Working as a bartender for years, you hear certain things – some are true, some are based on truth and some are just plain all out lies. But being in my mid 30’s, bigger than average tits and a body most guys would pay good money to fuck, I always had a group of guys, setting at the bar talking, dreaming of me asking one of them to take me home making his night for him. The problem I was into chicks and not dicks, so I remained a flirt, but never giving into their begging.

One story, that kept coming up again and again was the one about the Diablo biker gang and how they partied in their club. The story always had the same basis, facts were changed here and there, but the basics were the same.

The Diablo’s would capture a girl or have one there being with one of their members; drug her with special drugs, only they had access to, bring her up on stage with an animal. At first was, she seemed perfectly normal, no drug side effects. But when the dog or donkey was brought out on stage, she’d get this far away look on her face, the animal would always begin to sniff the air. In no time the lady was flagging the animal to get him to notice her and eventually he would fuck her.

But she was never scared, she wanted him to fuck her, needed him to fuck her actually in some cases was begging him to fuck her.

I had heard the stories for so long, each one different and yet each one the same amount of truth, if consistency was truth – so they always intrigued me as to why the lady wanted the animal to fuck her and not shy away from it, and what happened to her after she had been fucked, was she a bitch forever, did other animals know she had been fucked my a dog or a donkey or any other animal they happened to stumble upon. The other thing was, we never heard of any drug that could be given, no side effects – but when confronted with say a dog, you became instantly submissive to him, in essence you were in heat and the dog would not only fuck you but you wanted him to do this.

I listened and was curious but that was all until one day in mid May, Dino Gomez came in, the bar was empty – it was mid afternoon – Dino and I had grown up together, his family lived next door to mine. Our families were close, we at one time had been very close, so close that had I not found out in middle school I was a lesbian the two of us would probably have been married by this time.

Seeing him, I rushed from behind the bar, jumped in his arms and kissed his face all over. “Where have you been, I’ve missed you now set and tell me all about what has happened to you?”

I poured him a beer, as well as one for myself and listened as he told me, the chapter had asked him to move to Southern California and take over the local chapter down there – seems they were having some internal problems and needed a bad mother-fucker to straighten things out. That’s when it dawned on me he was one of the Diablo’s and from what I’m hearing one of their main dogs.

He went on to tell me he was moving back to this chapter as one of the senior VP’s of the club, so he would be here for drinks and maybe be able to do some business with me, since I had purchased the bar a couple of years back.

I didn’t want any trouble from the bike gangs, but their money was good and we would always be busy, if I converted to a biker bar – I’d also have protection of the club against robberies and fights. So I agreed to talk with the group’s officers and see if something could be worked out. They would bring in working girls to cover the bar, and the girls would distribute their drugs, but if we kept it on the down low, I’d be in the clear and a lot more money would be rolling in above and below the table.

I got one of my girls to cover for me, the next night I had been invited to come to the club, discuss the business opportunity with the head of the chapter and the VP’s including Dino.

I ride my own fat boy tricked out, so it fit in nicely with the rest of the bikes when I pulled up. Dino meant me at the door took me to a private room in the back; glancing around, this place was huge. I was introduced to Slim, who was the chapter president, Mick and Hammer who were the other VP’s. Beers were all around as we began to discuss business with them. The proposal was basically a different way to distribute their drugs and guns instead of always out of their club, I in turn had a piece of each sale as well as a healthy bonus of $50k for setting down and talking to them. I knew this would be dangerous but I liked the idea of the extra money so I agreed to their terms and we all clinked bottles to a new business deal.

Slim stood, “The floor show is about to begin, and I know you’ve heard about our floor shows, very seldom does any non-member ever see these shows, but since you’re now a member, we’d like you to stay and be part of the show.

It was like a dream come true, I’d finally be able to see for myself what all the talk was about.

I joined the group around one of the tables in a large part of the building, and Slim went up on stage to start the show.

“Hey all you son’s of bitches, welcome to the Diablo floor show, a show where we are going to welcome a new bitch into our family. Nikki please stand up”

I was shocked and stood up, a little embarrassed at me being one of the only girls in the place, with the exception of a few old ladies, setting with their guys, waitress’ serving drinks and in many cases servicing the members of the club. Just to my left, a big titted girl was riding a hard cock; she seemed to be enjoying it by the sounds escaping her every time she went all the way down on him. Glancing back and forth between these two and Slim on stage, I was beginning to get very wet, he had to have at least a 10 inch cock, as I licked my lips – a brand new feeling I had never felt before.

Just then a big dog, white and tan and beautiful, trotted out on stage standing by Slim. Hammer yelled to me, “He’s a Anatolian Shepherd, I think he weighs around 140 lbs. and has a cock you’re going to love”

I looked at him with a question on my face, but I couldn’t seem to take my eyes off the dog, and for some reason he was the same, he watched me come up, never seeming to blink. Slim explained I was the owner of the bar on the outskirts of town called the ‘A Cock or two’ lounge and as of tonight the two of us were in a new partnership. Some of the Diablo girls would be working at my bar and it was a nice place for meetings when this club was not right for the meeting.

The dog came up to me, sniffed the air, stuck his nose in between my legs pressing on my already wet pussy and almost gushing when his nose pressed into me.

Grabbing him by the head, I opened my legs and pressed nose into me grinding my hips on his snout – there was something about the way he smelled, I liked it, the smell went down deep inside me, changing me, making me want to please him.

I had forgotten I was on a stage and could only think of him and how much pleasure he was giving me. My head went back, someone, maybe Slim, undid my blouse, since I never wear a bra, my tits were soon swinging and I was moaning and panting. I have no idea how my boots were removed, or my Levi’s but I was on the stage nude and the dog was licking my pussy. The first orgasm hit me, as soon as his tongue touched my bare pussy and one after another followed that one.

Moving to all fours for him to take me seemed so natural – no small voices were going off in my head, just the desire to please him and have him make me his bitch.

Slim had joined the group back at the table. Dino commented to them that I was a confirmed lesbian, prior to this; wonder if this would change my view on men, if so he’d do anything to get in my pants. Sipping their beers, they watched as I became more and more excited and began to need him to fuck me, but the dogs were so well trained they had to be asked before they’d mount me.

“Are we going to give her the shot after she is finished, or just let this be a one time deal?”, Hammer said as he motioned for a girl to come over and set on his cock, that was out of his pants while he was stroking it.

Slim looked at Dino, while he was rubbing his cock, “The video we’re shooting of her should be good, but our contacts in Mexico gave me a new improved version of the drug, she’d be perfect to try it on to see how it works, especially when we’ll be meeting in her bar. This new drug will make her susceptive to any male dog that approaches her, she will essentially be in heat at all times, but if she likes a guy, she will also produce a scent he will be able to smell, in no time they’ll be fucking as well.”

All three of them looked at Dino, “We thought she was your friend”

“She is but I’ve wanted to tap that ass for so long, as soon as the dog is through, I’m taking her home and fucking her to make up for lost time. With some of the drugs our friends gave me, she’ll be begging me to fuck her in the morning”

On stage that fucking dog wasn’t fuck me, I’m bouncing all over the stage throwing my head down, wiggling my ass, reaching back and opening my pussy – but all he’ll do is lick me … finally in desperation I cry out …


Somewhere away from me, someone yells for me to ask him to fuck me and ask him please.

Turning to him, grabbing his head, kissing him on the lips, sending my tongue deep in his mouth and exploring him like I would any lover

“Please will you fuck me, mount me, and make me your bitch. Please will you do that for me?”

No sooner had I said that, than he was in back of me, mounted me, a couple of stabs and he found my pussy. Two or three hops and he is fully in me, a couple of jabs and I feel his knot against my opening

He is thrusting so fast, I can’t catch my breath. I’ve seen how dogs fuck, and they are so much faster than a man, but I never expected anything like this. His cock is so big, it stretches me, way beyond what any dildo had ever done. I feel it hit the back of my pussy


I was gasping trying to tell him the knot won’t fit, just then I had a massive orgasm, one that was more powerful than I’ve ever had in my life,


Just as it is washing over me, he pushes his knot in me and it begins to swell, swelling directly on my magic button – his pounding and the knot being pressed down on and massaged it at the same time – another orgasm washes over me, causing me to collapse on my elbows and moan

Then he stops and I feel him begin to fill me with his seed, making me his bitch, making me any dog’s bitch.   Now orgasm after orgasm hits me, wave after wave of pure lust fills me and leaves me completely collapsed when he lifts one leg over me and we are locked for a time.

He is still filling me with his seed, if I were in heat – I’d for sure be pregnant now.

Finally he pulls from me, leaving me to collapse on the stage floor, still totally unaware of the audience that has been watching me.

I hear Slim ask everyone to give me a round of applause, that was the first time I realized I’d been fucked in front of who knows how many people, but I can vaguely remember cheers coming from somewhere all the time my lover was fucking me.

Two men, I believe one was Dino help me off stage and into a room to help me shower and get cleaned up. My pussy is sore and I’m dripping cum out of it at a constant rate.

I can remember Dino preparing a syringe of something and injecting me in the arm with it, then helping me get dressed. By this time I’m getting some of my strength back, he tells me he is taking me to his place on the back of his bike and someone will follow us on my bike.

Pressing my tits against his back, the ride seems to go on forever – but the rumble of the bike is going directly to my pussy – suddenly we’re in his bedroom and I am lying on his bed, nude – looking at how fit he is and how massive his cock is.

Spreading my legs, and rubbing my tits pulling on each nipple, “Will you fuck me, fuck me like I have dreamed of you doing for so long?”

Crawling between my legs, kissing my inner thighs as me moves up me, like a cat stalking prey, reaching my pussy, the smell of arousal is so strong I can smell how turned on I am – trying to hold my head up as he progresses over me, my whole body shakes, when his tongue makes contact with my pussy then my clit, licking it, running his tongue down the one side of my lips and up the other – then looking up at me – I have my first orgasm with him,

“You sure you want me to fuck you, thought you were a lesbian and didn’t like cocks?”

Shaking my head, “No I was a lesbian, but when the dog fucked me, I realized all I have been missing and now I need cock, lots and lots of cock. Don’t tease me fuck me, you’ve wanted me for years”

Leaning down kissing me, letting his tongue enter my mouth, I feel his cock, rub up and down my pussy, I’m sure I am still wide open from the dog fucking not that long ago. Raising my hips to feel him in me deeper, he enters me and I moan as the second of many orgasms hit me.

Wrapping my legs over the top of him, pulling him in me deeply and grabbing on the mattress as the fucking begins.

“Ohh ump ..ohhh ump .. ohhh ump .. ohhh ump ….”

Driving in and out of me, orgasm after orgasm washes over me, we’re kissing and exploring each others mouths like high school kids fucking for the first time – then he stiffens his back, pushes down in me deeply, moans – I feel his warm cum fill me

Shot after shot enters me, my body has had it, my head rolls to the side, eyes close and I’m asleep

Waking to the smell of coffee, bacon and eggs, I get out of bed, go to the bathroom and take care of business, some cum still running out of me. Looking in the mirror I look like hell, jumping in the shower I clean up a little. Drying myself and heading for the kitchen nude,

“Good morning, it smells good, you do any for me?”

Looking up and smiling, “Nude, I love it, yea take a seat they’re almost done”

I straddle a bar stool, my pussy begins to tingle again. “So I assume the drugs were in the beer I was given, but why did I not feel any remorse about fucking a dog?”

“It’s a special drug from Mexico, produces a chemical so strong in your body, in your case when you were near a dog your only concern is to fuck the dog”

He scoops out two plates of breakfast and pours us some OJ, bringing it over to me, “We ok with that, the club makes sure they have a fall back since no contracts are signed and it is a hand shake only. Everything was filmed last night”

I could smell my own arousal again, coming up strong between my legs, my pussy was beginning to get hot and on fire again, I quickly whoofed down the breakfast, “For some reason I should be pissed but it was great sex, best sex I’ve ever had, so no we’re good, and experiencing you and me was not bad either – you may have moved me from one team to play on both now”

My one hand was playing with my clit, while I drank the OJ – looking at him, my eyes were glazing over again – finally unable to control it,

Leaning on his shoulder, and whispering in his ear, “I need you to fuck me again, right now, please fuck me again, it may be the drugs still but I need you in me”

I got up, took his arm, pulled him with me to the bedroom and pushed him down on the bed. His boxers were on the floor in no time and I was on him, raising up to guiding his cock in me, as I begin to ride.

“You’ve drugged me again haven’t you, I’m becoming a fuck slut? Is it just you or will I be fucking any dog that happens to come by?”

Beginning to come up into me as I ride him up and down, his large cock filling me with each thrust, grabbing my tits and pulling on the nipples to cause me pain, which only increased the pressure I was putting into the ride, “Yea I drugged you again, once after the dog had you and another time when you feel asleep last night. You can’t blame me for wanting to fuck you, I’ve wanted to since we were kids and now I have you. When any dog get’s near you they will be able to smell you, the injection I gave you last night at the club, means you’ll basically be a dog in heat at all times. Eventually having to give in having a dog fuck you for relief. But while you were asleep I gave you a series of injections. When you’re near any man you like, the same smell will be there, turning the guy on, making you susceptible to him and his cock. Since a lot of the club members are not bad looking, it will be easy for you to entertain them and not feel bad about it.

His eyes rolled up in his head, I could feel him swell – he came almost immediately and even though I needed it, I held off riding him until he began to shrink before I came the final time like a thunder clap.

I got up, showered with him, kissed him good-bye, grabbed my keys and got on my bike. Sending a text to the four girls who work for me to meet me at the bar in an hour, I headed that way – noticing dogs along the way, as I passed they all perked up their noses sniffing the air. My pussy was tingling, the same feeling I had setting on the bar stool, and if It hadn’t been for the fact I needed to meet with my girls, I’d have stopped the bike and had one ride me, hell maybe two of them.

Parking in the bar’s lot, I opened up the back entrance going inside and waiting for the girls to come in.

Tory, Dani, Kimi all arrived about the same time; Capri our part time dancer arrived later. I locked the back door and told them the whole story. Capri and I had been lovers forever, she took it the hardest. With the extra girls working the crowd, we’d all need to double up on some shifts, but the money would be split 5 ways evenly if they were all in. They all agreed.

The next question was I really in heat all the time. The building next door- a mechanic’s shop, had a boxer who Nick used as a watchdog at night. Dani gave Nick, the owner, a few free rides every now and then; he in turn took care of our vehicles when we needed some work. She often took his dog for a walk, so she went to get the dog, while we all got a beer and sat down to wait for them to get back.

We were almost ready to get a new beer, when she came in with the boxer. “Sorry I’m late, but Nick wasn’t busy and well he was looking so sad, I just had to put a smile on his face”

We all laughed and she released the boxer. He made a beeline between my legs; I opened them immediately and moaned. It only took a few seconds for me to get nude and kissing him, like I would a long lost lover.

Tory put a ‘closed for inventory’ sign on the front door and came back to join us.

The dog and I continued to kiss, and then he moved to my pussy and began to lick the wetness off of me. Glancing up through lust filled eyes, my four friends were all removing articles of clothes and making out with one another.

Finally he was ready and unlike the dog on stage this one did not need an invitation to take me making me his bitch. One jump and he was on my back, a few quick jabs and I felt his cock slide in me a few inches, then two more quickie hops and he was in me all the way –

It was so sudden, and I had no drugs in my system to relax me, feeling him fill me so quickly my eyes went wide open, I gasped and screamed.


I wanted so badly to beg for help, for my friends to get him off of me, but then to my surprise he began fucking me, fucking me so fast all I could do was moan, as my first orgasm hit me – taking me completely by surprise


The rapid pounding kept bringing one orgasm after another, something I had not experienced before with the other dog. That is when I felt his knot bump up against my pussy lips, realizing he was going to try and get that thing in me —


That was all I could get out of my mouth when he rammed me harder than before and part of the knot broke through and in me, another slam and it was all in me – the pain was so intense, I think I passed out for a few seconds, but now he was slowing his pounding in me, but two new sensations hit me. The first was the knot was rubbing on my magic button and driving me crazy, twisting this way and that, the orgasms were hitting me in rapid succession, small mini ones but one after an other and secondly I felt the first load of warm, very warm seed enter me, almost so hot it was burning – again causing me to twist this way and that. The second load of seed filled me to the max and the third began to bloat my stomach

One of the girls had moved under me and began to suck on my tit, no there were two sucking on each nipple, one was kissing me, not letting me be able to scream and one was playing with my clit, as the dog pounded me and filled me with his seed.

Then he stopped, I felt one leg lift up over me and we were locked but the turning had caused the knot to rotate on that special spot – causing a massive orgasm to hit me collapsing on the ground, ass in the air- tied to him while he was still empting more and more of that wonderful warm cum in me –

I have no idea how long we were knotted, but when he pulled out of me, my whole body collapsed on the floor. Looking side ways I saw him lay down as Dani crawled up to him and began to lick his cock cleaning it off.   Some one was licking my pussy and cleaning up the cum running out of me in what seemed like gallons and some one was rubbing my shoulders and kissing me on the neck.

Finally my pussy quit spasming and I was able to set up.   Looking around, all the girls were in various stages of post orgasms – eyes were all glazed, finally Capri got up and brought us all back cold beers. As she handed one to each of us, “That was the hottest thing I have ever witnessed in my life and I for one have never had orgasms like I had, watching all of that go on. Can you call Mick and have him put me on stage next, I want to get fucked by a dog?”

No sooner had she said that then the other three chimed in with the same request. That is when a plan began to form in my head.

“I have to say, the first time with the drugs was good, but nothing compared to what I have just gone through. I know my body couldn’t take that everyday, but once or twice a week would not be bad. Since you all want to join me in this and since we have a deal to split everything equally – why don’t we see if we can make enough money to be able to retire if we ever want to and not have to worry about money ever again?”

All of them were interested, so I explained my plan then called a friend of mine who owned a large ranch outside of town – a ranch that had a barn able to seat 5,000 people for a show and a pasture able to park that many cars or bikes as well.

Dialing him, “Billy it’s me Nikki, how have you been?”

“Fine Nik, what can I do for you. You ready to let me in your pants?”

I giggled, “Well maybe, but I have a proposition for you, can you swing by the club today sometime – we’re closed but if you’ll knock on the back door we all can talk?”

“Hell I’m right next door, dropping off my truck, be there in a few minutes”

We all stayed nude, but I got up and quickly took a shower to wash away any excess cum that was on me and get rid of the sweat I had all over me. When he came in, Dani took the dog back and was back, nude also – so we didn’t get started until she got back. We got a beer for everyone, sat at a table and I explained the whole story to him and confirmed the fact the stories we had all heard were true as well as my plan on making money for all of us.

He listened, sipped his beer then looked around the table. “I like the idea, but hell I don’t need any more money, I’ll never spend what I have now, but you can use my barn and pasture, I have also added a small addition to the barn, so we could set up a bar and small grill to serve sandwiches or a lot of pre-made sandwiches, I have a big fridge and freezer installed as well. Realistically the money you make from the drinks may be almost as much as you make from the ticket sales. So you girls split the money, but for my part, how about free fucks when I come by or when on of you come to visit me from time to time?”

He stood up, unzipped his pants, and took out a fat 8 to 9 inch cock, played with it making it hard, “I promise you won’t be disappointed”

All of us were licking our lips, when I leaned over and kissed the tip of it, “That is something I think all of us can agree on, but first let’s see if the Diablo’s are in then you and I can see how you like my body”

His pants were kicked to the corner as well as his shirt, while he slowly stroked his cock; I called Slim and put the phone on speaker when he answered. I told him I had him on speaker and that my four girls and Billy were all here, could he get his VP’s together and I’d call back?

“No need, we’re all here in our conference room, discussing you and your bar now – I’ll put it on speaker as well – go ahead and tell us what is happening”

I laid out the plan, “Well Billy owns a ranch outside the town limits and has a barn that can hold 5,000 people, parking and a place to serve drinks and pre-made sandwiches and such. I just had my first experience with a dog and the 4 girls all watched. The drugs Dino gave me makes me susceptible to any dog now forever I suppose. All four girls want you to drug them and make them like me. For years all the area have heard stories of the Diablo’s drugging woman and having them fuck a dog or a donkey, but with the exception of your club members only a few have ever seen it.”

I paused as Billy began to rub my leg and I was becoming very excited,

“Sorry I’m getting horny again, too bad we’re not all together I’d be fucking all of you, anyway – “

I heard a ‘We’ll take a rain check on that pussy for sure”

We all laughed but knew I would be fucking each of them many times down the road –

“Anyway we let the word out that the first time ever the Diablo’s were putting on a private animal show one time only for a $1,000 a head – cash only and tickets sold at this bar – the show to go on next Saturday. I’ll need some of your guys to be bodyguards here while we gather the money and distribute the tickets. That comes out to 5 million on tickets only split two ways. Then you add in the profits from the drinks and food, we could each split 6 mil or more. We have the four girls on stage, I’ll be there also, but I don’t need any drugs, but the four girls need to be given the same drugs and routines I was given so we’re all dog bitches forever. What do you say?”

By now Billy’s fingers were in my pussy and I needed to fuck him but I tried to hang on.

It took a few minutes then, “I think the decision to make you a partner was one of the best decisions we have ever made. The four of us will be the bodyguards, we’re all sending out texts as we speak. Keep the bar closed today and we’ll all be there tomorrow. I’ll have my cook order the booze and sandwiches, tell Billy he’ll be out there on Friday to get things set up. Also I’ve got two prospects, if it’s OK with you I’ll let them charge $10 a vehicle and keep the money for them selves – they can also keep an eye on who comes in”

We all agree and hung up, Billy and I moving quickly to my office – while the girls were adding up the figures. They realized they could be putting $600, 000 each away after Saturday and that was only the beginning.

Pushing Billy down on my sofa, his cock wagging up and down, my eyes glued to it, I lick my lips and set down on his lap, kissing him and rubbing my nipples on his chest.

“So you’ve wanted to fuck me for years, are you sure you still want to go through with it, after all less than an hour ago I was being fucked by a dog, you sure you want to be seconds to a dog?”

Playing with my tits, kissing and sucking on each nipple, moving his hips up and down, “Being second to anyone or any animal has no effect on me, it is you I have been dreaming of fucking for years, now I have the opportunity – I’d never miss an opportunity like this”

With that I lift up my hips and guide his cock deep inside me, settling back down and kissing him, our tongues roaming each others mouths, our bodies grinding on one another – I raise up and settle back down, then up and down again – grabbing his shoulders, I begin a steady rhythm of up and down on him, until I could tell he was getting very close, then I slowed, even stopped occasionally, massaging his cock with my pussy muscles – this seemed to have the effect I wanted, watching his eyes roll up in the back of his head, his mouth fell open and his breathing became shallow and panting – just when he would slow down I would once again pick up the pace, enjoying the feeling of his cock riding up inside me, pushing my walls outward, my whole body on fire with the need to cum, but denying it as long as possible.

I have no idea how long I rode him like this, finally he leaned into me, in barely a whisper “Please let me cum, I need to cum – I can’t take it any longer please ride me to the end”

This time I did not slow down when I felt his cock head swell – instead I pushed down on him hard, feeling him at the very back of me, then feeling his cum enter me as the first release hit deep inside me, coating my cervix – the second one took me over the edge as well – grabbing hold of his shoulders, digging my nails in his back, my whole body went stiff – then slumping down on top of him – this day had been complete, my body used as much as it could stand – falling asleep on his lap, his cock still buried deep inside me and going limp

One of us stirred – he was still in me but very small now – kissing each other – whispering in his ear, “I was a fool to not enjoy you before this, it will not happen again. I want you to have all of the girls, but we need to do this at least once a week from now on”

I could feel him getting hard again, but this time he took me very slowly – we loved each other and kissed snuggling, our bodies presses closely – when we came, it was a slow wash overtaking us, making each of us moan and enjoy being together – finally finding one another.

He got dressed and left shortly after, the girls decided they’d all stay here for the rest of the day, so we ordered in some Chinese from down the street and promised the delivery driver we’d for sure give him a tip.   Tory was so horny by this time, she attacked him fucking him every way she could think of, until he begged her to let him go – we gave him a fifty-dollar tip and sent him on his way.

The next morning just before 11 the Diablo’s all showed up to act as bodyguards. There was already a line waiting to purchase tickets and get the address. Our business was steady with customers, the girls who were working the tables and distributing drugs to the customers, reported they had run out of their initial supply and had to send back to the club for more. At 1 am the following morning, we helped the final guy out of the bar, we had sold 3,500 of the 5k tickets we had and the girls had sold over a $100k in drugs – the five of us had just made enough money to not worry ever again. Slim took me to my office, the other members deposited the money collected and took one of the girls home with them. The following morning we had sold out the event by 2 pm and everyone was getting to know each other very well.

Saturday morning the four girls and I arrived in the SUV, I have for bad weather. The bar was all set up, the barn looked fantastic and the stage was built in such a way, there really wasn’t a bad seat in the place. Pre-made sandwiches arrived by 10 and were stocked in the ample fridge located in the back. Billy had thought of everything. The four girls began to help with the bar and drinks – to get everything set up to make serving and taking money as easy as possible. I went into the main house, finding and hugging Billy. We kissed for the longest time, and then moved to his bedroom where, I laid back on my back, opening up my legs wide for him.

“I’m totally clean and freshly showered, all ready for you to load me up”

He was kneeling between my legs, playing with my boobs and rubbing my pussy lips,

“I’ve been thinking, since I left the other day, we did good and enjoyed each other, I could tell you have feelings for me. In back I raise some of the finest Labs money can buy as well as ponies that bring a huge amount of money when I sell one. I’d like you to think of moving in with me, when this is all over, I can introduce you to horse fucking, and all the dogs you’ll ever need and I’ll always be ready to give you a romp each morning before we start the day”

With tears in my eyes, I pulled him on top of me, kissing him and feeling him enter me, “I’d love to move in with you, I will be fine as soon as the show is over, but the girls have a process they have to go through, but Sunday later on we can go to my place and pick up some essentials, then come back here but for now please take me, fuck me and make me all yours”

He began a slow steady rhythm in and out of me; “I’m way ahead of you, as soon as I’m done here, and my ranch hands are at your place with a moving van to pick up everything bringing it back here, before the show starts. They’ll label each box and put it all in the garage – we can sort it later. In that closet you’ll find a wardrobe of everything I think you’ll like, Capri helped me pick out the things, she hates loosing you but says she’ll probably be moving in with Hammer anyway when this is all over. He has a Great Dane she is dying to try out”

That was the most erotic and loving fuck I have ever had in my life causing me to fall deeper in love with this man than I have ever loved anyone.

At four we all meant at a table off to the side and they four girls were given the drugged beers to start this whole process. By five the place was almost filled up and by 5:30 the music stopped, Slim walked up on stage – “Welcome you fuckers, it’s good to see all of you. This idea of showing non-members our animal show was the Idea of Nikki Gold and the four girls who work with her at the club. As most of you know by now the Diablo’s and Nikki have formed a partner ship … “

I leaned over to my four friends, the drugs are already in your system, as soon as the dog’s snot touches your pussy, you’ll be in a haze until tomorrow sometime. Good luck and I’ll see you all then.

Slim went on to say, .”So that all of you will know them when you drop in the bar, let me introduce Nikki, Dani, Tory, Kimi and Capri, will you all come up girls, let’s give them a big applause, because without them and their friend Billy, who owns all of this, none of you would have ever seen what you’re about to see.

As we all got up on stage, there was a big titted blonde setting dead center with her boy friend, her legs were spread wide open and like I suspect every girl here, no panties were worn – I licked my lips and winking at her, hopefully down the road we’d spend some quality time together.

Then from the back 8 of the Diablo gang walked out and up on the back of the stage with some very big dogs – each one already sprouting a large hard on. My pussy was beginning to tingle and get wet, I could smell my own arousal wafting up to my face, looking at Slim – I wondered why 8 dogs, there were only 5 of us on stage – he winked and motioned for one guy in the center, “Chris release your dog please”

A big black Doberman mix, shot forward, jumping off the stage burying his snout directly between the big blondes legs, licking her pussy, she moaned, threw her head back, grabbed the dog’s head and let out a scream, shedding her short dress and her top, she was on all fours while the dog continued to lick her pussy – finally in desperation she yelled – “You fucking piece of shit, fuck me, get up on me and fuck me, I need that cock in me”

The dog was upon her back, sliding inside her the next thrust his knot entered and he began to fuck her – the audience went wild, I’m sure expecting the five of us were the floor show –

Mick told the second guy to release his dog, this one shot out on stage and directly into Capri’s pussy, burring his face between her legs, She screamed, “OH fuck me, I’m next” and sunk to the floor, legs wide, dress hiked up to her hips, grabbing the dogs ears, her legs going wide, to give him easier access.

He was licking Capri, the blonde was grunting and moaning from the fucking taking place, as Slim stepped back to the microphone, and approximately 20 more of the gang members came out – all with dogs

“As you have surmised by now, we use drugs to make the women susceptible to the dogs approach – but we also have the ability to direct one specific dog to a specific future bitch who has been drugged during the evening. Also you have no way of knowing when or what you have been given and tonight – we have just received a new drug from our suppliers to test out here. So who wants to see how the new drug works before we move on with more women who have no idea they have been drugged, that is until the dog puts his nose in their crotch and she can only succumb to the scent of the dog?”

Everyone cheered to see the new drug in action, Mick nodded and a big Collie was released. He bound off the stage, went on a beeline through the tables to a guy setting by some other guys, not of the Diablo’s but a different gang, plunging his head between the guys legs – I watched the guys face go from fear to pure lust then his eyes hazed over, in no time his pants were down, he was on all fours, his cock harder than a rock – the dog was on him and in him with the same speed that the women had been compromised – suddenly the whole place got deathly quiet –

Stepping forward to the edge of the stage, “Wow now everyone in here is looking at their beers, wondering if they have been the lucky recipient of the drugged suds. We’ll to let you relax a little, boys let go of the four special dogs we have been holding”

I watched as the four dogs were released, each of them bee lined it to the four of us, the last thing I truly remember is dropping to my knees, my clothes were all gone and a big Bernese Mountain dog was on me, licking me and driving me to new heights – as he jumped up on me, I was lost to the word, my eyes were fuzzy, I couldn’t put thoughts together, my only goal in my life was to be fucked by this dog.

After us a total of 21 more dogs were released, and twentyone women were on all fours in no time, enjoying what I was enjoying – becoming a dogs bitch.

I was told Slim closed the program, while a lot of fucking was still going on, by thanking everyone and promising them this would be a annual party of a select five thousand people, however the cost per ticket may increase next year, also a promise that since the new male on male drug was so successful there would defiantly be more of an even mix of males and females – that way as you enjoyed your beer ahead of the show, no one had any idea who would be down on all fours begging to be fucked.

Sunday afternoon, the five of us, Billy and the presidency of the Diablo’s all meant in our club – Sunday it is closed under state law. Myself and each girl was given $850,000 in cash, but a banker was at the meeting also and arranged to open accounts for each of us, and put the cash in our accounts, thanks to the Diablo’s. Billy was given $100k and we arranged a new date for next year.

I headed home with Billy, with a quick stop at his kennels, then I had arranged to take the next couple of days off – Billy and I didn’t get out of bed for more than to eat and back in bed. A Short honeymoon of sorts.

The End