(c) 2006 by Jimmy James

Part I – Rambo Gets a Quickie

I was a horny 16 year old boy and had discovered a new hobby. A hobby I just couldn’t get enough of being a fuck bitch for the neighbors dog Rambo. He was an easy going well hung Golden Retriever And I just loved being his bitch! I thought about him constantly. Pulling my pants down and baring my ass for him.

The anticipation of getting on all fours while he mounts me and feeling his big red doggie cock inside me while he fucks me hard, feeling him drive deep inside me when I satisfy his dog lust and he fills me with cum. The feeling of emptiness and dismissal as he pulls that monster red cock out of my cum filled ass and lays down to lick his himself.

I couldn’t help myself, I was in love with dog cock. I’ve never considered myself gay, but this was great. I got hard just thinking of his cock inside me. I just couldn’t get enough of his dog cock to make me happy.

I was sitting watching TV as I was thinking of Rambo. My cock got hard and my ass burned with lust for more of Rambo’s big cock. So I decided to go for a walk and clear my head. I walked a short distance to a small field and sat down to smoke a cig. As I sat, all I could think of was Rambo’s big red cock inside me. I pulled my peter out and relaxed in the sun playing with myself. I thought about how un-natural my cravings were. How it just can’t be right to want to be fucked by a dog. But I did want it, I wanted to be his bitch as often as he could give it to me.

I pulled my pants down farther and grinned as I admired the claw marks he had left on my thighs from our last encounter. I thought of them as a badge of honor for being a dog’s bitch and a good piece of ass for my doggie lover. I thought about him drooling on the back of my head as he held me tight and used my ass like a fuck toy. I thought about him fucking me silly with that big red cock. My cock got so hard I just couldn’t stand it.

Then like a gift from heaven, Rambo wandered out of the woods and into the field. I grinned as Rambo saw me and immediately came over. I petted him a bit and noticed the pointy red tip of his cock sticking out. He must have seen my pants down and been as horny as I was. With a huge shit eating grin I rolled over on to my hands and knees and slapped my bare ass.

That was all he needed. He jumped on top of me and began to probe my ass with his cock. On his first try his cock slid into my waiting ass and he was off. He stabbed it in deep and started to fuck me with a fever. I could feel his cock growing inside me and I could picture that big red piece of meat inside of me. I was moaning and grunting uncontrollably. I looked down between my legs and watched as his swollen cock pounded into me. His balls were swinging wildly as I watched in fascination. His claws were digging into my thighs giving me another set of stripes for my service.

I loved being his bitch! Then my favorite part happened. He drove deep and started to cum inside me. I loved knowing I had satisfied his needs as he filled me with cum. I squeezed my asshole as tight as I could around his big red shaft. I could feel his cock throbbing as he grunted his satisfaction in my ear. God, I loved having that big red dog cock in me!

When he finished, he dismounted and lay down to lick his cock without another look. I sat in the grass with an enormous sense of satisfaction. I sat there grinning unconsciously as I stared at his now satisfied cock. I sat fingering my worn out cum filled ass as I watched. It was loose and creamy with dog cum. The veins in his cock disappeared and his cock retreated back into its sheath.

Once his cock disappeared, he got up and wandered back into the woods. Leaving me alone in the field blissfully fingering myself, I pulled up my pants up and started to walk back home. On the way, I could feel his cum leaking out of me. My butt cheeks slid against each other as his cum lubed them up and soaked into my underwear. It was a real turn on to be home talking to my mom and dad while dog cum was leaking out of me from a fucking I had received just moments earlier. My mom even asked why the back of my pants were wet. I just shrugged and said “I must have sat in something.”


Part II – Under The Big Maple Tree

It was early spring in northern Wisconsin and the snow was still on the ground. I was 16 and had taken up collecting sap and making maple syrup. The bigger the tree, the more productive it was. There were 2 that were especially big and the most productive. I could get 3 or 4 gallons a day from each. One was in a small clearing and deep in the woods.

It was a beautiful day! Sunny and 50. I set off cheerfully with buckets on my sled to collect sap. At the end of the trail was the big maple in the clearing and I usually took a break there to rest. I collected the sap and sat under the tree to relax.

As I sat and enjoyed the sunshine. Rambo wandered out of the woods, seemingly out of nowhere. Rambo was often wandering through the woods, so this was not unusual. I smiled and called “Hey Rambo!” He looked up and began to come over while wagging his tail. Knowing what was about to happen, I was overjoyed to see him. He seemed happy to see me too.

Rambo was the neighbors golden retriever. He was bigger than I was and VERY loveable. I had been his faithful bitch for over 6 months now. A task I had grown to love to perform for him. I would get on all fours and be his bitch pretty much every time I saw him. I loved having him fuck me and just couldn’t seem to get enough of his big doggy cock. It was huge! Long, thick and red, with thick veins!

I thought about it constantly! Now don’t get me wrong, I like girls but I loved having Rambo fuck me in the ass. It was my favorite sport. I thought it was the greatest thing to bare my ass and have him mount me. It felt so good pounding inside of me. My absolute favorite part was when he would cum. It just made my day to know that I had given myself to him and satisfied his doggy lust again. He was always horny so it happened quite often.

Before he was half way to me, I was on my knees pulling down my pants and bearing my ass for his use. By the time he got to me, I was on all fours with my naked ass pointed proudly in the air. In only a few seconds I was on my hands an knees in the snow. My ass naked and ready for my lover to use as he saw fit. Not only that, my cock was rock hard in anticipation of being mounted and being his willing bitch.

Without any foreplay he jumped right on and started to hump. The wet tip of his cock poked at my ass a few times and like a practiced professional he found its home and stuffed it in. I arched my back and squealed as it slid deep inside me. Instantly he pulled it out and began pounding it into me like a jack hammer. I could feel him growing inside me while he enjoyed the warmth of my tight young ass.

I began pushing back to match his strokes. Every time he pounded in deep I let out an unconscious “Uh!” He had a tight grip on my waist and was groaning his approval as he drooled on the back of my head and shoulder. While I was going wild with a loud stream of “Uh! Uh! Uh!” noises. I loved being his bitch! Being used as a warm place to stick his cock and dump his cum!

Before long I was moaning and whispering my approval. “FUCK Uh! ME Uh! RAMBO!” I squealed “God that feels good! Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh! Give it to me! Uh! Uh! Uh! FUCK Me! Uh! Uh! Uh!”

He was pounding into me so hard and fast that I only had time to get out one word at a time. I was in heaven! I was Rambo’s bitch and loving it! My eyes were closed and I was squeezing my ass as tight around his fat cock as I could while I performed my function.

Suddenly in the overheated excitement of the moment. His cock slipped out. Sliding between my legs and rubbing my balls. I opened my eyes and looked between my legs to see Rambo’s hard naked cock hanging there.

“What a beautiful cock.” I thought as I reached back and put it back where it belonged. Rambo Immediately slammed it back in and resumed his attack on my ass. “I love being a dog whore!” I thought to myself and grinned. Meanwhile Rambo was fucking me hard! The full length of his fat cock sliding in and out of me felt so good.

Then he drove deep and I prepared for my favorite part. Him filling me with cum! He gripped me tighter than ever and drove his cock deep and hard into me. I could feel his fat red cock throbbing as cum sprayed out! I was so happy, I was being filled with dog cum! Again! I was so turned on my cock hurt, it was so hard. “I am such a slut!” I thought. “If I was a girl, I would let every guy that wanted to, fuck me.”

Rambo collapsed on top of me. His cock still inside me. I knew he was spent and that I had done a good job for him. After a short time he pulled out and lay down to lick his cock clean. I pulled up my pants and watched as he did this.

His cock slowly disappeared back into its sheath and he began to wander around the clearing. As I collected my stuff and loaded my sled. I was grinning ear to ear. I was most definitely Rambo’s bitch! I was a total dog slut! It just made my day knowing I had made Rambo cum.

As I walked home, dog cum was leaking out my ass and lubricating my ass cheeks. They slid smoothly together as I smiled.


Part III – A Look In The Mirror

It was 8am and I was home alone. My parents leave me alone at sixteen mostly because out in the middle of nowhere. There’s not much to get into.

They had me there, I had to admit. So I wandered out of the shower and sat around the house nude. All the windows were open and it felt great. I soon found myself thinking of Rambo. We had recently become lovers. More accurately, I became his willing bitch. I thought about it constantly. The feeling of him mounting me. The feeling of his cock growing inside me and pounding into me relentlessly. The satisfaction I would get when he drove deep and filled me with cum.

I wondered what it would look like to watch something like that. It was turning into a well practiced sex trick. I would pull down my pants and get on my hands and knees. I would proudly expose my bare ass to the sky. With one hand I would stroke Rambo’s cock and as soon as he would start to hump I would slap my ass. He would dutifully mount me, find my cock hungry hole and fuck me like there was no tomorrow.

I loved it! I was letting a dog use my ass like it was a pussy! I was a total dog-slut! I thought about dog cock constantly. I had even jerked off while fantasizing about pulling a K9 train. I was naked and hard as a rock again. I walked around the house proudly letting my peter point the way.

I sat at the kitchen table and looked out toward the lake. Just as I did, my heart stopped. It was Rambo!! This was great I thought! I can bring him in and let him fuck me in the middle of the living room. I wanted to call, but I didn’t dare. Bill might be around too. Bill was Rambo’s owner. He was 18, two years older than me. I got out some binoculars and looked through the woods and weeds to see if he was around. I didn’t see him anywhere. I set the binoculars on the table and jumped up. My heart was pounding in anticipation.

I went to the door, opened it, rattled the screen door and closed it again. I rushed back to the dining room to see if Rambo took the bait. I jumped up and down gleefully as I saw Rambo headed up the path. “I’m gonna get fucked again!” I chanted quietly and I danced nude through the house. Not only that, I thought. I have all day and the whole house to myself!

When Rambo finally made it to the door. I was overjoyed and eagerly ushered him in. I led him to the kitchen while telling him what a lucky dog he was. I reached under him and started to stroke his cock. It immediately responded by starting to get hard. I continued stroking until a couple of inches of his cock hung on display. I then led him to the dining room. Stopped and stroked his cock some more. I then went to the bathroom and took the big mirror from the wall and set it up in the living room.

I set it up in a corner so that from the floor in the middle of the room. I could see the whole room. Rambo followed me everywhere and had begun to whine and dance. To let me know I was holding him up.

When I had finished with the preparations. I went to the middle of the room and got on my hands and knees. I looked into the mirror and watched myself assume the position. I watched as Rambo circled around behind me and begin to mount. I watched in amazement as I saw my naked 90 lb body being mounted by a 120 lb golden retriever. He had both of his front paws on my ass and I could see about three inches of his cock exposed and approaching my ass.

He continued moving forward until his cock touched my butt cheeks. Then he probed a few times to find my cock hole. He entered easily, and then repositioned himself for the action. I was watching the scene in the mirror and was mesmerized. I was eagerly stationed under a large dog that was getting ready fuck me in the ass. AGAIN!

When he started to fuck me his body wrapped around mine. He covered me like a fur coat. The round white globes of my ass were exposed but outlined in fur. He was deep inside of me. Then he started humping me hard. His cock was smashing inside me and pulled just as fast. I watched as he just hammered it to me. I smiled at myself as I watched the scene unfold.

Rambo was fucking me in the ass like he had done dozens of times before. I was a total dog slut. Eagerly taking his cock, while I watched him taking his bitch. My cock was so hard watching Rambo fuck me I started to cum. I groaned, arched my back and let Rambo go deep. Pushed back and began to mumble, “Uh, uh, uh,” noises as he stabbed his cock into me.

Soon Rambo was also cumming. He slammed deep into me. I watched as he tensed and began to orgasm. I could feel his cock throbbing inside as I watched him tense and groan. I giggled as I watched him cum inside me. I could watch him make a face, hear him groan in my ear and feel his cock throbbing inside me all at the same time. I watched as he dismounted. His big red cock being pulled from between my butt-cheeks.

Watching in the mirror. My purpose was so clear. I was his bitch. I was a warm place for him to dump his cum.

Next I took Rambo to my parent’s bedroom and let him fuck me on their bed. He fucked me in just about every room that day. It was a good day, I spent the day nude and he spent the day inside with his slut.

The End