(c) 2009 by Silk Wyrm

A few words: Some bestiality stories are not so much about women who love dogs, but about domination. Dogs hump legs to show domination and ownership to some degree. In a bestiality story the reader has the luxury of reading about sex without some pesky human male in there at all. There can be domination without reason or logic.

I’ve read a number of bestiality stories. The best ones involved virgins. There were a number of situations where the unsuspecting heroine takes a dog cock.

I don’t condone any immoral acts presented herein. I wouldn’t want the events portrayed herein to happen to my sister or daughter. I wouldn’t allow my dog to have sex with a human because it sets up a bad habit. I usually don’t use ages in my stories. Just assume that all characters are whatever is legal in your state or country.


Chapter One – Boyfriend

Short strawberry blond hair, plump breasts, athletic build. Angela was twenty three and making out in the back of her boyfriend’s car. Her boyfriend, who will remain nameless, was in the back seat with her. His hands were wandering all over Angela’s body.

He had been dropping her off at her place, but they never actually made it out of the car. A good bye kiss had turned into petting. Petting had gone into the back seat. This was the result.

Her shirt was up around her neck and her bra was lost somewhere under the seat. Her short black skirt had been pushed up around her middle and her panties were being shoved to the side. Her eyes were fluttering and had rolled up behind her half opened eyes. She did that when she was being strongly stimulated.

The moving of her panties though woke her mind up.

“No, I’m not ready.”

He moved down. His attempt had failed, but the chance that he would get his seed in her was not quite gone. His lips kissed and tickled her slippery cunt. His tongue was teasing her pussy intensely.

He was far from the best pussy licker in the world, but he had determination on his side. She let him pull down her panties. He used a finger to help him along and began licking her more fervently.

While he did that he used his free hand to undo his zipper and play with himself. His hands and tongue were getting sore and he wasn’t in the most comfortable of positions, but he was working to get in Angela’s pants. The effort was worth it.

Angela was particularly sensitive at this point, but she was not yet close to orgasm. The stimulation didn’t actually feel as pleasurable as it might, but then her boyfriend’s skill with the tongue still needed to be honed.

“Stop, don’t do that. It doesn’t feel good.”

“Sorry,” he replied.

He kissed her mound and began kissing upwards. His hands stroked the insides and outsides of her legs as he did this. His tender kisses jumped over the skirt and moved up to her belly button lingering for a moment.

His chest was pressed up against her pussy and her legs curled around his back holding him there. He stroked her lower back with his hands as he kissed her navel.

He moved up between Angela’s breasts. The nipples were firm, hot, and tingling. He didn’t suck on them moving instead to her neck. Her heart melted at this. He knew that her nipples were sensitive and that she was vulnerable when they were gently licked. Going for her lips meant that he was hungry for her more than just her body.

Their lips locked and Angela was in heaven. That’s right about when the head of her boyfriend’s cock touched her unguarded pussy. She had been saving herself for marriage, and they most certainly weren’t married.

“I’m saving my virginity.”

“I had no idea, thank you.” She hadn’t exactly said no. He didn’t intend to give her the chance.

He hadn’t known that his girl friend was a virgin. He pushed his shaft forwards and the tip bit into her eager pussy lips.

“No, seriously. I’m a virgin.” She knew that her hymen was in mortal danger.

“Don’t worry about being inexperienced. You won’t be a virgin for long.”

He was moving slowly and she was extremely tight. He did manage to get his cock head into her though. It was now over for the poor hymen. It would be destroyed.

Angela shoved her hips to the side in a panicked move to try to save herself. Her determination paid off. Luck was on her side. She managed to dislodge him. He hadn’t been in her all that deeply and she was slippery. Her tightness had actually been working against her, but, even so. She yanked him free.

Her boyfriend was mad with lust, and he had just been robbed of his chance at a hymen. Even so, he was not willing to actually rape this beautiful flower. He respected her too much. At the same time he couldn’t just have her sitting there naked. He would have to do something about her.

Angela knew this. She pulled down her shirt and her skirt. She would worry about her panties and her bra another time. She found her shoes and got out of the car and walked to her door.

Getting into her house she was met by a number of dogs. The youngest of the dogs, lucky, got up on its hind legs and attempted to hump her leg.

“If I’m not going to let my boy friend do that I’m not going to let you.”

Turning the corner she entered her room and flopped into her bed. Lucky hopped in with her. Her body was still alive with sexuality and she wished she could just let Lucky go at her and get lucky.

“What’s wrong with me boy? I’m lying when I say that I’m saving myself for the right guy. I really like that guy, but I can’t seem to feel safe around anyone.”

Lucky licked her face and his long red shaft unsheathed itself. He began to hump the air. He must be smelling the sexual energy rolling off her body.

“You’re getting fixed tomorrow.” Angela was a vet she was also a virgin. Lucky was a rescue that she had taken home. She had a responsibility to fix him at first opportunity.

Her eyes locked onto his shaft and her mouth watered. That was the other problem with being so hungry for sex in the back seat with a guy. Her body was telling herself to do the first thing that it can get to penetrate her, and she was all too fond of dogs.


Chapter Two – Tat the taker of women

The police arrived twenty minutes later. The witnesses were useless. One just heard a gunshot and that’s all. Another saw what they described as a giant bird or bat flying out of a window carrying a girl. And then there was the matter of the sister who passed out at the scene. She was high on something when the police found her. A sketch artist asked her to describe what she saw.

“Put out an APB for Dracula.” Said the police captain just before placing the sketch where it would never be seen.

“Would that be Dracula himself, or the elder Dracul?” asked the officer who handed him the sketch.

“Better haul in anyone running around naked with six inch fangs just to be sure.”

This being a suburban community, the police had messed up the scene before investigating it, and they didn’t even think to look for sperm that might have been consumed by the deceased. Rather than research it fully, they decided it was a suicide, but that the file would remain open for some time.

Lin’s taller older sister Lien, or Lee-Ann as she preferred to be called, was let go. This beauty would be faced with the terrible duty of putting her broken home back together. Unfortunately this was not what she wanted to do. The man who had killed her one sister and who had taken her other sister was out there somewhere. Lee-Ann would later find her attacker, but that is another story and will be told in due time.


Flying through the night Tat had a young Asian woman in his arms. She had short blue black hair and bright red finger and toe nails. She wore tan shorts and a formerly white tee shirt. It now had a lot of blood on it from Tat’s recent fun.

This girl was named Jade, and she was a bit of a tom boy. She partied with her friends and she drank a lot. Tat could tell this from the way her scent told of alcohol and sweat.

Upon hitting the ground in the abandoned factory tower tat once again resumed his idealized male form. Another person might have wondered at the transformation, and the wonderful powers that had turned a girl into a creature of wonder and strength. Tat was not one of those people. Tat simply accepted this transformation completely and thus was transformed completely.

At Tat’s feet was a woman. She was dressed in pink camouflage shorts, a white T shirt with a bloody hand print on the right breast, and socks. She was a young Asian woman with long blacker than black hair that draped down across her back. She was tall and she was thin. Her breasts were an upper A cup bordering on a B, but they had bounce to them.


Jade’s eyes fluttered open and her nipples immediately began to grow hard. The venom was still on her lips and they tingled. Her left hand crept up to pinch her right nipple and felt the tacky blood stuck to her shirt.

On the floor in front of her was the gun that had shot her sister. She realized that she might be in real danger. This made her heart beat faster, but that simply made her feel a little bit more of the venom. Her mind swam.

“What are you going to do with me?” She asked. She knew that she was in no condition to do anything to save herself if this creature wished to take her and then kill her.

“What would you like me to do to you?”

“I want you to tell me what to do.” The words came out of her lips without her control, and she knew that by speaking them she would never again see anyone she cared about.

“Come here and suck on me while I ponder your fate.” The transformatrix spoke and his words were commands. He didn’t speak loudly, but he expected his voice to be law.

On all fours Jade crawled towards Tat. When she arrived at Tat’s drooping cock head she angled her neck up and took it into her mouth. Imediately it began to harden. The head alone filled her mouth and a trickle of cum dabbled upon her tongue.

This was a venom of sorts as well. As Jade followed the lifting cock up and began to bob her head up and down on it her entire personality was being consumed. What was once Jade was falling away and was replaced by something that Tat created.

Tat enjoyed the bobbing of this woman upon him, but wanted more. He wanted to take women by force, but he wanted to feel their will bend to be consumed by his own will.

Tat changed once more. The venom that his cock spat out would now make any woman that he had taken remain his. His cum would be the poison that dominated their minds.

Tat needed to speak with his servant and needed to instruct her body in what he wanted. He pushed her off of his cock head and shoved her to the ground. She enjoyed the rough treatment and laid on her back in servitude to her master.

Sharp claws destroyed the fabric of Jade’s shorts and panties. Tat’s cock head moved into position and felt the moist warmth of a hungry pussy.

A tiny bit of Tat’s cum oozed out of Tat’s cock head and entered Jade. It pushed her lips appart and made Jade’s cunt ready for Tat’s full shaft.

“I need you to tell me about those you know. I will be taking women from the valeys between the green mountains.”

“I hear and obey- Unnnh” The cock plunged deeply into Jade’s body. Ten inches was the measure of the monster’s length, but he gave her only eight.

Tat’s lips locked with Jade’s. Tat could feel the hunger in the woman. He took her thoughts and replaced them with ones of Tat’s own choosing. The transformatrix was now changing Jade to meet his own standards.

Heat washed over the young Asian woman’s body. Her eyes dialated her lips parted to accept the probing tongue of her master. The cock slammed in and out of her and the walls of her cunt was milked for all it was worth.

Tingling started in her nipples and in her clit. The sparks spread to her hips, her breasts, and swam up her back. This was better than any orgasm that she had ever had before.

“My master!” She said in excitement and adoration.

Cum shot forth into Tat’s servant and filled her up. The balls produced and pumped out cum for as long as Tat chose to allow them to.

The creature was done. He rested. He did not think about what had happened. He did not rest in anticipation of the next day. He simply accepted things as they were and it was time to rest.

The transformatrix rolled off of the young woman. His last action before falling into a deep slumber was to mutter.

“Those clothes do not suit you.”

“As you wish my master.” Jade’s blood stained clothes turned to dust and fell off of her body. Her body had been changed by her master and it was Jade’s body that commanded the clothes to disintegrate.

She had seen inside the mind of her master. Her will had been completely changed, but it was not the same as the will of her master. She could think ahead and could remember the past. She was still changing as her body thought of how she could best serve her master.

She cuddled up next to her master with her knee over one of his legs, and with an arm caressing his body. She rested her mind and allowed her body to continue its work. Metamorphosis took more out of her than it did out of Tat.

Her breasts swelled and grew heavy with milk as she slept. The milk would be needed to sustain her master’s new servants and to ensure that they remained pliant to his will. It would be as potent as the master’s venomous kiss.

Her muscles grew and tightened. Her feminine form remained feminine, but it was now far stronger than it had been before. Her eyes turned a mesmerizing green. She was transformed completely now. She would transform more if her master commanded.


Chapter Three – Car Job Girl

Angela was a vet and one of the best in her field. She worked long hours. Lucky, one of her dogs, had been given a human set of nuts. He might have been given the spirit of a man’s horniness in the process.

Angela was at work today and Lucky knew how to get out. Angela had missed a period and hadn’t been giving him what she might have. Lucky’s balls felt heavy and he wanted to find himself a nice beautiful girl to relieve himself in.

This brings us to Tammy. Tammy was a thin teenager. She had perky A cup breasts and straight blond hair that came down to her shoulders. Her legs were long and thin and she had a nice curve in her hips.

Tammy was a flirt. She didn’t sleep with boys, but she had let them put their hands on her a number of times. She knew that the boys were trying to crack her with their nuts, but she loved the attention.

She had actually made a game of it. She pushed the boys as far as she thought that she could go and then left them. She knew she was never going to get raped because her father was a cop, and if they did she would turn them in. Eventually she knew she was going to mess up and get fucked, but that just made it more exciting.

Today she was just getting off of class. Her boyfriend of the moment was driving. He was a tall and muscular guy from the soccer team. He had great legs and an ass that could crack a walnut. He was in shorts, tall socks, shoes, and a jersey.

“You want the top down?” He had a nice car, and that helped also.

He was a good driver. His hands were at two and ten. His attention was on the road. He was driving under the speed limit. It was time to play.

“No,” she responded, “today I’d rather have it up.”

She leaned over and placed her hand on his cock through his shorts. This was what she considered a safe encounter. He was restrained by his attention to the road and couldn’t escalate anything on his own. She on the other hand was free to do just about whatever she wanted.

Tammy’s hands made their way inside his pants. Her thumb rubbed the side of his cock below the head and her pointer curled around the other side. Her hands were cool but not cold and her skin was soft and smooth. Her hands stroked up and down and her thumb and finger gently pinched.

His cock was a respectable six incher. Tammy preferred this length and thickness. It was about average for the guys she went after and a bit large among the serious athletes. Some girls lusted after the nine inch monsters, but those were the real sluts who had already stretched themselves out on everything smaller.

One of Tammy’s friends was the sort who had given sex a lot of serious thought. She had done a half dozen guys, but all of them were six inchers. She said that by picking six as the magic number she could be happy with more guys and wouldn’t stretch herself out. Anything smaller and it couldn’t do all of the tricks that sex demanded. Anything larger and the head wouldn’t bump against her G spot.

Her boyfriend’s cock was hard, hot, and throbbing. It was time to turn up the tension. She unbuckled her seat belt and leaned over. The steering wheel was against the back of her head and her breath was hot and heavy against his stimulated member.

Tammy wanted to stimulate him to the point where he was going nuts but not enough that he would actually get off. She was rather better at blow jobs than hand jobs. Not that she was a slacker at either, but she wanted to hold him at the edge and that was more easy with her lips than with her hands alone.

First she would need to see how close he was. She had pushed him rather far with her hands. While stroking up and down with one hand and stroking his balls with the other she teased the rim of his cock head with the tip of her tongue. Tammy noted that he had big heavy balls.

You can tell when a boy is going to cum in many ways. His balls contract at the last moment. The shaft throbs intensely in time with the heart beat. Many guys will begin thrusting in time with your strokes. When he cums he will do it on your down stroke and his up stroke . . . usually.

This one didn’t. The car swerved to the side and its driver groaned. The first blast hit her by surprise in the back of her throat. Cum splattered all over Tammy’s face and on her shirt. He came while pulling his cock back and that just made the mess worse. His balls had only contracted after the first shot and by then it was too late.

Damn it all! She had done it wrong. She would need to practice on this boy a lot over the next few weeks. He was going to be a long project. He might even last the month. That meant that she would have to be satisfying now.

Her warm wet mouth closed on his shaft and she began gently but firmly sucking. She would have to totally drain his balls. She sucked and swallowed the next few loads. Each one less than the last, but they went on for longer than Tammy would have liked.

The car pulled to a stop just as his cock did. He had driven her straight home like a gentleman. At least her father wouldn’t be home for a while. She could get cleaned up.

Looking over at her soccer boy’s pants Tammy was horrified. Not only was his cock getting hard again, but his shorts were perfectly clean. He hadn’t gotten a single drop of cum on himself. The clever little cock had splattered all of the sperm all over her face, in her mouth and down her throat instead.

She had the grace not to kiss him good bye. She just got out of the car and raced inside before her neighbors could see her cum covered face. As she got to the door Mister Soccer offered her his gym towel. Now he offered.

She held out her hand and he tossed the towel. He would come by later to pick it up. If she cleaned off with this towel she wouldn’t have to explain to her mother why she had covered a towel in cum.


Chapter Four – Shower Girl

Tammy raced across the house and into the shower. As she did this she wiped the cum off of her face with her boyfriend’s soccer towel. The scent of old sweat wouldn’t normally be a turn on, but in this instance it was. Her soccer boy was hot.

She was still wiping off the cum with the towel when she began running the water. She peeled off her tight T shirt. She wasn’t wearing a bra underneath because she had wanted to tease her boy with the thin material and her hard nipples. When you have A cups you do what you can to maximize the appeal.

She kicked off her shoes without a thought. Her jeans and panties came next. With the towel on her face in the spacious bathroom Tammy never saw Lucky. If she did she might have seen his large red cock hanging under his body. Lucky saw a naked body and he knew what to do with those.

Tammy stepped into the shower and let the water flow over her shoulder length blond hair. Waves of warm soothing water flowed over her small pert breasts and down her firm stomach to her trimmed bush. Her hands washed the cum downwards and rubbed herself as she did so.

When her hands met her pussy she began fingering herself. Her eyes were closed and she didn’t see Lucky poking his nose into the shower.

Let us rewind time a little bit. Tammy’s mom was drunk and she had left the window to her bedroom open. Tammy’s father was one of those strange men who didn’t want sex constantly. Thanks to Tammy’s mothers drinking and her father’s sexual apathy Tammy’s father might not have actually been Tammy’s father.

There shouldn’t need to be any explanation for how Tammy’s mother came to be rubbing her pussy in her shiny soft red robe and nothing else. She was drunk and frustrated she was certain that her daughter was sleeping with every boy on the planet.

Tammy’s mother was not athletic, but she was not really overweight either. Her breasts were a modest B cup and her hair was long and curly. Right now it was a mess because she hadn’t combed it in two days.

A whiskey tumbler and a lonely piece of ice was on the nightstand. It had a mate, but that was in her pussy fighting off the passionate heat that was threatening to overwhelm her.

Her window was open, partly because she liked the cool breeze on her naked body, partly because she got off on the thought that one of her curious neighbors might be watching, and partly because she was lazy. That’s how Lucky got in. He smelled a woman in heat and came to investigate.

Tammy’s mother wasn’t exactly conscious, and she wasn’t completely passed out. She didn’t notice the cold nose on her pussy lips. The lapping tongue tasted her juices and the tail began to wag.

Alcohol had pretty much killed this orgasm before it could get off the ground, but Lucky revived it. The dog looked up to the face of the woman he was about to take. She had a soft smooth stomach, round “D” cup breasts, erect nipples, and he could also see her chin.

Lucky moved up and began poking his cock at her entrance. Angela always liked her nipples licked, so Lucky was familiar with that trick. He lapped at her tits and Tammy’s mother lifted her pussy in the air just enough that Lucky could get in. Each lap made Tammy’s mother’s breasts jiggle and bob. They were quite bouncy.

Lucky didn’t really like screwing women on their back. He occasionally did it to Angela so that she could get her tits licked. This woman had soft large boobs that any man would have loved to make jiggle. Lucky didn’t really like them either.

He nipped at one uncooperative tit because it wouldn’t stand still for him. Her eyes flashed open at this and the dog’s cock slammed home. Lucky had a lot of meat to his bone and this was enough to temporarily wake Tammy’s mom out of her stupor.

Moving to the side she fell down and landed on her stomach. She wasn’t presenting, but Lucky liked the position a little bit better. It was much easier to get in her and to rut around.

Angela usually moaned and squirmed around when Lucky’s knot pushed inside her. This woman was drunk so her pussy didn’t hold him as tight. Lucky came but he wasn’t satisfied. He wanted more. He licked the back of her neck and got a mouth full of curly golden locks. This would simply not be good enough for him. He didn’t know it but he wanted to fuck another virgin.

Lucky hopped up on the bed and curled up for a nap. He awoke to hear the sound of a door closing. A little while later he heard water running. He went to investigate and smelled cum. Perhaps this would be a good pussy to fuck.

Tammy got undressed and stepped into the shower. She was unaware that she was being watched by hungry eyes. She was simply washing herself off and cleaning her boyfriend’s cum off of her face. It had left a taste in her mouth but she was used to that. Her soccer boy’s cum was salty and the smell was strong, but she had tasted worse.

As she cleaned her hands lingered on her pussy lips and her clit before she had to wrench them away and move down to her legs. She was bent over with her pussy displayed for Lucky to sniff. It looked like she was presenting, but the pussy was too high up to get to.

Lucky decided to lick the tiny little breasts instead. These he liked. The “A” cups were firm and they didn’t jiggle around so much. They also tasted better with all of the water flowing over them. They had one drawback though. With only two licks they were snatched away. Tammy stood bolt upright and took a step back.

The sudden movement on the slick tub caused her to slip and fall on her back side. Her eyes were open and she noticed the dog. She slid forwards and found herself eye to eye with Lucky’s smiling face. She turned around and tried to scramble away. She was going to try to get to her feet, but being on all fours was just perfect for lucky.

Lucky didn’t have the luxury of working on stimulating this woman like he might do to Angela. He leaped up on her and began thrusting at the air attempting to get a lucky shot at her crotch.

Tammy was a quick thinker and knew that her virtue was in danger. She knew that if she flattened her hips to the ground that Lucky would have to do more to get in her. It was a good thought, but her feet hit the back of the tub and Lucky’s cock tip brushed across her slit. This was not really the closest she had ever come to being forcibly fucked, but this was the first time that she wasn’t in control of the situation.

She pulled her knees back up in an effort to get away from her attacker. This stumped Lucky for a little bit. His cock was quite long and it was brushing against Tammy’s tummy. It was simply too long to get into the right position for fucking.

Tammy thought she was safe at this point. She was still being straddled by a humongous beast, but she was not going to get fucked. All she had to do was wait till the dumb beast got tired or came on her legs and stomach. It wouldn’t be the first unexpected cum that she would be covered with today.

She happened to look down. Her tender A’s looked larger hanging down. Between and beyond them she could see her stomach. The cock was brushing against her navel. The thing was inhumanly long and a bit of lubrication was dripping down from the tip. Past that were the largest set of nuts she had ever seen on a dog.

She had to get away. She couldn’t take the chance that that thing could get inside of her. It would split her open and it might destroy her for any other man. She had heard stories in health class that one in four women was brutally raped and that some died because they were fucked so hard. Her teacher said that the number was probably much higher because most women wouldn’t report a rape. One of her class mates had asked where this study came from and what the numbers were based on. The teacher said that this was a serious subject and sent him to the principal.

Her only hope was to leap away and attempt to get away. Tammy leaped forward as Lucky was pulling back. The tip of his cock twitched with excitement as she moved unexpectedly beneath him. He thrust forward and the tip met her virgin cunt.

Tammy froze. Lucky gave a brief bark that could have been heard anywhere in the house if it weren’t for the alcohol haze in Tammy’s mother’s head. Time slowed down. The warm water dripped off of her erect tits. The smell of steam and scented soaps mixed with that of wet dog. Lucky moved backwards. His paws curled up underneath Tammy’s small breasts and his dew claw scratched her on one side.

“Not my cherry!” she pleaded.

Lucky’s forward thrust penetrated the hymen. His next thrust demolished the poor thing. Tammy was a virgin, but she wasn’t nearly as tight as Angela had been on their first time. He thrust forwards penetrating her fully. A few more thrusts and he was taking her on his own terms. Finally Lucky’s human balls slapped against Tammy’s clit.

Tammy didn’t want to do anything, but the pain was worse if she just held still. After a little while the pain began to subside. The dog had a remarkable stamina but after a while he seemed to be working towards climax.

“The worst is over,” she told herself.

Something big was pushing into her. She knew nothing about canine anatomy. Lucky’s knot was locking them together. The thing was big and Tammy was unprepared for it. The situation was unreal and the pain was suddenly more than she could bare. She passed out a few times.

She awoke to Lucky shuddering fully impaling her. His cum shot hot and heavy into her. His human seed worked into her fertile cunt. She had been much more satisfying for Lucky than her mother had been.

When Lucky finally decided to pull out of her he began grooming blood, cum, and pussy juice off of his cock. There was some cum on the underside of his coat and a little near his balls. He shook wildly trying to dry off, but he was still sopping wet when he had gotten done. He wandered out of the bathroom and left. He wasn’t in a hurry. He had done what he came here to do.

Tammy picked herself up and began cleaning her self up. She had been creamed twice in a matter of hours. Both had been unexpected. Both would require some thought. She would definitely want to rethink her strategy in the future.


Chapter Five – Finishing off Tammy

Tammy came out of her bathroom wrapped in a towel. She had wiped most of the blood and cum off of her body. She had lost her favorite game. She was just going to have to fuck the first guy that she came across and stick with him for a while. Perhaps she would take her friend’s advice and find a reliable six incher.

She sat at a chair in the kitchen with a glass of milk in front of her. The dog had been rough and brutal, but she thought that it was something she would like in a human. Perhaps what she really needed was for a man to simply take what they wanted from her by force. Perhaps she would push the next guy into raping her. If she didn’t like it she could always turn him in.

That’s about when she felt the hard grip of a strong hand push her forwards. Her cheek was pressed into the table top and her legs were dangling a few inches off the ground. A hard cock head pushed against her abused pussy and the dog’s remaining cum made it slide in easily.

A single brutal thrust buried the cock to the hilt. Tammy screamed in pain and shock. “Not again,” her mind cried, but her body just gave a whimper.

When the cock pulled out there was blood on it. The dog had broken her in the shower, but she had not stopped bleeding. “You were a virgin?” her boyfriend asked shocked.

“Ngh!” she gasped as he shoved his cock back in. Her mind was thinking rapidly. That was her boyfriend’s voice. Mister Soccer the gentleman was raping her. Or was he? It wasn’t rape if she didn’t report it. She didn’t have to. His cock felt nice up in her, and she had wanted to fuck the next guy she came across.

This one thought that he was taking her virginity. He was from a well to do family. He was sexually energetic, and she knew with her hungers would require a certain level of enthusiasm. Still, she was being forced again.

“What did you say?” he asked.

“Again!” she cried. No, that wasn’t what she meant to say. Her body was lagging seriously behind her mind. Her mother would be passed out drunk upstairs, so she would never hear a thing.

Tammy’s boyfriend began slamming into her with enthusiasm. His hot and powerful rod pistoned in and out of her with wild abandon. His pace increased steadily over the next several minutes. As he did it Tammy’s body began responding to the ministrations. The warmth spread all over her and her body rocked with orgasm. Her soccer boy continued increasing his pace and Tammy rode through it in the afterglow of her orgasm.

And then he stopped. His cock was fully impaled on her. He was going to cum. She could get pregnant! “No! Don’t cum in me!”

If there is any magic to words, then those are the ones that will make any man cum. He grunted.

“Oh hell.” She rode through his orgasm like she had her own. He made no move to pull out of her. He simply fired freely into her unguarded womb. She wondered if perhaps the dog cum in her body would provide some sort of buffer. She didn’t know that both loads that had been pumped into her could make her pregnant. She knew that she was ovulating and that she needed to worry about having a baby.

Eventually her boy decided to pull out of her. He reached over and drank her glass of milk. He had worked hard and he thought he deserved a little reward.

She sat back exhausted in her chair. Her nipples were still stimulated and so she pinched them as if to try to tell them that the party was over. It didn’t work. They simply got harder.

“Was going to simply grab my towel. I saw you stumbling with just the towel into the kitchen and I couldn’t help myself.” He reached over and grabbed his gym towel and wiped the juices off of his cock. His eyes were locked on her tits.

Her eyes were locked on his cock. Her mouth was watering it was getting hard again. He grabbed her knee and pulled her legs open. He had cum twice so far and he was good for another go.

“Oh hell,” she said again. He had no intention of using protection.

Tammy and her mother both missed their periods that month. They both were pregnant with babies that didn’t look a thing like the supposed fathers. Tammy’s parents would later get a divorce leaving Tammy to care for her brother. Tammy married her soccer boy and would later give him a few more little ones.

Tammy’s boyfriend got a job that took him out of town a lot. He knew that his first child wasn’t his own even though Tammy never cheated. He raped any woman who struck his fancy in revenge. He was accused of impropriety several times, but no charges were ever filed.

Tammy got herself a dog. It was a medium sized dog. It had a six inch cock.

Later on the day in question Lucky wandered back home. He trotted up to Angela as she entered her driveway.

“How did you get out? And you’re soaking wet! And muddy!”

She took the dog in and undressed so that she would not get her clothes wet as she washed her dog off. Lucky licked her pussy hungrily.

“No, you’re not getting in there again. You knocked me up with those balls I gave you.”

Lucky looked up and began licking her nipples. That made Angela loose her concentration and the dog was able to push her on her back.

“Oh, I suppose you can’t get me any more pregnant than you already have.”


Chapter Six – Video Gamer Girl

Kelly was a video game fanatic. She lay on her stomach in her home with a controller in her hand staring up at the screen. She was playing a fat paced monster onslaught type game. Monsters were bum rushing her from every direction and she was taking them out left and right.

She was practicing for the tournament, and she had to win. She was up against a lot of boys and she had a lot of money riding on her winning. There was the prize money and then also there was the money she had wagered on top of that.

“Insane Slaughter!!!” the game told her. Kelly got a little moist between her legs. The violence got to her. She kicked the difficulty up one level and started the slaughter again.

Kelly could win in her own home, but she didn’t do nearly as well in “Arena Zone” where she was supposed to play. She was always too distracted. She needed to focus on her “A” game.

She had woken up today and loaded up her game. She was wearing her bath robe and her most tattered panties. She would be getting sweaty and had a tendency to cream herself if she got too worked up in a game. She would take a shower after.

The only thing that she did to improve her appearance was to put her hair in two tails. She was too absorbed to cut it, but she didn’t want to lay on it if she was on her back or have it fall forward if she was on her stomach.

That should explain why she ignored it when the cats scattered. She heard something scrambling in her window. It was a really big dog. It wasn’t being stealthy.

“Leave me alone Lucky, I’m busy.”

Kelly knew her neighbor’s dog. He was the vet’s dog. He still had balls, but Angela said that the thing couldn’t knock up any dog in the neighborhood. Poor Doc Angela loved the creature, but he must have been a pain to deal with. He was wicked smart and kept getting out. Being pregnant and single but refusing to stop working had meant that Lucky got bored a lot.

This wasn’t the first time that Lucky had gotten into her house. Kelly usually left the windows open a crack. He had last gotten in when Kelly was first qualifying for the tournament. He had crawled on top of her and tried to hump her. Even through her panties she had felt his cock head enter her about a half inch.

The dog was aggravating. He had even cum on her panties that time. He spent most of his time humping her legs. Kelly had been forced to wash her panties about a dozen times since then. You couldn’t even tell what color they were.

At the time Kelly had warned him, “If I don’t get through the prelims because of you I will take you somewhere and remove your balls with pliers.”

She did get through though. She had gotten her highest score ever there. She was one of the scores to beat in the tournament. She knew she was in trouble, but she had forgiven Lucky. If anything he was her good luck charm.

“You Got Murdered!” The game taunted her. She wasn’t focusing.

Lucky wandered around in front of her and began licking her face. Kelly lifted her head and tried to move her controller to the side.

“Damn it Lucky!”

She pushed the controller down onto the top of his head so she could see the screen. That pushed Lucky’s head into Kelly’s robe. He licked her nipples and all around her C cup breasts.

Kelly gasped. She got excited when she played. Some guys she knew got hard ons when they got power boosts or some particularly sweet weapons and kill combinations.

“You Got Murdered!”

She lifted herself up and leaned to one side to avoid the hungry tongue. When it followed she swayed to the other side. Her breasts swung and jiggled in time with her movements. Kelly would be a popular girl if she had time to take out of her game.

Lucky’s tail began to wag in front of the screen, but Kelly was getting used to the distraction. She moved in time with the tongue. It actually felt good when it was simply something happening to her in the background. She was good enough that she could normally play blindfolded, but she had the difficulty way up just now.

“You are a MURDERER!” Three kills in a row!

Lucky moved around behind her and began sniffing at her crotch. Kelly’s legs were slightly spread and she was laying with her hips on top of a pillow. She had been sitting on the pillow, but this was more comfortable.

Her character was moving around in stealth mode now. Kill, Kill, Kill! “I’m an assassin baby! An assassin!”

Her crotch was wet now and Lucky smelled it. Lucky crawled on top of her like he had before the prelims. His blood thirsty cock had made a run at Angela’s unused crotch once before and hadn’t gotten anywhere.

“Ram my panties all you like. You aren’t getting through.” Lucky pushed and prodded. He knew the exact angle he wanted to shove in at. Practicing had given him a good idea where to find the human cunt, but he hadn’t mastered the subject. He simply rammed away until he thought he found a tiny opening.

Have you ever heard the sound of a small piece of fabric ripping? That’s what this sounded like. Kelly was superstitious. These were the panties she had worn the day before the preliminary tournament and had done well. She had washed her panties quite a number of times to get the cum out and then every day for the last week while she was practicing. There had been a small hole in them before. Now the hole wasn’t small any longer.

“You are taking Damage!”

“No, Duh. Really?”

Kelly was a fanatic though. She knew that she was about to get fucked and all she could think about was how much of a distraction this would be. She refused to pause her game or reduce the difficulty. She NEEDED to prepare for the tournament. No distractions. Not even if the house was burning down.

She did squirm around a little. Just because she wasn’t going to spend all of her effort getting the dog off of her didn’t mean that she wanted to give up her hymen. She might need it to get a pre release on a game she wanted.

Lucky shoved forward and the tip of his angry red cock bumped her maidenhead. She didn’t know how much this was going to hurt. She had heard stories from some of the boys who hung out at Arena Zone. She didn’t know if any of them had ever seen a vagina though much less had a virgin. She didn’t know if she was going to be a bleeder. She hoped not.

The world went red with pain. Kelly’s eyes watered up. She was going to be a bleeder. Unlike many girls, Kelly had never played with her self. She wasn’t really a sexual being. Sex was simply something that people who had nothing better to do did with their time.

Kelly’s mind went on auto pilot. That meant that she still played her game, but that she wasn’t consciously aware of the world around her.

“Blood Bath!”

Kelly was in pain, but her tension was going away. She was playing better than she ever had in her life. She found that she had lost about fifteen minutes in wonderland, but that she was playing amazingly. The blood on the screen wasn’t hers and the action was getting her wet.

She didn’t know it, but Lucky had been unable to enter her all the way. Kelly was tight and her vagina had been steadily contracting around his cock. His knot built up but he was unable to lock the two of them together.

“Unholy action!”

Kelly orgasmed. Her body shook all over. She passed out on her controller. Her face had landed on the pause button.

When she woke up she was still impaled on Lucky. He was trying to pull out of her but his knot was tied up in her panties. Kelly eased her panties off and the pressure in her crotch lifted. She had just had her first orgasm and it was with the neighbor’s dog. She began to suspect the reason that few guys ever showed up at the neighbor’s house.


Chapter Seven – Special Accommodations

Lucky’s ears perked up. He heard Angela’s car coming home next door. He jumped through the window and made his way home. He was more interested in speed than stealth, but Angela didn’t hear him come home.

“My lucky panties!” was called after him, but he had no ears for such concerns.

Lucky arrived home and got inside before Angela could notice him missing. He ran to greet her at the door. “I love you too Lucky.”

Angela began stripping her clothes off. Lucky was usually interested in a bit of a fuck when he hadn’t seen her for a while. The other dogs simply ignored them at this point.

She noticed lucky with the panties on his cock. The color drained from her face. Lucky’s cock was piercing the crotch of a pair of tattered panties. There was blood on them. Lucky had hurt some poor woman.

Angela, half naked, leaned down and hugged Lucky. There could be consequences if he was tracked back here. He could be neutered. Angela could be charged with whatever Lucky had done. What she did to her dog could be discovered.

Lucky leaned over and licked Angela’s breasts. They were sensitive just now. They were more than sensitive, they were lactating. Lucky cleaned them up and Angela’s mind went away.


Kelly leaned over and sucked on the nipple that Lucky wasn’t licking. Angela was still holding a pair of panties that clearly weren’t her own.

“Click” A camera took a picture.

“I know I’m just your neighbor, but your dog just came into my house and fucked my brains out while I was practicing for the tournament.” She didn’t specify what tournament, to Kelly there was only the one and the rest of the world would need to get on board.

“You’re going to blackmail me aren’t you?” Angela asked.

“No, yes, sort of.” She composed herself “I need to win the tournament. First off I want my panties back. I wore them before the preliminary tournament and I broke some records. Second I am going to need him tomorrow morning to blow off some steam.” Kelly really loved that fuck. She knew she would want more later, but she didn’t have time for a boyfriend.

“What did you just say?”

Lucky began nipping at Angela’s panties. Kelly locked the door behind her and yanked her neighbor’s panties down. Lucky hopped up behind Angela and pushed her to the ground on top of Kelly.

The dog knew what to do. He mounted his master and shoved in. Kelly positioned herself underneath and placed her lips on Angela’s ponderous breasts. They had plumped up to a D with milk and were over full. It had become clear earlier that Angela’s breasts were a sensitive spot so a mouth on them was all that it really took to floor Angela. The dog worked on Angela’s back while Kelly worked the front.

Kelly’s bath robe fell open and the two women were skin to skin. Neither had tried a woman before. To be exact neither had tried a human before. Both were learning on each other’s body. Kelly’s own breasts were rubbing against Angela’s stomach. Her nipples were hard. Lucky’s balls were rubbing against Kelly’s stomach.

Lucky’s pace increased. Angela crawled backwards forcing Lucky back. The two women who had both lost their maidenheads to this dog locked lips. Angela was a good kisser. Kelly had never had occasion to learn what she was doing.

Lucky would be building his knot soon. Angela reached behind her and pulled the dog out before he could lock them together. The dog gave a brief growl, but Angela placed it at the entrance to the other girl.

Lucky wasn’t gentle this time. He hadn’t been last time, but by comparison he had been. Lucky rammed against Kelly’s crotch and pounded his knot into her. The two were locked together and human cum was being pumped into Kelly. Angela crawled out from between them and watched as her dog slammed himself into the girl next door.

“There are a few things we are going to get straight. I do need help giving attention to lucky apparently. You have my permission to be his bitch when I’m not around. Oh and you might think about going on some sort of contraception.”

“What did you just say?”

Angela took the camera and erased the pictures. She was tempted to keep them, but she didn’t want to run the risk. She was several months pregnant and couldn’t afford the risk. She had too much on her mind today to play around.

Results had come back from tests done on her system. The date of conception had been firmly nailed down as it were. It turned out that her deceased boyfriend’s pre-cum had been enough to get her pregnant. Either that or Lucky had impregnated her on their first fuck. She hadn’t had sex with his human balls until a few weeks later.

Kelly didn’t believe that Lucky could get her pregnant. She put the comment out of her mind and concentrated on her mad skills. She won the tournament so overwhelmingly that she won not only the top prise, but every award that could be won. Angela sponsored Kelly for the Nationals where she won as well. She earned more money still when she got the sponsorship of a womans empowerment group.

The End (?)