(c) 2019 by ChowChow

Zeus loved Cassidy. She was really nice and always fed him on time. What more could a dog ask for?

He really liked playing fetch, even though he had to teach her to play. She seemed to like it too- she would play until Zeus was tired and would look sad that the game had to end. When Cassidy took him on walks she never complained about him pulling them off their typical path. She would just laugh and follow along.

Cassidy even let him sleep on her bed! It was great- super warm and soft. She never even complained about his fur getting everywhere. Sometimes she would just call him over to give him pets and bellyrubs that made his legs go all funny. She sure knew how to find those spots!

Today was hot. It was really early, but the heat was already unbearable. Cassidy had thrown off her blankets in the throes of her sleep. Zeus didn’t mind. More softness for him! He did his best to stay still not wanting to disturb his owner. She had a routine and Zeus interrupting her last few moments of sleep was not a part of it.

The sun was peeking through the slits of the blinds, making everything look striped. At long last, Cassidy’s alarm went off with a loud jumble of sound. Cassidy groaned, slamming her hand against her phone and slowly sitting up.

She yawned, reaching down to pet Zeus. “Good morning, Zeus,” she mumbled through another yawn. Zeus sat up as well, happily squirming around to get closer. Cassidy stretched oblivious to her baby blue tank top lifting up to reveal her smooth chestnut colored stomach. She rose to her feet begrudgingly, her black shorts masterfully outlining the curves of her ass.

“Does your godliness want to go outside,” she yawned again. Zeus’ tail began to way as he scrambled to his paws. Best part of the morning! He jumped down from the bed, beating Cassidy to the door. She opened it and Zeus exploded out of tbe door like a rocket.

His bolted down the short stairway and down the hall. There was a special door just for him- he sped into the kitchen and practically dove through the flap.

The grass in the yard was lush and soft, its vibrant green blades trembling in the near nonexistent breeze. Zeus flopped down, giving himself a nice roll in the grass. It wasn’t much but the tiny bit of dew clinging to the grass felt nice against his fur.

He trotted over to his favorite spot in the whole yard. It was a shady spot by the back corner of the fence. He sniffed around for a moment, content that the only scents there were his own. Zeus lifted a leg, marking the tree as his own. It was his own after all.

He took a short trip around the perimeter, carefully examining the scents that emanated from the other side. A few familiar scents like Cassidy’s neighbors and their dogs, a small smattering of unusual scents, and- oh! What’s that? He took another sniff. Sure enough he was right. Someone had walked by with a bitch in heat.

He took another eager sniff, letting pungent yet sweet scent fill his nose. Her could alreay feel his cock deciding to make an appearance. He knew, by now, some other studs had probably come along and mated with her. Once again a bitch in heat and he was busy sleeping in. Oh well.

He trotted back to the house, slipping through his door. He dashed back up the steps to Cassidy’s room.

Inside his owner was…behaving peculiarly. Her dark hair looked super curly as she tried to wrestle in back into a bun. She mumbled to herself the entire time. Something about how hot it was. Finally Cassidy rose to her feet having won the battle with her hair.

Her five foot four frame was completely nude, safe for the pair of white panties covering her lower body. Cassidy’s perky chest rose and fell with each breath, sweat glistening off of the cocoa mounds.

“Come on, Zeus,” she called as she moved towards the door. “Breakfast time!”

Zeus’ normally excited thoughts and barks about breakfast were subdued. His mind still lingered on that bitch and how much he wished it had been him to encounter her first. Even now his cock was still free- though not completely- from his sheathe, obviously a signal of prolonged arousal. Not to mention as he walked slightly behind Cassidy he couldn’t stop staring at her shapely form, her thighs, tits and ass jiggling in a most alluring way.

His owner had a body anyone would be envious of. Slim, almost toned where it mattered- her stomach not quite ready to show abs. Thick and delightfully curvaceous in all of the important places. Even now in slightly cooler temperatures, her dark nipples stood at attention, guiding the way to the kitchen like crossing guards. Zeus felt more of his cock make an appearance.

Cassidy stood on a chair as she rummaged through a high cabinet. Se pulled cans out of the litttle door, her delectable ass and legs bent ever so slightly over. Zeus continued his silent viewing- surely she thought he was just eager for food.

“All right, here you go boy,” she announced as she placed his dish next to the table. Zeus didn’t eat right away. He always tried to wait for Cassidy to eat but today he was just busy admiring her figure.

Cassidy got busy making some eggs and bacon, oblivious to her pet’s disinterest in breakfast. Warm delicious smells wafted down to Zeus and, despite having his own tasty food, leaned into her to beg. She jumped, not used to feeling his fur against her skin like that. She laughed at her own silly reaction.

“Oh no. You have your own. Not today buddy.”

They were both well into their meals when Zeus noticed something unusual. There was a new scent. Well, not entirely new- he was sure he had smelled something like it before. He stopped eating, curiously sniffing around the room. It was fainter on the other side of the room, but as he drew closer to the table it got stronger.

His ears perked up and his tail began to wag as he started to recognize with it seemed so familiar. It smelled like a bitch in heat. But different. Zeus knew there were no female dogs in the house anyway. This was sweeter, but no less pungent. Perhaps a little salty? It was hard to place. His cock was now fully exposed, its throbbing red length desperate for some release. He whined, frustrated at the confusing smell.

Zeus doubled back to the table. The smell was very strong now. A few more steps and he was under the table, closer than ever. He neared Cassidy and let out an excited bark. This was it! This was where it was coming from. Cassidy looked under the table curiously, her tits bouncing a little.

“What is it?” Zeus cocked his head to one side and whined. Surely she must now. How could she not? Zeus moved closer, daring to press his cold nose against the white fabric covering her slit. She shuddered and scooted back.

“Zeus, no!” Zeus whined, following her and once again pressing his nose to her. How could he not? The smell was intoxicating. Eagerly he drew his tongue across the fabric, savoring the faint taste he could get.

“Zeus, s-stop,” Cassidy gasped as Zeus gave her another lick. She shoved his face away and stood up. “Look at you, being bad and not even eating your food.”

Zeus huffed and went back to his breakfast. Even as he gulped it down it didn’t taste as great. How could anything be as good after what he just had a taste of?

Once he had finished the pair made their way back to Cassidy’s room. Zeus surged forward by himself, racing nobody to the door. As the woman came in behind him, he noticed an odd detail about Cassidy. Her once pristine and snowy panties had a mysterious stain, one that was slowly spreading.

She sat at the edge of her bed, raising a finger to her lips to command silence from Zeus. Zeus sat, curious about his owner’s actions. Cassidy could be so silly.

With some hesitance she slipped a hand down her panties, sighing at the contact. She moved slowly, not unlike how when she would scratch Zeus behind his ears. Her other hand roamed over her tits, squeezing at them and pinching at the nipples.

Her soft whimpers of relief gradually gres into moans of pleasure, the hand in her panties now moving at a rapid, almost violent pace. Cassidy lifted her head up, dark eyes nearly closed in ecstasy.

There was that smell again! It was even stronger than before. Zeus couldn’t stop his wagging tail or the aching of his throbbing cock.

Cassidy started trembling, her entire body shaking and jerking wildly. With a scream her head flew back as she collapsed on to the bed, still shaking slightly. Her breathing was labored, her chest heaving as she fought for air. Her hand remained in her panties, rubbing mindlessly as she squirmed under her own fingers.

Zeus trotted over, no longer able to resist the treat before him. Cassidy’s panties were now drenched, the soaked fabric looking almost gray. Even the comforter under her was damp- there was a spreading patch of wetness too. Her hand was still busy with its ministrations, the appendage creating a slight bulge in her panties.

The scent was overwhelming. Dribbles of something wet ran down Cassidy’s chocolate thighs. It smelled almost as good as what Zeus was truly after. Without fear, he ran his tongue along the fabric. Cassidy jerked forward, her fingers ceasing their job.

“Z-zeus…” she stammered, still lost in the high of her pleasure. “Don’t you dare…”

Zeus paid no mind. He eagerly lapped at the fabric, feeling the outline of her slit each time. Along her thighs and panties he lavished with attention, savoring the taste of the wetness on her thighs. Cassidy groaned both in shock and delight.

It seemed like she might be trying to make a command, but the attention she was getting was too much. She groaned again, her body convulsing as another orgasm wracked her body. More of her juices flowed from her, acting as an incentive for Zeus. Cassidy looked at her dog. This look was different, something Zeus had never seen from his owner.

With surprising clarity she tugged at the band of her panties, kicking the ruined undergarment off of her feet. Her legs spread wider, granting Zeus full access.

“Well come on, your godliness,” she all but purred. “Who am I to deny you anything?”

Zeus needed no invitation. Finally, finally. His tongue ran over her dripping slit, the smooth yet powerful muscle unknowingly lingering on a small hooded nub. Cassidy screamed in pleasure, thrusting her hips forward, pressing Zeus’ head even closer.

Zeus eagerly lapped at the nub, feeling his owner bucking against his tongue. But what he wanted wasn’t that nub. No, he wanted the source of that sweet smell. His tongue drew oever her slit again, this time slipping inside. Cassidy moaned, wriggling her hips. Zeus was pleased. The hot, sopping walls of Cassidy was indeed the source of the smell.

And it tasted even better! He lapped at the walls ravenous, licking and sucking any of the delicious fluid from Cassidy. And it just seemed to make more of it!

Again and again Cassidy screamed and shook under his tongue. Zeus took it in stride- it meant more for him!

At least it did. After a particularly large orgasm, Cassidy sat up, struggling for breath. She dropped down beside Zeus, running her fingers along her soaked pussy. She ran them along her lips and popped them in her mouth, sucking on them like they were the sweetest candy.

She leaned forward, opening her mouth as an invitation. Zeus greedily licked at her, his warm tongue soaking her lips with slobber. Soon his tongue found its way to her mouth, exploring and tasting his owner’s mouth. Much to his surprise, she reciprocated. Her sweet tasting tongue tracing every outline of his mouth and teeth, even playing with his tongue.

Cassidy looked down, seeing Zeus’ throbbing problem. His cock was an angry red and heavy with arousal.

“Always wondered what a dog cock tasted like,” she breathed. She tentatively stuck out her tongue, swirling it against the tip. She let her tongue travel along the length of his cock before easing the massive cock into her mouth. She gagged, unused to having domething so large fown her throat.

Her tongue swirled over his length, careful to lavish it with as much attention as Zeus had given her. Zeus’ tail began wagging uncontrollably, finally glad to be getting any sort of release.

All too soon Cassidy stopped. Her dark eyes shone with something different now. Like something primal and filthy had sparked new life into her. She was moving back, twisting around until she was on all fours. She turned back, sliding her fingers along her pussy and ass.

“How about a treat,” she cooed. And just like that Zeus was allowed to start licking again.

Zeus gave Cassidy a few more licks. Her moans and whimpers filled the air as she gave into her instincts. There she was, brought down on all fours, presenting herself to him just like a good bitch. Zeus didn’t know if this day could get any better!

She gave her ass a shake as an invitation to resume. Sure, Zeus longed for nothing more than to spend the rest of his life doing so. He wanted- no, needed to take care of his own dilemma.

He reared up, draping himself over her body. She grunted in surprise, wincing as Zeus’ paws and claws scrabbled against her skin. He immediately began to try to seek out his desired spot, his cock jabbing at her legs. Cassidy laughed but didn’t try to help him. Good, he was more than capable of doing it himself.

After a few misses he struck gold, his cock plunging deep inside Cassidy’s waiting pussy. She howled loudly, the initial shock in her voice fading away into blissful pleasure. Zeus needed no instruction or encouragement from Cassidy now. All he had to do was make sure his bitch would be full of his pups.

He drove his cock deep into Cassidy, each thrust going deeper and deeper making her moans desperate and near feral. He was grateful for the tight wetness- not quite the same temperature of the average bitch, but pleasant all the same. She rocked her hips in time with his now slowing pace.

Zeus knew the best part was just starting. His cock began to swell just as he sheathed himself completely inside her. Cassidy let out a choked gasp, her mind growing fuzzy at the complete fullness. He knew Cassidy wouldn’t be able to escape any time soon.

He was quite certain he was tied firmly to Cassidy. He raised his leg, giving him enough leverage to let go of Cassidy and turn himself around. Behind him, his new bitch let out another gasp as his hot seed began to fill her. Zeus himself stayed relatively still; he was just glad for the release!

Zeus wasn’t sure how long he stood there listening to Cassidy moan. Every once in a while she would tense and writhe, a string of words tumbling from her mouth like water. At long last Zeus found it, unfortunately, possible for him to pull himself free from her. He turned to face Cassidy.

She lay still from exhaustion as her chest heaving. Already some of his seed was trickling from her, but not that much. He moved in close, lapping at her thighs and pussy to clean it up.

Eventually she sat up, reaching to give Zeus a pat on the head. “You’re such a good boy,” she said with a smile. Zeus gave a content bark. He draped himself over Cassidy, wedging his head between her chestnut thighs.

He was just glad to finally have a bitch of his own.

The End