(c) 2005 by Canius Swiss

Billy was driving himself to his friend James’ new job, the Zoo as a caretaker. He zig zags through the dark streets. “God my life sucks” he moaned as he pulls in the parking lot. “My wife is having an affair and my job sucks. I think I am getting passed over for a promotion.”

Billy got out of his car as James poked out of a doorway and waves to him “Here but be quiet! I don’t want anyone finding out.”

The loud BEEP echoed the parking lot as Billy locked his car up. His shoes echoed as he runs to the door. “What is it? What’s the surprise.”

They passed by all the cages as James walked him through the zoo. “Hey since things are quiet in the evenings, we are seeing a lot more entertainment.”

“What do you mean,” Billy inquirers.

Billy felt James nudge his chest as James winks at him “You know.”

“You mean sex!” Billy wows

“Yea. The Head manager is doing the gorillas. Some of the crew members are doing the sheep too.” He fidgets nervously at that comment.

“Is anyone fucking the Tigers and lions?” Billy seemly brightens up at that comment.

“No one is that brave! Or stupid.” James gives Billy a dirty look.

“Well they haven’t met me yet!” Billy struggles to walk as he gets a noticeable tent in his pants.

They approach the tiger’s cage. There in each cage were tigers galore. Male Tigers were on their backs asleep. The female tigers were grooming themselves. Then Billy stared at the one closest to the door. “Wow”

She stared back at him. They connected as they stared at each other. Billy swears that he can sense what she is feeling inside. “Oh man.” He can feel the lust building inside her.

The Tigress got up and paced back and forth in her cage. She had a crazed look in her eyes as she stared hard in Billy’s eyes.

Billy slowly walked up to her cage. James looked scared when he saw what Billy was about to do. “Uh hey dude.” he stammered as he tried to stop Billy.

Ignoring the pleading, Billy reached out his hand to her. In his mind, he knew she wouldn’t hurt him. There was no fear in his mind because he was lost in her eyes.

The Tigress reached out and pawed him. She purred loudly as she batted his hand.

Billy then started caressing her face as he looked at her. The soft fingers caressed and rubbed her muzzle “You are so beautiful. You know that right” he whispered. In reply she purred as she stuck her muzzle through the bars.

Billy leaned in as he rubbed her cheeks. Warmth filled his body as his lips pressed on hers. Being closed, his eyes helped him lose touch with reality as their souls connected. Shaking hard, her body vibrated with hard purring. Their tongues connected as his tongue slid out and pressed against her large rough tongue. As they kissed, he can feel his cock grow and get hard as it pressed against his pants. Horny ness was a new feeling that he had forgotten existed. The arousal surged through his body. Shocked, his mind froze at feeling this way. It was such a foreign feeling to him, since it has been so long.

The kiss lasted for what seemed like an eternity. His soft fingers kept rubbing her face as their tongues intertwined. Determination and common sense left him as his fingers kept rubbing her soft face and furry cheek.

As their lips separated, her purring became so loud it filled his ears. “I can’t believe she wants me as much as I want her.”

“OK man you need to chill I mean you are fucking with a tigress!” James put his hands on Billy’s shoulders.

“I don’t care man open the cage!” Billy had a lust look in his eyes.

“No fucking way man! She will kill you!” James crossed his arms.

The tigress growled at James. “See!” Billy pointed at her “She wants you to open the cage. She will kill you if you don’t open the cage Just do it!”

“What about Donna!” James looked coldly in Billy’s eyes.

Billy looked coldly at James “You had to bring that up. She is screwing Ricky!”

“You knew about that!” James covered his mouth.

“I figured it out when I came home from work early. Man that bitch!” Billy shrugged. “I saw his car in the driveway and then peeked in the window. Man what a dick. And Donna just acts non chalant about the whole thing.”

The Tigress growled as Billy talked of Donna. Looking in her eyes, he can see that she doesn’t like Donna at all. Relaxing her, he rubbed her cheeks with his fingers. In response, she closed her eyes and buried her face in his hands “What do you think that you can make a better wife than her?” he teased. A grin formed on her face, then, she licked his palm in reply. The purring became deafening as she lightly swiped his cheeks with her paws.

“Oh, I take that as a yes.” Billy laughed.

“You are crazy man!” James shook his head as he opened the cage and grumbled “Good luck you will need it!”

Billy tore off his shirt and pants. The cold air hit his body and caused him to shiver. Looking his naked body over, she purred loudly as her tail hit the cage walls. Sitting up, she quickly sniffed Billy’s scent. Wobbling into the cage, he nervously walked in the cage. Rubbing her face more with his soft hands helped ease his fear. “You are so sexy you know that!” In response, she purred and sniffed his chest. Staring into his eyes, she looked at him with lust in her eyes. A grin formed on her face as she lapped his light hairy chest with small laps. Her warm rough tongue brushed his chest and made him shiver with excitement.

Billy sat down in front of her “Man it’s been so long since someone desired me. You want me don’t you. You don’t know how good that feels to be wanted.” He closed his eyes and felt his cock start to stand stiff and hard. He slowly scritched her cheeks with his fingers as she lapped at his chest. Each time she lapped his chest, she produced a louder purr from her throat.

The Tigress got on all fours and shook her ass in Billy’s face. Billy stared at her sweet ass and tight pussy and knew what she wanted. “Oh do you want me to fuck you?” She purred loudly and swallowed in reply. That told Billy that she could see in her eyes that she needed a good hard fuck from him.

He shoved his 7 incher in her face. “Is this what you want baby!” he teased. She pressed her cold nose on his hardening cock. Then she closed her eyes in approval. He leaned over and kissed her hard on the lips. He whispered “Thank you!”

He then slowly went around her. His fingers rubbed her lean chest and furry sides. When he got to her delicious rear end, her beautiful wet pussy was in front of him. He started to finger it with one finger. She purred pleasantly in response as his fingers traced her pussy lips. A smile went on his face as he inhaled her juicy pussy. It made his cock get good and hard. He then slid his finger into her wetting pussy and was amazed at how sweet smelling it was. “Wow you look so delicious love.”

The Tigress’ pussy swallowed his finger as she purred louder. Billy can tell she enjoyed the finger attention. Her purrs and pussy juice smell filled the room.

Billy was about to slide another finger in her pussy. The decision changed to fuck her good and hard. On his knees, he slowly poked her pussy with his meaty hard cock. As the cock tip slid between her pussy lips, the Tigress slowly roared in surprise. Billy and James got wide eyed at that reaction.

“Oh man get out of there!” James gasped as he opened the door of the cage.

The tigress swiped at him to be quiet. Then she slowly thrust back onto Billy’s cock. “Oh shit!” Billy gurgled as his cock went completely into her sopping pussy. “It’s OK” he commented. “She just isn’t used to a good cock.” The Tigress purred and smiled in reply. “See” Billy grinned as he pulled some of his cock out of her pussy. Then he rammed it back into her.

“Oh yea James! This is better than I expected.” Billy grunted as her wetting juices made wonderful lubrication. He kept pulling his cock out of her, then slamming it back into her “Oh yes!” he swore as he held on to her waist. “This is so fucking!”

The Tigress growled in approval. She moved her paws to better feel his cock in her. Her claws clanked on the metal ground. She then started to thrust herself on his cock to better impale herself on his cock spear.

Billy put his arms around her waist and started thrusting to her movement. He made sure to impale her with good strong thrusts. When he thrust his cock in her, she made sure to thrust herself on his cock and purred in pleasure. She then closed her eyes and panted as she got hotter and more lust filled. He grunted as he rubbed her waist and thighs “Oh yea! This feels so fucking great!” He growled and closed his eyes. He felt his cock getting full of his cum. “Yes man gonna cum in you baby!” he snorted as his cock kept going deep in her well lubed pussy. Tigress growled in approval as she panted louder.

“Oh Yea!” he grunted as his face was deep red. He kept thrusting his cock harder into her as he kept up the crazed momentum. His cock kept slowly sliding out of her dripping pussy, then, he rammed it back in with real force. The Tigress slowly roared as she neared her orgasm. Billy’s eyes were closed as he focused on his pending orgasm.

He slid his meat out of her, then, rammed it back into her again and again. He knew that he had reached the point of no stopping. He could feel his cock screaming to blow. He gritted his teeth as his thrusting of his cock into her was done with near vicious thrusts.

The Tigress slowly roared as her body shook. Her orgasm came good and strong as she dribbled juices out of her lubricated pussy. Her eyes closed as a wave of peace hit her. It was magical as her senses reached their height of consciousness. Every part of Billy’s body could not hide from her sense of smell. She could smell every inch of him. Every corner of her cage, when she looked around, she could see. A loud growl could be heard from her stomach. Her hunger made her want to taste every part of her new love’s body. She roared a little and shook her backside in lustful pleasure.

“Oh fuck!” Billy closed his eyes as he called out. His cock blew his load deep into her. He grunted as he felt his body became paralyzed. He froze as load after load of hot white salty cum went into her wet pussy. The Tigress smiled and panted as she happily accepted his seed. Her purrs filled the room as she accepted being his love prey. He finally regained his breath after what seemed like an eternity. “Oh man!” he groaned loudly as he collapsed on her back. She rolled on her side and pawed him. He slowly crawled up to her and stared into her eyes.

“I am so helpless love.” He looked intensely in to her eyes and bared his soul. “It’s like I have no power. Like I’m impotent.” Her tongue caressed his sweaty face as she purred her comforting reply.

“Yea it’s great that you want me. It’s been a while since someone wanted to fuck me.” The look in her eyes told him that she wanted to fuck him for hours “You know if we had the time, I would fuck you for so long.” She smiled and purred in approval. He then caressed her face. “I am so glad we are soul mates. You and me together forever!” She stretched and rolled on her back in approval. He rubbed her belly as he whispered “I wish I didn’t have to go to work. It sucks. I rather be here with you!”

She rolled on her sides and pawed his face. He leaned in to give a kiss. Her kiss told him that she was listening to him and heard every word. Her growls told him that she was paying attention and loved him back.

They snuggled on the metal ground for what seemed like eternity. He kept slowly rubbing her breasts and nipples. She purred every time he gave them a light squeeze. He whispered “You like that huh love?” as he kept it up. Her purrs told him

“Yes” as she licked his sweaty face.

They rested on the cold metal floor for a few moments. Then James popped his head in “As great as that looked, you better leave before we get in trouble.”

Billy swore “Dammit!” as he looked at his watch. The Tigress got up to follow him, but Billy stopped her “I’m sorry love but I don’t think you could live where I live. You may scare everyone. The Tigress rubbed his chest and purred loudly as he scratched her neck “Believe me I would love to spend hours by your side and slowly fucking ourselves to spent and passed out.” He laughed at that image. It seemed so right for him to do that to her. “But I can’t. Not now. Damn that sounds pathetic.”

“You got all week to do this. Don’t worry.” James told him, as he handed Billy his shirt.

“Damn it I can’t go.” Billy kept kissing His Tigress wife as he got dressed.

“Take it easy. It’s OK! Relax!” James assured him.

“I’ll be right back I promise.” Billy sobbed as he held her tight. She responded by slumping to the cage floor and closing her eyes.

“This is killing me!” Billy finished getting dressed and lowered his head.

James patted his back “Don’t worry man! It will get easier I promise!”

As Billy left the cage, James locked up. “See” Billy pointed to his wife “She is broken hearted.” James watched her go to the back of the cage and curl in a ball.

“Damn you are right!” James whistled.

That night Billy went home. His wife Donna was already in bed. “She must be tired after fucking Ricky.” He thought. He went to take a long shower. He needed the time to decide what, if anything, he can do about his Tigress love. As he lathered his body, he fought any immoral judgment he may have had about what he had done.

“I certainly didn’t do anything wrong.” He thought. “First she started it by cheating on me. I mean this is like an eye for an eye deal. I mean she hurt me first.”

He finished lathering and closed his eyes as the hot water started to wash the lather off his body. “And besides I know everyone loves animals. So I am a Zoo or Bestial. Big deal! She loved the hard core sex as much as I did. Besides who will know what I did with her.”

He then started to remember how great it felt. He smiled as he remembered the feeling of his cock in her. “Damn that felt good!” he mumbled under the shower. He remembered how insane she was pounding away on my cock. “Yea” he mumbled as he can feel her soft furry ass rubbing his crotch as she kept up the momentum. “That was better than Donna ever was.” He snickered as he got lost in the memory.

He stopped himself from falling in the shower “Wow I never got lost like that before.” He kidded himself. He then turned off the water and dried himself off.

As he put on new underwear and slid into bed, he saw Donna murmur in her sleep. He shook his head and turned off the light. “I hope I dream of my new wife.” He smiled as he drifted to sleep.

He did dream of her. He dreamed of them running nude in the jungle. He tried to keep up with her but she was out of reach. He called out in fear as he felt his eyes get teary. She would stop and turn back to him. Then she ran to him and pounced on him like he was the prey. She licked the tears from his eyes as he struggled to catch his breath. “Don’t do that to me love.” He would whisper to her. She smiled at him as she apologized. They would then play wrestle on the ground. He would grin and get horny as he felt her muscular body on his naked body. He then would grope her breasts and nipples as he laughed loud and hard. She would growl and smile at that. Then she would go down and lick his cock and balls in reply. “Oh yes!” he called out as he would spread his legs apart. “Let me help you love!” he grinned as she had perfect access to his cock and balls. She looked in his eyes and smile at him. Then she slid his cock in her mouth and started to suck it. “Oh yes!” he beamed as he started to thrust his cock in her mouth. She purred in happiness as she turned around and sat on his chest. He would stare in her pussy as she licked his cock. He wrapped his arms around her waist and stared at the beautiful pussy lips as his cock got hard. “So beautiful” he mumbled as he had a wide smile on his face. Her juices dripped down and smeared his face as his cock stood erect. “Please make me cum!” he begged as he felt his cock swell.

She purred loudly as she slid the cock in her mouth and sucked it like a nipple. Billy reacted by gasping “Oh man that feels oh yes!” He then pelvic thrust and fucked her mouth in response. “Please don’t stop!” he begged as pre cum dribbled from his cock.

The Tigress would slide her ass and pussy on his face and smother him. She would purr and slowly roar as she sucked his cock with such enthusiasm. She roared as she wanted to taste his cum. He gripped her waist as he thrust with vigor. “Oh yes I can’t stop!” he called out. His face was drenched in her juices as he felt himself lose his load of cum. “Oh yes!” he called out as he blew his load in her mouth. The Tigress braced her self as his cum filled her mouth. She happily swallowed every drop as he was helpless on the ground spent “So good wife!” he mumbled as his dream turned white.

He woke up the next morning all sticky. Donna was gone. He felt so ashamed cumming like that. Yet he wondered if his wife felt it too.

As he got up to shower again he noticed she didn’t say anything about that night. “Damn” as he saw she had gone to work “What a bitch!” he snorted as he washed himself clean. “She can’t even pick a fight about this.”

He got to work and things weren’t any better. He went to his office at Partner’s Loan and Us. “I know I am up for a promotion but that dick Ronald is so crafty. It’s like he has no ethics what so ever.” He started going over every one of the loan requests on his desk. He sped through them since he has a well done procedure. As he got his groove, his faithful secretary Mary popped her head in “So what’s going on.” She whispered to him.

“Not much, I should be talking to the big boss Sandy this afternoon.”

“So you and me huh!” Mary winked

“Of course.” He naively grinned at her “I wouldn’t have it any other way!”

That afternoon, Billy went to the bathroom. As he sat in the stall, he heard some people come in. Ronald started to wash his hands and gab with his friend “Man that Billy is going to be pissed.

Billy lifted his legs and strained to hear.


“Well Sandy is just leading him on. Since he gets more work done than any of us, she is just milking him until she drops the big one.”

“You got the promotion!”

“Hell yea! Not only am I more charming than that shit head Billy. I gave her some great rides to seal the deal. Best part, Mary is going to be my new secretary.”

“Oh man Billy will be so pissed!”

“Fuck man that wimp will take it! I mean think about it. What is he going to do! Quit! Hell he will be pissed and say some words but shit He will stay and do all the work I tell him to do because he has no balls!”

“That’s true!”

“OK now let’s go harass him. That’s always fun!”

“Don’t you have a conscious?”

“Fuck no!”

They leave laughing.

Billy dropped his feet on the ground. As he fought back tears, his cell phone rings.

“Man we are in trouble.” James is on the other end.

“What’s wrong.” Billy whispered, then he thought “The reception is great in the bathroom!”

“There is a big scandal here. Some people got caught fucking sheep! They are going to close the zoo down and give the animals vet checkups!” James replies

“What about my wife. The Tigress?” Billy groaned as he cleaned his ass off.

“Well besides having a dream of blowing some one’s cock, she is so depressed she won’t leave her cage.” James noted.

“Can’t we run off together.” Billy recommended.

“Well. Strange you should ask. The boss is planning on going to some tropical island. I can ask if you two can tag along. Hell other people are asking him as well.” James brightened up.

“Good where do you want me to be?” Billy grinned.

“Be at the back of the Zoo tonight around 10.” James ordered.

“I’ll be there thanks man!” Billy agreed.

“You are nuts but anytime.” James hung up.

“Why?” Billy was about to finish his work, he stopped himself.

“There you are.” Mary popped her head in

“How are things?” Billy looked at her scornfully.

“Great. What’s wrong?” Mary grinned.

“Not much! I have to step out for a minute. But I am glad I can trust you.” Billy changed his tone. He put a fake smile on his face and tried to act happy.

“Anytime. All for one and one for all.” Mary fidgeted on her feet. She looked like she was hiding something.

“Yes I know that we are in this together. I mean if I ever thought you were back stabbing me.” Billy grinned as he wanted to make her suffer.

“There you are.” Just then Ronald popped his head in.

“Yea I was just stepping out for a minute.” Billy got up and put on his coat.

“What about all that work on your desk there, buddy!” Ronald uh oh and pointed to Billy’s desk.

“Don’t worry I’ll get to it! What am I going to run off to the Tropics!” Billy patted Ronald’s back as he emptied his briefcase.

“Not you! Mister every reliable.” Ronald laughed at that.

“Let me see how much I can take with me to the Tropics.” Billy popped into his local bank. He smiled as he got his bank statement from the teller “Cool Let’s see. We don’t need the savings account for our honeymoon!” as he closed that account. He put all the money in his empty briefcase. Then he saw how much she was saving in the joint savings account ‘for a rainy day’. “I think it rains a lot in the tropics.” He smirked as he cleaned that out too. As his briefcase is nearly overflowing, he thanks the teller and shakes her hand. “Have a great summer.” He smiles as he leaves the bank.

Billy doesn’t go back to work. Instead he heads for home and packs his suitcase for the tropics. “Man I must be out of my mind. Aw hell! Fuck it. I mean work is obviously over since they won’t give me that promotion. My wife won’t fight for our marriage so screw that.”

Just then the phone rings. He picks it up “Hello?”

Sandy is on the other line. “Where have you been? You are supposed to be at work. There is so many loan approvals on your desk.”

Billy snorted at Sandy’s over reacting. He was about to say “Please. There isn’t that many on my desk bitch.” Hen he stopped himself. “He made his voice sound innocent and caring as he acted sorry. “I’m sorry there was an emergency at home.”

“I’m sorry. You are my best worker here and.” Sandy apologizes.

“So good that the promotion is in the bag.” Billy tests her to see how honest she is.

“Oh definitely I mean I wouldn’t dream of giving it to Ronald.” Sandy sounded so convincing Billy almost believed her. Instead he got really pissed.

“Can you imagine him in bed.” Billy laughs as he waited to hear her response.

“I would never dream of that! Please!” Sandy ewws as Billy realizes how good a liar she is.

“OK I will be back to work as soon as possible. I’ll even stay late for you!” Billy assures her as he clenched his fists.

“That’s my boy! Ronald!” as Sandy gives Ronald a thumbs up sign.

“Lying little cunt!” Billy slams the phone in it’s cradle as he hung up the phone.

As Billy closes his suitcase, he sees Donna pulling in the driveway. “What the hell.”

Then he sees Ricky exiting the same car “That bitch.”

He hears them come inside.

“So where is that bastard Billy.” Ricky grinned as he kissed Donna. He placed his hands on her ass and squeezed them.

“Oh at work you know that!” Donna French kissed back. She laughed as she tears off his shirt. “Good because I need a good fuck from you.”

“Damn I couldn’t stay away from you.” He groaned as his hands slid down her pink lacy panties.

“Don’t worry. When he gets home I will tell him I want a divorce.” She oos in response to his hands.

“That’s about fucking time.” He snarled as he tore off his pants. His cock stood up as he pulled her to the living room.

“The best part is when he gets that promotion at work, half of the money will go to me. Along with the house, the cars!” She oos in response as they approached the couch.

They collapse on the couch. She spread her legs apart and yanked off her wet panties.

Billy shook his head as he slowly creep down the steps. He nervously passed by them as they only cared about fucking each other. As he reaches the back door, the phone rings.

“Hello.” Donna swears as she picks it up.

“Who is it?” Ricky gropes her melon breasts

“It’s the bank. There are some problems with our accounts.” She replies on the phone “No I will be right down.”

“Dammit!” She slams the phone down. Then she scurries to get dressed. “That ass hole Billy fucked everything up.” She storms out of the house and hastily drives the car out of the driveway.

Billy quietly leaves out the back door as Ricky gets a drink from the bar. Billy packs up his car and leaves his house “Well it’s nice to know how people really feel about you. That bitch!” He quietly drives out of the driveway and cruises around town.

That night he parks in the zoo parking lot. Then he creeps to the back of the zoo and waits nervously. “Man I am giving up a lot for this Tigress. It just feels right!”

“Wow you are early. You must really be in love!” James pops his head out.

“You better believe it!” Billy nods as he enters the zoo.

James walks him to the office. There he meets a huge guy with a fuzzy groti “This is my boss Dave.

“Glad to meet you and thank you!” Billy nervously shakes his hand.

“I know how you feel! So you and that Tigress huh!” Dave grins.

“I mean if that’s OK I mean I wasn’t.” Billy babbles.

“Don’t worry I know what you are going through.” Dave quiets him down. He points to his bags “I am packed myself. So let’s get loaded up! You can load up your own wife! It’s only fair.”

“That’s fair!” Billy nods as they head to the loading dock.

Then, Billy sees a huge truck. He can make out two huge black furred gorillas. They brightened up when they see Dave. Billy pats Dave’s back “Good choice!”

“Thanks! You too!” Dave laughs.

He then saw some sheep in cages “James!” he gasped

“I love sheep and I love playing shepherd.” James shrugs.

“OK I thought I was to load her on the truck.” Billy sees his Tigress wife in a huge cage on the truck.

“I thought we could save a step. It’s better we load her on than struggle with teaching you what to do.” Dave shrugs.

“Good point!” Billy nods and goes to her. She brightened up as she smelled him come to her. She pawed the cage as he caressed her face “There! There! I won’t leave you again!” He promised. She purred in reply. Then she closed her eyes as he rubbed her face and cheeks.

“Damn she brightened up when you came to her. I never saw that before.” Dave laughs.

“We are soul mates!” Billy kissed her on her lips.

“I can tell!” Dave nods. Then he tossed his two bags in the back of the truck “Let’s move out!”

“Oh shit! What did I get myself into.” Billy shivered as they locked the truck up and drove away.

They drove for what seemed like hours. Billy got sick as the truck rocked from side to side. Then they stopped abruptly. Billy was thrown forward then back suddenly. Billy heard boat horns tooting and bells ringing. “OK Everyone out!” Dave called as he unlocked the truck.

“What a ride.” Billy wows as he got his stuff and leaped out of the back of the truck.

“Sorry I am in a bit of a rush.” Dave grinned as he waved to a seaman. He handed Billy some tickets and a passport. “I figured you might need this!”

“Thanks!” Billy nods as he and James walked to get on the boat. He saw where he as going. It was called Paradisio De La Bestial. “Interesting place. I never heard of it.”

“Oh man. I read all about it on the internet. That place is so cool. Cheap food and bestiality is legalized! Not only that, people walk around naked with their animal spouses and do it right then and there. The weather is perfect almost all the time. OK maybe a rainstorm every week but it is worth it.” James nodded as they loaded the animals on the boat.

They got on the boat with out any trouble “Well this is my new life” he mused. “Damn I am scared James. I mean I never abandoned my life before. I feel like a heel.” As the boat sailed away from the docks, he plopped on a lounge chair and lowered his head in shame.

“Hey man stop that. You know you seem more alive in the past day or two then you were since you got married. Don’t worry about Donna man. She will be fine with out you. You deserve this Tigress man. I saw how happy you are with her. Chin up!” James pats his back.

“What about work?” Lifting his head, Billy perked up a little.

“Fuck them. You paid your dues and if they won’t reward you well, I’m sure there are a lot of people at Paradisio De La Bestial that will appreciate your good looks, your charm, and your great work ethic!”

A smile formed on Billy’s face as he sat up. “Thanks man I needed that!” Suddenly life on Paradisio De La Bestial seemed like just what he needed.

The End