(c) 2010 by Goldfisherman

Chapter One

I was just finishing a neighborhood event where both cyclists and pedestrians were walking around town in a protected, scheduled celebration for the town being bike and pedestrian friendly. All of the intersections had police and volunteers blocking automotive traffic and allowing pedestrians and cyclists free access to all lanes of the selected thoroughfares.

I was not thinking of anything special except for the slight misting of the overcast sky. I was well dressed for slight rain or sprinkles but not heavy rain. I apparently was correct and was very content just being friendly with both other cyclists and even pedestrians.

I had turned to a side street and walking toward me was a very attractive and well endowed young lady in her mid to upper 20s or low 30s. She was wearing a tight seamless solid white top and some light blue shorts. Her nipples were extended at least a half inch. Her aureole outlines were noticeable in her otherwise smooth contour. The color did not show through. She had a nice smile as she was walking her fully grown boxer that was large enough, that I mused, she could almost ride.

I was almost stopped anyway, so I stopped and fiddled with my pedal a moment as she approached. I was thinking at warp speed by this time and smiled back at her. The boxer was a male with his penis slightly extended but not fully aroused either. She was holding him close to her with a fairly short leash.

I commented. “Nice Boxer!”

She smiled some more and said something that I really did not expect to hear. “Yes, he is a real lover.”

I did not expect this response from any attractive woman although I thought it might be a Freudian slip or something, although I also thought that she might just be a very honest woman.

As she stopped next to me I replied, “I’ll bet he is! You look well satisfied with him as a guardian.”

“I am well satisfied with him in all ways. He does what I tell him and he is always very affectionate.” She replied smiling again.

“Is he jealous?” I asked.

“No. He lets me bring home male friends and keeps away when they are around. One friend was coming around for a while and he would join us when we asked him to. That guy stopped asking me for dates about 2 months back after I introduced him to a friend of mine that is also into dogs.”

“Still looking for a replacement?” I asked.

“I have been pretty busy lately but I am always looking for someone that likes me the way I am. How did you know that I am into dogs as much as I am?” She asked.

“I was not sure but the way you were walking with so much confidence, with the dog, wearing what you are wearing, and finally your response to my statement of ‘Nice Boxer.’ And I notice that your shorts are turning dark in the crotch as we began talking.”

She blushed at this last statement.

“Do you want to continue with your walk or head for cover or refuge?” I asked.

“We can continue for the rest of the walk if you want to escort me from the end of the next segment.” She replied.

“I would be honored to do so young lady.” I said, smiling.

“You aren’t that old!” She said.

“I think I am about as old as your dad, whoever he is.”

“60?” she asked.

“66. I have a daughter about your age or a little older and a granddaughter that is into big dogs and horses a little younger than you. Let me introduce myself. I am Floyd, and you are?”

“Deede!” She replied.

I grinned and said. “Your name agrees with your bust size and becomes you.”

“No, it is really my first name and I keep it, as double EE just don’t sound right except as an orgasm.”

“I really want to check that out by giving you one.” I was noticing a bit of blush on her as well as a color change on my wrists and nose out of the corner of my eye. “We had better cool it for a bit or your regular lover will be having to walk funny with his arousal from your leaking in your shorts.”

She had gotten a couple of steps in front of me as she was walking past a family going the other direction and I was riding slowly behind her. Her dog was getting slightly larger but it may have been from picking up scents from other dogs on leashes.

“Yes he is wanting to be a knotty boy, and there are other women and dogs sending out scents for a good stud. I was thinking of riding a bike today but I am glad I didn’t. I probably would not have met you.”

“Deede. You really like taking the knot then?”

“Absolutely! And I almost never let any of his cum go to waste. I never rinse it out until the next morning. I am still getting excited. Would you mind if we started jogging? We really need to get home.”

“By all means. Do you want me to break way ahead of you?”

“No that is OK. I will just let him have a little slack in his leash and he is pretty good at leading through crowds. We do some marathons that way.”

“I will have to ask you about those when we get to your place.”

“We will do that.”

“Lead on Dufus!” She said as she let out about 6 foot of leash that was looped around her wrist. Dufus began leading the way at a much more brisk pace. I was right behind.

In about 5 minutes we hit the end of the segment and turned the corner with Deede still at nearly a dead run. A gate opened as we approached and we went through the gate in a wall into a very private courtyard as the gate closed. We stopped and Deede was breathing very heavily. She unhooked Dufus’s leash with the remote control, and he rushed to a water dish beside the door. The garden was lush and apparently well nourished. Deede opened the door and grabbed her top and immediately pulled it off over her head.

“Feel free to shed your outfit. There is nobody except us here. I definitely want to get started with you. After the run I need to relieve myself and get my cum fix.”

I was right behind her with my top. She was still walking into the house when she pealed her shorts off. Her shoes slipped through her openings and she was wearing no panties.

I had to find a place to take off my shoes so I could peel off my riding shorts and tights. She got as far as a couch and sat down to remove her walking shoes. I sat beside her and removed my shoes while marveling at how nice her now liberated pussy smelled. I peeled off the rest of my outfit and gently touched her magnificent breasts stroking and grasping her huge nipples. I then kissed her, our tongues dancing back and forth with each of us sampling each other’s mouths.

Deede was already giving my still not hard cock a good massage. She began working on my balls when we finally broke our kiss and she whispered for me to begin sucking her nipples.

I worked myself down her breasts to her nipples and began suckling them as she began moaning. My hand reached for her now opened and wet vagina. I began to stroke her very aroused clit and slipping 2 fingers into her inviting womanhood. I moved around in front of her and slipped between her opened legs and savoring her beautiful pussy continued to massage her clit while drinking at her leaking flow as she continued to flow her aromatic cum into my mouth. She asked me to lay on the floor so she could suck on my gradually increasing hardness.

I laid back and she knelt with her dripping cunt over my face as she took all of my cock into her mouth with her chin on my pubes. Her shaved cunt was covering my mouth with room to breathe.

“Would you like to take Dufus while you are going to suck me dry? Or do you want a shot of my cum in you first?” I asked.

“If you could produce 2 shots in a short period do me in the vagina first. If you are not certain I will take him now if you would not mind watching where you are.” Deede replied between full throated strokes of my cock.

“Bring him on Deede.” I replied as she gave me another shot of cum from a second orgasm. She was thinking of what was ahead.

“Dufus! Come on baby!” Said Deede in a voice louder than a whisper but not a shout.

Dufus came running sniffed and his nose immediately went to Deede’s opened and ready cunt.

He began by curling his long tongue into her open vagina and licking much further in that I would ever be able. I stroked his now extended cock and the knot began to come out and I pulled on his cock and he stepped forward and mounted Deede almost in one motion. He went all the way in and began pumping his precum into her. His knot while exposing itself slipped into her in only a few seconds. He continued to penetrate and his knot was firmly inside her vagina when he began to shorten his strokes but increased his speed as he was working himself and her up through another major orgasm. I was sucking on her now fully exposed clit as she went fully orgasmic and Dufus began starting to fill her with his copious amount of cum.

Deede started to come down from her 4th orgasm when I finally ejaculated into her mouth. She swallowed it all and cleaned up my cock before Dufus was finished. He decided to turn around as he finished filling Deede with his sperm.

“He feels good in my vagina but sometime I want to try him in my anus when I am taking a man in my vagina and one in my mouth. I would take 3 dogs but 2 are too much to handle let alone 3.”

“Humm! You are a nasty young bitch!” I replied. “Also you are one that I have the utmost respect for as an honest woman.”

“Why Thank You Floyd! I am glad you clarified that statement. I really do not care to be called a bitch even if I sometimes am one.”

“I will remember that Deede.”

“You said your granddaughter likes big dogs and horses?”

“Yes she does. I am not certain how long she has been doing dogs although when she was 17 she was doing St. Bernard’s regularly, but she has been fucking a stallion for the last year. She is stretched enough so she must abstain for a week or so before she can hardly even feel a man go inside her vagina. If she dates a man, most need to fist her for her to get any enjoyment.”

“Is she a big gal?”

“No. She is about 5 foot 8 and 130 pounds. She has been sexually active since she was 14 that I have come to find out. She was introduced to adult sex by either her mother or grandmother on her mother’s side. She also starred in an adult porn video when she was not over 15 but said a dozen times during the video that she was over 18.”

“Does she live around here?”

“No. She resides in the southern part of the state when she is not traveling. That is where her stallion is stabled.”

“Sounds like a wild child.”

“She is and a certified genius.”

Deede was still holding on to Dufus’s knot and was keeping his cum sealed inside her. I had been kneading her breasts and keeping her nipples exercised as I was still kissing and suckling on her still very enlarged clit. Dufus was not in any hurry to pull out.

“Your cunt is so beautiful, even when filled by Dufus’s knot and cock. I definitely want to savor this view. Do you want to keep his cum inside or do you want us to feast on your combined juices when he pulls out?”

“We can share if you don’t mind. We are both disease free and he tastes very good to me. There will be about a cup full that I cannot catch but if you can plug my opening until I can grab a plug from the couch, I will pass it to you and you can force it inside. It has an orifice to deposit most of the fluids in a controlled manner.

He is starting to shrink now so be ready. I will relax as he starts to pull but be ready for at least a mouthful.”

Nothing had leaked yet. Deede began squeezing and relaxing her hold on Dufus and he began to stir and tug slightly. Her grasp of her stretched labia began to swell as she began to open up and his knot began to diminish. It was the size of a very large orange. The knot was definitely too large to be expelled from her swollen cunt. She kept squeezing and relaxing until it was down to a little over 2” across then it eased out of her and she then began squeezing as it pulled out. It released anyway and the 10+” remaining inside her came out with a rush accompanied by a mouthful of pungent liquid. I was surprised that it was hardly salty at all and was quite sweet.

I grasp her lips and held them together in my hand while sucking up the remainder of the creamy liquid.

Deede reached up and then handed me what looked like a bung plug that I slipped into her vagina as she was still grasping it shut. Only a table spoon or so leaked out before the plug was inserted. She raised herself up until she was straddling my face again and then made her way to her feet.

“You are indeed a magnificent young lady!” I said as I admired the view of her body from the floor. Her tummy was still pretty flat but I thought that the volume of cum in her would have made it a bit bigger. She reached down to give me a hand as I rose up in front of her and gave her a full body press hug and kiss. I was sharing some of her and Dufus’s cum with her.

“Let’s get some glasses so we can toast! “ She said.

We walked into the well equipped kitchen and she picked out a pair of goblets and stooping, opened the little valve in the bung plug. Her mixture squirted into the 2 goblets, nearly filling them. She handed me one and then wrapped our elbows linking us together.

“To many more!” She said as our glasses touched.

“To many more.” I replied.

The beverage did not taste bad! Whether it was her flavoring or not I don’t know but I began rising again. We emptied our goblets and then kissed again. Her nipples were again as hard as pencils pressing into my chest. I grasp her buttocks firmly as she grasp me around the neck and lifted herself to straddle me as we were standing in her kitchen. We tasted each other for a long time until we finally unlocked our lips.

I asked. “What made you suddenly trust me, a complete stranger, to come into your most private and personal world, today?”

She stared into my eyes and said. “I don’t know. I have never done this before that I know of with anyone. When I first saw you before we spoke, I happened to look up as you looked at me and in a flash I started having little rippled orgasms. I think that was what made me start to leak in my shorts when you told me that I was getting moist.”

“I wasn’t thinking of anything particular when I saw you but within a couple of seconds, thoughts of us and you were racing through my head that I have never really thought about. I am glad we met as we seem to share a lot of common fantasies. Best of all we both seem to have a deep seated desire to carry them out.”

“I think much the same thing. You mentioned your granddaughter and fisting. I have thought of that for what seems like ages. I am easily able to take Dufus and I do not see any reason that I could not take a fist into either my vagina or anus. I have occasionally tried it myself but I just have a problem reaching very far inside my vagina and I definitely cannot go very far in my anus with my hands. I have never had the nerve or inclination to ask anyone else to do me that way but you might.”

“I would love to. But first I want to suck some more of your delicious cunt. I won’t clean you out completely since I think he filled your womb up through your cervix.”

“That sounds nice! Let’s finish cleaning Dufus out of me then I want you to reach inside me as far as you can. I really want to know what it feels like.”

I carried her back to the living room and Deede asked me to take her to the bedroom. I laid her down on the king sized bed and placed 2 very large pillows behind her shoulders and head. Her cunt plug was still in place so I opened the little valve and began relieving some of the pressure into my open mouth. In a few moments the pressure was gone and I removed the plug. I lapped up a little of the flow that was still coming out of her while I was massaging her swollen clit, sucking on her delicious cunt.

I easily inserted 3 fingers and she stretched her legs out further allowing me unlimited access to her openings. I slipped in a forth finger and continued stroking as she began grasping me with a tiny orgasmic milking action. She was breathing hard as she was grasping my wrist and forearm and pulling my hand into her.

I tucked my thumb and she pulled hard and I slipped inside as she again convulsed with a massive orgasm. I began stroking slowly about an inch or so, as she gradually came down from unknown heights and was moaning but smiling at me.

“That feels so good inside me. It is completely indescribable. Push some more I want you to penetrate and describe my cervix.”

I worked in about 2 more inches and felt the pursed orifice of her cervix and told her that it felt like her pursed lips sucking on a straw.

“I want you to go inside and open it up. I can feel you touching it.”

I put 2 fingers together and began working them in as Deede moaned and began another orgasm again. I pushed in another finger then the fourth as she was milking my hand, sliding it in and out of her womb and my forearm in through her now stretched vagina. She started to come down again when I folded my thumb in and gave another push toward her mid section. My hand slipped in another 4 inches. Deede was having another full blown orgasm and she was leaking her cum all over the bed, squirting my face. I rested my arm and only felt with my fingers inside her womanhood. She felt like a very tight glove inside another very tight glove.

“God! I wish this could go on forever. It is incredible. I think this is what your granddaughter feels like.”

“It probably is. I will keep you elevated as long as you want before we will do another step. I am content to just stroke you and wait until you want to change something.”

“Just suck on my nipples for a bit. And my clit a little. I feel that you may be able to get some milk out of me. I have had enough hormones today that I think I can deliver some.”

I moved to her ample breasts and began sucking on her nipples with a vengeance and within a couple of moments she was squirting into my mouth.

“Deede. You are delicious! Your cunt is as sweet and tasty as a fine wine your breasts deliver a fantastic cream.” I said between mouthfuls.

Deede was coming down from another trip in orgasm land. She put her hand on her abdomen and squeezed my hand inside her. She shuddered again and began telling me how wonderful that I happened by to help her live her most private and exquisite fantasies.

I retorted by telling her that she was allowing me to live mine as well.

“I think I need a shower. Give me a hand?” She asked.

“You still have one inside. Do you wish the other?”

“After our shower. I want to clean up a little more before we go any further.” She grasp my head and pulled my lips to hers as we gave each other a long lingering kiss as I slid my arm and hand from her.

She had a very nice bathroom and shower. As she turned on the water she took the accessory hose and asked me to run it in her anus for a deep enema. She then bent over and it slipped in fairly easily. She left the water running without gushing as I watched her stomach swell with the pressure as she held it in for a bit then told me to start plunging it into her. I had a little over 2 foot inside as she held and released the water. Some feces came out but they were pretty broken up and mostly clear water within only a couple of minutes.

I pulled out the hose and she finished evacuating the water. I helped by giving her abdomen a gentle massage.

I was preparing to exit the shower to relieve my bladder when Deede asked me if I minded if she drank my piss.

I told her that I would be glad to if that was her thing.

“It really isn’t but I would like to try it with you. It won’t hurt me and I heard that it can taste good.”

She knelt on her knees and took my half aroused cock in her mouth looking at me like she was sucking on a pacifier. It took a bit but I was able to start slowly then open up as she began gulping me down. Her eyes were sparkling as she swallowed it all. Immediately she started turning quite red.

“That was fantastic. The rush of endorphins was exquisite. I feel so turned on that you could do anything to me and I know I would just beg for more.”

“First of all I want to fill up your ass with my cum. Then if you wish I want to double fist you before I let Dufus do you in the ass while I am using your womb for a glove. Do you think I can beat him off from inside you?”

“Only if you are sucking my nipples while you are doing it.” She said grasping my scrotum.

We got out of the shower and dried each other off before we returned to the bedroom. She reached into a drawer and took out a jar of KY gel and handed it to me. We had a leisurely kiss before she settled on her knees and elbows on the bed. Her knees were well apart and she was fully exposed for me to lubricate her before and after I entered her.

I only used a little initially on her sphincter but my cock fit nicely and she enjoyed the entry and full penetration. She kept massaging my scrotum for a bit as I was gently working her up. She sunk a finger into my anus and curled it around to press my prostate as I let go in her.

I added some more KY for more lubrication before putting 2 then 2 fingers of each hand to stretch her anus open some more.

“Mmmm that feels good. I feel like you are giving me a whole body massage from all of the electrical feelings I am having.”

I slipped the 4 fingers from my left hand into her to the thumb and flat and I could feel her clenching and relaxing trying to pull me in. I tucked my thumb and pushed. I had the lubrication covering my arm to the elbow and once the fist was inside she was like a glove again. Immediately she was in the middle of another orgasm. I held for a minute then began stroking her. I went to where her bowel restriction was and I was nearly to my elbow. I decided to take it easy and feel around to identify her internal organs. I could feel her uterus and womb. When pressed a little I identified her bladder. When I pressed it, it felt like it might be about half full.

“I think I might return your favor. I want to see what you taste like some more.”

“I will be careful. I never tried to drink mine before. Can you save me a mouthful?”

“It might strain your sphincter reaching that far but I will try.”

I laid my head where I could get my mouth on her clit and began sucking. She was able to let it flow and I kept gulping her sweet nectar. As it diminished I sucked the last of it out of her and pressed her bladder to insure that it was empty. I pulled out my arm until only my hand was inside her and she raised up a little and I slipped under her breasts and met her lips. She got about 2/3rds of my mouthful.

On the way back I slipped my arm back inside her to the elbow and suckled on her very aroused nipples and drank some of her milk.

“Are you ready for a double? You are going to feel like a double popsicle while I am doing this.”

“Everything so far feels so good I cannot imagine why I have never done it before. Go ahead and then stroke me until I either pass out or run out of cum.”

I was back behind her again and had more gel to add to her already very slippery vagina. 2 fingers, then 3 in just a moment then 4 with another flat palm stretching her. I tucked my thumb and slipped in almost as easily as earlier. Deede was off in another world already as I began giving her full strokes in both orifices. Sometimes I pushed both arms at the same time and other times I alternated. Her cervix was quite tight but she insisted on running back and forth through it.

Since she was in almost continuous orgasm I kept suckling on her very aroused clit an drinking from her as she came.

I was getting quite sore after nearly 45 minutes of gross masturbation for Deede. She was beginning to slow down and I figured she was ready for another dose of hormone.

I removed my fist from her anus and it was still very slippery. I told her to summon Dufus.

I was kneeling to the side with my arm still within her vagina when Dufus arrived.

“Dufus baby! Come to mama!”

This was all it took and Dufus mounted her, slipping all of the way inside. He was stroking like crazy before his knot finally locked into her. I felt his cock from her uterus outside her womb and was able to partly grasp it. Deede was off the charts in orgasmic bliss. His knot was huge where it filled her ass.

I had maneuvered myself so I could feast on her nipples as I was stroking her cervix with my fist. Deede was lactating like crazy.

I was able to feel some of the heat from his cum in her rectum. She continued to be tight.

Deede moaned. “I think I will be sore for a couple of days but I think I want to be kept full and stretched for at least a week.”

“How do you think you will do that unless you wear a loose dress?” I asked.

“I can try a couple of large plugs while I go to work and for sleeping. I have a few but until now I have always thought they were too large to be comfortable. When Dufus pulls out could you reach into my night stand in the top drawer and insert the large one into my ass?”

I reached and fiddled in the drawer and found a tapered plug that was nearly as large as Dufus’s knot. I showed her and asked if this is the one.

Deede agreed that this is the one she wanted in her ass.

“I have another one in the other side that you can put in my vagina when we are done. But first I want you to give me another load in my vagina. Dufus is beginning to shrink now so be ready. I am going to try to pull off before he is all the way down. Plug me when he comes out.”

I had felt his knot getting a little smaller, but I thought it was still pretty big, when Deede hollered. “Down Dufus! Down boy!”

He began pulling and his knot began forcing its way out of her. I knew that she was going to have to stretch to at least 4 inches if it came out. The pressure on her bowels got very high as she forced herself like she was trying to take a big dump. After about 10 seconds he slipped out and I immediately forced the large plug in his place into her anus.

“Damn! I am amazed that you did not wind up with a hemorrhage from that little stunt.”

Weakly she said. “It didn’t feel real good but a few things popped.” I didn’t cramp. That is the one thing that would have caused problems. Most women, and I guess men, cramp then they can hemorrhage. Sometimes people hold it too long before taking a dump and then cramp. They sometimes do not make it to the hospital afterwards. The bacteria goes directly into their blood stream as the blood is flooding their bowels. That is something I picked up at work. Just like one of the reasons we are together now. I think that many people are natural empaths. Occasionally they meet and they hit it off for at least a bit.”

“That would explain our mutual attraction and trust we have had this afternoon. How else could either one of us explain meeting for the first time without introduction, conversing on a completely personal and intimate level, having an immediate mutual sexual relationship without knowing each other at all. Yet I feel I could trust you with anything and apparently you feel the same.”

“I do feel the same. I would never have done all the same things we have done with anyone else that I know. I would not have done most of them even with the one lover I gave to a friend that was also into dogs. I definitely would never have done anything like we have done in the first 30 minutes of seeing you without knowing your life’s history for a week and then thought upon it for at least another week. At the same time I feel that if there is anything more that I want to know you will tell me completely and in detail and honestly anything I might need to know about you personally or professionally. Is there anything about me that you would like to know?”

“Not offhand! I think the only thing I might want is either your phone number or e-mail address. Otherwise I might show up when you are not available for me. And likewise I will give you the same.”

Deede reached into her drawer, pulling me along with my hand still clenched inside her vagina. She pulled out a business card with her home #’s as well and she moved with me to get my wallet so I could do the same.

I could see that our occupations were not directly associated but not competitive either. Both were occupations for trusted individuals. Hers were for irregular hours and mine is for very time consuming but regular.

“Speaking of time! Are you supposed to be someplace this afternoon?”

I looked at the clock and realized that The park ride would be over in a couple of minutes and other friends and relatives would be expecting me shortly. “Thanks for reminding me Deede. The timing is great. I will have just enough time but I hate to leave you hanging.”

“I think we will both sleep at least 12 hours when we lay back down. Just plug me after you pull out your hand and I will let you go until we can meet again.”

I led her to her bed and took her second plug as she settled down with her shoulders on the floor with her hips on the bed and legs spread. I eased my fist out of her without further stretching and put my mouth to her opened vagina after looking inside her. I saw a couple of small stretch markings but no bruising or bleeding. I puffed into her a little and she laughed as I slipped in the plug.

“OK! Now you should be good until you wake up in the morning unless you need to pee again. I drained you pretty good but my piss should make you go again in about 3 hours.”

“I might just drink it again if it is all urine (play on words). But I will probably just pass it. If I start to cramp I have some potassium tablets that I can take before pulling out the plugs.”

We fondled and kissed a bit more as I got dressed. I was surprised at how well she was able to walk with the plugs in place.

I left and returned to my regular life. I would contact her daily this week to check her out if she would suffer any discomfort or ill after effects of our actions. After 5 days and counting. She wants another go around soon.

Part 2. After Floyd left, by Deede

This is the first one of these stories of self analysis I have done for public reading but with Floyd’s help in any necessary writing we will get through it.

Floyd left for the week to let me relax and get some rest after our excursion into places that I never thought I would go but had, though I had thought about. I really do not know what came over me when we met, but for the first time in my life I was completely comfortable with someone and surrendered myself completely to them with no regrets. Why? I do not know, except we seem to be able to follow each other’s actions with complete trust.

I fell asleep within minutes of when he left and slept for about 5 hours and woke up having to urinate real bad. I got up and remembered the plugs I still had in place. I was still able to go and left them in for a bit, thinking I would keep them in until I needed to take them out.

As I went back to bed, Dufus came in and began licking me. It felt so good and I wanted another cum fix to sleep on.

I relaxed and pulled out my vaginal plug and positioned myself for him to take me. He was fully aroused and he forced his knot into me on his initial stroke. I was still stretched open from the plug we had inserted into my vagina this afternoon.

His giant cock slipped immediately into my cervix and he began his very fast stroking as his knot sealed my vaginal tract. He was filling me with his hot load as I had another orgasm again and began to relax. I had been taking Dufus for 3 years now since I had graduated with my doctorate and set up my practice. For some reason I had never gotten serious about any man. A couple I had taken as lovers but Dufus was always a best buddy and available lover. At 34 I was in no hurry to get married and bare children like so many of my patients.

Dufus finally finished filling me and pulled out. I immediately stuffed the plug back into my pussy to hold his sperm inside. I fell asleep within a couple of minutes feeling very satisfied.

The alarm woke me up at 6:00AM. I felt refreshed and fixed myself a small breakfast before taking my shower. I kept both plugs inside as they felt real sexy. They are hardly more than thin molded vinyl plugs that are filled like a soccer ball with some air to hold volume but they are flexible enough to not bruise my insides as they press against each other as I walk with both of them in my orifices.

After drying I had decided to wear my full white summer dress with a loincloth underneath since it would act as an absorbent pad while covering my plugs in case something happened that I might be exposed if my dress got pulled up. The dress would also not expose the presence the slight swelling of my stomach as the plugs and cum added volume to my abdomen and midsection.

The first day was uneventful and I was back home about 7:00 in the evening as I was just about exhausted from being on my feet most of the day. I took Dufus out for a stroll and fed him again as I evacuated my bowel. There was not much there, but his load from last night made certain that it was liquid. I cleaned myself out and Dufus filled me again.

I was liking the plug as his knot pulled out. I was keeping my head and shoulders way down as he released me. I was able to retain his complete load as I forced the plug back inside my anus. He was over cleaning himself off as I dropped off into a deep slumber again.

The next 4 days have been pretty much repeats of Monday and I am looking forward to meeting Floyd on Saturday.

Saturday morning I decided to do something a little different. I got up and took my shower, removed both of my plugs and gave myself a good flushing in both orifices. I added some nice scent and some light oils to both my pussy and ass.

I took out an rather large and interesting double ended dildo that I had picked up sometime back. It is a little stiff and about 2-1/2 inches across and over 3 foot long. I stuffed most of it into my still enlarged anus and then rant the rest of it into my pussy through my cervix. It only stuck out a little as it tried to stretch everything and ease the turn between my holes, forcing them apart.

I was surprised when I was able to slip on my shorts and it covered me quite well. If anyone looked closely they might deduce that I was wearing a maxi pad. It simply was not obvious. My legs are offset enough so the gap or bulge might be expected. It felt even more erotic than the plugs.

Once I was dressed and my minimal makeup on and my hair brushed I am ready to take Dufus for a walk. Hopefully I will run into Floyd for coffee.

This story was written as an adult fantasy. The author does not condone the described behavior in real life in any way, shape or form. Anyone tempted to act out any of the scenarios in this story should seriously consider seeking professional help.

Do not under any circumstances assume that any of the acivities undertaken in these stories are to be commonly accepted as legal activities.


Chapter Two – Hillock farm

It has been about a year and a half since I had visited the farm where I had attended my Granddaughter’s 18th birthday celebration. The friend that owned the farm was on the fringe of my own network of loose friendships. She had heard my warning that something might be up in the greater community, and to be forewarned. I had a few hours that I could drive out and renew the acquaintance of her and her cute little daughter.

When I had last seen them she was a mature single mom that was into the bi and lesbian scene with heavy bents toward bestiality. She was making ends meet on a family farm that had been willed to her by her father and uncle’s estate. She was raising her daughter by herself with the aid of her group of close and intimate friends. She was raising and training dogs and livestock in a fashion for use for tracking and also for their ability to comfort and satisfy ladies with their inherent natural abilities and assets.

Her dogs needed the larger area of a farm setting to be inconspicuous. In an urban setting they would take up a lot of room and seem out of place. She raised St. Bernard’s and Malamute breeds. She kept the 2 breeds apart for the most part by keeping the females isolated from the males that usually intermingled with the human guests at the facility.

The daughter, Judy, when I last saw her was about to turn 14 and now was 16. She had been enjoying the farm life with her mother and friends and at that time considered herself a lesbian in her mother’s footsteps. She had been having bi feelings and when I had met her acquaintance, she had found a male that had some empathy with and shared her admiration with her personal lover and dog. A week later after talking with her friends and mother, she decided to let me have sex with her to satisfy a basic desire to try an adult human male.

They greeted me at the new gate that the state crew had built and installed in the 48 hours after an errant law enforcement group had smashed through the old one. The new one was not only heavier but strong enough that a tank would have to climb over the 6 foot tall welded steel gate that weighed over 8 tons for the 14 foot wide opening. It slid on a track between 4 foot diameter steel reinforced concrete pillars. The rest of the property had been circled for years behind a 6 foot rock wall along the road and a heavy but permeable fence on the backside.

They were both wearing working clothes and coats which were different than the way I had last seen them. Judy had grown substantially in the past year and a half. She was now 5 foot 7 inches and was a little more muscular and toned with more feminine curves. She was blessed with a very pleasing figure and seductive walk, even in her jogging shoes.

They walked with me as I drove the car for the 200 feet up to the house through the orchard that was along the driveway. There were two cars next to the house and I asked if there was already business at the barns today?

“No,” said Judy, “We have three new members of the family now. They still have their place across the other end of town but both David and Ben are here with my new daddy.”

I looked at her inquiring.

“I followed your advice and began toying with the boys in the local school club that had the most studious and nerdy boys. You were right they were better enhanced than the jocks that thought they were so hot. I met David and Ben and they are brothers. Their mom had been killed in a car accident 4 years ago and the boys had a real nice dad.

I was having a blast with the boys, they are one, and two years older than I am and was taking them both at one time when their dad came home and caught us in the living room.

He seemed cool with it and told us to clean up the mess when we were done. He went into the kitchen with the things he had brought home. He talked to us again when we had finished. None of us had any clothes on since we had hung them up to dry at the entrance to the house. They were soaked from a rain shower as we walked to their house from school.

Apparently the boys and dad were practicing nudists as well, so no one was in any real hurry to put any clothes on, especially wet ones. After I got dressed after dinner I went home and told mom about their dad and she called him up and asked them over on the next Saturday for a family get together.”

Judy’s mom continued. “They arrived and we talked a little. The dogs were out and horny as usual and we introduced them to the men. Bob, the father, asked what the dogs were trained for and Judy told them that “They were her lovers!”

Judy took over. “The boys were clueless as to what I had really said, but Bob looked at me like he understood and said “Really? I had heard that it was going on around here and the boy’s mom had done it numerous times but not in front of the boys yet.” He looked a little flushed like he had not let it be known even to his boys. “If it stays here I will demonstrate for you.” I told them.

Bob told the boys that I was going to do something they have may not have ever seen or talked about and they must give me absolute benefit of any doubts about me and to not ever say anything about it to anyone else. They agreed. I took off my dress and kicked off my sandals and got down on the grass where we usually couple with the dogs and I signaled to one of the St Bernard’s to tongue me to get ready to mount.

They watched with wide open eyes. Then I slapped my butt and he climbed on and slipped into me I went into orgasms quickly but I kept up a little coherency.

Mom took the other St. Bernard as well. I told Bob that if he wanted to let it sink in that it was OK for men to do it also that he could take the malamute and he would give him a lot of fun.

Bob was real nervous and apprehensive at the idea but I had a feeling he had done it before with his wife’s approval and insistence. I was right! He explained that their mother was also into this and she had talked him into coupling a few times in the last month before she had died. He got down with us and we finished at about the same time.

We became very close and then he surprised mom with a proposal. They were both quite independent and self sufficient but with the experience of both of them and with us kids, they decided that there really should be at least an official codependency, if for no other reason than survivorship in case of another accident, or if it was necessary for someone to assume responsibilities of both estates while we were still minors.

During the past few years the business of both places had been building since Bob had a regular clientele that visited some hot springs on his property. The neighbors all around us are also into our practicing bestiality and we have regular picnics here to enjoy each other’s company. They have purchased dogs from us and have shared now in breeding our horses with some of theirs to produce what we hope to be very good human studs. These are being trained from a very young age to enjoy a fairly tight warm glove feeling on their cocks and to be able to hold it for prolonged periods.

We have picked up two additional retired race horses that have not been gelded and I have been regularly taking one of them. He is the smaller one of the two and he is very comfortable in me. I have not done any prolonged coupling or trips with him yet. This summer I will take a couple of short trips around the neighborhood for some public display around the Fourth of July.

Bob and the boys arrived just after the law enforcement crew broke in the other night.

The dogs had cornered a couple of them that were ready to place some drugs in hiding.

Judy and I came out with nothing on but armed with the shotguns. They just stared because they were surprised at two naked gun toting women, all of a sudden, with the three vicious dogs pinning the two of them down.

They tried to show badges but when I told them to empty their pockets and the pills and drug packets came out. I told them to put them away because they were all under arrest for breaking and entering, drug possession, and aiding while in commission of a felony.

About that time the local policeman up the road who had been awaken by Ben when he arrived.

The other neighbors were deputized and we hauled them off to the jail house at the school. We use a utility room there for the jail. We were going to hold them for 24 hours before we let them use the phone. We then decided to let them have one local call each.

Finally after the 6th local call, they got hold of someone.

The state attorney general called and demanded that we release them.

We told them that they were under arrest and what the charges were and they would have to appear before the judge first to establish bail.

The judge called us to find out what was up? The attorney general had woke him up in a fury, and insisted that he release them. We told him what had happened and he told us he would call back.

An hour later he called and told us to keep them locked up with their own handcuffs and he would hold court on Friday about 11 o’clock. Judy and I were still running around fully naked and were getting a bit chilled as the temperature outside was in the low 40’s.

We came back home and slept for the rest of the night.

At 11 the court was set up and he had read the unsigned warrants the lawmen had and had the drugs tested. The attorney general had sent an assistant to represent the men. Requested were the names and sources of the warrants and the reasons that they attacked the particular property? There was no information available on that from the representative or the men.

The judge was very short and sweet.

He informed the lawmen that they had overstepped any authority they may have had with the blanket warrant. The state must immediately repair the property damage with monies deducted from the police budget of their home communities. The repairs were to be done within 48 hours. Any further attempts at home or property invasions of anyone in the county without at least 24 hours advanced notice to the local authorities and court would be met with grievous contempt of court warrants for all involved in any search and or seizures, without the express local cooperation or permission.

The records of this disciplinary hearing would be put on the officer’s permanent records.

It was interesting that the trial was recorded on video tape and the women had copies of it on disk. I only live 15 miles away and I had not heard of the incident or trial in the media, although I had been keeping track of the massive search team effort looking for a fugitive who had killed a lawman over 100 miles away.

We went into the house and met the two boys and their dad.

He was just finishing with preparing a meal and the boys were preparing to sit at the table on the now familiar dildo seats.

Judy and her mom had begun removing their clothes as we came into the door. He said they had a place for me. I noticed the single dildo post and like the last time I removed my clothes to join them. Judy suggested that since I had not been prepared, she would go with me to get me ready.

She led me to a side room and there was the familiar enema hose, faucet, and stool. It took a couple of minutes and was ready when I was done.

The final preparations for the meal were done as we returned. I settled onto the, what I thought was the, large, dildo seat carefully as I was not practiced at this sort of thing on a regular basis. Judy settled onto hers easily, it was larger, next to me. “I am starting to stretch a little for the next size larger stallion for longer trips this summer.” Judy said matter of factually. At this I noticed that her breasts were substantially larger than I had remembered them to be. Also noted was the presence of small piercings on each of her nipples but no jewelry in them.

As the meal progressed, the boys and their dad got to know me a little better as the conversation progressed. There was nothing exotic about the meal but it was good wholesome basic foodstuffs, properly spiced and flavored. Judy’s mom did add her own special flavor to the coffee with her lactating breasts with two or three squirts of her own. Judy tried but she had still not developed full lactating capability and was only able to get a couple of drops into mine.

I asked her about the small piercings that she had in her nipples and she said that her and her mother had put them in about the time they had bought the smaller horse for the rein rings that she wore when she was going to go on a coupled ride.

I asked about these and she told me that for the belly riding on the doggy style sling, she needed to guide her breasts into place and the rings were the most comfortable way to do it. It might cause a bit of controversy at school if she wore them in her street clothes. They were easy to slip in and out so after her nipples had healed she only uses the rings for utility purposes. They had not hurt her to wear and felt good when in place because they kept her fully aroused. She had worn them in the parade last summer, but there were some people there that seemed awfully touchy feely with them.

Mona said that they had both been backing off from the gay pride bunch because there had been getting to be a lot of friction between the gays, lesbian and bi groups.

I said, “I could just imagine that!”

Mona said the friction is not as you might imagine. The lesbians and the gays are starting to lean more toward neuter gender or eunuchs. Many of the guys are either being surgically or self castrated and in some cases with full sexual organ removal. Some of the women are even doing some of the same things. They have at times even gone so far as totally destroying their own sexuality and abilities to remake themselves so they would not be tempted to change their mind or be able to be part of a heterosexual group. Part of this has been taking steps to destroy their sexual organs or to eliminate their own hormone production.

Why they are doing this, we do not know for certain, but it is becoming more accepted and is still under wraps socially for the most part. We are becoming a bit concerned about Natalia also. Her trips to South America and some of the things she has been doing are not so bad for her sexually except she is continuing to inch toward the overextending of her immune system with her huge piercings she has done this last year.

I was a little concerned about this as well and I told the group that I had done my best to dissuade her from any of the more drastic piercings she had done.

I told the group some of what Deedee and her coven had planned and they empathized with me on their asking me to assist them. A lot of what they had apparently planned was in the same vein as what the lesbian groups had been talking about and actually doing and much of what they had planned were part of the stepped approach for personal disfigurement and self emasculation.


Chapter Three – Delineation

Since Floyd introduced me in his “Boxer Walker” story, I decided to post a little story of my own as a sequel.

It has been several months since I had met and first made love to Floyd. I have been quite busy with my practice and have also been busy with other erotica as well since I am an OB/GYN in private practice. Some of the things I have found that have really given me some outrageous orgasms has been experiences and adventures I have found out from some of my patients.

I found I can gradually stretch my urethra to take a small to medium sized cock in it and still retain full bladder control. I have 3 patients that have successfully done it and they all claim that they have been that way for years.

I talked it over with Floyd and he was not too certain that it was such a good idea. I forced the issue and told him “I will do it even without his help.” Once I initially tried to slip a sound into my urethra, I began an orgasm very predictably and quickly. This I know is the direct internal stimulation of what is being identified as the female prostate gland or area. This area or gland is responsible for the sexual “cum” or “squirt” that a woman sometimes secretes during orgasm Floyd finally agreed to help me in the regimen as long as I supplied the sounders. If I got too stretched that I would lose bladder control I would insert a spigot and liner to control everything without messing up my ability to squirt in orgasm.

We shook on it in a 69 while I gnawed his cock and he nibbled my labia and clit. We drank each other dry.

We started out with a small one about 3/16” in diameter and then after it was quite comfortable slipping in and out with lots of gel we gradually increased to a whole 3/8” diameter going all of the way into my bladder and a sleeve that went to just before the inner sphincter of ½ inch. I was not really sore, but he said that was enough for today. He said he would be back in a couple of days and do some more. We had planned on taking at least a month or 8 sessions to stretch me without splitting anything.

I would do the exercise 3 times a day with exercises in between to strengthen the PC’s and to allow my system to adjust.

The second session I was opened up to ½” with a 5/8” liner. He wanted the outer urethra opened up a little more than the inner sphincter for pleasure purposes.

The whole procedure was getting really erotic with him fisting me and feeling the sound enter my bladder through my urethra. He worked on my “G” spot as well and it always drained me for a long while as we did it.

I really slept well for the 3 or 4 days between sessions. We will open me gradually in 3 or 4 more steps with an additional 1/8 of an inch in each session.

Once we hit 1 inch I wanted to wear a shaped liner in my urethra for the time between sessions to keep everything open.

I would do the exercises with it inside. I would need to use a little valve to relieve myself. I felt that it would be fairly easy wearing a catheter full time, but I wished to keep my flexibility and not over stretch or split this part of my flesh.

By the time I hit the 3/4” mark there was another bombshell I wanted to try. I asked him to tie a nylon rope with a suede liner around the base of my breasts to stretch them a bit for some future bondage. We talked about it and finally he agreed, because my breasts swelled up huge when it was done.

My nipples were always a bit large and tender. I found that when I had them bound, the sensitivity was diminished while they were tied. This was related to one of the other things that I also wanted to try. I wish to try some really kinky stuff that could ordinarily hurt me, in a permanent manner, very badly.

I had been to a half dozen covenant rituals of ladies in several cities that were bi or lesbian for their commitment to each other. None of them wished to be married in bondage to a man but had other interests. They also did not wish to ever have biological children for one reason or another.

When they were doing their ritual they were confirming that they were so stretched in their sexual orifices that they would probably never be able to conceive a child even by artificial means. In some cases they even had their breasts tortured or in some cases destroyed as functional organs. In all cases they did it in front of invited guests in a very planned ceremony that made the statement by a very erotic method.

I have been to a couple of these events to observe other ladies, on a professional level, and I want to do one in another couple of months with some friends. I told them that I wanted to bring Floyd to the event as my Dom. I know he is a pussy cat but he does understand me and I trust him, and I do mean trust him, with my life.

If I am punctured or skewered I want him to do it for me. I also know that he gets very aroused when I talk like that. It is a case of the battle of the sexes and sex wins.

I often wear both anal and butt plugs for up to eight hours and I think a urethral plug would be over the top especially if it is quite large. I want my breasts bound and to be suspended by them while they are abused by piercing with a variety of objects. Nothing will be left inside of them on a permanent basis in the foreseeable future but I know I may bleed a bit and I might hurt for up to a month.

I have some rather large and long needles in my inventory at my office that I regularly replace on a regular basis. I wanted to do some deep and large piercings for at least temporary use in a bondage style setting with some of my other lady friends. These are the ladies I wish to declare a covenant with.

If everything is kept clean and none of the objects are contaminated the pain will be at a minimum and won’t last more than a day or so. The bruising may last for a week, maybe two. Any stretching can be managed but even stretched skin can be treated and returned to a manageable configuration. When it is stretched it will not be noticed with my clothes on. Swelling might be noticed but not easily without a tape measure.

While I am suspended, I wish a hook, not sharp or barbed, to be run into my urethra stretching it slightly. It will be curved and some of my weight will be supported by it. I will be mounted on a pair of large dildoes with my legs tied to the side so everything is supported by my breasts and the hook.

I also have purchased several of what appear to be large nails that you would expect in rough house construction. They are 6 inches long and over an eighth inch in diameter. The difference being, these are surgical stainless instead of galvanized. These I plan on being targeted to go straight into my nipples all the way to the head. If they cannot be pushed in by hand then I want them to be hammered in by a clean hammer that I have packed for the purpose. They will not be going completely through my breasts into my muscle or rib cage.

I have also accumulated a large number of smaller needles that are16 gauge and 4 inches long. All of these will be pushed into my breasts like a pincushion. We wish to push them in ourselves. The needles will still be in me after I am removed from the hoist that will suspend me on the dildoes.

After our legs are released and we can support our own weight on top of the dildoes still inside us at over 16 inches deep. We wish to experience some more stimulation and sharing amongst all of those participating. The time duration of the penetration we wish to be a full half hour. By the time we are released from the posts the local anesthetic for the needles will be worn off.

The mechanism in the posts will give us constant stroking of about 2 inches for an internal massage. In all likelihood all of our cervix’s will be permanently stretched to an oversized condition. If any of us changed our minds it would require major surgery to ever be able to use our wombs for their original intended purposes I do like penetration through my cervix so I will be positioned and suspended at maximum depth. Once released, if my knees or legs do not support me I will be in a rather bad situation. I will be required to use my own strength to dismount the posts inside me with the needles and spikes in my breasts.

As I said we will be hurting but some local anesthetic will be used before hand. Floyd knows this and the other women as well. We will be feeling bumping and tugging but probably not the actual steel going through or into our breasts. We will be watching!

I am considering having my faithful pooch give me a full knotted coupling while the needles are still inside me but I have not decided yet. I know I will be on adrenaline overload but I may have to let Floyd decide at that time. If I do, the other ladies will also have their K9 lovers knot with them.

Weeks later.

Floyd and I have gradually gotten everything ready for the ceremony of joining for my friends and I in our, as Floyd calls it a “Coven.” This is short for Covenant.

We are 6 long time friends who have bonded over the years as single women. 3 of us had been married for a short time but in each case we had apparently chosen the wrong person to bond with. We have all had men as lovers over the years but our basic orientation was somewhere between Bi and lesbian. We each have had bestial long term relationships. Myself, I consider myself a Bi but have regularly taken K9 lovers since I was 12 years old. This makes it so that I have had a dog as a lover for over half my lifetime. For most of my adult life I have had many human lovers as well but none have been regular cohabitation type of things.

This has been a similar story of the rest of us ladies. Each has our own story but this is mine. We decided some time ago that none of us wished to raise a child let alone bare one from a casual relationship. Most people want to be married but none of us wishes to have that kind of long term affair with a member of the opposite sex.

We each have tried bondage in a limited basis. We are pain tolerant and as such, sometimes get a real rush in a sexual sense from having pain inflicted upon us in a controlled manner. Three of us are medical professionals and deal with women who have had severe bodily pain and disfigurement by some of the bondage and accidental means. Together we have come up with a series of group tortures that we can all survive with minimal damage to us but would be for us a statement by very erotic torture that we have decided to endure together. There will be some permanent damage to each of us. Since none of us wishes to ever bare a child, we shall never have a problem with it, no matter how badly it might turn out. Even the pain is hoped will be very pleasurable.

We have invited over 50 couples both gay and straight to witness our ceremony. These are from several local bondage groups. The six of us will have Floyd and 2 MD’s in attendance in case one of us slips and is either torn open or ruptured and begins bleeding profusely. To insure that Floyd would give full cooperation for the ceremony we had agreed, temporarily, to not have all of our breasts basically mutilated during the ceremony with the large spikes but we again convinced him to allow us to put in our own needles and then start the spikes and hold them as he hammers them fully into us. This will be done as we are mounted on the posts impaling us in both the vagina and anus at about 16 inches of penetration.

We will have a local anesthetic injected before the guests arrive that will wear off shortly before we are released from the bindings. Our breasts will be very painful when the blood is allowed to begin circulating freely through the affected areas. After experimenting we have found that the circulation will be restricted by about 50 percent for the period we are suspended.

We have rented a private warehouse for the ceremony. An alcove of the warehouse will be available to drop off guests in private and the drivers will shuttle them from a parking lot about 8 blocks away.

Our preparations have included repeated deep enema’s to thoroughly clean out our internal organs and a liquid diet for the last 5 days. The reason for this is to diminish possibility of a mass infection in case of over exertion or stretching in the bowel or massive tearing in case of an accident. We are also lubricated with an antibiotic/antiseptic with other food grade flavorings.

We have seating around a stage where we will have the suspension ceremony and we will greet all of the guests in formal gowns. The gowns are of red satin with the tops consisting of only a narrow scarf that crosses above our breasts and wraps around the back of our necks then across the other breast and fastens at the back of the mid length dress. The dress overlaps between the buttons in the back. When we release a button the skirt falls off and the scarf follows. We are also wearing nylons with garters and 5 inch spike heels. We all have hair that is fashioned but does not descend below our chin line.

Floyd and the 2 doctors have arrived and are ready. I prepare the local anesthetic and administer it to two of the others including one dermatologist. She injects the Nurse and one of the other women, the nurse injects me and the last other woman. In a matter of a few moments none of us can feel our nipples rubbing our tops. We check each other out by pinching each other’s nipples and twisting. They almost feel like they are not there although they are aroused fully.

I signaled the drivers to start bringing the guests. The guests arrive 6 at a time and we greet them with hugs, even giving them good feels of our body parts, of course we felt back. Floyd and the docs served them drinks.

At last the guests were here and ready we called them to attention and gave them a very brief indication of what the ceremony was for and introduced Floyd and the doctors.

With that we dropped our dresses and stood adjacent to our very, by now, large dildo posts. Floyd lowered the hoisting beam with the ropes attached. Each of us gave 5 wraps of each breast and tied each of them off with Floyd giving them each a tightening with and extra wrap. The weight of our breasts was supported fully by the ropes as we stood fully at attention. Even the ladies with the smaller breasts were quite tight and had their nipples more than 6 inches from their chest. I smiled and thought this is going to be exquisite. 12 nipples fully extended and 12 breasts stretched to their maximum. They looked like they might even pop.

Floyd began raising the beam and as planned we were balanced well there was no tilt and all of our feet left the stage at the same time. Each of us began with a deep moan as we began a deep orgasm building as one by one we began to have orgasms from the pain and pleasure of the stretched flesh. Floyd and the 2 docs began tying our feet to the ropes that were numbered for each of us. These were done with simple loops and could not be released until after we had been impaled for a half hour.

The winches on each side started up and drew our legs apart so that our legs were fully extended to the side and we were fully open for whatever might happen. We were held over the dildoes menacingly then lowered. Our arms were not bound so we were able to make minor adjustments to our own positions over the intruding posts. They had been well lubricated and the hydraulic motors were turned on so they were silently stroking up and down about 2 inches.

Slowly they slipped into our unguarded openings. They were large but had a slight give to them for alignment. They were textured for sensation however. We had some more orgasms. Slowly but surely the enormous dildoes slipped into us. The ones in our vagina’s slowly slipped through our cervix’s, stroking in and out then fully through.

For some reason even with the practicing we had been doing even on these posts they burned as they were stretching our Cervix’s this time. This took several minutes.

The others were in full orgasms and I was definitely in heaven at the sensations I was having, even with the somewhat unexpected burning sensation.

I wanted this to go on forever. I was just feeling pressure on my diaphragm when the hoist quit dropping. The stroking continued at a steady pace.

This added to the sensation as our bodies synchronized our breathing and heart rate. Floyd increased the rate of the stroking before the next step.

Now Floyd and the doctors distributed the needles to us one at a time and we began inserting them one by one directly into the edges of our own areola and surrounding tissue. These were a full 16 gauge instead of the ones I had originally given Floyd but he had finally agreed to use them since I agreed to not use the biopsy needles. Each of us had 20 needles in each breast. We did look like pin cushions.

Once we were done with the needles, “I want to be nailed now!” I told Floyd. He took out a tray with the spikes on it and the hammer. We would start the insertions as far as we could push them in, but we would hold the spike steady until it was forced into each of us far enough to remain stable. This would be about 2 inches. They were quite sharp but with a beveled edge so they would cut instead of tearing their way in. These would do some damage internally, although I had assured Floyd that it would only be temporary. I held up the first one for the audience to see and held my left nipple still as I forced it through the length of the nipple for the first inch and a half.

It could not go any further. I am not certain if it was the neural feedback that made my reflexes restrict movement or it the flesh was just that hard to force through. That is why the large plastic weighted mallet. Floyd began hitting the nail and it didn’t budge. I told him “Harder!”

The next time I felt it and it sunk in another 2 inches. He hit it 3 more times and the head was flush with the end of my nipple. It had done it’s job of damaging some of the nerves and some of the milk sacs in my breast. My nipples would never again be as sensitive as they had always been.

I did the same with my right breast and this time he buried it in 3 hits. I had tears by the time it was home.

Each of the others did the same and Floyd was getting pretty good at it by this time. He came back and tied each of our arms behind us so we would not have any use of our hands for a while. I had originally asked for this to be done before the nails but he said he did not wish to hold the nails but wanted each woman to do it for herself.

Once this was done I heard some crackling and looked at Floyd. He had a taser wand! It had a lead on it that he clipped to the spike on my right breast. I cringed, this is going to hurt!!!

It did! He touched my clit that was fully exposed outside my stretched labia. If I could have bounced or flinched I would have. I couldn’t do more than a mental cringe. He discharged it 4 times and I almost passed out as I screamed.

One by one he did the rest of the women. 2 fainted at the first one. Each of us was shocked 3 more times. As couples the audience came up and fingered and even tugged at the needles and spikes. By the end of the half hour we were beginning to be real sore and feeling the needles and spikes imbedded in us.

Floyd passed in front of us one more time and fondling our much reddened breasts, needles and all, gave us each a thorough French kiss as only a true lover can.

I was one solid hurt but so wound up in the pleasure of it all that I pulled him as hard as I could to me and reached around his shoulders and pulled him to force the spike and needles into me some more. I was almost catatonic from jerking and bouncing trying to get more action.

He finally finished and released the rest of the bindings on our arms and reversed the winches, lowering our legs. I was able to place my feet flat on the ground but I did not have much strength as yet. I bent them one at a time as the other ladies did. Floyd surprised me and raised the bar to lift us off the dildoes. I felt very empty as we were lifted off of them. It had taken several minutes to mount them, but only a few seconds to be lifted off of our mountings.

The audience cheered as we were able to remain standing as the slack in the ropes allowed us to begin unwrapping our abused breasts.

As the bindings were loosened the blood began circulating without restriction as they started to burn inside. I noticed the others then myself were very red as they resumed their stance with the load of steel that was in them.

They were not as of yet bleeding as the steel of the needles and the spikes were plugging the piercings. The doctors led out our dogs and we got down on our hands and knees and opened for them they were ready since none of them had coupled with us in 3 days. My boxer felt good as he slipped all the way inside my, by now, well stretched vagina. Normally we would have bent over a little more and rested on the floor with the weight of our breasts resting on the floor as well but that was still too painful on top of everything else.

My dog had a huge knot and he was barely able to keep his knot inside. A couple of times, it slipped out but went back in. When he started cumming it just kept leaking out. I was no longer tight enough to be knotted by my bestial partner. I needed some cum real badly as everyone else. The audience came up and the guys contributed one at a time, ejaculating into our mouths. By the time the dogs were done we were ready to say goodbye to our guests.

We requested the guests remove two needles each from one of us as we shook their hand. A few of them tucked the needle into purses or pockets inside handkerchiefs. Others put them in a tray that was next to the line. We were well bloodied as the room emptied out. Floyd and the doctors swabbed the openings and applied some antibiotic to ward off infections. There was no heavy bleeding and nothing continued to flow.

After the guests left, it was time to pull the spikes out. I was surprised that they were not nearly so sore as I thought they would have been. All of the needles were chisel cut and had cut and displaced the flesh instead of carving it out like the biopsy needles would have done. I fingered mine and the other girls did theirs also. Our breasts were well bruised but I knew we would be fine in a fairly short time. I asked that I be allowed to slip back on the dildo posts to have the spikes removed.

The other girls thought about it and wanted to join me in this additional adventure. We moved chairs to either side and mounted the posts before knocking the chairs over. We would be held there until we could be allowed to climb off with the aid of the chairs being righted. I felt much more comfortable being filled this way when Floyd began tugging on my left spike that was buried in my breast. I felt it moving as he slowly moved it around then began tugging on it. The flesh of my breast did not let go very easily but the further it pulled the hotter it got and I had another orgasm as it slipped out but Floyd left it still inside my nipple. He reached to the right one and stirred it and began pulling and I nearly passed out when my legs began to sag. I recovered and stood straight again. Floyd pulled the spike out and let it hang supported by the internal pressure of my nipple. He took a swab and wrapped it around the nipple, squeezed, then pulled the spike out the rest of the way.

Once they were both out he kissed me again and grasp both of my by now sore and swollen breasts and began massaging them hard. Some blood did come out, especially from my nipples but things started to even out as he rubbed some more antibiotic and aloe into the wounded areas. Within a few minutes they felt much better.

One by one Floyd removed the spikes from the other ladies and then massaged in the mixture that seemed to soothe them so well.

“Now ladies! We have one more thing that needs to be done. I know that some of you have done the sound stretching of your urethra. One at a time we are going to give you a full good penetration of your bladder. One at a time we will lift you off of your posts and insert plugs into your vagina and anus. They are inflatable so they will be tight. The taser will be used if necessary to insure that you comply voluntarily.”

This drew some rather anxious looks from the other girls.

Floyd sat the 2 chairs up for me and helped me to climb onto them with the dildoes still inside me and helped me to stand, on the chairs, to clear the posts. He told me to bend over and inserted an anal plug, inflating it a bit. It felt like a big knot inside. He then slipped in a large one into my still gapping vaginal birth canal. As I was bent over I had another orgasm as the 2 knots pressed against each other inside me through the membranes. I knew what he was going to do from knowing the way he does them. He led me to a cot he had brought up to the stage and laid me down on it. I opened up for him and he slipped into my urethra like he was slipping into a glove. I felt his head slip into my bladder through the last sphincter and was already cumming around his swollen cock.

He did cum in me and then I felt him let loose a torrent inside me. My bladder felt like it was ready to burst. He pulled out as I was able to just hold it in.

“Hold it in now to give to your next buddy.” Floyd said. I was having a hard time doing it. I was definitely glad I had done the Kagels even though I was starting to cramp with the effort.

We went to my next friend, Jo, and he did the same. When she was laying on the cot and he began to start to open her up she said that she had not fully stretched herself out yet.

Floyd said that she had a partial job but she would take it anyway. “Just relax and try to pee when I go into you and you will enjoy it.” He slipped his finger with some KY on it into her and some on his cock. He slowly entered her as she began to orgasm. She started squirting but when she relaxed a bit he slipped inside her a little more. When he got all the way inside he told me to squat over her mouth and she would drink me dry. This is something we had not talked about but I did it and was barely in place when I started to dribble. I had to keep starting and stopping as Jo kept drinking my mixture of my urine and Lloyds cum, his pee and mine and my cum. I was looking forward to drinking from the last woman as she emptied herself into me. Jo’s breasts were looking bruised as mine are. Hers as mine, looked like they would recover nicely although they were by now quite swollen. Some small scars may even be visible.

This ritual continued as we went down the line. The 2 doctors also contributed some cum and pee to the mix. We successfully got fucked in our urethra’s. Mina was the only one who had not actively stretched herself. She enjoyed it though. I drank from her slightly bleeding orifice. She had an almost continuous orgasm as she was doing her last coupling.

I forgave Floyd for the shocking treatment and asked him where he had gotten that idea. And he told me that it is an old item that he has never used before but had bought it over 50 years ago. “It just seemed appropriate! With everything else you were doing, I thought you would enjoy it.”

I was not done with Floyd or the friendly doctors for the evening. I knew all of us were drained for the night we asked and they agreed to come with us to Mina’s home for the rest of the night. We used 3 of the limousines take us there.

Mina has a home outside of town and we were happy for the little rest before we arrived there. We were going to finish opening ourselves at the facilities she had arraigned. Each of us ladies would have the ultimate lover partner in the morning.

We slept 2 ladies to each man and made sure that they never got hard for long. By morning we were all refreshed. We had made certain that they all had an adequate amount of Viagra in their system to keep them horny when they awoke.

Breakfast was light and we were feeling great! Our breasts were still slightly swollen and bruised but they felt fine.

There were some tiny scabs from where the needles or spikes had cut away some of the flesh. They were healing nicely and with a renewal of the antibiotic and the Aloe ointment they would be fine.

We led the men out to the barn where we had set up 6 studs for us to take this morning. They were selected and sized to stretch us from even where we had been impaled last night. The primary difference is that this would be only one giant cock instead of 2 very large ones. We had a trainer that had already given the stallions injections to enhance semen production so we would be filled with the horse cum from the time we mounted the stallions until we were done in 3 or 4 hours.

None of us except the trainer had ever taken a horse before but we had done some research on the subject. Some of the research had been from leads that Floyd had given us. Everything was readily available and once we had decided to do this thing it was not difficult to arrange. We had a trainer on the premises that had brought the horses and all of the necessary supplies for us to use.

Each of us had previously met and selected our next partners. They nuzzled each of our naked bodies as we were barely able to endure the cold morning where the temperature was in the mid 40’s.

We hurried lubricating the barely aroused horses and used literally a handful of warm lubricant to slip directly inside our still enlarged vaginas getting a full fist fucking to warm up. One at a time we slipped into the slings by laying on our backs with our feet toward the front of the horse and doubling up with our legs going into the stirrups above our heads and curling up to where we forced ourselves over the growing cocks as they were extending out of their sheathes.

They were very warm and once they were all the way in us, they continued to grow. We were mounted on the cocks with our chests in the leather sling with our breasts, fully open and exposed, hanging down. We had the horses reins in hand as we gently urged them forward. The horse trainer was mounted under the 7th horse. She would guide us as we finished stretching our vagina’s and cervix’s to at least 4 inches in diameter. This felt very hot, almost searing burning as we finished splitting ourselves.

For the next 4 hours we would stay very warm mounted as we were even in the open. We had plenty of water and nourishment from the almost continuous supply of horse cum that leaked from our overstuffed vagina’s.

About 3 hours in Mina and Jo started to experience cramping in their legs and groin from some muscle stretching. Myself, I felt what I can only consider cramping of the cervix. One at a time our horses began to get very nervous and excited. 2 of us almost passed out from their horses trying to impale us further while we were having the cramps. We returned to the house and Floyd was still there waiting for us. He ran inside and brought out banana’s for us to eat.

This I had not foreseen this as a problem but yes potassium depletion can be a problem with a liquid diet. A few minutes later the cramps went away and we were feeling not too much worse for wear.

When we returned again to the house we were ready to relax and let the guys go about their business. I am finishing this story and will send it to Floyd to post for me as is.

This would not be the end of our adventures together into the arena of BDSM but for today, we have had enough. What we have done to our bodies will last us for the rest of our lives.


Chapter Four – After Delineation

It has been a little over 8 months since I had helped Deedee and her friends with their breast suspension and cervical splitting ceremonies in front of a large group of BDSM fans.

The group then had followed it up with a horse coupling over night and the sealing of their cervical splits in the expanded condition ending the possibility of their ever being able to bare a child.

Their breasts had healed well and, while not quite as high and firm as they had been, were larger than they were before the ceremonies.

They had also resolved to make the breast suspensions a regular thing for all of them even though they would not be compounding the self torture with the spiking of their breasts with the needles and nails they had done before. Nor had they resolved to be suspended on the posts in their anus and vaginas like they had done.

I had paid Deedee weekly visits afterwards and she was still taking her boxer in her daily couplings and once a week she also went to the dude ranch and rode under her favorite stallion until he filled her with several loads of cum in a 4 to 6 hour ride.

Deedee always greeted me with a hug as I entered her condo. She loved to drink fresh cum from me as I sucked her through 2 to 3 orgasms while fisting her with both arms deep in her loins.

“You know Floyd, the rest of us want to do some more suspensions on a regular basis, don’t you?”

“Yes Deedee but why? Your breasts are so yummy the way they are and I don’t want you or the other ladies to get all floppy or hurt yourselves as badly as last time.”

“Nonsense Floyd! It really didn’t hurt as much as you might think. The rush was incredible and the next time it will probably be very erotic. No pins, needles, spikes or posts this time. This time we were thinking of maybe some genital piercings on our labia maybe. Maybe hang some weights from them?”

“Damn! You really are some pain sluts. What are you thinking of this time?”

“We were thinking maybe using some hooks this time, then lacing up our lips to lock them closed while entrapping something large in our bellies.”

“How large and consisting of what? Are you going to have a catheter to drain yourselves while you are carrying what ever you are going to carry in your bellies?”

“Of course! What we want to carry for a week will be captured in our vagina and womb. It will be hard but it will be worth it for us. We want to be able to exercise and function with something like a glass encased doll in our birth canals. It will weigh about 10 pounds but will be fairly dense. It will not be nearly as big as a baby. The hooks or the bindings on our labia holding everything together will keep everything in place but sealed inside of us.”

“How many of the hooks or binding loops are you thinking of to sew you up?”

“At least 12 hooks or bushings on each side. That way the stresses on the opening will be distributed and nothing should pull through.”

“What kind of exercising or activities are you thinking about?”

“Running, Bicycling, and skydiving.”

“Now I see the reason for at least 12 on each side. When the chute opens I hope you have some good support pants on.”

“We are doing the chute nude!”

“You had better double the number of bindings then because hooks won’t handle it. I will lace you up with some good line. I might even use some nylon coated cable. That will handle the shock of the chute opening without you spilling your guts all over the sky.”

“I knew I could count on you to find a safe way to do it. We were thinking of having the chute tied to our breasts but from what you are saying, the chute would rip off our Mammaries and not slow us down.”

“That is correct. Where do you want to be hung for practice? If you really want to do it I think that we should do it at least once a week until all of you are feeling comfortable swinging from your boobs without the extra encumbrance of loaded pussy. If you do that I know your boobs will be very stretched and probably useless for any erotic self satisfaction”

“Let me call and get them here and we can do it in the bedroom upstairs.”

I had not been in the upstairs in her condo but if it was anything like the lower level it had the necessary space. Deedee called her friends as I took a stroll. The upstairs room she had prepared was very nice. It had a vaulted ceiling with skylights and 6 sheaves mounted at the top with ropes running to electric winches. She had several lengths of rope on a table.

“They will be right over in a few minutes. I’m so excited I want to be hung up by the time they get here.”

Deedee grabbed one of the lengths of rope and had half of one breast started by the time I could tell her to slow down a little.

I finished wrapping her left breast tightly and started on the right tightening the line so her breast was like a cantaloupe sitting on a pedestal on her chest. I finished the knot and fastened the knot to the hook on the end of the first rope.

Deedee was still excited like a little girl getting ready to ride her first pony. I took the lanyard to the hoist she was hooked to and began to raise it as I heard the first of her friends coming into the house downstairs. She was about 2 foot off the ground when the first woman got up the stairs. Deedee was still smiling as she was swinging her legs trying to work her way around to see who was coming.

“Gaud this feels fantastic compared to last time Joyce. I think I might be getting ready to have some more kinky orgasms just hanging here.”

“Help me Floyd.” Said Joyce.

She had all ready stripped and had one of the lengths of rope. 2 more ladies were making their way up the stairs.

“Take it easy ladies. I want to make sure that you are properly tied so you don’t get hurt doing this. I could just see one of you slipping and ripping one of your lovely girls off your chest.”

The other women took their ropes and started the first wrap and copying me as I was wrapping Joyce. They were starting to wrap each other. I got the first side done and did the transition to the other side. After 1 wrap I checked the 2 other ladies. I tightened both of their ropes making them substantially tighter. I returned to Joyce and wrapped her other side then finished the knot. I did not do the loop yet. I checked the 2 other ladies and adjusted them both slightly and finished their knots and made the loops. They waited until I finished Joyce before they took their positions at their chosen hooks. I raised them as they marveled at how much different it was this time from last.

The last 2 women arrived and I supervised their tying each other and finished before having them mounted on their hooks. I had 6 lovely naked ladies hanging by their tits from the ceiling. None had any control of what I could do to them now but they were all smiling in a half spaced out erotic nether world.

I looked around at what other toys they might have in store. I found a case of rather large inflatable dildoes with inflatable knots at the bases of them and I had a fun idea.

I took one and slipped it into Deedee’s open vagina head first as her eyes got big and she began squealing excitedly. I pushed it in all the way and took the inflator and pumped up the knot inside her vagina. Her eyes at first got big then they began rolling back as she began a prolonged orgasm as her vagina began pulsing.

I filled the rest of the women the same way. Leaving them, I went downstairs to the kitchen and got myself a cup of coffee. Before returning to the women I picked up the supply of Deedee’s sounds that she kept in her bedstead downstairs.

One by one I slipped them into the ladies urethra’s beginning with Deedee. They were all dripping so I licked them clean as I went. The sounds were in place so I asked Deedee, who was becoming coherent by this time, where the hooks she had spoken of were.

“I’m not going to make anything permanent at this time but I think you could use some practice being punctured in preparation for your chute.”

She told me they were in the chest in the other room.

I looked in the next room and I saw several chests but one caught my eye. It was open and there were several lengths of sterile nylon line and several needles to go with them. I threaded one of them up and returned with the needle, line, and the necessary ointment anesthetic.

I rubbed in the ointment into Deedee’s labia as I was going to give her some trial stitching. The other women were watching closely. None of them were beginning to tire by beginning to grasp the line holding them to relieve the stresses on their darkening breasts. I was wearing surgical gloves by this time and began testing the feeling that Deedee might be still feeling in the area that I was going to try to sew up.

She said that she did not feel anything when I poked her several times.

Finally I gave a push to the needle and it went from next to her urethra out the side of her Mons. I looped across her slit and did the same to the other side. I was going through over ¾ inch of flesh on each piercing.

I told her to keep opening her legs as I closed her up because I needed room to just sew her lips together without tearing her. She was needing to be flexible enough for strenuous exercise then she must retain full usage of her groin with her Mons closed.

I zigzagged down her slit pulling her opening together. When she was closed, she had 16 stitches on each side.

“Are you comfortable?” I asked.

I looked up and Deedee had a big grin on her face like a kitty that had a bowl full of cream. “Yes that is how I want it.”

Joyce said. “I’m next!”

One at a time I stitched the other women up using a lot of the anesthetic ointment.

They talked about the procedure and said that they wanted to keep closed until next week when they would change the accessories and reclose them again. They wanted to wear internal accessories for the foreseeable future.

I attached the inflator and filled them a little more until the stitch holes began to open slightly. I reapplied some more ointment than began to let them down. After they were down they untied themselves, releasing the knots and untied themselves. They went into the other room removing the sounds and inserted catheters with little valves in them so they could urinate in a sanitary manner during the week.

Deedee set up the schedule for next week and commented that they would meet for their weekly mounting on the horses with anal coupling in the morning before coming to here for our next session resizing our carrying and stitching practice.

All of the ladies except Deedee gave me a big hug as they went downstairs to get dressed to leave.

“I’m not done with you yet Floyd. I want a major deep piercing like we have talked about. You did not want to give me one because you thought it would hurt me too bad. I really want one. Next week when we get suspended again I want to have it in place and healing. The others will get the same type of piercings then. Each of us will be suspended at least once a week for the next month. Each time we will have the appliance removed and another one stitched into us. Each one will be a little more massive. My deep piercing will be the first of the ones we want. When we do the skydiving jump all of our breasts will have the same piercings and they will be lighted internally by very bright visible lighting devices we will have implanted before jumping. We will also have a very visible light inside our bellies making us quite visible as we tumble through the night sky.”

“Let’s see the breast lights.”

Deedee went into the other room and opened one of the chests. She took out 2 half inch rods about 5 inches long and 2 others about 3 inches long. “The battery packs we will be carrying in our birth canals.” This short one is a straight high intensity spot light that will be inserted in the middle of our nipples. The rods we will be inserted across and through our breast mass. We will have wires going to them on the outside of our bodies. The wires will go between our breasts and attach to the lights.

Once we land we will ride our bicycles and use the illumination to see by. We will also be able to see each other in the air and on the ground.”

“Where is the carving needle?” I asked.

Deedee reached into the chest and brought out a sharpened biopsy needle at least 1/4” diameter. It was inside a sterile wrapping. “This is what you will use on me. We will need to suspend me in order to do it right.”

“Won’t it hurt more that way?” I asked.

“Not really, the suspension changes the way we feel pain in our breasts and it displaces the piercing/cutting elements into an almost pleasurable sensation.”

I surrendered to her expertise on this. I motioned her to go to the other room to be hung.

She was all smiles again as I wrapped her amazing breasts in the bindings that would hang her by her breasts as I carved them up for her.

Once she had her feet off the floor I began massaging in the ointment onto her globes and rubbing them hard. She explained how she wanted me to push the tubing into the side of each from the cleavage side. I would push it in until it was almost to the outside. I would then apply my finger to the other end and pull it back out bringing the meat that the tube had in it with. I was to push one of the longer lights into the hole. The light would be first dipped into the antiseptic binding agent that would seal the inside of her breast. It would also hold the light in place for the month she would be using it. The tool to place the nipple light is over in the dildo box in the bottom.

I looked there and there was a 4 edged knife that tapered in 3 inches from a sharp point to about 3/8” across.

“This is to be pushed in through my nipple in the tiny scar from my spike piercing. It is to intersect the other light rod about mid way. The flesh will be cut but it will leave the flesh inside. The flashlight is to be inserted into this hole using the binding agent. There is a little plug on the back end of the flashlight that intersects with a plug on the front of the other light rod. Once this is done, the other side gets the same treatment. Our nipples will be basically destroyed but much larger than they are now. It isn’t too bad and has precedent because women have been doing it for centuries in the Asian countries for one reason or another. Many other women have them removed here for many reasons.”

I tested the ointment action by pinching the underside of Deedee’s breast and she did not feel or notice anything.

I opened the package with the tube in it and located where she wanted the first hole on her left breast. She nodded and I pushed. It went in surprisingly easy and I gauged the length. I saw the slight rise from pressure on the outside. I put my finger on the hole and removed the core from the hole. It was bleeding profusely. I slipped in the light rod positioning it so that the plug was accessible and the one in the middle was right in the center for the flash light.

I looked at Deedee and she still was smiling. I could not imagine she was not feeling horrible.

I took the pointed skewer and positioned it over the target on her nipple and pushed. It hit the rod light. I pulled out the skewer and pushed in the light and giving it a twist, seated in the mating plug.

My confidence getting better I did the next 2 piercings the same way.

Deedee told me there was a small battery pack with the mating plugs in the chest that the lights were in. I went and retrieved it and then plugged it into the light bars. They were very bright and her breasts glowed brightly, even in the lighted room.

I lowered Deedee to the floor and released her bindings.

Deedee said she was thrilled at the result.

In a way I was also. I asked how she might feel about them in another month or beyond?

“We will deal with it when we get there.” Deedee said with a fiery glair.

“The only thing different I might see doing would be using the knife to do the cross cuts also if you can get one a little longer. I really do not care to remove any of your flesh. Cutting it is one thing but removing it is something else.”

Deedee said “I will see about using another similar to the 4 edged instrument next time. Maybe even a straight scalpel to keep damage down. I have even been thinking of some dedicated breast cuffs for our suspensions also. I have not tried them yet but I will have a set ready for next week for us all to try.”

“What are those?” I queried.

“They are slightly padded cuff designed to act like the ropes we have been using for our suspensions. They are about 2 inches across in the openings and are smooth enough so they do not have the tendency to cut like the ropes do. They will restrict the blood flow slightly, like the ropes do, but I think they would be a lot easier for us to use because the stresses will be a little more diffused.”

We had finished cleaning her wounded breasts up and wiped up the blood that had flowed down her body and hit the floor. She was a bit bruised from the internal bleeding but I hoped it would be cleared up by next week. I knew I would have hands full in more ways than one carving up some very nice girls on 5 very attractive ladies.

We continued to make love, in a way with her sealed cunt and tender breasts, but parted in another hour.

The next weekend I was at Deedee’s as usual and the other ladies were waiting with their clothes all ready off. They were all wearing butt plugs and they said they were holding the morning’s load of horse cum inside until they had absorbed it.

I toyed with their urethra valves and told them that they had better drain themselves before we started the next step. They did and it was a little different watching them pull out the valve and opening it and all peeing at once into the open toilet like a group of guys. They were having fun pointing the flow at different targets and chasing bubbles.

As they finished we gathered in the upstairs suspension room.

The new cuffs were in place on the table. Each was labeled with the name of one of the women.

“I take it you have all tried them on for size.”

The women nodded.

“Were they tight?”

They again nodded and were a little more enthusiastic about it. This time they showed open grins.

“Put them on and I will check them.”

As a group they bent over allowing their breasts to hang and began clamping their breasts into the cuffs.

Deedee was the first done and I grasp her melons and pulled on them firmly and gave each side another ratchet on the toggle tightening it another little bit. Each of the other women I needed to do the same.

They hooked the eyelets to the suspended hooks and I raised them as a group until their feet were off the floor and had no way of reaching anything else.

“Comfortable ladies?”

They were smiling as they said they were as they were swinging by moving their legs back and forth like kids on swings at a park.

I asked them, to grasp their legs at the knees on each side and I would inspect their sewing jobs.

Deedee and the rest of the women had done a nice job of keeping their piercings clean over the last week. I released the pressure on their appliances that were inside them and beginning with Deedee began cutting the bindings on their Mons.

The knotted dildoes I had inserted last week dropped out of their much enlarged and stretched openings. I was easily able to reach inside them and check for any more tearing or anything unusual.

I gave them some restoration by fisting them again with some of the antiseptic ointment. I knew that it would desensitize them slightly.

“Next instrument ladies?”

Deedee said in the dildo chest.

I opened it and I was surprised that it was a slightly larger version of the knotted dildo the women had worn for the last week. The biggest difference was, it was powered by it’s own battery for inflation purposes. They also had the familiar connector and cable for a connection to the lights like I had put into Deedee last week.

I took the first one and forcefully pushed it into Deedee’s still dripping vagina. It was a bit tight. Much more so than the knotted dildoes that I had removed. I fingered the little toggle to expand the top of it inside her womb and she squirted again as her eyes rolled back. She was in Lala land.

One by one I went down the line. And each of the women did the same thing.

I went into the other room to the sewing chest and Deedee had a new set of bindings. They were a little larger and stronger. I began on Deedee and sewed her up like last week trying to use most of the same holes. I gave a little more room at the top to allow more room for the catheters to be used. They were a little tighter but her grip slipped on one of her knees so I had to do one of them over again.

I tied the rest of the women’s wrists to their knees. As they came around I triggered a slight increase in size and just pulled their Mons a little tighter to close their slits just leaving their clit, urethra and trigger exposed.

It was time for the carving and I went into the other room and took the first kit for Joyce. They were labeled on trays.

She was still in Lala land so I began rubbing in the anesthetic ointment heavily over her orbs.

Deedee, true to her word had a new knife for the horizontal cuts and some slight instructions. “Cut only one direction, from inside to outside. The sleeve will be pushed to cover the blade on the way out. The longer blade is to be toward the body. It had a slightly dulled point so you can see where it is almost through. You may need to make a tiny cut to start the process. The nipple light can use the same instrument. Use the spike scar that we made with the spikes last time for the insertion point. The light will expand and rest inside the nipples.”

Joyce was ready, but still almost unconscious, with a smile on her face.

I located the spot she had marked and made a small cut on the target and slipped the blade into her full orb. It went easily and did not bleed as much as the blade went into her with the sleeve. The scalpel had a short extension on the end so I pulled on it and the sleeve stayed in place as the blade retracted for the first inch. The sleeve came out and it was bleeding but not as much as Deedee’s had.

I slipped in the first light and Joyce was still out.

Her nipple was ready and I did like I had on Deedee and hit the light as about 3 inches was inside her breast. I pushed in the sleeve and retracted the scalpel. The light slipped in expanding her nipple and after fishing a moment found the mating plug and twisted it in. It only took another couple of minutes to do her second breast. I connected the small cable in the kit to the battery pack in her birth canal and they lit up as she was coming around.

“Oh Wow! Done all ready? I didn’t feel a thing.” Said Joyce with a big grin.

“We’ll see.” I said as I lowered her to the floor along with Deedee.

I started on the next woman as they watched. I sent her off as she was coming around with her toggle. She was done in only 2 minutes. I was finishing with the next woman as the third woman was coming around. They were only losing about a tablespoon of blood in the procedure. They were all finished and had been let down when they jumped on me and began hugging me. They had slipped out of their wrist bindings and released their own cuffs.

The women cleaned up themselves in the shower and scrubbed the floor where they had leaked body fluids as they had been suspended. It was time so they also removed their anal plugs to letting the spent horse cum out of their rectums. They did a very through cleaning.

I was surprised when we went into Deedee’s kitchen and I saw some new furniture. They had dildo chairs! The women set the table and had a rather exotic meal setting as they sat on the tiny chairs. They were all about 12 inches long and 3 inches in diameter with a pair of small platforms on the back corner of each dildo. Only 1 was smaller. Deedee pointed me to that one. The rear pads were for the sit bones for support.

I took my chair at the head of the table. The 6 sets of breasts that I was staring at were looking very nice, even with the rather distorted nipples they were displaying with the bright lights (now turned off) in the center of them. The bruising was minimal and there was very little discoloration yet on the other women. Deedee did have some discoloration but her bruising was about gone from her ordeal last week.

The food was incredible and the girls said the milk from the horse cum was the best. I had noticed it and commented that the flavor must have been enhanced from the female cum that had apparently been mixed in with it.

“You caught us!” Said Joyce. “We did not think you would notice.”

“I was able to tell it from the smell of your pussy juice in it.”

They laughed and said. “We kept orgasming this last week from the appliances we have been carrying and decided to accumulate it and keep it cool.”

“I am just waiting for the other foot to fall in your self appointed modifications. I know that you have to keep your anus useable for waste disposal. The only thing that I can think of to not totally mess you up, might be only stretching your urethra some more. You know that a man could probably fuck you in it if it has not shrunk too much from your big suspension. The only other thing might be going further so you could do your hounds in it but your anus should be fine for that.”

Deedee said. “True on both counts. There is one thing we might do. That is the further stretching of our urethra so we could pose as transsexuals with fake cocks and balls with the knots stuck in our urethras. You remember the appliances we had inside last week? We want the knots to fit tightly in our urethras. They are adjustable and can hold their place in us once we are stretched enough. You noticed we are using the catheters right now to emulate a penis and we want one to use for more than just peeing. There is another event with some gay guys that we want to play turnabouts. When we do them they will probably do our ass but then we will do theirs. We will want to fill them up well.”

“Run get one.”

One of the women pulled herself off her dildo and run up the stairs and back down. I patted my cleared place at the table. She sat down in front of me and spread her legs to the side.

The area of her urethra was opened about an inch from the stretching of her Mons with the lips themselves bound fairly tight. Her clit and hood covered most of it. I slipped the catheter out and fingered her opening. The catheters were fairly large at 3/8.” The diameter of the ball on the inside was a half inch so I knew she was at least that big. I slipped my fore finger into the opening. Her eyes got a little larger but I slowly pushed as she relaxed and I slipped in fully. I pulled out and dabbed on a little ointment for lubrication and slipped 2 fingers inside. She had a spasm and I slowed some but kept the pressure on. She relaxed some more. She was very tight but she took both fingers fully.

“You are the one that did not stretch yourself for the last session but took it anyway.” She nodded.

“Deedee do you have your set of sounds for stretching?”

“In the bottom of the light chest.”

The woman again run up the stairs and then came running down and sat back on her perch.

I opened the box. The group of sounds went all the way to 30mm. I began with the half inch with more lubrication. It slipped all the way into her bladder with no problem. One at a time I went by 1mm steps to 22mm. She was almost big enough. I kept stroking her and she had a few minor orgasms as the friction decreased. I increased the size to 23mm. Her chin wrinkled but she tried to be calm and not let on that she was feeling it as a hurt.

I left it in and told her to work on that one for the next hour. When you are done you will need a larger catheter. “You will need to comfortably take 26mm before you slip in the knot.”

I went around the table and fitted each woman one by one. Two of the women were big enough to take the knot. Deedee and Joyce. Once I slipped in the knot into them they grimaced. I filled it to lock them in, and they both passed out. The piece behind the knot slipped into their bladder but the knot was at 30 mm.

“You all know that you will be stretched so you will permanently need either the dildo and knot or some other method to control of your urinary flow if you do this don’t you?”

The women all nodded.

Deedee took my hands and began to fill me in some more on what the women had planned.

“Each of us have fulfilled our life’s dreams. All of us have accomplished them by different circumstances. Lately by group choices as reinforcements have made it certain that none of us will ever live long lives as mothers of future generations. We have all trained younger women to take our places professionally and they may or may not become mothers. Likewise a sizeable portion of both other women and men have made many of the same or similar choices. Some of them have been political in making decisions for men and in some cases women to go into combat as sacrificial beings for others to gain wealth or influence over others. Many women and young girls have been sacrificed while they were young and vital and others as older and wiser. Most by being killed or convinced to kill themselves by others that they respected.

For instance many of the mideastern sects while subjugating their women with multiple women for a select few men have routinely convinced many of their men to kill themselves as brothers for a common good. We of course recognize this as merely improving the odds for more sexual couplings for the select few. Some have even coaxed the sisters or wives of those self sacrificing men to do much of the same.

We have banded together to perform a similar campaign against a group that is into much of the same religious warfare and the practice of promoting heavy drug and sex trade subjugation of women in this country. Our final acts either as single individuals or as a group will be to kill as many of these groups as possible and destroy at least one of those organizations. There are several other groups that are planning this also. Even segments of our government have been corrupted by several of the organizations and have used them for large funding sources by corrupt dealings under the ruse of controlling drugs. They have used it to direct flow of drugs into out society. None of us will die of old age or slowly.”

I stared at the group with tears filling my eyes in silence.

“You may not miss each other but you will be sorely missed by me as well as many of your friends that you may or may not have said your goodbyes to. I know that you all have no family ties, but you are close sisters to many that you have interacted with over the last years. I do know that you feel that you are going to do what is right and I will no longer try to dissuade you in your calling. I do know that I will do my best to give you my steadfast love for your remaining time. If asked, I will do your eulogies as you wish them done if and when you pass.”

Joyce spoke first. “Of all our men you are the one we would have chosen to be our life’s partner. In you we have found the distinct personality of understanding that we would have chosen to be our permanent mates for life. If it had been a harem then it would have been. We were not raised in a harem environment and have never considered it a viable lifestyle. I know that you would not have survived from all of the demands that all of us would have demanded from you as a single man. We would have still had animal lovers because of our enhanced sexual needs and drive. We know that this drive will end soon so we are making ourselves over to end by the time that this would come.”

“Thank you for explaining this to me.”

The woman that had been the one that had not been stretched came to me and hugged me.

“You are the first man that has loved me for me. I know that the first time you met me at our first suspension I might have been a piece of meat but you showed compassion for even me. Since then you have never diminished in that compassion or feeling for me. Any of us, while we are still alive will be happy to allow you to do anything at anytime to us or our bodies if it might comfort you or give you solace.”

One of the other ladies, Denise, began. “The parachutes we will use will have the ends connected to the breast cuffs. We will have backpacks that fasten to us in the usual way but after deploying and the initial shock will be released and the only thing attached to us will be to the cuffs when we land. When we land the load we will be carrying in our birth chambers will weigh about 12 pounds. It will consist of 9 pounds of C4 explosive and the remaining weight will be the battery and the expansion container and pump. Each of us will have 3 pounds of C4 explosive in our bladder and the igniter in our urethra behind a dildo that will allow us to trigger individually or by remote control if one of us is badly wounded or disabled in the mission. Needless to say there will not be enough left of us to identify except maybe a blood smear. Depending on what happens there may be as many as 3 raids to 3 different targets. Ideally there would be 1 raid to 1 target with only 1 of us in the one raid. But this would be very unlikely. Most of the target individuals keep their distance from each other even in a crowd. There will be a lot of collateral damage in any case. If the group gathers in the convention in Mecca, then there might be as many as 10,000 people killed, and another 10,000 injured.”

“Why did you have the lights installed in your breasts? They might be detectable even if they are off. I would think that if you are trying to infiltrate a large Moslem group you would be best with minimal physical changes aside from the changes you are doing to your groins. You could probably expand your bellies with at least double the amount of C4 that you are carrying if you worked on it a bit.”

Denise replied to this. “We thought of that but we have researched and found that only carrying the additional 13 pounds would not diminish our agility that badly. We do need access to the control devices that we will be wearing as cocks. For the most part we will be posing as men when we are clothed. Several of the sites we are working on for the killings are in remote areas and do require us to use either bicycle for transportation at night and carrying outside lighting devices would be difficult at best. Some of the travelers may even be on horseback and if a glowing woman was seen it would cause a lot of disbelief of what the person was saying. It would be probably ignored as an apparition by some of the persons that may see us. We can turn on and off the lights in our nipples as necessary.”

“I take it you are going to step up your coupling with the stallions now for additional testosterone intake.”

“Yes we are planning on doing it daily now.”

“When we do the cross coupling with the men we will be rendering them neutered about 3 days after we are done with them. They will be injected with a penetrating drug that will begin to disrupt their cellular grown in their groins and they will be able to be diagnosed with terminal cancer within a week. This is one of the things we will be carrying when we are terminated. That is one of the reasons that so many will be killed. It will not just the initial blasts but anyone near them will be dead shortly thereafter. It will be stored not only in our control units, but in a bladder in our anus. It is very effective as an aerosol. Once we slip the bladder in us we will be infected with the solution through the liner. Within 2 hours it will be through out our system. It will not affect us for 3 days. We should be all dead by then. As that is part of our parachute components. It will be attached to the cuffs as we bail out from the plane.”

“Can I slip in some catheters so you can duct out your cum through your stitched clits. I would love to have a steady diet of it while you train more. Hopefully you are still not contaminated by that agent.”

Deedee sat at my place and opened up for me. “Slip the old catheter in me and I will wear a catch bag to fill.”

The other women were ready to do the same.

“We have sold or closed the rest of our homes except the farm. We will be staying here mostly this week but will be fully set up at the farm by next week so all of our activities will be there until the end.” Said Joyce.

The End