(c) 1999 by Gray

Part I

Alice watched with glazed eyes as the enormous balls of the beast began to tighten and draw up toward the huge glistening shaft of the horse she was now jacking off.

“Yeah come on,” she gasped as she pumped faster. “Give mama what she wants. Give me your big load baby… shoot that thick heavenly cream I love so much!”

The large stallion tossed it’s head and bucked as the end of it’s dick flared, and the first hot jet of cum spurt out in a long thick white rope of goo.

Alice Fenbar felt her cunt start to tingle as the horse began to fill the plastic bag hanging from the end of it’s dick with cum. She’d been doing this now for the last two years…ever since she had been able to convince her husband to get her the three stallion’s, and had no intention of stopping her cum gathering duties now that she had access to such animals. Every morning before her husband and kids woke up she would sneak out of the house, and milk her three prize sperm spewing beauties for every drop of glorious cum she could get from them. What had started as an innocent joke years ago, had turned Alice into a cum crazy junkie.. She remembered the day it happened like it was yesterday..

It had all started when she was a kid living on her parents dairy farm. She would often stop after school at the milking station her father owned and watch the cow’s being hooked up to the machines and milked. When her father had first showed her the process she was rather revolted and refused for a long time to even touch a glass of milk after seeing where it came from… but as time went by Alice learned to accept the truth of it. It was on one such visit to the station that she was first introduced to the unique taste of animal semen…


“Why is that cow always left in that stall?” The twelve year old Alice asked one of the farm hands.

“That’s not a cow honey… that’s a bull.”

“Bull? Does that mean you have to milk them separate?”

The large burly man laughed and just shook his head. ” Yeah sure sweetheart..that’s what it means,” he said and rubbed the top of her head affectionately. He had often seen Alice around, and was very fond of the curious young girl.

“Well….when are you going to milk the bull then?”

“Look kid-o… You don’t milk bulls. Their males.. You can’t get milk from a ma….” He trailed off as a mischievous grin popped onto his face.”Uh, I mean you can’t milk them like regular cow’s. You have to do it special.”

“Special?” Alice asked questioningly. “Well how do you do it then?”

Trying not to laugh, the farm hand lead Alice over to the penned stud bull and showed her the “special milk sacks” hanging down from beneath the large bull.

“You see Alice… Bulls are where we get cream from. You like whipped cream don’t cha?”

“Well ya,” Alice responded happily. “I like it on my fudge sundaes best of all.” “But..”she said as she pointed to the large low hanging balls on the stud bull… “You mean whip cream comes from bulls?”

“Sort of honey.. We get the “raw” cream from the bulls special “milk sacks” and then process it like we do the milk from the cow’s.

Alice shook her head in understanding like everything the big man was telling her made perfect sense. “Oh I see..well then how do you get the cream out if you don’t use the machines?”

“Well you have to milk the bull a lot like you do a cow, but by hand instead. You have to pull on their one “big udder” till the cream comes shooting out?”

“Are you sure?” she asked suspiciously. “You’re not fibbing to me are you?”

“Oh no darlin’, I’m telling ya the truth… I swear it. Now be a good girl and run along so I can get some of my work done.” he said with a laugh and moved on, thinking nothing more of his little lie to the impressionable young girl.

Alice stood there in front of the bull pen and couldn’t imagine how what the man had told her could be true… but then again she didn’t believe where milk came from until her father had brought her here the first time and showed her.

“Hmm…Whipped cream..,” she smiled hungrily, and licked her lips as she moved toward the stud bull..”


Frank Barns finished his rounds and started back to the far end of the milk station. His little lie to Alice was meant as a joke, but he knew he had to set the girl straight before he left for the day. It wouldn’t do for her to think such things after all. He was half way there when Alice bumped into him on her way out.

“My God girl what have you been into,” Frank asked a bit concerned as he looked at the girl who’s face, neck, and chest were soaked in a gooey white glaze. “You’re a mess…”

“I know,” Alice said with a sigh. “I didn’t think there would be that much though.”

“That much what? Frank asked as he looked around for something to clean the girl up with.

“Why cream of course… I couldn’t get it all, but I did manage to get this,” she said and held up the thermos cup from her school lunch as she wiped a glob of bull cum from her left eye.

“Frank turned white as he looked at the fresh bull semen filling the plastic cup… “Oh SHIT! He said with a small whimper…”the boss is going to kill me for this….”


Alice pulled the bag from the end of the rapidly softening horse dick, and then leaned in to lick the tip clean of the last few pearly drops. She swirled her tongue around the end and into the small slit trying to get as much of the lovely cum as possible. She’d come to enjoy…no CRAVE the zesty flavor of the fresh jizz, ever since her childhood experience. It was something she knew her family would not understand… but they soon would. Alice had plans for them all…

This was the last horse in the stalls, and she put the make shift cum filled horse condom into the small bucket with the other two. Patting the side of the large stallion, she decided to give him a treat for the especially large load of cum he’d provided her with. She moved underneath it and nuzzled up close to his balls till her nose was pressed against the base of his dick, and her tongue could lick and lap the now empty sacks till they shined and glistened in the early morning light with her spit.

Later.. Inside the Gibson house hold Alice watched as her husband and two children came down for breakfast.

“Morning Honey..,” her husband said as he poured himself a cup of coffee.

“Good morning dear,” She said cheerily as she went over to give him a quick kiss before going back to stirring the bowl of batter.

“What’s on today menu?” he asked as he looked into the bowl.

“Oh today I’m trying something special. It’s called “pancake surprise”.

“Pancake surprise hu? Well that sounds interesting. Can’t wait to try it.”

“And I can’t wait for you to try it either….,” Alice said and smiled asshe continued to stir the cum filled pancake batter….

Alice stood by and smiled lovingly at her family as they hungrily devoured their meals. Both her husband and thirteen year old boy had finished off four of the special cummy pancakes already…They would both make fine cum gobbling addicts with a little more help from her..

“These are great dear..” her husband said as he put another fork full into his mouth. What’s in them anyway?”

“Oh you know..a little of this and that… I have more if you want..”

Alice noticed her daughter didn’t seem to care for them though….

“What’s wrong dear.. Not hungry?” she asked the buxom sixteen year old girl.

“They taste kinda funny mom..” the girl pouted. “Can I just have some toast instead..?”

“Oh..ummm, sure thing dear..” Alice said and went to put some bread in the toaster..”Oh well,” she thought. There are other , more forceful, ways of getting her sweet little girl into the swing of things if she didn’t want to play nice and learn to swallow cum with the rest of them… “I wonder where I put the rope……” She thought as she handed her daughter some toast..


Part II

Alice stood in front of the sink and finished washing up the last of the morning dishes. Both her son and her husband had practically licked their plates clean, so there wasn’t much to scrub.

“Great breakfast honey,” her husband said as he gave her a kiss on the cheek and a small squeeze on her ass.

“Thanks, I was hoping you would like it. I had a feeling once you got a taste you would love it, and I have something special planned for dinner as well.” Alice figured she could easily get another load from each of her stallion’s for the evening meal.

“Well if it’s half as good as those pancakes I’m sure to love it. Anyway I’ll see you tonight, I’ve got to get going before traffics gets bad.”

“Ok dear,” she said as she watched her husband grab his suitcase and head out the door. She was so proud of the way he had taken to the taste of her horses cum. A shiver of pleasure ran through her as she thought of her family and how much easier it would be once they grew to understand the joys of animal seed.. They had made her proud the way they had hungrily eaten all the thick cum batter pancakes. Well all of them except Karen of course who wanted nothing to do with them. None of them new that she had added fresh horse jiz to the meal, and that was fine since she wanted to get them all use to the taste before feeding them her favorite food in it’s pure form.

She hoped to have them all nursing happily at the end of one of her horses cocks within the month, and that included Karen. She’s get her big breasted daughter’s face full of horse meat if she had to shoved it in there her self.

“Mother.. That little pervert is at it again.”

Alice turned around to see her daughter Karen pulling her younger brother Tommy along by his shirt.

“Karen you shouldn’t be picking on your little brother,” Alice scolded.

“Picking on him?! I caught this little perv with a pair of my panties in the bathroom!”

“Is that true Tommy? Where you in the bathroom with your sisters underwear?”

“Well.. I sorta was..” the young boy said turning a deep red.

“Do you still have them?”

Tommy shoved his hand in his front pocket and pulled out a wadded up ball of baby blue silk and handed it to his mother.

“See I told you he had them.” Karen said smugly.

Alice inspected the lacy panties and found the crotch wet. She looked up at her sixteen year old daughter and held the blue silk out to her. ” The crotch on these seems awfully damp dear… what have you been up to?”

Now it was Karens turn to be embarrassed and her face turned a deep red as well. “I .. I umm, I didn’t do anything mom. Tommy must have done some..”

“She’s lying mom I found them that way!” Tommy yelled in defense before his sister could place any blame.

“That’s enough both of you. The school bus will be here any minute to pick you up and I don’t have time for this right now. Tommy, we can’t have you stealing your sisters panties. If you want a pair so bad we’ll go out and buy you some after school. That way you won’t have to steal your sister’s if you want to wear any.

“What?! No mom you don’t understand I wasn’t wearing..”

“Not another word out of you young man. And as for you young lady… we’ll have a talk later about why your panties are so wet. Now both of you go up and finish getting ready for school.”

Both children stared at their mother in disbelief. She had been acting weird all morning, and neither one of them could figure out what she was up to.

“Hurry up now, get moving. I’ll get your lunches ready..”

Alice watched both children climb back up stairs before she brought the wet panties up to her face. Mmmm.. God she’s got a sweet pussy,” Alice sighed as she pushed the crotch into her mouth and sucked at the pussy soaked crotch.. She couldn’t blame her son for taking Karens panties. She’d often done the same thing. Her daughter had grown into a very sexy young woman, and Alice longed to see her follow in her footsteps as an animal slut.

Still sucking at the panties Alice took both her children’s lunches and opened them up. Her son as usual had a ham and cheese sandwich, and her daughter just took a small salad in a plastic container. Alice brought out a small container of cum and poured a generous amount into her little girls salad and mixed it in with the dressing so she wouldn’t noticed the goo. Next she applied a nice glaze to her son’s sandwich and then put everything back into their lunch bags. “There now, that should add a little flavor.” she said as she packed both lunches back up

Alice heard them coming down the stairs and pulled the panties from her mouth. As each one passed she handed them their lunches and kissed them good bye.

Not long after everyone had left, Alice went back out to see her horses. Her pussy had been drooling all morning thinking about her family joining her cum sucking ways.

“How are my big boys doing?” she asked as she stepped into the stables and began to remove her clothes. Each stallion began to prance and grow restless. They new what was coming, and were as happy to see Alice as she was to see them. Alice always came back to her studs after their morning milking to help them work up another load for the evening. She went to the closest one and quickly crawled beneath it.

“Ohh yes,” she hissed as she cupped the horses big balls in her hands and nuzzled up close.

The horse whinnied and bucked as Alice began to kiss and lick at the heavy nut sack lovingly. “Oh yes… my big boys like to have their balls played with don’t they. Hmmm, yeah… Well soon you’ll have lots of tongues and hungry mouths to lick, suck and clean you and your nice fat cocks. Soon mommy’s family will be out here helping her gather up all your nice thick horse jizz. Won’t that be nice babies..”

Slowly the thick tube of horse cock began to slide out from it’s sheath and Alice immediately started to run her mouth up and down the growing length. “Ughmm.. Yeah that’s it. That’s what mommy want to see.. Show mommy what a big horsey you are… Show her how hard you can get” Alice’s pussy was on fire as she kissed and caressed the hose like cock hanging between the horse’s legs. She began to finger her pussy wildly and push her tits against the big dick throbbing obscenely before her. This was heaven to Alice.. This was every dream come true.. To be a slut for her animals.. To use her body to please them, and in return get mouthfuls of that precious cream from their balls.

“Fuck yeah baby… Oh yeah mother loves you so much.. Ummm yes..”

The other two stallion’s began to grow restless as they waited their turn with the horse slut. She could hear them calling to her and it drove her over the edge as the first of many orgasms gripped her pussy. She laid under the stallion with it’s massive meat bobbing above her, raining hot globs of pre-cum down on her body. She started jerking and bucking as wave after wave of pure pleasure thundered through her…

It was in this condition that her daughter Karen saw her when she came into the stables.

“Oh my Gawd! Oh my Gawd that is so.. So… Urgh, disgusting!”

Alice’s eyes flew open at the sound of her daughter’s voice. She rolled from under the large beast and saw her little girl standing there with wide eyes at what she had seen her mother doing..

“Karen.. What..why aren’t you in school?!”

“We missed the bus. I just came out to see if you would give us a ride into school but… but..I NEVER thought I’d see…. THIS!”

“Karen I can explain… it’s not that bad. It’s a completely natural thing for…”

“Don’t talk to me! I don’t want to hear it.. I’m taking Tommy and going to daddy’s work and tell him what kind of disgusting whore you really are!””

“Karen! I’m still your mother, and I will not have you talking to me that way..”

“Not talk to you that way. Jesus mom you were rolling around naked like some cheap back alley slut with a horse! A fucking HORSE!”

Alice slapped her daughter across the face, and Karen just stood there for a moment before slapping her back.”

“That does it young lady. I didn’t want it to be this way Karen, but you leave me no choice. I can’t have you ruining my plans for your father and brother.” Alice began to move forward on her daughter and Karen turned to run.

“Don’t fight me Karen… you’ll only make it worse.” Alice said as she tackled her daughter to the ground and began to pin the buxom blonde teenager to the floor.

“Get off me! Get the hell off me you crazy slut!” Karen struggled under her mother’s naked form but couldn’t break free.

“It won’t be so bad Karen.. You’ll see. Once you get use to it you’ll love it. It’s so much fun baby, and the horses will just love you and your hot young body.”

“No.. Never.. Get off me you sick bitch… I’m not like you!”

Alice began to worry about her son hearing all the fighting and coming in to investigate. As much as she hated to do it she had to shut her little girl up. “I’m really sorry about this honey.. But it’s for the good of the family..” With that Alice reached back and then knocked her daughter out.

“Oh… I’m so sorry baby, but mommy couldn’t have you ruining her plans.”


Karen woke up with her jaw hurting and her senses disoriented. She had no idea where she was at first.. Everything looked upside down. As her focus got better she realized she was still in her mother’s stables..

“Oh! That bitch! I can’t believe this…” Karen struggled against the ropes her mother had tied her in. She was on her stomach strapped to a large bail of hay. As she fought to free herself she could feel something sticking out of her ass. She tried to turn her head enough to see what it was. From her angle all she could tell was that it was some kind of clear plastic tubing, and that it lead away from her and toward the three horse stalls.

“I’m gonna have her locked up.. I’m gonna tell everyone and have her locked up for life..” Karen began to sob as she fought to free her self. Several times she tried to force the annoying tube from her ass but failed. She called out and yelled and scream but still no one came..

“They’re gone..She must have taken Tommy.. I’m… I’m all alone…”

Time passed and Karen heard a hard pulse of water hitting what sounded like a metal pan behind her. Turning her head as far as she could she saw it was one of the horses relieving it self. She went to turn back when she noticed a yellow fluid rapidly filling the tubbing and heading her way..

“No..No she wouldn’t.. Not that..not that NOT THAT!!!! Noooooooo..!”

The young teenager shook violently to free herself as she felt a warm liquid begin to fill her bowel.. Just as the flow seemed to stop she heard another hard pulse of water and knew one of the other horses had just started to piss as well…


“Mom do we really have to do this?”

Alice looked over at her son sitting in the passenger seat of her van and smiled warmly. “Well we can’t have you running around in your sister panties dear… So we’ll just have to buy you some of your own. Don’t worry though sweetheart we’ll get you some just as nice as hers.”

“But mom I keep trying to tell you I wasn’t wearing Karen’s panties..”

“Oh really..Well that’s odd. Well if you weren’t wearing you sister’s panties, then why did you have them hidden with you in the bathroom this morning…..?”

Tommy’s face went a bit pale for a moment as he thought of trying to explain what he had been doing with them. Somehow wearing them didn’t sound as bad as having to tell her he’d been jacking off to them. “I..guess..I mean I suppose I was wearing them… but that doesn’t mean I want any of my own..”

Alice had to laugh at her son’s dilemma. She knew full well her son had been stroking his dick to his sister panties, but this gave her the opportunity to get her little boy in silk.. Something she’d been thinking of a lot lately. Since Karen had turned out to be such a disappointment as a willing slut, she would have to turn her boy into more of a girl…

“Of course you need some of your own, I already told you you won’t be allowed to wear your sister’s. Besides I’ve already thrown out all your old underwear.”

“What! Mom what will I wear to school. I have to change in front of the other guys for gym class tomorrow?”

“Well you should have thought of that before you started wanting to wearing women’s underwear dear. Beside I’m sure they won’t even notice your new panties.”

Tommy sat back in anger and crossed his arms. Maybe he could get his father to step in and save him.. but then he would have to explain about having Karen’s panties… It wasn’t fair! He couldn’t believe she was doing this to him. Making him buy and wear panties..”It’s all Karens fault this is happening..if she hadn’t left her crummy panties laying around none of this would have happened..” he thought. Suddenly he realized something.. “Hey mom..where is Karen anyway..? I haven’t seen her since she went out to the stable to look for you.”

“Oh she’s helping me out in the stables. She’s cleaning up after the horses today.”

“Really? Karen is doing that? I always thought she hated those horses.”

“Well she seems to be getting along much better with them now. In fact, you could say she gets a warm feeling deep down inside from helping out the horses now…”

Tommy watched his mother begin to laugh hysterically at her own joke and wondered what that was all about.


Back at the house a long sad cry for help went unanswered…

The End?

Webmasters Note: One of the common issues with amateur erotica writers is often they run out of steam, and they don’t complete their stories. This is due to writing in ‘seat-of-your-pants’ style. As the sexual arousal from writing the story wears off, so does their interest in completing it. We can’t do anything about this, sorry, as authors offer their content for free we take what we’re given. Other erotica writers are welcome to take up this series where the author has stopped.