Ever since I visited a friends home in grade school, I’ve always wanted a home in the country, away from people and just a few animals to take care of.

The summers were spent at Jenny’s home when I could get permission. We’d help with the animals, do various chores, gathering in the evening for a nice dinner her mom always had prepared.

That was also the place where I first learned about sex, the animals were always hooking up, her family had horses, sheep, dogs, cats … a few ducks and chickens … I was overly fascinated when they were having sex. Secretly I always wondered what it would be like to be on the receiving end of one of the big males … but it was never anything more then dreaming until the summer just after I graduated from high school.

Jenny’s aunt, Sylvia had lost her husband in a freak accident. Jenny’s mom was her older sister, offering her to move in there until she felt she had gotten over the loss.

One evening a few weeks after she moved in, I had been asleep less then an hour, when I heard something outside, looking out my window, Sylvia was sneaking across the area to the barn in just a night gown. Curios I followed her, entering through a side door, being as quiet as I could be, there was some noise coming from one of the empty stalls.

Slipping in the stall next to her, she was watching the barns big double doors, so she never heard me just a few feet from her. Carefully peeking in, she was on all fours, one of the large dogs had mounted her, his huge cock was being pumped in and out of her body. Looking at her face, the expression told everything I needed to know, she was in pure ecstasy.

Dropping back in the stall on my back, hands quickly lifting my night gown, pulling the panties to one side, I began rubbing between my legs with both hands, my hips jumping up and down … all the commotion caught the curiosity of a second dog, his long tongue started licking my pussy, sending a sudden shock through me, but when he licked again, tearing off my panties, legs spread wide, grabbing my developing tits while he licked me, sent me into a heavenly feeling, like I never knew was even possible. My juices exploded, covering his face, never missing a beat, he continued to lick me through a second one … Making this my first and second orgasm in my life.

Sprawled out on my back, legs spread wide open, looking at how wonderful my new friend had treated me, it was obvious he was in need of my help. His cock was hard as a rock, hanging out between his legs, dripping a small amount of precum. I had seen porn videos of girls giving guys blow jobs, not sure if this would work, but moving under him, stroking the shaft, then laying him on his side, taking my first doggy cock, actually my first cock period, in my mouth … the taste was salty at first, but the more I licked and sucked on him, the more I started to enjoy this new taste. His knot formed against my hand, I was amazed at how big they get, but I just kept enjoying my new found toy, when suddenly he started pumping the warm liquid in my mouth.

Not being prepared for this, swallowing some, gagging and swallowing more, soon I had it all over my face, in my hair, down on my chest, but I was still swallowing as much as I could, beginning to really enjoy how good he tasted.

Eventually he was done and ran off, the stall next to me, was being filled with moans and OMG’s … I figured she was enjoying the multiple climaxes he was probably giving her. Standing, get somewhat dressed, heading back to the house, washing as best I could in the bathroom, the remainder of the night I spent on my back, staring at the ceiling while I played with my boobs and pussy, alternating back and forth.

I knew I’d love to experience what Sylvia had enjoyed, but I was a virgin, knew I needed help if I did this, but I wasn’t close enough to anyone to share what had happened.

That was my last summer with them, I gave blowjobs to a second dog, a few sheep and one day when I was all alone, enjoyed being sprayed all over when I played with a horse cock, never realizing how much seed they produce.

The next year at school, a good looking guy talked me into joining him in the baseball dugout. He was nice sized, took care of my virginity problem in a very fast way, after that I spent a few weeks wondering if I would get pregnant, but now I was ready for some real pleasure, but circumstances made it as such that the next summer something came up and I never returned to the farm.

Years later I have graduated from a top notch university, enjoying a very good paying job, have all the fun extra’s that come with these opportunities and now I’m searching for a farm, one that is away from people, one where I can enjoy my own quiet time and one where I can start to raise some horses, sheep, definitely a couple of dogs and who knows what else.

As luck would have it, Sylvia, Jenny’s aunt was a real estate broker, by all indications a very good one, so when I told her what I was looking for, in a few weeks she had a few possibilities to look at. The first couple were nice, but not enough privacy, that’s when she asked what I had in mind and why all the privacy? I figured there was no threat this many years had passed, “When you came to stay with us that summer, I saw you and one of the dogs hook up” Then I felt embarrassed, but decided to continue, “I was in the adjoining stall being licked to a marvelous climax, ending up giving that dog my first blow job. Since that time I’ve wanted to see what it would be like, to be with a dog or some animal. Now you understand why the need for extreme privacy.”

She just stood there looking at me, I had no idea what she’d say, finally, moving closer to me, “Men have always been such a disaster in my life. When I arrived at sis’s ranch, the dogs took a special interest in me, the more I’d let them sniff and explore, the more they wanted. Eventually one evening when everyone was gone, I had showered, decided to set on the front porch nude, as soon as I got comfortable one of them came up, licking some moisture that had gathered between my legs. It had been so long since I had enjoyed a good orgasm, his tongue just seemed to hit the spot, so even though I knew it was wrong, I laid back, opened my legs wide, allowing him to lick me to a mind shattering explosion. I scooted out of the chair, dropping down on all fours, never saw his friend, probably the one who got you that night. Before I could react, he had jumped up on my back, his cock sliding in me easily. HIs sheer weight combined with his paws wrapped around me, all I could do was let him fuck me, then knot with me, emptying a ton of cum in my aroused pussy.” Then she looked at me again, somewhat blushing, “The one that licked me and started this whole process, mounted me as soon as the second one had finished. There may have been a third one, not sure, but I was used multiple times before the sun came up, Barely making it to the shower, cum still leaking from inside me, so sore it was hard walking, I stayed in bed all day, telling sis I didn’t feel well. The funny thing happened, as soon as the tenderness went away, I was back in the barn almost every evening having one of them ride me”

She then told me she had joined a group of women who enjoy the same sex she does, raising her skirt, she had multiple dog paw prints tattooed on the right side, they meet once a month at someones home, everyone brings their companions, it is a sexual free fall for a couple of days, then taking my hand, “If you got a place, a big place very secluded it would be a perfect place to meet each time, not everyone has the ability to house all of us”

I don’t think I’ve ever been more excited then a chance to join this club, asking how I can make this happen, she dropped the hidden shoe so to speak, “You have to attend a meeting, We will spray you with a heavily seductive scent, the dogs will all pick up on, if you accept any and all that come to make you their bitch, then the ladies will all welcome you in with open arms. If however you push one away or try and stop what is happening, you’ll never get a second chance”

That is when reality hit me, as much as I wanted to experience this, I had never had the chance, been licked a few times a long time ago, but never actually had a dog mount me then make me his bitch.

Telling her I had to think about this, we looked at one more ranch, it was perfect, just what I wanted. The owner was an older lady, her husband had passed away and the place was just too much for her. We made the offer, she accepted on the spot, then came up close to me, “Just one thing I didn’t mention. The place will come with a cat I call Max. I know there is no way he’d leave, he was here when we bought the place” Then she blushed, “I have grown to love him, but he can be a bit much, but I’m sure you’ll love him also, once you get to know him”

I had no problems with a farm cat, they keep the mice away, two weeks later I had moved in and the place was mine.

She had a couple of horses, there were some no-real-breed dogs running around, basically taking care of them selves. I secretly had decided I’d make myself available to them and hopefully they’d pick up on it and take me …

As soon as I was moved in completely, that is when I saw Max for the first time. He was huge, the gray and black markings made him look scary as hell. He was setting on the porch, just staring at me, I tried to talk to him, no emotions, one of the stray dogs came running up to greet me, as soon I rubbed his head, that snout buried it’s self between my legs, not pushing him away, I wanted to encourage him as much as possible, then I caught Max looking at me, his eyes were glued on what the dog was doing, but like all cats, no emotions.

That evening, I had showered, made sure between my legs was shaved and smooth, pouring a glass of wine, I stepped out on the porch, surprised when Max joined me, rubbing his side against my bare legs, then settling down at my feet.

I knew there was no way any of the dogs would come around, when Max, who was as big as any of them, was at my feet, so I sat back down, it was a perfect evening, and being nude felt wonderful.

Sipping the wine, totally relaxing, realizing I was a little bit aroused, closing my eyes, the light licking between my legs, felt so wonderful my legs automatically opened wider, giving greater access to me. I was amazed at how soft the dogs hair was, feeling like a warm blanket covering my legs. Something that had me wondering was how different the hounds tongue felt compared to what I remember years ago, slowly opening my eyes, a wave of disbelief washed over me, the tongue that was licking me so gently was the cat, Max.

This was not only unexpected but the gentle way he was licking, started my juices flowing, my arousal spiking higher and quicker then I ever imagined possible, running my fingers between his ears, “You like how I taste …. mmmmm you big old horny kitty” Then I laughed, thinking that my pussy was licking my pussy …

What he was doing to me, had my eyes close, rolling up in my head, not able to remember ever of being so relaxed and aroused at the same time.

My hands were busy playing with my nipples, squeezing, massaging my boobs, so when me moved up, still licking but now on my tummy, up between my boobs, finally starting to lick my lips, his tongue searching the inside of my mouth, I didn’t realize his cock had slid up inside me … until the size surprised me, when he started to push in.

As soon as he was in, several things happened at the same time, first the tip of his cock had barbs on it … when he started to twist it around, the tender insides of my vagina went crazy, it was stimulating me, causing an itch and light pain, I wasn’t ready for, secondly the kisses he had been giving me, quickly changed to his jaws on my throat, making sure I was his until he was finished with me. The power of his jaw the sharp teeth not breaking skin, but almost, the fact his moving was scraping the insides of me, making me writhe, all the time afraid to move for fear of him clamping down on my throat, possibly seriously hurting me, made my whole body freeze.

This whole process did not last long, as soon as I felt the warm liquid flood me, it triggered an orgasm with more intensity then I ever imagined possible, gushing from between my legs, just as he released me, pulling out, leaving me panting, slowly slumping down in the chair, my legs still wide apart and the interior of my body sore from the barbs he used on me.

He had no sooner pulled out, then I saw the two stray dogs laying on the porch near me, both of their cocks showing clearly. One mounted me easily, his cock slipping in all the way, The smoothness of his shaft took away some of the burning Max had left on me. However I wasn’t prepared for the speed he was pounding me with. HIs knot felt like a tennis ball, but whatever that cat had done, allowed the knot to slip in easily. As soon as it was in, a second climax crashed over me, leaving me in a hypnotically hazed kind of state. Knowing what was happening to me, but still not clear on how it was happening. Just when I felt the warm seed flood me, my mind, body and soul all collapsed, leaving me helpless to their wishes and desires.

I vaguely remember him pulling out of me, the second dog mounting me in the same way … then everything became pure pleasure. When he pulled out, I was left on the porch, every muscle in my body was helplessly exhausted, combined liquids seeping out of a very sore pussy. Some how eventually I did get up, barely making it to the shower, setting on the stool, trying to keep upright, finally crawling to bed … sleep took me immediately.

It was early afternoon when I woke, not worrying about being nude, fixing a light snack, carrying it and a cup of coffee to the porch, Max was waiting, his tail moving back and forth, in a seductive manner …. moving like only a cat can move, he was between my legs, the body betrayed me, by spreading my legs wide for him … when he started licking my pussy, the two dogs joined us on the porch, as well as a second cat, just as big as Max, all male, jet black in color …. Realizing I may not need a membership in K9’s, just as a low moan combined with a whimper overtook me.

The End