(c) 2018/2020 by Donna The Dog Lover

Part I

Harry Henderson, the media darling hump-master of Hollywood had come to the conclusion that all bitches were in a word, bitches, and they had no way to wash the bitch out of them, no matter how hard they tried.

Of course, he loved having a gaggle of bitches around him from which he could pick and choose the one he was going to nail that night or, for that matter, anytime the urge hit him to bend them over and show them the fast road to depraved perdition.

Harry had some favorite bitches.

One of them was Maryanne M. with her long blonde hair and those nipples that were constantly pressing against the thin fabric of her top and popping erect in hardness when the mood hit her lower regions for some masculine interference. He had done her in some really odd places, like on a Ferris wheel that went round and round and made him dizzy before he could drain his weasel in the beautiful Maryanne’s lovely snatch. He had once even done her from behind at the rail of a famous race track right on national television and nobody suspecting that his cock was inside the international model’s glorious nether regions.

His only problem with Maryanne was the fact that she had this obstinate German Shepard that seemed to think his owner was his own personal soul-mate with an instinct to play in his own style of doggy-human fun seeking that had him sniffing her expensive imported panties right after she took them off to change clothing or take a shower. The muscular dog was convinced his human female owner was his playmate and he was not in favor of her surrendering her bitch heat to human males with only one thing on their mind and it was certainly not the meaning of life.

Maryanne was prone to drink a little too much on occasion and to sprawl out on the fluffy white carpet like an offering to the dog Gods like pussy a la carte. At those times, the aforementioned German Shepard with the unlikely name of Rudolf would lick her French silk panties with his long pink tongue until the taste of her feminine essence was safely down in his doggy belly and he could inhale the scent of her aroused sexual heat that made him want to get her underneath his doggy parts for a hard humping exercise.

That name of Rudolf seemed far better suited to reindeer than dogs even if it did sound a bit Germanic and it rolled off the tongue with Prussian perfection.

The German Shepard liked to hear Maryanne say his name when she was fully conscious and he had his snout on her maidenhead or lodged up near her flanks and that tiny little pucker that dogs love to sniff and lick to really get to know their true love.

Harry remembered the night he had purposely locked Rudolf outside the sliding glass doors to the patio with a rainstorm fast approaching like some sign from the heavens that trouble was on the way.

He was happily humping poor Maryanne M. to the point of causing her loudly shout out delicious screams of supreme pleasure.

The dog outside in the pouring rain sat on his haunches watching his beloved push her beautiful ass up high for Harry’s decadent taking. He could hear her screams right through the glass but he wasn’t quite sure if she was enjoying the tableau or was in some degree discomforted by the huge man-tool invading her feminine territory.

It didn’t seem quite fair for poor Rudolf to be outside in the rain whilst his Maryanne was being used with such depraved gusto by the mean-spirited Harry.

But, as in the inevitable nature of such events, what goes around, comes around and Harry exited the building only to slip on the wet cement and crack open his surprised skull that never remembered a single thing about his life as a human ever again.

The shivering Rudolf woke up huddled under the cover of a garbage stand next to the patio steps and right away the dog brain was totally confused with the fact that he was a dog and not the handsome Harry whistling like a fool in love after humping his number one bitch with the fantastic ass that made him drool every time she pulled down her panties.

The poor dog couldn’t understand the powerful magic of the transformation from human into canine and the equally confused Harry was to some degree relieved that he was still alive even if it was in a strange species that he tended to consider not worthy to be called “man’s best friend”.

“Rudolf, here boy, mama has a nice treat for her little baby puppy.”

He went up the stair almost falling flat on his snout because he wasn’t used to walking on all four legs. It seemed so strange to have four legs and no arms. Well, he would have to train those two front paws to do a lot more than some silly dog things. He shook himself off hard before entering into the house. It was an instinctive dog thing but Harry could see the merit in not bringing a lot of dampness into the house unnecessarily.

Maryanne rubbed him down all over his body with a huge beach towel. He loved the intimacy of her arms around him and even going down and drying his doggy privates like she was familiar with his family jewels. Harry wondered if his Maryanne and the German Shepard had a thing going on that he wasn’t aware of and that she wanted to keep a secret because it would be considered totally out of the norm of acceptable behavior in a civilized society.

Harry noticed that Maryanne was only wearing her panties and a sports bra and he playfully licked her partially exposed bottom with his long doggy tongue.

“Not now, you naughty dog, there is a time and place for everything and the police are going to be here any moment to ask me questions about poor Harry that had the accident outside.”

Harry noticed that his former “go to” girl for anal sex didn’t say “don’t” to Rudolf but told him that it was just not the proper time. It suddenly got him excited because it was looking a lot like Maryanne was not entirely out of bounds when it came to giving her pet a little bit of special loving behind closed doors where other parties couldn’t see her fetish for taking it “doggy style” with a real live dog.

It gave the recently demised man a bit of hope in the gloom of his departure from the human existence plane and his entry in the confused world of four legs and a tail and a whole lot of hair that he knew he needed for warmth but he never was much of a hair person and it bothered him to be covered with the stuff except right around his private parts and up around his hidden anus under his long doggy tail. One of the things that surprised Harry was the fact that he could actually lick his own doggy penis now and with a little effort he could get his doggy dick to come out of hiding and show him that he was certainly a well-endowed German Shephard.

The cops came and went with a lot of questions asked and one police detective seemed quite interested in Maryanne’s luscious boobs to the point that he let his fingers droop across them as he consoled her right in front of his female partner with the look of derision on her street smart face. For a cop, she had an impressive ass in the police uniform and he had a sudden urge to do her from behind but as a man and not as a dog.

Harry realized he had to get used to being a German Shepard and that his humping days would have to be on all four legs and not in one of the many positions he favored for carnal relations with strange females.

He suspected that the detective called Harry as well would have stayed for some fun and games in the post consoling game, but that with his partner watching he had to do things by the book and he just told Maryanne that he would be in touch to ask her some follow-up questions in the very near future.

Harry knew with a certainty that Maryanne understood the detective’s meaning because she didn’t object when he cupped her beautiful ass cheek and squeezed it slightly to show his concern for her sadness about her Harry’s passing. The partner didn’t miss it and she looked a little pissed as they departed without another word.

The first thing Maryanne did when they left was to start stripping down leaving her clothing on the fluffy white carpet and heading for the shower and a nice wash to get ready for the brand new day.

Harry followed her from room to room and sniffed her pussy and her ass without a word of objection on her part. For some strange reason, he wanted to get her scent before she put all the sweet smelling stuff from France on her skin and way down yonder where the grass grows green.

He could see that Maryanne knew what he wanted and she accommodated him by falling down onto all fours just like him and making little doggy noises like whimpers and whines pleading for him to mount her. Harry could tell right away that this was something she was accustomed to doing on a regular basis and he hoped she was not fooling around with any other dogs because he was the jealous type in that regard. In a way, he could excuse her fooling around with human males like the detective because she was a human just like them and it was only natural for her to look for connections in her own species.

Maryanne ran over to the bureau and pulled out four padded socks that she slipped on his paws to keep him from scratching her delicate female skin. He could understand her concern because he knew his doggy heat was rising fast and he had to get his doggy penis into her from behind as quickly as possible.

He inched forward and raised his body on top of her spine fitting his hindquarters into close contact with her lovely heart-shaped human bottom and let his doggy dick slide easily into her wet and wild vagina from behind.

The girl was frantic now with her needs.

She humped back into his hardness and shouted out.

“Fuck me good, Rudolf. Stick that big thing in mama’s pussy. Make me take it all the way, you beautiful animal.”

Harry was humping with powerful thrusts now not caring about anything except the tightness of Maryanne’s sweet channel around his doggy dick. He instinctively knew just how far he could go without getting his knob caught up in her tunnel of love.

He had read stories about how some adventurous human females had gotten themselves “knotted” by a dog’s knob and not being able to pull apart for a long time whilst the male dog continued to drain his doggy seeds into her willing pussy and Mother Nature allowed him to disengage without any pain.

Harry felt the goo spurt out his doggy dick and watched Maryanne gyrate on his knob head like a puppet on a string. She moaned just the same way that she did when he fucked her in the ass the last time he showed her how dirty she could be when she really let it all hang out. At that time, he hadn’t realized she had this fetish for hooking up with big dogs, but in retrospect it was all to his benefit because it allowed him to continue humping her in a way that she seemed to enjoy.

Besides, he reasoned that if Maryanne like his doggy dick, there was no reason to think that other human females would not feel the exact same way and they would be ready to take his tongue and his doggy dick when others were not around to see the extent of their bad behavior.


Part II

Handsome Harry was a human pussy hunter one minute and the very next he found himself an equally horny German Shepherd called Rudolph with no explanation for the switch which took place when Harry expired unexpectedly right on his girlfriend’s front door.

Fortunately for Harry his girlfriend Maryanne was seriously addicted to Rudolph’s huge doggie dick and she invited him inside her home for some intense sexual show and tell.

As Rudolph, Harry followed a set formula that seemed to work equally well with both adult females either the human or canine variety and resulted in happy endings for all.

The formula was simple to follow … Nudge with nose, sniff, lick and hump. It appeared to work like a charm with Maryanne and he was willing to stick with it because why fix it if it ain’t broken.

At the moment he was lingering in the licking phase of his approach and Maryanne seemed more than willing to extend this part of her animal seduction as long as his tongue kept busy slurping up all her juices with his rapid motions.

The girl was looking in the full length mirror on the wall at her naked torso stretched out on the fluffy white carpet for her German shepherd lover to nuzzle and lick with complete abandon. Eventually she turned over and offered the horny dog her sweating buttocks for his attentions and he fell to the task with the vigor of a dog in his prime and ready to service any bitch’s needs no matter how extensive.

Rudolph clasped the young girl by her shoulders and lowered his weight onto her perspiring back with his heavy doggie hair. She shuddered as she felt the hardness of his doggie dong knock on her vaginal opening with unerring accuracy. She felt her feminine folds opening for his easy access and she wobbled a bit under his weight and the fact that his eight inches of hardness was suddenly buried inside her weeping snatch. The girl exploded like a cheap firecracker with a short fuse. She shook her hips from side to side in an effort to get the dog off her pretty round ass but to no avail.

She fought the dog even though she had welcomed his advances and all she could picture in her mind was the image of the pair of them copulating in the mirror on the wall. She could see her pony tail waving left and right like a dog swishing its tail and she knew she might not be a slut as yet but she was doing everything she could to be a good bitch for her doggy lover riding her naked back.

Rudolph stood proud and erect with the still naked human female brushing his fine coat of thick hair. He growled a little bit when she worked on his doggie dick because he was quite sensitive down there after his recent workout on the pretty girl’s back. Strangely, the thoughts of the recently deceased Harry Henderson wandered into the dog’s conscious thoughts and he remembered all of the fine buttocks he had beneath his overly long cock that was like a battery that never ran down.

The dog was a bit confused because everything considered he would rather have a wiggly French poodle whimpering her delight at being stretched by his huge German shepherd dong in such an intense breeding event. The little female dog knew her owner was a bitch in her own right and would frown on her darling Fifi being humped by a big lump of male dog, but she loved the weight of the big dog on her back and his thing was so big that she knew she would remember this moment for a very long time.

The rejuvenated Rudolph was searching for the reason for his sudden change of heart in finding humping partners. He usually only diddled the human variety if he was pushed into a corner and had to perform if he wanted a place to sleep that night or get a can of dog food for his dinner.

Now, all he could think about was naked human female flanks spread for his enjoyment and his mounting them roughly waiting to hear their little pants of fright turn into whimpers of joy as he explored their interior channels with his hard as a rock cock and nibbled on their pink ear lobes like a puppy playing with a sibling. His heated looks were only for short skirts and pretty panties up inside waiting patiently for his tongue to lick.

The human inside the dog knew his best weapon was his long wet tongue that never failed to convince the human female that it was a good time for a little experimentation with her faithful pet. He was at home with his current female owner because she made a habit of allowing her dog to sleep on the bed. All he had to do was wait until her eyelids closed and he could slowly crawl up until his snout was under her skirt and he had access to her slightly damp panties. It only took a few licks of his wet tongue to make her soaking wet down there and ready for a quick insertion of his huge doggie dick into her pretty ass from behind.

That was easily accomplished if she was on the bed face down and ass up and he really didn’t care if her panties were up or down. Sometimes, he was so determined the panty fabric split open beneath his frantic nudges and his dong would slide into the poor girl with her thinking it was all a dream and she was with her magic Prince humping her from behind with his magical dick that never slowed down and never lost its hardness until she was completely satisfied and as relaxed as a girl could ever possibly get in a bedroom all by herself.

Then just before she was ready to wake up, he would lick her pretty pussy clean of all his doggie spunk making her fresh and ready for the day ahead. Sometimes, she would wake up with his tongue still inside her and she would giggle and tell him, “Rudolph, you are a bad doggie. It is not nice to lick mama’s cunt with your wonderfully long tongue.”

Rudolph had heard it all before and he simply moved his oral attentions to the girl’s rear portal and reamed her completely rimming her tight little anus with his enthusiastic assault. He had never had any human female every push him away in such a situation and he was astonished at their submissiveness which was more like a bitch in heat rather than an owner with responsibility.

The wise old German shepherd knew that all female humans were so inclined despite their resistance to male humans doing the exact same thing because they knew their dogs would definitely keep a secret and never spread rumors about her abnormal urges.

Rudolph was listening to Maryanne tell him that her daughter and her classmate would be visiting this weekend on a vacation from the boarding school where she was learning all the social graces and how to be a successful bitch treating all males like shit and limiting their favors to gain the maximum leverage possible in any romantic interlude involving exchange of sexual activities.

The big dog ran to the front door barking like he was trained to do to inform his mistress that there was an intruder outside.

Harry was able to understand the dog’s excitement was due to the proximity of a pair of fresh young female bitches direly in need of some nice long tongue to calm their nerves and make them more receptive to what was sure to come after.

The arrival of Maryanne’s daughter Trixie and her best friend forever Kathy got Rudolph all in a stew just thinking about their pretty bottoms turned up for his masterly treatment that would put them both in a doggy humping mood. Neither of them was virgins having been served up to most of the football team like tempting morsels on a late night snack.

Maryanne opened the door and both girls came inside in a rush of backpacks and suitcases still holding bags of gifts bought at the airport shop where it was all duty free.

“Trixie, my precious pet, come over here and give your mama a hug.”

The smaller of the two girls with her lustrous black hair up in a pony-tail skipped over to Maryanne’s side and gave her a nice hug that Rudolph took advantage of by jumping up on the short girls back and humping the back of her legs with his sturdy lower hindquarters.

The other girl laughed at the sight and told her friend, “It looks like you have a new boyfriend, Trixie. Let’s hope this one will last longer than that last jerk Ronnie with his silly long hair.”

Trixie didn’t seem to mind because she made no attempt to push the joyous dog away from her posterior parts.

Rudolph knew he had a hot number there and he behaved himself like a good little dog immediately after. He had an intuitive sense that this evening would be most interesting when he figured out what the sleeping arrangements would be.

The other girl flopped down on the sofa tucking her legs up under her ass in a totally unaware way not noticing the lust in Rudolph’s eyes scanning the area under her short skirt intently. She didn’t object when the dog placed his snout on the edge of the sofa seat close enough to her private parts that she could feel the hot breath from his panting mouth.

Kathy had a dog of her own back home and she missed his sleeping with her in her bed at night. Sometimes, she would allow him to hump her leg below the knee and didn’t mind when he ejaculated on her socks with his sticky doggie residue. Then she would let him lick it all off and would tell him that he was a good little boy and she would give him a treat as a reward. She liked the dog’s humping action but was afraid of him doing anything up higher like near her pussy or her ass because she was fearful of being thought perverted for wanting a doggies dick in her well used snatch.

Besides, she was looking forward to sleeping with her best friend forever Trixie because they had some unfinished business from the time they took the shower together after a double date with a couple of football players. Those guys were only satisfied with making them both take it up the ass like they were naïve freshmen just arrived on campus and looking to make friends by putting out without any discrimination at all.

As it turned out, the two girls slept in the sunroom with the huge pull out couch and a nice color television that also had an all-night channel that carried soft porn movies. Kathy loved the soft porn because you never really saw a real dick and the girls were all faking it with silly moans and stupid words that only a dumb blonde would make like she had no brains.

Maryanne had her boyfriend over this evening for some fun and games in her own bedroom so Rudolph decided to sleep with the two girls just to sniff their pussy scents and the nice aroma from their assholes after they did their toilet in the bathroom.

He watched the two girls with their arms and legs wrapped around each other and he approved most thoroughly of their efforts to satisfy each other with their young girl tongues.

Rudolph could tell they both needed his long wet tongue really hit those spots that a girl just had to get licked in order to get a nice long tingle all up and own their spines from their brain stems to their bottoms like after a massage that used baby oil to get them all worked up into a sweat of naked skin and aroused flesh needing a solution to their need for hardness between their legs and it didn’t matter if it was human or animal just as long as it was big and thick and filled with enough spunk to fill them up to last all night.


Webmasters Note: One of the common issues with amateur erotica writers is often they run out of steam, and they don’t complete their stories. This is due to writing in ‘seat-of-your-pants’ style. As the sexual arousal from writing the story wears off, so does their interest in completing it. We can’t do anything about this, sorry, as authors offer their content for free we take what we’re given. Other erotica writers are welcome to take up this series where the author has stopped.