(c) by texdom

Ever been to China Grove, Alabama? No, don’t feel bad. To get there, you have to be going there. So that you know, it is between Montgomery and Troy and West of Union Springs. Not much there except about five houses, an old general store which is a museum of sorts, only open on certain days of the year like the 4th of July. Well, as I said, most folks don’t know where it is. I didn’t either, but I inherited a section of land just outside with a large pond.

Lisa and I went and looked at the area and immediately fell in love with it. We decided to return to Texas, sell everything and move out to China Grove. We first stopped in Montgomery and went through a few mobile homes, finding one we thought would be perfect for the new life we were about to embark upon. We worked with the dealer, and he visited the land with us, and we agreed on the best place to put the home, put the septic tank, and dig the well. We left that all for him to take care of, and off we went back to Texas to start packing, selling, and moving.

We pulled up to our new home, unloaded the truck, and settled into a new routine of living a life of luxury away from the hustle and bustle of anything. You see, besides the land, I also inherited a bunch of money, so much so that neither Lisa nor I had to work. So we started our life by cleaning the place up and making it our home. We cleared some trees around the pond, established a lovely grassy meadow, and built a pier from which we could swim and fish. Lisa and I used a pair of four-wheelers to get around the land and have brought to where we wear our swimwear while we are on them unless we plan on doing something that might get us scratched up.

Mine is just a pair of trunks, but Lisa’s is a bikini that seems to cover the essentials. Two small pieces of cloth over her nipples tie behind her back and neck, and just a couple of strips cover her pussy and ass with a string that ties over each hip. We always wear footwear, tennis shoes or boots, depending on what we have going on that day.

Lisa wore her bikini and cowboy boots on this particular day, looking sexy. I guess at this point. I should give you an idea of what Lisa looks like. Well, her body is about what Demi Moore looked like when she starred in the show Stripper (go ahead and Google it now, you know you want to get the image in your head) but much more tan since we moved to the place. Her hair is about shoulder length and blonde, and her eyes are the brightest blue I have ever seen. When she is naked, she has four triangles of skin that are not tan, both her tits, pussy, and ass which is sexy as hell. Anyway, this day we went to the meadow and did some swimming, and we were lying on a blanket catching some rays, and I got Lisa to agree to slight nude tanning.

So there we were, both of us naked on the blanket, and I noticed our dog Bama come around and sniff around Lisa. Bama is a male blue-tick hound that had adopted us almost from the day we had moved into our house here in China Grove. As Bama put his nose to Lisa’s pussy she jumped up and started pushing him away. I laughed but told her to let him have some fun, that she might enjoy it too. She looked at me like I had lost my mind and then told the dog to lay down, which he did, and she rolled over on her stomach to get some sun on her back and ass. That lasted about thirty minutes, and he got up and ran around a bit, then came back to Lisa, licked her ass cheek a couple of times, and right up her crack.

She tensed and hissed while trying to suck all the air out of the meadow, but she didn’t pull away. Just about four licks later, Lisa parted her legs, and Bama extended his licks down into her pussy and then up her ass. She reached back, pulled her tight buns apart, and slightly raised her hips. I knew Lisa loved it when I rimmed her ass, so I figured she thought the dog tongue had to be just as good if not better than mine. Bama went at her asshole with enthusiasm. He looked like he was enjoying it as much as I ever did. Lisa began to rub her clit with one hand while the other kept one cheek held wide. In no time, she came hard, falling flat on the blanket.

I grabbed her shoulder and pulled her onto her back. I then leaned in and kissed her, alternating between telling her beautiful she was and how much I loved her. While doing this, I am rubbing her thigh and pussy, slowly pulling her leg up and opening it over my leg. That being done, I get Bama’s attention, and he comes and gets between her legs. As he does, I kiss her hard on the lips as I feel her start to move her legs together. I hold on tight so she can’t close them.

I know Bama has started licking her. As she relaxes and lets it happen, I break our kiss, look down and watch Bama pleasure my wife with his tongue. All the while, Bama is licking her. She is watching me. I am taking turns watching him and then watching her face. I look into her eyes, and I rub her hair. As her orgasm strikes, she grabs my arm, raises her hips, and cums all over Bama’s snout.

When her climax subsided, she closed her legs and pulled them up, covering herself with her legs and feet. I had Bama lay down and tell Lisa how much I loved her and what she had just done. I crawled over on top of Lisa, inserted my stiff cock inside her pussy, and pounded her hard until we came together. After catching our breath, we jump in the pond for a quick swim, get out, get dressed, and head back to the house.


Everything was normal for a few days, with nothing happening between Lisa and Bama. We worked around the property. You know it seems when you own land, the work is never done. Then after the fourth day of everyday life, Lisa came up to me and said, “I want to do it again.”

“What?” I asked.

“Let Bama lick me.”

“Is that all you want him to do?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, I thought after I eat your pussy, I’d like to fuck. I thought he may as well too.”

Lisa looked at me with an awful scowl on her face. “Are you serious?”

“Sure. Why not?”

“Can that even happen?”

“Yes. I have read stories, seen pictures and even videos of it.”

“I don’t believe you. Show me.”

So, I got online, found some websites, and showed her. She moaned as she looked at the pictures and videos. She then forced me out of the chair and took control of the computer. I took the time to get us a drink, and when I got back, she was naked frigging herself with one hand while the other was on the mouse. After she came while watching a video, she took her drink, looked up at me, blushing, and with a huge smile said, “I’ll do it.”

“REALLY?” I asked


Lisa downed her drink and asked, “How do we do this?”

I told her to get an old quilt and meet me in the living room. I then moved the coffee table to open up in the middle of the room. Lisa came in with a quilt I took from her and placed it on the floor. I told her to lay down on it, went to the door, and called Bama. “We will start by letting him lick you again like he did the other day, then we will see how excited he gets. We will take it from there and, most importantly, take it slowly.”

Bama came up on the porch, and I let him in. He first went to his water dish and then to Lisa, on her back with her knees bent, her legs up and opened. He licked her face a little. As he was doing this, I went in and got the jar of peanut butter from the cabinet and smeared a little on each of Lisa’s nipples. Bama went at them with enthusiasm. When he had them both licked clean, I again rubbed more on Lisa’s nipples, and man, were they standing up tall.

After a bit of this, I rubbed a line of the peanut butter down her stomach and ended it on her clit. Bama worked his way down, and as soon as he touched her clit with his tongue, she went off like a rocket. Bama stood there and licked Lisa for several minutes, bringing her off several times.

I stroked her hair lovingly. “You’re beautiful, you know?”

I didn’t get an answer, but I knew she heard me as she looked into my face. “I’m so horny watching you two. Him licking you, and you cumming on his tongue. His dog dick is sticking out now,” I said, and she climaxed again.

“Do you want to see if he will fuck you?” To which she nods her head yes and climaxes again. I have never seen her cum so much.

“OK, I am going to pull him off, and then I want you to get in the doggy position, but spread your knees wider than normal because you have to get that hot little pussy down on his level. She nods again. “I’m going to put him up on your back and help him get that big doggy dick into your wet and waiting pussy.”

She cums again. I stand up and take Bama by the collar.

“Move now,” I tell her as I pull Bama back. Lisa got on her knees, crossed her arms, and placed her head on them. “Spread a little further, now push your ass up.” Lisa does as she is told. I then pick up Bama and put him on Lisa’s back. He starts to hump, and I squat down, grab his dick, and slide it into her pussy as he thrust up.

Lisa squealed and sucked in her breath on the first thrust. As the following thrust jackhammered into her, she started moving her hips to try and match Bama. He was moving just too fast for her to match.

“Fuck me,” she chanted over and over.

“Oh baby, you look so good being fucked by Bama,” I told her. “I want you to take his knot, and I will help you do that this time.”

“Yes. The knot. Oh fuck,” she moaned.

“Keep still for a few minutes, his knot is growing, and I’m going to try to help you take it.”

She got still, and I laid beside her with my head on her hip. I reached under her and pulled her pussy lips apart as best I could. I watched as Bama pushed his knot closer and closer. Soon it was rubbing my fingers and her cunt lips, and then he slowed down and thrust his hips harder. Soon the knot started pushing past my fingers and into her pussy.

Lisa howled like a dog as his knot sunk into her. It is a good thing we live out in the country. If she had done that in the town we had moved from, the neighbors would have heard and called the cops.

Bama stopped his thrusting and stood still.

“Oh, he is filling me up. He’s cumming inside me. Oh, fuck!”

I watched as Bama filled her with his doggy cum. I then took his collar and held him in place so he would not hurt Lisa. As he moved his hips, trying to back off her, she would squeeze her pussy muscles and climax again as his knot touched that magic place she calls her G spot.

Finally, his knot went down, and he popped out, and his and her cum gushed out of her like someone had opened a faucet. I released his collar, and he went to the corner and started licking himself. Lisa, just kind of melted where she was. She didn’t seem to mind that she had laid down in their cum mixture on the blanket. I grabbed her hips and forced her back into the doggy position. I pulled her around a little, so the wet part of the blanket was to her side. I then moved in and, in one shove, buried my cock in her used and abused pussy. Lisa moaned and started working her hips up and down as I fucked her. After a few minutes, I buried myself and came deep inside my loving wife, adding my cum to Bama’s.

I then laid her down and spooned with her as she recovered.

After a few minutes, she rolled over and kissed me. “Thank you. That was wonderful, and I wouldn’t have done it without you.”

I picked her up, took her to the shower, where we showered together, and then went to bed.


Lisa woke before the sun rose and started kissing me and rubbing me until I awoke. As I awoke, I returned her kisses with love and passion. She broke her kiss and said, “I need to talk to you.”

“You know you can talk about anything, so tell me what’s on your mind.”

“I need to know that what I did is not wrong and won’t make any difference in how we feel about each other.” She said and then buried her head in my shoulder.

“Lisa, what we did, not you, may be considered wrong by several people, but you know what, if you and I don’t think it is wrong, then that is what matters. As far as making a difference in how we feel about each other, I have to tell you it has already changed how I feel about you.” With that, Lisa pulled back, and I could see the tears start to form, so I quickly explained, “Lisa, it has made me love you even more.”

Lisa wiped her tears and said, “I am so glad to hear you don’t think I am a freak or something and that you love me even more. It makes it better.” We then kissed several more times, and I moved over to her, and we made love until the sun came up.

After we made love, we lay in the bed holding each other. I told Lisa, “I love watching you give yourself to your passion when you fuck Bama. I want you to know that if you want to do it every day, I don’t care. I will watch, help, or whatever. I just want you to promise that you will never leave me out or refuse me when I need to be taken care of.”

She hugged me tightly and said, “I promise I will never leave you wanting for anything, sexually or otherwise. And I want to thank you for being so understanding and letting me explore my sexuality. I will do anything for you because I know you will not ask me to do anything to hurt myself or our relationship.”

“What do you like about it? I know several things get you off, but tell me what you like.”

“Well.” she started, “Let’s see. First, the thought of doing it with an animal. I guess you know doing it with another species is mind-blowing. The way his dick changes when he fucks me. It starts somewhat normal size. Then after just a few thrusts, it swells as I have never felt before. And speaking of the thrust, have you seen how he pounds me? My God, it’s like a jackhammer pounding my pussy. Then there’s the knot. Um. I love how the knot gets inside me, swells, and ties us together. I guess. Finally, there’s all that hot cum he pumps into me. I don’t know if it’s hotter than yours because his cock is hotter, and maybe that’s because of the sheath. I don’t know. I guess I love everything about it.”

As she told me this, I stroked her hair and gazed into her eyes. I was amazed at the look in her eyes as she told me. They seemed to sparkle a little more as she explained all this to me. I knew, and I hope she did, how much I loved her, how much I wanted her, how much she meant to me. I leaned in and kissed her.

With that, I got out of bed, went and took care of things in the bathroom, and started the coffee brewing. When I went back into the bedroom, Lisa was on the quilt on the floor, and Bama was between her legs, licking her to orgasm. She looked at me and said, “You told me anytime I wanted to.”

Then she laid back and let Bama please her with his tongue. I smiled, shook my head, and told her I would make breakfast. I then turned and went back into the kitchen and started to work on a breakfast of bacon and eggs, potatoes and biscuits.

About halfway through, I heard Lisa shout, “Oh shit!”

I ran into the bedroom to see what was wrong. I found she was up on her hands and knees, and Bama had mounted her, and without me there, he had turned, and now they were butt to butt with his knot still in her. I asked was she OK, and she told me she was just surprised by Bama turning on her and how different it felt. I watched her for a few minutes as she rocked back and forth on his cock and knot, bringing herself to climax.

I went back to the kitchen and finished breakfast. About the time I was putting the food on the table, Bama came in, got a drink of water, and then went to the door to be let out. I let him out and turned just in time to see my beautiful wife come into the kitchen with one of my button-up shirts on but unbuttoned. I don’t know how they do it, but guys, don’t you think women just look damn sexy in one of our shirts and nothing else, those legs coming out from under the shirt’s tail? She sat down in a chair, grabbed a glass of juice, downed it, and stuck it out for me to take a refill.

“Wow, what a way to start the day. Making love to my husband and then getting a powerful fucking from my new lover. I could get used to this,” Lisa said.

Just then, my phone rang. It was Danny, an old Air Force buddy who was going to be in the area and wanted to come to visit. I told him to let me talk it over with Lisa and call him back in just a few minutes to ensure we weren’t doing anything. We talked it over, and I called him back and told him to come on and hung up the phone after telling him how to get close to the house, and then he could call, and I would come to get him. I then told Lisa he would be there in a week and she better get her fill of Bama for a while because she would have to be nice for a week while he visited. Since Lisa and I had not been married when I was in the military, she and Danny had not met, but I knew they would like each other.

For the next couple of days, Lisa fucking Bama became almost commonplace. Sometimes he would start the sex, and sometimes it would be Lisa. Sometimes I would be present, and sometimes I would walk in with them tied together at the end of a session, and I am sure there were times I would not know they had mated at all.

Lisa had made some tea and was waiting for us on the porch when we arrived. I got out of my car, and Danny got out of his. We did the Bro hug thing, slapped each other on the back, and told each other how great it was to see the other. I put my hand on his back and turned him towards the porch.

“Come and meet the wife,” I told him as we turned.

I felt him pause and heard him say, “Oh fuck!”

We stopped, and I asked, “Is something wrong?”

“No, dude, but how did you marry a goddess like that? As phugly as you are. She is fine as hell.”

I knew that meant he was taken with her. I grinned and said, ” Come on, and remember who she is married to. We went up the steps, made introductions, sat, and drank tea. After a bit, Lisa went to make supper, and Danny and I took the time to catch up. After supper (that’s what we call dinner or the evening meal here in the South), Danny was pretty tired, and we all turned in.

The next day, we hung out, Lisa and Danny got along well, and I noticed each stealing glances at the other when they thought nobody would catch them. I suggested we go swimming down at the pond, and after we all changed into our trunks, we headed to the pond. We swam for a while, then lay around on a blanket, and it was then that I thought, what the fuck! We’re all friends, and if friends couldn’t share, what was the point of being friends?

I leaned over to Lisa and asked, “Did you mean what you said about doing what I asked?”

She said, “Yes, but why are you asking me?”

I smiled knowingly, kissed her, and said, “Watch.” Then I moved my hand behind her neck, untied her bikini top, and pulled it off her breasts. Her eyes went wide, and I said, “It’s OK. We all want this.”

To which she nodded her head. I leaned in, kissed her nipple, and moved my hand down to untie the sides of her bottoms. I turned and looked at Danny, who was watching us. “Come and help me,” I said to him as I lowered the front of her bikini bottom, exposing all of Lisa to my friend.

He came over, and I said, “See if you have any magic in your tongue, and I’ll suck her tits.”

Danny smiled, looked at Lisa, and then started kissing her stomach and hip as he moved between her legs and then started moving down until his mouth made contact with her pussy. After Lisa came on his tongue, I pulled off her tits and told Danny, “Come on up, she’s ready for you.”

He then moved up and pushed his cock into my wife. Since we married, this was the first time she had been fucked by someone other than me (and Bama).

For about an hour, we double-teamed my poor wife. After their initial fuck, when I was fucking her, she had Danny’s cock in her mouth and mine if Danny was pounding her. Each of us sent a load of cum down her throat and two in her pussy. Then she was just too tired to continue. We went back to the house, just carrying our swim gear.

As we walked back, Bama came up, put his nose in Lisa’s ass, and gave her a lick. She swatted him off and tried to make a joke about it for Danny’s sake. After a couple more times with Bama trying to get at Lisa’s used pussy, I decided what the hell? We had gone this far, and I knew there was to be more fucking going on tonight. So I told Danny, “Don’t let her kid you. That dog likes her pussy as much as I do.”

Danny did a double-take, asking, “What?”

Lisa gasped, turned pale, and blushed. “Shut up,” she said, hitting my arm.

I laughed. “Hell, you’ve seen how much Lisa likes cock. Well, it ain’t just my cock she enjoys here,” I said to Danny.

“Stop it,” Lisa said again.

Danny, intrigued, asked, “You mean?”

“Yep, she has learned to like Bama’s dick as much as mine.”

Lisa stormed into the house, angry I had shared our secret with Danny. “I don’t believe you,” Danny said, watching Lisa leave.

“Well, we’ll show you.”


We all rested, drank a few beers, had our showers, and lit the grill. Thankfully, Lisa cooled down about me telling Danny about her bestiality fetish. Some chicken and burgers on to cook while Danny asked Lisa and me about how she first had sex with Bama, how it continued, and the feelings that went with it. He wanted all the details, from how Lisa felt when she thought about a dog fucking her to how much sperm he dumped into her. He said, “I’ve heard of women letting dogs fuck them, but I’ve never seen it. Not even online.”

“It’s more common than you think,” I said.

“I have two more questions,” Danny said. “Do you give him head and swallow his cum, and secondly, do you consider yourself his bitch?”

“I haven’t sucked him off yet,” Lisa said and looked at me. “But I have thought about it, and I think I want to try it. For the second question. I am not Bama’s bitch. Larry and I are still in control, and if I don’t want to fuck Bama, I don’t.”

Danny took her responses in and mulled them over. He then looked at me, Lisa, and said, “I would love it if I could see the two of you fuck, and also if you would give him a blowjob.”

Lisa smiled at Danny, saying, “Since you asked so nicely, I’ll be happy to do that for you after we eat and let our food settle a bit.”

Danny was in heaven!

We had a good meal of burgers and chicken, with the trimmings. Then we sat around and visited some and drank a little more. Just as it was dusk, Lisa came over to me and kissed me, then whispered in my ear to give her five minutes and she would be ready to give Danny what he wanted. Then she collected our discarded dishes and walked into the house.

Danny and I had another beer, and I told him he was getting close to seeing what he wanted earlier. After finishing the beers, we got up and went into the house. Lisa was nowhere in sight, but hers and Bama’s blanket were on the floor. I got us a couple of beers, and Lisa heard me and shouted out she would be right out. Danny and I sat in the chairs around the blanket, and just a couple of minutes later, Lisa and Bama came out of the bedroom. She grabbed Danny’s beer, took a drink from it, and leaned in and kissed him. She then got up and smiled at me as she walked to the middle of the blanket.

She took off the robe she had been wearing and was naked under it. She called Bama over to the blanket before sitting on it. Bama came over and started licking Lisa as he played with him a bit, then she rolled him over and started playing with his cock, which came out of his sheath rather quickly. Bama was lying close to Danny’s and my legs, and Lisa was on the other side of him. We could see him, and Lisa was facing us so we could see her. Lisa took hold of Bama’s cock and jacked it a few times, and it was leaking precum so much it almost looked like he was peeing. Looking up and me and then Danny, where she kept her eyes, she lowered her head until her lips touched the tip of Bama’s cock. She then opened her mouth slightly and took it to her lips.

“Holy fuck!” Danny exclaimed. “That’s fucking hot.”

Lisa started bobbing her head up and down on the shaft, taking more of him with each bob. After a minute or two, Lisa sat up and opened her mouth, letting the precum she had captured in her mouth run out, down her chin, to her tits, where she rubbed it in. During this entire time, she never stopped looking at Danny.

“Do you like it?” She asked.

“Oh fuck yes,” Danny replied.

“Good,” Lisa said as he took Bama back into her lips.

She sucked him a few more minutes and then stood up and walked over to Danny. She leaned in and kissed him hard. At first, I thought it was just a kiss, but soon figured out she was letting some of the fluid in her mouth run into Dannys.

“What the fuck?” Danny asked as he broke the kiss.

“I just thought I would share.”

Danny grabbed his beer and finished it to wash the juice Lisa had shared with him. Lisa then returned to the middle of the blanket and got down on all fours with her ass and cunt aimed between mine and Danny’s chairs to get a good look. Bama knew what Lisa in this position on the blanket meant and was behind her licking her pussy in a flash. After just a few licks, Lisa was so worked up she wanted his cock inside her, so she slapped her ass and said, “Up.”
Bama understood this as ‘Pussy Time.’ He climbed on top of her, and Lisa used one hand to guide him. After about three pushes, Bama rammed it home, filling Lisa’s pussy.

“Let’s get down here, where we can see,” I told Danny, and we both moved to the blanket.

We were behind them and could see Bama’s cock going in and out along with the knot forming. The knot when in and out for a bit, then it swelled so Bama could not get it back in easily. He stopped, positioned his legs, and thrust the knot into Lisa. She squealed as it went in, and then Bama slammed again, this time without pulling out, which caused the knot to go deeper again. Lisa then yelled out that he was cumming, and she went into a mind-blowing climax. As Bama filled her pussy with his dog cum, she told us about it. “Oh God, his cock is so hot. I can feel him getting bigger. He has so much cum that is filling me up.”

And on and on she went. I don’t know if it was from Bama or if Danny was there watching that caused her orgasm to be so big. “OK, Danny, if you don’t know what’s happening, he’s lodged his knot in there to keep his sperm from coming out. This way, it ensures he gets his bitch pregnant. He and Lisa will be tied together for between ten and twenty minutes. If you watch her, every time he moves, she’ll cum. It could be a big one, or it could just be a tremble. It all depends on where his cock is touching and how sensitive she’s become.”

We watched as Lisa had no less than five orgasms before she and Bama separated from one another. As soon as they parted, Lisa sat up slightly, looked over her shoulder at us, and told Danny to watch her pussy. We both looked down between her legs, and she pushed the combined juices out of her pussy.

“Oh wow!” Danny kept repeating as he sat mesmerized by what Lisa was doing.
During the rest of Danny’s visit, it was one big fuck Fest, with Lisa getting all the cock she could handle from all three of her lovers. Then our life got back to normal. Well, sort of.


My friend Danny had visited earlier in the year, springtime to be more specific, than about the middle of June. We got a call from Lisa’s aunt Cindy. Cindy is the older sister of Lisa’s dad, whom I had met a few times when her daughter, Meagan, was playing soccer in the area, and we went to watch and then have a family dinner. The call from Cindy was to tell us that nineteen-year-old Meagan had received a soccer scholarship to Troy University down in Troy, and they would be coming out the first part of July for orientation. We told them to plan on staying with us, and we would drive them down to Troy and around where they needed or wanted to go during the trip. We also told them to plan on staying a few days extra so we could visit.

The day arrived. Cindy and Meagan pulled up to the house and got out of the car. We went out and met them on the porch. Cindy is almost identical to Lisa in build; her hair is cut shorter, but she is still a stunner. She was wearing jeans and a t-shirt appropriate for her age and shape. Meagan is a younger version of these ladies, but with even more tone. OK, let me just say she has the tightest body I have ever seen on a girl. She has a bit smaller breast than her mom or cousin, either a small C or a large B cup that I swear if you slapped them, they would just stand there firm and proud.

She was wearing a pair of short shorts (and I am glad these are still in style) that showed her muscular legs and a tight t-shirt with a bra under it, but with a low enough neck, she displayed plenty of cleavages. As I watched Lisa run down the steps and grab both travelers at the front of their car in a hug, my thoughts were not pure about what I could do with all three beauties.

I walked up and first hugged Cindy and then Meagan. “Let me get your bags and yawl. Go on in and relax,” I told Cindy.

She popped the trunk, and they headed to the house as I grabbed their two suitcases. As we settled with a glass of iced tea in the living room, I asked, “How was your trip?”

Cindy replied, “It was pretty uneventful. Stopped a few times and stretched our legs out and back on the road. We spent the night in ‘Tyler,’ got up, and drove here.”

Meagan started laughing, and Cindy told her, “Hush, girl.”

This caused Meagan to laugh harder. Lisa asked, “OK, what’s so funny? This has got to be good.”

Meagan told us, “When Mama checked into the hotel last night, the clerk, who we think was from India, tried to pick her up. He told her he got off in three hours, and we could go party with him and his friend if we wanted to.”

Cindy blushed, and we laughed at Cindy’s embarrassment. We went on to talk about their schedule for the next couple of days and what they were interested in seeing and doing while there. Then I grilled some burgers we ate and called it an early night. I must say that although Bama did try and sniff Cindy’s and Meagan’s crotches when he was pushed away, he stayed that way. The following day I got up, put on the coffee, and then got my shower. After I got out of the shower, I got Lisa up and told her she needed to start moving around and getting the other girls up.

As I sat at the kitchen table drinking my coffee, I was treated to the incredible sight of each of the women moving around the kitchen, living room, and hallway in their T-shirts and panties, which none seemed out of place doing with me around. Once everyone had showered and had at least one cup of coffee and a pastry, we got in our car and headed into town. We dropped the girls off at the Student Union on campus and told them we would be back at the same place at about six to pick them up for supper and then head back to our place.

Lisa and I ran a few errands and then headed back home. After we put everything away, Lisa came up behind me, put her head on my back, reached both hands around me, and put them on my chest. “Feel like getting lucky?” She asked.

“You know me. I’m always up for getting lucky.”

I turned around put both hands on Lisa’s ass as she wrapped her arms around my neck and I picked her up, and she wrapped her legs around my hips. I carried her to the bedroom and pushed the door closed so that Bama would not expect that he was going to get a shot of her before I did. I stopped at the end of the bed, and Lisa put her legs down, grabbed my shirt, and pulled it off me. I was kicking my shoes off, and Lisa dropped down, unbuttoned my shorts, and started pulling them down with my underwear.

She was still working my shorts down when she put her mouth around my cock and started sucking. Soon my shorts were forgotten, and she concentrated on my cock. I kicked my shorts down and stepped out of them. I then grabbed Lisa, pulled her up, took her shirt off, and then dropped to my knees as she started pulling her bra off. I worked her shorts and panties off her hips and down her legs, then pushed her back onto the bed and started eating her out to a mind-blowing orgasm.

After Lisa came on my tongue, I turned her so she was on her stomach, her ass hanging right at the edge of the bed. Then I took my thumbs, placed them on her ass cheeks, and pulled them apart so I could look at her little puckered asshole. I flattened my tongue and ran it from her pussy, across her taint, then up the crack of her ass. I then pulled my head back and blew lightly at her puckered hole until I saw the goosebumps forming on her ass cheeks.

I stretched her a little further, stuck my tongue out until it wouldn’t go any further, making it as hard as I could then jammed it as deep as possible into her asshole. Lisa squealed and squirmed on my tongue as I tried to get more inside her. As she was doing this, I reached my hands under her and started rubbing her clit. It only took seconds for her to cum again. I got up, grabbed the lube from the nightstand, and put a gob on her ass, working one, two, and three fingers into her.

“Fuck my ass,” Lisa kept repeating as I worked my fingers into her to loosen her up.

Then I smeared some lube on my cock and lined it up with her. As I started pushing my cock into her ass, Lisa worked her hand down her pussy and started rubbing her clit again. She had two orgasms before I pulled her tight and filled her ass with cum. I then rolled so that I could lay on the bed, pulling Lisa with me, so we were spooning with my cock still buried in her ass.

“Wow, that was intense,” Lisa said and sighed.

“Yes, it was,” I replied while trying to catch my breath.

“I think Cindy and Meagan being here has sparked something inside us.”

“Well, I don’t think it hurt any.”

After a few minutes of silence, I said, “You know, you might not get another chance with Bama these next few days, so if you want him, you better get him now.”

“Oh, you’re just an old perv who likes watching his wife fuck the dog. You just try to make it sound like you care about me,” she said with a big grin. “Go grab our blanket, please.”

I pulled out of her ass, and as I got up to get her blanket, she got up and went to the bathroom. I came back with her blanket, and Bama followed right behind. He knew what was up. I spread the blanket as Lisa came out of the bathroom. She went to the blanket and lay down on her back with her legs. Bama got between her legs and started licking. Lisa pushed around the blanket until her head was near Bama’s back legs.

She looked at me and asked, “Do you mind?”

I had not seen her give Bama head since Danny was there that time. I softly said, “Not at all.”

She smiled and then ducked under Bama. She took his cock in her hand and guided it to her lips. She rubbed the top over her lips, allowing precum to moisten them, then past her lips and sucked him in deep. When he got excited and humped a couple of times, causing his cock to go down her throat and her to gag, she let go and rolled away from him and onto her hands and knees. He was on her, ready to mount without either of us telling him what to do. He thrust a couple of times, and then on the third stroke, he buried himself deep. Lisa fell to her chest, her ass still high in the air, and let him do what came naturally. As Lisa was getting fucked and moaning and saying how good it was. I asked her, “Since Meagan is moving down here, are you thinking about Bama fucking her too?”

“Oh, yes, I am. Oh God, I want to watch him fuck her. I want to watch you fuck her, and I want to fuck her too.”

Oh man, I had never expected anything but maybe her introducing Meagan to canine sex. Had I thought of what it might feel like to tap that sweet hard body, you bet. Was I thinking of tapping that sweet hard body when I was buried deep in my wife’s asshole, pumping her full of cum, you bet. Had I thought about Lisa and Meagan together, never! However, I must say I was interested to learn more.

Soon Bama had pumped Lisa full of cum, and they were tied together. I moved so I could run my fingers through Lisa’s hair while I whispered how much I love her, how good she looks, and how proud I am of her as a wife, a lover, and a friend. I think she enjoys this almost as much as the dog fucking she gets, but maybe not. After Bama shrunk in size and could pull free, Lisa rolled onto her back and lay, catching her breath. I kissed her then backed off, and when our eyes met, I asked, “Explain what you mean about me, Bama, and YOU fucking Meagan?”

“What? What are you talking about?”

“When I asked if you were thinking about Bama fuck Lisa, you said you were. But also about me fucking her, and then about YOU fucking her.”

Lisa turned red all over, I mean all over. She then stuttered a bit. I kissed her and said, Slow down and tell me.”

“It’s just. Her body is so damn hard and sexy. She’s so sexual and doesn’t even know it. I just find myself wanting to do to her the things you to do to me,” she said, blushing the whole time.

“She’s a fine piece of ass, that’s true.”

Lisa reached over and poked me hard. “Hey, mister, you don’t get ‘that ass’ unless I say you do. Is that understood?”

“Yes, ma’am,” I said and saluted jokingly. Then after a moment’s thought, I said, “How are we going to get her to fuck Bama? I think she might be open to taking you and maybe me on, but I don’t know about him.”

Lisa shrugged. “We start here with us in a threesome. Then I let her catch Bama and me together without you. That should work. If she shows any interest, I can help her get started. Just our secret. After she’s hooked on fucking Bama, you catch her fucking him. That gives you an opening to join in.”

Hearing Lisa’s devious plan made me hard again. I pulled Lisa over, so she was straddling me while I was on my back, and she sank on my shaft while Bama’s cum ran out of her pussy and down my shaft, over my balls ton puddle on their blanket. We then got cleaned up and headed back into Troy. The rest of their visit was great. We went sightseeing and got to be close. We spent time swimming in our pond, being a family, and trying to make Meagan feel as comfortable as possible with us so that when she returned, we could find a way to introduce her to our lifestyle. The day they left, Meagan asked whether she could come back a few days early so she could hang out with us before school started. We could hardly contain our excitement.


Imagine our surprise when just a week after Cindy and Meagan left, Meagan called and asked if she could come back to our place earlier than planned. “Sure, that’s fine, but why the change?” Lisa asked her on the phone.

Meagan explained, “I’ve talked to mom and explained with all the humidity and so forth, I need extra time to acclimate and be able to train.”

“When do you want to move in?” Lisa asked.

“Next week, if that’s OK?”

I suggested Lisa fly out the day before and help Meagan drive back, so it was agreed to. I found out Meagan wanted to be able to run, and I told her I would make her a trail. The next day I started working on it. I knocked down a couple of trees, cleared a brush, and set out cutting a path with the four-wheelers. I felt like I was on a race track, going round and round, trying to wear tracks into the course I had sat up. I enjoy riding the four-wheeler, but I like a change from the round and round. It was for Meagan, though, so it would be worth it.

I wanted to make sure the course was close enough to the house. We could reach her easily if she ever twisted her ankle or something. However, I had to make it fit what she needed. So the trail started about 50 yards from the house and made several cuts and turns through the trees, up inclines, down slopes, and at the edge of the pond in case, she wanted to jump in around the end of her run. I made the trail 5 miles long with a couple of shortcuts. I felt for sure it would keep her in shape.


The day arrived, and I put Lisa on a plane back to Lubbock, Texas, and from there, it was just a short ride to Cindy’s home. I knew they were planning on driving for a day, stopping and staying overnight in a hotel, and then coming in. Two days later, Lisa called and said they were an hour out, and they were starving for me to put some steaks and potatoes on the grill. I will pause here and let Cindy tell you about their trip.


Lisa’a Trip.

I had a good but short visit with my sister Cindy and her husband and was surprised when I got there and found my parents also there visiting from the Austin area. Seeing family I had not seen in years was great, but I was already missing Larry and Bama. Meagan and I got on the road early and talked about things to do when we got back home, friends and boys she was leaving, and so forth, mostly just your standard drive. That evening we stopped in ‘Lindyle,’ just North of Tyler. We did a little sightseeing in town (both of us secretly hoping to see Miranda Lambert but knowing we wouldn’t), ate, and then checked into a hotel. We got a room with two queen beds, and after a shower and a little TV, we called it a night.

During the night, I got horny, and I lay there listening to Meagan’s breath to ensure she was asleep. When satisfied, I pushed my panties off and started gently running a finger inside my lips. Soon two fingers were buried in my push, and I was pinching a nipple with the other hand. My eyes were closed, and I was concentrating on my task, if you will when I felt a hand on my other nipple. My eyes shot open, and my hands were frozen in place. Meagan was looking down on me with her hand on my tit.

We stared into each other’s eyes for an eternity, OK, maybe just a few seconds, when she leaned down and took my nipple into her mouth. I closed my eyes and moaned, still not moving my hands. Meagan’s hand moved down my arm until her hand worked under mine, and her fingers replaced mine inside my pussy. As she started finding me, I grabbed her head and held her to me, my hips pumping back and forth. I was in the middle of a mind-blowing orgasm in just a minute.

I released Meagan’s hand, pulled her face to mine, and gave her the type of kiss that, until now, had been reserved for my husband.

I looked her in the eyes and said, “That was crazy, but wow, was it good.”

“I’m glad you liked it, and I hope you don’t hate me,” she said, blushing a little.

I was surprised by that statement. “Hate you for what?”

“For what I did.”

I pulled her to me and kissed her again. “Let me assure you. I don’t hate you.”

I then pushed her on her back and started kissing down her body. Moving from her lips to her throat, down to her right breast, and then her left. At each breast, I stopped and kissed along the bottom where it meets her chest and then licked around each nipple and winding up kissing and sucking each. Then I moved my way down her stomach and kissed and licked around her navel. From there, I moved my way down her body and looked into the space where her legs came together.

This was the first time I had been this close to another person’s pussy. I took a deep breath and kissed another female on her pussy for the first time. This was immediately followed by my tongue around her clit and deep inside her. It was like when I got my first taste of her. I could not get enough – I ate her through three orgasms before she finally pulled me up.

We kissed again, and I moved to her side and rolled her into a spooning position with her back to me. I placed my arm around her to hold her tight, and we fell asleep spooning. I woke to her kissing and sucking my breast, and when she noticed I was awake, she turned, placed one leg over my head, and dropped her pussy down onto my face. As I started licking her, she dropped her head, put her lips on my clit, and sucked in hard. When she had me well placed on her lips, she nibbled with her teeth and immediately brought me to a climax.

I continued to work on her until she let go, and her juices started running into my mouth. We fell along the bed, rested a minute or two, and then got up, showered together, dressed, and returned to the road. We would play with each other’s breasts as we traveled along the highway, and we even dared to drive or ride for a set number of miles topless, allowing other travelers a chance to see each of us. It was a fun trip. When we got about an hour out, I called Larry and told him to get things going for supper that we were hungry.


Back to Larry.

Lisa and Meagan pulled into the drive, and as I saw them pull in, I threw the steaks on the grill. Bama ran up and greeted the car, he missed Lisa, and I knew he was as ready as me to dip into her nice warm pussy. As they got out, he put his nose in Lisa’s groin, and she scolded him to get him to leave her alone for a bit. After supper, we got Meagan settled in the spare bedroom and went to bed. As soon as we hit the sheets, Lisa was all on me, and as we fucked, she told me about her night with Meagan. We fucked three times that night, and each time we fucked, I asked her to tell me again about her night.

The following day I got up and made coffee. After just a bit, Lisa came out of the bedroom in just a pair of panties. “I love the attire this morning,” I said with a grin.

She smiled and said, “Thank you. I think I’ll see how this affects our ‘guest.’”

“Well, if she decides she likes to dress the same way, I’m all for it.”

Lisa stayed dressed in her panties and nothing else after Meagan got up, even as we ate breakfast. When Meagan asked Lisa about her dress, she said, “This is just because you’re here. When your mom was here, we wore even more normally since it was just Larry and me. We don’t wear anything.”

After breakfast, I told Meagan I would show her around the trail I had cut for her, so she and I put on our walking shoes and a bag with a couple of water bottles and headed out. This left Lisa and Bama alone for a bit and a chance to mate while we were out. After walking the course, which took us a couple of hours since we were walking slowly and not only looking at the course but also at the vegetation and wildlife, we encountered while visiting. We came along the pond. Just as we got there, Lisa and Bama came walking up, and we all went for a swim.

After the swim, Meagan decided she wanted to try to run the course I made, and Lisa and I stayed around the house. Meagan finished the course and said she loved it as she went in to shower. Lisa and I started setting out sandwich stuff for lunch, and Meagan came out of her room in just her panties. Lisa and I both just stood staring at the beauty before us.

“What? You said it was how you dressed, so I figure I could dress the same,” she said, looking at our surprised faces.

“Yes, you can,” Lisa said. “Of course, Larry might not be able to talk for a bit.”

She looked at me and laughed. I turned a little red at being caught looking.

Lisa pulled off her tank top and then her bikini top, which she had on under it. She threw both of them at me and said, “Here, go put these in the bedroom and try to put your eyes back in your head while you are in there.”

Both Lisa and Meagan laughed as I stuttered, trying to get a thought out. We had lunch, and the girls decided they needed to go into town for a bit. I stayed at home and worked around the house. When the girls got home, they carried several bags from shopping all afternoon. I finished what I was doing and when I walked in, both were already undressed down to their panties, and it looked like I had almost caught them kissing. But the big turn of events happened the following day.


We got up, sat in our underwear, and had breakfast and coffee. Meagan then got up and went to her room to change her running clothes. I got up, changed, and went out and started stacking wood I had cut the day before. After about 10 minutes, I walked past a window to our bedroom and heard a moan from inside. I went in, went to the bedroom, and saw Lisa with Bama on her back. I moved over to the chair we had put in the bedroom and sat and watched.

Bama jumped off and on a couple of times. It just didn’t seem like he could find his mark and keep it buried inside Lisa’s pussy. Soon he hit his mark and started to go at her. I got undressed, sat back in the chair, and started jerking off as I watched my wife get fucked by our dog. Not thinking, when I came in and found Lisa, I didn’t think about closing the door.

After a few minutes, I heard from the open door a surprise, “Shit!”

I turned and looked, and there stood Meagan watching Lisa take Bama and me beating off. As I stared at her, I erupted, shooting spurts of cum over my thighs and onto the chair. Lisa was too involved to realize Meagan was standing there, and soon she was in the grips of a major climax as Bama pushed his knot into her, pulling Lisa tighter with his front paws. Soon he started with short strokes and began to fill her pussy with his dog seed. Meagan stood and watched her nipples sticking out as she watched Lisa succumb to another orgasm. As the two lovers calmed down, Bama turned around. He was tied with Lisa.

I told Meagan, “If you think that was good, come in and get a closer look and watch until they separate.”

“What?” Asked Lisa, looking at me with a frown.

“We have an audience,” I said and nodded toward the door.

She turned her head and looked at Meagan standing in the doorway. She turned red, smiled, and said, “Come on over and watch when Bama pulls out. You won’t believe how big he is.”

Meagan came in and sat down next to Lisa’s ass. “Wow, I can’t believe you’re fucking Bama. Lisa, that was so fucking hot. How did you ever take a dog’s cock in your pussy? It’s gross, yet it’s fucking hot. My God, I’m so wet. I want to do it too.”

She was just rambling, and Lisa and I started laughing. But when Lisa began to laugh, her pussy muscles contracted, and Bama started to pump more cum into Lisa and cause her to cum again. This caused Meagan to stop her rambling, and she realized I was laughing. “What are you laughing at, Larry?”

“You. Let Lisa finish up here, and we’ll tell you everything. If you want to try it, we’ll help you with it,” I said.

We sat and waited for Bama to pull out of Lisa, with Meagan showing pure lust and interest in Lisa and Bama being tied. I did explain to her about the knot, how it was inside and how it grows inside the pussy right before he unloads his cum, and how they were waiting for the knot to go down and when it got small enough, it would come out. Soon Bama pulled, and his knot started coming out. Lisa’s pussy spread as the knot reached the edge and came free. When it did, Lisa fell forward on her stomach, and Meagan looked at her pussy and then over at Bama’s cock.

“God, all that was inside her?” She asked me.

“That and a little more. I don’t know if the length is anymore, but I know the knot is bigger and that Lisa loves it when she takes it.”

We sat a few minutes, and then I got up, told Lisa I was going to get us all some tea, and for them to come into the living room when she recovered. All she could do was raise a couple of fingers in a wave to let me know she heard. I went in, got us some iced tea, and went to the living room to wait. After just a few minutes, they came in, Lisa and I were still naked, and Meagan was still wearing her running clothes. The two girls sat on the sofa, and I was in my chair.

Lisa sighed. “Well, where to begin to answer your questions? I guess at the start.”

She then started telling Meagan how she got into the bestiality lifestyle. Lisa explained everything to Meagan, from how when it first happened, she was upset first at me for wanting it to happen and then at herself for how much she enjoyed it. She also included the part about having a threesome with my buddy Danny, Bama, and myself. Meagan’s nipples were hard, and I could see a wet spot growing on her running shorts. She was interested in what was going on here. I knew I would be watching her with Bama before long, and I was excited.

“So you sucked him off? Did he cum in your mouth?” Meagan asked.

“No, he didn’t, but he filled it with his precum. It is skinny, and he has so much it looks like pee or water,” Lisa told her.

“I would love to have seen his face when you pushed all that into his mouth. Hell, he wanted you to do it. He might as well have shared,” Meagan said as she laughed about Danny getting a mouth full of precum from the kiss he shared with Lisa. “Lisa, I want to feel him inside of me. Will you help?”

Lisa and I smiled. “Sure. I know that I would enjoy watching and helping, and Larry would as well,” Lisa said. “Let me give you some idea of what you can expect before you do it, though.”

“OK, that’ll make me feel better. Not so nervous, I think,” Meagan said.

“His cock has a bone, so it’s always hard. But it will expand when he gets excited. Once he is in you, it’ll continue to get bigger, and his knot will expand. His knot will be small enough to slide in and out a few times, but as it gets bigger, he will shorten his thrust until he is about ready to unload his cum in you. Once that’s done, his only goal is to push his knot inside you. They do this to bitches to hold the cum inside and give them a better chance at fertilizing her egg. God, Meagan, it’ll hurt for a little bit, but when it gets inside your pussy, it feels so good, and you’ll just cum and cum and cum.”

Lisa was getting excited telling Meagan about it, and she started playing with her pussy on the sofa, not caring if she was sitting in front of Meagan or me. She tilted her head back and brought herself to the edge of an orgasm. Just as she reached her peak, Meagan leaned over, took one of her breasts into her mouth, and bit down a little on her nipple. This sent Lisa into a mind-blowing orgasm with her hips bucking off the sofa and her fingers rammed deep inside her.

“Quick, Meagan, let’s get you undressed and dog fucked!” Lisa said, jumping to her feet.

She then reached over and pulled Lisa’s top up and over her head. She leaned in, took a nipple into her mouth, and sucked hard on it. She then worked Meagan’s shorts and panties off. Pushing Meagan back on the couch and pulled her hips to the edge. She dropped down on the floor and told her, “I’m going to make you wet enough to take him first.”

She then wrapped her arms around Meagan’s thighs and attached her pussy with abandon. I moved up and started sucking on Meagan’s tits, and soon she had two back-to-back orgasms.

Lisa turned and said to me, “Go get the fuck blanket and bring it in here, please, darling.”

I ran to the bedroom and back as quickly as I could. I threw the blanket to the floor, and Lisa pulled Meagan off the couch and onto her hands and knees on the blanket. “Bama, come and get some fresh pussy, baby,” she called out.

Bama came running straight over to the two women, and Lisa pushed him to Meagan’s pussy which he started licking immediately. As Bama was licking Meagan, Lisa moved over and took Bama’s cock into her mouth, exciting him to the point that he would be ready to take Meagan any minute.

Lisa patted Meagan on the butt and commanded Bama, “Up.”

He stopped licking, jumped up on Meagan, wrapped her up with his front paws, and started humping. Lisa took his cock in her hand and placed it at the entrance of Meagan’s pussy. Then, with two thrusts, he was halfway in. Meagan screamed out in pleasure as Bama started humping into her. Lisa moved over quickly in front of Meagan, took her face in her hands, kissing her deeply and telling her to relax and enjoy what was happening to her.

Watching Meagan take Bama for the first time was fantastic. She took his cock deep into her, and as she became comfortable, she pushed back. She moaned and started telling him to fuck her deeper and harder until she felt the knot at the entrance. Lisa then moved behind her and told her she was going to help. With that, I watched as Lisa took Bama’s cock, behind the knot and pushed hard, and helped the knot enter.

“Ahhhhhhhh” Meagan screamed.

Then just as fast, her whole body began to shake, and she came like nobody I had seen before. She arched her back, tilted her head back as far as she could, and let out what seemed to be half scream and half howl. Bama came filling her pussy full of his seed. With each shot, his cock would twitch, and with each jerk of his cock she would cum again. After being knotted for about five minutes, Bama pulled out, and Meagan fell forward exhausted. Not only was she exhausted, but I also checked and found her to have passed out. With Lisa’s help, I picked her up and carried her to her bed, covered her up, and let her rest.

I pulled Lisa to me and said, “I think she liked it.”

We laughed and headed back into the living room.


About an hour later, Meagan came back into the living room. She stopped in the doorway. She looked at me, then at Lisa, and back to me. She blushed and dropped her head a bit.

“Well, now. Here comes sleeping beauty,” I teased.

“You OK, baby?” Lisa asked.

“Oh God, I’m so more than OK,” she replied with a big smile.

Meagan came in, sat on the couch next to me, pulled my arm over her, and then snuggled into my chest. I pulled her close and looked at Lisa, smiling at us. I smiled back and then squeezed Meagan a little tighter. The love in the room was stronger than we had felt in some time.

The End