(c) 2008 by Y.G. Hen

When Alan, then my boy friend, had told me that he owned a dog named “Tiny” and not to be alarmed, I’ve expected to see a Scottish Terrier or a Pincher perhaps, and wondered why I should be alarmed. I certainly wasn’t prepared to see the gigantic horse-I mean a “Great Dane” – that has met us. It was certainly the biggest dog I’ve ever seen-measuring clearly 37 inches height at the shoulders and towering high above my 5’3″ when standing on his hind legs, as he immediately did, leaning on me and licking my face.

Befitting his giant stature, he had been named “Titan”, but Alan had thought the name inappropriate to his docile and sweet temper –the dog’s, I mean- and nicknamed him “Tiny”. I think that Alan did it partially to surprise his girlfriends, like he did to me. Any way, I found it hilarious and giggled and laughed, especially when Tiny French- kissed me, inserting his tongue into my laughing mouth. That must have impressed Tiny and from then on it was love from the first sight. Tiny sat by me, his big head on my lap and never moved. I also enjoyed very much his company and kept scratching between his ears-there was a lot of space there, you know. So we became friends.

The next time I came to visit Tiny greeted me by jumping on me. I fell flat on my bum, and Tiny used the opportunity to kiss me, licking my face and my mouth. I have found it funny and laughed –and won his heart. From then on, Tiny, being a lively pup really, has made it into a game. Every time I came he jumped at me, trying to trip me, and when he succeeded he laughed and laughed-with me. He did kiss me even when I kept my stand anyway, since he was taller then I.

I have to admit that I rather enjoyed the game myself, and I have even found pleasure in sucking his big, soft, warm tongue when it entered my mouth. Tiny was by far the best kisser I’ve ever met. His tongue would fill my mouth, licking and caressing every nook in it, going down even to my tonsils! I haven’t given it any sexual meaning, except the few times that he had tripped me over the arm chair, with my legs flailing up in the air, when he licked and kissed not my mouth but my pussy and butt. This did made me hot and wet, to my dismay, but I never put down as Tiny’s fault. I even got very indignant with a friend at the university who had asked me about the size of his cock. I thought it pervert and disgusting, although I must admit that afterwards I did peek on our walks when he peed-but I have never seen it.

I became such a good friend with Tiny that Alan, my boyfriend, used to say that I kept him only to keep company with Tiny. Any way since Alan was in the varsity volleyball team, he was happy to leave me to take care of Tiny when he went on a tour with the team. And it was on one of those times that it happened.

I had just come from my jogging, and being all sweaty and wet, I discarded all my clothes and, wearing only a bathrobe I went to the bathroom. You see, I used, and I still do, jog at least five miles a day-sometimes even more. And this was Tiny’s one shortcoming – he wouldn’t jog with me for more than three miles. I’ve tried to coax him, I’ve tried to order him –nothing helped. He just flatly refused. He would drop on his behind and if I insisted too hard he would just turn around and walk home. Dragging me after him, of course, he was much stronger and heavier than I was! So have learned my lesson, and left him at home when I went jogging.

On that day it was also like that. As I passed Tiny’s berth on my way to the shower, Tiny, as was his custom, jumped me! And he did trip me, and I fell flat on my back! He was there, licking my face, kissing my mouth and slobbering all over me, you see, he stood on my bathrobe, pinning me flat to the floor so I couldn’t move.

I have found it very funny – the cliché of being “raped” by a dog! “Now you have where you want, you can use me at your will!” I laughed and Tiny French- kissed me like never before and I’ve found myself licking and sucking his wonderful sweet tongue and, and I felt heat waves and flutters down my tummy! Like when kissing a lover! God, I was getting horny from kissing a dog!

Much embarrassed, I’ve tried to push his head away, and he did lower it, only to lick my breasts! He must have found the salt tasty or what, because he kept licking them until my nipples hardened and ached and I was definitely getting wet in my pussy, and my belly turned into a fluffy jell! And then he had returned yet again to my mouth! This time I’ve kissed him back, moaning slightly, and couldn’t pretend that it was just a game. Not for me, at least, not anymore.

I was hot and horny and embarrassed and shocked by it. Getting horny for a dog! What a perversion! But thinking of the perversion only made me hornier and hornier! I whimpered and moaned, and writhed in my lust. Finally I gathered my will and reason and pushed him off. Obediently he backed off, only to lick down my abdomen, and down, and down, to my cunt!

It felt so good when he licked me there that I hadn’t stopped it right away and then when I’ve ordered him “Stop it” he licked my clitt-and sent such a wave of heat and flutter up my body that I couldn’t resist anymore. My thighs spread on their own, exposing my cunt to his tongue. He licked me inside out, reaching deep in my vagina and I just moaned and whimpered and screeched, “Oh, what a wonderful feeling it was!”

The waves of heat from my vagina were consuming all my body, progressing up and up, reaching my face that now burned. I was panting heavily, my breasts rising and falling and aching and tingling and I pinched myself, rolling my nipples between my fingers1 I’ve never done it before! Never! Aw, the heat and the tingle from my cunt was driving me nuts and I felt that I was COMING! With a screech I’ve locked my thighs on Tiny’s sweet head-and he backed off with a whimper!

“No! Don’t! Please, please come again, I want to come!” I screamed in my lust, but he just sat back, his tongue hanging out and looked at me with a questioning look. I sat up, reached out for his collar and pulled him to me. He came straight on passing over me, and I was staring agape at the biggest cock I’ve ever seen! There it was before me, a huge bright red pole, at least 12 inches long and two inches wide. Unlike a human penis, it was pointed and glistening and dripping and Oh! And then the luckiest accident in my whole life has happened: Tiny shoved forward, and my mouth, being agape and watering, engulfed that magic-wand!

I pride myself as being an accomplished, nay, an expert cock-sucker, but even I gagged at the size of the hot rod that invaded my throat. Especially since Tiny started to hump for real, at an amazing pace that took me quite a few minutes to master. But master it I did! OOOH, I nearly came just from the pleasure of the feel of the hot, hard cock. No men’s cock was ever so hard! Or so big and hot either. And the taste, God it was so much tastier that human cum! Not so salty and without any bitter after taste –it was delicious!

And there was so much of it! Judging by the thin texture, I’ve thought then that it was the canine pre- cum, but later I’ve learned that it was the cum itself, but I enthused with it’s exquisite taste! After a few minutes, when the heat waves from my cut threatened to overwhelm me and yet I couldn’t come, I just knew I had to have him inside me. I mean for real, in my cunt! I just had to fuck him!

I drew that hot rod out, and holding it in my hand I dragged the poor creature after me, to find a suitable location. You see, I had realized that kneeling on my knees I would be too low, so I had to find a solution. I have tried the sofa-too low. Even the TV chair, with my legs up in the air, was too low, but then it occurred to me to lie across the arms of the TV chair – and that did the trick. My ass was exactly the right height.

I pulled Tiny by his cock into me-and he didn’t miss the mark. (incidentally, I’ve noticed some bulbous growth at the cock’s base-and wondered if it were Tiny’s balls. Only later I’ve learned about dogs’ knots)

Feeling the wetness and heat of my cunt, Tiny humped, and entered me in one shove to such a depth! Oh how good! I exhaled with a grand sigh, and started wailing and howling like a pack of wolves, coming even as he entered. My ass danced on the leather arm and Tiny humped and humped –Oh, I felt him in depths that had never before entered by any cock! Oh My God! And in midst of my orgasm I felt something bulky pushing against my cunt lips, bludgeoning it’s way inside, hitting and scratching my inflamed clitt!

OH, I came and came and came… My legs wrapped around Tiny’s body and pulled him in, in spite of his whimpers and his efforts to retract. His knot was growing and expanding in my cunt, stretching me so much, rubbing my clitt with the small heaves that he still could manage, and that magic wand was rubbing me from the inside and the tip was hitting at my cervices. UUUH, I was climbing to another orgasm even before I’d finished the former one! And I felt the hot streams of dogs cum in my womb! OOOH! And so I was coming and coming, with my legs wrapped around Tiny, his tongue deep-throating my mouth, his warm, furry, muscular body pressed into mine for what seemed to me as eternity, and was in fact at least half an hour.

Than his bulb shrank and Tiny drew his magic cock out with an audible plop. He retreated to his berth, and I remained still lying across that arm chair, shaking, trembling, an emotional wreck. Never before I had experienced such a total elation! At last, after some futile attempts, I succeeded to rise up and wobbled on shaky legs to the bathroom. A flood of dog’s cum mixed with my juices stained the armchair leather, and was even now trickling down my thighs.

I slumped into the bath tub and slowly regained my breath again under the warm, soothing water stream. God! I had never experienced such a screwing before! And with a dog! Only slowly it started to enter my mind, and washing myself I begun to realize that life will never be the same again. I was still trembling half an hour later when I left the bath-room, half dreading, half expectant to meet Tiny again.

He was lying on his berth, licking and cleaning himself wagging his tail lazily for me as a sign of recognition and goodwill. I stooped to scratch his beautiful head, pat him on his neck and scratch his jaw as he rolled on his back pawing me to keep stroking him. I did, but I couldn’t help looking for his exposed cock. It was sheathed now, only the red tip peeking out from its furry sheath. A rush of tender feeling swept me, and I dropped on my knees beside him and kissed lightly that red point. How sweet and innocent it looked, who would have thought how much pleasure it could give…And I rolled back the furry sheath a little, exposing the conical tip, kissing it with growing heat, exposing further the crimson fat rod, kissing it fervently, licking it all the length to it’s base..

Tiny’s cock was again free from it’s confine, erect and hard, all red and slick for me to kiss and lick and suck. And I did all those and more. It was so good! My cunt started to drip again and I was rubbing it with my other hand excitedly. Tiny was lying prostrate on his back attempting to hump in this impossible position and then he jumped on his four and continued to hump straight into my open and expectant mouth.

His huge cock filled my mouth and it’s pointed form eased it’s penetration into my throat. Being adept at sucking cock, as I have said, I succeeded to contain him with only slight gagging now and then. My mouth was filled again with the hot throbbing rod and I was enraptured with the taste of the dog’s cum, the gentle salty taste and the slick watery substance-Oh! I would have sucked him forever but Tiny’s fervent shoves almost snapped my neck !Besides, my cunt was burning with the desire for the huge staff.

I rose and crossed to the sofa with Tiny following me, jumping at me, attempting to mount me on the way. I had decided that this time I would take him as a bitch- doggy style- but I had to find a good support to bear his mass, and the sofa’s back served very well. I bent over it, raising my ass high in the air offering a distinct target that Tiny didn’t miss.

Being petite, it meant that my feet scarcely touched the ground, and each hump literally lifted me in the air. Soon enough I was feeling again the huge bulb of Tiny’s knot pressing against my opening, hitting and forcefully penetrating it until it was completely lodged inside, with my cunt clamping on it, holding it tight..

OHH, how can I describe the feeling?! The heat waves that rose and traveled trough me, the waves of cramps, the lust! OH, I was coming again, and again and yet again! The orgasms shattered me, making me lose all connection with reality. Only my cunt and that wonderful staff of magic and delight existed in the world and I howled and wailed and heaved as someone possessed. Indeed I was possessed, possessed by an indescribable lust!

Tiny, having emptied his ball’s load into my womb, withdrew, dragging me with him and I was left for a long and painful moment hanging on his cock with my cunt. Quickly I dropped to my fours, standing on my tiptoes and my hands, I managed to keep level with Tiny. He turned around now, his face along mine, and he was kissing me, licking my tits, sending me time after time into new orgasms. From time to time he also mounted me, and I’ve found out that I could hold him!

(Later, much later, I’ve found that the most comfortable position for “doggy style” fucking was standing, slightly bent and leaning my elbows on my thighs, my ass high in the air. This gave him the correct height and me it gave a good support for his mass. But my favorite position still remains across that TV arm chair. This way I feel that I’m making love with him)

We fucked like that for an hour at least, with me coming innumerable times until, at last he went limp and his bulb shrank enough to fall out of my cunt. I dropped in a heap on the floor, an emotional and physical wreck. It took me long minutes to gather enough strength to drag myself to Tiny’s berth, where I dropped next to him and fell asleep.

Thus I became forever his bitch.

The End