(c) 2017 by ozzalone65 (Ozorli / Orlirz)

Part I

When I was younger, my dad always sent me to my uncle’s farm to learn how todo real chores. He said it would make me a man. From my youth through teenage years I was sent there. Every summer I was there.

I of course hated it. The smell of shit and just the lack of human contact other than my weird uncle. He was a fat ugly man at that. So my young learning and questioning mind didn’t care to be there more than my body did. He would have me do the worst chores too. Clean crap in the pig pen. Or other filthy dutiemac just didn’t want to do.

“Get those chores done before dinner” he would scowl.

“You don’t eat until you do”

He was such a dick to me too. I hated him as much as being there. That is until the day he told me he was wanting me to help him with the bull Breeding. The thought and images of what he just said seemed all the more disgusting than just the words. But then when the actual act was done, my thoughts changed completely.

“Let’s go by” he ordered.

From what he told me. He had sevarl bulls on the farm. And they sometimes had issue with natural Breeding of cows.

“So you gotta help em’ along” he said.

We drove out to a small building out on the edge of the farm it seemed. There he would round up a bull and bring it to the building. Inside there was a large stump of sorts with padding. Then a contraption at the end with a tube and a bucket like container at the end. From what he told me is that he would bring the bull in there and get the Breeding started. He would reach under the bull and stroke the area of his hidden dick. This would bring the bull cock out. Then he would coax the bull to straddle the machine and attach the siphoning tube to the bulls dick. This would basically ejaculte the bull to breeding. Then the bulk cum would dump into the reservoir below. The thought of stroking a bull revolting me. That is until he brought the beast in.

The gentle bull he brought in was a massive creature. And as I gazed at the animal, my eyes fell on his gigantic nuts. I had never seen a bulls nuts up close.But there they were. These huge low slung orbs hanging down in the bulls nut sack. There were at least eight inches low from the bulls body. Maybe more. They were the most beautiful things I had ever seen.

“Oh my God” my head screamed.

Then I felt an odd tingle in my then 13 year old loins. I licked my lips almost instinctive from the desire that pulled from my depths. I knew at 9 that I had a strange attraction to men. When I was just getting into junior high my coach and his snug shorts seemed to excite me. The lump of his bvious dick was intregiuing to say the least. And I had only heard of the phrase gay or queer oken in my father’s house as a derogatory word.

But here at my uncle’s barn, at the sight of those huge bull nuts was the confirmation of what I somehow knew all along. I was gay and those bull balls brought up a hunger I knew would eventually arise as I got older. The thing was this was not a man, but an animal.

“What is wrong with me” my head screamed at me again.

But I was transfixed by the giant orbs. My dick actually twitched in my pants. I was a young teen and my dick was getting the attraction to the balls this beast possessed. I wanted to crawl under him and just eat those things up. I turned away as my dick was really trying to bust through my pants now. Then my uncle pulled the animal up. Then he knelt down next to the beast.

“Get down here so I can show you boy” He said.

I crouched down closer to the giant balls. They seemed even bigger the closer I came. I then watched intently now as my uncle just easily reached under the bull and started to stroke the shaft area under the beast. You could see where his dick would come out and the line of the tube under it. It lead to just before the balls that I wanted so badly. My uncle started to run and stroke that area. Then he reached back and took hold of the huge balls. They were truly massive things. My uncle was a big guy with huge hands. And these monstrosities dwarfed his big hand. He kneaded at the giant nuts as he stroked the shaft area. I just licked my lips as he held the massive nuts.

“Come here and help me boy” He said.

“Grab these while I stroke his dick out “

I looked down at the huge balls. I didn’t even think I could do I. Not that I desperately didn’t want to. But I just stalled there staring at them

“Come on boy” He yelled.

“THey are just nuts like yours and mine is all”

“Here grab em and pull on em”

He pushed the massive sack at me. I then licked my lips again and moved in closer to the objects of my lust. I then reached down and placed my hands under the huge balls. They were indeed massive. Both my small hands bare covered one nut. I grasped at the giant balls and started to pull and knead them. The feeling on those enormous things had my head almost spinning with my lust. I could actually feel as they seemed to be moving in my hands. Then I looked over as I saw the huge bull dick come out. It was a very big knob and a long shaft. Not much thicker than a man’s dick, but certainly longer. It protruded out a good 14 inches or so from the base. It was odd looking. Not like a man’s dick. But huge nonetheless. The blunt tip was drooling liquid as the beast climbed up on the machine. Then his cock was aimed at the tight leather covered tube that was a good 10 inches long. It found the opening to it and the bull thrust.

“Ohh my God” I said under my breath.

The massive bull dick rammed into the thing. It seemed to squeeze his huge cock. The color of the huge schlong quickly change is moments as the animal literally fucked the thing. The head of his huge dick came out the other side and it was bloated and darker. Almost purple as it expanded. I looked below as this gogantgigantic nuts swayed under the beast. How I so wanted to under him and feel those nuts more. To bury my face in the big leathery sack. My dick was actually achimng in my pants as I stared at this animals equipment. Then it snorted and grunted as it thrust again at the machine wrapped around his massive dick.

“There she blows” my uncle called out.

“Look at the fuck shoot”

I looked back over as the bull dick exploded. The head expanded as it grunted in orgasm. Then several large shots gushed from the end of it. Each a huge glob of creamy cum. It shot into the reservoir that captured the bull cum. As the container was somewhat clear I could see the sheer amount of cum the beast blew. The sight of it set me off and my dick orgasmed in my own pants. I barely reached down to my pants when I busted out.

“Uhgnnn fffkkk” I all but whimpered as I came.

I near fell over from the excitement. My uncle looked over at me questionably.

“You okay over there” he asked.

“Um, err. I’m fine” I said back.

“Just gross is all”

“It’s just cum boy” he returned.

“When you get to be a real man you will understand”

I looked down at my pants and there was a wet spot in them. Not huge but noticeable nonetheless. My uncle waited until the beast finished. He then pulled hi from the machine. The still large schlong was slowly teyreating back to where it came from. I licked my lips as I looked at it. I wanted it. But then I looked at the container with the cum in it. I couldn’t believe some one or something could shoot so much cum. He collected the goo and moved it over to another container. Then he gave it to me

“Clean this out over there boy” he said to me.

“Gotta set up for next bull”

He pointed over to a wash tub and spiket where I needecy to rinse out the main container. That was chance to fix my mess. I would splash water on myself so it wouldn’t be obvious I came in my pants. I grasp the container and put it in front of my crotch. That way he wouldnt see my mess. I went over to the spiket and turned it on. I looked back and he was taking the bull out of the building. He was going to go get another one for breeding. I turned it on hard to the water would splash more. Then I splashed some on myself. I rinsed out the remains of cum from the container and then even spilled some of that on me.

“Fuck” I howled as I saw my uncle returning with another bull.

“What happened” he called back.

“I spilled this shit on me. Gross!”

I turned and he saw my front and pants with a big wetness all over it. He just started to laugh at me. I was good with that, because is showed I had covered myself. I did though smell the ripe watered down bull cum I spilled on myself. It was strong but it made me start to get horny again.

“Shit like that always happens when you don’t fucking know what your doing boy” he laughed.

“Why don’t you just go back to the house and clean up boy”

I didn’t want to leave. I wanted to see more. I wanted to gaze at more bull balls. To watch the bulls fuck the machine and cum. To see all that wonderful cum pouring into the reservoir. I wanted to just open up the container and shove my face into it. To lick up the sweet smelling cum. It was what I wanted more than life’s breath. So I decided to make a plan to get some. Somehow I would have those bull balls. That bull cum.

“No. That’s OK uncle” I said back trying to be tough.

“I wanna help.”

“That’s a good boy” he answered.

“I’ll make a man of you yet”


Part II

The next day I made a plan to get some bull cum. To get at those huge bull nuts those large beasts had. Here I was a young guy, barely entering my teens, hot for cock. And animal cock for that matter. I wanted to get my hands around those huge bull dixks I saw. To get the animal to cum for me. To taste the seed he showered into that reservoir. I would have tasted it the day before if my uncle wasn’t there.

So when he said he was going to go into town to get some supplies, I said I would stay back to check on the chickens and the pigs he had on the farm.

“Okay boy.” He said proudly.

“Looks like you are starting to get into this.”

“Yeah I guess” I replied.

He grabbed his keys to the truck and a few other things he needed before leaving. I knew he would be several hours. Firstly town was about 15 miles from his farm. And then with all his errands, he would take most of the !morning and part of the afternoon. This giving me ample opportunity to have some fun with the bulls.

“I’ll just make myself a sandwich at lunch” I said.

“So I’ll be good here uncle”

With that he got in his truck and left. I was already outside soon some chores as he drove off. I waited until he was over the rise some distance from the farm before stoping what I was doing.

I then felt my dick already springing to attention and I headed to where the buls were. I had to get one into where the machine was. So I headed towards that part of the farm.

“Damn he s big” I said of the first guy. He was a huge brown and white beast. He looked over at me and almost ignored me. I crept in closer to him as I watched his balls swing under his body. There were like small melons. My dick was already staring my shorts I was wearing. I licked my hungry lips as I gazed at those gigantic balls.

“Good boy” I said to him as I reached him.

I knew in my head he was pretty tame. But there was still that caution it feathered. I reached the large animal and touched his shoulder. I stroked his back and sides.

“Your a good boy aren’t you” I said to him.

“What’s your name big boy” I added.

“Maybe you need a name.”

I looked at the huge animal and pondered a name for him. Something to fit his size. Then it just came to me.

“Bruno.” I said aloud.

“That’s it. I’ll call you Bruno”

“You like that big boy”

I patted Bruno again on the shoulder. Then I moved down his side’s and to his lower flanks. My hand reached down to his belly area and rubbed him there. I found where the tube of his cock would be. I then stroked that area and felt a pulse inside him. He looked back at me as I moved further down him. I was now on my knees next to this huge animal. My hand moved down towards the giant prize of his balls. I was still stroking him along the underside of his body.

“Ohhh my” I said as I saw his dick.

The blunt head of his cock was now come out of the sheath. It was like a founded knob with a dark pink hue. My hand then reached what I had wanted more than anything. I cuppwd the enormous sack of his balls. I weighed them and they seemed ever so heavy. My hand could barely contain the small amount I hand in it. I gripped at the sack and squeezed it gently. It was so warm and I felt a nut move around it there. Then I looked over to see his dick fell out even more. At least 5 inches now. I licked my lips and then crawled under him.

“Huge fucking balls” I said as I closed the gap to them.

Then I just shoved my face into his huge balls. They truly were massive as they seemed to cover my face. I inhaled the awesome animal scent of them. I then kissed at the huge balls. Their texture was truly a turn on. I could feel my dick twitching in me shorts. I then opened my mouth and licked at the huge sack.it tasted pleasant enough. But it just made me so hungry for his balls. I grabbed them from the lowest part and pulled the to my mouth. U then started to munch on the part I was able to get into my hungry !mouth.

There I was on my uncle’s farm crawled up under one of his huge bulls sucking on his monstrous nut sack. It was a gay kids dream. I licked and munched on the animal nuts I heard him grunt above and shift where he stood. He seemed ready for Breeding. So I crawled out from under Bruno and stood up.

“Let’s go big boy” I said to him.

I grabbed him and lead him towards the barn where the Breeding machine was. We stepped in and I pulled the bull up to the machine. I then started to pull on his big dick. Stroking at the growing shaft . I also pulled on those giant nuts as I stroked him to full mast. There it was, darker and simply massive. He seemed to know what he was to do. He hopped up on the machine and then started to trust. I grabbed his huge dick and aimed it at the leathery fuck tube. He sliced into it and the huge cock pushed it’s way to the other side.

I got up and rushed up to where my uncle would place the reservoir bucket. But I didn’t do that. I actually placed my face at the other end and watched as that huge cock came out the other end of the contraption. I grabbed at the several inches that came out and pulled my face to his dick.

“Wow” I said as I looked at the big blunt cock coming out at me.

I licked my lips again and opened my mouth. Then I wrapped my lips over the big bull cock head. The taste was almost soapy as I pulled about two inches into my face. But it made me so hungry for his huge dick. I pulled myself more into the machine end. I had to have more of his massive dick. I crawled up on it and that’s when the bull lunged forward at the leather sheath around his huge dick. I was greeted with about 5 thick inches of his dick into my mouth.

“Glurbb” as I gagged on his big dick.

My small young mouth was not prepared for it. But as I coughed up his schlong, the bull’s nuts exploded. I was now looking at the tip and the opening to his piss slit. It was almost like everything slowed to a crawl. The piss slit opened up and there came a flood of cum at me. The thick creamy goo shot from the tip of the bulls dick and hit my on the nose and mouth. The massive blast nearly knocked me off the machine. Then another blast hit my face. Then another. I was soon covered in the bulls cum. There was so much cum that jettisoned from him and hit me. My eyes and mouth were covered.

“Shit!!!” I bellowed as he came all over me.

I wiped some cum from my eyes. My tongue tasted the luxuriant cream. It was the most incredible flavor I have ever tried. I looked at the bull as he continued to jump the machine. His dick was still drooling like auncorked faucet. I grabbed the cock and swallowed it down again. Drinking up all that awesome cum. Cleaning off the bulls big dick.

“Oh my God this is so fucking good” I declared.

“I could eat this every day of my life”

After I cleaned off the bulls dick I climbed up off the machine myself. I scooped up cum on my face. I licked the wonderful cream off my fingers. Savoring in that delicious bull cum. I was so horned up by what had just happened, I didn’t notice that I came myself. All that bull juice splattering all over me set me off and I erupted in my pants again.

“Fuck” I said as I saw it.

“Now I gotta clean my shorts before uncle gets home”

But I also had to release the bull from the machine. His dick had retreated and he wanted out. So I reached for him and was able to get him from it without too much drama. Then I lead him out to the fields again. I watched as those big wonderful balls swayed as he left me. my dick twitched as I gazed at the mesmerizing orbs.

I had to get cleaned up, even though my uncle would still be gone for hours. I was about to run to the house to do so when I saw the huge black bull roaming the fields now. this guy was larger that Bruno. My uncle had shown me this beast once way before he started to get me to help him breed. He mentioned that this guy was temperamental. I didn’t want to mess with him. He looked and then he saw me. I could hear from where I was his hard snort. Then he turned to me and scratched at the ground. I feared he was going to charge. But then the large animal looked like he was smelling. His head went up. Then he moved towards me slowly now. I back up slowly and headed back to the barn where I had been with Bruno. This massive animal started to move quicker towards me then . I too moved quicker to get away from him.

I found myself seeing Bruno and then I ran towards him. I figured that I would be safe with the docile big guy. I found Bruno and actually crawled under him. The huge black bull came up near Bruno. Bruno just looked and then turned away without a care. The bigger bull then stopped and moved in behind Bruno. He actually started to sniff Bruno’s ass. Then I looked down to see those magnifent balls my stud Bruno held. I wanted reach out and grab them.

“Holy shit” I then said.

For I looked just beyond Bruno’s huge nuts to see the other bulls even larger nuts. They were at least 20% larger than Bruno’s nuts. I would learn from my uncle that “Thunder” (the name I eventually gave the larger bull) was a full grown adult male. He was the king of the bulls here. Bruno wasn’t much more than a youngster compared to Thunder. I was in utter awe at those gigantic balls. They hung a good 2 iches or more lower than my stud Bruno. I gulped down a wad of saliva as I gazed at those black orbs. I wanted them. But I wouldn’t test my boldness with this guy.

But then Thunder who was all but shoving his nose upm Bruno’s ass stopped. I then watched as the huge animal jumped up and he actually mounted Bruno. I was in shock and now lust a I watch him jump on Bruno’s back. The I saw his huge cock quickly pop out of its sheath. It was a blotched pink and dark markings. It wasn’t much bigger than Bruno, but the fact that he clawed up on the younger bull waa astonishing.

“Shit I said as I watched the huge cock quickly go for its fuck hole.

Thunder drove near every inch of hiss big cock into Bruno. The force shoving my bill forward as he grunted from the penetration of the dominant bull. I was on cked over as Bruno was pushed forward by the weight and mo!entum of the plowing beast on his back. I was on the ground on my back. It was all I could do to avoid being stepped on by one or both beasts.

Then I looked up to a huge pair of balls as they smacked against my head. It was Bruno’s heavy sack.


Part III

Then I looked up to a huge pair of balls as they smacked against my head. It was Bruno’s heavy sack.

So close and then I smelled them. The scent of his cum still on them. I was deliriously horny in seconds. There I was underneath the huge bull that recently fucked me. His balls in my face again. I grabbed for them and pulled them just enough to see the dark hard and huge stem of Thunder slam into his ass. Then I watched as his assailants massive balls swaying to and fro under them. I again was as a moth to a flame as I gazed at the beasts gigantic nuts. I kissed at Bruno’s balls, but I needed to get at the much bigger ones of Thunder.

“So fucking huge” I said as I reached for his monster balls.

I grabbed at Thunder’s nuts. The huge sack was so damned big in my tiny hands. I kneaded at them as I went for Bruno’s big sack. Licking and kissing and slobbring on it. I munched on his massive balls as his ass was getting a good pounding by the bigger animal. Then I moved past his huge nuts. I was them between the two giant sacks. It was a boys wettest dream come true. I then looked over at Thunder’s massive balls. I had to have them. I shoved my face into his huge balls. They were so large that they literally covered my young face. I inhaled his bull scent. It drove me crazy and I licked at his giant balls like crazy. My hands still held Bruno’s huge sack while I sucked on his bull daddy. Then I pulled both massive sacks to me. I then licked and kissed and sucked on the two sets. I was covered in bull nuts.

“Ohhh my God” I cooed as I went from one sack to the other.

I couldnt believe I was here just outside the Breeding barn. Here with the stud bull that I sucked on before. Licking at his balls and the lead bull of the farm. Both giant sacks of these beasts covering my face. I rubbed my face and mouth over those balls. Licking, chewing and sucking on the two. It was more balls than anyone could every have at one time. And I had them both..

“No one could ever be this lucky I said.

Then I heard Thunder grunting above. I looked up as I watched the tube above pulsing. Then a sloshing sound . I looked at his massive dick as it started to pull out. The huge swollen stem was covered in cum and something else gooey. Then I saw a river of his cum pour from Bruno’s ass. And Iwas under it. So a rainfal of cum poured on my head and upper body. Over my nose and my opened mouth. I tasted cum, cum and more cum. Then Thunder climbed up off Bruno and just walked off. His huge dick hanging near to the grown as he left me there in my cum bath.

“Wow. That was intense” I said as I sat the next to Bruno.

I licked at my fingers and tasted all that wonderful bull cum. I wanted more. I needed more. But I had only a few hours before my uncle would return. I decided to got get cleaned up and get back to work.

When my uncle got back later that day I had most of the chores done. He said he was gonna go and do some work in one of the barns. To just stay and finish up the chores. Then to just go inside ad relax. He would get dinner done in a bit.

“You done good boy” he said.

“So you can finish up and just hang out”

“I’ll be back in a bit”

Then he looked at my shirt, which wasn’t the same as earlier.

“What happened to your shirt” he asked.

“Err. Umm. Slipped in pig shit earlier ” I. Blurted out.

“So had to change and get cleaned up is all.”

My uncle laughed at the thought.

“Lotta pig shit around here. So not surprised boy” he commented.

Then my uncle headed out towards one of the barns on the property. He was actually headed to the bulls. If he was gonna help out the bulls, I wanted in. But I didn’t want to disobey him. But I just had to see again. So I finished up what I was doing and then headed in that direction. I didn’t see my uncle in the barn as I peered in to peek at a bull as he bred. I was hoping just to catch a glimpse of a huge bull sack. Or even watch as the bull filled up the buckets. But he wasn’t in there.I had no idea where to look. But then iI heard my uncle behind the barn.

“That’s a good boy” he was staying.

“Good big bull boy”

It sounded very intimate. So I decided to sneak around and look. I was at the corner of the barn when I looked around to see my uncle with another bull. He was smaller like Bruno. I will call this one Bubba. He had black and white patches on him. But my uncle was on his knees next to the bull, stroking the bulls big dick. The beast was no where near the machine, so I wondered why my uncle was doing it out here. Unless Bubba was shy or something. But then I grasped as I saw my uncle lean in and pull the big bull cock to his mouth. There was my big fat uncle on his knees sucking bull cock. The big equally bloched cock slid into my uncle’s mouth and he started to suck on the thing. My uncle then got on all fours for better sucking.

“Good boy” he said and he went down on the dick again.

This was a turn on as I watched my big macho uncle slobber on the big cock in his mouth. He greedily sucked on the big dick like it was an all day sucker. I watched at his skill as he stroked along the huge dick as he sucked on the first few inches. His mouth went over and around the head and several inches of bull shaft. He also was moaning over the big bull dick as he sucked. So he was obviously enjoying his meal. The bull started to grunt as my uncle continued to suck on the huge dick in his hungry mouth. I found myself groping at my own dick as I watched him. Then my fat uncle released the bulls cock from his siphoning mouth. The huge schlong hung there under the beast. It was drooling copious amounts of clear goo.

“Hmmmmm bet that’s precum” I said.

Then I watched as my uncle started to shed his clothes. the big heavy set man was naked in moments. I looked at his overweight body. the big belly and saggy tits. Then he pulled at his dick. it was hard as he yanked on his cock. But it was small. It even seemed smaller than mine. But I was but a teen. He pulled on himself as he then bent back down grab at the huge bull dick. He stroked it a few times. Then my uncle crawled up on a large bale wagon and bent himself over onto it. His ass was out and facing the big bull. Then he reached back at the best.

“Get on up boy” My uncle commanded.

The bull knew what my uncle wanted too. he came behind him. I watched as the bulls tongue came out and licked at my uncles ass. It was so hot as I heard the man moan from the tongue raking across his butt hole. Then after a few sloppy licks the big bull moved up behind my uncle. I gasped in shock as I knew what was now happening. The big beast actually jumped up behind my uncle. I watched in both excitement and a bit of horror as the huge bull dick came up. It stuck out from the animals body, like a big club. The beast moved up on my uncle and pushed himself onto and into him. My cock near exploded as I saw the massive dick move up and smash into my uncles ass hole. The animal shoved into him. My uncle screamed in both pain and lust as his ass was skewered.

“Aweee fuckk mee. Awee Jesus Christtt!” He yelled.

“Sooo fucking big man. Soo fucking big”

I pulled my dick out again as I watched the huge bull actually fuck my uncles ass. The massive tube plowing deep into the man. The hard deep throated cries from my uncle as he was savaged by the giant dick in him. The big bull nuts swaying under the animal as he thrust into his fuck hole. I wanted to rush over there and suck on them as he plowed my uncles ass. But I didn’t want to be caught in any of this action. My uncle might freak out. So I just watched intently as he got fucked.

“Oh God baby. Fuck me stud, Fuck me hard” He cried again.

“Ram that huge bull dick in my guts boy”

The bull then slammed hard and deep into my uncle. The cry was load and echoed through the valley it seemed.

“Shiiitt baby. Aweee fuckk” he bellowed.

“Cum stud. Cum inside this pussy”

“Awee yeassss”

Then I saw as the bull did just that. When he slammed in that last time the bulls balls must have exploded. I saw a river of white gush from the wrecked ass hole of my uncle. the man continued to cry out and beg for his breeding. It was an incredible sight. I held back the urge to rush over there and lick at my uncles used up ass hole. I drink up that sweet bull cum Bubba was pouring into his ass. My uncle also cried yet more as I watch him cum as well. The hard slamming must have caused his cock to blow too. He was bucking madly under the bull ass assault.

“Cumming too daddy” He cried.

“Your fucking the cum from my stud’

Then the bull climbed off my uncles ass. The hole left behind was a gaping one. It was swollen and cum was dribbling down my uncles back thighs. This drove me over the edge and I too shoot a load into my hand as the scene was so awesome.

“Fuckk” I whimpered lightly as I blew.

The bull left my uncle there. he was laid out and totally fucked. I then saw as he moved to get up. I pulled up my pants as I watched him reach back and scoop up some cum from his ruined hole. Then he brought it to his mouth and sucked on his fingers.

“Sooo good” He said as he licked his digits.

“Butt feels so full”

He reached down and scooped up more and did the same. Then my uncle got up and started tp pull up his pants. I rushed and did the same. Then I ran back to the house. When he came in shortly after me, he was walking funny. Even though I knew why, I figured I would ask anyways.

“You ok uncle” I asked.

“Yeah. Errr I’m fine.” He attempted to answer.

“I just fell on my ass out there”

“But I will be ok”

I laughed to myself as I knew what had transpired. My big all man uncle just got fucked my one of his bulls. By a farm animal. I went to bed that night thinking about it. I found myself wanting to experience what my uncle had.

“I wanna get fucked by one of those bulls” I said to myself.


Part IV

After seeing my uncle get a good fucking by that bull. I decided I wanted that too. So I trieat my find the time to get it to happen. But alas it was not to happen that year at his farm. From after that moment. I was with him all the time. Its as if he knew what I wanted and was keeping me from it. So to have the bulls, any of them even for a blow job was a lost cause that year.

“I’ll see you next year” He asked as my dad picked me up to take me home at the end of the summer.

“Sure. I guess” I said.

Then I went home. my dad asked how the summer with my uncle went. I just tried to feign of my desire for what had happened this year.

“It was ok.” I said.

“Back hurts from all the damned chores”

“It is good for you son” he said.

He patted my head and we headed home. My thoughts lingered on those big bulls all the way home. How I wanted to do more playing with them and those huge nuts. But that was not to be. I went home back to my normal life.

The year went by as clockwerk. School, home ,friends and the usual for a teen boy. I had all but forgotten about my time at the farm the previous year. Then my dad came up to me a few weeks before school let out again and said that he wasn’t sending me to the farm this year. He planned on a nice vacation with the rest of the family. Is then that the memory of the previous year atmy uncle’s farm came back. The brief time with those huge bulls. And when i Saw my uncle get fucked. I was sad that I wouldn’t have a chance to do what I had been spdesiring to do since I was last there.

“That’s great” I said to my dad.

“That place smells”

I tried to seem disinterested in the whole thing and excited about our vacation. Even though inside I wanted to be back on the farm.

“Your not getting off that easy buddy” my dad said.

“You Still go next year mister”

There was some excitement to that hope at least. I would be going back in the future. ‘I still needed discipline’ my father had said. So we had our vacation and then. Few weeks left over to hang out for the rest of the summer. Then it was back to school once more.

Well when the next summer came around again, I was in a car headed back to my uncle’s farm again. I was now two years older r than when I had such fun there before. I had grown abit. Still a teen of course but more mature. I was excited to get to hang out with the farm animals again. Especially those big bulls. I was hoping to see Bruno and Thunder again. And I had high hopes that I would get to play with them and their huge dicks again.

When I was dropped off at the farm there was a new guy there I had never seen before. He was a big hunky guy. Tall and muscular. His name was Logan. When I got to the house I saw my uncle in bed. Apparently he was bed ridden from some illness.

I mean t wasn’t that my uncle couldn’t move or anything. He just was so weak all the time and had to use a ventilator sometimes. He was quite the mess.

“Can’t take care of stuff like I used to” he said.

“Age and this shit” he said.

“So I hired on Logan”

“He is young and strong.he can handle all the hard crap”

“But I still want you to help him”

I looked at the hot blonde hunk with the unshaven face. Logan was about six feet tall and maybe just over 210 lbs. But it was beef and muscle. I found my dick stir at the sight of him. His button down shirt clung to his beefy chest. The top buttons were undone to reveal some soft light brown chest hairs. The sleeves of his shirt rolled up to show soft blonde Downey on his forearms. His jeans were snug to his big beefy ass and to his thick legs. He was a stunning man to say the least.

“Howdy” he said to me.

I shook his strong hand and just stared at him. He was gorgeous. I wanted to jump on him and see what was behind the nice sized bulge his jeans held. I got situated and decided to take a stroll outside. I wanted to see if Bruno was lurking about. Was dying to get at huim again. To get at his monstrous nuts again. To drink up some bull juice again. Although I didnt know what chance I would have with Logan around.

“I’ll be back in a bit uncle” i said.

“Just wanna take a walk”

“Okay” he yelled back from his room.

“Relax for now. But tomorrow it’s chores boy”

Ah chores. Chicken coup. Pigs and maybe some wonderful bull Breeding if I’m lucky. I stepped outside to the midday sun and walked around the farm I headed back towards the bull barn as I called it. Seeing if one of the bulls was back there. I found the barn and went inside. There was that glorious machine for breeding. It looks like it was just used too. For I. Ould see some white splashed of bull cum hanging off the leather sheath. I moved it and it was starting to get crusty. I pushed my face into the sheath. The smell of the bull that had been in there filled my nostrils. My dick hardened instantly. I had to go find a bull now. So I left the building and walked around outside it. Ipanned the area to see no bulls at all. I did see a few cows not far off. But it wasn’t what I wanted.

I stared to head back to the house when I saw Bubba the bull. He was lingering about and munching in some grasses. I decided that a bull is a bull. And Bubba was familiar with the actions of been with a human. So I moved in close to the bull. He raised his head and looked at me.

“Hey there Bubba” I said.

“That’s a good Bubba. How ya doing big boy”

I moved in slowly so as not to spook him or piss him off. He turned away from me and I caught the sight off his big nuts. There they were on all their massive glory. My dick sprang up to attention as I saw them. I moved in closer now. I then reached out and touched his hind quarters.

“Such a good boy Bubba” I continued.

“Such a big boy”

I then caressed at his rear flanks as I moved in next to him. Then looked around to just survey the area. We were almost out there in the open. I could see the main house in the distance. I lthen slid my hand sdown his back side near his tail. It swung back and forth as he just continued to munch on grass. Then my hand reached those big orbs. I licked my lips as I gazed at the beautiful nuts on that bull.

“Such a big big boy” I said again.

Then I moved my hand in and touched his huge bull sack. It was almost electric as my hand moved down his huge balls and caressed them. Then I reached the bottom and cupped them in my hand. The massive nuts were just pulling me to what desire said I should do. I then crouched down behind the beast. Closing the gap between me and those balls. Again I licked my now seemingly parched mouth.

“Big heavy boy” I said as I continued to gently squeeze his balls.

I then brought my hungry face and mouth down to his balls. I was but inches from them. They were so big up close too. I inhaled his scent and that was all I could stand. I dove face first into his nut sack. I licked at the big heavy sack. gently chewing on it as I sucked on his fat heavy balls. I was in utter heaven as I had my face in this beasts nuts. It huffed and tried to pull from me. But I was so hungry for his balls that I somehow held the large beast there. I continued to worship his heavy balls. My hand then caressed at his area beyond them. to where his cock would come out. I stroked it lovingly. I wanted him to get hard and for his big bull dick to come out.

“Yeah big boy” I cooed at the beast.

“Lets help get that bull dick out man”

“I want some”

I continued to lick at his massive nuts and stroke him. Coaxing his big dick to come out. And after some help, it did. I saw the tip of his dick slide from its casing. then another inch and another started to droop from him. It soon was 7, 8 inches out. I left those big magnificent balls and crawled around him. crouched under him and grabbed for his cock. I leaned in and took the thing into my mouth. It tasted a bit dirty. but my desire was too much. I swallowed it regardless. My mouth then cleaned his cock as I went down him. Down, down, down I went on his still growing cock. Soon the bull was out beyond 11 inches and still growing. I stroked at the base of the still growing cock, while my mouth went down a good 5 or 6 inches. I was slurping and sucking on him like it was my only hope for dick. the taste got better as the beast began to drool liquid from the big dick.

“Hmmm soo good” I moaned as I continued to suck on Bubba.

“Nice big bull cock for me.”

“I can see why uncle likes you so buddy”

I stroked the animals sides and then back under him to his huge nuts. My hand groped at them while I continued to suck on his huge dick. I went down another inch or so on his massive dick. Slobbering over the heavy log in my hand. Still stroking up and down his shaft as I worshiped his dick. Then he huffed at me and pushed at me. I fell over and lost grip of his dick. He came at me with desire. I knew what he wanted. He wanted a pussy to fuck. I wasn’t sure I could take a bull cock as my first dick. It was so big after all. But I looked at the schlong hanging there before me. Those massive bull nuts below and I knew I had to try. So I stood and dropped my clothes quickly. I then pulled the beast over to a fence nearby. I then bent over the fence. Grabbing onto the middle post. I bent over and offered up my ass to Bubba. Fear and excitement filled my head. Would he do it. He obviously wanted something to fuck. Yet I wasn’t a cow, or my uncle for that matter.

“Ughhnn fuckk” I groaned as I finally felt his nose back there.

Then he started to lick at my ass. His huge rough tongue raking across my butt and asshole. I whimpered as the awesome feelings of this animals tongue felt so good back there. I grabbed at the fence post harder. gripping it as the animal licked at my ass.

“Awee fuck Bubba” I cooed.

“That tongue feels so great”

I felt my dick as it grew rigid. So I reached down and grabbed my dick. I started to pull on it as Bubba lapped at my ass hole. The as I was starting to really get into this, he yanked his tongue from me. I paused to look back. But that’s when the huge animal mounted my back. he was up on the fence post above as his huge dick swung behind me. Then I felt his weight on my back. It was a lot. I felt I would fall over. But him crawling up ion the post of the fence helped with the load. But then his cockhead found my wet drooled on ass. The beast must have realized he found his target. as he lunged forward. The huge dick pushed against my tiny ass hole. The head pried my sphincter open and he slammed more than half his cock up into me. I gasped as pain sucked the air from me. then the force pushed me forward. I almost fell over. But at least the push stopped the animal from completely skewering my guts with all his cock. But a good 9 plus inches of his huge member was thrust into

“Jesusss fucking Christ” I yelled loud.

“Fuckkk. Ohh fuckk hurts”

But there it was. I wanted this animals cock and I was getting it. I wanted to get away from this massive dick. It was ripping up my young virgin ass. The beast shifted and some of his dick was pulled from me. But then again Bubba threw cock at my ass.

“Awee shiit” I cried again.

More bull cock was pushed into my guts.

“Jeeesuss Christ” I cried out.

“Too fucking bigg. Awee my ass”

“Awee Godd my ass”

But the bull didn’t understand my cries or for that matter cared I guessed. For his dick was just moving to sex my ass. several hard deep thrusts later and the beast huffed out loud. Then I was shoved forward. Thank goodness that happened. Because as he thrust at me again. My hand slipped off his schlong. And if I wouldn’t have been pushed forward I would have had ohh so much more dick in me than I ever could have imagined. I fell forward as he rammed his massive dick at me, Then I felt a geyser of cum pour into me. The big salami in me expanded as the explosion of cum jettisoned into my guts. It was so warm in me too. I could feel it as it fired up into my ass and probably colon. So much cum too. Because several more shots blew up into my ass. I felt like my belly was filling up to overflow. Then I heard a spittle as some of his cum gushed from my overfilled ass.

“Ohhh my Godd Bubba” I cried.

“Sooo much cumm stud”

I was actually loving it now. Then Bubba retreated and his huge cock fell out of my ass. The shock of his exit caused some discomfort as his massive dick was yanked from me. There was a sloppy ‘plopp’ sound as he pulled out. Then I heard my ass make fart sound but then there was a flow of his cum started to drop from my ass. I collapsed to the ground.

“Shiit, fuckk mee.” I goaned.

My ass was now hurting as I lay there on the ground. cum just oozing from my wrecked hole. I looked back and Bubba was gone, He had left me there after the breeding he gave my tender virgin ass.

“Fuckk. Hurtss” I then said as I tried to get up.

So I did decide to just lay there for a while. But as I was laying there I heard someone calling my name. ‘Shit’ it was Logan calling for me. And here I was laying on the ground, butt naked with cum drooling from my ass. I had to clean up and get my pants back on. so I grabbed some leaves and wiped my still drooling butt. There was just soo much cum. I scooped up some and brought my hand to my mouth. I sucked on it and tasted the delicious cum dump from my stud Bubba. I reached back and scooped up some more. Sucking on as much as I could to clean off my ass. Then I hauled up my pants and then headed back towards the house.

“Here Logan” I said.

But I had some trouble walking. After a heavy plowing from a big bull, my ass was still hurting. so my walk was off.

“You okay” Logan said as he saw me.

“Yeah. I’m okay . Just slipped on some cow shit out there and fell on my ass”

“But I will be okay.”

“Lets get back in the house” he said.

Then there was a mooing sound from afar. We both looked and there was Bubba. He was looking at us. Logan look back at Bubba, and then me. Then back at the bull again.

“He is rather verbal today” he said.

Then we headed back to the house.


Part V

Later that evening as we sat down for dinner my uncle asked me if I was okay as well. I was having trouble sitting. My ass was still so sore from the raping it had taken at the hands, er hooves of Bubba.

“Just fell out near the north fence.” I said.

“Slipped on cow shit and hit my ass is all”

“Maybe Logan should look at it” He added.

“No. I’m fine ” I said again.

I certainly didn’t want this guy to look at my ass. Some stranger for one. Even though Logan was a big hot looking guy and all. But he would see my ruined ass and put two and two together.

“Ok then. Just making sure” he added.

I headed up to my room and showered and changed. I came down to see my uncle and Logan already at the dinner table.

“Glad you could join us” he said.

“Had to wash the stink off me “

“Well then. Let’s eat.”

After dinner Logan stepped outside on the porch. I also came out as I wanted to get some air. House felt stuffy. And to be honest, I hated seeing my uncle in this state.

“So when did my uncle’s condition begin” I asked.

“Been over a year now” he said.

“But I’ve only been here bout’ 7 months now”

“Feel sorry for him.”

“Apparently he had fallen one day”

“And if the mail person hadn’t heard his calls he may be dead”

“Shit” i said back.

I looked at the hot man standing there smoking a cigarette. He was truely a stunning man. The light fur on his forearms suggested he may be furry else where. The jeans he wore left little to the imagination. His big bubble butt filling them out quite nicely. His big beefy body was stuffed into his shirt that seemed a size to small on him. His handsome unshaven face was rugged and kissable. And the big meaty bulge in those jeans was a gay boys dream. I surmised his dick was a big one. Not bull sized mind you, but big regardless.

“So what do you do around here” I asked.


“Pretty much” he answered.

He shifted as he stood there. His big package shifting with him. It looked very delicious. I wondered how big Logan was. He seemed a good size stuffed there in those jeans. I stared at it and licked my lips involuntarily. When I looked up at his handsome face he smiled down at me. Then his hand moved down to HS crotch and he cupped it.

“So how long have you been coming here” he asked me.

“Several years” I said.

Then Logan gropedat his hefty crotch and then leaned in and spoke matter of fact to me.

“So you like animal cock too, “He blurted out.

I was shocked at the presumptiveness of the question. Even though he was so right. Just the mention of it got my dick springing up on my shorts. Butg of course I denied it all. I didn’t want him to think I was weird.

“What! Umm No. What are you talking bout! ” I stayed with raised voice.

“Well your uncle’s condition was really a bull fuck taken too far” he then stated.

“No one here when that huge black bull in the fields fucked his ass hard”

“The bull caught him trapped between the Breeding machine”

“Then he slammed every inch of his dick into your uncle.”

“Fucked up his guts is all”

I wondered what caused his condition. But had no idea that a bull fuck could do it. I then pictured the event itself. My uncle trapped between the huge horny bull and the machine. No where to go and then that gigantic cock tearing into his ass full on. I imagined that all those inches had no where to go.

“The damaged really fucked him all up” Logan added.

“And I figure. That since you have been here before”

Then he looked at me. Half expecting me to confess my sexual encounters and lust for big bull cock. I looked down at his big crotch. It was obviously getting bigger from his own words. His big hand groped at his full basket. The growing tube in his jeans threatening to bust through them. I was now staring at him. Gawking at his very large bulge. He saw my eyes glued to his big crotch. Logan then smiled and almost blushed. He stopped groping at himself and just sort of covered his big basket now. He was almost embarrassed at what had just happened. But watching this hinks crotch expand before me was as hot as looking at the big bull nuts of one of those beasts out there in the fields.

“Sorry” he said.

“Just figured you might have seen..”

“Didn’t mean to insinuate”

I was not hot for him. I felt my own small dick grow in my shorts. I had to see if I could get Logan naked. I mean he was the hottest guy I had ever seen in my young life. His muscled and hunky body was the stuff of dreams. And that very big basket in those jeans was also something I wanted part of. So I licked my now dry lips and boldly went for him. I moved in close to Logan and just dropped to my knees before him. The hunk didn’t even have much time to react to my movements. I was now there just inches from his crotch. My hand quickly went for that massive bulge and groped at him. It was huge in my small hand. But felt incredible. I stroked and rubbed at his big covered dick. The thing pulsed under my hands.

“Its okay” I said.

“I aint insulted Logan”

Then I dove for his crotch, face first. I had to have Logan’s dick. I rubbed my face in his big bulge. My hand went for his zipper then. I had to get at his dick. I opened up the jeans and then had to peel them down his hot legs. The great muscular legs and his big dick then fell out. So there I was leaking in front of this hot man that was hired to take care of my sick uncle’s farm. Logan just looked down at me as I pulled out his big dick.

“Wow. Nice dick masn” I said as I gazed at his dick.

It hung there semi hard between his gorgeous thighs. I then grabbed his cock and moved in to take it into my mouth. I opened up and swallowed down half his thick tube. Logan moaned as he felt my lips take him.

“Awe fuck. I knew it man” he said “Fuckk that’s good” “You guys are just a bunch of cock suckers in this family”

I didn’t know what he meant by that. All I knew is that I wanted his dick. I sucked on Logan like a cheap hooker. Slobbering on his big dick. Licking at the big bulbous head and up and down his growing shaft. His big dick ended up being over eight inches long. And he had nice big balls too. Itwas a beautiful dick at that. I lifted off his cock to look at the thing I was just sucking on.

“Wow Logan. Real big dick” I stated “Biggest dick I have ever seen on a man”

He looked down at me as I said that. Maybe it was my tone, but the Logan knew there was more to me than meets the eye.

“What seen bigger dicks on animals” he just stated matter of fact.

I didn’t deny it. I didn’t really care at the moment. I was too into his big delicious cock to care. So I just noddedmy head and went back to work. I sucked on his cocklike it was the last one I would ever have. It was easier to work with. Than the gigantic bull dicks I had had already. I held the thick shaft and moved uip and down the remaining 5 or so inches of his dick. Logan continued to moan as I worshipped his big dick. His hips started to move to pace with my siphoning mouth. His breathing began to change as we continued this. Soon he would blow a nut.

“Awee man that’s soo good dude” he crowed “Haven’t had a good dick suck in a while” “Hmmmff”

I then grabbed for his big nuts. I pulled on them gently. I wanted to drink up his seed. So I pulled and kneaded at them. Churning up the wonderful man cream I would soon have. Logan moaned above me. His body thrusting to get his big cock deep in my face.

“Such a good cock sucker man” he declared “You like sucking big dick boy”

I just knodded my agreement as his dick pushed into my throat. I gagged some as this hinks cock was truly big. Those thick 8 plus inches of his filled my face up. His balls soon were tapping against my chin. Swaying to and fro tapping repeatedly on my chin as he fucked my face. I continued to gently tug on his big man balls while I slobbered on him. Logan’s breathing was now getting rougher. His thrusts getting harder. It wouldn’t be long now before he fed me his cream.

“Hmmm yeah man ” he cooed “Getting close boy” “Gonna cum soon”

I pulled more on his balls. I wanted this hunks cum.

“On your face boy?” He asked.

I nodded no.

“In your mouth then?” “You dirty little slut”

I nodded in the affirmative. Letting him know that, yes. I wanted a good feeding. I wanted that cum on my tongue. The taste on my palette. His creamy goo going down into my belly.

“Hmmm yeah then” he groaned again “Here it comes then fucker” “Take my hot cum boy”

Then his dick throbbed and blasted away in my mouth. One shot after another poured into my face. It was sweet and delicious. Better even than the heavy and rich bull cum I was now accustomed to. I drank greedily on his pumping tube. Trying to swallow all I could. Lucky for me Logan didn’t cum in buckets likje the bulls did. So no fear of drowning. But it was still a nice healthy dose.

“Awee fuck yeah. Drink it up man” he cried out “Drink it all up boy”

Logan held my head as he pointed my face full if cum. His body twitched and jerked as he blew. And I continued to swallow and drink it up. 8 or so shots later he slowed his thrusting. His cum flow down to no more than a dribble from his erupting dick. I savored all that delicious cum as I knelt there before him. Then logan pulled his dick from my mouth. I licked at my lips as he pulled away from me. The gorgeous hunk stood there and played with his dick for a moment. Waving it at me.

“Damn that was great boy” he said to me.

He parted my shoulder as he walked passed me . I was still on the floor on my knees. I could have taken another round of cum. But he was finished. At least for now.

“We’ll play !ore after your uncle goes to sleep boy” he then said.

He walked into his room and shut the door behind him. I looked at his hot beefy ass asnthe door shut behind it. I did want more fun with him. But for now I was still horny.


Part VI

I was still horny.

I had just finished giving the hired hand Logan a great blow job. He had dumped a nice load of creamy cum into my hungry mouth. I slurped it up quite happily. But then he left me there wanting more.

I groped at my own aching dick in my shorts. It was also hard. But I had no release. I didn’t expect him to suck me off. And I didn’t want to just lack off to a visual idea of what may happen. I wanted at least a cock in me so I could cum from the sensations moving throughout my body.

“Fuck” I grumbled.

So I got up and went outside again. I needed to find more dick. So I stalked out one of my big bull friends. I was out there just minutes when I saw Bruno. That big brown stud of a bull. He saw me and turned towards me. I ran behind the big barn where the breeding machine was. This fuckers cock was gigantic so I would need the help of that machine to figure how to take his giant cock. when he pushed his way into the barn he looked at me. At first I thought he may want to charge me. He snorted but then just slowly paced to me. I looked down and his schlong was already starting to droop from his sheath. I licked my lips at the sight of it. Then as if by instinct. He jump up on the machine. THen he shoved the few inches of his dick into the entrance to the machine.

“Wow dude, great” I said.

Its as if he anticipated what I wanted from him. Then in moments he was humping the leather lined tube of the machine. I crouched down to look at the other end. Then I gazed into the tight hole of the opposite side of the tube he was plowing his massive dick. I could see it as it quickly pierced its way to the other end of the tubing. The dark leather sheath of the tube opening up as the big angry bull cock came out the other side. It disappeared for a moment as Bruno pulled back in his fucking.

“Gonna get some bull cock” I said to myself.

So I shoved my face to the other side of the breeding tube. Opened my mouth wide and then his massive cock slammed through the tube again and into my face. Several big thick inches of bull cock were thrust into my mouth. The huge cock was also drooling liquid quite profusely. I let his fuck my face like this for a few moments. But I wanted his cock elsewhere. I pulled from the machine he was fucking and dropped clothes fast. I watched as his huge still growing cock pierced the sheath. And more cock came out the other end. a good 6 inches or more. I then placed a crate on the floor before the machine.

Then I slathered up my ass hole with spit for a moment. I then climbed up in the contraption. On the crate and placed my ass at the end of the sheath. Then I was literally pushed forward as Bruno’s fat dick went through the end of the sheath and into my ass.

“Ohhh Godd!” I cried. “Biggg”

I felt as the wide bull cock was pushed into my ass. Several fat inches driven up inside me. I gasped in delight as he took me. My ass could feel his massive dick as it widened up inside me. All the six puls inches that came out of the sheath were in me.this beast felt so damned big, even though I had only a few inches of his cock in me. It’s because if the girth if his monster dick.

“Ohh God yesss stud” I groaned “Fuck my ass. Fuck my boy ass good”

The beast just grunted back there as his huge cock pushed itself into my tight hole. It grunted heavily as it felt the much tighter confines of my ass. Because my ass was smaller than that sheath it was fucking. It grumbled and huffed as it tried to crawl up higher on the machine. I felt the beast drool behind me. The heavy spittle falling on my butt and near my hole that he was fucking. Then as he thrust up harder the tube of the machine was pushed at my ass. It was somehow compressed smaller by his sheer brute force. Then my ass was skewered by several more inches of his mammoth cock.

“Ohh Jesus Christ!” I squealed “H-hugee”

The bull was able to force more cock up inside me. 8 plus inches of its huge dick. The thing then widened ever more as he began to erupt. I heard as the Bruno grunted hard and his cock was crammed as far in at the sheath would allow. My eyes rolled up into my head as he did. Then the fiery explosion of the bulls cum was shot into my bowels. The deep heavy cum river gushed into me. The sound of the eruption filled that barn. And it echoed in my head the rest of the day. I felt as each pulse of his mammoth cock blew into me. Seemingly widening his dick with each blast. My ass ached from the size of the cock that was busting into me. Then the huge cum dump began to pour from my ass. It was just so much. Like before this beast ejected what felt like a bucket full of the stuff into me.

“Fuckkk meee Bruno” I groaned “Soo muchhh”

I felt as the flow of his cum began to dribble from me. Then Bruno yanked his huge dick from my ass. Pain hit me as the huge dick felt as he was pulling out my inshed. The bull climbed off the machine and then just turned to leave. I gasped as that mammoth dick left me. Then lost my footing on the crate and feel forward. . I hit the ground on my knees and then hands.

“Ughhn fuckk.” I moaned.

Then my used up ass opened up and a geyser of cum exited my hole. It was like a faucet left open as the stream of the animals cum left me used ass. I reached back and scooped some up. I brought it to my mouth. Sucking on my fingers as I tasted the magnificent bull seed. Rich and creamy on my tongue.

“Sooo good” I cooed as I sucked on my fingers.

Liking the cum off them. Then reaching back and scooping up more. I was in heaven as I sucked on the cum drooling out my ruined ass hole. I crouched there, sighing in my happiness. I was feeling good. I had cum in my belly. And it was sweet and filling. Then I turned around and sat on the ground. I grunted at the sorempness of my ass. The bull had left the barn and left me there, still hungry. I wanted more. I needed more cum. I couldn’t believe I was so horny now. I had to have more cum. But where to get it. I looked outside and saw no other bill near me. So I pulled up my pants and headed back to the house. It was starting to get darker anyways. The sky was turning colors into twighlight.

“Awe fuck” i said as headed back “Wont be getting any cock tonight”

I licked my lips as i still tatsed the lingering cum from Bruno. My dick was raging in my pants though. I was groping at myself all the way back. But then my eyes caught what coukd fulfill my needs. I figured where I could get more cum.

“I’ll go get some Logan cock” I said to myself.

Now Logan didn’t stay in the main house. So it was a good thing as my uncle may here any sounds coming from the other rooms. He stayed in a small shack behind the house. I mean this was small. It was basically a one room cabin. I had only been in there once several years ago, when my uncle showed it to me. It was there for a hired hand. Because prior to my showing up on his farm, my uncle had a hired hand some years back. He had told me he couldn’t afford the guy and that no one had lived in that shack for years.

Until now that is. It was Logan’s place while he was here. So I headed for the shack to see if Logan was up for more fun. I knocked in the door when I got there. There was no answer.

“Hey Logan, you up” I called out.

I struck the door a few more times. Then I thought he might be asleep. It was still early enough, but maybe he was beat and went to bed. But curiosity and my straining cock led me to opening the door. Maybe the stud was naked on the bed inside. I turned the knob and pushed the door opened. I saw the light from the lamp near the bed on. As well as the one in the small kitchenette to the left.

“Logan” I called out.

Still no answer. There was no one in the bed. And the curtain that separated the small room from the tiny bathroom was opened. There was no one in there either. So Logan wasn’t even in the building.

I huffed as I realized I would get no cock. So I turned and closed the door and made my way back to the house. That’s when I noticed the truck was not there. It appeared that Logan went into town or something. So now I was certain I would go to sleep horny. I went inside and went to bed. I jerked off thinking about bull balls. Huge bull balls.

“Fuckk man” I hugged as I came sometime after.

Then as I was about to turn in. I heard the truck pull up. I had already turned off the light to the lamp next to me. It was about 11:30 PM as I saw the lights cross behind the house. I opened up the curtain to look outside. I could actually see the small shack from my window. Then I I saw Logan stumbling from the truck and to the shack in the moonlight cascading down on the farm. Then he fell on the stoop to the shack. He grabbed the door and pull it opened and then crawled into the shack. He swung the door to close it but it was left ajar.

I could see the lights from inside through the opened crack of the door. I saw movement for a bit before I figured he went to bed. But the lights stayed on. I had concern for a moment as he was stumbling before he walked into the shack. Had something happened to him.

“Maybe I should check to make sure he is okay” I said.

So I got up and pulled up my shorts. No underwear. I then threw on a shirt and headed to the shack. I could hear my uncle snore as I passed his room. Then headed outside, barefoot. I walked the 30 or so yards to the shack in back. Then stepped on the stoop.

“Logan. Are you okay in there” I called out.

But there was no answer. I pushed the door opened to look inside. It creaked a bit. But then as I peered in I saw Logan on the bed. He was naked save for his tight white briefs. And he too was snoring. I almost turned to leave as I surmised he was okay. I looked to see a bottle of rum on the floor next to the bed. Then I put two and two together.

“Drunk” I laughed.

I was about to turn and leave. But the. Looked in at his awesome body. His tiny briefs were straining to hold his big cock. My dick twitched.


Part VII – Logan’s Drunk

I stood there at the door to the shack. Logan had just shown up from being in town. And he had apparently been drinking. He even brought back a bottle of rum to drink in his room.

He was apparently drinker that a skunk. And out like a light from his drunken state. I guess being out here in the farm with my messed up uncle was alot for the hot hunk to handle all the time. So I would surmised needed release every now and then.

But there he lay, the hired Hank at my uncle’s farm. This incredibly gorgeous stud. Laid out on the bed in his room. His legs spread just so and a huge bulge threatening to bust through his underwear. And the way the light from the bedside lamp cascaded over him showed of the beauty of this man. I licked my lips as I was hungry for him again. I also felt a twitch in my shorts return.

“So fucking hot” I stated as I stood there at the door.

“Gotta have him”

So I closed the door behind me and stepped into the room. I felt my dick throb as I moved closer to the bed that held his body. I swallowed hard as I gazed at the beauty of him. I reached the bed and he was snoring lightly. The soft light inthe room sshowed his muscular form perfectly. I looked at the hills and valleys of his chest and stomach. The fur covering those hills and valleys. It was like a soft Downey forest. I looked down to the mound of meat that was his confined cock. It had me drooling from just seeing it.

“Damn. Looks huge right now” I said.

I dropped to my knees next to the bed. I breathed in deeply as I stared at his crotch. The huge lump was like a magnet to me. I moved in towards it. I pulled my hand up and then brought it to his big crotch. The huge bulge felt incredible.

I licked my lips and then gently squeezed his covered dick. He didn’t wake as I groped him. So I continued.

“Fuck man.” I then said.

“Gorgeous man”

I rubbed at his big crotch some more, before moving in closer to this hunks body. Again I swallowed as I pulled myself to his huge bulge. I then brought my face down to it. I pressed my face and cheeks to his crotch. My nose burrowed itself into the big lump. I then inhaled the man’s sweat and aroma. It was intoxicating to say the least.

“Hmmm. Sooo good” I moaned.

I opened my mouth and encased part of his big covered dick. I chewed on him through his briefs. Munched on his hardening dick through the cotton between me and that big dick of his. It felt soo good. I chewed on him a bit more as I reached up his belly and then to his big brawny chest.

“Fuck you are sooo fucking hot man” I said.

Then I pulled from his crotch. I then reached down to his waistband. His huge cock was now hard and trying to escape it’s confines. It was stretched up to the waistband. And to the right. Up along his lap. I reached for the now stretching cotton trying to hold in his dick. I could actually get mipy fingers into the gap the tenting dick created in the leg and waistband. I pulled it up. There at the top was his big cock head.it was now starting to drool.

“Damn this looks awesome” I said as I moved in closer to him.

I stared at the clear go as it began to dribble from his big cock. It was his delicious precum. I pulled down the briefs and freed his huge dick. It almost bounded up as it was freed. I then grabbed at the big thick shaft of Logan’s cock. The big club filled up my small hand easily. I then pulled it up from his lap. I could see a dribble of his juice drop to his lap from his dick. I vent down and licked at the drop on his lap. It was wonderful.

“Soo fucking food” I stated.

“Now to this”

I opened my mouth and took his big dick inside. I then slowly moves down the sleeping man’s big dick. My mouth taking unchnafter inch into it. I slurped on the flanks just below the bulbous head. Tasting his flesh and precum. I sighed as I sucked. Moving down his cock more and more. Soon my face was filled and my mouth stretched out. I had more than half his massive man dick in my mouth. So much dick he had.

“Don’t stop” came Logan’s voice.

“Keeping sucking me down sport”

“Feels good”

Apparently my sucking in his big dick aroused the man. He woke and begged me to continue.

“Such a good boy you are” he said.

“Suck in my big cock man”

So I did as he wanted. I swooped back down his schlong. He moaned as my mouth took him. Then his hand reached for me. Funding my head. He pushed his hips up to meet my hungry mouth.

“Yeah man. Suck it down” he said.

“Get my dick all wet for some real fun”


His hips just started to push at my face more. Digging that dick into my throat now. I gagged as he thrust more into my face.

“Hmmm. Sooo good” he groaned.

I grabbed his cock at the base. I had to keep him from choking my throat with his huge dick. And it made my work easier too. I stroked his big dick as I swallowed it up. Sucking down most of it. He groaned harder as the sucking continued. Then just as I thought he may shoot again, Logan pushed me from his cock.

“Noooooo man. Aweee fuck” he grumbled.

“Too soon”

“Get up here boy. “

“Do you know what a 69 is?” He then asked.

“No” i answered.

He grabbed for me and lifted up into him.

“Crawl up here and turn around boy” he then said.

“Lemme see your little butt”

“Then you can go back to sucking my dick”

I did as he asked. I turned so my butt faced him. Then I grabbed at his huge dick again.

“This is 69” he said.

“I play with your butt and you can still suck me”

So I was about to go back down on his cock when Logan took his fingers and then shoved two of them into my ass. I groaned as his fingers pierced my hole. But then once inside I cooed as they felt good in my butt.

“Hmmm yeahh man” I said.

“Damn buddy. Your ass took my fingers easily” he said back.

“You been fucking something big lately.”

“Cuz your hole is pretty wide opened”

I dare not tell this buy I was fucked by one of the bulls. I just went back to sucking his dick. Moving down his big cock like it was my last meal. I hummed and slobbered on his cock as he shoved several fingers up into my ass. He was thrusting and fucking it with them. Then as I was getting into this 69 thing Logan yanked his fingers from my ass hole. I groaned as emptiness was left behind. I wanted them back in there. I wanted his fingers fucking me. It felt soo good. Nice sized, not massive like the bulls dick was. Then he pulled his dick from my face. I was then pulled off his body.

“Now its fucking time” he said to me.

“Turn around man”

I turned around on the bed. Then Logan grabbed my sides and pulled me to the edge of the bed. Then he spit on my ass hole again. His thumb pushed into me for a few moments. Then he spit down on his huge cock. Rolling and swabbing it up with drool. Then he climbed up behind me. His feet planted on the floor. He then brought his cock up to meet with my ass hole.

“Yeah, this is gonna be a nice fuck” he said.

With that Logan pressed his dick to my ass hole. Then he shoved hard at me. His cock punched through my sphincter and then he thrust it into my ass. I gasped as his big rod plowed into me. He wasn’t near as big as that bull. But he was plenty big. Thick too.

“Ughnnn” I moaned as his cock pierced me.

“Aweee yeahh man” He said.

“This feels soo fucking good man”

“Your ass feels great on my hard cock.”

Then he just started a slow methodical fuck on my guts. His big thick cock pushing itself deep into me. He was balls deep after just a few strokes. Then he groaned again.

“Shiit man. I love this ass” He stated.

“Its nice and loose for cock. easy glide in”

“You must be shoving something big up in there, for it to be soo loose”

I didn’t answer him. I just crouched back to him. Enjoying the cock fucking he was giving my lucky ass. He then began to speed up his motions on me. His cock slamming harder at my ass. Harder against my body. His balls slapping against mine as he picked up more speed. We both groaned as Logan really went to town on my ass. His big dick digging into my deepest parts over and over. I wanted this to go on forever as the sensations on my ass were so great. I was now fucking him back. Taking all he had gleefully. moaning and breathing with him as he slammed my bowels with all his cock.

“Give it to me stud” I cooed back at him.

“Take my boy ass with that big bull dick. “

Then Logan stopped his motions. He paused. I looked back at him wondering why he stopped. Then he smiled wickedly as he leaned over me more. Then he reached for my head and pulled me back to him. He took my head in his hands. Then I felt his mouth by my ear. his heavy breath on my neck.

“That’s why your boy pussy is soo fucking loose” He stated.

Logan had put two and two together and he knew the truth. He pulled my face and turned me to him.

“You little freak. Just like your uncle.” he said behind me.

“Taking fucking bull cock up your pussy”

“You little fucking whore”

“No wonder why my slamming ain’t much for you”

He then pushed me forward to the mattress. He climbed up in me more. Getting a nice angle for his next attack.

“Well my dick is still gonna fuck you silly” he growled.

Then he slammed down into my ass again. But this time as he climbed up almost doggie style on me. Logan began a hard fast power fucking like I had never seen before. His iron hard dick was like a pile driving machine. Jack hammering my guts with all his might. the battering my ass was taking would have literally hurt like hell if the bull hadn’t opened my up so wide before. Or had dumped a bucket load of its cum into me. Making Logan’s assault on my bowels so much smoother. He actually liked the smooth creamy sensations on his cock. It drove him further. Drove him to fuck me harder. Logan went ass fuck crazy on my guts.

“Shit, fuck, fuck. Awee fuckk!” He crowed.

“Gonna bust out soon fag boy”

“Gonna seed you up, just like that bull”

He was panting as he continued to pummel my insides with his dick. then as the heated friction threatened to burn my inside from his pile driving fuck. Logan yelped.

“Shiiiitt bitchh!” he howled.

“Cu- cumming awe fuckk”

“Take my cum fucker. take my cum”

Then shot after shot of his juice geysered into me. Logan blasted a good 7 or 8 times before his body gave and slowed his thrusts down.

“Awee, Ughnnn fuckkk” He moaned.

“Sooo fucking good”

“Soo fucking gooood”

then his body fell on me. We both hit the mattress. all of Logan’s weight on my back. He was breathing heavy as his body slowly returned back to a slower heart beat. Then he turned over on the bed. His big chest heaving as he lay there. I turned to look at the stud that lay there next to me. This man magnificent who had just fucked me deeply.

“Hmmmm” I sighed in delight.

Then I felt his cum start to ooze from my ass.



The next morning, I woke up in Logan’s bed. I looked up at the ceiling of the cabin that was his place. I saw the light from the morning sun coming through the window. Then I looked over at the gorgeous man laying next to me. The light coming in fell on his magnificent body. I turned to reach for him. Then pulled back when he garbled in his sleep. then he started snoring. Heavy and loud. I then just lay there staring at this hot man. His sexiness dulled a bit from the rough sounds coming from his mouth and nose. So I sat up in the bed. I looked over at the clock and it was after eight am. I knew that my uncle always got up very early. That’s when I heard the door.

“Logan” Came my uncles voice.

“Wake up Logan”

In moments my uncle was banging on the door. I had to get Logan up. So I shook him to wake him. He snorted and then his eyes opened up. He looked at me and half smiled. But then came the bellow of my uncle at the door again.

“Logan” he yelled.

“Ohh shitt” Logan cried in a start.

He looked at the clock and jumped out of bed.

“Coming boss” he shouted back.

“Slept late”

“Be out in a minute”

Logan waved me to hide. So I dove under the bed. That’s when my uncle opened the door. The man walked with a cane now. He was hunched over slightly from whatever his condition was doing to his body. I watched as my uncle came in and stood just feet from Logan.

“Have you seen my nephew” my uncle asked.

“Yeah.” Logan said.

“I sent him to check on the fence on the north corner to check on it”

“Thought o saw it down”

“He’ll be back shortly”

“Okay. Good” my uncle responded.

Then I saw my uncle grab hold of Logan. He reached down and groped the hot man at the underwear he had barely gotten in.

“Needed some cream for my coffee” he said to Logan.

Then he grabbed a chair and sat down. He yanked down Logan’s shorts and went for his dick. There I was under the bed watching my uncle go down on Logan’s cock. I watched as my sick uncle sucked on the hired hands dick. And he was good at it. Stroking the hunks big cock as he slobbered uip on the head and first few inches of dick.Logan moaned in delight as his cock was worshiped by another member of this family.

“Yeah man. That’s nice” Logan moaned.

“Love that mouth on my dick”

“Suck it man. Suck it down”

And my uncle dis just that. He opened up wide and swallowed all of Logan’s cock. I was watching in awe as the huge dick was completely inhaled by my uncle. His hands held the guys balls as his face was pressed to them. He didn’t even gag. He made hungry sounds. Like he was feasting on the best meal of his life. Well Logan was definitely a great meal. Logan continued to groan as his cock was sucked so well. His hands held my uncle’s head. He started to gently thrust with the sucking motions on his dick

“Hmmm, yeah. Good cock” my uncle said as he came up for air.

“Better than bull dick for sure”

There was the certain confirmation that he indeed sucked bull dick.it got me hard as I stared up at the sucking going on just feet from me. My uncle kneaded Logan’s balls. Urging them to churn his cum juice. Logan started to push harder as this happened. He would soon cum. I knew it. Andi wanted to crawl out from under the bed to drink that delicious cum. Logan’s groans grew louder as my uncle pulled on his nurpts more.

My uncle’s slobbering on the big dick also geprew louder. Heavy wet sloppy slurps. His breathing also more shallow. He was literally trying to swallow Logan, balls and all.

“Hmmm. Soo good” his uncle gasped as he came up between sucks.

“Nice big hit cock “

“Gimme this cum man”

“Want the cum from these fuckers”

My uncle squeezed Logan’s balls. Pulling on them roughly. Logan moaned deeply as he felt the tugging. He started to thrust harder in the face he was fucking now. Groaning and huffing as he pushed his dick into my uncle’s throat. The wet fucking sounds filled my head. I could feel my dick under me. Pressed to the floor. It was getting hard again. I actually started to rub my cock against the floor under me. It actually felt good. So as I watched the two men above me I was grinding my crotch on the floor. My hard dick was pressed there between my legs and against my thigh. It actually felt good.

“Awee fuck man” Logan groaned.

“Gonna cum soon man”

“Yeah boy” my uncle said in another gasp.

“Feed daddy your cum stud. Feed me”

I was rubbing more on the floor. Then harder I moved as I was so horny fom watching them that I wanted to cum again. My dick felt like it would break pressed so tightly down between my legs. But the feeling was too good not to go on. I watched the sucking as I fucked the floor. Logan’s cock was huge in my uncles hand too. Even in this mans hand it was huge.

“Awee shiit man!” Logan then cried out.

“C-Cumming man. Ohh fuck I’m cumming”

He grabbed my uncles head and slammed himself balls deep. Then even from hear, I could hear the ‘splat’ of his cock exploding that first fire ball of cum. Logan’s body then ground at my uncles face as he blasted several heavy shots into the mans face. But I heard as my uncle slobbered up and swallowed the cum pouring into his face. He ‘glurbed’ and ‘globbed’ as the hunk continued to blow cum into his face. he greedily swallowed the delicious cum. I licked my lips at the longing to have more of that cum myself. But it was all my uncles right now. He was the lucky recipient of the rich heavy cum blast. Then Logan’s thrusts and groans subsided after about 20 or so seconds. Then he just slumped there as he stood. Then my uncle released the big dick from his siphoning mouth. he licked at the head and shaft. cleaning Logan’s cock for him.

“Damn that’s good shit” He declared.

“Always great cum stud”

Then as Logan turned to get dressed again, my uncle patted his ass.

“Now find me my nephew” he said.

“Send him to the main house”

“Yes sir” Logan answered.

“Will do boss”

Then my uncle turned and hobbled out of the room and house. Then Logan waited a few moments to make sure my uncle was gone. Then he told me to get out from under the bed. I did so. But I had such a hard on from the show. He laughed as he saw my predicament.

“Your uncle wants you by the way” he said with a giggle.

“I cant go like this. I bitched.


“Then I suggest to jack off buddy” He then stated.

“I gotta get to work”

So as he left. I went outside and turned towards the bull barn. I had to get off. And fast. So what did I do. I went out to the bulls area. I had to find a bull to get me off. Just the sight of a pair of monster nuts should help. when I went back to the barn where the pumping machine was I saw one of the bulls again. When I got closer I saw it was Bruno. He saw me and came towards me. There below was his balls. hanging there in all their beauty. I dropped to the ground next to him. I grabbed at the massive nuts once again. Bruno snorted as I held those wonderful nuts in hand. they felt so warm to me.

“Holy shit” I said as I looked up.

There at his sheath was his big dick coming out already. He wanted me to do something for sure. But I didn’t have enough time. So I just pulled down my pants and crawled behind him. I grabbed his huge sack and brought my dick to it. I then just started to hump his balls. It felt soo good to fuck those balls. Mt cock wrapped in the big fleshy sack. The sensation on my dick was incredible. Bruno just stood there and looked back at me as I fucked his nuts. I was already getting ever so close to orgasm because I love the feel of his hide on my dick.

“Damn big boy” I cooed.

“Love your huge balls”

“Feels great around my dick”

And those big nuts completely covered my cock as I fucked between them. It didn’t take too long for me to groan and bust a nut on his fat nuts.

“Uhghnn. fuckkk yess daddy bull” I moaned as I came.

I felt my dick shoot on his nut sack. It covered his balls with my cum. Blasting a god six shots onto the bulls nuts. I groaned and panted for a good 15 seconds. then I dropped to my knees behind the bull. I then shoved my face into those cum covered balls. I licked and slobbered over Bruno’s huge balls. licking my own come off them. It tasted good, and I was able to lick his sack clean.

I reached for his huge cock and stroked it. I was planning on sucking it again. to get a heady mouthful of the bulls cum. Then swallow it into my happy belly. But that’s when I heard my uncle calling out my name. So I released the bulls huge dick and left the beast there wanting.

“Sorry Bruno” I said to him.

“Gotta go. Maybe next time”

Then I left the beast there looking at me, waiting.


Part IX

I was in such dire need of cock by that evening. But to my dismay Logan was going into town. He said he wouldn’t be back until late that evening. So I was left wanting dick. And I was near desperate for it. So after he left and my uncle set off for bed.

“Need to get fucked” I said as I crept out that night.

I headed down towards the bull barn again. I got there and I saw Bruno just outside it. He was seemingly almost waiting to get into it. He saw me and then pushed at the door. I reached for him and patted his shoulder. Then I opened the door and let the beast in.

“Come on buddy” I said.

“Lets have a little fun”

So I brought him to the machine. He looked like he was going to crawl up on it. But I stopped him and then reached under and stroked his belly.

“No buddy” I said.

“Lemme get out of these clothes”

“Then you can fuck me silly stud”

I dropped my clothes and then dropped to my knees next to him. I looked down and his dick was starting to come out already. The big blunt club pushed out from the animals sheath. And it was shiny and ready. I reached down and grabbed it then lowered my head to his cock and started to suck the bulls cock. I wasted no time as I was super horny. My dick was already raging hard. I grabbed my self and began to pull on my cock as I sucked on Bruno’s dick. Then I saw his balls. Those huge glorious balls. I released the cock from my hungry mouth. Then moved around to his balls. I grabbed at the giant sack. I had to release my dick to use both of them to hold those magnificent orbs.

“Sooo fucking hot!” I said.

“Love these bulls balls”

Then I dove for his nards. During my face in his huge balls. I inhaled the bulls scent. It drove me mad. So I begN to suck and lick at the beasts balls. Like the hungriest whore on the planet I slobbered over his giant balls.

“Ohh God Daddy bull” I cooed

“Big fucking balls stud “

“Bigg fucking balls”

I continued to worship his heavy sack for some time. I was licking uo and down the heavy sack. Making sure I had wet down the whole sack. It was soon dripping from my spit. The bull pulled from me though. He wanted aex. I watched at the heavy asck swayed before me. It was the most beautiful sight in the world. I then spit on my hand and slathered uo my ass hole with it. Getting my hole all wet again. I then climbed up on the machine. Straddling myself onto it. Then the bull jumped up on me and my back. Then his huge prong pushed to get at my ass hole. He missed several times. His huge cock hitting my balls and raking along the under side of me. I felt the huge shaft glide over my own dick and uo my stomach. It was wet from his ore goo.

“Back big boy” I said.

And like he understood Bruno moved down and then shifted on me. Then I reached back and found his thick shaft. I pulled it to my hole. He felt the gates to my ass and then he drove himself in.

“Ohhhhh God” I cried out.


Bruno had thrown at least 9 inches of his huge schlong into me. My fingers grasped at some of his remaining inches. The beast grunted softly as he plowed into my guts. The grunt was then followed by a shift and pull. But then he lunged forward again. More bull cock was forced into me. 10, 11 inches down. I was skewered.

“Ughhn ughn. God!!!” I pushed out of my mouth.

“Tooo. Fuckk. Too muchhh cock”


The beast then jabbed into my bowels hard several more times. I had no breath. My body stopped breathing as his dick plunged deper again and again. The huge wide dick was so destroying my insides. My hand lost hold of his dick and he lunged forth again and again. More and more cock gutted through me. I know it was past 13 inches by now. Maybe 14, but my ass then started to numb from his hard pounding dick. Then just as I felt I may fall into unconscious, Bruno erupted. I felt the geyser of his bull cum shoot into my wrecked bowels. It sounded like a light pop as he blew. Then all I felt was the flood of his seed pour into me.

“Ughhn awee myy God Daddy” I called at him.

“Breed me Bruno”

And I was bred. Bruno just dumped what seemed a gallon of cum into my ass. I was so full. And from the hard ramming I had received,I could not move. It felt like I had been beaten down hard. Then Bruno climbed up and off me. His huge bull dick came out with a flop. Then the beast pulled away from myself and the contraption u was on. I lay there for a bit, just catching my breath. Trying to recover from the hard deep ass slaughter the animal had given me.

Then as I was about to get up. To climb up off the machine, I heard a heavy snort behind me. I looked over to my left and saw Bruno. So I surmised i was just hearing things as he was quiet in the corner. But then I felt a sand paper like thing on my ass. It was wet and rough. I looked back and it was Thunder. That huge dark beast was back there licking at my cum drooling ass hole. It actually felt good. But he only lapped at my butt for a few moments.

“Ohh shit no ..! ” i started to shout out.

But that’s when Thunder clamored uo and on me as Bruno had before. I saw a glimpse of his huge cock as he reared up and thrust it at me. The beasts already wet with pre goo cock fell on my back. The huge blotchy cock missed it’s target. I tried to move but then Thunder adjusted his aim and slammed home. The beats gigantic cock plunged into me. I of course screamed as he took me. My ass opened and widened more than before. Getting ripped apart by the biggest dick I would ever have.

“Ohh God. Ohhhhh Jesus! I screamed.

“Noooooo. My ass. Ohh God my ass”

Then my cries were abruptly stopped as his monstrous salami was crashed into my button deep inside of me. By body bent and arched up. Thankfully this motion prevented any further destruction. As it clamped my inside onto his schlong. But I then started a most violent shaking. Like nothing I have ever or would ever experience before. I twitched and jerked on his mammoth dick as my body squirmed over it.

Thunder grunted and moved behind me as it was me doing the fucking. My convulsing body moved on his huge dick. The beast pushed as I did.

“Ohhh God please!” I begged.

“Tooo much. Aweee fuckk!”

The animal then moved in on my ass once more. He rammed down again and again. I know I had !ore than a foot of bull dick in me. His massive stem seemed to be moving up into my colon. I fear he would rupture my insides as he continued to fuck me. I did not know how much more of this I could take, but I really had little choice in it. The bull was literally raping my body with his dick. Digging cock into me deeper than any one or thing would ever do.

Then after what seemed forever Thunder threw one last push into my bowels. I felt as his dick pulsed and bloated in my guts as he blew. A long flood of cum poured into my guts. My already filled from Bruno’s fucking ass. I heard the splat and squish of his cum gushing in and out of my completely wrecked ass.

“Ohh God” I managed to blurt out.

Then as quickly as the raping had begun, it ended. Thunder crawled up off of me. His huge dick fell out of my ruined ass. I heard the heavy slop of cum as it left my ass. Hitting the ground below with a huge ‘plop’.

I gasped as his cock left me. But then I just lay there no moving. It’s as if my legs decided not to work anymore. So I stay there for a bit, just breathing. Swelling away the soreness in my ass. Laying there letting a flow of all that bull cum just dump from my stretched out hole.

“Fuckkk man. Hurts still” I said as I lay there for some time.

I looked to see the two bulls had left me there. I then lay back down for a bit longer. Then as I was about to get up I felt something touch my butt. I was about to bolt up to prevent another raping by the bulls as I assumed that’s who was back there.

“Looks used up” said a familiar voice.


Part X

my eyes shot open as I heard Logan’s voice behind me. I looked back and there he was, looking hot and delicious. His hands now on my butt cheeks. He seemed to like what he saw. Me laid out in the machine with my gaping ass hole drooling cum from the brutal bull fucking I had received before.

How long had he been there. Did he see anything. I don’t know. All I do know is he was here now. And regardless if he had seen anything. It was plain and obvious what had transpired here in the ‘bull barn’.

“I knew you were just like your uncle” he stated.

“Your swollen ass is such a tell”

I tried to protest his comments and accusations. But I knew I was just spinning wheels. And this hands on me felt soo damn good.”

“Looks like you got a real heavy Breeding boy” he then said.

“How many bulls did you take. “

His hand scooped up some cum from my still drooling hole. Then he brought it around to my face. I turned to avoid his hand. But the smell of that rich cum was so strong. My head spinning as I so wanted it. But my stubbornness fighting the fact that he knew I wanted it.

“Come in boy” he then said.

“I know you want this”

“Look how thick and creamy it is”


I looked at his fingers. They had a huge amount of cum in them. Then he shoved them at my face again. His fingers hot my upper lip and nose. The smell infiltrated my nose and sinuses. It was extraordinary. I gave in to my desire for it and opened my mouth. He slipped his fingers into it. Then I sucked on them. The taste sending me to orbit. Rich and deliciously satisfying. I wanted more. I slurped on his hands like a greedy whore.

“There ya go boy” he said.

“Tastes great don’t it”

Then Logan dropped behind me as I still lay there in the machine. His hands still in my butt cheeks.

“Yeah. Looks real delicious” he said again.

Then he dove for my ass. His face was shoved at my gaping swollen as lips. His tongue hit them and he licked at them. Then he went inside and slurped up cum from my ass.

“Ughnn. Fuckk” I cooed as he ate me out.

Logan just sucked out cum from my totally used up ass. He savored the goo from my butt. I could hear as he moaned from his live of it.

He had me squirming from the sensations on my hole soon. It just felt soo good now. All the full throbbing from the ass pounding I had gotten from not one but to massive hung bulls. Then Logan stood after he had had his fill.

“That was great man” he stated.

“Delicious freaking bull cum”

Then he grabbed me and flipped me over into my back. Grabbing at my legs to get between them. He then rubbed his already hard cock at my hole. I hadn’t even seen him drop his pants. But he did somehow. And now he planned on fucking me. His cock rubbed at the still drooling and swollen gates to my bowels.

“Gonna be an easy entry now” he stated.

That’s when he thrust. Plunging every inch of his dick into me. There was aloud ‘squelch’ noise that followed as Logan slammed into me.

“This feels sooo nice now” he said.

With that he just started to fuck me fast and furious. Driving himself to nthe balls repeatedly. And effortlessly. My ass was like a chasm that his dick could easily run through. I still felt him as he moved his cock around my guts. My wet cum filled guts. The sloppy fuck sounds boomed in my head as Logan rammed his dick in and out of me at speed.

“Damn this feels soo fucking awesome” he groaned.

“You bull fuckers must really love those bulls dicks”

“They are huge man” I shouted back.

“And sooo much wonderful cum”

He slammed down again as he continued to pull cum as it gushed from my ass. He scooped it up and brought it to his mouth, or up to my mouth so I could suck his fingers.

“Hmmm. Soo good” I cooed as he fed me

“Best stuff ever”

“Yeah man it’s awesome” he added as he licked his fingers too.

It wasn’t long before Logan was cumming into me. Adding to the huge dump I had received from the two previous ass rapes.

“Ughnnn. Fuckk!” He howled as he blew.

“My turn to breed you buddy”

His body tensing up just before he exploded.

“Awwee fuckk yeah man” he yelled.

“Here it comes buddy. Here it comes”

The wet sloshing sounds intensified as Logan busted a nut. I don’t think I have ever had so much cum in me at a time. My ass oozing it even as he finished and pulled out.

“Fuck that was soo damned good” he moaned as he pulled from me.

Logan swatted my butt as he collected some more cum and licked it again.

“Sooo fucking good” he added.

Needless. The rest of the summer was me getting fucked over and over by Logan and the bulls. I even had the huge nuts up my ass. But that’s another tale to tell.

The End