Over the years I have written a number of chapters in the Julie Journals which form my autobiography, well the sexy bits anyway. As the genre in many of them are not beast related, I have not reproduced them here but stuck entirely to the beast encounters I have had over the years. Most of these have been in the last 10 years but I feel it would be remiss not to explain how I got started with dogs in the first place.


The Biker Gang

Julie stumbled down the road, the wind biting and cold as it whipped her long brown hair around her face. Not caring where she went she walked onwards the tears stinging her face as she recalled the almighty row she had with her father. Julie had gone to a party and ended up in bed with the husband and wife throwing the party. Unbeknown to her the host, John had worked with her dad and he had mentioned what had happened within her fathers’ earshot. Julie’s dad had come home and flown into a rage calling her a slut and a disgrace to the family and in a fit of temper, Julie stormed out vowing never to return. She was sure that at 16 she could more than handle what the world would throw at her.


Julie sat in the corner of the pub drinking steadily and by now was more than a little drunk as the doors opened and a group of bikers walked in. The leader pushed his way to the bar and thumped his hand down demanding beers for him and his boys. The man spotted the forlorn-looking girl sitting all by herself. He walked up to Julie and leered at her saying, “what’s a pretty girl like you doing in a place like this?” as he ran his meaty hand down Julie’s arm.

Julie swallowed hard thinking to herself that if she was being called a slut by her father she might as well act like one. Looking at the big biker straight in the eye she said, “Looking to get laid…why you think you are man enough for the job?”

The big biker needed no second invitation and pulling Julie to her feet, his face split into an evil grin as he pulled her toward the side door. “Let’s see how you suck cock,” he said waving to his mates as he went outside.

Pushing Julie roughly to her knees, he unzipped his flies and holding her head shoved his semi-hard cock roughly into Julie’s mouth. Julie could hardly stop gagging as he proceeded to fuck her face pulling her roughly by the hair as he thrust in and out of her pretty mouth. “Oh yes,” he grunted “Pig is gonna fill you full of cum,” and with that Julie felt the first spurts of his hot cum shooting into her mouth. Swallowing hard she felt him jerk into her mouth and with each spurt more of his hot cum poured down her throat. “Not bad,” said Pig as he pulled his deflating cock from Julie’s mouth. Wiping his cock in her hair, he grabbed Julie roughly under the chin, then tilting her head backwards he said, “we are having a party tonight and you are gonna be the star attraction”.


Julie looked around the small room still trying to catch her breath after the terrifying ride on the back of Pig’s bike, where she clung on for dear life as the cars flashed by at speed. “Get yer fucking kit off then slut,” said Pig as he opened the fridge in the dirty kitchen and cracked a beer for himself while throwing out cans to his five mates.

Julie slowly started to strip, her head still reeling from the alcohol and the head rush from the bike ride. Obviously not moving fast enough for them, the bikers pulled and tugged at her clothing ripping some of it in the process. Julie stood shivering in the middle of the room now a little uncertain if she had done the right thing in coming here. Pig pushed her roughly to her knees, “hey guys she is a great cock sucker why don’t you find out for your selves.”

Julie looked up and saw Pig laughing as the rest of the gang unzipped their flies pulling out cocks of various shapes and sizes. Two of the bikers stood in front of her and as she alternated between the two cocks, the others contented themselves with pawing at her body. She felt the rough hands poking and probing, not gentle like she was used to but hard and uncaring but Julie could feel her body responding. I must be a slut she thought as she sucked the cock deep into her mouth whilst she felt her pussy getting wetter and wetter.

“I wanna fuck her,” said one of them pulling Julie to her feet and shoving her roughly over a table. Julie’s mouth opened in surprise and shock as the man forced his cock into Julie’s pussy with one easy movement. Another cock caused her to gag a little at first, as it quickly filled her open mouth at the same time. The biker behind began to thrust into her as she sucked hard on the cock. She felt the biker tense and his strokes became more urgent as he ploughed into her young body, and then she heard him grunt and felt her pussy fill as he pumped his cum into her.

As he pulled out Julie felt his cum trickle down her legs as the next biker in line plunged into her soaking pussy. Julie was starting to enjoy the fucking she was getting now and felt the first orgasm run through her as the second biker pumped his seed into her. Julie was moaning as the third guy filled her gaping hole and started to fuck her with steady thrusts. Soon another lot of hot sticky cum burst into her body as she bucked on the table.

Lifting her head, she looked up and saw Pig’s ugly face looking down at her, a sneering laugh playing across his face as he said, “You haven’t met Horse have you?”

As the name sunk into Julie’s fuddled brain, she felt a huge cock entering her battered pussy. Deeper and deeper Horse sank his huge cock, watching as Julie’s pussy expanded to take his 10”. Julie’s head went back as she screamed in both pain and pleasure as the last few inches sank home. Horse started to drive into her, each stroke lifting her almost off the table as he plunged in and out. Julie pushed back loving the feel of the cock filling her more than she had ever been filled before. Screaming at the top of her voice Julie felt her orgasm crash through her as Horse jerked deep into her body shooting her full.

Slumped over the table Julie tried to catch her breath from the hard fucking she had just received from the four guys. She heard the final one of them muttering behind her, “that pussy ain’t no good to me once Horse has been in there” he whined.

“Fuck her ass then,” another said.

Julie felt the man rub his cock up and down her pussy lips gathering the mixture of her juices and the mixture of the cum from the various bikers. She felt the cock pushing against her rosebud and as she relaxed, the cock burst inside her. There was no gentle waiting for her to get used to the invasion in her ass as with John. This time the bastard just drove his cock in deep in one stroke. “Arrrrrrrghhhhhhhhh,” Julie shouted feeling like her ass was being ripped apart.

“She loves it boys,” grunted the guy as he thrust in and out of Julie’s ass savouring the tightness of her hole. Julie’s face was drenched in sweat as she felt herself coming yet again.

“Fuck me you bastard,” she said through gritted teeth as he plunged in and out, deeper and deeper. With an almighty cry, the man jerked hard into her ass filling her full of his cum as Julie thrust backwards onto his pole like a wanton whore.

Hardly had Julie gotten used to the relief of her ass being empty of cock when Pig started pushing at her anal opening. She felt him pushing in and out and could hear the sound of his cock moving, with the amount of cum already filling her ass, lubricated his passage. Pig soon shot his second load of the evening deep into Julie’s aching ass. Pulling up his trousers Pig prodded Julie’s body with his toe, as she lay slumped across the table. “You can stay slut if you want but we…” waving his hands at his mates “have the right to use you any time and in any way we want.” Julie slid to the floor trying to pull the remnants of her clothing around her and looked around her new home.


It was a few days later and Julie was pulled from her haze and felt hands pulling her off the dirty mattress she had been sleeping on. As she tried to force herself awake the biker standing over leered at her as he snarled “party time again slut, a few more boys need servicing.”

Julie stood naked in the middle of the room as Pig extolled her virtues to the three new people standing in the room. “Fucks like a banshee,” said Pig “and a good price for you as well.”

“We haven’t much time,” said the one with the scar running across his right cheek, “how about all three of us at once?”

“Sure why not sneered,” Pig said, “she would love it I bet.” Whilst scarface was dealing with the money side of it, the other two bikers wasted no time in stripping down. Julie soon found two cocks jabbing at her face as she sucked each one in turn, feeling them grow harder as her wet mouth enveloped them in turn. The first man lay on his back and Julie straddled him holding her pussy lips open with her fingers. Sighing contentedly, she slipped her pussy down his stiff pole feeling herself filled with his cock. She felt a hand push her forward so her breasts lay on the man beneath her and a finger poking something cold and wet at her ass.

The man below held her steady with his cock deeply embedded in her as the other started to push his finger in and out of her ass. Soon the bastard was satisfied that her asshole was ready; he pushed his rock-hard cock into her willing ass.

“Oh yessssssssss,” cried Julie as she felt the second cock slide into her filling her so fully and with a contented murmur she began to ride the two guys. She felt her head lifted by the hair and another cock pushed past her lips meaning she had every hole full. Julie bucked on the cock filling her pussy and as she lifted, she felt the other cock drive deeply into her ass. Her mouth sucking hard she worked her head in a steady rhythm sucking on the cock in her face. Soon the biker she was sucking started to grunt and grabbing her head, he started to fuck her mouth with savage thrusts. As his cum spurted into her throat Julie felt her body contract as a massive orgasm ran through her. This caused her muscles to contract and so set the other two men off. Julie felt the biker beneath jerk his hips upwards as he pumped his cum into her, closely followed by the third thrusting deep into her ass and pumping his seed into her as well.

Later Julie lay quietly on the mattress again looking at the stars out of the skylight window. Pig had told her she could stay for as long as she wanted and after the performance, she had put on that night he was looking forward to a long and financially rewarding time together. As Julie drifted off to sleep she thought to herself, well Julie you may be a slut but at least you have someone who wants you around.


Three years later…

…Julie woke as the cold harsh sunlight was streaming through the skylight window. She felt sick to the pit of her stomach and tried to recall last night’s events but things were still a blur in her pounding head. As she padded naked to the bathroom Julie realised that the last year or so was mostly a blur.

She looked at herself in the mirror; her blue eyes were bloodshot and her pink/green hair was sticking up like a multi-coloured toilet brush. At 19 Julie’s body could take the excesses although her 36c breasts were tender and she winced as she examined the teeth marks and bruises. Her pussy and ass throbbed a bit and she tried to recall how many had actually fucked her last night but lost count at 12. Shrugging to herself and pulling some dry cum from her hair with her fingertips and trying to get some form of order to her hair, then looking around for some clothes she pulled on a semi-clean t-shirt and a short denim skirt before leaving the bathroom. Julie didn’t bother with underwear, as it never stayed on her long enough to worry about.

Julie could hear the sounds of snoring coming from the other rooms and knew that the four men she lived with would soon be waking up and would need feeding no doubt the house would be a mess and if it wasn’t at least semi-tidied then she would get the blame. She had lived with the bikers for three years since running away from home at 16 and was basically their housemaid and resident slut. There used to be five of them but a couple of years ago one of them had been killed in a gang fight.

Julie was standing at the cooker frying bacon when she felt a heavy slap across her ass.

“Morning slut,” growled Pig, the leader of the gang, “Where’s my breakfast and my coffee?”

Putting the greasy bacon sandwich and mug of steaming coffee in front of Pig Julie went to turn away but his hand stopped her. Running his hand up the inside of Julie’s thigh Pig roughly thrust a finger into Julie’s pussy.

“Wet already slut?” Pig laughed.

Julie hid her shame, as although at times she hated being treated like a piece of meat she also loved the constant sexual attention she got.

“Time for your breakfast,” said Pig as he stood still holding his bacon sandwich in one hand and unzipping himself with the other.

Julie sighed to herself and dropped to her knees and began to suck on Pig’s growing cock. Her mouth slurped up and down and soon Pig grunted and deposited a load of hot sticky cum into Julie’s mouth. Julie had seen the pair of greasy jeans appear beside her while she was blowing Pig and as soon as she had milked that last of the cum from Pig’s cock she unzipped Charlie and started sucking him. It didn’t take long for Charlie to shoot his load into Julie’s mouth by which time the other two members, Damien and Horse, had appeared in the kitchen.

Horse had got his name from the size of his cock which was 10” long, a fact he was very proud of and he took every opportunity to show why he was called horse. Damien got his name from the occult film the Omen, and he lived up to his name, as he was the devil himself at times.

Horse shoved his meaty cock into Julie’s mouth and Julie knew she had to concentrate to avoid getting choked as he started to face fuck her. It was at this point she felt herself being lifted so she was still bent over and her skirt being pulled over her hips. Julie screamed around Horse’s cock as Damien pushed brutally into Julie’s sore ass. Tears streamed down her face as Damien thrust brutally in and out of her ass, his laughter ringing in her ears every time she yelled out.

It was a relief to Julie when Horse finally deposited his load into her stomach and that just left Damien. “Suck it bitch,” Damien snarled as he pulled roughly out of Julie’s ass and turned her around, forcing her to her knees. Julie felt her brain recoil and her stomach churn as she looked at the cock that had a few seconds before been buried deep in her anal passage. Knowing she had no choice Julie carefully placed the cock near her mouth and started working it with her hand. “I said suck,” Damien laughed cruelly as he grabbed Julie’s head and forced his cock into her mouth. Julie fought back nausea as Damien thrust in and out of her mouth and it came as a relief when she felt the first spurt hit her throat Damien laughed as he first spurted, then withdrew his cock quickly, and worked it with his hand he sprayed Julie’s face with cum.

Julie went to stand but Damien held her down with a hand on her shoulder. “You haven’t washed your face,” he laughed as the streams of cum dripped from Julie’s cheeks and hair. Julie watched helplessly as his cock twitched and then a stream of urine hit her full in the face. Closing her mouth and eyes Julie braced herself as Damien pissed over her face laughing maniacally as he did so. When he had finished he pushed Julie to the floor and turned back to the kitchen table to get his breakfast. Julie bit back the tears of shame and slowly rose to her feet and went to the bathroom.

Coming back a few minutes later Julie heard them talking which turned to hushed tones when she entered the room. They continued to talk in muted voices as she cleaned the kitchen and she could pick up snippets of conversation. “How much?… Is it trained?… Will she go for it?… Yeah, people will pay loads … She will do what she is told.”

Julie couldn’t make any sense of their conversation and gave up trying to listen. For all she knew they could be planning a robbery, a fight or the kidnapping and raping of some poor girl, all three of which they had done over the past years.

That evening Pig, Horse and Damien came through the door in high spirits and slumped in front of the television on the beat-up old couch. Julie stood quietly in the background and Pig shouted over his shoulder, “Beers and blowjobs slut, and make sure you are naked.”

Julie unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the ground, stepping out of it as she pulled her top over her head. Then after collecting the beers from the fridge went back into the front room. Pig had his cock out and was working it with his hand and Julie knew what was expected of her. After handing over the beers Julie crawled in front of Pig, as the men watched some loud porno film, and started to suck his growing cock. Julie didn’t even bother looking up when the door opened and Charlie entered the room to the cheers of the other three.

“Did you get it?” Pig enquired, resting his hand on the top of Julie’s head.

“Yeah,” said Charlie, the fixer of the group. If something was wanted Charlie could and would get it.

Julie felt Pig’s grip tighten on her head and wondered what was happening but she didn’t have to wait long. A wet tongue rasped against Julie’s pussy and ass as she knelt on all fours and although the sensation was amazing Julie couldn’t work out which one of the guys it was. Julie heard the panting noise and felt sharp claws digging into her back and the touch of warm fur against her ass. Realisation shot into Julie’s brain like a lightning bolt and Julie released Pig’s cock from her mouth and shouted, “Noooooooooo” in a long drawn-out howl.

“Shut it slut,” Pig snarled as he slapped Julie hard across the face.

Her head still ringing from the blow Julie resigned herself to the fact that she was about to get fucked by a dog. The German Shepherd on Julie’s back started to stab frantically with his long red cock until the tip found Julie’s open wet pussy. With a growl of triumph, he thrust deep causing Julie to squeal as the cock invaded her. Julie had been fucked quite a few times but nothing she had experienced prepared her for this. The dog’s cock was hot inside her and the speed and ferocity was like nothing she had ever felt. Julie’s brain was rebelling but her body betrayed her as she felt the sensations overcoming her. Pig had released her head and Julie braced herself against his knees and found herself pushing back to meet the dog’s thrusts. The dog’s cock lunged in and out causing her belly to swell as it thrust deep inside.

Gripping Julie’s hair Pig lifted her face to meet his own. “You love it don’t you slut?” Pig said spraying Julie with spittle as he talked.

Julie nodded weakly but this wasn’t enough for Pig, “Say it slut,” he said cruelly as he twisted Julie’s hair.

“I love it,” Julie sobbed as the dog pounded into her and then as she felt the cock drive even deeper screamed, “I FUCKING LOVE IT,” before surrendering herself to the orgasm that burst through her in waves of pleasure.

The dog’s cock was still buried in Julie when Pig lifted Julie’s head by her hair. “You had better be ready for Saturday night,” He snarled. “Gonna be a lot coming to see you and King perform.”

Over the rest of the week, Julie tended to King and she found herself loving the dog more and more. In fact, the dog was probably the only one who showed her any kindness, the others wanting nothing to do with her now she had become a ‘dog slut’ as they called her. Julie knew that what she had done was wrong in some ways but as King rolled on his back so she could tickle his tummy she felt a glow in giving him pleasure.

Saturday night came and the room was packed and full of men who were cheering wildly and making a lot of noise. Someone had got hold of a dog porn video that was playing in the corner while heavy rock music thumped out.

Julie sat in the bedroom naked with King at her feet and she could feel him tremble, as he wasn’t sure of his surroundings and what all the noise was about. “Don’t worry boy,” Julie purred and tickled King on his ears, “it will be fine, no one will hurt you.”

King growled contently and his cock started to show from his sheath. Julie bent and stroked it gently murmuring, “Soon baby, your bitch is ready.”

The music stopped abruptly as Julie and King walked into the room and everything went quiet. Julie knelt and began to gently work King with her hand as she had done quite a few times over the last few days. King responded by licking Julie’s face and when she crawled under him he smelt her arousal and began to lick her pussy as she sucked on his cock.

Soon King’s cock was like steel in Julie’s hand and she knew the time had come for the main act. Sliding from under him Julie knelt on all fours and presented herself and King wasted no time in starting to sniff and lick at Julie’s pussy.

“Mmmmmmm” Julie moaned, “ My wonderful King has a talented tongue.”

Blocking out the crowd of people Julie patted her ass to encourage King and he jumped onto Julie’s back his cock jabbing wildly. Julie put her hands between her legs and grasping his hot cock guided him to her waiting pussy, letting out a deep sigh of contentment as his cock drove home filling her full.

King seemed to sense her acceptance and started to fuck Julie hard, her moans of pleasure seemed to encourage him more. Julie found herself pushing back to meet King’s thrusts and when she felt his knot pressing against her pussy lips it seemed so natural to relax and allow him to enter her.

Julie moaned loudly as the knot opened her and then started to swell inside her, throbbing and pulsing, her fingers danced on her clit and King pumped his cum deep into her body as her orgasm burst through her body. The shouts and cheers from the room bought Julie back to reality as King was still buried deep in her pussy. “Thank you lover,” Julie whispered under her breath and then yelled loudly as King was roughly pulled from her body and a cock thrust in. Julie tuned out as the man humped and grunted looking forward to the next time she could be with her true love, King.


When The Planets Align

This story forms part of the Julie Journals and for years has gone untold as many mainstream sites won’t publish this subject matter. This is a true story though I have changed a couple of names to protect the innocent (or the not-so-innocent) and because it’s about me I have written in the first person as if I was recalling events for a diary at the time they happened, hope the style works for you.



Closing my laptop I looked at the screen, half in frustration and half in planning. Another evening chatting on a beastie site and the same old questions came up, “How did you start?” and “when are you going to do it again?”

The first question was easy, it all started when I was 19 and the four hells angels I was living with decided I would try dog sex. At first, I hated it, but over the following weeks, I grew to like and eventually love it. My lover King, a large German shepherd, became my protector, and the only living thing in the house that treated me with any form of kindness.

The second question was the main point of my frustration. I accepted the fact the first time I was coerced, and a lot of the time under the influence of illegal substances, but the questions turned like worms in my brain, “would I do it again? if I did would I enjoy it?”

Two decades later, and now an upstanding member of society, would I do it again out of my own free will? Give myself to a dog? Stick my ass high in the air like a slut, and beg him to mount me, and use me, and pound me with his angry red dog cock?

As the questions swirled in my head, one quick check between my legs provided the resounding answer that I couldn’t get myself to verbalize. I was soaked; my nipples were standing out, trying to poke holes through the only thing I was wearing, a tee shirt that I had stolen from my live-in boyfriend.

So here I was, just post my 40th birthday, having never shared my dog sex experiences with anyone offline, and I knew that I had to do something about that. For anyone who doesn’t know me, I am one of those people who once they set their mind to something, will do whatever it requires to achieve it.

The only remaining question was …..how?



The rudimentary outline of a plan has started to come together, and I figured I needed three things to fall in line, to allow me to achieve my goal.

First, I needed a dog. There were plenty of offers around online, but caution dictated that this would have to be something I did alone. Although, I sat pondering the PM sitting in my inbox, from a guy a few towns over, offering his three well trained St. Bernards. They were the father and his two boys, both fully grown, so they would work together and this meant nearly a metre of dog cock between them. Rereading it for what seemed like the hundredth time, alternating my mouse between the Reply and Delete buttons, had my juices flowing. The final sentence, which mentioned high definition cameras and how I could wear a mask to protect my identity, sealed the deal for me, and with a click of the mouse button, I watched the message disappear into my trash folder. No way was I going to allow someone else to hold this over me, again, and quite frankly, the biggest thrill about this time around, is that this was something that I’m was doing exclusively for myself.

Second, I needed a location. At home would seem logical, as our house is secure, the entranceway protected by electric gates, and reasonably isolated. Set back far enough on the large lot, none of the nosy neighbours could easily see into the windows from the road, although, the large back garden was definitely out. I can just imagine old Mr Jones, the widower next door who just happened to spend two hours pruning the same ratty hedge last summer, as I sunbathed nude, getting an eyeful of my naked pussy being ramrodded by an eager canine. I’m sure the sight would kill one of them, the hedge or old Mr Jones!

Finally, I need an opportunity. I knew nothing could happen until and unless my live-in boyfriend was away. And away for a while, not just down the pub for the evening, as I knew from experience that these things can take time.



This is getting annoying, I want to do this, no I NEED to do this, but unless the damned planets align, it doesn’t seem like it’s going to happen. One thing that occurred to me was training as I had no idea if King was trained or not, but by the way, he took to me, I am guessing that he was. This needed to be my next task, if I found an untrained dog, then how would I train him to perform? Would I need to train him, or would he just know what to do naturally? Were there any dangers? For a fleeting moment I entertained the idea of asking my boyfriend if we could get our own dog, but then thought better of it, as until I knew what to do, and whether it would work, it was best that I waited.



Clicking open the password-protected file, I reviewed my notes from the various conversations I have had while researching this objective.

“Peanut butter – but not too much” was my first point, which made me giggle, as I wondered if a dog preferred smooth or crunchy?

“Let them know they are boss and don’t push too much, be patient,” read the next entry, and I knew that was going to be the hardest task, as the desire that has been building for four months now and was burning through me. I thought about it most nights, and especially when my boyfriend took me from behind, which is his favourite position. I would always close my eyes and imagine being covered by a dog’s heavy, furry body, and I would cum hard all over my boyfriend’s cock.

“Keep it to a single room, and on a simple command, unless you want them to mount whenever they feel like it.” This entry made me laugh, as when I read that line, I couldn’t help thinking to myself, “Single room my ass, if I can find a willing dog and the appropriate privacy, he can fuck me whenever, and where ever, it goddamn likes.”

It was that final thought that really got me going, and made me mentally picture myself in various rooms of the house, with various dogs covering me, and fucking the life out of me. I couldn’t resist sliding a hand under the waistband of my joggers, and into my panties, and down across my freshly shaven pussy. Whispering to myself under my breath, affirming how I was a dog slut, I could feel myself getting hotter and hotter and the desire to tear my bottoms off and search for my dildo was intense. Resisting the urge, as my boyfriend was just upstairs, I had to make do with just pushing a finger deep inside myself, then slowly sucking it clean.



This month should be called “May Not,” as I was starting to have serious doubts now. Would it ever happen? Was it really the right thing to do? There had been a report recently in the news about a woman, who had been caught with a dog. The public outcry was huge, and the humiliation she suffered must have been intense. It made me second-guess this decision, yet at the same time, the urge felt like it was getting stronger, fuelled by the knowledge of just how taboo and socially unacceptable this was. Frequently, at night or early morning, I would log onto beast sites and spend hours in the chat rooms. The discussions there would get incredibly detailed, and I would often sit on a towel, soaking it through, as we talked in vivid and gory detail about dogs fucking me. Usually, I started with just my fingers, but nearly always ended up using my dildo, as I fucked myself to toe-curling orgasms while I chatted. Never fully satisfied with masturbating, I would almost always beg my boyfriend to take me on all fours, so I could imagine he was a dog fucking me, as memories and fantasies merged together.



Oh wow! The first two planets have aligned, as my boyfriend just informed me he needed to travel for work, and would be away for July, and half of August, giving me six weeks alone, at home, to execute this plan. All I needed now was a dog.

My first idea was quickly crushed. Even though I pleaded with him that a big, virile dog would be perfect protection for poor little me, stuck in the big house all on my own, my boyfriend stood his ground, and laughed at my argument, his hands holding his sides.

“Protection??!!” he said between bouts of laughter, “I have the deepest sympathies for any poor schmuck who decides to try to take advantage of poor little you,” dissolving into tears at the last words.

With that idea scuppered, I actually thought about trying for a dog-walking job, but suspected the reality of the work involved would be a lot worse than the fantasy. In so many ways, I wanted to throw a full-on temper tantrum, and scream the house down, but decided to control myself, so I wouldn’t have to explain to my boyfriend what my frustration was all about.



I tried to contain my giddiness, I really did, as Lucy sat and sobbed at my kitchen table. JJ (my boyfriend) had already left on his business trip, and I was still no nearer to getting a dog. Suddenly, the stars and planets aligned, and I bit back a full-on grin, as my beautiful, red-headed neighbour sat there crying her heart out.

“We will have to cancel our holiday,” she sobbed, “the kennel we were going to put Hector in has gone bust, and every other kennel is full at such short notice.” She sniffled and dabbed her eyes with a tissue, then broke into loud bawling again, “It would have been our first family holiday with our kids and my parents.”

I had to stop myself from screaming with joy and leaping around the room, Hector was their family pet, and not just any pet, he was a magnificent Great Dane, friendly as anything, and I knew from the casual glances that he was fully intact.

As casually as I could muster I said, “I could look after him, if you wanted, after all, we are neighbours, he knows me, and would be great company while JJ is away.”

She almost leapt on me, and she hugged me tightly, thanking me over and over again. As I felt her pert breasts pushing against mine, I had to resist the urge to give her tight ass a little grope, as I had always wondered and hoped she might swing both ways. However, I wasn’t going to take the chance of ruining this golden opportunity, as the dog-sex gods had literally dropped an amazing canine specimen in my lap, for an entire week, a whole dog fucking week!

Over the next week, as Lucy’s family prepared for their holiday, we worked out a schedule of what was required for Hector, in terms of food and exercise. All I kept thinking, however, was about the real exercise we both would be getting. I casually slipped into conversation that it would be best if we moved his basket to my house so that I wouldn’t have to worry about him alone in their house, and I had the perfect spot for him in my utility room, where he would be warm and near the backdoor.

Under my breath I whispered to myself, “and I have the perfect spot he needs to fill.”



I waved them off, as the SUV, over-packed with luggage and the loving family, left for the airport. Hector sat dutifully beside me, looking a little forlorn, as he saw his Master and Mistress disappear down the street.

“Don’t worry,” I whispered in his ear, “I have some special treats for you while they are away.”

I let Hector settle in the kitchen, while I stripped totally naked, as I wanted him to be very used to my body and smell. Sitting beside him on the floor next to his basket, I stroked his head and body, as I worked my greedy hands down towards his belly. Gently touching his furry sheath, his red cock started to grow, and grow, and grow. “How bloody big was this thing?” I thought, as his cock started to twitch, as I worked it gently, his watery pre-cum covering my hand.

If there were any doubts left in my brain, there were certainly none in my body, as I felt myself get wetter and wetter, the more my hand massaged that heavenly dog cock. Hector must have smelled my excitement, as he started to lick at my face and my nipples. His wonderfully rough tongue had my nipples hard and made my aching pussy even wetter.

I reluctantly let go of his cock, and crawled away slowly on my hands and knees, wiggling my ass invitingly towards him. He was on his feet in a flash, and I stopped, allowing him to bury his snout deep into my ass and pussy. I opened my legs further, as his long tongue rasped the full length of my pussy, causing me to moan loudly, as the tell-tale tremors of a pending orgasm grew inside me.

The sudden moan of pleasure caused Hector to stop and lift his head, unsure if he had done something wrong. Putting my head down on my crossed forearms, lifting my naked ass higher into the air, I whispered words of encouragement to him, and he eagerly started licking again, clearly enjoying what he tasted.

“I guess I’ll never know which type of peanut butter he prefers,” I giggled to myself, but the licking suddenly stopped and a feeling of emptiness and frustration washed over me. My frustration didn’t last long, however, as Hector decided to do what came naturally and mount his bitch. Well not so much mount, as he didn’t really need to rise that much, he just took three steps forward and then the tall dog stood over my crouching body with his leaking cock and starting to jab at my hindquarters.

“This was it…the moment of truth…do I really want to do this?” I asked myself, and the reply came screaming back through my brain in a millisecond, “too fucking right I do!”

I could feel Hector stabbing at me with his cock, leaving trails across my ass, and I reached under myself and grabbed his cock, which seemed to have grown even thicker, and guided his glorious phallus into my pussy, which was well lubricated with my intense desire.

“OH…….MY… FUCKING ……Godddd!” I screamed out at the top of my lungs, as he drove his cock home, burying it in me to the hilt, in one mighty thrust, filling me like I hadn’t been filled for over twenty years.

Resting my head on my cool, tiled kitchen floor, I braced myself with my arms, as Hector went to town, slamming his cock in and out of me like there was no tomorrow. I didn’t even need to touch my clit, as the first orgasm burst through me like a flash flood, but Hector never broke stride. He had a new bitch under him, and he was going to use her to the fullest.

I could feel his baseball-sized knot banging on my pussy lips. It was either too large to enter, or I wasn’t relaxed enough, but Hector needed to seed me, so he did. His hot jets of cum spurted deep inside my pussy like a fire hose connected to the hot water tap.

He pulled out almost as soon as he had cum, and since he wasn’t locked inside me, a river of his seed mixed with my juices cascaded to the floor leaving me feeling so empty inside, but so incredibly satisfied, at the same time.

Hector went back to his basket and started licking himself, as I continued to crouch in the same position, trying to catch my breath, smiling to myself that this was going to be a very good week.



When I got downstairs, naked, Hector seemed very pleased to see me and he could not have had any idea just how happy I was to see him. I made sure he was fed and watered, as after his outstanding performance yesterday, I was eager to let him knot me today. Just the thought of it had made me wet all through the night, and I had even considered sneaking downstairs and waking him.

Assuming the position once more, I presented myself and waited for Hector to notice, which didn’t take that long. The delightful sensation of his cold nose in my ass, and his long rough tongue lapping at my pussy, soon had me moaning and my juices flowing.

Then he mounted me, my body tingling from the already familiar feeling of his soft belly fur rubbing on my back, and his throbbing cock found what he was seeking, and drove home again on the first thrust. The feeling of fullness, and of rekindling this deep taboo desire, was as wonderful as yesterday, as he slammed in hard and fast, although perhaps a little more measured than the previous day.

I felt his knot banging against my pussy, demanding entry, so I took a deep breath and relaxed myself as much as I could. Then it happened. That intense flash of pain flashing through my body like a lightning bolt, as the knot initially drove inside me, followed by a warm wave of bliss, as my pussy clamped around it. I couldn’t believe how deep he was inside me, as it felt like his cock was going to come through the top of my head.

I felt his knot start to pulse and throb inside, as it swelled even larger, locking him into his new and very willing bitch. When he started to pump his seed deep into my womb, a series of consecutive orgasms crashed through me, as I was literally impaled on his spurting cock.

A sudden sharp pain reminded me that I should have support underneath me, as I almost collapsed under his weight, my legs like rubber, nearly causing the massive knot to tug my insides out, as I slumped to the floor in an orgasm-riddled heap. Eventually, his knot subsided enough to slip painlessly out of my battered pussy, and as he pulled away this time, he shot his seed so deeply inside me, that hardly any spilt out of me, unlike the last time.

They say that Sunday should be a day of rest, but not for Hector and me, as he took me several more times over the course of the day. As soon as I sensed he was ready, I would get on all fours, and wait to ascend into doggie heaven.



I stood in front of the kettle in the kitchen, my body aching from the battering it had taken the previous day, my short robe wrapped around me as I waited for the kettle to boil, and listened to dawn chorus wild birds outside. I was startled out of my daydream, as I felt a cold wet nose poke under my robe, and Hector’s tongue once again found my pussy. Knowing that my coffee would have to wait, as I saw that he was already showing, and knew we both had the same idea on the perfect start to the day.

Obediently dropping to all fours, Hector mounted me quickly, and drove his cock deep into me, sending an orgasm throughout me in an instant. He seemed more dominant this morning as he fucked me; his head above mine, looking around the kitchen, as he took his bitch unapologetically. I was under him, head hanging down subserviently, happy to feel his cock inside me again. There was no question as to whether I was going to take his knot or not, as this time he forced it into me early and again pumped me full of his seed.

After he had finished and extricated himself from me, he gave my pussy one huge, appreciative lick, almost as a thank you, before retiring to his basket with a satisfied look on his face, as I struggled to my feet and made my morning coffee.

As I stood there feeling his seed trickle down my inner thighs, a devilish thought popped into my brain. Reaching between my legs I collected a handful of his seed, mixed with my own juices, and licked my palm, savouring the taste of our mixed secretions. Once my hand was clean, I pressed it again to myself, and scooped out more of the mixture, allowing it to drip into my coffee, before cleaning the last droplets from my fingers. I repeated this a few more times and then stirred it into the dark brew, and I can tell you honestly, I have never had a morning coffee that tasted so divine.



Hector had started his day just as he wanted, by fucking me first thing, as soon as I came downstairs, but today he seemed especially randy indeed. It seemed to me that no sooner had he finished, and I had cleaned myself up, he wanted to fuck me again. By early evening, it felt like he had fucked me a hundred times, and I had given up trying to clean myself up between bouts, enjoying the slutty feeling of being full of and covered with his cum.

I had moved a leather footstool into the kitchen so that I could lay over it, supporting myself while he fucked me. As I was trying to get into a comfortable position over the stool, he once again mounted me, but this time, instead of him finding my battered pussy, his cock jabbed at my anal star. The sharp pain at my most sensitive spot caused a moment of panic as he jabbed at me, and before I could work out what to do, a white-hot flash of pain shot through me, as he found a hole he could use, and drove his thick cock into my ass.

I have enjoyed anal over the years, and have always loved that initial pop, as a guy’s cockhead pushes past my sphincter muscles and enters my ass, but this was so much more primal. It felt like he would surely tear me apart, and draped over the stool there was no way I could get away from Hector, as he repeatedly forced his cock deeper into my ass.

Hector’s watery pre-cum, mixed with a lot of my juices from earlier sessions that day, made everything slippery enough for him to keep going, and he started to fuck my ass at a rapid pace, sending waves of pleasure and pain through me. Realising that he wasn’t going to stop, I relaxed and the burning sensation began to subside, and I resigned myself to enjoy his anal assault. Reaching between my legs, I rubbed my clit a few times and felt his seed from the previous mating session oozing from my body. As my orgasm hit, I must have tightened my anal muscles around him, as he let out a yelp of pain, and then started fucking my ass again with a renewed vigour. I could feel his knot banging against my ass cheeks, but thought “no fucking way he’s gonna knot my ass.” Then I felt his cum shooting deep inside my anal passage, spurting great jets of hot cum so far inside my ass, I was sure I could taste it.

He pulled out of my ass with an audible pop, leaving me slumped over the footstool, panting like the bitch I had become, a bitch with a huge smile on her face, and an ass full of dog cum.



Hector looked at me with a quizzical and seemingly disappointed look on his face, as he saw his new bitch arrive in the kitchen, dressed in joggers and a tee shirt.

“We need fresh air,” I bent and mock scolded him, but all he did was look at me and lick my face. I suppose he got his fresh air when he went out to do his business, but I needed to run and work a different set of muscles, other than the ones that had been overworked the past few days.

Hector greeted the word ‘walkies’ with as much enthusiasm as he did the word ‘mount,’ and soon we were running through the back garden and out into the fields beyond. If you haven’t run with a dog before, it’s a dangerous occupation, I can assure you. Their pace is so much faster than ours, and as they run alongside you, they can change direction and accelerate, any time they choose. That can be away from you, in front of you, or across your path. It’s the latter option that can cause the biggest problems.

Whether it was a rabbit or just sheer devilment, that’s exactly what Hector did. Without a bit of warning, he turned sharply to his right, and I went straight over the top of him, and down in a heap, in the bushes along the side of the path.

Whatever it was he had thought he saw, when he saw his new bitch in the position a familiar position, his focus changed immediately. As I got to my hands and knees and was about to get back up to my feet, he was on me in a flash, sniffing at my upturned ass before mounting me, keeping me in the all-fours position.

I knew that this path was fairly secluded, but the thought of succumbing to him out in the open, with the possibility of getting caught, had my pussy flooded with wanton desire. I couldn’t help myself as my brain screamed, “if Hector wants his bitch, then I have no choice but to comply.” I simply reached back and pulled my joggers and panties to my knees, without even trying to stand, as he feverishly jabbed until he eventually found my soaking wet pussy, and buried his cock in deep.

Gripping my waist, he started to pump hard, filling me full of his wonderful cock, a feeling I was quickly becoming addicted to. It was at this point that it occurred to me that while an outdoor quickie might be OK, if he tied me, then we could be stuck like that for a while, increasing the likelihood of someone happening upon us. Luckily, my joggers bunched around my knees held them quite closely together, preventing him from slipping his knot in, although he was certainly giving it a good try.

I had to bite my arm to stop myself from crying out, just in case there were any other walkers or joggers within earshot, as I came from Hector’s pumping. After he had filled me full of his seed, and dismounted, I pulled my panties & joggers up and tried to run on legs of jelly. I could feel his seed seeping out of me as I ran wobbly down the garden path, and loved the warm feeling between my legs.



By now, Hector and I had fallen into a nice routine. I would wake; come downstairs naked, and he would give me a proper ‘good morning’ fuck. I would then sort out our breakfasts, and then would settle down for a longer morning session where he would knot and breed me.

He had just fucked my brains out, and had locked and turned so we were stuck ass to ass when it happened. “DING DONG!” The unmistakable peal of the doorbell cut the sounds of our combined panting.

I figured it must be the post lady with a parcel for me, but I was far too busy and enjoying myself to worry about that too much. I reached under and started to touch my clit, building toward another orgasm, as Hector’s knot pulsed inside me when it suddenly occurred to me, “shit! She knows the code to the gate.”

Down the side of the house was a drive with electric gates, which required a key code for entry. This meant if she came to the back door to drop off the parcel, she would walk right past the large kitchen window, which would reveal the scene of me on all fours, with a very large, satisfied Great Dane locked inside my equally as satisfied cunt.

Pure panic started to set in, as I imagined the papers, and headlines, and the reporters camping out on my front lawn, when “DING DONG!” went the doorbell again.

This now got Hector’s interest, and still locked in me, he barked at the door and tried to move towards the sound. When a Great Dane moves and his cock is knotted inside your pussy you have no choice but to move with it, and I felt him tug me towards the hall and the front door. I heard the letterbox open and thought, “If she looks through that letterbox, she would get the sight of me being pulled down the hallway by my pussy.” To my relief, the flap of the letterbox banged closed, and the card saying ‘the parcel would be at the post office for pickup’ fluttered through the air and landed on the mat.



After the scare from the day before, I decided that today would be Hector’s day of freedom, especially since his owners would be coming home the next day. Kneeling down in front of him, I grasped his big head firmly and told him, “I want you to fuck me all over this house today,” and his response was simply to lick my face as if he understood my words.

I crawled around the floor on my hands and knees, and it didn’t take long before Hector decided he was horny. He pounced on me in the lounge, and I barely had time to brace myself over the arm of a chair, before he was on me, and in me. My pussy formed perfectly around his cock now, and I pushed back against him, bracing to his thrusts, as he frantically drove in and out of me. As soon as I felt his knot, I pushed back hard, and moaned with pure pleasure, as he slipped inside and locked in, filling me full of the seed that I craved.

About an hour later, I crawled up the stairs catlike and shouted to him as I did. You could see the look of confusion on his face, as he saw his bitch beckoning him to a part of the house he wasn’t supposed to be in.

As my naked ass turned the corner onto the landing, lust overcame his fear of doing something wrong, and he bounded up the stairs in three long leaps. I crawled into my bedroom, as he was sniffing and licking, clearly wanting his bitch to stand still. Lying over the bed, I looked in the full-length mirror and could see his mighty cock jutting out from under his tummy. The sight was the most erotic thing I had seen, and I enjoyed the vision of beauty, as he mounted and slid home inside me, as the scene unfolded in our reflection.

As I looked at the mirror, it was sort of like watching a movie, yet at the same time, the undeniable sensation of his cock driving into me made it clear this was real life. I threw my head back and howled, as I orgasmed, which seemed to spur him onto newer heights of passion and enthusiasm.

That night he slept in my bed, and I couldn’t resist playing with his cock, loving how hard he got, and how his cum leaked onto my hand. To avoid getting too much on the sheets, I spent a lot of the night with his cock in my mouth, sucking his pre-cum and swallowing it. A couple of times during the night, he became frisky, and almost like he knew this week with his new bitch was coming to an end, he would wake and nudge me with his big head, to assume the position.

Climbing joyfully onto all fours, I moaned with pleasure, as he fucked me to countless orgasms, before pumping me full of his cum. After his knot had subsided, and he had slipped out of me, we would fall into a slumber, only to awaken a few hours later and repeat the entire process.



As the sun broke into the bedroom and the first few rays hit my face, I felt Hector climb onto my back, almost as if he knew this would be our farewell fuck. Hector didn’t seem concerned with anything besides fucking me, but I had tears of both joy and sadness running down my cheeks, knowing that in a few short hours, this incredible week of dog fucking would be over.

As I handed his leash back to Lucy, she smiled and gave me a bottle of Bombay Sapphire Gin, which they had brought back from holiday, as a way of saying thank you. I remember Lucy asking me how Hector had been, and I tried to contain my smile to a minimum, as I told her how much of a pleasure he was to look after. I swear I nearly orgasmed on the spot when Lucy said, “maybe you can look after him again sometime.”

As they walked away, Hector looked at me over his shoulder with those wonderfully expressive brown eyes, and I couldn’t help but blow him a kiss and whisper, “until next time.”


Rocky – Part I

Nearly all my Julie Journals series have been written from the perspective of me reading my diary many years after the event. This is because they weren’t written in any chronological order so it was genuinely about memories. This is a new chapter that if went into a diary (does anyone keep on anymore?) the ink would hardly be dry.


Julie couldn’t believe her luck as she listened to Debbie and Mike talking about their planned weekend break to London to celebrate their wedding anniversary with dinner and a West End show. Debbie also had plans to do some shopping on Saturday and Mike was keen on visiting Kew Gardens on Sunday.

“What about Rocky?” Julie asked in a level voice as she looked down at the fully grown four-year-old Chocolate Labrador whose big brown eyes had opened at the sound of his name.

“Kennels I guess,” Mike said almost sadly as he knew how Rocky hated being separated from love and affection.

Julie’s brain had been whirring at 100 miles an hour as she said “we could look after him couldn’t we JJ?” knowing full well what the answer would be.

“Sure, why not,” JJ said with his beautiful smile that seemed to start in his eyes and fill the whole of his face, “it will be fun.”

After some discussions and protestations that they didn’t want to be any trouble, Debbie & Mike left the pub leaving Julie & JJ on their own.

The next morning as they both lay in bed JJ broke the silence with, “You know that’s the same weekend as Mac’s stag, don’t you?”

“What is?”

“The weekend you have agreed to look after Mike & Debbie’s dog” JJ replied.

“Oh well, guess I will just have to cope,” said Julie trying to hide her smirk before sliding her hand under the covers and grabbing JJ’s growing erection.

“Are you sure with things as they stand you will be home in time?” JJ moaned as his wife gripped his cock tighter.

“Don’t worry it will be fine,” Julie laughed as she felt her husband grow harder, “things will work out.”

All thoughts of the dog forgotten JJ groaned as he felt his wife’s strong grip on his cock slowly working him to full hardness and pushing the covers away, he encouraged his wife to climb aboard.

As Julie swung her leg over her husband’s thighs, she wondered for a moment how big Rocky’s cock was likely to be. Would it be bigger than her husband’s impressive eight inches? Would it be fatter? Harder? Whatever the size it would have a knot that would pulse and throb inside her for the first time in nearly four years, that was all that really mattered. Julie was soaked at the thoughts and slid easily down onto his cock and began to ride him in earnest. It wasn’t long before Julie felt her husband’s strong hands grip her hips and pull her down onto his cock as he spurted hot seed deep inside her.


It was a few weeks later that Julie waved her husband off as he climbed into the taxi after slinging his weekend bag into the boot. She could still feel his cum inside her from their recent quickie over the kitchen table. ‘Keep their belly full and their balls empty’ was a saying that Julie always stuck to when her man went away and this weekend was no exception.

With JJ safely out of the way for the next two days Julie glanced at the clock and wondered if she had enough time to get a shower in before Debbie turned up with Rocky. The decision was made for her as the back doorbell rang and a cheery voice shouted hello followed by the sound of claws scrabbling on the kitchen tiles.

“Are you sure it’s still OK,” Debbie asked breathlessly, “Rocky can be a bit of a handful.” The handful she was referring to was having his ears tickled by his favourite person outside of his owners.

“0f course it will be fine,” Julie purred, “me and Rocky will have lots of fun. Will see you at six tomorrow.”

After loading up Julie’s with food for Rocky and putting his huge basket in the corner of the boiler room Debbie chugged away in her battered old Volvo estate leaving Julie & Rocky alone in the kitchen.

“Well there are lots of things we could do today, but I think we should start as we mean to go on.”

With that statement, Julie stood and unzipped her skirt and folded it over the back of a chair. Naked underneath from her earlier encounter with her husband Julie squatted down on her heels and started to stroke Rocky’s belly. Soon finding his hairy sheath Julie started to work Rocky’s cock licking her lips as it started to emerge.

Dogs keep most of their cock inside so there is no real way to tell how big they are until they fully show. Based on the size of Rocky’s heavy balls Julie was hopeful as he started to show and as she worked his cock harder soon realised that Rocky was very well endowed. The pre-cum was flowing freely as Rocky reached his full size and Julie judged he was a good inch longer than her husband and at least as thick, if not thicker.

Because of the way Julie has squatted her pussy was open and her juices mixed with her husband’s seed filled the kitchen with a heady aroma. Rocky pushed his big brown head forward to investigate the smell, his cold nose pressing against Julie’s pussy and deciding he liked what he smelt took a long deep lick. The noise that erupted from Julie was primaeval and she had to grab his head with both hands to stop herself from falling. The loud noise caused Rocky to pause for a moment but Julie implored him to continue with both her voice and her hands as she lay back on the tiles. Planting the soles of her feet and shoulder blades on the floor she arched her back upwards giving Rocky full access to her pussy.

It had been nearly four years since Julie had been with a dog and she had almost forgotten how good a dog’s tongue was. She had been with many lovers over the years, both male and female, but none even came close to the rough long tongue rasping over her pussy lips and clit. After her second small orgasm from Rocky’s tongue, Julie was desperate to feel the thick hot cock inside her and twisting round rolled onto her hands and knees to present herself to her new canine lover.

Rocky took one long sniff and knew instinctively what was required of him and rose up onto Julie’s back, stabbing frantically with his dripping cock.

As Julie felt the cock jab she wondered for a brief moment if Rocky was acting from instinct or practise, but before she could formulate her thoughts fully, Rocky found her opening. All rational thought was driven from her brain as Rocky drove home the full length of his meat burying himself fully in Julie’s warm wet pussy. The noises she made had no effect on him as the only thing in his brain was to breed the bitch under him as fast as he could. Rocky’s hips were a blur as he scratched on the floor trying to gain purchase to thrust himself in and out. Julie braced and pushed backwards whimpering in pure pleasure as waves of orgasmic pleasure washed through her.

Julie felt the knot start to bang and push against her pussy lips more insistently as a clear signal Rocky was getting ready to breed. Taking a deep breath, she relaxed at the same moment as Rocky thrust forward and her pussy opened to accommodate him before sealing round it once his knot was fully inside. If Julie hadn’t remembered how good a dog’s tongue was or how hard they fucked, the feel of a knot pulsing inside once felt was something never forgotten. That memory was what woke her some nights with an aching between her legs that could only be partially satisfied with the vigorous use of a dildo or even better her husband if she could wake him.

Julie could swear that the first jet of hot cum hit the back of her throat from the inside, and with each pulse, more hot seed filled her sending her into almost fits of pleasure. The kitchen was filled with the sounds of Rocky’s heavy panting as he stood still pumping into his new bitch accompanied by mewing sounds from Julie as rested her head on her hands, almost crying in relief and joy.

Julie remained in that position after Rocky had subsided a little and pulled out of her ravaged pussy with a loud plop and retired to his basket.

“That was better than I remember,” Julie sighed, her chest heaving as she felt the cool air gently caress her swollen parts. After waiting a few minutes Julie was trying to gather her thoughts and decide if she had the energy and coordination to stand when she sensed Rocky moving behind her. Glancing over her shoulder she smiled broadly as she saw Rocky’s semi-hard cock hanging down. From the way he sniffed the air and moved Julie knew he hadn’t finished with her yet and this was confirmed when Rocky rose up and plonked himself onto her back. Julie had to push back to stop herself from being forced to the floor and her efforts were rewarded as Rocky found his target with almost the first jab.

Rocky’s thrusts seemed a little slower to Julie and she moaned with joy as he drove in and out filling her completely with his cock. Julie was wet with not only her juices but from Rocky’s previous deposit making the passage easy. This time there was less effort required for Rocky to force his knot inside and Julie clamped around the base as he started to throb and squirt. The jets had less power but Julie clamped to keep him as long as she could whilst rubbing her clit sending electric shocks through her body.


A few hours later after wandering around her house on rubbery legs and in a state of sexual euphoria Julie muttered out loud for what seemed the hundredth time, “fucking hell that was good.” Her mouth was dry and gritty and she realised that she needed to rehydrate so went to the glass-fronted under counter fridge where bottles of water and her husband’s precious beer was stored. As always, her water had been shoved to the very back and Julie had to bend and move cans & bottles around to try to reach her small supply of carbonated water. Suddenly Julie stood motionless, still bent over as she felt a cold wet nose pressing between her legs from behind.

Julie had put on a pair of panties in her wandering, if for no other reason than to stop the two loads of cum that Rocky had deposited earlier, making a mess of everything. Rocky licked and tried to reach the source of the smell that excited him so much but was thwarted in his efforts by the thin cotton covering.

With her head still almost in the fridge Julie heard the deep grumbling growl of disapproval and knew in an instant what had caused Rocky’s displeasure. A thrill ran through Julie’s body as this was a clear indicator that instead of just a sexual partner Rocky was starting to view her as his bitch. Twisting around Julie quickly slipped the briefs off and assumed the position as best she could, trapped against the kitchen counter. Rocky was unable to mount as he was banging against the counter when he rose up, yet pinned Julie stopping her from moving.

With an effort Julie stood and moved against Rocky’s weight to try to get some clear space, but as she moved Rocky jumped up against her back and his weight propelled her from the kitchen into the hallway. Trying to gain her balance Julie stumbled to all fours, and before she could move Rocky was up and on her in a flash. Julie sighed with contentment as Rocky slammed home and started to fuck her like he hadn’t had sex for a year.

A small noise and a slight change in air temperature made Julie look up and she could see that a free paper had been shoved partway through the letterbox. As she could see out, it clearly meant that if anyone looked through the letterbox they would get a splendid view of her being fucked senseless by a large chocolate Labrador. Realising there was no way to push back against Rocky’s weight, like a strange humpbacked animal Julie allowed the forward thrusts to push her across the hall and into the lounge. Once she was satisfied that her privacy was assured Julie relaxed and pushed back to allow the knot to enter her once more to the glorious pleasures of it throbbing deep inside against her g-spot.


The rest of the day fell into a loose pattern that consisted of rest, eating and fucking with the odd bathroom break and Julie had stripped naked so as to give Rocky free access.

That evening Julie was in the front room draped over a leather footstool with her iPad on the floor in front of her. Her pussy was throbbing from the battering it had received over the last few hours but she was determined to pack in as much dog sex in as she could so had remained naked from the waist down ready for the next session once Rocky was rested. Logging onto her favourite site she searched to see if her best friend was online.

As Julie got more turned on at the thought of chatting about what had happened today, she could feel the seed sliding down her inner thighs so placing her hand between her legs she coughed filling her palm with cum. Holding it to her mouth she licked her hand as she typed with the other searching for her friend.

The words flowed across the screen and suddenly Julie heard Rocky pad into the room, sniffing the air. Seeing his bitch in position Rocky moved quickly over and mounted Julie in one fluid motion. Stopping typing she reached back and guided him to her waiting pussy with a deep groan of pleasure. As Rocky started to fuck, Julie wanted to type words to tell her friend what was happening but it was all she could do to stop herself from being forced over the footstool. In the end, she gave up and just braced against the assault as Rocky fucked her with speed and aggression. It seemed the most natural thing in the world as Rocky’s knot drove inside and started to fill her full of cum.


The next morning Julie awoke just before dawn, with a sore but pleasant sensation between her legs and decided that before she showered, she would enjoy Rocky again. Leaning over she removed a tube of lubrication and a butt plug from the bedside drawer before squirting a generous glob on her fingers. Pushing first one, then two, fingers into her ass Julie started to work the lubrication in relaxing her anal ring for what she had planned for the morning. Smearing more gel onto the butt plug Julie inserted it wincing at the size but knew she had to get ready for Rocky.

Julie didn’t bother dressing and went downstairs feeling the plug in her ass as she walked. Rocky was clearly pleased to see her by his wagging tail but at the same time, it was obvious he wanted to go outside and relieve himself. Julie opened the back door and as the cool morning air hit her, making her nipples stand erect, Rocky bounded off into the gloom to attend to the call of nature. A wicked thought spread through Julie’s brain as she knew that part of the garden was totally un-overlooked so she stepped naked onto the grass

Julie could feel the dampness between her toes, and as she saw Rocky returning, sniffing every bush, she sank to her hands and knees with her ass in the air. Reaching behind Julie eased the butt plug from her ass and laid it on the grass beside her as she waited. The ground was cold on her knees and as she felt Rocky sniff then mount, she clamped her hand over her pussy, denying him entry. Rocky’s belly fur was wet on Julie’s back as he thrust trying to find an opening, his cock hitting her hand and covering it with pre-cum. Judging the moment of his thrust Julie pushed with her fingers causing Rocky’s cock to jab against her semi-open anal star.

No amount of lubrication could have fully prepared Julie for what happened next as Rocky, sensing a hole, drove his cock deep into her bowels making her gasp loudly with pain. Normally at this point with anal sex with her husband, JJ would stop for a moment to allow her to adjust to the size, but Rocky had no such concern. Instead, he started to fuck Julie’s ass with the same intensity as he had fucked her pussy all day yesterday. The pain was blinding yet at the same time divine and Rocky’s copious pre-cum helped considerably to ease the passage.

Knowing that he was now embedded in her ass Julie moved her hand to her clit and began to rub and twist the nub. Resting on her elbows Julie managed to use her other hand to pull and tug her nipples urging Rocky on with soft words of encouragement. Julie came hard, long before Rocky who was doing his best to force his knot into Julie’s ass, her guttural grunts filling the early morning air. Julie wasn’t sure if Rocky was going to be able to knot her ass or not, but was so high on the pleasure she didn’t care. Nature took its hold as the tightness of Julie’s ass was enough to make Rocky shoot streams of seed deep into her bowels. Because he hadn’t knotted his dismount was faster, leaving Julie with her ass upturned oozing Rocky’s seed.


After Julie had taken a long bath and they had both eaten, Rocky from his bowl and Julie from a plate, Julie wondered about the day. Dressed in jogging bottoms and a sweatshirt Julie decided that a long walk on the beach was in order, if for no other reason than to give Rocky some rest. As they drove Rocky sat in the front seat like a human passenger and Julie had to keep fighting the desire to start working Rocky’s cock. Almost as if he had read her mind Rocky started to show a little and Julie could feel her pussy moistening as her mouth went dry.

The walk was frustrating yet also erotic in its own way as Julie kept looking at shingle mounds or small bushed areas and wondering if she could sneak away and be with Rocky. The subject of her fantasies, however, was happy as a puppy as he bounded in and out of the breaking waves barking gleefully. When they got back to the car Julie took one look at Rocky and grabbed an old towel from the boot to clean the worse off. Julie felt her hand brush against Rocky’s sheath on a couple of occasions and it was like being touched with an electric prod.

Julie walked into her kitchen, followed by Rocky who started to lap at his water bowl, just as her phone pinged twice showing two text messages. The first was from JJ, “Just checked in, take off in 90 minutes” Julie quickly calculated in her head that with a 60-minute flight and a 90-minute taxi ride her husband would be home around six.

Dashing off a quick reply Julie turned to the other message which was from Debbie, “should be home around six, hope Rocky has been good.” Julie giggled as she sent her reply, “Rocky has been great, in fact, better than I imagined.”

Putting her phone on the table Julie hooked her jogging pants down along with her knickers and glancing at the clock said softly, “time enough for you to say goodbye properly,” before assuming the position. As Julie wiggled her ass Rocky padded over and sniffed at his bitch who was clearly on heat. The aroma sent messages to his brain causing his cock to emerge from its sheath, growing into an angry red rod with pre-cum starting to drip from the end.

It was like a change had washed over Rocky, this was his bitch now and he was going to breed her. Rocky growled at Julie who had been looking at him and she knew what he demanded, so she quickly ducked her head down, her hair falling forward exposing her neck. Rocky mounted her and Julie felt his front paws grab her waist half pulling her back onto him, half pulling himself forward. As he entered her, he leant his head and gripped the back of her neck, not hard enough to break the skin but firm enough to claim his bitch.

Julie orgasmed loudly as she felt the teeth and the cock at the same time and she knew from that moment onwards that whenever she was alone with Rocky, he would fuck her. Rocky slammed in and out of Julie, with each thrust driving himself deeper if that was possible. Once his knot was firmly lodged inside, he began to fill his human bitch with his seed. Julie was in heaven, trying to capture the memories of this weekend, whilst enjoying the moment and planning future meetings.


Four hours later Julie was freshly dressed and had just waved Mike off with Rocky in the back when she heard a key in the front door. Seeing her husband was home she decided to steal a fantasy from another friend of hers.

“Welcome Sire, have you returned from foreign lands laden with booty and tales of bravery?”

JJ looked at his wife and twigged in an instant and played along, “indeed wench your noble lord has slain dragons and quaffed vast amounts of ale.”

“And were their maidens for you to ravish?

“None as fair as you,” JJ replied.

“Then my Lord’s balls must be full,” Julie said as she dropped to her knees and unzipped her husband’s jeans before pushing them and his boxers to his ankles. Julie worked JJ’s semi-hard cock with her hand as she said: “is Sire not pleased to see his wench?” Then lowering her head sucked the head into her warm wet mouth.

As Julie worked her head back and forward JJ groaned as he felt his wife’s talented mouth work on his engorged member. All thoughts of role play vanished as he grunted, “fuck I have missed you.” and grabbing her head spurted into her willing mouth. As always Julie wasn’t prepared to accept just a few squirts but sucked deep and long ensuring she extracted every last drop she could milking the last drop with her hand around his cock.

“Wow babes that was good,” JJ groaned as he fumbled for his jeans around his ankles.

“Now go shower,” Julie laughed, “you stink of beer and then you can tell me about your weekend.”

“How was yours?” JJ asked hurriedly.

“So so,” Julie shrugged, “nothing worth talking about really.”


Rocky – Part II – Return of the Beast

She picked up her journal, the one she had kept ever since she had learned about adult life. She turned the page and stared at the blank expanse that was ready for her latest entry. With a contented smile on her face, she wrote in bold letters across the top Rocky – The Return of the Beast, then with her pussy still throbbing from her lover’s goodbye fuck, she started to write…


Julie watched her husband’s back disappear into the entrance as she drove away from the train station where she had dropped him off so he could spend a week in London. Manoeuvring past the cars containing bleary-eyed commuters making their way to work and SUVs driven by yummy mummies taking their little cherubs to whatever posh school they attended, Julie felt her pulse racing in anticipation of the week ahead. Though outwardly her face appeared as if it was made from stone, not revealing her inner excitement, her brain was screaming at her… “Rocky was coming to stay.”

Rocky was a chocolate labrador that had stayed with Julie for a long weekend a couple of years ago and had fucked her all weekend, now she was getting a whole week to enjoy his company. Things had nearly happened at the end of July but Julie had to let Mike & Debbie down at the last moment due to work commitments, but she was over the moon when they asked again if she could look after Rocky during the half-term break as they wanted to take their kids away. Julie chuckled to herself as she recalled the conversation with Debbie a month or so earlier.


“Please Julie, it would be a great help as we are really struggling to find somewhere for Rocky. The kids haven’t had a holiday since before this lockdown started but the kennels are either closed or are full.”

“Why can’t you take him with you?” Julie said casually keeping her voice level but inside was screaming at the chance to have Rocky staying

“The Airbnb won’t allow it and we can’t get a short break holiday cottage let as they are all for the full week and we are only going to stay Monday to Friday.”

Julie paused for a moment for effect, before replying, “OK I think we can help as we are working from home at the moment so you can drop him round on the Monday, just let me know what time.”

After the call had finished Julie’s brain went into overdrive. Having Rocky at home was step one but she needed to engineer her husband being away otherwise it would be pointless for what she had planned. The next step was to plant a fictitious dental appointment in her diary for the Wednesday of that week as a back up though she was pretty certain she could implement the plan she had in mind. Then with a few well-placed emails and conversations with the right people, she sold the idea of the team getting together in London during the half-term week as the trains would be quiet so reducing risk. When the invite came through for both of them to spend the week in London Julie waited until dinner until bringing the subject up with her husband JJ.

“Looks like the Boss is going to piss off Debbie & Mike.” JJ looked confused as Julie went on, “Well with this meeting/planning week it looks like we will have to let them down for looking after Rocky.”

Julie paused watching her husband’s face and she could see him considering the options as she added, “And I will need to cancel my dental appointment, which is a right pain as they are hard to get hold of these days.”

“Well we don’t both have to go,” said JJ cautiously not sure how his wife would respond, “These things tend to be more procedural rather than operational so you always get bored. I can just commute daily and you can be my taxi service for the week.”

Julie finished chewing as if she was considering her husband’s words, “You will get knackered with all that travelling, let alone the increased risk of daily exposure to the numerous people on the trains. Why don’t you just stay over for the week and I will look after Rocky myself.” There was a tinge of guilt in Julie’s head but she rationalised by the thought that isn’t wasn’t really cheating on him, more scratching an itch that he didn’t have the equipment to scratch.

The result of all this was her dropping JJ off at the station and returning home to wait for Rocky’s arrival.


“He seems to know something is happening,” said Mike as he bought Rocky into Julie’s hallway. Julie wasn’t surprised as the car waiting by the kerb was packed with Mike’s wife and his kids as they were obviously on their way once Rocky had been dropped off. Rocky was wagging his tail happily as he re-familiarised himself with his surroundings and Julie could help but to wonder how much he remembered from last time.

“Don’t worry Mike, I will look after him, he likes being here don’t you old boy.” Julie was crouching down as she ruffled Rocky’s big heavy head and she was sure she could see a glint in his eye or maybe it was just her imagination. Rocky moved forward a little and Julie had to brace to stop herself from being pushed off her feet. She had forgotten just how big and powerful Rocky was for his breed and recalled Debbie telling her that he was nearly 80lb in weight which was at the top of his size expectancy.

After storing the food and bedding before waving Mike and his family off, Julie finally closed the front door and then checked her work laptop as Rocky padded into the kitchen. Happy that nothing pressing was happening and she had a few hours before her next conference call Julie followed Rocky into the kitchen to find him sitting on his haunches regarding her as she walked into the room.

“I think I know what you want,” Julie laughed, “Well if you don’t I certainly know what I want.”

As she was talking Julie stripped until she was standing naked in front of Rocky. She could feel her wetness, but to her dismay, Rocky didn’t move, he just sat there regarding her impassively. Biting her bottom lip in nervousness that he had forgotten, or heaven forbid they had him fixed, so she knelt on all fours like a bitch greeting her lover for the first time. Julie almost cried out with relief as she saw the pair of heavy balls hanging down and then as her scent must have penetrated his nostrils the red cock began to show from its furry sheath. With Rocky still sitting Julie crawled forward until her head was pressed close to his soft belly fur. Remaining on all fours, and without using her hands, she opened her mouth licking and sucking at the angry red lipstick cock as it grew, tasting the pre-cum that had started to flow. This action seemed to galvanise Rocky into action and he leapt to his feet, pulling his cock from her mouth then began to circle Julie, almost like he was inspecting her for the first time.

Julie pressed her head to the floor and as she licked her lips she could taste the watery pre-cum. Rocky had completed one full circuit and was halfway through his second time around when he stopped behind Julie as if he was admiring her backside. Reaching between her legs Julie splayed her wet pussy lips and murmured soft words of encouragement as she touched her clit with her thumb. Her scent must have become stronger as Rocky leant forward and took a long lick along her slit covering her fingers and thumb before finishing at her anal star.

Julie let out a long moan of satisfaction and that, along with the taste of a bitch in heat, spurred Rocky on who started to lick with renewed enthusiasm. Julie felt like her world was going to explode as Rocky ran his long rough tongue over and over her pussy lips causing them to swell as her juices flowed freely. In order not to scare Rocky with any undue noise Julie bit her lip as the first orgasm rushed through her body causing her to flood onto Rocky’s eager tongue. This spurred Rocky on and with a glance back Julie could see that Rocky’s cock had swollen and emerged towards its full glory as it dripped on the tiled floor.

“Please fuck me Rocky,” Julie gasped softly then more deeply, “Please use me as your bitch,” then almost in a growl, “Fuck my slutty cunt.”

Almost as if Rocky had understood her words he rose and started to dance around on his hind legs as he jabbed frantically to find his goal. Before Julie had time to guide him home he had dismounted and started to pace around sniffing and licking as Julie patiently encouraged him to re-mount. Eventually, after to Julie what seemed like forever, he mounted her again and started to thrust his hips forward, sending his leaking cock over her ass cheeks. Reaching between her legs Julie grasped Rocky’s cock and placed it at her opening before quickly withdrawing her hand as Rocky lurched forward.

It had been two years since Julie had felt a dog inside and as always the act of being penetrated so brutally took her breath away as she felt the large hot red cock thrust deep inside. Rocky’s paws dug into her hips as he levered himself further in and she could feel his soft belly fur caressing her back. Once Rocky had settled himself to a comfortable position he started to fuck her with the frantic pace and energy that only dogs can achieve. Julie pushed back to his thrusts uttering nonsensical words and sounds, punctuated with odd swear words as she felt the knot already start to bang against her pussy lips.

“Oh yes knot me, fuck me,” Julie screamed as Rocky jabbed forward forcing his knot inside before Julie’s pussy clamped around it locking them together.

As the knot started to swell, even more, sealing him inside, Rocky’s movements didn’t cease and Julie orgasmed in the sheer pleasure of feeling him tug back and forward at her insides. When his movements did cease Julie was just coming down from an orgasmic peak as the pulsing started. The throbbing action of his knot pressed against her g-spot sent Julie back into orgasm and she screamed with pleasure as his hot seed started to spurt deep inside her, jetting against her cervix.

It seemed to Julie that they were locked like that for hours but in fact, was around 15 minutes as his seed continued to pulse into her. Each jet was accompanied by throbs that sent tingling sensations through Julie’s body. Eventually with his seed spent Rocky rested his weight on Julie’s back and lay there panting, with his mouth open, as they both slowly recovered their breathing. Then with a sudden movement, Rocky pulled away with a loud plop and a stream of seed and juices spilt onto the floor.

Julie stayed in that position for a few minutes as more fluids dripped out then turned through 180 degrees until she was looking at the puddle that glistened on the tiles. Bending her head she started to lick at the cum and as she did so she felt Rocky start to lap at her ravaged pussy with his rough tongue. Rocky’s actions sent Julie over the top and she had to stop licking each time she orgasmed then continued her licking between peaks until the floor was clean and so was her pussy.

The rest of the afternoon and evening flashed by with the two lovers re-familiarising themselves with each other as Rocky fucked Julie to screaming orgasms on frequent occasions.


The next morning Julie walked downstairs clad only in one of her husband’s old tee shirts, which was only just long enough to cover her modesty. Julie never wore panties to bed and her naked pussy was still throbbing from the previous day and evening as Rocky had fucked her half a dozen times in various rooms around the house, each time giving her multiple orgasms as he took her and filled her. As she looked out of the kitchen window, waiting for the kettle to boil, she could see that the weather looked cold and miserable. Then she jumped as she felt Rocky’s cold nose push under the hem of her tee-shirt and sniff loudly as he started to lick at her exposed buttocks.

“Already you randy dog?” Julie laughed as she opened her legs to allow Rocky’s tongue to lap fully under, pushing into her pussy and making her wet. The wetter she became the more Rocky licked and soon the first climax rushed through her as she gripped the countertop, and bent forward with her legs apart. Rocky started to jump up trying to enter her in her standing position but wasn’t tall enough so he reverted to bumping her with his head.

“OK OK I am going,” Julie said as she knelt on the floor and almost before she was ready Rocky was up and on her back, his red cock jabbing, seeking her pussy. Julie went to move her hand to help, but Rocky found the spot on his own and drove his cock deep into his bitch. Julie loved the feeling of being taken and surrendering herself totally to her feelings she bucked and writhed as Rocky slammed into her.

Letting out a deep sigh as she felt Rocky force his knot into her pussy Julie enjoyed the full feeling of the knot expanding before it started to pulse and throb against her g-spot while pumping hot seed deep inside. Rocky lay panting on her back for a moment and then in a sudden movement dismounted and twisted around, still locked inside Julie until they were ass to ass. As she knelt there enjoying the sensations Julie laughed to herself as she said quietly, “Seems I am a proper bitch this morning.”

After they had disengaged, Julie had managed to throw on some old jogging bottoms with wads of paper stuffed in the crotch to mop up the seed oozing out before she dragged a little reluctant Rocky outside to do his morning toilet. By the way Rocky pulled back it was clear he didn’t really want to go out into the cold damp morning and kneeling down Julie whispered in his ear, “If you are a good boy I will give you a blow job later.” Her words meant nothing to Rocky who continued to display his reluctance but Julie could feel her pussy flipping at the thought of bringing Rocky off with her mouth, something she needed to add to her to-do list.

Once back in the warmth of the house Julie settled Rocky down with food and water before grabbing a quick shower. Cursing as saw the time she grabbed the tee shirt she had been wearing earlier and threw it on before rushing downstairs to join a conference call. Although technically a video call, everyone else always turned their cameras off apart from the boss. He was in the middle of outlining the agenda for the week and made a very pointed comment about Julie’s absence.

“I know it seems strange to be having a conference call when most of you are already in the office but is mainly for the benefit of Ms Cooke who was unable to join us due to prior engagements which are no doubt far more important than attending this planning week.”

Julie had to bite her tongue to avoid a retort detailing exactly what she was doing and mumbled an apology which was mainly ignored but she was certain she could hear a few sniggers in the background, one of which she was sure would be her husband. Her boss went on,

“But please be assured Ms Cooke I will be sending you plenty of reports for you to analyse and then precis back recommendations.”

Julie hit mute as she cursed under her breath as she knew that would involve a lot of work and just at that moment Rocky decided to investigate where his bitch was. Pushing the door open with his snout he followed his sensitive nose and slipped under the desk to find the source of the enticing aroma of Julie’s pussy. Julie let out a loud squeak as she felt Rocky’s powerful head pushing her thighs apart and breathed a sigh of relief that the call was still on mute. She could hear her boss droning on and the responses from her colleagues as she opened her legs wider to allow Rocky full access.

The long tongue rasped across her pussy lips and clit sending shivers of pure pleasure through her and as she caressed Rocky’s large head she moaned as she orgasmed onto his tongue. Julie’s head was spinning with pleasure, but she had to push Rocky away as her boss asked her for some input. Clicking the call off mute she answered the technical question as she held Rocky away with her other hand, praying that he wouldn’t ask to go on video as he might get a shock. As soon as he had the answer he started talking to the room again and Julie could put the call back on mute and allow herself to indulge in Rocky’s talented tongue.

It was clear by the way Rocky was pushing and moving he wanted more than just licking and Julie could feel herself throbbing as her body screamed to be filled. As soon as the call ended Julie almost threw herself out of the large leather chair at her desk, throwing herself to her hands and knees presenting her ass in the air. Rocky was as eager as she was and in one fluid movement, he mounted and entered her bringing Julie to an orgasm as he drove his fat red cock deep. As Rocky fucked her with a ferocity and intensity that seemed to be greater than before Julie heard her phone ringing and knew from the ringtone it was her boss wanting to speak to her. There was no way she would be able to stop, nor did she want to, as she groaned loudly as she felt the tip of Rocky’s cock almost penetrate her cervix. With a mighty thrust he forced his knot inside and as he started to cum Julie could swear he was actually spurting his seed inside of her womb.

After they had finished Julie shooed Rocky back to the kitchen and picked up her phone so she could return the call. As she spoke she was mopping up the mess that was oozing from her with the towel that she always had handy, knowing it would need to be washed along with a few other items that were covered in dog cum. As she made her excuses to her boss about missing the call he suddenly asked kindly, “Are you OK Julie? You seem out of breath and distracted.”

“I’m fine boss, just a bit of an upset tummy and also looking after Rocky is tiring.”

“Ah yes JJ mentioned you had a house guest, a chocolate lab I think he said, lovely dogs. I used to have a black lab as a gun dog back in Scotland. You take good care of him and if you need to be a bit flexible on timings that’s fine.” Julie had to bite her tongue to stop herself from giggling and shocking her boss by explaining exactly how well she was taking care of him. Although no sound came out of her mouth the silent laughter caused a large dollop of cum to slide down her inner thigh.

Her boss went on, “You know why I was a bit harsh in the meeting. It was just to remind people who is the boss but honestly, you are probably better off being out of it as I do know what you are like when you get bored.” Julie couldn’t help but laugh out loud and felt another dollop of seed slip out as she finished the call with promises that she would work on the reports with a view to having the recommendations ready for the afternoon session.

Clicking to end the call Julie opened the kitchen door and looked at Rocky with mock sternness. “So we will have to come to an agreement, I will work uninterrupted in the mornings, then in the afternoon, we can have some fun.”

Rocky just stared at her with his big brown eyes and then lifted his head and took a long lick at Julie’s thighs lapping the seed and juices from her skin.

“Oh OK,” Julie giggled as she got on all fours, “Just a quickie and then I must do some work.”

Rocky had no idea what she was saying but what he could see was his bitch presenting and his cock became hard as he rose up and took her again.

For the rest of the afternoon, Julie kept the door to her office firmly closed, much to the disappointment of Rocky who would bang his body against the door, whining to demand that his bitch attend to his needs. When Julie did venture out he was circling her and nudging her in an attempt to get her to play, but she resisted, knowing the work had to get finished first. Finally with recommendations sent off Julie emerged to find that Rocky had now decided to ignore her totally and was in his basket in the corner of the utility room asleep. When Julie called him, he just opened one eye and looked at her with almost disdain as if to say, ‘You ignore me then I will ignore you.’

Julie just laughed out loud calling Rocky a ‘huffy bugger’ and as she was already naked, and very wet, pushed a finger deep into herself coating it with her juices. Then moving close to Rocky waved it under his nose before wiping it over his chops, when he went to lick her finger she laughed and moved away before walking into the living room. Rocky sniffed the air for a moment at her departing back, then gave the dog equivalent of a shrug and padded after her.

In the living room, Julie had pushed the large square footstool against the couch so that it formed almost a bed, over it she had placed a large towel to protect the material. Lying on her back with her ass at the end of the footstool, Julie had her legs bent at the knee so she was supported by her legs and the footstool and couch. Opening her knees wide Julie patted her pussy and then feeling the sensation of her slap, started to rub her clit gently as she locked eyes with Rocky. At first, Rocky just sat and watched her and then when the scent hit his nose he just had to investigate. Padding over he stuck his head between Julie’s thighs and started to lick, eliciting loud moans of pleasure from Julie.

Rocky’s cock emerged and as it started to drip Julie congratulated herself on having the foresight to put an extra towel down to protect the carpet. It was obvious from the way Rocky moved that he wanted to mount but was confused by the fact his bitch appeared to be in the wrong position. In the end, desire overtook him and he lifted himself up and placed a paw on either side of Julie’s body, then he started to thrust seeking her pussy. Julie lifted her legs at the same time as she guided him home and once the tip was in he started to pound with vigour and enthusiasm. Julie wrapped her strong thighs around Rocky’s middle but this did nothing to deter him, in fact, seemed to spur him on to greater speeds.

Julie could feel the soft fur rubbing against her belly and twisting herself up allowed the fur that normally caressed her back to rub over her sensitive nipples. Feeling her orgasm build Julie reached and pinched a nipple in each hand, then to her joy Rocky bent his head and licked across her fingers, breasts and nipples The rough sensations sent her wild and as she arched up in orgasm Rocky pushed his knot deep inside sending her into even greater heights of ecstasy.


The next day Julie knew that she would start work straight away but as she made her morning coffee Rocky’s cold nose was too much to resist. Kneeling on the floor Julie sighed with pleasure as she pulled her tee-shirt up and patted her ass in encouragement. Rocky started to jab enthusiastically and suddenly Julie yelped with shock and pain as he buried the tip of his cock into her ass. Rocky clearly wanted to carry on down this path but Julie wasn’t ready as the pain was quite intense. Pulling herself forward quickly he came out of her ass and with his next thrust entered her pussy, burying himself fully as he fucked with intensity. As Julie pressed herself against the tiles she moaned loudly

“Tonight you can have my ass lover I promise” and then with a deep guttural moan she orgasmed as Rocky fucked her.

That set the tone for the day and Julie would work for an hour or so before stopping and walking into whichever room Rocky was in. As she had remained naked, as soon as Rocky saw her his ears would prick up and his cock start to twitch. Julie would get on all fours and present herself, waiting as Rocky circled her making sure she was being subservient before he would even start to sniff and lick. Once he was satisfied with the wetness which was accompanied by loud moans of pleasure from his bitch he would mount and fuck until he could work his knot deep inside. Then as she gripped his tool he would pump her full until he was satisfied. Finally, he would pull out and sometimes clean his handiwork much to the squeals of delight from Julie, before snacking and drinking then napping until the next time his bitch required to be covered.

That evening Julie was exhausted and was leaking seed every time she moved. She had a few phone calls with work and also with her husband and every time she had laughed then more goo would escape her. Determined that the evening would be special Julie took a long shower making sure she was clean but was also careful not to put on any perfume for fear of upsetting Rocky’s nose. Grabbing a large tube of gel she coated a butt plug liberally and pushed it into her ass, more gently than Rocky had done that morning. Once she had worked her ass sufficiently to make sure she was ready she shouted to Rocky over the bannister to come upstairs. She heard him run to the foot of the stars and then wait as this was not normally somewhere he was allowed to go, but the words of encouragement had him scrambling up the stairs to explore a whole new environment.

As he sniffed about the room, examining the new smells, Julie knelt down on her knees and then draped herself over the bed with her ass pointing outwards. She had removed the butt plug but had a vibrator nearby as she patted her ass and uttered words of encouragement to Rocky. Spotting his bitch in position, as she had been most of the day, Rocky padded over and sniffed and after a couple of licks rose up and started to jab.

Julie had her hand between her legs and could feel his dripping cock hit the back of her hand lifting her palm away and encouraged an upward movement. Rocky’s cock slipped up a little and as he thrust the tip found Julie’s gelled and relaxed anal star. This time when he pushed it was met with less resistance and with a shove he buried himself half into Julie’s asshole. Julie went wild, she loved anal not only for the physical sensations but the mental stimulation as well.

“Oh yes Rocky, fuck my slutty ass, take your bitch and use her.”

Glancing to her left she could see their reflection in the full-length mirror on one of the cupboards and got a clear side-on view of Rocky’s angry red cock half-buried in her ass. The cock vanished from view as he launched himself forward bringing howls of pain and lust from Julie as he started to fuck her ass with the same savagery as he had fucked her pussy during the day. If Julie had any thought that he would be less vigorous due to the numerous times he had fucked her that day, she was mistaken, as if anything the tightness of her ass seemed to spur him on even more. Julie could feel the knot banging against her ass and part of her wanted to relax and take it, but the other half screamed in fear. The matter was decided for her as Rocky shoved forward hard and pushed his knot inside almost at the same time as he started to cum.

The sensation was so different to what Julie was used to as it seemed the seed was so much deeper and it felt like there were gallons going inside her. Orgasm slipped into orgasm and reaching out blindly she grabbed the vibrator and started to play it over her clit sending her to even greater heights of pleasure. At first, the noise almost seemed to put Rocky off as he pulled and tugged and in a flash, Julie realised that this could cause them both damage. To muffle the noise Julie pushed the vibrator into her already tight pussy and let it vibrate almost silently inside. The cessation of the noise calmed Rocky, who went back to pumping his seed into his bitch, while Julie continued to peak as she was double penetrated by a dog and her vibrator.

After what seemed forever, Julie let go of the vibrator which slipped from her pussy, this in turn allowed Rocky to pull free leaving Julie panting over the bed, not moving as the fluids leaked from her onto the towel on the floor. Rocky circled a few times and then started to lick at Julie’s open ass and pussy feasting on his own seed and her juices and he continued until he had cleaned every drop. Julie was worried that her legs would not carry her down the stairs to put Rocky into his basket so she crawled onto the bed and patted the place beside her cuddled into Rocky as they fell asleep.


The next morning Julie woke to a building orgasm as she felt Rocky’s rough tongue between her legs licking her awake. Opening her legs wider she caressed his head as she arched up off the bed and shuddered onto Rocky’s unrelenting tongue.

“Oh you sweet thing, what a wonderful way to wake your bitch up,” Julie cooed, “Let me return the favour.”

Twisting around Julie positioned herself at 90 degrees to Rocky’s body who was standing with his cock hanging down dripping slowly onto the bedsheets. Pulling a couple of pillows under her head Julie found she could reach Rocky’s cock with ease and gently began to start sucking on the tip as she caressed the warm rod with her hand. Rocky stood stock still, partly because the bed was perhaps unsteady under his legs but also as he enjoyed the talented mouth that was working on his cock. Julie started to work her neck muscles as she manipulated Rocky’s red member and as she took his meat in deeper he started to thrust into her mouth. Julie tried to control the thrusting but was unable to do so as Rocky’s cock started to hit the back of her throat making her gag and cough. Suddenly Rocky exploded and started to jet stream after stream of seed into Julie’s throat and she had to jerk her head to one side. Rocky didn’t stop shooting and globs of cum hit her face and hair as well as splattering the sheets.

Once Rocky had stopped his main jets of seed, Julie leant in and sucked the last of his cum into her mouth laughing as she said, “Well that’s my breakfast so guess we need to feed you and these sheets are going to need a wash.”

Julie walked downstairs, naked with the bedding in a big bundle, then after making sure Rocky was fed and watered she went back upstairs to have a shower to get the cum off her body. When she got out of the shower and went into the bedroom Rocky was sitting on his haunches as if he was waiting for her. Laughing happily Julie dropped the big towel she was wrapped in and got onto all fours patting her ass gently.

“Time to make your bitch yours again, but then again I always will be.”

Rocky knew what was expected of him and paused only to have a quick sniff at Julie’s freshly washed pussy, which he wrinkled his nose at in displeasure. Because of the mirrors in her bedroom, Julie was able to look up and see the reflection in the mirror behind Rocky showing how he had risen up and was jabbing at her ass. Sliding a hand under, Julie felt for his cock and could see glimpses of his dick and her fingers in the mirror. As she felt the hot slimy cock travel over her fingertips she could see between Rocky’s legs and the tip about to enter her pussy. The vision was gone a moment later as Rocky moved about but she felt him slam in, driving himself deep into her wet and willing pussy.

Once Rocky was in and starting to fuck with gusto, Julie allowed her upper body to touch the floor, pressing her breasts and head to the floor in total subservience to Rocky. Julie looked up again at her own reflection in the mirror and could see Rocky over her shoulder, his tongue out as drops of spittle sprayed over her back. Then looking at the reflected reflection she could see his powerful haunches moving as he slammed his cock deep into her body. Focussing back on her face she could see the waves of pleasure as he reached parts that no human could, his cock banging against her cervix causing that heady mixture of pain and pleasure.

Then with a smile on her face spoke out loud to herself, “Well Julie Cooke looks like you have found your true place in life as a dog bitch.”

Julie then lost focus as Rocky pushed his knot inside, sending her into orgasms of pleasure as he started to swell even more as her pussy clamped around the base, locking them together. At that moment she was the most content she had been in a few years, with all thoughts of the outside world swept away in a tsunami of orgasmic bliss as Rocky’s knot pulsed and throbbed inside sending jets of cum deep into her body.

The rest of the day followed the same pattern as the day before, with Julie working for a while in short frantic bursts, then stopping to seek out Rocky. Whatever room they met in she would drop to all fours and wait for Rocky to take his bitch, which he did every time with great enthusiasm. Once he finished Julie would start work with renewed enthusiasm setting herself little targets that once completed she would reward herself with a fuck from Rocky. Even with the occasional breaks for food, Julie lost count of the number of times Rocky mounted her and gave her multiple orgasms. The evening was spent with Julie watching television draped over the footstool with her ass in the air. Rocky would walk in, mount and empty his balls before pulling out and wandering off. Julie was thankful she had the ability to pause live television as it took her most of the evening to watch a one-hour show with all the constant interruptions.

That night as much as Julie wanted to take Rocky to her bed she knew that she would never get any sleep and her pussy needed rest as it was in a constant state of throbbing. Julie also knew that she wouldn’t have time to wash the sheets again if Rocky shared her bed so with great reluctance she tucked him up in his basket and went upstairs to fall into a deep exhausted sleep.


Julie woke on Friday morning and stretched before going downstairs naked then walking into the kitchen she switched on the kettle before opening the utility room door, then got onto all fours to wait for Rocky. It was like he knew that today he would be going home as he seemed to take longer to walk around his bitch and inhale her scent, giving the occasional lick and then revert to his pacing, almost like he was teasing her.

Julie placed her breasts and face onto the cold tile floor and stretched her arms out wide in total surrender to Rocky, mumbling how she was his bitch. She could feel her pussy pulsating as her brain screamed in anticipation then as she felt the heat inside build Rocky rose, thrusting at her opening. His hard cock penetrated her in one swift easy movement they were in perfect harmony as he drove himself as deep as he could into his willing bitch. Soon Julie’s howls of pleasure filled the room as Rocky fucked her into submission and then with a growl pushed his knot in. Julie felt herself slide on the floor and sensing the movement under him Rocky nipped Julie’s shoulder to tell her to remain still. Julie had to move her hands to brace herself but at the same time rolled her head forward, her brown hair falling to either side to reveal her neck. As she went to arch back Rocky fastened his teeth gently on her neck and held her down as he pumped his seed deep into her. The feel of the teeth combined with the pulsing knot and jetting cock sent Julie to heights of orgasmic ecstasy she hadn’t experienced for a long time.

When it was over, and Rocky had pulled away before returning to his food and water bowl, Julie picked up her phone that had buzzed during her heated morning session with Rocky. The message was from Mike, Rocky’s owner,

‘Looking to leave around 9, should be with you at midday if that’s OK?’ Thanks again M & D x.’

Julie quickly texted back, ‘That’s fine and no rush, glad you had fun J xxx.’

Looking at Rocky with a huge smile on her face Julie said out loud, “Well Mister, we have a couple of hours left so we had better put them to good use.”

Getting back onto all fours Julie placed her hand between her legs and started to rub her clit until she felt Rocky’s cold nose followed by his long rough tongue. As he mounted and entered her Julie signed loudly, “I love being your bitch, and let’s not leave it two years till the next time.”



She picked up her journal, the one she had kept ever since she had learned about adult life. She turned the page and with a contented smile on her face, she wrote in bold letters across the top Harvey. Her smile became even wider at the memory of the biggest dog cock she had ever taken as she started to write…


“Are you sure you are going to be OK?”

Julie looked up at Kim who was standing next to her wheeled carry-on looking extremely sexy in her tight black skirt and white silk blouse, with her short leather jacket draped around her shoulders. Julie had always fancied Kim though, despite the not-so-subtle hints over the years, Kim had never responded or given any acknowledgement as to what was on offer. When she had married Simon a few years back and moved away, Julie had resigned herself to the fact that Kim remained in the ‘what might have been’ box. Returning her attention to the object of her affections Julie ruffled the shaggy head of the 3-year-old rottweiler.

“Don’t worry, me and Harvey will have lots of fun together… won’t we boy?” Julie laughed as the dog smiled at the nice female who had showered him with attention and treats when they had met for the first time a week or so ago. As his mistress seemed happy with everything, Harvey had settled and was very happy with Julie being in his domain.

“Simon should be back at Saturday lunchtime and he has your number so will confirm times as soon as he knows his Eurostar timings,” Kim said glancing at her watch as she waited for the taxi to take her to the airport. “You are an absolute star doing this for us Julie, I am so grateful.”

‘You could show your gratitude by stripping naked and letting me lick every inch of your body,’ Julie thought to herself but commented out loud, “It’s no worry and gives me a chance to catch up on this paperwork that has to be completed.”

Kim’s phone buzzed to tell her that her ride was here and the two women hugged and air kissed before Kim did the same with Harvey.

“Now you be a good boy for Auntie Julie,” she said as she hugged the large dog. ”Do what she tells you and stay off the furniture.” Then turning to Julie said, “Now you know where his food is…”

Julie cut her off with a wave of her hand, “I am not a fool Kim. I will look after him, don’t worry and go.”

Kim was totally unaware of the plans that Julie had for Harvey and would probably have had a heart attack had she known. Instead, she jumped in the cab and already had her phone clamped to her ear as she started talking to another important business person. Closing the door Julie looked at Harvey and laughed softly. “So boy, we have the place to ourselves for the rest today and all day Thursday and Friday before your master gets home on Saturday. Best we start with the way we mean to go on, well the way I mean to go on anyway.”

With that, Julie took her bag into the downstairs guest bedroom and stripped fully naked before standing in front of the full-length mirror to inspect her body. Lifting each breast in turn she murmured to herself how she was still in good shape then laughed out loud, “The dogs don’t care, they just want a willing bitch, “then chewing her bottom lip nervously, “well I hope that’s what Harvey wants because I am a very willing bitch today.”

Returning to the kitchen where Harvey sat in his basket, Julie stood there as he opened one eye and took very little notice of the naked woman. Then he returned to his dozing, dreaming about chasing rabbits, as his back leg twitched. Julie stood there and placed her hands on her hips, “This will never do, time to get you a little more interested in things.”

Bending down Julie began to stroke Harvey’s belly which caused him to roll onto his back allowing her fuller access to his hairy sheath. Gently manipulating it, the red tip started to poke out and dripped pre-cum as it grew in size. Julie bent her head and began to suck carefully causing Harvey to make sounds in his basket as he leaked more into Julie’s mouth. Working the cock with her hand Julie was breathless as she felt it grow and grow to a very healthy size. “My, my you are a big boy,” giggled Julie as Harvey opened one eye and then both, taking more of an interest in his surroundings and the manipulation of his cock.

Julie could feel the heat between her legs and while she worked Harvey’s cock with one hand, she started to rub herself with her other, coating her fingers with her copious juices as she dipped them inside. Her hand stroking Harvey’s ever growing cock was covered in pre-cum and Julie lifted it to her lips and licked as she placed her fingers before Harvey’s snout. He took a long sniff and then licked at her fingers getting the taste of Julie’s juices.

As Julie felt Harvey’s rough tongue twist and lick between her fingers, she took the seed-coated fingers of her other hand and started to smear it over her clit. As her excitement rose Julie pushed her fingers deeper inside, feeling her wet pussy open to welcome them. Harvey had stopped licking her hand and she lay back on the tiled floor, guiding Harvey’s massive head between her open legs. As Harvey recognised the familiar scent his long pink tongue extended and started to lick along Julie’s folds and clit.

“OH MY FUCKING GOD,” Julie gasped loudly as she felt the rough tongue probing and licking as Harvey feasted on her pussy. Julie felt that in some ways she should return the favour but she was enjoying herself so much that she simply planted her feet and lifted herself willingly towards his mouth. As Harvey licked Julie could feel her orgasm mounting and with a loud cry that startled Harvey, she started to cum. Harvey lifted his head away and Julie tried to keep him in place, uttering pleas of desperation, but Harvey was too powerful and pulled back wondering why the human was upset.

Julie slowed her breathing and calmed herself down, uttering soothing words as she crawled to Harvey and started to rub his cock to try to reverse the shrinking that was taking place. Placated, Harvey remained static as his cock started to grow back to its former glory and Julie half leaned under him and moved his cock to point outwards as she started to suck again. Julie could feel her jaws starting to ache and judging that the time was right, let go of his cock and rolled over onto all fours. Patting her ass cheeks gently Julie said in a low voice, “Come on boy time to mount your new bitch.”

Harvey lifted his heavy body up and shuffling forward started to jab with his cock. Julie knew from an earlier conversation with Kim that Harvey had covered a few Rottweiler bitches but to the best of Julie’s knowledge Harvey had never covered a human, well unless Kim was partaking of course.
The thought of Kim being in the same position as she was now sent shivers of pleasure running through Julie’s body as she tried to guide Harvey to his goal. After a few more thrusts Harvey gave up and started to lick at Julie’s upturned ass, his tongue running up her lips and across her asshole. The sensations were sending Julie wild but she bit her bottom lip for fear of making a noise that would scare him off again.

Harvey mounted again and made a few more thrusts before finally he managed to jab in the right place to enter Julie and half bury his substantial cock in her soaking pussy. Moving her hand to cushion her head Harvey shuffled forward ready to drive home but then lost his footing slightly. This unsettled him and he dismounted and returned to his licking.

This pattern carried on for a while and Harvey was obviously very keen as he was becoming more agitated as he tried and failed to fully mount his new bitch. Julie was becoming as equally frustrated as although Harvey’s tongue was amazing, she was desperate to feel his meaty cock in her, pounding her as she desired. Julie tried to shift her position to make it easier for Harvey but still, the best he could do was a half penetration and a few thrusts followed by a dismount and licking. In the end, deciding that perhaps it was best not to wind him up too much Julie turned and gave him a cuddle as she worked his cock with her free hand. No sooner had she grasped his cock than Harvey started to jerk his hips fucking Julie’s fingers wrapped around his cock. Before Julie could twist round to suck on him, he started to spurt his seed coating her thighs and belly with steady streams of his thick white fluid.

“There you go boy,” Julie said softly as she milked his cock with her hand.

After preparing Harvey’s food Julie went to the shower and washed the copious amounts of sticky seed from her body. Closing her eyes, she could imagine the feel of Harvey’s heavy fat cock in her hand and mouth. As she started to touch herself, she could feel the hotness of it entering her, albeit briefly, and as her fingers danced over her clit bringing her to a shuddering climax, she was determined that tomorrow she would be his bitch fully.

Dressed in a loose jogging suit Julie snuggled next to Harvey as they watched television together. Julie wasn’t looking to progress from earlier but made sure they lay in a position that allowed her to casually manipulate Harvey’s cock, keeping it well out of its hairy sheath. Julie had decided in her head that the failed mounting attempts could be detrimental so she had remained clothed. Her manipulation had the obvious effect and as Harvey throbbed in her hand, it seemed the most natural thing in the world to bend her head and start to gently suck Harvey’s red cock.

Harvey was on his back and side so lay there enjoying himself as Julie’s mouth worked on him like a bitch’s pussy had on the few occasions he had been to stud. Julie swallowed the pre-cum as fast as she could and as she felt Harvey’s cock swell, she moved her hand to his knot that pulsed in her palm. The strong jets hit Julie’s throat but she was an experienced cock sucker and swallowed each spurt as it filled her mouth.

Cuddling into Harvey as he whined and snuffled before settling down to sleep Julie giggled to herself, “just like every man, give them a blow job and they fall asleep happy. Well, tomorrow my boy you are going to have to buck up your ideas.”


Thursday morning Julie went into the kitchen still half asleep, dressed just in a man’s tee shirt that she sometimes used as a nightie when she was away. To her surprise, Harvey was awake and staring at her, but there was something different about him this morning. He stood silently, his eyes locked onto Julie and it was as if he was recounting the previous day where perhaps he had been more like a puppy rather than a fully grown male dog. Julie could feel it inside and without speaking dropped to the floor and pulled her tee-shirt up around her waist leaving her ass exposed.

Harvey walked around Julie and sniffed. This wasn’t a hesitant sniff, but more a confident sniff that said, “Is this my bitch returned?” Satisfied it was his tongue snaked out and licked Julie from clit to anal star before lapping at her confidently, checking that she was ripe and ready for breeding. Happy that she was receptive, Harvey rose onto his back legs and shuffled a little until he was ready to start jabbing. Julie moved her hand to help but never completed the movement as the tip of Harvey’s cock found its goal and with a strong movement, he drove the majority of his shaft into Julie’s body.

“Oh my fucking god,” Julie screamed as she felt herself being opened. Today instead of her yell scaring Harvey as it had the day before, he seemed to be encouraged and drove his cock deeper. His front paws gripped Julie’s hips as he used them as leverage to get in deeper as his hips moved at a fast and frantic pace. Julie’s head was spinning as the cock seemed to just keep going deeper and it was by far the biggest cock she had taken. Perhaps not as fat as her favourite dildo, Tyson, but by the way, her insides were being buffeted it was definitely longer.

As Julie felt herself being pulled onto his cock somewhere in the depths of her brain, it registered that Harvey had no dew claws as they must have been removed by Simon or Kim. This in turn sparked the thought that perhaps her friend had been in the same position as her and that Harvey was her lover as well. Just as she was about to consider it further all rational thought was driven from her brain as the first orgasm rushed through her body sending her wild. Julie grunted and screamed but Harvey didn’t seem to care what noise she made, instead his goal was to drive his cock even deeper and knot this bitch under him. Julie felt herself cumming for a second time and as she flooded in response to the hard fucking; the extra lubrication and relaxation after climax allowed Harvey to push his knot inside her.

Julie had been fisted before but this was something on a different level. Not only was Harvey’s cock almost certainly the longest she had ever had, but the knot also seemed to swell bigger and bigger, filling her completely and jamming itself against her g-spot. Julie felt like she was being stretched until she would surely burst when Harvey’s knot pulsed and sent a hot jet of seed that seemed to be being injected directly into her cervix. The sheer sensation sent Julie wild again and as she started to writhe under Harvey, she orgasmed almost uncontrollably. Under the impression that his new bitch was trying to escape Harvey did what came naturally to a dog and clamped his teeth on Julie’s shoulder. Not hard enough to break the skin but hard enough to tell her to remain still while he bred her.

When he had filled her to his satisfaction Harvey tugged until he was sufficiently shrunken to allow him to free himself. Julie simply remained in position panting, trying to slow her heartbeat when she felt Harvey’s long pink tongue lapping at her swollen pussy. Yet another orgasm built and burst quickly inside Julie, leaving her dazed and confused as Harvey cleaned his deposit, well what had emerged.

Julie tried to stand but her legs wouldn’t support her so she remained on all fours as Harvey slurped noisily at his water bowl. As she knelt there, she tried to work out what had changed and had no clue, but whatever it was, she was certainly going to reap the benefits. Deciding that she had enough control over her limbs Julie went to stand but to her surprise, Harvey had returned, and nudged her forward and back onto all fours. He wasn’t finished with his new bitch and the drink of water had restored his vigour. In seconds he mounted Julie and within a couple of thrusts was in her and fucking her with the same speed and enthusiasm as he had earlier. Julie was in heaven and as her throat was parched, she croaked rather than screamed as she climaxed on Harvey’s large cock.

“Yes, yes, YES,” she shouted hoarsely as she pushed back to meet his fast fucking and once his knot was inside, she climaxed again. As Harvey started to pump his seed into her Julie flicked her hair forward and over her head, leaving her neck exposed. Then she tried to lever herself forward and got exactly the reaction she had hoped for from Harvey. As his teeth clamped on her neck, Julie almost passed out from the tremendous explosion inside as she experienced an orgasm that left her semi-comatose.

The rest of the day followed the same pattern with Julie managing to grab a bottle of water to parch her throat and rehydrate before Harvey was nudging her to get to all fours. Happy to oblige, Julie would rest her head and breasts on the cool tiles as Harvey made sure she fully understood she was his bitch.

Some of their ties were long with Julie and Harvey remaining locked for over 30 minutes. Other times less as once Harvey had done what he wanted, he pulled away from Julie’s battered pussy. By early afternoon both of them were exhausted and after feeding Harvey, he curled up in his basket to gain some well-earned rest.

Julie stood unsteadily and as she did it was almost like she had wet herself as copious amounts of dog seed fell from her in a gush, splattering the floor. Waddling to the bathroom Julie squatted to get rid of the majority of what remained but she knew that some was so far inside it would take days to come down. Her body ached from head to toe though surprisingly she was devoid of scratches. Rubbing her neck, she was sure that there might be a bruise or two but luckily her hair would cover that. Stretching she felt the throbbing start between her legs from her battered pussy. It felt like someone had fucked her with a baseball bat and she was certain that her internal organs had been rearranged such was the size and power of Harvey’s cock. Touching herself, she winced a little at the soreness but leaving the bathroom she knelt by Harvey’s basket and began to slowly massage his belly. As his eyes opened Julie again started to work on his cock which was rapidly growing.

“Time for round two,” Julie giggled and giving his cock a kiss, she assumed the position. She didn’t have to wait long before Harvey was up and in her, fucking like it was the first time he had felt a pussy around his cock. As he forced his knot into her and started to cum for what seemed like the hundredth time Julie gave a contented sigh, “You can fuck me like this forever.”


Friday morning came and throwing back the covers Julie didn’t even bother dressing but instead walked into the kitchen determined to get in another full day of fucking. Harvey opened his eyes and rose majestically from his basket as Julie opened the door to allow him to do his business. While he was outside, she prepared his water bowl and food and laid them in a line. At the end of the line, she knelt on all fours so Harvey could drink, eat then fuck. She could feel her juices trickling down her legs as her body reacted to what was going to happen next.

Harvey returned to the kitchen and slurped on the water bowl noisily, almost ignoring Julie as he drank his fill. Julie placed her head on the floor and turned her face so she could watch him eat his first meal, again ignoring her. Once he had eaten, he slowly moved behind Julie and started to sniff. His sniffs turned to licks as he checked his bitch was ready for breeding. Satisfied that she was, he rose, his cock already semi-hard and jabbed once or twice until he found what he was seeking. Moving his rear paws forward he thrust savagely entering Julie’s pussy and drove his considerable cock deep into her willing body.

“Oh yes Harvey,” Julie gasped into the empty kitchen, “Use me like the bitch I am.”

Almost like he understood Harvey drove forward getting as much of his cock inside her, as Julie responded by pushing back to meet his powerful thrusts. Quickly it became too much for Julie who howled and moaned as she braced against Harvey’s assault. With her face and breasts pressed to the floor, she felt Harvey drive his knot into her pussy and she clamped around it sealing it inside. Julie could feel it swell inside and start to pulse against her g-spot so reaching under she started to rub her clit in a frenzy. As the first jet of hot cum splashed deep inside, Julie started to cum again, her pussy spasming on Harvey’s cock as he filled his bitch. The orgasms seemed to come in waves of pleasure as Harvey remained locked in Julie. When he turned so they were ass to ass Julie couldn’t help the spasms of pleasure that rushed through her despite the tugging of her filled insides. Eventually, Harvey stopped spurting and stood panting until he decided that he needed a drink. Still locked inside Julie, he dragged her backwards across the floor until he reached his bowl where he slurped at the water.

After a while Harvey had shrunk enough to allow him to pull free and with an audible plop, he removed his cock and knot from Julie’s pussy accompanied by a splatter of fluid. Julie stood, a little unsteady on her feet, and leaned against the kitchen counter until she felt her legs were strong enough to convey her to the bathroom. As she started to move, she felt a large dollop of seed start to escape and putting her hand between her legs caught it before the floor became even more covered. Cupping it in her hands she held it to her mouth and lapped at it like a cat eating the cream as she enjoyed her breakfast.

The rest of the day followed the same pattern as the day before with Harvey fucking Julie whenever he wanted. When he wasn’t forthcoming Julie would encourage him with her mouth or hand and very quickly, he was on her back and fucking her like the end of the world was coming. A couple of times Julie thought to herself about changing position but she was enjoying being fucked on all fours so much that she simply carried on until it grew dark.


The clock showed 07:30 when Julie woke on Saturday morning to the sound of her phone chirping. Looking at the screen she saw the message from Simon, Kim’s husband, “hey J got an early Eurostar so should be in London at 8 so with you by 10. Hope Harvey has been good.”

“He has been fucking marvellous,” Julie laughed out loud as she stretched naked in front of the mirror. Her body ached and her pussy still throbbed from the two days of almost non-stop fucking from Harvey but it had been worth it.

Jumping in the shower she twisted around as she inspected her body for any tell-tale scratches, particularly on her hips. To her relief any indications that she had been fucked senseless were internal and coinciding with the thought she felt a large dollop of Harvey’s seed slide down her inner thigh. Holding the sticky substance to her lips Julie lapped the palm of her hand clean savouring the taste. Once she had her fill Julie carefully washed away any residue using the flexible hose part of the shower as a douche. Satisfied most of it was out she dressed in a pair of jeans to avoid any spillage though she had little doubt that over the rest of the day more would emerge, at least that would keep Harvey at bay.

Going into the kitchen Harvey looked at her a little strangely as for the first time in a couple of days she was dressed. He was soon distracted by his food bowl being filled and Julie stroked his body as he ate, careful to keep away from his cock, to avoid arousing him.

“Would love one last fuck boy but need to get rid of any evidence and also with the volume of seed you produce I would wet myself before I got home.”

Having cleaned the kitchen and stripped the bed Julie loaded the washing machine to make sure all traces of her activities were well hidden. Giving the kitchen one last look over she glanced at the clock which showed just after 9 meaning Simon would be here in an hour. As she thought about making a coffee Harvey padded into the hallway and seeing her bag by the front door must have realised that his bitch was leaving.

Julie stared at the powerful beast and wondered if she was going to get an adverse reaction to her departure and she internally started to debate how to deal with it. This was a dog that looked like it could tear you to pieces if it got angry and whilst Julie wasn’t worried, she did feel a little nagging doubt of concern in the back of her mind. Instead of aggression Harvey simply lay on his belly and looked at Julie with his huge brown sorrowful eyes that looked like he was about to start crying.

“Don’t be soft you silly thing,” Julie laughed quietly, “We both had fun and I will see you again… I hope.”

As she spoke Julie crouched down and Harvey shuffled forward until he rested his head in her lap and looked at her with sorrowful eyes. Julie ruffled his head and kissed his fur but there seemed to be no cheering him up.

“Oh, go on then, but you will have to be quick,” Julie laughed and pushed her jeans down to her ankles and knelt in the hallway facing the door, her ass in the air.

This wasn’t like the first time they fucked where Harvey had been unsure, this was an alpha dog taking his bitch and he rose and rested on Julie’s back, his cock twitching between her legs. Julie’s slim fingers guided the tip to her wet lips and with one powerful thrust, Harvey buried the majority of his cock deep into Julie’s body.

It might have been Julie’s imagination but it almost seemed like Harvey was taking his time as he drove his cock in and out like he knew he was fucking his lover for what could be the last time. It could also have been that Harvey was tired and not quite as full of vigour as he was earlier in the week, either way it was a wonderful almost controlled fuck. Harvey’s knot slipped into Julie’s pussy comfortably before swelling and sealing him inside. Julie felt the steady jets of seed deep inside and couldn’t stop the orgasm that tore through her very soul.

After Harvey had finished and pulled out Julie quickly clamped her hand over her battered pussy before any fluids could escape. With her free hand, she fished out a sanitary towel and placed it in position to soak up the cum that was starting to leak out. Realising she had just 15 minutes before Simon arrived home Julie quickly pulled her jeans up and rearranged her hair with her fingers. Satisfied with the result, she heard Simon’s taxi arrive outside and threw open the door to greet him.

As Harvey bounded up the path and jumped up to greet his returning master, Julie silently resolved that this wasn’t going to be the last time she would be seeing Harvey. Julie had wondered a couple of times over the last few days if Harvey was fucking Kim and was pretty sure he wasn’t. Then a wry smile played on Julie’s lips as she pictured Kim being surprised by Harvey and made a mental note to check in with her over the next few weeks.


Rocky – Part III – The Summer of Love

This was written as a story with a difference. This is a true story with each section being written as it unfolded during 2023 over a seven-week period. It was posted on another site in week-by-week instalments. Now that the summer is over, I have collected each part together before sending them to my editor RF Fast to correct any typos.

By way of background, Rocky is an eight-year-old chocolate Labrador that lives in the village. His owners Mike and Debbie have no idea (to the best of my knowledge) that their dog has fucked me in the past on two separate occasions. (Rocky and Rocky 2, the Return of the Beast )


I was in my kitchen when the phone rang and I saw it was Debbie, “Hi Julie, Thought I saw your car so you are back I guess from your cruise?”

Yes, I was back alright, the utility room looked like a Chinese laundry and the downstairs rooms looked like a bomb had gone off after a manic shoplifting spree in a clothes and shoe shop.

“I don’t suppose you could help us out could you?” Debbie said and my mind clicked into overdrive as helping them out in the past had meant a bloody good sex session with Rocky. The problem was that JJ, my husband, was at home which meant having Rocky in the house was a no-no, for no other reason than I doubted I would be able to resist him, so the chances of getting caught were high.

“As you know Mike and I have our weekly commitment with the underprivileged children’s charity which means we will be away overnight one night a week for most weeks over the summer holidays. Normally the kids would look after Rocky but with their sports camps they will be away from Sunday through to Friday nearly every week.”

As Debbie talked I was formulating a plan in my head but wanted to wait until she had finished.

“So would you be able to look after him? Otherwise, we may have to let the kids down as one of us will have to stay behind.”

“It will be a lot of disruption for Rocky to move just for one night,” I said as my plan clicked into place, “But I do have an idea if it’s OK with you.”

I heard Debbie breathe a sigh of relief as I went on, “You only live at the other end of the village so on the nights you are away why don’t I stay at yours? I can come round on the day you go, look after Rocky and then you come home the next day.”

“What about JJ you aren’t going to let him loose in your new kitchen are you?” Debbie laughed

“I can either send him out for a curry or takeaway, worse comes to the worse I can nip home and cook him dinner. Rocky would be OK on his own for a couple of hours, wouldn’t he?” I said while trying not to scream in delight.

We talked a bit about practicalities and timings then she gave me a list of dates which I scribbled down.

A little bit later I waited until JJ was engrossed in the cricket and casually said, “Debbie has asked me to dog sit for Randy or whatever their dog is called.” As I expected he just grunted at me, his attention elsewhere. “I said he couldn’t stay here but as she only lives at the other end of the village I would stay in their spare room on the nights they were away.”

“That’s great babes,” he said, which I knew by the tone of his voice meant, “Will you just fuck off and leave me alone.”

My head was spinning as I walked into my office rejoicing in the fact that I was going to get knotted a lot over the next few weeks and I could hardly wait.


Wednesday/Thursday – 26th & 27th July

It’s strange, but I have found that as a writer I start to look at things differently, especially when I know I will write about them later. Not that anything happens differently but you try to capture the emotions and the details.

I stood in Mike & Debbie’s house as they left in their minibus thing, leaving me and Rocky alone for the next two days. Everything had gone to plan so all that was left was for Rocky to fuck my brains out. There is that sudden panic, “Will he remember me?” and even more importantly, “Will he remember how?” It had been two years since we were last together and as far as I knew, Debbie didn’t indulge.

I looked around their home after putting my stuff in the spare room to decide where the ‘act’ was to take place. The two occasions before with Rocky it had been at my house where I knew what rooms were private and what was more open to being overlooked. The back of the house is beautiful with the back being covered with bi-fold doors leading out onto a large patio. The only problem was I would be putting on a show for the neighbours which I am sure some of the people reading this would think was great, but I had no desire to be publicly shamed.

Rocky seemed non-plussed as I did my rounds, following me but with a “what are you doing?” type attitude and then I came across the perfect spot. They had converted the garage into the spare guest bedroom but behind it they had built an en suite shower room that could be accessed from both the bedroom and the utility room. In the utility room was Rocky’s basket and enough space to lay out an old blanket on the floor. The best part, to me anyway, was that I could walk from my bedroom through the ensuite and into Rocky’s sleeping area, almost a perfect setup.

I was trembling, and very wet, as I stripped off throwing my clothes on the bed before donning my old sweatshirt to minimise the claw marks, then stepping back into the utility room, I called Rocky in. Getting to all fours I waited for him to appear as a variety of thoughts rushed through my head. My heart was pounding as I felt him sniff at my ass and then move away, patience was the key. Parting my knees slightly I was sure he must have been able to smell my excitement and placing my shoulders on the blanket I reached between my legs and started to touch myself. What kept running through my head was, “You are a dog slut,” which was quickly followed by, “Yes and I fucking love it.”

There is something magical about dog sex. It is pure sex. The dog has no hidden agenda, no desire to get you to do things or act in certain ways, all it cares about is fucking you. The downside, if it can be considered one, is that all it cares about is fucking you. That means the dog doesn’t slow when you want it to, it doesn’t care what position you are in or if you are in pain, it just wants you, raw emotion.

As I was thinking this I felt his nose against my ass as he sniffed. perhaps the smell triggered a memory in his brain as he took a tentative lick.

I let out a low groan of, “Fuckkkk.” as the so-so different texture rasped over my lips and fingers. I quickly moved my fingers away to give him full access and was rewarded with some more licks making me flood as the first mini-orgasm ran through me. Then he stopped. I thought that he had lost interest at first, perhaps he couldn’t remember, and a thousand other things. As I felt his soft fur on my back as he mounted and his cock sliding over my cheeks my heart sang as I knew he hadn’t forgotten his bitch. The tip found my pussy lip and as it registered on both of our brains he thrust his hips forward, burying most of his cock in me. A shuffle of his back legs and his paws grasped my hips, almost like my husband had the night before and then it was full speed ahead. Although he may have been a few years older he had lost none of his pace and ferocity as he drove into me making me gurgle and moan with sheer pleasure.

As the intensity of his fucking continued, I felt myself cumming again and let out a loud yell as I thrashed about. Rocky didn’t care. All he focused on was he had his bitch under him and the next task on his list was to knot me. I felt it drive in with relative ease as I was so bloody wet and then began to swell even more inside me as his movements slowed. The knot was pressing against my g-spot as it throbbed and pulsed before sending jets of seed so deep inside me, I swear it was injected directly into my womb. I started to repeat cum, where as fast as a wave hit me, the next one rolled over me from behind it making me continuously orgasm. I could hear the loud panting of Rocky in my ear as he rested on my back filling his bitch with his cum.

When the knot had shrunk, he pulled away and I could feel the cum sliding out. I quickly cupped my hand over it collecting as much as I could in the palm of my hand, before holding it to my mouth and licking the mess until my hand was clean. Rocky retired to his basket and just looked at me with a look that I swear was saying, “This isn’t the last time my bitch.”

Standing I pulled on my skirt, not bothering with anything else and went into the kitchen to get a glass of water. My whole body was a mass of overloaded nerve endings as I drank water and then filled a kettle to make a coffee. I had just poured in the hot water with a dash of cold and was about to sit and drink it when I felt a nose under my skirt from behind.

“Oh my Rocky, do you want more?” I gasped as I felt his tongue licking at my pussy lips making me whimper with pleasure.

Glancing at the window I judged that we were far enough from it to be safe and not overseen I dropped to all fours and assumed the position. With the windows being wide open there was a gentle breeze and when I closed my eyes it almost felt like I was outside. In an instant Rocky was up on my back and to my joy his cock was hard and with a couple of thrusts, in me. I know I have to be careful of the noise as had no idea if the neighbours were outside and would have overheard Rocky fucking me.

Almost like Rocky had taken it as a challenge to make me cry out he seemed to fuck me even harder. I was so wet and open his cock slammed in and out with ease and the knot even popped in and then out making me bite my bottom lip to muffle my screams. I couldn’t, nor did I want to, stop the orgasms that burst inside as he finally pushed his knot in and sealed himself inside his bitch. As his knot pulsed its seed inside, I knew that this evening was going to be everything I had hoped for and more.

A few hours later I dressed in a jogging suit and even wore panties to hold the sanitary pad in place as we went out for a walk. The distance from Mike and Debbie’s to my own house isn’t that far so decided to walk home and check on JJ. But the main reason was I had a little theory I wanted to test. When I got there JJ was happy to see me but I noticed that he kept a watchful eye on Rocky as we had a quick cup of coffee.

“Maybe I should keep him here next time,” I said to JJ waiting for his reaction.

“No it’s OK. I think he will be far more comfortable in his own environment,” He replied.

I could tell by the tone in his voice he was uncomfortable with large dogs, something I had suspected for a while but he had never admitted.

“Best I get him home then, as he needs feeding,” I laughed inside and felt a little trickle into the pad. I checked he was still planning a night out with his mates that evening, and confirmed I would be home before dinner the next day.

When we got back to Rocky’s home, I felt a little pang of guilt but rationalised that what he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him. I made Rocky’s lunch and then stripped off again just in case he wanted me for dessert after lunch.

No sooner had he finished his food than he began sniffing at me and this time I decided to go into the bedroom I was sleeping in and went in and laid over the bed. Rocky had stopped at the doorway and looked hesitant which was when I realised that this was one of his ‘banned’ rooms. Not wanting to change any habits I moved into his room and got on all fours. Here he was much happier and after a few sniffs, he was up and in me, fucking me with vigour for the 3rd time that day.

A pattern developed with the only stops being for food and water, and the obvious calls of nature in a certain part of the garden. I knew I should collect his droppings but decided that wandering out there semi-naked with a horny dog around was probably going to end up in the show I mentioned before.

By the time I crawled into bed, Rocky had fucked me seven times and my pussy was throbbing with pleasure. I decided to have a shower before bed and as I squatted and coughed to get rid of most of his seed. I couldn’t help but touch myself. Even though I had enjoyed multiple orgasms from Rocky’s fucking I still got myself off in the shower with my fingers.

The next morning I had previously decided that it would be best if I didn’t have sex with Rocky so my husband wouldn’t notice that evening. As I sat on the toilet in the ensuite I could hear Rocky scratching at the door and it dawned on me that he too needed to relieve himself. I opened the door from the en suite to his area and then the one to the garden before he rushed out. I stood there naked waiting for him as he then sniffed around the garden after doing his business.

When he got back he didn’t push past me instead forced his nose into my groin and started to sniff and lick at my thighs. My resolve melted as his tongue ran over my thighs and I opened my legs to allow him full access. I had to lie down or would have fallen down and lying on my back allowed him to lick me as I writhed in orgasm as his magic tongue did its work. All thoughts of going home empty vanished as I rolled onto my hands and knees and patted my ass. Rocky knew what that mean and his cock was out of its sheath and ready for action as he mounted his bitch.

As he entered me I looked up and could see through the connecting doors to the clock on the bedside table showing 06:33. Then dropping my head I let Rocky take me to the wonderful land of multiple orgasms as he fucked his bitch for the first time that day.

I decided to set a new deadline of midday which I stuck to as Rocky drove his long hot cock into me at exactly 12:00 for the 3rd time that morning. It was a perfect fuck with the speed and intensity that I loved so much and the swollen knotting against my g-spot.

By the time Mike and Debbie got home, the house was neat and tidy and all evidence of the debauchery had been cleared away. They couldn’t thank me enough as I left and confirmed I would be back next Tuesday.


Tuesday/Wednesday – 1st & 2nd August

“We have had a slight change of plans.”

I listened to Mike’s words as I made a fuss over Rocky who was pleased to see me as he wagged his tail at a million miles an hour. I had little doubt that the real reason he was pleased Mike and Debbie had no idea about, well at least I assumed they didn’t.

One of the things I have learned over the years is when you are given any form of information is not to react. Your reaction will often influence the next part of the conversation whether that be to soften the blow if you seem disappointed or heighten the interest if you have just ignored them. The key is to act interested to know more without giving any indication as to how you feel about what happens.

“What’s that then?” I said in a neutral tone glancing at Mike and then returning my attention back to Rocky. Inside my heart was fluttering as I waited for him to continue. I was looking forward to a couple of days of intense fucking from Rocky and was terrified he was about to dash all my dreams.

“We haven’t been able to sort out the accommodation for picking up the kids,” Mike said as I waited for the hammer to fall, “So what we will be doing is going there and back on the same day.”

I said nothing as Debbie added, “We should be back around eight. If you want to stay for dinner then that is fine, but there is no need for you to stay overnight.”

My mind was spinning in overdrive as I said in a level tone, “It’s fine I will go down to the pub and have dinner with JJ once you get home.”

“Tell you what,” said Mike, “Why don’t we meet down at the pub and we can all have dinner together, our treat as a thank you.”

“Great idea,” I replied and then in almost an afterthought manner knowing that the landlord allowed dogs in the pub but not in the restaurant area, “… but what about Rocky?”

“Good point,” said Debbie, “He won’t be allowed in the restaurant area so it’s best you leave him here, he will be fine for a couple of hours,”

“Why don’t you text me when you are an hour away, and then I can make sure he is catered for before we all go to the pub.” I said calmly though inside my brain was screaming, “Why don’t you fuck off now and let your dog fuck me.”

I waved them off cheerfully and although it was still before eight in the morning I turned to Rocky and said in a serious voice, “OK boy we have a packed day with a lot to fit in.” Rocky just say on his ass and listened to me with his big brown eyes staring at me as his tail still wagged. “First breakfast, then fucking.” I laughed.

After making his breakfast in his bowl, I left him happily tucking in as he was going to need all his energy today. Picking up my phone I knew there was no point in calling my husband as he would still be in bed so I fired off a text telling him about the plans for the evening. Stripping off I folded my clothes and put them on the kitchen chair knowing they wouldn’t be needed for a while. I still had my overnight bag as the original plan had been for me to stay so I had a change of clothing for the evening. Also most importantly I had my old sweatshirt, or my fucking shirt as I prefer to call it now, the same one that I had been wearing less than a week ago when Rocky had fucked me.

As I lifted it over my head I felt Rocky’s cold nose pressing into my crotch. He had obviously finished his breakfast and was now looking for a second course…me. I don’t know if you have ever tried putting on a sweatshirt while opening your legs to get your pussy licked, but let me assure you it isn’t easy. It’s even more difficult when the tongue doing the licking is as rough, long and flexible as Rocky’s. Twice I had to stop my wriggling to lean back against the table as I felt myself flooding onto his tongue as my orgasm began to build. Even in pitch black of the clothing, I could feel myself ready to burst and as my head finally got free of the sweatshirt, I screamed in pleasure as his tongue went so deep.

The red mist of lust was coursing through my body and I wanted his cock in me as soon as possible. I saw that it had already started to emerge and was swelling as it dripped pre-cum. I made a mental note that I had promised a couple of people online that I was going to suck him but that would have to be later, first I needed to be his bitch again.

Dropping to all fours I presented my ass in the air and pressed my upper body to the tiled kitchen floor.

“Fuck me like the bitch I am,” I moaned as I splayed my pussy lips, feeling his tongue lick over my fingers and pussy. The time between him stopping licking and mounting is one of the hottest things in the world to me. To offer yourself to a dog is the ultimate act of a slut and I could feel my clit throbbing under my fingers as I waited. I didn’t have to wait that long as he mounted and jabbed seeking my wet hole.

I swear I wasn’t teasing him as I wiggled my ass and avoided using my hand to guide him home, I just wanted it to be natural. After a couple of trial jabs the tip found its target all on its own and he thrust forward burying his cock into me. I howled like a bitch as I came and this seemed to spur him on as he scrambled and rocked pushing deeper. Then I felt his paws reach and grab my hips as he settled into his bitch and as he pulled me back he started to fuck me furiously. I was cumming over and over already as he fucked me at a breakneck speed.

I felt his knot banging against my pussy lips as he fucked. Breathing deeply to relax, I braced and felt his knot slip in. Gripping the knot as hard as I could, his thrusts slowed and his knot started to grow, locking him inside of me. I had started to subside from my first initial orgasm but as the knot throbbed I started to cum again, bursting with joy as I felt his seed filling me. We remained like that for a good 15 minutes as he throbbed and I came over and over until finally, he pulled away leaving a void inside me.

For the next hour, I wandered around still naked from the waist down until I judged that he might be interested enough for round two. He was lying in his basket as I crawled over to him and he went to stand but I shushed him into staying calm. Reaching out I started to work his cock, and quickly realised that if I did what I was about to do, the sweatshirt would carry stains of my acts. Pulling the sweatshirt over my head I was totally naked as I returned to my task of using my hand. As his cock grew I leaned forward and gently sucked on it, swallowing the watery pre-cum as it leaked from his cock.

His cock was warm to the touch and I kept a steady movement with my mouth and hand working him gently towards an orgasm. I felt his knot begin to swell and knew that the moment was getting closer so I increased the speed and depth of my sucking. Although he was sitting, every time he moved the tip came close to the back of my throat and every so often I would cough as his pre-cum tickled.

Then he exploded in my mouth almost without warning as his knot throbbed sending jets of seed spurting out. Such was the strength of his first few jets I couldn’t stop the cough and had to pull back. I kept my hand working and the jets hit me in the face and chest as I worked him until the spurts subsided.

Rocky stood and shook himself spraying yet more cum everywhere before settling down with a contented look on his face. Standing I looked in the mirror I could see the dog cum covering my face and body and the sight turned me on. A sudden question popped into my head, “If the doorbell rang now, would I answer it like this?” For a brief moment, I giggled as I pictured it and then I moved to the downstairs bathroom to get cleaned up.

After I showered, I let Rocky sleep dressed in just my old sweatshirt in case he woke up and wanted more. Around twelve he woke and I let him out to do his business while I fixed his lunch. When he got back he was faced with a choice, me or his dinner, as I had deliberately knelt down next to his bowl with my naked ass pointing at him.

I don’t know if he was teasing me or was just hungry but I knelt there with my head next to his as he devoured his food. Once he had finished he moved behind me and took a long couple of licks before moving to his water bowl. Fucking dog was teasing me I swear it as he returned to my pussy after drinking his water and took a couple of more licks. I looked over my shoulder and could see him sitting there almost smirking as he licked his jowls.

I went to move and suddenly his demeanour changed as he growled. It wasn’t a nasty growl nor was it a growl that made you afraid, it was a growl that said “Just wait bitch.” I put my hand between my legs as I waited and started to touch myself, arching up so he could see what I was doing. I doubt he realised or cared but for me putting on a display for him made my nerves tingle. To add to my own excitement, I started to talk in a low tone. “Please fuck me Rocky…I am your bitch…I need your cock in my cunt.”

I know dogs don’t understand, but in my head he did as he jumped on my back and thrust at me. I stopped my playing to guide him home, feeling him sink deep into my pussy. As he began to fuck I kept my hand in position feeling his cock sliding along my fingertip. His balls were swinging and his knot grazed over my fingers ready to enter me. When it did I yelled in primaeval joy as he entered me and started to breed his bitch.

He fucked me another two times that afternoon and was knotted in me when the text came in to tell me that Mike and Debbie were an hour away. At the same time, a text from my husband came in asking if I wanted him to walk round to collect me. I quickly sent back a reply saying I would be fine having to stop a couple of times in preparation as I orgasmed on Rocky’s knot.

Once I had untangled from Rocky, I showered and dressed after I had made sure all evidence had been cleared away. I wasn’t helped in my clearing-up task by a cold wet nose poking in as he tried to see what I was doing.

An hour later I sat in the pub, my pussy tingling as I listened to Mike and Debbie gushing on about what a lifesaver I was. My main thought was “Don’t change your plans next week whatever you do.”


Wednesday/Thursday – 9th & 10th August

As soon as Mike and Debbie left, I turned to Rocky and looked him in the eye. His tail was wagging happily from side to side as I said, “For the next 24 hours I am your bitch so make sure you use me as one.”

Of course, he had no idea what I was saying but seemed to watch me as I stripped off, folding my clothes and putting them in the spare bedroom. Once I was fully naked, I walked to the back room which was a cross between a kitchen and a dining area but the most wonderful thing was the bifold doors that ran the full width. It was such a beautiful day so I opened them all the way to allow the fresh air and sunlight to flood in as Rocky pushed past me and started to play in the garden. I could tell that he wanted me to join him but I knew that provided I stayed inside the door opening I couldn’t be seen. However, if I stepped onto the patio then that might not be the case.

Eventually, Rocky stopped playing and came over to see what I was doing. As he pushed past me to get to his water bowl he must have caught a hint of my scent from my aroused state as he sniffed the air. Following his sensitive nose he pushed his head between my thighs and started to lick, seeking the source of the aroma that was arousing him. I could see that his red cock was already emerging from its furry sheath as I lay on my back and opened my thighs to him.

His tongue was immense as he lapped and delved inside me driving me wild as I felt my orgasm rise. It was then that I heard the sound of voices and realised that the neighbours were sitting on their patio enjoying the morning sun. While only a few feet away, separated by a high fence, I was being licked by a dog. I suppose any sane person would have stopped and hidden away but instead, I pushed Rocky’s head away for a moment and rolled onto all fours.

With my head resting on my arms Rocky resumed his oral assault and I had to bite my arm to stop myself from crying out. I could hear the occasional clink of crockery as they must be having breakfast next door in the same way Rocky was dining on me for his breakfast.

I tapped lightly on my ass cheek and Rocky rose up and began to thrust his cock at me seeking my soaking cunt. My mind had moved my reference point from my pussy to my cunt as today I was going to be Rocky’s bitch all day. He found his goal and thrust forward making me want to cry out as his wonderful cock filled me. He started to drive at full speed slamming against me, his cock thrusting in deeply sending me into raptures.

How I never cried out I have no idea as his knot slipped in and I clamped around him, sealing him inside. As he slowed and started to pulse inside me sending his seed deep into me, I bit down hard on my arm as I bucked in orgasm.

Later, after he had disengaged I remained naked, determined to be available whenever he wanted. A couple of times he brushed past me and I dropped to all fours in encouragement but he wasn’t ready yet. I walked into the house and was in the hallway that led towards the bedroom door, when he jumped up at me and shoved his nose into my ass. Being the good bitch that I am I dropped to all fours and started to crawl towards the front door, next to the adjacent bedroom door.

Rocky stopped my progress as he mounted me and within a couple of thrusts, he was inside me and fucking me at pace as his front paws pulled me back onto his cock. Now inside the house, I felt I could make more noise and started to talk in encouragement.

“Oh yes Rocky fuck your bitch,” I moaned as he pounded me.

“Your cock feels so good in my cunt,” I groaned with pleasure.

The wooden floor wasn’t the best thing for him to gain purchase on and I could hear his back claws scrambling for grip. I must have slipped at the same time his front paws moved from my hips to my back as he bore down pushing me to the wooden floor. Just the feel of being pinned down like that made me cum hard on his cock, moaning and whimpering like the true bitch I felt like. I held my arms out wide in total surrender allowing him to use his full weight as he drove onto me at high speed. His knot went in and then out sending me wild until finally he thrust it deep into me and began to swell to seal.

Letting out a huge yell of pleasure I screamed, “Yes… yes… knot my cunt and breed your bitch.” As his knot throbbed and pulsed inside me sending jets of hot cum into me, I started to experience a rolling orgasm where I seemed to just cumming over and over. I could still feel his paws on my back and one slipped until it was pressed on my neck pinning me down like the bitch I had become.

The rest of the day and night followed a similar pattern though the pinning me down didn’t happen again despite my encouragement. I would like to say how many times he fucked me but to be honest I lost count. I tried to drink as much water as I could to make sure I stayed hydrated and encouraged Rocky to do the same. I used the bathroom when he went outside to relieve himself and ate when he ate to ensure I was available to him.

That evening I was watching television, still naked curled up with Rocky like a pair of old lovers, absent-mindedly playing with his cock. As it grew in my hand I thought about giving him a blow job but knowing that this would end all too soon I encouraged him to mount me which he happily obliged.

That night I wanted him to sleep with me, but some deeply ingrained instinct stopped him from entering the bedroom and his basket was too small. There was a door that led from the bedroom to the small en suite that had another door leading to the utility room where he slept. I left both of the doors open should he change his mind and want to join me during the night.

It was the early hours of the morning when I got up to pee and as I sat on the toilet I listened to him breathing. After I had finished instead of going back to my bed I went into the utility room and watched him sleep, his back leg kicking every so often as he no doubt dreamed of chasing rabbits or fucking his new bitch. I knew he needed his sleep but couldn’t resist kneeling beside him and teasing his cock to see what reaction I would get. As his cock started to show I leaned forward and sucked on it a little, quite content to give him a blow job but he had other ideas.

Getting up he moved out of his basket and behind me, nudged me with his head and snout into position. My head was half in his basket which was still warm from his body as he mounted and entered me in one swift movement. As the moonlight peeked through the window he drove into me with his customary speed sending me onto his blanket and into heaven.

When Debbie and Mike got home the place was spotless and Rocky was sleeping in his basket when they pulled up on the drive. He became instantly awake and as they walked through the door, he was jumping up at them with joy. Luckily dogs can’t talk otherwise I am sure he would have been telling them about the bitch he covered numerous times over the last couple of days.

“Thanks again Julie,” Debbie said as I gathered my bag, “Now next week as you know Laura will be home so she can take care of Rocky.” “Not in the way I would take care of him,” I thought to myself and then had the wicked thought of their very fit and nubile 18-year-old daughter on her hands and knees being fucked by Rocky. Debbie went on, “And the week after Lauren may be at home as well so your services may not be required then.”

My heart fell, as potentially that meant at least two weeks without Rocky with the final week in August being in doubt as well.

“No worries,” I said cheerfully as I ruffled Rocky’s big head, “Always happy to help out when and where I can. Me and Rocky had lots of fun anyway.”

“You should try to talk JJ into letting you have a dog,” Mike said as he eased past me carrying all sorts of bags and sports equipment.

“That’s not a bad idea,” I laughed as I wandered along the road towards home, my mind working on a plan.


Week commencing 14th Aug – not needed

What a frustrating week in so many ways, to know that Rocky was just a few hundred yards away, his balls filling up but unable to do anything about it drove me mad for most of the week.

At the same time, it gets your mind wandering. Lauren is your typical healthy 18-year-old girl and Rocky will no doubt be as randy as hell by now (Saturday 19th) so did he jump her? She is such a tiny thing if had started she would never be able to stop him and her virginity would be gone in a flash. That then leads to another question, is she a virgin, sure her mother says she is but who knows these days, I certainly didn’t wait until I was 18. Maybe she has spent the week, as I would have done, being fucked rotten.

All these thoughts were driving me mad and I so wanted to ask Debbie when I saw her on Friday but had to just bite my tongue as they were questions that would remain unasked and unanswered.

One of the things my work life taught me was the ability to keep both my body language and facial expressions unreadable when someone gives you information, especially when it is not what you want to hear.

I listened impassively as Debbie said, “So the only day we can’t cover between the three of us is Wednesday next week, but no worries as Lauren will deal with him in the morning and we will be home by five. All you will need to do if you can, is nip round at lunchtime and feed him and let him do his business.”

“Lunchtime on Wednesday,” my head was screaming behind my impenetrable mask. “A few fucking hours in a week.” Of course, what came out of my mouth was a sweet, “Of course I can Debbie, that will be no problem.”

The other frustration during the week was my dearly beloved husband and his intransigent attitude with regard to getting a dog of our own. I had tried every trick in the book ranging from pleading, which included sex of course, through to anger and tears but to no avail. In the end, I decided to put that on the ‘back burner’.

The next frustration in my life was Kim (Harvey’s owner) who I haven’t spoken to in ages. We chatted for a while and then in the middle of the conversation she dropped the bombshell that they had found someone in the village they lived in who was a dog-minder and was more than happy to look after Harvey. The best I could get in was, “Well if she ever lets you down, I am always here.”

So after a week of frustrations at least I will be able to get a few hours with Rocky next week, which is better than this week, where there was nothing.


Wednesday – 23rd August (non-event)

There are words in a text that you want to see at 17:15 on the day before you are due to meet your lover and there are words you don’t. The words, “Don’t worry about tomorrow we are sorted,” definitely fall into the latter category.

So after a text exchange, I established with Debbie that Rocky won’t need my attention as he is going with them on their day trip. To say I was disappointed would be a huge understatement.

Update – Thursday 24th August

I have just put the phone down to Debbie and conversations that start with the words, “Could you do us a really big favour…” always bode well. Turns out Rocky was not that well-behaved on Wednesday to the point that they won’t be taking him with them next week. The big favour is will I pop round every lunchtime…yes that’s EVERY lunchtime to make sure he is OK. Of course, I delayed my response for nearly three nanoseconds and did manage to avoid screaming yes at the top of my voice. To say there is a big smile on my face would be an understatement.

Week commencing 28th August – Daily lunchtime visit

So the week has come to an end and reflecting back it was a week that could be a very nice habit.

Mike and Debbie were away from early morning until the evening and their concern was it was too long to leave Rocky unattended. Who am I to disagree?

The plan therefore was for me to go around each lunchtime and make sure he was OK. My plan was in addition he was going to fuck my brains out in the hour or so we had together. My challenge was that I knew I would get somewhat messy but if I had a shower before going home then that could raise suspicions. The solution was jogging!

On Monday I dressed in loose jog pants and a sweatshirt I set off for Rocky’s house with only one thought in my head. I had told my husband I would be a couple of hours and that I would combine my care for Rocky with some exercise. Once I got there, Rocky greeted me enthusiastically and I wasn’t sure whether it was because he wanted company or because he smelt his bitch. I would like to think that it was the latter but either way, he was panting and yelping happily.

Once he went outside to run in the slightly damp and cold air, I opened the bi-fold doors at the rear with the full intention of being fucked outside. The last time when I heard the neighbours through the fence as I was fucked, the thrill was intense despite the risk of being caught. I eased my joggers and panties (yes I wore them as I knew they would be needed later) to my knees and knelt on all fours with my ass pointing towards the garden.

It didn’t take long before Rocky got the idea and came bounding over to start sniffing. Sometimes he licks a lot and other times he just gets on with the business in hand. As it had been a couple of weeks since we had joined together, after a couple of licks to reassure himself his bitch was ready, he was up and jabbing. How I didn’t scream with joy as he entered me I have no idea, but when he found the mark it was sublime.

Some days you want a prolonged fucking so you try to keep the knot out for as long as possible, other days the need to feel it pulsing inside is paramount. I pushed back and took a deep breath to relax and was quickly rewarded with his knot slipping inside. His movements slowed as I started cumming on his knot that seemed to swell even more as he locked into his bitch. I felt his spurts of seed deep inside and I knew instinctively, (or perhaps I imagined it) but from the force, he hadn’t had a release in a couple of weeks.

I lay with my head on the cool tiles and pressed my breasts to the floor as I murmured softly, “I am your bitch Rocky” and then another wave of orgasm rolled over me. After he disengaged, I used the toilet and carefully lined my panties with a wad of toilet paper to stop any leaks. Making sure his bowls were full I patted his head and jogged slowly home feeling his seed sloshing around inside me as I ran.

On Tuesday the pattern was very much the same but far too cold to have the doors open. Instead, I knelt with my head in his basket as I waited for him to return from using the garden. Again he wasn’t interested that much in licking and was up and on my back, pushing me forward into his blanket. As the smell of dog hit my nostrils he drove his cock into me almost making me cum from the first thrust. His paws moved from my hips to my back as he drove in and out and instantly I started to cum. As I climaxed I shouted, “Yes Rocky use your bitch,” and almost like he understood he seemed to fuck me harder.

When he eventually knotted me I was so far gone that I hardly noticed it drive in, though once it started to swell and lock, my body was a mass of nerve endings. When he finished he pulled away and I remained kneeling as I gathered my wits and my energy to move. His tongue rasped over my pussy lips making me moan as he proceeded to clean up the mess he had made. His long pink tongue delved inside driving me to orgasm after orgasm.

I lined my panties though due to his cleaning, I could feel there was much less inside me than before as I jogged home on slightly unsteady legs.

Wednesday was still overcast and cold so I remained with the doors closed and knelt in the kitchen. As I lay with my hands on my arms I thought to myself that this was becoming habit-forming. Rocky obviously thought the same thing as he jumped onto my back, grabbed my hips with his paws and forced himself in. My fingers rubbed my clit as I came hard over and over until he drove his knot in and bred his bitch.

Thursday and Friday were both cold days so we stayed inside. The pattern was now well established with him running outside and then returning to seek out his bitch. He didn’t seem that bothered about licking before the main event, not that I was complaining. Afterwards, I encouraged him to lick me clean by remaining in position wiggling my ass at him.

As I jogged home on the Friday I knew that next week would be our last time together for a while but was cheered by the thought that I would be staying overnight as Mike, Debbie and Laura were all away. I had looked at the weather forecast and sunshine was predicted so I was determined that Rocky would fuck me in the garden like the bitch I truly am.


Tuesday/Wednesday – 5th & 6th September

There was a tinge of sadness in my heart when I opened the door to Mike and Debbie’s house. Not sad about what was going to happen over the next 24 hours but sad that this was going to be the last time with Rocky for the foreseeable future.

If there was any sadness in Rocky he certainly wasn’t showing it as he nearly knocked me over with his enthusiastic greeting. Was it that he had been starved of company since seven this morning, or that he wanted feeding? What I wanted to believe was that he was eager to see his bitch. Making a big fuss of him as I always do, my plans for a nice controlled encounter went out of the window as I almost tore my clothes off before laying down on my back with my knees wide apart.

Rocky sniffed the air for a moment and then honing in on the source of the scent started to lick with his long rough pink tongue. I have been licked by many people over the years ranging from men who pride themselves on their oral skills, to lesbians who have made it an art form, but nothing compares to the tongue of an eager dog. Rocky lapped at me in the same way as he laps at his water bowl, sending me into a frenzy with his high-speed licking rasping over my pussy and clit. As I orgasmed on his tongue, I lifted my ass up as high as I could until I was balanced on my shoulder blades, knees bent at 90 degrees and the soles of my feet planted on the ground.

Rocky stopped licking my pussy and moved forward still lapping at my body until his soft belly fur caressed me as he came almost face to face. I couldn’t move to help him as he thrust his hips but he found my soaking pussy with ease and pushed himself in. My body was straining to remain in position as he started to fuck me, his wonderful cock driving in and out of my willing cunt. Eventually, I could maintain the position no longer without support and collapsed onto my back, his cock pulling out in the process.

The speed and agility I showed in moving from on my back onto all fours would have been admired by most gymnasts. Rocky remounted and was in me at nearly the first thrust, driving his cock deep into my body again. I sighed with pure bliss as I became his bitch, pushing back to brace against his thrusts. It didn’t take long for him to drive his knot into me, swelling quickly to lock himself inside. Then I felt that wonderful pulse as the knot throbbed inside before a jet of hot cum spurted deep into me. Afterwards Rocky lay on my back panting in my ear as he remained locked inside and I knew that I was hooked on this feeling.

That set the scene for the rest of the day as I didn’t even bother getting dressed just padded around the house naked letting Rocky take me whenever he wished. I thought about trying the missionary position again, but this time with support but decided I liked being on all fours as he gripped my hips. We did stop for food and water as I wanted to make sure we were both fully hydrated as it was turning into a hot day. I could hear the kids next door playing outside in a paddling pool as I made my plans for later in the evening.

Mike and Debbie have bi-fold doors that run the width of the kitchen/diner and lead onto a patio. Beyond that is a lawned area, edged with flower beds with Rocky’s toilet area off in the back corner. The patio is lit by low-power flood lights that are triggered by a PIR movement sensor. For my plan to work that would need to be disabled as there is a difference between taking calculated risks and taking stupid risks. Fucking in the back garden with those lights still active would be a stupid risk. I looked for an isolation switch but couldn’t see one so reverted to the old-fashioned method of putting tape over the sensor. Later that evening after it had started to get dark I tested by stepping out onto the patio and to my delight they didn’t come on.

Like an old married couple, Rocky and I spent the evening watching television snuggled up together. Then Rocky would get interested in something not on the screen, not that I thought he was watching it anyway, and we would begin another session. I will admit that often the reason the sessions started would be because I was playing with his cock or opening my legs so he could lick.

It must have been after midnight when I decided the time was right and I led Rocky into the garden feeling the slight chill hit my skin as we moved off the patio onto the grass. My head was spinning as I felt the lawn under my feet and kneeling down I faced the back of the houses. It was at that point that even clothed in darkness I realised that there were in fact at least four houses that could have possibly looked into the garden if anyone was up this late. What I should have done was get up and go back inside but what I did instead was reach between my legs and start to play with myself. My fingers were soon coated with the residue of Rocky’s seed from his earlier fucking and I licked them savouring the taste.

Rocky had wandered off into the garden as he must have thought being outside was a toilet break. Seeing me in position ready for him seemed to trigger something in his brain and he started to sniff and made a few tentative licks over my pussy and fingers. Then he was up and thrusting as I reached to guide him home, stifling the scream of joy in my throat as he drove in. The air was still warm from the day and no dew but it felt like I could feel every blade of grass, such were my heightened senses. Was it the fear of being caught that made it hotter, or perhaps the sheer animal pleasure of being as nature intended? I felt myself cumming over and over as I muttered silently, “I am a dog bitch and I love it.”

When he forced his knot home I lifted my head from the grass and wanted to howl at the half-moon that glistened in the sky. As he started to pulse and throb inside me, I looked at the back of the houses and knew my life would be over if any were watching but instead of cringing in fear, I orgasmed again. Resting my head back down on the grass I languished in the pure pleasure that coursed through my body. After he had finished fucking his bitch, Rocky pulled away and padded into the house leaving me panting on the grass, his seed dripping from my body. Following him into the house I curled up on the floor next to him in case he woke and needed additional relief.

Just after six in the morning, I was woken by Rocky’s cold wet nose poking at my body and being a good bitch I rolled onto my hands and knees. Still with sleep in my eyes and my head a little foggy he mounted and drove into my willing body. As his strong paws gripped my hips to give himself the leverage he needed I was a little sad that this would be the last time for a while that I would feel his soft fur on my back. Being inside I could express myself a little more freely although was still mindful of the time in the morning and didn’t want to wake the neighbours with my cries of ecstasy. I couldn’t help the words that poured from my mouth, “Yes Rocky fuck your bitch…use my cunt…fill it with your seed.” Almost like he understood my words he forced his knot in and started to pump his seed deep inside me.

I stood in the shower later washing the dirt from the night before, I was pleasantly surprised when I inspected myself in the mirror to see there were almost no scratch marks. Dressing in casual joggers I tidied up making sure all evidence was gone including removing the tape from the PIR sensor. Then I made myself and Rocky breakfast knowing that Mike, Debbie and Luara would be home around ten. Rocky must have known that I was going to be leaving, as he lay on the floor looking at me with his big sorrowful brown eyes that melted my heart. Glancing at the clock I saw that it was a little past nine o’clock and muttered, “Oh alright then you sweet talker,” before pushing my joggers and panties to my ankles and kneeling on the floor.

Rocky leapt to his feet, changing instantly from a soulful puppy to an eager stud, his cock springing to attention as he sniffed and licked my ass. After a few minutes of his tongue, I was a mass of quivering and tingling nerve endings and was almost sobbing with desire, “Please fuck me Rocky…please I beg you.”

In one fluid movement, he rose and thrust straight into me taking my breath away as he buried himself deep in me. The sheer ferocity of it made me orgasm as he pounded me with such lust and raw animal passion. I will admit I deliberately moved to make his front paws slip and when he repositioned himself they were on my back pressing me down. To make sure his bitch stayed in position he drove his knot deep into me making me cum hard before it had even begun to swell and spurt. Once he started cumming and filling me with his seed my orgasms just rolled into one long cumming as I thrashed on his cock.

After he had pulled out I put a wad of tissues down my joggers as I wanted to keep his seed in me for as long as I could. When Mike, Debbie and Laura arrived home he greeted them with his normal enthusiastic wagging tail that threatened to draw him into the air like a helicopter. After the thanks from Mike and Debbie, I slipped from the door and as I made my way home, I wondered when the next time would be I would have such a filling summer.