From my vantage point on the headland, I watched the seals darting through the surf, playing, and courting. There were hundreds of them. The water was alive with seals. It was this mass gathering that drew us back year after year. Barry, my husband, liked his fishing but the seal colony was special to see and observe. The narrow beach to the south was covered with pups and females, feeding or about to birth.

Conspicuous by their size, the bull seals, the beach masters, were busy watching over their harem of smaller females. There were many family clusters from the headland and along the coastal strip. The young beach master pretenders clung to the very edge of the colony and occasionally braved a challenge to take over a hareem.

I took lots of photos with my new Leica M9 before I wandered across the headland and down the narrow path to the tiny cove. I had for some years used this cove as my private nudist beach. It was perfect. Unable to be seen from above the cove was sheltered by overhanging cliffs. If anyone did decide to explore there was more than enough time for me to slide back into my bikini before they came in sight.

As I descended the path I noticed several seals frolicking just beyond the cove’s mouth. That wasn’t unusual, I often saw a seal out there but I had never seen them come to any of the beaches this side of the headland. I thought that it was strange but animals have their favourite places just like us.

I spread my huge beach towel out, smoothed it of wrinkles and placed the smaller towel I used as a pillow, folded up at one end. My floral sun shift and swimmers I slipped out of and folded them back into my rope-handled tote bag that had carried my towels, book, sunscreen and camera in.

I felt so gorgeously free. I stretched and pirouetted feeling the warmth of the sun all over. Quickly I applied SPF50 to all parts then lay down and spread myself out. Not the most chased of poses I thought but who could see? I liked sunbathing nude. There was a special thrill about being in a public space naked. Sure no one ever came here, but that wasn’t the point.

I flipped open the book. It was a weighty tomb and it was not a little raunchy. Not my usual fair in books I must admit. It was one of those x-rated period romances, if romance it was. For thirty minutes I read and had just finished a very heated chapter when I remember placing the book near my tote and flipping over onto my front. A good all-around tan was what I was after. The chapter I had just finished had made me all runny and languid.

I woke with a start, I must have dozed off for a moment. Dame, that was stupid, I thought, a girl can get a nasty sunburn doing that. I reached for the magazine I had been reading along with the small towel that I always carried. I felt vague and disoriented like you do if you have woken from a deep sleep suddenly.

Something must have woken me. I began to sit up when I heard a dull thud and another then a third. I turned toward the sound on my left. I froze and a debilitating fear washed through every muscle in my body. The powerful fishy smell hit me. The massive bulk of a grey seal blocked out my view of the ocean.

I had the fear that animals must have when trapped in the headlights. Wanting to run but was confused as to which way to go because it was too late to go anywhere. My mouth opened with dumb shock. Seals weren’t supposed to be on this side of the headland or so I had believed.

I had seen many seals on our previous stays on the island but never this close. Always from above looking down from the headland and now I was faced with the reality that they were much bigger up close than they were looking down from above.

My legs and arms seemed like jelly as the huge animal looked down at me his long whiskers bristled and his big round, almost black, eyes seemed like black glistening pools. Nothing moved anywhere, I couldn’t, it didn’t.

Slowly the seal’s head moved. First one way then the other. My heart was racing and my breath came in short erratic gasps. Do not move a muscle I told myself. Unsure of what would happen I was locked at the moment. I could not believe the bulk of the animal that filled the space before me. They looked so small looking down from the headland but close up it was one sleek mass of the sleek, grey, mobile body.

The animal’s head lowered toward my face. My heart thudded in my chest. He was going to bight me and there was no one to help me. The head came closer and closer. What was it thinking? I could see every detail of its features long wiry hairs protruding from its face sleek face from nose to a smoothy rounded head, four eyebrow hairs over each big round eye. Although his face was covered in hair it was short, black and tightly matted almost like black skin two large nostrils were slits at the moment and looked as if they would close completely under water.
Now that face was so close that the whiskers tickled my cheek and I stifled a reflex to push it away. The seal was curious there was little doubt of that and it seemed to be checking me out. The waves of fishy breath made me turn away but I watched the seal from the corner of my eye as its head, small compared to the rest of the animal’s huge bulk, explored me from head to groin. It hadn’t touched me apart from the contact of its face bristles but it was so close I felt the warm pants of fishy breath over my flat tummy.

I was in trouble and I knew it. Even so, I was curious and couldn’t take my eyes off the beast even though I wanted to close them. The dog-like mouth opened revealing sharp canine teeth and I braced myself for the bight I imagined was imminent but it didn’t come. Instead, the head rose and it seemed to smell the air as it looked around aware of everything that moved. Thank you, god I gasped and relaxed my tight muscles a little. Curiosity satisfied, the seal would move on I hoped.

What came next though was so quick I only realised what happened much later when I was thinking more clearly. The massive body seemed to ripple and roll then lifted as the huge bulk swung 90degrees to lay parallel to me, and close, very close. So close that the seal’s massive bulk was hard against me and trapping my left leg under its bottom half.

The movement was sudden, so very quick, and at the same time that the seal had turned its powerful flipper thudded down across my chest, pressing me down, pinning me to the beach towel. I had been able to draw my right leg away enough for it to be clear of the pinning hulk. Again the seal’s head came close to my face, mouth open. Instinctively I flipped the small towel up to cover y shoulder neck defensively.

Just in time, as the open jaws of the seal closed on my shoulder. The teeth pressed firmly, but it wasn’t a bight meant to inflict damage. It was a bight meant to subdue and hold me. For the first time, I realised that this was a bull seal. I hadn’t recognised the seal as one sex or the other till that point. Things had moved so fast. My brain raced as I recalled seeing, admittedly from a distance, a bull seal mating a small female. My fear rose and I was shaking. I tried to scream but I only managed a squeak.

“Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit” I mumbled or said I don’t recall which. An ominous fear washed over me. I felt ill. I watched as the bulky best rose the fall across my left leg until his hind flippers fell to the space between my legs. Instinctively I had thrown my right leg free of the seal’s body. He rolled and heaved further around and his lower half arched and twisted across my pinned leg.

The bull seal’s lower flipper pushed under my right leg as I tried to avoid being pinned. He adjusted his lower body further around and across my thigh. I kicked out at the flipper with my free leg, with no result. He was heavy and took the wind out of me each time his body heaved and rolled. His hand like a flipper gripped and dragged me toward him like a giant hand might.

All the while his mouth held my shoulder firmly. For a moment he released me and lifted his head quite high and looked around. A seagull swooped and cried out and another landed several metres away. What the seal was looking at, I couldn’t see. My vision was blocked by the massive bulk of the fishy-smelling beast. His lower body wobbled and lunged once more. Holding me against his massive bulk even more firmly. I shrieked with fear at the closer contact. Trying again to wriggle free but I was unable to move away from the grasping seal. My breath came in ragged pants, I felt weak. I instantly stopped struggling and waited for the next lunge maybe then I could escape.

Twisting my head a little to the right I could over his big flipper and see the ever-fluid roll of the seal’s lower body. I squealed once again when I saw the vivid red/pink penis of the bull seal extend across my lower belly. He looked thick and menacing. The almost savage redness of his fat member looked frightening as it slid across my hip and belly and then rub against my slit. I gasped. This beast was going to fuck me and there was nothing I could do to resist.

I watched mesmerised as the seal penis slipped across my lower belly several more times. Time slowed down impossibly as the heavy red member slid, twisted and probed. Then with a heave upward of his massive body, the penis dropped below my pubic mound out of site. His body jerked and then pressed hard into my groin. The seal back flippers dug into the sand for traction pushing his body forward. The penis pressed into me and then slid back into sight along my slit. Presenting the glowing tip above my thatch. I trembled and shuddered as I saw an ominous threat glistening from my fluids.

He drew back again then and heaved his lower body against my crotch once more. The penis pressed against my pussy. I screeched and struck the animal’s chest with my free hand. He pressed harder knowing he had found me. I tried to wriggle my hips free but my movement was limited and feeling my effort to escape he jerked his bulk forward. The pressure was intense. I screamed, I knew I was helpless to avoid the huge blunt penis. He heaved his huge bulk, adjusting and moving position then jabbed his hips.

I drew my breath sharply as the thick penis pushed into me then the seal began to jab at me in short rhythmic jabs as he adjusted his position once more and I felt him stretch and sink his thick penis deeply. I was breathing hard and I didn’t resist, couldn’t resist. I expected I don’t know what but there was discomfort, intense discomfort but nothing more as the seal kept up a steady heartbeat rhythm as he fucked into me and was content to lay there like a fat lover, which he was pumping steadily.

I was stretched I knew but to my surprise, I was taking him and as I became slicker I just felt the pleasure and not the discomfort. Time had no meaning he just kept to a steady short stroke and occasionally paused to look around then returned to continue fucking me. I guessed that it was more than five maybe even ten minutes before he increased his tempo.

My breast bounced on my chest as the bull seal went from a steady rhythm to a pounding long stroke. I was bounced back and forth. The seal’s canine-like mouth closed on the small towel that covered the shoulder. His bight was more intense this time and I screamed out in protest as he pounded my pussy more savagely.

He bit harder. I screamed louder. My right leg raised and dug into the side of the seal, kicking and gripping. Minutes passed, my heart raced, my breath fast and erratic my breasts rotated and jerked in time with the pounding stabs I was receiving.

My eyes blurred and I began to shudder. My right leg rose and stiffened. My toes curled. I was screaming and thumping the bull seal with my free arm. I shuddered and something deep in my groin stabbed like an electric charge. My tummy muscles tightens and contracted I felt something inside clutch and release, thwack, thwack, thwack, I could hardly believe It was happening. Not with an animal, I couldn’t be. Then it was over and the seal’s pace slowed as I slowly got control.

I felt the bull seal’s penis pulsing. I was no longer being fucked brutally. I was being inseminated and I felt wrecked and weak, Everything around me was swirling in disembodied waves before things went black, and I fainted.