(c) 2022 by Iamjackieluvsit

Chapter One

After busting our hot pants little niece trying to suck my Husbands cock, but of course to no avail, due to the very fact he cannot get a hard on at all.

Oh the little bitch has tried numerous times to have sex with her favorite Uncle, only to be totally disappointed that nothing happened.

She even tried to get him to finger fuck her, of which he is not in any way shape or form a man who enjoys or even will try any sort of foreplay, and told her outright he just does not do that kind of thing at all.

Of course having stayed with us many times, she would run all over in nothing but those tight hot pants she wore, no bra, no panties, and she would sit all around and open her legs and you could outright clearly see all her privates.

She was at this time having just turned 18 and staying with us because her mom threw her ass out of her house for fucking her husband.

Now little hot pants Niece was much like I am though not truly, my side of the family niece at all, she was my husbands sisters daughter.

Long legged much as I am myself, of course her own Mom is that way, and has that split between her legs you can roll a bowling ball through and never touch either inner thigh, and her slutty little hot pants daughter was just like her.

She has long blonde wavy hair down to the middle of her back, and thinks she is every mans dream of wanting to fuck her, to say she has tits is a mere formality of her being a thought of as a female. Of course her long hair and the way she dresses in tight pants, or those damn hot pants she wears, shows her little cameltoe proudly out to anyone that will look at it.

That gap between her legs like that makes men want her alright, as one of our man friends said; “Yeah I’d take her alright, take her hunting and turn her upside down and use that big gap between her legs to use as a gun barrel thing to shoot deer with!”

Oh she even tried to get him to fuck her, and he told her no thank you.

Now living with us as she was, it got bad with her dressing around the damn house, in those way to loose legged shorts with no panties and no damn bra on.

Well our dog Duke which was actually a stray find that wandered up to our house, and just became part of the family, and believe me he had already been taught the art of wanting a female human.

Yes sure he had taken me many times over, and when Duke knots, Duke Knots!

One day while I was in the kitchen cooking and getting what we would all have for supper going in the crockpot, I heard her screaming out; “Help me Jackie, come help me, Dukes trying to do things to me!”

Then she began to shriek out as he had plowed his big nose right up into those loose shorts she wore everywhere around the house and began to lick that pussy of hers.

She was shrieking and gasping out and screaming; “Stop him Jackie, Oh stop him Jackie he’s trying to lick my pussy!”

I just snickered to myself, and thought well you little hot pants bitch, if you didn’t wear those loose shorts you run around here in, he wouldn’t have tried it.

As the screaming and pleading by her got even worse, I decided it was time to go see just how good Duke was getting at that pussy of hers.

He had her pushed against the very corner and at the back of the couch, as she was trying to push him away, but he’d have none of that now!

Help Me, oh Help Me, get him off me, Help Me Jackie, Help Me that little hot pants bitch was screaming out to me.

So I helped her alright!

I ran right over grabbed her right thrashing about long leg and pulled it over the arm of the couch, further opening the area there he had his big ol’ nose plowed up into licking her entire blonde hairy pussy mound, making her outright jerk and shake every time that fat thick tongue of his lapped over her entire pussy and over that clit of her that was now absolutely clearly visible as hell.

No No she screamed out get him off me Jackie, No don’t do that!

I left her leg pulled over that arm of the couch, walked right in back of it grabbed her thin long arms and fought with her trying to free them, but got them pulled up and onto the back of the couch, and secured her screaming little hot pants bitch ass to the couch, so Duke could do his deed on that pussy of hers, that’s what I did to help.

Duke was starting to really lick that entire pussy mound of hers now as she flung her head back and screamed out; “Oh no Oh no, he can’t do this to Me!”

I flat told her, oh yes he can hot pants, you been running around here showing that pussy off to everyone, and my Duke to, and now your going to get your come of it all, for doing this.

No oh Please No she screamed oh he can’t oh not a dog Jackie, oh please help me, oh please get him off me!

No I’m not going to help you, except to help him do this better you little bitch, that’s what I’m going to do.

So I let Duke get at that pussy holding her arms back like I was, her right leg still thrown over the arm of the couch, as she was now twisting and jerking and shaking all over as my Duke was really licking that pussy now.

She finally arched her back up and screamed out as the pleasure of it, took over her mind and body. Duke was getting sloppier and sloppier sounding laps and I knew the little hot pants bitches pussy was enjoying it as much as I was watching it.

Finally she screamed out and Duke really went to licking that pussy, while hot pants little bitch was having a orgasm for my dogs tongue licking it like he was.

Oh she had a good one alright so much so she just went limp as could be, and then I let her arms go as they stayed pulled over the back of the couch, and I went and got Duke out of her now soaking wet shorts.

She was gasping and breathing like the little hot pants bitch in heat she was now, as I got Duke down, and told him to sit, and let’s get this much better and easier for him.

To far gone and to spent out, from her probably first ever really true huge mind boggling orgasm my dog Duke had just given her, that she didn’t fight or even make any attempt to move her leg or arms from their positions.

I just reached out grabbed those soaking wet shorts and yanked them off her, and grabbed her left leg pulled it further out and threw it up on the edge of the couch opening her wide open so Duke could really give that pussy of hers a licking she’d never ever in her life forget.

She let me do this and did not fight nor try to move her legs or do anything but sat right there and let me do it.

Then looking and thinking this whole situation over, I had an entire other plan in mind for this hot pants little teasing bitch!

I left her there and told Duke stay, and as much as he wanted to jump back up there with his huge head, go back at that pussy of hers he stayed, though he was whining and pleading with me that way about wanting to get right back at it.

Walking just a few feet away I grabbed exactly what I had in mind for this little bitches lesson about teasing, and acting like she had been oh hell yes I had a plan alright.

An outright deviously minded plan for this hot pants bitch in heat!

I went into the kitchen got nothing more than extension cords, the ones that are cheap as can be, and grabbed four of them and came right back into the living room with them.

I tossed one on every corner of the Ottoman I so often had used to lay over myself and let Duke fuck the hell out of me on, and now this little hot pants teasing bitch was going to get her come of it all!

I thought suck my wimpy husbands limp cock you little bitch, and beg him to finger fuck you, only to have him tell you he don’t do that kind of thing, and your fucking your moms husband, oh you little hot pants slutty in heat ass, is going to get a lesson you won’t ever forget now you little bitch!

Going back over to where she was still laid out exactly as I had left her, I grabbed her by both her ankles and drug that bitch right off that couch making her head slam down onto the floor as I drug her bitch in heat ass off that couch.

Drug her right over and onto that Ottoman that Duke boy knew all to well what that meant, flipped her skinny lean lithe body right over onto her belly, and ran around grabbed her arms and spread each one as far out as I could and tied her wrist with those extension cords right to the corner legs of that Ottoman.

Then she began to try and fight, realizing what I was doing now, as I grabbed first one leg, and then the other as she was trying to kick and fight me and screaming no Oh please no don’t do this to me.

I paid that hot pants little bitch no mind and took an extension cord and tied her ankle right to the corner of that ottoman as she was trying to use her free leg to kick at me, and I caught it and pulled it out as far as I could and tied that ankle of it with another extension cord right to the other leg on that corner.

Now little hot pants teasing bitch was tied and spread eagled as could be on her belly, that tight round little ass she so loved to shake and tease men with was now up in the air and ready for my dog Duke to get right at!

Please oh Please oh no Please don’t do this to me she was screaming and whailing out as she was trying her best to squirm and wiggle and free herself but she was helpless as I tied her hot pants little bitch ass to that breeding Ottoman.

Now I left her there screaming and pleading for me to not do anything like this and untie her and let her go, I walked up to where her head was and leaned down and said; “You been teasing my husband your own damn real “Uncle” and trying to get him to fuck you, and fucking your own Moms husbands, your own Step Dad you little hot pants slutty whore, and trying to get others to fuck you, and now your going to get just what you want A GOOD HARD FUCKING!”

Now oh Please no, oh I won’t do it anymore I promise Oh please don’t do this to me Jackie she was screaming and pleading out, as I got up and walked away.

I went right into the bedroom leaving that screaming pleading hot pants little slutty bitch tied up like that, and she was going to get fucked alright, and I do mean fucked just like she had so begged and teased and wanted, and now she was going to get it alright from my dog Duke!

As I grabbed up the booties I always put on his four paws so he wouldn’t scratch the hell out of me when he fucked me like he always had, and snickered evilly to myself about knowing just what he was going to do to that hot pants little bitch tied up in there, and going to get a fucking she’d never forget from my Dog Duke.

I came back into the living room the whole time she was still screaming and pleading, and Duke saw those booties in my hands and he knew what that meant as he stood up wagging that knobby tail of his and dancing about in outright full knowledge just what this meant!

I left her still pleading and screaming ass just like it was, and went over and put the booties on every one of his paws, which he never had seemed to mind at all, as if he had been trained to that all his life when he showed up at our house.

That done all I had to do was get him to follow me and he did alright almost running right over where he knew he was needed!


Chapter Two

Duke followed me right over where she was tied and bound to the Ottoman, that little rounded ass of hers up in the air and now trying to move about as she was screaming and crying out not to do this to her.

Oh but you little slutty bitch I told her, you want to go around and suck your Uncles limp little dick, and fuck your own Moms Husband, but your offended by my dog Duke!

Duke just sat right there right up between her outstretched and tied and bound legs, lapping his big fat tongue out in wanton anticipation to get at her pussy again.

All I had to do was point and he shot his big head forwards and drove that fat tongue of his lapping from her hairy upper cunt mound, up on that very much dissented clit of hers and over her already soaking wet pussy lips and right up over her puckered tight little anal ring.

She flung her head up screaming and crying out and shouted out loud gruntal sounds as he began to lap her pussy over faster and faster.

That tight little rounded ass up in the air, was doing a wild dance about, as his tongue worked her pussy over, lapping and licking it wildly now.

She was arching her back up, trying to make her ass get away from that tongue of his, only to make everything that much better for him to lick that pussy of hers.

Then Duke knew and I sure as hell did as her pussy got wetter, and wetter, telling I and my Duke alike, that no matter what she was screaming and pleading out, that pussy of hers was loving it.

Then Duke withdrew his long thick tongue, and then sent it right up into the split of her twin flower petal tip like lips, as she really flailed her head about screaming out as Duke drove that curled up thick hot tongue of his right up into her pussy, stretching it wide open to his tongues thickness.

In and out he worked that tongue her juices beginning to first fill that curled up tongue of his then as she now loudly grunted and groaned, and her ass swung about in complete surrender to her fate.

Duke drove and drove that long tongue up into her pussy over and over again, getting much faster and easier now, as she screamed out and had a total complete gushing orgasm, as he tried to get every drop of that pussy juice she was giving him in rewards for the pleasure he was giving her.

Then she was limp as could be again only loudly grunting and moaning as Duke had his long tongue drove as deep up in her pussy as he could get it, tongue fucking that pussy with madness and forcefulness now.

Once I knew the hot pants little bitch had flat out passed out, from her outright most ever in her life gushing orgasm, all from the pleasure my dog Dukes tongue had given her.

I called Duke off as he sat back lapping his long tongue out over his juice soaked snout, trying to get and savor every drop of her delicious tasty pussy juice.

Her pussy was only slightly gaped open, her lips swollen outwards, with their outright passion and wantonness, of what my Duke had given them, and up into that tight little pussy of hers.

Standing there looking the whole situation over, I decided that she at this present state of arousal and her pussy not even ready to take such a thick hot long cock like Duke had without doing damage to her pussy, had another idea.

I was absolutely somehow going to have to fuck this hot pants little bitch, with something first to get that pussy ready for my Dukes big fat long hot dog cock!

Having several dildos of my own I kept hidden, I decided she would have to be fucked with one of them first, then let my Duke finish with fucking and knotting this hot pants slutty little bitch.

I went to my bedroom went to my special drawer where they were all well hidden, grabbed up one that would just be slightly bigger than that tight pussy of hers, a long pink nine inch one that was just about the size of one of those old salt and pepper shakers restaurants used, the ones that had those little squares all up and down them kind.

Duke of course right there with me still using his tongue to lap up the remnants of her gushing orgasm for that tongue of his, and went right back into the living room, where she looked so beautiful and erotic tied up like she was, all that long blonde wavy hair thrown about everywhere.

I walked right over squatted down on my knees on the floor and sat on them, took that pink rubber dildo and put it in my mouth getting the head wet and ready to fuck this hot pants bitch with.

Using both hands one to hold it right behind the flared out head of that thing, the other of course at the bottom, and lined it up at that pussy and began to work the tip into her petal like cunt lips spreading them open just enough to let the tip of it drag up through them.

She jerked that little ass of hers about as I did this moaning out gruntal sounds of pleasure, and then I drove it up into that tight pussy of hers, forcing it to open and take my long pink rubber dildo, and shoved it as deep as I could get it up inside her.

Her head shot up like a rocket as she screamed from both pleasure and pain at the moment more pain than pleasure, as her ass jerked and jolted and wildly thrashed about as her head almost in unison to each other.

I slowly torturously pulled it out making her gasp and scream out it was to deep, and how she’d never had anything that deep before!

I outright told her; “Yes you little slut, all you have ever had fuck you are those tiny puny little dicks, now your going to get fucked by big fat real long dicks!”

Going on to say as I slide my pink dildo back up inside her pussy slowly and torturously making her feel every bit of that pussy of her stretch open and feel it going in; “Feel my long dick stretching and going so deep up inside you honey?”

She screamed out; “Yes Oh Yes oh it’s so big and long on so deep oh to deep oh it’s hittting something way up in meeee!”

This hot pants little bitch would now be mine, and my Dukes little sex play toy, from now on by the time we got done with her!

I left that dildo pushed hard as I could against the very end of her pussy making it try to take more, only to make the dildo bend and bow from how hard I had it pushed up against the very back of that hot pants pussy of hers.

Then as she was thrashing her head about screaming out it was to deep, and hurting her so much pushing so hard against the end of that pussy of hers, I slowly again tortuously pulled it out making her gasp, groan and moan, as slowly she felt that empty void I knew all to well of how a woman felt when that happened.

I smiled and snickered with total absolute evil intent of what I was about to do to this bitch now!

Pulling that dildo back out to where just the flare of the head of it made her little tight pussy distend outwards, I left it there briefly listening to her gruntal moans and cries of the pleasure pain that caused her.

I grasp that dildo as hard and tight as I could in my right hand that held it and used my left to guide and keep it straight, and drove it as hard as I could up into her pussy as her head flung up and she screamed and cried out in the horrid pain it caused her as I slammed it as hard as I could against the very back of that tight little pussy.

Then I began to fuck her and I mean fuck her with it, hard driving forwards thrust with it as hard as I could make it go, then pulled it out rough and as fast as I could only to drive it right back up into her pussy just as hard and slamming into home.

She was thrashing and throwing her head wildly about screaming and crying out it was to much and to big and went to deep, all the while that pussy of hers was getting wetter and wetter telling me no matter what the bitch’s pleading cries were that pussy told a whole other story now!

Faster and faster I fucked her with it making her now go crazy with the painful lust of it, as she now was screaming out; “Fuck Me, oh fuck me Aunt Jackie, oh harder, oh harder, oh I’m going to going to cummmm!”

And cum the hot pants little bitch did to yet another powerful gushing orgasm cum!

I pulled my soaking wet dripping with her pussy juices dildo out of that pussy and leaned down and shoved my mouth over the whole entirety of her now slightly gaping more pussy and ate that pussy and sucked her juices out of it, relishing myself in the total delicious taste of it all, as little hot pants bitch fell out again.


Chapter Three



I was still down on my knees behind the hot pants slutty little niece of my husbands, the long toilet paper cardboard roller sized dildo, still in my hand freshly pulled, from her well fucked pussy my chin wet with the juices of that delicious pussy of hers I myself had just eaten and tasted.

The one thing I just did not do during any and all of this is lock the damn front door!

Here in front of me like she is tied and bound to the big Ottoman I have many times over laid over myself and Duke fucked me hard and good on.

In through that front door without so much as a damn knock comes none other than hot pants little nieces MOM!

She stepped just inside the house stopped dead in her tracks, her mouth flung open, a loud gasp of the awe of what she saw came from her.

Her eyes shot open in almost a horror style, as she flung her hand over her mouth crying out OMG!

I stand up still having that soaking wet dildo I had just fucked the shit out of her daughter with, Duke right there with me, booties on his feet, and no doubt at all what that was about.

My Sister in Law standing there in shock and awe at what she was seeing before her motherly eyes of her own daughter in such a position, no doubt at all having been just freshly fucked by me and my long pink dildo in hand, as she just stood there looking.

Then she realized she had the damn front door wide ass open for all who could come by to look right in and see one hell of a spectacle going on inside the house, and slammed the front door shut.

Still standing right there dead glued to the floor in her tracks staring at what she saw before her, and finally said; “OMG Jackie what are you doing to her?”

I jumped right in and told her; “I am teaching this little hot pants bitch of yours a lesson about doing what she’s been doing!”

Now Denise my Sister In Law came forward still in her shock and awe of the whole damn thing before her eyes and said; “Well Jackie it really served the little bitch right!”

Then said; “Did you just use that thing in your hand on her?”

Hell yes I did I replied to her and Duke here has ate her pussy, and Denise to tell you the truth I did to!

Now little hot pants bitch tied up on the Ottoman was screaming; “Mom go home don’t see this Momma, don’t see this Momma, Jackie’s fucked me, Duke’s ate my pussy!”

Oh I ain’t going nowhere you little bitch her Mom said outright to her, and then said; “Your getting just exactly what your slutty little ass deserves!”

Damn Jackie my sister in law exclaimed, your doing exactly what she damn well deserves, acting like she has.

Is Duke about to you know she exclaimed, the thing, she seemed to stutter out as she said that, and then said; “You know is he going to fuck her?”

Hell yes he is Denise I told her outright, and went on to tell her how she’s been wearing those damn baggy shorts around, with no panties and no bras on here, and she teased Duke and he went at her.

You mean he already has you know, already taken her?

No not yet at all Denise, he has only licked and tongued her pussy so far, and I have just fucked her good with this dildo of mine here, as I raised to show her the fresh pussy juices all over it from her cuming like she did on it.

Oh Momma Oh Momma go away oh please go away Momma don’t watch this, don’t watch this little slutty hot pants bitch busted out screaming.

Her mom Denise my sister in law slung her hands up on her hips, and stood there looking, and said; “Your Momma is not going anywhere, and what your Momma is going to do is, help Jackie here teach you a damn lesson!”

Looking at me Denise said; “May I please help you Jackie?”

Oh hell yes I said to her the more the merrier is what I always say.

Denise now laughed and at last in some vile evil way she and I at last connected in our relationship with each other, because in the past she hated me and treated me like shit.

Damn Jackie I need a drink, could you make me a good strong rum and coke, and get that slutty little bitch of mine one to because she’s going to need it for sure now!

As we left her daughter still tied up and bound like she was over that Ottoman, went into the kitchen and made ourselves all a good drink, and came back in the living room.

Denise took the one she made for her own daughter, walked right over to her squatted down on her knees, in front of her and and told her; “Drink this right now because your going to need everything possible to get you through this ordeal!”

She held the glass right up to her daughters mouth holding her head as high as she could and watched her drink the somewhat strong rum and coke drink down.

I need to point out that this is my husbands Sister Denise, not my Brothers wife Patti.

Denise having finished making her own daughter drink the Liquor down now looked at me and said; “Jackie go make our Jen here another drink she’s going to need it to loosen up for what she’s about to get!”

Now Jen is the name of what I have been calling her Little hotpants slut.

Jen now feeling a slight affect of the drink said; “What are yah going to do to me Momma?” “What are yah going to do to me?”

Just exactly what you have been wanting Jen, that’s what we’re going to do to you her Mom told her.

Jen then said; “The d d dog Momma, the dog is he going to do more things to me?” saying that in a shaky sort of manner.

We’re going to do whatever the fuck we want to with you Jen, and yes your going to get fucked by Jackie’s dog Duke!

Jen was now trying to throw her about shaking it in a No like fashion screaming out not to let him do it to her, but her Mom Denise slapped her face and told her shut the fuck up, she had no say so about what we were going to do to her.

I had now returned with a much stiffer drink, and in fact put just a bit of the potion stuff I had gotten from Dawg, and now back living with my husband I had it put away.

That hot pants slutty little bitch was going to get lit up like a fucking christmas tree! Her mom totally absolutely unaware that I had anything like this at all in my possession.

Really truth be known I wanted to spike her damn drink with it to! The in Heat potion here we come little hot pants slutty bitch I thought.

Denise took the drink from me turned her daughters head up as Jen was trying to struggle against drinking anything else stuttering out and crying out she didn’t want Duke, she didn’t want Duke.

Denise looked at me and said; “Come on and help me hold her head, and get her to drink this Jackie.”

So I went to the other side and grabbed used both hands and grabbed her head and held it up, as her mom Denise unknowing of course that I had spiked the drink with the outright Heat potion, as she made her drink it.

I got back up took the glass to the kitchen, as her mom Denise just stood up, standing there over her own daughter, tied and bound like this, and about to get fucked in unimaginable ways.

As I came back into the living room going over by Denise standing there as if contemplating what to do next, Jen her slutty daughter started screaming and crying out.

“I’m on Fire Momma oh somethings burning me up inside, oh it’s going down into myyyy as she flung her head up screamed.”

Now Jen began gasping heated breaths out as that fire hot potion shot through her whole body, I knew what she was saying or trying to say is that her pussy was on fire.

Oh I had even better plans now, because I put just a little tiny drop on the end of my finger, and it was going to soon go right up into that pussy of hers, and she was really going to come unglued.

I just left Denise standing there in total wonderment just what was wrong with her daughter Jen now, as I walked right back behind her squatted down on my knees sitting my ass upon my heels.

Then reached my hand up and plunged my right index finger right up into her tight pussy, and rubbed it around and around and around as Jen was thrashing her head about wildly screaming out she was burning up all inside her as this new fire in her pussy hit her like a brick into a windshield.

As I removed my finger from her pussy feeling it absolutely start clutching and grasping and felt the heat of it becoming hotter and hotter, when I pulled it out her pussy began to swell and go outwards as it got more and more and more swollen, her once thin little outer lips now were swollen and filled out, her entire pussy mound area right along with them.

I put that little bitch in total absolute female animal heat alright!


Chapter Four


Jen was screaming again, thrashing that long wavy blonde hair all over the place as she was swinging her head about madly and crazily as her Mom Denise stood right there watching her daughter come unglued from the potion I snuck in her drink, and stuck up into her pussy.

Denise looked at me and ask; “What’s wrong with her Jackie, she’s going crazy, like somethings burning her up, what is it Jackie?”

I still sitting right there as I was my right index finger freshly pulled from Jen’s pussy, and looked at her mom and said; “I slipped a little something in her drink Denise, it’s something somewhat like that Spanish Fly stuff.”

Oh that Denise replied back to me, I tried that one time and it did nothing for me at all, where did you get what you gave her?

I special ordered it Denise I told her, lying of course because truth was Witchy gave me a bit of her own “heat potion” but I sure wasn’t going to tell Denise at all about any of that!

In fact this potion is indeed somewhat like the “real” Spanish Fly used to put female horses etc. in heat for breeding, but this potion far exceeded what even the pure “real Spanish Fly” can even begin to do.

While Jen was thrashing her head about her face reddened with the outright heat her entire body felt and for sure everything inside her pussy to her cervix, to her uterus, and even up into the ovaries it heats up fire hot as hell.

I stood up looked at Denise and said; “Denise it’s time to get her Bred by Duke!”

How do we do all that Jackie she asked me?

I told her to come back here with me and she would be needed for sure when Duke was going to be with her awhile I said in way that didn’t outright say what he was really going to be doing to Denise.

She walked back where I was now standing and stood there, not really knowing what to do now or even how to do it, and told me she had heard of this sort of thing, but never ever in her life really believed it could even be done, let alone happen.

I now had walked over to Duke sitting obediently there panting loudly and heavily, as I know he smelled Jen’s newly in heat smell and arousal, and made my motion up with my hand and he jumped right up on all fours standing right there awaiting to be taken over and mount Jen.

Denise looking and watching suddenly threw her mouth wide open and said; “OMG Jackie he’s he’s he’s already out and H H Hard!”

Yes I looked at Denise and told her, seeing the total disbelief at what she was seeing, as if it was the first ever male dog cock she herself had ever seen.

Then she said; “Oh Jackie it looks so swollen and hot.” “Does it burn going you know up inside?”

Yes Denise it is very warm and sometimes hot as can be I replied to her.

I stepped towards Jen as Duke followed right along now eyeing the target he so wanted his hot cock buried up into being Jen’s swollen hot pussy.

As I walked right up to the left side of Jen’s shaking and writhing about ass in the air, I motioned my hand up and then and there Duke squatted back on his hind end and leaped up and landed right on top of Jen’s body.

Denise gasped out as she saw this happening, in total disbelief and awe as she saw in live reality it was going to happen, and to her own daughter!

Now Duke had wrapped his front paws and legs around Jen’s tiny waist gripping her tight as he could into his chest, as Jen now was screaming and pleading; “No Oh no, Please oh Please ddon’t let him do it!”

Her had been totally knocked out of her, Duke had jumped up atop her, his heavy weight sent her lower back crashing down onto the Ottoman, making her tiny round ass stand up better in the air.

Duke now moved his hind legs closer and closer now starting to thrust his hips in typical humping fashion, as his long fat hot cock came closer and closer to the target he so wanted which was Jen’s swollen pussy ready to take him now.

I knew all to well that my big boy Duke is indeed a huge mongrel mutt, a mix of about everything it seems. I really think his hugeness is in part from something like a St. Bernard or such big tall dog.

One things for certain he towered over Jen like she was a mere rag doll play toy to him.

As he closed in on her pussy with that big fat long hot cock of his, I knew we were about to heard some blood curdling screams from Jen, when he stretched that tight pussy of hers out to near breaking it wide open fashion.

Then he found it!

Jen tried to throw her long wavy blonde haired head up but with Duke over the top of her as he was she couldn’t do it, her head crashed right into his huge muscled up chest.

But she screamed out; “Oh it’s to big, Oh it’s to big, Oh it’s to hot, it’s to hot, he’s going rip me apart!”

As he stretched those now swollen cunt lips of hers out so much, it was like a tight rubber band wrapped around the tip of his cock.

She screamed, and she gasped out, and she shook all over, and went crazy underneath him.

His cock had now worked itself just barely even up into her pussy opening, as she was doing all this already.

He was going to break her hot pants slutty little bitch ways of doings once and for all!

Now Duke is no lover boy male dog at all, when feels your pussy around his cock it’s knock it out of the park and he’s off to the races.

But Jen was so tight his cock would only bow back and around, as she screamed bloody murder.

Then her pussy forced by the driving of his cock so hard to stretch, and stretch, and stretch open some more, to consume that fat long hot dick of his.

Hell he barely 2 or 3 inches inside her and you’d think by how she was screaming he had slammed into bottom already. He’d only just begun!

She screamed, he yelped and whined, both in unison to each other as he was sledge hammer pounding that stake of his up her pussy.

Denise there by me now herself screaming out; “He’s going to tear her wide open Jackie, he’s way to big for her, how can we stop him Jackie?”

I looked at her and said; “We can’t Denise!” “When he gets started fucking there is no stopping him, he will tear us apart!”

Now Duke was at about the 6 inch level inside her pussy, and Jen was screaming and thrashing that head about like a mad woman.

Seven inches in now, and she was gasping, and still screaming and thrashing, and screamed out; “Oh he’s to big, To hot, going to deep, oh going to Deep!”

Her face was reddened with the horrible anguished pain her pussy was feeling, as Duke himself was still yelping and whimpering every time he drove that cock hard as could be, it would bow and bend about, then shoot up into her pussy deep, making him stop yelping and whimpering, but little hot pants slut Jen scream bloody murder.

On and on and on this went on as further into her pussy he pile drove that fat long hot dick of his and then it happened.

He bottomed out in her pussy! Jen now lost all control of everything and she was in such horrid pain she passed out.

Duke just rested there atop her, his tongue lulled out, his heavy panting told of his pleasure he felt from her tight hot pussy.

Then he tried to pull his cock out, and he was so stuck in that pussy of hers, he drug her ass back a bit, while her pussy was coming out tightly secured to that dick of his.

He flat out could not truly fuck her, he was to damn big, she was to damn small!

Denise screamed out; “What do we do Jackie, what do we do, he’s stuck in her Jackie, he’s stuck in her Jackie!”

I said; “Just relax Denise he and she will be just fine once that tight pussy of hers, adjust to him.”

Duke was now swinging that big old head of his around, panting as hard as he could, his tongue lulled way out from his mouth slobbering everywhere.

The look in those big brown eyes of his told everything, he was in heaven with heated lust and pleasure, that tight pussy of hers was providing on that dick of his!

He was in fact locked up inside her pussy, no damn doubt about it, but the thing is he hadn’t even knotted her yet.

He tried and tried and tried to move his cock back out of her even resorting to jerking back as hard as he could with his hind end.

Which only made her ass move backwards and that pussy of hers tightly clasped to his cock like it was super glued together way up inside her to him, as pulled outwards, I mean her vagina, her pussy walls, pulled backwards on his cock.

Duke was going crazy now, he wanted to try and get off her, and being right there I jumped in and held him atop her, then made Denise do what I was as I ran and got what I knew I needed.

I came running back with long straps, threw one under Jens writhing and twisting and shuddering belly that had Duke buried up to the back of her pussy inside it all, then ran around and grabbed the other end and tied it over the top of the two of them stuck together.

I tied it tightly to keep him atop her, and then took two more, and used one around both their legs and tied them together there, so Duke had to stay atop her.

Denise was screaming and crying out; “Oh Jackie he’s never going to come out of her he’s stuck inside her Jackie, he’s stuck inside her Jackie!”

I said; “Don’t worry Denise this is all only temporary and he hasn’t gotten into her with what usually causes this.”

Then Duke was so far gone into the pleasure of her tight clasping pussy on his dick, I saw his big huge balls begin to jerk and I knew what that meant!

Jen suddenly flung her head up and screamed out; “Oh hot oh somethings squirting up into me so deep Momma, Oh it’s fire hot, oh it’s filling me up toooo muccchh!”

That said that pussy of hers gushed juices from it like a broken water line pipe then.

As both orgasmed for the other!

Duke shooting that little womb of hers he was stuck into no doubt about that, with his squirting hot cum and filling it full as could be, she gushing juices all over his cock shooting it out over it.

They stayed locked together like this for over an hour!

She would jump and jerk and scream out he was still shooting fire hot stuff up into her, oh I’m going to explode MOMMA, she screamed as that little belly of hers was swelled out and distended from her womb being forced to swell out from his fire hot dog cum.

After that length of time Dukes Big fat hot dick began to wither and shrink as I untied the straps over their bodies together, and then the ones that I had wrapped each of their legs keeping them tightly secured to each other.

After knowing he was freed like this and his dick now shrunken down he pulled from her pussy in one long stroke and jumped off her as she flung her head up and screamed as it all happened.

Duke as his usual after fucking and filling a womans womb and pussy with all that hot dog cum his dick still hanging from his sheath under him dripping pussy juices and his cum off it went and lay down and licked himself clean.

I then untied Jen and left her on the Ottoman to mend and heal if that was possible after her pussy was wrecked out by my dog Dukes huge cock.

A big gap in her pussy her MOM Denise and I both could see after he had pulled out of her, and not one bit of cum hardly at all came gushing out of her.

Denis looked at me with wide open eyes and said; “He ruined her Jackie, his dick was so big he ruined her Jackie!”

I said; “She will be alright Denise, I have some special healing salve that help her.”

Denise looked over at Duke and that long fat but shrunken up cock of his still showing way out from his sheath, as She gasped and shook all over thinking in her own mind what that big dick of his would do inside her own pussy!




Well I indeed got the healing salve spread it all up inside little Jens shredded open pussy, and helped her heal.

She after that ordeal stopped even trying to get any man to fuck her like she had before. Dukes fucking stopped that!

Now on the other hand MOMMA Denise, well she was intrigued so much about my Dukes big fat long hot cock, she kept bringing the subject up every time now she would come over and visit and sit and talk to me for hours on end.

We had become friends at last. She would flat out ask me how in the hell I was ever capable myself to take that huge cock of his?

I told her outright that when he fucked me the first time, he indeed did exactly to me what he did to Jen.

Denise really secretly wanted to let Duke fuck her, and do the same thing to her! She finally admitted she wanted it!

And hell yes she got it! But that my readers is yet another story in and of itself.

The End