(c) by Reddog70

Part One

Heather cleared the fallen branches from her back yard. The wind had really done a number on the trees the night before. When she was done, she went back inside and rounded up her clothes to do some laundry.

The laundry room was small, and just off her back porch, Heather stripped down to her sweat pants and a tank top throwing everything else, bra’s panties, and all into the basket. She had gotten a little behind on her laundry with the move, and her ex being a nonstop whiny bitch about it.

Heather smiled and took a gulp of her kryptonite. The Ever Clear and Vault soda burned its way straight to her pussy. Erotic tingles rippled up her body to her nipples as she picked up the basket and walked out to the laundry room.

Laying next to her back door was a monstrously huge neighborhood stray. The dog, if it was a dog, and not some game monster that escaped video land came to her mid-thigh in height and was longer then her upper body.

Heather stopped and ruffled his fur, getting a wet dog kiss for her effort. As she leaned back to avoid getting dog slobber in her mouth, she saw the mutt’s bright angry red cock standing out for all the world to see.

Heather’s pussy instantly fired to life juicing up, the dogs cock mas huge. She hadn’t ever thought much about dog cocks but god damn. Heather uncaring now of the dog slobber bent to the dog’s ear.

“If only you were a human, I’d let you mount me like your favorite neighborhood bitch every day, big guy,” She told him.

The dog gave a soft woof and laid back down. Almost as if to tease Heather, he lay on his side, his hard bright red cock drawing her eye. Heather huffed and turned away.

“What’s getting into me anyway.” She moaned plaintively.

Heather put in her first load, laughing at the pun as she glanced back at the mutt muttering, “I’d take that load any day.” with a horny sigh before going back into the house.

Horny Heather, text her long-distance friend with benefits Carl for some hardcore sexting. She found him ready and willing, as always. Stripping off her sweats and tank top, Heather laid back on her second-hand couch and dipped two fingers into her cunt as she read the latest way Carl was having her taken.

To her surprise, he had her being dragged onto a stage after a group of guys raped her. They strapped her to a padded bench and brought in a pit bull. Heather was close cumming by the time she got halfway into the big dog mounting her.

Heather glanced up and found the stray was sitting outside her sliding glass door. His big red cock still hard and ready, she came. Her moans and whimper filling her little apartment, Heather watched the Stray watching her cum.

Panting Heather grumped when the laundry timer suddenly bussed at her. Since no one could see into her porch, Heather didn’t bother getting dressed to change the washer and start a new load. This would alter Heather’s life forever.

She put on her slippers and went out of the glass door. As Heather came out the door, the dog woofed again, his big tongue lolling out.

“That red monster of yours should be registered as a weapon big guy. It’s bigger than my tench inch toy.” Heather said, patting his head.

She gasped when he stuck his nose against her pussy and sniffed. Before she could shove him away, his big flat tongue licked her from her asshole to her pubic mount three times.

Heather cried out her pussy spasming as she came, then came even hard before the first one had passed. Her knees were almost buckling from two powerful orgasms, and being more than buzzed, Heather staggered over to the laundry room.

The big dog followed her inside. When Heather bent to put the clothes into the dryer, she wobbled. Then she sank forward to her knees, resting her arms on the opening to the dryer.

“Well fuck,” Heather grumped as she landed on her knees, then cried out, “What the fuck,”

When Heather slumped to her knees, the Stray took it as a sign of submissive acceptance of his need and shoved. He was instantly all over her wet naked pussy, his tongue licking at her frantically.

His tongue slithered over her already dripping sex, then forced its way inside to plunder her vagina.

To shocked to do anything, Heather moaned a the big stray ate her pussy as no one had ever done before. Before her mind could fully process what she should do, the dog’s hot wet tongue deep in her cunt.

Heather found her self clutching the dryer so that she wasn’t shoved face-first to the floor. Heather came in waves, her pussy clutching hungrily at the dogs knowing tongue. Then the hot, wet tongue was gone, Heather sobbing from the magnificent orgasm was unprepared for what happened next.

The big mutt mounted Heather like the bitch in heat she was. His front legs were on either side of her torso beside her now wildly bouncing breasts. His furry belly pressed against her back, as he struggled to get his cock into her dripping Pussy opening.

The stray grunted as his large, hot cock bumped flat against her pussy twice before its pointed head speared into her warm wet snatch. The dog’s hot, precum dripping fat cock, slammed balls deep into Heather.

Heather screamed in pain and lust as the strays thick cock plowed into her. He stretched her cunt as wide as her wrist right to her cervix. The stray did now wait for Heather to adjust to his invasion but began to fuck her furiously.

Heather found her head shoved inside her dryer by the dog’s driving hips. All she could hear was her echoing moans and the slap of his fat cock pounding into her spasming snatch.

As the big red strays cock drove harder and faster into Heather’s cooze, her tits bounced around wildly. They rubbed against the rough fur of the stray’s front legs. The sides began to look as if they had five o’clock shadow burn.

Her large hard nipples and silver dollar areola dragged over the hardwood floor, and then slapped against the cold metal dryer driving. Driven into her fifth straight orgasm, Heather convulsed and shook as she squirted for the first time in her life.

As Heathers cunt clenched around his slamming cock the dog snarled, then drove his full length with all his weight behind it into Heather. As her shoulders slammed into the dryer, Heather felt the dogs pointed cock head push through her cervix into her uterus.

Heather screamed in agony, then she screamed in ecstasy. Her body shook from head to toe, as a soul wrenchingly powerful full body orgasm wracked Heather’s tore through her. If she had been able to think, Heather might have figured it was like getting hit by lightning. Only with pussy juice spraying out of her cunt.

The dog slowed down, his deep, powerful thrusts becoming rhythmic rather then wild, his cock head pushing roughly through her cervix into her uterus with every thrust drove Heather’s orgasm on and on. But though it was a distant sensation compared to the Volcano of her ongoing orgasm, Heather felt something hitting the clenched opening of her vagina with each thrust.

The stray pulled mostly out of Heather then lunged forward, something as big around as a baseball struck her pussy opening and stretched her wide open. Heather shrieked and screamed, as her tight little cunt spasming and gushing, stretched around the massive knob as it squeezed through into her.

Heather’s vagina clamped tightly around to the two-inch-thick shaft behind the knot. “OHGODOHGODOHGOD” Heather screamed over and over as the dog’s large body went into overdrive.

Its huge cock firmly wedged inside her needy cunt, he hammered at her uterus. Heather was wracked by more bone wrenching, soul burning full-body orgasms. Heathers felt his teeth sink into the back of her neck, as the big stray pressed his furry balls against her vulva and made her his new bitch.

The strays big balls contract sending a hot stream of his cum into Heather’s unprotected uterus. It sprays her tender walls like a squirt gun filled with right off the stove pudding, burning Heather’s women hood, branding her as his bitch forever.

Heather can feel his thick seed filling her womb, trapped inside her uterus by his fat throbbing cock, and her tight cervix. It feels like a gallon of magma hot dog cum if scalding her womb, stretching hit. Pushed up into Heather’s Fallopian tubes, the dog’s army of sperm finds nothing to attack this time.

Then the dog, now panting from his insemination of his new bitch, swings one leg over Heather’s hips, turning him around, putting them ass to ass. Then he presses his ass hard against Heathers, shoving her farther into the dryer. Laying his head down to wait for his cock to come free, he yawns and promptly falls asleep.

Heather lay half inside the dryer on her knees, whimpering and crying. The fire in her womb from the dogs scalding cum shivering through her every poor. The big strays hot, hard cock was still firmly stuck in her cunt. Heather sobs, knowing she’d let the big bastard have her pussy whenever he’s in the mood.

Once the mind-blowing orgasms pass and the humiliated balling, from having a stray dog, not only be the best fuck of her life. But give her the greatest orgasms of her life fades to sniffles. Heather decides to try and get the dog’s fat awesome cock out of her snatch.

She shoves her way out of the dryer, irritating the dog, then they struggle, twisting and rolling to get free both yelping from pain now and then. Finally, they wind up on the floor of the laundry room.

Heather now on her back, a pile of clothes under her ass. Her hips shoved up to her sides, the dog now sitting on her pussy, his head cocked. His cock once again fully hard, the look the dog is giving Heather has her cunt juicing up.

She knows what’s coming and grabs the edge of the open dryer for leverage, and waits eagerly for him. With a snarl of domination and animal lust, the big stray places his front paws beside Heather’s big tits, he lifts his ass and begins slamming into her furiously.

As he slams into Heather, his cock hitting her tight cervix and sliding against it instead of through it. He moves his paws to either side of Heather’s head, pushing her legs farther up along her body. Her hips rolling up gave him a better angle and leverage to slam his cock into Heather’s battered uterus.

Heathers bruised and scratched tits bounce and flail against his warm fur, as his blurring hips hammers his huge cock into her honey pot. his cock head driving in and out of her cervix leaves Heather blindly wailing her way from one quivering orgasm to the next.

The stray drives his fat, dog fuck tool harder and deeper than the first time, the new angle lets Heather see his bright angry red cock as it slams into her pink, sloppy pussy.

“Yes! Yes, harder! Fuck me hard with your fat cock” Heather screams as she grabs his furry head and drags his muzzle to her lips.

Heather starts kissing the stray on the muzzle, he grunts and licks her. Heather opens her mouth and sucks his tongue. The dog’s hips drive Heather’s ass into the pile of clothes as their tongues battled. Her pussy juices and his cum gush out wildly from the violence of his fucking drenching her clothes.

The stray lasts twice as long this time, jackhammering Heather’s cunt until his knot swells, and he slams it into Heather pussy with an angry feral howl.

Heathers gurgles and whimpers around the dogs swirling tongue as her pussy stretches open to swallow his the baseball-sized knot. The dog’s tongue ravages Heather’s mouth like a second cunt, as he teaches his new bitch to submit.

The stray drives his cock balls deep and hold it there, and Heather watches his tail bounce up and down like as he blasts her womb with another river of thick scalding cum. Heather’s body Jerked and spasmed as the scorching cum roiled against the walls of her ravaged uterus.

The stray was thrown out of Heather’s cunt with a yelp as her body shakes and thrashes from the seething river of his dog’s cum filling your womb. The sight of her pussy juices spraying into the air in arching streams was too much for Heather’s overwhelmed mind.

As the world goes dark, Heather sees the big red stray licking his cock clean. When Heather woke up, her clean clothes, which she had gotten fucked on top of, were stuck to her. The drying Pussy juice and dog cum all over them had acted like cheap glue.

Heather groaned and loaded all the clothes back into the washer, started it, and went back inside her apartment. On wobbly legs, Heather closed her sliding glass door. There was no sign of stray. He needs a name Heather thought as she walked toward her bathroom on wobbly legs.

There was a knock on her front door, and Heather considered not answering it. But if they had been out there when she was passed out in the laundry room, they might be worried. Worried neighbors were nosy neighbors. With a sigh, she paused and grabbed her bathrobe then went to answer the door.

Her landlord stood on her porch, “Hi Heather, I just wanted to check and make sure you were okay after the storm.” He said.

“I’m okay, I cleaned up all the downed limbs and stuff this morning they’re by the back gate.

He looked her up and down, he usually was more circumspect about checking her out, Heather frowned at him. “Anything else?” she asked tiredly.

Before he could answer, there was a deep bark from behind him. He turned, “Shut up, Freddy, you stupid mutt!” He turned and yelled.

Standing at the end of her apartment entry walkway was a massive pitbull. He growled and sniffed the air audibly. Heather’s pussy quivered, “I’m fine, sir, by.” she squeaked and slammed the door stumbling back to her bathroom.

Heather dropped the bathrobe and started a shower. Then she looked at her self in the medicine cabinet mirror. Her breasts were covered in red patches and scratches; she was filthy, her pussy oozed dog cum.

Heather’s pussy ached in places she hadn’t known it could hurt, her belly was distended, it looked and felt like she had done a partial enema. Carefully Heather stepped into the shower and washed up.

While Heather showered, her land lord’s pit bull wondered her little apartment waiting for the new in-season bitch to show herself. He could smell that another had bred her already, but he didn’t care. He would make her his bitch now.


Part Two

Heather showered her self clean, then let the hot streams of water rinse away the dirt and dog cum before plugging the tub drain and switching the water to fill it.

She added some Epsom salts to the water then sank into the tub for a long comfy soak. Relaxing in the water, Heather felt her womb quiver. A fresh stream of dog spunk seeped out of her cooze into the water.

A half-hour later feeling refreshed, Heather showered her self off again then got out of the tub. Her long blond hair hung wet and tangled on her back and chest, for once Heather was too tired to preen.

Naked, Heather walked into her living room, planning to catch a nap. With a startled scream, she was knocked to the floor by a heavy body. Rolling over, Heather looked up at the landlord’s gray and white pit bull.

Her eye’s zeroed in on his large angry red cock sticking out of its sheath and dripping precum. Using his head, he shoved and lifted Heather rolling her onto her belly.

To shocked until now to do anything, Heather shoved her self up, trying to get away. The big pit bull pounced on her back, driving her face to the floor as he mounted her.

Heather cried out as his hardening dog cock slapped against her pussy, hot precum splattering it with each miss. Failing to find her pussy opening, the Pit dismounted and began licking her pussy. Having already been fucked by the stray twice that morning, Heather’s legs opened instinctively, her ass tilting up.

The Pit sensing her submission, mounted her again, this time he found her pussy entrance on the second thrust. With a sob of resignation and lust, Heather thrust her horny cunt back into the pits thrusting cock.

The Pit placed his front paws beside Heather’s waist, bracing himself against her hip. His powerful hips blurred as he pounded Heather’s tight love channel with his long hard cock.

The pits frantic thrusting had his cock head hammering against Heather’s cervix. Each impact rocked Heather like an electrical shock. Heather’s cervix quivered, then sent an orgasmic shock wave through her. All the strays bottled up cum from that morning spurted out of her womb, sending her into a thrashing orgasm.

Heather was barely aware of the Pit’s thick cock, leaving her pussy, or the yelping and scratching of claws on her hardwood floors. As the orgasm rolled through her Heather’s body clouding her mind with raging bliss, she felt the tongue that suddenly began ravished her sloppy, quivering pussy.

As the fog began to recede from her mind, Heather felt a broad flat tongue start licking her sloppy, quivering pussy. Her body still quivering in orgasmic aftershocks, Heather arched up off the floor as the tongue forced its way into to her cum soaked cunt stroking her G-spot.

As a powerful stream of pussy juice squirted out of her spasming slit, Heather forced herself up off the floor. Reaching her hands and knees, Heather looked back. Surprised, she finds the Strays sparkling violet eyes looking back at her.

“I can’t believe I’m doing this, but I want it so bad. Come give your bitch that fat cock Baby,” Heather said as she spread her legs apart and arched her back, lifting her ass.

Giving Heather’s pussy a final lick, the stray mounted her. He drove the full length of his cock into Heather as if he had understood her. By his fifth thrust, his pointed cock head had pushed into her Cervical canal. Instead of hammering all the way in against her uterus walls, as he had that morning, he fucked her with smooth channel stretching thrusts.

“OHGODOHGODOHGOD,” Heather screamed as the big red stray rocked her world.

Looking back over her shoulder, Heather’s pussy clamped down and spasming on his pounding cock Heather met the stray’s knowing gaze. The stray groaned like any human Who had felt pussy juice and spasm in orgasm around his pounding fuck tool would.

Then the stray pulled out of her pussy and used his front paws to push Heather sideways onto the floor on her back. Cumming hard, Heather moaned and lay on her back submissively as the big red dog straddled her chest, his rear legs on either side of her big jiggling tits. Heather watched as the strays huge dangling red cock Dripped and gushes of precum all over her tits. His cock grew thicker, and streams of scalding thick white cum blasted her breasts, throat, and face.

Heather Loved sucking cock and the taste of cum, she opened her mouth wide and gulped down every stream that landed in it. Heather loved the taste of the dogs cum. Grabbing his hips, she dragged his fat dripping cock to her mouth

Arching her back, Heather turned her head and took half of the dog’s cum spurting cock into her mouth. Swallow suck, swallow suck, Heather paced her self as she sucked the dog’s massive cock. There was just to much cum, and it ran down her chin onto her breasts then down to pool in her navel as Heather blew the Dog.

When he finished cumming Heather licked his cock clean, stroking his fat shaft as she sucked cum and pussy juices off of it, as well as his knot and his balls. The knot was actually as big as a softball, not a baseball. It was a wonder to Heather that it hadn’t torn her pussy apart.

Like the good bitch that she now was, Heather cleaned up her Alpha as she was licking his balls close to his body she found a tattoo. It read AR69 Chiron. Heather licked the tattoo then went back to sucking on Chiron’s cock and balls. She would never again think of him as a stray.

Heather sucked on Chiron’s balls, they were big, and his sack still had plenty of cum in it. As she sucked and licked at him, she discovered that he had five balls, no wonder he had so much cum. Chiron Huffed and then lay down next to Heather and began licking his cum off of her body.

When Heather was shiny from her face to knees with dog slobber, but little if any cum he lay next to her putting his head on her breasts, they dozed off. Heather woke up an hour or so later, carefully untangled herself from Chiron, and went to the kitchen.

She fixed her self a sandwich, Chiron, a mixed plate of leftovers. Grabbing a bottle of water and a bowl of water, she returned to the living room. She found Chiron lying on her couch, “Make yourself at home Chiron,” she said, “you live here now, big guy.”

Chiron barked softly and scratched the couch one. Heather paused. Maybe he was not a stray after all. “I don’t suppose you can tell me whether you’re a stray, or not can you?” Heather asked, not really expecting an answer as she sat down next to his head, offering him the bowl of water.

He scratched the couch twice then drank water from the bowl when. Heather laughed, “Right, one scratch means yes, and two means no. I must be going mad from getting my brains fucked out by you.

Chiron cocked his head, scratched the couch once paused then twice more. Heather’s breath caught, “No fucking way, no dog is that well trained or smart. Uh, uh,” she looked around frantically.

The sliding glass door that leads to her back yard is open, “Did you open the sliding glass door to get in?” she asked Chiron.

Chiron scratched the couch once.

“Uh, uh, go close the glass door Chiron,” Heather told him.

Chiron cocked his head, his eyes narrowed, and he rather calmly reached out a paw and flicked one of her fat nipples. “Hey,” Heather said plaintively, leaning away from him.

Chiron made a dog sound that was suspiciously like a laugh. Heather glared at him. Then seeing his still semi-hard cock sticking out, she wondered if he considered her his bitch, maybe she had asked him the wrong way.

“Chiron, would you please close the door, so no one bothers us while you fuck me.” Heather held her breath, hoping she hadn’t lost her mind.

Chiron stood up on the couch, licked her on the mouth, scratched the sofa once, then hopped down and went to the sliding glass door. He was tall enough so that all he had to do was raise his paw and push the door closed by the handle.

“Holy shit, “ Heather breathed as Chiron turned and walked back to her.

“You understand what I’m saying, don’t you?” She asked as she started to shake.

Chiron scratched the floor once, then barked at her and pawed the floor in front of him. Heather was still absorbing this shock to the brain and missed his second bark and gesture. Then he hopped up on the couch and ate the food she had brought for him while she was staring off into space.

Heather came back down from the clouds when he pulled her legs out onto the couch by the ankles. She stared at him as he nosed her thighs apart and then moved up and lowered himself onto her spread thighs.

With slow, deliberate care, he pressed his cock against Heather’s sloppy pussy. Slowly Chiron humped his cock shaft along Heather’s slick pink slit teasing her clit with each slow thrust.

Heather moaned and whimpered as smoldering flames of her previous orgasms ignited. Sending Heather into a quivering spurting orgasm, as the hot jets of precum from his cock blasted her Vagina.

As the orgasm hit her, Chiron slid his cock balls deep inside her clenching cunt. His cock head hit her cervix, pushed through into her cervical canal slamming against her uterus. Chiron pounded her like this until Heather stopped spurting.

As her orgasm passed, Chiron pulled out of her. Clamping his mouth around one of her ankle’s, he dragged her half off the couch. Heather found herself face down on the sofa with her ass in the air as Chiron mounted her again.

It only took his knot a few minutes to begin to swell. Heather fucked her cock-hungry pussy back into Chiron. He drove his swelling knot into her cunt, making Heather scream in thrashing orgasms.

Her vaginal opening expanded and contracted around the thick knot until it swelled to the point they were knotted together.

Chiron then hammered his cock into Heather so hard she knew she was his bitch, and no one else. His orgasm blasted her uterus like a fire hose driving Heather into another orgasm.

As his scalding river of cum expanded her womb, Heather’s orgasm rocked through her growing more powerful until she finally, her eyes rolled up into the back of her head and she passed out with a scream of ecstasy.

For the next two weeks, Chiron came to Heather each morning and mounted her. She bought a narrow padded bench that put her ass at just the right height for Chiron to fuck her. He only stayed an hour or so of hard fucking each day.

At first, Heather was humiliated that she wanted to be fucked by a dog. Then Heather realized that even being a dog, Chiron was smarter than her landlord. Her mind having accepted Chiron’s love, and her body demanding his cock, Heather didn’t give it another thought.

Heather also learned that Chiron did consider her his bitch. Heather also learned that he liked oral sex a lot. He liked having his cock sucked as much as she loved sucking it, and he enjoyed licking her pussy until she gushed.

Their daily routine changed eleven days after Chiron first claimed her as his bitch. He came to her as he had been every day, but this time he fucked her for six hours more or less straight. Heather’s belly bulged faintly when he left her half-unconscious in a pool of cum on her living room floor. The next two mornings, he did the same thing.

When she missed her next two periods, Heather bought a pregnancy test laughing as she did. If Chiron could get her pregnant, he would be unbearable. He took his place as the Alpha male very seriously and was very dominating when it came to sex.

Heather closed her bathroom door shutting Chiron out before she opened the test. Ten minutes later, Heather felt as if she was starring in an episode of some bad seventies porn horror show. The test was positive, trembling Heather opened and took three more tests, all were positive.

How and why Heather could get pregnant from having sex with a dog? Well, Heather was so shocked when she discovered Chiron had gotten her pregnant; she almost lost it. After a few days of stunned wall staring, Heather notices the tattoo on Chiron’s belly as he lay on his back, snoring beside her.

AR69 Chiron. Heather bit her lower lip, then picked up her phone and called Carl. “Hi Carl, it’s been a couple of weeks how are you doing,” Heather asked making small talk while she formulated her request and what she was willing to pay for it.

Carl was a Hacker and a good one at that. One of her game accounts had been hacked last year. It took him twenty minutes to not only reclaim her account but steel the other hacker’s linked accounts blind.

Heather interrupted Carl’s newest sexting plot involving her, “I need your help, Carl.”

“What’s wrong?” Carl asked.

“I, uh, you really wouldn’t believe me if I told you everything. I’m pregnant, Carl, it shouldn’t have been possible, but I am. I need you to do your hacker thing and find out everything you can about the father.” Heather said.

There was a long pause before he spoke, “Well, hell, I can’t do it for free Heather, no freebies, honey, you know that.” Carl reminded Heather.

She had paid him with three very slutty selfies for getting her game account fixed and protected. “If you do this for me,” Heather gulped before continuing, “I’ll send you all my sex videos, including the ones I have with the father,” Heather told him.

Heather heard Carl choke over the phone. He knew that when it came to sex, Heather had always been a very open-minded slut, recording as many of her exploits as she could for later masturbation.

“You, you know the father? Is he still around?” Carl finally managed to ask.

“He’s snoring on my sofa right now. His huge cock still wet from fucking me bow legged. He can’t talk Carl, and he’s an orphan of sorts. He, we will even send you an exclusive video made just for you. After the baby’s born and I have recovered if you want. Heather offered.

Carl was silent for a moment, “What’s the catch, Heather?” Carl finally asked.

“AR69 Chiron is all we know about Chiron’s past. That’s his name Chiron, as in the Greek myth. If you find anything out, you’ll know what the catch is and why. If you can’t find out anything, I’ll still send you all the sex tapes. You’ll really, really, like the ones with Chiron Carl, I promise. Heather said.

Heather laid back on her bed and hooked her phone to a POV stick, then spread her legs and recorded Chiron thick cum gushing out of her cunt when she flexed her belly.

“Here’s a taste of you’ll get Carl,” Heather said with a moan and sent him the new video.

“I’m on it sexy,” an audibly panting Carl responded in her ear.

A week went by with nothing from Carl, then early Sunday morning someone knocked on her door. Heather opened her door and found a short wide-shouldered man smiling at her. “Can I help you?” She asked.

“I believe I’ll direct the video you make for me,” Carl said with a smile holding out a flash drive to Heather.

“Carl,” Heather squealed, throwing her arms around him as she dragged him in for a big hug.

Behind her, Chiron cocked his head to one side, sniffed the air, then huffed and went back to the couch in the living room. After a long hug, Heather lead Carl to her kitchen, where they had coffee and made small talk catching up.
“Okay, let’s see what you found,” Heather said, leading him to her computer.

After booting up her PC, Heather plugged in the flash drive and opened up the files. “In 1999, some stupid ass animal rights atavists were going around breaking into medical labs and setting all the test animals free,” Carl said, filling Heather in on the gist of the data.

“Most of the time, this was not a problem, but some of the animals they set free had diseases, while others were sick and died in a lot of pain out in the wild. One of the labs the hit here in your neck of the woods was called Asclepius, after the Greek god of the healing arts.

They used stem cell and DNA research to find a cure for cancer and some other illnesses and hereditary problems. They experimented on some animals doing some very illegal and scary shit Heather. Three of their successful experiments were set free by the activists. Chiron is one of them, Heather.” Carl told her.

“Oh wow, uh, is he, err, is my baby in danger?” Heather asked her voice full of fear.

“No, no, if I thought you or the baby were in danger, I would have been here sooner, and we would be on our way to a hospital.”Carl quickly reassured Heather.

“Okay, umm, so uh, how did a dog get me pregnant?” Heather asked, then realized what she had asked and blushed beet red.

Carl gave her a pervy once over, “Well, he stuck his big Dog cock in your horny snatch and fucked you until he gave you a doggy creampie, duh,” Carl laughed.

Heather, still blushing, punched him in the shoulder, “Carl, how did a dog knock me up?” Heather asked again, giving him the chic eyes of death.

“All right, all right. Chiron and the other two’s DNA were somehow successfully combined with several other mammals, including humans. I couldn’t find out much about what they were trying to accomplish.

It seems they were able to create three animals capable of breeding with humans. Your well acquainted with Chiron. There’s a big female cat they called Artemis, and a male gorilla they called Hercules. All three disappeared when the activists or environmental terrorists, as I call them, broke into Asclepius.” He finished.

“What about my baby Carl?” Heather demanded.

“I know a DR, she owes me big, like federal prison big, so she’s going to help you, no questions asked,” Carl told her. “I have no idea what your baby will be like, but I’ll be here to help Heather.”

Carl sighed, “Uh, I, I bought a place just outside of town. It has a couple of older ranch houses on it. It uh well, I thought you might not want want to be living in the suburbs surrounded by close-minded assholes when your baby comes.” Carl finished.

Heather frowned at Carl, “You didn’t answer the question, Carl,” She said.

“I just don’t know Heather, but as long as I’m here, I can erase any computer footprint as it happens so you can hide if you need too. Carl told her.

Heather pursed her lips about to thank Carl, then she remembered, no freebies. “What’s in it for you, Carl?” She asked suspiciously.

“Hehe. Well, as I said, I want to direct the video you’re going to make for me. Plus all the old video’s you have. And the ranch houses will be rigged with cameras,” Carl laughed happy she was quick enough to catch him.

“No, no way. Put them anywhere you want outside or not in my house, but in mine, only the living room and two others, not to include my bedroom or main bathroom. Heather countered.

Carl laughed, “That’s my girl, fair enough.”

Nine months later, January first, 2002, Heather gave birth to healthy semi-normal triplets. They were semi typical because two of the triplets were identical, and the third was not. Lorna, and Nene her identical redheads, she named after a Heavy Metal character, and an anime character. Her pale-haired triplet she also named after a Heavy Metal character, Tarrna.

None of Heather and Chiron’s daughters showed any outward signs of being anything but human. Heather was ecstatic. Carl meanwhile left Heather and Chiron to their own devices. He did put two cameras in the hidden sex room he added to their house.

Heather was so happy for a place where Chiron could fuck her stupid without getting accidentally discovered she made a point of giving Carl a special show now and then.

This ends Heather and Chiron’s tale, but Carl still hunts for Artemis and Hercules.

The End