(c) 2022 by ScarlettsCraver

Part I – My First Fuck

I’m a 18 year old slut now, but I wasn’t always like this. It all started a few of years ago when I was 16, like my sister Ashley is now. Our neighbor is a retired Army Major. He lives next door to us … my mom, my dad, and my little sister. Mom’s name is Rita, Dad’s is Harry, and I already told you my little sister is Ashley. Mostly we call her Ash.

The Major is divorced and he lives alone, but he goes to this VFW club a lot to hang out with some of his old army buddies so I guess he’s not lonely. He spends a lot of time there, or fishing, and that’s when he hires me to walk his dog, Ruger. Ruger is a Doberman. He’s a beautiful dog and I just love him. He loves me, too, because I play with him a lot. That’s why the Major started hiring me to walk him. Ruger, not the Major. I mean the Major hires me to walk Ruger, not the Major. Haha.

Anyway, as I was saying, I started walking Ruger for the Major a couple of years or so ago. Mom thinks it’s cool because I get paid for it, and Dad doesn’t much give a crap about it one way or the other. He doesn’t care much about ANYTHING one way or the other. All he seems to like to do is sit in front of his computer whenever he’s home. His computer is in his basement office, and I think he looks at porn on it all the time, because one time I went down there to look up something for school when Dad wasn’t home, and I found all these files with dirty movies and pictures and all kinds of nasty stuff. Nobody else was home so I watched a few of Dad’s videos and it made me REALLY hot and my pussy got all wet and when I rubbed it I came harder than I ever had before. After that I watched Dad’s porn stuff and played with my cunt as often as I could get away with it. That’s when I started thinking about what it might be like to have sex with a boy … or a man.

Major Fox isn’t a bad looking guy, I guess. He’s pretty old, like around 50 or maybe older, and he’s still in really good shape for an old fart. He’s kind of handsome, too, and he’s in way better shape than Daddy. So after I started watching porn on my dad’s computer and playing with my pussy whenever I could, I also started thinking about what it might be like to maybe have sex with Major Fox. By then I’d been walking Ruger for a year or so, and Major Fox had given me a key to his house so I could get Ruger and walk him when the Major wasn’t home. Then one day after I let myself in I started looking around the Major’s house a little. I was just snooping, but when I saw his computer was still on I moved the mouse to turn on the display and wow … the Major was looking at porn on HIS computer, too, and I noticed most of the stuff he was watching was of guys his age and young girls. In fact, a lot of them didn’t look like they were any older than Ashley! Since the Major lives alone, I bet he most likely jerked off a lot when he watched his videos, too, like Dad did. Boy, I sure found out THAT was right!

The next time I was supposed to go over and walk Ruger I made sure I did it when the Major was still home, before he left to go see his buddies. My tits had started growing by then, and they were big enough so Mom had started buying me bras. They were already C-cups, too, so at school I got a lot of attention, not just for my tits, but also because I had nice big nipples, something the boys in school seemed to notice and also pay attention to a lot. I liked that! When they’d stare at my tits it would make my pussy tingle and I’d get all wet and my nipples would get hard. It seems like my nipples were always getting stiff and visible under my thin tops a lot then, and when boys stared at them or made comments about them, like calling me “pencil eraser tits” or something, it would also get me excited and my cunt would get really wet.

It still really excites me. Sometimes it makes me so hot I have to go into the girl’s room and play with myself until I come. I love coming, don’t you? I bet you’re playing with yourself right now, right? And you’re gonna come pretty soon, too, and I don’t blame you. Coming is just about the best, most funest thing I’ve ever felt in the entire world and I just love it!

Anyway, this time when I went over to get Ruger I didn’t wear a bra and I wore my thinnest tank top, and my shortest skirt with no panties under it. I already had this covering of black hair growing on my pussy by then, and there was enough of it so it would get all sticky when my cunt got wet when I was playing with myself. So before I went over to the Major’s house I went to the bathroom and sat on the toilet and masturbated until I got so hot I came and just thinking about what I was going to do at the Major’s house made me squirt all over my thighs and legs. It felt hot and really wet and I didn’t even bother to wipe it off. I was also so hot I could smell my cunt, too, so I went over to the Major’s just like that, with my cunt and thighs wet and stinky and my nipples really stiff.

When I got there, at first the Major didn’t seem to pay any attention to how I was dressed, but then all of a sudden it seemed like he noticed how stiff my nipples were and he kind of grinned at me.

“You’re growing up, Ali,” he said, staring at my tits.

“Yeah, I guess I am,” I smiled, trying to look as sexy as I could. I kind of posed with my hands on my hips, with one leg out and front of me, and my shoulders back so he could be sure to see the shape of my titties, not just my nipples.

“Doesn’t your mother make you wear bras, Ali?” he asked, all serious.

“Yeah. But sometimes I like to go without them,” I grinned.

“And why is that?” he asked.

“Promise you won’t tell anybody?” I said.

He grinned again, then said, “Sure. I can keep a secret.”

“Well … I like it when the boys in school look at my tits. It’s exciting,” I smiled. Then I did something I’d never in a million years dreamed I would ever have done before I started watching porn on my dad’s computer. I reached up to my nipples and tugged on them, then said, “I like how it makes these get hard, Major Fox. And it gets me all wet … down here,” I said, reaching down, snaking my hand under my skirt. Then as the Major watched I actually began rubbing my cunt. I knew the Major could see my fingers moving under my skirt, and then I noticed his cock getting hard.

“God this feels so good, Major Fox. And I get so wet when I do this,” I moaned, slowly tugging my skirt up to where Major Fox could see my slick thighs … then higher, so he could see my pussy hair … and then my actual pussy. “See?” I said, showing him how wet I was.

“Good God, Ali. Do you have any idea what you’re doing to me, showing me your pussy like that?” he asked, reaching down to squeeze this big lump in his pants.

“Well … it looks like I’m making your cock hard, Major Fox?” I said, still not lowering my skirt, feeling my cunt getting really wet now. “Am I right?” I teased, and then I actually slid a finger inside my pussy while he watched me doing it.

“Yes, you are, Ali. Can YOU keep a secret, too?” he asked.

“Sure,” I said.

“Have you ever seen a real cock?” he asked.

“No,” I said. “I’ve only seen cocks on my Dad’s computer. And on yours one day when you left it on. It was open to a porn site, so I looked at it.”

“Did it excite you?” he asked.

“Yeah. It did. It always does. I always get real wet when I look at porn and most of the time I play with my pussy when I watch it,” I said. “I did that day, too, Major Fox,” I grinned shyly. Then as the Major watched me I started rubbing my cunt harder. “Is it okay if I play with my cunt while you watch me doing it, Major Fox? It’s way more exciting playing with myself with you watching me,” I said, sliding another finger inside my wet pussy.

“My God, Ali,” Major Fox wheezed.

“Do you like watching me playing with my CUNT, Major Fox? Don’t you just love that word? CUNT? I like it better than just saying pussy. Cunt sounds way more dirty, don’t you think? And I love being dirty, especially when I play with myself and finger-fuck my CUNT! It’s really making me wet. See?” I said, holding my cunt folds open for him … letting him see right up inside my cunt.

“I love watching you doing that, Ali,” he breathed. “Would you like to see a real cock?” Major Fox asked, squeezing his dick through his pants.

“Yeah. I would,” I said, rubbing my clit now as I continued to finger myself in front of him.

“Would you like me to show you MY cock, Ali? Could I trust you to keep it a secret if I showed you my cock?”

“Sure. I’d love to see your cock, Major Fox,” I said, staring at his crotch.

“What would you show me in return?” he asked.

“Anything you want, Major. What would you want to see?” I grinned, feeling really grown up and sexy. “I’m already showing you my cunt. What else do you want to see?” I teased.

“Everything, Ali … I’d like to see all of you. Your naked tits … your naked ass,” he said softly. “And of course I love seeing your naked pussy,” he said, still staring at it.

“Okay,” I said. “Show me your cock and I’ll take all my clothes off,” I told him.

“Follow me, child,” he said. “Let’s to up to my bedroom. I have some special films up there I know you’re going to enjoy seeing,” he added. So I went up to his bedroom with him.

Once inside I crawled on his bed and watched, still playing with myself as Major Fox unbuckled his belt, then unzipped his pants and took them off. He was wearing blue boxer briefs, and when he reached inside them and pulled out his cock it was already hard.

“Wow! That’s a big cock!” I gasped. It was, too.

“Do you want to touch it, Ali?” he said softly.

“Can I?” I asked.

“Of course. Do it,” he said, crawling onto the bed next to me.

I put my fingers around his cock, and it was amazing! The outside felt soft, almost like some kind of hot, really thin velvet, but yet it felt hard inside.

“Do you like it, Ali?” he asked.

“YEAH! I LOVE IT!” I gushed, grinning at him.

“See how it’s leaking?” he said. “That droplet of liquid leaking out the end of my cock is my pre-cum. Feel it,” he said. “Run your finger over it,” so I did. It was slippery, and when I ran my finger over it he gasped and I giggled. I said, “Wow, it’s really slippery!”

“A lot of people think it tastes really good, Ali. Would you like to try it?” the Major asked.

“Sure!” I said. “Can I?”

“Of course, child,” the Major said, so I leaned down and licked the tip of his cock. And you know what? He was right. His pre-cum stuff tasted real sweet … almost like some kind of syrup. I loved it. So I put his entire cock in my mouth before he even had to ask me to do it. I’d seen enough porn videos to know guys like it when a girl sucks their cock, and so did Major Fox.

“Oh God, Ali!” he moaned.

“Hmmm!” I hummed. “I wuv thucking your cock!”

“I love it, too, child. Don’t stop. Please!” he groaned.

“O-thay!” I mumbled, not taking the cock out of my mouth. Then he started sliding his cock in and out of my mouth, like he was fucking me there, and I knew what would happen if I didn’t stop. I knew from all those porn films that guys shoot their cum stuff out of their cocks when they get them sucked. So then I started wondering if Major Fox’s cum would taste as good as his pre-cum, and of course I also knew I would find out if I just kept sucking his cock. So I did it.

“If you keep that up, Ali, I’m going to come in your mouth,” he warned, his voice kind of strangled sounding.

“Umhm!” I nodded.

“You WANT me to come in your mouth, Ali?” he asked, grinning.

“Umhm!” I nodded again.

“Take off your tee shirt … and your skirt!” he snapped.

“Okay!” I said, sliding my lips off his cock long enough to take off my clothes. “I didn’t wear panties on purpose, Major Fox, just so you could see my cunt!” I said. “And I loved showing it to you. And playing with it while you watched me. See? I’m all wet already. Look!” I said, holding my cunt open for him again.

“It looks to me like you’re wet enough to be able to take my cock inside your pussy there,” he said.

“Yeah, I bet I am, too,” I said, rubbing my clit in front of him now, sliding two fingers inside my mushy hole again while he watched, a thrill coursing though my body as I thought about take his cock inside my cunt.

“Would you like that, Ali? To feel my cock inside your … your cunt, as you call it?” he said.

“You don’t mind me calling my pussy my cunt, do you, Major Fox? I just like that word better than pussy. It sound nastier to me to call my pussy my cunt. It makes me feel sluttier. Is that okay?” I asked.

“Do you like feeling slutty, Ali?” he asked.

“Yeah. I love it. I like to do nasty things. From the first time I saw porn on my dad’s computer I knew I wanted to be a slut like the women in those videos. It looked like so much FUN! So ever since then I’ve started doing nasty stuff. Like this one time I stuck a banana up my cunt and ate it afterward. Then one time I put a hot dog in my ass and I ate that, too. It felt good in my ass, and I LOVED doing something that nasty, but I hated the poop smell afterward, so I probably won’t do anything like THAT again,” I grinned.

“Would you like me to put my cock in your cunt, Ali? Would you like me to FUCK YOU, child?” he asked, masturbating now, his cock getting bigger and bigger.

“REALLY? YOU MEAN IT?” I gasped. “You’d really FUCK ME? I’d LOVE that!” I gushed. So guess what we did.

Major Fox had me lie on my back and spread my legs open. Then I rubbed my cunt while he took off his boxer shorts and his shirt. He has a big tattoo on his shoulder with some words on it and some kind of globe or something. The words are in some kind of foreign language, and I guessed they had something to do with the Marine corps. I didn’t care about that, though. I was way more interested in his big, hard cock and balls.

“You’re going to enjoy this, Ali,” he said as he crawled onto the bed between my thighs. Then he slid a finger inside my cunt and started licking and sucking my clitty and oh my GOD did that ever feel good. I think it only took a few seconds before I was coming, with my body jerking around and twitching like crazy as the Major kept sucking my cunt. He raised his face and grinned at me and his face was all slippery and wet. My body was still twitching and quivering, and when Major Fox licked my clitty again I came again. He laughed, and then he ate me again and wiggled his finger around inside my cunt, and I came again, almost right away, only this time I came so hard I squirted all over his face.

“YESSSSSS!” he wailed, wiping his face back and forth in my cunt juice as it shot out of my pussy. He was licking and sucking my squirt as I came and came, crying out loud, grabbing his hair and pulling his face real hard into my cunt as his tongue slid into me and I filled his mouth with my hot, wet, spurting cunt juice.

Then he pulled away from me and crawled up between my thighs really fast, his cock rock hard now. He kissed me then, and I could smell my cunt scent on his face, so I started licking his lips and cheeks and chin, tasting myself on his face, and I started wondering what it might be like to lick one of my girlfriends’ cunt. Then Major Fox just pushed his cock pretty hard and it started sliding right inside my cunt. I was really wet, so his cock went into me really easily … until it bumped up against my cherry. I knew it was still there because when I fucked myself with that banana I felt it hit my cherry, so I pretty much expected the first guy to fuck me would probably bust it. Then the Major pushed harder, and kind of rammed it inside me, and I felt something inside me pop and felt like a tearing sensation and I screamed. Something hot was leaking down onto my thighs then, and I found out later it was blood.

“Oh God!” he moaned, “I knew it! I knew you were still a virgin, Ali!” the Major grunted, fucking me harder now, and suddenly I didn’t care if I was bloody or not. The pain was rapidly turning into the most intense pleasure I’d ever felt, and I realized how much I LOVED FUCKING! So I told him that.

“FUCK ME, MAJOR FOX! I LOVE FUCKING! I’m really a real slut now, huh?” I moaned, raising my legs, wrapping them around his waist, pulling his cock deeper inside my cunt.

“Yeah, kid. You’re a real slut now!” Major Fox gasped. And a few seconds later he came in me … right inside my cunt, and I came with him … over and over again. Each time he shot another gob of hot cum inside my cunt I came, and I knew I’d probably let any guy who wanted to fuck me from then on. And I pretty much did.


Part II – More Fucking

I knew I couldn’t ask my dad about it, but my mom was a pretty hot babe, and I knew from some of the sex I’d heard my parents having that she was like me when it came to enjoying cum facials and nasty sex, so one day I approached her and asked her if she could get me on the pill.

“I guess you really are old enough for that now,” she said, “and better safe than sorry. Are you having sex with the boys at your school yet, Ali?” she asked. “I know all you high school girls engage in oral sex, and I’m fine with you doing that, but if you start having intercourse you could get pregnant, so I’ll take you to our doctor tomorrow and get you on the pill. That doesn’t mean I WANT you to fuck yet, Ali,” she said, “but I understand how tempting it can be for a young girl like you, so I agree with you it’s time we helped protect you.”

And she did. I saw the doctor with her the next day and went on the pill that afternoon. I was supposed to wait a couple weeks after that before it would be safe to fuck, but it was kind of exciting to know I was getting fucked already and could maybe get pregnant from it so it didn’t stop me from fucking Major Fox until then. Fortunately I guess his sperm count was kind of low due to his age, but for whatever reason I managed to dodge his baby bullets until the two weeks were up and I was able to fuck without worrying about getting pregnant. Then one day at the Major’s house he asked me about Ashley.

“What about her, Major?” I asked, lying between his thighs, licking his balls while I stroked his cock.

“Is she a slut, too, Ali?” he asked.

“Gee, no. I mean, I don’t think so. We’ve never talked about it,” I said.

“Perhaps you should, Ali. You know how much YOU love fucking. Maybe Ashley would love it, too,” the Major said, and the more I thought about it, the more it made sense to me. So I told him I’d ask her about it.

“Why don’t you just bring her over here sometime instead,” he suggested, so I said, “Okay.” And I did it. But first I showed her some of Dad’s porn videos.

The next day when Ashley and I were home alone I asked her if she ever rubbed her cunt. “You know, Ash … like this,” I said, showing her how I liked to do it.

“Well … sometimes I do,” she said shyly.

“It feels good, doesn’t it,” I said.

“Yeah,” she said.

“I want to show you something,” I said then. “Come with me,” and I took her down to Dad’s computer and showed her some of the videos I knew he had stored there.

“Wow,” she whispered.

“Let’s touch ourselves while we watch, Ash. Come on. Do it with me,” I said. And she did it.

“It’s more fun to do it with someone, huh, Ash,” I said.

“Yeah. It is,” she moaned, rubbing herself through her little panties. They were white, with little pink elephants on them, and as we rubbed ourselves, Ash in her little girl panties, me in NO panties, I told her I bet I could get her to feel even better.

“How?” she gasped, rubbing faster now as she watched the porn videos.

“Lie on the sofa, Ash,” I said. Dad has an old sofa down there, and I knew the stains on it were cum, which I thought was hot. So when my little sister lay on her back I had her spread her lets and I crawled between her thighs and sucked some of her cunt juices out of her panties.

“Oh ALI! That … that’s DIRTY!” she moaned, but she didn’t try to stop me.

“So is this!” I said then, moving the edge of her panties out of the way so I could bury my face in her smooth little naked cunt.

“OH … OH … OH ALI! I … I FEEL FUNNY!” Ash gasped.

“It’s because you’re going to come, Ash. Go ahead. Do it,” I instructed.

“But it feels like … it feels like I’m gonna pee!” she wheezed.

“You probably won’t,” I said, but told her it would be okay if she did.

“But Ali … I’d be peeing in your MOUTH!” she groaned as I continued eating her cunt.

I looked up at her then and said, “Yeah. That would be nasty, huh, Ash.” Then I ate her until she came so hard she squirted a little in my mouth, and I couldn’t tell if she really was peeing or just coming and squirting. But you know what? I didn’t care which it was because I was playing with myself by then, too, and coming right along with her.

Afterward we went upstairs to my bedroom and took off all our clothes and I ate Ash again and even licked her ass crack. She didn’t stink like that time I put the hot dog in my ass, so I had her get on her knees and elbows and I spread her ass cheeks open and licked all the way up her ass crack to her assHOLE. Then I had her rub her pussy while I pushed my tongue inside her there and she went crazy. God that was fun! Then we heard our folks coming home from the store so we got dressed and didn’t do anything more that day.

The next day I told Ash I wanted her to come over to the Major’s house with me.

“What for?” she asked. She doesn’t like Ruger as much as I do. She thinks he’s scary, but he’s really not. He’s really a loving doggie who just LOOKS scary.

“I want to show you a fun game I’ve been playing with Major Fox,” I said.

“Okay,” she said. So she came with me and boy, was that EVER fun!

At the Major’s house he gave us both a glass of wine, which I was used to, but Ashley thought was really cool because it was so grown-up. We talked a while, then I said, “Major, I told Ash we’d show her the game we play, okay?”

“Did you now,” he grinned. “And what game is that, Ali?”

I turned to Ashley and said, “To play this game you have to promise to keep it a secret, Ash, okay? You can’t tell ANYONE about it because it’s a SECRET game. But it’s REALLY fun, okay?”

“Okay,” Ashley said.

“You promise? Cross your heart and hope to die if you tell anyone?”

“I promise,” she said. “So what’s the game called?”

“Fucking,” I said. “And it’s the most fun ever. Remember last week when we played ‘doctor’ and I had to slide my finger inside your pussy to examine you?”

“Yeah!” she grinned. “That felt really good, Ali,” she giggled. “But you said not to tell anyone about it and now the Major knows.”

“Well it’s okay because he can keep a secret, right, Major Fox?” I said to him.

“Absolutely, Ashley. Just as you have to keep what we do here today a secret, too, right?”

“Sure, okay,” she said.

“And remember yesterday when I sucked your pussy?” I said.

“ALI! I thought we ESPECIALLY weren’t supposed to tell anyone about that,” she gasped.

“Yeah, we aren’t, but it’s okay to tell the Major because of the secret game.”

“Okay,” she said. “But what’s the game called?”

“Well,” I said. “It’s called ‘fucking,’ and it’s where a man examines you the same way I did with my finger, only he uses his cock to examine you with,” I explained.

“His COCK?” she said.

“Yeah. You know. His wiener,” I said. “Like those people were doing in Dad’s videos I showed you.”

“Oh wow! But those were adults. And it looked like those cocks were WAY bigger than your finger, Ali,” she said, puzzled.

“Yeah, they ARE way bigger,” I said. “That’s what makes fucking so fun, because it FEELS way better, too, and then when the guy shoots this hot, creamy stuff inside you and you get all sticky and wet you’ll get this wild feeling like you did when I was licking your pussy yesterday, and your body starts shaking and then it’s like fireworks start going off in your cunt and you jump and jerk all over the place and you’ll love it, won’t she, Major?” I said, getting excited now.

“I’m sure she’ll love it if she’s anything like you, Ali,” he grinned.

“So you want to play fucking with us, Ash?” I asked.

“Okay,” she said. And we all went into the Major’s bedroom and took our clothes off.

To get Ash in the mood to fuck, the Major showed her some of his videos while we all lay next to each other, naked. The Major was in between Ash and me, and I had her touch his cock and I could tell she had the same reaction I did the first time I touched it, how it felt so soft and smooth on the outside and so hard inside.

“See that goo coming out of it, Ash,” I said proudly, like I was the adult or something.


“Lick it. It tastes delicious,” I said.

“But doesn’t he pee out of that thing?” she asked.

“Yeah, but that’s not pee. That’s his fuck syrup,” I said. So she leaned down and started licking the Major’s cock just like I had, and just like me she said it tasted delicious.

The Major groaned, and also just like I had done that first time, Ashley started sucking the Major’s cock, so I crawled down between her thighs and started eating her cunt while she sucked the Major. God it was fun. Ash was getting really hot from my licking, so I told her the Major was going to put his cock in her cunt then, and for her to lie back and spread her legs and hold her cunt lips open for the Major. So she did it.

“You don’t have to eat her like you did for me, Major. I got her all ready for you. See?” I said, sliding a finger inside Ash’s cunt, showing the Major how slippery she was there.

“I can’t believe this,” the Major groaned, but he was crawled between Ash’s thighs when he said it, so I knew he did believe it. And then I took his cock and guided it into my little sister’s cunt.

“Owwww!” Ash cried. “It hurts!”

“Relax, Ash. It will feel really good in a minute,” I said. Then I crawled up next to her and started tweaking her nipples while the Major fucked her and in a little while she started to breath heavier, then REAL heavy, and then she started crying out how much she liked fucking, just like I had done. And I knew we were going to have lots of fun games with the Major after that.


Part III – Busted

When we got home Mom and Dad were both there and they called us into the living room and said they had something to talk to us about.

“What, Dad?” I asked.

“Have you been using my computer, Ali? Don’t lie?”

My face got real red, and I whispered, “Yes.”

“What did you see on it, Ali?” Daddy asked.

“We … I mean–”

“WE? YOU LET ASHLEY SEE THINGS ON MY COMPUTER, TOO?” Dad snarled, sounding really mad.

“Yes,” I whispered again.

“It’s okay, Daddy,” Ashley said, trying to help. “I liked watching your videos of all those people having fun. They were doing fucking weren’t they, Daddy,” she beamed proudly, anxious to show off her newly found knowledge.

Mom laughed, and Daddy tried to look mad, but he had to grin, too.

“Did you teach her that?” he asked me.

“I guess,” I said, glad to see they’d both grinned over what Ash said.

“What did she show you, Ashley?” Daddy asked.

“Well … she showed me the videos where all those people were naked and fucking and it looked really fun, especially when Ali and I were rubbing our … I mean. Wait … I … I can’t say. It’s a secret,” Ash stammered.

“Ali, were you playing with yourself in front of your sister? Did you teach her to do that?” Dad said sternly.

“No, Daddy. I already knew how to do that. It feels good, huh, Ali,” Ash said.

“God!” Mom grinned. “It appears we may have raised a couple little sex fiends, Harry,” she said.

“Apparently!” Dad said, but he didn’t seem mad any more. “Guess the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree, Rita,” he grinned at Mom.

“Look who’s talking,” Mom grinned back. Then she turned to me and said, “your father knows I put you on the pill, so we also know you’re probably letting boys fuck you now, right, honey? It’s okay, since you’re on the pill. So tell us the truth. Have you letting some of the boys from your school fuck you yet?”

“Boys from the school? No, Mom, I haven’t,” I said.

“You’re not fucking yet?” she asked, looking incredulous.

“Any boys? No, Mother,” I said.

Ashley giggled, and Mom said, “What’s so funny, Ash?”

“You said has she been fucking boys from school, and she said no, but … oh wait, that’s a secret, too. Never mind.”

“If not boys, then have you girls been experimenting with each other? It’s okay if you have, honey. It’s only natural for you to be curious about your bodies.”

“Yeah, we have, Mom,” I admitted.

“What have you done, Ali?” Mom asked.

“Well … I’ve licked Ash’s cunt. And her ass,” I said, sensing that somehow this seemed to be turning my parents on.

“God!” Daddy wheezed, and I looked down and sure enough, this was making his cock hard.

“And we rubbed our cunts while we watched your movies, Daddy,” Ashley said.

“And we got so hot I had to lick Ash’s cunt and her ass crack. And when I put my tongue in her asshole it didn’t stink like mine did the time I put a hot dog in me there … and ate it. The banana I put in my cunt tasted way better than that hot dog did. That was yucky, but Ash’s ass didn’t smell at all so I didn’t mind licking her ass crack and tonguing her asshole,” I said. And yep, Dad’s cock was definitely getting hard now.

When I looked over at Mom her nipples were real stiff like mine get, and she was sweating and her eyes were kind of cloudy looking. So I kept talking.

“I really love putting things in my cunt, Mom. Don’t you? Do you like to fuck, too? I mean…” I said.

“What do you mean, TOO, Ali?” she asked.

“It’s a secret. We can’t tell you,” Ashley grinned smugly.

“Is she saying what I think she is?” Mom asked. “Have you let someone fuck you, Ali? I thought you said you hadn’t let any boys do anything to you,” she said.

“Well I HAVEN’T let any boys fuck me yet, Mom,” I said.

“Well then who HAVE you let fuck you? Tell us everything you’ve been doing, Ali,” Daddy said, kind of mad looking again. “Right NOW!”

“I’m sorry, Daddy,” I said, tears starting to trickle down my face. “It’s just that … well … it feels SO good to get fucked. I love it. And I especially love to suck cocks until they shoot in my mouth, so I’ve been doing that, too,” I said, pretending to cry.

“And that pre-cum stuff tastes just like SYRUP, too!” Ash said.

“Good GOD!” Mom gasped.

“Well it does, Mother,” Ash said. “I love it! Daddy, does your pre-cum goo taste like syrup, too?” she asked.

Daddy face got real red, and Mom laughed again, then said, “Well tell her Harry. Does your pre-cum goo taste like syrup?” she said, grinning.

“You are the one who should answer that,” Dad shot back. “You’re the one who sucks it.”

“And you love it!” Mom teased.

“Hell yes I do,” Daddy grinned back.

“Dad, can Ash and I taste your pre-cum? We really love it, AND we love cum, too.”

“Whose have you tasted, Ali?” Mom asked, her nipples getting even more visible now.

“It’s a secret,” Ash said.

“This is making me hot, Mom. You said it’s only natural to play with our cunts, right? So is it okay if I do this while we talk about this stuff?” I asked. I was sitting on the sofa next to Daddy, and I just took a chance and raised my skirt up around my waist and started rubbing my cunt.

“Yeah, can I, too, Mom?” Ash asked, raising her skirt, the Major’s cum leaking like crazy out of her sloppy cunt. It was all over her thighs and so was some of her blood from when the Major took her cherry, and when Mom and Dad saw it they got real concerned.

“Who did this to you, Ashley?” Daddy asked.

“It’s okay, Dad. We love it, don’t we, Ash!” I said.

“Yeah. We love fucking!” Ash said, rubbing her cunt openly now.

“My God. It’s the Major, isn’t it!” Mom guessed … correctly.

I didn’t say anything and for once neither did Ash. Instead she just lay back on the other end of the sofa rubbing her cunt and groaning.

Mom looked at Daddy, and it was like they knew something. Then Daddy said, “I guess it shouldn’t come as that much of a surprise, Rita. I mean, look what he’s been doing with us.”

“WHAT?” I asked, eagerly. “Has Major Fox been fucking you, too, Mom?”

“So he HAS been fucking you, Ali?” Mom asked, her hand moving to her thigh. I don’t think she even realized she was doing it.

“Tell me, Mother. Has Major Fox been fucking you, too?” I asked again.

“Yes. He has,” Mom whispered.

“It’s fun, isn’t it, Mom. He has a nice cock, doesn’t he,” Ash said. “Can we see yours, Daddy? Please?” she asked.

“God, Rita…” Daddy said, looking at Mom.

“Think of the fun we all could have together, Harry,” Mom said, squeezing one of her tits now. “They’re already fucking him.”

“Ali, is Major Fox the only one fucking you?” Daddy asked.

“Yeah, he is. And I suck the cocks of some of the boys in school,” I admitted, rubbing my cunt now, too.

“Has … has Major Fox ever had Ruger do anything to you, Ali?” Mom asked.

“Ruger? Heck no,” I said, puzzled.

“Why, Mom? What could Ruger do to us?” Ash asked.

“You opened this subject, Rita. Want to tell her?” Daddy said.

Mom looked real weird for a few seconds, then said, “Let’s go next door and show them, Harry. I’m so fucking hot right now I really, really need it.” So Mom and Dad and Ash and I went next doors to the Major’s house and what happened that night is the most exciting thing I’ve ever done in my life.


Part IV – An Orgy to End All Orgies

“I wondered how long it would take you, Rita … Harry,” the Major said, opening the door for us. “Come in.”

“You’re a bastard, Major,” Mom said.

“And your point is?” Major grinned.

“So have you been having fun fucking our daughters?” Mom asked.

“Of course,” the Major grinned.

“You haven’t … Ruger…?” Dad said.

“Not yet. I was saving that for you to see,” the Major said.

“Then let’s do it,” Mom said. “I’m so hot I can’t stand it. My fucking pussy is leaking down my thighs and I smell like the whore I am.”

The Major grinned at Mom, then said, “Right. Let’s go downstairs.”

“Oh God!” Mom groaned, but immediately walked over to the door to the lower lever, opened it, and went downstairs. We followed, and once we were all there Mom took off all her clothes, then leaned over this low foot stool, on her stomach, her legs open.

“Can’t wait can you, Rita?” Daddy laughed. “Fucking slut!”

“Fuck you, Harry. GET HIM FOR ME, MAJOR. I want them to WATCH me, too, so just fucking GET ME MY DOGGY COCK!” Mom gasped.

The Major whistled, then told Daddy and Ash and me to get undressed like he was doing, so we all did. When we were naked the Major whistled again, and Ruger came in.

“Ruger, SUCK!” he snapped, and the dog walked over to where Mom was lying on her stomach and sniffed her cunt, then started licking it.

“Oh my God!” I gasped. “Mom, his COCK is sliding out of hit furry coating,” I said, rubbing my pussy as I watched the dog’s cock growing larger.

“BRING HIM TO ME! I NEED TO GET HIM READY!” Mom shouted, and the Major said, “Ruger … MOUTH!” What happened next blew my mind.

As we all watched, the dog walked around in front of Mom and she reached out and squeezed his cock. THEN SHE BROUGHT IT TO HER MOUTH AND STARTED SUCKING IT!!!!!!!!!!

“Wow!” I gasped, rubbing my pussy faster, as I noticed Dad’s cock getting real big.

“Do you want mine, baby?” Daddy asked, his eyes glazed with lust as he aimed his naked cock toward me.

“Can I, Daddy?”

“Yes!” he said, so I got on my knees in front of him and started sucking his cock like Mom was doing to Ruger. That just left Ash and the Major, and while I sucked Daddy Ash started sucking the Major’s cock.

“NOW! HE’S READY!” Mom cried out, and the Major said, “Ruger. FUCK!” And damned if the dog didn’t walk around behind Mom and she grabbed his cock and slid it right up inside her wet cunt. THEN THE DOG STARTED FUCKING MOM!!!!!!!!!

“Daddy, do that to me! Please!” I begged, and while my mother was getting fucked by Ruger my own dad started fucking me.

I don’t know what happened after that because when Daddy fucked me and I saw the dog fucking mother I just lost it and came so hard I passed out. I think I sensed it when Daddy came in my cunt, but I was so wasted I didn’t even open my eyes. I just lay there jerking and coming and squirting and knew this was by far the most exciting, best day of my life.

I slept for a while, and when I woke up there were a bunch of other men there and they were all naked and their cocks were hard and they were taking turns fucking Ash and Mom, and then Ruger was licking MY pussy, and when he hopped up on the sofa with his paws around my neck and his cock hard and wet … when he started poking it against my cunt I reached down and spread it open for his cock and he started fucking ME just like he’d done to Mom. She was watching while one of the new men was fucking her and she had another guy’s cock in her mouth and Ash was sucking a cock and getting fucked, too, and I started rubbing my clit wile Ruger fucked me and I came so hard I felt myself squirting like crazy and this time I knew it wasn’t just cunt juice. I was pissing like crazy and I loved how it made me feel and I passed out again.

And that’s how we came to be one of the hottest, nastiest families in town, and probably in the entire world, don’t you think? And as the fairy tale says, we all lived happily ever after…

The End