(c) 2022 by Master Jonathan

Janet Connors was the newest and youngest of the veterinarians at the Southbrooke Animal Shelter. Actually, she worked in the animal hospital attached to the animal shelter. Whenever an animal came into the shelter she or one of the other vets would give the animal a good health screening and if there was anything that needed medical attention, they could take care of it. Then when the animal was in good health, it could be moved into the shelter itself and wait (hopefully) for its new owner to come and take it home.

Janet had just finished up her college courses and this was the first job she’d gotten in her chosen career field. She’d volunteered at her local shelter when she was in high school, but that was just to walk the dogs for exercise or clean up the dog yard … just lending a hand when they were short on personnel. Now she was a full-fledged veterinarian and she got to do more than just sweep floors and take out the trash!

As the new girl though, she was started out on the night shift. She’d watch over the animals and make sure they were all comfortable, their water dishes were full, and make sure the animals and the clinic stayed safe. She would occasionally accept a late-night drop-off if one came in but by and large, it was quiet in the clinic.

One night while making her rounds and checking on her “tenants”, she noticed a new face in one of the pens. It was a large black dog sitting back in the far corner of the pen. It wasn’t cowering but it didn’t come up to her wagging its tail either. It just sat there watching her as if trying to figure out if she was a friend or foe.

The dog was built like a Rottweiler, stocky and solid, but it was smaller than a full Rotty would be. She figured it weighed about 90 pounds or so. It had some traits of a Labrador Retriever – in the face and the ears as well as slightly longer legs and a long Labrador tail. Janet surmised it was a mix of the two dogs – they rarely got a purebred anything in the shelter!

“Well hello, boy! When did you come in?” she asked the dog. But the dog didn’t give any kind of reaction, it just continued to watch her.

“Aww, don’t worry, boy. This is a scary place at first, but I’ll take real good care of you,” she said in a soothing voice. Moving slowly so as not to alarm the dog, she stood up to read the info card on the dog’s cage. “Hmm … no name, no real history. It just says that you were picked up as a stray. You aren’t wearing a collar and from the looks of it, you haven’t for some time – I don’t see any rub spots where your collar would be.”

Then she noticed the dogs’ water bowl was empty. Thinking she might be able to make friends with the dog she went and got a pitcher of water from the break room and brought it back to fill up the dog’s water. She stepped inside the cage and cautiously moved to fill the water. She didn’t know anything about this dog and hadn’t yet built up a rapport with him so she kept an eye out just in case. But the dog didn’t move and once she’d filled the water bowl Janet stepped back out of the cage closing the door. “There you go, boy … some nice fresh water!” she said. Then she turned and went back into the office to do some paperwork.

What Janet had failed to realize was that while the door to the dog’s cage was closed, it hadn’t latched properly and the dog had been able to nose the latch up and push the door open. As she was sitting there with her back to the open office door (she kept the door open to hear if something was wrong), the black dog came into the office standing at the door. A low, menacing growl alerted her and she spun around to see the black dog standing in front of the only door of the office, teeth bared and standing in a threatening manner.

“Oh!” Janet said, startled to see the dog loose. “How did you get out, boy? You can’t be running around loose, you could get hurt or something. Let’s get you back in your pen.” She stood up and took a step toward the dog. But the dog had other ideas and wasn’t ready to go back to his cage.

The dog took a few steps closer to her showing her his teeth and growling. Janet had always thought of herself as the kind of person who could befriend any dog but this particular dog didn’t seem to be interested in being friends. She backed away from the dog slowly but just as she did her foot caught in the power cord of the vacuum cleaner she had used earlier to clean the office. She fell backward and that was the opportunity the dog was looking for. The black dog was on her in a single, bounding pounce.

Because Janet worked nights and no one else was around, she was allowed to wear comfortable sweats instead of the usual day workers’ uniform. The dog leaped on her and in a single swift bite tore the crotch out of her sweats ripping them nearly in two. Janet screamed, but with no one to hear or to help her, it was quite pointless and only inflamed the dog more.

Then the dog caught wind of a new scent, one far different from the fear he smelled in her. He put his nose in her crotch and inhaled deeply. It was the smell of a female in estrus. Janet was beginning her period and the dog sensed it. Actually, Janet wasn’t even aware of it yet, but the dog certainly was and it excited him. He began poking her crotch with his nose wanting more of the scent that so fascinated him. When he gave her crotch an exploratory lick, Janet got really scared.

“No, boy no! You can’t do that!” she yelled. She rolled over and onto her knees, trying to crawl away, but that was her mistake. The dog jumped up on her back trying to mount her but Janet struggled away. In doing so though the dogs’ claws caught her torn sweatpants and her pants under pulling them down and wadding them up around her knees.

Now with her legs trapped by her own clothes, she couldn’t crawl away fast enough. The dog jumped up on her again, this time further up on her. His weight pushed her to the floor, face down, where he pinned her in place. Janet continued to struggle against the dog but he was too big and held her too tightly for her fighting to be of any use.

“PLEASE GOD NO! NO! SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME!” Janet screamed. But of course, there was no one around to help her.

Janet continued to struggle as best she could, but she was tiring quickly – she was just a small girl at 5’5” and 120 pounds and this dog was nearly as big as she was.

Then Janet felt something that brought her terror to a whole new level. She felt something poking hard and fast against the cheek of her now bare ass. Janet panicked and screamed again and the realization of what this dog was doing hit her. She was trapped alone in the room with a dog who was trying to rape her!

The dog, sensing her fear and panic barked, and then he bit down on her neck, not trying to hurt her, but still sending her a message that this was going to happen and not to fight him on it. Janet froze and stopped struggling then. Sobbing she lay still as he kept jabbing at her backside until his pointed cock found what it was looking for.

Janet felt the tip of the dog’s penis slip between her pussy lips With tears streaming down her face, she cried out “OH NO! GOD, PLEASE NOO!” as she lay on the cold tile floor, not moving. The dog’s penis slid into the entrance of her pussy, now getting wet with shameful excitement.

It had been some time since she’d last had anything in her pussy, concentrating more on her studies than her pleasure. But now this dog was starting to give her the pleasure she had denied herself. It was purely accidental – the dog couldn’t care less about her pleasure, he only knew what he wanted. And she was the target of that desire right now.

Janet was crying and trembling as the dog started fucking her. His penis slid in and out the entrance to her slickened pussy, fast and furiously growing longer and thicker as it did. As the dog plunged deeper and deeper into her, Janet squealed and moaned. Her pussy began to stretch to accommodate the penis growing inside her. Janet had never felt anything as large as this dog’s penis and she wondered if she was going to be able to take it all.

The dog began fucking Janet harder showing no mercy and only concern for what he wanted. Sobbing uncontrollably Janet took the punishment, too scared and too tired to fight anymore. She was ashamed and humiliated, still in shock that this could be happening. She loved dogs and she never thought one would do something so wrong to her. Yet here she was laying on the floor half-naked while a dog fucked her against her will.

The dog was fucking her like a machine, relentlessly and mercilessly. She grunted with the force of the dog’s fucking as he threw his full weight into each powerful thrust. The dog continued to fuck her with no mercy humping her like a crazed jackhammer, his penis burrowing deeper as it swelled.

Janet grunted “Ungh! Ungh!” with every hard thrust the dog pounded into her. She couldn’t believe this was happening to her – she’d only tried to make friends and take care of this animal, how could it have turned on her?

But as the dog drove his penis into her, a strange thing began to occur … Janet’s cries and sobs slowly began to turn into moans! Her mind may not want to admit it, but the dog’s growing cock was starting to turn her on incredibly!

The combination of not having sex for so long plus the size of this dog’s cock was more than her body could ignore … and it was still growing! Janet could feel her pussy stretching trying to accommodate the dog dick swelling inside her. But it was getting more and more difficult – she could swear the dog was trying to climb completely into her abused pussy!

“Yes! Oh, fuck yes! Oh God it’s so big … stretching me … so deep, oh so deep…” she moaned deliriously

Just as Janet felt she couldn’t take another inch of this dog, she felt something new and very different. Somehow in the dog’s efforts to mate her, his cock brushed up against her g-spot! The sensations hit her like a thunderbolt and shattered any remaining resistance she had to what was happening.

“OH GOD, YES! YES, BOY, FUCK ME! FUCK ME RIGHT THERE! OH FUCK YES! GOOD BOY! OH GOD!” she screamed out, spreading her legs now to allow the dog to take her as he pleased. As the wave of this first orgasm built taller and taller she pushed back now against the dog’s thrusting, raising her ass up to give him a better angle and drive deeper into her. She clawed at the floor, trying to find purchase on the hard tile floor in preparation for what she could tell was going to be a mind-blowing, earth-shattering orgasm for the ages.

Then it happened … her legs began to shake and her whole body tensed like a spring preparing to launch. With a scream that was sure to set off every animal in the building, she let loose!

“OH MY GAAAWD, I’M CUMMINNNNG! OH FUUUCKKK YEEESSSS!” Janet screamed. She pitched and bucked as her body went through the throes of a long-neglected, ferocious orgasm. The dog didn’t miss a stroke though, pummeling her endlessly even through her own flailing and thrashing around.

Finally, just as the last of her quaking was coming to an end, a new and much more sinister sensation came to her. A large lump began pushing on the entrance to her pussy. It was much bigger than the cock inside her. The dog was trying to knot her!

“AAAHH NOOO! OH GOD NOOO!” Janet screamed. The dog’s cock was big enough – this knot would rip her in two! Still incredibly weak from her massive orgasm, though, she was unable to do anything to fight or resist the hypersexed dog on top of her. The knot, about the size of a softball, began parting her swollen pussy lips. Janet began breathing in short rapid pants as this reverse-birthing got more and more intense. “PLEASE! OH, GOD! IT’S TOO BIG … TOO BIG … YOU’RE GONNA TEAR ME! OHHHH…”

With her pussy slickened by the dog’s fucking and her recent orgasm she was plenty lubed. And even though she didn’t know how, the huge knot did indeed slip past her vaginal opening and wedged itself inside her. Her opening closed back around it a bit, trapping the knot and the dog’s cock, inside her.

Janet had lost her mind with this new development. She was screaming and clawing and doing everything her lust addled brain could think of to cope with what was happening to her. She didn’t know whether to enjoy what was happening or be terrified of it. She had lost any hope of rational thought – she was as much an animal as the dog fucking her.

Her breathing was now coming in tearing gasps and she felt dizzy, as if she was about to blackout, when suddenly the dog let out a deafening howl and Janet felt something hot searing her insides.


The words had no more crossed her lips when another earth-shattering orgasm slammed into her like a freight train. But she was now knotted with the dog so there was no hope of escape and with the large bulbous knot plugging her pussy canal, the dogs’ scalding hot semen and her own juices couldn’t escape. The dog kept ejaculating, pumping his seed deep into her while she added her own juices to the slurry filling her belly.

Unlike a human male who will shoot a few spurts and then shrink away, Janet’s canine lover kept pumping and pumping – he wasn’t going soft and withdrawing. “Oh God I’m so full … sooo full…” she moaned. Janet could feel the dog’s boiling hot semen flowing inside her pussy on its way to her very depths. Janet knew there was no worry about her getting pregnant – her body would quickly reject the alien sperm and it would die off. So that was not a concern. Besides she was in too much bliss now to care.

With her mind lost in the foggy haze of my orgasm, Janet softly moaned, “Oh yes, boy, fill me with your doggy seed. Give me all of your hot doggy cum! Good boy!”

For the next 20 minutes or so the black dog ejaculated into Janet’s battered womb. Janet had regained some of her sense and tried to move away only to realize they were locked together and she wasn’t going anywhere for a while. She lay there still, accepting his gift for another 15 minutes before the dog was finally able to get off her, his shrinking knot making a loud wet plop as it came free. The dog then went to a near corner to lick himself while Janet, too weak to get up herself, continued to lay on the cool tile floor and recover.

Still trying to come to terms with what had happened, Janet lay on the floor sobbing. God, I just got fucked by a dog! I can’t tell anyone about this – what will they think of me? What will they do to the dog – he was just following his instincts! I should never have come to work on my period – he smelled it and that’s what set him off! These thoughts ran through her mind as she lay there, dog cum streaming out of her and creating a puddle on the floor.

Then another, more troubling, thought came to her. I got fucked by this dog … and I LIKED it! Oh my God, what’s wrong with me! The shame and humiliation she felt were almost more than she could bear.

Janet lay on the floor for several more minutes before she felt strong enough to sit up. As she did, her dog-rapist raised his head and pricked up his ears attentively. After a couple of minutes of sitting, she felt strong enough to get up off the floor. She wanted to go into the bathroom and clean herself but as she moved towards the bathroom, the dog moved in front of the doorway and stood there growling menacingly.

“I just want to clean up some, boy. It’s okay,” she said calmly. But the dog wouldn’t let her pass – he was keeping her in the office!

So Janet backed away from the door and sat down on the office chair. The dog laid back down in front of the door and watched her.

It was about an hour later that the next incident occurred. Janet thought the dog was calmer now, so she eased her way towards the bathroom again. But the dog wasn’t done with her yet. He rose to his feet and walked slowly towards her. Janet backed away afraid of the dog’s bared teeth and raised hackles. He got to the middle of the room and then he lowered his chest and head to the ground with a bark. Then he raised back up and waited.

She knew right off what the dog wanted. “Oh God no … no not again…” she whimpered. But the dog answered with a bark and a snap of his jaws. Janet terrified that if she didn’t comply would be seriously hurt – or killed – started crying again as she got down on the floor. She lowered her head and chest to the floor and raised her ass into the position he wanted her in and waited for him.

The dog walked up to her and sniffed at her pussy before giving it a lick. Janet felt the tongue and gave an involuntary moan as the dog’s rough tongue stimulated her. The dog sensed it made her feel good and began licking her more. Janet responded with moans and by raising her ass higher. She didn’t want to admit it, but she was thoroughly enjoying this dog licking her pussy and she wanted more. She was getting turned on by this dog’s oral “talent”!

I shouldn’t be enjoying this … it’s so wrong … but God does it feel good! she thought as the dog’s tongue licked her eager pussy again and again.

“That’s it, boy, lick my pussy just like that! Oh God yes! Good boy! Oh, sooo goood…” Janet moaned as she wriggled her ass to get him to lick just the right spots. The dog seemed to know how much she was enjoying it too – perhaps by the copious amount of pussy juice she was pouring out of her wet slick slit.

The dog was getting excited as well and soon he’d had enough of just “eating her out”. His penis had emerged from its sheath and was hanging there under him, bright pink and wet. He stopped licking her and mounted her, humping at her to try and find her pussy again.

This time instead of struggling and fighting though, Janet reached between her legs with one hand and held her pussy lips spread apart, making a larger target for the probing cock. In seconds, it had found the target and he slipped inside her again.

“Oh God Yes! That’s it, boy! Oh, fuck me! Fuck me and make me your bitch! Oh God, it feels sooo good! Fuck me boy!” she moaned loudly.

The dog began doing exactly that too, humping her like her pussy had a time limit. Janet didn’t mind though, she was already slipping into that blissful state of pure lust. The dog’s penis was swelling inside her, his humping motion was turning them both on incredibly, and the whole wickedness of the scene was adding just enough shame and degradation to the act. This mild-mannered bookworm veterinarian had found her weakness!

With the same hand that had opened her pussy for him, she reached further back to cradle the dog’s cum-heavy balls, stroking him and playing with his nuts as he pumped in and out of her. The dog didn’t seem distracted by her hand, though. In fact, he pumped her all the harder for it. She was spurring him on, coaxing him to release another huge load of dog sperm. And he was in total agreement!

She then moved her hand up to rub her clit. She was getting close to another tearing orgasm and wanted to reach it as quickly as she could.

Faster and faster Janet rubbed her throbbing clit as the dog pounded away at her pussy. Janet was going crazy with lust, screaming out, “Fuck me! Oh, fuck me doggy! Harder! Fuck me harder! Oh fuck, I’m going to … CUMMMM!”

Janet’s world exploded once again as her orgasm took over her worn-out body. She twisted and thrashed and bucked in wild abandon, unable to control her own movements and not really wanting to anyway. She lost all track of time or sense of self. She had no idea how long this ordeal had lasted or how much longer it would go on. All she knew was that she felt indescribably good, like she had been somehow transported to some sexual heaven where all pleasure resided.

Just as she was returning to reality, she felt that familiar lump … the dog’s knot … knocking on her pussy door. Knowing there was nothing she could do to prevent being knotted again she spread her legs wide to accept the mass as it pushed its way into her.

Even though Janet had experienced this dog’s knot only a couple of hours ago, it was still going to stretch her to her pussy’s limit. The knot worked its way slowly into her as Janet moaned and groaned and shifted position to help it along.

“Ohhh … Oh, Goddd … oh it sooo huge!” she moaned as the knot pushed deeper into her. She felt her pussy walls expand and stretch almost painfully but finally, the immense knot was fully inside her and her pussy closed in around it.

Janet knew what was coming next and she was anxious for it. “Okay boy, now give me that hot doggy cum! Come on boy, cum inside me.”

She reached under her again and massaged the dog’s balls in an attempt to get him to release the load she knew lay inside them.

She felt the dog’s nuts draw up and his penis swell with the impending eruption. “That’s it, boy, give to me! Cum in me and make me your bitch! Your blonde-haired bitch! Give it to me, please!” she begged.

She knew she should be ashamed, begging this dog to cum inside her. She should be horrified and disgusted with this aberration of nature. But she wasn’t. Truth be told she’d never been more aroused and turned on in her life! She’d always loved animals and especially dogs – that’s what made her go into this field, to begin with. But she never dreamed she’d actually LOVE a dog!

Just then the dog gave off a howl and gripped her harder as he let go ejaculating deep in her pussy, filling her belly once again with his scalding hot cum. Janet marveled at how much hotter a dog’s cum is than a man’s … what she could remember of it, at least. And there was no doubt that a dog could cum a hell of a lot more than any man!

She loved how this dog’s cum warmed her insides and filled her to the very brim. If it wasn’t for the knot holding everything in, there’s no way her small pussy could hold even half of the load this dog deposited in her! Her belly felt like a water balloon filled with hot water … like she was having the mother of all douches!

“Ohhh, so hot … so full … oh God, it feels amazing! Yes, boy, give it all to me! Fill my little pussy with your hot cum! More! I want more!” she said, encouraging him.

Just like before, it took almost 10 minutes for the dog to stop ejaculating in her bulging womb and another 20 minutes before his knot went down enough to pull out of her. And like last time, she lay on the cool tile floor to rest and recover while the dog returned to his corner to clean himself.

But this time, instead of trying to get up and get away to the bathroom, she stayed, even crawling hands and knees over to where the dog lay and cautiously approaching him. She lay down next to him and began petting him, talking softly to him, and nuzzling into him. The dog accepted this without argument and without moving away. The two lay together for a long time “cuddling”.

Janet’s night was drawing to a close and soon the clinic would be opening up for the day. She didn’t know what the future held for her black dog lover but she knew what she wanted it to hold. Knowing this dog was a stray and that the shelter didn’t have unlimited room, especially for the larger breed dogs. She knew that this dog would probably be sent off to another shelter that could accept him. She didn’t want to even think about what would happen if another shelter couldn’t be found! Then she had an idea…

“Boy, I don’t know where you came from or what you’ve been through to get here, but you are a good dog and we seem to be getting along now. I can’t let you go off to somewhere that they may or may not take care of you. I mean if you were aggressive to someone else, they may not understand and … I don’t even want to think about that. I have a pretty good-sized house – not huge, but I don’t live in an apartment. And I have a decent-sized backyard. How would you like to come home and live with me?” she said to the dog.

The dog cocked his head as he listened to her and almost as if he understood her, he wagged his tail and licked her face. And so it was settled. She took the dog back to its cage, just for appearance’s sake, then got herself cleaned up and put back in order. Once the shelter opened up for the day, Janet went in and explained that the black dog was feeling scared and so she brought the dog into the office so it wouldn’t be alone. They bonded in the office (she didn’t dare say how!) and now she wanted to adopt the dog and take it home with her.

The shelter readily agreed, happy that the dog had found a home, and after processing and a microchip was put in, Buster the dog, and Janet went home together. Buster had a loving forever home, and Janet never had to worry about sex again!

The End