Life on a ranch, especially a ranch that was barely making ends meet, meant that my brother and I had to share a room since we only had a two-bedroom home. He was a born a year behind me, but by the time we began to think about sex, he was taller than me, had what I thought was a very nice sized cock, and I assume he thought my D cup tits were fun also.

We began to explore and think about sex. When we were entering our teen years, both of us worked in the barn’s back when we noticed the stallion had his cock hanging down between his legs. We had probably seen a horse’s cock many times, but it thrilled both of us this time. A mare who was was ready to be impregnated, so we watched the two of them closely. When he mounted her, the two of us watched closely as his cock slide inside her easily.

When he pulled out, a lot of cum came rushing out. I can guarantee both of us were as horny as two young people could be at our age. That evening we decide to sleep in the same bed, lying awake, touching each other’s bodies, talking about what we had seen earlier that day.

Most of our chores were done together, working the garden, spending time in the barn with the horses, or making sure the cows had feed and water. It seemed we not only shared but by the time we were in our mid-teens, we’d be touching each other all the time, giggling and becoming bolder and bolder at what we were doing.

We finally crossed over the line with each other one Saturday afternoon, when our parents had headed into town to sell a couple of our colts. We finished our chores early in the morning, then grabbing some water, we headed to a pond on our land, one that all of us swim in at various times. Seeing each other nude was not something new to us. We stripped down, jumping in the cool water. We splashed water on each other, giggling, dunking each other. Within fifteen or twenty minutes, we moved out to a small deck our grandfather probably built many years before we were born.

I had tossed a float bag towards the deck. When we jumped in, retrieving that, I had packed some sunburn lotion for us as well as water. Handing Eric the lotion, laying on my tummy, he poured some on my back, rubbing it in. When he moved his hands down on my bottom, all of our laughter had stopped. Moving his hands back and forth on my bottom, we could hear my pussy lips making sucking and smacking sounds. For some reason, I was aroused this particular day, I assume he could not only hear and see how I was, but he could also probably smell me as well.

Rubbing his hand between my legs, causing me to spread them apart, giving him complete access to me. For the first time, he rubbed his hand between my pussy lips, causing me to give out a small whimper. Moving one of my hands between his legs, taking a firm grip of his rock hard cock, squeezing it, then moving up and down on the stiff member. Almost the same time, he pushed one finger up inside me, my bottom came off the surface. Two or three pumps in and out of me had me turn over. My eyes partially hazed over, reaching up, kissing him, pulling him to me, rolling over on my back, bringing him on top of me.

We had been playing around with this happening for so long. Our bodies were so primed up. There was no foreplay. Both of us were so aroused, he pushed his cock deep inside me, making me moan. Raising my hips to match him – we were like dogs we’d had on the farm, fucking each other so fast and furious, it only took a few minutes for him to empty his long-awaited load inside me. That triggered my own orgasm .. our juices combined to fill me so fully, as soon as he pulled out, creamy white cum came rushing out.

We both lay on the deck on our back, breathing coming heavy, holding one another’s hand. He rolled over, “Well, we’ve gone all the way now. You OK?”

Giggling, rolling to face him, pulling him to me, kissing him deeply, “NO, I’m not OK, I won’t be OK until you’ve fucked me a lot more than just this one time.”

As soon as his cock was hard again, I was on top this time, riding him much slower, kissing him, enjoying how he was teasing my nipples … this time took much longer, a few more times each one was longer, it seemed we were falling in love, a love between a brother and a sister, one that was not looked upon as favorable.

That evening, when our parents got home, we slept in each other’s arms, sharing one bed. Waking early, we fucked then took a quick shower together. I’m sure our parents knew something was going on, but they didn’t seem to have any problem with it, so we just kept on enjoying each other’s bodies.

One Sunday morning, we were enjoying the afterglow of an intense lovemaking session. He was still in me. I was lying on his chest, “You know what would be fun if somehow we could get mom and dad to join us. They have to know what is going on. We can hear them when they’re having sex. I know they can hear us. You’ve always had a thing for mom and her big boobs, and I’ve dreamed of having dad fuck me, but I have no idea how to approach that subject.”

He laughed, but like me no idea how to make it happen. The following Saturday would solve those problems. Eric, his mom, and his dad were going to attend a school activity for him. I had decided to stay home and spend some ‘me’ time alone. The two of us had a great fuck session, but we were running late, so I didn’t shower that morning, instead joined the family for breakfast, then while they were getting ready, I did some of the chores. As soon as they were gone, I stripped down to a large baggy sleeveless pullover t-shirt. My boobs were able to move freely, and not wearing any panties felt so good.

This was the first time I had left his cum inside me, and it felt good in a naughty way. We have a no real breed dog, a big male by the name of Buster. We’ve watched him breed with a female a few times. Thus we have a couple of males around also, as well as a couple of females. They seem to be able to take care of themselves, never feed them, but Buster is one we play with off and on, so it was not uncommon for him to be around us when we were working. This particular morning he must have caught the scent of my ripe pussy, pushing his snout between my legs to smell. I pushed him away, scolding him – that was good for a short time until it was early afternoon. I had gone in to fix something to eat, then came back out, this time totally nude, to enjoy a cool glass of iced tea on the front porch swing.

It was a lazy afternoon. The sun was warm. The drink tasted so good. I had leaned back on the cushions, drifting off to a relaxing afternoon nap. I had no idea the dog was back as he quietly moved up on the porch, slipping his head between my legs, his nose pushing against my pussy. In my dream-like state, I thought it was my lover, kissing me between my legs. Reaching out to run my hands through his hair, when suddenly I realized it wasn’t my Eric, it was that damn dog. At the same time, my eyes came open. His tongue licked my bare pussy.

Since that day at the pond, we had been so sexually active. I was extremely sensitive between my legs. His rough and wide tongue covered my opening so completely, it spiked my sexual arousal quickly, all I could do was lean back, my whole body tingling, but before I could get control over it, he licked me again and again and again.

I have never felt anything like this before. His continual licking of me eventually had me slip off the swing, landing on my bottom, between the arousal still sending waves of pleasure all over me. With the pain from slipping out of the swing, I rolled over on my knees to get up. Still, as soon as I did, he was behind me, once again licking me, spiking my arousal, even more, making it totally useless to do anything but lay there, enjoying what he was doing to me.

Then he jumped up on my back, his weight on me, along with his legs against me, made me helpless to move. A few small jumps on his hind legs, I felt the tip of his cock, slide between my legs, the next small jump, and it was in me. Not far, but in me. My eyes had rolled back in my head, partially open and yet closed, seeing but really seeing nothing. His cock, once all the way in now, was huge, much bigger than my brothers, but so satisfying.

He started to fuck me, just like dogs fuck, fast, and hard. I exploded with my first orgasm, just as I felt his knot push against me. Trying to reach around to stop him, screaming for him to stop, he was too far along to stop now.

Gripping the pad, knowing the pain coming, he pushed several times before my muscles gave way, letting him in me. The pain was so sudden and intense, more than I had ever experienced before, but almost as soon as he was in me, a second orgasm was coming over me. He kept pumping in and out of me. That is all it took, a few more strokes to send me over the edge.

In the middle of experiencing all of this, when I felt his warm cum, I was flood me, sending a sudden wave of pleasure all through my body. Feeling load after load emptying in me, causing me more and more pleasure.

Gripping the railing on the porch, he was trying to pull out of me, looking down the long driveway, my dad’s truck was pulling in, and from the look on their faces, I could tell they could easily see me and the predicament I had gotten myself into.

Dad got out of the car, kneeling in front of me, mom and Eric by my side. Dad reached out, cupping both of my breasts. Mom had moved in behind her son. I could see how startled my brother was when she pushed her hands down the front of his pants, “I see you’ve discovered the pleasure of doggie sex. Now you know why we keep several male dogs on the ranch at any time. I love being fucked by them.”

By this time, my brother’s pants were open, his cock was hard as I had ever seen it, and mom was stroking it while she kissed his neck. Dad leaned forward, kissing me, “Your mom and I have been listening to you two fuck each day and trying to figure out how we could join in. Now it looks like Buster has opened the door for us. Just relax, and in a few minutes, he’ll pull out of you. Your mom loves it when I fuck her after she has been knotted with a dog. Would you like to see if you also do?”

Nodding my head yes, just as he pulled out of me, mom was nude and just beginning to straddle her son, dad was also nude, his cock as large may be larger than his sons was behind me, pushing it in me, filling the empty feeling Buster had left.

That evening the two of us were introduced to a girl-on-girl and guy-on-guy sex, which we both enjoyed, then that evening, I slept with dad, mom slept in our room with my brother.

I was the first one up, showering and heading to the front porch. Buster buried his nose between my legs, rubbing his ears, “You want to make me your permanent Bitch big boy? I’m all yours.”

Moving to the front of the swing, on my knees, when he licked me, I let out a small whimper, wondering if mom had ever tried the horse.

The End