Part I

I had finally moved up in the law firm I was working at, to afford a nice home, to go along with the very nice car I was now driving. I actually did not need to work for my money, my grandfather had built up a large dealership selling cars, actually three dealerships, my father had worked for his father and when he took it over completely he added twelve more dealerships. Since he was an only son, and I was a only child as well, when my father passed away, I sold the company and deposited a lot of money, so much so I would never have to work a day in my life if I chose to do so, but instead I went through law school and was becoming a partner.

Working with several realtors and wanting something with some property, one gentleman suggested I look at a ranch style home, located next to a national forest, my property line on the one side would never have anyone move in and the only other line was a home that was already established at least 400 yards from my home.

We drove out, the house was perfect, I was told the home had been on the market for a long time and rumors were swirling around the non-sale of the home, rumors that indicated a curse just in the forest, a curse that only struck women and one that had caused the previous owner to commit suicide. What I wasn’t told was the original owner, the one who built the home, was a single woman and had indeed taken an over dose of medications shortly after she moved in. There were then two more women who owned the home and had been in one car crashes, killing them instantly and the last one, had stopped at a bar, taken a large amount of narcotics and went inside. The police report said she must have been raped before the overdose killed her, due to the large amount of semen in her system.

I quickly dismissed the rumors and since the bank now owned the property, I put in a very low offer and waited. The bank returned several times with a higher, ‘must have’ offer. Truth be told, normally what they sell a repo for they go back to the former owner for the difference. In this case the previous owner was dead, so what I paid for the property was all they were getting and they tried every single trick they could think of to get me to come up a little, instead I went down. Finally they agreed on my last offer and in two weeks, I paid cash and the place was mine. I took a week’s vacation to move in, the moving company was on time and packed me up quickly, then unpacked me in my new place and by Friday evening, I was putting on sheets on the bed, hanging clothes and getting the kitchen organized. Working late in the evening, I finally got to the point where I could be comfortable and decided to get some sleep.

The cool breeze from the forest filled the house and sleep was wonderful. The following morning I slept in a little, got up took a shower, ate breakfast and decided to go for a run. The realtor had told me of some trails just inside the forest and even given me a map to follow.

Dressing in a jogging suit, I was out of my front door and into the forest in no time. The trail I had picked was a five-mile run, called ‘Walkers beware’. I laughed thinking it was all part of the rumors, which seemed to fill this area. Maybe a mile or a little more, I came across a fork in the trail. To the right was my trail, which led down to the very back edge of my property, where I had figured I’d slip into my place and jog back up to the house, to the left was as small sign, ‘Women should stay out’. The sign was old, barely able to be read, but it had intrigue. Looking up the trial, I shook my head and proceeded on the original trail, coming to my line, crossing the fencing I jogged easily back to my place, figuring I had gone about 6 miles in all – a good run.

The rest of the day I finished up moving in but that sign and trial intrigued me and I kept wondering what was up there. Sunday morning I decided I would not go for a run, but instead maybe a nice walk would do me good. I put on a short dress, giggled when I decided to not wear any panties, and felt even more naughty when the bra was off also, grabbed a fanny pack, loaded with my cell phone and some water, I was off – heading on the same trail as I had yesterday, but when I got to the fork in the trial I took the left one. The walk was easy and the scenery was spectacular, even more beautiful than the one I had been on the day before. As I passed a stream, out of the foliage a huge white lab came walking along by my side. He was beautiful but no collar – he seemed friendly, so I stopped and patted his head, “Hi there boy, where did you come from, you’re obviously owned by someone, you’re taken care of so well.”

Standing back up I told him to go on his way, but he seemed to want to just walk by my side, much like a well-trained dog would do. We walked side by side for quite a long time, coming upon a grassy area over looking a quite stream. I had been walking for several hours now, so I sat down in the grass, took a long drink of water and lay back in the grass, not paying any particular attention to my new companion.

No sooner had I began to relax, then suddenly I felt his tongue lick my bare pussy, I had no idea he was between my legs, let alone under my short dress, but he was and his tongue brought me upright, an instant reflex, eyes wide open – his face now just inches from mine, his tongue pushed between my lips and began to … well I can’t think of anything else but he was kissing me, a dog kissing me.

I raised both hands quickly to push him away but something in his saliva, a drug of some sort, immediately left me defenseless. My mind went blank, arms dropped to my side, entire body went limp as I fell back on the soft grass, gasping for breath and not able to do so. I was floating, could feel more licks between my legs on my pussy, I could feel my legs widen but it was not me, more licks and my pussy was now flowing freely

Somehow, I’m not totally sure I was moved to my tummy then onto all fours with my legs wide and my ass high in the air. More licking, I can remember more licking, it was driving me way beyond the bounds I had ever been, so fully turned on I was literally leaking so much so I could feel a steady stream run down my legs – the tongue was now penetrating my pussy, a dog was fucking me with his tongue and I couldn’t do anything about it.

That’s when I felt the cock enter my pussy, I could feel soft fur on my back, it felt so good, then a cock, not a small cock, but a big cock entered me, in one motion it had driven all he way in and I could feel the balls hitting my bottom – it filled me, I tried to cry out, but my mind and body were on different wave lengths and my body liked this. Worse I could feel my body pushing back to him, wanting his cock deeper in me, moaning and pushing back, internally I was crying out to stop, I’m being raped by a dog, a dog is fucking me, OMG please make it stop, but my body was enjoying this, enjoying it so much, I was begging for more.

My eyes still unable to focus, shot wide open again when I realize his knot had slipped in me, but instead of turning to me butt to butt he kept on fucking me. I could feel him emptying his warm seed deep in my pussy, tears began to run down my face, I’m being fucked by a dog, I’m now his bitch, he has emptied his seed in me, what the fuck will happen to me.

Still feeling him fucking me, a tongue entered my mouth and I was relaxed immediately and now enjoying the fucking I was getting. The tongue seemed to sense when reality was near me and it entered me, I suppose depositing the drug it contained and I was clam and relaxed again.

I’m not sure but in my mind, I seem to remember having one dog pull out of me and another one enter – it seems this happened several times while I was on all fours and I have no idea how many times I was kissing some dog to calm me back down.

My poor nipples were becoming so tender the longer this rape went on – the slightest breeze was making them ache. Trying to move so I could rub them, a tongue made contact with them and began to lick and suck on each nipple

This did not help my being fucked and I began to buck against the cock deep inside me, the knot pressing down on my love button. My mind finally able to process the fact I had been cumming and cumming so many times I had no way of knowing the actual number.

Time had no meaning to me, how long I was on all fours I had no idea, how many times a dog fucked me, or even how many dogs may have participated. I didn’t even remember how I made it to my front door, I vaguely remember the lab by my side, I think he was with me when I feel in bed, completely nude, but it was only a fuzzy image and not sure it was real.

Sleep took over immediately and I rested comfortably for a long time, it was dark outside, and I was cold when I woke. Getting up and heading to the bathroom, I ran a hot shower, got in – that’s when I noticed my belly. It was huge; it looked like I was eight or nine months pregnant. Rubbing it made me feel so wonderful, but trying to remember what had happened was just a blur. I knew a dog or dogs had fucked me – I knew the beautiful white lab was the first, or I think I knew that; my pussy was swollen, from over use. Dipping two fingers in me, was easy, the lips were still open – smelling and tasting the wetness down there, tasted like cum, but a stronger and wilder taste and smell – a dog for sure. Rubbing my tummy and looking at me in the mirror, saying to myself, “Have I been fucked and the dog or dogs that did this, have they impregnated me?”

I continued to rub my tummy and I should have been scared or worried by the realization what had taken place, but for some reason I was not. I showered, went to the kitchen nude, fixed myself a sandwich and moved out to the patio to eat my sandwich, sip some wine and try to figure out what had happened.

It was dark outside so I knew it was safe for me to be outside nude. The moon was not full but close enough to give me a nice view of my property and the neighbors next door. A log fence separated our two properties, the neighbors fence ending a the forest line as well and mine was a pie shape, forest on one side and the neighbors on the other. The same style fence bordered the forest as well. The neighbor had what looked like two or three horses, the fence kept them in.

So as I set there, nude and sipping my wine, when I noticed a dog coming across the neighbors back, very deep in their yard. Without breaking stride it crossed to my property, way to far away, at least 200 yards, for me to make out what kind it was, other than it was a larger dog. Watching how graceful it jogged across my yard, a small breeze came out of the canyon behind me and blew down my yard.

The dog stopped suddenly, sniffing the air, then turning and looking in my direction he changed his path now heading in my way. For some reason I wasn’t nervous, even though I was setting there on the patio nude and sipping a glass of wine. Stopping about 20 feet away, he looked at the entire patio, sniffing the air then looking more. I held my wine glass with two hands, legs wide open and watching him. Finally bolder he ventured forward a few steps at a time.

I couldn’t tell what kind of dog he was, about the size of a lab or German shepherd, obviously someone’s pet, he had recently been brushed, “I suppose I’m giving off some sort of scent and it looks like you can smell it, come closer, I won’t hurt you.”

He cautiously moved closer, sniffing the air continually, about 3 or 4 feet away I could see his cock beginning to protrude from the sheath, “And I suppose the scent I emitting is a bitch in heat, am I wrong boy, come closer and let’s see if I’m correct?”

I put out one hand, he walked forward, sniffed it then licked it, I rubbed his head, then he went between my legs, smelling at first, then licking my pussy around the clit area, then the sides of my thighs

At this point I opened my legs wider, to give him more access to me.. The small voice that keeps you safe was screaming for me to stop this. Finishing off the wine, and leaning forward to rub his head with both hands put that stupid voice to sleep, hopefully it would have a long sleep, maybe even years now.

A few more licks had me sliding down in the chair, resting my head on the backrest and beginning to play with my nipples. They and my breast seemed bigger, I hadn’t noticed since my tummy was so bloated, but they felt heavier and much more sensitive than ever before.

Knowing what I was doing, what I was encouraging was wrong as far as society viewed it, but this seemed to be the right thing to do. I know a few hours earlier the dogs that had me in the canyon had changed me, not only physically, but mentally I was ok with what had happened and what was about to happen, emotionally it did not seem to bother me, at least at this time.

He had been licking me, my cream was now running out in a steady stream, I was in heaven, eyes closed and my whole body moaning, feeling how warm his fur felt as he crawled up on me, placing his paws on the seat of the chair by my side, first kissing my sensitive nipples, then running his tongue along my lips, I opened immediately, accepting his tongue inside my mouth, I arched my back, for the first time feeling his cock rub along my folds – then in one push he was in me.

Leaning back, this feeling so wonderful, so full and so natural,pushing forward to get him in me more, legs going as wide as I can possibly get them, my head comes forward a little and his tongue is in me exploring my mouth, grabbing his head, kissing him back, thrust after thrust ravaging my pussy, driving deep in me , my whole body alive, my bloated tummy rubbing on his soft fur, then I feel his knot push against my opening – two or three thrust is all it takes for him to be in, his knot seated firmly and he stops thrusting

My first orgasm hits me just as his knot enters, screaming in his mouth, “OH FUCK, OH AHHHHH YESSSSSSS FUCKKKKKKKKKMMMMMMMMMMMMOHHHHYESSSSSSSSSS”

At the same time I can feel his cum the first warm load hit my cervix and a second mini-orgasm washes over me, his knot rests comfortably on my love button and begins to massage it just as the third mini one hits again – he lifts up his one leg, swinging it over the top of me, my love button being molested and still another mini, then he settles down ass to ass and I can feel load after load of his warms seed impregnate me, making me his bitch, driving me further down a hole I can’t possibly get out of, twisting my own nipples, arching my back to get more of him in me, and feeling load after load after load filling me more and more. I glance down between us, it feels so perfect to have a dog ass to ass with me, his cock deep inside me and my boated tummy aching as he continues to fill me with more of his semen.

Finally pulling out of me, I’m surprised to see so much of his cum rush out of me, my tummy doesn’t seem to be that much more boated, watching him move to the side of the patio and begin to clean himself.

Something deep down in me now, tells me who I am and what my purpose is, sliding out of my chair, I crawl to him, leaning down and begin to lick his cock clean.

Legs apart lying on his side, he watches as I perform my duty well, then I curl up on him and fall asleep with his legs over me. Waking a little time later, he scrambles down the field, wagging is tail while I pick up the dishes and the empty wine glass, go back inside – run a hot shower and wash myself off. Climbing in bed, nude, some cum still leaking out of me, I fall instantly asleep.

Waking, the sun streaming in my bedroom window, it’s late in the morning. A new week, my first full week off and so much has changed since I began to unpack. My muscles are sore and need a good work out, my tummy has all but disappeared, what ever was in me must have gone in my body. Standing in front of the mirror, my boobs are definitely bigger, the nipples longer as well as being bigger and they are so sensitive to the touch.

Putting on a small pair of shorts, a top that hugs me, but isn’t bad, my running shoes, phone and ear buds and I’m out the front door, figuring I’d head back down by my neighbor and down a road along side their home to the forest – just to see where it goes. No one is out as I pass their home, the lane is mostly empty with a little activity going on in some of the homes, I become excited running past them, wondering if they can tell I’m the new neighbor, I’m the dog bitch. The lane ends at approximately a three-mile distance from my home, so I turn and head back, as I reach the turn heading back home, I notice an older gentleman in his garage, working on a set of 4-runners, so I slow down and walk down his driveway.

Seeing him looking up, I wave, “Hi I’m Nikki, your next door neighbor. Wanted to stop by and introduce myself to you”

He put down his screwdriver, wiped off his hand, shaking mine; I noticed something changed in his eyes, “Glad to meet you Nikki, I’m Brad. So you’re the new owner of the cursed home?”

I laughed, “Yes I heard the previous owner committed suicide, but I don’t believe in ghosts, so it didn’t bother me.”

Still holding my hand, “So I suppose the real estate salesman didn’t tell you about all the woman who have owned the property, come inside and have a drink with me, I’ll tell you all I know?”

Looking around and only seeing one truck in the two-car garage, “Will your wife be joining us later?”

He looked at the empty space, “No she had an accident a few years ago, after going on along walk in the woods, I’ll tell you all about it over a beer”

Following him inside his home, a nice home and decorated obviously by a woman, I took a seat in the family room as he brought me a beer, taking a seat across from me.

“Well, I guess I need to tell you about your home first” He went on to give me the history of the owners, something I had not known until now – all the time I kept thinking of walking up that trail and wondered if he knew the secret that I now held

“That is a lot more than I knew, but do you have any idea why they all died or killed themselves?”

He leaned forward and looked at me for the longest time, taking a long pull on his beer, “Let me tell you about my wife. One morning she got up early and told me she was going for a walk in the woods on one of the trails. She’d be back in a couple of hours. Well she was gone way longer than just a couple of hours. I remember her walking down the road, a pack of dogs by her side, beautiful dogs, but when she got back she had this vacant look in her eyes and her tummy was extended so much she looked like she was pregnant. Asking her what happened she said as she was walking along a …”

I interrupted him; “A white lab came along side her and followed her to a meadow where she took a seat to rest and enjoy the water and how peaceful it was”

Looking at me, “So you’re well aware of what happens when the white lab joins a woman on that trail?”

I lowered my head, “Yes totally aware, and I assume you think not only your wife but all of the previous owners of my home walked with the lab as well. And they couldn’t handle what had happened to them?”

He was still studying me, “I’ve only felt like I felt when you shook my hand in the garage once before, that is when my wife walked through the door and I took her hand, there was something there, something stirring”

He took my hand again and moved by my side, “Not only the ladies who owned your home and my wife but many who have lived in town and ended it all. But you seem to be fine with it all, are you fine?”

He was now rubbing my hand, I could see the bulge in his pants growing and knew we were about to have sex together, “I think so, when I came back, it didn’t bother me all that much, I guess it should have. Then last night I had a stray dog fuck me on my patio and it didn’t seem to bother me, just like I assume it is not going to bother me when you fuck me”

I was looking directly in his eyes, when I said it; he never made eye contact but instead leaned in and kissed me.

“My wife came home that day, went straight to bed. I woke after it was dark, came out to the back yard, she was asleep on our dog, totally nude and a big cum spot still wet on the deck. I must have started her; she jumped up, cum was running down her leg, grabbed a coat and was gone in her car. Before I could say anything I got a report she had driven off the road, was going at a high-speed, when she lost control. I guess I’ll never actually know if she drove off that cliff or lost control, either way I had no way of telling her I didn’t care”

My hand was now stroking his cock, through his Levi’s, “You know I think the bloated tummy is cum being stored in our bodies until it can be absorbed in to us, we both know dogs like to fuck us, but we have no idea what will happen when a guy does us”

By now our bodies were pressing into one another, “My wife never gave me a chance to tell her, it didn’t matter, I’d like to find out what will happen or what could have happened.”

By now he was rubbing my one tit, playing with my already hard nipple, I stood up, pulling off my top, both nipples were hard as rocks, pulling down my shorts left me in running shoes and socks

Looking at me, my new boobs and nipples pointy and puffy, my lips bare, like I keep it down there, and slightly moist on the outside

“OMG you are beautiful, I never knew”

Reaching him, unzipping his shorts and pulling them and his boxers down and off of him, his cock springs up – a very nice cock, has to be close to 8 inches in length and wide enough to more than satisfy me, I get on his lap, raising up, with one hand I guide the head of his cock in me, then wiggle as I settle down

Helping him pull his golf shirt over his head, I rub my nipples on his bare chest. Kissing him, “You sure you still want to go through with this, neither of us know what will happen when I cum and so far I am cumming quick and often?”

Wrapping his arms around my body, pushing up into me, and kissing me, letting his tongue enter my mouth, he begins to push up and down and up and down in me, stopping to kiss my nipples then my mouth then my nipples again

“Stop talking and fuck me.”

I grab his head, pull it to me, and ride his cock up and down and up and down, rubbing my tits on his chest. It has been a long time for him and fortunately I was in heat when I meant him in the garage, so I’m so close that it does not take long before I’m bouncing on him, he’s sucking my nipples and I can feel he is there, his cock swells inside me

Grabbing him and pressing down as hard as I can I scream out, “OH FUCK YES, I’M CUMMING .. KEEP FUCKING ME DON’T STOP .. CUM IN ME FILL ME UP MAKE ME YOUR BITCH LIKE THE DOGS DO”

I watched his eyes roll up in his head, as it flopped back and felt his warm body fill me with cum – it was a lot, not nearly as much as a dog can leave, but plenty for me to know I had been fucked

Holding his head, while I kissed him and ground my hips on his shrinking cock, “It is so different, I like the dogs but there is nothing like a good fuck from a guy who knows how to fuck and treat a lady.”

I lay there in his arms while we both calmed down, he kept kissing my neck, then he was completely down and I felt him come out of me, getting up, going in the kitchen I get some paper towels to clean up our mess, and kneeling in front of him, I lick and suck him to clean him up as well.

I stand and put on my bottom and about to put on my top, “Leave your top off, your tits are way to beautiful to hide, and take one of my 4-wheelers home, who knows you may need it and I have four of them”

Grinning, “Then I guess I will have to come back here to get it looked at on a regular basis, correct?”

‘I hope so, I hope this wasn’t a one time shot, and I need to let you know if I have any side effects from your cum all over me”

I kissed, told him I’d be back in a few days. Got on the machine he picked out for me and headed home.

Showering I kept thinking of how I’d love to share what I had with someone else. Kimi worked in my office, another lawyer and very pretty, blonde with big tits. She had hit on me many times and I was tempted to try the other side with her, but never did. Standing in the hall nude, I dialed her number.

‘Kimi, it’s Nikki. I’m standing in my hall way nude and thinking of how lonely it is here in my brand new home and how much I’d like to have you join me for a day or two maybe we can find the time so I can show you my home.”

Listening, “Tomorrow would be great, don’t pack too much, I want to take you on a ride, a place I found where we can lay back and enjoy the soft grass and the steam and promise no people to bother us, just the great outdoors and the animals”

The next morning I was loading the carriage of the 4- wheeler, with some supplies, wine and a snack and so on, when she drove up.

She was dressed in a short skirt sundress type of outfit and a small carry all bag. Looking around, “This place looks just perfect, closest neighbor a long ways away and the forest so close” She looked down the back, “That all yours?”

I nodded and hugged her, “Yep let me show you the inside”

We walked inside and I took her on the dollar tour, bedroom was last, where she finally grabbed me and kissed me. I responded to her surprising myself at how good her boobs felt pressed in me. Reaching under her dress, I slid one hand down her pants, she found out quickly I wore none”

“Ohhh no panties, naughty”

I giggled, “Take yours off, I have a feeling they will only get in the way later on”

She reached down slipping out of hers and tossing them on the bed, I took her by the hand, “If we stay here much longer, we’ll just end up spending the time in bed and I want to show you something, then we can come back and spend as much time as you want after that”

We were on the 4-wheeler, she was clinging on to me and we were heading up the road to the fork that took us left from the main trail. Her hands had moved to just below my breasts, when the white lab joined us, we were going slow and I slowed down even more when he was by our side

“Oh look a beautiful dog has joined us, have you ever seen him before Nikki?”

I nodded, “Yea when I was up here a couple of days ago, he joined me for the entire walk, pretty dog isn’t he?”

She was reaching out and petting him when we arrived at the meadow and I was unpacking the things when Kimi kneeled down and the lab kissed her between the legs. Then when she laid back in the grass, he licked her pussy and stuck his tongue in her mouth, just as I remembered, then went back to licking her pussy. Her eyes were hazed over, a distant look, but her hips were moving up and down as the lab continued to lick her pussy.

Setting down on the grass by the machine, a hand rubbing my own pussy,I watched and sipped a glass of wine. Two more dogs appeared and together they lifted her up and put her on all fours that explained how I got on all fours. The lab was the first one to enter her, and a German shepherd was the one working her mouth with the drugs in his mouth. Two small dogs began to lick her nipples, and I watched in fascination as the labs knot slid in her and began to fill her with his cum. But I was watching just how gentle all of the dogs were, the lab knew exactly where her pussy was, he had been licking it, driving his tongue deep inside her and playing with her pussy for a long time, then when he entered her, it was not the usual stabbing that I had experienced the other night when my first dog fucked me, but this was so gentle, they all cared about us and took special care to treat us like queens, helping us to submit to them as our masters.

When he pulled out of her, her tummy was beginning to distend and I watched as a Dane did her next, then the Bernese took his turn, I had not been aware of the Dane, then the last one was a big mastiff who fucked her continuous for more than a half hour. Finally she was full, her belly stretched to the maximum, no cum had run out of her – when a big dog, I have no idea what breed he was but he was big. I looked up and saw him, rolled over to all fours and bowed my head down, for some reason I instinctively knew this was the main dog, the Alpha ghost dog if you will.

In one thrust he was in me, knot and all, when he began to fuck me, I was howling like a dog does at the moon. He was new; I figured my reward for accepting who I was and for bringing another one to share what I had. The first shot of cum, gave me an orgasm like nothing I have ever experienced before – it rushed from my pussy to every fiber in my body then directly back to my pussy, that was shooting out cum between his cock and my walls. The second one went straight to my tits, growing at least one size, nipples lengthened by at least a half an inch – the third blast produced milk in my tits and the two little dogs were under me, drinking and sucking on each nipple and whining the whole time, a good whine like a small dog makes.

He then pulled out of me, coming around to the front of me and kissing me, a kiss I have never experienced before by any guy or any dog in that fact by any girl either – then he was gone.

Looking down I expected to see my tummy bloated completely, but it was flat as ever – looking between my legs there was no cum dripping out of me. I had felt a lot of cum enter me, now all I could figure was all of it had combined in my body immediately, instead of how Kimi’s was doing.

By the time I had recovered, Kimi was coming around. With the dogs help, we got her on the 4-wheeler and we were off. The company stayed with me to my garage, where I helped her off and into bed. Taking off all of her clothes, I took a shower and went to set on the patio looking to see if any dog was there.

Hungry I ordered a pizza to be delivered and waited nude for him or her to show up. It was a cute girl, and when I opened the door, she nearly dropped the pizza. She was nude also in no time and sucking on the milk out of my tits. Both of us had orgasms and she was gone. As I watched her leave, a fifty-dollar bill as a tip in her pocket I wondered how the milk would affect her.

I didn’t have to wait long, while she was loading the empty bag back in her car, a stray dog came by, sniffed her crotch, pushed it’s head in and licked her, she was on all fours in no time, by the side of her car and he was in her fucking away like a trooper. I could hear her moaning, as I closed the door, saying to myself, ‘Well I guess if you drink my milk, you also join me in becoming a dog bitch’

I was lying by Kimi’s side when she woke; I had been rubbing her tummy. Looking at me, she smiled, “I was fucked by a dog or dogs, wasn’t I?”

Rubbing her head and pulling back some hair, “Yes I had the same experience and wanted to share with someone. You ok?”

Nodding, “I think so, but I’m so bloated”

Rubbing her tummy, “I know the same thing I looked like, during all of their fucking, not one drop of cum leaves your body, it is all stored in here and will begin to work it’s way in your body. By tomorrow you won’t see any sign of it, you’ll be your usual hot tummy”

Leaning in I kissed her letting my tongue enter her mouth, while I began to rub her nipples, “My nipples were so sensitive afterwards, and actually they still are”

Her eyes had rolled up in her head, legs automatically opened wide, and I ran a finger along her pussy, playing with her clit and sending one to locate and play with her love button. It did not take long for her to arch her back and scream as the orgasm hit her.

Moving down her body, I begin to suck on her pussy, licking up the cum now running so freely, playing with her clit, then moving back up to let her drink of my new found delight, milk in my tits.

She pulls back, “You’re lactating, when did this happen but oh it tastes so rich and so yummy?”

I told her of the new dog who fucked me while she was being changed, I have no idea who he is, but I assume he is the Alpha of the group. I’ve got bigger tits now, longer nipples and my pussy is so sensitive, and the milk makes little cute girls open to getting fucked by a dog.

Kissing her again, “Let’s get up and shower, both of us need it, then we’ll grab something to eat, I know you’re starved and we’ll take some wine out to the patio and enjoy the evening nude of course”

We showered together, made love to each other, rubbing our boobs, sucking and licking each other to multiple orgasms then finally dried off and headed to the kitchen for a meal and some wine on the patio.

The sun was setting, as we took our seats, “Apparently there is one more ritual you have to go through before you day is complete. I was in this chair when it happened to me, but I didn’t’ have anyone with me to be of comfort, I’ll be here for you, and be here after for you as well. Then we’ll sleep and in the morning we’ll talk and see what we both feel like.”

I raised a glass of wine, Kimi said, “To us”, as we clinked the glasses I spotted dog crossing the bottom of the property, stopping and turning to us, glancing over Kimi had spotted it as well.

“I take it that is my last challenge, my pussy is already throbbing knowing what is coming, stay with me please”

The dog was licking between her legs before I could say anything, a much more aggressive one than the one who visited me. He was up in the chair in a few seconds, had his cock in her, had fucked her and loaded her full and was lying down when she crawled over and began to clean his cock. But unlike the neighbor’s dog, and mine this one was gone as soon as he was clean.

I took her hand, she was in a daze, led her to my bedroom, tucked her in. Crawled in behind her and wrapped my arms around her … whispering in her ear, “I think I’m falling in love with you”

Then I kissed her neck and fell asleep.

She began to stir around 9:30 or so, the sun was up and most of her tummy was gone. We kissed and held each other.

She pulled back, “I guess we’re now both bitches of dogs, has this changed anything for you other than the obvious?”

I told her of the next-door neighbor and she knew of the pizza girl, but other than that I haven’t had any contact with any other dog other than the one that night. “I guess we should go and find out what will happen to us if we do meet some.”

She kissed me again, “I’ve wanted this for so long, and now I have you in my bed, but I can’t help but feel you are my superior in some way”

“Perhaps when the Alpha dog fucked me, I became the Alpha of the bitches, who knows”

I told her of my concern at being in the office again with all the guys, based on the instant hard on the neighbor got and that I wanted to talk to her but that I was going to call in and quit the office.

Her whole face dropped, “But I don’t have that choice, I have to work”

I took her face in my hand, “Last night, just as we were drifting off to sleep, I told you I was falling in love with you. I meant it, and so you do have a choice, move in with me. I have plenty of money to take care of both of us; if you need independence I’ll transfer a million into a separate account for you and you only. Please say yes and we can both call in and quit at the same time”

Waiting for her reply was the longest time I have ever waited. I watched as tears began to form in her eyes, Hugging me, “I’ve dreamed of this ever since I first meant you several years ago, and now it is here, and I’m so happy, but are you sure, you want me to share your bed with you, to be lovers – are you sure you want that commitment?”

I hugged her, kissed her – we’ll take mine and your car and pick up all of your things, then we’ll call the office and quit – then we need to go talk to Brad and see if anything has changed in him”

We arrived at her place, a condo she leased on a year to year basis, good timing on our part, her lease was up and due for renewal, she had the application in her mail.

As we were gathering her stuff and boxing it all up, I heard a scratching at the back door. Looking up it was a Newfoundland and he was well taken care of. Kimi shared a back yard with her neighbor; he was so beautiful I let him in. He immediately went between my legs, licking me brought me to the ground on all fours and he was in me with two or three bad shots, his knot pressing me, when Kimi came walking in from taking a load outside.

She sat down, “Oh I see you’ve meant Oscar, my neighbor Pam owns him, when I realized I was now a dog fucker, he was one I had on my list of future companions, but I guess I’ll have to wait and be his second bitch”

We both laughed, although I was panting hard now, “He was scratching at your back door, I think he wanted you, but a pussy is a pussy after all. He is big and really knows how to use his cock, … Oh fuck .. I’m so close, no I’m ohhhhh fuckkkkkkk I’m cummming … “

With my first orgasm I dropped to my elbows until he had knotted with me and I was being filled with his doggy cum.

Kimi scooted under me, and began to suck on my tits, drinking of the milk that freely flowed, causing me to moan more and have another orgasm. When the dog lifted his leg over me, I had a massive orgasm, causing me to scream in the floor, finally collapsing when he pulled out of me.

Laying on the floor, doggy cum running out of me, “You’ve got to have him fuck you, when we come back for the next trip, it is your turn, this one really knows how to fuck and how to treat a lady”

We lay there on the floor kissing and making out, I crawled between her legs, running my tongue up and over her lips sending in one finger to play with her love button and giving her an orgasm as well.

Then we finished up what we had, both vehicles full and headed back to my place. Seeing Brad out working in his garage, we unloaded quickly and walked down to see him.

“Brad, this is Kimi, she is moving in with me and ….”

Brad looked up, “And you took her up the canyon to see the dogs, I can tell. Nice to meet you Kimi, love your tits”

Bringing on a low giggle, “Thank you Brad, would you like to see them without anything covering them up?”

Brad had already moved to her side, and leaned in kissing her neck, “OH before I take Kimi in to see my house, something funny happened today”

Brad had taken a seat, Kimi was on his lap, and her tits were now bare. “What happened?” As I reached between my legs and began to rub my clit.

Playing with Kimi’s tits, “Down the street on the right, the big gray two-story, Colleen Collins lives there. She raises Golden retrievers for a living and does very well with them. She seems to have a litter ready to sell at all times and they go for anywhere from $1500 to double that, depending on the mix. She is hot as hell, big tits, a die for ass and the works and ever since my wife died, I’ve been trying to tap that for a long time, but she’s never been interested. I do however do little fix its for her from time to time. Last night late she called me, seems her water line to the dog’s kennels had sprung a leak and she wondered if I could come and see if it is fixable. I went down this morning early, she was out back with the dogs. I saw the leak, worn out fittings was all and told her it was fixable. While I stood by her, she reached out and touched my face, then offered me a cup of coffee. I explained I needed to run to town and get the parts needed, would be back in an hour or so and have it up and running in no time.

Once inside, she poured me a cup of coffee, I’d never been invited in her home before, then she sat down on my lap and kissed me. I was so shocked, by the time I realized what was happening, she had my cock out and her pants were off, I was in her and we were fucking like teenagers. She had two orgasms on my lap, I emptied a ton of cum in her, more than I’ve ever had before, then I headed to town to get the parts”

Still rubbing my clit, my eyes loosing focus as he spoke, “Good for you, you fucked the neighbor lady, but what’s so strange about that, she may have been horny and you had a cock?”

“No, besides the fact my load was bigger than I have ever had before, when I got back with the parts, I just turned off the system and replaced the parts, then back on again. Going back to the kennels, she was nude, on all fours and one of her male dogs was fucking the hell out of her. She looked up, “I guess you got me all hot and bothered this morning, Silver needed to fuck me and how can I turn down a cutie like this. Everything work out Ok?”

Kimi was standing now and taking everything off, “She wasn’t the least bit embarrassed by the fact she was fucking a dog, after fucking me and I fucked you. It seems more than a coincidence to me, especially when I’m producing ten maybe 20 times more cum than I ever have before”

I nodded my head, but the orgasm was upon me and I was cumming, just us Kimi sunk down on Brad’s cock and began to ride it.

Brad insisted on Kimi having a 4-wheeler also, and that he would be up daily to check them out. Licking our lips we both agreed, knowing he was going to be a continual fuck buddy for a long time.

We unpacked then and headed back to get our next load of her stuff. The place still smelled like a dog had been fucking someone in there, so going to the back sliding window Kimi slid open the glass and squealed to me, “Come here and look at this”

I joined her on the patio, less than 20 feet away a big chested brunette was being fucked by the dog that had fucked me earlier. Looking up, “Oh Hi Kimi, I’m sorry but he wanted to fuck me and who can say no when he wants to fuck, it looks like you’re moving is that correct?”

Kimi told her we were moving in with each other and listened as she said the same thing about the dog as I had, she was more than welcome to come over and let him have her on the next trip.

Then coming back in, “She is the most conservative person I have ever meant, the last thing you would see is her fucking a dog in her back yard and proud of it – what is going on here?”

I sat down and thought, “Ok this is what we know. We both have been fucked by a strange set of dogs, evil dogs or curse dogs we don’t know, but we do know it has changed us. I was the only one who has ever survived, most girls have committed suicide, but by me not following in their footsteps I was able to be with you and now there are two of us who carry something. I fucked the pizza girl and she fucked the first dog she saw, after drinking my milk. I fucked Brad and the dog out back. Both of them, when they came in contact with a female fucked them easily. Pheromones maybe or something, but apparently it is easy for them to fuck females when they are with them. When a female is fucked she in turn lets dogs fuck her and there seems to be no regret. Our disease or germ or whatever it is, passes to them and they need and accept dogs to fuck them. I think the dogs that fucked us; their goal is to make all females’ dog bitches everywhere. Our job is to fuck as many males as we can and pass on the bitch disease to all of them. The only problem with our theory is we need proof, and I have no ideas how to prove it.”

Kimi was smiling, “I do. Remember Barbara, the big-busted blonde from accounting? I have tried to get with her forever, but she has two twin daughters, big breasted like their mom and in college. Apparently when the old man was cheating on her, he had a ton of money and Rick represented her, we all know Rick. She got it all. They have a pool, private area and all, but the girls go swimming nude every afternoon and they have two Irish Wolfhounds, both males. The girls are in school during the day, there is a bathhouse out back. Let’s get loaded up, go fuck the two dogs, head back to the bathhouse and wait for the girls to come home. Then let’s see what happens when Barbara comes home next. From what she has said, she hates those two dogs and would love to get rid of them”

I liked the idea, we finished packing that trip and headed with two full cars to Barbara’s home. Kimi wasn’t kidding, this was a nice place. Kimi had a key and in a few seconds we were in. The two dogs were out back. Stripping of our clothes, we opened the door and in they came. One came right up to me, licked my pussy, I went down on all fours immediately presenting myself to him. His cock was like his body hair, long and wiry and he had no tack on how to fuck. Not like the last one I had enjoyed. Instead he was in me, one push his knot was in me, I came, he locked in me with several rapid pumps, once locked I came again, as he turned and we were butt to butt, then he unloaded the cum deep inside me, it was a gallon or more and I came again. When he broke free, I was on him immediately cleaning him, up and enjoying what was becoming something I so looked forward to. Lying down on his tummy I watched Kimi with a true lover, fuck her slow and long. She was cumming multiple times. Soon she joined me on her dog’s tummy and we waited. Early afternoon, we fixed us a sandwich, got some waters and headed for the pool house. It wasn’t long, we heard the girls come home and in no time they were out nude and pushing each other as they walked to the pool. The two dogs came up to greet them, each knelt down to pet them, then about to push them away, both were kissed by the dogs almost in unison. We watched their eyes go blank and they widened their legs, the dogs licked them multiple times, then both of them automatically moved to all fours and the dogs were up and in them.

Not needing to stay hidden now, we’re ready to test our next theory and come out of the pool area and walking by the side of the pool, the girls recognize Kimi immediately

Jen says, between pants, “Hi ahhh ohhh Kimi, ohhh fuck Jan this is so good, why have we waited for so long when these cocks were always here. Kimi, Mom’s not home, but you can wait, I think the doggies will be tired after fucking us, so I don’t think you’d get much out of them – we’re going to use them every way possible”

Winking at Kimi, might as well introduce them to girl on girl as long as they are so susceptible, “So is this the first time you’ve fucked the dogs Jen?” As I ask her I begin to play with her nipples that are huge and hard as rocks

This brings the wanted response of moaning, trying to focus, “Yes, oh Miss that feels so good, please don’t stop, the doggies looked so lonely and when they licked our pussies how could we refuse them”

Both Kimi and I continued to increase their arousal, watching them cum again and again, one upon another, and then when the dogs finally pulled free and they began to clean the dogs up, we got down with them, licking their pussies and sucking on their sensitive nipples. Within a few minutes we had both of them begging to not have another orgasm, their bodies couldn’t take anymore. We didn’t stop until we were sure they had been hooked on girl on girl love and associated it with doggie love. Then we let them rest, waiting for their mom to come home.

“Does your mom like the dogs Jan?” I asked to gauge our research.

“No she hates both of them, Dad bought them, they’re both twins also, mom has tried to talk us into getting rid of them, but Dad bought them for us, and we can’t depart with them. But maybe when she sees how much they want her, she’ll change her mind”

We let them rest, while we enjoyed the sun and made out in front of them, their young little pussies were still tingling with desire, it wouldn’t be long now before they’d take a female lover and they would be hooked.

Kimi and I were both naked, having cum many times, the girls lay on the loungers sprawled out with cum still running out of their pussies, when their mom stepped into the back yard.

She looked over the situation, “Kimi what the fuck has been going on here, and why do my daughters look like they’ve been …. “

The first dog came up and licked her hand, she looked down at him, shaking her hand, “Go away get away, you know, know … I ah .. know …”

Then she sank down to him and he kissed her. I looked at Kimi, they touch her first then it is the kiss, our cum is in their mouth and that is all she wrote.

Barbara was pulling down her panties, and one of the dogs had her on all fours ready to mount her, we got dressed and headed out, turning, “Girls I know your mom would love to have you suck on her tits while she is being fucked”

Both girls attacked their mom and we left, now fully understanding why and how we got the ladies to be dog bitches

Arriving home and knowing we only had a few items left, we climbed in my SUV and called the office on our way back in. Telling Rick and the team on a loud-speaker, we were quitting, Rick and Tom insisted on us having a ‘going away party’. I offered my home that Friday if that was good with everyone and that Kimi was moving in with me so something else to celebrate. Lawyers and their office staff are a horny bunch for the most part and Kimi and I knew by the end of the evening we’d have all of them converted to doggy love. But we needed more girls like us to spread the disease or the blessing quicker. It seemed to be an internal drive we both had.

Unloading the final things Kimi had, we decided a nice shower is what we both needed then time to talk. Stepping in the shower, both of us totally nude, I stepped up behind her, massaging her breasts, and kissing her neck, while I rubbed my boobs on her back. Whispering in her ear, “I’m falling in love with you, totally in love with you”

She turned, pressed her body to mine and kissed me, deeply this time, longer and with more passion than either of us had shared before.

Dropping to my knees, I kissed her just above her clit and then down between her legs as the water splashed all over me. Licking her slit, I began to suck on her clit, which was all it took, she screamed and came hard, sending gushes of cream down my chin and all over my mouth.

Standing back up, I kissed her sharing what she had given me, “Ohhh I love how I taste now when I cum and I’m cumming so easy now, it used to take time to get me ready, now just looking at me and I’m getting wet”

We continued to give one another pleasure until we were sure our skin was going to be wrinkled from all the water, then out and drying each other and down to the kitchen to get something to eat.

She was pouring some wine for us, I was fixing some sandwiches, and had some soup going, “So Nikki, what are we going to do about spreading what we have to more people, you know that is what they want us to do?”


Part II

Kimi and I knew we had a party of the law firm personnel and that meant a lot of fucking, considering the way we reacted around anyone now since our visit with the cursed dogs in the woods.

Getting a bite to eat, we were enjoying the fact we no longer wore any clothes in our home, “So what do you think we should do prior to the party, you know we will both end up in bed and probably be fucking all of them by the time the party is over?”

Kimi turned, “I have no idea, but we need to see if we have any limits as to how many times we can fuck in one evening”

That statement suddenly hit me with an idea, “You know that small bar, at the bottom of the hill, just before you begin the climb up the mountain to here, it always has 15 or more cars in the parking lot, guys in a bar – drinking beer, what better place to fuck all of them and not have to worry about any consequences. What do you think?”

Smiling, “I think as soon as we finish eating, we head that way and see if we can give them an entertainment they have never even dreamed of.”

I don’t think it was possible for two giggly women, eat that fast, get on a small if nothing outfit and both were in the car driving to the bar, in no time.

Pulling up in front, it looked like the usual crowd, 15 maybe a few more guys and girls in the bar, checking ourselves one last time, I put my keys in a small handbag, the two of us entered the building. Stopping by the bartender, a cute girl, big tits, “Can you keep this for me until I decide to leave, if you’re nice I’ll let you suck on my tits” I wiggle them, “I know you’d like them and what they have in them”

She took my handbag, put it under the bar, looked over both of us, told some guy to watch the bar for a minute, came out from behind, pulled my top down and locked on my right nipple, instantly getting her reward – a gush of milk. I watched her eyes begin to haze up and float, then pulling my top off, I kissed every guy sitting at the bar, while Kimi took care of kissing the ones on the floor around the pool table and that left me with the three at a private table.

We both knew we had to make some type of contact, kissing them assured they were all ours, so I dropped my dress, leaving me totally nude, and heading to the private table. “I guess the dike bar tender is only up for one drink, is there anyone in this place that knows how to fuck?”

Glancing sideways, Kimi was already nude and in the arms of a big guy, biker looking dude. He had cleared the pool table of the balls in play and was laying her down, legs over the edge, her bottom on the rail, and was in the process of dropping his pants.

I reached the table, took one guy and kissed him, sending my tongue deep on his mouth, the one to my right had grabbed on my tit and was sucking milk out of it, I looked his eyes also hazed over and he sat back down, his erection evident immediately. So now I knew how the milk reacted on people. The third guy stood, at least 7 foot high, dropped his pants, at least 12 inches was becoming hard, “I have no idea what you and your girlfriend are on, but you want to get fucked, fucked you will get little girl, fucked so hard you won’t be walking straight for a week”

With that I leaned in to kiss him, he pushed away, whispering in my ear, “So you’ve been up the mountain to visit the doggies, I spotted you right away, I’ve already been affected, but I still want to be the first to fuck you, then you can have the others. I’ll drop my card in your handbag, when you’re done, call me tonight, Buster and I will come and visit you two, I think you’ll like him.”

With that, he spun me around, put me over the table, and plowed into me, one motion only, balls slapping my pussy as he bottomed out. I groaned and pushed back, came instantly on him, then he began a steady rhythm of in and out and in and out and in and out… I was coming so quickly, I had lost count, then leaning into me just as he released a huge amount of cum in me.

As he pulled out of me, “Call me tonight.”

As the guy who had been sucking on my tits, entered me, I saw the big tall guy head to the bar, pick up my bag, and place something in it and head out. He was good looking.

I could hear Kimi screaming as a new guy entered her; she had cum running down her legs. I think a fourth guy was in me, and I had cum at least a dozen or two times by my count, and as much cum was leaking out of me, I was not anywhere near being finished.

We meant at the bar, my tits had been sucked by the three ladies in the bar including the barmaid. The guys were sitting in chairs, on the floor and one was stretched out on the pool table. I believe each one had us at least twice – some more. I got us two beers from the tap, kissed the barmaid again. Put a hundred dollar bill in her pocket. We drank the beers, left our clothes wherever they were, got my handbag and headed to my car, both completely nude.

On the way home, we were both giggling, Kimi looked over at me, “You look so hot right now, I kept my eyes on you and watching how much you are truly enjoying being fucked, and I saw you gave as many blowjobs as I did also, but thank goodness you have leather seats in this vehicle, we both have cum all over us, my car would have been permanently stained for sure.”

Laughing also, “Well, as soon as we have some free time, we’re getting you an SUV with leather seats, you’ll need the 4-wheel in the winter to get back up this hill, and I want to make sure you are safe. But I did enjoy the fucking, we need a shower as soon as we get home, but the first guy who fucked me, the big one, did you see him?”

Kimi nodded, she had, so I related the story he told me and his card should be in my purse. Kimi opened my handbag, looked inside, I had his card, but I also had $5,000 cash with a note, “Thank you two for showing me what you can do, be sure and call me, there is lots of money to be made, while you’re getting used to being fucked my a dog.”

We looked at each other, “He told me he has a girlfriend who has been fucked by the dogs and is still alive, if so we need to meet her” We both agreed to call him and set up and appointment as soon as possible.

The warm water in the shower felt so good, even though we were fine, being fucked by that many guys had stiffened our muscles and our pussies and nipples were extra sensitive. Pushing Kimi against the wall, the water running on both of us, using my nipples to rub and tease hers, I run my free hand down between our bodies, rubbing her clit, feeling her legs open quickly, then I let one finger enter her pussy, finding her magic button, I pressed down on it, she moaned and began to ride my finger, sensing when she was very close, I dropped to my knees, took her pussy in my mouth and began to suck on her while still massaging her sensitive spot.

She screamed and pushed down on my mouth, her cum combined with all the guys she had fucked came gushing out, while I tried to drink as much as possible.

Looking up at her, cream all over my mouth, I stood back up and kissed her, letting our tongues play and sharing with her how good she tasted.

Pulling back looking at how beautiful she looked, “I think I’m falling in love with you, thank you for not being mad at me for taking you to see the dogs.

She pulled me close, “I’ve been in love with you for over a year now, the dog thing just made it exciting”

Stepping out and drying one another, we headed for the kitchen; it was still early when we heard a knock at the door.

Brad was standing there with a beautiful Golden, wagging his tail. He made a beeline to Kimi, pushing his head into her pussy and licking it. Her legs separated immediately and she began to squat a little to enjoy his tongue for a few minutes before presenting herself to him for complete dominance.

Looking back at Brad with a questioning look, “When my wife died, Elwood was the one who fucked her to complete the process. He stayed in the back yard, on the patio and begged me to take him to the funeral when she was buried. I watched him lay next to the casket for the longest time, and then he got up and left. This morning he was back on the patio, and wagging his tail. He looked awful, I suppose in his own way he had to mourn her loss. Giving him a shower and cleaning him up, I wanted him to meet you two as soon as possible.”

I hugged him, “Oh, I’m so glad you brought him, we have been fucking an entire bar for hours, and really need some food. Will you help me in the kitchen for a while, Kimi is going to be tied up for a while, then you and I can get to know each other again and I’d like the two of you to stay with us tonight, some things have happened and I think we need your advice if not a partnership of sorts”

He dropped all of his clothes, looking at him; I swear his cock was bigger and definitely longer. “It looks like the stuff we’ve been giving you has made you bigger as well, can’t wait to see how you feel in me now”

He had joined me in getting the food ready, and putting it out for Kimi when she was finished, “I’ve not only gotten bigger, but the amount of cum I now produce is close to that of a dog and it seems I can fuck, fill the bitch up, fuck again and fill another one and still have enough for a third, doesn’t seem to bother me, I’m ready for the next one.”

We finished lunch, ate ourselves, all the time listening to Kimi moaning and screaming as one orgasm after another washed over her. I took Brad to the bedroom with me, after we were through and pushing back on the bed, crawling up between his legs, over his cock, I lifted up and slid him easily in me, my pussy lips and opening still not back to how it was prior to the bar situation. He began to suck on my tits, drinking in the milky liquid flowing so freely, while I raised up and down on him, grinding and having almost an immediate orgasm with him, then continuing to ride him, until I felt his own cock swell up inside me, I came hard, feeling him empty cum deep inside me – it continued to spurt, load after load after load, so much of it in me, it was running like a stream out of me and down my legs puddling on the bed sheets.

Finally, collapsing on top of him, while the two of us began to return to normal, kissing my neck, “I’m worried about you, tell me more about the guy in the bar.”

I told him all I had been told by him, a girl his girlfriend who had survived, he had been exposed to the curse and he wanted to meet to discuss something that may be beneficial to all of us.

It took a little while for the three of us to get in a place where we could talk, Elwood came in and wanted to fuck me, which of course I obliged, then Brad was in Kimi and finally we were at a point where we could talk.

On the speaker phone I dialed the guy’s number, when he answered, “Steve, this is Nikki, you dropped your business card in my handbag after you fucked me, do we need to talk?”

“Nikki, so glad to meet you, yes I think we need to talk, where can we meet?”

“First you said you had a girlfriend who had been up the mountain, tell me about it”

There was a long pause, “Well to tell you the truth, I’ve heard about the stories and figured I’d give you a shot and see – I have a porn industry and I’d kill for someone like you and your girlfriend, any chance we can meet?”

I looked at the others. “Bye, Steve,” and hung up

Brad said, “I think that is just the tip of the ice burg. More and more girls are becoming interested in dog sex and more emphasis will be put on finding out about you two.”

Then thinking, But what he said does make some sense. I have a friend who is in the porn industry, if we wanted to get your name out there in spades, that would not be a bad way to go and we’d make a ton of money.

Kimi and I must have been on the same wave length, “Not us, but if we added a couple of porn girls, we could make a fortune as well as moving our objective forward at an alarming speed, but who to convert?”

The plan began to form in my head, “Brad you have the neighbor who raises Goldens – she is single and already converted to the dog side of this, if I went over and introduced her to the lesbian side as well, maybe we could convince her to change her breeding procedure to include more males. Touch basis with your friend and see if he needs a place, a quiet place that wouldn’t draw attention from neighbors, I have a full size basement, well over 10,000 square feet that we could set up in a studio, call it “Nikki’s Puppy Palace”. We’d bill it as a shelter for particular puppies, I have spare bedrooms upstairs, first we’d pick out a couple of girls to move in here, but their main duty is to be down stairs making some of the best Zoophilia films that are on the market. There is nothing on the market that shows the complete submission of the female to a male dog, all natural, no rehearsals.”

Kimi smiled, “Tory and Dani – Tory and Dani from Earns and Phillicker. They are sexy as hell, wild as can be – the new boob job they both got have to be double D’s at least if not more. They’re both lawyers and love a challenge. If we invite them up, take the two of them to the meadow, we’d have the two we need and they’d easily give up corporate law for this, especially when they are converted”

I was beaming, picked up my phone, thumbed through the listings and hit auto dial putting it on speaker. “Dani, Nikki – hey, how have you been?”

She told us about work and the fact she had heard Kimi and I had retired. “Hey, I got Kimi here, on the speaker, can you grab Tory and get her in on this?”

“Hi, Dani, Kimi here.”

“Hey, Kimi, give me a second, Tory is on her way”

“Hey, you two, fucking the hell out each other from what we hear, how you been?”

We both giggled, Kimi told her there had been a lot of fucking and we all laughed again.

“Ladies, the reason we’re calling, has to do with our leaving. We have a interesting business venture we’ve discovered and wondered if you would like to hear us out, we need two more people. We were thinking you drive up around 10 or so on Saturday, pack a bag for the weekend, maybe take Monday off, just in case and we’ll spend some time together. I promise you it won’t be boring and definitely will change your life. What do you say?”

Both of them in unison, “We’re in, see you at ten, on Saturday”

Just as we hung up from the two girls, Brad walked back in the room; he had been on a call with Nick, his friend in the porn industry. Brad had told him some of what was being proposed, he seemed anxious, especially where the studio would be out of a home, completely secluded from the eyes of neighbors, and where any officers came calling, one of us would just fuck them and the problem would be solved.

With everything coming into alignment, we still needed Colleen and her dogs, or someone and their dogs, but with Colleen, she could bring the dogs through Brad’s back yard then mine and down stairs. The three of us headed that way to see if this was even possible.

Colleen was older, but a perfect figure and was most anxious to meet us, she had heard about us from other neighbors. I shook her hand, and noticed a hint of change in her eyes first, then in a very slight submissive nature. Looking at Kimi, we both had the same thought, were all females who had been with dogs, submissive to me as well?

She brought us all a beer, and sat next to Brad, very close to Brad as a matter of fact.

“Colleen, we don’t want to take a lot of your time, so we’ll get to the point. I assume by now you are aware, we, Kimi and I as well as you are now susceptible to any male dog that wishes to fuck us.”

Brad moved his hand to her leg, sliding it between them, as she quickly opened wide for him to have complete access to her.

“We are arranging for us to set up a studio in my, or I should say our basement and begin to make Zoophilia porn movies. At different times it may involve the three of us, but the two main stars will be, available on Saturday afternoon later. So we have the studio, the equipment, a place and the girls, now is where you come in. Would you be willing to let us use your dogs, as we start out and help you grow your kennel to include a variety of male dogs for our use?”

I handed her a mock up proposal on what we think would be available and the partnership split being equal in all areas of her, the two of us, Nick the producer, the two girls and of course Brad who would be our coordinator, keeping track of schedules and so on for all of us.

By this time, Brad’s hand had moved between her legs and rubbing her pussy, I could tell by looking at her eyes, she was unable to process what I was saying, so I stood up, lifting off my top and knelt down in front of her, giving one of my nipples to begin sucking on, Kimi helped her remove her pants and top, and was below her sucking on her nipples, while Brad was licking her pussy, then pushing all, now his impressive 11 inches into her, making her moan in my tit.

I felt her cum almost immediately, then in a few minutes cum again. Watching Brad, his eyes closed as he fucked away and thinking of how much fun his wife would have been, if only I had purchased the home before she went on that fateful walk, our family was beginning to grow, I felt really good about having Colleen join us, Brad’s friend Nick would be added to the mix, then the girls would be moving in sometime next week … my masters would be so proud of what we will be accomplishing and in a very short time how many women were now subservient to dogs all around the town.

As I’m day dreaming having Colleen suck milk out of my tits, I notice Brad’s cock has changed, I didn’t notice it the last time he fucked me, but then I am a dog slut, his cock now had a knot at the base, it wasn’t as large, but it was big enough to lock him into Colleen, while he was fucking her, I wondered if he even knew or if it was just natural and all of the men we contacted would eventually have dog cocks. I was licking my lips when everyone collapsed, and Colleen pulled up to me, kissing me and rubbing out tits together.

“I’m in all the way, but I have a problem. This last week, I had an expansion take place for me. Originally I had 15 kennels. Five were for my males and 10 were for my females, that mix kept me in puppies with different breeding lines. But I could see the need to grow this, that decision was made before Brad came over and changed all of that. I added 20 more kennels, no dogs yet, but I have the kennels. A breeder contacted me yesterday, who owns all males and only wanted to know if I’d like to buy his string of dogs, these are all top males and young, and he only wants $52,000 for the entire bunch, the problem is I just took all my savings on the expansion, do you think I should take out a loan and get them or what do you think Mistress”

This was the first time I was to be called Mistress, ‘The Dog Bitch Mistress’, I liked the title. “I’ll have you a cashiers check tomorrow, call him and tell him you’ll take them all. It will be a nice investment in our future and in our company.”

I kissed her and we made love for while Kimi and Brad were fucking again.

The party was upon us and the catering people arrived early to set up. There were two girls and one guy, a good-looking guy.

I showed them where to set the goodies, out in the back overlooking my property. The cool evening breeze would make for a wonderful party setting.

Cornering one of the young girls, I opened my blouse giving her one of my tits to suck on. Her eyes glazed over immediately and I knew she’d be ready for the party. Then it was easy to get the other brunette alone, it only took a few seconds to have her sucking on a tit as well. While they were setting up and kissing and fondling each other, I told them I was going to take care of the guy they were with.

Pulling him in a bathroom off the patio, I kissed him, unzipped his pants, pushed him back on the toilet, undid my blouse and eased his cock inside me, watching with amusement as his eyes clouded over and he began to fuck me. Ridging this young man, cumming immediately on his cock, knowing he was now part of the family, I kissed him deeply, letting my tongue play in his mouth and feeling him empty so much cum deep inside me.

“I do love how you have fucked me, but I do need the food set up for the party, nothing elaborate, but that is the priority now, then you can fuck both of your companions and any women we have at the party.”

He agreed and the food was put out, while Kimi and I got ready.

“OK, we need a plan for tonight. Who do you think will be showing up tonight?”

Kimi thought, Well, let me see. We know Doug and Robert will be here, they always look for ways to fuck someone and we’ll certainly be looking available with loose tops and skirts so short they show everything, especially the fact we’re not wearing any panties. Susan will be there for the two of them.. Gentry the paralegal is coming and I think Rebecca, Stephen and Cindy will be here, maybe Gene, who knows.

I agreed, “I just took care of our thee caterers and they’ll be fucking in the open when everyone arrives, I asked Brad to let his dog come over just after everyone arrives, him taking you or me or one of the new girls should open up the party and from there I guess we just do what we can.”

Doug was the first to arrive, when I kissed him on the cheek, his eyes glassed over for a second and I knew we’d be fucking in no time. Susan, Rebecca and Cindy arrived together, everyone made their way to the back yard and the patio. The sun was just setting, the colors were breathtaking. Gentry arrived on her own, and I greeted her showing her where the bathroom was, then pushing her in, my tits were out and she was drinking milk immediately. We left her panties in the room when she left, figuring it would be easier for you to not worry about.

Kimi greeted Robert and they went off to talk some, when they came back, he was changed and I knew she had fucked him while they were gone. So we had Gentry and Robert ready, just as Doug asked me to talk to him in private. We moved to a playroom I have on the main floor, “So what is happening Doug?”

Moving up close to me, “So why are you leaving us? You were on your way to making partner this year and you’re going to throw away all that hard work away. You know a place like this is going to be expensive to keep up, let alone the monthly payments.”

I moved between his arms, pushing my sensitive nipples into him, “Well, first the place is paid for, there has been some changes take place in my life and I just won’t or can’t work in an office, but judging by the way you are pressing that cock against my pussy, you can sense something has changed as well.”

I began to grind on his hardening cock – keeping eye contact with him at all time.

“You’ve changed, your tits are bigger, you look different, you’d have never done this to me prior to your leaving, tell me what has happened?”

“I could, but you probably wouldn’t believe me, so instead why don’t you fuck me, then we can talk.”

I was unzipping his zipper on his shorts, they hit the ground, I fell back on a sofa and he entered me in one motion, no build up – basically like I figured he’d be, in me, a quick fuck, dumps a load deep in my pussy, then I let him suck on my tits for a while. When I pulled him out, he was shrinking and seemed to be in a daze. The milk was taking an effect on people, but I didn’t fully understand what I was doing to them.

I helped him get dressed and escorted him to the party. Stopping to get him a drink, everyone was gathered by the edge of the patio, Gentry was on all fours, Brad’s dog was fucking the hell out of her, she was moaning and cumming multiple times, he had knotted with her but was still pumping into her, loading her full of his cum. Sneaking up to Susan, I kissed her, and then gave her one tit, she sucked and I saw her eyes glaze over and in no time would be acceptable to anything that was presented to her. Rebecca was mine in the same way, but in looking for Cindy, I noticed the caterer was talking to her, in no time she was down on all fours and he was fucking her hard an long.

Kimi saw Stephen standing there in shock, as she fell to her knees taking his whole cock in her mouth, soon having him in her riding away – I walked by her, whispered in her ear, “We have them all now, let’s have a party.”

She giggled and continued to enjoy the fucking Stephen was giving her.

Brad’s dog fucked every woman in the place, at least once and I enjoyed him two times. Around one in the morning, very little liquor had been consumed, so we felt safe to let everyone drive home, several had already paired up and I’m sure Monday at the office was going to be a continuation of what we saw here, by the end of the week, I figured the entire 20 floors of that building will be acceptable to having dogs fuck them, given two or three weeks, the entire downtown area should be on its way to accepting the K9’s as our master.

Kimi and I had enjoyed an intimate shower together and was about to get in bed, when I heard scratching at the door.. There was Elwood, wagging his tail. I let him in, kneeled down, still being totally nude, but clean now. “Before I let you have me again, my love – I need to let Brad know where you are.”

Grabbing my phone, as he was between my legs licking me, I sent a quick note to Brad, “Sorry if this wakes you, but I knew you’d want to know, the party is over, it was a total success, but Elwood stayed over and is about to spend some time with me. Sorry. See you tomorrow after we bring the girls back down from the meadow.”

Looking at how beautiful he was, and how turned on I was becoming, I helped him lay on his side, getting down on all fours, I first began to rub his growing cock. It only took a few strokes and it was completely out of its sheath and beginning to leak. Leaning down I took his beautiful cock in my mouth and began to suck on it, causing him to hump his hips but not pull away. Rolling him on his back, moving so my pussy was directly over his head, I felt his tongue come out and begin to lick my pussy, causing me to moan into his cock.

Taking more and more of his cock in my mouth, finally feeling the knot beginning to grow, I heard the front door open, someone came in – stopped a little ways away from the two of us, then headed down the hall to the bedroom.

Kimi yelled, “Brad what are you doing here, Nikki is around someplace.”

Then I heard a giggle and I went back to concentrating on giving Elwood the best blowjob he had ever had. Maybe the first, but the best for sure.

I let his knot enter my mouth locking behind my teeth, breathing now from my nose, I could feel him thrust a few more times then I felt the first load of his cum hit the back of my throat, trying to swallow, it was impossible – there was more in that first squirt then I could have swallowed and squirt after squirt loaded my mouth.

Just as his fourth or fifth load filled my mouth, the excess running out and down on him, I felt his tongue find my clit and licked it hard, causing me to have the first orgasm this way. My eyes went wide, my body convulsed, pressing into him, I screamed into his cock, causing it to spasm and empty even more cum in my mouth.

My pussy had become so sensitive, I tried to pull away from him, but his front paws prevented that and his tongue continued to drive me to even greater heights.

This was a game I had started, now unable to get his cock out of my mouth, feeling him still emptying in me, swallowing as quickly as I can, knowing my tummy was full and beginning to bloat, the second orgasm followed so close to the first, I barely had time to calm my body down a little then the third one. My pussy was so sensitive; I couldn’t take anymore and simply passed out on top of him, flopping to the side.

When I woke, he was lying by my side, finishing cleaning himself up. I curled up on him, pulled a small throw over the two of us and fell asleep, my pussy still shaking from the over stimulation and my tummy boated, but as I rubbed it, the feeling was perfect. I was full of doggie cum and my pussy was aching – great way to finish the day.


Part III

Kimi and Brad woke Elwood and I – we were still snuggling together, his paws over me and then throw over us. Opening my eyes, pulling back the throw, my tummy was still a little bit bloated. They were both staring at me, so I told them what I had done with my new lover, Kimi was so excited to try it, but we didn’t have time – Dani and Tory would be here shortly. As we were getting ready, Kimi told me that Brad now has a dog cock, knot and all.

My eyes glassed over, “Oh fuck I’ve got to have you fuck me.”

But better sense took over for once and I quickly showered along with Kimi and Brad. He and Elwood was walking down the driveway when the girls pulled in.

Tory was riding, and got out, “Who is that hunk- hope you let him come back and meet us while we’re here.”

I hugged her then Dani, “Actually, if you like our idea he is one of our partners and he loves to get very close to his partners.”

Winking at Kimi, “Right Kimi?”

She only giggled, “Ohhh, you can’t believe how close he gets.”

The 4-wheelers were all packed, we explained a nice grassy place with a stream, we had some wine and goodies for us to share and talk about our proposal. They were both game, even more so when I suggested we not wear any panties, so the discussion would go easier – off came two very skimpy panties and thrown in the garage, as we headed out. Dani got on the back of mine and hugged me tightly, her boobs pressing into my back, her head on my shoulder and she was already kissing my neck.

Whispering in my ear, “Kimi won’t get jealous if I kiss you and maybe even more will she?”

I giggled, “When we get back, ask me that question again to see if you already have the answer.”

With that I kissed her on the mouth, letting my tongue enter her, wondering if I should let both ladies drink from my tits, but Tory has been already all over Kimi, so I figured they were conditioned enough for the ride we had ahead of us. We drove side by side, going fairly slow, while both women were doing all they could to assure there was going to be a lot of sex waiting for us in the meadow.

Just as I was thinking of how fun it would be to watch them get converted and changed, not one but two perfect white labs joined us on either side of the machines, coming up so each new woman could pet them.

Dani leaned into me asking, “Have you ever seen these two beautiful dogs before?”

I nodded. “Both times we’ve been up here he is here to greet us, this is however the first time I’ve seen his twin, we have only seen one of them.”

Arriving at the meadow, the labs wasted no time, with these two, Dani was licked then pushed into the soft grass, once she was done, he was between her legs and licking away – glancing over at Tory, she never made it off the 4 wheeler, when his lab was between her legs and licking her pussy, she fell forward on the machine and began to shake. Kimi and I helped her off the machine and down on all fours, the dogs took care of Dani and soon a lab was in both of them, the one Tory had, much more aggressive than the one both of us had been with. Two identical German Shepherds came up and plunged their tongues in the girls mouths, calming them instantly as the labs fucked and loaded them with his seaman.

I felt sorry for Tory, the way the lab was fucking her, she’d be sore for days, but we both assumed it was for a purpose, so we took a seat by the machines, got out some wine and cheese and sat down to wait out the process. I had told Kimi, how long I thought it was going to be, but I was only guessing, because when she was converted I was being fucked as well changing my whole body, so it could only be a guess. Kimi was the first one to spot the two large Kavasvs coming out of the tree line and heading straight to us. They were graceful in all manners and instinctively we knew these two were for us. As they approached, something told us to get on all fours, lean down on our elbows and present ourselves to these new masters.

I first felt his tongue glide gently over my pussy, ending up on my ass, circling my ass, then somehow shrinking his tongue to a point and with so much saliva on his tongue he entered me easily in my back door. Nothing had ever been in my back door, but I also knew that would not be the case from now on. Glancing over at Kimi, her eyes were closed and she was moaning, his tongue was buried deep inside her ass, just as mine was also filled with my dog’s tongue. Two more identical dogs came up and straddled our heads, presenting their enormous cocks for us to suck on. Opening my mouth, it was instantly filled and the knot locked it in my mouth behind my teeth.

I could hear Tory and Dani moaning, Kimi was gasping, but I couldn’t look anyway, the dog cock had me locked on him, he was up on my back just as I felt the dog in back of me enter my ass with his cock, shoving it straight in and bottoming out. The pain that shot through me was intense, but only lasted a few seconds – then absolute bliss fell over me. He began a steady rhythm of fucking in and out; finally unloading a full load deep in me, no knot just a lot of cum. Then he pulled out and the one I was giving a blowjob to, shot his load in me and seemed he had the ability to shrink down his knot and pull out of me. Before I knew what was happening, they had switched positions and once again I had one fucking me in my ass, no pain at all this time – and the one that had been in my ass, was now in my mouth – knot activated and was pumping me full of cum again.

Then the two that had been fucking Kimi switched with my two and this time the one knotted with me in my ass and the other one just pumped me full of cum. Another switch and I was knotted again and more cum in my mouth, swallowing all of it. This switching process took place again and again and again. Just as fast as they had come, they were all gone. We lay in that position, down on our elbows, ass high in the air, for a long time, then slowly got up on our knees and sat back against the wheels of the 4 wheelers.

Feeling my ass, nothing was running out of me, although I knew a lot of cum had been put in me. Looking at Kimi her tummy was so bloated it looked like it might burst. Our clothes were gone, we were nude – our two friends were just coming around and with the help of the dogs, all of us were back on the 4-wheelers and heading back down the canyon.

All four of us were escorted down the canyon to my house. Brad was sitting on the front porch and watched with amazement at how gentle the dogs were, but also amazed at the fact all four of us had been fucked, each of our tummy’s were bloated. He helped Kimi and I to bed, the dogs took care of Tory and Dani, placing them in the spare bedroom together. Not sure what had happened to us, but defiantly aware of what had to happen to Tory and Dani, he settled in with a beer and a movie and waited until they were up.

Dani woke up first; Brad had a sandwich and some wine for her.

“You’re the guy who was leaving when we drove up.”

“I’m Brad, I’m here to help you, normally Nikki or Kimi would be here, but both of them have been through an ordeal of their own, so I’m here to help you.”

She was nude, but it didn’t seem to matter, “I was fucked by a dog wasn’t I?”

“Probably more than one, but yes you were. Nikki was the first, then she invited Kimi and they invited the two of you to share in what they have.”

Just then Tory joined them and was brought up to speed.

Tory said, “I should be ashamed of what has happened, but for some reason I’m not – how about you?” Looking at Dani.

“It’s not fully over yet, we need to go out back on the patio to complete the process and I’ll be here with you until it is finished.”

Dani was rubbing her tummy, “Don’t worry, in a day or so, it will be back to normal, your body has to accept the doggy cum you have in you, none of it has leaked out.”

Both of them got up, poured some more wine and walked out back, taking a seat and waiting. It wasn’t long and two dogs came trotting through the fences from the forest, sniffed the air and headed our way.

Dani looked at them, widened her legs and said, “OH fuck.” Her dog licked her pussy, kissed her and was in her making her scream as he fucked her.

Glancing over to Tory, she had tears in her eyes, when her dog came up, licked her pussy, then her face, taking time to kiss her and let his tongue enter her mouth – when she grabbed his head and returned the kiss, he moved forward and was in her while still maintaining the kiss. Brad was rubbing his own cock thinking: It won’t be long and I will be enjoying both of these beauties.

Opening my eyes, Kimi was on her back, rubbing her tummy and staring at the ceiling. “You look like you are pregnant and with the same glow a new mother has. How do you feel?”

She never looked at me, continued to rub her tummy, “You’ve been up there three times and each time your body has been changed. I’ve been twice and now I want and can take it in my ass. Why does a dog care where he fucks you, as long as he gets the fuck?”

I moved to her, kissing her neck, “I’m sorry for getting you involved in all of this, it would have been better for me to just let it be me and not to involve anyone else. I’m worried about Tory and Dani, but Tory more than any – she had a rough time of it.”

Turning to me, “I love you, I wouldn’t have been this happy if you had not included me in this – I’ve just never been a fan of anal and now it looks like,” patting her belly “I am going to become a huge fan before long. Let’s check on our newest sisters and see if they are OK.”

We kissed again, got up and joined the three on the patio, as the final stage of transition was taking place.

Brad looked up, “So you two were fucked again, any idea why?”

I sat down on his lap, cuddled up to him, “This time we were fucked anally and the bloated tummy is from 4 dogs taking turns introducing us to anal fucking. The only thing is I have no idea what will happen if a guy or dog fucks me in the ass, guess I’ll test it and see.”

Kissing me, as we watch the two girls reaching orgasm after orgasm, “You know I’m always willing to be your personal beta tester and I do love your ass.”

Wiggling on his growing cock, “I know, but for this one I think we need someone new, someone who hasn’t been in contact with us, but a brand new person. What time is your friend coming over?”

“He said he’d drop in at around 8 this morning. As far as I know he is totally straight and never been with anyone other than women and most of them who have done some porn shots with him. He’d be a good choice.”

The girls have finished up, Kimi takes Dani to the spare bedroom to be with her and Brad takes Tory with him to the game room. I head back to my room, by myself and fall asleep immediately. Waking and showering before 7 – I have the coffee on and some sweet rolls made when Steven arrives at the door.

“You must be Steven, our hopefully new producer, I’m Nikki the one who owns this whole thing – please come in. Brad is still occupied by one of our new porn girls or we hope one of our new ones, can I get you something to drink, before I show you the area?”

He said he was fine, when I shook his hand, I saw the fluttering of the eyes, meaning he was all mine now. I took him by the hand and led him down the stairs to see the light available and what would be needed. He had an iPad and was taking notes on what we would need to get this set up as a top rated porn shop.

When he finished walking around and making notes, “So to start with what kind of budget are we working with?”

I hugged him, pressing my body to him, “I think to begin whatever you want, you should have- just tell me what you want?”

He looked at me, I could feel his cock begin to grow and press against me, kissing me and pulling me to him, “Well, if you’re offering, I think maybe getting to know my boys better might be a good place to start.”

Whispering, “I’ve had an itch for some anal, it will be new to me, but I’d like to try, care to give me a role in that area?”

My tummy had basically all gone away and our clothes were off, I was leaning over a table I had down there, and he was in me, my ass becoming filled and me loving it. As he established a rhythm of in and out of me, I could feel the moisture build up on his cock, as I had a mini orgasm in my pussy. The longer he was fucking me in the ass, the more I was cumming, and the more wet he became. Finally, in one long stroke he screamed and emptied his load deep inside me, just as I came also. We kissed and made out for some time, then joined the others upstairs to talk about our plans.

Introductions were made, the plan and money were explained to Tory and Dani, as well as a brief background on what we knew so far, as well as the fact Steven had just fucked me in the ass and we’d wait and see what if anything it did to him. All the cards were on the table – Steven said he had some things such as cameras and equipment, but we’d need mock room setups, some shots could be done outside.

Tory and Dani didn’t say much, just sat and listened. Dani finally said, “I can tell you for sure I have never experienced sex like I did last night on the patio – but to be fair, Kimi and I did have a few orgasms this morning while you two were down stars fucking the poor new guy. From what you said, the money could be almost twice what I am making now, and I think I’d enjoy it more. But I’d like to go see the dogs and have one fuck me and make sure what I was feeling last night was real, then I can tell you if I’d like to be a doggy porn star.”

Tory agreed, so we all headed down the back yard, through Brad’s place and across the street to Colleen’s place. She was out back with all the new dogs, when we arrived. Introductions again were made as we looked at the stock of the new dog’s.

“Oh my God, Colleen, they’re beautiful – these will be perfect for us. We have a favor, before Tory and Dani decide to be our main stars in doggy porn, they want to try one more out and just make sure. If it is Ok with you, ladies pick a boyfriend and let’s see if you like it.”

Colleen took a seat, next to Brad, Kimi and I sat down while Tory and Dani picked out their dog. Kimi entered the cage of a large Border collie – he was kissing and licking her pussy before she even got in the cage. We watched her drop down on her knees and they were kissing and making out like mad. She had her hand on his cock, jacking him – then on all fours as he jumped up on her back and entered her. It seemed like he was locked in her, emptying cum in her and was ass to ass while we all watched her scream through multiple orgasms after orgasms.

Tory picked an aggressive Rotti who knocked her down immediately, then licked her nipples, biting one of them and making her scream. He then pushed her to the corner of the pen and bit her waist- forcing her to get on all fours. The fucking was brutal and quick; all of us were concerned, but kept our distance. When he pulled from her, he stood there, cock hanging down wet and waited. She crawled under him, licked him clean and crawled out of the pen almost whimpering.

Looking up at us, “I’m totally in if you can have him rape me a few times a week.”

We all agreed that could be arranged and maybe get her a few more aggressive ones so she would have a variety.

Dani crawled up to us, Cum was dripping down her legs, and all over her mouth – “Fuck yes, I’m in and if you need me to help with the finances, I’m like Nikki I’m wealthy from my parents and grandparents. I only wish I could have introduced this to my grandmother, she’d have loved it.”

The company was formed, we talked about names and figured ‘Nikki’s puppy farm’ would be the name of the company and ‘The Dog Bitch Mistress productions’ would be the name of the porn company. Kimi said she would draw up the legal documents and Dani would file them with the licensing companies and get the necessary legal loops taken care of.

That was when we realized we were missing Steven. Looking around, he was in a females kennel fucking the hell out of her. Looking up, “What she was in heat and she was begging me to fuck her.”

I turned to Kimi, “Well, now we know. Steven you will also be starring in some of the movies as well, but as the male dog fucker. Kimi and I will gather up some helpers for you.”

My realtor was a cocky guy, so sure of himself and he didn’t directly lie to me, but he didn’t tell me how many owners the place had prior to me or what happened to all the women who had been here. He was also trying to get in my pants continually, so he’d jump at the chance and with him we’d just simply black male him into being one of our porn stars.

Steven was going to order the displays and extra’s he would need, we set a date of the following Saturday as our first live production and with editing and so on, we could have the first full length movie on the web by Monday or at latest Tuesday. If all went well, we’d begin to get some distribution offers by the end of next week, and since four of the partners we’d be amply covered against any fraud.

Dani and Tory made arrangements to move their stuff as soon as possible, I had plenty of room. Kimi and I were in the main bedroom; Tory and Dani would have rooms down the hall from the two of us. Steven and Brad had their own homes and Colleen had her own home as well.

The schedule initially was simple, Kimi and I would write the play and scenes, Brad and Steven would get with Colleen and set dogs and sets up. Dani, Tory, Steven, Kimi and myself would be in the movies, with Tory and Dani the main stars. We’d add Colleen and Brad on occasion and of course my agent would be added in all movies as an extra. I was so looking forward to getting with him again.

I sent a quick text to Colleen that as soon as Mike was able to meet with me, I’d bring him over and let him fuck one of her females; I’d videotape it, and then blackmail him if that was ok with her. She quickly agreed and let me know two females that were just coming in heat, either of them would be susceptible to him.

A second text to him brought an instant response. He was free and could meet me in a couple of hours.

When he arrived, I walked with him to the back setting on the patio, and getting him a beer. “Mike it is good to see you again.” He was already mine as soon as I hugged him at the front door, “But I’m a little bit disappointed in you.”

He sipped his beer, “Why, what have I done, the place is beautiful and it looks like you’ve got everything in place, what did I do, please let me know and I’ll try and fix it?”

Getting up and setting on his lap, my pussy feeling him get hard immediately, kissing his nose, “You didn’t tell me the home was built by a single lady, who shortly after she finished it committed suicide. Nor did you tell me of the multiple single ladies who purchased it and the same fate overtook all of them as well. Do you know why the women all took their own lives?”

By this time I had unbuckled his belt and undid his pants. I then slipped off my top and put a nipple in his mouth, telling him to suck on it.

“That was a naughty naughty boy. Do you know why they all died like that, its’ because when a lady who lives here, goes for a walk up the canyon, some demon dogs fuck her, she becomes a dog bitch, and they can’t stand it so they all killed themselves. I am a dog bitch now also, I let all dogs that want to fuck me, have me, but I was able to see the benefits in it and have grown powerful with it. Right now, you are trying to figure out some way to get away from me, but I have you, I own you.”

Standing now, seeing how totally lost, he is, I pull down his pants, his cock harder than a rock, then I drop my little skirt, and set back down with my back to him, guiding his cock deep in my ass.

“If I had let you fuck me in my pussy, all women would be begging you to fuck them – your pheromones turn on all women and they cannot resist you having them. But by fucking me in my ass, you will be attracted to female dogs in heat, you won’t be able to resist them and will fuck them at the first chance you get.”

As I bounced on his cock, I could see small tears building up and beginning to run down his face. We kept a steady rhythm going, me cumming multiple times, then finally I let him cum deep inside me.

Getting off, cleaning the excess off of me, I took his hand and nude we walked down the back yard, across Brads and crossing the street to Colleen’s we went around back.

As soon as he saw the kennels, be began to plead with me. “Please, Nikki, don’t make me do this, I’m sorry, I should have told you, I’ll give you back my fees for the sale, I’ll do anything you want, but please don’t make me do this.”

I stopped in front of one kennel Colleen had told me about, “I’m so sorry, but it was too late when you entered my ass, look at how hard you are, as soon as I open this cage, there is nothing you can do when she flags you but fuck her.”

I opened the cage, she looked at him, turned and raised her tail to him, he took one small, fell down on all fours and licked her ass, then her pussy. All the time he was crying and begging me to help him stop it. I had begun filming it as soon as I opened the door. He was up on her back, pushed his cock deep into her and began to pump away. He couldn’t lock just yet, but I assumed his cock would develop a knot soon, then he came in her. Finally dropping back, his cock all wet and shrinking back down. I got it all on tape and emailed it to my personal account.

Stepping in the kennel and showing him the full length of him and his new girlfriend. “I have begun a porn studio in my basement, a specific porn studio dealing in bestiality. All of these dogs will be stars and when we need a guy who fucks dogs you will be our star. If you ever hesitate or say no, I’ll send this video to the real-estate board and everyone I can think of in the state-licensing department. I’ll then pick another guy and make him our new star. So we have an agreement?”

He nodded yes. I helped him up, took him to a bench in front of some of the male dogs, opened the door of a perfect Alaskan Malamute and got down on all fours.

Keeping an eye on him at all times, I shuddered when the dog licked me, I was so wet from watching Mike fuck that female, I defiantly needed some relief.

A few licks and he was upon my back, entering me in one motion and locking with me on his next thrust. I came the first time as soon as he entered me and kept on cumming, moaning and crying out in lust as he was filling me full of his cum.

Poor Mike was stroking his cock, already getting hard again and crying at the same time.

When the dog released me and pulled out of me, I cleaned his cock completely, then got up – took Mike’s hand and we headed back to my place.

He didn’t say a word all the way back. Got dressed on the patio, “I’m sorry for not telling you the whole truth, will I ever want a girl again or am I doomed to only fucking dogs?”

“To tell you the truth, Mike, I don’t know. I guess we’ll have to see, go out and fuck some girl then see what happens to her, that’s all I can tell you so far.”

As he walked away, I felt a little guilty, but that passed and I needed to get to Kimi and figure out our first show and how we wanted to enter the competitive market of animal porn.

The next few days were busy, our licensing was being completed, sets were being delved by a local furniture place and set up in the basement. Photographic equipment was being brought in and set up and I was busy with a script along with Kimi, Brad and Colleen.
Every sales girl had been fucked who helped us, every delivery driver now was able to convert women into dog bitches and Brad, Colleen and I had continual sex at all times.

The scene was simple; Dani and Tory were in the back yard, nude sunbathing. Colleen was to release one dog that would begin to excite Dani, while Tory watched and masturbated. A second dog, an aggressive dog would be released and poor Tory would be raped. Both girls ended the scenes, by making out with one another trying to console each other that they had just been raped. That would end part 1 with Part 2 to follow in a week or so. The scenes would be shot from three cameras around each of them and a forth directly above. Steven would be zooming in and out where needed. Kimi, Brad and I were running the three roaming cameras.

The day of the shooting was upon us and everything had been taken care of. Late afternoon, the sun was perfect according to Steven, the two girls were ready, and Dani was being listed as Busti and Tory as Bimbo. The two of them come out of the house nude to sun bathe in some late afternoon sun

Busti, “Thank you so much for inviting me over to get some late afternoon sun, Bimbo, I haven’t seen you in ages and it’s so good to see you again.”

Spreading her towel, she lays back and covers her eyes with some sunglasses. Bimbo takes a few minutes to watch her friend and those magnificent tits swing back and forth as she gets settled.

“I’m so glad you could come, I’m out here all the time and it is nice to have someone share the time with me.”

She also lays back and closes her eyes, drifting into a relaxed state, just as a neighbor’s dog comes up to Busti quietly and sniffs the air. Looking around, he locates the source of the aroma moves forward and licks the moisture now building up on Busti’s pussy (Zoom in on the wet pussy). Her head shoots up off the lounge, throwing her sunglasses off and looking at what has just happened, reaching to grab his head, but too slow, he lands a second lick, this time opening her lips on her wet pussy and gathering the liquid building up there. Struggling to get him off of her, the footrest on the lounge collapses, giving the dog the ability to move between her legs, and deliver a third lick, this one diving deep in her pussy.

Her hands never reach the dog’s head, the feeling is so intense, instead she grabs at her tits, pulling on her nipples, at the same time her legs opening wide for him to have complete access to her Bimbo hearing all the commotion comes up quickly on her lounge and collapses her footrest as well. She can see Busti is trying to scream for help, but instead the dog seems to have everything under control, she plunges two fingers in her own pussy, and grabbing her nipple begins to masturbate furiously with both hands

Busti trying to look for her friend for help, sees her condition through hazed over eyes, is overtaken by the pleasure a dog is giving her, experiences her first orgasm, screaming she flops back on the lounge, giving the beautiful Golden the opportunity he has been looking for. Running his tongue over her clit, up her tummy, licking both nipples, then driving his tongue in her mouth, his tongue heavily coated with her own juices, at the same time his cock easily finds her velvety opening and pushes all eight plus inches in her, in one swift jump his balls hit her ass.

She gasps, trying to figure out what is going on, but her body has already betrayed her, hips pushing up to meet him and driving him even further inside her. He pulls out and in and in and out and in so rapidly, she has a second orgasm, at about the same time Bimbo has her first one, milky white cream running everywhere and the aroma floating down the valley. His knot hits her entrance, instinctively she knows this will not fit in her, but her mind is so far gone by this time, she can only moan and writhe with her hips knowing she is now all his. A second and third attempt to get the knot in her, is successful and he settles into a steady rhythm now, emptying load after load of his doggy cum deep inside her.

The knot begins to press down on her magic button making her cum repeatedly. Lifting both legs up and over her new lovers back, she locks him to her, pressing even more of him inside her. He breaks her hold on him, when he lifts one leg over her and they are now ass to pussy, while his warm seed continues to make her his bitch. Her body is shaking as each successive orgasm rips through her body. No one notices the aggressive black Roti running full speed from the bottom of the property, head held high, sniffing the air and cock beginning to extend out of its sheath..

He hits Bimbo with his head down, right between her legs, her arms flying from her pussy as she flies back on the lounge, his tongue out, licks her pussy, gathering cum from her recent orgasm – on one motion, his cock enters her pussy, sill open with her fingers being buried deep inside her, and bites down on one breast, letting his tongue lick and tease her nipple. The attack is so sudden, she is unable to do anything but gasp for air, when she feels his knot push against her opening and the next thrust is in her – two back to back orgasms rush over her

“FUCK,” leaves her mouth as the warm seed begins to fill her pussy

Another orgasm hits her, causing her eyes to roll up in her head, her breathing to change from a rapid in and out breath, her body trying to fuck him back, but unable to do much besides grab at his head, his shoulders, the lounge sides, anything that can help her through this most erotic attack she has ever experienced. Like everything else about him, his leg quickly lifts over her and they are ass to pussy, with his knot still giving her orgasm after orgasm. The only thing she is capable of doing is twisting her nipples and moaning as her body feels complete loss of control.

He actually pulls out of her before Busti’s lover leaves her, the two women watch as their new-found lovers clean up and trot away down the back yard, heading for an adventure. Cum running out of both of them, they are able to focus on each other, their bodies still on fire.

“I guess we need a shower and we need to look at that tit of yours where he bit down on you.”

Barely able to rise, small mini orgasms still rushing through her body, Bambi helps her friend up and together they make their way to the shower. Standing together, holding each other up, Bambi slips a hand down her girlfriend’s tummy and into her still quivering pussy. Groaning and pressing down on the hand, Busti copies the move and together they reach an intense orgasm while kissing one another. Laying in bed, tribbing one another to multiple orgasms, finally falling into each others arms kissing,

“We need some sleep, but when we wake, what do you think we should do?”

Busti smiles, moves some hair out of her lover’s eyes. “Find some more dogs, of course.”

The show ends, there is some editing that needs to be done. While Steven is figuring out the final scenes, we gather on the patio, we’re all nude now, we’ve all fucked each other multiple times now, so no need for modesty.

Raising my glass, “I propose a toast to the dogs who introduced me to this way of life and to all of you for becoming my family. I think we’re all going to become very rich from what I could see from our first movie.”

All agreed, as Steven walked out, set up a large screen on the back of the patio and showed us the final version. I glanced around as the movie ended, there was some fucking, some masturbation and some sucking going on with everyone. Steven had come over to me and had me sitting on his lap, his cock buried deep in my pussy, while I was rocking back and forth on him. An hour later, we launched the video production with our first movie, within an hour we had sales of $300, 526 from the downloads, by the time I woke the next day there was over $2 million in sales from the movie and I had three voice mails from key producers in the country wanting to talk to us about the movie.

By the end of the week, we were working on the second one and each of the partners had a personal cashier check in the amount of one million dollars made out to them as the first royalty check – the first of many. Colleen paid off her building expense and paid off her home. Brad paid off his home. Steven bought the home next to Colleen’s, paid cash for it, Kimi put hers in an account and together the two of us bought her an SUV to get home in the snow. Tory and Dani bought a home down the road and against the forest. They have taken several friends to the meadow now and always return smiling.

Kimi and I have ridden to the meadow many times, just to get a good fucking. The second movie is ready to be shot.

The End