(c) 2019 by Sam Iam

Chapter One

My affair with Ben, though short-lived, was one of the most exciting and unexpected experiences in my sexual life. As a heterosexual man, I’ve had many sexual experiences throughout my life, all very different and meaningful, and for the past 20 years I’ve been happily married to a wonderful woman. Yes, I had a fling in the early years of my marriage, but for the past 10 years or so I’ve not strayed in my relationship with my wife. And this is perhaps why my encounter with Ben was so surprising and powerful.

When I first met Ben, the attraction was immediate and definitely mutual. Even from a distance I could see right away that he was very handsome, with thick black hair, terrific features and a powerful, muscular body. And it was evident to me right away that I had caught his eye and that he too was interested in me. I remember it being a crisp Fall day. I was out on my usual morning jog, a little over a mile from my home and I could see him up ahead of me walking toward me along the road. As I got nearer to him, he stopped walking and waited for me at the side of the road and I stopped jogging to greet him. “Hey there” I said as I approached him, and then I slowly got down onto one knee and Ben came over to me, ears turned back and his fat tail wagging frantically back and forthÉ

Yes, Ben is a dog, a remarkably big Black Lab with tennis racket paws, a big barrel chest and a giant head. It was clear that he was a pure bred of the English variety, but I had never seen one of his size before. He was easily 100 pounds. He came over to me and practically knocked me over with his joyous reaction. He licked at my face, his entire body wiggling as I pet his head and chest. “Who do you belong to buddy?” I asked. I grabbed his collar, saw that his name was Ben and saw a phone number. It was about that moment that my old habits and curiosity came flooding back to me from my experience with other male dogs. I could clearly see that he was uncut, his large balls hanging off the back of him, and in his excitement his cock was fully engorged inside his sheath. And I could see too that he was dripping small spurts of pre-cum, an obvious sign that he was very happy to see me. I instinctively rubbed my hands down his sides and over his belly, finally resting my upturned hand on his cock. My touch calmed him slightly and he stayed still for me while I held him, feeling the weight of his cock and gripping at his swollen knot.

As I said, I’ve had a lot sexual experiences throughout my life. But it happens that many of those experiences, including my very first when I was much younger, were with big, uncut male dogs. More about all of that at a later time perhaps. So when I touched Ben’s cock, I already had many years of experience behind me and knew just how to hold him to keep him calm. My own excitement started to well-up in me, my cock slowly growing within my jogging shorts. I’m fortunate to live in a very rural town, and there were no signs of cars or other people on the road that morning. It was then that I had the realization, or perhaps the resolve, that I must mate with this magnificent dog.

I released Ben’s sheathed dripping cock and stood up next to him. He jumped up at me a few times but then started to calm down. My mind was racing at the possibility that I could be fucking with him on this very lucky morning for me. I started walking again, coaxing Ben to follow me with a few pats of my leg and calling his name. I knew that not too far up ahead on the road there was a small path leading into the woods down a short hill toward the reservoir. I kept walking, Ben following slowly behind me, occasionally stopping to lift his leg and mark his journey. I could hear a car approaching, so I stopped with him and held his collar as the car neared and slowed. I thought for sure it would be his owner coming to gather him, but then the car moved past. We kept moving, eventually reaching the path.

My heart was pounding in my chest, and my cock was still slightly fat in my shorts in anticipation of what might happen. I had no idea if Ben would be receptive to my advances, how he might react, if he would know what to do. The anxiety was palpable and I was nearly shaking. It had been so long since I had mated with a dog, but in my experience with other male dogs, I had a good feeling that he would be interested in mating with me when I properly presented myself to him. I made my way down the path. At first Ben didn’t follow me, sticking to the side of the road. I called him a few times, but he didn’t budge and my hopes started to drain. I went back to him, gave him some more pets and he licked my face a few times. I said to him, “Come on Ben, let’s have some fun” and started down the path again. This time he followed me, tail wagging. Near the end of the path at the bottom of the short hill, the ground leveled out and the woods opened up a bit in a clearing near the reservoir. The woods was silent, not a sound and not a soul in sight. I found a clear spot near the base of a tree where I started to remove some of my clothing. First my windbreaker, which I removed and laid out on the ground over some dry leaves. Next, I untied and dropped my jogging shorts to my ankles, kicking them off. I considered removing my sneakers, but thought better of it given the circumstances of being out in the woods and the possibility, though a small one, that someone might come by. I was now in just a t-shirt and I dropped down onto my knees on the jacket in the leaves.

At first, Ben seemed disinterested in me despite my calling out to him, sniffing around in the clearing, lifting his leg a few times. I continued to call him, patting my bare thighs and then, finally, he came to me. He brushed against me, circling and sniffing me, his tail wagging. He licked at my face a few times and I turned my chin up and opened my mouth to his tongue, letting him kiss my lips and tongue and I in turn entwined mine with his. I have always, from my very first experiences long ago, loved the feeling of kissing dogs this way. This alone made my cock start to grow a bit more. Ben was certainly comfortable with me, with my long experience, I felt like it was time to see if he would take me as a mate.

I dropped to my hands, now on all fours, and I crawled with Ben in a few circles, brushing against him and gently persuading him to get close to me. I move my bare ass nearer to him and he stopped to sniff and lick at me a few times, wetting my sphincter and sending shivers throughout my body. I kept thinking over and over “this is happening, this is happening, this is happening” and my cock was now fully hard and curved against my stomach below me. Ben kept smelling and licking me, at one point lapping at my balls and the base of my cock from behind. Then he gave me the sign which immediately made me know we’d soon be fucking. He placed one of his paws onto the small of my back and then another, trying to mount me, but from the side. I lowered my back and ass slightly, turning to meet his advance, but then he jumped back down to the ground. I then gently said to him “It’s OK Ben, good boy Ben, you’re OK” and he circled me closely one more time. Once again I lowered my back slightly, raising my ass and presented myself to him. Ben slowly climbed onto me from behind, first one paw and then the next. I pushed back toward him carefully and he moved further onto my back, moving his hips closer to my thighs and arching his back. I could feel the tip of his damp sheath on my ass and sphincter has he pulled himself further forward. Ben then stayed still a moment, but once again he jumped down from my back. So close! And the anticipation was now driving me wild. It was clear then that Ben’s instincts were telling him what to do, but that he did not have any experiencing mounting and fucking a mate. The thought occurred to me then that I might be his first, and my determination to have him inside of me went into overdrive.

Ben came around beside me again. I repositioned myself and once again presented my bare raised ass to him. This time he mounted me more quickly and moved faster into position. Though I prefer letting nature take its course, I couldn’t let this opportunity pass and risk that he might jump off of me again. I gently reached back with my right hand, gripped the base of Ben’s sheath and lightly tugged him forward, aligning his cock once again with my wet hole. With a few small jerks of my hand, Ben’s hips started lunging slightly, the tip of his cock kissed and wet my sphincter and then, with a harder thrust, he was fully inside of me. He pushed himself in deeply, grunted quietly and his paws gripped my sides a bit more tightly as his back arched further and his hips thrust against my ass and thighs. It was at this point that I would normally expect a very rough pounding, but when Ben barely moved at all I knew again that I was his first mate, his very first bitch.

I kept my hand at the base of Ben’s cock as he began to grow inside of me, his hips still only lightly moving around and I could feel his knot growing just inside my hole. As much as I was craving his knot, I knew it would be risky to tie with this dog here out in the open and during his first time. I let him slip out of me slightly and his knot came out and into my hand. Ben kept moving and grunted a few more times and soon his cock was fully engorged and his fat knot was filling my hand. I was in absolute ecstasy, so many thoughts filling my head and such pleasure I was feeling at once again having a dog’s cock buried inside of me. The throbbing of his cock with each spurt of his cum made my own cock bounce against my stomach. Ben’s weight was very heavy on my back, a testament to his enormous size, and he settled in, panting and dripping saliva onto my neck. I continued to hold him tight and he stayed deep inside of me, filling me with his thin, wet cum. I still couldn’t believe this was all happening and the smile on my face was wide with pleasure.

After several minutes, I could sense Ben becoming restless, and so I held onto his knot and let him slowly slip out of me. His cum dribbled out of my very wet hole and ran down the back of my balls onto my turgid cock. I deftly slid myself out from under him and Ben was then on all fours on the ground with my hand still holding him firmly. I so badly wanted to taste my new mate, so I slipped onto my back and moved my head under his dripping cock. My tongue darted out, tickling and tasting the tip of his dick and he treated me to a few spurts onto my lips. Then I took him into my mouth, slowly moving my waiting mouth further over his dick until he was poking at the back of my throat. I could taste the sweet saltiness of him, I could feel the warm spurts of his seed pumping through my hand and into my throat and I drank him in. With my hand still holding his knot, and my head bobbing back and forth on his dick, I then grabbed my own cock in my left hand and stroked myself quickly using Ben’s cum as a lubricant. In my complete excitement, it was just a matter of seconds before I felt my orgasm welling up inside of me. I turned my body slightly as one, two, three, four blasts of my cum splashed out of me and onto the leaves of the forest floor.

When we were done, I moved quickly to get dressed once again, pulling on my shorts over my still hard cock, shook off my wind-breaker and put that on too. Ben stood panting in front of me, his cock slowly shrinking and eventually he turned and laid down in the leaves to clean himself too. I leaned down and pet him gently on the head and whispered to him “How was that boy? Was that good? Did that feel good buddy? That made me feel really good. Good boy Ben.”

Back up on the road, I pulled my cell phone out of my coat pocket and dialed the number on Ben’s collar. I noticed then that it was an electric fence collar, so he must have escaped earlier that morning. His owner answered, I explained that I had his dog (little did he know what I meant by “had”!) and was given Ben’s address. His house was actually back near to where I found him, so he followed me back there and I turned onto the side road where he lived. Before we got there, I bent down and gave him a few kisses on the top of his head, told him again how great he made me feel and then we proceeded to his house. His owner came out to meet us and Ben walked up to him wagging his tail. The owner thanked me, said that his electric fence had blown out in a recent storm and was glad that I brought him his dog. At the time I kept thinking that I had his dog’s cum still inside of me, something I liked to do with all of the dogs I have mated with rather than expelling the stuff. I said good bye, gave Ben one more scruff behind his ears and made my way back to the road for my walk home.


Chapter Two

For several days after my initial encounter with Ben, I was still in disbelief about my good fortune – to have been in just the right place at just the right time to find this handsome, uncut, male black lab out on his own and his obvious interest in me. The more I thought about it, the more I was convinced that I had been his very first mate and I couldn’t get that encounter with him in the woods out of my mind.

A few weeks had passed and I was resigning myself to the fact that this encounter with Ben had been a lucky one-off. The weather had turned slightly colder, and despite some frost on the ground, I kept up my morning routine of talking an early walk to start my day. I remember my second encounter with Ben like it was yesterday…

There is a very long straight-away on my route, and I was only half paying attention when something up ahead caught my eye – a dark shape on the side of the road, but further north of the place where I knew that Ben lived. My heart started pounding immediately at the possibility and my pace quickened. Soon, I knew that once again Ben was out on the road, having somehow escaped his electric fence. I couldn’t help myself, my pace increasing to a slow trot and I called out his name, “Hey Ben! Ben!” Ben stopped in his tracks, his ears forward and alert watching me approach him. I was now jogging, hoping to quickly bridge the gap between us and continued calling to him, “Hey Ben, hey boy!” Ben watched me for a few seconds more then turned as if to retreat back toward the road where his house was. I called again, “Ben!” and he stopped to look at me. I stopped running then, staying in once place and Iowered down onto one knee. I spread my arms wide and called out once again, “Hey Ben, come here boy!” I could see Ben’s body relax as his ears dropped, his tail started wagging and he slowly started making his way toward me.

I stayed on my knee with my arms spread, continuing to coax him closer, “come on Ben, that’s it, come here good boy!” Soon, Ben was right in front of me and came charging into my arms and body, nearly knocking me to the ground. His entire body was wiggling with excitement, his tail wagging frantically and his big pink tongue lolling out as he circled around me. He came near again and I grabbed him in my arms to hold him close. This time, I wasted no time exploring under his belly with my warm hands and I found that his cock was fully engorged in its sheath, his knot firm and round just in front of his large black balls. I rubbed and fondled him for a few seconds and his cock sent out a few thin spurts of pre-cum onto my hand and wrist. My touch calmed him briefly, just enough time for me to assess the possibility of mating with him once again.

There were no cars on the road, and with most houses set-back in the woods, I could sense that we were not being watched. The path in the woods to the reservoir where we first mated was too far a distance, so I had to think quickly. Sometimes thinking quickly may not be lead to the most rational actions, but there was no way I would pass up this opportunity to be with Ben again. Ben and I were adjacent to a small house that I knew was mostly occupied during the summer months. The house was empty, no signs of lights or vehicles or tracks in the driveway, so I decided to try and coax Ben behind that house to the backyard.

Once behind the house we found a very small yard we were surrounded by woods. The yard was covered in wet heavy frost, but I noticed a small deck with an overhang attached to the back of the house. I made my way there and called out to Ben, who was currently frolicking in the backyard, running in circles with his butt hunched under him, having a great time. I kept calling to him, and though he would come close to me, he would then run back out to the yard and I could see his paws and belly getting wet with the frost. After what seemed like an eternity,

Ben finally came to me and I was able to snatch his collar, then walking him up the two steps onto the deck. Now he was suddenly very interested in me again and started to happily jump up on me, throwing his enormous weight against my body. I whispered to him “Ben, calm down boy, take it easy” and “do you remember me, Ben? Do you want to mate with me again boy?” Other than a few big wet paw prints, the deck was dry because of the overhang, so I kicked off both of my shoes, unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them down, along with briefs, around my ankles. I stepped out of one pant leg, leaving the other on in case I might need to hastily get dressed again, but I was feeling pretty secure in the fact that nobody was around to catch me mating with this beautiful handsome dog.

I lowered myself to my knees and Ben came around very quickly to sniff at my ass and my exposed balls. I crawled on the deck with him in small circles, pushing my body against him and trying to coax him to climb onto my back. Soon, I could feel Ben’s wet paws on my lower back and his body mounting mine. This time I didn’t waste a moment and I reached back to grip Ben’s cock. Once again in my mind I was thinking “This is happening, my god this is really happening!” My heart was pounding and my body was shaking with anticipation. I got the sense that Ben knew a bit better what he was doing and when my hand reached his cock, his back arched and he began thrusting a few times against my hips. In my expertise, I easily guided the tip of his cock to my sphincter and with an eager but gentle push, I once again had Ben’s cock fully inside of me.

I kept my hand on his sheath, and this time he thrust a few more times, perhaps with a bit more urgency than our first encounter in the woods – he was learning! I was teaching him how to mate. I released his cock, placed my hand on the ground, spread my legs and lowered my back just a touch as Ben kept up his very gentle thrusting. This was still not the pounding I was used to receiving from previous encounters with dogs, but it was evident that Ben was figuring things out. I could feel the enormous damp weight of him on my back, soaking through my shirt and I could feel the fatness of his thrusting cock growing within me. It only lasted for about 10 seconds before his humping slowed, so I reached back to take his growing knot in my hand, once again wary of the idea of tying with this dog out in the open. Ben shifted his weight a bit more, lifting his back legs a few times as his cock grew inside of me and the pulsing of his orgasm electrified his body.

Ben settled in on my back, my hand gripping his knot and holding him close. “Good boy, Benny, good boy, does that feel good boy?” I whispered to him. I could feel his cocking throbbing inside of me and could feel the pulse of his ejaculation coursing through the knot in my hand. As much as I wanted to stay this way for a much longer time, I knew the risk I was taking being out in the open like this. Keeping my hand on his knot, I slowly lowered my body away from his, his cock slowly sliding out of my ass with a gush of warm wetness that spilled down over my balls and onto the deck. I turned my half-naked body so that I was on my back and I moved myself under his cock.

I took a very brief moment to appreciate the size of him. Though he wasn’t as long as some other dogs, perhaps more average size of around 7 inches, his cock had a very good thickness in the middle and up to the tip. His prick was hard as could be in my hand and his cum kept spraying in short spurts. Though his knot was also big, it fit easily and comfortably in my hand. I opened my mouth to him and took his entire length through my lips and over my wet tongue. I kept his cock deep in my throat, tasting the saltiness of him and enjoying the splashing of his cum against the back of my throat. I moved my tongue and mouth and lips over his entire length, bobbing my head up and down on him, sucking and licking and tasting and enjoying every bit of my new mate. With my other hand, I stroked my own cock in rhythm with the actions of my mouth and after just a few moments, I felt my orgasm welling up from my socked feet, through my knees, into my legs and so I turned my body slightly as my cum splashed out of me and onto the wooden deck. One, two, three, four deep ejaculations while I kept sucking on Ben’s cock, moaning slightly at the pleasure. As my orgasm subsided, I let Ben’s cock slow drip out of my mouth, licking and kissing him along the way and swallowing everything that he gave to me.

Car sounds passing by out on the road snapped me out of my ecstasy, so I released Ben, licked my lips and then got to my feet to get dressed once again. Ben’s cock shrank quickly and he laid for a moment to clean himself before jumping to his feet. I got down on my knees in front of him and pulled his giant head into my arms, kissing the top of his head and mingling my open mouth with his dripping tongue. “That was amazing, Benny, that was so good boy, did you like that Ben?” I said to him before releasing my hug. I wanted Ben to get to know my voice and my scent and that I would make him feel good.

We made our way back to the road and Ben followed me as I walked further south to the road where he lived. When we got nearby, I stopped to give him one more quick hug and a kiss on the top of his head. He made his way toward his house and I stood there for a moment watching him go, thinking once again that I couldn’t believe what had just happened, that this magnificent dog’s cum was still inside of me, my body absorbing him. My knees were shaking as I made my way home, a huge smile on my face and the hope that I would encounter Ben once again running through my mind.


Chapter Three

A few weeks later, I find myself lying flat on my back in the woods. The sun is bright and there is a chill in the air, but yet I am warm and still sweating from my workout. The cool air feels good on my exposed skin. I am naked from the waste down, wearing only my jogging socks. My cock is turgid, curving slightly over my stomach and my balls are tight from the chilly air. My shoes and my jogging pants are bundled together and tucked behind my head as a make-shift pillow. My torso is lying mostly on top of my open windbreaker which I had laid out moments before. My legs are slightly splayed, my cock is in my left hand and I ‘m slowly stroking it, playing my hand from the base to the tip over and over again, not rushing but relishing the pleasure that I am giving myself. My eyes are closed and there are no sounds but for a slight breeze in the trees above me and the low, muffled moans coming from my mouth. I breath in through my nose, and I am intoxicated by a warm, damp animal smell so nearby to me. My eyes open and I am looking up at the dark-haired underbelly of my new mate, this magnificently huge Black Labrador retriever named Ben, my lover. Ben is standing over me, unmoving, with his rigid cock buried several inches inside of my warm, wet mouth. His cock pulses rhythmically with each thin ejaculation that he pushes out and into my waiting throat. My lips hold him gently and my tongue swirls and darts and plays along the length of him, teasing the tip with some gently flicks and swirling once again. I close my eyes again, relieving that sense so I can better concentrate on the taste and smell of him. I swallow his cum occasionally, and at times his ejaculate fills my throat quickly, but then subsides again to a small few drops; however, I am intent on drinking as much of him as I can and pleasuring his cock as much as possible. After all of these years, I still know very little about when a dog ‘s orgasm happens. Is it immediate and quick? Or is it long lasting, coinciding with each ejaculation? What I know for certain is that Ben is feeling pleasured, and in his pleasure I feel my own orgasm building within me. With my right hand I quickly tug my t-shirt up off my stomach and then I gently reach up to hold Ben ‘s balls as I begin to cum, my legs spreading slightly more as I dump my load onto my stomach, my moans of pleasure humming over the big dog cock in my mouth.

Several minutes before, I had been out on my morning exercise, this time deciding on a jog rather than a walk. Ever since my first encounter with Ben, my morning routine has been filled with anticipation that I might find him out loose. On this morning, I jogged past the road where he lived and there was no sign of him. I made my way further south, nearing the path in the woods near the reservoir where I first brought Ben to mate with me. Turning a slight bend, my heart began to race and my pace quickened when I spotted Ben moving up the road ahead and away from me. “Ben! ” I shouted, and he stopped to turn and look at me. “Ben! Hey boy! I yelled again. His tail started wagging and he turned to walk toward me. He had recognized either my voice or my form and I could barely jog from the excitement of possibly being with him. Ben was just south of the reservoir path, so when I got to the path I stopped and he then ran up to me, jumping up and throwing his weight against my body. With a quick check, I once again saw no cars or signs of anyone around, so I wasted no time and made my way down the path. Ben followed immediately and then ran past me on the path to lead the way.

We made it to the clearing where we had mated the first time. I was breathing hard and my head was spinning with anticipation. I quickly unzipped my windbreaker, removing it and laying it down on the dry leaves on the floor of the woods. Ben circled me, jumping up a few times, his entire body wiggling with excitement. I bent to untie first one then the next sneaker, kicking them off my warm feet and then, with one more quick glance around, I tugged both my jogging pants and briefs down my legs, dropping them in a pile on top of my shoes. I got quickly down onto my knees and Ben came to me, licking my face and neck and I opened my mouth to his slobbery tongue so we could kiss. I ran my hands over his back and down his hind quarters, gently feeling his furry black balls and cupping his sheathed cock in my hand. Then Ben stopped to smell and lick the tops of my sweaty thighs, eventually pushing his muzzle deep under my testicles, smelling and licking me there a few times. My cock started to grow pretty quickly, especially when his warm tongue licked me there as well. Ben then came behind me, still licking me and smelling me, taking in my scent. I imagined him imprinting my taste and smell and voice in his mind, learning about his mate. I dropped to my hands and exposed my ass to him, which he then also treated to some deep warm wet licks and sniffs. My cock was now fully rigid beneath me and I was so ready to be fucked by this terrific huge animal.

Then, to my surprise, Ben took the lead. He leapt against me from behind, mounting me quickly without my assistance. He was learning! His paws moved around my waste and he pulled himself forward, his hips slightly bucking against me. I was determined to not guide him with my hand this time, hoping he would mate naturally with me. So, with my experience, I knew then to slightly lower my back and raise my ass to meet him, expertly aligning his probing cock with my sphincter, which had been wetted by his tongue a few moments before. With just one more gentle thrusts, Ben ‘s pointed cock pushed deeply inside of me. He was taking me, taking his mate, and I was shaking with the excitement of it all. Ben ‘s hips jerked and pumped just a few times, and he lifted his back legs off the ground, first one, then the other. This was still not the wild throttling that I was hoping for, but Ben was growing rapidly inside of me and still learning how to fuck. I spread my legs slightly wider for him and his cock was fully inside of my ass. Having held his knot in my bare hand twice before, I knew that I could take it and let him tie with me, but as his knot continued to grow I made the quick decision to relax and pull away from him. As desperately as I wanted him, I knew that tying with Ben out in the open like this would be way too risky, and when I pulled away his cock slipped all the way out of me.

Ben slid off my back and began lapping at my wet ass and the cum that he had splashed there. I turned away from him and got onto my back, positioning myself so that my head was underneath his stomach and his back legs were on either side of my neck. I reached for my sneakers and jogging pants, quickly bundling them so that I could put them under my head. Ben was dripping and squirting onto my chest, so then I gently grabbed the base of his cock behind his knot and I guided him into my mouth. If I couldn’t have his cock inside of my ass, I was going to enjoy it for as long as possible inside of my mouth. With my head elevated, I was able to take 3-4 inches of him into my lips and he thanked me with several large jets of his thin cum, which I gratefully swallowed for him. Then I closed my eyes and my hand reached for my turgid prick…

Back up on the road, Ben followed me as I walked my way back toward the road where he lived. My head was still spinning from the thrill of this third encounter with him. I could still taste him in my mouth and his scent was all over my hands and body. I walked Ben to his house, but with nobody in sight I went toward the walkway to the door. Then something interesting happened. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw some movement in a window which was clearly the naked ass of a young woman moving hastily and then a man following behind her. I paused a moment, then went to knock on the door. “Just a minute! ” I heard, and then after a few moments the door opened. Ben ‘s owner was there, bare-chested, hair a mess, wearing just jeans. I said “Hey, I found your dog out roaming again ” to which he curiously replied, “Oh, I thought you were my wife! ” I had obviously stumbled upon another indiscretion! I smiled slightly and said, “no, just me, bringing your dog home. He’s a VERY good boy! ” Ben ‘s owner thanked me again, Ben went inside and the door closed behind him.


Chapter Four

My next experience with Ben was a series of `firsts ‘, definitely for him, but remarkably, given my many past experiences with dogs, for me as well. A `first ‘ with how I found him, a `first ‘ with our playtime together, a `first ‘ with where we mated, and a `first with how we mated. As the saying goes, you always remember your `first ‘, and my fourth experience with this magnificent lover is very clearly burned in my memory.

Some time had passed and I had not found Ben out wandering for quite a while. In each of the past three times that I had been with him, I had resigned myself to the idea that that might be my last time with him, but that I had continued to be lucky with being in the right place at the right time. And the next time I found Ben was no different. I was out on a drive, returning from town and my natural route brought me along the same route where I had been out walking earlier that morning. Passing the path in the woods to the reservoir and then driving past the road where Ben lived always brought a flood of exciting memories to me, sometimes enough so that I could feel a stirring in my cock. On this particular day, heading north up the long straight-away of the road I could see a dark shape up ahead. My heart jumped a bit and I quickly knew that it was Ben out wandering. The feeling I suddenly had was hard to describe – a shortness of breath, a hollowness in my chest from nervous excitement and my hands were actually shaking on the steering wheel. As I approached and began to slow, Ben moved out of the road to the right and stood waiting for my SUV. I pulled over next to him, and then lost sight of him entirely. I parked and opened my door, and there he was standing right outside of the driver ‘s side door. “Ben! Hey boy, hey buddy! ” I said and he recognized me instantly. His ears folded back, his thick tail started swiping back and forth and his entire body was wiggling. He jumped up on me a few times, so I closed my door and coaxed him out of the road to the other side of my SUV. There I dropped down onto my knees and Ben threw his full weight against me, bumping me and licking at my face. I grabbed him close, gave him a kiss on the top of his head and my hand raced to his underside where I was greeted with a huge, fully engorged dog cock, the pink tip glistening and poking out of its sheath. I rubbed his cock for a bit, gripping his knot and fondling his balls, all of which calmed him temporarily. “Hey boy, you remember me, Ben? That ‘s right, remember me? ” I said to him, almost in a whisper and he licked at my face and mouth a few more times. What a fantastic reunion it was.

I stood then, wondering what to do with this opportunity, and then in a fit of bravado (or perhaps insanity?), I made a hasty decision. I did a quick glance up and down the road and seeing no cars or people in sight, I stepped around Ben and opened the back passenger door to my SUV. Ben hesitated very briefly, but with my encouragement he leapt up and into the back seat. I closed the door behind him and made my way back to the driver ‘s seat, thinking all the while “this is crazy, this is crazy, this is crazy. ” Needless to say, my reason wasn ‘t being driven by my brain at this moment, but for my overwhelming desire to have a memorable fuck with the gigantic black dog sitting in my backseat. I got back in the car, and I drove off for my home.

As I said in my opening story, I ‘m a married man with a family, but thankfully on this day the house was empty and I knew I ‘d have the place to myself for at least another hour or two. My head was swimming with the possibilities of what Ben and I might do with that time. As I drove, my entire body was shaking with anticipation and Ben stood on the seat behind me, leaning forward to lick the back of my neck and behind my right ear, sending shivers throughout my entire body. Home was just two minutes away, so we arrived there quickly. I parked, I got out of the car, then I went around and let Ben out of the back seat. He jumped up on me one more time and then he followed me up the path to my front door, stopping along the way to lift his leg and mark his arrival. Once inside, and though I knew I had plenty of uninterrupted time to spend with Ben, I wasted none of that time. It was my goal to explore and play and tease and excite Ben in every way that I could before mating with him, and I was eager to get to business.

Ben followed me in and on the way down the long hallway to my bedroom, I began shedding my clothing, kicking off both shoes, unbuttoning my jeans and removing them along with my boxer/briefs and then my sweatshirt, leaving a trail of clothing and leaving me wearing just a t-shirt and my socks. My cock was already responding, growing fatter with each passing moment. The bedroom is roomy, with a big open space in front of the bed where a plush area rug lies. I fell quickly to my knees on the rug and Ben came to me, circling and wiggling, his tail batting me on the chest and back. I turned to sit my naked ass on the rug and I pulled Ben close to me. He stood before me and I ran my hands over his chest and around his sides. He licked frantically at my neck and chin and then my mouth. I opened my mouth to him and his warm wet tongue mingled with mine as we explored each other for several moments. I then pulled my t-shirt up over my head and as soon as it was off, my chest bare, something remarkable happened – a `first ‘ that I ‘ve never experienced with another dog. Ben eagerly began lapping at and gently nibbling my nipples, first one and then the next, sending waves of electricity through my body. I was in disbelief at what he was doing and the feeling was incredible. My cock responded in turn, becoming quickly hard between my legs. Ben licked again at my face a few more times and began pawing at my chest. I wanted to be completely naked for him, so I reached down to tug off my white jogging socks so that now my body was entirely bare. Ben then moved toward my feet and he laid down on the rug in front of me, sniffing at my soles for a moment and then his tongue lapped a few times at my toes. I scooted myself forward, spreading my legs on either side of him and he sniffed and licked a line up my legs toward my crotch. I leaned back on my elbows then, pulling my knees up to expose my sphincter to the dog and he rewarded me with persistent deep licks, reaming and wetting my hole, followed by my balls which he sniffed and licked until they were soaked. My turgid cock was bouncing from his actions and I could see the tip of my dick glistening with a small bit of pre-cum. Then, another `first ‘ – Ben stood up and moved his head to my cock, lapping up the pre-cum with a few quick licks and then much to my surprise and delight, he took nearly my entire cock into his mouth, gently tonguing and mouthing me for a few moments, something that no other dog had ever done. “Ben! Oh god, good boy Ben ” I breathed as he kept my cock in his mouth, tugging slightly for a few moments and making my head spin. I was so ready to have him take me, but I wasn ‘t yet done enjoying this foreplay with him.

I coaxed Ben to lay down on the rug with me and he immediately turned onto his side, lifting a hind leg as I ran my hands over his chest and stomach. I took his sheathed cock in my hand and noticed then how heavy it was and how large his black balls were too. Keeping my hand on his cock, I moved my head in close to his body, inhaling the animal scent of his chest, then lifting first one and then next of his front paws to my nose to breath him in. I turned then and pushed my face into the warmth of his stomach, nuzzling his sheath and kissing at the hair of his underbelly. I made my way further down, kissing and nuzzling until my mouth found his balls. Ben laid patiently there for me as I explored them, taking them one at a time into my mouth, licking and nibbling at his dark scrotum. The smell and the warmth of his maleness was making me mad with lust. I then coaxed Ben gently onto his back, his hind legs splaying to either side and I slowly crawled my way onto his body, straddling him with my bare thighs and burying my bare feet under his back. I leaned down to his face and opened my mouth to him again and he eagerly explored my wet tongue with his. I rocked my body slowly on top of his, pressing my ass onto his sheath so that I could feel the cock within rubbing against my sphincter. “OK, Ben, are you ready for me boy? It ‘s time to fuck, Ben ” I whispered to him as I dismounted his body, crawling off away from him on all fours.

Ben immediately jumped to his feet and came around behind me. He wasted no time then, climbing onto my back, his hips already bumping into mine as he positioned himself between my legs, his front paws gripping my stomach as he pushed his sheath between my ass. As much as I wanted him inside of me, I took a moment to tease him a bit more, letting the dripping pink tip of his cock just touch my sphincter a few times, barely slipping inside of me. Ben intensified his grip, wanting badly to fuck me as well, but I kept him at bay with the hope that on his next attempt I would finally receive the rapid throttling I had been waiting for. I lowered my body away from Ben then and he slid off my back. I said to him “It ‘s OK Ben, you ‘ll get me, I promise, you ‘ll get me. ” I got to my feet then and made my way to the bed.

I slinked my naked body onto the bed, staying on all fours, and Ben came to the side, watching me, his tail wagging furiously. I looked at him briefly and then said “Come up “, patting the bed beside me. Having gotten my permission, Ben leapt up onto the bed with me right away. I crawled to the center of the bed and positioned myself so I was facing the foot. Hanging on the far wall beyond the foot of the bed and the rug where we had played moments before is a giant mirror. I looked into the mirror and I could see my pale, naked body and the enormous black dog that was with me. I watched the reflection as Ben mounted me once again with the greatest determination he had ever displayed before. He quickly positioned himself, his thighs thrusting as his cock neared my waiting hole, his giant head resting over my shoulder. I spread my bare legs slightly wider and arched my back lower to raise my ass for him. With one more thrust, Ben let out a short grunting sound and shoved his cock deeply inside of me with such a force that I had to quickly grip the bed frame to steady myself. The anticipation that had built over the last 15-20 minutes put Ben into a frenzy and he treated me to an amazingly powerful pounding, his cock rocketing in and out of me and his heavy body humping into me over and over and over. I looked again into the mirror, watching him frantically fucking me from behind, his back arching and relaxing with each thrust as he pushed his growing cock into me. I held myself firmly for him, giving myself entirely to this powerful animal as he mated with me. His growing knot popped in and out of me with a wet sucking sound, sending dribbles of his pre-cum down over my balls and onto my stiff cock. Ben ‘s fucking was relentless and his growing knot continued slipping in and out of me with each of his humps, his paws gripping me tighter and tighter.

I knew long before we climbed onto the bed, long before our foreplay on the rug, long before I shed my clothing, long before we arrived at my home, that there would be another `first ‘ for both of us on this day – I knew in an instant when he jumped into my car that I would let Ben finally tie with me.

I let go of the bed frame and lowered my chest further toward the bed which raised my ass even more, causing Ben to slide further onto my back, giving him full access to his mate. His pounding continued, but now it was all internal as his knot quickly grew within me. Ben had been humping me for nearly 30 seconds now and though his thrusts weren ‘t as deep, I could feel him filling me as his cock and knot grew to full size within me, locking us together as mates. Ben ‘s humping slowed and then stopped abruptly. He shifted his back legs, lifting one and then the other up as he continued positioning his engorged cock and knot inside of me. He tried then to back away from me and the pressure of his pulling was intense for a moment, but I gently said “It ‘s OK, Ben, it ‘s OK, stay, stay there ” and he seemed to relax a bit. Ben ‘s grip around my sides loosened a bit and he then rested his full weight onto my back, settling in to enjoy his mate. And I settled in for what I knew would be several minutes of perhaps the most pleasurable experience I ‘ve ever had. The warmth and heaviness of Ben ‘s body on top of mine, his hot breath and dripping tongue, his head resting on my shoulder, the incredible fullness of his cock buried deep inside of my ass, and the intense pleasure of his knot pressed hard against the pleasure zone of my prostate. With each of Ben ‘s ejaculations, there was a very distinct and mind-blowingly pleasurable “knock, knock, knock ” of his pulsing knot against my prostate. This rhythmic tapping, over and over and over, filled my naked body with pleasure, such an erotic and emotional feeling of being the mate of this beautiful animal. I began moaning with the pleasure and lowered my entire chest and stomach onto the bed, lifting my bare feet in the air so as to move Ben as close to me and as deep in me as possible. I looked again in the mirror to see my submissive body being dominated by the large black dog that was surrounding me, filling me with his cum. I watched the rhythmic bobbing of his tail which twitched with each convulsion of his ejaculation. I watched as I slowly gyrated my hips underneath him, gently squeezing and releasing the pressure on his knot, milking his cock to spill as much of his seed inside of me as possible. My movements also increased the pressure and pleasure on my prostate to the point of complete ecstasy.

As I ‘ve said before, I never known if my current time with Ben will be my last, so I decided then to make the most of this experience. I raised up onto my hands and moved my knees closer together, hoisting Ben up onto my back. Then with a simple but deft move, I held his front paws against my sides and I slowly lifted Ben ‘s body off the bed, turning him gently onto his side with my ass still tied closely to him. We flopped onto the bed together in somewhat of a `spooning ‘ position. From our foreplay, I knew that Ben didn ‘t mind being on his back, so I moved in a way that he was now flat on his back on the mattress and I was straddling him. His knot tugged hard at my sphincter, but we remained tied as I then turned my entire body, throwing a leg over his chest so that I could face him. I was now riding on top of Ben with his thick cock and knot still buried deeply inside of me. I put my bare feet on either side of his thighs to hold him steady and then I leaned in close to his face, opening my mouth to him once again for some deep warm kisses. In this position, I could better manipulate the movement of his cock against my prostate and it quickly brought me to the edge. I could feel a deep sensation welling up inside of me, so as I continued moving my hips around Ben ‘s cock, I sat upright and reached for my dick. With a deep moan and an orgasm that literally curled my toes, I stroked my prick just a few times before my thick cum dribbled and splashed from me onto the dark fur of Ben ‘s belly, with the rhythmic knocking of his knot sensually tapping my pleasure zone the entire time.

With a quick exhalation, I collapsed onto Ben ‘s furry chest and nuzzled my face against his neck. After several moments of just enjoying the emotional and physical feelings I was experiencing, I could feel Ben begin to stir beneath me and I could feel that his knot and cock had begun to shrink. As badly as I wanted him inside of me for the rest of the day, I gently pulled up and away from him and his drained cock plopped from my ass with a brief gush of his thin cum. I clenched quickly, trapping his cum inside of me as best as I could and I rolled onto the bed beside him. Ben went quickly to work lapping at his cock and sheath, cleaning himself along with the cum that I had left on his stomach. He then got slowly to his feet and pushed his big head between my legs to lap at my wet ass hole, balls and cock. I sat upright then and grabbed the big dog close to me one more time. “Hey Ben, was that good Ben? Did you like that buddy? That was so nice Ben. Such a good boy ” I whispered to him.

Dressed again and back in the car with Ben, I drove him back toward his house, his cum still inside of me being absorbed by my body. He stood in the space between the two front seats of my SUV and I caressed his giant head and ears during the ride. At his road, I stopped a few houses short of his, pulled over, jumped out and opened the back door for him. Ben leapt out right away, then I bent to give him one more quick hug and pet before getting back in my car. I watched Ben as he made a slow trot back to his house and when he reached his driveway, he stopped to look back at me one more time before going into his yard.


Chapter Five

When the video begins, I have just started the “video record ” function on my phone. The phone is on a small tri-pod and is focused on a large bed with a green comforter cover on it. There is a colorful beach towel on the top of the green comforter and you can see my arm in the frame. As I step away from the camera, you can quickly see that I am wearing a thin gray t-shirt and that I am completely naked from the waist down. When my back is to the camera, Ben ‘s big fuzzy head comes into the frame, his mouth open and his pink tongue lolling out. I climb quickly onto the bed and stay on all fours, moving to the center of the bed. I turn my head to the side to look at Ben, who is staring up at me, and with a very quick nod I say “Come up! ” Ben doesn ‘t hesitate and he throws his big body up and onto the bed with me. His tail wags just a few times and you can see his giant dark balls hanging beneath him. Ben moves quickly behind me and at just the 7 second mark, he lifts his front left paw and puts it hastily on my back, followed quickly by his right paw as he climbs onto me, ready to fuck.

About 20 minutes earlier, I was once again out driving, deliberately looking for Ben and praying he was on the loose today. It had become my habit to hop into my car the moment I knew that I would be all alone at home for an hour or more with my wife and family out of the house. It had been over a week since I had last been with Ben, the memory of our first knotting still so vivid in my mind, and I was really longing for him. On this particular day, I made it to the road where he lived without spotting him, and decided to drive a bit further so that I could turn around. Coming around a short bend, he was suddenly there in front of me, this time standing in the middle of the road. I braked quickly, gave a quick glance in the mirror to be sure there were no other cars on the road, and I hastily pulled over to the side. Ben ‘s tail began to wag immediately and his ears went back at the sight and sound of my SUV. I realized, to my delight, that he had come to recognize my vehicle. I got out and went to the back door, opened it up and with barely a hesitation, Ben leapt up and in to the backseat. After a quick turn around in an empty driveway, we were on our way back to my house together. It was only then that I realized how fast my heart was pounding in my chest and that my hands were shaking with anticipation. As in the past, Ben frantically licked at the back of my neck and my ear as I drove, sending shivers of anticipation throughout my body as we made our way to my house.

At the house, I brought Ben down the hallway and into my bedroom. I kicked off my sneakers and fell immediately onto the ground in the open space just in front of my bed, eager to have some extended play time with Ben before mating. Ben circled around me, his entire body wiggling and I sat on the floor roughly petting his head and his back. I took little time before I my hands were exploring beneath his belly, gently gripping his sheath and fondling his lovely big balls. His cock was partially engorged from excitement and I found myself once again impressed by the weight of his package. As we continued to play and wrestle, including some time for me to open my mouth to his exploring tongue and his attempts to climb onto my back, I started to undress. I pulled my sweatshirt up and over my head, leaving my gray t-shirt on. Then I laid down on my back, unsnapped and unzipped my jeans, lifting my butt off the floor to pull them and my briefs down and off my legs. Ben came to lay down with me, pawing at my chest and pushing his face near mine for more kisses, which I gladly gave to him. I stroked the full length of his body, admiring his dark fur and the muscularity of this terrific beast. I held him on his side and moved my head to his stomach. Ben lifted one of his hind legs to allow me access to his cock and sheath, which I pressed my face against, smelling and nuzzling his cock and licking at this balls, inhaling the scent of him. My cock had begun to slowly grow at this point. I sat up again to tug off both of my socks, baring my feet and once again Ben took some time to sniff, lick and nibble at my toes, which I found very erotic. I laid on my back again and Ben moved between my legs, lapping at my balls and then taking the head of my cock into his mouth for a few moments. There is no way to accurately describe how this made me feel, something he surprised me with during our last encounter and which he pleasured me with once again.

It was at about this time, after about 10 minutes of playtime, that the idea to make a video recording popped into my mind so that I could watch Ben mating with me sometime later. I dug my phone out of the pocket of my jeans and I padded my way down to my office to grab the small tripod from my desk drawer. Ben followed me the entire time, watching me curiously. Back in the bedroom, I placed the phone onto a table against a far wall and aimed it at the bed. I went then to a closet and found a big beach towel which I draped over top of my bed. With everything set, I got back down onto the ground with Ben in front of the bed, crawling in circles with him as he frantically tried to mount me. He had obviously had enough playing around and wanted his cock inside of me! I let him mount me then and he began thrusting his thighs against me, the pink bone of his cock exploring and wetting my ass cheeks, but I didn ‘t let him enter me. Ben jumped off my back, and once I again I got to me feet. I walked to the camera, leaned in and pressed the button to start the video recording.

At the 7 second mark, Ben now has both paws on my back and is climbing onto me. His back arches and you can see the pink tip of his cock protruding briefly before he moves it between my ass cheeks. With just a few short thrusts, at the 10 second mark, his back arches deeply as his cock finds my waiting asshole and he slips inside of me. I lower my back slightly and spread my feet while Ben moves closer against my naked ass. He is thrusting into me wildly now, his big paws gripping me tight around my stomach as he pounds his cock into his mate. As he thrusts, he shifts his body around on my back, lifting one of his back legs for better and deeper access, and then I feel his growing knot push inside of me. His thrusting takes on a great urgency now that his full length is in me and he continues pounding against my body, his big head over my shoulder next to mine. I decided at this point that I would not tie with Ben, having other ideas in mind, and at about the 23 second mark I arch my back slightly to let Ben ‘s knot slip back out of me. Ben thrusts just a few more times before stopping and resting on top of me, his cock now fully engorged inside of me and his fat knot pressing hard against my sphincter. I reach back with my right hand to gently grasp his knot to ensure that Ben doesn ‘t slip out of me and I hold him there, giving him a sensation similar to being tied with his mate. “Good boy, Ben ” I whisper to him. In the video you can see my fingers lightly massaging Ben ‘s knot in the space between my ass and his thighs, and he shifts his body and hind legs around a bit more. We stay this way for over a minute and you can see Ben ‘s thick black tail bobbing in time with his ejaculations as he empties his cum inside of me. I lower my upper body a bit more, raising my ass higher for him, and I spread my bare feet a bit wider. I can see my ass very slowly gyrating beneath the dog, milking the fat cock inside of me. At the 1:53 mark, I lower my chest so that it is now fully resting on the bed, my ass raised high to accommodate Ben ‘s cock. Ben steps off the left side of my body so that he ‘s now on all fours. In this position, and with my hand gripping Ben ‘s knot, I begin to pump my ass up and down along the length of his shaft, my bare legs and feet now flailing behind me as I pleasure my prostate with Ben ‘s cock. His tail continues to bob and he has now turned himself to face the camera. He is panting and his pink tongue drips saliva onto the beach towel as I continue to pleasure myself with his dick. At one point, I have released his knot and have turned my shoulders so that I can almost face Ben. He turns his head for me and we lick each others tongues for a few seconds. I reach back once again to grip his knot, ready for the next phase of our fucking.

At around the 5:30 mark, I lower my body down and away from Ben, slowly slipping his cock out of me while keeping my grip on his knot. Ben turns his head quickly to see what is happening and in a few seconds he has moved so that he is facing the foot of the bed and I have deftly moved onto my back behind him. The fat cock that was inside of me just seconds before is now in front of my face, so I grab Ben ‘s back leg and pull it across my chest so as to position my head between his legs. Then, at the 6:10 mark in the video, I hungrily dive at it with my open mouth. My head bobs over and over on his dick, sucking his thin cum down my throat while I continue gripping his knot to keep his cock engorged. Ben is panting as I pleasure his swollen prick with my warm wet mouth and tongue. I take him all the way into my throat, my lips pressing against his knot, and then pull him out so that I can lick the entire length of him before plunging my mouth around him once again. My left hand is now rapidly stroking my own cock, and I too am nearly panting with pleasure, releasing the occasional sigh and moan as my orgasm starts to build. At the 7:00 minute mark, I stop to tug my t-shirt up off my stomach in anticipation of the load that I ‘m about to dump there. My head continues to bob up and down and as the first waves of my orgasm overtake me, I push Ben ‘s cock deep into my throat and moan deeply as line after line of my cum spills onto my stomach.

As my orgasm slows, I let Ben ‘s cock slip out of my mouth and I release his knot. He spins then to lap at his cock briefly and then settles himself onto the bed to clean himself. I whisper “Good boy ” one more time and rub his head gently before I slide myself off the bed. My fat cock and the strings of cum on my stomach are visible as I pad over to the phone and stop the recording at 7:45.


Chapter Six

The past couple of months have been pretty amazing I must say. Here I was, living my life, same routine as usual. Nice house, nice people, good food, great yard with lots of space to explore and lots of great smells. For years I’ve been stuck inside the confines of the stone walls surrounding the place where I live, but a while ago I was outside, doing my usual things, not really paying attention when I suddenly realized that I was out of my yard and down the road. I have to say that I panicked a little and ran back to my yard – good thing I had left some marks along the way. But the next day the same thing happened. I was out and I was free! I remember the awful collar and the horribly training that my people made me go through, small shocks to my neck if I went near the white flags. But something must have changed – same collar, same yard, but… no more shocks? It felt pretty good to explore a bit more, and my people didn’t seem to ever know that I was missing, so I figured I’d go a bit farther and see what new smells I could find and new places I could explore. And that’s when things suddenly got very interesting for me…

See, one day I had ventured pretty far out from my yard, almost all the way out to the busier road. I was just walking along, having a fun adventure, occasionally stopping for a quick leg-lift to mark where I had been, and then I saw way up ahead something moving toward me. I was a bit nervous, so I looked back toward my house, but I put my ears up and stayed still. I was very curious. It was a person, slowly running toward me. A man. What was he doing? I thought, should I go back home? But I stayed and waited. He stopped running when he got nearer to me, and then he called out “Hey there!” and slowly got down onto one of his knees nearby to me. Well, it didn’t take much for me to tell he was friendly, and I love people so I dropped my ears, wagged my tail a bit and went to say hello.

This may sound weird, but there was something different about this person, something special. I could sense it, and I could smell it, and I could hear it in the tone of his voice. I went up to him and he reached out and started petting me right away, rubbing my head and my ears, and so I leaned in and gave his face a few licks to let him know that I liked him too. The man grabbed at my collar, and I thought that my adventure was suddenly over, but then he said my name – “Ben!” How did he know who I was? I really liked this guy! And then something odd happened. It was kind of embarrassing, but for some reason I started to get an erection from the way this man was talking to me and touching me. It was as if he knew just how to touch me and just the right way to talk to me. Soon my dick was completely hard in my sheath and it was dripping just a bit. What was going on!? I was hoping he didn’t notice, but after a few more seconds of petting me, I felt his hands move over my back and one of his hands went under my stomach. Then, I was in disbelief when I felt his big warm hand lightly cupping my engorged cock, something my people had never done before. I froze for a few moments as this man gently squeezed and rubbed my dick, and I could hear a change in his voice when he whispered something to me, and I could sense an electricity that had never happened with me before. And I really liked it.

After a few more seconds, the guy let my cock go and stood up in front of me. But I wanted him to touch me again! So I jumped up on him a few times, but then he started walking away so I stopped. I put my ears back up and watched him for a few seconds, and then he turned to look at me and patted his thighs and said “Come on, Ben.” Like I said before, I like people a lot, but there was something special about this guy, so I figured I’d see where he was going. I followed along behind him a few paces, looking up occasionally, but was a bit nervous since I had never been this far away from my yard other than in the car my people had. I did a few leg lifts to mark my path, just so I would remember how to get home. But for some reason I kept following him, and he kept turning to see me and calling my name – “Here Ben, come on Ben!” A little while later, the man made a turn into the woods and went down a path. I have to say, the smells there were great, but I didn’t know if I should follow him. He came back to me again at the road, got back onto his knee and gave me a lot more pets. This made me feel pretty good again, so when he went back down the path to the woods, I followed him.

After a few minutes of walking down the path, the man stopped near a small clearing. And then he started to take off his clothes. I have to say, I thought this was a little strange, so I wandered a bit for some more smells and a few more leg lifts. The man called to me again, so I turned and saw that he was on the ground, so I went back over to him to say hello. This time when I licked his face he turned his mouth to mine and opened it, letting me lick his tongue and taste his mouth. The man was giving off new smells to me now, and I was starting to have a deep feeling inside of me, something that seemed beyond my control. I had had these sensations before around my people, but there was something about this man that made me feel that these sensations were OK. I moved around behind him and then he dropped to all fours, just like me, so I put my nose near to where his tail should be and I sniffed him and licked him and inhaled his scent. The man had balls just like mine, so I tasted those a few times and I sniffed and licked at his cock as well. Again, that sensation I was feeling was getting stronger. I can’t explain why exactly, but for some reason I put one of my paws up onto the man’s back and then the other paw too. When the man moved, I jumped back onto the ground and moved away from him a bit, trying to figure out what this feeling was that I was having. Then the man said “It’s OK, Ben, good boy Ben, you’re OK” and that made me want to be near him again. The man shifted his body and his tail spot raised up, so I found myself putting my paws up onto his back once again. I stayed there a bit more, and though it felt like the right thing to do, I wasn’t sure what to do next and so I got back onto the ground.

Once again, the man called my name – “come on Ben, it’s OK Ben” – so yet again I went back to him. When the man turned his tail to me this time, I jumped up on him again quickly. Then I could suddenly feel the man’s hand gripping my sheath again, far back near my balls and he gave my cock a few tugs. His touch felt so good and it made my back arch and my thighs start to hump. I could feel the tip of my cock come out into the air and then it was pressing against the man’s skin. The man moved some more, and I moved further onto his back with my stomach and paws, when I felt an amazing pleasure suddenly surrounding my cock. I grunted and groaned from the sensation of my entire cock being surrounded by a soft wet warmness from the man’s tail area, a feeling that was so natural and that I could sense through my whole body. My deepest instincts took over and with each thrust of my hips I felt that this is something that I was meant to do, that I was born to do. But… This was a man that was under me, which made me slightly confused and hesitant with my thrusts, so I stopped pushing myself into him. But I couldn’t shake the overwhelming feeling of pleasure and the deep instincts I was feeling. It felt like I should jump off again, but for some reason I only gripped the man more tightly with my paws. And then when my cock started to grow inside of the man, and my knot started to expand in his warm hand, and the first spurts of my seed started to spray out of me, I knew immediately and instinctually that I was experiencing my first mate.

Over the past few months I have mated with the man a few more times. He has found me when I’m out exploring and we have mated together in the woods a few times. And he has also invited me into his car (I now know the sight of it and can hear it coming from a distance) to bring me to his home where we have also mated. He brings me onto his bed, something my people won’t allow, and mating is very comfortable there. It was at his home that the man let me push my entire cock and knot all the way inside of him, locking me against his body and the feeling is so much more intense than those times in the woods. It thrills me to my animal core. And I think the man enjoys it too given how he groans and writhes his body underneath me. The man also taught me to slide off his back and that he and I can stand together with our tail ends touching and my cock still locking us together. The pleasure he gives me is incredible, and he even takes my erect cock into his mouth to drink the seed spilling from me – it’s hard to describe how good it feels with the man’s tongue and wet mouth licking and sucking my cock the way he does. I’ve also learned some other things that I can do that seem to pleasure the man. He likes it when I nibble and lick the bumps on his chest. He finds pleasure when I lick his feet and toes. He loves when I lick and take his cock into my own mouth. He really loves letting me lick his mouth and tongue and he does the same for me. And when I am done filling him with my seed, he moans the hardest when I lick the wet hole of his tail spot, something I now know makes his cock spill out a thick dribble which I actually quite enjoy cleaning up for him. I have come to know the man and his scents and the way he moves and I know that he is my mate. His word, I think, is ‘fuck’, and he says that word to me a lot – “do you want to fuck, Ben?” The man really likes to play and to touch tongues and rub my body, but I know that when he says that word ‘fuck’ word that I’ll be pushing my cock inside of him soon.

It’s been a while since I have seen the man. And I really want to give him one of his fucks badly. I think about making him my mate all of the time. The last time I mated with him, he came and found me with his car. So now whenever I can, I leave my yard and I go to the road to look for him and listen. But today I’m in my yard, just doing what I usually do, lying in the sun and chomping a stick. My people are inside, and now I’ve got this new sister who is young and jumps all over the place, but I find her amusing. Sometimes she adventures with me out to the road too. She’s rolling around on her back right now and…. wait… I sense something… now I hear something… the car… it’s the man’s car… I can hear it, I know it… but it’s close to my house… I’m up on my feet now at the end of my driveway… here it comes!… it’s the man, i know it… he just went past my house… where is he going?… wait… he’s turning around now… he’s coming back past me… I hear my name as he drives by…. and now I’m running out of my driveway and down the road, following the man’s car… does he see me?… he’s slowing down but I’m still running… now he’s stopped and I’m still running… his door is opening and I can see him now getting out and opening the back door of his car… i finally catch up to him and he says “hey Ben, come on Ben” so I quickly jump into his car… he shuts the door, gets in and he drives away… I’m so happy to see him and I lean forward to lick his neck and face… my entire body is wiggling with excitement and he’s rubbing my head… and then he says the words… “Ben, do you want to fuck?”

The End