(c) 2009 by OutOfMyMind

Part I

My girlfriend Karen had a drinking problem but I didn’t mind. She liked to drink to the point of passing out almost every night of the week. None of her coworkers or family knew this of her because she only did it when we were home alone.

I didn’t mind because she kept our home clean, usually cooked a decent meal for us and liked to have vigorous sex just before passing out for the night. She was a great lay and had no objections to trying new things. We had tried everything we could imagine from anal to bondage to cross dressing. We loved it all if it ended in orgasms.

She had a nice tight pussy that she kept shaved clean, a nice lean waist and a great looking ass. Her breasts were those C cups that just about stood up and saluted. Yes, she was cute, had a killer body and loved any kind of sex. She was not your average 25 year old woman.

What usually happened was when she was about as drunk as she was going to get she would get down in front of me, pull my pants off and give me head until I was good and hard. Then it was up to me to direct her to which ever way I wanted to please her.

Our favorite positions were doggy style, missionary or 69. Meaning that sometimes I’d just give it to her hard and fast bent over the back of the overstuffed couch with her feet off the ground, sometimes on her back with her feet over my shoulders and sometimes with us munching each other 69 fashion. We strayed from these three all the time but these were the ones we liked the best.

I always had to make sure I got off first if we 69’d or she would pass out without pleasing me. She had a habit of biting down on my cock if she was coming while sucking me. She did a great job sucking me when drunk and she loved to make a show of swallowing it all. She really seemed to like it but maybe it was because I did a good job on her at the same time. Me, I just love munching on a shaved pussy. I always made sure she had 3 or 4 screaming orgasms before she would pass out for the night.

The few times when she did come first, she would pass out right on top of me. I would have to slide out from under her and carry her to bed and finish fucking her on the edge of the bed. She didn’t mind because she wanted to make sure I was taken care of. She was one of the few women that understood that the way to a mans heart is through his cock.

Once in a while she would want to switch and have me eat her out after fucking her doggy style. The first time I wasn’t sure about it but after that time it didn’t bother me at all. It actually seemed to taste better with my cum in there. You can’t let a little thing like that bother you. Hell, we’d licked each others asses, feet and every other inch of each others bodies, what was a little cream added to it. She loved me and never tried to make fun of me for it. It was just another variation for us.

I came home from work one day to find that Susan, her coworker, had left her dog Ace there for the week. She had to go out of town on short notice and needed a dog sitter. Karen volunteered without ever seeing the dog. Well, when Susan brought him over to drop him off Karen saw he was a big male Rottweiler. She was a little worried at first but we found that he was a big baby and got along with us just fine.

We played with him on the floor and played fetch with him in the back yard. When we came back in the house Ace ate then laid in a corner and slept. He must not have been used to that much activity.

After dinner Karen started drinking her gin and tonic while we watched some TV. In a couple of hours she was feeling no pain and came over to me gave me a big wet kiss while rubbing my crotch. She unzipped my pants and pulled them and my underwear off my legs. She pulled her blouse and bra off and started rubbing her tits up and down my cock. Every time my cock head would show above her tits she would give it a big lick. Then she slid down and started a slow rub with her hands while sliding her face all around my crotch. By this time I was hard as steel.

She started to suck slowly up and down and all around my hard cock, even taking my balls into her mouth one at a time. Once and a while she would deep throat me getting me close to the edge but not letting me go over. When she thought I could last no longer, she stopped. This time she told me she wanted my tongue in her box. She was in the mood for munching and wanted to swallow my cum. She told me she was going to ride my face.

We rolled to the floor and got into position with her on top of me. She liked me to put a big pillow under my head so she could grind my face better. She was so drunk that she almost kneed me in the head. She started sucking me so hard I thought she would pull the head of my cock off. I had no idea what had got into her. I licked and sucked her from asshole to navel. She was going wild. She was creaming all over my face and I was eating it up. I loved the taste of her cream. I didn’t know what was fueling this fantasy but I was with her as long as I could hold on.

I was closing in on my orgasm and could tell Karen was too when I noticed that Ace had got up and moved close to us. He was close enough to smell Karen’s sloppy wet pussy. He was sniffing the air about a foot away from Karen’s ass. He was inching closer and I wasn’t sure what to do. I was so close to coming that I didn’t want to stop, no matter what Ace had in mind.

Ace kept inching closer as I inched closer to my orgasm. I could see that his rather large cock was showing . It looked red, wet, about 7 inches long and fatter than mine. It was hypnotizing me swaying underneath him. Apparantly the smell was exciting him.

I moved to concentrate on Karen’s clit and Ace moved right in and gave Karen a tentative lick. Then he licked her from where I was working to her ass hole. Karen was jumping to his licking. I wasn’t sure if she had any idea what was happening but I could tell she liked it. Every time Ace would lick her pussy she would suck hard on my cock.

Just as I was closing in on what seemed like an extra good orgasm Ace stepped over us and started humping. His cock was just above my face poking around looking for a home. It was hitting me in the face and her all over her ass. I thought for a moment that he was going to poke her in the ass hole.

As Ace’s cock got closer and closer to Karen’s pussy I lost it and started cumming. I closed my eyes and opened my mouth to cry out my pleasure when somehow Ace lined up and his cock slid right into my mouth. He slammed in deep almost choking me with his thrusting. He quickly started fucking my mouth half choking me. I was powerless to stop him because I was cumming hard as ever. I couldn’t escape because Karen was holding me in place with her grinding crotch. She was trying hard to cum with me.

Luckily my orgasm subsided and I was able to get Ace’s cock out of my throat and get some air. He quickly found another home for it. He immediately jammed it up Karen’s pussy and proceded to hammer away. He held on tight to both our sides. Karen was moaning like wild and grinding my face hard with her crotch and Ace’s cock. I was sucking hard on her clit while Ace’s cock was riding the side of my nose as it slid in and out of Karen’s pussy. His balls were banging up against my forehead.

Ace was jack hammering Karen and she started having orgasm after orgasm. I could see a bulge on the bottom of Ace’s shaft that was getting bigger and it was getting closer to Karen’s hole. I watched as it got much bigger and rammed in and out of Karen’s hole before staying in. Karen was coming non stop and wearing out my face. I did my best to help her out by sucking her clit and while I was at it I couldn’t help but lick Ace’s cock. It was right there and there was no way to lick Karen without licking Ace.

Ace finally pulled up tight and stopped thrusting and Karen came long and for her last time. I waited but Ace didn’t pull out. He just stood there. I was trapped under both of them. His balls were practically in my eyesI kept licking Karen’s clit but there was no response. She had passed out. Laying there under them I watched Ace’s cock pulse into Karen. I knew he was coming. He came for longer than I thought was possible. I was envious of him. I gave him a few licks and sucked on karen’s clit while I waited for Ace to pull out.

After about ten minutes of laying under them Ace started trying to pull out. I watched amazed as her pussy stretched out wide as he pulled what was left of the knot and his shrinking cock out of Karen. What I wasn’t ready for was the flood of his cum that he had dumped inside. My mouth was open and my eyes were on his knot as I watched it withdraw so his cum spilled straight into my mouth almost drownding me. I reflexively swallowed to keep from choking. The taste wasn’t that bad, a little different than mine.

By this time I was excited all over again. My cock was as hard as ever. I rolled Karen off of me and I laid her across the big pillow that I had been laying on. I was in the mood for a little doggie myself. I moved in behind her and slipped my cock into her sloppy hole. I started a slow steady stroke. I was going to take my time because after my first cum it takes me a while to work up to a second one.

Ace had stretched out her pussy and there wasn’t enough friction so I thought I would try her ass. I’d never fucked her ass while she was out so I wasn’t sure how it would work out. I pointed my slippery cock at her ass crack and slowly slid it in. It slid in without too much effort. I slowly started to stroke in and out making sure to not hurt her. Fucking her ass while she was passed out was not too bad. It was nice and snug and warm

After about ten minutes of this I was feeling that good feeling deep down inside me as my orgasm slowly approached. I was leaning over her playing with those tits I love so much while I fucked her faster.

Just as I felt my cum racing up my cock Ace hopped on my back and started humping. I tried to shake him off but I was way too far along to stop and fight him off. He hit his mark and jammed into my ass mercilessly. The pain was incredible but added something great to my ongoing orgasm. I had never cum this hard in my life. The pain went away quickly and was replaced by much pleasure. It felt like his cock was adding ten inches to mine fucking Karen’s ass. I could feel my ass clamping his cock as my cock pulsed. If you’ve never had something in your ass when you were cumming then you don’t know what you are missing. It adds something incredible.

I felt like I couldn’t stop cumming as long as Ace was humping me. Finally Ace stopped humping and I stopped cumming but I felt a new feeling. I could feel him cumming in my ass but along with it was an extreme full feeling. Then I remembered the knot. I reached back and couldn’t feel it. Damn, it was inside me. I was stuck with Ace’s cock in my ass and mine in Karen’s ass.

This was something new. I couldn’t believe that Ace had fucked my mouth and ass both in one night. I had never imagined doing anything like this and I thought I had a good imagination. Animals just were never part of it before but they were now.

Eventually Ace pulled out of my ass with some effort and pain for me. He cleaned us both up before going to his corner for the night.

I carried Karen to bed and we both slept great. The next morning she asked what happened last night as her ass was sore. I played dumb and kidded that maybe Ace had his way with her when I went to the bathroom. She just looked at me like I was crazy.

Later that day when Karen was getting drunk again she told me tonight she wanted me to be on top of the 69 this time. This worried me because I didn’t know what she would do if Ace approached us again.

After we were undressed and playing around on the floor I got on top with my cock hanging down in her face while I started working on her pussy. She was sucking me lovingly and doing a great job. Every so often she would deep throat me nearly sending me over the edge.

I was getting into it and closing in on my orgasm when I felt Karen stiffen up. I thought she was starting to cum so I worked harder to help her cum along with me. What I didn’t know was Ace was closing in on me. Karen saw him and was about to tell me but when I sped up my work on her, she closed in on her orgasm and couldn’t speak.

Ace had some great timing because right when I started cumming he jumped on me and hit home on the first stroke. I about choked Karen trying to get away from him. He held on tight and I couldn’t get away. I finally gave up and gave into the feeling. Karen came right along with me. She humped up off the floor trying to grind against my face like never before. She was screaming with my cumming cock in her mouth. I was cumming non stop. Finally I could feel Ace shove his knot in me, hold me tight and start cumming himself. I could feel him swelling in my ass as he came. Karen kept sucking and cumming herself.

When Karen was done she slid out from under us and sat there in awe of what she had seen. There I was with Ace on my back, his cock imbedded in my ass and my still hard dripping cock hanging down. All of this seemed to sober up Karen.

I asked her why she didn’t warn me. She wanted to know if this is what happened to her last night, and if it was, why I didn’t warn her. I told her it was and I didn’t have time to warn her. She told me she was so wasted last night that she wasn’t sure if it was a dream or for real. All she remembered was that something was fucking the hell out of her and it felt great. She didn’t remember anything that happened after she passed out though.

When Ace jumped off my back and he stood ass to ass with me, Karen’s eyes got real big. She wanted to know what was wrong. I explained about the knot. She didn’t remember being stuck with him.

She watched and waited until he pulled out. She was so turned on that she immediately stuck her tongue in my ass and lapped up the doggy cum that was running out. I rolled over onto my back and she laid beside me and stroked my cock while kissing me with the dog cum taste still in her mouth.

We made out for a while and then she moved down to suck my cock. She was doing a great job on me but I noticed that she had her ass jacked up in the air shaking it back and forth. I spun her around into a 69 and started sucking on her clit. She still kept her ass up in the air making me reach up to get to her.

We were both getting close to cumming when Ace got into the action. He jumped up on Karen and started humping. I didn’t see him coming and he shoved me into her pussy. I dropped down and waited for Karen to tell me what to do. She obviously had to know this time.

Ace was having trouble hitting the spot and Karen was moving around trying to help. Finally she asked me to help him. I reached up and guided him to rub against her clit and she groaned loudly. Then I let him have a quick poke at her ass hole and she bit down on my cock and angrily told me to quit fucking around.

I guided him to her pussy and he shoved it in all the way. He went into high gear and pounded away at her. I watched from below, rubbed her clit and humped her mouth to get her sucking me again. I reached up and waited for the knot to swell before letting him bang it up against her pussy. He was trying hard to get it into her.

She was teasing me not letting me cum. I was so close I was getting desperate. I was humping at her face and pinching her clit. She kept taking my cock out of her mouth and rubbing it on her face when I’d get too close.

She started to moan and buck back at Ace in time to his thrusting trying to get the knot into her. She wanted it in her. She was getting ready to cum.

She bucked back hard and I watched the knot squeeze in. She screamed out loud and started cursing and cumming hard while fucking back at him. I leaned up and started sucking hard on her clit. She let her crotch fall down on my face so she could grind freely. She went back to sucking on me while it felt like she was having non stop orgasms.

Ace was still humping away when I let loose with my cum. It shot out of my body and felt like it was burning lava. My still sore ass was throbbing to my spasming cock. Karen wasn’t missing a drop. She was still cumming on my face and cream from the nights activity was dripping down into my mouth.

When we were done cumming Karen kept licking and kissing around my cock. Ace had stepped off and turned around but Karen didn’t let me up. I kept sucking and licking around her clit and she had a couple more orgasms. grinding the hell out of my face.

It didn’t take long for Ace to pull out this time and again I was treated to the close up sight of the bulge stretching her pussy like it didn’t want to let go. It was an amazing sight.

Just when it popped free Karen sat up on my face forcing the cum into my mouth. It was either drink or drownd so I drank. She ground off another two orgasms squeezing everything out of her before falling off of me.

She crawled around to face me, looked at me for a minute, and the only thing she said is. ” We have got to get ourselves a dog, a big dog”.

What a wife!


Part II

We researched on the internet to see which dogs were easy going and most importantly hung the best. We settled on a Great Dane. We read about how friendly they are and easy to train. They also have a reputation for having huge cocks and knots. This alone had Karen sold.

We didn’t know anyone that had a Great Dane that we could visit, so we started looking at animal shelters. We really didn’t want to pay the price of a pure bred dog. Animal shelters always have a lot of dogs looking for homes. We looked at several shelters around our town and surrounding towns and were about to give up. We found a lot of dogs but no Danes. Some of the dogs we saw were interesting but we were set on a Dane.

A friend asked if we checked out any rescue places where they wouldn’t kill the dogs if they weren’t adopted quickly. We hadn’t so we looked up a few and visited them. We noticed right away that they had a lot of older dogs, probably because they didn’t kill any of them. They just waited until they could find a home for them all.

On the third place visited we struck paydirt. They had a 1 year old Dane that a lady had just brought in because he was just too big for her small house. She never thought he would grow to that size. He could lick my wife’s face while still standing on four feet. He was huge. We didn’t expect a Dane to be that big, but he was extremely well behaved. He would listen to commands to shake, sit and lay down even though he didn’t know us. My wife was sold right away. I tried to act unsure of it even though I could see he was packing some serious meat and his balls were as big as my fists.

After spending a half hour with the shelter manager convincing her that we would take very good care of him, we took Big Mike home. Luckily we drove a van because we needed the room. he would have never fit in our smaller car. Karen talked to him and petted him the whole way home. I stopped at a pet store on the way home to get a large bag of dog food and a heavy duty leash. The light duty one we brought with us just didn’t look like it would do the job.

When I came out of the pet store I didn’t see Karen in the van. I checked and found her in the back of the van with Big Mike. She said she was getting to know him better. She said she was experimenting with touching him to see how he would react. She said he let her do anything she wanted. It was a good thing we had dark tinted windows.

She said she stroked his penis some and he licked her face. She stroked it some more and it started getting big. She stroked it some more and it got huge. She said it wasn’t fully erect yet and it was bigger than anything she had ever seen. She couldn’t wait to get home. Then she looked at me and said he tasted delicious. I couldn’t believe what she had been up to in a pet shop parking lot.

When we got home we let him into our spacious fenced in back yard. He ran around like a little kid in a new playground. He explored everything that was there. Standing upright against the fence he could almost see over the top of our 6 foot privacy fence. We played a little fetch and ran around a while before going into the house.

Inside the house he was more careful. He must have been trained to go slow in the house. We found out quickly what to move to keep his tail from breaking things. That tail was dangerous. We found a convenient place for his food and water in the kitchen and he was all set.

We sat down to relax a little and watch TV and Karen fixed us some drinks. She drank hers kind of quick and went to get a refill. She came back and sat down and Big Mike came over and sat down in front of her facing her. He sat between her legs with his head in her lap. Now Karen had a short pleated skirt on so his head really kind of fell between her legs.

She lazily stroked his head while drinking her drink. He meanwhile started inching his head forward sniffing carefully. It didn’t look like she noticed since she seemed to be focused on the TV. When he inched forward enough to bump up against her she looked down at him. She said it was time for a refill. She refilled mine too.

It took her a little while before she came back but she handed me my drink, smiled strangely and went and sat down kind of hard. It looked like she was getting a buzz already. When she sat down her skirt moved up her legs some and Big Mike moved back for some more petting. This time when he put his head between her legs his head didn’t sit on her skirt because it had moved up some.

When Karen started petting him he started moving closer to her pussy sniffing again. His nose was quickly under her skirt and she was acting like nothing was happening. He was working up closer and I had no idea what was on TV anymore. This was much more exciting. When he looked like he was about to make contact she let out a small gasp and opened her legs wider.

Now I could see more movement under her skirt as it was obvious that he was licking her out. I asked her if I could see. She lifted her skirt up and I could see that she had no panties on and Big Mike was licking away at her. She wanted to see what he would do without prompting. Well he took to pussy like he had tasted it before. He was starting to show some excitement himself.

I got down on the floor beside him to see what he was packing. He already was showing a couple of inches that was thicker than my cock. I jacked his sheath a little and a couple more inches slid out into the open. I told Karen she better come look at this as I was starting to worry about whether or not it was going to be too big for her to handle.

I got up beside Karen and petted Big Mike while Karen got down on the floor. She let out a WOW as soon as she saw what was hanging in front of her. She leaned in and took him right into her mouth. He started humping and almost choked her but she didn’t stop. She was sucking like she was possessed. He was humping like mad and she was hanging on with both hands. The amazing thing was the knot that was starting to grow.

It grew and grew and then he stiffened up and was obviously cumming. Karen never let go and was sucking and swallowing for all she was worth. He tried to turn away from her so she grabbed him behind the knot with both hands. It looked like she was cradling a globe with her hands. He easily stepped over her and turned away from her. She still had him in her mouth and was almost dragged away. I held him by the collar and kept him still until she was done with him.

When she finally let him go she sat back, looked right at me, burped loudly and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. She told me that it was unbelievable. She said he had cum for at least 5 minutes non stop. She didn’t want to ever let him out of her mouth. She said his cum was sooo sweet. Then she came up beside me and kissed me deeply sharing the taste with me.

She grabbed my cock and said she needed fucked bad. I quickly took off my clothes and sat back down. She climbed onto my lap and slid right down on me. She was extremely wet almost too wet to get any friction. I was humping up at her and she was driving down against me. She started coming quickly and had two or three good ones before I shot a big load into her. Man that was good.

We stayed coupled while we caught our breath. She started grinding for another but I was too sensitive so I stopped her. She whined a little and then asked if my tongue was too tired. I told her that mine wasn’t if hers wasn’t. She had me lay down with my head on the arm rest of the couch then she straddled my head and leaned down to suck on me. this was a new position for us so we had to adjust some to get it right. All my cum was drooling out of her as I licked her slit. She was pushing against me trying to get some action on her clit. I was teasingly avoiding it to her immense frustration. She was doing a decent job on me and I was starting to recover. She finally bit down on me to get me to quit teasing her. I went right to work on her clit and she started to cum immediately. Gobs of my cum started to pour out of her. It was all I could do to keep breathing.

She came two more times before I noticed Big Mike moving closer to us. He was sniffing around when he reached in and licked from the top of my head to the top of her ass crack. That was one hugh tongue. Karen noticed right away what was going on and shook her ass a little and hummed on my cock letting me know that she wanted it. Big Mike kept licking while I moved down a little to concentrate on her clit.

He hopped up and started humping. I stared back at his cock as it poked around trying to find a home. I licked up at it a couple of times and he jammed it in my mouth and down my throat choking me. I thought this was the end. I struggled and got it out and into her. He jammed it about half way into her and she screamed on my cock. He was trying hard to stuff his juicy cock, that had to be 10 inches long and almost as thick as my wrist, into her. I watched in awe as it all eventually went in.

He was pounding that meat into her without mercy and she was cumming non stop. His balls were beating the top of my head. I watched as the knot started to grow and slide in and out of her. I couldn’t believe the pounding she was taking. Eventually it got too big and stayed inside her, then he pulled up tight and stayed still. From underneath her I could feel the knot swelling in her belly and him pulsing into her. She was still sucking hard on me and I finally let loose with my second hugh load of cum. She greedily swallowed it down.

She let go of my cock and kept saying how he was splitting her in two and that he was still coming. She said it felt like a bowling ball was in there. We had played with some large objects before but nothing like this. He turned around and stood ass to ass with us. Every time he tried to move away Karen wailed in pain. I was in a hell of a position. I was under Karen, who had a king size dog cock locked in her cunt, which was up against my face because I was holding the dog by the legs so he couldn’t move before he shrunk some.

After about 5 minutes he finally pulled out with a wail from Karen and a flood of cum from her cunt that went right into my mouth. She ground down on me to get another orgasm and force me to drink. She was right about it being sweet. I swallowed to stay alive.

It took some training to get him to understand when it was ok to play around. We had some embarrassing moments with guests. He had a few incidents when he would stick his nose under Karen’s or guests skirts and give a quick lick. Eventually he learned that we only did that when we were alone with him.

I got my ass reamed out but good one night. I’m sure Karen set me up for it. We were messing around when I got down on my knees in front of Karen who was sitting on a long padded stool. Mike was in the other room resting. I had pulled Karen’s panties off and was sliding my hands up under her skirt rubbing her thighs. She loves that. I took off my clothes and pulled her to the edge of the stool. We had done this many times before and it was one of her favorites.

She laid back on the stool while I slid into her. I started slowly but worked up to a good fast pounding. I didn’t realize that Big Mike had come into the room and was smelling the air. He was right behind me watching me pounding Karen. Now when I get ready to come in this position, I like to lay down on Karen and hold her tight to me. When I did Big Mike saw what he usually saw when Karen wanted mounted, an ass in front of him. So when I climbed up on Karen and started to cum, Big Mike jumped up on me and jammed his cock up my ass on the first try.

I had just started coming when he jammed into my ass. The pain only made my orgasm better but the pain was intense. Big Mike was jabbing away at my ass and I was cumming like never before. I was in heaven and hell at the same time. The only problem was there was a shorter time span for heaven.

When I was done cumming and got my senses back I tried desperately to get out from under Big Mike. It was useless because I couldn’t go forward because of my cock in Karen. My erection wouldn’t go down because of Big Mike in my ass. Going backwards only let Big Mike pound deeper into me. Karen had her legs wrapped around me and Big Mike had his locked around all of us.

Karen saw I was at a loss of what to do and told me I might as well try to enjoy it. I thought it would never end. I tried to reach back and keep the knot out of me but Big Mike’s thrusts were too strong. He jammed it right through my hands and held it in my ass. I thought I was going to split in half. I could feel him spurting his juice into me. It felt like he was shooting it into my lungs he was so deep.

Finally he turned around and dragged me off of Karen. I stumbled around walking backwards following him ass to ass until his knot shrunk enough to pull out. Cum splattered everywhere. I fell to the floor exhausted and in pain.

The End