(c) 2018 by ozzalone65 (Ozorli / Orlirz)

Part I

It has been some years since my summers at my uncle’s farm. I had grown and moved on with my life. Dated and redated men here and there. Living in the doldrums of the city and its congestion. I longed for release from it. But I hadn’t heard from my uncle in years.

But I hadnt even been thinking about him or his farm. That is until I received the call. It was a lawyer. And it was about his passing.

“Ohh my God!” I shouted.

When the woman told me about it at first I was ever so sad about his passing away. Then a flood of memories crept in. My youth on the farm and the fun and sex I had there in my younger days.

Then the images of those big dick bulls can back. Those huge wonderful bulls. Their massive dicks. Those gigantic nuts they possessed. And all that sweet wonderful cum I had received from them for several years there.

“Who is running the farm now” I asked the woman.

When she mentioned Logan, I was happy that he stayed on all those years. Logan, That hot burly hunk that was there those years back. His awesome body and that big dick of his. I remember getting fucked by him on multiple occasions throughout those years I was at my uncles farm. Growing and learning about sex with him.

I Guess his teachings is what got me many of my relationships. For I was damn good in bed. At least that’s what I had been told on many an occasion. Now that was part of the problem I think. I lured them in with great sex. But then I would seem to get bored with them. As not one guy I was ever with had what I really wanted. a big dick, and big nuts. Ohh how I wanted a nice pair of big balls to lick and worship. So my relationships would end not long after I got into them. Mostly my fault. I know it was. I had very large standards for which I lived.

“So why am I getting this call” I asked her.

That’s when she told me that my uncle had left me the farm.

“What!” I all but shouted.


“Well he had no other relatives or family for one” She stated.

“And he was fond of the times you were there”

“And you are family after all”

I was taken aback by this. I always thought he hated me. He was always yelling at me to do this differently. And I always assumed that he hated that my parents sent me to him each summer. I was flattered. But what did I know about farming.

“Couldn’t he leave it to someone else” I said.

“I mean Logan was his right hand man”

“Yes he has been there for all those years ” She added.

“But he wanted to keep the farm with family”

“And Logan was happy to hear it was you” She added.

“He was going to leave until I told him you were the beneficiary”

My mind smiled at the thought. Logan remembered me. I certainly remembered him.

“So what ever you do with the place” she continued.

“It’s been in good hands”

Well sometime later I met with lawyers in the will and the documentation to transfer the farm. I decided to keep it. I figured if Logan was there I could make a go of it. And have some smouldering sex while I was at it.

I pondered then if my uncle’s old bulls were still there. Those glorious beasts with those gigantic balls. My head again going back to the years I had been there. All that delicious bull cum I had tasted and savoured through the years.was it to be mine again?

I was getting excited at the signing. I had to try and think of other things. But found some difficulty not having nuts, nuts and more nuts flash before my eyes. Thankfully it took a while to go through it all.

“Thank you” i said to the lawyer that was there.

She was that first contact and she helped me through it all. And for that inwas greatful.

Then about a month passed before I completed the move. I had spoken to Logan on the phone a few times. He seemed glad to hear from me. But he didn’t seem to bring up or even by cursory mention the past. Maybe he had forgotten. I mean that was some years now. At least 20 from my memory.

“Good to hear that you decided to stay on” I said.

“I’m gonna need all the help I can”

“I don’t know diddly about this”

“It will come back” he said.

“I’ll see you then.

I looked up at the farm for the first time in 20 years. The building hadn’t changed much. It was well kept thanks to Logan. So I had little worry of coming to my new home and it being a wreck. Of course I had to readjust to the less than modern conveniences.

Pulling up to the main house was like flashing back to my youth. Remembering when my dad used to drop me off each summer. I could see bulls and cows in the fields. My dick began tinstir at the sight. Then the door opened and Logan appeared.

“Holy shit house” I said aloud.

I looked at the man. He had gotten older, yes. But age had done wonders for this stud. His muscled body was still strong and muscled. But he was thicker. And the full in beard was just sex. I wanted to lick it.

“Hey man. However the Hell are ya” he said as he gave me his hand.

I was hoping for a hug. But that was not happening. Maybe he had forgotten. Oh well, my mind said. I shook his powerful hand. He smiled through that delicious beard.

“Glad you decided to keep it and not sell it man” he added.

“Have spent the better part of 25 years here”

“And it has been my home”

“Well I am glad you stayed on mister” I replied.

“I would hate some stranger taking control of my uncle’s farm”

“My memories of here are fond as well”

He looked at me half cocked. As if he thought I was mad.

“I always thought you hated this place” he then said.

“Nah. Just the stink” I said laughing.

“Well let’s get you settled then” Logan said.

“Let me help you with your bags”

We went to my car and pulled out my things I had brought. And took it inside.

“I have more things coming by truck” I said.

“Just a few things I can’t part with”

“That’s OK man” he said.

“This is your house now.”

He patted my shoulder and we went inside. I looked at the interior. Save for some different furniture and maybe some minor changes in the kitchen, it hadn’t changed in 20 plus years. I felt safe. Peaceful for the first time in ages.


Part II

I went to bed early that night. I was beat and needed time to relax. I stayed in my old room as I couldn’t bring myself to sleep in my uncles bed. It was just too weird for me. But I dozed off shortly after. Visions of my youth flashing in my mind. The times with Logan. The times with the large bulls. Those gigantic balls and how they felt, tasted and how much stuff shot forth from them. Gallons of cum it seemed.

“Fuck” I said as I woke mid night.

I needed some release as my dick was hard and I needed some release. I stepped out of the house and then walked out to the infamous breeding barn I had such times in. I walked out into the night and over to the barn. I flicked on the light and looked around the place. It hadn’t changed any since I was last here. Save for the machine was newer. Not any different, just newer is all.

I then looked outside to see if there were any bulls out there. I was so horny now. I needed to find one. I was pulling at myself from my lust for what I needed. I didn’t see any bulls around. but then I saw a horse near the other barn. I knew my uncle had a horse or two in his days here. but never really thought much of them. I rode one a few times, but never really learned to’ ride one officially. The animal was just standing there near the dirty barn and the opened door. The beasts head bowed down as if it was pecking at something on the ground.

Then I saw another slightly smaller horse to the left. the first one huffed and then moved in close behind the first. Then it sniffed at the seconds backside. That’s when I saw he was male. Below his belly came out a dark stem. It was his dick. The thing dropped down quickly. growing faster than I have ever seen a dick grow.

“Holy SHItt!” I blurted.

he looked over and at me for a second. His huge cock dropping down maybe 12 inches at least by now. Then he mounted the other horse. That’s when his cock began instantly rigid. Shooting forth to mammoth proportions. My dick immediately raged in my pants as I saw the thing. But he mounted the second horse, which I assumed was female. His huge cock was thrust forward to gain access to her. after two pushes and misses he found his target. Then I watched in awe and almost horror as that studs gigantic dick was thrust into her.

“Ohhh my God” I declared.

“That is incredible”

I rushed in closer so I could see what was transpiring with the two horses. But as I came in closer the bigger male pushed hard and huffed and whinnied. then as quickly as it began it ended. He climbed up off his mare and yanked his mammoth member from her. The huge thing had a big swollen head and as he pulled from her there was a sloshing sound. Then a gush of his cum poured from her. He stepped back and his dick began to retreat back into its sheath.

“Oh shiit. that was insane” I said as I stood there.

“Look at all that cum”

“Its a lot man”

It was a lot. It splashed to the ground beneath them. Then he turned to leave. I had to stop him. I wanted at that thing hanging below his belly. I rushed him but he rushed off in a start. The mare just wandered away in the other direction.

“Shit!” I bitched as I stood there.

I needed to find something as I was so damned horny. Then I heard sounds in the barn. As curiosity took hold I pushed the door opened. It was dark as night had fallen already. so I stepped in and flicked the light on. In there was another horse. It was large and dark brown in color. It turned as I came in. But then it went back to chewing on some hay from the mound of it in the barn. I came in cautiously as to not scare the beast. I came around its side and touched its rear haunches.

“Nice horsie” I said.

“Nice horsie”

I petted the beast. and as he didn’t seem to mind my touching him and moved forward. I bent down and looked to see he was indeed a male. My dick instantly sprang back up. Here was a big male horse. A Big beautiful male horse. I dropped to my knees instantly. I then reached under him to his sheath. I began to rub at it. wanting to see if I could arouse him. I heard the beast huff and try to move away as I rubbed at his sheath area. at first I thought I would get no response as there was nothing going on there. But I persisted. I needed his dick out. Then I noticed his big balls tucked under his body. they were not as big as bull nuts, but bigger than mine for sure. I reached under and felt them. Then fondled them. Then I shoved my face at his sheath and opened my mouth. I licked at the area near where his cock would come out. that and my rubbing his balls worked.

“Glurabb” I gagged as his dick pushed out.

It thrust out of his sheath fast. it quickly extended from his crotch. I pulled back as I felt his cock go into my throat. It had grown fast too. As I looked at the cock he shoved into my face it was already over eight inches. And it was still dropping further. 9, 10, 11, 12 inches and still moving down. This all in but moments.

My eyes widened in lust as I gazed at the steeds massive dick. There it was, what I had wanted. Dick. I then grasped at the shaft of the beasts cock. it was pulsating in my hand. I stroked it as it throbbed and bounced up in my hand. the tip of the animals blunt cock head was an odd mushroom shape. But looked delicious nonetheless. I pulled the giant dick up to my face. It had grown even more as I stroked it. It was not over 18 inches I assumed.

“Damn this is enormous” I said as I licked my hungry lips.

I opened my mouth and slipped the head and several inches into it. my touch licked on the underside of the rough feeling head and then the leathery shaft below it. it was smooth there and was almost spongy feeling as I surmised the beast still wasn’t fully erect. my mind pounded out the possibility of how much bigger he could get.

“Nice big cock” I cooed as I came off it for a moment.

“Bigger than the bulls I had had before”

“Gotta have him seed me”

I then proceeded to swallow down onto that schlong. Inch after meaty inch disappeared into my hungry mouth. 6, 7, 8, and even nine inches down I went. My face was full. and that dick was in my throat. deep in there. I had to come up for air as it was so much dick. I stroked the lower half of the animals gargantuan dick. Both hands could do it. even as I went down to 10 huge inches into my face.

I was in utter heaven now. Slurping down this animals magnificent cock. The biggest dick I had ever sucked. I reached for his balls and kneaded them. The horse thrust at my face now. The schlong driven into my gullet. I gagged as the huge dick lodged itself into my esophagus. I had to cough the damned thing up or choke to death.

“Glarrff” I hacked as I spit up the huge cock.

“Fuckk man that’s a lot of cock”

I gazed at the giant weapon on the beast. It was formidable to say the least. I had to have it in me. I got up and then dropped my pants. I was raging so badly I actually had trouble getting them down past my dick. But I did. I then pulled his giant cock next to my dick. My dick looked minuscule to that thing. I tiny pencil to his tree branch dick.

I Stood there and rubbed our dick together in my lust. I touched the tips of out dicks together. Mine was drooling like a siv. I rubbed my precum over his cock head. Then I dropped back down to my knees and swallowed him back down again. it was so damned good. I could eat him up for days. But I wanted it in me. I spit on the huge cock head. covering it with saliva. getting it and several inches drenched with it

I then got up.

“Lets go buddy” I said to the animal.

“I needs a big ole fucking”.

I pulled him to where there was a large bale of hay. I leaned over it and offered up my ass to him. The animal just huffed at me as if not knowing what I wanted from it. I spit on my hand and pulled it to my ass. I then rubbed my hole for him.

“Come on buddy. fuck me man” I said to the horse.

It huffed again. then moved next to me and started to chew on hay again. It seemed utterly uninterested. I then turned and bent down again as he seemed not to want to do anything. So I swooped up his cock again as I saw it was starting to droop. I swallowed him up again to get him more rigid once more. I needed this stud hard so I could fuck his cock. I sucked and slobbered on his dick again. spitting on the heavy head and shaft again. Then I again bent myself over the bale.

“Maybe you need a hand” I said.

So I reached for his cock and brought it to my backside. It was long enough after all. I pushed back at his crank. Feeling the wet head at my hole. I rubbed his dick head against my ass. Feeling the thick slab run across my needy hole.

“Fuck me man. Please” I was now begging.

Then I felt him move a bit towards me. I was able to grasp at the bale to hold myself steady. Then I pushed his cock head at my ass hole. I was determined to have his dick inside me. The head continued to get rubbed at my entrance. The saliva I had spit on it covering my hole up with spit. I then bowed my head and pressed it to the bale of hay. so I was now laying my face against the twigs and straw. it was rough, but I knew I would need both hands to get that dick in me. I reached under me and between my legs with the one hand while holding his schlong against my butt with the other.

“Give it to me fucker” I grumbled again.

“Gimme that huge cock”

Well I got my wish. I pulled at my ass to get him in at my hole better. Then pushing back on his dick while pulling at it at the same time. I was able to wiggle the head into me. I sighed as I felt the fat head open up my hole and go in. But that’s when the horse felt my hole on his cock head, and he lunged forward.

“Ohhh my . Fuckkkk!” I holwed.


Part III

“Ohhh God. Fuckk!” I howled.

I had wanted this horse to fuck me. And I pressed on with my lust for his giant cock. And all the rubbing against my hungry asshole got his head in. That’s when he took over. The horse must have felt the tight hole on his schlong, so he drove on home. Then he thrust forward and skewered me. I was pushed forward by the beasts thrust. His massive dick plowed into my ass. At least 12 inches slammed into me. If it hadn’t been for my holding his dick and the forward motion pushing at me I would literally have been impaled by him. but the pain was real and hard.

“Ohhh fuckkk!” I yelled.

“Ohhh shiit. my ass!”

But its what I had wanted. Its what I had come in here for when I saw him. Dick, and he was giving it to me. my face was pressed to the hay hard and it stung my cheeks. Then the beast moved and jumped on me. Then his mammoth cock began a full on ass raping. His hips thrusting hard several times. Driving his giant dick into my bowel. Tearing through them. I swear I felt his monster cock push up into my colon. Then my hand felt as his shaft bended below my grip. For he was trying to dig every inch of his schlong into my guts. Thankfully he couldn’t. But what he did give me was wrecking my guts for sure.

“Fuckkk” I screamed.

“Fuckk. Fuckk. Fuckk!”

The horse continued to slam my guts for a short period of time before I heard it. Then felt it. The hard splash as he came. The huge shaft pulsed inside me. growing bigger and thicker as the beast raped my ass. each fiery blast of his rocket cum shot into my guts. and into my colon. And it was a lot of it. he shot only a handful of times. but each one was like a cannon fire blast. Huge gobs of cum splashed into my bowels. Then I heard as it squished its way out my back side,

“Plurshh” came the sound as his cum poured from me.

Then I felt it rushing down my leg. That’s when he pulled out of me. His massive weapon of destruction yanked out from my ruined hole. The head throbbing and still spitting cum ripped out of me. The bloated head hurt as much coming out as when it went in. There was a loud ‘pop’ followed by a heavy ‘glarshhpf’ of his cum spitting from my over flooded ass.

“Ohh God. Ohh God, Ohh God” I cried as he yanked from me.

The pain in my ass was now dulling to an intense throb. My poor wrecked hole was pursing with my heartbeat, causing aches in my anus. Then the cum just poured from my now gaping hole. Like and opened faucet it was. Streams of it ran down my legs and to the ground and hay below me. I collapsed onto the hale I was laying on. Literally crying, tears and all from the raping he had just given me.

“Awee fuckk. my ass” I blubbered.

“My ass”

“Hurts.. my ass”

I just curled up in a balls as I lay on the hay. Trying to let the pain ebb away. But it just throbbed and throbbed. I wondered if he did actually destroy my ass. I felt as his cum continued to drool from my swollen hole. So I crawled up in a fetal position for a while as I lay on the hay.

“Its you own fault” My head said to me.

“You wanted cock”

“And he gave it to you”

“He really gave it to you”

And I thought I heard laughter in my head. But I assumed the beast just fucked me stupid.

“Awee shiit” I said as I finally got up.

It was late and I needed to get to bed. But as I left the barn and headed back to the main house. I saw a truck pull up over at the cabin where Logan still stayed. It was Logan and someone else. Someone fairly short. I was curious as to whom he had brought home. Was he going to fuck this person. Well you know I had to know what was going on. He hadn’t even looked at me much since I took the house. I surmised he was upset that I got it and not him.

Well I decided to investigate the goings on in the cabin. I walked over as quietly as I could. My ass was still sore from the horse ramming I took. So I was kinda walking funny. But I headed over regardless. I went to one of the three windows in the small place. Over at the kitchen. I crawled under the window and pulled my head up to peer into the place.

“Fuck me stud” The small guy in the room had said to Logan.

“Gimme that man cock”

Logan had brought some young twink to his place. The guys was maybe 5 ft 5 at the best. he was already completely naked and standing there next to the big frame of the hired hand here. Logan’s over 6 foot frame was magnificent. he pulled off his shirt to show all that muscle and mass. He seemed bigger than ever.

“Damn I miss that body” I said at the window.

The twink was placing hands up and on the large man before him. His face was in awe of the man. And I couldn’t blame the boy. I remember the first time I saw Logan naked. It was a gay boys dream. He was big. Bigger now. There was more hair on his body now. The hairy forearms now had some tattoos on them. The twinkie boy then moved in and shoved his face into the mans chest. His hands still roaming over the mass of man muscle Logan was.

“Such a big awesome daddy” The kid said.

I looked at him, then Logan. I had never thought of Logan as a daddy. At least not in my youth. But again that was near 20 years ago now. And he was older and more filled out. So I guess maybe to some he was a daddy now. I actually found that intriguing to say the least. Logan the farm daddy. It made my dick stir in my pants. The kid was kissing and licking at Logan’s chest. He was having at the mans beefy body. His hand was groping at the jeans below. Feeling up the big cock I knew Logan had on him. Then he moved down Logan’s chest to his belly. Then the twink was on his knees before the man. He was now pulling at the jeans. Trying to get them down. I knew what awaited the boy behind them.

“Feels big” he had said.

“You have No idea little boy” I said back to no one.

Then Logan pushed the kid down to his knees. I knew what was coming next. The kid would be feeding on Logan’s big thick cock. That big 8 plus inch schlong this kid would soon be sucking down. The kid pulled at the jeans. peeling them down Logan’s thighs. His eyes filled with lust. Lust I still had for the hunk beyond the window.

“Yeah boy” I said.

“Take out that big dick man”

“Take it out and suck him down.

I was already pulling out my dick again. The scene beyond the window was hot. I watched as the kid then hauled out Logan’s big dick. The thick log just fell out into his small hands. His mouth agape as he gazed at the thing.

“Take him boy’ I said softly.

“Take Logan’s big dick in your mouth”

That’s exactly what the kid did. He opened his mouth and slipped the guys cock head and several inches into his mouth. His hand grabbed hold of the base. He could barely get his small fingers around the slab. Then he just started to suck on Logan. I heard as Logan began to softly moan in his room. his big strong hands went to the kids head. Then he started to pull his to his crotch. I could hear the heavy slobbers as the kid tried to swallow as much dick as he possibly could. Then he would gag as Logan pushed more than his small mouth could handle. The heavy cough filled the small place.

“Yeah boy. Gag on Logan” I urged.

“Gag on his big dick baby”

I was now yanking on my regrown dick. It was very hard in my hand. I pulled on it as I stared at the action going on in the room beyond my window view.

“Suck it faggot boy” I said again.

I was now really pulling on my self. That’s when Logan pulled the kid from his schlong. I looked at the steely mast of Logan’s big dick. Sticking out from his crotch bush. Shiny from all the kids drool. The youngster looking up at Logan as a God. His hand moved up to Logan’s big chest. Then I watched as Logan picked him up. Then he started to pull the kids clothes off. The thin boy was naked in moments. He had a hard on between his legs too. Then Logan carried him over to the bed and dropped him on it. The kid lay on his back as Logan grabbed his legs. He pulled them up and Logan dove for the kids ass.

“Yesss daddy” I heard the boy chirp.

Then Logan proceeded to eat out the kids hole. He did this for several minutes. The kid was soon squirming and moaning loudly. Begging for Logan to take him.

“Fuck me daddy” he yelled.

“Fuck me now”

“I need it”

So Logan then got up. He spit on his hand slathered up his dick then crawled between the skinny legs of the young guy in bed. He lifted them up and then crouched down to the boys ass. That’s when he shoved into the kid. the scream from the penetration was so loud, Logan hushed him. Reaching up and covering the kids mouth.

“Shut up boy” he gruffed.

“You’ll wake the owner”

Then he just started a hard powerful fucking on the kid. I heard the squeaks of pain and whatever other noises that came from the kids covered mouth. Logan just continued to slam into him for some time. I was still pulling on my raging cock as I watched the two from my position at the window. I was soon groaning softly. I had to bite my lips so as not to cry out myself. The sensations on my dick from my stroking hand was getting harder to ignore.

Then Logan reached down and picked up the kid in his strong arms. His legs grabbed at Logan’s sides to hang on. Logan Stood up with the guy still impaled on his cock. And he fucked him like that. That was too much for me. I actually squeaked myself as I felt my balls pull up. Luckily the boys cries belted out at the same time as mine. Logan was holding him with both arms as the boys body bounced up and down on the cock buried inside him.

“Fuckkk” I huffed through gritted teeth.

My balls blew as I came. Several shots ejecting from my dick. One hitting the house with a ‘thwat’. Then the rest just oozing from it. Dribbling over my fingers and hand and dropping to the ground below. I had lost sight of the cries in the house as my eyes closed in orgasm. Then when I finished my eruption, I looked into the house again. Logan was on his back now. Lying on the bed as the kid rode his lap. He was literally jumping up and down the cock in his ass. Moaning and cussing as his head was thrust from side to side in ecstasy. He was jerking on his small dick too.

Then the kid came in that position. As he danced on Logan’s lap, I watched as he shot 5 cum spits from his dick. his body spasmed on Logan as he came. Crying out in his own eruption.

“Yesss Logan, daddy” He yelled.

“Fuck the cum outta meee!”

Then when he was done, Logan flipped them around and went fuck slam crazy on the kids ass until he too came. I heard his guttural grunts as he slammed his dick into the kids ass, dumping his cum into the boy. I knew that’s when I needed to take my leave of the area. I headed back to the house. Crawled into bed and drifted off to sleep.

“Fuck Logan” I said as I fell to sleep.

“Should have fucked me instead”

“Not some twink”


Part IV

The next morning when I woke up I heard sounds downstairs. I got up and threw on a robe. I headed on down to see Logan in the kitchen. He was standing there naked save for his boxers. He must have heard me coming down as he turned once I turned into the kitchen.

“Sorry. Did I wake you” He said.

“No eggs in my place”

“Want some, I’ll make “

I looked at him and smiled. His big broad back was beautiful. Shoulders strong and muscular from farm work. How I wanted to just go over that and grab him. Make him kiss me, then fuck my brains out. But I didn’t. I just said ‘yes’ to the eggs

I walked over next to him. I grabbed a cup from the cupboard and some coffee. His magnificent body oh so close to me again. How I longed to have him on me again. I could smell his shower he must have just taken. Then I pondered if his little twinkie boy had stayed or not. I then sat back down at the table as he brought the eggs and some bacon. He smiled as he sat there across from me. Since he didn’t go back to his place I surmised the boy had left.

“Why didn’t you just move into the big house Logan” I then said.

“It would be great to have you here”

“Someone to talk to out here in the middle of no where”

“Your not in the middle of no where man” he chuckled.

“I know.”

“But this is a big house just for me”

He put down his own cup he was just sipping on and regarded my comment.

“Then you should get a boyfriend to move in here” He then said.

“That way you aren’t alone”

Again he seemed to brush me off. I sighed in disappointment. But I wasn’t going to throw the little boy he brought home at him. He was a grown man and could do what ever he wanted. He then got up and left to get to work. I watched as his hot ass left the kitchen and out the back door. I felt my dick grow on my boxers. And now I was horny.

“Fucker” I said to myself.

“I guys he is only into twinkies”

“Like I used to be”

Ohh well, I thought. But I needed some release. I got dresses and went out. I saw that Logan got in his truck with the little boy he had picked up last night. He saw me and drove off. I knew it would be a while be fore he was back. so I went over to the bull barn. I needed to find a bull or a horse now, or something with a dick so I can have at it. I first stepped into the barn. there was that wonderful contraption again. That breeding machine my uncle used on the bulls. It appeared it hadn’t been used in years as there was dust and cobwebs on it. So I took it that Logan did none of this in the time since my uncle passed. I decided to brush it off. I grabbed some clothes and water. I cleaned the thing off.

“Hmmm” I sighed.

“How I missed those days”

“Now lets go find dick”

So I stepped out and walked out into the fields, I saw some cows and a bull or two out there. But none of the ones I knew from when I was younger. Was Bruno or Bubba gone. I sighed as I figured they were. The years and age and what ever may have taken the beasts from this earth. I did see a big black bull beyond one of the fences to the south of the farm. He was feeding on some grass. He was a huge monster of an animal. He seemed even bigger that the bull I had called ‘Thunder’ in my youth. He was at his side as I saw him. Head to the ground as he ate grass.

“Damn his is a big one” I said.

“Lets see this fuckers nuts”

I moved around and behind the mammoth bull. He had a few hundred pounds on the bulls of my youth for sure. And he was dark as night it seemed . so I called him ‘Black Bart’. I came around his hind quarters and saw them. His gigantic balls. They hung over a foot down from his body. The large pendulous things had my dick already rodding up in my pants. He must have heard me as his head came off from the ground. I froze as I had no idea if he was friendly or not. I gulped as he stared at me now. Then Bart shook his head. Then he lowered it in an intimidating action. I decided to slowly back up. I feared he would charge on me.

“Nice Bart” I said aloud.

“Nice Bart”

“Good boy”

But then he scratched at the ground with his hoof. Then he charged.

“Shiit” I hollered.

“Fuck me”

I turned and ran back towards the barn. He was quickly gaining on me. I was able to get to the barn, but he was on me. I ran into the barn and then literally crawled up in the machine.

“Down Bart. Down!” I was shouting.

Then Bart looked at the machine. He cocked his head as if to recall something. That’s when he crawled up and mounted the thing. I jumped off as the beast must have realized this was a fuck machine. So I surmised he had been on it before. He started to hump at it. Then I saw as his huge black and white schlong pierced the entry to the machine. It was quickly at full mast. Maybe 16 inches of bull dick. It punched out of the other side. I saw it and my immediate lust took over. I grabbed at the thing punching through the end of the machine. His big thick cock club. I grabbed at it as Bart thrust again. I shoved my mouth to the tip. And at that moment Bart exploded.

“Fuckk” I shouted.

The geyser of cum that shot forth from his dick was literally like a geyser. The volley of that cum blast splashed on my face and in the one burst covered me in his cum. It was dripping down from my face. Then he shot several more times before Bart just pulled from the machine. I couldn’t even see him for the cum covering my eyes. I tried to wipe it off quickly. The smell of the beasts cum infiltrating my nose. It was rich and pungent.

Then as I was able to wipe the cum from my eyes I looked to see he had disappeared. Where had he gone. Did he leave? At first I thought he had gone. I placed my goo covered hand to my mouth. I licked some of his delicious juice from my fingers. That’s when I felt something behind me. It was him. Fear kicked in as the animal was at my back side.

“Shit” I crowed.

I figured that I was about to be gored by the beast. I felt his head butt at my ass. Then he sniffed me. Then I felt his huge horn right at my ass. The beast then pushed at my pants with his horn. The tip seemed to be trying to gain access to my ass. I pulled away from him, but then Bart tried to jump on me.

“Crap. he wants to fuck” I said.

“And look at that cock”

“Still huge”

I stared down at the huge dick below. It was still swollen and huge. He somehow mounted the machine from this side. And he was trying to drive his dick at a hole. any hole. as he tried to fuck the air, I grabbed his huge cock. I immediately went down on this dick. Now I could get more cock into my hungry mouth. And was able to enjoy the suck on his big wide schlong. I slurped up several inches of dick. It punched into my throat fast.

I looked down to see Bart’s gargantuan balls. I reached for them. I wanted to hold them as he fucked my face. I was able to get my hands on them and pull at the sheer mass of his balls. That’s when his cock was driven into my gullet. I gagged as he thrust more than 10 inches down into my face and throat. This mad me squeeze hard on his massive nuts. That’s when he shot again. Bart blasted off another load of cum. It rushed down my throat and into my stomach. I had to cough up his awesome dick as I was gonna choke on his cum. The flood pushed back out of my mouth as I spit up his log.

“Ghlllarrffph” I gasped as I coughed up his huge dick.

More of his cum spilled from my mouth. But I grasped his dick and held it to my still opened mouth. That’s when he shot several more molten blast of his thick cum into my face. I gulped down gobs of his sweet nectar and his continued to thrust his cock between my fingers. Then again he pulled from me. I had to move for fear he would fall on me. Then again Bart stepped back and away from me. I tried to swallow more of the huge gobs of cum still in my mouth. Rivers of it trickled from my face and down my neck. Again I was covered in his cum. But it was glorious now.

“Fuck yeah stud” I said again as I licked my fingers.


Part V

I sat there in my mess from the second cum blast that huge bull Bart had given me. I was licking at my fingers as they were covered in his cum. Hell my face, neck and upper body were still covered in the animals seed. And I was still horny for him. His cock had started to deflate now. I guessed that after to seedings, he was done.

But I was hard as a rock. And I still hadn’t worshipped his balls. Its what I wanted to do the most. So I undid my pants and yanked them down. Then stepped out of them and took some cum and covered my dick with it. I slowly stroked my hard on with the soft creamy goo. It felt incredible. I stroked my dick with his wonderful lube. The strong smell of cum was everywhere. It had my head in a buzz. Like a drug the stink was to me. I saw his huge balls as Bart started to walk off. I knew I had to have them. So I got up and came around behind him.

“Gimme them balls stud” I declared.

I grabbed for his monster nuts. Hefting up the giant sack with one hand. I dropped to my knees behind him and then shoved my face into his balls. They near completely covered my face from their immense size. I inhaled the scent of his ball. Bull cum and just farm smells. It was awesome. I licked at his giant balls like a greedy whore. Moaning into them as I licked at the leathery sack. I bent down more as I pulled up that sack from the bottom. I opened my hungry mouth wide and sucked chewed on the fleshy covering of that one enormous nut. It didn’t fit in my mouth which sucked. I wanted to swallow the huge thing if possible.

“Ohh God, this is soo fucking big” I cooed.

“I need this nut sack in my mouth”

I tried again to shove that huge ball into my face. Opening as wide as I possibly could. Then I pushed it in with my fingers. I was actually able to get part of it in my mouth as I did this. I gently chewed on what I could consume with lust. I was still pulling on my aching cock too. I was really close to busting a nut of my own.

“Lemme fuck these nuts” I then said.

I drooped his massive balls and went over and grabbed a stool from the corner of the room. I came back to Bart. I was glad he didn’t try to go anywhere. He must have liked my munching on his balls. For as I looked at him. I saw his cock was still out. But I wanted his nuts more at the moment. I propped the stool behind the bulls balls. I then sat down on it. My dick was sticking straight up into the air. I then grabbed for his balls and pulled them over my dick. My dick disappeared in the folds of his gargantuan nuts. But the sack felt soo good against my raging cock. I began to stroke my dick surrounded by his giants nuts.

“Yesss daddy” I cooed.

“LOve the feel of your boulders stud”

“My dick loves the feel of em”

I began to thrust my dick into the folds of his huge sack. Pumping myself between those balls to get off. The sensations of them against my dick and the fucking motions got me off quickly. I Moaned loudly as I fucked my dick to an orgasm against his huge nut sack

“Yeah Barrt. These balls” I cried.

“Your huge balls daddy”

I blasted several volleys of cum against his ball sack. Covering it with my cum.

“Ughhn. fuckk daddy. yesss” I cried as I blasted off.

Then he pulled away from me. His balls ripped from my hand. The cum, my cum hanging from them.

“Nooo” I shouted.

“Come back”

I lunged for them and grabbed at the boulders. I then shoved my face into them again. I started to lick and clean them of my cum. It tasted good. But no where as delicious as his sweet cum goo. I still wanted his balls, his cock. I seemed insatiable for him at the moment. I wanted nothing more than to worship his gigantic balls.

“I gotta have your balls stud” I then said to the bull.

But He was done with me. Bart snorted and then just walked off. My mouth hanging open in my lust for those low swinging boulders. I watched as he left me there. I sat on the ground of the barn licking at my fingers and at any remaining cum I had spurted. Then as I looked up again, he was gone. out the door and into the fields. I had to find another bull. Any bull.

So I headed out into the area around the farm. Hunting for bulls. I saw several out in the pastures. Just roaming around and feeding on grasses. I could tell from the horns I saw. So I walked out towards them. Moving cautiously when I got closer to them. Then I saw a huge brown bull. He raised up his head as he saw me. Then he made the motions of smelling at the air. That’s when he started to come towards me. He went at a leisurely pace, so I figured he wasn’t taking a threatening posture. But to be very careful I went and walked over by a large tree in the fields. I stood there next to the tree as the beast came up to me. e slowed his motions as he was within 20 feet of me.

“Hey there big fella” I said to him.

“Your a big boy aren’t you”

“Yeah a big boy”

I looked down at his lower half as he came closer. There below was the animals low hangers. Big balls of nut flesh. Not as big as Barts, but still huge by human standards. But then I looked at the beast closer as he came within a few feet of me. His dick was starting to come out of his sheath. It was thin as it was just starting to peek out. But it was soon expanding and swelling up.

He knew what I wanted. This animal knew. That’s when I realized why. It was Bubba. Bubba from when I was younger. He was larger and obviously older. I was glad he was still around.

“Hey there Bubba” I said to the animal.

I reached out and touched him. Caressing his sides and then near his shoulders. Bubba moved his head to me and I petted it.

“Yeah buddy” I said again.

“You remember me Bubba”

“Don’t you boy”

That’s when I moved back along his sides and then towards his back. I looked down and there they were, His giant balls again. Still huge like I remember. The big hunky sack looking as delicious as when I was younger. I reached down and grabbed at them, Cupping his monstrous boulders.

“Yeah big Bubba” I said with a sigh.

“Big fucking balls”

I continued to hold and caress at his massive nuts again. my fingers kneading at the fleshy sack. I licked my hungry lips. I wanted his balls again. It had been so damned long, and I was still so horny from Bart. Si I dropped to my butt, sitting on the ground. I then crawled under him. I grabbed at his big cock and pulled on it. But I wanted his balls. So Like a calf to a cows teat. I dove for his balls. My face was shoved right into them. I rubbed the huge sack against my mouth and nose. Inhaling the farm smells of the beast.

“Ohhh GOD yess Bubba” I moaned.

“Love this huge sack Bubba”

I was pulling at my pants and kicking them off as I was crawled under the animal. Still licking and munching on those boulders he had. My lust was making me frantic for him.

“Gimme these nuts my stud” I said to him.

I opened my mouth more to try and swallow at least one giant nut into it. My tongue licked at it, the leather flesh of it.

“These fuckers are mine stud” I then said.

“Gonna feel em in my ass”

“Yeah. In my ass”

I had at that very moment decided that, yes I would shove his nuts up into my ass. Getting fucked by cock was awesome. Especially bull cock. But the thought of pushing even just one of this animals balls up inside me had my dick near popping. So I pulled from his giant balls and then grabbed hold of the bulls fat cock. I opened my mouth and swallowed near half of it in my lust. the bull felt my face on his dick and pushed forward. down into my throat he went. I gagged on his huge member, but held on for as long as I could. I wanted to have it all in my face. Even though I knew I couldn’t.

“Awee fuckk that’s good cock” I gasped as I came off his cock.

“Now lets try something new my old friend”

I moved over to the fence post near us and pulled the beast with me. I got on all fours next to it. Then pulled his face to my ass.

“Lick me up stud” I said.

“Get my pussy wet with bull spit”

“Nice and wet for fucking”

And he did. Bubba shoved his nose to my ass. Then I felt his tongue drag over my ass hole. The rough organ felt incredible and he licked my hole. I moaned I delight as I felt the long thing move up my ass crack and rake against my hole. He did this for a bit before he wanted to mount me. The fucker wanted to fuck me already. I wanted that, but I also wanted to try his nuts in my hole.

I pushed him back and then crawled back behind him and started to spit and lick at the giant nuts again. I was shoving several fingers into my ass and fucking myself with them as I prepped my hole for the enormous things. I was in such heat for his balls. I shoved my face into the massive sack. Drooling copious amounts of spit onto them. They were soon drenched with my spit.

“Now for some nuts fucking” I said.

I turned around and pushed my ass to his huge balls. I grasped at them and started to rub the immense things along my ass. I wasn’t sure I would be able to get them inside. They were much larger than a dick. Not as long, but the hefty and girth of them was very intimidating. But I sure tried

I pulled his balls to my ass hole. Then pushed one at the entrance. It was wet with my drool, and so was my ass. so I had a bit of trouble because of slipperiness. But I then felt my hole give. My lust for these boulders had me soo loose now. But I felt as the huge nut pushed into me and completely filled up my ass.

“Ohhh God” I groaned.

“Ohhh God. Soo bigg”

It actually felt like a balloon was shoved into my ass hole. Just that one huge nut felt like this. I rubbed at his other one as I started to grind my ass on his balls. That one orb in me was moving up inside of me. I found my dick hardening fast and I started to buck forward. I would grab at my cock but my hands were busy cradling his hugs sack. That and keeping the one inside me.

“Ohh God, Ohh Jesus that’s incredible” I groaned.

It was like no other feeling in the world. Kind of like needing to expel my bowels, but not. I heard bubba grunt behind me. He was probably wondering what the fuck I was doing to his balls. All I know is I loved it. So much so that I had to try and shove the other one in. So I reached back for his other one. I brushed against my dick and it felt ready to pop. I wasn’t even touching it.

Then I pulled his other massive nut to my hole. And it was actually easier to push inside. My hole was spread wider than it had ever been at that moment. Then when his second ball popped into my guts, I lost it.

“Ohhh shiit. Ohh God. Bubba!” I screamed.

“My ass. Ohh God my ass.”

“Those balls.”

“Ohhh daddy stud those balls”

My hips began to buck madly as I fucked the air before me. The incredible sensation on his massive balls inside me. Both of those things. My body erupted into and orgasm like no other before it. I felt it as I rose up from my guts, from my own balls.

“Aweee fuckk, yeahh!” I cried.

“Yess my daddy bull”

“Ohh God yess Bubba”

I twitched and I bucked madly as my balls pulled up tightly to me. Then the first shot fired from my cock and flew several feet before me. I heard the soft ‘thwat’ as it hit the ground. I continued to buck as my ass gripped tighter on his huge sack. My movements only making the sensations inside me all the stronger. His huge nuts seemed to expanding inside me. It was like my guts would pop from all the pressure of his balls in me.

“Ohh God!” I yelled.

“Ohhh God!”

Several more heavy blasts fired from me. Again I heard as they hit the ground. it was probably 6 or so by the time I stopped bucking on his nut sack. But then Bubba seemed to pull away from me. He was trying to free his nuts from my ass. But my ass wouldn’t let go. so as he move away I was pulled along with him.

it was when I stumbled from his pulling me along that his balls popped out of me. it was so loud too. Like a ‘pop’ of a cork from a bottle. There was some pain as his huge nuts were yanked hard from my guts. I then fell to the ground in a heap. Bubba walking away from me.

I looked at his hanging sack. It was covered in my ass drool. I had apparently been secreting a lot of it as I fucked his balls.

But Bubba stopped a few feet off. I looked up with dreary eyes and saw Logan standing there next to the beast. The hot as Hell Logan was standing there now holding the beast.

“So this is what your into now” He said almost laughing.


Part VI

“Is this what you’re into now” Logan said.

There I was on the ground after a rousing nuts fucking by the big Bubba bull. A huge orgasm on my part. It was the most intense one I had ever had, and it was due to having both this beasts monstrous nuts shoved up inside my ass. More meat than any cock I had ever had. My guts felt ready to burst with so much inside my bowels.

But instead I busted a huge nut. and I lay there after the beast yanked his boulders from my ass. I was heavy breathing on the floor as I looked up to see Logan standing there. He was looking gorgeous as always. All he did was snicker at my situation.

“I knew you guys were into this shit with the animals” he said.

“But this takes it man”

“Never seen anything quite like that before”

I then reached back to my swollen ass lips. My hole was agape still. I think because of the hard pull, my ass was not ready to close up. so I was stuck like this for several minutes.

“Your ass must feel incredible after that” he said.

“Actually kinda numb right now” I finally said back.

“Those are huge after all”

Then Logan reached down and grabbed at the bulls balls. He weighed them in his hand.

“Yup. Huge” He agreed.

Then he proceeded to bounced them around. watching as my lust filled eyes looked at those huge orbs.

“So you like big balls than” He said

“No wonder you slobbered on mine so much back in the day”

Then he dropped the sack of the bull and proceeded to undo his jeans. Then he hauled out his dick and balls. Grabbing at his big nuts and shaking them at me.

“I know they are no where near as big” he said.

“But come here and eat em’ faggot”

They looked delectable, so of course I went over and to Logan’s balls. I quickly sucked one of his hefty balls. At least his I could get into my mouth. I swallowed up the one nut. Licking on it like it was the only one I would ever have again. He sighed as he let me slobber on his balls. I moved over to the other ball and sucked on it some as well. Logan was stroking on his cock already. Getting harder as I did my deed on his nut sack.

“Here faggot” He growled.

He pulled his balls from my mouth and shoved his semi hard dick into it.

“Take a man’s cock man” He huffed.

“All This bull sex is just fucked up”

“So just suck on a mans cock for a change”

He then just started to ram his dick into my face. driving most of it into my throat now. I gagged a bit as Logan was a bit rough on me. Then he grabbed my head and just started to plow my face fast. I loved having his cock in my mouth again. I figured I may never get it again. But here he was feeding it to me once more.

“Yeah bitch” He huffed.

“Good cock sucker”

“Always have been”

“Hmf, Hmf, Hmf”

He soon was slamming all his hard big cock into my face. Those heavy balls of his bouncing off my chin. The ‘thwat, thwat, thwat’ sound they made as they did so. I was slobbering greedily on his big cock. drooling copious saliva on it a he slammed my face over and over. I was gagging and gasping. But loving his face raping.

“Yeah fucker” he growled.

“Suck. Suck!”

I slobbered desperately on Logan’s big dick. wanting him to give me his seed. I was hungry for it. But rather than that. he pulled his cock from my wanton mouth. Just as I thought he was close to busting out. I felt the emptiness in my mouth as his big log left it. Then he pulled from me. Holding his big angry dick. He was smaller than the animals I have been taking. But no less imposing for a man. That big slab of cock he had was still huge by a humans standards. Thick and surrounded by fat pulsating veins.

“Turn around fucker” He commanded.

“Now I’m gonna plow your pussy”

“Just like old times”

I quickly turned and offered up my gaping ass hole. It was still swollen up from those huge bull nuts. He gasped as he looked at it.

“Damn man” He stated.

“Your hole is the biggest hole I have ever seen”

I looked back at the hot man behind me. I reached back and pulled at my ass cheek. Giving him the access he desired.

“Go in stud” I cooed back.

“Fuck me with that big cock”

“Sure am gonna” He commented back.

“And should be nice and easy after that bull”

He then climbed up behind me. Logan adjusted his cock to my ass hole. Rubbing the pre cum and spit covered cock on my ass. Then he shoved it into me. It felt good. His thickness allowed for feeling him enter. And I loved it. Have been dying for his dick again since I saw the stud again after all those years.

Logan grabbed my sides and just began to plow my ass hard. There was now slow fuck prep. Just a hard slamming so that he could feel my ass, my bowels on his cock. They had been so widened to beyond max by those bull nuts before. But Logan still liked the feels of my sloppy asshole. He fucked on it like a man possessed. Drilling me with hard fast jabs

“Fuck man. This feels soo good” he huffed.

“Love the gooeyness of yer ass lips.

“That bull did wonders for you butt hole man”

“Makes it so puffed and swollen for a good fuck”

He accelerated his attack on my guts. Slamming into my body with his big wonderful cock. I reached down and grabbed at his big balls. Pulling them to my ass. I pondered trying to get them in as well. I probably could too. But I just pulled on his fat balls as he fucked me silly.

Soon Logan was panting as he neared his wonderful orgasm.

“Awee shiit man” He crowed.

“Gonna breed ya fucker”

His sighed as he threw his cock in deep again. Grinding it inside my guts.

“You want my cum in there right?” He shouted.

“Yeah stud” I yelled back.

“Breed my pussy hole”

“Gimme the contents of these big fuckers”

I tugged on his nuts to coax his orgasm. Logan then howled as it was time. His dick was driven deep into my ass. His balls pulled from my grip and bashed against my ass hole.

“Yeah fucker. Here it comes” He yelled.

“Here come my juice. Ughnn!”

He started to pump my ass full of his cum. But it quickly gushed out from my swollen ass lips. The sounds of cum pouring in a gush seemed to echo in the barn.

“Awee shitt fucker. Take it man”

“Take my fucking cum” he yelled.

“Ughn. fuck, fuck.”

His cum quickly escaped my used up ass. Trickling all over his cock, balls and down my thighs. Then Logan pulled out from my ass. But then he dropped behind me and shoved his face to my spilling hole. He sucked on the cum he just gave me. Eating up his own seed. The sounds of his slobbering went on for near a minute as he sucked up all the escaping cum from me. Then he actually licked up and down my thighs to clean if off them.

Then he stood and came around to my face. Offering me his dick.

“Go on man.” He ordered.

“Lick my dick and balls clean”

I did as he requested and sucked and licked the cum from his beautiful dick. Then he hauled up his jeans again and slapped my ass.

“You are such a whore” he said.

Then he left me there in the barn. I just sighed in delight as I I tasted his sweet cream on my palette.


Part VII

I had gone back to the house after the fun in the barn. First with Bubba and then with Logan. I went to sleep thinking about balls. Lots of balls. men, Bulls. Hell any balls would do. I was that horny for them. I wanted to get a nice ball fucking again. To feel a big sack shoved into my hole. to get fucked by them as I rocked back and forth. Like I had done with Bubba.

“Hmmm” I sighed at the thought.

I was planning on doing so the next morning. Just going out to the breeding barn. Bringing in a bull or two to fuck me. Cock and balls and all. I was so horny that morning. If Logan came into the house I would have jumped him right there. But I had heard him leave early. He left a note saying he was waiting on a delivery of some supplies.

“If your just gonna hang around the farm” he said in a note.

“Waiting on some supplies to be delivered”

“Can you wait fro them please”

I looked at the note and hoped the delivery would come early, As I wanted to get to some fun. My dick was already hard as I sat there eating breakfast. I was in my boxers so my cock was just flopping around in them. That didn’t help as it only swayed my hard on. I had to keep reaching down and adjusting myself.

It was about 10 when I saw a large truck pulling up the road. It was packed with equipment in back. I wondered what the Hell He had ordered. But really didn’t care much as he was the one who really took care of the place. Not me. I saw as a big beefy bearded man stepped out of the truck. He was a bit heavy set. Not fat, just stocky. But he was a big guy. Maybe 6’2″ or so. Older looking and with a cowboy hat on. When he came out of the truck. He headed for the door. That’s when I saw his huge crotch.

He was wearing jeans. Like everyone else in these parts. But the dude had a massive ball in the jeans where his crotch was. My mouth flew agape as I stared at the large mound he had. It was awesome to look at. But as I stood there on the porch gawking at the guy, He saw me looking at him with my mouth hanging open. Then he smiled funny

“Howdy son” he said as he came up to the porch.

“Are you the nephew that took over this place?”

“Yeah” I said.

I was about to give him my name when he cut me off.

“You are just like him, aren’t you” He said.

“Huh?” I questioned.

“Just like yer uncle”

I thought it odd that he said I looked like my uncle. When I know I didn’t. but then he finished his comments.

“Yer uncle was queer too” he said.

“Everytime I come up here “

“Stared at my junk. Just like you did”

“All ya’ll love my junk”

Then he reached down and hefted up his huge package at me. I was in sheer awe at the sight of this guys crotch. I gulped down a swallow of spit. And he was right, I couldn’t stop staring at it.

“That other feller Logan never did” he added.

“But I figure he ain’t queer like you all”

I looked up at the older mans face. He was glaring at me like he was gonna give me something other than a signature pad. Then I pondered his statement about Logan. I almost laughed. I wanted to blurt out and say to the guy that he wasn’t Logan’s type. I wanted to tell him the stud liked young boys. But didn’t

“Here let me sign for those things” I then said.

He came up and handed me a pen. But rather than just give me the pen. he grabbed my hand and pulled it to his crotch. He forced my hand to his huge bulge. Instinct and his help made me grope at the massive ball of his junk. My eyes shot open in shock and instant desire for what I was now holding.

“Holy fuck” I blurted out.

“What the Hell you got in there”

“Invite me in and you’ll see boy” He stated.

I looked around to the emptiness around. Knowing no one would be coming here any time soon. Logan would be gone for hours.

“Fuck that” I declared.

I just dropped to my knees right there on the porch. I took little haste in shoved my face into his bull crotch. My head was gonna pop from what I was feeling. I rubbed my face all over that massive lump. Kissing and munching on what I could. My mouth opening up to try and grasp some of what he had in there. But it was just a huge mass of cock and balls it was. I had to free his dick. I knew this dude had to be bull hung. Had to have a huge cock and more than likely equally massive nuts.

I reached for the zipper and pulled down. Then undid the button at the top. I then pulled down the jeans over his equipment. I was desperate to free what I knew would be a sizable cock. Then as I pulled down his jeans I saw the boxers below them. They were supposed to be snug, but were tightly gripping onto his gigantic equipment. his waistband was actually pulled down into his crotch bush for the weight of what was dragging it down. I finished getting his jeans down past his knees. His thick thigh pulling at the legs of the shorts. and so was the monster that was his cock and balls. That mound of junk looked even more massive now. The fly opening was stretched out and agape to show the dark brown bush of his crotch as well as part of his thick log of a dick.

What was now outlined in those struggling boxers was all his junk. The huge tube that stretched down to the leg of the boxers. and the equally massive balls causing a huge balloon of meat just below the shaft. All this monstrous equipment pulling down on the shorts. Threatening to tear at the material.

“Ohh my God” I shouted out.



“Oh my God” I shouted as I stared at the delivery mans bull crotch.

I had just pulled down his confining jeans. There were struggling to contain this bulls cock and balls as is. But now I was staring at his boxer shorts. I swear that the seams would pop at any second and all his stuff would fall out and hit me like a bowling ball. The sheer mass of what this man had was astonishing to behold.

“How fucking big…” I started to say as I gazed at all his stuffed junk.

“Big” was his only answer.

I gulped down a hard swallow of spit. I was practically drool at the mouth from what I was looking at. I cupped at the huge ball of meat in the struggling shorts. Weighing it in my horny hands. Yes hands as there was soo much. I licked my lips as I continued to stare at the huge lump. Then I pondered what he said about my uncle. I had no Idea my uncle had been into animals until I had found out the bull stories. And now this. He was doing guys like this too.

“Go on boy” he said.

“Get on my dick like your pa did”

“Yes sir” I blurted.

Then I leaned in and shoved my face into that huge lump. The man smelled of sweat and his nuts. It was strong and intoxicating to say the least. But it had me horny as all get out. I ground my face into his massive lump of cock and nuts. Then started to kiss at it, Then nibble at it.

“Fuckk man” I cooed.

“Feels soo big”

“Take it out boy” He then said.

“Take out my dick and suck me off like yer old man”

I then grabbed at his shorts and pulled down. My eyes widened to practically popping out as I looked at his equipment. His dick was this fat almost sausage looking slab. It had a covering on heavy foreskin over it. His balls were seriously almost as big as a bulls. Hanging down maybe 7 inches from his crotch. And they looked ever so bloated.

I licked at my hungry lips as I stared at the sight before me. I couldn’t believe there was a man with nuts this big. But here he was standing right in front of me. I then swallowed a gulp of spit that had collected in my mouth. Then reached for his huge bull sack. My god it felt as heavy as the bulls own balls.

“Yeah boy” He said.

“Weigh them fuckers”

“Big as bull nuts boy”

“So go on and eat em up”

“Yer gonna love em”

“Just like yer old man”

I wanted to tell him to stop saying that. But decided not to. I didn’t want him to take away his balls. So I just let him say what ever he wanted to me. I shoved my face into his huge ball sack. It seriously was near a bulls size. Again, I never knew a man could have such massive nuts. I licked at them, sucked on one. Barely getting the thing in my wide opened mouth. I licked at the wrinkled and hard skin. He sighed softly above me as I sucked on his fat nuts. I moved over to the other ball next. Lavishing it with drool.

“Fuck man. Huge balls” I stated.

“Bet they are so full of cum”

“Suck my cock and find out boy” He then said.

I reluctantly pulled from his magnificent balls. Then I grasped his fat bull dick. I opened my mouth and sucked on the head. I shoved my tongue into his foreskin. Tasting the salted contents of his covered dick. It was rich and almost pungent. But I was nonetheless so hungry for it. I opened my mouth wide to accommodate his weird schlong. It was hard but felt almost spongy because of its size.

I sucked on maybe 4 inches of his dick. It was all I could really get into my face. But it was enough. He swayed to and fro as I sucked on his fat cock. My hands grabbed at his bull nuts again. I rolled them in my palm. the things were so damned big, one hand wasn’t enough. But I was doing a good job, as his moans dictated.

“Yeah boy” He said.

“Yer even better than yer old man it this”

“Suck ole’ Jim’s dick”


I felt his hand on my head as he started to push his cock at my face more. I continued to suck on his dick as best as I could. But I wanted back on those balls. So I released Jim’s cock from my mouth. The lingering taste of his gooey cockhead stayed on my palette. I could see the head of his dick was not partially out of its covering.

I went back to those fat balls again. Diving for them like a moth flying into a flame. I shoved my nose and inhaled them first. Smelling his balls and my drool on them. I loved them. I wanted them in every orifice I had. But first back into my mouth.

“Biggest balls. Fuck daddy” I cooed.

Then I opened my mouth wide again, and took one of those massive boulders in once again. It was literally heaven to suck on this mans balls. I munched on the huge orb like a greedy whore in need of cock. But it was all about his huge sack. I grabbed the bull nuts he had and again rubbed my face into the huge sack.

“Fuck. Awesome nuts man” I groaned.

“Wanna have these”

“So you want a nut fucking then?” He asked.

I knew what he meant, but had no Idea he knew it. I looked at him strangely.

“Awe everybody wants my nuts inside them boy” He said.

“Do it all the time”

“Yer old man had them up his butt more than my dick”

I nodded as I wanted it. He swung his fat cock at me as he pulled from me.

“Lets get inside so I can fuck yer hole boy” He said.

I lead the man inside and straight to the bedroom. I was pulling of my clothes as fast as I could get myself naked. Jim dropped his jeans and boxers and then pulled off his shirt. He stood there naked for the first time. He had graying chest hairs on him. He was heavyset with a big gut. Bigger than he appeared clothed. But below that gut was those nuts and dick. He regarded my slim naked form.

“”Look way better than yer old man” he stated.

“Much nicer t look at”

“Now climb up on the bed so I can eat hole boy”

He slapped my ass cheek as I turned towards the bed. I climbed up on it and he crouched behind me. I felt the guys big hands on my ass. Holding my butt cheeks. Spreading them, he came in behind me and shoved his bearded face to my ass. I felt his grizzly facial hair rake across my hole. Then Jim spared no time and shoved him hot tongue into me.

“Ughnn” I grunted.

“Fuckk. yeahh daddy”

His awesome tongue felt just that, Awesome. The guy knew how to prep a hole. He slobbered on my ass hole and fucked me with his tongue. Then he shoved wet spit covered finger into me. Then he pulled it out and sucked on his digit.

“Hmmm. good boy pussy” He said.

Then he shoved two fat fingers into me. again I grunted as then big bull of a man took me. He thrust a dozen times into my ass hole. giving me a hardy fuck with his fingers. He pulled at my ass cheeks to spread them more and more as he shoved his face back at my hole. Returning his tongue to it.

Jim spit on my hole and sucked at it. The hungry sounds he made assured me he was really enjoying my ass.

“Fuck this is some great pussy” he said as he finally came off my ass.

“Turn around again boy”

“Suck my cock some more”

“Gonna rape you with it”

I fear his cock as I looked back at it. the wrist thick club he held was very wide. It would split me in two. But I wanted Jim’s balls. So I had to take the dick first.

I Crawled off the bed and to my knees again to start sucking his schlong again. My mouth opened very wide to suck on what I could. He shoved more than half his fat dick into my face. I didn’t gag as it didn’t reach my throat. But my mouths edges ached very fast as I licked at the head of his club.

“Eat it boy” He ordered.

“Eat ole Jim’s dick some more”

“Need it hard enough to shove up yer hole”


Part IX

“Why don’t you come on over and suck my balls while I fuck this little bull whore”

“Yess sir!” Logan blurted.

I was surprised as Logan was only into twinks. But then again seeing those massive nuts could change anyone’s views on who they would want sexually. Logan was ripping his clothes off as he came at us. Jim bent on over me. More like a dog on his bitch. Then Logan dove for those balls. Jim groaned as Logan’s mouth went for his massive bull sack.

“Awee shiit. Yeah boy” Jim crowed.

“Eat my balls Logan. Eat em up buddy”


Jim began to pound harder on my ass now. His fat bull cock was soon expanding to unreal size in me. Logan slobbered on the fat balls as the man fucked my guts. Then I heard The bull human grunt and growl. It was almost a guttural sounding. Then he made a strange almost deep whimper as exploded in me


“Fuckk . Gonna. Arrrgh fuckk” He yelled.

Logan just hummed on the huge balls as they erupted. Then the bull on my back started deep animal like grunts and huffs as he came. That’s when I felt the hot boiling cum pour into my body. It wasn’t even like a usual explosion of shot after shot. It was more like a faucet opened up and a river of cum emptied out into me.

And yes there was a lot. I felt as it seemed to rush up into my colon. My belly seemed to bloat as he pumped and pumped cum into my body. Then I heard Logan gasp as I knew what he was probably seeing. All that cum had nowhere to go, so I was sure it started to gush from my ass. I then felt it trickle down my thigh. Tickling as it went down. Then he spoke to confirm this was so

“Damn man. Look at all that fucking cum” He shouted.

“Hmmmff. Fuckk. Eat it” The bull behind me grunted.

THen I felt at Logan’s tongue was at my hole. He was licking as slurping up as much cum from the spilling ass he could. Jim had then stopped pumping his seed into me. He just hovered there behind me panting as he recovered from his bull bust. Then as Logan continued to feast on his cum, he pulled from me. His huge dick came out with a loud wet ‘Pop’.

“Shit that is the biggest cock I have ever seen” Logan then said.

“Clean it off man” The bull demanded.

“Lick off the mess of his ass from my dick”

He grabbed Logan as there was a pause. But once his head was at the huge dick, Logan sucked and licked it clean. I just fell forward on the bed as my ass was sore from his bull fucking.

“Gotta get back to werk” Jim then said.

“See you fuckers later”

He winked at Logan. Then he stuffed his fat balls and dick into his pants. Zipped up and left us there. Logan looked back down at me and my ruined ass. It was swollen from this bull mans fat dick. But it was also constantly drooling cum out.

“Shit man” Logan stated.

“He fucked up your ass buddy”

“Its all messed up and drooling his cum”

I sighed as I lay there. beaten from the royal fucking by Jim and his wide bull cock.

“Eat” I said softly.

And its what Logan did. He looked at my drooling ass. Licked his lips and then came down as ate me out. sucking up all the cum he could from my leaking hole. The last I heard was the slobbering sounds coming from his mouth. And I chirped as the sensitive hole was raked over by his tongue.

“Hmmm. Fuckk” I moaned.


Part X

I had slept the rest of the day. The hard plowing I had taken from Jim had left me tired and my ass swollen and sore. It was like getting fucked by a real bull. Only since it was a man, the slamming had lasted longer. More chance to pull at my hole, to wreck it as he had literally done. So I was really not up for much sex at the moment. The thought made my ass throb uncomfortably.

“Fuck man” I groaned as I crawled out of bed.

‘Hmmm fuckk. hurts”

I looked to see Logan had also left me there. He probably went back to work. I got up and went to shower off. I felt sweaty and grimy from all the butt plowing. All the sweat from sex. I walked into the shower and turned it on. It felt good on my body. Then I rubbed at my butt only to get the dull pulse of pain again. It was still very sensitive back there.

“Fuck man” I said.

“Dude did wreck my ass hole”

“Still swollen from his ass rape”

“Damn beast”

But I found myself liking the comment. Liking that there was a man to compete with the bulls. Shame he was only here when There were big orders to deliver. I figured a few more ass poundings from him and I would have the biggest asshole in the Midwest.

“Hmm. Yeah” I said.

“Need to order more supplies then.

It was actually only 2 days later that I saw his truck parked out front. I woke up late that day as I had stayed up the previous night watching some television really late. I don’t know, I had insomnia or something I figured. but I got up and opened the window to let some air into my bedroom. I then looked out to see Jims truck parked outside.

“I don’t remember another order going through” I said to myself.

But then found myself getting excited at the thought of that bull of a man back here. Maybe I could get at those nuts once more. And maybe get another hardy fucking. I ran downstairs to see if he was at the door. I opened it and there was no one there. So I called out to him.

“Jim” I yelled.

“Where are you Jim?”

No answer. Then I thought maybe he was in the barn with Logan. So I stepped outside and headed over to the barn. I was in my boxers and a t-shirt and not much else. But since I was out here away from neighbors, I figured no one would see me like this, save for Jim and Logan. And I found that hot. Maybe I would get a double team. I headed to the nearest barn to where I figured they might be. But when I opened it, I saw no one there either.

“Logan, Jim?” I called out.

“Where the fuck are these guys”

Maybe he wasn’t here at all. Maybe someone else. I looked over to see Logan’s truck in front of his place. I decided to go over there to see if he knew why the truck was outside. But when I came up on the small house I heard shouts from inside. I stopped as I listened to them. They weren’t shouts at all as I closed the gap. They were moans.

“Holy shit!” I said to myself.

“Is Logan and Jim doin it?”

I had to know. so I crept over to the window as I had done before. Then looked inside. There was Logan on all fours on the floor. The big daddy Jim behind him and he was getting fucked by the bull. I was in shock as I always assumed Logan a top. But then I saw those massive bull nuts on the older Jim swaying below as he plowed into Logan. Then surmised that once you have a man with such equipment, you instantly become a bottom.

Logan was crying and shrieking as that huge cock was tearing into him. it was obvious that he was a virgin to ass fucking. at least his getting it. His cries had sobs in them. He was really getting torn up by the big man on his butt.

“Fuck boy” Jim crowed.

“Have been dying to get into this pussy for years Logan”

“Open that hole up fucker”

“Soo fucking tight”

“Ughnn shiit!”

I imagined the image of Logan’s man hole getting pulled apart by Jim’s massive dick. It got me excited very fast. I had to get in on this. So I came around and opened the door. I pushed the door opened to see the two there. Jim was shoving as much of his mammoth cock into Logan as he could. Logan’s face was all a grimace of pain.

“Fucking huge cock. Awee fuckk. My ass” He cried out.

Then Jim turned to see me standing there. I already had dropped my pants and stood there stroking my raging boner.

“Come on in boy” He huffed.

“Come lick my balls so I can breed this fucker”

I dropped to the floor behind the bull of a man. I looked to see his massive nuts as they bounced off Logan’s large (but no where near as big) balls. I crawled under them and actually shoved my face into the fray. bouncing balls covered my mouth, nose and eyes. Logan’s, and Jims large boulders. I licked at Logan’s nuts, Then chewed on Jim’s giant sack.

I was in heaven as I lick and slobbered over the two men’s large orbs. Trying to shove both of Logan’s balls into my mouth. Feeling as a chipmunk as my cheeks puffed out from barely getting them both in there. Then releasing his with a groan from Logan and moving over to Jim’s enormous ones. getting but one huge nut into my face.

‘Yeahh Boy. That’s it” He crowed.

“Suck daddy’s fat balls while I slam yer buddy”

I licked and munched on his hug nuts as he continued to fuck Logan’s ass. Delighting in the way they felt against my lips. I hummed on them and pulled on them with my mouth. I could hear as Jim began to grunt harder. Pumping harder against the ass he was taking so roughly.

“Fuckk it boy” he growled.

“Eat my fat nuts boy. Uhgnn”

“Gonna seed up this pussy good”

“Awee fuckk”

Then his body tensed up. I knew what was coming. Logan would receive a wonderful bull breeding from this big man. Jim started to then dump his cum into Logan. Logan cried out in a high pitched whimper as he hung there attached to the fat dick in his ass.

Jim bellowed as he busted his nut into Logan. Driving down that fat dick into the mans guts over and over.

“Fuck yeah mam” He shouted.

“Dumping my baby juice in you buddy”

“Arrggh. fuckk yeah!”

Then I pulled from those boulders as I noticed the white start to dribble from Logan’s wrecked ass hole. Then a ‘shlop, shlop, shlop’ sound as the cum splattered against his ass and Jims balls. droplets of it flew from between the two men and to the floor below. I went back to licking at the nuts. tasting again the mans juicy elixir.

He continued to grunt for a good 25 seconds before finishing his huge dump into Logan. Then Jim pulled off the guys ass. His massive balls swinging about and he crawled up off Logan. He then turned to face me. His dick slowly shrinking from his orgasm. But still a large bulging shaped slab.

“Here boy. Lick me clean” He ordered.

I looked at the cum covered cock. It was dripping some from the tip. Strings began to hang from the shaft. I moved over to him and swallowed up his fat shank. Licking and sucking it clean. Taking all his creamy goo off his cock. Then I pulled up his monster nuts and licked them clean too.

“Hmmm. Such a good boy” He sighed.

Jim then stood up and grabbed for his pants. I watched his huge balls continue to sway as he lifted a one leg then the other to pull up his pants. It was a glorious sight. Then I heard a groan to my right. It was Logan. His butt was still up in the air as his face was pressed to the floor. There was a copious amount of Jim’s bull cum drooling out of his swollen ass hole. I looked at it and then back at Jim. He saw I wanted it, so told me to go for it.

“Go on boy. I know you want that pussy” He said.

“Dripping out my bull cum”

“Go for it”

I then shoved my face to Logan’s ass. Lapping up the delicious cum pouring from his ruined hole. Then licking up and down his thighs to clean him up as well. He sighed under me as I did. Then I looked up as I was finishing licking up all that drooling cum. Then I saw Jim had turned and left. He was closing the door as he walked out.

Then I heard Logan sigh deeply again and just collapse to the floor in a heap. His ass looked so beautiful there as he lay face down. I wanted to go back and suck on his tender hole again. But he called back at me to leave.

“Need sleep” He said.


So I left him there and went back towards the house.


Part XI

I stepped out of Logan’s place and headed back to the main house. Seeing The hot hunk Logan get slammed by that bull hung delivery guy Jim was one of the hottest things I had ever seen. And it left me a bit horny. I was almost back at the house when I saw Logan’s horse. He was not in the stable. He somehow got out.

I turned and headed towards the beast. I had to get him back to the stable before he somehow got lost. I called to him to get his attention. Then when I reached him me snorted at me. I patted the large beast on his neck and grabbed him to lead him back to the stable. He was a magnificent thing though. Strong flanks and shoulders.

“Lets get you home buddy” I said to him

Then I looked to see we were going to pass the breeding barn. I remembered how much fun I had had in that place. Then I pondered this big beautiful horse. How big his dick was. From images I had seen in the past. Horses were hugely hung. Hence the phrase ‘Hung like a horse’. So I led the beast into the barn. I saw that wonderful contraption that the bulls had to fuck when the breeding time was around. Although it appeared it hadn’t been used in ages.

So I decided to wipe it down for the fun I was planning on having. I cleaned the machine as the horse just stood by, I could only wonder what he was thinking of me as I did this ritual. Then I adjusted the height as he was taller than the bulls that came through there.

“Now lets get to some fun big guy” I said to the horse.

“Gonna see how big you get”

“And how well you can breed”

I then pulled off my clothes as I planned on letting this beast fuck me through the machine. I then pulled him close to it. That’s when I dropped to his side. I looked down at the sheath area, where his dick would come out of. The bulge of flesh that was his dick opening looked intimidating. I reached under him and began to stroke at it. Hoping that I could get the beast aroused enough for his dick to come out. Then I would surely go down on it. I did this for some time to no avail. And was getting disappointed that I would have no fun with him.

“Come on boy” I said to the horse.

“Show me yer cock”

Then I paused and looked between his rear thighs. There I saw his nuts. They were pretty big. Not big bulls nuts mind you. But certainly bigger than a normal mans balls. I reached under for then and held them in my hand. Then gently squeezed at the animals balls. This is when he shifted as he stood there. And this was the catalyst for his cock to start to respond.

I rubbed at his balls a bit more as I saw the head of his dick start to pop through the sheath. I smiled as I saw it. Seeing that his balls were his trigger. I crawled under him and shoved my face to them. My tongue licked at the animals balls some. They were leathery in texture as I raked my tongue over them. My hand was at his sheath and I could feel his dick as it started to drop.

“Now that’s more like it stud” I said as I pulled back to see it.

“Looks pretty big already”

“Lets see how much bigger you can get boy”

Then I grabbed at the 5 inches of dark horse dick that was out. I then shoved my mouth to his cock and swallowed up those 5 inches. The strangely shaped head filled up my mouth as I began to lick and suck on his meat. Again it had a leathery texture to it. But tasted pretty damned good.

“Hmmm” I sighed as I licked at the horse cock.

Then the horse made a huffing sound and moved. This move thrust forward his dick which had instantly expanded and grew in my face. Then he plunged what felt like more than 8 inches into my face and throat.

“Hwwarff” I gagged as the animals dick was shoved into my unexpecting face.

The horse had thrown a hard hump at me as he seemed to like my mouth on his cock. I felt as the big flared head was crammed into my throat entrance just as his huge dick bloated up and expanded in girth. I hacked and gagged as I felt it get almost lodged in my throat. I had to push off the horses body to release the animal’s cock. I fell back and onto my ass as I gasped for air. That’s when I saw his dick for the first time.

“Holy Shit. Look at that” I said gasping.

There before me was a dick that was easily bigger than a bulls cock. And before this horse would be done, it would grow to a huge 22 inches in length, and near as thick as my arm. It was a long black snake of cock. at the moment it was well past 15 inches, but again it would still grow even more.

I just stared at it. consumed with an utter awe at the gargantuan size of this animals dick. I swallowed hard as I gazed at the weapon on him. I grabbed for the dark leather tube again. I pulled back at the flesh. There were large thick veins all along the flanks of his shaft. And I could see them pulse with the blood rushing to his dick. I loved how it throbbing in my greedy hand too.

“Holy fuck” I shouted.

“This is the biggest fucking dick I have ever seen”

“And its so fucking beautiful too”

I knew I had to suck it again. To taste this animals giant dick once more. So I opened my mouth again and went down several huge inches once more. It was so big and thick too. The flared head pushed into my throat after just a few swipes down its length. I was gagging on and off again as I moved down and over his huge cock. My hands stroking the remaining half of his schlong.

“Awee fuclkk” I slobbered as I came off his cock.

“Sooo fucking awesome”

I then just jerked on the beasts giant cock. Pulling on it and moving up and down a good portion of the shaft. Using both hands to service the animal. I continued to suck on the giant dick for all I was worth. Giving that horse the best blow job he would ever receive.

I then stood up and rubbed my own hard dick against his. my cock head on his bigger one. I looked at the difference in size between myself and the horse. Talk about intimidating. My dick seemed almost minuscule next to this gigantic dick. I knew I had to have more. So I looked over at the breeding machine behind us. I figured I could get fucked by this big stud of a horse through that. There would be no fear of his way to big cock doing any damage to my ass being pushed through the leather sheath first. It would cut more than a large amount of his dick from entering me.

“Come over here big boy” I said to the beast.

“Lets get you a pussy to fuck”

“You want to breed pussy, Right?”

“I got a great one for you”

There I was talking to him like he would understand. Pulling his dick to the machine. I first spit on my hand and swabbed my ass full of it. Slopping it up with plenty of the natural lube. Then I bent down and went back down on his huge cock again. Swallowing a good 8 or so inches again. Stroking his cock to keep it ready for the prime fuck he would give me. Then I stood up and pulled his dick to the opening of the machine. I rubbed the head of his cock to the sheath hole. The horse then got the idea. That’s when he jumped up and mounted it.

I quickly moved over to opposite end and climbed up on a stack I had placed on the other side of it. I lined up my ass to the hole on the other end.

“Give it to me stud” I said.

Then the beast lunged forward. He hit his mark at the opposite end of the machines tube. Then he thrust into it. Slamming his gargantuan cock through the hole. It took but seconds for him to get it to punch through the other end. It hit my ass and plowed into me. My eyes widened in pain as I felt the huge cock head shatter through my sphincter and his dick rushed into my bowels.

“Ohh My God!” I cried out.

“Soo fucking biggg!”

“Aweef fuck!”

The horse had trust so hard onto the machine to get into me. And the tight hold it had on his dick made it desperate to fuck me. He thrust so hard he broke the machine. The End on his side collapse inward towards me. Then the thing pushed hard against my backside. I was then slammed to the hay stack, hard. Stuck there lodged between it and the machine. And as the beast broke it his enormous dick slammed into me, into my body.

I really don’t know how many inches he gave me, or whether it was everything. for I could not see the damage to the machine. All I knew was that I couldn’t move in my m position. And the horse had me, had my ass all to his breeding fuck.

I tried to scream, but found I could not. I couldn’t even breath. All I could feel was this animals python of a dick rushing up inside me. Deeper than anything has ever gone. Had he crashed into my colon, my stomach. Had he ruptured my insides. It sure felt like he was up in my stomach.

“Ohh God” My head groaned.

“He was going to kill me with his cock”

The huge beast then grunted and slammed into me a good 7 or 8 more body crushing thrusts,. before I heard his snorts and whinny in climax. Then there was the flood of his seed. And it sure felt like a flood. I knew this was gushing up deep into my body. Like someone turned a hose on in my ass. I felt as my belly filled up and became bloated from his torrent of cum.

‘Ohh God. He is cumming. Ohh God. He is cumming” I was finally able to huff from my lips.

Then I lost consciousness. I figured I was dead. All I felt was a cold rush of air go into my ass. Then blackness.


Part XII

I opened my eyes drearily. I was weak and beaten. And my ass was both sore and numb at the same time. I looked up at the inside of the barn I was in. I figured I was dead. That the horse that had just raped my ass, had laid waste to my ass, to my guts and body. I figured I was probably bleeding internally. But was surprise I was awake at all.

I looked back and saw no horse. I knew from that hard cold that had entered my body that the beast had pulled out of me. But what was left of my ass. I don’t know. I reached back and touched at what was now a gaping and drooling ass hole. But I pulled back as the swollen lips were tender from the slaughter he had given my hole.

“Awee fuckk” I groaned finally.

I brought my hand forward to look at it. I figured there would be blood pouring from my ass. But all I had on my fingers was cum. and I could feel as it continued to leave my wrecked and destroyed hole.

“Awee fuck” I groaned again.

“Lemme get up if I can”

I started to move to get up from where I lay. But found it hard to do. There was the soreness of my ravaged body and I was still lodged between the hay and the machine. So I pressed my hands to the hay as I was gonna pull myself up, then off the machine.

Buts that’s when I heard a deep grunt and snort behind me. My eyes widened in fear. Had the horse come back. Was he planning on finishing me off. I wanted to get up and climb off fast, but the fear seemed to lock my joints. and then I felt a heavy weight as it climbed up on the machine. I looked back and it was the bull Bubba. He had found me there stuck to the machine he knew was for sex.

“Nooo Bubba. Noo!” I shouted.

But it was too late. Bubba climbed up on the thing, Knowing he would get to breed pussy. And that’s when he thrust into it. He was apparently already hard from either the scent of sex in the room, or just the know how that he would get sex. He slammed into my ruined ass hole. His big bull dick was thrust in near all the way. the machine had near collapsed as the horse had damaged it so in his brutal raping of my ass.

“Ohh God. Bubba” I groaned.

I could barely get the words out as the beast just continued to slaughter my completely ruined ass and guts. His cock slicing in and out with ease as my ass was widened and just a swollen mess from before. The tons of horse cum an easy and slick lubricant for the bull as he took me. His huge dick battered my hole for a dozen or more thrusts before he too exploded into me.

As he lunged on me to breed, the machine seemed to break some more. There was the loudest sounds of cum splattering in and out of my ass hole. The bull unloading another bucket load of cum onto me. I could hear splashes of excess cum hitting the machine and ground below. There was just so much cum. My ass couldn’t hold any more. So it exited my ass as a geyser. Like a faucet left half opened.

“Awee fuckk” I groaned as I felt the beast climb off me and the machine.

His dick coming out as a gush of cum spit out from my ass. Then I looked back as he moved away from me and towards the door. I looked down below to see the streams of cum as the fell from my body and down below. I groaned as I stayed there unmoving. My body was racked from exhaustion of the double rape I had just had. I breathed in in deep sigh as I felt I was finally done from this ordeal.

“Awee man.” I said again.

“My legs hurt. but I can barely feel my ass”

“Just a throb back there”

Then I heard as Bubba left the barn. There was a snort, a huff then another snort. But as I figured the beast was leaving me there I felt a puff of hot breath at my back thigh. I gasped in fear as I knew there was someone back there. And to my horror it was yet another big bull. I looked back in my weakened state to see the other big bull I had seen when I had come back to the farm. He was another dark colored beast. But he was younger than Bubba.

“Nooo” I cried.


I felt as he sniffed at my ass. Then the beasts tongue came out and liked at my swollen hole. His big tongue was actually able to get into my ass as he lapped up some animal cum. He did this for a few moments before he too decided to jump up on the machine and mount me. Just as his bigger brother Bubba had done.

“Nooo” I huffed out again with tears in my eyes.


But I could do nothing. He climbed up and then he too slammed his huge bull cock into me. The machine giving way eve more. The tube between me and the cock plowing into me shrunk several more inches as the animal crushed my guts with his big dick. He slammed into my ass a series of hard drilling thrusts before he too exploded in me. All I heard below was all the overflow as it splashed to the ground. My ass could hold nothing in it as each geyser of animal cum mixed and spit out some of the previous from me.

“Awee fuckkk mee!” I cried.

“Stopp. Please stop”!


But I was calling to no one who would answer. And these animals once saw a pussy to breed. And the smell of all that animal cum seemed to draw them to me. For as This one left my ass. Climbing up off of me. He walked around to the front of me as I stay trapped in the machine. He passed before me and I could see his dick and huge balls ah walked by. Like he had to just parade The cock that had just taken me. I reached for him. Trying to pull myself from the contraption.

“Come here boy” I called to him.

“Come here so I can get free”

He then did turn towards me. Like he was observing me somehow. I reached for him and was able to grab hold of a horn.

“Yesss!” I shouted as I grabbed it.

But then I heard another snort. Another snort from behind. It was a deep heavy snort at that. I looked back in horror. It was Bart. That huge black bull from before. I was frantic to pull myself from the machine. Yelling at Bart to leave me alone.

“Noo. Noo Bart. Get away!” I yelled.

BUt the smell of bull cum and sex was too much for the huge beast to feign from. He jumped up on the machine. That’s when I was scrambling to get off and away from another raping. And I was getting loose too. I could feel the thing give so I could get out.

But That’s when Bart thrust. All my actions froze as the beast with the enormous bull dick slammed most of his cock into my body. I gasped as all the air left me. Then I lost my grip on The other bulls horns. And Bart skewered me. His body breaking more of the machine as he thrust. Crumpling it another few inches. And now there was almost nothing between me and the angry bull dick.

“Ughnn. frrpp”! I gasped.

“Uhnnn. Hmmff ffk”

It was just ramblings incoherent as Bart was able to give me a good 85% of his dick. And he knew it, felt it. For the beast seemed determined to dig all he had into me. Hard crushing thrusts came down on my hole. Smashing into my button. My eyes rolled up into my skull as the hard driving rape of my body continued.

The beast on me grunting and snorting heavily. But unlike the other animals, Bart’s slaughter seemed to last and last and last. I didn’t know how long it was. A minute, five, I couldn’t be sure as All I was doing was whimpering from the brutal assault on me.

“I’m gonna die here” My head deducted.

“More and more animals will walk in and take me.”

“Until my body just gives in”

“Then one will penetrate my insides and thrust into my belly’s cavity”

So I about gave into the inevitable. The consuming blackness before my demise. But that’s when Bart finish me. A hardy last grunt and then another flood of bull cum. And again my ass jettisoned out most of what was given to me. splattering to the floor and below. I slumped over as I felt dizzy from it all. I figured the cloak of death would soon show himself.

Then Bart yanked his dick out of me. There was a discharge of cum and slop as he climbed up off the machine. But that was the final weight the thing could take. As he stepped off it, the machine broke apart and I was plunged to the ground below. Free of the contraption, But I hit the ground hard.

“Ughnn” I gasped as the wind was knocked from me.

I lay there for a moment, just trying to breath. And then I turned onto my back. a heavy sigh as my sore body moved around. Then as I looked up I was staring at a huge set of balls.



I just lay there on the ground. I had just been stuck to the breeding machine after being taken and raped by a horse and multiple bulls. My body so filled with cum I couldn’t feel my ass lips anymore. My hole so swollen and numb from a non stop ass crushing by all the animals that had stepped into the breeding barn.

“Awee fuckk me” I finally managed to say.

MY ass and body sore. My insides feeling breached and completely wrecked by all the giant cocks it had been subjected to. I reached down and felt the tender lips to my ass. They felt 6 times their size. Swollen from the constant abuse they had taken from so many massive dick. I figured myself done for after so much animal cock and cum. My belly looked bloated. As if much of the constant flood of animal cum firing into me had moved up through my colon, passed my intestines and into my stomach. and I was full like I had a huge meal. But now I was staring at a huge set of balls above me. It was the bull I had grabbed by the horns. He was still standing there near my head. I felt my dick throb. Then I noticed I had cum as well. And probably multiple times. Each and every beasts dick slamming into my prostate must have had me churning unusual amounts of cum. and blowing it each and every time.

“Fuckk man” I said softly “I am getting hard again” “THis is impossible”

I looked at the bulls huge balls. Temptation filling my head. I wanted more cum. So I reached for his balls. So regardless of my pains and savage ass hole, I still wanted more. Then the smell of all that cum that had spilled hit me. It was rich and full. Then I remembered how much had gushed from my ass. So I sat up. Slowly of course. Then I looked over at the bottom of the machine. There in heavy pools was all the cum that had left my ass. My eyes widened as I looked at it all. I wanted it. So I moved over and crawled over to the lake of cum on the floor beneath the machine. I then came to within inches of it. It was glorious and pungent in its wonderful small. I licked at my lips as I gazed at the cum. Then I dove for it, face first. I lapped up all that wonderful cum off the floor. filling my hungry belly with it. And I rolled around in what I could not eat. So I lay there in the cum and grime off the floor like a pig in a pen. Relishing in all the animal dump.

“Wow” Came a voice from the barn door “You really are a little cum pig aren’t you”

I looked up and it was the delivery guy, Jim. He was standing there near one of the bulls still hanging around the building. He was holding the tablet for a delivery. And he was groping at his huge package. I looked at him with utter embarrassment as I lay there in the muck of cum discharge.

“No one answered at the house” He then said “I was gonna just leave the shit in the other barn” “But then I heard your yelling” “And I knew I had to cum and see”

I licked at my cum covered lips. just to clean them off.

“So how long have you been there?” I asked “Long enough boy. Long enough” “Looks like a bomb went off in this place”

Then he started to undo his pants. He then hauled out his huge dick and balls. They flopped there before him. I looked at his big dick and those bull nuts he had. I was hungry immediately. Regardless of my completely wrecked ass hole, I wanted him again. So I pulled myself up to my knees. Then he came over to me and just offered up his fat dick.

“Here ya go boy” he said “Figured one more dick in yer mouth should fill yer day”

I grasped at his cock. Hunger took over and I went down on Jim’s fat dick again. Slurping down his big dick, licking at the fat head and then reaching for his boulders and tugging on them as well. Jim moaned in delight as he felt my face on his dick.

“Yeah man. Tug on daddy’s balls boy” he stated “Churn my milk for breeding.” “Hmmmf”

I could feel as his huge balls did just that. Moved around in there bull sack to make his juice. I then pulled off his cock and went for those nuts again. Slobbering over the huge heavy sack like kid on a lollipop. The stuffing one into my face.

“Ohh yeah boy” Jim groaned “Eat yer daddys big nuts man” “That’s soo good” “Eat em up!”

I moved between the two fat orbs. One then the other for some time. Tasting and feasting on their flesh. Jim was loving this. He had grabbed his free cock and was stroking it as I ate his nuts up. His big ole log was raging soon. And it was drooling precum on my forehead. I knew he was going to fuck me with it. And thankfully with the way my ass was after all the previous dick I had had, his dick would be a nice fit. But I wanted something different. I pulled off his big fat nuts and then kissed at the sack.

“Fuck me with these” I then said to him “I want yer nuts in my ass Jim”

Jim looked at me oddly, But he got it.

“I wanna get fucked by your huge balls stud” I said again.

He smiled as he held his fat dick at me. I then crawled on all fours for the man. Thrust my ass up for him. Letting him see my ruined and dripping hole. He looked at it with such lust too. Then Jim came up behind me. grabbed me and pulled me up onto the broken machine. Then he bent me over it as he pulled his huge nuts to my butt. I felt as he rubbed them over my still drooling ass.

“So you want ole Jimbo to Nut plow you boy” He said “Yess” I groaned “Shove em in me man”

So he grabbed his nuts and pushed them at my sloppy hole. Rubbing at the gateway to get his balls inside.

“Wow. yer pussy is a sloppy mess boy” He stated “But sure makes it easy.. Ughnn.. To get in”

He huffed as his nuts pushed on through my ass ring. all the slimy cum back there giving him easy access to my bowels. My ass then felt his big nuts in there. And then instinct kicked in and squeezed on them. I heard Jim groan as my butt grabbed at his balls. Squeezing them to milk them out.

“Fuckk yeah boy” He said “That feels good how yer pussy is pulling on my nuts “Awwe fuckk!’

He moved back there as he fucked my ass with those fat balls of his. Swaying back and forth so that we both felt as his balls moved around in my happy ass. He liked the feeling on his balls so he moaned a lot. I was actually jerking on my dick as we fucked like this. it was so damned hot what we were doing there in that barn.

“Gimme those nuts daddy” I cooed “I love em inside me” “Fuck me with them. “Ohhh yess!”

He continued to fuck me with his balls for a bit longer. But he wanted to breed me. So he yanked those glorious nuts from my ass and then thrust his dick into me. Then Jim just started to plow my ass hungrily. Banging down with his big wide cock into my completely used up ass. It wasn’t long before all this heat and lust exploded inside him and he shot a nice load into my ass again. He reared up and plowed into me as he came. Growling and huffing like a pig.

“Hmmf. yeah boy. Take It” He grunted “Take daddy’s cream” “Awee fuckk”

He unloaded more cum into my over loaded ass. I looked back to see the man sweating as he still pumped my hole up. Then as he pulled off and out, I slumped over the broken machine I was laid across. I had actually cum as well. Spitting up a nice load to the floor below.

“Fuck man” I sighed “I have been so fucked now” “Soo much cum” “Soo much cum”

I just lay there on the thing as Jim started to haul up his pants. I figured he was going to just leave. But then there came another voice from behind. It was Logan.

“So this is what’s been going on here” He chimed “And what the Hell happened to that machine?”

One of the bulls was still in the barn. Then he got it. He understood as he looked at my just wrecked ass hole. Then he just pulled down his pants. Started to stroke on his dick. Then he pushed Jim aside and mounted my back side. Then he thrust his cock into my guts. Sighing as he felt the sloppy drenched asshole around his dick. So I was in for another fucking.

“Looks like we need to get another machine” He said.

The End