(c) by Itazura

Monica’s Stats: She is 18 years of age. With long dirty blonde hair that cascades down her body in waves. She isn’t skinny but she isn’t chubby, she has some decent flesh on her. Her breast are 38 Cs and she enjoys the looks that she gets because of them. She normally goes to school wearing skirts and tank tops and this day was no different.


Beginning: Time is 7:00 am

Monica was in deep sleep when suddenly she heard a noise echoing over and over in her dreams, she shot upwards out of her bed and slammed her hand against the alarm clock, and the noise stopped. She stretched, and a small moan slipped past her dry lips. Monica stood up and walked over to her closet, which had a mirror mounted on the door. Her eyes scanned over her young youthful body, and it made her smile. She could remember when her friends made fun of her for lacking breasts, but now she had a nice set. Monica turned to the side and admired her fleshy butt in her black panties.

She noticed the time and rushed into the bathroom. She jumped out of her panties and tank top and slid into the shower. The hot water caressed her body in multiple places; staring at herself, she watched her nipples stiffen and her lightly fuzz-covered slit start to drool. A small moan parted her lips, and her hands cupped her heavy breasts. Her budding nipples found their way between her index fingers and middle fingers. A quick tease, she thought, I can’t do much as School starts soon, and I need to get ready. She smiled with that naughty thought echoing in her mind. She finished bathing and walked out of her bathroom. She knew she’d be late if she didn’t hurry.

Suddenly, as she bent over to get the clothing that she laid out for herself the night before, a cold feeling touched her slit. She turned to see her dog ‘Might’ there, her cheeks flushed and burned with embarrassment. She wasn’t embarrassed that he was probing her sacred spot with his snout. She was embarrassed about the pleasurable feeling that shot through her spine with every touch. A loud moan pulsated through her room as the dog started licking her, but she quickly kicked him back and got dressed. She remembered her naughty thought from earlier and pulled down her panties. She wanted to feel the wind against her pussy lips as she walked to school.

Time: 8:00 am

Monica put the dog outside in the backyard, and the dog spends his time there while she is at school. This was one of her mother’s many rules. She continued her day like normal but felt aroused at the thought that she wasn’t wearing panties.

Time: 9:00 am- 3:00 am

School went the same as usual, nothing interesting, nothing fun, nothing at all. She slipped out of English, went to the bathroom, and sat on the toilet. The thought of what happened with Might was getting to her, so she put both legs against the stall door, pushed two fingers into herself, and masturbated silently for a few minutes. She heard a student enter the bathroom yelling out, “Monica, are you there? The teacher sent me in to check on you. Are you okay?”

Monica was so close she didn’t want to answer, but she had to stop. She flushed and walked out of her stall, washing her hands quickly to hide the scent of her arousal. Monica turned to the girl and said, “Yeah… sorry, I think my period is coming on.”

Monica decided that was enough for the day and returned to class.

Time: 3:00 pm

School got out, Monica rushed home feeling paranoid that her classmates had noticed she was acting funny. She felt her juices drip down her inner thighs past her knee. The wind kicked up and caused her to shiver because the sudden cold made the wet spots even colder.

Time: 3:20 pm

She made it to her house and walked to the front door.”SHIT!” Monica cussed loudly. She didn’t have her house key on her.

She let out a sigh but then walked behind the house to the backyard. She remembered that there was an automatic doggy door at the back door. They put it in so that Might could go into the washroom to keep warm if the weather got bad. She opened the gate and ‘Might’ rushed up to her, “Good boy, how are you, Might? Huh? How is my big boy?” she said in a baby tone to the big dog.

‘Might’ was a Lab, so she knew she could fit in the dog door. She patted him and then walked over to the door and pushed the doggy door, but it wouldn’t move. Monica then remembered that ‘Might’ had a chip in his collar that activated the dog door. So she called him over, and with a tug on his collar, she moved him close enough to trigger the door. This was to keep out other animals. Anyways, she got on all fours, and ‘Might’ walked off. The dog door slides up into the door frame. It’s a unique high-tech doggy door. Monica pushed through the door. Her breasts were through when it began to close again.

Time: 3:30 pm

‘Might’ was near the gate, and it popped off from the tugging on his collar. The collar was a safety collar that was quickly removed, so if he got stuck on something, he could get it off. Because of the location of ‘Might,’ the doggy door started shutting. The door was made only to allow the dog to enter, no one else. Monica screamed as the door jabbed her in the back, knocking her body down against the ground. This caused her to arch her back up, which made her butt lift. A moan slipped her mouth as a gust of wind caressed her exposed pussy and butt. She whimpered in a mixture of worry and pleasure. Why would she worry? Well, for one, if anyone came by, they could see her exposed. She was stuck there and couldn’t see anything behind her. This caused her to panic.

She stopped panicking and called ‘Might’ over. She figured that he’d trigger the door to open. “Might! Might! Come here, boy! Come to momma, help me out, buddy!” she begged, and she heard him behind her.

She knew it was ‘Might’ because he was panting like he always was. “Come on, Might, closer, boy.”

Suddenly she felt something long and wet press against her clit and slide up. “H-hey! STOP!”

Another moan slipped her mouth. Her heart was beating out of her chest in fear and adrenaline. She started sobbing and yelling at ‘Might,’ “STOP IT! Stop boy – stop!”

Her mind flooded with memories of that morning and school, “P-Please s-stop it, boy.”

Her sobs started dying, and her breathing got shallower and shallower. Monica could feel her eyes glazing over and her mouth beginning to fill with saliva. Unknowingly she parted her legs which gave Might all he needed.

Time: 03:40 pm

‘Might’ pushed his tongue deep into his Mistress’ slit, forcing her lips to part wider. He lapped hungrily over and over, wanting his Mistress’ sweet nectar. Monica moaned pathetically, “Oh Might, good boy,” she had never been touched between her legs at all by anyone but herself.

Monica couldn’t believe how wonderful she felt, and her climax was building more and more until suddenly ‘Might’ stopped. She feared her parents had come home, so she checked her watch. It was 3:45 pm. She thought that it would have been later, but apparently not. She knew her parents wouldn’t get home until 7:30 pm, so she calmed down but only for a moment.

Time: 3:48 pm

Monica moved herself a little, which caused her pussy lips to part perfectly. Monica’s eyes opened widely as she felt a long, warm, hard, throbbing pipe enter her pussy. The most she has ever put in her slit was 2-3 fingers. This felt twice as thick and even longer. She screamed in pure horror, “NO! NO! MIGHT STOP!” she pleaded, “Please get out!”

She didn’t want him to take her virginity. Even though she had dressed slutty, Monica had her morals. She hoped to give her love her virginity; this was way too sick for her.

Tears started pouring down her cheek, and she felt her stomach churn as the thick member ripped through her only protection. Blood coated the thick dog cock, which gave ‘Might’ the green light. He mounted her and slammed all his cock deep inside her. The cock pushed against her cervix repeatedly as he violated his Mistress, turning her from ‘Mistress’ to nothing more than a bitch.

The burning turned somewhat pleasurable, and a weak moan slipped her lips. ‘Might’ enjoyed his new bitch, her tight pussy squeezing down around him. ‘Might’ let out low growls as he rammed into her more and more, the ramming made the door pinch her, so she yelped every once in a while. She couldn’t believe it, and her dog was raping her, turning her into a bitch. What she couldn’t believe more than that was that she enjoyed it.

“M-might…” she blushed and pushed a little against him.

Time: 4:20 pm

Monica moaned over and over, giving in to her lust. Her pussy drooled all over the canine cock and testicles. She felt his scrotum banging against her clit, which caused her to orgasm hard. Her walls clenched more and more as she shook violently. Her cum drizzled down his cock and down her inner thighs. She moved her hips as much as she could, fucking herself on his cock while he pounded away into his new cunt. But then, without warning, she felt his member swelling at its base.

‘Might’ rammed into her with so much force she blacked out just a little from the jerking. The base was inside her, swelling. She couldn’t move off the cock, and she got scared. “M-Might? What are you doing, boy?” she clenched her eyes as her pussy stretched to its limit. She imagined this is how giving birth felt.

Time: 4:35 pm

She came again because of the force and stretching, but Might didn’t care how tired she could be after cumming so much. He continued violating her no longer virgin slit. He howled and panted with a mixture of whimpers here and there. She knew he must be getting closer because of his noises. Then it happened. She felt warmth fill her, and it felt almost as if he was urinating inside her. Her pussy expanded around the cock as it poured more and more cum directly into her. The cum pooled in her, and some dripped into her womb. She sat there panting, stuck, filled with a cock and cum.


Time: 4:50 pm

‘Might’ pulled out of her, cum poured out of her gaping pussy all down her thighs and to the ground. She moaned and started cumming from the feeling of the cum leaving her cunt, from the muscles convulsing from being stretched and then suddenly absent of cock. She moaned and arched, waiting, unsure what to do.

Time: 4:53 pm

Might walked up to her and started licking her, cleaning his new bitch up. She gasped and moaned at how good his warm tongue felt against her battered, bruised, cum filled pussy. She blushed and accepted him. He continued cleaning her until most of his cum was off her thighs, but her pussy was still drenched in cum.


Monica remained trapped, and she began to worry that her parents could get home any moment. She looked at her watch and noticed that it was past 8:00 pm. Suddenly her home phone rang a few times and then went to the answering machine.

“Hey Monica, it’s mom. We’re going to stay at our friend’s house tonight because we’ve had a little too much to drink, and no one is in the right mind to drive home. There’s some frozen pizza in the freezer. Bye Monica, love you.”

This could be heard from the position Monica was in, she let out a sigh of relief, but she still was somewhat worried. She knew that tonight was when her friend Rebecca was supposed to come over and study with her, her stomach tightened from worry, but she started to relax a little. She knew that her friend would come and help her, but then she remembered that her pussy was filled with sperm and it was dripping down her legs, and if her friend came over now, she would know something had happened.

“Might, come here, boy,” she called her new love “Mighty here, sweety,” she called multiple times, she could hear him walking towards her “Clean mommy, Might. Clean me.”

And as if the dog knew what she meant, he started lapping at her. He cleaned her inner thighs and slit with long, warm, wet licks. Before she knew it, she had another orgasm which helped clean her out even more. After the relaxing licking, ‘Might’ walked away and left Monica there.

Monica waited… and waited… and waited… and then…

She heard knocking on her front door.

“Monica? Open up. It’s me, Rebecca,” She heard her friend from the other side of the house.

Monica then yelled out. “Rebecca, Help me. I’m stuck in the back door!”

Moments passed until she could hear her friend opening the side gate and walking up behind Monica.

“What in the world happened?” Rebecca asked.

Monica, somewhat worried about what she meant, asked, “What do you mean? I got stuck trying to get into the house. Might has a collar that triggers the doggy door. Find it and bring it here.”

Rebecca did as her friend told her; she looked around but not before she got a look at her friend. She could see that her friend wasn’t wearing any panties, and she blushed. She also barely wore panties. Today she wore her sexy panties and her skirt. She was a girly girl who liked to show her body off. She looked around the yard. After seeing ‘Might’ wasn’t wearing the collar, she finally found it near the back gate.

Rebecca picked it up and walked over to Monica.

Monica felt the door unlock around her, she pulled out and stood up. Her muscles ached from the time spent on her knees lodged in the door.

“Ouch… thanks, Becka, That was starting to hurt, as I’ve been stuck there for hours.”

“You’re lucky it was me who came along,” Rebecca said with a smile.

“You’re not wrong. Could you try to squeeze in there? My breasts got in the way. You have slightly smaller breasts than me,” Monica asked.

This was a lie as Monica knew she had the same sized breasts as Rebecca.

“Um… I guess I can try,” Rebecca said as she got on one knee. “Do you think I could fit in there?”

Monica smiled and nodded. “I’m sure you can. You’re so much skinnier than me.”

Monica’s mind filled with images of what ‘Might’ did to her, and she wanted to be able to see it with her own eyes. She looked at her friend as she started to push through, she tossed the collar about five feet away, and the doggy door latched and forced Rebecca to the ground.

“Ow! What happened?” Rebecca yelled worriedly.

“I think the batteries died. I’ll look for a different way into the house. Hold on.” Monica acted like she walked away, but she got on her knees, seeing that Rebecca’s nicely shaven pussy was very visible. ‘Might’ walked over to his Mistress, and she reached down and started stroking his furry sheath, trying to get him hard again.

Rebecca was getting scared. “Mon, are you there?” she called out.

Monica smiled and pulled ‘Might’ over to his new toy. He inhaled and got the girl’s scent. He knew precisely what his Mistress wanted him to do. He leaned over to her, pressing his wet nose against the unsuspecting victim.

“MONICA!” Rebecca screamed.

Monica got closer, watching ‘Might’ lick all over the girl’s uncovered slit. ‘Might’ looked like he was enjoying himself, and she slipped her hand down to her pussy and started rubbing herself as her dog ate her best friend’s pussy.

Rebecca started to realize that it was ‘Might’ who was licking her and panicked. Wet tears ran down her face. Monica’s mouth watered at the sight and decided that she might as well have some more fun while she watched her pet lick her friend. She leaned down, rubbed ‘Might’s’ penis, and got it nice and hard. She wrapped her warm lips around his member while he licked her friend. Monica heard Rebecca’s whimper and whining, turning more into moans just as hers did.

Monica sucked on her pet’s cock more and more, his slime coating her mouth and his member getting larger as she sucked. She decided to back away and let ‘Might’ have his fun. She pulled back and watched as ‘Might’ got on Rebecca’s back and slammed directly into Rebecca’s pussy. The sound that Monica heard next would be forever etched in her mind. Rebecca screamed in a pleasurable moan, ‘Might’s’ full length slipped into her without any problems, even his swelling knot pushed right into her.

‘Might’ started to ram into her harder and harder. What could be heard from that moment on wasn’t anything like before? She wasn’t crying, wasn’t whining, wasn’t upset, she was in heat. ‘Might’ filled her with his boiling hot member, and she loved it.

Rebecca started arching her back against ‘Might,’ her pussy wrapping around the thick dog penis. She has always loved the feeling of her vaginal walls and entrance stretched. She would occasionally try to fit her whole hand inside herself while masturbating because she enjoyed the burning created when she stretched herself.

‘Might’ continued pumping his thick shaft into her, his balls slamming against her clit over and over. A loud slapping noise emitted from the forbidden love-making. Monica started fingering herself harder and harder, matching the thrusts of Might. She loved what she could see. She stared at ‘Might’s’ long red cock pushing into her best friend.

She loved watching her best friend’s pussy wrap around her pet. She couldn’t believe what she was watching. She really couldn’t believe what was happening when her friend started cumming.

Rebecca moaned, and her walls clenched around the large dog penis. She moaned loudly and clenched more, her cum squirted out, around the dog’s knot. Monica reached over and let some of the running fluid drip into her hand, and Monica licked it off her hand. She loved the taste of her cum, but her friend’s cum was even better. She inhaled the lingering scent of her friend’s womanhood, and her slit dripped more and more of her love juices. She stood up, watched a little longer, and walked around silently, looking for a window.

She found her bedroom window and tried to push it up. Luck was on her side. It opened soundlessly. She smiled, looking at the dog and her friend, and she slipped inside her room. She found one of her cameras that recorded and got an idea. She slipped back out of her window and hid the camera close to where her friend was being fucked. She made sure it got a good view and then re-entered her window.

In her room, she waited, hearing her friend. She took her vibrator out and pushed it into herself. This was only about three inches long, but it was more for vibrating and not screwing herself. She listened to her friend moaning and being raped by her dog.

Rebecca came over and over again, and after 30+ minutes of being screwed to death, the dog let off his load inside her. She moaned loudly as the dog whimpered, filling her more and more. Rebecca almost passed out. She felt herself getting lightheaded. Time flew by, and the dog pulled out and licked her for a few more minutes. He cleaned her off and walked off happily, falling asleep in his dog house.

The End