(c) 2011 by Sexperimental

My second year in college (at 20 years old), I met this 19 year old Brazilian exchange student from Sao Paulo in my Latin class. Her name was Liana, and she was drop dead gorgeous. She stood about 5’6″ and had Carmel colored skin. Her features were all extremely profound, as she had a large (almost oversized) butt, and D size breasts. She had green eyes, and her face was perfectly symmetrical, beautifully offset by a little birthmark on her left cheek. We took an immediate liking to each other, and sat next to one another every day.

Her Latin accent drove me up the wall! She told me all about Brazil, which I had always wanted to visit, and what it was like there. Being very personable people (Brazilians) she was very open about sexuality. Me being a very sexual person, I was quick to ask. She told me about how kids lost their virginity usually by age 13. It was common, she said, for an older person in the community to find a young boy/girl and show them the ways of love making usually before age 15.

Her neighbor, a 30 year old, had taking her virginity when she was 11. I was thrilled to hear all about the sexual tendencies of a different culture, and I told her about my experience with (young) Raina. With a laugh, she said I would fit in perfectly in Brazil. After about two months of class we decided to hang out outside of school. We got some lunch a few times, and went to a few movies. There was definitely a romantic energy between us, but we had only kissed and made-out, taking it slow. Soon, the year came to an end and we promised to stay in touch over the summer.

A few weeks went by, and there was no communication. Then, after about a month, she gave me a call. She told me that she was heading back to Brazil in a week and that she would love to see me again. Her exchange parents were going away for the weekend and she was gonna have the house to herself. I assumed that she wanted to make love, being that we were gonna be alone for a few days.

I became hornier and hornier, anticipating just how wonderful sex with Liana could be. The weekend came and I found my way out to her house. She lived on a farm on the outskirts of town, which took me a while to find, but I eventually did. She welcomed me with a big hug and a kiss, seductively gazing into my eyes. She was sooo dreamy! We visited for a while and ate some lunch. After lunch, she said, “Danny, you’re so beautiful, I love you and want to touch you all over, do you feel the same about me?”

Not used to this type of forwardness I was surely surprised. I responded that I didn’t want anything more in the world than to make love to such a sweet and gorgeous girl. Her face lit up and we began kissing, slowly making our way to her bedroom.

We collapsed onto her bed and I lay partially on top of her rubbing her thick thighs. Our tongues massaged the back of each others’ throats, as she was the best kisser I had ever kissed. We took it nice and slow, removing articles of clothing every 3 minutes or so, allowing for a nice buildup. I kissed her breasts and sucked on her big round nipples. She gave me a prominent hickey on my neck.

Finally, after about 20 minutes we were fully naked and the foreplay was getting both of us extremely wet. I slid my body down the bed, bringing my face up to her genitals. She was soaked with pussy juice and fully shaved as well. Her pussy juiced coated labia glistened in the sunlight beaming in through the window. I began eating her out, it was sour but delightful as she moaned and pulled my hair, arching her back.

Her Carmel-colored complexion was glowing and her energy flowed right into my mouth. My penis was super duper hard, and I couldn’t take it any longer. I lifted my face up and got on my knees, and Liana rolled over onto her belly. I grabbed her hips and moved her up to her knees and toward my dick. She reached back between her legs and guided my penis into her vagina. I let out a loud moan upon entry and began thrusting, my balls swaying back and forth.

She moaned with pleasure and let her face fall into the pillow. Doggy style was one of my favorite positions and was surely her favorite. I thrust harder and harder as she began to shriek with every push. “Ah, Uh, Oh, Uh, Ow! Hi, Uh!” Up on her hands and knees, she turned her face back and blew me a kiss. I leaned over and began licking her upper back and neck. Then, sitting up straight again, I went harder and faster, banging the shit out of her pussy. I felt her vagina walls spasming and expanding/contracting around my cock. “Oh yes, fuck me, fuck me hard, you bad boy!” she exclaimed. Her accent drove me crazy!

“Oh no! No, you bad boy! Oh Max! Fuck me Max!”

What?! I thought. Who’s Max? I slowed down to a stop.

“What happen, why you stop?” she cried.

“Who’s Max?” I responded.

“Oh, nobody,” she said. “It means nothing.”

“No way, it’s ok, just tell me who your fantasizing about, I don’t care.”

Her eyes moved about as she searched for an answer. “Max was my first boyfriend back home,” she stated.

I knew she was lying, it was too obvious. “You’re lying!” I pulled my dick out of her and sat on my butt.

“No, no, it’s no lie,” she responded.

“Listen Liana, I don’t care if you’re hooking up with another guy and fantasizing about him, it’s okay, just be honest!” I stated.

She fell silent as she searched her mind for the right words. With a relief, she stated a bunch of things in Portuguese, as if complaining to her father.

“Ok, listen,” she said, “there’s something that sometimes goes on in Brazilian culture that I didn’t tell you.”

“Huh, what?” I said inquisitively, totally puzzled.

“I just didn’t want to tell you because I fear that you might judge me and not like me, and think I’m disgusting,” she said.

“Liana, you know I love you for you and wouldn’t judge you! You’re amazing no matter what, you can tell me anything.”

She sighed and took a deep breath, “You promise me Danny? You swear you won’t judge me!?!”

“Of course!” I responded, holding eye contact.

“Okay then,” she continued, “I won’t tell you with words, but I can show you.”

Huh? I thought, I was confused.

She got up from the bed and moved over to the doorway, and shouted, “Max! Max! come here boy, come here!” Just then a medium sized dog came jetting down the hallway and into the room.

It clicked! Woah!!! I thought.

She stood there in silence, watching the wheels turn in my head.

“You mean? No fucking way!”

She nodded her head.

“Eeew, gross!” I complained.

She put her head down, “I knew you wouldn’t like it.”

“I didn’t say that!” I replied, “I’m extremely open- minded, it’s just, I’ve never thought of this before. I’m actually really curious!”

Her face lit up and she smiled. “You want to know exactly what it is we do?” she questioned.

“I would love to see,” I replied, as my penis began to grown again. This is totally weird, I thought, but for some reason it’s insanely hot! She got down on all fours, and called for Max, patting her butt. Ecstatically, the dog ran over wagging his tail. I could see his pink penis emerging from its little pouch. He ran behind her, and hopped up onto his hind legs, mounting her backside. He began humping rapidly. Liana giggled with delight. She reached back, just like she had done with me, and guided his penis into her pussy.

Max humped faster and harder, whining with pleasure. Liana began moaning and soon she was shrieking. “Oooh Maxi, you bad boy!” she also said some stuff in Portuguese I couldn’t understand.

I was in shock. What was this?! I was rock hard, and without realizing it had begun stroking my penis. Liana commanded that I come over and sit in front of her. I did as she said and she began sucking away at my cock. She moaned with delight. My head fell back and my mouth hung wide open, she was amazingly talented!

All too soon the dog finished and ran off barking with glee. Both of us humans were still horny, so I took his place and began screwing the shit out of Liana. I grabbed her hair and pumped as hard as I ever had. I could feel the warm, wet semen of Max inside her vagina and it felt great.

Uncontrollably, I let my load explode inside of her, prematurely. She complained, unsatisfied, and stated that I had to suck my sperm out of her for releasing it too soon. I did as she requested and she giggled with content. “You’re crazy,” I told her.

With a smile, she said, “It doesn’t end there.” She grabbed my hand, and led me out of her room, both of us fully nude. We went out the back door and into the yard. I had forgot we were on a farm. Ah, it’s all starting to make sense!! I thought.

She said, “I requested to be on a farm, because I ‘love’ animals” she said with a laugh. We entered a big barn. It was full of horses. We walked past a bunch of stables, and entered one with a big, white, beautiful stallion in it. “His name is David” she told me. She instructed me to grab a table that was outside of the stable and slide it in. In a trance of curiosity I did as told.

She approached the horse and stroked his face. He seemed to know and trust her as he didn’t bat an eye upon contact. She slid her hand down his body, under his belly and clutched his large cock. As she firmly stroked it, it grew longer and longer until it was about a foot long. David let out a small cry and shifted his legs.

“Woah there buddy!” she responded in a whisper. She dropped down to her knees and opened her mouth as wide as possible. She inserted his penis and began moving her head back and forth. She pulled it out and licked the tip of it, pushing her tongue into his hole. “Mmm,” she moaned with delight, “you must try.”

Not knowing what was happening, my dick had become erect yet again. I moved over and dropped to my knees. She handed me the obscenely large cock. I licked the tip and stuffed the head into my mouth, tickling it with my tongue. She giggled and watched intently. What have I gotten into this time!? I thought. His dick was sweet and surprisingly tasty. I continued for about 2 minutes, stroking this horse penis with my tongue. With my mouth getting sore, I stopped and stood up. We both slid the table over, next to David.

She got on the table and laid on her back. I grabbed the horse cock and guided it into her pussy. David shifted with pleasure. Liana screamed at the top of her lugs, nearly in pain. After about 3 minutes, she couldn’t take it anymore and I watched as her body shook and spasmed to orgasm. She let out an ear piercing shriek. The horse startled and bucked, nearly knocking Liana off the table.

We both laughed as she got up and we slid the table away. “I need to satisfy him,” she stated. Dropping back to her knees, she began licking and rigorously jacking his cock, until he blew a HUGE load of thick horse semen which coated her entire face. “Oooooooooooh!” she cried, turning to me with an ear to ear grin.

“You’re nasty!” I giggled.

She got up and we patted David, saying goodbye. We got back into the house and she washed off in the bathroom. We laughed and joked about what had just happened. “So what did you think, you like how we do it where I’m from?” I laughed and told her I would love to come to Brazil sometime to visit her and try new things and animals.

She thanked me for being so open-minded and willing to experiment. I left that house that day in absolute disbelief. This was by far the strangest sex I had ever taken part in. More taboo than the 3some with my two cousins, wilder than the Andes with Nicolas, and sicker than banging my neighbor’s little daughter.

I was thrilled and felt fulfilled. Trying something new, always made me so content. I fantasized about that day and always hoped I could make it down to Brazil to visit Liana. Unfortunately, I never saw her again, though she stayed on my mind for a long time.

I’ll never forget that day.

The End