew all to well what she wanted! What her pussy was needing!

I damned sure knew all to well what was coming, as he seemed to just back away a bit with his snout, her pussy twisting and turning from her ass movements said she was primed and ready for a full pledged tongue assault on her pussy!

Her head now thrown back, her face reddened, with deep, full mind wantoness now, her moans of nothing but absolute pleasure filling the room.

I leaned my head down to her upturned face as I still stroked and carresed through her hair, and said::

“Your about to get your pussy licked out as you have never, ever, had it done before!”

As hearing this made her body shudder, and mutteral moans, excaped her mouth.

I instructed her to push her ass further to the edge, and get it hanging just off the edge, and spread her legs as wide as she could, and support herself that way, and use her arms to help hold her upper body onto the couch!

She did just that in an instant which lowered her shoulder and head further down into the back of the couch; And spread her legs wide open as she could get them, As I saw her wet swelled with lust pussy lips twitching and spasming with nothing but total ass lust and wantoness!

Pepper had just moved back knowing this fully well meant, she was ready to really get a tongue lashing from him, as he was triumphantly licking his long tongue over his lips, basking in the flavor of her pussy juices, he’d expertly gotten her to give him!

At that instant she’d moved into full wanton position, and he had backed up to allow it; He went right back to now fully licking over her cunt lips, his tongue flattened out over them, and began really lapping over it all, his tongue curling at the end, to really dig at that fully hardened and extended clit of hers!

Oh she was going totally bezerk now from this new way of getting licked by him and her clit would swing, and dance about wildly, as he tongue tip raked over it’s entirety of curling to fit into it, then make it all move up, and come wildly swinging and crashing back down when his tongue freed of it!

He kept at this new action for a bit and began to slowly curve his tongue to ever slightly now rake through her inner lips spreading them outward, like a flower bulb opening, to reveal it’s petals of beauty.

Going faster and deeper through them he went until he had them splayed wide open, the opening into her cunt began to show, as she was now thrashing and churning wildly about, crying out now that it was to much! She couldn’t stand no more!

I leaning over the couch gently carresing her head in my hands leaning my face right at hers basking in the seeing how her facial reaction was total complete wanton lust for this now, as my Pepper was licking that pussy of hers so esquitely perfect, as I watched her face redden even more and her eyes closed and squinched up, her mouth wide open moaning in complete mind boggling fashion as she cried out::

“Ohhh I’mm I’mmm ggoing tooo Cummmm!”

And cum she did indeed! The wet lapping now turned into fully sloppy as hell lapping, Sounding like a dogs tongue does as it laps up water from a bowl!

She just then and there fell out to an absolute limp state of total pleasure.

I just looked down at Pepper lapping and getting every drop he could of her juices that poured from her pussy for him.

And let him finish that and told him that’s enough boy, she’s to far gone now!

Oh he knows my commands all to well and I wanted this little bitch wide ass awake and fully and totally aware of what was going to happen next!!


Pepper and I had left that bitch little Niece of mine sitting on the edge of the couch, legs spread widely out, ass at the edge, and that blonde haired pussy of hers all wet and matted haired from her intense orgasm.

No doubt it probably was the first real orgasm the bitch had in her life and my Peppers tongue is the cause and reason for it all.

I wanted her to come fully back around from passing smooth out from the tongue pleasure my Pepper had just given her, and fully submit to Pepper fucking her!

Sitting and watching, as she was heavily breathing from it all her clit that Pepper had licked so well and brought it out to full attention was now shrinking back to it’s normal position, but all of it was red and her once slender elongated cunt lips were swollen and petal opened still.

Coming around better and better she opened her eyes and looked at me and told me she’d never ever in her life had that kind of pleasure!

When she looked at Pepper sitting there beside us both she shuddered all over as the past pleasure ran through her mind.

I just watched her as she was fully back to life and she just lay out as she had the whole time Pepper had licked her pussy, still trying to get her mind back into normality from the outright mind boggling pleasure Pepper had given her.

Oh I could tell she wanted more!!

And not wasting a moment to have her pull her body in a far more proper manner. I got right up and went back behind the couch reached down and grabbed her by her chin pulled her head to look at me as I bent over, and ask her if she was ready for more?

Her whole body shook as a pause of her answer told of her minds swirling with the guilt and the pleasure mingling together; As she looked at me and I could see those blue eyes of her filled with lust and absolute wanting more. She just stammered out I oh I don’t know. He’s a He’s a Dog!!

I simply snapped my fingers and Pepper arose right up and came right back up between her outstretched legs heading right back to that pussy of hers as she was shaking all over like a leaf as now he sat right down right at where her ass was hanging almost off the couch his snout just inches from her pussy and awaiting a signal to get at that pussy of hers again.

Not giving her a chance to say no and move, I bent further over and was face to face with her blocking her view of Pepper sitting right between her spread wide open legs ready to give her yet another round of pussy licking and said;

“Are you ready for more?”

She just clinched her eyes shut and said; “ I d don’t k know it’s all to m much!”

I freed one hand from holding her face up to me and snapped my finger and that instant Pepper shot his snout right up to her pussy and began licking over her entire cunt up to her clit, As she loudly groaned and cried out, she didn’t know, she didn’t know if she wanted more!

But that body of hers told a whole different story now.

Her ass shot up off the edge of the couch and her body pushed that pussy of hers at his licking tongue now making that hidden clit come right back out from hiding and swelled to it’s full little tiny finger like length, all the while she was grunting and groaning, but her mind still trying to deny the guilt of it!

I had trained my Pepper well. And he’d sit right there and lick those outer cunt lips and clit until I gave him the signal to really eat that pussy.

Then I just ask and more told than ask if she was ready to really get her pussy eaten by him as her answer was an absolute gruntal moaning yes as her head shook yes in my hands.

Another snap of my fingers and Pepper began to not only lick the whole outer lips and over that clit but now he began to work that thick rough tongue of his into her cunt lips curling his tongue tip and making her cunt lips part open as she about shot up off the couch as he did this.

And cried out in loud moan after moan her eyes squeezed tightly shut and her whole face grimaced at the pleasure this new pussy eating was going!

Pepper began to force more and more of his rough tongue into her lips now hitting the very opening of her cunt and raking right up over and get that clit every time.

She began jerking and shaking and writhing and shoving that little tight ass of hers up to his snout fully and wanton of it all now.

Then she really cried out that his tongue was digging into her pussy making it stretch out as he curled that tip up and shot it just into her and raked over her dancing elongated clit and drive right back up into her pussy going deeper now and opening that tight little opening of hers wider and wider and wider as he thrust that tongue into her over and over again.

She was bucking and screaming out now his tongue was getting deep, so deep, so rough and then and there had an orgasm the juices getting licked up by Peppers driving tongue into her pussy and getting wetter and wetter sounding the whole time.

As he gave her a tongue fucking she’d never forget and never has forgotten!

Her body just fell back onto the couch now her orgasm so intense from his tongue pleasuring that tight little pussy of hers so deep and so rough she just fell out once again.

He continued to lick her pussy now having drove his tongue as deep as he could get into her pussy as she just lay there jerking her ass and body as he attacked her pussy with his tongue and the orgasm subsided and Pepper knew she’d had enough and stopped and pulled back a bit and sat there.

While she shuddered and shivered all over heavily gasping for air from the intensity of the orgasm she’d experienced!

I couldn’t help myself and had to look down and see her pussy lips still gaped out and quivering from her pleasure and her opening was now for sure stretched as she’d never had one of them boy dicks do as yet.

I felt guilty for having done this to her and allowed my dog to tongue her pussy out good and proper but damn the lustful thrill of it was fantastic.

And I sure as hell didn’t want her thinking this was the end! Oh hell no it was just the intermission of it!

Pepper was going to fuck this little bitch next!

Wasting no more time I just motioned him up and that’s all it took.

He immediately jumped up with his front legs and paws on each side of her hips his huge head nearly right where she and I were face to face as his hind legs walked forwards his bright red pointy cock already out of his sheath, showing his desire and want to fuck her!

As closer and closer his exposed cock came to her pussy spread open and ready now for an outright hot dog cock to fill it and pleasure her. She mindfully didn’t know it. But that pussy said otherwise.

While I held her head in my hands leaned over atop her from behind the couch and watched Pepper move that red hot dick of his closer and closer to her pussy and when he pushed the mere tip into her pussy she jerked and jumped and came around to life alright!!

Having shot her eyes full open seeing him now up on the couch with his huge head and front legs and her pussy feeling that hot dick of his barely planted in it she tried to scream no and twisted her head back and forth trying to plead her way out of it.

But Pepper having felt her pussy engulfing his cock tip now for sure would not take no for an answer at all.

And with that he shoved his cock into her pussy making her whole body jump up and try to stop it and screaming he was to big and his cock was burning her pussy up with heat.

He had only managed to get almost half into her feeling the resistance her tightness was fighting back with but he just kept shoving and shoving and shoving his dick into her pussy forcing her to open up and take it. All the while she bucked and screamed it was to big and to hot!!

I just reached and grabbed her by the shoulders and shoved her back down onto the couch with her upper body before she could fling Pepper off her and watched as his hot cock buried deeper into her pussy the whole time she was screaming no, oh please no, not this! Oh he can’t , oh he can’t do this to me!!

But he was and he was damn sure going to continue and fuck this bitch and teach her a damn lesson.

As she flung her head back suddenly and really screamed out he was to deep in her and I knew! Oh hell yeah I knew! He had hit bottom!! As I saw his cock shaft bend and push crushingly against her pussy lips that swallowed his hot cock stretched tightly open and her clit bouncing against his fiery shaft.

She was screaming no no no but Pepper began to fuck this little bitch and took after her with a fevered pitch of fastness making her ass churn and drive at his cock now fucking the shit out of her.

He fucked her faster and faster and faster her pleadings began to subside and her outright gruntal moans of pleasure began. But she was crying out his cock was to big and hot and she’d never been this full this opened up, this deeply fucked!!

Then suddenly she began to loudly cry out; “ Oh shit somethings oh somethings banging against my and trying her best to not outright say her pussy but it was more than her mind could stop as she said her pussy”

I saw it beating and banging against her lips that were stretching outwards to try and take it and then Pepper drove it home!!!

She screamed out she was being tore apart by something that had just gone into her!

And then she screamed out it’s rubb it’s rubb it’s rubbing against som some something in meeee!!

That’s when she really went bezerk her body thrashing and churning about and loud gruntal moans came from her and then and there she orgasmed no she didn’t orgasm the little bitch gushed juices from her pussy.

Pepper was still fucking the hell out of her, his huge knot now buried in her pussy locked tightly into it!

And i’ll be damn if I couldn’t actually see that her blonde haired cunt mound wasn’t swollen out showing his huge knots inside her pussy and forcing her mound to swell out from it.

She was screaming absolutely total painful cries and then her whole body jerked really wildly and all she could scream was hot as I knew all to well Pepper was shooting that hot dog cum right to the very core of her pussies reason for even being what it’s for on a woman! Right up into her womb!!

As her little belly so lithe and muscled swelled slightly out to his filling her to beyond her wombs capacity to handle as he often did to me.

She was flailing her head back and forth all the time screaming jerking and jumping her belly and ass about in perfect timing to Pepper squirting that hot cum right into depths she’d never in life experienced before with them little boy dicks that had pounded into that pussy before this.

AS finally she just lost it entirely as her pussy had gushed so much and so hard for Peppers doggie cock buried to the hilt in her pussy and knotted for a long breeding her with his hot doggie seed. And just slumped down laying there limply as Pepper continued for minutes and minutes to squirt his cum in her furthest depths her little belly rounded right out from her body telling of his ballooning that womb of hers out.

They stayed tied together each giving the other the pleasure the other wanted, and after 15 to 20 minutes of this, and she’d come to again and just there glowing with the aftermath of being fucked as she’d never been fucked before and looking up at me and saying his cock was jerking and still shooting hot cum in her and she’d never ever felt anything go that deep and something opened up inside her and she felt like she’d instantly been torn apart in there but then she felt the hot squirts of his cum fill her up and she was stuffed full of hot cum that churning in her belly somewhere!!

I told her then that feeling is when he shoves that hot tip of his through your cervix and fills your womb up with his dog cum! Oh that sent her overboard as she again orgasmed then and there.

Finally at last the deed was done.

Pepper had given all he could to her! His knot now deflated and he pulled out of her pussy with a loud almost popping sound as she jerked and jumped when at last he was freed of her pussy and the cum began to pour from her pussy as her little swelled out belly began to deflate and she just outright passed out again.

Laying there limply now as his cum still poured from her gaped open pussy and once she came to I helped her up and had to half carry her to the bathroom and gave her a good douching out and cleaned all Peppers mess up from inside as she slumped against the shower wall, the water splashing over her body.

The End