Sometime in the mid fifties, a group of women visited the Congo to do research around a strange creature known as the Okapi. They looked like a cross between a zebra and a giraffe, but they were neither.

Their initial research was to find out why this animal seemed to be in heat all the time. Other then a few primates, these were enjoying sex all the time.

The creatures were friendly, easy to work with, the female seemed to be continually moist between her legs, giving off a strange scent, the male also possessed an entirely different smell when he was ready to jump a female. Unlike other animals their coupling did not result in pregnancy all the time, in fact very seldom, making them an endangered species.

Sylvia was the head of the research team, born and raised in a small tropical island, leaving when she entered college, where she meant a young man who lied to her, but not until after she became pregnant. Giving birth to a beautiful daughter, who was raised back in the village where Sylvia was born.

One evening, screams from one of the teams members, brought them on a failed rape by one of the few males allowed in the compound.

Sylvia had very little use for any male, so a quick decision was made, the young man, secured on all fours was coated in his ass by the creamy substance the female Okapi always was coated with, then left to be raped by a huge male. However a few minutes after the substance was applied, the slave began screaming for some help, his cock was hard as a rock, looked like it may have been growing, he was as aroused as any man had ever been, at least from the standpoint of the women who were watching. He was being plunged into a sexual frenzy, unlike anything any of them had ever heard about.

All the commotion brought a curios male to see what was happening, smelling then licking the would be criminal, he easily mounted the young man, that massive cock slipping inside easily, making the women realize the gel did something to humans, but also widened their anal opening, normally that size of shaft in a human anal opening would have ripped him apart, it did not. When the load of warm seed emptied in this pervert, his cock began emptying load after load after load, finally collapsing. The ladies untied him, thats when the realized a full load had side effects. The poor would be rapists had lost all memory, had no idea of what had happened. Then the women found out, additional exposure of the males seed to the young man, instantly hardened his cock, providing the women with the best fucking they had ever enjoyed.

Further testing discovered the female cream only had effects on human males and in small doses of the cum given over a month long time period, the fucking by the male left the human with all memories, just completely submissive, as close to being a perfect male slave as anyone could have wished for.

Capturing a few more males, the scent of either gender had sexual effects on them.

Sylvia and the crew, captured several female and male animals, transporting them to the island where she had been raised, along of course the new slaves they had just created.

Sylvia’s daughter worked with her mom, caring for the growing heard of strange animals, also becoming pregnant by a worthless male, who was appropriately punished for wanting nothing to do with a pregnant young lady.

Jean was Sylvia’s granddaughter, but none of her ancestry was known to me, only that I had meant her in our final year of law school. She was strikingly beautiful, smart as can be, one of the tops in our class, my good fortune was to be paired up with her for a few projects, all of which we excelled in.

As luck would have it, we were interviewed by the same law firm, hired at the same time. By the time we had been there a year, both of us had acquired new townhomes, that was also around the time we went on our first date. We had been matched together on several projects, all were extremely successful, logging in long term billed hours to the companies bottom line.

The date was not only successful, but a new side of Jean I never knew was there. At the office, in school, with clients, she was all business and nothing else. That evening she slid in next to me at the club, reaching between my legs, squeezing the inner thighs, pressing her larger then average breasts against my side, “I’ve been waiting to fuck you from the first day we meant, but my family has not had a good track record with men, so I hope you will be different”

Before I could react, she had undone my zipper, had her hand down my pants, stroking a rapidly growing shaft, sending me into a sexual haze, I never knew existed.

That started the evening, from there to my bed, she literally fucked me senseless. Some how she had the sexual ability to keep me on the edge, while she enjoyed one explosion after the next, finally allowing me to dive over the edge also.

Never having been so exhausted in my life, she woke me multiple times that evening, her sexual drive seeming to have no limits.

By the time we had been dating a month, my stamina had strengthened, our sexual drives now lasting from Friday as soon as we finished work to Sunday evening, getting the sleep both would need.

Our dating was known by the superiors of the office, and surprisingly fully supported, that was why by the time we had been working for just over two years, multiple things were happening.

First both of our names were presented for partner, something that takes place every two years for one person. The pre-interview told us one would be chosen, the other would be brought in without any voting two years later.

Second, Jean had decided to think about moving into my place, it was closer to work and a little bigger.

Everything was on track until the actual interviews took place. We had decided to interview then accept who was chosen first, knowing within two years we’d both be partners.

That is why on my thirtieth birthday, I am laying on my back in bed, staring at the ceiling, realizing having a good job, making exceptional money, being partner in a top law firm, owning my own town home and vehicles but I had the perfect girl friend, in past tense. Had the perfect girl friend, but I blew it.

Jean was interview first, telling the committee we worked well together, we were a perfect pair. However when I was interviewed for some reason, greed took over, I threw her under the bus, explaining she had a hard time making decisions. Everything I said was casual and light remarks, but it assured me the position and more then likely ruined her chances in two years.

The position was offered to me, accepted, less then a week in my new office, Jean entered, closing the door behind her. Not saying anything, just staring at me shaking her head, ‘I was warned men are all snakes, but I assured my family you were different. Thank you for throwing me under the bus. I’m looking for a new law firm, since I don’t have any chance here. Sorry you took what we had over being alone will be like” She turned, leaving the building, she had already turned in her resignation, causing a stir with everyone, now taking a second look at the offer and my interview.

That is why months later, the last thing I wanted was to go to work, everyone wishing me a happy birthday, if they only knew what kind of a jerk I really was.

I did end up heading into work, and as expected was greeted with balloons and a cake, but what was really a surprise was a gift card, supposedly everyone had chipped in to reserve me a vacation at a luxury resort for a week, just sun, swimming, eating, drinking and most of all relaxing. I had made the company a lot of money, this was a way of saying thank you.

The following Thursday I was on a plane, heading to a small private airport, at an out of the way island. A tasty hot little bronzed skin brunette was waiting for me, my name on a sign she was carrying. Perfect short brunette hair, larger then life boobies that were on full display, hugging me, making sure I could feel her hard nipples pressing into my skin, “Welcome to paradise Mike, I’m so glad you decided to come and stay with us, please let me help you with your bags, I have a car waiting just outside, oh and by the way, my name is Cindy”.

Following her to the car, the driver was equally as hot, blonde hair but similar size measurements and like my host.

As soon as we were in the back seat, I was poured a glass of bubbly, along with one for her, “Here is to a successful adventure, hope you enjoy everything we have planned for you”

Sipping the drink, we had barely left the airport property, she slipped a hand between my legs, leaning forward, kissing me, slowly squeezing my shaft, instantly making me hard, breathing hard, I didn’t realize the glass she had given me had been coated with a drug designed to relax me. The effects took place without me feeling anything strange, by the time we were on our way, she had stripped my shorts off, crawled up in my lap, riding me with my cock up inside her.

Slipping me a couple of white pills, normally I’d have said no, but being in this erotic haze, nothing was off limits to me, the pills would help me stay on the edge, not being allowed to cum, until a counter to the little beauties was given.

We arrived at the resort with me in a cloudy erotic haze, my room was perfect, Cindy helped me there, stripping down nude also, then helping me enjoy a hot tub, massage then ready for my first dinner.

The food was laced with a subtle relaxing drug, helping to keep the arousal at its peak, for later that evening. Enjoying a cup of coffee after a perfect meal. Snuggling up to me, “We have a kinky club, not far from here, I’ve made reservations for the two of us, I think you’ll really enjoy it. What do you say?”

Kinky sounded like just what I needed after being with Cindy all day, following her to a small sports car, her hand pumping my rigid pole, occasionally slowing to make out, by the time we arrived at the Black Feather, an exclusive Female Domination club. A picture of a nude male kneeling, collared with a leash attached, a small sign near the door,
‘All males must be accompanied by a Mistress – no exceptions’.

Looking at Cindy, she had a smile on her face, “Follow me, I have so many surprises for you”

The small voice inside me was screaming for me to not go in, but I’ve never been as horny as I was at this time, following her inside, a tall, well over six foot high, blonde Mistress, dressed in above the knee leather boots, 5 inch high heels, making her even taller, leather straps circled her body, allowing the tits to be on full display as well as the shaved pussy, lips puffy and moist. Hugging Cindy, then looking at me, “Is this the one Jean was talking about?”

I heard Jean’s name, a shot of fear surged through my body, but before I could react, Cindy had nodded her head, the tall Goddess picked up a black and silver canister, spraying me in the face. The solution being swallowed, the rest absorbed in my skin – almost instantaneously plunging me into a zombified state, aware of what was happening, but unable to do anything about it. Pulling off my shorts, swabbing my left cheek, an injection of some kind of pink liquid – immediately feeling this state becoming deeper.

Leading me to a small room off the side, the rest of my clothes removed, a black leather collar placed on my neck, then a three foot leash. As soon as that was complete, a strange looking chastity device was secured around my cock and balls, quickly making me uncomfortable.

Being led to the main club room, a large stage in the back, with an obvious cage to the one side. That’s when Jean joined us … looking at me, “Mike you look good, all secured and collared, just like a shit head should be. Oh I’m sorry, I forgot the drugs you were given have prevented you from talking or moving, but soon that will wear off then you’ll enjoy much more of what I have planned for you”

I wanted so much to tell her how sorry I was, but nothing was working, leading me to the cage, helping me in, it was locked, the drugs were beginning to wear off just as the hall was becoming populated. Each female was dressed like a dominant Mistress, holding a leash attached to a collared male. Each male was like me, nude with a chastity device in place.

Jean stepped up on stage, “Mistress’, as most know I am Jean a granddaughter of Sylvia and I’ve bought a piece of shit to enjoy this evening, but first we need one of your slaves to show him what will be coming. Any volunteers?”

An older lady, very distinguished, stood, “So good to see you again Jean, I have a slave who has been begging to be used again, Steve, go up on the stage”

Without any hesitation the young man jumped up, running up on the stage, all the time thanking his Mistress. Once on the stage, his leash was secured to a ring in the middle, then two women came out carrying a jar of a milky looking substance, putting on latex gloves, applying plenty to his ass, up inside him … then left the stage.

That was when I began to smell a strange new scent, something sweet, something that seemed to touch ever cell in my body. My cock started straining against the cage, nipples became hard as rocks, toes started curling up and separating, only to curl again … glancing in the audience, every male slave was experiencing the same effects, many standing, pulling at their cages, pulling on their nipples, their asses writhing, all while humping the air.

In my cage, my ass was grinding at the cage, praying somehow I could get some relief, but the new aroma was only making things worse … crying out, begging for help … all the time Jean and Cindy were watching me, hugging each other, “Honey you did a great job getting him aroused and keeping him like this, I owe you for this one”

Leaning her head into Jeans body, “You know by not prepping him, when this is over, he’ll have no idea who he is, why he is caged, his mind will be totally wiped clean”

Giggling, my former lover, “I have a cage in my basement where he’ll stay, each time I expose him to some of the cum, he’ll fuck me like I’ve never been fucked before, but the shot he was given will keep his mind in complete working function, just not able to act on it .. the rest of his life he will know the reason he is enslaved is because he betrayed me”

To my surprise a cute redhead lead a huge male Okapi out on the stage. I had read about them, never thought I’d ever see one, his cock was hanging limp between his legs, swinging freely … he wasted no time zeroing in on the slaves ass, smelling it, sticking that pointed snout deep between his legs, licking the juices … it was fascinating to watch that monster cock grow, becoming parallel with his underside …. that was when I first noticed a new smell seemingly to surround me.

My eyes rolled up in my head, a total sexual haze took over every part of me, the poor cock straining so hard, it felt like the cage was splitting the skin … although I couldn’t see it, each Mistress released the cage on their slaves, each one suddenly sprouting a massive looking cock, in one motion burying them deeply in their owners pussies.

At the same time the huge beast mounted his new lover, driving that gigantic tube all the way in the slaves body.

These animals have a rhythmic fucking pace, in and out, like any thing having sex, but these seemed to be taking their time, enjoying every stroke, the collard volunteer was not complaining in any way.

I was in the most pain I had ever experienced or ever imagined I’d have, the idea was slow in coming, but eventually I knew why I had been captured and caged, what was being done to these males was what was going to happen to me … once fucked, I’d be the submissive slave to possibly Jean or maybe Cindy.

Tears rolled down my face, calling out to Jean, “Please, oh please my love, forgive me, I did not mean to hurt you, I have no idea why I threw you under the bus, but please forgive me, I’ll go to the board and tell them I lied, the position is and should have been yours, please forgive me”

The ladies were just smiling, but not jumping to try and help me, just then the big animal filled the slaves ass … making him give a noise, an erotic scream which told everything that he was enjoying. The same sounds spread all over the audience area, Mistress’ screaming with massive orgasms, the smell of sex filling the facility, looking over at the male, not far from me, he was on his side, his cock had also been released, was pumping cum load after load onto the stage. HIs body shaking, a steady stream of white creamy liquid oozing out of his girly hole … thats when I also realized each slave had experienced this over and over, which was the way they became so submissive, able to be collared and enslaved so easily.

When the huge beast was led away, the stage cleaned, I noticed the one that had just experienced everything was still enjoying his cock shooting, emptying and throbbing, it was obvious he and his mind were in some far off sexual realm, how long before he would return to some sort of normal was unknown, now I could understand why he was so excited to be used like this.

Just then Jean opened my cage, leading me to the center of the stage, attaching my leash to the same ring the slave had been hooked to. Normally I would have broken away, seeing if I could find some freedom, but something in the drugs I had been exposed to, flooded my body with a submissive feeling, not allowing me to object to anything I was told to do.

The same milky looking cream was spread all between my legs, lots of it pushed deep inside me, then I was on the stage alone, looking at the slaves and Mistress’ … the slaves were now free of any chastity devices, the ladies were in a post orgasmic look, dreamy far-away eyes, so looking forward to the next round.

The now familiar smell surrounded me, again my cock was aching to be free, the other males were stroking their rigid poles, the owners having a hungry look on their faces, anxious to enjoy what was coming.

Suddenly my ass was on fire, it was like nothing I’ve ever felt before, a strange new sexual feeling. My hips started humping air, nipples hard as they ever have been, the need for some relief worse then ever imagined. I was in such a frenzy, never noticed a new beast being brought out, but when he stuck that snout between my legs, his rough tongue entering me, making me moan, knowing what was coming, in many ways looking forward to it happening, in a different way, scared more then I have ever been.

When I got a glance at the size of his cock, I knew he’d rip me apart, one last try to ask my former love for a second chance, but the two of them were busy, playing with each others pussies, kissing the tits, sucking on erect nipples … just when I felt him jump up on my back and that monster slip easily inside me, as easy as my small pinkie finger slipping in. The female juices that had been applied must have loosened and relaxed my anal muscles to the point he slid in without any pain.

When he started pumping in and out slowly, a good steady rhythm, I have never had anything in my back door, but now, all I could think about was how much I was enjoying this, Jean had kneeled down by me, releasing the cage, making me groan in absolute ecstasy. I couldn’t see my cock but it felt a lot bigger then it had … then my new lover stopped, his cock exploding the drug induced seed all inside my body. My cock exploded so much cum so fast, the pain was unbearable, only to be followed by load after load after load …..

I knew what was happening, knew where I was, but the ability to talk or really think vanished, leaving me laying on my side, my penis still pumping juices until there was nothing left in my body.

Jean had taken me on a private jet back home, I was placed in a cage in her basement, three or four times a week, she’d come down, dipping an anal plug in a bottle of the males sperm, then pushing it inside me. My cock became instantly hard, her legs were always ready for me to fuck her … a good pounding, watching her enjoy multiple orgasm, was a rush of pride in me. She no longer put a cage on me, allowing me to stroke and play with myself during the day.

I had a clear memory of why I was here, knew every detail of what I had done, but the need for more of the magical seed, kept me submissive, spending my time playing with my cock, until my Mistress was ready for me to please her …

The End