(c) 2008 by Rachel Childs

Hi again, this is Rachel Childs from the UK. I said in my last account that I would come back with more stories and I have one here which is part fantasy but like all fantasies there is a little truth somewhere. I have noticed with some stories submitted that some authors give an email for feedback, so mine is [email protected]. Please feel free to write but may I also ask you to be polite, it doesn’t cost anything does it?

After I left the village where farmer Norman introduced me to my first bestial experience I seemed to drift from place to place. There was no contact at all with old friends from the village so I just started over again, and enrolled in evening classes one year because I got so bored. It was much more fun than I thought. The course was about classical Greek life and architecture, yes I know it sounds very dry and boring, but it interested me.

The Greeks were a very open minded lot and much of their deviant sexual side is well documented, they, like me, like to chronicle events. I decided that the following Spring I would have a trip to one of the Greek islands which was famous for its existing ancient architecture, explore and take some photos, I am quite a keen photographer.

It was a dry, beautiful Spring in Athos, the flowers in the meadows were truly awesome, the low mountain ranges wonderful in the Spring morning light. I stayed at a sort of bed and breakfast place run by an old couple. They fussed over me and did my washing and cooking and I felt like a family member, so much so that I decided to stay a whole month and explore further a field. I was told about an old amphitheatre which nestled between two hills but it was at least a long day’s hike away, no roads went near, but it was very unspoilt so the old man said, but he also said that there could be bandits in the hills so I should be very careful.

There was in the house a dog, God knows what breed but he reminded me immediately of Blackie at the farm, except he was more friendly and had a much nicer nature. I did however notice, as I would, how powerful he was, he was a big dog, short haired, a bit bigger than a Labrador, and I noticed that, well I couldn’t help but notice, as he sat there how big his sheath was and how well rounded his balls were and how potent he looked.

He never became aroused during the normal daily routine but one day he and I were together on a walk and I sat down to rest under the shade of a tree. I had a small snack to eat but he had none, so we shared it, we became friends, I talked to him and he sat and listened, his eyes following my facial movements as if he understood.

“You’re a good boy, aren’t you?” I said, his tail wagged. “What would you do if I interfered with you? would you like it? Would you bite me?” his head cocked to one side. “One thing for sure, you wouldn’t tell on me,” I said laughing. He got up and wandered over to me, I stroked his head and he nuzzled into me, as if inviting. I looked about me but we were alone and the devil in me allowed my hand to roam, down his side and back again, the next pass went lower and the next lower still until I was on his belly. He looked at me as if expectant, my hand felt him, the soft fur on the sheath, the gristle it contained felt thick, my hand was gentle, manipulative, coaxing, the response was a thickening and lengthening with the tip peeping out at me.

“You like that?” I asked. “It feels good doesn’t it? Be a good boy and let me see it all,” I said feeling wicked but extremely sexual.

My hand grasped it more firmly and I started to masturbate him, drawing back the sheath, exposing his manhood fully. It grew and grew until it hung there hugely, my hand now feeling the large swelling at the base which the sheath would not expose. My throat went dry and I swallowed as I looked around again to make sure no one was around, we were quite alone.

My hand was on his naked cock now, encircling it as he started to hump into it, I could feel the wetness in my hand as his fluid started to come at the tip, it still grew in size, then suddenly the sheath slipped back over the swelling, and it was all to be seen. I looked at it, it was truly magnificent, I started to wonder what it tasted like, could I possibly suck it? would I? should I?. I heard some screeching birds fly out of a bush in panic, my hand let go immediately, my heart beating fast, Oh God! was someone watching us.

He still stood there so I pushed him away, he even looked at me with a hurt expression, but I saw with relief that his erection was subsiding and fast disappearing. No one came by and we went back to the house for the evening meal, I decided to go on the trip to see the ancient amphitheater the next day and arranged for a packed lunch to be made, I went to bed early, I lay there thinking of the dog, I touched myself, it felt good, then I fell asleep.

The next day’s early dawn was beautiful and armed with my camera, a knapsack with food and water, a straw wide brimmed hat and good hiking boots I set off for the long trek to the amphitheatre. Initially it was cool but soon the heat of the sun drove off the dew, at least the air was cool as I climbed over the small mountain range.

There was only a narrow track and I hoped and prayed that the small map the old man had drawn for me was accurate, for as I stood still for a moment and gazed at the wonderful view I could have been the only person in the world, but not quite, I saw out of the corner of my eye a dark shape moving along the path many feet below, the dog from the bed and breakfast place. I wanted a short rest so I sat quietly and waited for him to catch me up. When he saw me he looked a bit guilty at first but soon came loping over for a friendly pat .

” What on earth are you doing here?” I asked as I stroked his neck. Little did I know but the old man had sent him on to follow to act as my guard.

At length we arrived at the old amphitheatre at just before midday, I was excited and explored immediately, taking photos and drawing some sketches but it soon got so hot that we had to find a tree to sit under out of the sun. I shared my sandwiches with him and found an old tin for him to drink some of my water out of. The heat shimmered off the lush grass around this spot which was totally isolated, I sat with my back to the small tree and he lay in the shade, then we seemed to be staring at each other for ages and I wondered what he was thinking.

I smiled to myself as I imagined his thoughts of the day before with this girl stroking his cock, my thoughts too of its size and potency, we were quite alone here. Then he rose and wandered over to me, standing looking at me, big brown eyes, wet nose, nostrils slightly flaring, taking in a scent, eyes following his nose to between my legs. I sat with knees bent, legs slightly parted, shortish skirt exposing my mound within my white cotton panties. I watched as his nose got closer and closer, my heart beating faster and faster, then he licked my mound. It is hard to describe the feeling that went through me, but it felt like an electric shock. It was his time to investigate me now so I slipped off my panties and spread my legs for him, with whispers of encouragement as my fingers gently stroked through the hair on his head as he licked me.

I could see the tongue as it parted my lips, the red of his tongue merging with the red of my inner lips, I squirmed with delight as I watched and felt my clit being exposed and dragged back and forth by his tongue, I seemed to be slipping further and further down the trunk with my legs further apart until I couldn’t see anymore, but I raised my hips to him so that he could find all of me.

He didn’t disappoint me and I groaned with delight as his tongue traced a route between my puckered hole to my clit, back and forth, back and forth until an enormous orgasm started to form deep in me and I could feel my juices being squeezed and pushed to him. He lapped at them with obvious delight and I just collapsed on the ground in front of him., moaning and squirming still.

“Oh you wonderful dog,” I gasped quietly, looking at him, then I saw his huge monster dangling there between his legs, his back dipping and jerking every now and then, he was ready for sex. I turned onto my knees, actually and this is the truth to get up, I would have been happy to jerk him off, perhaps suck him a little too, but he had other ideas and as soon as he was presented with my nice rounded bottom he decided to fuck me. He was tall enough to straddle me without mounting so I was sort of trapped in a cage formed by his legs, I felt his heavy organ slap against my pubes as he humped at me, every now and then it slid over the top and seemed to reach half way down my back. I felt the tip at my puckered hole but it did not yield, but that refusal seemed to spur him to even more anguished thrusts, and it was just a matter of time before he hit the target.

When he did, I have to say it was still a shock even though my mind had reconciled receiving it, there was an initial refusal quickly followed by a forced entry, or should I say impalement. I felt the tip hit the entrance to my cervix and yelled out with pain, but that didn’t stop him ramming it in and out at an horrendous rate and I became really frightened by the force of it. My insides felt as if they were on fire and now I felt the swelling being forced in, he pushed and pushed at me, my mind was in turmoil with fear on the one side and a mounting sexual desire on the other, but as I was stretched by it and slowly accommodated the monster, the desire finally won over.

I knelt like a slut with my backside in the air moving with him now, thrusting back against his force, my pussy slowly stretching and opening for him, and then it was in, it hurt too, a lot, but then he stopped humping and the most amazing sexy thing happened as he started to ejaculate into me, great spasms and waves of pleasure along his cock, and I could feel the power of the squirts of his desire fill me. It wasn’t long before it started to be forced out between our union and I felt it flowing down my thighs.

As I felt his spasm start and then build, culminating with another squirt, orgasm after orgasm was building in me too and I think we actually started coming together. We ended up lying together joined by this plug inside me, neither of us could move away. As we lay there we both became aware of tinkling bells and the occasional shout, I looked around but could see nothing and then suddenly over the brow of the hill not far away appeared the head of a sheep, then another and another, until a whole flock, and three men too. My heart raced, thinking what to do, I pulled at my tether, but it did not yield, and the dog became vexed and growled at the intruders and made to get up.

I pulled him back down and covered our union with a blanket hoping that they would pass by without seeing us, but too late they had already and were pointing. I waved nonchalantly and they waved back, all would have been well if I had a better hold over the dog but alas he pulled away from me, wanting to protect me perhaps and as he pulled I was dragged bodily with him across the grass. In my panic I saw them stop to look, what a sight it must have been, a young woman naked from the waist down, in sexual union with a large black dog, being dragged across the grass until at last his knot pulled out, she then crawling back to her retreat under a tree and covering herself with a blanket.

I cowered there trying to wipe up the semen flowing from me and desperately trying to find my panties, out of the corner of my eye I saw the dog in full flight towards the men, but one had his shepherds crook ready and caught him around the neck and he was then securely tethered to a bush.

There I sat with them looking down at me, their sheep grazing happily on the nearby scrub. They talked between themselves, looking at me, then pointing at the dog, who now was sleeping peacefully under the bush. One was old, brown like a nut, as I looked at them it was obvious they were father, son and grandson, the old man seemed to be in charge and said something to me, I looked at him blankly as the others laughed, I started to get a bad feeling about this.

Then he said something else and made gesture to me that resembled the dog fucking, they all laughed again. He gave an order and the middle one stepped towards me and pulled me up, all their eyes saw my nakedness as the blanket fell away, I was then stripped and the old man slipped his braces over his shoulders and took down his baggy trousers followed by his underpants, my eyes were wide as I glimpsed his great mass of hairy pubes with this enormous old penis nestled in the thicket of hair. It must have been a foot long and not even erect yet.

The others made gestures at it and laughed at my expression as he moved towards me, I thought that I should faint now, my mouth was so dry I couldn’t swallow, I was gasping for breath, then I awoke with a start. The dog looked over at me as I sat resting against the tree, God it was all a dream, I laughed inwardly to myself with relief, I felt between my legs, all dry, no sign of the dog being there, and I laughed. I had a drink of water and as I swallowed the dog approached me, I stroked him and did not resist as he nosed my mound.

I put down the water bottle and watched him scent me, then I pulled aside my panties, watched his tongue do me, felt very aroused as I wondered what he really fucked like with that lovely cock, my head rested back as he started to explore me fully, prepared to give in to my desires.

As I thus succumbed to my desire — three men, Father, Son and Grandson with their flock of sheep were making for the grass pasture they knew was near the old amphitheatre…

The End