(c) 2006 by Yod Gimel Hen

Jane has been in charge of the Bonobo enclosure for a couple of month, and she was enchanted with them.

She has come here from ** where she had been in the staff of the local zoo, working with the Chimpanzees. She liked these lively and curious apes but their irascibility and mischief making – especially of the hot tempered males- was a pain in the ass. You had always had to be on your guard never turn your back to them or else. She had heard of course, like everybody else, about the love apes Bonobos and when she has received this offer she grabbed it.

There were quite a bunch of them – three adult females – Sara, Lea which was suckling a cub, and Pam, two young ones- Sahara and Lolita and two adult males – Bono, Omar and the young Bob.

It was indeed unbelievable how amicable and warm natured they were. After only a couple of weeks they have started to hug her, to pet her, especially the females. They were indeed always hugging and petting each other, and, true to their reputation, they were having sex at all possible combinations: female /female was the most common but also male/female, male /male and even group sex.

She recalled also the words of Tracy, whom she replaced: “It will probably make you uneasy at first and horny, but there is a compensation, I had had the best sex experience of my life since I’ve started working with them.”

“It had also knocked you up,” mused Jane, looking on the big pregnant belly that Tracy had been carrying.

Well, they were up to their reputation, she thought, but it didn’t make her hornier then ever. At least not until the last couple of days.

It was probably her being in estrus, but their having their sexual sprees when she brought them their food made her tingle in her crotch. You se, her doctor had stopped her pills for a couple of months, in order to replace them. She and Tom had to use rubbers, and that was O.K. but now she was feeling rather hornier then usually. Not that this was bad –she actually has enjoyed the sex very much- but it was a bit uncomfortable with all this sex going around her.

That day it was even worse. When she entered their enclosure with the fruit wheelbarrow the apes started jumping around her and from sheer excitement opened a grand orgy: Bono was masturbating while Sara and Lea were rubbing their vulvas one the other. Omar was trying to shove his dick into Pam and even young Bob was showing to all and sundry his puny erection.

Jane felt a distinct tingling in her vagina and a familiar wetness. Lolita’s behavior made it even worse: she jumped on Jane, hugged her and started actually to handle and squeeze her tits- Jane had always felt that Lolita was fascinated by them. They were indeed two beautiful globes, but Lolita had no business fondling them!

Jane decided that she’ll disregard the sexual feelings and regard Lolita’s behavior as a regular good natured hugging. Easier said then done! Lolita took advantage on Jane’s hugging and shoved her hand under the sweater fondling her now bare nipple, twigging it between her fingers while licking Jane’s neck.

Short of breath Jane felt the flutter of butterflies in her loins. Her legs buckled under her and she leaned back against the bars of the cage, her chest heaving deeply. That urchin Lolita used well the open way, shoving Jane’s sweater up and exposing her heaving breasts. She went on sucking on one teat while fondling and twisting the other nipple and Jane felt she was going to scream with pleasure. “OH GOD!” She thought. “I… I shouldn’t be doing it!”

But that goddamn ape used her preoccupation and shoved her leg in between Jane’s thighs, fingering her wet loins! “One would think that she wants to fuck me!” thought Jane, her legs giving way and opening to the exploring digits. “Luckily I’m with my jeans on!” She mused.

But even through the coarse cloth Jane felt the exploring fingers turning her will into jell. Jane responded the only way she could, by an attack of her own. She sent her fingers into Lolita’s open and wet vagina and soon had her screaming and flapping her arms and legs in what had to be a grand orgasm.

Suddenly Jane felt a strong tug on her pants. She looked down and found Pam sniffing her crotch, tugging at her pants trying to pull them down. Now Jane did something that she couldn’t explain to herself later: Although she knew it was depraved and immoral, she slid down hesitantly her hand and opened the button of her jeans.

The trousers now yielded to Pam’s tugging and slowly slid down from Jane’s hips and fell to the ground leaving her just with her thin flimsy panties on. Pam wasn’t slow to take advantage of the new conditions. Her long fingers slid inside Jane’s wet pussy, exploring, caressing and pinching. She drove Jane nearly insane with lust. Jane shuddered, moaned and her legs sled under her, spreading wide open.

Pam squeezed herself between the spread thighs, leaning on Jane’s naked body, caressing and patting her, while all the time her digits were busy exploring the girl’s vagina and cunt, squeezing her clit, probing into her vagina’s opening . Just when Jane felt that she was hovering on the verge of an orgasm her legs gave way and she landed with her bum on the floor. Pam’s fingers left her cunny, but that didn’t stop her sexual attempts. Pam squeezed her fat, puffy vulva to Jane’s wet pussy, starting to rub against her.

Jane giggled –it reminded her of her lesbian experience in college. She humped back, holding the hairy body against her smooth skin, pulling the rough buttocks of the ape into her. This was different to anything she new-but the soft fury feeling was rather comforting. Evidently Pam was satisfied with this state of business and started kissing Jane’s sensitive nipples.

After a while Pam left Jane’s wide spread thighs and she turned her full attention to her breast, and the heat in Jane’s pussy subsided a little. Suddenly Jane felt a warm, wet tongue in her cunt! Sara joined the party. She stuck her snout between Jane’s thighs sniffing the now exposed wet, dripping cunt and experimentally licked a long lick with her pink tongue.

The female ape tore the flimsy material of the panties and stuck her lips into the crack of Jane’s cunt, licking deeply inside. Jane felt the electric jolt when the probing tongue hit her clit. Oblivious to all decorum she spread wide her legs, mewing in delight heaving against the probing tongue.

“YESS!” she screamed. “OOHH PLEASE DON’T STOP!” Her hips started heaving on their own against the exploring tongue. Somehow she saw in front of her face a big, swollen, red cunt waiting for her. She hugged hungrily the hairy hips and planted her lips on the swollen red lips of Pam’s cunt, licking inside, sucking on the flowing juices while her own were being sucked by Sara.

Jane’s orgasmic scream choked in her throat, her hips were thrashing, rotating in the expectation of an orgasmic blast- but that didn’t come. Yes, like in her college days, Jane was reminded why she didn’t take to lesbian sex- she was desperate for a COCK! YES A COCK NOW!

Jane calmed down a little still hugging Pam and Sara and being hugged by them. She regained her senses enough to understand the enormity of her doings. She turned herself now from their keeper to one of the herd! How could she! But still she felt so good with it too.

Why, who said that human were superior to these lovable creatures? These cousins of ours, who had only one thought – how to make one another happy? How to make Jane happy. Here now one of them was exploring again her burning cunt sending fluttering signals in her tummy. She spread wide her thighs ready to accept the cunt rubbing, when she felt – what?! A cock! Although much smaller then her boyfriend’s it was A COCK! She opened her eyes to se Bono placing himself between he legs and felt his strong palms on her buttocks, lifting her, pulling her onto his cock.

“YES! YEES Oh, MY! That’s what she wanted! That was what she desperately needed-a stiff cock in her!!! She heaved against his thrusting, all happy and, now when she was on the verge of a climax she felt a strong hot stream filling her! She never had felt such a stream of jism before! It filled her vagina, filled her uterus, filling her to capacity and spilling out too.

Bono, having fulfilled himself, left her and she thought, “How like a man. They all think only of themselves!” but before she had much time to muse upon this Omar took his place between her legs pulling her on his erect cock. He heaved against her, his pelvis and cock hitting her clit sending waves of pure lust through her. “I’m turning into a regular apes’ whore,” thought Jane, “But to hell with it… I LIKE it!”

“OHHH!! MORE! YES, FUCK MEEE!” she wailed, and fuck her he did-even if he did not understand her words. She clutched to his fur, wrapped her legs around him pulling him into her, gasping chocking she felt that NOW, Now she was coming- and his hot stream filled her, washed her inside. She was now drenched with apes’ semen, overflowing with it, and now of course the bastard dismounted her just when she was on the verge of her own bliss!!

She was so frustrated! Even turning into apes’ whore didn’t make her come! Then she thought, “Why, it wasn’t the first time a male went short on her, and the remedy was making him horny again by sucking his dick!” Experimentally she kneeled in front of Bono, taking his now flaccid cock in her mouth, and started caressing Bono’s balls.

From his lack of response she realized that a chimp needed stronger measures. She massaged the big ball sucking them, tweaking them, biting them experimentally even. Bono responded immediately. His cock was growing and hardening to even bigger proportions then before-or was it only her lustful feeling? Anyhow it grew fast and in a moment Bono started humping her mouth.

Yes she thought blissfully, now. But Bono now thrust two or three times, strong heaves that nearly broke the poor girl’s neck, and in no time she felt the stream of his hot jism in her throat, filling her mouth, spilling on her tits and chest, drenching her with sticky fluid.

Jane was furious. Here she was, a handsome human female, begging this damned ape to fuck her, and all she got was a stinking mouthful of jism! But she won’t give up so easily! There was Omar – he will save her! She grabbed hold of Omar and sucked him massaging his enormous balls, taking care not to make him come too soon.

Yes, her efforts did succeed indeed, and here he was hard and stiff as ever! Now she let his dick out of her mouth, turned her behind towards him and raised her ass, waiting for him to mount her. When it didn’t happen she spread her ass cheeks with her hands shoving her face into the floor, and nothing!! She raised her head, only to see Omar sticking his stiff cock into Pam’s swollen vagina!

Jane nearly wept with frustration! SHE NEEDED A COCK NOW!!! But Bono was munching a banana, totally disinterested, and Omar was still entwined with Pam!

Yet there he was, little Bob with his puny erection! “Better a puny cock then none,” thought Jane and said aloud. “And I don’t mind if you call me a pedophilic baby snatcher! I am depraved anyhow. COME!” She yelled at the young ape, and in three long jumps she was on him.

She grabbed the frightened Bob and seeing that he didn’t know what to do, she mounted his erect cock, holding his small body against her. “Yes!” She shouted. “You’ll get a fucking grand lesson in fucking! OOHH!!”

She heaved and fucked, feeling the stiff cock rubbing her clit on its way out and the hard pelvic bone hitting it on her heaves in.

“YES!” She squealed, nearing her orgasm when she was drenched once again in ape’s semen.

She didn’t stop this time. Clutching the young ape strongly with her fists buried in his fur, she laid him on his back and mounted him. Grasping his buttocks, she pulled him in, humping and riding him on, and on, and on. The young virile ape responded willingly. His cock rising again he heaved against her, meeting her thrusts with heaves of his own. Vaguely Jane noticed all the apes forming a a circle around them. She didn’t mind. “Let them have a lesson how a real woman fucks!”

Jane threw her head back, her teeth gnashing, her eyes rolling back in her head, her mouth opened in a long scream in her long awaited orgasm. Her hips danced on the young ape’s cock, feeling his blasts of semen in her burning vagina, his orgasmic scream joining hers. All went black before her eyes and she slumped gasping on the small body of the young ape…

After a while she regained her senses.

Shaking, she rose on all her fours, but her shaking legs refused her attempt to rise. No wonder, a glance on her watch told her that she had had sex for three hours now! Crawling on her hands and knees, Jane collected her discarded garments on her way out. With the support of the wall she rose on trembling legs, and looked around. All the female apes were milling around young Bob, caressing him, patting and kissing him. The two males were munching fruit, feigning disinterest and no one was paying any attention to her at all.

On wobbling feet she left the enclosure, locking the door after her and hobbled to the bathrooms feeling trickles of semen streaming down her thighs. Even under the steaming hot water, semen kept seeping out of her burning vagina.

Jane couldn’t keep from her mind the words of her predecessor Tracy. Was this the amazing experience she was hinting about? And her pregnancy?

No! That was impossible!! After all, 98% similarity in the DNA wasn’t sufficient for interbreeding! Or was it?

The End