Jeffrey and Reagan have been looking for properties all over the county, without any luck finding what they want. Married just 3 years they want a big house to start a family. Jeffrey is an accountant and Reagan is a stay at home wife. Reagan is a cute little redhead. Having tried every other realtor, they tried the last Realtor in the county. Spector Real Estate owned by Melissa Spector.

Melissa tells them there is a house that may interest them. Laughing, she tells them “I have heard stories that this house is haunted.” Reagan says “tell me the story.” Melissa tells the story “there was a sailor and his wife living in the house. One day the wife comes home to find her husband cheating with a beautiful redhead woman. The wife kills the husband, the woman and the husband’s dog. It is said that the husband and his dog roam the grounds searching for the redhead woman.” Jeffrey laughing said “honey hope he doesn’t see you!” Jeffrey asked, “what were their names?”

Melissa replied “the husband was named Long Dong Pete and the dog was Butch.” “Never heard the wife’s name.” Reagan says “I like the looks of this house. Can we stay here a few days?” Melissa says “I’m sure you can. No one has shown any interest in this old house.” Jeffrey says “okay then, we will pack a bag and be back Friday morning to stay the weekend.” “Great plan, honey.” Said Reagan.

Friday arrives and Jeffrey and Reagan show up all excited. Reagan says “I’ve never stayed in a haunted house before.” Jeffrey says “that’s all made up, bull crap, just to keep people away.”

While Reagan cleans up a bedroom for them to stay in. Jeffrey gathers firewood for the fireplaces, there’s one in the grand room and in the bedroom. The first night dinner will be a pizza delivery. Power to the house is on and water is available so Saturday Reagan will be cooking. So far the haunted house seems very pleasant. It is huge, three stories and the architectural design is from the early 1800’s. Friday has been exhausting, so early to bed for Jeffrey and Reagan.

Just after midnight Reagan wakes to the sound of a voice calling “Butch”. She could clearly hear a voice saying “Come here Butch.” Over and over until just before sunrise. Reagan then falls back to sleep. Jeffrey jumps out the bed as the first ray of sunshine peeks over the horizon. Reagan screamed “let me sleep!” “Okay.” Said Jeffrey. Couple of hours later Reagan wakes up and goes down stairs. Jeffrey asks “what was wrong with you this morning?” Reagan said “all that noise didn’t keep you awake last night?” “I slept well, I didn’t hear a thing.” Said Jeffrey. “Your mind is just playing tricks on you. You know the power of suggestion.” Added Jeffrey. Jeffrey goes outside looking around and checking out the grounds. Reagan stays inside checking out the rest of the house. Without air conditioning in the house, Reagan dresses in a cool sundress to explore the house.

Long Dong Pete and his trusted companion Butch see the redhead vixen headed up the stairs. “Butch, what you say we give this vixen a little ghostly influence.” Butch barks his approval. As Reagan reaches the top floor, Long Dong Pete’s spirit encompasses her body. Using his skills Long Dong Pete tweets her nipples and massages her breast. Butch helps by slipping between Reagan’s legs and starts licking her pussy. Reagan thinks oh my gosh, I’ve never gotten so hot so suddenly. Reagan reaches in her top and squeezes her breast. As Butch licks Reagan’s pussy, her desire becomes overwhelming. One hand squeezing her breast, the other pushes her panties to the floor. Reagan is now fingering her clit. Reagan yells “I need a cock!” Long Dong Pete whispered in her ear “how about some ghostly dick?” Reagan yells “cock any cock!” Jeffrey, having walked up behind Reagan, says “well you want it right here?” Reagan says “hell yes!”

Jeffrey’s cock is hard and ready, already turned on by seeing Reagan masturbating or so he thought. Long Dong Pete says “Darn it, fouled by a human.” “Let’s go Butch, we will nail this vixen later!” Butch replied “Woof”. “Butch mark my words, that reaheaded vixen will feel this ghostly cock, soon!” Said Long Dong Pete. Jeffrey pushes his cock balls deep in Reagan’s pussy, causing her to moan. Jeffrey is riding high on the ego train, making his woman moan so quickly. Long Dong Pete says “Butch I have a plan to get that human out the way.”

Reagan tells Jeffrey “squeeze my tits, hard!” Jeffrey does as he is told. Jeffrey is slamming into Reagan’s pussy so hard, his balls are slapping her ass. Reagan yells “I’m cumming, I’m cumming!” Jeffrey needed no encouragement. His ball sack tightened, his balls swelled and his seed filled Reagan’s wet pussy. Long Dong Pete tells Butch “that was okay, you just wait until this ghostly cock fills her red haired hole!” “Jeffrey, you know for a quickie that was damn good.” Said Reagan Reagan pulls up her panties to catch all of Jeffrey’s cum dripping from her pussy. Jeffrey says “well back to exploring.” As he pulls his pants back on. Jeffrey walks the grounds for a while. Then heads back to the house. Kind of exhausted after screwing Reagan, Jeffrey takes a shortcut through the cellar. Long Dong Pete and Butch see Jeffrey enter the cellar. “Butch this is our opportunity, the door to the main floor is blocked, we will block the exit.” Said Long Dong Pete.

Long Dong Pete jammed a stick in the cellar doors. Butch barks as he and Long Dong Pete enter the house.

“Butch we must be careful, it’s almost dark and we glow as our spirts remain in this realm.” Warned Long Dong Pete.

The two ghosts floated to the bedroom, hanging there waiting on the redhead vixen. Reagan prepares for bed, wondering where Jeffrey has gone. Jeffrey, stuck in the cellar, has banged on the door for hours without Reagan answering. Reagan slips into bed, thinking she would nap while waiting on Jeffrey. Long Dong Pete and Butch make their move. “Okay vixen now it’s our turn.” Said Long Dong Pete. As Reagan lays under the covers, Long Dong Pete slips into bed with Reagan. Butch waits for his opportunity. Long Dong Pete’s ghostly spirit encompasses Reagan, again tweaking her nipples and squeezing her breast. Reagan notices the covers rising above her body and the sensation of hands squeezing her breast. Reagan’s desire starts building. Long Dong Pete using all his spiritual ability to stimulate Reagan, he is now kissing on her neck, and nibbles her ear lobes. Reagan responded as any woman would, nipples hard as rocks and pussy getting hot and wet. Reagan pushes a hand into her panties, slipping a finger between her pussy lips. Long Dong Pete’s ghostly cock has gotten hard. His excitement has his cock ready to penetrate the vixen’s pussy. Reagan can feel the fullness in her pussy as Long Dong Pete pushes his ghostly cock into her pussy. Butch is prancing around ready to knot one of Reagan’s holes. Reagan lays back enjoying the ghostly attention. Long Dong Pete slamming his cock into her pussy. Butch jumps onto her head and starts humping her mouth. Now Reagan can’t move, the ghostly cocks have her pinned down. She can feel Butch humping her mouth. The ghosts are starting to glow as their time in this realm extends. The covers float away, Reagan feels a rush of air. Looking up she can see the glowing spirits. A dog humping her mouth and a man screwing her pussy. She thinks they are real, ghosts are fucking me. Long Dong Pete whispers in Reagan’s ear “you like this ghostly cock? Reagan thought “I can hear you and see you, yes I like both cocks”. Long Dong Pete pushes off Butch then rolls Reagan on top of him. Butch hops on her back and pushes his cock in her asshole. Reagan thinks I’m loving these two ghostly cocks. Long Dong Pete driving his ghostly cock balls deep, while Butch jumps his ghostly dog cock knot deep. Reagan’s first DP experience is with two ghosts. Ghosts or not, Reagan is totally filled. As one cock pushes in the other pulls out. This sensation has Reagan creaming all over Long Dong Pete’s ghostly cock. Butch pushes hard trying to knot Reagan’s asshole. Reagan screamed as Butch’s knot gaped her asshole. Locked into Reagan, Butch starts filling her ass with stream after stream of ghostly dog cum. Butch jumps down after his knot released Reagan’s ass. Long Dong Pete keeps pushing his cock balls deep into her pussy. Reagan sits on Long Dong Pete’s cock, bouncing up and down, his balls slapping her ass. Reagan has several orgasms while bouncing that ghostly cock, Long Dong Pete says “I’m going to fuck your mouth now.” His ghostly figure disappears from under Reagan and reappears standing in front of her, pushing his cock into her mouth. Butch takes this opportunity and humps his hard dog cock into her wet pussy. Long Dong Pete holds Reagan by the hair while his cock fills her throat with his ghostly cum. Butch pushes his knot inside her pussy. Reagan is receiving ghostly cum in her pussy and her throat.

Long Dong Pete says “after you swallow, tell me aren’t we better than your man?”

Reagan swallowed and said “that was the best sex I’ve ever had.” Long Dong Pete says “stay here and we will fuck you constantly.” Reagan asks “where is Jeffrey?” “You will find him in the cellar.” Said Long Dong Pete. Butch barks and Long Dong Pete said “we must go for now. However, we will return for more pussy!” Reagan cleans up and heads to the cellar. She finds the doors jammed with a big stick. Jeffrey says “thank gosh you found me. What took so long? Reagan replied “I’m sorry I was busy!!!”

“Jeffrey, I think we should buy this property.” Said Reagan. “Are you sure?” Asked Jeffrey. “I’m absolutely sure, absolutely!” Said Reagan.