(c) by omarabdul

Kimberley was curled up in bed looking at her phone. The beautiful teen was wearing nothing but a black bra and pink pajama shorts. She was scrolling through the profile of her boyfriend. Or rather her ex. He had recently dumped her. Kimberley’s heart was broken after this. Tears streamed from her eyes as she looked at pictures of her boyfriend with other girls. He had deleted all the pictures of her. Kayla felt worthless. How could this have happened to her?

Kimberley felt broken by the experience. All she wanted was him back. She reached under her pajama shorts and slipped two fingers inside her pussy. She began masturbating as she looked at her ex. Tears continued to pour as she fingered herself. Kimberley’s fingers slid in and out of her. It felt fantastic. It was also humiliating. Here she was, tears in her eyes, looking at pictures of her ex while she fingered herself.

As her fingers got deeper and faster, she began to moan. She continued to scroll pictures. She added another finger. Then a fourth. Finally, it was too much for her. She threw her covers off the bed and lay down on her back. Her head was hanging off the end of the bed. This only added to her arousal. Her knees were bent to stick up as she continued to fuck herself.

“UHH UGH UHHH UH OHH OH GOD” Kimberley’s moans were getting more intense. She jammed her eyes shut and continued to violate herself. The feeling of her fingers stretching out her pussy was like heaven. The fifth finger that Kimberley added gave her confidence. She pushed her entire hand into herself.

“UUUUHHHGGG OOH GOD” Kimberley moaned as she fisted herself.

She regretted attempting this. Although it aroused her, it also hurt like hell. The tears of sorrow in her eyes were joined by tears of pain. She continued to approach climax nonetheless. Her moans grew louder and louder.

Unfortunately for Kimberley, she didn’t notice the company that had just joined her. Her Bernese Mountain Dog named Baxter had just entered the room. Kimberley had forgotten to shut her door. Baxter had investigated the room after hearing his owners increasingly desperate moans. Poor Kimberley was completely exposed on the bed. Stretched across the bed with her fist in herself, Kimberley continued to moan. Her fist was starting to feel good.

Kimberley’s eyes were completely shut. If only they had been open. She might have been able to stop Baxter. Baxter was watching his master twitch and writhe in front of him. The smell in the air told Baxter that Kimberley was in heat and then he reached his conclusion. The exposed hole was obviously for him. The hole Baxter was thinking of was Kimberley’s mouth. Her head was hanging off the end of the bed. It was completely exposed to him. Kimberley’s mouth opened wide at each moan. Baxter got in position.

“AHH AHH AAAAHHOHHH OH OHH OOOOHH OHHAAAAHH” Kimberley was so engrossed in her pussy that she didn’t notice Baxter’s front feet be placed under her arms on the bed. Baxter was in position. With all of his might, he jammed his cock down Kimberley’s throat.

The poor girl gasped and choked as her throat was invaded. Her eyes shot open, and she was horrified by what she saw. Baxter was resting his paws on the bed while his lower body fucked Kimberley’s mouth. He was thrusting rapidly. Kimberley tried to push him off with her left hand, but he was too strong. She needed a second hand. Kimberley was horrified to find that when she tried to move her right hand, it wouldn’t come. Her fist was completely stuck inside her. There was nothing the poor girl could do.

Baxter’s cock was forced down Kimberley’s throat. She gagged and spluttered for air. Poor Kimberley was desperately trying to pull her fist out, but nothing would work. The tears in her eyes were streaming up her face due to it hanging upside down. They were pouring back into her eyes. This caused her vision to be clouded. Kimberley was crying more and more as she got more desperate.

Baxter was fucking Kimberley’s head mercilessly. Each thrust caused her head to bang against the bed. Kimberley was completely disorientated and frightened. She couldn’t believe this was happening to her. She couldn’t believe the dog she had since she was 6 would do this to her. Baxter didn’t care about Kimberley. All he cared about was planting his seed. Kimberley managed to pull her fist out of herself, but it was too late. No matter how hard she pushed, nothing could stop Baxter’s humping now. His cock felt terrible for Kimberley. She felt it invade her and pound her like there was no tomorrow. Then disaster struck.

Kimberley felt a large object enter her mouth. She thought her jaw was going to fall off. This was too big. Her mouth was completely filled. Baxter had just knotted inside her. Kimberley was crying her eyes out. It hurt so much. They stayed there for half an hour. Poor Kimberley thought it would never end. Just when she thought things couldn’t get worse than this, they did.

“WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING,” a voice from the door called. It belonged to Kimberley’s older brother Steve. He was horrified by what he saw. His little sister. In her bra and pajama shorts, with her dog’s penis firmly stuck in her mouth. Kimberley’s eyes darted around frantically pleading for help, but there was no way for her to speak. The dog knot in her mouth was preventing any form of communication.

“You’re actually enjoying this. You’re disgusting” Steve said as he pulled out his phone.

He began taking pictures of Kimberley with Baxter. She tried to speak, but Baxter’s cock was like a gag. All Steve could hear was muffled whimpers and groans from his little sister. To add insult to injury Baxter let out a howl and began to empty gallons of cum into the helpless teenager. Kimberley had no choice but to swallow whatever she could. Steve filmed the whole thing. Finally, Baxter’s cock shrank and fell out of Kimberley’s mouth. She rolled over and began violently hacking up dog cum. An unbelievable amount fell from her mouth.

“You disgust me. I’m showing this to mom” Steve threatened before leaving before Kimberley could defend herself. Kimberley heard Steve car pull away from outside. She had no choice but to curl into a ball and cry.

As Kimberley lay on her bed, she began to think. Maybe Baxter was what she needed right now. Maybe Baxter was what would help her through her break-up. Kimberley lay with her ass sticking up. The sexually broken teen whistled to her dog. Baxter was eager to join Kimberley. When he saw how she had presented herself, he knew what she wanted. He mounted Kimberley from behind and began humping. Kimberley could feel his cock pressing against the fabric of her pajama shorts.

Baxter was desperately trying to find a hole. Kimberley was starting to enjoy the position she was in with this dog. As she got more comfortable, she began to slide her shorts down. They finally rested by her bent knees on the bed. Kimberley’s pussy was completely exposed. Baxter took full advantage of this. Without hesitation, he rammed his cock up Kimberley’s pussy.


The feeling was too much for Kimberley. Her mind was stripped of any rational thoughts. All she could think about was how much she wanted Baxter inside her. Baxter was pumping hard. His cock slammed in and out of the teenager. Kimberley was a moaning mess underneath her pet. The feeling of Baxter’s cock inside her was sending her over the edge. Baxter was fucking faster than any man could. The dog had no regard for the girl’s well-being. All Baxter cared about was fucking Kimberley’s pussy till he came inside her.


Kimberley’s moans were getting more intense. She jammed her eyes shut and continued to shriek and groan as she was violated. She felt deep shame by what she was doing. But nothing could stop Baxter’s humping now. Kimberley was also completely surrendered to her dog. She wanted this.


Kimberley was so horny beyond reason. The poor girl’s mind had been reduced to a fuck toy. She craved Baxter’s cock inside her, and it was rapidly taking her to orgasm. Kimberley arched her back and moaned louder and longer.


Kimberley’s eyes rolled into the back of her head. She was completely broken down by her pet dog. The poor girl moaned as she climaxed violently. Her orgasm was so intense that her whole body began to shake.


Kimberley’s shaking caused Baxter to take his cock out of her pussy. Finally, the teenager calmed down. She lay completely still in her own mess, panting after the experience. She felt deep humiliation and shame. What had she just allowed this dog to do to her? She needed to get away.

Kimberley was crying to herself when she tried to move. Fear struck her when she found her legs were too weak after her orgasm. She couldn’t move. The sobbing teenager lay there with her ass in the air. But Baxter was far from finished with this girl. He mounted Kimberley again and began trying to find her pussy. Kimberley began to panic. She couldn’t let this dog use her again.

“NO BAD DOG. DOWN” Kimberley begged, but it was no use.

Baxter continued with his search. Kimberley began trying to shake him off. Then disaster struck. Kimberley felt Baxter’s cock sink into her. But it was the wrong hole. Her shaking had caused Baxter to miss his mark. Now he was sliding into Kimberley’s ass.

“OOH NO NO NO NO NO. OH GOD PLEASE TAKE IT OUT.” Kimberley cried, but it was too late.

Baxter was unperturbed by the unexpected tightness or his victim’s pleas. He pushed deeper into the helpless girl’s ass. Kimberley’s eyes rolled as she was stripped of any dignity she had left. Her anal virginity was being taken by a dog.

Baxter began to fuck her teenage ass mercilessly. His cock was buried deep inside her. The poor girl grabbed her pillow and buried her head in it. Kimberley shrieked into her pillow as she was violated.

Baxter was fucking Kimberley’s ass even harder than he had fucked her pussy. He was only encouraged by the screams of the helpless girl. Baxter’s cock was sinking deep into Kimberley’s ass. She could barely breathe with the pain.


Kimberley felt Baxter’s cock slamming in and out of her ass as she was mercilessly fucked. It felt like her ass was on fire. She opened her eyes again and felt deep despair. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw something that humiliated her even further. Steve had left his phone propped up in the corner. From how it was positioned Kimberley knew it was recording her. It had seen how she enjoyed being fucked by Baxter. It had seen her humiliating orgasm, and it was now watching her take it up the ass.

There was nothing Kimberley could do. Baxter’s cock was pounding her mercilessly, and she was too weak to fight back. Kimberley looked at her mirror and saw herself being pounded by the massive dog. Tears streamed down her face as she watched Baxter’s cock slam in and out of her. Being fucked by Baxter felt like a jackhammer was stuck in her ass. The pain was unbearable. His cock abused poor Kimberley’s ass for what felt like forever. Kimberley cried through the whole experience. She begged Baxter to stop, but he never did.

Finally, Baxter stopped humping. Was it over? Kimberley was horrified when she felt a large object force it’s way into her ass.


Baxter had knotted inside her. This was the most pain Kimberley had ever experienced. The poor girl was clearly in agony. She shrieked and cried as she tried to comprehend what had just knotted inside her. Then she heard something that made her heart sink. The front door opened and shut. She could hear two voices. It was Steve and her mother. Steve must have told her mother about what was happening.

Baxter’s ears pricked up as he heard the noise. He wanted to join them. Without hesitation, he jumped off the bed. Kimberley was violently dragged along with him. The knot was so deep and large that instead of popping off, it just dragged the teenager along. Baxter was attempting to run, but Kimberley was too heavy. With all his strength he powered along, dragging the screaming girl along with him. The pain was incomprehensible. Being dragged by a knot in her ass hurt so much more than just being fucked. Kimberley clawed at the ground trying to stop herself. Her fingernails were scraping along the floor in her desperation.


The people downstairs could hear everything. Kimberley watched herself in the mirror being dragged out of her room by the knot. She felt her last ounce of dignity leave her. Baxter dragged her down the stairs. Kimberley’s head smashed off the steps as she went down. The poor girl prayed nobody would see her like this, but she knew it was only a matter of time.

Finally, they reached the bottom of the stairs. Kimberley’s head rested on the bottom step. Baxter too seemed exhausted as he stopped pulling. Kimberley couldn’t believe they had stayed attached through all that. Then her worst fears were answered. She heard her mother shrieked as Steve yelled: “I told you so.”

Kimberley’s mother and brother were watching her on the floor. Baxter let out a howl and began to empty gallons of cum into poor Kimberley’s ass. Kimberley’s mother ran away. She couldn’t watch her daughter do this. Steve howled with laughter as Kimberley lay there receiving all of Baxter’s cum. It began to leak out of the teenager’s ass. Poor Kimberley was crying her eyes out.

Finally, Baxter slipped out of Kimberley. When his cock was released, cum began to spill out of Kimberley’s ass. Baxter turned and began licking Kimberley’s ass and pussy. It was too much for her. She began to moan like a bitch as she approached climax. Steve was in hysterics. His little sister was getting completely degraded by her own dog, and she was enjoying it.


The feeling of Baxter’s tongue sliding up and into her ass and pussy proved too much for Kimberley. She arched her back and moaned louder. The poor girl began to orgasm in front of her brother.


Kimberley’s whole body shook violently. Steve laughed hysterically at his little sister. Finally, she calmed down. She lay there in her own mess and Baxter’s cum. Steve laughed at the whimpering girl. He opened the front door and grabbed Kimberley.

“Dog’s sleep outside,” he said, before throwing the crying girl out into the cold air.

The door slammed behind her. Kimberley was completely exposed as she lay on the ground shaking. She had nothing but her bra and her pajama shorts that were pulled down her legs. She pulled up her shorts and looked around. It was a cold night. What would she do?

The End