(c) 2021 by Bob Watergate

Part I

Susan and I had just landed in Cancun, MX for another of our week long Time Share getaways. The Royal Sands was one of several premium destination resorts that included every kind of perk a person might dream of. This resort has five onsite restaurants; six bars; four nightclubs; and the best spa in all of Cancun!

This trip it was just the two of us trying to do it up special! No inviting other couples to travel with us. Our Time Share was the best they had to offer. Our penthouse sleeps six; has vaulted ceilings along with a view of that beautiful blue ocean seen from our balcony. Once we settled in, it was off to the beach a few hours of sun. The beach sand in Cancun is amazing. Plus all the beautiful women walking up and down the beach that just happened to be topples! There was some full nudity but was not all that prominent. We chose topples, which was fine with Susan.

That next day we decided to do a Drift Snorkel to kick off this little vacation. We ended up getting scheduled on a snorkeling boat with four other couples; so this was more crowded than we had hoped for. The Captain anchored the boat and told everyone he would let us out at this spot and the prevailing currents would move us along to the pickup point about a mile away. He handed out small Inflatable Vests to wear. Everyone began removing their clothes to leave the boat for our snorkeling adventure. Susan had worn her swim suit too but only her bikini bottoms … as always. She had everyone checking her out since she was the only woman now topless! I watched one other woman remove her top as she moved closer to Susan.

“Good move!” Stacy shared to Susan, implying that going topless was the right thing to do today.

“I never wear a top and actually I didn’t even think about what the other woman would do … oh well their loss!” Susan replied.

Everyone was in the water now but as we began to arrange ourselves to drift along; several others men and women positioned themselves just behind Susan … obviously so they could watch her breasts moving freely as she swam along. But Stacy was swimming right next to Susan and several times I watched her take Susan’s hand swimming as a pair! I also saw, as did all those following Susan, as Stacy would let go of her hand and reach up to caress her breasts which put on quite the show if I must say.

Back on the boat I wasn’t able to set next to Susan because Stacy was right there like they were joined at the hip. But once back at our penthouse Susan shared that Stacy actually worked at the Swim With the Dolphins down the coast a short distance. Stacy had invited us to catch up with her the next day as her guests! We had already talked about Susan getting to swim with the dolphins as she thought it would be a hoot! I knew Susan would be happy about this invitation … but I couldn’t figure out why she was beaming from ear to ear that entire evening … and was a hot fucking machine once we began our love making that night.

We arrived just as this park and Stacy greeted us as we arrived. She told us to enjoy the park and all it had to offer but told us she had arranged a private swim for Susan; and if I would like … for me too! We took our time taking the guided tour of all the available activities and then enjoyed a late dinner near the swim area. Stacy caught up with us and asked if it was just Susan or if I would be on this special swim too.

“Stacy,” Susan began, “I’ve encourage Bob to swim also … I want him to enjoy this special event … just as you promised me I would!” We continued to visit as the park began to close then Stacy brought Susan and me over to the swim dock.

“Bob, the Dolphins are more comfortable when the swimmers don’t wear their suits. You understand … so you would be just like another fish … well mammal in the water.” So Susan and I stripped out of our clothes; leaving us both naked. So this is why Susan said we wouldn’t need swim suits today. Anyway Stacy was now nude too and joined us in the water. Stacy called out a couple of commands and two Dolphins swam up next to Susan and me.

“Just reach out and pet them … you know … just rub their skin so they can get used to both of you.” Stacy instructed. But as we both began rubbing on them they bent their heads down to our crouches and I know I felt a large tongue flipping against my cock! I could tell by Susan’s eyes … and by the way her head was laid back … her Dolphin’s tongue was really working on her pussy … just likes she enjoys it.

“Enjoy you two,” Stacy began speaking to the two of us, “Rexy and Robbie seem to like you both very much. These are two of our special Dolphins that I have trained … you know to give me … and my friends … some very special loving. In the ways … I promise … neither of you have even experienced before!” The Dolphins continued licking both of us and we really didn’t have to support ourselves in the water as Stacy told us both to place our hands on their backs.

“Alright are you two ready for the main event?” Stacy asked, and with another command Rexy and Robbie, the two males took off and threw themselves out of the water and then swam around to us again. Now these two dolphins are very fast, moving through the water faster than I could keep up with.

“Bob how about letting Susan take the first special ride so you can watch and see how she enjoys it?” Stacy suggested. Stacy showed Susan how to stay straight in the water and allow Rexy to swim us next to her. Then she instructed Susan to use the strap Stacy had given her to place over the back of Rexy and to … hold on tight girl!

At first I wasn’t aware of everything that was happening but when Stacy handed me a pair of goggles to wear and pushed my head down into the water I was amazed as Rexy swam past the two of us … that is Stacy and I. The second time around I was able to see that Rexy had extended his large cock and was fucking Susan as the two of them moved through the water. Susan was holding onto Rexy like he was her new best friend and I could also see that she had wrapped her legs around the Dolphin to get even more of his cock inside of her pussy!

“My God Stacy is this really safe … I mean just how big it Rexy’s cock? It looks hugh, that is what I can see of it. Most of it must be inside of Susan!” I yelled in fear.

“Bob, trust me,” Stacy shared, “Susan is having the fuck of her life … Rexy is so much bigger than all white men and you of course … I mean let’s be honest sweetie.” As Stacy was answering me she had reached over and took my penis between her finger and her thumb. “You’ve never really satisfied Susan in the sex department but now … yes now … her pussy is being filled like it was always intended to be filled! With the big cock she has always dreamed of!”

Susan and Rexy came around Stacy and me many more times before I heard Susan begin to scream louder than I had ever heard her cry out before! They were just coming past us again as Stacy pushed my head back into the water again and I saw the largest steam of cum flowing out from between Rexy and Susan! As I came up for air Stacy began talking again!

“Bob now that is a true breeding,” Stacy shouted, “Trust me Susan’s cunt is being flooded with the strongest sperm that she had ever experienced in her life! Even her uterus will still be full of Rexy’s sperm long after she gets out of the water! But don’t worry Bob, Susan shouldn’t get pregnant from dolphin sperm … I mean, that has never happened before!”

And just then Rexy brought Susan right back to us and he stayed there; still fucking her until Stacy shouted her last command. He sunk down in the water; away from Susan. I knew that was how he was pulling his monster cock out of her pussy. My God it must have been wedged inside of her never meant to leave her again. I hope she would be ok after the fucking she just had.


Part II

I was taken by surprise as Rexy surfaced next to me … on his side placing his cock against my mouth! I felt a hand … pushing my head forward as I took his cock into my mouth. Shit into my mouth and down my throat … my god! My jaw was stretched to almost a breaking point as he was thrusting his cock in and out of my mouth. Finally he must have accomplished his task because without another command from Stacy he swam away and seemed to disappear!

I turned in the water to now see Susan lying back on the swim platform with Stacy kissing and massaging her pussy.

“Bob see how relaxed Susan is dear,” Stacy mentioned, “This is just what she needed … you know sweetie. To be bred correctly … with the correct size cock! Now Bob, are you ready for your special ride little boy?” I held on to the platform and began to wonder if I could possibly handle being fucked by the Dolphin … I mean … fucked by Robbie … the second male.

I quickly heard Stacy say yet another command and I felt Robbie’s nose poking my butt cheeks … then his long hard tongue probing against and then into my asshole!

“Stacy I’m not sure I can handle this … you know … his cock will be so BIG!” I yelled out.

With my response I watched Susan turn her head as she told Stacy “let his pussy breeding begin!”

Just as Stacy had helped Susan she approached me and handed me the same strap Susan had used to hold on to Rexy. “Bob just reach over Robbie and then hold on to the strap … he will really do all the work for you.”

I no sooner turned to face Robbie than I felt him push up, out of the water and his cock pushing between my butt cheeks. It actually took him three thrusts to feel his cock hit home … you know pushing into me … my asshole!

“Oh my God … he is … aaaah ohhhhh shit!” I was shouting! I didn’t hear the next command but Robbie started swimming … with me along for the ride … a ride on his big cock! Stacy was correct with my back to the water I was being pushed against Robbie by the force of the water. I could even feel the warm Caribbean water all around me; almost like it was a spa or something.

“Watch Susan,” Stacy told Susan, “Your Bobbie is enjoying his ride so much … I mean … he isn’t even able to speak! Oh how Robbie’s cock must be consuming his ass! Susan … trust me, the men get such a great fucking … I think sometimes even better than our pussies dear!”

I can’t begin to say how long Stacy allowed Robbie to swim with … I mean continue to fuck me but I did finally feel his hot cum filling my bowels!

“Ohhh Susan … aaah shit … ohhhh my!” I heard myself screaming as Robbie continued his fucking and his ejaculations! This was amazing. I have been fucked by several other men and I have felt their cum being pumped into my asshole! Nothing ever compared to the feeling of the breeding I just experienced from my new best friend Robbie. Just as Stacy had shared before our special treats today! This was a true breeding … my first real breeding by his monster cock … a non-human cock!

Stacy must have given another command as I was brought back to the swim platform. Stacy was in the water there and she helped me begin my climb up the platform ladder. I say help me … well helping me and … shit, she was pushing so many fingers into my asshole I lost count. I was just standing on the ladder letting her fuck me!

“Bob,” Susan spoke, “take your time dear and let Stacy massage your pussy. Believe me it does help sweetie … it sure helped mine!” Not really hearing her speak I did just that as I felt … I knew it was Stacy’s entire hand slipped … not pushed … into my asshole … I mean my pussy!

“That’s it Bobbie,” Stacy began whispering to me, “just relax and let me help you sweetheart. Your pussy has been to the moon and back … so relax and enjoy this massage. Well that is unless you would like to enjoy Rexy also … what do you say to that lover?” I was finally up the ladder and lying next to Susan.

“Bob,” Susan spoke, “Stacy shared that we are more than welcome to come back on Friday … you know two days before we fly back home. That’s if we want to … well to … enjoy another breeding session. You’ll want to take that cock again … right you little sissy?” We didn’t leave the swim platform for over an hour and then Stacy walked us to our car.

That night Susan and I just lay in bed holding each other.

“Bob even if you fucked me tonight I would never feel your tiny cock inside my pussy,” Susan told me, “I’m still so stretched out from Rexy’s massive cock I don’t think I would even feel Isaac’s big black cock either … at least not right now … not tonight! But you could go down on me … you know enjoy Rexy’s sperm dear. There must still be a massive amount inside me … oh yes … that’s it my sweet gurl!”

I had moved in between Susan’s legs and as I began to lick and suck on her pussy. I could feel her muscles begin to tighten as a large load of dolphin cum pushed into my open mouth! It didn’t actually taste bad … I mean not that I had time … well there was so much of this strange cum just running down my throat!

With that Susan was asleep and … well for me … I just laid there remembering my breeding today. And of course watching Susan all but fly through the water knowing Rexy’s cock was breeding her pussy that entire time! I know she was in heaven feeling her pussy stretched that much!

If only Stacy had recorded our breeding’s. Now that would be fond memories to watch in the future back home in St. Louis! I guess we’ll just have to go back for our addition dolphin swim before we leave Cancun!

The End