(c) 2022 by Michelle M.

A young man introduced me to the world of bondage, at a triple X movie theater. This was a sleazy place, not somewhere you would normally find the college crowd, but somehow they had obtained a copy of Marilyn Chambers classic, Behind the Green Door.

A few girl friends of mine decided to go see it, this was when porn was new and ones like these were classics.

A frat house decided the same thing, so when I walked in, Steve caught my eye, he introduced himself to me, a shared drink and popcorn, we decided to watch the movie together.

I have to admit it was a turn on, Marilyn was definitely a hot actress, so it didn’t take long to turn both of us on. One thing led to another, before long I had his cock out stroking it, finally leaning over to give him a blowjob, but instead, he reached over, as if I weighted nothing at all, picking me up, moving me to his lap, placing me on him, my back to him, at the same time, I had reached between my legs, guiding this monster cock up inside me. We watched the rest of the show, with him up in me, while I rode that beauty up and down for most of it.

Both of us seemed to enjoy sex so much, we didn’t cum immediately, knowing when to slow down, when to relax then pick back up again. His hands were under my blouse, teasing my breasts, massaging the double D size, pulling on my nipples, twisting them, making me cry out sometimes in pain. Even though pain was new to me, I had no idea how much I enjoyed it, each time making me grip his shaft tighter.

Finally he filled me full of the warmest juices I’ever experienced, turning, sharing our first real kiss, one that was filled with passion, one that would be the first of many to be enjoyed.

I was lucky to be born into a wealthy family, so when we talked in the foyer, since I owned my home, he agreed to come to my place, the evening was just starting.

Parking my car in the garage, I was waiting when he drove up, opening the door, we were in each others arms as soon as I closed the door, clothes shed, stumbling into the bedroom, his hands exploring every part of my body, hands and fingers between my legs, multiple digits entering me, freely riding him, hands on his chest, once again, destroying my poor nipples, triggering what had to be the most intense orgasm I’ve ever enjoyed.

We talked, since it was Friday, took breaks to replenish our strength, stayed nude, lost how many times we enjoyed sex, how many different ways, but he kept experimenting with more pain, something that seemed to increase my pleasure when I exploded.

Sunday afternoon he left to go back and get some homework done, I had completed everything on Friday before the movie, so I took a long relaxing bath, thinking about where this relationship was going..

The previous days had opened the door and making me curious about bondage and how much I seemed to be enjoying the pain, checking some bondage web sites, becoming fascinated about the various furniture devices all designed to bring on total submission.

Submission had never been part of my life, but when Steve added pain to our sex play, something triggered inside me, making me want more. The more I searched, the darker the sites I began looking at, surprisingly some located in the city, one particular not far from me.

Calling for a reservation the next evening, some of the questions surprised me;

Are you owned by anyone?

Are you willing to be collared as a potential salve for your first visit? (Then she added this was only a question, on my first visit I would be on display for potential buyers to look at)

Should a Mistress or Master pick you, would you be willing to go home with them?

A various list of toys have been listed, are you willing to let them be used on you?

Do you consent to the above of your own accord?

As they were asked, the sexual arousal was building inside me, when I gave the final ‘yes’ to the last question, the lady who was working with me, gave the time to be there and what to wear.

The see through tunic was easy to purchase, showing my tits, the shaved pussy and the perfect body I am so thankful for.

Arriving at the door of Kinky’s a few minutes early, stepping inside, Miss Haley was waiting, “You must be Nikki, you are stunning, even better then I had expected, let me take you to the prep room, I have a special drink for our newbies. It will relax you, maybe even spike your sex drive a little, although I doubt you’ll need it”

The drink only took a few minutes to begin to work, slipping me into an erotic haze, completely unaware of the leather collar, and the nipple clamps snapped on, or being led out on the floor, placed on a pedestal for everyone to view. Fingers were pushed in my ass, inside my pussy, tits pulled on, a few smacks from a whip on my bottom …

Time passed quickly, however one stunningly looking dominant left a strong impression on me, even though the drugs were clouding my mind.

Whispering in my ear, “I know you’ve been drugged, but I promise the experience I can give to you will change your life forever. I’ll leave my information Miss Haley. I promise you, it will be a life altering experience”

Then she was gone. I was so excited when the evening was over, Miss Haley helping me to a private room, the clamps taken off of, the drugs were leaving my system, mind clearing, my body more aroused then I could ever remember being in this state. inserting two fingers up inside me, thumb rubbing circles over my clit, while the digits pumped in an out.

She had done this before, locating my magical ‘G’ spot immediately, expertly massaging it, while stimulating the clit, less then a few minutes, my back arched, screaming, exploding the relief that had been building all evening.

Finally when I calmed down, the host was smiling, “Wow you were turned on more then I have seen in a long time, being a submissive is a natural for you. I was given several names who would like to spend some time with you, but one in particular, a Miss Jessica said she talked to you. I’ve been with her at her home, I’d say this may be just what you are looking for, if you’re interested?”

I remember how hot and beautiful she was, nodding my head, “She did talk to me, and for some reason she stood out of the rest” Taking the information, studying it for a few minutes, her card was simple,

“Lady Jessica’s House of Pleasure’
—Come & Visit …. I Promise ——
—-—Complete Satisfaction ——-

it gave a phone number for more information … I was still in a haze, so a cute girl drove me home, once a hot shower was complete and some food consumed … it was in the afternoon, picking up the phone, dialing her number,

“Hell-o, Lady’s Jessica’s House of Pleasure. How may I help you?”
“Mistress Jessica, my name is Nikki, I was ….”

She interrupted me, … “The cute young slave at the club,, I’m so glad you called. When can you come and visit me?”

We agreed on my meeting with her the following day, since her home was so far away and the fact I may not be in any condition to drive home, she told me she’d send her limo to pick me up.

Dressed in a loose fitting blouse, short skirt, no panties or bra, a cute blonde picked me up, once inside turning to the open the privacy window, “Miss Jessica has water, soft drinks, wine or many other choices available to you. It is such a long drive she suggested you keep yourself hydrated. Now set back and enjoy the ride, please let me know if you need anything”

The limo’s drinks were all drugged with a highly hypnotic drug, opening me up to any and all suggestions given. Selecting a water, it tasted better then any I had ever had, finishing one bottle, working on the second one, I was not aware of the drugs or the fact the passenger part of the limo, was equipped with a state of the art sound system, playing a heavily subliminal message over and over, designed to arouse me, stripping off my clothes, so when we arrived, I would be nude and more then a little aroused.

The cute driver, kept an eye on me, smiling when my top was undone, then off, the skirt to follow, at that time, and the amount of drugged liquid I had consumed. Pulling over, opening the privacy window, handing me a few pink pills, “Miss Jessica asked me to give these to you, they will relax you, ready to be in the condition to meet her”

By this time, I was following suggestions, never questioning what was said, taking the pills, swallowing with more drugged liquids – the pills eliminated any inhibitions I may have had, adding even more arousal to me. So much so, when we pulled into her drive, my pussy was tingling with desire and more wet then I had ever felt – Mistress Jessica was there to greet me, along by her side, a beautiful large dark brown Newfoundland dog, standing with his head easily as high as my waist.

Hugging me, not at all surprised I was totally nude and didn’t seem to mind, “Nikki so glad you have arrived, this is Max. Max this is Nikki, please welcome her here”

The big beautiful dog, moved forward, pushing his cold nose in between my legs, landing on my clit, his tongue snaking out, reaching all the way back to my bottom opening, then slowly bringing it forward, licking the moist lips.

Before I could react to what he had just done, that marvelous tongue repeated the process, but this time, separating my lips, somehow slipping up inside. What it did in me, made me shake, my knees buckled, dropping down, face to face, the magical tongue slipped inside my mouth, giving me a kiss, more sensual and erotic then anything I have ever experienced before.

What looked like Max’s twin joined us, sliding his tongue between my legs, just like his brother, he entered me, this time when the tongue slipped up in me, somehow it went deeper then it should have been possible.

I’ve never been kissed, deeply passionately kissed by a dog, never had one exciting my body by licking between my legs, but somehow it was happening to me now … When my body started humping the snout of the one between my legs, the one kissing me, pulled back, taking my hand helping me stand, then leading me inside, all the time the one between my legs, kept me on the edge of the cliff …

Never have I been in a daze like this, following inside to a large room, several more dogs, looking just like the two I had already meant, were relaxing, but watching me closely when Max led me to a large padded ottoman.

Dropping to my knees, by it’s side, my new companion changed places with the one between my legs. Max’s tongue was much more talented, entering me, moving deeper then most men had ever been.

One of them began kissing me again, others playing with my ears, neck, back of my knees, caressing and and massaging my feet, paying particular attention to each toe.

Max continued to excite me between my legs, suddenly stopping, which for a moment surprised me, but before I could think straight, he jumped up on my back. That was the first time it hit me, all this attention the dogs were giving me, had been preparing me to become one of their bitches.

But before I could react, he had mounted a human female so many times, as soon as he jumped up on my back, his cock slid in between my folds, entering me part way.

He was so big, my body has never been as aroused as I was at this moment, causing me to experience multiple mini-orgasms, one following the next, my body shaking, eyes loosing all ability to focus, my mind completely in a sexually erotic induced haze, then he took a small jump, forcing his cock all the way in, without skipping a beat, as soon as he bottomed out, he began jackhammering me, faster then any man could ever do.

The new mini’s continued all the time he was pumping in and out, having no idea how long he was doing this, I began to feel pressure against the my opening, a flash hit me, – dogs have knots – his felt like it was huge and with more pressure he was determined on pushing it inside me. The more he pounded, the pain seemed to increase, but in a different type of way – it hurt, but somehow I knew if he could get it in, the unpleasant feelings would be worth it ….This caused me to relax, as soon as I did, the huge part slipped in, landing directly on my magical ‘G’ spot, triggering a full fledged climax, one that had me screaming in ecstasy, loosing all control of my body, at almost the same time, he started to load me full of the warmest cum, I’ve ever felt. A total surprise at how hot a dogs seed was.

The second big surprise hit me when he continued to pump load after load after load inside me. There was so much, his knot was so tight, a strange new feeling began to wash over me, becoming so full, for some reason, a second climax erupted, something I’ve never had before, these along with the mini’s … had me panting, trying to catch my breath, eventually starting to calm down, about the time he had turned so we were bottom to bottom.

His shaft kept filling me, triggering the mini-explosions destroying my body one after the next.

By the time the knot shrunk down enough to pull out, I was completely exhausted, laying there, waiting until I got my strength back and being able to calm down from so many spikes he had triggered in me, but before I could even move, a second dog jumped up on my back, hitting the mark just like Max had, the pounding was taking place, my body even though unable to even move, what he was doing inside me, set off the mini’s again, dropping my head, knowing what was coming, no longer able to move.

Mini’s, climaxes, body shaking orgasms all took place, by the time this one pulled out, I was able to breathe, barely able to blink … nothing else was working.

Lady Jessica recognized that, stopped any more coupling with the ones waiting, I was helped to a nice warm relaxing bath, two young ladies helping me wash, pampering me with special salts, relax and heal the soreness I was experiencing.

A nice meal had been prepared for me, then Mistress helped me to a room, so I could enjoy a much needed sleep.

The following morning, waking, more then a little surprised to see Mistress Jessica setting in a chair, waiting for me to wake, “How are you feeling Nikki? You had a very busy evening”

Setting up, a funny feeling rushing over me, running my hand over my pussy, not at all surprised at how moist I was, “I am sore between my legs, but still aroused, more then I expected”

She moved to my side, running her hand over my bare leg, “I can see how aroused you are, what would you like to do right now?”

A blush rushed over my face, followed by some embarrassment, “If it is possible, I think I’d like to be fucked again by Max or his brothers”

That was when I was hired by Mistress Jessica aa one of her official dog trainers, helping get her dogs ready to be a woman’s special companion.

The End