(c) 2008 by Ken L. Master

Chapter One – A Runaway Sets Out in Search of Adventure

Linda didn’t realize it was raining cats and dogs until the mall was closing; it was pitch dark and pouring when the teenager stepped outside, shivering as the wind whipped gusts of spray around under the side entrance canopy. She turned around to pound on the door, but the security rent-a-cop was nowhere in sight and more lights flicked off inside even as she watched. The pretty blonde’s shoulders sagged as she tried to figure out whom she could call for a ride and where she would spend the night.

After tonight’s ultimate screaming argument with Aunt Jane and then sneaking out to run away with some clothes and junk stuffed in a sports bag, Linda knew Auntie was guaranteed to be pissed off to the max. Despite years of reasoning, pleading and whining, Linda couldn’t convince Aunt Jane to let her out of that damned all-girls private school, and living with her maiden aunt’s constant nagging and control was getting to be a real drag. With no dating except for goofy school dances with chaperones everywhere and only nerdy geeks invited to the dippy dances, Linda felt all dressed up with no place to go.

Auntie had raised Linda after her mom and dad were killed in a plane crash when Linda was only three, and Jane always seemed to find ways to remind the girl of the sacrifices she’d made raising her sister’s little girl, like Auntie had given up her whole life for Linda’s sake. Looking at how much insurance money she’d gotten control of, Linda thought, it was hard to see where any sacrifice had come into the picture. Certainly neither Linda nor Aunt Jane had ever lacked for anything for as far back as the teenager could remember.

The only thing the angry blonde knew for sure was that she wasn’t going back; even if she apologized and begged to come home she’d get told to walk back in the rain anyhow, so why call up to get bitched out all over again. I’ll be eighteen years old in a couple months, she thought angrily, and I can’t drive, I can’t pick my own clothes, I can’t pick my own friends, I can’t date. I wear a 38D bra, I look like a million bucks in high heels; and except for the drawings in the biology text and checking out a Playgirl magazine at Joanie’s house, I don’t even know what a guy looks like without clothes.

I’ve had it, she told herself angrily, I want more and I deserve more. I’m smart and sexy and ready and I want some excitement, some adventure in my life. I want to go places and see things, to learn about life for real, not this sanitized and disinfected and pre-packaged crap Auntie wants to hand me. I want to meet people and have exciting things happen to me. I want to strip in front of somebody and see their eyes pop out at how hot I am, I want to screw like a wild animal, I want to feel it so good that it makes me scream like they do in the movies.

Living with her is like being a captive in my own house and I’m fed up; I’ll find someplace to stay where people aren’t always telling me what to do and how to act. To hell with Auntie and all her paranoia and control; I’ll find someplace where people will appreciate me and teach me and give me a chance to really develop my real potential, however and whatever it is.

Jamming her hands in the pockets of her skimpy windbreaker, the shivering teen braced herself to step out into the downpour. Goosebumps were already climbing up her thighs under her short skirt, in thirty seconds she’d be soaked to the skin, a real bummer since she’d celebrated her decision to run away by boosting some new underwear from the Victoria’s Secret shop in the mall. The lace brassiere and string bikini panties were the kind of expensive and sexy things she always wanted and old maid Aunt Jane refused to buy or even allow Linda to buy when she earned her own money.

The fancy underwire bra made her tits stand out like bullets and her nipples showed clearly through the transparent lace; Linda could just imagine getting undressed in front of somebody and seeing the look on their face when they saw her boobs on display. Bracing herself, the blonde took a deep breath; she was ready to plunge across the huge empty parking lot to the pay phones when an old panel van cruised over to the curb and stopped beside her.

A young woman with long red hair cranked down the driver side window and said, “Need a ride somewhere, babes?”

“God yes, you’re a lifesaver, I was gonna phone my aunt and beg forgiveness, she’d shit if she knew I was here,” Linda replied, “I knew she wouldn’t pick me up and I was gonna have to walk and I’d get washed down a storm drain and disappear forever. Which way you headed?”

“I thought I was supposed to ask where you’re headed,” the redhead at the wheel said with a laugh, “I’m headed where it’s warm and dry, where do you wanna be on a night like this? The passenger side door handle doesn’t work, just catch that side cargo door and jump in before you get soaked.”

The side door scraped along the slide-track as Linda jerked back on the handle; she barely noticed there was no dome light on as she plunged inside. The shivering blonde had only a brief glimpse of the dark interior, curtains just behind the front seats, a longhaired brunette thrusting something toward her. Linda barely felt the stun-gun spark against her arm, and then she pitched forward and sprawled onto the carpet. The sliding door slammed, and she twitched helplessly on the floor as the van pulled quietly out of the parking lot.

It was pitch dark in the back of the van and the stunned blonde could hardly make out anything in the dim glow of streetlights from the windshield. Muscles jerking and quivering, Linda still wasn’t sure what happened; there was a ringing in her ears and her hands and feet felt numb and tingly. She could see that the center bench seat was gone, leaving the middle of the van wide open; she sprawled like a broken puppet as hands pulled her floundering up onto the back seat.

Confused and weak, every muscle quivering, Linda tried to focus on the curly-maned brunette sitting beside her; the woman quickly pulled the girl’s right hand up to a metal ring at the top of the seat back. Linda couldn’t move as the woman picked up a strip of wide velvet ribbon tied to the ring and wrapped it firmly around her wrist, tying a neat bow to anchor the teenager’s arm in place.

The shivering blonde couldn’t make her arms or legs work as the brunette dragged her left arm up into place and tied that wrist solidly to another ring. Before Linda could say a word, the brunette wrapped a wide length of ribbon across her mouth and pulled it firmly over her lips and cheeks, making a fancy bow just beneath her ear.

The twitching teenager tried feebly to kick as she felt the woman pull her left ankle over and lash it tight to something fastened to the floor. The helpless blonde’s angry yells came out as muffled grunting noises while the brunette hauled her right ankle across the carpet, tying it solidly in position. When both ankles were firmly tied, she slipped Linda’s shoes off and tossed them under the seat. The dark-haired girl watched as Linda heaved and jerked helplessly at the velvet straps holding her spread-eagle on the back seat. Satisfied that the captive teenager was totally unable to move, the busty brunette settled next to her and whispered in her ear.

“You might as well just relax and get ready to enjoy the ride, angel,” she breathed huskily, “like they say, leave the driving to us, okay? Don’t worry, baby, you won’t get bored, I promise; in fact, I guarantee this’ll be the most exciting thing that ever happened to you.”

Leaving the trapped blonde struggling futilely on the back seat, the dark-haired girl stepped toward the front of the van and slipped through the curtain stretched behind the driver and passenger seats. Linda saw her silhouette against the fabric as she told the driver, “We’re all set, Sally, she’s nice and comfy, no problems. It’s gonna work out just fine, there wasn’t anyone around and nobody saw her get in; we’ll just go for a cruise and take her back once she gets broke in a little.”

The stunned teenager jerked desperately against the ribbons at her wrists and ankles, but it felt like she was like trying to move a brick wall. Linda’s brain went into screaming terror as she realized she was actually being kidnapped, and she whined and gurgled behind the ribbon gag covering her mouth. The frightened blonde abruptly froze motionless on the seat when she suddenly saw a dark mound behind the driver’s seat was moving. The girl’s eyes widened as the biggest German Shepherd she had ever seen got to his feet, stretched lazily and stepped back toward her.

The pretty teen sat dead still and watched anxiously as the huge animal approached; she flinched when the Shepherd sniffed at her toes and his cold nose slid over her bow-wrapped ankle. Linda was rigid with fear as the big dog took another step forward and settled on his haunches between her feet.

The captive blonde thought she’d simply die of plain embarrassment when the animal casually poked his muzzle under her short skirt and began sniffing his way up the smooth skin of her inner thigh. The big dog settled soundlessly between Linda’s spread legs and leaned forward directly in front of her, tongue hanging as he sniffed at her lace-covered bush. The Shepherd’s hot panting huffed over the horrified blonde’s leg, steaming against her thighs and crotch.

Linda squirmed and wriggled helplessly on the seat as the dog nosed further up between her spread legs, shoving her denim skirt higher and higher. When she felt the huge Shepherd’s hot breath huffing against her new stolen panties, Linda started yelling and jerking frantically against the velvet ties again; her screams emerged as shrill nasal whining while the big dog nosed eagerly at her lace-covered crotch. The desperate teen tried swiveling her hips away from the dog’s questing muzzle, but all her frantic wiggling didn’t seem to discourage the animal at all. Linda screamed in shock against her velvet gag when she felt the big dog’s rough tongue rasp over the lace of her panties.

The horrified teenager heaved frantically against the ribbons anchoring her wrists and ankles, whining shrilly as the enormous Shepherd began delicately licking at her crotch and thighs. Linda’s breath caught in her throat, squirming frenziedly as the sweltering dog-tongue rasped over the thin material stretched tight against her snatch, but the velvet touch of the Shepherd’s tongue was inescapable. The frantic blonde choked and shrieked into her gag as the big dog started a slow steady lapping at her silk-sheathed pussy, his tail wagging as he drooled on the frizzy bronze pubic hair under the thin lace.

The big dog panted and slavered over the struggling teenager’s warm snatch, and her panties quickly soaked as aroused doggie saliva saturated her crotch. Linda sobbed and gasped for breath as the Shepherd’s tongue lathered over her bush onto her thighs and then dropped back down onto the tight material that covered her twitching crotch.

The long-legged blonde made a pleading whimper through the gag and shivers raced from her taut thighs over her belly; the huge Shepherd ignored the shivering blonde’s desperate whining, his wide tongue stroking rhythmically against the soaked silk stretched over her sensitive clit. The big dog soundlessly continued lapping and snuffling over the trapped teenager’s spread crotch, regardless of her whimpering pleading and thrashing. The hapless blonde gave another muffled shriek of horror and outrage, jerking her hips to try and escape the determined animal.

She didn’t realize how much her writhing was annoying the big dog until the irritated Shepherd snarled menacingly under her skirt. Linda stopped twisting and screaming, freezing in place as the angry animal snapped viciously between her legs, his gleaming fangs inches away from her bush. Linda collapsed on the seat, trembling and helpless as the Shepherd immediately continued his eager tongue job; the big dog never slowed the dedicated eager licking at her crotch. As soon as the terrified girl lay still, the animal intensified the maddening licking, tail again wagging contentedly as he slurped and drooled over the teenager’s dripping blonde-haired pussy.

As agonized minutes crawled past, Linda’s breathing quickened and her nipples started to stiffen and stand up inside her bra; the teenager’s stomach twitched with the pulse hammering in her increasingly steamy snatch. The inescapable eager tongue swarming over her lace-covered bush made the captive blonde squirm and sweat despite her terror of his gleaming fangs and the ribbons that kept her pinned motionless in the seat for him. When her agitated pussy began dripping into her drool-soaked panties, the big dog began licking harder and faster at the teenager’s crotch spread open in front of him.

The hair on Linda’s arms was standing up and her tits broke out in goosebumps as he lapped her; she lay helpless on the seat, crying speechlessly with the excited Shepherd sitting between her trembling thighs, moaning through her nose as the fiery rough tongue danced over her throbbing pubes.

As the interminable licking continued, Linda was gasping for breath so hard she couldn’t even try to scream anymore. She opened her eyes and blinked frantically through the tears when there was a sudden break in the rhythm of the dog’s persistent licking. When she saw the brunette moving back toward her, the desperate blonde tried to beg for help, grunting and mumbling behind the gag; her eyes brightened with hope as the dark-skinned girl settled beside her.

“Hello again, angel, my name’s Denise, and I know from your ID that your name is Linda. I see you’ve already met Rex, sweetheart,” the brunette whispered, “and you’re making friends so quick, too. Sally and I were sure he’d like you, and I know you’re really gonna love him, angel.”

Linda’s eyes widened with apprehension as the dark-haired girl reached forward and unzipped her windbreaker; she snapped into full-blown panic when Denise began slowly unbuttoning her blouse. The blonde writhed helplessly, shrieking against her velvet gag as the brunette spread the blouse and jacket wide, exposing Linda’s round breasts with stiff nipples standing up in her fancy lace brassiere. The teenager sobbed in horror as Denise’s hands moved down to her short Levi skirt and the brunette methodically popped one snap after another, opening the skirt front from the hem nearly up to her waist to give the Shepherd better access to the captive teen’s lace-covered snatch.

Linda’s round breasts bounced as the dark-haired girl unsnapped the front-hook bra, leaving the blonde’s full pink nipples quivering erect; she tried feebly to resist as the tall brunette pulled the blouse and jacket back on her shoulders and peeled the lace cups away from her jugs.

Linda was too frantic to think of screaming when she felt Denise softly rubbing her tits; the gentle massage was so casual and deliberate she couldn’t believe it was happening. The hapless teenager gave a muffled shriek when the brunette leaned forward and pressed her lips against the girl’s stiff nipples. The feel of the brunette’s kisses on her areola drove her to a frenzy of helpless thrashing and whining; the dark-haired beauty crouched close beside squirming blonde, looking up at Linda while licking sensually on the teenager’s stiff and sensitive nipples.

“Hearing you rolling around back here with Rex really made me so hot, babydoll,” the brunette whispered, trailing kisses up Linda’s neck and sighing hot breath into her ear. “I was ready to cum myself just listening to you wiggling around like that, honey,” she continued, drawing her nails excruciatingly over the captive blonde’s tingling nipples, “and I really think sexy Rexie wants to get to know you better now that we have the chance. You just lie back and take it easy, angel, and let Denise help you relax for him, okay?”

She leaned over and sucked Linda’s shell-pink nipples one after another while keeping her hand pressed against the shivering teenager’s throbbing pubes. Linda sobbed in despair as Denise pushed the Shepherd’s muzzle away from her crotch and tugged gently at the front of the soaked panties. The desperate blonde writhed and jerked against her bonds, horrified to imagine what the big-busted brunette had in mind; she got her answer as the woman clenched her fists over the lacy front of her bikini and jerked abruptly, snapping the elastic string and pulling the shredded the panties completely away.

The captive teenager screamed hysterically behind her gag as the big Shepherd lunged forward again and his slavering tongue stroked over her totally exposed pussy. In seconds his eager lapping parted the shaking blonde’s drool-soaked pubic bush, leaving her delicate pink lips and throbbing clitoris completely open to the slippery probing dog tongue.

“Now there, isn’t that better, baby,” Denise whispered to the struggling blonde, running her fingers lightly over the frantic teenager’s hard nipples. “Rex really loves eating pussy, honey girl,” the brunette added softly, “and I know you’ve never had anything as wonderful as his licking in your life. How about I just stay here and keep you company while he gives you a treat; I want to watch him make you wiggle and sweat.”

Linda sobbed, shivers racing over her belly and across her shaking tits; she wriggled frantically in the seat as the Shepherd’s wide wet tongue washed over her open snatch, spreading her lips wide and sliding over her clit like a velvet ribbon. The big dog seemed even more intent now that her hot pussy was completely exposed to him, making a contented rumbling deep in his throat and wagging his tail as he worked delightedly on the gasping teenager.

Moaning and shaking, Linda collapsed limp on the seat and dropped her head back, crying silently as the eager animal lapped maddeningly at her melting pussy. She realized she was totally helpless, tied spread-eagle and powerless to stop the obstinate animal licking eagerly between her legs.

With a burst of absolute horror, Linda suddenly realized that no one would even knew she wasn’t home for hours, maybe not till tomorrow morning. If Auntie didn’t check to make sure Linda was still in her room, she wouldn’t be missed and these crazy bitches could just let the canine monster between her legs keep on tonguing her clit until she was screaming out loud. As if he sensed her powerlessness, the dog leaned forward between her shaking thighs and shifted his lapping into high gear, his wide tongue lathering over her open pussy as fast as he could lick.

In seconds, the distraught teenager was panting for breath and shaking like a leaf, her buzzing clitoris driving her wild. Shrieking shrilly against the gag, the horror-stricken blonde heaved and thrashed desperately against the ribbons pinning her wide open for the Shepherd’s attention.

“That’s right, angel, fight it, that’s real good,” Denise purred, licking delicately at the frantic teenager’s nipples, “work hard, you try real hard, baby. Rex really likes to feel pretty girls squirm when he eats ’em, and we just love to watch it. We want you to try everything you can think of, sweetheart, watching you fight to get away from it is really sweet.”

The teenager gasped with relief as the brunette straightened up and stopped sliding her tongue over Linda’s stiff nipples. Her relief turned to sobs of despair when Denise reached down and casually undid the last three Levi snaps, spreading her skirt back completely open on the seat and leaving the horrified teen stripped practically naked before the eager Shepherd.

“And watch it is something we all get to do, sweetheart,” the brunette whispered softly, flipping a switch on the van wall, “including you.” Linda whimpered as a mini-spotlight in the van roof flashed on, lighting her up, plunging the rest of the interior into blackness. Her eyes widened in disbelief as a large flat-screen color TV flashed on, facing her from the behind the driver’s seat.

Denise flipped another switch, and the teenager choked with horror as the screen lit up showing her tied spread-eagle on the seat with the monster Shepherd still lapping deliberately against her spread pussy. She shrieked in mortification as she saw the blinking red light of the video camera mounted on the van wall over Denise’s shoulder, instantly relaying her real-time image to the screen in front of her.

“That’s right, baby,” the brunette added, pulling Linda’s clothing further back off her shoulders, “you’re on Candid Camera. We got a screen in the front seat, and you get one back here. Sally and I will watch while Rex makes you feel welcome, and you get to see what we see, angel. You’ll flip watching yourself come for him, baby, you wait and see.”

The blonde burst into choking screams again as the brunette reached down and started petting the big dog while the animal lapped deliberately at her exposed clit. The desperate teen’s eyes widened with horror as the woman scratched his ears and patted the animal’s neck lovingly while the Shepherd’s tongue stroked rhythmically over the girl’s spread bush. Linda struggled uselessly against the ribbons as Denise giggled and whispered praise and encouragement to the enthusiastic dog.

“Oh yeah, all right, pretty boy,” the brunette crooned to the big dog, reaching over to spread Linda’s pubic bush wide for the eager Shepherd, “Pretty Linda can’t stop you and I know she won’t say a word about it, go ahead and do whatever you want, do it real good for her, good boy.” Linda’s crinkled pink nipples were now achingly hard and her belly muscles spasmed as the unrelenting doggie licking went on and on and on.

There was no way the frenzied teenager could escape the stubborn animal licking eagerly at her crotch; Linda collapsed limp on the van seat, head hanging, tears rolling down her flushed cheeks. Sensing that the quivering blonde had lost all will to resist, the big dog gave a contented rumbling growl and changed to a slow-motion washing of the teenager’s bare pussy, his tongue languidly flicking between her delicate inner lips and sliding over her exposed clitoris.

The captive blonde’s eyes darted frantically from the huge animal lapping deliberately at her spread pussy to the horrifying television image of herself, writhing helplessly under the dog’s maddening licking. Within minutes, Linda was moaning through the gag and writhing against the restraints, loins throbbing as her snatch warmed under the dog’s incessant licking. Her thoughts were racing and her brain screamed in panic even while she felt her pussy responding automatically to the exquisite torture of the dog’s velvet tongue.

“Oooohh, Jesus, that’s good, that’s really good, Rex, go on baby, do it nice for her now, don’t stop good dog. Aaahhh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes,” Denise hissed through clenched teeth, watching the pulsation building in Linda’s aching snatch, “do it now, Rexie, mmmmmm, yes yes yes, pretty Linda can’t stand it, big dog, this pretty girl is gonna cream all over you….”

Powerless to escape the bestial licking, Linda clenched her hands over the seat back, knuckles white with strain, panting for breath as waves of mounting ecstasy flooded up from her dripping snatch. Even though her thoughts clamored with fear and total mortification, the hapless teen felt her hips rolling mechanically back and forth under Rex’s lingering ceaseless licking, intensifying the gratification of each slow stroke.

Despite her resolve not to give in to the incredible sensation, she felt her drool-wet ass tighten with every flicker of the scalding dog tongue over her lips. Linda whimpered in despair as she watched herself on the screen, actually stretching her legs wider to the big dog, straining with the tendons on each side of her snatch stretched like cables from the pale edges of her bush to the tan skin of her inner thighs.

“Jesus, yes oh yes, Linda, come now, baby,” Denise whispered hoarsely in her ear, watching the struggling teenager, “I can’t believe how much you love it, go ahead and come hard for us, good girl.”

The captive blonde’s tits heaved with her panting and her thighs and calves pulsed as she trembled and twitched, ready to come on the big dog’s constant skillful licking. The frantic blonde watched in horrified disbelief as Denise slid off the seat, knelt beside the big dog and ran her hand slowly over the animal’s chest and across his belly, back between his hind legs.

“I’ll just give our big boy a little more encouragement for you, angel, what do you say,” the brunette asked. “Oh, that’s right, you can’t say, can you,” she giggled, “but that’s all right, I know you wouldn’t want the good boy to back off now, so I’ll just make sure he knows how much you appreciate him. This will help keep him enthused and make sure he really does a good job for you, okay?”

The woman’s hand moved slowly between the animal’s haunches, and the helpless teen retched behind the gag as she realized the brunette was deliberately stroking the dog’s cock. The Shepherd whined in delight when he felt the woman’s hand on his penis, and his lapping grew faster and more intense as Denise slowly masturbated him.

“Oooohh, aahhhh, yeah, that’s good sweetheart, that’s so good, Linda, go on baby, do it for Denise now, don’t stop now, girl. Aahh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes,” the brunette panted, seeing the orgasm pounding in the writhing teen’s throbbing snatch, “please do it now for us, angel, mmmmmm, oooohhh, don’t stop now, baby doll, we’ve gotta have it all now, come all over for us, angel girl.”

Linda felt like her crotch was being slowly electrocuted; it was like bolts of slow-motion lightning striking her clit and running straight up her spine. The orgasm was so intense it seemed to short-circuit her mind, leaving nothing but the mind- blowing sensation of coming and coming as Rex’s incredible tongue slithered over her pulsating snatch. Back and belly muscles rock-hard, thighs and calves cramping, the moaning blonde lay paralyzed and rigid on the seat while the massive Shepherd continued panting and lapping at her melting bronze-bushed cunt.

“MMmmmmmmmmm, unnnhhhhhhhh, nnnnnnnno,” she shrilled through the ribbons covering her mouth, “nnnnoooo, dnnnt, aaaahhhhhh, ssttp ut, pplllzzz, unnnnhhhhhmmmmmmmm….”

Her muffled pleading and frenzied moans seemed only to encourage the heavy Shepherd, who immediately burst into wanton licking at her spasming crotch. Linda’s brain exploded into a fireball of orgasm and frenzied panic as Rex’s inescapable tongue probed between her exquisitely sensitive lips and slid up inside her dripping cunt. Tears slid down her face and dripped from her rigid nipples as the frantic teenager squirmed on the mind-boggling orgasm.

Howling and whining around the ribbon gag, the girl stared at the screen in horrified disbelief as Denise watched her come, petting the panting dog, rubbing his ears and neck, slowly stroking the animal’s dick and whispering praise as he snuffled and drooled over Linda’s dripping bronze-bushed pussy. The orgasm seemed to last forever, leaving the shuddering teenager exhausted and gasping, rolling her hips slowly under the big dog’s exquisite licking.

Linda was stunned and horrified when Rex just kept on lapping eagerly at her dripping, quivering snatch. Obviously delighted by the taste of the panting teenager’s saturated pussy and excited by the brunette’s hand on his cock, the huge Shepherd seemed determined to keep right on licking no matter how Linda reacted now. As the shaking blonde carefully tried to shift her ass further back on the seat, Rex abruptly reared up on his haunches and clamped his forepaws over her legs; the dog’s powerful shoulder muscles easily shoved her thighs farther apart, holding her snatch wide open and keeping her hips pinned inescapably at the edge of the seat.

Linda whined desperately to the watching brunette as the big dog continued lathering at her dripping snatch; her gaze locked on Denise’s face, eyes pleading for relief from the mind-blowing animal lapping between her legs. The sweating blonde moaned in disbelief when the smiling brunette picked up the teenager’s ruined panties with one hand without ever letting go of the big dog’s cock, and stretched up to wipe away the sweat trickling down the girl’s forehead.

“There now, that’s better for you, huh babes,” Denise crooned softly, blotting Linda’s tears with the scrap of lace, “Denise knows how Rex can make a good girl sweat, and we wouldn’t want anything to distract your attention from his wonderful tongue, now would we? Oh yes I know, don’t worry, sweetheart,” she added, smiling as the captive blonde wriggled frantically and muffled begging whined behind the gag, “I know how much you want to give up some more of that hungry pussy for him; don’t you worry, angel, Denise isn’t gonna make him stop. Now I’m sure you’d like a little privacy while you get to know our big boy better. I’ll tell you what, baby doll, you just relax here and let sexy Rexie work you over and I’ll go on up front, okay?”

Ignoring the frenzied blonde’s muffled keening, the brunette gave a final squeeze on the Shepherd’s cock, bent over the girl and kissed her lingeringly on each nipple, then slipped back through the curtain to the front of the van. Linda sobbed and struggled desperately against the ribbons as the huge Shepherd lowered his head over her snatch again. Twisting and writhing on the seat, the sweat-drenched blonde moaned incoherently to the big dog as her sanity dissolved and gushed out through her pulsating pussy. Rex growled deep in his throat as her spastic snatch pumped juices over his dripping tongue.

Every time she looked up from the animal lapping at her snatch, Linda’s eyes locked on the TV screen, seeing herself lashed in place for the big dog’s deliberate licking. Gritting her teeth behind the gag that kept her from screaming aloud, the frenzied teenager heaved futilely against the seat back, her head rolling from side to side as her crotch exploded in waves of pounding orgasm. The excited Shepherd lathered warm slaver all over her gaping snatch and slippery thighs, sensual tongue dancing maddeningly over the clamping ring muscle of her drool-soaked ass.

The mewling blonde felt like she was drowning in tidal waves of surging come, one rush of explosive orgasm after another gushing from her steaming pussy straight up her spine to crash into her numbed brain. Twitching, shuddering, Linda whined feebly and panted for breath as Rex lapped and slobbered over her saturated crotch. As the incredible shuddering spasms shook her bobbing jugs, she realized with horror that the huge animal still refused to back off and the enthusiastic velvet tongue was still there. Muffled cries and groans turned into a constant nasal moaning as the hysterical teenager thrashed helplessly on the seat with the eager Rex crouched between her thighs.

“MMmmmmmmmmm, unnnhhhhhhhh, nnnnnnnno,” she shrilled through the ribbons over her mouth, “nnnnoooo, dnnnt, aaaahhhhhh, ssttp ut, pplllzzz, unnmmmm….” Her muffled pleading and frenzied moans seemed to always encourage the big dog, who immediately burst into delighted licking at her spasming crotch.

Linda’s mind dissolved into a red cloud of orgasm and squirming desire as the dog’s inescapable tongue probed between her exquisitely sensitive lips and slid up inside her dripping cunt. Tears slid down her face and dripped from her throbbing nipples as the frantic squirming teenager started on another mind-boggling orgasm.

Howling and whining through the gag, she found herself now straining toward the panting Shepherd and pressing her knees against his shoulders as he snuffled and drooled over her avid bronze-bushed pussy; she was frantic with mortification and shame as she watched herself on the screen, heaving forward, thrusting her snatch toward the animal’s steady tonguing.

The frantic blonde had forgotten about the TV screen up front until she heard the redhead and the brunette applauding from the front seat; she gave a muffled shriek of anguish as she realized the women had been watching every minute of her writhing orgasms with the eager Shepherd. The helpless teenager gave a strangled moan of dismay when the redhead’s voice floated back from the driver’s seat.

“That’s right, baby, give it up for the big dog,” Sally said with a laugh, “you just keep creaming real pretty for our big boy’s tongue, that’s a good girl. Come hard, angel, you look just fine doing that with him.”

“Look at her, Sal, the little bitch is dying for it,” Denise exclaimed in delight, “she’s a natural, I’m telling you, look at her going for it, he’s got her half crazy already.” The mortified blonde sobbed in humiliation as the brunette chuckled and added, “Good boy, Rexie, you’re a good good dog; make Linda happy, good boy, lick her good, that’s a good dog. Lick the pussy, Rex, that’s my good boy.”

Limp as a dishrag and shivering uncontrollably, Linda groaned and giggled dementedly through the strip of muffling velvet, wriggling and thrusting her bush at the eager animal crouched slavering between her thighs. Alternately begging, screaming and laughing behind the gag, she gripped the seat back with both hands and stared in fascinated horror at the TV screen, knowing the women were watching as she spread her thighs wide to hold her dripping lips apart, exposing her throbbing and demanding clit to Rex’s velvet tongue.

After hours of mind-blowing doggie cunnilingus, the frenzied blonde could no longer even recognize any separate orgasms; she felt herself coming and coming and still coming, a cyclic quivering orgasm that went on and on as the dedicated animal lapped and licked at her frenzied bronze snatch. Linda was never sure how many times she fainted; she passed out coming and woke up shuddering in another orgasm with the eager Shepherd still lapping at her gushing snatch.

She sobbed in mortification as she watched herself writhing in ecstasy on the TV screen and fainted again as another thunderous orgasm blasted up her spine. When she finally came back to consciousness, the van was stopped, the Shepherd was gone, and she found Denise and Sally sitting on either side of her.

“Well hi, sugar, welcome back,” the redhead said with a smile, “looks like you had a little nap while we drove; it’s a good thing we had Rex handy to lick you to sleep, isn’t it? I’m sorry we didn’t get a chance to talk sooner, but I was busy driving and Denise told you were tied up getting to know our big puppy. Now in just a minute you’re gonna get some clothes back on, baby,” she added, running her hands slowly over Linda’s full tits, “but we have a little present for you first.”

Linda stared as Denise reached into a cardboard box and brought out something wrapped in tissue paper; it took the stunned blonde a few seconds to realize that the brunette was holding up a wide ornate collar with a D-ring and a miniature padlock on the buckle. The heavy leather band was almost three inches wide and an inch thick, lined with velvet, heavily worked in shiny, chunky gold studs.

“Now pay attention and listen close, Linda, ’cause this is important for you. Your gift is a very special one,” the redhead said with a smile, “we made it just for girls like you, the ones we want to teach to be real good. You’re going to learn a lot of new things while you stay with us and sometimes you’ll get so excited that you’d have trouble following instructions. This gadget is just like the shock collars they use to train police dogs, but we’ve kind of stepped up the voltage a little; and we took special care to make it real pretty for you so you’ll look cute wearing it.”

The exhausted teen was too weak to move when Denise slowly fitted the heavy collar around her throat and pulled the strap tight. When she was satisfied the fit, the brunette carefully slipped the padlock’s U through the buckle tongue and carefully closed the lock; Linda felt two tiny cold spots press against the back of her neck as the lock clicked shut.

“Remember the stun gun Denise used when you got in the van,” Sally continued, while the brunette snapped a chain leash to the D-ring, “well, your collar is just like that except it’s radio-controlled from this remote unit. If we think you need reminded to listen and do what you’re told,” the redhead held up a small black box like a TV remote control, “just a push of this button will definitely get you back on track. It’s really a time-saver for us and I’m sure you won’t have a problem getting used to taking directions.”

While Sally clipped the remote to her belt, brunette Denise knelt in front of the seat with a big pair of scissors and cut away the ribbons around the blonde’s ankles. The numb teenager slowly pulled her legs together as the redhead took the scissors and started snipping at the ribbons anchoring the girl’s left wrist. Linda’s wrists and ankles were chafed and sore from hours of jerking and twisting against the velvet straps.

“You can button your blouse and skirt when your hands are loose, sweetheart,” Sally told her, peeling the ribbons off her wrist, “and then we’ll all go inside and get you settled in.” She handed the shears to Denise, who clipped the ribbons from the blonde’s other arm. As Linda started fixing her clothes with trembling fingers, the brunette glanced at Sally, who nodded and then said, “Denise wants to get that last piece of ribbon off your pretty mouth, angel, and that’s okay if you promise to be good. That means no screaming, no crying, no freaking out, understand?” The redhead tapped the control at her belt and Linda nodded immediately. “That’s real good, baby,” Sally said with a smile, “I can tell already you’re going to be a real good girl for us, don’t you think, Denise?”

The brunette untied the flashy bow from the corner of Linda’s jaw and then peeled the ribbon out of her mouth in one quick snap. The teenager flinched and gasped but she remembered Sally’s warning and was careful not to yell. Linda nervously licked her dry lips and Denise immediately leaned forward and kissed her full on the mouth, her tongue sliding between the blonde’s stinging lips and squirming in her mouth. The shocked teenager instinctively started to raise her hands, but the brunette grabbed both wrists and held them at her sides while Sally said sharply, “No no, good girl, be still.” Linda stopped instantly and Denise let go of her wrists and continued the passionate French kiss, her hands roaming over the trembling blonde’s body. When Denise finally pulled her tongue out of Linda’s mouth, the brunette was breathing hard and the stunned teenager could see her erect nipples standing up under her shirt.

“Good girl, Linda, that’s real good, angel,” Denise crooned, picking up the end of the leash that dangled from the collar, “let’s go in where we can all be more comfortable, okay?” Linda nodded and stepped out of the van behind the brunette, trying to keep some slack in the length of silver chain.

Linda was amazed to see the sun high in the sky as they climbed out of the van, and the teenager blinked and squinted in the morning brightness. They were parked near a big frame house somewhere out in open country,
and Linda couldn’t see any other houses anywhere. A long gravel driveway stretched off to vanish into a stand of tall evergreen trees, and walls of dense brush blocked the edges of the acreage surrounding the house. There was a huge barn with chain-link fencing set back behind the house, and Linda started shaking as she heard multiple deep-throated barking from that direction. She turned to Sally as the redhead slid the van door shut and saw the lettering she had missed last night in the rain: Fox & Hounds Kennels.

“Please, Denise, please, where are we, what are we doing here,” she pleaded, “why did you bring me here, please please let me go. You can’t just drag me away like this, I want to go home. I promise I won’t tell anybody what happened, please let me go, you’ve got to let me go.”

“Oh, I think you really need stay with us for a while, baby,” Sally replied breezily, “you look exhausted, angel, you need to stay a while and get rested up. We just met last night and we’ve haven’t had a chance to know you yet. And we really do want to know you real well, good girl, don’t we Denise?”

“Oh yes, I agree with Sally,” the brunette purred with a smile, “you just can’t leave yet, angel, I want to get to know you much better myself. And then there’re all the puppies to think about; there are just lots of things you have to learn about taking care of all the dogs. After all, this is Fox and Hounds Kennel, you know.”

“I don’t care, I really don’t care at all and I don’t want to stay here,” Linda said, her voice quavering, “I don’t know anything about dogs, I don’t know anything about kennels and–”

“Don’t you worry about that, honey,” Sally interrupted with a laugh, “we’re going to teach you a whole lot about dogs, and I just know you’ll catch on fast. You’ll love taking care of them once you get used to it, believe me, and I’ll bet you won’t even want to leave after you find out how well they can take care of a good girl like you. Now get your sweet little ass inside so we can get started, understand?”

Sally turned and started toward the house, and Linda flinched as Denise gave a brief tug on the leash and followed after the redhead. The teenager trailed along behind the brunette, wincing, stepping carefully as the sharp gravel shifted under her bare feet. She tried pleading once more as they started up the steps to the wide front porch.

“Denise, please tell me what’s going on here,” she begged as Sally unlocked the front door, “what kind of place is this, why did you bring me here, please tell me.”

“All right, angel, I’ll tell you what it’s all about,” the brunette replied, leading her inside with a gentle tug on the leash, “though you ought to be able to figure it out for yourself by now. You read it on the van, Fox & Hounds Kennel, right?” Linda nodded and said, “Yes, I saw it, but–”

“Well, think about it, angel,” Denise interrupted with a sudden giggle, “Sally and I already have all the hounds we need, honey; we picked you up because we think you’re a real fox.”

“But, but, this is crazy, you aren’t making any sense and I don’t understand it,” the teenager stammered, “find somebody who wants to work in a kennel, put an ad in the paper or something. Can’t you understand, I don’t want to feed them, I don’t want to clean up after them, I’m not interested in learning about taking care of a bunch of other people’s dogs, okay?”

The brunette and the redhead burst into laughter; Denise laughed so hard she dropped the end of the leash and held her sides, gasping for breath. “Linda, Linda, you still haven’t quite got the picture, sweetheart,” the redhead said, “let me explain this once and for all.” Sally stared straight into Linda’s eyes as she continued quietly, “This isn’t a boarding kennel, angel, people don’t bring dogs here for us to keep and we aren’t going to teach you about feeding or cleaning up after them. We raise and keep Shepherds and Great Danes and Irish wolfhounds; Fox and Hounds is a breeding kennel, baby.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” the teenager whispered, turning pale at the mention of German Shepherds.

“That’s what we mean about taking care of them, good girl,” Denise whispered huskily, “Our big boys just love to fuck and they need to get fucked a lot, baby. We need someone to take care of their urges when they aren’t doing stud service, Linda; we’re gonna teach you how to fuck ’em just the way they like it. And you’re gonna love learning how to do it for them.”

Linda felt literally sick with horror as the brunette’s words sank in; she kept looking from Denise to Sally, praying that it was an insane joke. The two women smiled back at her without a word, and the teenager felt a flash of stark terror as she suddenly realized that while the redhead and the brunette might be crazy, they weren’t joking at all. The panic-stricken blonde went weak in the knees as she recalled Denise’s voice praising and encouraging Rex in the dark back of the van, petting the big dog approvingly while the giant Shepherd licked her into a twitching panic. The teenager started shivering uncontrollably and she could almost feel the brunette’s tongue sliding over her nipples again. She glanced desperately toward the door, but Sally tapped the control at her belt and snapped, “No, good girl, stay.”

Linda’s mind was racing and she nearly retched as she suddenly understood that both Denise and Sally had from the very beginning literally talked to her like she was a pet dog. Tears filled the shaking teenager’s eyes and she hung her head, sobbing harshly as the blurred sparkles hanging from her neck reminded her that she was still wearing the silver chain leash. Linda barely felt Denise softly stroking her hair and whispering soothingly in her ear; she shuddered in total horror as she realized that the brunette was actually petting her and crooning, “Easy, good girl, take it easy, it’s all right, you’re a good good girl…”

“Oh Jesus, please, Denise, Sally, no more, please no,” Linda whispered pleadingly, shivers racing over her belly and up across her shaking tits, “You really can’t do this to me, I can’t just stay here and let you do that to me, please please don’t do that to me, it’s too awful to even think about, please please don’t…”

“Just take it easy, good girl, we wouldn’t want to hear you start screaming now, and there’s nobody around to hear it anyway, honey,” the brunette said tranquilly, panting warm breath into the shivering blonde’s ear. “You mustn’t scream and you can’t run, that’s all you need to think about right now. Don’t be afraid, good girl, just think about having a good time, learning a few tricks, before you know it you’ll be coming your brains out for us.” The dark-haired woman gave Linda a tender kiss on the cheek as she picked up the leash once again, saying, “We’ll take good care of you and we’ll teach you everything you need to know, angel, but you’ve got to relax and cooperate, you hear? If you start making a lot of noise or try and skip out, you’ll just make us have to sting you with that collar and then you’ll have to stay in a pen in the barn, you wouldn’t like that at all, would you good girl.”

“I know what will make her feel better,” Sally said to Denise, taking the leash from the brunette’s hand, “let’s take our angel girl upstairs and show her all the pretty things we have for her, I’m sure she’ll like that.” The redhead tugged once on the silver chain and started down the hall toward the stairs, adding, “Come on, good girl, come with Sally.” Numb with horror, the sobbing teenager obediently followed the redhead upstairs, shuddering as Denise continued petting her gently, up the stairs and down the wide hallway.

“This is my room here,” Sally explained as she led the shivering blonde along the upstairs hall, “and Denise’s room is just down there.” The redhead pulled a key from her pocket and unlocked the heavy carved-oak door in front of them, adding, “And this room is for you, good girl, right between us so we can always be close. It’s nice to be nearby, sometimes Denise or I might want to visit you during the night.”

The room was enormous, and Linda thought distractedly that it must have been two rooms originally, they must have taken out a wall to make it so big. The place was beautifully decorated in pale green and blue, with ruffled green gauze curtains over the four tall windows set in the long wall. Linda’s silver leash tightened as Sally led her to the windows and pulled back a curtain, saying “You’ll get lots of nice sunshine in here, angel, and you can look out over almost all the grounds in the back yard.”

Linda stared out, ignoring the view and looking at the ornate wrought-iron curlicues that stretched across the outside of the windows and bolted to the window frames. All four windows in the room were covered with the elegant wrought-iron work, swirling decorative patterns that almost kept the girl from realizing that they were bars. She turned away from the window with her gut in a knot, studying the layout of the huge and tastefully decorated cage.

The couch and two matching overstuffed chairs were massive, upholstered in beautiful pale-blue velvet, and the enormous four-poster waterbed looked deliciously comfortable, the luxurious embroidered velvet spread pulled down to show off the jade-green pillowcases and an incredible white bearskin throw instead of sheets. There was a giant bevel-edged mirror, eight feet wide and seven feet high, in an ornate gilt frame against the wall opposite the windows, with a monster dresser on one side and an elaborately paneled oak armoire on the other.

When the teenager took a second, closer look around the elegant room her heart began pounding and shivers crawled up her back. All of the gorgeous furniture, couch, chairs and bed, had several heavy D-rings or screw-eyes strategically positioned; everything in the room was massive and heavy, Linda suddenly saw, and had been specially made to fasten leashes and chains on.

“And look at all the stuff we have here to keep you pretty, angel girl,” Denise said, motioning her toward the big brass-and-glass vanity table, “colognes and lotion, shampoo and bath oil, just everything a good girl needs.” Sally dropped the leash as Linda moved toward the table; the blonde’s eyes widened when Denise pulled open a drawer and she saw several vibrators scattered among the bottles of oils and tubes of creamy lotion.

“If there’s perfume you really like and we don’t have it, we’ll get it for you, sweetheart,” the brunette added, running her fingers caressingly over one of the dildos and closing the drawer, “we’ll get you anything you want to pretty up and smell delicious for us. But wait till you see this, angel, come look at all the pretty things for you to wear.” Denise snagged the end of the dangling leash with one hand and led the trembling blonde over to the huge oak armoire, crooning, “Come on, pretty girl, come here with me.”

Sally opened the double doors of the armoire as Denise pulled Linda forward with gentle tugs at the leash. The blonde’s heart sank as she saw that the armoire was filled with lacy peignoirs, short sheer nighties and camisoles and transparent silk tunic robes; the base of the giant closet was a jumble of jewel-trimmed high-heel mules and open-toe ankle-strap sandals with heels so high she wondered if anyone could even walk in them. Linda stared in amazement as Denise opened a drawer in the massive dresser on the other side of the mirror, pulling up fistfuls of lace babydoll nighties and hip length see-through tunics.

The brunette shoved the drawer closed and opened the next one, showing her a collection of silk and lace garter belts and dozens of pairs of real thigh-high silk stockings, some with delicate lacy patterns or sprays of tiny rhinestones up the calves. Staring at the drawers and drawers of exotic lace, ribbons and silk, the blonde slowly began to realize the full dimensions of what Sally and Denise had planned for her. Denise had shown her everything behind the armoiredoors and in every drawer, and it was all just lingerie; there were no actual street clothes anywhere in the room. Linda’s face must have betrayed her thoughts, and the blonde’s shoulders slumped when the Denise answered the question the teenager was afraid to ask.

“You don’t need any heavy ugly clothes any more, sweetheart, you’re not going anywhere,” the brunette said softly, “and I want to be able to see everything about you any time I want.” She reached up with the hand holding Linda’s leash, trailed her fingers gently along the trembling blonde’s cheek, down her neck and into the collar of her half-buttoned blouse and added, “If we want you to wear anything at all, we’ll give you what we want you wear and tell you when you can wear it.” She looked straight into Linda’s eyes as she slipped her hand inside the teenager’s blouse and whispered, “There’s not any underwear in there either, lover; you’d just have to keep taking it off all the time for us anyway.”

The blonde shivered as the cool chain-links slid over her bare skin while Denise’s fingers softly stroked the upper curves of her breasts. The brunette’s gentle caressing raised goosebumps on the girl’s round jugs and Denise giggled as she felt them prickle up under her fingertips; she pointed with her other hand and Linda gasped at her reflection in the full-length mirror, face flushed and blouse half-open, being felt up casually by the slender brunette.

“That’s the way it is, angel, Denise is so right,” Sally said with a smile, “and there’s really no better time to start on your program than now. Take off all your clothes, good girl.”

“I’m not gonna do that, Sally, I won’t do that,” Linda said desperately, “please don’t make me do it, please please don’t–” the blonde broke off in mid-sentence as Denise abruptly dropped the leash and stepped back next to Sally.

“Take all your clothes off, good girl, take them off now,” the redhead said sharply. “You have to learn to take directions, baby; if I have to tell you again it’s going to hurt. This is the last warning. Now strip for us, good girl.” Sally dropped her hand to her side and rested her fingertips on the control button of the shock collar.

Linda shook her head and a bolt of lightning blasted straight down her back; she hadn’t even seen the redhead’s finger move when it hit. The instantaneous jolt hammered the teenager to the floor and was over before she hit the soft carpet. It was like being blown apart in the blink of an eye; one second she was starting to say no, the next instant she was lying on the floor crying, twitching uncontrollably, trying not to pee on the rug. Linda couldn’t even tell if she was actually hurt, the feeling was too intense. It felt like she was completely numb and yet tingling, almost burning prickling sensations raced through her nerves. Her arms and legs trembled and jerked spastically, she kept trying to get up on her hands and knees, finally succeeded and crouched shivering and sobbing at the redhead’s feet. She was barely aware of Denise moving close to kneel beside her.

“Take it easy, good girl, it’s all right now,” the brunette murmured soothingly, stroking her back and brushing the hair back off her forehead, “you’re okay, just take it easy. You’re all right, good girl, easy now. You just rest here by me for a minute, sweetheart, and then you can stand up. It’s all right, good girl, take it easy. Let Denise help you, baby.”

In spite of her fears, Linda found herself leaning against the dark-haired woman as Denise crooned reassurance and petted her on the head and down her aching back. The stunned teenager’s breath caught in her throat when the brunette slowly leaned over her and kissed her on the lips again; in a rush of tearful gratitude, Linda returned the woman’s passionate kiss as Denise helped her climb shakily to her feet.

“Oh how sweet, angel, thank you, what a good girl you are,” Denise purred huskily, “that’s really beautiful. And see, you’re feeling all better now, I can tell. Now you look at Sally and tell her you’re sorry, okay? It’s all right, she’s not mad at you, really good girl, it’s okay, just tell Sally you’re sorry and we’ll forget it ever happened. Go on now.”

Linda slowly raised her head and found Sally’s green eyes studying her patiently; the redhead gave a faint smile as the trembling teenager whispered, “I’m sorry, Sally; please don’t be mad, I–I won’t be bad again, I promise.”

“It’s all right, good girl, really it is,” the redhead said, giving her a warm smile, “we can’t stay made at a good girl like you, we just can’t. I’m sorry it had to happen, angel, but you simply have got to learn to follow directions, that’s all. Denise is right, we should just forget it ever happened and start all over again, what do you say?” “Whatever you say, Sally,” the blonde replied meekly, “I’d like to try again if that’s what you want.”

“That’s my good girl,” Sally said encouragingly, “you’re really learning fast, doing so well. Let’s do start again. Take off all your clothes, Linda. Strip for us, good girl.”

Linda took a deep, gasping breath and began reluctantly stripping while the brunette and the redhead watched her expectantly. She shrugged out of the open windbreaker and let it slide off her back and slither to the floor; the blonde’s fingers trembled as she fumbled blindly for the buttons on her blouse, undoing the cuffs first and then working slowly up from the hem. Denise and Sally were staring at her every move as the teenager pulled the blouse back from her shoulders and let it drop at her feet.

Linda whimpered and closed her eyes as she unsnapped the front of her lace brassiere; she felt cool air on her exposed nipples and tears rolled down her cheeks as she heard both women take a sudden deep breath. The blonde’s full firm breasts jiggled as she shrugged the straps off her shoulders and the brassiere fell away and down her back. Linda tried staring straight ahead at nothing and found her reflection looking back at her, half-naked and wearing a heavy collar and a chain, with beautiful women on each side watching as she stripped for them. She gave a choking sob as she reached down and yanked at the snaps of her Levi skirt, jerking them all loose at once and flinging the skirt across the room.

Stark naked, Linda waited with her head hung in silence for as long as she could stand it; when she finally looked up, Sally and Denise were studying her in wide-eyed anticipation.

“I took them all off for you, Sally,” she whispered softly.


Chapter Two – She Makes New Friends and Starts to Earn Her Keep

“What a good girl you are, angel,” the redhead praised, “that’s my good good girl. I think a good girl like you deserves a reward for being so pretty and such a good student; give Linda a real sweet kiss, Denise.”

“That’s a wonderful idea, Sally,” Denise said with a smile, “this good girl took off every last stitch for us, and our naked sweetheart deserves a nice long kiss.” She stepped forward and gathered the naked blonde in her arms.

Before the shivering teenager could react Denise squirmed against her and kissed her passionately, sliding her tongue into Linda’s mouth and fondling her bare breasts with both hands. Linda gasped as she tasted peppermint on the eager brunette’s tongue; Denise gave a low growl of satisfaction as the teenager’s nipples perked against her palms. The stunned blonde couldn’t think what to do with her hands and finally circled her arms loosely around Denise’s waist while the dark-haired woman gently caressed her sensitive nipples.

Denise was breathing faster as she fondled the teenager’s full breasts; Linda nearly stopped breathing when the brunette slowly reached down and soft fingertips stroked gently between her legs. The panicked blonde’s fingers clutched abruptly at the woman’s waist and she drew a deep gasping breath, flinching and shifting her feet nervously.

“No no, good girl, stay,” Sally said sharply, “you stay, good girl, stay.”

Linda froze shuddering in place as Denise’s gleaming polished nails trailed slowly across her bush; the slender brunette kissed the trembling girl again, putting more tongue into the action as she fondled the sensitive lips of the teenager’s slit. The petrified blonde thought dazedly that she should shove the dark-haired woman away and try to run from this beautiful bedroom cage before it was too late, but she was still weak and shaky and Denise’s passionate kisses stirred an awful excitement Linda would never have imagined or admitted she could have.

Sighing in resignation, she hesitantly returned Denise’s steamy French kiss and laid her head on the brunette’s shoulder, trapped between her apprehension and an awful anticipation. Her hands clenched at Denise’s waist as the dark-haired beauty pulled her tongue out of Linda’s mouth and slowly bent down to kiss the paralyzed teenager’s stiffening shell-pink nipples.

The sensation of soft kisses on her areolas made Linda gasp and shiver in the brunette’s embrace. The dark-haired beauty looked directly up at Linda while she licked deliberately at the blonde’s erect nipples, then turned her face away and slowly trailed kisses down over the teenager’s rib cage and onto her shivering belly. The blonde’s hands fumbled uncertainly up Denise’s back while the woman sank to her knees, until the teenager gave up and clutched the brunette’s shoulders; Denise’s warm breath huffed over the blonde’s hips, steaming against her thighs and crotch.

Linda gasped as the woman’s tongue stroked slowly across her hipbones; the slim brunette knelt gracefully between Linda’s knees directly in front of her, panting as she kissed her way nearer and nearer to the teenager’s brass-curled bush. Linda sobbed softly and her belly shivered under the brunette’s tongue; Denise knelt motionless with her mouth inches away from the teenager’s bronze bush, chuckling softly and panting furnace-hot breath over her snatch. Linda’s hands clenched at the brunette’s collar and she started to lean forward to plead with the woman.

“No, no, good girl, be still,” the redhead’s voice commanded instantly, “be still good girl.”

When the waiting blonde had remained motionless for almost a minute, the horny brunette leaned slightly forward and licked gently at the delicate skin of Linda’s inner thigh next to her bush. Linda’s breath caught in her throat as the woman’s warm tongue slipped over the thin skin and stroked slowly toward her snatch. The sweating blonde gave a gasping sigh and shook her head once as Denise started a slow kissing at the edges of her pussy, drooling on the fringes of curly bronze pubic hair.

The slender brunette panted and licked around the captive teenager’s snatch, and Linda’s cheeks quickly flushed glowing pink as Denise’s lips teased her crotch. After a few minutes, Linda was mortified to find herself breathing faster and her nipples standing stiffly erect, swelling as she got hotter; the teenager’s tan stomach twitched with the pulse hammering in her increasingly steamy snatch.

Linda’s forehead was beaded with sweat and she was gasping for breath as Denise’s tongue slithered around her bush, onto her thighs and up to her flat belly, then dropped back down near her tingling clitoris. The long-legged blonde moaned softly and shivers raced from her pulsing snatch over her belly; the hair on her arms was standing up and her tits prickled up with goosebumps. Despite her fear and mortification, she was starting to spread her knees to give Denise better access to her snatch. When the blonde gave a deep sigh and began to spread her thighs, the brunette stood up with a wicked smile.

“What a good, good girl you are, angel,” the dark-haired woman said, giving her another prolonged French kiss, “really, you were such a good girl for Denise, sweetheart, that’s just wonderful. I’d really love to romp with you some more, but you must be exhausted,” Denise whispered, taking her hand and leading her over to the enormous waterbed.

“You were up so late and it’s been such a busy morning for you, good girl. I’ll bet you’re starved, too, you burned up so much energy with pretty Rexie on the ride home.” She turned to the redhead and continued, “Sally, this poor angel is very tired and very hungry and we both promised her we would take real good care of her if she was a good girl. She needs breakfast and a nice nap right away.”

“You’re right, Deni, she deserves a special treat for being so good and trying so hard for us,” the redhead replied immediately, “I’ll go right down and fix her a big delicious breakfast while you stay and keep her company.” Sally leaned over the limp blonde and gave her a lingering kiss, then stood up and hurried to the
doorway; as she unlocked the thick oak door, she looked back at Linda and added, “You really were just wonderful with Rex, baby, and he likes you a whole lot. You’re a good good girl.”

Sally stepped into the hall and the Linda heard the lock click once again. The dazed teenager’s brain spun into a black whirlpool of mortification and shame asshe realized what she had done with the slavering German Shepherd. She instantly burst into uncontrollable tears, sobbing hysterically as she remembered how she had begged and pleaded while the dark haired woman urged the big dog to keep up the awful animal licking.

The shaking blonde felt sick to her stomach, and her gut knotted with dry heaves as she gagged and retched, seeing herself lashed to the seat as the brunette looked on in delight, petting and praising the big dog as he lapped and drooled between her legs. She was suddenly revolted by the touch of the fur bed throw rubbing against her ass, long soft hair caressing the back of her thighs; the rich aroma of clean fur in her nostrils made the sobbing teenager want to vomit. She felt the waterbed toss and roll as Denise lay down next to her and the brunette cuddled the shaking girl tenderly.

“Easy good girl, take it easy, sweetheart, what is it baby, what’s wrong,” the woman crooned soothingly, “relax angel, it’s all right, tell Deni what’s wrong good girl. You take it easy now, good girl, easy now. Tell me all about it, lover, dry those pretty green eyes and tell Denise what’s the matter.”

“Oh shit, Denise, what’s the matter, how can you ask what’s the matter, you know what’s wrong,” Linda sobbed brokenly, burying her face in the pillow, “Jesus fucking Christ, you strip me naked in front of you and do that awful terrible stuff for hours with that goddamn dog. You hurt me and put a collar and a leash on me, you tell me I’m gonna have to do things that are even worse and then you want to know what’s wrong? You’re treating me like I’m one of the fucking dogs, you’re turning me into a goddamn trained animal, that’s what’s fucking wrong.” She choked off into wrenching hiccups, sniffling and wiping her eyes on the luxurious silk pillowcase.

“Oh sweetheart, don’t think like that, it’s no wonder you’re upset,” Denise replied tenderly, petting the back of her neck, “oh angel girl, you’re just torturing yourself, you’re going to make yourself sick if you keep on thinking that way baby. Sally and I care about you, good girl, we do, and nobody wants to hurt you or have you feel bad.”

The brunette cradled the trembling blonde in her arms and rocked her tenderly, saying “I know it’s hard for you to get used to, it’s awful when you go someplace new and you don’t know whatto do or say or how to act. That’s why we’re going to teach you everything you need to know, so you can relax and enjoy yourself with us.” Denise gently smoothed the hair back from Linda’s forehead and gave her a soft kiss on the cheek.

“Please don’t think such ugly bad things about yourself, angel,” she whispered, giving the naked teenager a reassuring hug, “you’re wonderful and Sally and I love you, you’re our good girl. You mustn’t fret so much, baby, just relax and take it easy; we love you and Rex loves you, and once you really learn how to get along with him I just know you’ll love him, too.”

Linda floundered to sit up in bed and grabbed the brunette’s hands desperately. “Denise please, please listen to me,” she wailed in despair, “I can’t stay here, I don’t want to do any of these things you want; I’m scared and I’m miserable and I feel all dirty and filthy and shitty. Please, please, tell Sally to let me go, if you care for me you won’t want me to do things that I don’t like, please tell her I don’t need to be here and you don’t want me to stay, please.”

“Oh sweetheart, you don’t understand, we do need you and we do want you to stay,” the brunette replied softly, “Sally and I do need to have you stay with us, lover, we do. And you’ll be do fine here, really you will; once you learn how to do the things you need to do, you’ll like it, you will, baby, believe me. You’ve done so well already we can tell that you’re going to just zip through all the other lessons really quick. You’re going to be the best, sweetheart, the very best, trust me. Once you get to know Rex and the others you’re going to love taking care of them, and they’re all going to love you, good girl.”

“Others, what do you mean, others?” Linda asked fearfully, her face going instantly pale.

“Why, our other sweet puppies, baby, don’t you remember,” Denise replied softly, “I told you right after you woke up, you must have forgotten. We have several big pretty boys you haven’t seen yet, angel, but you’ll get to meet them as your lessons go along. But you don’t need to think about that at all, Sally and I have a nice schedule all set for you; you just relax and take it easy, good girl, leave all that complicated planning to us. Now you dry your pretty eyes and sit up here, I think I hear Sally coming with your breakfast even now. About time, too, you must be famished, you poor baby.”

Linda heard the key rasping in the lock as Denise finished speaking, and the redhead came in carrying a huge tray loaded with covered dishes. Sally smiled warmly at the naked girl and said, “Stay good girl, you stay, I’ll bring it to you.” She brought the tray over to the bed and set it carefully on the nightstand; the blonde’s eyes widened as she saw the shining silver dish-covers, the huge glasses of milk and orange juice and a cut-crystal bud vase with a single red rose. The teenager had thought she’d never eat again, but her mouth watered at the delicious smells wafting off the tray and her stomach growled harshly as she swallowed convulsively.

“Oh sweetheart, you’re starving, you poor angel,” Sally said apologetically, “I’m sorry it took so long, good girl. I wanted to make everything perfect for you ’cause you’ve been so good, and you’ve been wasting away up here while I fussed with things downstairs. I’m sorry lover, I really am. You must be hungry as a wolf by now. Will you forgive me, good girl?”

“It’s okay, Sally, thank you for fixing it for me,” Linda replied woodenly, shivering as the word wolf triggered immediate thoughts of the huge German Shepherd, “I didn’t think I was very hungry, but it all smells so good I’m afraid I might start just drooling any minute.”

“You just lie still, good girl,” the redhead said sympathetically, “I’ll get your plate all ready and Denise will feed you. Lie still, good girl.”

“That’s right, babydoll, you just relax and take it easy,” Denise said, “let Denise take care of you, angel. What good things do you have for our good girl, Sally?”

“There’s fresh-squeezed orange juice, milk and toast dripping with melted butter, and look,” Sally said proudly as she lifted the silver cover off the plates, “scrambled eggs with hash browns and sausages and a nice fresh fruit salad, and,” she added, holding up a small covered dish, “a special surprise, a treat for our good, good girl.”

The women wouldn’t let Linda lift a finger, and Denise and Sally took turns feeding the suddenly ravenous blonde. Sally made sure the teenager saved some of her milk but would only say Linda would need it with her surprise. After the smiling women had fed the blonde every bite of her breakfast, the redhead picked up the covered dish and set it on Linda’s lap, saying, “I baked these specially for you, sweetheart, because you were such a good girl for Rex and Denise and me. Fresh-baked shortbread treats, good girl.”

When Linda lifted the silver cover the food in her stomach turned to lead. The shortbread cookies were golden-brown and still warm and smelled delicious; and they were all in the exact bone-shape of dog biscuit treats. The brunette held one out to Linda and Sally and Denise watched with enigmatic smiles as the teenager silently munched her treats with sips of milk.

“That’s for being wonderful, good girl, you did everything perfect for us, sweetheart,” the redhead said enthusiastically, “you’re so clever, what a good, good girl. You’re going to just do wonders with your training program, sweetheart, I think you were just made for this, you have natural talent. In no time at all you’ll be the perfect mascot for the Fox and Hounds Kennel.”

“And that reminds me,” Sally added with a snap of her fingers, “I’d almost forgotten, I have something else for you, angel.” She reached down into her bra, pulled something out from between her breasts and held up an odd-shaped golden medallion before the mystified blonde, saying, “This is a special gift from Denise and me to you, good girl. Now close your eyes and Denise will fix it for you while I get you a mirror. Close your eyes, good girl.”

Linda looked at Denise as Sally went toward the vanity table, and closed her eyes when the brunette nodded reassuringly. The teenager couldn’t figure out what the redhead intended; did Denise have a chain to go with the medallion, or was she supposed to wear it on a bracelet or what. The blonde flinched as she felt Denise’s fingertips on her collar and a horrible suspicion flashed suddenly through her mind.

“Easy good girl, be still,” Denise said softly, “I’ll be done in a second, easy now. There you are, good girl.”

“You can open your eyes now, angel,” Sally said, giving the teenager a hand-mirror from the vanity, “go ahead, look at what we have for you, good girl.”

Linda stared into the mirror at the shining medallion that the brunette had hung from the ring in the front of her collar. It was sort of shamrock shaped, with something engraved into the surface in fine letters; the blonde took a closer look, and finally her brain began to register what her eyes were telling her. The medallion wasn’t a shamrock at all, it was the shape of dog’s paw-print.

The fine engraved lettering fell into sudden focus and then blurred instantly as Linda’s eyes filled with tears; Denise and Sally had given her a custom dog license tag that read: Property of The Fox & Hounds Kennel–My Name Is Linda. Stricken with mute despair, the blonde flung the mirror down on the bed and looked from Sally to Denise and back to the redhead.

“Welcome to the pack, sweetheart,” the brunette said, giving the paralyzed teenager a quick hug, “welcome home, good girl.”

Linda collapsed back onto her pillow with an anguished moan, burying her face in the silk and sobbing bitterly. She didn’t look up when Denise told Sally, “This poor baby is just totally exhausted, Sally, she has to get some rest. We need to go away so our good girl can get some sleep, she is just beat. You just lie there and nap, lover,” she added, petting the weeping blonde soothingly on the nape of her neck, “we’ll let ourselves out and you have a nice snooze. Go to sleep, good girl.”

The women got up from the edge of the bed without another word and walked silently to the door. Linda heard the lock clack open and waited tensely for the door of her luxurious cage to close and lock her up with her collar and tag. After a long minute, the teenager looked up to find the brunette was gone and the redhead stood silently watching her from the doorway.

“That’s right, lover, welcome to the pack,” Sally chuckled, giving the blonde a warm, terrifying smile, “better get some rest, baby, ’cause you’re going to need it.” She started out the door, turned back to Linda and whispered, “Denise and I are gonna train you until you are absolutely the finest little bitch any of our pretty dogs has ever shoved his big hot cock in. Pleasant dreams, good girl.”

Linda never heard Sally swing the door shut, she was sobbing so hard; she cried herself to sleep and woke up pleading and screaming, dreaming she was in the dark van again. She dozed off once more, tossing fitfully on the pillows, woke up feeling fur against her thighs and whimpered in panic before she realized it was the bed and not the big dog again. The desperate blonde woke up crying and begging twice more before exhaustion kept the nightmares at bay; later in the night she had another dream, a very different kind, a flash of realization when she was caught half-asleep and halfway awake.

Blinking on the dark edge of awareness, the teenager floated into dazed consciousness covered with sweat, her nipples half-erect. Confused and breathing fast, she was petting and stroking the heavy fur throw, half-imagining she heard a voice in her ear; Linda shuddered awake in heart-pounding horror as she realized it was her own voice drowsily whispering, “…yes big dog, oh yes yes, yes…”

Linda thought when she woke up that she might have slept through an entire day, or two, or maybe a week. She woke feeling rested but couldn’t understand where she was for a long minute; she gazed around the lavish room in confusion until the feel of coarse fur under her ass suddenly hit home and she sat up with a gasp.

Sunlight was streaming in through the tall windows, the wrought-iron trellis-work throwing shadow arabesques on the thick blue-green carpet. The shadow of the swirling bars reminded the blonde that her elegant bedroom was a luxurious cage, that she had was missing, kidnapped, had foolishly allowed herself to become a captive. Linda felt she was somehow strangely detached from that reality; she knew she should be terrified, but her body refused to start up the wild adrenaline panic she had felt before.

The teenager knew she had practically no chance of escaping Sally and Denise, and the collar around her throat hammered home her helplessness every time she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. She saw herself a prisoner in a lace castle, controlled by two lovely and smiling women who turned out to be obsessed with using her as a sexual toy for a pack of trained animals. The blonde was numbly certain that there wasn’t a thing she could do to stop them from following through with their plans.

The despairing runaway’s thoughts spun aimlessly, and it never entered her mind to run again, or even to check if the door to her room wasn’t locked. The sheltered teenager’s brief spark of rebellion had barely been enough to carry her out the back door when Aunt Jane was napping. Her shattering night with the inescapable dog and her ultimate cooperation with the women’s mortifying instructions had utterly overwhelmed the dependent girl; she had never had a chance against Sally and Denise’s domination.

Linda’s own powerlessness seemed to lay a veneer of tranquility over her horror and despair, and it was easier not to think than to face her apprehension about what Sally and Denise would tell her she had to do next. She walked over to the windows and drew back the gauzy draperies, gazing out through the bars to the expanse of landscaped yard between the house and the
kennel. She shivered suddenly when there was a deep barking from the building and turned her attention to the flagstone patio just under her windows. Sally was sitting naked at a glass-topped iron table drinking coffee, with a large pot handy nearby and a second cup across from her, half-full.

Denise emerged from the kennel and strolled up the gravel walkway leading to the house; the brunette saw Linda standing at the window and waved energetically, then pointed upward toward her as Sally asked her something the blonde couldn’t hear. Sally stood up and looked up at her with a warm smile, motioning up with both hands until the teenager suddenly understood and raised the window.

“Good morning, sweetheart,” the redhead called cheerfully, “or almost good afternoon, sleepyhead. How are you, good girl?”

“I’m alright I guess,” Linda answered, and then stammered, “I mean, I’m not — I feel — I’m doing okay so far, Sally.” She smiled uncertainly at the woman and added, “How are you?”

“I feel great, angel, and I’m glad to hear you’re feeling better about life. Things always seem better after a good night’s sleep, I think.”

“Hi there, lover,” Denise said as she stepped onto the patio, “ready for some breakfast?”

“Oh yes, thank you,” Linda responded instantly, “that sounds great. I’m so hungry I could eat a horse.” She bit her lip the moment she thought about what she’d said.

“We don’t have any horses around the kennel, baby,” Sally said, looking up at the blonde with a wicked laugh, “but I’m sure we can find something for you.”

Denise giggled and then said, “Sally you’re terrible. Stop talking dirty and go fix our good girl something to eat, you mean thing. Take your mind out of your panties and give my sweetheart a break, can’t you see that she’s hungry?”

“I’m going right now, Denise, you don’t have to nag me,” the redhead replied, laughing as she headed toward the house, “and don’t try to put Linda on about who’s got their mind on their crotch, sister. What was Prince barking about while you were in the kennel, Deni?”

“I looked in to say good morning to him and he got a little excited, if you must know,” the brunette said primly, “and I didn’t want him raising hell so I took a minute to get him calmed down. Now stop fucking around and go fix Linda’s breakfast.”

“Sometime soon we’ll let you watch how Denise plays with that big puppy, sugar,” Sally called to Linda as the teenager blushed at the window, “it’s late enough for brunch anyhow. How about sandwiches and soup, some salad or maybe veggies, what do you think, good girl.”

“Yes, yes, yes,” Linda answered, “I want it all, Sally, thank you. Can I have some orange juice? Can I help?”

“Of course you can have juice, baby, you can have a gallon of juice if you want it,” Denise said as Sally went in the house, “and what a sweetheart you are for wanting to help. You are such a treasure, Linda, I’m so glad we picked you to come and stay with us. I’ll go help Sally and you can just relax and enjoy the sunshine, good girl. See you in a few minutes.”

Linda had just finished getting cleaned up and was brushing her hair at the vanity table when her door swung open and Denise and Sally came in carrying trays of club sandwiches and tomato soup, with fresh-cut vegetables, two kinds of dip and a pitcher of fresh orange juice. The women set the trays on the coffee table in front of the couch, and Sally gave an admiring whistle as Linda came over to them.

“That bikini tan really looks good on you, angel,” the redhead said, “you’ve got beautiful skin color and I like the way your breasts show off against it, makes your nipples extra pretty.”

“You won’t be mad if I put something on, would you, Sally,” Linda asked softly, “I didn’t know if I should get dressed or not.”

“I’ll explain the dressing rules and then it’ll be easy for you, lover,” Denise told her, putting soup and sandwich on the table and waving the teenager toward the couch, “sit good girl, and I’ll tell you how it goes. You can wear whatever you want to unless Sally or I tell you different. If we tell you we want you to wear something special, you have to wear what you’re told. If we want you to put it on by yourself, you do it; if we want to dress you ourselves, we’ll do it.”

The brunette came over and settled beside the teenager on the couch and began softly massaging her shoulders, adding, “If we tell you to strip, you have to take everything off; if we want to strip you, we’ll take all your clothes off. Except for those four rules you’re on your own. When you’ve admitted you’re ready to strip one of us down, we’ll talk about it. Eat your sandwich, good girl.”

As they were finishing brunch, Sally looked over at Linda and said “It’s a beautiful day, it’s sunny and warm; let’s play a dress-up game first, and then maybe later you’d like to go for a walk, good girl?”

“Oh, Sally, can I, I mean can we?” the blonde exclaimed, clapping her hands, “can we really? Yes, please, I’d like that a lot; will you come too, Denise, please say yes.”

“Thank you for asking, angel,” the brunette answered happily, “of course I will, I wouldn’t miss it for the world. I’d love to see you romping in the sunshine, baby; a good girl needs plenty of exercise. Let’s pick out something nice for her first dress-up game, Sally, come on.”

The blonde watched in embarrassed dismay as the women searched quickly through the dresser and the armoire, pulling out one piece of lingerie, then another, whispering eagerly to each other like two girls playing dress-up. The full-length mirror showed Linda that her cheeks were red with embarrassment and shame, but her reflection’s nipples were standing out stiffly. Her mind was a whirl of fear, doubt and confusion, but she had no time to think before Denise and Sally were back with a handful of lacy lingerie.

“Easy, good girl, take it easy,” the brunette said soothingly, “Denise and Sally are going to dress you all pretty now, good girl, just be easy.”

“Look what I have for you, angel,” Sally said, holding out a pair of long silk stockings, “these lovely hose will help you look pretty for us.” She knelt quickly beside the teenager and commanded, “Lift your foot, good girl, so I can put them on you. Lift your foot, good girl.”

The stockings were thigh-high and ultra-sheer white, with a scatter of rhinestones up the ankle and onto the calf, and Sally told Denise that they’d set off beautifully against Linda’s tan. They felt silky smooth gliding up her legs and it gave her shivers just to watch in the mirror as the redhead slid them slowly up her thighs.

“And now this, sweetheart,” Sally whispered, picking up a ruffled garter belt and reaching around the blonde’s hips.

It felt screamingly erotic as the redhead circled it around Linda’s waist, all jade green lace and white elastic, with near-transparent ruffles of pale emerald silk running down the sides of each garter strap. The blonde shivered as Sally fastened the waistband hooks and attached the straps to the sheer silk hosiery, murmuring approvingly as she noticed how the delicate green lace framed and accentuated the teenager’s bronze pubic ringlets. The ruffled garter straps felt luxurious and decadent stretching down over Linda’s ass and hips, a lot like Denise’s constantly caressing fingers, lightly fondling the teenager whenever she moved.

“Now see this, angel,” the brunette crooned, holding a length of sheer fabric up toward the mirror, “another pretty thing for our good girl.” She stepped close behind the blonde, stroked the soft lace slowly over Linda’s firm smooth ass and added, “Let me put this on you, lover, hold your arms back here for me. Such a pretty girl you are, what a good good girl.”

Denise had brought her a sheer silk and lace babydoll nightie, creamy kelly-green with lacework so gossamer it was like putting cobwebs over her tits and ass. The dark-haired woman held the hip-length gown as the teenager slipped her arms in; then Denise gently slid her hands around from Linda’s back, fondling the blonde’s full breasts with both hands as she adjusted the open front of the nightie.

Linda’s nipples still stood out stiffly as the brunette smoothed the perfumed lingerie over her jugs, and Denise was breathing hard as she tugged the ruffled hem down to the garter belt. Linda reached up to tie the string bows that held the nightie closed, and Sally instantly reached to hold her hands down at her hips.

“No, no, good girl, be still,” the redhead ordered firmly, “leave it open for us, hear me? If we want it tied, we’ll tell you can tie it. Now be still, good girl.”

“What a pretty girl you are, angel,” Denise crooned, running her hands over the blonde’s round breasts and down onto her hips. The dark-haired woman caressed the teenager’s taut ass with both hands and whispered, “You’re a very good girl, Linda, you’ve been such a good girl. You look beautiful, sweetheart; there are only a couple more things and then you’ll be all ready.”

Satisfied with the teenager’s exotic costume, the brunette led the silk-clad blonde closer to the long mirror and removed another item from the armoire. She brought the consummate touch from the bottom shelf, pearly patent-leather mules with wide ankle straps and spike heels so high Linda knew she could barely walk in them. Linda was afraid to even wonder what she was getting all ready for, and she was almost relieved at the break in her thoughts when she got more instructions from Denise.

“Lift this foot, good girl,” the brunette ordered, kneeling beside her and guiding her stockinged foot into the high-heel shoe, “and now lift this foot. That’s right, that’s my good good girl.” Denise buckled the broad pearl-studded ankle straps and said, “Stand tall now, baby, that’s good. Look how pretty you are, sweetheart, isn’t she a pretty girl, Sally?”

“Just like an angel,” the redhead whispered, “disguised as an expensive whore. You are beautiful, baby, and I think you’re ready to get started your first lesson. You stay right where you are, good girl; Denise will put your bracelets on while I go get Rexie for you.” Linda’s eyes widened in panic and she gazed pleadingly at Denise as Sally went over and unlocked the door, then peered into the hall; the teenager started shaking as the redhead stepped out the door and whistled sharply.

“Easy good girl, take it easy,” Denise whispered soothingly, kissing her softly on the mouth and caressing her bare breasts, “it’s all right, you’re okay.” The brunette reached into a dresser drawer and pulled out a pair of wide, velvet-lined leather wrist bands, studded with rhinestones and heavy buckles. “All you have to do is listen to Sally and then do everything she tells you,” the woman continued, wrapping a heavy bracelet around the blonde’s right wrist and fastening the buckle.

“Rex won’t hurt you, angel, he’s going to make you feel good; and there isn’t much new to learn today, this is only the first lesson, kind of going over what Rexie showed you last night,” Denise added, buckling the other strap around Linda’s left wrist. “Sally and I will tell you what you need to do good girl, take it easy.”

Sobbing in despair, the teenager balanced carefully on the spike heels, swallowed the last of her tears and stared blankly into the long mirror. Her reflection gazed tearfully back, a beautiful blonde-haired victim in collar and lace, waiting in numb horror while her two cheerful captors prepared to introduce her to her trained canine lover. The huge Shepherd came up the stairs and down the hall at a full gallop as Sally stepped back in the door; he dashed into Linda’s room and the redhead locked the door while hopeful Rex frisked around the room in eager anticipation.

Linda could see that the big dog obviously knew what was coming and was looking forward to working her over once again. The teenager threw a last desperate glance at Denise, but the brunette was breathing hard and her eyes were shining as she watched the eager animal prancing in circles around Linda. Sally walked over to the blonde and smiled encouragingly, patting her gently on the shoulder.

“Stand here in front of the mirror, good girl,” she said quietly, pointing where she wanted the teenager to move; Linda obediently positioned herself in front of the huge mirror and waited fearfully to see what would happen next. The girl watched in surprise as Denise went over to the closet and brought two tall, heavy brass pipes over beside the mirror.

The blonde stared in confusion while the brunette slid one post into a socket in the floor about five feet in front of the mirror on the left side, then moved over to the right side and fitted the other post into place. Linda still couldn’t figure out what was going on as Denise took her hand and pulled her gently into place between the two metal posts, facing the huge mirror.

She gave a strangled moan as the redhead commanded, “Now spread your legs, lover, make some room for your big boy down there. Spread your legs for him, good girl.” She watched as Linda shifted her feet apart slightly, then said, “Wider, baby, move your feet apart more,” the redhead stepped close to the trembling blonde, using her foot to move the girl’s high-heel shoe to the right spot, “that’s my good good girl.”

Linda watched in bewildered silence as Denise pulled a short length of chain from the dresser drawer and dropped to her knees beside the confused blonde. The teenager had a flash of shocked understanding when brunette quickly snapped one end of the chain to a heavy ring at the base of the brass post and the other end onto the ankle strap of Linda’s right shoe. Before the stunned girl could speak, the woman moved to her other side and snapped a second chain at her left ankle, anchoring the blonde in place between the metal posts with her legs spread wide.

The big dog scrambled around in front of the mirror and stopped directly in front of the horrified teenager; tongue lolling, the Shepherd sniffed delicately at her stockinged thigh and then turned to look at the redhead, obviously waiting for Sally’s permission to begin eating her alive. “Please, Sally, please,” the anguished teenager whispered imploringly, “please don’t let him–”

“Quiet good girl, be still,” the redhead ordered sharply, “don’t make me scold you again. We’re almost ready, baby; now raise your arms up like this for me.” Sally took Linda’s hands and pulled the girl’s arms up over her head, stretching her wrists out to either side. Linda gave a strangled sob as Sally held her arms stretched up over her head while Denise took two more short chains from the drawer and anchored the hapless girl’s wrists to the brass pillars.

Sally walked around Linda as the weeping girl stared at herself, studied the sobbing blonde chained spread-eagle before the mirror and then said, “That’s good baby, that’s a good good girl. Now stay, hear me, you stay good girl. The only thing we need to do now is give you a little something to help you relax and enjoy yourself; get the surprise for our good girl, Deni.”

The brunette hurried to the dresser, then came back with a small carved wood box and took out what looked like the clear plastic face mask they used to give people oxygen in hospitals. Linda watched dumbstruck as Denise took a thin cigarette from the box and stuck it into a short tube in the front of the mask. The brunette held a lighter to the end of the cigarette, held the mask against her face and inhaled, breathing deep as the smoke swirled into the clear plastic covering her nose and mouth. She stared as the woman held her breath and pulled the mask away from her face, holding it out toward the captive teenager.

“All you have to do is breathe, angel,” Sally said with a smile, “Denise will hold the mask for you.”

“I don’t want any of that, Sally, whatever it is,” Linda whispered, “I’ve never smoked in my whole life.”

“You do now, angel,” the redhead replied, “and you’re gonna like it a lot, I promise. This isn’t tobacco, sweetheart,” she added as Denise exhaled noisily, “no nasty nicotine at all, it’s a little mixture Deni and I put together.”

“It’s really great shit, baby,” the brunette added, moving the mask toward Linda’s face, “it’ll make you feel so good and you’ll really like it, we know you will.” As the desperate teenager angrily turned her face away, Denise clamped one hand around the back of the girl’s neck and pressed the mask tightly over the helpless blonde’s nose and mouth.

Linda twisted and jerked against the chains holding her in place, but there was no way to escape the determined brunette. The captive blonde tried to hold her breath, but Denise kept the mask clamped over her face until the girl gave up and gasped for air. Smoke swirled into the mask and Linda choked as she sucked the heavy, spicy-smelling vapor down into her lungs. The blonde gave a wracking cough and her next strangled breath pulled even more of the smoke into the mask; the stuff tasted acrid and somehow sweet at the same time as she choked and sucked in a third gasping breath.

The teenager’s ears rang and she felt suddenly dizzy. Sally watched with a smile as Denise held the mask in place while Linda struggled and screamed, coughing and gasping in still more of the dense, sweet-smelling smoke. Linda was sobbing and panting for breath when the brunette finally pulled the mask away. The girl’s head was spinning and she could feel her pulse racing; her knees were weak and she thought she would have fallen if she hadn’t been chained in place. Her skin tingled and she thought she could hear her blood rushing through her veins.

“What-what is that shit,” she gasped, swaying with tears in her eyes, “what is going on, I feel weird as hell, what the hell did you give me?”

“Just a little something Denise and I came up with, a mixture of things, baby,” Sally replied with a chuckle, “a little hashish and some opium to help you relax, some mushroom to increase your sensitivity, and a pinch of cocaine to speed up your heart and get you excited. It will loosen you up, kind of put you in the right frame of mind to really appreciate sexy Rexie more. And I think she’s about ready now, Deni, so go ahead and get him started.”

“Sit, Rex, sit boy,” Denise commanded, patting the smooth inside of the blonde’s thigh just below her snatch, “come sit right here for Linda, sweetheart, sit up baby.” The blonde tugged helplessly at her bonds and stood shaking and crying in her towering heels as the obedient animal moved to sit between her legs. When she felt the dog’s first sultry breath waft over her bush, Linda dropped her head and closed her eyes.

“Now be still, good girl,” Sally ordered softly, “you be still. All right, Rex, make Linda happy.”

Rex sat quietly with his dripping muzzle inches away from the teenager’s spread bush, snorting softly, and panting furnace-hot breath over her snatch. When the sobbing blonde remained obediently motionless, the big Shepherd leaned slightly forward and licked delicately at the front of her crotch. Unable to escape the watching women and the determined animal, Linda stood helpless in front of the mirror, legs spread wide on either side of the big dog, balancing awkwardly with her wet pussy spread wide over his gaping jaws.

Rex wasted no time in settling in for some prolonged tonguing of the succulent teenage snatch; his hot panting huffed against Linda’s frizzy bronze pubic bush, sending shivers up her flat belly and making her nipples stiffen instantly. Linda’s breath caught in her throat as the sweltering dog-tongue rasped over the curly hair around her snatch, but somehow the velvet touch of the Shepherd’s tongue on her mons today was not quite bad enough to send her into the screaming panic she had felt last night. Her heart was pounding, her skin tingled and she felt like electricity was running through her nerves; her thoughts were racing and she realized with horror that the drug the depraved women had given her was taking over her body and her brain.

The excited Shepherd’s drool-slathered tongue washed up between the captive blonde’s shivering thighs, slithering from the back of her twat forward, spreading her sensitive lips and flickering over her exposed clitoris on every stroke. Helpless, marooned spread-legged with the gargoyle dog lapping at her contentedly, Linda felt her crotch warming and her snatch buzzing with depraved excitement minute by minute. She writhed and jerked over the animal’s muzzle, realizing that Sally and Denise were right, the drugs would make her respond no matter how horrified she felt.

The big dog’s licking escalated as her renegade pussy began to melt and juices flowed down onto his probing muzzle. Sally and Denise watched with wide smiles as the teenager’s cheeks flushed and her nipples crinkled beneath the thin silk negligee. The defenseless blonde heard herself breathing harder, and felt herself straining up on tiptoe each time the tenacious Shepherd’s velvet-smooth tongue lathered over her clit.

The softly weeping blonde moaned deep in her throat and Denise and Sally stared in fascination as Rex continued the slow steady lapping at her pussy, tail wagging, drooling on the frizzy bronze pubic hair between the lacy garter straps. The massive dog panted and slavered over the teenager’s warm snatch, and the lace tops of her stockings quickly darkened as aroused doggie saliva trickled down her thighs. Within minutes, Linda began breathing faster and her pink nipples began stiffening under the transparent babydoll gown; the teenager’s tan stomach twitched with the pulse hammering in her increasingly steamy snatch.

When her quivering pussy began dripping into his mouth and his saliva soaked her lace-trimmed stockings, Rex began licking harder and faster at the delicious teenage pussy spread open in front of him. Linda felt her crotch begin to loosen and throb as hot blood surged to her pubes; the scanty lace garter belt gave no cover at all to her responsive snatch, and within a minute her bush was saturated and her pussy dripped sweet sticky ooze onto the big dog’s tongue.

“Slow, baby, go slow for Linda,” Sally commanded as the Shepherd began working up a consistent rhythm, “go slow for the good girl, lover, make it last. I want to see her all wired up before you finish, big dog. Open your eyes, sweetheart,” she added to Linda, “I want you to watch him while he does it to you. Open your eyes, good girl, watch.”

Linda’s eyes snapped open, focusing on the huge Shepherd lapping enthusiastically amid the silk and lace around her soaked and thoroughly inflamed snatch. Staring in horrified fascination at her reflection in the huge mirror, the blonde was mortified at the awful vision of the enormous animal crouched between her thighs, jaws gaping as he licked slowly and deliberately at her saturated crotch. The tall heels put her sensitive slit at the ideal height for the big dog’s lapping, and his broad wet tongue slathered across the width of her snatch, spreading her lips wide open.

His eager lapping parted the shaking blonde’s drool-soaked pubic bush, leaving her delicate pink lips and throbbing clitoris completely open to the slippery probing dog tongue. The teenager’s forehead was beaded with sweat and she gasped for breath as the big dog’s tongue lathered over her bush, onto her thighs and up to her flat belly, then dropped back down between the ruffled straps that framed her dripping clitoris.

The inescapable eager tongue swarming over her lace-sheathed bush made the captive blonde shudder with shameful desire, and she sobbed with humiliation as the chains held her spread-eagled in front of the mirror. Linda moaned in despair as she realized that the incessant licking was slowly making her hotter and hotter while Denise and Sally watched her every move; she choked back a sob when the redhead’s voice gave the next order of her awful lesson.

“Pet the pretty boy a little bit now, Denise,” Sally whispered huskily, “let Rex know how much Linda likes having him do that for his baby doll. Pet the big dog so he knows he’s making his good girl happy.”

Hanging her head and crying silently in her silk and lace, Linda watched in despair as Denise slowly reached down to the big dog and stroked his head and rubbed his ears; she groaned in despair as the warm tongue rasped against the silk and lacework around her bush. The shattered blonde stared at herself in the long mirror with the brunette petting the panting Shepherd and rubbing his ears and neck as he snuffled and drooled over her gaping bronze-bushed pussy.

Shivering uncontrollably, Linda groaned and panted desperately for breath while Denise kept patting and stroking the enthusiastic animal crouched slavering between her thighs; the throbbing in her crotch was building and she knew she had to get some relief or she would come at any moment.

She tried swaying her hips from side to side to keep the velvet tongue away from her clit, shifting and jittering until she was virtually dancing before the mirror, twitching and gasping with her clit hovering over the skillful animal’s tireless licking. Despite her fear and mortification, Linda found herself responding with increasing excitement to the dog’s expert tongue. Letting go of the big dog’s ears, Denise ran her hands down his neck and shoulders, then stroked her hands up the insides of Linda’s stockinged thighs; the feel of the dog’s coarse fur encircled by her sheer stockings and sleek skin brought goosebumps out on the blonde’s tits shoulders.

Denise rubbed the lace ruffles of the garter belt against the teenager’s smooth upper thighs and brought her hand up to caress Linda’s swelling breasts. Linda’s mouth was dry and her breath came fast as the redhead also reached over and fondled the firm globes, rolling the blonde’s swollen pink nipples between thumb and forefinger. Straightening bolt upright, Linda dropped her head back and panted for air as Denise and Sally kept playing with her tits, still swiveling her crotch in lingering circles over the continuous doggie blowjob.

The Shepherd made delighted whining noises between the shuddering blonde’s legs as he continued tonguing her eager pussy toward meltdown. Moaning and shaking, Linda clenched her fists around her chains and dropped her head down, crying in silence as the eager Shepherd lapped maddeningly at her melting pussy while Denise leaned over to lick her aching nipples. She realized she was totally helpless, every move controlled by the women intently watching the obedient animal licking eagerly between her legs. The teenager thought that she couldn’t be more humiliated, desperate and ashamed, but Sally’s next order made her understand that the two women had other plans.

“Now talk to the big dog, good girl,” the redhead commanded softly, “I want you to tell Rexie how much like to have him lick you. Let the pretty dog know how good it is for you, baby. Speak to him, good girl, speak.”


Chapter Three – The Job Interview

With a burst of total panic, Linda suddenly realized that Sally and Denise clearly had no intention of letting her stop; the brunette and the redhead planned to keep watching the canine monster between her legs tongue at her clit while she did every awful thing they ordered. As if he understood that she was powerless to resist him, Rex sat deliberately back on his haunches between her shaking thighs and shifted his lapping into high gear, his wide tongue lathering over her open pussy as fast as he could lick.

“Oh Jesus, please Sally, please…all right, big dog,” the teenager groaned hoarsely, spreading her long legs wider for the skillful Shepherd, “I can’t stop you and I can’t stand it when you do that to me, go ahead and do… do whatever you want, do it to me now, good boy.”

Linda’s crinkled nipples were now achingly hard and her belly muscles quivered as she got closer and closer to coming on the unrelenting doggie licking. The distraught teenager was panting for breath and shaking
like a leaf, her buzzing clitoris driving her half-mad with desire and shame; the blonde wriggled frantically as the Shepherd’s inescapable tongue washed over her open snatch, spreading her lips wide and sliding over her clit like a velvet ribbon.

It’s the drugs, Linda thought frantically, it’s the damned dope they’re giving me, I don’t want this, I don’t, I don’t want this fucking animal licking me. The big dog seemed even more intent now that her pussy was completely open to him, making a contented rumbling deep in his throat and wagging his tail faster as he worked delightedly on the gasping teenager.

“Don’t try to blame it on the dope, angel,” Denise whispered as Linda writhed over the Shepherd’s tongue, “you can try that, but it just isn’t so, baby. Drugs don’t make you do anything you don’t want to do, and they don’t give you anything that isn’t there to begin with, all they do is let out what’s really there. Don’t forget, sweetheart, we all saw you on camera last night, remember? You saw yourself, and we saw it too, you like it when the big dog licks you. Our little mixture just takes away your inhibitions, lets out what’s really you, that’s all. A little smoke just lets the real Linda come out, it helps you admit what you really want, baby…”

“Now you’re starting to get the idea, sweetheart,” Sally whispered, her hands sliding over the gasping girl’s taut breasts. “Rexie likes it when you talk to him, he’ll be real good to you if you just give him some praise and encouragement, angel. Keep telling him how good it is, baby, speak…” The teenager’s brain was a whirling storm of confusion and mortifying desire. Her pulse raced, her thoughts were a tangled snarl of horror and excitement. As much as Linda wanted to deny the redhead’s words, she couldn’t deny her excitement, couldn’t help but admit the racing pulse in her renegade snatch.

“Oooohh, Jesus, it’s, that’s good, that’s really good, Rex, oh my god, go on baby, do it for me, don’t stop good dog. Aahh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes,” Linda hissed through clenched teeth, feeling the orgasm building in her throbbing snatch, “do it now, Rex boy, mmmmmm, unnh, oooohhh, I can’t stand it, big dog, I’m gonna come now, I’m gonna cream all over you…”

The captive teenager began moaning aloud as the big Shepherd plunged his head forward and his slavering tongue stroked over her totally exposed pussy. Linda felt like her crotch was being slowly dissolved by the animal’s flickering tongue; it felt like slow motion explosions going off at her clit and blasting up her spine.

The orgasm was so intense it seemed to short circuit her mind, leaving nothing but the mind blowing sensations of coming and coming while Denise and Sally stared as Rex’s incredible tongue slithered over her pulsating snatch. Back and belly muscles rock hard, thighs and calves cramping, the moaning blonde stood rigid and quivering in front of the mirror while the massive Shepherd continued lapping and slavering at her melting bronze bushed cunt. The come seemed to last forever, leaving the shuddering teenager exhausted and gasping at her reflection in the mirror, a sweating and moaning blonde rolling her hips slowly under the big dog’s exquisite licking.

Linda was stunned and horrified when Denise and Sally allowed the big dog to continue lapping eagerly at her dripping, quivering snatch. Obviously excited by the smell and taste of the panting teenager’s totally saturated pussy, the huge animal seemed determined to keep right on licking at her sticky snatch no matter how Linda reacted. The mortified teenager looked pleadingly toward her captors, only to find that the brunette and the redhead had started fondling each other as they watched the animal make her come.

Sally and Denise were locked in a passionate kiss, the redhead massaging Denise’s breasts while the brunette’s hand was clamped over Sally’s crotch, rubbing her snatch through the woman’s tight shorts. The horrified blonde realized the women were getting more excited by the minute as they watched the big dog making her come.

“No, oh god Sally, no, Denise, please,” she wailed, jerking impotently against the chains holding her arms over her. “Oh goddamn, stop him, please big dog, Denise please make him let me go, please don’t let him do that anymore, aaahhhh, I can’t do stand for you to let him do it any more, please give me a break, oh god, help…”

There was no way the frenzied girl could escape the stubborn animal licking eagerly at her crotch; Linda was ready to collapse, she hung limp from her chains, head hanging, tears rolling down her flushed cheeks. Sensing that the panic-stricken blonde had lost all will to resist, the big dog gave a contented rumbling growl and changed to a slow motion washing of the teenager’s bare pussy, his tongue languidly flicking between her delicate inner lips and sliding over her exposed clitoris. Linda was moaning aloud and writhing before the mirror, loins throbbing as her snatch warmed again to the dog’s incessant licking. Her thoughts were racing and her brain screamed in panic even while she felt her pussy responding automatically to the exquisite torture of the big dog’s velvet tongue.

Sally and Denise undressed each other slowly as they watched the animal lapping the captive teenager into a helpless frenzy. Linda stared in panic-stricken horror as the redhead tossed Denise’s bra aside and bent to lick the brunette’s nipples. Denise rolled the redhead’s panties down over her hips and began delicately fingering Sally’s clitoris while the woman thrust against her probing fingers. Linda groaned with mortification as Denise caught her watching them in the mirror and laughed in delight.

Powerless to escape the animal blowjob, feeling about to faint in unbearable ecstasy, Linda writhed desperately and leaned dizzily against her chains, hanging onto her bonds and panting for breath as waves of mounting ecstasy flooded up from her dripping snatch. Even as her thoughts clamored with fear and mortification, her hips were rolling mechanically back and forth under Rex’s lingering ceaseless licking, intensifying the gratification of each slow stroke.

“Look, Sally,” the brunette whispered, “pretty Linda’s gonna watch us come while she comes. And she’s going to come again in about a minute, see, she’s starting to get off on the big dog’s tongue, aren’t you, angel?”

Despite her resolve not to let the brunette and redhead watch her enjoying the incredible sensation, Linda felt her drool wet ass tighten with every flick of the scalding dog tongue over her lips. The teenager whimpered in despair as she saw herself in the mirror actually stretching her legs wider for the Shepherd, straining with the tendons on each side of her snatch stretched like cables from the pale edges of her bush to the tan skin of her inner thighs. Gasping, the panicked blonde slid into a red haze of desire as mindless crotch responses overwhelmed her; Linda
suddenly realized she was babbling encouragement to the dog as she got closer and closer to another volcanic come.

“Jesus, yes oh yes, big dog,” she murmured helplessly, “I can handle it all now, please go ahead and do it some more for me, good boy.” Her round tits heaved with her panting and her thighs and calves pulsed as she trembled and twitched, starting to come again on the interminable licking.

“Oooohh, aahhhh, that’s good big dog, that’s so good, Rex, go on baby, do it to Linda now, don’t stop good dog. Aahh, oh Sally, mmmmmm, yes yes yes,” she panted, feeling the second redhot orgasm building in her throbbing snatch, “please do it now, Rex, mmmmmm, unnh, oooohhh god Denise, don’t stop him now, I’ve gotta have more now big dog, help me Sally, oh please, help me Denise, I’m gonna come all over this fucker…”

Twisting and writhing, swaying and hanging from the chains holding her upright, the sweat drenched blonde moaned incoherently to the huge Shepherd as her sanity dissolved and gushed out through her pulsating pussy. Rex growled deep in his throat as her spastic snatch pumped juices over his dripping tongue. The animal’s powerful tongue spread her inner lips easily, and Linda felt the drool-slick dog tongue sliding up into her snatch. Her entire body jerked as the tongue-tip flickered over her G-spot, and the Shepherd gave a whining growl of excitement as her pussy throbbed into orgasm, pumping her come into his jaws.

Biting her lip to keep from screaming, the frenzied teenager stared at the gasping brunette and the delighted redhead, her head rolling from side to side as her crotch exploded in waves of pounding orgasm. The excited Shepherd lathered warm slaver over her gaping snatch and slippery thighs, sensual tongue dancing maddeningly over the clamping muscles of her drool soaked cunt. The mewling blonde felt like she was drowning in tidal waves of surging come, one rush of explosive orgasm after another gushing from her steaming pussy straight up her spine to crash into her numbed brain.

Denise and Sally fondled each other erotically as Linda writhed in mortified ecstasy over the animal’s tongue. The redhead and the brunette were masturbating each other as they watched the teenager writhe and shudder, each woman slowly fingering deliberately at each other’s spread pussy while the huge dog lapped at the helpless blonde’s crotch. Linda moaned in horror as Denise dropped to her knees and began licking the redhead’s clitoris while Sally stared into the blonde’s eyes and winked, giggling with delight.

Twitching and shuddering, Linda whined feebly and panted urgently for breath as Rex lapped and slobbered at her saturated crotch. As the incredible shuddering spasms shook her bobbing jugs, she realized with horror that Sally and Denise refused to make the big dog back off and the velvet tongue was still there. As the unrelenting doggie lick job got her hotter and hotter, the desperate, squirming blonde knew she was actually going to start screaming out loud if the giant dog made her come again.

“Rex, please, please get away from me, that’s enough, you’ve got to stop that,” she implored desperately, “aaahhhh, Jesus, I can’t stand that, you’re making me crazy, Denise please make him cut it out…” The teenager screamed in terror as the women suddenly broke off their lesbian embrace and stepped on each side of her, locking their arms around her and holding her in place for more of the animal licking. The women held her writhing in place over the dog’s tongue, ignoring her desperate begging, and the huge Shepherd never even noticed the blonde teen’s tearful pleading, his wide tongue still stroking maddeningly against her twitching clit.

“God, god, please, please stop him, I can’t stand it, that’s too intense, Sally you’re driving me crazy with it,” she gasped, “ooohh, no, you’re killing me, Rex, you sonofabitch, that’s all I can stand right now. Please please please Denise get him away, aahhhhh, Jesus…”she wailed shrilly.

Linda twisted and wriggled frantically between the redhead woman and the giggling brunette, who held her upright and pinned solidly in place as the Shepherd’s libidinous tongue washed over her open snatch, spreading her lips wide and sliding over her clit like a velvet ribbon. Even as she pleaded with the women and the slavering animal, Linda felt excruciating gratification under the dog’s tireless licking and delicate tongue, remembered Denise fondling and stroking his ears earlier as he exquisitely lapped her dissolving snatch. The graphic memory of last night, her frenzied screaming muffled by a velvet gag, made goosebumps stand out on her shaking breasts and her nipples throbbed into swollen hard erection.

“Aaahhhh, please, Sally, Rex, no more, please no,” Linda sobbed, shivers racing over her belly and up across her shaking tits, “I can’t stand it, you can’t just let him keep doing it to me. Please, please don’t let him do that to me any more, Denise,” the shattered blonde screamed hysterically, “it’s too much, ooohhhh, no, aaahhhhh…”

Closing her eyes, the overwhelmed girl again began slowly twitching her hips from side to side, swiveling her rhythmically clamping ass in circles, sliding the flickering dog tongue around her dripping pussy. Rex lapped zealously at her bronze-curled bush, and Linda gasped and giggled as Sally reached down to spread her lips with one hand, Denise stroking the Shepherd’s head with the other. Responding to her panting encouragement, the heavy dog extended his maneuvers, licking up across her bush onto her twitching belly and down to her thighs, washing her entire crotch.

“Mmmmmmm, oh yeah, that’s good big dog,” Linda whispered hoarsely, as the brunette scratched Rex affectionately behind the ears, “I have to admit it, Sally, Denise, that’s so good, Rex, go on baby, do it to Linda real nice, don’t stop good dog. Aahh, oh, mmmmmm, yes, yes, yes!”

Leaning forward against her chains, Linda stared into the mirror, moaning faintly each time the warm tongue tip lapped over her clit while Denise patted and massaged the slavering Shepherd’s neck and shoulders. As the redhead bent forward and kneaded her way further down his back, Rex pulled his dripping muzzle momentarily from between her legs and stretched up to lick the panting blonde across her quivering tits; Linda’s breath caught in her throat as the wet rough tongue stroked over her aching, rigid pink nipples.

Denise cradled the gasping blonde’s goosebumped jugs in her hands, holding the soft mounds steady as the Shepherd licked the girl’s crinkled areolas until the electric tingling of her stiff sensitive nipples made the excited teenager weak in the knees. Gasping, she straightened up, lifting her drool glistening tits away from the dog’s rasping tongue; Rex instantly shoved his muzzle back between her spread thighs and began working at her snatch.

The big dog gave a fervent bark and diligently started licking rapidly at her dripping snatch; the captive blonde moaned in ecstasy as she felt the slippery animal tongue snaking deep into her spread lips and into her dissolving snatch. Twitching, shuddering, Linda groaned feebly and panted desperately for breath as Rex panted and lapped over her saturated crotch. Collapsing into sexual frenzy, the delirious blonde writhed and shivered enraptured on the rhythmic doggie licking while the Shepherd slavered and whined with delight between her legs. Twisting and writhing in ecstasy over the panting animal, the sweat drenched blonde shrieked incoherently to the huge Shepherd as her mind dissolved and gushed out through her pulsating twat.

“Oh god, lick me hard, good dog,” she howled hysterically, thrusting her hips and jamming the Shepherd’s furry snout against her clitoris, “come on now, Rex, do it hard good boy, lick Linda, please lick Linda real hard.”

“Oooohh, Jesus, that’s terrific, don’t stop now Rex, go on baby, lick hard, make him do it all to me, Sally, please make him do me, oh lick Linda real hard good dog,” Linda shrieked through gritted teeth, “aaahhh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes, lick me for Denise, lover dog.” Feeling the approaching orgasm surging in her dripping snatch, the squirming blonde screamed “Do it now, Rex, mmmmm, lick me now now now, unnh, oohhh god Sally oh my god help me, lick hard, lick me real hard, I can’t stand it Denise please oh please, Jesus yes big dog, I’m gonna cream all over you…”

“Aaahhhh, please, Rex, do it now, please don’t ever stop,” she implored, shivers rolling over her belly and up over her stiff nippled tits, “please don’t stop now, good boy, I’ll keep doing this with you forever, sweetheart, please please don’t stop doing that to me, it’s too much, ooohhhh, aaahhhhh!”

Linda choked off as the thunderous orgasm roared up her spine; Sally sensually rubbed her aching pink nipples as the teenager’s lean tanned body heaved and shuddered under the big dog’s unflagging licking. The girl screamed deep in her throat, over and over again as the dog lapped frantically at her spasming pussy; shaking and sobbing, the creaming blonde-haired captive kept bucking and thrusting at the whining Shepherd’s muzzle, writhing in waves of volcanic come while she twisted and jerked over his hot tongue. She was ready to start screaming again when Sally tapped the big dog lightly on his dripping muzzle and said, “Back off, Rex, off good boy. Linda feels good now, big boy, back off.”

The Shepherd instantly pulled his nose from between Linda’s legs and sat panting between her ankles; Denise and Sally held the weak-kneed blonde swaying on her feet between them as she shivered and moaned incoherently, reaching imploringly toward the motionless animal for a little more. Linda hung gasping and groaning over the big dog’s jaws, still delirious with the intensity of her astounding brain-bending animal orgasms.

“What a good, good girl you are, baby,” Denise crooned in her ear, giving the sweating teenager a quick, tongue-squirming kiss as she unhooked the chains at Linda’s wrists, “you were beautiful, such a good, good girl. Denise and Sally are so proud of you, angel, you did it absolutely perfect with him. See, I told you Rexie wouldn’t hurt you, didn’t I? And now you know, that furry lover really just wants to help a pretty girl feel good, see? Now you feel so good and you learned so well, you’re our good, good girl.”

“You did it real well for us, sweetheart,” the redhead added, turning Linda’s head toward her and giving the girl a soft kiss while the brunette knelt to unchain the girl’s ankles, “I’m very happy at how well you’ve behaved and how quickly you’re learning. You’re very smart and you are a good girl. If you keep taking directions and doing this well, I think you’ll be the best girl we’ve ever had, really.”

The two women half-carried the staggering blonde over to the king-size waterbed; Denise propped up the half-fainting blonde while Sally slipped the lace nightie off her shoulders. The women laid the quivering teenager gently on the bed, and Linda gasped at the feel of silky thick fur sliding under her throbbing ass. The teenager was so exhausted she could hardly move and she was only half-aware of Denise slipping the high-heeled mules off; she could barely keep her eyes open as both women quietly unhooked the garter straps from her silk hose and peeled her out of the stockings and garter belt. Denise slipped quickly out of the room and returned with warm moist towels to wipe the dog-drool and come of the stunned teen’s crotch and quivering thighs. The redhead and the brunette sat on the padded side-rails and smiled down approvingly at the blonde as she lay panting and wriggling on the luxurious fur.

“That was certainly a nice way to start the afternoon with you, angel,” Sally said with a smile, “but you look like you could use a little down time right now, huh? Let Deni and me clean up these dishes and we’ll come back and take you for a walk, angel.”

Sally waved the big dog out of the room and Denise hustled off with the trays of empty plates and bowls; Linda lay gasping for breath and numb with shock, waiting in her room until the two women returned for her. Stunned by the intensity of her own response to the animal’s skillful lapping, the girl kept recalling the scenes of herself in the mirror; she struggled up off the bed, staggered across the room, pulled a sheer silk chemise from the armoire and wrapped herself uselessly in the transparent fabric, feeling more naked than ever.

Linda told herself that her best hope was to go along with the redhead and the brunette, try and keep them happy until she could figure out how to get away. She ran over from the windows as the lock clicked and gave Denise a big hug as the brunette opened the door; as she stepped into the hallway, Linda gave Sally a quick kiss on the cheek.

The redhead held her by the wrist, turned Linda’s face toward her and gave the blonde a long and thorough kiss. Linda closed her eyes and gasped in surprise as Sally’s tongue darted between her lips; the redhead held the teenager in place for a long minute, working her tongue deeper into the blonde’s mouth. Sally kept the girl locked motionless by the kiss as she trailed her fingers slowly down Linda’s cheek, and the passive runaway shivered as the woman gently touched her new velvet collar.

Linda’s eyes flew open as she felt the redhead gently rubbing her nipples; Sally’s green eyes locked on her and she held the teenager’s gaze, watching the look in the blonde’s eyes while she casually fondled the girl’s left breast. The redhead dropped the Linda’s wrist and reached up to stroke the teenager’s right nipple; her soft fingertips circled the blonde’s sensitive areolas, sliding the silk slowly over the pink buds until they began to stand up against her touch.

Linda couldn’t look away from Sally’s stare, and the redhead winked at her as she felt the blonde’s nipples stiffening under her fingers. The teenager felt the redhead’s lips smile through the kiss, and she gave a tiny moan when Sally chuckled deep in her throat, tongue squirming in the girl’s mouth. Denise watched approvingly while the redhead rubbed and stroked Linda’s wide areolas until the blonde shivered and broke out in goosebumps, her face flushing red with embarrassment.

Sally kept rolling the teenagers stiff nipples between thumb and forefinger until they were crinkled and fully erect, standing out sharply through the girl’s silk tunic. Linda was breathing hard and her forehead began to bead with sweat; her tongue twitched and then moved hesitantly against Sally’s, responding to the woman’s passionate kiss.

Sally broke off the steamy kiss and stepped back with a wicked laugh the moment she felt the teenager’s reaction, leaving the mortified girl standing flushed and panting with her nipples swollen hard, poking the transparent silk out in high peaks over her tits. The redhead licked her lips and said, “Well, well, what a nice surprise that was for both of us, lover.” She turned and started down the hall, calling, “Come on, baby; walk, good girl.”

Denise giggled and waved Linda after Sally, bringing up the rear as they trooped down the stairs. The redhead turned at the bottom of the stairs and led the teenager along the downstairs hall; Linda caught glimpse of the living room and a very modern kitchen before Sally opened the door to an antique-filled library-study. The French doors on the far end of the long room opened onto the flagstone patio the blonde had seen from her upstairs window. As they passed a large walnut secretary desk by the doors Sally held up her hand and said, “Stay good girl,” and the blonde came to an immediate stop.

Linda was stunned when the redhead opened the front of the desk and pulled out a six-foot chrome-linked leash. The blonde gazed imploringly at Sally, and her heart sank as the redhead responded, “When you go out for a walk you wear a leash, good girl.” She approached the heartsick girl and held up the snap-link, saying, “Still good girl, easy,” as she clipped the chain to the ring on the blonde’s velvet choker.

Linda followed the redhead numbly from the desk, her eyes fixed on the silver chain stretching from her neck to the leather strap around Sally’s wrist. When they reached the open doors the teenager was amazed when Sally tugged once on the leash and again said, “Stay good girl.” The teenager froze at the threshold and turned to look at the redhead in bewilderment. The redhead’s eyes were shining as she stared at the blonde and quietly ordered, “Strip, good girl.”

Linda had thought she was growing immune to the shocks of captivity, but the image of these women parading her around naked on a leash was more than the blonde could bear. She glanced desperately at Denise, but the brunette only nodded and said, “A romp in the sunshine will be good for you, angel. Now do as Sally tell you, sweetheart, you know the rules.” The teenager winced as the redhead tugged once on the chain and commanded, “Strip, good girl.”

Linda heaved a shuddering sigh of despair and slowly untied the sash of her silk robe; the false security of her scanty clothing vanished in the instant she slipped the gown off her shoulders and stood naked in the collar she had accepted and the chain that came with it. Sally held out her hand and waited silently until the blonde handed her the robe; the redhead draped it over the back of a chair and turned to the door, saying “Come on, good girl, walk.”

The sun-warmed stones felt delightful under Linda’s bare feet and the air was filled with the smell of the honeysuckle swarming over the high chain-link fence, screening the back yard from view of the driveway out front. As the women walked her around the soft lawn of the spacious landscaped acreage, the teenager’s embarrassment and humiliation slowly dissipated. Flowerbeds along the gravel walkway to the kennel were a riot of colorful blooms, and lilac and other flowering shrubs scattered around the yard nodded fragrant blossoms in the warm afternoon breeze. The perfectly manicured lawn was soft and clean-feeling under her feet, and she stopped brooding about her nakedness as she realized that the grounds behind the big house were totally private.

The entire back section of the property was fenced off and the dense stands of evergreens everywhere else made it impossible to for anyone to see from anywhere around the front or either side. As Sally and Denise led the teenager around the edges of the vast yard for nearly an hour, Linda saw that tangled walls of wild roses, thorn bush and briers stretched all along the fence-line of the property. She shivered as she suddenly understood why the women had not offered her shoes or clothing; even if she got over the high fence, barefoot and naked, she’d be torn to shreds before she got ten feet away from the yard. The blonde felt a surge of relief when the brunette and the redhead led her back away from the vicious-looking underbrush.

Linda’s heart started pounding as Denise led the way toward the big barn kennel. She faltered behind Sally as the brunette opened the door leading into the dog pens, and the redhead gave her a tug on the leash and a cool green stare as she commanded, “Come on inside, good girl, walk.” Chills rushed up the blonde’s spine and she shivered convulsively as a chorus of deep-throated barking greeted them from inside. The teenager’s pulse was racing and she licked her abruptly-dry lips again and again as she followed Denise and Sally into the shadowy barn; she was lightheaded with anxiety and her round breasts bobbed and jiggled as her breathing quickened with incipient panic.

The fenced runs outside opened into heavy wire-mesh pens inside the converted barn, and the blonde jerked to a horrified stop when she saw the assortment of huge animals awaiting her. Rex scrambled to his feet while two smaller, younger looking Shepherds blinked lazily from a pile of straw in one pen. Linda guessed that the heavy-bodied long-haired monsters with the bone-shaking bark must be wolfhounds, since she recognized the enormous black and white dog in the other pen as a Harlequin Dane. The pens were all large and well-kept, with plenty of room for the three or four animals that shared each section. The teenager noticed that besides Rex, there appeared to be only two full-grown dogs, a thick-haired mature wolfhound and the gargoyle-size Harlequin. The Dane and the wolfhound were even bigger than Rex, and even the younger half-grown animals were larger than the collies or setters she had seen at her friends’ houses.

Sally whistled sharply and clapped her hands, saying “Hush up, good dogs, be quiet now. Hush up.” The well-trained dogs immediately fell silent and looked at the redhead attentively; Rex and the big wolfhound and the long-legged Dane stepped to the front of the pens and sat with their ears pitched forward in expectation.

Denise grabbed Linda by the hand and led her closer to the pens, saying, “Come on, lover, let me introduce you to all our big pretty boys. You’ll get to know them better real soon, but we thought it would be nice if you got a chance to just meet them all first. You already know Rex, of course,” the brunette pointed into the Shepherd pen, “and that’s Hans and Fritz, they’re about eight months old. This big bruiser is Mick, he’s an Irish wolfhound,” she continued.

The wolfhound’s ears pricked up at the sound of his name and Denise blew him a kiss and added, “Tam and Shawn are there with him, they’ll be ten months in just a few weeks.” The brunette pulled Linda over to by the giant Harlequin Dane and said, “This is Prince, lover, and he’s going to become one of your very favorites, I’ll bet. Just look at the cock on that big boy.” The blonde shrank away from the pen was a gasp of horror, and Denise laughed and patted her soothingly on the arm.

“I don’t need to see that, Deni, I wish you wouldn’t try to freak me out with that kind of talk, ” Linda said, her voice quavering, “I really don’t care about that at all and I’m sorry, I know I shouldn’t piss you off after I promised I’d do anything and–”

“And you will, baby, you certainly will,” Denise whispered huskily, “Our big boys just love to screw and they need to get a lot of sex, baby. And since we can see now how quick you’ll really go for that doggie cock, we’re going to have you stay here and we’ll make sure you learn to help them get off just the way they like it. And you know you’re gonna love learning how to do it perfectly for them; Sally and I can tell you’re the kind of girl who’s cut out to be an animal lover.”

Linda’s mind was racing and she nearly retched as she suddenly understood that both Denise and Sally had from the very beginning literally talked to her like she was a pet dog. That’s why they were so glad when I said I was a runaway, the horrified girl realized abruptly, I thought they were afraid of going to court or something. But I told them myself they had just picked up a stray they could use to keep their goddamn dogs in heat.

She had tried to convince herself she should just forget about that unbelievable night in the van with Denise giving her to the big dog, she was still shattered and numb from their horrible dress-up game, and every time she thought it was over they made it worse. Tears filled the shaking teenager’s eyes and she hung her head, sobbing harshly; Linda barely felt Denise softly stroking her hair and whispering soothingly in her ear. She shuddered in total horror as she realized that the brunette was actually petting her and crooning, “Easy, good girl, take it easy, it’s all right, you’re a good good girl…”

“Oh Jesus, please, Denise, Sally, I don’t want to be around that awful dog any more, please no,” Linda begged shrilly, her voice rising toward a shriek as panic overwhelmed her. “You really can’t ask me to do that, I don’t think I can stay here if you expect me to watch or help them do it or something, please please don’t do that to me, it’s too awful to even think about, please, please don’t…”

“Just take it easy, good girl, it’ll be all right. You didn’t mind us hearing you screaming before and there’s nobody else around now, honey,” the brunette said tranquilly, panting warm breath into the shivering blonde’s ear, “you really don’t need to worry and you really can’t run away again, that’s all you need to think about right now. Don’t be afraid of us, good girl, just think about having a good time, learning a few sexy exercises, before you know it you’ll be loving every minute of it, it was fate that put you in that van for us.”

The room went dim and spun around her as Linda felt herself falling; Denise caught her and lowered the blonde gently to the floor as Sally hastily grabbed an old throw rug and flipped it underneath her. Half-fainting with terror, Linda huddled in limp despair, barely able to lift her head as the women moved around her. She hardly realized what was happening when Sally slipped the leash strap off her wrist and handed it to Denise; the blonde jerked to panicked awareness as she heard pen gates opening, but the brunette held the leash short and the teenager had no slack to get to her feet.

Linda’s eyes were wide with fear as Sally quickly opened the pens and let Rex and Mick and Prince out to meet her. The three big dogs circled around the crouching teenager, nostrils flaring as they sniffed at her knees and nuzzled under her arms at her breasts; the animals ranged themselves close in front of her as Sally commanded, “Still, Rex, still Prince, be still good dogs.”

The redhead and the brunette knelt on either side of the blonde and Sally said, “We had a lovely afternoon with a nice lunch and a walk in the yard, and now it’s time to start your real job training lessons, good girl. There’s an awful lot of fuzzy cock in your future, so you’ll need to start getting used to them all today. I want our pretty boys to get used to having you handle them, and you should start to find out how a big dog reacts when you play with his dick.”

“If you start making a lot of noise or try and skip out, you’ll just make it a lot harder for yourself. You haven’t got anywhere to run to, Linda, you haven’t got a dime or a pair of panties to cover your pretty ass with,” Sally added coldly.

“Now here’s the way it works at Fox and Hounds, sweetheart—you can be a mate for our big boys, or you can be a slave. If you decide to be a partner, you get to stay in your nice room, follow directions and break in slow. You go along with the training program, you do exactly what I tell you to when I tell you to do it, and I’ll give you some time to learn to like what you do. If you want to be a slave, I’ll chain down on your hands and knees right now, you stay out here in the kennel and we’ll let all the dogs dick you ’till they get bored with you. They’ll take turns fucking you, so it’ll take days for them to get tired of mounting you. When they’re finished, if I don’t think you’re the kind of girl who can stay with us, I’ll drop you off on the side of the road just like we had you in the back of the truck, half-naked with no shoes. You can hope whoever picks you up next is half as nice as we are.

“Denise and I want to love you and take care of you, but you need to learn how to be a good girl for us,” the redhead concluded with a smile. “Don’t act like you don’t appreciate a beautiful room in the house or you can stay in a pen out here in the kennel, and you won’t like that at all, good girl. One way or another, you’re gonna fuck the big dogs, Linda, so decide right now which way you’re taking it. You can have it hard and fast, or you can take your time and enjoy it, baby. Now tell me how you want it, angel, speak.”

The panic-stricken teenager gazed at her captors in anguish, and the brunette and the redhead watched her in silence, waiting for her answer. Sally pointed to the empty pen beside her without a word, and Linda’s eyes widened as she saw a narrow padded bench bolted to the floor, with chains ready for her wrists and ankles. The hapless blonde realized instantly that she’d be fastened helplessly on all fours, powerless as the animals climbed up on top of her. Her only hope was to cooperate with the women, to accede to their insane demands and buy some time until she could figure out some way to escape.

“I—I want it slow and easy, Sally,” the shattered blonde whispered in despair, “I want to take my time and—and learn to enjoy it, okay?”

“Don’t worry, sweetheart, it’s easy, they’re really very gentle,” Denise said soothingly as Linda’s eyes filled with tears, “they’ll like you a whole lot and they’ll make it easy for you. I’ll help you till you learn how to do it just the way they like it.”

The smiling redhead gave Linda a tender kiss on the cheek as she wiped away the blonde’s tears and added, “You just do what comes naturally and we’ll take good care of you. We’ll teach you everything you need to know to do a good job, angel, but you’ve got to relax and cooperate, you hear? Give sweet Linda another little smoke, Deni, that’ll help her relax.”

The blonde watched apprehensively as Denise put a hand down into her brassiere and pulled a thin joint out from between her breasts. The brunette lit the doobie, sucked in a deep drag, and leaned forward, cupping the girl’s face between her hands; she kissed Linda passionately, her tongue forcing the blonde’s lips open. As Linda gasped in surprise, Denise exhaled straight into her open mouth, puffing the heavy smoke down the girl’s throat, filling her lungs with spicy drug vapor.

The brunette held the shocked blonde in place, breathing more smoke into her mouth as the blonde exhaled through her nose. Denise pulled away and took another deep drag off the joint while Linda broke into a racking cough and gasped for air. The instant the blonde stopped choking, the brunette leaned over and kissed her again, huffing more of the thick, resinous smoke into Linda’s lungs, forcing the hapless girl to hold in the drug. Denise kissed her a third time, and then another, licking the stunned girl’s tongue as she puffed the spicy fumes deeply into the helpless blonde’s lungs. Linda was dizzy and gasping for breath when the brunette finally released her and sat back with a satisfied smile.

“There you go, baby, that’ll help you relax and get in the mood,” the brunette said, passing the joint to the waiting redhead, “you won’t really appreciate the big boys if you’re too tensed up, you need to get in the right frame of mind.” Linda’s ears were ringing and she could feel her pulse surging in her temples.

“Just do what Deni and I tell you and you’ll do fine, good girl,” Sally said, taking a deep drag off the joint as she turned to the waiting animals. “Stand closer, pretty boys, come here close so Linda can reach you. Stand close, good dogs.” The redhead and the brunette knelt down on either side of the stunned blonde, and she swayed dizzily between the women as the dogs moved in toward her.

Denise took Linda’s hand in hers and stretched toward the big Shepherd, saying, “You already know Rex, baby, so let’s start off with him. Rexie really loves to be jacked off, so let Deni show you how to turn him on.” The brunette laid the teenager’s palm on the animal’s shoulder, put her hand gently over Linda’s and moved the blonde’s hand slowly down over his side and along the ribs; the woman chuckled as the Shepherd spread his back legs wider and turned around to gaze at her expectantly.

“Relax, loverpup, she’s gonna do just fine, I promise you,” Denise laughed, then added in a whisper, “oh yeah, big dog, you are most certainly going to have a lot of fun teaching this good girl, you can count on that. Linda’s going to stay here with us so you’ll always have someone to play with your cock, sweetheart, did you know that?”

“Denise is going to put your hand on his dick now, angel,” Sally breathed huskily in Linda’s ear, “and I want you to feel his cock like she shows you. Feel, good girl.”

The brunette was breathing faster as she guided the blonde’s trembling hand deliberately over the Shepherd’s belly and back between the animal’s haunches, sliding Linda’s fingers delicately along each side of his warm dick. The teenager gagged as the big dog’s furry cock began to twitch between her fingers and she closed her eyes as Denise moved her hand again, shaping the shivering girl’s fingers to curl around the animal’s swelling genitals.

“Open your eyes, good girl,” Sally said quietly in her ear, “I want you to watch what happens while you play with his cock, angel. Watch, good girl.” The brunette waited until the teenager opened her eyes and then pulled the blonde further forward, making the blonde lean down to watch as Denise spread the girl’s fingers and gently massaged the Shepherd’s cock sheath, slowly stroking the dog’s crotch as his dick began to stiffen.

“Now here we go, big boy, that’s right,” Denise crooned, using Linda’s hand to stroke the animal’s bristly cock sheath in a slow rhythm. “Just stand still and let Linda make you all hard and happy, okay? Oooh, is that a hardon for our good girl already, sweetheart,” she chuckled, while the Shepherd’s shaft stiffened under the weeping blonde’s fingers and the tip of his pointed cock emerged, “what a good good boy you are, Rexie, getting it up for her already.”

The teenager licked her suddenly dry lips as the brunette wrapped her sweat-slippery fingers gently around the exposed doggie cock, thrusting back the bristly sheath and caressing the smooth length; the Shepherd gave a moaning growl of delight as Denise closed Linda’s fingers and circled gently around his cock. Denise chuckled and crooned soothingly in response to the big dog’s pleading whines; Rex kept up the groaning rumble, and the brunette whispered back as she flexed the blonde’s fingers around his furry sheath and delicately played with the twitching animal’s dick.

“There you go lover, it’s nice and hard for you,” the brunette said, taking her hand off of Linda’s and
sitting back with a smile, “now Sally and I will watch while you go ahead and jack him off for a while. We’ll let you know when to stop.”

“You need to feel what happens to his cock while you stroke him off, sweetheart,” the redhead told the weeping blonde as she handed the , “so I want you to pay attention and really jack him off good for us. Now stroke that pretty dick, good girl, stroke.”

“Oooh, yes yes yes, Rexie,” Denise crooned as Linda’s fingers slid hesitantly up and down the length of the shaft, “that’s beautiful, lover, keep it up.” She circled the blonde’s thumb and forefinger around the base of the dog’s throbbing cock and pumped, slowly, “it makes Denise shiver when you make noise like that, baby. Yeah, that’s right, big dog likes it when Linda does this,” as she clenched the girl’s sweaty hand on the hot animal dick and squeezed gently, “don’t you sweetheart? You stand still, now, still good dog,” when the Shepherd began humping in Linda’s hand, “that’s my lover, yes yes yes, sing for Linda good boy. Yes, Linda’s gonna make you sing, angel.”

Linda tried relaxing her grip, but Denise reached in and closed the blonde’s hand, pumping the pulsing dog cock quickly and smoothly with the girl’s clenched fist, ordering, “Keep it up for him, good girl. Rexie, you be still, Linda will play with your dick a little and you can sing real pretty for her, good boy. And sometime real soon you can make her sing for you.” Rex whined and quivered but stood perfectly still while the chuckling brunette made the silently sobbing teenager fondle his cock. When the Shepherd was panting hard and his dick was practically vibrating under Linda’s hand, Denise finally reached out and slipped the blonde’s fingers off his engorged genitals.

“That’s enough for now, good boy, no more,” the brunette said as the dog whined imploringly and turned to lick the blonde’s retreating hand, “maybe later, good boy, no more right now. Lie down, good boy.” She turned to the teenager and added, “You did very well for a first try, good girl, you really made Rexie sing. You see, it’s easy to do once you put your mind to it, and our pretty boys will be so grateful when you learn to pet their cocks.”

Prince, the enormous Harlequin Dane, had watched with his ears pricked straight up while Denise and Linda masturbated the panting Shepherd. As the teenager brought her hand away from Rex’s crotch and clenched her fists at her sides, the Dane lunged forward and dropped his massive head, shoving his muzzle deep between the blonde’s legs. Linda gave a short shriek of anguish and Denise burst into giggles as the animal snorted and snuffled at the girl’s bush, nearly knocking the blonde over backward as he rooted enthusiastically in her snatch.

Linda snatched for the dog’s collar and Sally snapped, “Be still, good girl, still.” The teenager froze with her hand on the collar, and the redhead reached out with a throaty laugh and laid her hand under Prince’s jaw, levering his muzzle up from the blonde’s crotch.

“No, Prince, no no, good boy,” Sally said, waving a finger in front of his muzzle, “Linda’s not giving any pussy right now big boy, okay? We’re gonna take our time and train this good girl right for pretty dogs, Princie, you hear me? Our good girl is gonna start by giving you a real nice hand job, sweetheart, so you gotta get it up real hot and pretty for her; show our good girl some respect, you animal, I expect you to treat her like a lady, understand?”

The redhead covered the blonde’s hand with hers and moved smoothly as she spoke, running the teenager’s fingers slowly over the dog’s neck, shoulders and back, rubbing over his narrow flanks and onto the Dane’s muscular haunches. “You’ll find there are lots of differences in all our pretty boys, lover,” the redhead said softly, stroking the Dane casually with the blonde’s hand, “just the differences in their coats, for example; Prince’s coat is not like Rex’s, is it good girl?”

“No, Sally, they’re very different,” Linda agreed quietly.

“Tell me what’s different while you feel him up, angel,” Sally commanded. The redhead knelt down beside the girl, brought the blonde’s hand back from the Harlequin’s ribs, then slowly drew the girl’s palm back over the dog’s warm, hairless belly. The redhead started back down the length of the dog’s side, sliding the girl’s palm back and forth over his chest and toward his taut belly and said, “I want you to describe his body to me while you play with his cock, Linda. Tell me all about it, speak, good girl.”

Linda gave a gasp of horrified amazement as she saw the size of the waiting animal’s organ; the Dane’s cock was already huge, longer than the Shepherd’s hardon and nearly as big around as the petrified blonde’s wrist. Prince spread his back legs automatically and he turned his head to stare at stare back at her. Sally leaned close to Linda, drew her hand back from the blonde’s wrist and breathed, “Now speak, good girl.”

With a low moan of despair, Linda reluctantly ran her hand slowly back over the Harlequin’s belly and hesitantly gripped his hairless cock sheath, her fingers caressing the animal’s organ while Sally watched closely. Sally gave Linda a hard look and the blonde knew she couldn’t stall any longer.

“P-Prince’s hair is much shorter than Rex’s, Sally,” she stammered, “and it doesn’t seem as coarse, it’s more like the nap on velvet or something.”

“Talk about how different his dick is, Linda; speak, good girl.” The big Great Dane was wiggling with pleasure, back and belly muscles twitching as the sniffling girl continued gingerly massaging his cock, the thick red shaft emerging even further from the sheath as Linda stared in horrified dismay.

“It’s–his–oh god help me,” the blonde wailed in helpless desperation, “Prince’s cock is smoother, it’s not hairy like Rex’s is, Sally.” She took a deep choking breath and continued brokenly, “It feels hotter, and–and, I guess it feels–harder, too, Sally.”

“Tell me about the sizes of the cocks, baby, speak.”


Chapter Four – Linda Proves That She Can Handle Things

“Prince’s is bigger, I think,” the girl replied, head hanging.

“Prince’s what is bigger, Linda,” Sally demanded, “You know the words to use, now speak, good girl.”

The teenager swallowed convulsively with tears streaming down her cheeks and replied in a whisper, “Prince’s dick is lots bigger than Rex’s dick, Sally; it’s lots bigger around and it’s longer already than Rex got when I–when I jacked him off.”

The weeping blonde caught her breath as Prince dropped his head and gave a her long doggie rumble of encouragement; she jerked in surprise and her breasts bounced and jiggled as the Great Dane spread his back legs wider and turned around to gaze back at her hand imploringly.

“I think Princie wants our angel girl to give him his special treatment, Sally,” Denise said with a giggle, “You know he likes it best when it’s really slick and slippery for him.”

“You’re right, Deni, that’s a great idea,” the redhead replied, “Pretty Linda might as well learn to do things right the first time, keeping the big boys happy is her responsibility now, and they all like it that way. Go ahead and give her the oil now.”

The brunette scrambled eagerly to her feet and went to a cabinet near the pens; she pulled a dark green bottle from the shelf and came back to kneel beside the hapless teenager.

“Hold out your hand, angel,” Denise commanded, pulling the cork from the bottle, “cup it a little so I can pour some of this for you.”

The teenager quickly took her fingers off the Harlequin’s cock and extended her hand; the brunette spilled a puddle of dark green, thin oil into Linda’s palm.

“This is Kama Sutra oil, angel,” Denise said, “it’s really great stuff and I just know you’re going to like using it. It’s special natural oil with all kinds of herb extracts and stuff in it; it’s not greasy, but it’s super slippery and it gets warmer as you work with it. It smells wonderful and it tastes real spicy.”

The brunette dipped her finger in the oil and held it up to Linda’s lips. “Open up, sweetheart, sweetheart,” she ordered, “take a little taste for Deni.” As Linda started to say she really didn’t want to taste the nasty looking stuff, the brunette thrust her finger between the blonde’s open lips and said, “I want you to try this, angel; lick it off my finger, baby, you need to learn to do what you’re told.” She rubbed her finger over the startled girl’s tongue as she spoke, and the teenager gasped as the spicy stuff instantly made her mouth water. “See, it’s really good, isn’t it, angel?” the woman demanded, watching the startled teenager swallow and lick her lips.

“Wow, it really does taste good, Denise,” Linda said, “it is spicy, it’s like cinnamon and mint and I don’t know what all. I was afraid you were putting me on, but that’s not bad at all, really.”

“Now rub it on your hands and spread it on the big dog’s dick, baby,” Sally commanded, “it’ll get lots warmer as you work it, and that hot slippery action on his cock just makes Princie really excited. Go ahead, Linda,” the redhead said as the teenager stared in shock, “oil up that big pretty dick for him right now.”

Linda hesitantly brought her hands together and spread the green liquid over her palms and fingers; Denise instantly took her wrists and guided the teenager’s hands back to the waiting Harlequin’s genitals. The brunette slid the blonde’s hands over the dog’s cock, and Prince gave an enthusiastic bark as the girl’s fingers spread the thin oil over his rigid member.

“Keep playing with it,” Sally ordered, “you can jack Princie off a little while you tell me which one of those sweet doggie dicks you think you’re going to like better. Talk to me about that, speak good girl.”

Linda gave a low moan and then cupped the wriggling animal’s huge balls in the palm of her hand to keep from rubbing his throbbing cock. She tried to avoid Sally’s gaze, watching her own fingers delicately caressing the nearly hairless skin of the eager animal’s genitals.

“Oh god, Sally, I don’t know,” the blonde groaned in anguish, “I can’t tell you… I-I don’t…” the girl started to shake her head and gasped in despair as the redhead simply pointed to the empty pen and the upholstered bench. Linda bought a few more seconds by circling her fingers around the dog’s nuts again and gently fondling them in silence. As the big Dane’s dick swelled larger and his cockhead thrust still further from the sheath, she took a deep breath, slid her hand out from under his massive nuts and gently gripped the smooth hot cock in her slippery fingers. The animal gave an imploring whine and wagged his tail as Linda awkwardly milked his dick a few gentle strokes.

“I-it’s hard for me to say, Sally,” the blonde choked despairingly, “it’s hard for me to make a choice about–between–about which dog cock I like best…”

“Then just keep pumping on his dick while you think about it, lover,” the redhead said softly, “Deni and I can wait as long as it takes, and that Kama Sutra oil stimulates nerves and makes his dick more sensitive the longer you work with it. Princie certainly won’t mind if he comes all over you while you’re making up your mind.”

The aroused Harlequin’s cock was rock hard and the slippery oil grew hotter in her hand as the hapless teenager jacked him off in numb silence. The thick red shaft of the dog’s long cock was fully extended, and the ten-inch length slowly turned brighter red as the horrified blonde stroked him mechanically, brain-locked in panic. Linda gasped in shock as hot fluid started dribbling from the big dog’s dick; it mingled with the oil on his dick, filling her hand, dripping off her fingers and running back down her wrist.

“Oh my God, what’s he doing?” the teenager demanded with horror, “That’s not–I mean, he’s not, please tell me that he isn’t—isn’t…?”

“Relax, angel, that’s just pre-come,” Sally responded with a chuckle, “It just means you’re starting to make him happy, that’s all. See, dog bitches don’t get all wet like human bitch pussies do, Linda,” she continued, “so male dogs start putting out lubrication as soon as they get a hardon, to make sure they can get it in good. He’ll keep on doing that as long as you stroke him.”

“Don’t worry, sweetheart,” Denise added with a giggle, “he’s not coming for you yet, not by a long shot. It takes a lot more stimulation than that to make this big boy come, believe me. You just keep milking it for him and watch what happens when he starts to get more worked up.”

The stunned teen couldn’t take her eyes off the animal’s enormous organ, and she stared in mortified fascination as the thick cock twitched and throbbed in her hand. Sally and Denise watched with wide smiles as the huge Dane began fucking strongly into the blonde’s hand, whining eagerly with his belly arching as he shoved his hot dick rapidly through her lightly-clenched fingers. The teenager stared in amazement as a large lump formed near the base of the dog’s cock, growing larger as the watched in disbelief. She turned toward the redhead, and Sally answered before Linda could even get out the question.

“That’s his knot, baby,” she whispered softly, “and it’s supposed to be there, it’s perfectly natural. When he gets it inside his bitch, it swells up and ties them together to make sure his come stays in her real good. You’ll get used to seeing them, and feeling them sometime later; it’s just another way for you to know you’re doing a good job for him, he’s getting closer to coming.”

Linda felt the bulge starting to swell at the base of the animal’s cock and knew she had to do something quickly; the mortified teenager knew she couldn’t face having the big dog start creaming all over her hand without screaming

“I guess I-like Prince’s cock better, Sally,” she gasped quickly, loosening her grip a little, “I think it’s, it’s better being so smooth. With no hair on it, it’s less–it’s not so much like, like-it’s not like–”

“Not so much like having a big dog’s dick in your hand, angel, is that it?” Sally asked with a chuckle.

“Yeah, that’s it,” Linda choked, “it’s not so much like having a big dog’s dick in my hand, Sally.”

“All right, lover, you can let him go now,” the redhead laughed, “I don’t want our pretty boy to waste all that hot come shooting it in your hand anyway.” The girl instantly released the Harlequin’s throbbing member and shoved both hands into her crotch, panting for breath.

“Besides, Mick hasn’t had his turn yet, baby,” Denise added quietly, “and you need to feel his nice furry dick before you make up your mind once and for all. You’re lucky you decided before big Prince started creaming, sweetheart,” the smiling brunette continued as the Dane lay down next to Linda and began licking at his dick determinedly, “otherwise you’d have to make Mick come, and then Rexie too; we have to make sure you be fair to all our good boys.”

Linda stared in amazement as the huge Harlequin continued lapping at his giant cock, stroking his tongue enthusiastically over the stunning red-pink shaft; the blonde didn’t realize she was watching the big dog with such intent fascination until the redhead tapped her gently on the shoulder. The teenager gave a startled twitch and looked up to see Sally’s green eyes fixed on her nipples; when the girl looked down at her tits, she flushed beet-red as she saw that her areolas were crinkling, her nipples hardening.

“Very pretty, lover,” Sally drawled, “and it’s nice to know that you’re so interested in our big boys. Don’t worry, Linda,” she continued with a laugh, “you’ll get to help him real soon.”

“But first you have to finish this lesson by playing with Mick’s pretty dick, lover,” Denise said, tugging the wolfhound’s collar to move him in front of the speechless blonde. “Mickie’s cock is different from Rex’s and Prince’s too,” the brunette continued, “it’s covered with nice soft fur instead of naked like Prince or bristly like Rex. It’ll be like having a big teddy-bear’s dick to play with.”

Beside the shocked blonde Prince started whining urgently and licking more strongly at his swollen, glowing red cock; the bulge at the base of his dick looked bigger than a baseball to the amazes teenager. Linda couldn’t look away as the big dog began twitching and jerking next to her thigh and abruptly started spurting jets of milky come, splashing it around with his tongue as he kept lapping furiously at his pulsing dick. The blonde imagined she could see the big dog’s nuts throb as he shot spurt after spurt; she gasped when the spasming Dane’s tongue missed his cock on one stroke and the jet of hot come shot two or three feet onto the kennel floor. When the big dog finally stopped licking at himself and flopped panting onto his side, she looked up guiltily to find Sally and Denise watching her intently. When the blonde followed the redhead’s gaze downward to her taut jugs she was horrified to see her nipples had stiffened fully erect while she watched the big Harlequin creaming.

“It’s all right, good girl, don’t say a word,” Sally chuckled at the teenager’s mortification, “and don’t be too disappointed, lover. You’ll get to do it for him soon.”

“But Mick is next, angel,” Denise said, spilling more oil into Linda’s hands and pressing the red-faced blonde’s palms to the waiting wolfhound’s cock, “just look, this big pretty boy is dying to meet you.”

As the hapless blonde reluctantly stroked the wolfhound’s organ, the brunette dripped some of the Kama Sutra oil onto her fingers and began gently rubbing it over the teenager’s erect nipples. Linda caught her breath with a gasp as the woman’s slick fingertips slid over her areola; the teenager swallowed convulsively as the oil grew warmer and warmer as the brunette stroked the tips of her breasts.

“I want you to talk to Mick for us, baby,” Sally commanded as Linda’s slick fingers spread the liquid over the dog’s cock, “like Denise did with Rex, remember? Like you talked to Rex while he was being so nice to you. Talk sweet to Mick while you jack him off, and keep talking to him. Speak, good girl.”

Linda was distraught and perversely captivated by the warm tingling of her swollen nipples as she began fondling the big dog. She was revolted by her own arousal with the panting animals, but the girl couldn’t ignore the sensation from the stiff peaks of her nipples. Linda drew her hand back and rubbed her slippery palms together; as Denise and Sally watched in silence, the obedient runaway slowly reached back and eased her fingers onto the dog’s genitals. Mick spread his back legs automatically as he felt the teenager’s fingers on his dick and turned his head to stare at her.

Sally knelt down beside Linda, picked up the bottle of Kama Sutra oil and dripped more of the green liquid onto the blonde’s taut breasts. As Denise spread the oil and began massaging it over the girl’s tits with both hands, the redhead dripped more of the fluid on her own fingers and reached down between Linda’s legs. The teenager choked back a groan as she felt the woman’s fingers spreading the slippery oil over her clitoris; she closed her eyes and gave a convulsive shiver as the oil heated up under the redhead’s gentle stroking.

“Relax, big boy, we’re gonna do just fine, I promise you,” Linda said with a shudder, then added in a nearly inaudible whisper, “oh yeah, big dog, you are certainly going to have a lot of fun with Linda, Sally and Denise will make sure of that.” Linda ran her hand back over the wolfhound’s fuzzy nuts and soft-furred cock sheath, her fingers caressing the warm organ, “They’re going to have Linda taking lessons from you for days, sweetheart, did you know that?”

The big dog was wriggling with obvious enjoyment, back and belly muscles twitching as the aroused girl continued running her hands over his genitals. The blonde caught her breath as Mick dropped his head and gave a low doggie whine of pleading and encouragement; Linda gave a low moan of dismay as her crotch throbbed under the redhead’s skillful fondling. She felt a stab of sudden panic as Denise and Sally reached down to put a hand on each knee and spread her legs wider, and turned to gaze at her captors imploringly.

The mesmerized teen was breathing harder as she worked her slippery hands deliberately between the animal’s spread haunches, sliding her fingers daintily along each side of his warm, oil-covered dick. Linda swallowed hard as the big dog’s hardening cock pulsed and twitched between her hands and leaned closer to watch as she spread her fingers and gently massaged his balls and cock sheath, slowly working the dog’s cock up to a thick hardon.

“Now here we go, big boy, that’s right,” she crooned, stroking the animal’s cock sheath in a slow rhythm. “Just stand still and let Linda make you all hot and bothered, okay? Oooh, you have a hardon for Linda already, sweetheart,” she whispered huskily, as her belly twitched and shivered under the women’s gentle masturbation, “what a good good boy you are, Mickie, getting it up for me already. Denise is right, lover, jacking you off is just like having a big teddy-bear dick to play with.”

The stiff-nippled blonde licked her suddenly dry lips and wrapped her slick fingers around the exposed pink
doggie cock, thrusting back the cock sheath with one hand and caressing the slippery length gently with the other. The wolfhound gave another moaning growl of entreaty as the panting blonde’s fingers circled teasingly around his cock. Linda giggled and crooned soothingly in response to the big dog’s pleading whines; Mick kept up the groaning rumble, and she whispered back as she stroked his heavy balls and delicately toyed with the twitching animal’s dick. Perspiration beaded on the girl’s forehead and slid slowly down her temples as Sally and Denise kept up their maddening massage of her breasts and clit. The teenager’s tits had become exquisitely sensitive from the Kama Sutra oil, and Linda quivered and shook as the brunette’s fingers slid tantalizingly over her rigid nipples.

“Oooh, yes yes yes, Mick boy,” her fingertips slid up and down the length of the redpink spear, “that’s beautiful, lover, keep it up,” she circled her thumb and forefinger around the base of the dog’s throbbing cock and pumped slowly, “it makes Linda shiver when you talk back like that, baby. Yeah, that’s right, big dog likes it when Linda does this,” gripping the hot animal dick and squeezing gently, “don’t you sweetheart?”

The aroused teenager was panting for breath and shivers raced over her body as the redhead and the brunette continued the hypnotic sexual massage. She gave a strangled moan of ecstasy as Sally’s finger centered on her clitoris and rubbed exquisitely over the throbbing button.

“You stand still, now, still good dog,” Linda gasped when the wolfhound started whining and humping into her hand, “that’s my lover, yes yes yes, you want to sing for Linda too, don’t you good boy. Yes, Linda’s gonna make you sing just like Rexie did, angel,” relaxing her grip and pumping the pulsing dog cock quickly and smoothly, “keep it up; you be still, I’ll play with your dick a little and you can sing real pretty for Sally and Denise and me.”

Mick whined and quivered but stood absolutely still for Linda while the fascinated girl dallied tantalizingly with his cock. When the big dog was panting hard and shivering under her hands, Linda slipped her left hand back to cuddle his throbbing nuts, wrapped her right hand firmly around his dick and began pumping him solidly, milking his cock as he shivered in her grip. Stroking her left hand over his crotch, she rubbed his furry nuts, circled her oil-slick fingers easily around his pulsing cock and jacked off the full length of his hot furry erection.

The big dog turned again to stare at her in delight as he felt her rapidly stroking his dick and the entranced blonde leaned close to the massive wolfhound, staring in fascination at his cock as she jacked him off. Her nipples were inflamed and throbbing under Denise’s fingers, and Linda could feel her snatch pulsing toward orgasm as the redhead stroked her clitoris in a gentle steady rhythm.

“Excellent, good girl,” Sally breathed in her ear, and Linda jerked instantly upright, “you can stop now,” she chuckled, “or you can keep stroking that pretty doggie dick if you want to.”

The aroused blonde hesitated for a second before she let go of the big animal’s cock, and the two women burst into laughter as she dropped her face into her hands in embarrassment. The teenager’s mind was a whirl of disgust, lust and confusion, and she was stunned to realize that she had momentarily forgotten that Sally and Denise were watching every move and listening to her soft whispers as she masturbated the big dog. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes shone with embarrassed excitement when she dropped her hands at last and looked from Denise’s wide smile to Sally’s green-eyed look of approval.

“Oh sweetheart, you were so beautiful with him,” Denise praised, giving the hard-breathing teenager a quick tongue-filled kiss, “I’m so proud of you, lover. See, you do like our big pretty boys, you do, don’t try to hide it; Sally and I can tell, baby, you want to make our good boys come, you can’t deny it. Oh honey, you mustn’t be ashamed, we told you those pretty doggie hard-ons were too much to resist.”

“You did very well, good girl,” Sally said, giving Linda a warm kiss and rubbing the blonde’s stiff nipples excruciatingly with her thumbs, “and we’re very pleased that you’re responding so well to your

The redhead scrambled to her feet and let the teenager’s leash dangle loose as Denise returned the three big dogs to their pens. The two women closed in on the sweating, distraught teenager when she staggered to her feet, giving her one passionate French kiss after another. Sally and Denise kept kissing her while they fondled her slick nipples, caressed her ass and ran their fingers teasingly through her bronzed oil-dripping bush till she was gasping for breath. Linda gave a low moan as the brunette and the redhead continued feeling her up, shivering and panting as the women’s hands roved over her body.

Denise and Sally kept stroking the overwhelmed teenager until she was writhing under their touch; when the trembling blonde hesitantly reached up and put her hand on Denise’s breast, the two women instantly stepped away, leaving the panting girl shaking with desire at the end of her silver leash.

“Why Linda, what a horny little thing you are,” Denise cooed as the teenager stared pleadingly at her, “you’re dying to give it up to somebody, aren’t you lover. Playing with those big doggie dicks really made you hot, didn’t it good girl.”

“It’s all right, sweetheart, you don’t have to start pretending to be ashamed again,” Sally said softly, “it’s just our secret, okay? Denise and I know now that you really do want it and we’re going to make sure you get plenty. This is only the beginning, Linda baby; you’re gonna get dicked all night long by one of our pretty boys one of these days, won’t that be fun? I promise you that, lover, it will be fun for both of you. Just think about being underneath one of our big fuckers in the next couple weeks, angel; one of those sweet furry cocks is gonna do you till you can’t get your breath anymore.” The redhead tugged once at the blonde’s leash and leaned to whisper in the girl’s ear, “I’m gonna have them fuck your brains out, lover; I want to see you come till you can’t even move.”

Linda would have passed out if she wasn’t already in a state of shock that left her numb and bewildered. She stared woodenly at the two women until Sally tugged gently at her leash and said, “Come on, good girl, walk with us,” and headed toward the door. Denise patted her gently and added, “Come, good girl, come with Sally.” The blonde hastened after the redhead as the leash pulled at her collar; Linda sucked in a gasping breath as she stepped out of the kennel at Sally’s heels. The teenager kept shivering in the warm sun of late afternoon as the women walked her slowly back toward the house.

As they neared the rear of the flagstone patio, Sally led the blonde off the gravel path and onto the smoothly-trimmed lawn and over to the side of the pool area. She pulled the teenager on to a group of heavy redwood furniture with bright puffy cushions, grouped around a round table with a striped umbrella.

“Lay down here, good girl,” the redhead commanded, patting one of the heavy loungers, “you can get some sun here while Denise and I go take care of some things. The bathing suit lines really show off your tits and ass, but I can’t wait to see you in an all-over tan.” Linda watched in silence as Sally casually draped the silver leash back over her shoulder and let it dangle down behind the redwood chaise.

“Sally’s right, angel,” the brunette chimed in, “your nipples will look even prettier standing up from tan tits. Lie down, good girl, while Sally and I go fix dinner. You take it easy and relax here for a while and then we’ll think about some lesson review. We can have a bite to eat and then Sally and I can spend some time with you while we all go over what you’ve learned today.”

Linda sank down on the soft lounge cushions with a moan of despair; suddenly imagining herself writhing and screaming with Rex or Mick licking between her legs made her suddenly gag. The numb blonde had been able to keep herself from thinking about what the animals had done to her and how she had acted with her lesbian captors, but now Denise and Sally planned to make her talk about doing things over and over with the big dogs. Linda threw herself back into the yielding lounge pillows and closed her eyes, tears leaking out and dripping slowly down her flushed cheeks.

“Easy good girl, take it easy,” Denise crooned softly, reaching down to rub the weeping teenager gently on the back of the neck and behind the ears, “it’s all right really, you’ll see. You’re such a pretty girl, angel, the puppies are having so much fun with you. And you’re having a good time too, sweetheart, you might as well admit it, ’cause we can see how your attitude changes once you get started. First you get over being freaked out because it’s something you’ve never done before, and then you get over being freaked out about what people have told you you’re supposed to think and feel. Once you let go of that, you really get into it, lover, you know you like it and you know you want more of it.”

Linda looked up stricken as the brunette bent down and lightly stroked her nipples; Denise gave her a soft and tender kiss, then straightened up and said, “You’ll see in a little while, angel. You just relax and let us take care of everything; I’m going to go help while Sally starts to fix us all a good dinner. After dessert we’ll clean up and come up to your room; we’ll help you get pretty and then we can all go over your lesson review.”

“That’s right, lover,” Sally added with a grin, “Denise and I have great ways to help you concentrate; I really can’t wait till you see the hungry look on your face when you’re watching one of our big boys come for you. Lie there and think about it, baby, while Deni and I go get things ready inside. You watch yourself and turn over in a little while, angel; we wouldn’t want those pretty nipples to get sunburned, now would we? Lay still, good girl, still.”

The two women walked across the patio and into the house without another word, leaving the shattered teenager alone with her collar and leash and her thoughts. The brooding runaway was so obsessed with her churning emotions that she completely forgot about going for a swim; by the time Denise stepped out onto the patio and waved her inside for dinner, the girl was dripping with sweat and had to run upstairs for a shower.

The brunette and the redhead again took turns feeding Linda every bite of dinner; the two women chattered casually with Linda as the teenager ate, and Denise and Sally took turns making conversation with the suddenly-paranoid blonde. Sally made sure Linda saved some of her milk again, then picked up the covered dish and set it in front of Linda’s plate, saying, “You’ll really like these fresh-baked shortbread treats, good girl.”

Linda’s eyes filled with tears as she saw the shortbread cookies, golden-brown and delicious as she already knew; but now the blonde really understood why they were the bone-shape of dog biscuit treats, and she nearly gagged at the sight. The captive blonde thought she couldn’t be more mortified, but the woman’s next words showed Linda she really had no idea how depraved the redhead and her brunette companion could be.

“These are for our review of what you’ve been taught so far, angel,” Sally said with a warm smile. “You’ll be learning a lot of new things over the next few weeks, and we’re going to go over them every couple of nights while your training goes on. Deni and I will sit with you while you watch the videotapes.”

“What do you mean, videotapes?” Linda asked in horror, trying not to believe what she was hearing.

“Why, the videotapes of you, sweetheart,” Denise chimed in with a smile, “the tapes of your daily lessons. Our training program uses the same methods champion athletes do, baby; there are cameras everywhere, angel, and every time you practice with one of the puppies, you go on tape. Sally and I will watch them with you in the evening, and we’ll point out all the spots where you can improve; we can even go to slow-motion to make sure you see where you made a mistake so you can do better the next time.”

Deni picked up the tray of biscuit cookies, and the women walked the mortified teenager into the living room and sat her on the couch across from the big-screen television. The brunette set the tray on the table in front of the blonde and sat beside the trembling girl while the redhead turned on the TV and shoved a VCR tape in the slot. Sally came and sat on Linda’s other side, picked up the remote and started the tape; Linda saw that it was her room, but couldn’t figure out the point of view.

The blonde’s eyes widened as she saw herself come into the picture in lingerie and stockings and stand looking into the camera; when she saw Sally putting the high heels on her, Linda suddenly understood that the camera had been in back of the huge mirror; she watched the screen anxiously as the brunette buckled the bracelets around her wrists and began chaining her in place “When we get to an important spot, I’ll stop the tape, give you a treat and say one of the command words, angel,” Sally said huskily, putting the tape on pause, “You will repeat the word back to me and eat your treat and then tell us what that word means you do with the pretty boys, understand?”

The redhead waited until Linda nodded reluctantly, then handed the blonde a shortbread milk-bone and said softly, “Stay, good girl.”

“Stay means,” Linda choked and washed the cookie down with a swallow of milk, “stay means I should stay right where you want me to be and wait for what happens next, Sally.” The blonde gasped as the tape started up, showing Denise feeling Linda up while she stared into the camera. Linda couldn’t look away from the screen, and it felt eerie, she’d been staring into the mirror, which meant her image on tape kept looking her straight in the eyes.

“Excellent, sweetheart, that’s right,” Sally answered. “Someday we can leave your door open and you’ll stay now because you want to stay, not because we tell you to stay.” The smiling redhead handed the girl another milk bone and added, “Strip, good girl.”

“Strip,” the teenager whispered softly and took a bite of the bone cookie, “strip means I should take off all my clothes for you, Sally.” She nearly choked as the cookie stuck in her throat.

“Very good, baby, you did a nice strip act for us and I know you’ll get better as days go by.” Denise whispered, stroking the trembling girl’s neck gently, “Sally and I will teach you that you only get dressed so you’ll have something to take off for us.” The brunette handed Linda another cookie and added, “Let’s look at the tape again baby; still, good girl.” The blonde’s eyes filled with tears as she watched Denise slowly kissing and licking at her nipples on the screen; she flinched when the brunette sitting beside her began blowing softly into her ear.

“Still means I shouldn’t move or do anything,” Linda answered, chewing the shortbread while Denise trailed kisses down her neck, “I’m supposed to just wait and not move till you tell me I can do something else, Sally.”

“That’s perfect, angel, wonderful,” the redhead replied, while the brunette reached and began gently fingering Linda’s nipples, “Of course, pretty soon you’ll learn when to move, and you’ll do it because you like it that way, but right now you need to be told how to act.” She handed the girl another cookie bone and continued, “Spread, good girl.” The teenager felt a surge of fear and nausea as Rex the German Shepherd appeared on the screen and sat between her ankles.

“Spread,” Linda swallowed and licked her lips, “spread means I need to spread my legs for the dog to lick me, Sally.” She stared in anguish as her video image spread her legs and was chained at the ankles.

“That’s right, baby, it does,” Sally responded, “or for Deni or me, angel, when we get to that point. And wait till you see how much fun it’ll for you when you’ve learned to love to do it.” On the screen, the huge Shepherd lapped steadily between Linda’s legs as she stood with her eyes closed. “Now let’s try this one,” Sally added, handing Linda another cookie, “Watch, good girl.” Linda moaned softly as she saw herself on the screen, obediently opening her eyes to stare down at the animal crouched between her knees.

“Watch means,” she answered in a whisper, “that I have to keep my eyes open and to see everything he’s doing to me, Sally.”

“That’s not quite right, angel,” the redhead responded with a frown, “Watch means that you GET to watch what the pretty boy does to make you happy, baby, that’s the way you should say it, OK?”

“All right Sally, if that’s what you want,” Linda answered numbly, “watch means I get to watch what the pretty boy does to make me happy.” The teenager forced herself to swallow her cookie and watch the dog lapping her on television while Denise continued fondling her stiff nipples. On the screen, Linda’s forehead was beaded with sweat and she gasped as the big dog’s tongue lathered over her bush, onto her thighs and up to her flat belly, then dropped back down between the ruffled straps that framed her dripping clitoris.

“That’s better, sweetheart,” Sally said with a smile, picking up another cookie, “now do this one: pet, good girl.”

“Pet” Linda moaned softly, “means I–that I get to pet the dog while he licks me.” The shattered blonde stared at herself petting the panting Shepherd, rubbing his ears and neck as he snuffled and drooled over her gaping bronze bushed pussy; she remembered standing in front of that long mirror paralyzed with mortification, but the scene on the tape made it look like the girl there was enjoying every minute of it.

“Very good, angel, you’re doing fine,” Sally chuckled as Denise bent down and began kissing and licking Linda’s erecting nipples. The sweating blonde tried hard to stay focused on the television, watching herself gasping for breath as the animal licked her relentlessly; she gasped again as she watched Sally and Denise fondling her breasts while she petted the slavering animal. “You looked awfully sweet petting Rexie while he worked you the other night, too. Now do this one: speak, good girl.”

“Speak,” Linda answered as the redhead picked up another biscuit and handed it to her, “speak means I get to tell the pretty boy how much I like it while he makes me happy.”

“You know those very well, lover,” Sally said approvingly, while the brunette kissed her way down the shivering blonde’s ribs and across her hipbones, “at this rate you’ll be ready for new lessons pretty soon, I think.” Linda sucked in a sudden deep breath as Denise’s hand slid up the sensitive skin of her inner thigh and the brunette began gently fondling her snatch.

“Having Deni help you with this lesson review is a lot of fun, isn’t it angel,” Sally added with a wink, while the brunette slipped off the couch and knelt directly in front of the hapless blonde, “Now you just lean back and let Deni help you relax, sweetheart, while we finish watching this tape.” Linda slumped back with a sigh as Denise leaned forward between the teenager’s knees, her lips and tongue working slowly at the fringes of the girl’s blonde pubic curls.

“Oh, now you want to watch close, baby,” the redhead exclaimed with delight, “it’s your first real come for the pretty boy, angel. You’ll need to see this in slow motion, sweetheart,” she continued, pressing buttons on the remote, “I want you to pay close attention and see just how good you come with the big dog. Watch close, Linda, this is the real you…”

In torturous slow motion, the big Shepherd leaned forward and his slavering tongue stroked over the girl’s totally exposed pussy. Thighs and calves locked, the blonde stood rigid and quivering in front of the camera while the massive Shepherd lapped and slavered lingeringly at her bronze bushed cunt. Linda looked ready to collapse, head hanging, tears rolling down her flushed cheeks; the huge animal seemed determined to keep on licking her sticky snatch no matter how the girl reacted. On the screen, Linda’s come seemed to last forever, leaving the shuddering teenager gasping, a sweating blonde rolling her hips slowly under the animal’s exquisite licking.

Linda couldn’t look away as the big dog switched to a slow motion washing of the teenager’s bare pussy, his tongue languidly flicking between her delicate inner lips, sliding over her exposed clitoris; she watched herself writhing before the camera as her snatch warmed again to the dog’s incessant licking. Linda gave a stifled moan as she saw herself reach desperately and wrap one arm around Denise’s shoulders and the other around Sally’s waist, hanging onto her captors, panting for breath; her hips rolled mechanically back and forth under Rex’s lingering ceaseless licking, intensifying the gratification of each slow stroke.

While Linda stared at herself on the screen, Denise quietly leaned forward at Linda’s feet, sliding her hands up the sensitive inside of the teenager’s thighs, licking daintily at the fringes of Linda’s pubic curls.

Linda watched herself on the screen slowly stretching her legs wider for the Shepherd, the tendons on each side of her snatch stretched like cables from the edges of her bush to the tan skin of her inner thighs. Her round tits heaved with her panting and her thighs and calves pulsed as she trembled and twitched in slow motion, starting to come again on the endless animal licking.

Twisting and writhing, clinging to the women beside her, the sweat drenched blonde swayed over the huge Shepherd. The frenzied teen held tightly to the brunette and the delighted redhead, her head rolling from side to side; the Shepherd lathered warm slaver over her gaping snatch and slippery thighs, tongue dancing maddeningly over her drool soaked cunt. Twitching and shuddering, Linda panted urgently for breath as Rex lapped and slobbered at her saturated crotch.

The women held her writhing in place over the dog’s tongue, and the huge Shepherd’s wide tongue stroked maddeningly against her twitching clit. Linda twisted and squirmed between the redhead and the giggling brunette, locked in position as the dog’s libidinous tongue washed her open snatch. The tape showed the dazed blonde start slowly twitching her hips from side to side, swiveling her rhythmically clenching snatch in circles, sliding the flickering dog tongue around her dripping pussy. As Rex lapped zealously at her blonde-curled bush, she let go of Sally and Denise and reached down to spread her lips with one hand, stroking the Shepherd’s head with the other.

While Linda stared at the screen, Denise put a hand on each knee and spread the girl’s legs, then lifted the teenager’s feet up to the front of the couch cushions and leaned forward, pressing her lips against the blonde’s spread slit. The submissive teen leaned back on the soft cushions with a sigh as the brunette began a deliberate precise French kissing at her exposed clitoris.

Linda saw herself leaning forward on the screen, patting and massaging the slavering Shepherd’s neck and shoulders while his warm tongue tip lapped over her clit. The watching blonde gasped for breath as Denise’s tongue recapitulated the exquisite sensation she remembered all too well. As the girl on the screen kneaded her way down his back, Rex pulled his dripping muzzle from between her legs and licked the panting blonde across her quivering tits. Cradling her goosebumped jugs in her hands, the girl held the soft mounds steady while the Shepherd licked her crinkled areolas.

When she straightened up, lifting her drool glistening tits away from the dog’s rasping tongue, Rex shoved his muzzle back between her spread thighs and began working at her snatch. Beside her on the couch, Sally bent down and began gently kissing Linda’s nipples while the brunette continued delicately licking between the girl’s spread thighs.

The tape showed the big dog give a fervent bark and start licking rapidly at Linda’s dripping snatch; twitching, shuddering, the girl panted desperately for breath as Rex lapped at her saturated crotch. The delirious blonde writhed and shivered enraptured on the rhythmic doggie licking while the dog slavered in delight between her legs. Linda saw herself twisting and writhing in slow-motion ecstasy over the panting animal; the sweat drenched blonde on the screen sensually rubbed her nipples, her tan body heaving and shuddering under the big dog’s unflagging licking.

The teenager watched herself screaming over and over again as the dog lapped zealously at her spasming pussy; shaking and sobbing, the creaming blonde captive on the screen kept bucking and thrusting at the whining Shepherd’s muzzle, writhing in waves of volcanic come while she twisted and jerked over his hot tongue.

Sally and Denise made Linda keep watching while they continued their erotic manipulations and the tape ground on in slow motion; by the time the blonde had watched herself go through three slow motion orgasms, she was gasping for breath and squirming under the brunette’s skillful tongue. The redhead rewound the tape and made the sweating teenager describe exactly how she felt as the panting animal licked her into screaming frenzy, while Denise deliberately attempted to duplicate the big dog’s results.

Watching herself on the screen only added to the panting teen’s arousal, and she wound up grinding her clit against the brunette’s tongue, one hand tangled in Denise’s hair while she held Sally’s mouth against her erect nipples. The women kept the obedient blonde pinned on the couch until she shuddered into multiple orgasms while watching herself on tape creaming over the delighted Shepherd.

By the time the women let Linda off the couch and sent her up to bed, the teenager was bathed in sweat and overwhelmed with mortified images of screaming into multiple orgasms from the bestial licking. The blonde sobbed herself to sleep and woke up again and again from repeating nightmares, seeing herself eagerly responding to endless hours of animal sex.


Chapter Five – Sit Back, Relax and Put Your Feet Up

The exhausted blonde woke up late the next morning, and showered and dressed quickly so Sally and Denise wouldn’t find her naked when they came in. As before, the women showed up with a serving cart loaded with breakfast, and again, the brunette and the redhead took turns feeding Linda, occasionally making the girl wait or sit in silence before she got a bite.

By the time she finished breakfast, the hapless teen realized that the whole ritual of feeding her was another part of the women’s obedience training; Sally and Denise were using the food to reward her for following orders, training her to do as she was told.

Linda finished her meal in numb acquiescence, and then prowled restlessly around the room after Denise and Sally locked her door and took the cart and dishes downstairs to clean up. The captive blonde wouldn’t allow herself to wonder what was going to happen today, and she waited in mounting apprehension for the redhead and the brunette to return. Linda gasped in terror as the lock clicked open and Sally and Denise stepped into the room with excited smiles.

“It’s another beautiful day, sweetheart,” Sally said cheerfully, “and it’s time for day two of your lessons. You’ll need lots of practice to be a really good girl, so we’re going to help you to get used to being on a routine, baby. You’ll have dressup and some happy time in the morning, and after lunch you get to take a walk and visit the kennels again, okay?”

“Don’t worry, angel, you’ll do just fine,” Denise chimed in quickly, “Sally and I will take care of all the planning, you don’t have to bother about your schedule at all. You just relax and take it easy, all you have to do is follow Sally’s instructions, it’ll come naturally to you, you’ll see.”

“And you get a pretty new outfit to wear each day when we do dressup, baby,” the redhead added, “We have lots of great sexy things for you to wear when you’re getting ready for happy time. Deni and I will pick out something for you right now, so you just get ready. Strip, good girl.”

Linda froze in stunned panic and she shuddered in horror as the brunette and the redhead waited expectantly. The hapless teenager suddenly understood that allowing her to put on the flimsy lingerie before they came to her room was just another part of the women’s awful game; Sally and Denise only let her get dressed so they could order her to strip whenever they wanted. Sally raised an eyebrow when Linda hesitated, and dropped one hand to the shock-collar remote control clipped to her belt. The women watched in satisfaction as the mortified teenager quickly slipped off the lacey negligee and stood naked in front of them.

“That’s a good girl, sweetheart,” Denise whispered softly, “a little slow, but you did fine, you’re learning. Now you just wait right there while Sally and I pick out something nice for you. Stay, good girl, you stay.”

The blonde watched in anxious concern as Denise & Sally pawed once more the dresser and the armoire, pulling out new lingerie, and whispering excitedly to each other while the hapless teenager waited for another dressup session. The full-length mirror showed Linda’s eyes wide with fear and humiliation, but her reflection’s nipples were starting to pucker as she waited obediently. Her mind was a whirl of hesitation and bewilderment, but she had no time to think before the women were back with a handful of lacy lingerie.

“Easy, good girl, take it easy,” the brunette said soothingly, “We’ve picked out some nice new things for you to try on, and we’ll watch while you dress all pretty for us, good girl.”

“Look what I have for you, angel,” Sally said, holding out a pair of long fishnet hose, “these will look really pretty on you.” She handed the stockings to the hapless blonde and commanded, “You can put these on for us, good girl, while Deni and I get your other things. Lift your foot, good girl, put those on.”

The stockings were thigh high, pale blue with a close fishnet pattern that made tiny diamonds as Linda slid them up over her calf, and Denise said they were a beautiful match for Linda’s eyes. The stockings made a silky whisper gliding up her legs, and the girl shivered as the redhead and the brunette watched her slide them slowly up her thighs.

“Now take this, sweetheart,” Denise whispered, holding out a ruffled garter belt and reaching around the blonde’s hips.

Linda was trembling with anxiety as the brunette helped the girl circle it around her waist. The garter belt was peacock blue lace and black elastic, with intricate pale-blue needlepoint running down the straps. The blonde shivered as she fastened the waistband hooks and Denise attached the straps to the silk fishnet, whispering in Linda’s ear how nicely the blue lace accented the teenager’s blonde pubic mound. The taut garter straps felt opulent and depraved sliding over Linda’s ass and thighs, a lot like Denise’s persistently stroking fingers, delicately fondling the quivering blonde whenever she moved.

“Here’s a surprise, sweetheart,” Denise said with a smile, holding out a scrap of blue lace, “panties. Yes, you get to start with panties on today, baby.” She handed Linda the thong underwear and added, “Though I’ll bet you’ll be eager to get out of them soon enough. Yes, you put them on over the garter belt, Linda; you’ll get the point later.”

The brunette watched as the girl worked the string bikini thong up over her hips; Linda spread the thin silk over her bush and gasped as the back string slipped smoothly between her ass cheeks. Denise tugged up the back of the teenager’s panties and tucked the thong tight into the blonde’s ass; Linda stifled a groan as the brunette licked her middle finger and slipped it in under the thong, deliberately rubbing her wet finger lingeringly over the girl’s twitching asshole.

“Now the finishing touch, angel,” the redhead whispered, holding a length of sheer fabric out to the anguished teenager, “one more sexy thing for our good girl.” She stepped close behind the blonde, stroked the soft lace slowly over Linda’s firm smooth ass and added, “Put this on for me, lover, hold your arms back and slip it on. Such a pretty girl you are, what a good, good girl.”

Sally had picked out sheer ruffled silk babydoll nightie, pale turquoise blue with embroidery so delicate it rippled like water over Linda’s tits and ass. The redhead watched as the teenager slipped her arms in and shrugged into the hip-length negligee; Sally smoothly slid her hands around from Linda’s back, caressing the blonde’s full breasts with both hands as she adjusted the open front of the nightie. Linda’s nipples stood out stiffly as the smiling redhead smoothed the perfumed lingerie over her jugs; the brunette was breathing hard as she tugged the ruffled hem down over the garter belt. Linda reached to fasten the velvet ribbon-ties on the nightie, and Deni quickly reached to hold her hands down at her hips.

“No no, good girl, be still,” the brunette ordered firmly, “leave it open for us, hear me? If we want it tied, we’ll tell you can tie it. Now be still, good girl.”

“What a pretty girl you are, angel,” Sally crooned, running her hands over the blonde’s round breasts and down onto her hips. The redhead caressed the teenager’s taut ass with both hands and whispered, “You’re a very good girl, Linda, you’ve been such a good girl. You look beautiful, sweetheart; there’s only one more thing and you’ll be all ready for happy time.”

Satisfied with the teenager’s exotic costume, the redhead led the silk-clad blonde closer to the long mirror and pulled another article from the armoire. She brought the consummate touch from the bottom shelf, blue satin shoes with rhinestone-studded ankle straps and spike heels so high Linda knew she wasn’t supposed to walk in them. The captive teenager shuddered, knowing what the women were getting her all ready for, and she was thankful for the distraction when she got more instructions from Sally.

“Put this one on now, good girl,” the redhead ordered, kneeling beside her and sliding Linda’s stockinged foot into the high-heel shoe, “and now this one. That’s right, that’s my good, good girl.” Denise continued fingering Linda’s puckered sphincter as the girl bent over to buckle the thin rhinestone ankle straps and said, “Now stand up tall, baby, that’s good. Look how pretty you are, angel, isn’t she a pretty girl, Sally?”

“Just like yesterday,” the redhead whispered, “you look a one sweet little slut, Linda. You dressed nicely, baby, you did just what you were told, and I think you deserve some happy time now. You stay right where you are, good girl; Denise will help you get comfy while I go get Prince for you.”

Linda’s eyes widened in horror and she gazed pleadingly at the brunette as the redhead went over and unlocked the door, then peered into the hall; the teenager started shaking as the Sally stepped out the door and whistled sharply.

“Easy good girl, just relax,” Denise whispered softly, licking the girl’s ear and caressing her bare breasts, “it’s all right, you’re okay. It’ll be easier for you today, sweetheart, you’ll see.”

“Prince isn’t going to hurt you, sweetheart, he’s going to make you happy; and there isn’t anything new to learn today, this is just more practice, like rehearsing what you did with Rexie yesterday, you know,” Denise added, “Sally and I want you to know how sweet all the big dogs can be for a good girl, take it easy.”

Sobbing in despair, the teenager balanced carefully on the spike heels, swallowed the last of her tears and stared blankly into the long mirror. Her reflection gazed tearfully back, a beautiful blonde-haired victim in collar and lace, waiting in numb horror while her two cheerful captors prepared to initiate her with another trained canine lover. The huge Harlequin came down the hall at a full gallop as Sally stepped back in the door; he dashed into Linda’s room and the redhead locked the door while eager Prince pranced around the room in anticipation.

Linda realized that the big dog obviously knew what was coming and was looking forward to his chance to work her over. The teenager threw a last desperate glance at the brunette, but the Denise was breathing hard and her eyes were shining as she watched the eager animal prancing in circles around Linda.

“Come here in front of the mirror, good girl,” Sally said quietly, pointing where she wanted the teenager to move; Linda obediently positioned herself in front of the huge mirror and waited fearfully to see what would happen next. The girl watched in surprise as Denise went over to the closet and dragged two low, plush-upholstered ottomans over beside the mirror; judging by the way the brunette shoved and struggled, they were obviously heavy despite the small size.

The blonde stared in mystification while the brunette went back to the closet and brought out a round folding basket chair with an attached upholstered circular cushion. Denise unfolded the supports and sat the chair on the floor about five feet in front of the mirror, then shoved the ottomans into position, one the left side of the chair, the other to the right side. Linda still couldn’t figure out what was going on as the redhead quickly flipped a heavy white fur throw over the basket cushion. Denise took her hand and pulled her gently into place in front of the chair, facing the huge mirror.

Linda gave a stifled whimper as the redhead commanded, “Just sit down and relax, lover, get ready for your big boy down there. You get to sit down for it today, angel.” Sally watched as Linda obediently moved to sit in the chair, then said, “Lean back, baby, move your feet apart more,”; the redhead stepped close to the trembling blonde, using her foot to move the girl’s high-heel shoe to the right spot, “that’s my good, good girl.”

Linda watched in bewildered silence as Denise tugged the heavy ottomans closer in front of her, one on each side of her chair. The waiting dog trotted around her chair and stopped directly in front of the dismayed teenager; tongue lolling, the Dane sniffed delicately at her stockinged thigh and then turned to look at the redhead, obviously waiting for Sally’s permission to begin eating her alive.

“Please, Sally, please,” the anguished teenager whispered imploringly, “please don’t let him–”

“Quiet good girl, be still,” the redhead ordered sharply, “don’t make me scold you again. We’re almost ready, baby; now sit back, relax, and put your feet up on the stools for him, sweetheart.” Sally put her hand under Linda’s left knee and lifted the girl’s shoe up onto the ottoman, stretching her leg out to the side; Linda gave a choked groan as Denise took her other ankle and lifted it into place. The hapless blonde found herself sitting directly in front of the huge mirror with her legs spread wide; her high-heels up on the twin ottomans raised her knees almost level with her shoulders.

Sally walked around Linda as the weeping girl stared at herself, studied the helpless blonde sprawled spread-eagle before the mirror and then said, “That’s good baby, that’s a good girl; just lean back, Linda, lean back and scoot your sweet ass forward. I want your snatch right up at the front edge of the chair, hear me? Now stay, hear me, you stay good girl. The only thing you need now is your little treat, just a hit or two, to help you relax and enjoy yourself; get the surprise for our good girl, Deni.”

Linda watched in dismay as Denise went to the dresser and came back with the carved box the blonde recognized immediately. The girl watched apprehensively as the brunette took a thin cigarette from the box and stuck it into an elegantly carved cigarette holder; Denise held a lighter to the end of the cigarette and inhaled deeply, gasping as the smoke swirled into the air. She stared as the woman held her breath and thrust the carved tube toward her, holding the drug out toward the captive teenager.

“All you have to do is breathe, angel,” Sally said with a smile, “Denise will hold it for you.”

“I–I don’t want any more of that, Sally, whatever it is,” Linda whispered, “I didn’t like it when you gave it to me before.”

“You did like it, angel, don’t try to bullshit me” the redhead replied, “and you’re gonna like it more as time goes on, sweetheart,” she added as Denise exhaled noisily, “now don’t fuck with me, Linda, you know how it works here. You can either take a toke like a good girl, or I’ll have Denise get the mask for you again. It’s really much easier if you relax and do what you’re told, angel; it’ll be the same in the end, it’s all about whether you want it hard or easy.”

“It’s really good for you, baby,” Denise added, still holding the moving joint toward Linda’s face, “it makes you feel good, and you really did like it, we know you did.”

Linda’s mind was racing, her thoughts whirled in panic and disgust, but there was no way to escape the patient brunette and the watching redhead. The captive blonde leaned forward with a groan; Denise slipped the tip of the cigarette holder between her lips until the girl gave up and sipped through the tube. Smoke swirled into her face, and Linda’s eyes dripped tears as she sucked the heavy, spicy-smelling vapor down into her lungs. The blonde choked as she exhaled, and her next gasping pulled even more of the smoke down her throat; the vapor was harsh but sweet at the same time.

The teenager’s ears rang and she felt suddenly dizzy as she choked and sucked in a third gasping breath. Sally watched with a smile while Denise held the joint in place; Linda strained and gasped for air, coughing and sucking in still more of the dense, sweet-smelling smoke. The girl’s head was spinning and she could feel her pulse racing when the brunette finally pulled the joint away. Her skin tingled and she thought she could hear her blood rushing through her veins.

“My God, it’s stronger than I remembered, Sally,” she gasped, sprawling back in the chair with tears in her eyes, “I feel all dizzy and spaced out, that’s scary, that it works so fast, you know…”

“Just a little something to help you get in the mood, baby,” Denise said replied with a smile, “a special treat, you can have some anytime you’re working on your lessons. It helps loosen you up, puts you in the right frame of mind to really appreciate your sweet Prince more. I think you’re about ready now, sweetheart, so let’s go ahead and get him started.”

“Sit, Prince, sit, big boy,” Sally commanded, patting the inside of the blonde’s left knee, “come sit right here for Linda, sweetheart.” The blonde lay sprawled in the cushioned bowl, shivering and sobbing in her elegant costume as the obedient animal moved to sit between her spread legs. When she felt the dog’s first sultry breath panting against her thigh, Linda dropped her head and closed her eyes.

“Today is going to be a little different, good girl,” Sally whispered softly, “today I want to hear you tell the big dog what you want him to do. The pretty boys all know they’re supposed to wait until they’re told how to act. You know the words, Linda, just like you heard me tell Rexie yesterday; the big dog needs to hear it from you. Now go on, baby, tell that sweet puppy what you want.”

“Oh, God, no, Sally, please don’t make me do that,” Linda pleaded desperately, staring at the redhead in anguish, “It’s bad enough to have to do it with him, you can’t expect me to ask him for it.” Tears broke from the corners of the captive blonde’s eyes and slid slowly down her cheeks as the women waited implacably. “Please, please, don’t ask me to do that,” the teenager begged, “just you tell him and get it over with…”

Prince sat quietly with his dripping muzzle inches away from the teenager’s spread bush, snorting softly, panting furnace hot breath over her thighs. Unable to escape the watching women and the single-minded animal, Linda lay helpless in front of the mirror, legs spread wide on either side of the big dog, her feet up, her lace-sheathed pussy spread wide before his gaping jaws. Sally frowned in frustration and dropped her hand to the control at her belt, and Linda knew she had only one chance to avoid the lightning in her collar.

“All right, all right, I’ll do it,” she choked, clamping her hands tight on the chair frame and gasping for breath, “don’t hurt me, just give me a second and I’ll tell him—I’ll tell him what I want.” The mortified blonde gave a final wracking sob and whispered, “All right, Prince, make…make Linda happy.”

Prince wasted no time in settling in for some prolonged tonguing of the hapless teenager’s snatch; his hot panting huffed against Linda’s lace-covered pubic bush, sending shivers up her flat belly and making her nipples stiffen instantly. Linda’s breath caught in her throat as the sweltering dog tongue rasped over the thin silk stretched over her snatch, but somehow the velvet touch of the Harlequin’s tongue on her mons today was not quite bad enough to send her into the screaming panic she had felt yesterday. Her heart was racing, her skin tingled and she felt like electricity was running through her veins; her thoughts were racing and she realized with horror that the drug the debauched women had given her was winning over her body and her brain.

The excited Dane’s drool slathered tongue washed up between the captive blonde’s shivering thighs, slithering from her ass up over her silk-sheathed twat, spreading her pussy and sliding the lace panties over her clitoris on every stroke. Helpless, marooned spread legged with the gargoyle dog lapping at her with satisfaction, Linda felt her crotch warming and her snatch buzzing with depraved excitement minute by minute. The Harlequin’s broad tongue was as wide as the girl’s spread pussy, and the big dog’s deliberate lapping was exquisite torment washing between her legs.

She writhed and squirmed under the animal’s muzzle, realizing with mortification that Sally and Denise were right, the drugs would make her react no matter how horrified she felt. The big dog’s licking escalated as her renegade pussy began to melt and juices flowed down onto his probing muzzle. Sally and Denise watched with wide smiles as the teenager’s cheeks flushed and her nipples crinkled beneath the thin silk negligee. The defenseless blonde heard herself breathing harder, and felt herself arching up in the chair each time the persistent Harlequin’s velvet smooth tongue lathered over her snatch.

The softly weeping blonde moaned deep in her throat and Denise and Sally watched in delight as Prince continued the slow steady lapping at her pussy, tail wagging, drooling on the lace-covered bronze pubic hair between the lacy garter straps. The massive dog panted and slavered over the teenager’s warm snatch, and the lace tops of her stockings quickly darkened as aroused doggie saliva slopped over her thighs. Within minutes, Linda began breathing faster and her pink nipples began stiffening under the transparent babydoll gown; the teenager’s tan stomach twitched with the pulse hammering in her increasingly steamy snatch.

When her quivering pussy began dripping into his mouth and his saliva soaked her lace-trimmed stockings, Prince began licking harder and faster at the delicious teenage pussy spread open in front of him. Linda felt her crotch begin to loosen and throb as hot blood surged to her pubes; the flimsy lace panties gave no cover at all to her responsive snatch, and within a minute her bush was saturated and her pussy dripped sweet sticky ooze onto the big dog’s tongue.

“Open your eyes, sweetheart,” Sally commanded as the Harlequin began working up a consistent rhythm, “I want you to watch him while he does it to you. Open your eyes, good girl, watch.”

Linda’s eyes snapped open, focusing on the huge Great Dane lapping enthusiastically amid the silk and lace around her soaked and thoroughly inflamed snatch. Staring in horrified fascination at her reflection in the huge mirror, the blonde was mortified at the awful vision of the enormous animal crouched between her thighs, jaws gaping as he licked slowly and deliberately at her saturated crotch. The basket chair held her sensitive slit at the ideal height for the big dog’s lapping, and his broad wet tongue slathered across the width of her snatch, spreading her lips wide open.

His eager lapping parted the shaking blonde’s drool soaked pubic bush through the thin lace panties, spreading her delicate pink lips and throbbing clitoris to the slippery dog tongue. The teenager’s forehead was beaded with sweat and she gasped for breath as the big dog’s tongue lathered over her bush, onto her thighs and up to her flat belly, then dropped back down between the embroidered straps that framed her steaming snatch.

The inescapable eager tongue swarming over her lace sheathed bush made the captive blonde shudder with shameful desire, and she sobbed with humiliation as she sprawled spread-eagled in front of the mirror. Linda moaned in despair as she realized that the incessant licking was slowly making her hotter and hotter while Denise and Sally watched her every move; she choked back a sob when the redhead’s voice gave the next order of her awful lesson.

“Reach down and pull the panties aside, baby,” Sally commanded, “you know you want the big dog’s tongue right on your hot little pussy, angel. It’s time to give it up for him, sweetheart, so reach down and pull your panties out of the way, let that pretty boy lick your clit right now.”

In spite of her horror and humiliation, the overwhelmed teenager couldn’t keep herself from obeying the redhead’s order. Gasping in anguished desire, the hapless blonde reached down and pulled her lace panties to the side, exposing her dripping snatch to the animal’s relentless licking. Linda gave a groan of horrified ecstasy as the big dog’s broad tongue washed over her exposed pussy, spreading her lips and flickering over her inflamed clit. The animal’s wide tongue washed deliberately over the helpless blonde’s spread pussy, and she writhed in mortified lust as the dog’s tongue flicked over her pulsing clitoris.

“Pet the pretty boy a little bit now, Linda,” the redhead whispered huskily, “let Prince know how much you likes having him do that for you, angel. Pet the big dog so he knows he’s making his good girl happy.”

Hanging her head and crying silently in her silk and lace, Linda stared at herself in the mirror in despair as she slowly reached down to the big dog and stroked his head and rubbed his ears; she groaned in hopeless mortification as the warm tongue rasped against the silk and lacework around her bush. The shattered blonde stared at herself in the long mirror watching as she petted the panting Harlequin, rubbing his ears and neck as he snuffled and drooled over her gaping bronze bushed pussy.

“You can take your panties off for him now, angel,” Sally said softly, “They’re made with Velcro tabs where the waist string attaches to the front, so you don’t have to get up. Reach down and pull them loose, Linda, so the big dog can get at all that sweet pussy. Give it to him now, baby.” The blonde gave a strangled moan as she submissively tugged the tabs loose, exposing her spread snatch to the animal’s washing tongue; Prince gave a rumbling growl of satisfaction as the lace fell away and the teenager’s wet pussy opened to his eager lapping.

“That’s a good girl, sweetheart,” Denise said with a smile, “you’re doing everything just right. Now it’s important that the dogs learn to take instructions from you, not just Sally and me. You’ll want them to respond to your voice, too, so you need to tell the pretty boy what you want him to do, angel. Look right down at that big furry lover and tell him to lick you, baby. Say lick me, angel, I want to hear you tell the big dog to lick your pussy.”

“Oh, Jesus, no, Denise I can’t do that,” Linda wailed desperately, “please don’t make my say that, it’s too awful, I just can’t do it…” The blonde burst into anguished sobs as she realized the redhead and the brunette had planned this humiliation from the very start.

“Do as you’re told or you’re going to get hurt, Linda,” Sally said harshly, “This is part of your training, and you will learn to follow orders, angel. Now pet the big dog and tell him what you want; say it now, Linda, say lick me.”

“Oh God, no, oh fuck no, no, no!” the tormented teenager screamed in revulsion. The redhead watched the pleading captive implacably, and the horror-stricken blonde understood that she had no choice except to obey; with a final strangled sob, the shattered teen reached down and laid her hand on the slavering Harlequin’s massive head.

“Lick—lick me, Prince,” she choked in an anguished whisper. “Lick Linda’s pussy, big dog, do it now,” she whimpered frantically “Oh my God, Sally, what do you want me to say, lick me, Prince,” the girl babbled, “lick my pussy, lick me, lick me now…”

Shivering uncontrollably, Linda groaned and panted desperately for breath while she kept patting and stroking the enthusiastic animal crouched slavering between her thighs; the throbbing in her crotch was building and she knew she had to get some relief or she would come at any moment. She tried swaying her hips from side to side to keep the velvet tongue away from her clit, shifting and squirming, writhing before the mirror, twitching and gasping with her clit poised under the skillful animal’s assiduous licking.

Despite her horror and mortification, Linda felt herself responding with increasing excitement to the dog’s expert tongue. Letting go of the big dog’s ears, the hapless blonde ran her hands down his neck and shoulders, then stroked her hands up the insides of her stockinged thighs; the feel of the huge animal’s smooth coat encircled by her sheer stockings and sleek skin brought goosebumps out on the blonde’s tits shoulders.

Linda rubbed the embroidered straps of the garter belt against her smooth upper thighs and brought her hand up to caress her swelling breasts. The girl’s mouth was dry and her breath came fast as the Sally reached over and fondled the firm globes, rolling the blonde’s swollen pink nipples between thumb and forefinger. Arching in the chair, Linda dropped her head back and panted for air as Sally played with her tits, still swiveling her crotch in lingering circles under the incessant doggie blowjob.

The Harlequin made delighted whining noises between the shuddering blonde’s legs as he continued tonguing her eager pussy toward meltdown. Moaning and shaking, Linda clenched her fists around the chair cushion and dropped her head back, crying in silence as the eager Great Dane lapped maddeningly at her melting pussy, while Sally leaned over to lick her aching nipples. She realized she was totally helpless, every move controlled by the women intently watching the obedient animal licking eagerly between her legs. The teenager thought that she couldn’t be more humiliated, desperate and ashamed, but Sally’s next order reminded her that the redhead and the brunette had every move planned.

“Now talk to the big dog, good girl,” the redhead commanded softly, “I want you to tell sweet Prince how much like to have him lick you. Let the pretty dog know how good it is for you, baby. Speak to him, good girl, speak.”

With a burst of total panic, Linda suddenly realized that Sally and Denise weren’t ever going to stop; the brunette and the redhead intended to watch the canine fiend between her legs tongue her clit while she did every appalling thing they ordered. As if he appreciated that she was powerless to refuse, Prince sat unhurriedly back on his haunches between her shaking thighs and shifted his lapping into high gear, his wide tongue lathering over her open pussy as fast as he could lick.

“Oh Jesus, please Sally, please…all right, big dog,” the teenager groaned huskily, spreading her legs wider for the talented Harlequin, “I can’t stop you and I can’t stand it when you do that to me, go ahead and do…do whatever you want, do it to me now, good boy.”

Linda’s crinkled nipples were now achingly hard and her belly muscles quivered as she got closer and closer to coming on the inexorable doggie licking. The panic-stricken teenager was panting for breath and shaking like a leaf, her buzzing clitoris driving her half-mad with desire and shame; the blonde writhed frantically as the Dane’s relentless tongue washed over her open snatch, spreading her lips wide and sliding over her clit like a velvet ribbon.

It’s the drugs, Linda thought frantically, it’s the damned dope they’re giving me, I don’t want this, I don’t, I don’t want this fucking animal licking me. The big dog seemed even more intent now that her pussy was completely open to him, making a contented rumbling deep in his throat and wagging his tail faster as he worked delightedly on the gasping teenager.

“Don’t try to blame it on the dope, angel,” Denise whispered as Linda writhed under the Harlequin’s tongue, “you can try that, but it just isn’t so, baby. Drugs don’t make you do anything you don’t want to do, and they don’t give you anything that isn’t there to begin with, all they do is let out what’s really there. Don’t forget, sweetheart, we saw you on camera, and we watched you with Rexie yesterday, remember? You saw yourself, and we saw it too, you like it when a big dog licks you and makes you come. A little smoke just eases your self-consciousness, lets out what’s really you, that’s all. A little smoke just lets the real Linda come out, it helps you admit what you really want, baby…”

“Now you’re starting to get the idea, sweetheart,” Sally whispered, her hands sliding over the gasping girl’s taut breasts. “Princie likes it when you talk to him, he’ll be real good to you if you just give him some praise and encouragement, angel. Keep telling him how good it is, baby, speak…” The teenager’s brain was a whirling storm of confusion and mortifying desire. Her pulse raced, her thoughts were a tangled snarl of horror and excitement. As much as Linda wanted to deny the redhead’s words, she couldn’t deny her pleasure, couldn’t help but acknowledge the racing pulse in her renegade snatch.

“Oooohh, Jesus, it’s, that’s good, that’s really good, Prince, oh my god, go on baby, do it for me, don’t stop good dog,” Linda hissed through clenched teeth, “Aahh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes,” she moaned, feeling the orgasm building in her throbbing snatch, “do it now, Prince boy, mmmmmm, unnh, oooohhh, I can’t stand it, big dog, I’m gonna come now, I’m gonna cream all over you….”

The captive teenager began groaning aloud as the big Dane lowered his head, his slavering tongue stroking over her wholly open pussy. Linda felt like her crotch was being slowly dissolved by the animal’s flickering tongue; it felt like slow motion explosions going off at her clit and blasting up her spine. The orgasm was so intense it seemed to short circuit her mind, leaving nothing but the mind blowing sensations of coming and coming while Denise and Sally stared as Prince’s incredible tongue slithered over her pulsating snatch. Back and belly muscles rock hard, thighs and calves cramping, the moaning blonde stood rigid and quivering in front of the mirror while the massive Harlequin continued lapping and slavering at her melting bronze bushed cunt. The come seemed to last forever, leaving the shuddering teenager exhausted and gasping at her reflection in the mirror, a sweating and moaning blonde rolling her hips slowly under the big dog’s exquisite licking.

Linda was stunned and horrified when Denise and Sally allowed the big dog to continue lapping eagerly at her dripping, quivering snatch. Obviously excited by the smell and taste of the panting teenager’s totally saturated pussy, the huge animal seemed determined to keep right on licking at her sticky snatch no matter how Linda reacted. The mortified teenager looked pleadingly toward her captors, only to find that the brunette and the redhead had started fondling each other as they watched the animal make her come. Sally and Denise were locked in a passionate kiss, the redhead massaging Denise’s breasts while the brunette’s hand was clamped over Sally’s crotch, rubbing her snatch through the woman’s tight shorts. The horrified blonde realized the women were getting more excited by the minute as they watched the big dog making her come.

“No, oh god Sally, no, Denise, please,” she wailed, shivering helplessly under the animal’s incessant lapping, “Oh goddam, stop him, please big dog, Denise please make him let me go, please don’t let him do that anymore, aaahhhh, I can’t do stand for you to let him do it any more, please give me a break, oh god, help….”

There was no way the frenzied girl could escape the stubborn animal licking eagerly at her crotch; Linda was ready to collapse, she lay writhing in the chair, head hanging, tears rolling down her flushed cheeks. Sensing that the horror-stricken blonde had lost all will to resist, the big dog gave a contented rumbling growl and changed to a slow motion washing of the teenager’s bare pussy, his tongue languidly flicking between her delicate inner lips and sliding over her exposed clitoris. Linda was moaning aloud and writhing before the mirror, loins throbbing as her snatch warmed again to the dog’s incessant licking. Her thoughts were racing and her brain screamed in panic even while she felt her pussy responding automatically to the exquisite torture of the big dog’s velvet tongue.

Sally and Denise undressed each other slowly as they watched the animal lapping the captive teenager into a helpless frenzy. Linda stared in panic-stricken horror as the redhead tossed Denise’s bra aside and bent to lick the brunette’s nipples. Denise rolled the redhead’s panties down over her hips and began delicately fingering Sally’s clitoris while the woman thrust against her probing fingers. Linda groaned with mortification as Denise caught her watching them in the mirror and laughed in delight.

Powerless to escape the animal blowjob, feeling about to faint in unbearable ecstasy, Linda writhed desperately against the chair, hanging onto the round frame, panting for breath as waves of mounting ecstasy flooded up from her dripping snatch. Even as her thoughts clamored with fear and mortification, her hips were rolling mechanically back and forth under Prince’s lingering ceaseless licking, intensifying the gratification of each slow stroke.

“Look, Sally,” the brunette whispered, “pretty Linda’s gonna watch us come while she comes. And she’s going to come again in about a minute, see, she’s starting to get off again on the big dog’s tongue, aren’t you, angel?”

Despite her resolve not to let the brunette and redhead watch her get pleasure from the incredible sensation, Linda felt her drool wet ass tighten with every flick of the scalding dog tongue over her lips. The teenager whimpered in despair as she saw herself in the mirror actually stretching her legs wider for the Harlequin, straining with the tendons on each side of her snatch stretched like cables from the pale edges of her bush to the tan skin of her inner thighs. Gasping, the panicked blonde slid into a red haze of desire as mindless crotch responses overwhelmed her; Linda suddenly realized she was babbling encouragement to the dog as she got closer and closer to another volcanic come.

“Jesus, yes oh yes, big dog,” she murmured helplessly, “I can handle it all now, please go ahead and do it some more for me, good boy.” Her round tits heaved with her panting and her thighs and calves pulsed as she trembled and twitched, starting to come again on the interminable licking.

“Oooohh, aahhhh, that’s good big dog, that’s so good, Prince, go on baby, do it to Linda now, don’t stop good dog. Aahh, oh Sally, mmmmmm, yes yes yes,” she panted, feeling the second redhot orgasm building in her throbbing snatch, “please do it now, Prince, mmmmmm, unnh, oooohhh god Denise, don’t stop him now, I’ve gotta have more now big dog, help me Sally, oh please, help me Denise, I’m gonna come all over this fucker….”

Twisting and writhing, the sweat drenched blonde moaned incoherently to the huge Harlequin as her sanity dissolved and gushed out through her pulsating pussy. Prince growled deep in his throat as her spastic snatch pumped juices over his dripping tongue. Biting her lip to keep from screaming, the frenzied teenager stared at the panting brunette and the delighted redhead, her head rolling from side to side as her crotch exploded in waves of pounding orgasm. The excited Harlequin lathered warm slaver over her gaping snatch and slippery thighs, sensual tongue dancing maddeningly over the clamping muscles of her drool soaked cunt. The mewling blonde felt like she was drowning in tidal waves of surging come, one rush of explosive orgasm after another gushing from her steaming pussy straight up her spine to crash into her numbed brain.

Denise and Sally fondled each other erotically as Linda writhed in mortified ecstasy under the animal’s tongue. The redhead and the brunette were masturbating each other as they watched the teenager twist and shudder, each woman slowly fingering deliberately at each other’s spread pussy while the huge dog lapped at the helpless blonde’s crotch. Linda moaned in horror as Denise dropped to her knees and began licking the redhead’s clitoris while Sally stared into the blonde’s eyes and winked, giggling with delight.

Twitching and shuddering, Linda whined feebly and panted urgently for breath as Prince lapped and slobbered at her saturated crotch. As the incredible shuddering spasms shook her bobbing jugs, she realized with horror that Sally and Denise refused to make the big dog back off and the velvet tongue was still there. As the unrelenting doggie lick job got her hotter and hotter, the desperate, squirming blonde knew she was actually going to start screaming out loud if the giant dog made her come again.

“Prince, please please get away from me, that’s enough, you’ve got to stop that,” she implored, “aaahhhh, Jesus, I can’t stand that, you’re making me crazy, Denise please make him cut it out…” The teenager screamed in terror as the women suddenly broke off their lesbian play and stepped on each side of her, holding her wrists against the chair frame, pinning her in place for more of the animal licking. The women held her writhing in place under the dog’s tongue, ignoring her desperate begging, and the huge Harlequin never even noticed the blonde teen’s tearful pleading, his wide tongue still stroking maddeningly against her twitching clit.

“God, god, please please stop him, I can’t stand it, that’s too intense, Sally you’re driving me crazy with it,” she gasped, “ooohh, no, you’re killing me, Prince, you sonofabitch, that’s all I can stand right now. Please please please Denise get him away, aahhhhh, Jesus…”she wailed shrilly.

Linda was stunned and horrified when Prince just kept on lapping eagerly at her dripping, quivering snatch. Obviously delighted by the taste of the panting teenager’s saturated pussy and excited by the brunette’s hand on his cock, the huge Dane seemed determined to keep right on licking no matter how Linda reacted now. As the shaking blonde cautiously tried to shift her ass further back on the chair, Denise and Sally suddenly pulled up wide Velcro straps attached to the chair frame and wrapped them over her wrists, anchoring the girl’s arms in place.

The women abruptly moved down and clamped their hands over Linda’s knees; the brunette and the redhead easily shoved her thighs farther apart, holding her snatch wide open and keeping her hips pinned inescapably at the edge of the chair. Linda whined desperately to the watching brunette as the big dog continued lathering at her dripping snatch; her gaze locked on Denise’s face, eyes pleading for relief from the mind-blowing animal lapping between her legs. The sweating blonde moaned in disbelief when the smiling redhead picked up the
teenager’s lace panties with one hand without ever letting go of the helpless teenager’s knee, and stretched up to wipe away the sweat trickling down the girl’s forehead.

Linda sobbed and struggled desperately against the straps as the huge Harlequin lowered his head over her snatch again. Twisting and writhing on the chair, the sweat drenched blonde moaned incoherently to the big dog as her sanity dissolved and gushed out through her pulsating pussy. Prince growled deep in his throat as her spastic snatch pumped juices over his dripping tongue. Every time she looked up from the animal lapping at her snatch, Linda’s eyes locked on mirror in front of her, watching herself tied in place for the big dog’s deliberate licking.

Gritting her teeth to keep from screaming aloud, the frenzied teenager rolled futilely against the chair cushion, her head rolling from side to side as her crotch exploded in waves of pounding orgasm. The excited Great Dane lathered warm slaver all over her gaping snatch and slippery thighs, sensual tongue dancing maddeningly over the clamping ring muscle of her drool soaked ass.

The mewling blonde felt like she was drowning in tidal waves of surging come, one rush of explosive orgasm after another gushing from her steaming pussy straight up her spine to crash into her numbed brain. Twitching, shuddering, Linda whined feebly and panted for breath as Prince lapped and slobbered over her saturated crotch. As the incredible shuddering spasms shook her bobbing jugs, she realized with horror that the huge animal still refused to back off and the enthusiastic velvet tongue was still there. Muffled cries and groans turned into a constant nasal moaning as the hysterical teenager thrashed helplessly on the chair with the eager Prince crouched between her thighs.

“MMmmmmmmmmm, unnnhhhhhhhh, nnnnnnnno!” she shrilled through the clenched teeth, “nnnnoooo, dnnnt, aaaahhhhhh, ssttp ut, pplllzzz, unnnnhhhhhmmmmmmmm!” Her muffled pleading and frenzied moans seemed to always encourage the big dog, who immediately burst into delighted licking at her spasming crotch.

Linda’s mind dissolved into a red cloud of orgasm and squirming desire as the dog’s inescapable tongue probed between her exquisitely sensitive lips and slid up inside her dripping cunt. Tears slid down her face and dripped from her throbbing nipples as the frantic squirming teenager started on another mind boggling orgasm.

Crying and whining in horrified ecstasy, she found herself now straining toward the panting Harlequin, pressing her knees against the women’s grip as the dog snuffled and drooled over her avid bronze bushed pussy; she was frantic with mortification and shame as she watched herself in the mirror, heaving forward, thrusting her snatch toward the animal’s steady tonguing.

The frantic blonde had forgotten all about her watching captors until she heard the redhead and the brunette applauding from beside her; she gave a muffled shriek of anguish as she realized the women had been watching every minute of her writhing orgasms with the eager animal. The helpless teenager gave a strangled moan of dismay when the redhead’s voice whispered in her left ear.

“That’s right, baby, give it up for the big dog,” Sally said with a laugh, “you just keep creaming real pretty for our big boy’s tongue, that’s a good girl. Come hard, angel, you look just fine doing that with him.”

“Look at her, Sal, the little bitch is dying for it,” Denise exclaimed in delight, “I told you she’s a natural, look at her, she’s loving it, he’s got her half crazy already.” The mortified blonde sobbed in humiliation as the brunette chuckled and added, “Good boy, Princie, you’re a good good dog; make Linda happy, good boy, lick her good, that’s a good dog. Lick the pussy, Prince, that’s my good boy.”

Limp as a dishrag and shivering uncontrollably, Linda groaned and giggled uncontrollably to the watching women, wriggling and heaving her snatch at the eager animal crouched slavering between her thighs. Alternately begging, screaming and laughing hysterically, she gripped the chair frame with both hands and stared in fascinated horror into the huge mirror, knowing the women were watching as she spread her thighs wide to hold her dripping lips apart, exposing her throbbing and demanding clit to Prince’s velvet tongue.

Linda twisted and wriggled frantically between the redhead woman and the giggling brunette, who held her pinned solidly in place while the Harlequin’s libidinous tongue washed over her open snatch, spreading her lips wide and sliding over her clit like a velvet ribbon. Even as she pleaded with the women and the slavering animal, Linda felt excruciating gratification under the dog’s tireless licking and delicate tongue, remembered fondling and stroking his ears earlier as he exquisitely lapped her dissolving snatch. The graphic memory of her first night the van, her frenzied screaming muffled by a velvet gag, made goosebumps stand out on her shaking breasts and her nipples throbbed into swollen hard erection.

“Aaahhhh, please, Sally, Prince, no more, please no,” Linda sobbed, shivers racing over her belly and up across her shaking tits, “I can’t stand it, you can’t just let him keep doing it to me.” “Please please don’t let him do that to me any more, Denise,” the shattered blonde screamed hysterically, “it’s too much, ooohhhh, no, aaahhhhh…”

Closing her eyes, the overwhelmed girl again began slowly twitching her hips from side to side, swiveling her rhythmically clamping ass in circles, sliding the flickering dog tongue around her dripping pussy. As Prince lapped zealously at her bronze-curled bush, Linda gasped and giggled as Sally reached over to spread her lips with one hand while Denise stroked the Harlequin’s head and neck. Responding to the brunette’s encouragement, the excited dog extended his maneuvers, licking up across her bush onto her twitching belly and down to her thighs, washing her entire crotch.

“Mmmmmmm, oh my God, that’s good big dog,” Linda whispered huskily as the brunette scratched Prince affectionately behind the ears, “I hate to confess, Sally, but it’s so good, Prince, go on baby, do it to Linda real nice, don’t stop good dog. Aahh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes.”

Leaning forward in the chair, Linda stared into the mirror, moaning softly each time the warm tongue tip lapped over her clit, while Denise patted and massaged the slavering Harlequin’s neck and shoulders. Gasping, Linda arched in the chair, lifting her drool glistening slit to the dog’s rasping tongue; Prince instantly shoved his muzzle deep between her spread thighs and began working at her snatch.

The big dog gave a fervent bark and diligently started licking rapidly at her dripping snatch; the captive blonde moaned in ecstasy as she felt the slippery animal tongue snaking deep into her spread lips and into her dissolving snatch. Twitching, shuddering, Linda groaned feebly and panted desperately for breath as Prince panted and lapped over her saturated crotch. Collapsing into sexual frenzy, the delirious blonde writhed and shivered enraptured on the rhythmic doggie licking while the Harlequin slavered and whined with delight between her legs. Twisting and writhing in ecstasy under the panting animal, the sweat drenched blonde shrieked incoherently to the huge Harlequin as her mind dissolved and gushed out through her pulsating twat.

“Oh god, lick me hard, good dog,” she howled hysterically, thrusting her hips and jamming the Harlequin’s furry snout against her clitoris, “come on now, Prince, do it hard good boy, lick Linda, please lick Linda real hard.”

“Oooohh, Jesus, that’s terrific, don’t stop now Prince, go on baby, lick hard, make him do it all to me, Sally, please make him do me, oh lick Linda real hard good dog,” Linda shrieked through gritted teeth, “aaahhh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes, lick me for Denise, lover dog.”

Feeling the approaching orgasm surging in her dripping snatch, the squirming blonde screamed “Do it now, Prince, mmmmm, lick me now now now, unnh, oohhh god Sally oh my god help me, lick hard, lick me real hard, I can’t stand it Denise please oh please, Jesus yes big dog, I’m gonna cream all over you….”

“Aaahhhh, please, Prince, do it now, please don’t ever stop,” she implored, shivers rolling over her belly and up over her stiff nippled tits, “please don’t stop now, good boy, I’ll keep doing this with you forever, sweetheart, please please don’t stop doing that to me, it’s too much, ooohhhh, aaahhhhh!”

Linda choked off as the thunderous orgasm roared up her spine; Sally sensually rubbed her aching pink nipples as the teenager’s lean tanned body heaved and shuddered under the big dog’s unflagging licking. The girl screamed deep in her throat, over and over again as the dog lapped frantically at her spasming pussy; shaking and sobbing, the creaming blonde-haired captive kept bucking and thrusting at the whining Harlequin’s muzzle, writhing in waves of volcanic come while she twisted and jerked under his hot tongue. She was ready to start screaming again when Sally tapped the big dog lightly on his dripping muzzle and said, “Back off, Prince, off good boy. Linda feels good now, big boy, back off.”

The Harlequin instantly pulled his nose from between Linda’s legs and sat panting between her ankles; Denise and Sally unfastened the wrist straps and hauled the weak-kneed blonde to her feet, swaying dizzily between them as she shivered and moaned incoherently, reaching pleadingly toward the motionless animal for a little more.

Linda hung gasping and groaning in front of the mirror, still delirious with the passion of her shocking, mind-shattering animal orgasms. Denise helped the quivering blonde over to the bed while Sally let Prince out of the room and quickly stowed the chair back in the closet; the captive teenager fainted in shivering ecstasy and the redhead and brunette quietly walked out and locked her in her room.

Linda woke up late that afternoon exhausted and haggard, stunned by the memory of watching her sickening behavior in the mirror and her second taste of complete dominance by Sally and Denise. The brunette and the redhead didn’t say a word about her morning’s performance when they brought the subdued girl downstairs for lunch.

Linda was so frightened to encourage them referring to her morning session that she reluctantly accepted Sally’s command to return to the kennels for another lesson in masturbating the big dogs. The pretty blonde was overwhelmed with relief at being able to escape more cross-examination and just fondle the animals, and made a decision to acquiesce to working the dogs over to keep the women from coming up with other ideas.

Linda found her second trip to the kennel was nowhere near as horrendous as her memory of the first day; she walked submissively on her leash with Sally and Denise, and sat by the dog pens before either woman could say a word. Denise produced another joint, lit it and then handed it to the waiting blonde; the redhead and the brunette watched while the girl sucked down the thick smoke, holding her breath as she’d been taught. Sally rewarded the girl’s obedience by letting her off the leash while the dogs swarmed around her, and Linda found it was easier to jack off the excited animals when she was stoned and had more freedom to move.

Denise handed Linda the Kama Sutra bottle without a word, and the teenager oiled her hands and caressed the dogs’ cocks dutifully, one after another for hours while the redhead and brunette watched and gave her detailed instructions. The submissive runaway tried to keep her concentration on the big dogs while Sally and Denise oiled her, fondled her breasts, and stroked maddeningly between her legs, keeping the helpless teenager shuddering at the edge of orgasm as she masturbated the whining animals.

Linda became more accustomed to jacking off whining animals by dinnertime, and learned not to flinch when they yowled and shot hot come across the kennel floor. Sally washed the splashes of sticky dog come off the floor while Denise led Linda back to the house for dinner, and the women let the naked girl sunbathe and splash in the pool afterward. After a little relaxation, Sally whistled and pointed toward the kennel, and Linda paced obediently back to the waiting animals. The blonde was dumbfounded by the dogs’ constant erections and their enthusiastic response to her forced but increasingly stimulated fondling; the animals kept on howling and creaming after hours of skillful masturbation while Denise and Sally kept Linda writhing under their hands.

The shattered runaway thought maybe she could tire out the big dogs, and spent the evening trying to wear out the animals before she collapsed herself; the eager dogs came repeatedly in her hands and Linda had multiple orgasms from the women’s constant erotic manipulation. When Sally and Denise took the teenager back to the house, Linda was covered in sweat, dog hair and sticky animal semen, and the women sent her upstairs immediately to shower when she got inside.

Linda wasn’t surprised when the brunette and the redhead led her into the living room that evening after dinner. She settled into her place on the couch as Denise sat the tray of treats on the coffee table, while Sally slipped the training tape into the cassette player.

“We’ll do a quick review of your earlier lesson, angel,” the redhead said as she picked up the remote control, “when Princie licks your sweet pussy and makes you happy; we wouldn’t want you to forget how good you cream for the big dog, after all. After we run through your come skills, we’ll move on to the kennel tape and Deni will help you recite your handling techniques, baby.”

Sally thumbed the remote as Linda nodded obediently, handed the blonde a bone as the screen lit up to and said softly, “Stay, angel.”

“Stay means,” Linda answered immediately, “stay means I stay right where you want me and wait for what happens next, Deni.” The blonde’s eyes widened and she gave a sudden shiver as Denise slowly kissed up her shoulder and neck and began licking softly into her ear.

“Very good, angel, you remember very well,” Sally said approvingly, clicking the remote to a new scene, showing her first reluctant undressing, when she got her collar and tag. The redhead handed the girl another milk bone, “Strip, good girl.”

“Strip,” the teenager responded, washing down the cookie with a sip of milk, “strip means I should take off all my clothes for you, Sally.”

“That’s right, baby, and you’re getting more relaxed about it each day,” Denise whispered, “remember, you only get dressed so you’ll have something to take off.” Linda picked up another cookie as the brunette added, “Still, good girl.”

“Still means I should wait to be told what to do, Sally,” Linda answered while Denise licked back down her neck, “I’m to wait and not move till it’s time for me to do something else.”

“Good, angel, that’s right,” Sally replied as Denise gently fondled Linda’s nipples, “You’re already learning when to move, because you like what you’re doing and what happens when you act right.” She flicked the tape to a new scene and continued, “Spread, baby.”

“Spread,” Linda replied, watching herself on the screen, “spread means I need to spread my legs for someone to lick me, Sally.”

“That’s right, baby,” Sally responded, as the Shepherd on the screen lapped between Linda’s legs. “Now try this one,” the redhead continued, “Watch, good girl.”

“Watch means I get to watch what the pretty boy does to make me happy.” the teenager replied, while Denise continued rubbing her nipples.

“That’s good, baby, now you’ve got it right,” Sally said with a smile, “now do this one: pet, good girl.”

“Pet,” Linda whispered, “means I get to pet the dog while he makes me happy.” The blonde stared at herself rubbing the Shepherd’s ears and neck as he slavered at her bronze bushed pussy.

“You’re doing just fine, baby,” the redhead said as Denise began licking Linda’s erect nipples, “You know how well the pretty boys respond when you show them some affection. Now this one, angel: speak, good girl.”

“Speak,” Linda answered with a shiver, as Denise reached between her thighs and began slowly fondling her slit, “speak means I get to tell the pretty boy how much I like it while he makes me happy.”

“That’s wonderful, angel, you know all those commands perfectly,” Sally said as Denise slid off the couch to kneel between the blonde’s legs, “Now you lean back and Deni will make you happy while we watch you in the kennel.” Linda leaned back and stared at the screen as Denise moved in between her knees, kissing her way slowly around the girl’s blonde pubic curls.

The teenager stared as the scene switched to her performance in the kennels; she realized there must be several different cameras, since the view shifted from wide angle shots to close ups as Denise and Sally moved her into position with the big dogs. It was hard to stay focused on the screen with Denise’s soft kisses warming her snatch, and Linda was startled when Sally said, “Pay attention, good girl, you’re learning to jack off the big dogs, remember?”

The blonde snapped to concentration as the tape showed the brunette sliding Linda’s hands over the Shepherd’s cock. She gave a low moan of excitement as Denise’s lips brushed across her slit and Sally said, “Now tell me this one, baby: feel, good girl.”

“Feel,” Linda answered with a gasp, “feel means I should play with the pretty boy’s cock and balls while he makes a hardon for me, Sally.” The teenager shivered in mortified arousal as Denise licked delicately at her slit, while the screen showed the brunette sliding Linda’s fingers deliberately over the animal’s stiffening dick.

The redhead sat close to Linda and began softly caressing the girl’s nipples while the brunette lapped slowly at her dripping snatch. The helpless runaway shivered under their nonchalant handling as the tape wound on, watching the screen showing her jacking off the whining Harlequin in shamed excitement; Linda found that she couldn’t look away when the Dane began lapping at his cock. Sally leaned down and began kissing the blonde’s erect nipples, her tongue washing softly over the sensitive tips. The teenager gasped for breath as she watched the huge animal spurting bolts of sticky semen across the kennel; she didn’t realize she was thrusting her hips against Denise’s tongue in time with the big dog’s orgasm until the brunette gave a quiet chuckle between her legs.

“Oh, that’s pretty good, baby,” the brunette whispered softly into the girl’s bronze bush, “you’d like to be coming with him, wouldn’t you? Don’t try to deny it, Linda, I can feel you humping my tongue already. Well, not quite yet, good girl, you have to wait a little longer; I’ll let you come at the end of this lesson, sweetheart, don’t worry.”

Sally lifted her mouth off the girl’s breast long enough to say, “And now the last new command, angel. Tell me about this one, Linda: stroke, good girl.”

“Stroke,” the blonde moaned as Denise’s tongue worked into her spread and dripping pussy, “stroke means I should pump the big dog’s dick, Sally, and keep doing it until he comes for me.”

“That’s right, baby, you’ve done them all real good, you know your commands very well,” the redhead replied, “and now it’s time that you learned we can use them in different ways.”

Sally swung her feet up onto the couch and shifted around to kneel facing Linda; the redhead reached down and pulled the girl’s right hand over between her spread knees. Linda writhed against the couch as Denise’s tongue centered on her clit, washing exquisitely in slow circles over the throbbing bud. The teenager couldn’t resist as Sally began sliding her hand higher between her open thighs, toward the woman’s brick-red bush. She leaned forward and stared into the blonde’s eyes as she whispered, “Now feel, good girl, feel.”

Linda gave a moan of mortified arousal as Sally moved her hand the last few inches to the redhead’s rust-curled bush. She felt sudden warm dampness under her fingers and realized with shock that Sally was already wet, her crotch dripping and oozing slowly down her thighs. The teenager swallowed hard and closed her eyes as she felt the first damp curl touch her fingers. The redhead stopped and lifted her hand, leaving the girl’s fingertips at the edge of her saturated slit. Linda gave a gasp of rapture as the brunette began softly sucking her clitoris, sending pulses of sexual lightning up her spine.

“You need to open your eyes, Linda,” Sally commanded softly, “I want you to move your hand by yourself, and I want you to see it while you do it, angel. Now watch and feel, good girl.”

The blonde gave a strangled moan of horrified desire as she obediently slid her hand slowly onto Sally’s wet snatch; the woman’s saturated curls dripped under her touch and her hand soaked as her fingers parted the redhead’s slippery lips. The shivering blonde couldn’t look away when Sally cupped her hand over Linda’s and began gently fondling herself with the girl’s fingers. She stared in shamed fascination while the redheadpressed her fingers to spread her hot slit wide, sliding the girl’s fingertips slowly over her clit.

At Linda’s feet, Denise cupped her hands under the blonde’s knees and lifted them up onto her shoulders, tipping the girl further back against the couch with her thighs wrapped around the brunette’s neck. The overwhelmed teenager automatically crossed her ankles over Denise’s back, pulling the woman’s open mouth tight against her throbbing pussy. Linda shivered in ecstasy as the brunette’s lips and tongue washed over her melting snatch, keeping her quivering on the edge of orgasm while she fondled the redhead’s spread slit. Sally released Linda’s right hand and pulled the girl’s left hand down onto Denise’s head; she smiled as she spread the blonde’s fingers over the brunette’s curls and rubbed gently.

“Now pet pretty Denise while she makes you happy, angel,” the redhead whispered, “let Deni know you appreciate having her lick your sweet pussy, Linda. Pet, good girl.”

With a moan of complete surrender, Linda curled her fingers in Denise’s hair and began petting the slavering brunette, while she continued fondling Sally’s spread pussy. The brunette gave a muffled groan of satisfaction when Linda cupped her hand over the back of Denise’s neck, rolling the woman’s head gently, guiding her tongue into exquisite position against the overwhelmed girl’s demanding clitoris. Sally leaned forward and kissed Linda passionately, slipping her tongue deep into the blonde’s mouth while Linda writhed under Denise’s expert licking. The redhead pulled back and slowly straightened up as kissed her way over the girl’s cheek and slid her tongue into Linda’s ear; she rose up higher, lifting her breasts to the panting blonde’s lips.

“There’s just one more left, Linda,” the redhead said, reaching down to slip the blonde’s fingers deep into her dripping slit, “now it’s time for you to learn to jack Sally off, baby. Stroke, good girl, stroke.”

The teenager moaned with mortified satisfaction as she began rhythmically sliding her fingers into the redhead’s hot snatch; Sally leaned forward, pressing her firm breast against the gasping blonde’s open mouth. Linda responded instantly when she felt the woman’s perfumed tit at her lips, kissing and sucking the redhead’s areola, moaning as her tongue flicked over Sally’s erect nipple. Linda clamped her hand over Denise’s neck, pulling the brunette’s open mouth against her spread pussy while she jacked off the panting redhead. The writhing teenager felt ready to faint when Sally gave the final command.

“I want you to recite all the command words now, angel,” the redhead whispered hoarsely, “repeat them one after the other for us, baby. Deni will come while she licks your wet pussy, you can come while she sucks your clit, and I’ll come while you jack me off. You saythe words for us, Linda, and we’ll all come together. Now speak, good girl, speak.”

“Stay,” the blonde moaned around the redhead’s stiff nipple, “stay, strip, still… ummhh, ahhhh…” she broke into gasping moans as Denise’s tongue washed over her spread lips and thrust up into her steaming pussy, “ahhh, still, spread, watch, speak, ohhh Jesus…” Sally rocked her hips against the squirming blonde’s hand as she rubbed Linda’s nipples, grinding her clit into the girl’s palm, jamming the blonde’s fingers rhythmically deep into her gushing rust-curled slit; Denise was moaning in orgasmic delight against the teenager’s pulsing clitoris, her muffled groans driving the girl to ecstatic creaming as Linda chanted her commands around Sally’s hard nipples.

“Stay, strip, still, spread, ohhh yes, my god, watch, speak, pet,” the shuddering blonde moaned, Sally’s erect nipple still touching her lips. “Ohhh please, Deni, make me come, please, aahhhh, speak, pet, feel, stroke… I know them all, Sally, can I come now, can I please come now… stay, strip, still, spread, watch, speak, pet, feel, stroke… come with me, Sally, come for me, please… stay, strip, still, spread, watch, speak, pet, feel, stroke…stay, strip, still, spread, watch, speak, pet, feel, stroke… ooohhh fuck, we’re coming, we’re all coming now… stay, strip, still, spread, watch, speak, pet, feel, stroke…yes, yes, yes, ohhhh so good, so good, yes… stay, strip, still, spread, watch, speak, pet, feel, stroke…”


Chapter Six – Job Training Earns Pool Privileges

Linda woke up late the following morning; Sally and Denise had let her sleep in as a reward for her enthusiastic performance on the living room sofa. The brunette and the redhead didn’t say a word about her skipping breakfast when the humiliated girl finally got hungry enough to come downstairs for brunch. Linda was so consumed with avoiding references to their evening seduction that she instantly accepted Sally’s invitation to smoke some more dope before spreading her legs for another session of animal licking and then strolling down to the kennel after lunch for more doggie masturbation.

The pretty blonde was overcome with relief and gratitude at being able to avoid cross-examination and made up her mind up to perform with the dogs suitably to keep the women from coming up with other ideas. Linda discovered that each succeeding trip to the kennel was easier than the one before. With her nervous system humming with drugs, Linda walked placidly on her chain with the women, and opened the dog pens before Sally even told her.

The redhead rewarded the obedient girl by letting her pick which animal she wanted to masturbate first, and Linda found to her surprise that she was more and more intrigued by the differences in the big dogs’ reactions to her increasingly skilled manipulation. The well-trained blonde fondled the dogs’ cocks docilely while Sally and Denise watched and gave more and more perverted suggestions. The compliant runaway tried to focus on the animals while the women kept fondling her breasts and stroking skillfully between her legs as she masturbated the animals.

Linda was becoming completely accustomed to jacking off the insatiable animals by now and smiled with fulfillment while they howled and exploded pungent come over her body and onto the floor. Denise and Sally sponged the sticky dog come off the submissive blonde each afternoon and watched the naked girl sunbathe and splash in the pool afterward. After a few hours of relaxation, Sally spread a blanket by the pool while Denise led the dogs out of the kennel, and Linda scampered dutifully over to the waiting animals.

The hapless blonde found she was perversely excited by the dogs’ apparently perpetual hard-ons and their endless reserves of come; it seemed impossible that the animals could keep on howling and creaming for her after so many hours of her skillful masturbation. The absorbed runaway wondered if it was possible to tire out the big dogs and worked hard every afternoon to try and conquer even one animal erection before dinnertime.

While the dogs and the watching women clearly enjoyed her efforts, the teenager didn’t succeed. The animals kept coming constantly in her hands and Linda had multiple orgasms from the women’s constant erotic manipulation; when Sally and Denise finally let her up and led her inside for dinner all three of the big dogs were still stiff and ready. Linda was yawning and nodding off by the time they finished dinner and the women sent her to bed immediately after she finished dessert. Fresh air and swimming, her own ferocious orgasms and hours of playing with hot doggie cock had left the girl exhausted and she slept late the following morning.

The next day the blonde’s training schedule was the same, and the day after that, and after that. Every morning after a late breakfast, Denise and Sally dressed Linda in stockings, high heels and lace, and made the captive teenager pose before the huge mirror while one of the dogs lapped her into squirming, screaming frenzy.

Some days the hapless blonde stayed in the chair, and the brunette and the redhead masturbated on each side of her as the animals licked the writhing teenager into orgasm after sobbing orgasm; some days Sally ordered the girl to stand with Rex or Prince sitting between her spread legs, petting and praising the dog lapping at her dripping snatch for hours until she collapsed in a shuddering sprawl in front of the mirror.

For variety, Sally occasionally made the captive blonde lean forward over a table with her legs spread and kissed the moaning teenager passionately while Prince or Mick licked her pussy and ass from behind until she screamed into the redhead’s open mouth.

Every afternoon after lunch she was given more dope and led back to the kennel for another lesson in animalmasturbation. As the days passed in the kennel and beside the pool, Linda became an adept at jacking off the big dogs; the shattered teenager obediently smoked more drugs and ultimately started masturbating the animals zealously for hours without any instruction from Sally or Denise.

The captive teen had become wholly accustomed to having her hands full of animal cock, and giggled exultantly at the women when Mick or Rex or Prince began yowling and spurting hot come through her fingers. The blonde discovered that she was really beginning to feel self-satisfied kneeling with her legs spread so the brunette and the redhead could fondle with her pussy while she masturbated the howling dogs.

Every other evening, the redhead and the brunette brought Linda into the living room after dinner and fed her shortbread dog bones, and they watched the videotapes of the blonde’s performance with the eager dogs while Denise licked the girl into a squirming frenzy. Linda adapted to the standard routine, watching herself perform with the Shepherd, Dane and wolfhound, eating her biscuits and reciting the command words when Sally paused the tape.

Each lesson review ended the same way, the blonde watching herself in repeated slow-motion orgasms on the screen, chanting Stay, Strip, Still, Spread, Watch, Speak, Pet, Feel, Stroke while she masturbated Sally or Denise, who fondled her breasts as the other one went down on her until they all came together.

Denise was sitting in front of a pile of papers and a ledger book when Linda walked into the living room for lesson review that evening. As Sally turned on the TV and put in the tape, the brunette jumped up from the table and gave the surprised teenager a prolonged and enthusiastic kiss.

“Congratulations, baby, you’re really doing great,” the brunette said with a smile, “I’ve just been going over the books this evening and Sally and I want you to know that you are really earning your keep here at Fox and Hounds.”

“What are you talking about, Deni?” the startled girl asked in confusion, “I don’t get it. I mean, you’ve told me over and over that I have to keep the big dogs happy and I guess I’m kind of getting used to doing that dirty stuff, but why congratulations, what’s going on?”

“Why, I mean your earnings, angel,” Denise replied with a smile, “I’ve been keeping track ever since you got here, and you passed twenty grand today. That’s just really great; we’re going to have a little celebration for you tonight.”

“Earnings, what earnings, twenty grand what?” the baffled teen asked hesitantly “what in the hell are you talking about, Denise, what gives?”

“Why, the earnings from your internet videos, sweetheart,” the woman responded with a smile, “surely you didn’t think all that wonderful footage of you with the puppies was just going to waste, did you? You’re starting to develop a fan club, angel, there are more orders pouring into the web site every day.”

“Oh my God, no, please no,” Linda gasped in appalled mortification “you can’t be serious, Deni, please tell me you’re kidding me. It’s a joke, right, you’re just teasing me, please tell my you haven’t really been selling those, those, pictures of me…”

“Guess again, baby,” Sally answered, laughing. “You’re a hot item right now, Linda,” the redhead continued, “the DVDs and tapes sold like hotcakes the first time you were in front of the mirror with sexy Rexie, and the new ones are moving faster every day.”

“Oh Jesus, no, no no no,” Linda wailed in horror, “you can’t be doing that, not showing my face and everything, you can’t be letting people watch me do that horrible shit, that’s terrible, I’m already so mortified and disgusted I could die. How much of that filthy stuff have you got out there, my God, how far will that degrading perverted shit spread, how could you do something like that to me? My God, what if some of that filth gets back to someone who knows me, they’ll think I’m making pornography.”

“You are making pornography, angel,” Denise replied in a sultry whisper, “and you’re getting better at it every day. I told you, there are cameras everywhere, baby, and I mean everywhere–in your room, here in the living room, in the kennels, out by the pool, everywhere. You’re creating a whole video series, Linda, and it’s going to make a fortune before you’re through. We’re calling it ‘Linda Just Loves Animals’, and it’s a kind of documentary, baby; people are always intrigued with corruption stories. Sally and I were sure there would be a big market waiting to see a sweetheart girl like you get turned on to animals, and it turns out there certainly is.”

“The best part, of course,” Sally continued, “the reason that you’re selling so well, is that people know it’s not just acting, it isn’t the same old porno where professional chicks pretend something they don’t really feel. With your videos, we made sure people know it’s real, you’re really getting animal dick for the first time, and this is really the way you are. People understand they’re actually watching you starting to like working those big dogs step by step, lesson by lesson, and the further you go, the better it gets and the more the whole series is worth.”

“People can’t wait to see what you’ll do next, sweetheart, everyone wants to see pretty Linda’s next act. Now come one over here, Linda,” the redhead concluded, “we’ll look over today’s tapes, and you can help us out with this project, you get to pick out the best shots. Come and sit down here right now, baby, and you decide how you want people to see you doing it with the pretty boys. Watch close, angel, and think of your public; remember all your fans while you’re watching and try to think of what they’re all waiting for.”

“Oh, it’s all right good girl, really it is,” the brunette added as Linda sat sobbing in front of the television, “you just do your best and don’t worry about the details. I’m editing your videos and I’ll make sure you look real pretty for everyone. They’re marvelous films and you’re going to be a big star, you just get better and better every day, and you’re enjoying yourself more and more every day. You know it’s true, and it shows splendidly in the tapes, you’re starting to appreciate what you’re learning and you’ll end up adoring those doggie dicks more and more as time goes on. Sally and I know what’s best for you, angel, and you’ll find out how right we are as you keep doing more with the pretty boys.”

“Denise is absolutely right, sweetheart,” Sally finished, “you’re into it and you’re going to keep on going, and the further you go, the more you’ll love it, the more you’ll want those hot doggie hard-ons, and the more you’ll want people to see you getting them.” The smiling redhead handed Linda the pipe and a lighter, adding, “you might as well smoke some dope and relax, angel, you’re gonna do it anyhow. You can either smoke it yourself or we’ll help you again, it’s really up to you.”

Mechanically, the stunned blonde lit the pipe and took a deep drag of the hypnotic mixture; she held her breath as the heavy sweet smoke punched into her chest. Linda felt her pulse racing and her ears ringing as she sucked in another hit of the powerful dope.

“There’s a reason they call it bestiality, Linda–because it’s the best you can get…” Sally turned on the television again as Denise slid to the floor and knelt between the blonde’s knees; the blonde eagerly sucked in another hit of dope as the brunette leaned forward against her snatch and Sally started the videotape. The redhead quickly stripped naked as the first pictures flickered onto the screen; Linda watched in amazement as the woman pulled a large purple vibrator from a drawer and settled down on the couch beside her. The hapless blonde stared as Sally slid the head of the humming battery dick down against her brick-red bush, and then gasped in surprise as Denise’s tongue flickered over her own spread slit.

The redhead lay close beside the captive teen, sliding the dildo slowly into her rust-curled pussy while the brunette continued lapping the girl’s exposed clit. Sally masturbated deliberately beside the gasping blonde while Denise gently licked the girl into her first sweating orgasm as the videotape wound on; the panting redhead reached over and fondled Linda’s stiff nipples as the girl writhed into climax, and Linda moaned in mortified ecstasy as she realized her orgasm had made Sally come beside her.

The blonde lay shivering on the couch, watching herself creaming on the screen as the women quickly traded places, the redhead delicately kissing the girl’s dripping slit while the brunette cuddled close and started toying herself at Linda’s side.

Denise and Sally kept swapping positions as the tape went on and on, licking the helpless blonde through
orgasm after shuddering orgasm and masturbating beside her as they watched the girl performing with the animals on the screen. By the end of the videotape, Sally made Linda slip the vibrator into her, and writhed against the teenager’s hand while Denise slowly sucked the captive blonde’s throbbing clitoris. They were all dripping with sweat and come when the women finally pulled the twitching teen off the couch and helped the half-fainting girl up to her room.

After the mortifying session with Denise and Sally and learning that her performance was being sold as pornography, Linda collapsed into bed shattered. The brunette and the redhead made her choose new scenes from her lessons every night from then on, and the humiliated teen fell asleep with a feeling of perverted accomplishment and expertise, never realizing that her passive obedience was moving her closer to new instruction in obscenity.

On Friday morning Linda didn’t wake up until late in the day; as she showered and brushed her hair, she wondered why Deni hadn’t gotten her up for breakfast. The bemused teenager had just shrugged into a nightie that barely reached her bush when Sally stuck her head in the door and told her to come downstairs to the kitchen for brunch.

As they finished lunch, Sally looked over at Linda and said, “It’s another beautiful day, sweetheart, it’s sunny and warmer than yesterday; would you like to come outside with us and play by the pool today, good girl?”

“Oh, Sally, can I, I mean can we?” the blonde exclaimed, clapping her hands, “can I really? Yes, please, I’d like that a lot; I love to swim. Is it all right, Denise, please say yes.”

“Of course you can, good girl,” the brunette answered happily, “you should work on that allover tan and have some fun. I’d love to see you playing by the pool, baby; a good girl needs plenty of sunshine and healthy exercise.”

Sally and Denise hustled to clear the lunch dishes and get ready to go outside; Linda waited impatiently in her bedroom until the women returned for her. She ran over from the windows and gave Denise a big hug as the brunette opened the door; as she stepped into the hallway, Linda gave Sally a quick kiss on the mouth. The redhead licked her lips and said, “Well, well, another sweet kiss from Linda, what a treat for me, lover.” She turned and started down the hall, calling, “Come on, baby; walk, good girl.”

Linda was not surprised when the redhead opened the front of the desk and pulled out the six-foot leash again. The blonde stared quietly at Sally, and her eyes dropped as the redhead responded, “When you go out for a walk you wear a leash, good girl; we’ll take it off for you to swim.” She approached the resigned teenager and handed Linda the snap-link.

When the blonde looked at her in confusion, Sally pointed to her collar and said, “Put it on, good girl, you know how to fasten it.” Denise and Sally watched as the teenager slowly reached up and clipped the chain to her velvet collar. Linda followed the redhead numbly from the desk, her eyes fixed on the silver chain stretching from her neck to the strap around Sally’s wrist.

As they passed through the French doors and went onto the flagstone patio, the blonde came to an immediate stop, waiting for Sally to order her to strip again. When Sally didn’t speak, Linda glanced at her in surprise, then shrugged and looked toward the French doors; the redhead looked at her with a smile, gave a gentle tug on Linda’s leash and simply said, “Come on, good girl, walk.”

Outside, the sun-warmed flagstone patio felt delightful under Linda’s bare feet and the air was filled with the smell of the honeysuckle and lilacs and the heavy fragrance of magnolias. The teenager’s embarrassment and humiliation quickly dissipated as the women led her across the soft lawn toward the huge flagstone-bordered pool. Bees were buzzing energetically around among the flowerbeds and lilac and other flowering shrubs scattered around the yard while fragrant blossoms nodded in the warm afternoon breeze. The perfectly manicured lawn was soft and clean-feeling under their feet, and Linda stopped thinking about her near-nakedness as the women led her to the chairs and lounges by the pool.

When they reached the umbrella table and grouped chairs, Sally tugged once on the leash and again said, “Stay good girl.” The teenager froze beside a lawn chair and looked at the redhead in bewilderment. Sally’s eyes sparkled as she stared at the blonde and quietly ordered, “Strip, good girl.”

Linda had thought she was getting used to the demands of her captivity, but the constant reminder that these women made her strip naked on a leash was more than the blonde could bear. She glanced anxiously at Denise, but the brunette only nodded and said, “Watching you swimming and splashing naked in the sunshine will be pretty for us, angel; now do as Sally says, sweetheart, you know the rules.” The teenager winced as the redhead tugged once more on the chain and commanded, “Strip, good girl.”

Linda gave a slow sigh of resignation and slipped out of the lacy tunic; the false security of their cheerful lunch and swimming invitation disappeared the instant she slipped the thin nightie off and stood naked in the collar and chain. Sally held out her hand and waited silently until the blonde handed her the wisp of lace; the redhead draped it over the back of a chair and said, “All right, good girl, sit.”

Linda obediently sat in the nylon-mesh chair, and the redhead immediately dropped the leash down between the blonde’s sun-warmed tits. Denise and Sally sat down to a bottle of wine at the nearby table as the brunette said, “You can take that leash off when you’re ready for a swim, good girl. Just tell me or Sally when you’re ready.”

Sighing in frustration, Linda leaned back in the chair and closed her eyes; the afternoon sun was broiling hot and she could feel her sensitive nipples stiffening from the heat. Half-asleep, the suntanned runaway stretched her long legs and drifted into a sunwarmed daydream; dozing off in the sun, imagination working overtime, she was about ready to ask for a swim, but fell sound asleep sprawled in the chair.

Denise got up immediately and headed for the kennel at a jog; Sally watched and whispered encouragement as Rex the Shepherd trotted over to the sleeping blonde, sniffing cautiously at the sweating teenager. The big dog stepped soundlessly between her spread legs and sat on his haunches directly in front of her, tongue hanging as he sniffed at Linda’s sun warmed bush. The Shepherd’s hot panting huffed over the sleeping blonde’s crotch, steaming against her thighs and snatch. Linda moaned softly and twitched in her sleep, sleek tan thighs spreading wider as she shifted in the chair.

Rex sat quietly with his dripping muzzle inches away from the teenager’s spread bush, snorting softly and panting furnace hot breath over her snatch. When the drowsing blonde had remained motionless for several minutes, Sally whispered in approval and the big Shepherd leaned slightly forward and licked delicately between the sleeping girl’s legs. Linda’s breath caught in her throat as the sweltering dog tongue rasped over her snatch, but the velvet touch of the Shepherd’s tongue was not enough to wake her. The sweating blonde sighed in her sleep as Rex started a slow steady lapping at her pussy, tail wagging, drooling on the teenager’s frizzy brick pubic hair. The massive dog panted and slavered over the dozing teenager’s warm snatch, and her cheeks flushed as aroused doggie saliva saturated her crotch.

Within minutes, Linda began breathing faster and her nipples stood up stiff; the teenager’s tan stomach twitched with the pulse hammering in her increasingly steamy snatch. When her quivering pussy began dripping into her drool soaked bush, Rex began licking harder and faster at the delicious crotch spread open in front of him. Linda was dripping with sweat and panting for breath as the Shepherd’s tongue lathered over her bush, onto her thighs and up to her flat belly, then dropped back down onto her dripping clitoris.

The spread legged blonde made a soft whimper in her sleep and shivers raced from her pulsing snatch over her belly; her sun-browned nipples were standing up and her tits were covered with goosebumps when Rex shifted his stance and stepped on her bare foot. Linda’s eyes snapped open on the huge Shepherd lapping enthusiastically at her saturated and thoroughly inflamed snatch.

“Jesus, what are you doing here, Rex,” Linda gasped, reaching to shove the big dog’s shoulders, “get away from me, stop that ” She stopped talking and shoving, freezing in place as Sally ordered sharply, “Be still, good girl, you let Rexie go. Still good girl.”

“Stop it, Rex, no, no, now back up, down, off,” Linda whispered desperately, hoping to get the big dog to move out from her spread thighs, “I said go, now get back, get down ” The instant the sweating blonde tried to move, the redhead reached over and picked up the leash strap; Linda stopped instantly, locked in place by the redhead’s unspoken command. She sat back submissively and Rex kept up the maddening lapping, tail again wagging contentedly as he slurped the teen’s dripping red-haired pussy.

“That’s right, good girl, take it easy,” Denise said with a smile, “you let Rex make you happy. Sit, good girl.”

“Rex, you mustn’t do that, please get away, Sally please make him stop it,” Linda whispered, “get down, get back, get the hell out of here, I can’t stand it, you mustn’t do that, go, go go go…”

The Shepherd ignored her pleading and continued lapping her bush and thighs. As the gasping teenager started to lean forward in the chair, Rex gave one rumbling bark and Denise snapped her fingers and motioned for the girl to lie back down; Linda collapsed back in the chair, trembling and helpless as the big dog instantly returned to his eager tongue job.

“Rex, you big bastard, please please get away from me, you’ve got to stop that,” she pleaded, “aaahhhh, Jesus, I can’t stand that, you’re making me crazy, please cut it out…” The Shepherd ignored the shivering blonde teen’s desperate pleading, his wide tongue stroking maddeningly against her twitching clit. “God, god, please please stop, I can’t stand it, that’s too intense, you’re driving me nuts,” she gasped, “ooohh, no, you’re killing, me, Rex, you sonofabitch, please please please get away, aahhhhh, Jesus…”

The big dog soundlessly continued lapping and snuffling over the trapped teenager’s steaming crotch, ignoring her whimpering, pleading and threatening. The inescapable eager tongue swarming over her bush made the captive blonde shiver with revolted desire while Sally’s total domination kept the guiltily aroused girl obediently still in the chair.

The sweating runaway lay defenseless, weeping speechlessly with the excited Shepherd standing between her trembling thighs. After twenty minutes of skillful licking, Linda was gasping for breath so hard she couldn’t even try to plead with the watching women anymore. When Sally silently held out the pipe, the desperate blonde reached up instantly for another hit of the lesbian’s dope.

Linda sucked in hit after hit of the powerful drug while the slavering animal continued lapping slowly at her throbbing snatch. As the smoke reached her brain, the blonde slowly lay back with a relaxed smile and slowly reached down to rub the big dog’s ears.

“Now you want to spread your legs real wide for him, good girl,” Sally commanded in a hoarse whisper, “open up and give him some room. Spread, good girl.”

The captive teenager submissively spread her long legs wide apart and nearly screamed aloud as the big Shepherd lunged forward again and his slavering tongue stroked over her totally exposed pussy. His skillful lapping parted the blonde’s drool soaked pubic bush, leaving her delicate pink lips and throbbing clitoris completely open to the slippery probing dog tongue.

“Aaahhhh, please, Rex, no more, please no,” Linda whispered, shivers racing over her belly and up across her shaking tits, “I can’t stand it, you can’t just keep doing it to me, please please don’t do that to me, it’s too much, ooohhhh, no, aaahhhhh…”

She wriggled frantically in the chair as the Shepherd’s hot tongue washed over her open snatch, spreading her sensitive lips deliciously and skating over her clit like oiled silk. The big dog gave a contented rumble deep in his throat and wagged his tail faster as he lapped delightedly at her open snatch. Moaning and shaking, Linda dropped her head and wept silently as the eager Shepherd lapped delicately at her melting pussy. The panting runaway realized she had been taken by the women again, manipulated into complete subservience to the animal licking eagerly between her legs.

Linda suddenly realized that Sally and Denise had always intended giving her to the big dog; the brunette and the redhead’s invitation to the pool was a setup to see her sweating with a canine master tonguing her until she screamed. With a burst of final mortification, Linda remembered Deni telling her there were cameras by the pool, too; this new degrading chapter would also end up on video, and if Denise edited the tape right, people were bound to think Linda was volunteering to do it.

‘People will watch me smoking that shit,’ she realized numbly, ‘and think I’m just like this, that I’m wanting this filthy bastard licking me. But maybe that’s the truth, ‘ she thought in confusion, ‘Deni says the dope doesn’t make you do things you don’t want to, maybe this is the way I really am, maybe I do really want it.’

Sensing the girl’s humiliated capitulation, Rex sat lounged on his haunches between her shaking thighs and started lapping her open pussy as fast as he could lick. In seconds, the overstimulated teenager was panting for breath and arching up out of the chair, the continuous licking at her clitoris making her writhe against his tongue.

“Oh shit, all right, big dog,” she gasped hoarsely, abruptly spreading her long legs wider for the eager Shepherd, “I can’t stop it and I can’t stand it, go ahead and do whatever you want, do it to me, good boy.” Linda’s crinkled pink nipples were now achingly hard; the overwhelmed runaway gave up her last shred of resistance, raised her knees, wedged her heels at the front edge of her chair and leaned back as she got hotter and hotter on the unrelenting doggie licking.

“Oooohh, Jesus, it’s, that’s good, that’s really good, Rex, go on baby, do it for me, don’t stop good dog. Aaahhh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes,” she hissed through clenched teeth, feeling the orgasm building in her aching snatch, “do it now, Rex, mmmmmm, unnh, oooohhh, I can’t stand it, big dog, I’m gonna cream all over you….”

Linda thought her hypersensitive pussy was about to light up and start glowing; she imagined the first flickers of orgasm like flashes of heat-lightning over her furnace-hot snatch. The orgasm was so intense it seemed to short circuit her mind, leaving nothing but the mind blowing sensations of coming and coming as Rex’s incredible tongue slithered over her pulsating snatch. Back and belly muscles rock hard, thighs and calves cramping, the moaning blonde sat rigid in the chair while the massive Shepherd continued panting and lapping at her melting bronze bushed cunt. The come seemed to last forever, leaving the shuddering teenager exhausted and gasping, rolling her hips slowly under the big dog’s exquisite licking.

Linda was stunned and horrified when she looked up and saw Denise leading another big dog up from the kennel while Rex was still lapping eagerly at her dripping, quivering snatch. Obviously excited by watching the helpless teenager giving pussy beside the pool, Sally and Denise were simply going to replace the Shepherd with another animal, have the big dogs rotate and keep licking no matter how Linda begged and pleaded.

As the shaking blonde put her legs down and tried to ease her knees closer together, Rex sat up and clamped his forepaws over her legs; the powerful dog easily shoved her thighs farther apart, holding her snatch wide open and keeping her pinned inescapably in the chair. When she reached feebly toward the paws locked over her thighs, Rex snarled angrily without ever breaking the maddening rhythm on her sensitive clitoris.

There was no way the desperate girl could control the stubborn animal licking eagerly at her crotch; Linda collapsed limp in the chair as Denise led Mick the wolfhound over. The blonde looked up at her with tears rolling down her flushed cheeks as the brunette tugged the Shepherd back and let the wolfhound step up between her thighs. Sensing that the quivering blonde had no chance to resist, Mick gave a contented rumbling growl and started slowly devouring the teenager’s bare pussy, his tongue rhythmically stroking her delicate inner lips and sliding over her exposed clitoris.

Within minutes Linda was moaning aloud and shivering in the chair, begging as her snatch heated to the dog’s incessant licking. Her thoughts were a tangle of panic and shame and lust while her pussy dripped eagerly onto the expert wolfhound’s delicate tongue.

“No, Mick, no, please,” she wailed, waving impotently over the snuffling wolfhound, “oh god damn, stop, please big dog, let me go, please don’t do that anymore, aaahhhh, I can’t do stand for you to do me any more, Sally please give me a break, oh god, help…”

Powerless to escape the continuous animal blowjob, Linda clenched her fists over the chair arms, knuckles white with strain, panting for breath as waves of mounting ecstasy flooded up from her dripping snatch. Even with her thoughts clamoring with fear and mortification, her hips were rolling deliberately back and forth under Mick’s lingering licking, intensifying the gratification of each excruciating stroke.

Despite her mortification as the women stared and whispered, Linda’s wet ass tightened with every flicker of the wonderful tongue over her lips; she swore in frustration as she found herself spreading her legs wide for the wolfhound, tendons taut as cables from her bush to the tan skin of her inner thighs. Gasping, the panicked blonde slid into a trance of lust as mindless crotch reaction overwhelmed her; she hissed encouragement to the dog as she got closer and closer to another volcanic come.

“Jesus, yes oh yes, big dog,” she murmured hoarsely, “I can handle it after all, please go ahead and do it to me, good boy.” Her round tits heaved with her panting and her thighs and calves pulsed as she trembled and strained, starting to come again on the interminable licking. Twisting and writhing on the chair, the sweat drenched blonde moaned incoherently to the watching women as her sanity dissolved and gushed out through her pulsating pussy. Mick growled deep in his throat as her spastic snatch pumped juices over his dripping tongue. Biting her lip to keep from yelling aloud, the frenzied teenager froze rigid in the chair as her crotch exploded in waves of pounding orgasm.

“Oooohh, aahhhh, that’s good big dog, that’s so good, Rex, go on baby, do it to Linda now, don’t stop good dog. Aahh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes,” she panted, feeling the second redhot orgasm building in her throbbing snatch, “please do it now, Rex, mmmmmm, unnh, oooohhh, don’t stop now, big dog, I’ve gotta have it now, Linda’s gonna come all over you….”

The excited wolfhound lathered warm slaver all over her gaping snatch and slippery thighs, wet tongue dancing maddeningly over the clamping ring muscle of her drool soaked ass. The mewling blonde felt like she was drowning in tidal waves of surging come, one rush of explosive orgasm after another gushing from her steaming pussy straight up her spine to crash into her numbed brain. Twitching, shuddering, Linda whined feebly and panted urgently for breath as Mick lapped and slobbered over her saturated crotch.

As the unrelenting doggie lick-job got her hotter and hotter, the desperately squirming blonde knew she was likely to actually start screaming out loud if the women made her come again. She had an instant flash of Denise and Sally calmly leading one dog after another from the kennel, making her to sit with her legs spread and then sipping their wine, watching her screaming in ecstasy with the animals lapping constantly at her dripping snatch. Biting her tongue to hold back her desperate groaning, the frantic teen stretched over and grabbed her silk nightie from Denise’s chair, her full breasts bouncing and nipples standing erect as she tugged the thin fabric free.

Linda rapidly wadded the silk and lace into a tight ball while Denise and Sally stared; as the slavering dog continued tonguing her closer and closer to a screaming frenzy, the frantic runaway packed the material into her mouth, gagging herself with the wad of sweat soaked fabric. Muffled cries and groans turned to a constant nasal moaning as the hysterical blonde thrashed helplessly in the chair with the eager Mick crouched between her thighs.

“MMmmmmmmmmm, unnnhhhhhhhh, nnnnnnnno,” she shrilled through the ball of sweat drenched lace packing her mouth, “nnnnoooo, dnnnt, aaaahhhhhh, ssttp ut, pplllzzz, unnnnhhhhhmmmmmmmm….”

Her muffled pleading and frenzied moans seemed to encourage the heavy wolfhound, who immediately burst into wanton licking at her spasming crotch. Linda’s brain exploded into an immense redhot fireball of orgasm and frenzied panic as Mick’s inescapable tongue probed between her exquisitely sensitive lips and slid up inside her dripping cunt.

Tears slid down her face and dripped down onto her rigid nipples as the frantic squirming teenager started on the third mind boggling orgasm. Sobbing and whining behind her gag of silk and lace, she blinked away the sweat and tears to find Denise and Sally crouched beside her chair, petting the panting wolfhound and rubbing his ears and neck as he snuffled and drooled over her avid bronze pussy.

Limp as a dishrag and shivering uncontrollably, Linda groaned and giggled dementedly through the wad of muffling silk while the woman patted and stroked the eager animal crouched slavering between her thighs. Alternately begging, screaming and laughing around the lingerie gag, the blonde held the wolfhound’s collar with one hand while the using the other to open her dripping lips, exposing her demanding clit to Mick’s velvet tongue.

As the sun-drenched doggie cunnilingus went on Linda felt herself coming and coming and still coming, a perpetual quivering orgasm that went on and on as Mick lapped and licked at her frenzied bronze-curled snatch. When the endless licking between her legs broke off, the shattered teenager lay sprawled in the chair, gasping and staring dully around her.

Mick lay stretched out and remained snuffling loudly on the flagstones as Linda leaped to her feet and grabbed desperately at her dangling leash. Stunned and shivering, the sweat-drenched blonde frantically picked dog hair off her sticky tits and thighs and staggered weakly in the afternoon sun. Linda was stunned and horrified to see the Harlequin Dane stretched on the grass at the side of the pool; the big dog sprang to his feet as the stark naked teenager skidded to a halt.

She realized with horror that Denise had let the big Dane out to romp when the brunette brought the wolfhound to her and wily Prince had quietly waited his turn to slip in between her thighs. Before she could move, the impatient animal leaped across the pool apron and shoved his muzzle between her wet quivering thighs.

“Oh Jesus, no,” she groaned as the big dog’s tongue flicked over her bronze pubic bush, “no, Prince, no please…”

“Stay there, good girl,” Denise said with a giggle, “just stand right there for our good boy, lover. Stay good girl.”

Tongue lolling, the Dane sniffed delicately at her thigh and then turned to look at Sally, obviously waiting for the redhead’s permission to begin eating the pleading runaway alive.

“Please, Sally, please,” the anguished teenager whispered imploringly, “please don’t let him–”

“Quiet good girl, be still,” the redhead ordered sharply, “don’t make me scold you, you know you belong to all our big pretty boys. Move your feet a little wider, baby, give him plenty of room.” Sally walked around Linda as the weeping girl silently obeyed, studied the sobbing blonde’s stance and then said, “That’s good baby, that’s a good good girl. Now stay, hear me, you stay good girl.” The blonde dropped her hands to her sides and stood shaking and crying beside the chair as the obedient animal moved to sit between her legs.

“Sit here, Princie, sit boy,” Denise commanded, patting the smooth inside of the blonde’s thigh just below her snatch, “come sit right here for Linda, sweetheart, sit up baby.” The blonde dropped her hands to her sides and stood shaking and crying beside the chair as the obedient animal moved to sit between her legs.

“This lesson is just perfect for you now, angel,” Sally whispered as she toyed with the teenager’s bronze bush, “it’s your first chance to have two pretty boys make you happy at the same time, lover.” Linda stood paralyzed with indecision while ingenious Prince stepped forward at the brunette’s whispered invitation and planted his forepaws between the girl’s ankles, forcing her to shift her feet further apart as he sat on his haunches.

“You want to stand up straight and be proud now, and we’ll watch while they work on you, good girl,” the redhead added, running her hands of the teenager over beside her, and said, “Now spread your legs for the good dogs, angel; spread good girl.”

Sally smiled in approval as the blonde immediately spread her legs to a wide vee in the now-familiar stance and stood waiting for more instructions. Linda’s eyes widened as the redhead whispered an order and the experienced Shepherd instantly moved to sit down directly behind the paralyzed teenager. When she felt the dog’s first sultry breath waft over her ass, Linda dropped her head and closed her eyes. Sally watched and nodded approvingly as Linda’s nipples stiffened from the dogs’ hot panting at her clit and ass.

The blonde closed her eyes and shivered in anticipation as the animals scooted in closer and began whining pleadingly in front and in back of her. The redhead waited in silence while Linda’s nipples hardened and her belly quivered in mounting desire; the aroused blonde finally opened her eyes and turned toward Sally with a pleading look.

“Please don’t let them tease me like this, big girl,” the teenager whispered, licking her lips, “it’s mean to get me all worked up like this, Sally, I’m trying to be a good student, you’ve just got go give me a little more time. I want to do my best for all the pretty puppies and for both of you two, you know that.”

Sally moved forward and stood facing the eager teenager, straddling the massive Great Dane with her heels on either side of his haunches. “Now lean over to me and give me a sweet kiss, lover,” she whispered, staring into Linda’s eyes. The blonde’s eyes widened as she leaned forward and the movement spread the cheeks of her ass; the redhead winked at her as she ran her tongue over Linda’s lips.

“That’s right, angel, you get the picture,” she murmured, fondling Linda’s erect nipples, “one big dog licking on you is nice, but he can’t be in two places at once. Just wait till you see how good it feels to get that terrific tongue from two directions at the same time. All right Prince, all right Rexie, make Linda happy good boys.”

Linda gasped and swayed toward the redhead as hot wet tongues flicked delicately up between her thighs from front and rear. The redhead kept caressing Linda’s stiff nipples as the Dane and the Shepherd nuzzled between Linda’s spread legs and began working up a slow rhythm, panting as they licked the teenager’s bronze-curled bush and shivering ass. Prince’s warm breath huffed over the blonde’s spread slit while Rex snuffled and lapped between her cheeks; Linda moaned softly and shivers raced up her belly and back as animal drool crawled slowly down the insides of her sleek tan thighs.

“That’s a good girl, Linda,” Sally murmured with a chuckle, unsnapping the blonde’s leash from the velvet band around her neck, “you spread your legs wider now, baby, you know how you have to do it. Spread, now still, good girl, stand still. Still good girl.”

Prince wasted no time in settling in for some prolonged tonguing of the succulent teenage snatch; his hot panting huffed against Linda’s frizzy bronze pubic bush, sending shivers up her flat belly and making her nipples stiffen instantly. The excited Shepherd’s drool slathered tongue washed up between the agitated blonde’s quivering ass, slithering from the back of her twat upward, spreading her goosebumped cheeks and flickering over her throbbing asshole on every stroke.

Sally stood directly in front of the quivering teenager, whispering softly and panting furnace hot breath in her ear as she caressed the girl’s full breasts. The trembling blonde sighed as the redhead kept her bent forward and kissed her passionately at the same Prince and Rex lapped rhythmically at the girl’s ass and bush.

“Slow, big dogs, go slow for Linda,” Sally commanded as the Dane and Shepherd began working up a consistent rhythm, “go slow for the good girl, lovers, make it last. I want to see pretty Linda dance on your tongues before you finish, big dogs. Open your eyes, sweetheart,” she added to Linda, “I want you to watch them while they do it to you. Open your eyes, good girl.”

Straddling the gargoyle dogs lapping contentedly between her legs while Denise and Sally watched, Linda felt her crotch warming and her wet snatch buzzing with excitement that got more intense minute by minute. Prince’s licking escalated as her renegade pussy began to melt and her juices flowed down onto his probing muzzle. The defenseless blonde found herself breathing harder and straining up on tiptoe each time the tenacious Dane’s velvet smooth tongue lathered over her clit.

“Aaahhhh, god no, please, Prince, oh Sally not like this, please don’t do that,” Linda whimpered aloud, shivers crawling over her belly and up across her jiggling tits, “Denise I can’t stand for them to do this, we can’t just keep doing this any more, please please don’t let them all do it to me any more, it’s too much, ooohhhh, no, aaahhhhh…”

Even as she pleaded with the smiling brunette, Linda recalled her exquisite gratification under that delicate tongue, remembered fondling and stroking the big dog as he lapped her dissolving snatch. The graphic memory of her frenzied screaming and eventual collapse over the Harlequin’s tongue made goosebumps stand out on her shaking breasts and her nipples crinkled into erection.

Linda’s breath caught in her throat as the animals’ hot tongues slithered over her body and stroked slowly over the most sensitive areas of her crotch, the velvet touch of the big dogs’ tongues matched by Sally’s lingering French kisses. Closing her eyes, the naked teenager commenced slowly twitching her hips from side to side, swiveling her increasingly libidinous ass in circles to slide the flickering dog tongue around her dripping pussy.

As Prince lapped zealously at Linda’s blonde-curled bush, Denise walked over to stand beside her, reaching down to spread the blonde’s lips with one hand, stroking the Dane’s head with the other as the teenager stood writhing over him. The sweating blonde sighed again and thrust her tongue into the redhead’s mouth while the dogs drooled and snuffled at her curly bronze pubes and quivering ass. Responding to the excited brunette’s panting encouragement, the heavy Dane extended his maneuvers, licking up across Linda’s bush onto her twitching belly and down to her thighs, washing her entire crotch.

“Mmmmmmm, oh yeah, that’s good, big dog,” Denise whispered, scratching Prince encouragingly behind the ears, “I just love seeing you work her over, that’s so good, Prince, go on baby, do it to Linda real nice, don’t stop good dog. Aahh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes. I’m gonna go sit down now, lover,” she added to Linda, “you pet Princie now, make him know how much you like it. Pet puppy, good girl.”

Leaning forward, the subservient blonde patted and massaged the slavering Dane’s neck and shoulders, moaning faintly each time the warm tongue tip lapped over her clit. As Linda bent forward and kneaded her way down Prince’s back, Rex pulled his snout momentarily from between the cheeks of her ass and licked the panting blonde up the inside of her quivering thighs, while the Dane pulled up to lap at her tits. Linda’s breath caught in her throat as the wet rough tongue stroked over her nipples and Sally and Denise clapped and whistled. The teenager’s tan stomachtwitched with the pulse hammering in her increasingly steamy snatch.

Cradling her goosebumped jugs in her hands, the girl held the soft mounds steady and the Dane licked her crinkled areolas until the electric tingling of stiffened nipples made the excited teenager weak in the knees. Gasping, she straightened up, lifting her drool glistening tits away from the dog’s rasping tongue; Prince instantly shoved his muzzle back between her spread thighs and began working at her snatch.

The teenager fondled the redhead’s bare breasts as Sally reached down and petted the dog crouched between her legs while his dripping tongue lathered Linda’s hot twat; behind the girl, Rex never slowed the dedicated eager licking at her squirming ass. The panting blonde shivered and moaned as the sweating redhead shoved her tongue into Linda’s mouth and the teenager instantly kissed the woman hard and locked her arms around Sally in passionate embrace.

As the obsessed girl and the gasping redhead fondled each other, Prince and Rex obediently kept up the maddening licking, tails wagging contentedly as they slurped and drooled at the girl’s dripping pussy and clenching ass. Sally moaned into the entranced teen’s mouth and rolled her swollen nipples between thumb and fingers; Linda’s eyes sparkled and she flushed glowing pink as she the felt the animals tonguing at her saturated crotch.

When her quivering pussy began dripping onto the Harlequin’s tongue, Prince began licking harder and faster at the trembling blonde’s delicious crotch. Linda was dripping with sweat and gasping for breath as the dogs lathered over her bush and thighs, the Dane working up onto her flat belly as Rex licked the small of her back, and then dropped back down onto her twitching ass.

The long legged blonde moaned and shivers raced from her pulsing snatch over her belly; the hair on her arms was standing up and her tits heaved with her gasping breath when Sally reached down and spread her cunt lips wide open for the eager Harlequin.

The panting teenager nearly screamed in delight as the Dane’s head came forward and his slavering tongue stroked over her totally exposed pussy. The eager lapping parted the shaking blonde’s drool soaked pubic bush, leaving her delicate pink lips and throbbing clitoris completely open to the big dog’s slippery probing tongue. Rex’s sticky lapping at the sensitive ring of her ass slipped in and out of time with the Dane’s licking and the teenager groaned in ecstasy as she returned Sally’s passionate kisses.

Denise reached over and rubbed the teenager’s shivering thighs on either side of the big dog’s head, then moved her hand up to caress Linda’s swelling breasts. Linda’s mouth was dry and her breath came fast as the brunette fondled the firm globes and rolled the girl’s swollen pink nipples between thumb and forefinger. Straightening bolt upright, Linda dropped her head back and panted for air as Denise kept playing with her tits, swiveling her crotch in lingering circles over the continuous doggie blowjob. The Harlequin made delighted whining noises between the shuddering blonde’s legs as he continued tonguing her eager pussy toward meltdown.

Moaning and shaking, Linda clenched her fists on her hips and dropped her head down, crying in silence as the eager Dane lapped maddeningly at her melting pussy while Denise leaned over to lick her aching nipples. Linda knew it turned them on when she became totally submissive, controlled by the obedient animal licking eagerly between her legs. The teenager thought that she couldn’t be more humiliated, desperate and ashamed, but Sally’s next order made her understand that the two women had other plans.

“Now talk to the big dogs, good girl,” the redhead commanded softly, “I want you to tell Prince and Rexie how much like to have them lick you, just like you told us about it in the kennel. Let the pretty dogs know how good it is to have tongue between your legs, baby. Speak to them, good girl, speak.”

With a burst of total despair, Linda suddenly realized that Sally and Denise simply had no intention of letting her stop; the brunette and the redhead planned to keep watching one canine monster after another sit between her legs tonguing her clit and ass while she performed every act they demanded. Once the girl was obviously broken to the program, Prince sat deliberately on his haunches between her shaking thighs, his wide tongue lathering over her open pussy as fast as he could lick.

“Oh Jesus, please Sally, Denise please…all right, big dog,” the teenager groaned hoarsely, spreading her long legs wider for the skillful Great Dane, “I can’t help it and I can’t resist when you do that to me, go ahead and do whatever, let’s do it for Deni and Sally now, good boy.”

Slowly, the shivering blonde crouched down right where she stood, holding her legs wide and pussy spread to the eager Dane. Denise hauled the eager Shepherd back away from the blonde’s drool-soaked ass while the girl lay down for the big Dane. As her snatch dropped lower and closer to the warm flagstones, Prince craned his neck and finally lay down amicably between her ankles, never breaking the maddening tongue performance on her dripping twat.

Linda leaned back onto her hands and lowered her ass to the hot flagstones, tipped back and watched the big dog lapping enthusiastically between her thighs. Crying in mortified ecstasy, the helpless adolescent collapsed flat on her back, eyes closed, rolling her sensitive nipples between thumb and fingers, listening to the animal’s sticky lapping noises at her slit.

Prince gave a docile, contented growl as he realized her ass was now also wide open for his eager licking. Tits heaving as she panted for breath, Linda groaned aloud as the Dane’s broad velvet tongue spread the cheeks of her ass and flicked softly over the sensitive ring muscle. Her nipples were achingly hard and her belly muscles locked as she got closer and closer to coming on the intent dog’s incessant licking.

“I want you to talk to Princie some more for us, baby,” Sally commanded, “Like Denise had you do it with Rex, remember? Like you talked to sexy Rexie while he was being so nice to you before. Talk nice to sweet Prince while he licks you off, and keep talking to him. Speak, good girl.”

“Oooohh, Jesus Sally, you know it’s terrific, don’t stop now Prince, go on baby, do it all over me, don’t stop good dog. Aaahhh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes,” Linda hissed through gritted teeth, feeling the approaching orgasm surging in her dripping snatch, “do it now, Prince, mmmmmm, unnh, oooohhh, I can’t stand it, big dog, I’m gonna cream all over you….”

Linda felt like her pussy was being slowly dissolved under the determined animal’s tongue; slow motion lightning roared from her yearning clit and shot up her spine, exploding inside her brain. The orgasm was so potent it seemed to short circuit her thoughts, leaving nothing but the stupefying redhot excitement of coming and coming as Prince’s fantastic tongue danced over her spasming snatch. Back and belly muscles rock hard, thighs and calves spasming, the moaning blonde lay back squirming in urgent ecstasy on the sun-warmed stone while the enthusiastic Dane panted and lapped at her melting bronze bushed cunt.

The moaning teenager wriggled and heaved frenziedly beside the pool until the big dog finally clamped heavy paws over her widespread thighs, pinning her pulsing snatch steady under his unrelenting tongue. Rubbing and squeezing her swollen nipples with both hands, the frenzied girl wailed through clenched teeth as Prince’s forepaws restrained her, holding her spread cunt and electrified clitoris rigidly in place for his flawless awesome licking.

As Linda had expected, the two women watching her displayed no intention of letting the teenager stop giving up her dripping pussy when she had finished coming. While the shuddering blonde lay dissipated and panting, Denise simply waited until the big Dane moved his paws off her thighs and rolled onto his side; the brunette was amazingly quick at switching Rex back onto Linda’s snatch, patting the Shepherd while he worked up a slow and indolent lapping at her spread snatch. Raising herself onto her elbows, Linda watched the contented animal licking away at her cunt. When she glanced down at the sprawling dog, she was astounded to see Rex’s cock sticking rigid from the sheath in a red pink doggie hardon.

“I want you to put your hands on his dick now, angel,” Sally breathed huskily in Linda’s ear, “and I want you to feel his cock like Denise showed you. Feel, good girl.”

Watching the big dog cautiously, the blonde slowly curled around till she could reach the animal’s crotch and slid her hands closer and closer to the quivering doggie erection. Rex whined softly and licked a bit faster as Linda’s fingers slid slowly over the length of his cockhead; Linda’s eyes widened when she felt the hot slippery dick twitch against her palm.

The Shepherd never stopped lapping her crotch as she gently rubbed her thumb along the length of exposed cock. After a little careful maneuvering, she was positioned to stroke the big dog’s erection lazily with either hand, and Rex obligingly lapped her clit in exact rhythm with her motion. After a few minutes, the big dog’s hot red cock was standing out full length from the sheath; Denise giggled as he wriggled sideways and opened his back legs to give Linda better access to his pulsing hardon.

“You like that, huh big boy,” the brunette whispered hoarsely, “you dig that on your cock, yeah. Well I’ve got an idea you’ll like a lot more; just take it easy, big dog, and we’ll see if we can’t make Linda do it even better.”

At Denise’s whispered commands, the desperate blonde raised one leg, rolled sideways and spun around on her hip before the excited Rex had a chance to growl. She wound up sprawled end for end parallel to the big dog, crotch still spread to his velvet tongue, now able to reach his belly and haunches with both hands. The brunette was breathing faster as she guided the blonde’s trembling hands deliberately back between the animal’s thighs, sliding Linda’s fingers delicately along each side of his warm dick. The teenager swallowed hard as the big dog’s cock throbbed and twitched between her fingers, and she closed her eyes as Denise moved her nearer to gripping the animal’s genitals.

“Open your eyes, good girl,” Sally said quietly in her ear, “I want you to play with him like you do it in the kennel, and Deni and I will watch what happens when you play with his cock, angel. Look at his cock, good girl, watch.”

The brunette waited until the teenager opened her eyes and then pulled the girl further forward, making the blonde lean close to watch as Denise spread the girl’s fingers and gently massaged Rex’s balls and cock sheath, slowly working the captive blonde’s hand over the dog’s crotch as his stiff dick began throb in her loose grip.

“Now here we go, big boy, that’s right,” Denise crooned, using Linda’s hand to stroke the animal’s bristly cock sheath in a slow rhythm. “Just lie still and let Linda make you all hard and happy, okay? Oooh, that’s a terrific hard-on for our good girl, sweetheart,” she chuckled as the Shepherd’s shaft stiffened under the gasping blonde’s fingers, “what a good, good boy you are, Rexie, getting it up for her already. You can take over now, lover,” she added, “pump it for him, pump good girl.”

Linda gently fondled the Shepherd’s side and chest at Sally’s quiet command, hands sliding over the big dog’s taut belly, fingers teasing the red pink erection at each whispered instruction. Rex whined enthusiastically and thumped his tail as he felt the teen’s teasing hands stroking his stiff dick; Linda obediently followed Sally’s murmured instructions and the big dog licked madly at the girl’s humming clitoris as he felt her feather light touch on his throbbing hard-on.

Flushed with guilty excitement, the entranced blonde reached down to stroke her saturated bush and then wrapped her slippery fingers around the dog’s hot cock. The Shepherd spread his legs when he felt Linda’s wet grip on his dick and the teenager’s breath hissed between clenched teeth as she stroked precisely up and down the pulsing red shaft.

Beside the blonde, Sally watched wide eyed while the big dog’s flanks shivered as Linda grew engrossed in jacking him off. The blonde was morbidly fascinated with the feel of hot smooth cock in her hand and tried varying rhythms at Deni’s cadence while Rex whined over her cunt; the Shepherd’s eager licking and slavering at her pussy left no doubt he was elated at her attention. The dog growled approvingly as Linda tightened her grip and pumped harder at his slippery dick; sitting cross-legged at her side, Denise snickered when the wiry hair of his cock sheath prickled the panting teenager’s fingers at every stroke.

“Oooh, now that’s real good for you, isn’t it, big dog,” the redhead crooned softly, reaching over to caress the panting girl’s neck, “yeah, that’s real good for you, isn’t it baby? You like Linda playing with that pretty pink boner, don’t you Rex boy?” Sally chuckled gleefully, watching the big dog’s cock swelling in the blonde’s fingers as she pumped obediently and added, “well Linda likes it too, lover dog, even if she doesn’t want to admit it. Yeah, big boy, that’s fine for us, you keep on doing our good girl and she’ll practice doing this for you, won’t that be nice? Well, lover,” she continued, turning back to the girl, “I’ll ask you what I asked you the last time you had your hands full of doggie dick. Whose pretty cock do you like best, good girl?”

“It’s–his–oh goddamn it, I hate it when you do this to me,” the blonde wailed in helpless exasperation, “Rex’s cock is more bristly, it’s hairy and not smooth like Prince’s is, Sally.” She took a deep choking breath and continued huskily, “It feels hotter, and–and, I guess it feels–harder, too, Sally.”

“Tell me what you think about the sizes of those big cocks, baby, speak.”

“Prince’s is bigger, I think,” the girl replied, head hanging.

“Prince’s what is bigger, Linda,” Sally demanded, “You know the words to use, now speak, good girl.”

The teenager swallowed convulsively with tears of anger and humiliation streaming down her cheeks and replied in a whisper, “Prince’s dick is bigger than Rex’s dick, Sally; I think it’s bigger around and I think it got longer than Rex gets when I–when I jacked him off before.”

“Well, you’ll have lots more ways to compare them before you’re through, sweetheart,” Denise said with a smile, “you’ve gotten to see them all up close and watch them come for you and everything, and there’s more lessons still to learn.” The weeping blonde caught her breath as Rex dropped his head and gave a her long rumble of encouragement; she jerked in surprise and her breasts bounced and jiggled as the Shepherd spread his back legs wider and turned around to gaze back at her hand imploringly.

“Keep playing with it,” Sally ordered, “you can jack Rexie off a little while you tell me which one of those pretty cocks you’re starting to like better. You’ve had doggie dick in your hands for a few days now, so talk to me about that, speak good girl.” Linda gave a low moan as Deni took her other hand and cupped the animal’s heavy balls in her palm, fingers delicately caressing the bristly coarse-furred sheath of his swollen pink genitals.

“Oh god, Sally, I don’t know,” the blonde groaned in anguish, “I can’t tell you–I don’t, I–” the girl started to shake her head and gasped in dismay as the redhead silently pointed toward the kennels and the empty pen waiting for her. Linda bought a few more seconds by circling her fingers around the dog’s fuzzy nuts and gently fondling his balls in silence. She took a deep breath as the big Shepherd’s dick swelled larger and his cockhead thrust further from the sheath, slid her hand off his furry nuts and gently gripped his bristly cock sheath; the animal gave an imploring whine and wagged his tail as Linda milked his dick a few gentle strokes.

“I–it’s–it’s so hard for me to say this stuff, Sally,” the blonde choked despairingly, “I’m not used to doing it outside, there’s no privacy here like in the kennel. It’s hard for me to do it, let alone talk like this, to make a choice about–between–about which dog cock I like best…”

“Then just pump his dick and play with his balls while you think about it, lover,” the redhead answered softly, “Deni and I can wait as long as it takes and Rex certainly won’t mind, he’s going to come all over you soon anyway, so you can take your time making up your mind.”

The aroused Shepherd’s cock was rock hard and grew hotter in her hand as the hapless teenager jacked him off in numb silence. The pink shaft of the dog’s cockhead was fully extended and turned dull red as the mortified blonde stroked him submissively, brain spinning in fascinated confusion. Linda felt like her mind was paralyzed, locked in a tangle of fear and disgust with a horrible undercurrent of desire and fascination while her hands obeyed Sally’s commands.

The pretty blonde was surprised to find that her practice in the kennels really had conditioned her to respond to the animals’ excitement. The girl was shocked to realize that she didn’t mind jacking the animals off so much now, but she wanted to be indoors instead of out where she could be seen.

Sally and Deni watched with wide smiles as the dog scrambled to his feet and began fucking strongly into the stunned blonde’s hand, whining eagerly with his belly arching as he shoved his swollen dick into her lightly-clenched fingers. Linda felt the bulge swell at the base of the animal’s cock and knew she had to speak; the teen couldn’t face having the big dog start creaming all over her out here with the women watching. She thought resignedly that if she was careful she could keep the big dog working over her pussy and humping in her fist enough to keep Denise and Sally happy without masturbating the animal to orgasm.

With gradual adjustment of the pressure on his slick twitching cock Linda found just the right rhythm, exciting the big dog to lick exquisitely at her steaming snatch while he squirmed forward against her hand. Closing her eyes she continued gently jacking off the delighted animal, groaning as his slippery rough tongue washed her pulsing clit.

Shuddering with shame, mortification and awful excitement, the panting teen slipped into a twilight zone of perverse enjoyment, delighted by the exquisite lapping at her dripping pussy and guiltily enthralled with the satin-smooth cock in her fist. The pretty blonde and the big dog whined and moaned in unison as each enthusiastically stroked the other nearer to explosive coming. Linda felt the hot lump in Rex’s cock heave as the Shepherd commenced an almost breathless yelping; she opened her eyes as the dog’s swollen dick turned fiery red.

Before she could change her stroke, Rex’s cock pulsed convulsively and Sally and Denise burst into giggles while the horrified blonde shrieked as he burst into hot spurts of doggie come. The big dog howled and bucked, viscous jets squirting up the surprised girl’s shoulder and splashing over her rigid nipples while she diligently pumped his throbbing hard on. The Shepherd’s howling animal orgasm sent shivers rocketing up the teenager’s spine and her cunt abruptly throbbed as Rex lapped furiously at her screaming clit, spurting pungent come on her taut stiff-nippled jugs.

Linda trapped screams deep in her throat as the big dog lapped frantically at her spasming pussy; shaking and wailing in ecstasy, the creaming teenager continued jacking off the whining Shepherd, milking squirts of animal come as she shivered and jerked under his tongue. By the time the twitching blonde let go of his cock, Rex’s sides were heaving with hard panting and the hair actually stood up on his back.


Chapter Seven – Ready to Quit, but she’s tied up working overtime

Linda’s gasping chuckles turned to groans as Denise quickly led Mick back in between her and the Shepherd; the wolfhound started working her snatch even before she let go of Rex’s sticky dick. Her shattering orgasm
left the twitching teenager too limp to move when the wolfhound started lapping at her still-humming clitoris.

Each caress of Mick’s scalding velvet tongue sent fireworks rocketing up from her snatch and within minutes the exhausted blonde was shivering on the edge of another mind-blowing orgasm. She reached feebly between the wolfhound’s legs to grab his cock, only to have Denise press the dog’s hind legs together, trapping the moaning runaway’s hands before she could stroke him off. Panting and groaning, the half-fainting blonde lay writhing on the warm flagstones, clutching the excited dog’s dick and furry nuts, pleading as he licked and licked at her aching but still-responding young cunt.

“Mick, you bastard, please, please, I’ve got to get away from it for a while, Sally you’ve got to make him stop that,” she babbled, tears leaking from the corners of her eyes, “aaahhhh, Jesus, I can’t stand any more, you’re making me crazy, please cut it out…” The determined wolfhound only shifted slightly on the warm stone beside her, ignoring the shaking blonde’s futile pleading, his wide tongue washing her vibrating clit.

“God, god, please please stop for a minute, you fucker, I can’t stand it, that’s too intense, you’re driving me nuts,” Linda gasped, “ooohh, no, Denise you’re letting him kill me, Mick you brainless sonofabitch, please, please, please get away, aahhhhh, Jesus…” As she tried again to manipulate his cock, Sally whispered to the big dog and he twisted sideways one more time, still keeping his hind legs clamped tight over the frantic runaway’s clutching fingers.

“Aaahhhh, please, Mick, not again, please don’t do that,” Linda entreated again, shivers rolling over her belly and up over her come-splashed jugs, “I can’t stand for you to do that again, we can’t keep doing this any more right now, please Sally, please Denise don’t let him do this to me, it’s too much, ooohhhh, no, aaahhhhh–”

Linda choked off as another thunderous orgasm roared up her spine; she jerked her hands from the wolfhound’s crotch and rubbed her rigid nipples, shuddering under the dog’s exquisite licking. While the shivering blonde clutched at her sticky tits, Denise urged Mick to another sideways wiggle until his slow-wagging tail was gently brushing in her sweat-sticky bangs. Linda opened her eyes to find the wolfhound laying right beside her with hind legs spread wide, his red erection only inches away from her quivering lips. Lapping skillfully at her dripping pussy, the massive dog gave another quick sideways twitch, whining excitedly as he felt her gasping breath warm on his exposed doggie dick.

“You stay there, good girl,” Sally said as the blonde was starting to draw back from the expectant wolfhound, “Mickie wants you to do more than just jack him off, lover. You’ve done so well with your hands, it’s time for your next assignment.” Sally’s laughter echoed around the pool as Linda stared at her in horror, suddenly understanding with the women were going to make her do next.

“Easy, good girl, take it easy, relax,” the redhead added with a big smile, “We told you about it from the start, you know how the program works. You said you’d learn to do everything with these big guys, angel, and we really do mean everything, that’s why you’re here. This is just a little step further along, that all, it’s just doing with you really want to do anyway, angel, really pay them back for all that great licking they’vebeen giving you. Besides, how will you ever show the younger ones a good time unless the experienced ones teach you how to give good doggie head first?” Linda’s eyes glazed with horror as the appalling meaning of the woman’s words sank in; her face went deathly pale and she felt like vomiting as she realized the details of their horrifying plan.

“Oh my god, Denise,” the blond whispered pleadingly, “you won’t make me…you can’t really mean it. Oh Sally please, I’ll do anything you want, anything, just please—”

“That’s exactly right, angel, you will do anything we want,” the brunette interrupted softly, “and Sally just told you what that’s going to be today. Let me spell out this lesson for you real plain, lover. You are going to suck off Mick and Rex and Prince one after another, until you learn just how to give a big dog a really first-class blowjob. Sally and I will watch and give you instructions until you do everything right for them; you’ll probably have to spend days and days learning how to do it just the way they enjoy it, and then you’ll start to enjoy it, too. Then later, as the younger boys mature, you will teach them how gratifying it is while you suck them all, because by then you’ll be perfect at it.”

“Easy, good girl, don’t be so prejudiced,” Sally chimed in, “you’ll love sucking off our pretty boys, believe me, you will learn to cherish it. Honey, these big dogs have been primed to have you suck on that exquisite dick until you can’t get your breath, you can’t imagine how satisfying it is until you’ve had some. Prince’s cock is so hot and slippery you won’t believe it, baby; once you get used to sucking these pretty doggie dicks you’ll think everything else is second class, lover.”

“Sally is right, baby, it really is addictive,” Denise said, staring into Linda’s panic-widened eyes, “I oughta know; once you’ve felt that furry belly against your forehead, you’ll never give it up. You’ll actually feel the cock swell up in your lips before they come, it’ll blow your mind. There you go lover, you might as well get down on him, it’s nice and hard for you,” the brunette continued, laying her hand on the back of Linda’s neck and giving the girl a wet kiss on the mouth, “now Sally and I will watch while you go ahead and lick him for a while. We’ll let you know when to stop.”

“You need to learn to appreciate what happens with his cock, so pay attention to the changes in your mouth while you suck him, angel,” the redhead told the weeping blonde, “we have to see you really lick him off good for us. Now kiss Mickie’s sweet dick first, and do it slow for him, good girl, kiss.”

Linda stared at the wolfhound’s quivering hardon while her brain went numb with abhorrence and revulsion. The teenager gave one hysterical scream as she scrambled to her feet and bolted stark naked toward the driveway. The blonde got two running steps across the flagstones before Sally whistled sharply and canine lightning knocked the girl to the ground. The Shepherd had leaped up instantly at the redhead’s command, covered the distance in a bound and slammed the screaming runaway squarely in the small of the back.

Linda collapsed onto the lawn like a broken puppet, still shrieking frantically as she floundered in the grass. The desperate blonde forced herself to her hands and knees, and the Great Dane hammered her down a second time as she tried to lurch to her feet. Denise grabbed the end of the teenager’s leash and dragged the girl to the kennel at a trot, forcing Linda to scramble over the grass on hands and knees to try and keep up.

“Bad girl, you’re a bad girl, bad bad bad girl,” the brunette chanted, hauling the sobbing teenager along with hard jerks at the leash, “you’re a bad girl and you’re going to the pen right now, come on, come now bad girl.” Linda gagged and retched through her tearful wailing as Denise continued dragging her across the lawn to the kennels. “You stay in the pen till you learn to be good, you bad bad girl,” the brunette continued, tugging the shattered girl along, “only good girls get to stay in the house, disobedient bad bitches have to stay locked up in an ugly pen.”

The redhead and the brunette didn’t say a word as they hauled the incoherent blonde into the building. Sally opened the heavy mesh door of an empty pen and Denise dragged the stumbling girl inside with one powerful heave on the chain leash. The brunette jerked the sobbing girl down on an old beanbag chair and instantly snapped the leash short to a thick metal screw-eye set into a heavy beam.

Linda was sobbing uncontrollably when Sally ordered the pleading runaway to put her hands behind her back and chained her wrists, while Denise slipped chain choke-collars around the teenager’s ankles. The brunette pulled the chains tight, dragged the pleading girl’s legs apart and snapped the collar rings to eye-bolts in the floor. Ignoring the blonde’s sobbing pleas, the women whistled the three huge dogs into the pen with Linda and closed the gate.

“All right, good dogs, she’s all yours,” Denise crooned as the animals swarmed around the helpless teen, “Linda gets to stay with you pretty boys all night, isn’t that nice?”

Linda’s tears choked into convulsive gagging as the Great Dane flopped down between her legs and started licking her slit as the wolfhound lapped her tear-streaked tits and the Shepherd mounted and humped enthusiastically on her thigh. Sally and Denise watched with delighted smiles while Linda writhed and struggled under the crowding dogs, retching and screaming as they growled and whined over her.

“Have a nice night, babydoll, and take good care of our puppies,” Sally said when the teenager had gagged and choked herself to silence, “We’ll come back to check with you in the morning, and if your attitude’s any better you might be allowed back into the house. See you sometime tomorrow, sweetheart. Pleasant dreams…”

Linda kept screaming and begging for forgiveness as the brunette and the redhead walked out of the kennel without a backward glance. The blonde thought she would go insane as all three big dogs settled into position around her, lapping and humping at her everywhere. She struggled futilely against the chains, choking herself repeatedly as she lunged forward against her leash while screaming futilely at the excited animals. The girl gave a sob of relief when Mick stopped lapping at her nipples and flopped down to lick his cock. Her momentary gratitude turned to unspeakable horror when the Harlequin surged up between her knees and clambered over the beanbag to mount her as she lay chained in the chair.

Linda shrieked hysterically in panic and revulsion as the heavy dog floundered up on top of her, pinning her on the beanbag as he tried to shove his swollen cock into her drool-wet snatch. The Shepherd gave up straddling her thigh and watched with ear-perked interest as Prince struggled to mount the helpless blonde. The teenager wriggled desperately back into the shapeless yielding bag, sobbing and screaming while the Dane wriggled and arched over her hips, jabbing his dick against her pubic mound as he tried to find the right angle to stuff his enormous erection into her slit.

Linda couldn’t get enough breath to scream when the dog’s weight settled on her chest; she threatened and begged the animal in gasping whispers as he danced and humped over top of her. The captive blonde discovered that Sally and Denise had chained her just low enough that she could keep the Harlequin from actually sticking his cock in her, but she was powerless to keep the big dog from grinding his throbbing dick against her wet bush. The teenager broke into moaning sobs as Prince continued thrusting his swollen cock at her pubes, growling enthusiastically as he humped and panted on top of her.

“Please please get them away from me for just a minute, Sally, Denise, come back please, you’ve got to stop make them stop that,” she implored, “aaahhhh, Jesus, I can’t stand that, you’re making me crazy, please cut it out…”

The wolfhound lay close beside her, lapping casually at his cock, maintaining his hardon while the Harlequin worked between her legs. Linda groaned in outrage as the huge Harlequin made a contented growling deep in his throat, and Rex leaned in from her other side and licked affectionately at her, his wide tongue stroking maddeningly against her quivering ass. The desperate teenager was stunned into silence as she suddenly realized that the three big dogs were obviously familiar with women in this position and they were all cooperating with one another.

‘Of course they know what’s going on,’ she thought in despair, ‘Jesus tonight, they’ve been through this before, they grew up together, they were trained together, they’re pack animals for gods sake, they’re friends.’

‘Oh fuck no, oh no no no,’ the teenager’s mind raced inexorably to the awful conclusion, ‘the others are just waiting their turn, they’re sharing me, they’re gonna pass me around like they’d take turns mounting any other bitch.’

In a final flash of utter degradation, the helpless teenager suddenly remembered that there were cameras filming this scene, too; she couldn’t even begin to imagine how many strangers would watch the aroused animals trying to screw her. The half-crazed blonde broke into a renewed frenzy of useless struggling and pleading as the Harlequin humped steadily at her belly and the Shepherd and wolfhound waited patiently for their chance to mount and try to fuck her.

Linda’s writhing and straining did nothing at all to help her, but heaving and jerking her hips must have intensified the stroking for the Great Dane, who broke into eager whining as she struggled beneath him. The anguished blonde was straining so frantically that she didn’t realize what her gyrations must have felt like to the energetically fucking dog until it was too late.

Prince’s cock pulsed convulsively, and the blonde shrieked in horror as the Harlequin burst into ecstatic barking and began shooting spurts of hot sticky come over her. The big dog writhed and heaved against her wet bush, viscous jets squirting up the struggling teenager’s ribs and spraying over her nipples while Linda struggled desperately to keep his throbbing hard-on from jamming into her spread snatch.

The Harlequin’s howling animal screwing sent shivers rocketing up the teenager’s spine, and her renegade pussy abruptly throbbed into orgasm as Prince kept spurting gluey come over her pubes and belly and up on her tits. Linda screamed deep in her throat as the big dog humped frantically at her spasming pussy.

Shaking and wailing in horrified ecstasy, the creaming teenager kept wiggling and grinding under the thrusting dog, jacking the whining Harlequin off against her come-slathered pubic bush, milking squirts of animal come while she twisted and jerked under his dick. By the time the shivering blonde stopped screaming and straining against his cock, the Dane’s sides were heaving with hard panting and the hair actually stood up on his back.

“God, god, Sally please, please let me stop, I can’t stand it, that’s too intense, they’re driving me nuts,” Linda gasped. “Oooohh, no, they’re killing, me, Prince, you sonofabitch, please, please, please, Rex get away, aahhhhh, Jesus…”

Linda’s gasps of relief as the Dane lurched off of her turned abruptly to wrenching sobs of despair when Mick moved instantly back in between her legs. The wolfhound eagerly climbed over top of the chained and struggling blonde and started working his slick erection against her snatch while she was still shivering from the Great Dane’s energetic dicking. Her explosive orgasm left the twitching teenager too limp to even attempt to move when the big dog started humping against her still-humming clitoris. Each stroke of the wolfhound’s hot
velvet-furred cock sheath over her clit sent fireworks rocketing up from her snatch and in minutes the exhausted blonde was moaning on the edge of a mind-blowing orgasm.

“Aaahhhh, please, Sally, no more, please no,” Linda whispered pleadingly, shivers racing over her belly and up across her shaking tits, “I really can’t do this, you can’t just let me stay here and let these fuckers do it to me, I’m gonna faint on them, please please don’t do this to me, it’s too much, ooohhhh, no, aaahhhhh…”

She twitched her hips feebly backward under the wolfhound’s belly to get away from his cock only to have Mick instantly crouch with hind legs bent, trapping her even more solidly in the yielding chair so she couldn’t evade his dick while he stroked himself off. Gasping and sobbing, the sweating blonde lay trapped and writhing, twisting sensually against the excited dog’s dick, pleading frantically for release even as he humped and shoved at her still-responding young cunt.

“Mick, please baby please, I’ve got to get away from it for a while, you’ve got to stop,” Linda implored, tears welling from the corners of her eyes, “aaahhhh, Jesus, I can’t stand any more, you’re making me crazy, please cut it out…” The determined wolfhound only shifted his angle a bit lower, ignoring the shaking blonde’s futile pleading, his long, velvet-furred cock sliding maddeningly over the girl’s vibrating clit.

“God, god, please please stop for a minute, you fucker, I can’t stand it, that’s too intense, you’re driving me nuts,” Linda gasped, “ooohh, no, you’re going to kill me with too much coming, Mick you brainless sonofabitch, please please please get away, aahhhhh, Jesus…”

Linda suddenly realized she was only grinding her snatch against the dog’s hot cock, sliding her clit urgently against the big dog’s red-pink erection, her stomach quivering under his taut belly. As she tried again to writhe away from his cock, the big dog slouched lower still, keeping his hind legs tucked tight under her heaving ass. Mick whined enthusiastically and wagged his tail as he felt the teenager’s wet slit stroking against his cock; the more she struggled, the more determinedly he humped at her humming clitoris. Panting hard as the inescapable doggie dick pulsed at her snatch, Linda finally broke down and began heaving her crotch hard against the hot red cockhead even as she pleaded.

“Aaahhhh, please, Mick, not again, please don’t do that,” Linda begged, squirming under his belly with shivers rolling over her belly and up over her come-splashed jugs, “I can’t stand for you to do it to me any more, I can’t keep doing this any more right now, please please don’t do this to me, it’s too much, ohhhh Jesus, no no no I don’t want to want it this much–” Linda choked off as the second thunderous orgasm roared up her spine; she squirmed her exploding pussy up into the wolfhound’s crotch and ground her swollen clitoris against the animal’s thrusting cock, tanned body heaving under the big dog’s relentless dicking.

Mick gave a yelping growl and humped furiously at her cunt as he felt the girl’s eager thrusts on his swollen dick. Gasping and groaning, the excited blonde pulled her twat back enough to slide the animal’s cock over her come-soaked bush, then arched up and deliberately squirmed the slippery dog dick over her exposed clit. The wolfhound’s tail thrashed and his back legs thrust like pistons as he felt Linda’s wet snatch on his dick, and the teenager giggled crazily as she stroked her throbbing clitoris excruciatingly up and down the length of the pulsing red shaft.

The enslaved blonde felt the big dog’s sides heaving as she jacked herself off deliberately against his powerfully thrusting dick. The squirming teenager was overwhelmed by the feel of hot cock against her cunt and tried to slow her grinds and wriggles as Mick hammered at her clit. The big dog growled approvingly as Linda arched her back and threw her hot slit up against his slippery dick; the teenager sobbed in guilt-wracked ecstasy while the velvety fur of his cock sheath teased her eager pussy on every stroke.

“Oh my god, all right, I’ll take it all, big dog,” the teenager gasped hoarsely, straining to spread her long legs wide for the eager animals, “I don’t want to stop it and I can’t stand to live without it, go ahead and do whatever you want, do it all to me, I’ll be a good girl.” Linda’s nipples were achingly hard and her belly muscles locked as she got closer and closer to coming on the incessant dicking.

The panting animal writhed and heaved on top of her, bending down over the chained teenager and licking the gasping girl’s face and neck while he eagerly pumped against her pulsing clitoris. The howling animal strained toward orgasm while shivers rocketed up the teenager’s spine and her cunt throbbed into volcanic coming as Mick struggled to cream; the animal’s hot cock pulsed as he bucked at Linda’s spasming cunt.

Linda started screaming again as the yowling wolfhound worked frantically over her spasming pussy; shaking and shrieking in despair, the teenager sobbed as Mick twisted and jerked against her cunt. Linda felt wolfhound’s swollen cock throb as the big dog began a high-pitched howling; she closed her eyes and gagged in self-disgust as the excited animal’s rigid dick twitched and pulsed against her pubic mound. Even as the chained blonde realized what was coming, Mick’s dick pulsed convulsively and the amazed blonde burst into hysterical sobs while the howling wolfhound began hot spasms of creaming.

The furry cock spasmed against her and the blonde shrieked in mortification as he started shooting more hot spurts of his own sticky come all over her. The big dog writhed and heaved, gooey jets squirting up the sobbing teenager’s ribs and rolling down from her taut tits while she shivered under his throbbing hardon. The pretty runaway was horrified that another horny dog had gotten excited enough to come on her while she was hypnotized in masturbating against his cock. By the time the satisfied animal climbed off of her clit, Linda’s sides were heaving with hard panting and she was plastered and dripping with more thick smelly dog come.

The satisfied wolfhound lay down beside the gasping teenager after the volcanic orgasms, and the patiently waiting Shepherd stepped forward, panting hot breath on the blonde’s genitals as she recovered from the frenzied coming. Linda’s gasps turned to sobs as Rex crawled up over her snatch while the panting blonde stared down at his swollen dick in horror.

Her explosive orgasms left the twitching teenager too exhausted to resist when the big dog started hunching at her sensitive and aching clitoris. Gasping and moaning, the captive blonde lay squirming and struggling with the big dog’s forepaws on her shoulders, pinning the writhing girl down and locking her clit in place for his eager stroking.

While she panted and begged beneath him, Rex craned his neck and lazily licked the girl’s sweat-dripping tits, growling as the teenager’s stiff nipples twitched against his tongue. Prince sat up and rested his head on her sweating thigh, staring as the hopeless blonde began sliding slowly up and down the hot animal erection, sobbing as Rex’s fuzzy balls tapped the lips of her cunt. Each stroke of the Shepherd’s hot erection sent flashes of lightning up from her dripping clit, and within minutes the exhausted blonde was squirming on the edge of her third bestial orgasm. The teenager sobbed and shuddered, begging breathlessly for release as the Dane lapped at her thigh and hip while Rex dicked furiously at her aching cunt.

“Ooohhhh, Jesus, that’s good, that’s really good, Sally, go on baby, make them do it for me, don’t stop your good girl. Ahhh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes,” she hissed through clenched teeth, feeling the orgasm building in her aching snatch, “do it now, Prince, mmmmmm, unnh, oooohhh Rex angel, I can’t stand it, lover pup, I’m gonna come all over the place….”

The over-stimulated runaway wriggled and arched up at the humping Shepherd’s fuzzy belly till she found a perfect position underneath the big dog, her wet clit poised under Rex’s dick while he thrust at the blonde’s demanding pussy. Linda’s heaving belly shivered as the Shepherd’s bristly cock sheath rubbed in exquisite flicks and slithers against her clit; the blonde arched up for the panting dog’s hairy cock while Rex ground his hot dick ecstatically against the teenager’s slippery snatch.

The panting Great Dane’s satin-slick tongue lapping her hips was a maddening distraction for the disintegrating blonde; Linda settled on her back with a desperate gasp and squirmed until Rex’s thrusting cock was centered squarely on her throbbing clit. With eyes closed and her twat spread to the coarse-furred Shepherd cock, Linda collapsed into a helpless sexual stupor, Prince’s tongue curling along her come-dripping side while Rex dicked energetically at the writhing teen’s slippery clit.

Mick worked his head in under the panting girl’s left thigh and lapped lazily at her spread ass as Linda writhed and strained under the Shepherd’s pulsing dick. The Harlequin moved to lick Linda’s sensitive nipples as the blonde fell into a nightmare of mechanical squirming, moaning softly with her frenzied clitoris grinding against the big dog’s cock.

“Jesus, yes oh yes Sally,” she whispered hoarsely, “I can’t believe it, make them please go ahead and do me some more, good girl.” Her tits heaved with her panting and her thighs and calves pulsed as she trembled and twitched, starting to come again on the constant skillful animal fucking.

Forgetting all about the hidden cameras, the girl giggled insanely under Rex’s throbbing pink shaft as the dog’s bristly pubic fur rasped against her slit; Rex whined eagerly when the panting runaway finally began rolling her hips slowly back and forth, sliding her quivering clit around and around on his throbbing cock. While the moaning teenager was totally entranced by the circle of bestial fucking, the Dane kept lazily licking her hard nipples; Mick’s hot tongue dancing over her dripping and clamping ass kept Linda wriggling deliriously at the smooth warmth of Rex’s dick.

“Oooohh, aahhhh, yeah, that’s good sweetheart, that’s so good, Sally, go on baby, make them do it to Linda now, don’t stop now, girl. Aahh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes,” she panted, feeling the second redhot orgasm building in her throbbing snatch, “please do it now, Sally, mmmmmm, unnh, oooohhh, don’t stop now, baby doll, I’ve gotta have it now, Linda’s gonna come all over you….”

Shattered and hypnotized by the ongoing parade hot doggie cock between her thighs, Linda lost all concept of time; her numb senses fixed on the feel of the Shepherd’s slick pink hardon grinding her pussy and sliding over her slit as she held her legs straining open to more dicking. Lost in a writhing trance of sexual domination, the desperate blonde hissed and whined dementedly under the parade of throbbing dog dick.

After hours and hours of screwing, the come-drenched teen lay writhing mindlessly on her back, quivering and groaning with ecstasy, muffling her screams by raising her head and shoving her shrieking mouth against the humping animals’ chests. Linda roused to a helpless frenzy each time one of the dogs began thrashing on top of her and sobbed hysterically when the animal started pre-orgasm dicking at her dripping clit. The responsive runaway was sick with despair and desire and shame when the big dog’s hot cocks throbbed and squirted across her body.

The pretty teenager screamed hysterically when the big Shepherd’s cock spurted completely over her swollen tits and into her face; she gagged when she had to swallow the dog’s hot come while Rex thrashed and squirted on top of her. The helpless runaway shoved savagely against the big dog’s hot cock, jacking Rex off with her screaming clit and come-drenched bush, squirming her wet pubes on the tip of the bristle-sheathed dick to coax the last moaning growls from the panting animal.

The half-insane blonde kept up a constant wavering screaming as the come-spasms spurted from one animal after another, splashing over her clit; the big dogs lunged and howled over the chained girl’s steaming snatch, clambering on top of her one after another to stroke themselves on the orgasmic juices from her open slit. Linda desperately stroked the dogs’ throbbing dicks against her traitorous wet clit, screaming and begging under the slick hard-ons as warm dog come splashed over her again and again. The circling animals whined and bucked delightedly while Linda squirmed and shrieked under their dicking, hair standing on their backs, arched and hunching determinedly against the pleading blonde’s dripping cunt.

All through the hot endless night the panting animals squirmed over the half-crazed teenager, hunching and licking at her aching slit while she guided their slippery genitals over her dripping clit. The demented blonde couldn’t seem to catch her breath with animals always lapping her ass while waiting their turn, rubbing and stroking against her heaving belly, sliding hot erections against her pussy hour after hour. Linda eventually gave up screaming and begged her canine lovers desperately when she felt cocks and tongues working against her cunt, sobbing as her slippery pussy stroked the big dogs to orgasms that pulled howls and whines from her eager partners.

As the hours crawled past, the rutting animals realized that the shrieking blonde couldn’t get away and simply swarmed over the helpless teenager, playing with Linda’s aching twat, thrusting glowing red-pink hard-ons for Linda to squirm against. Broken by the constant stimulation of tongues and spurting dog cocks between her legs, the delirious blonde sobbed and wriggled mindlessly as the wolfhound, Dane and Shepherd humped through orgasm after thrashing orgasm. Linda couldn’t find a position to rest, straining in mingled outrage and ecstasy while the big dogs mounted her chained body again and again, howling and coming all over her slowly writhing torso.

Linda eventually shifted her bound hands to support her aching back, pleading and begging in hoarse whispers as one big dog after the other straddled her and dicked her luxuriously while another animal crawled in underneath her, muzzle thrust into the moaning teenager’s wet ass. Shivering in horrified ecstasy as hot dog dick pumped at her inflamed clit and drooling tongues slipped between the cheeks of her squirming ass, Linda sobbed brokenly, unable to keep herself from jacking off against the panting animals when her clit throbbed under their stroking.

The sex-crazed teen was so exhausted and overwhelmed she didn’t even notice when the kennel door opened well after sunrise; the shivering girl lay sobbing with Prince humping her while Denise and Sally stood watching outside her pen. Linda was covered with drool and snatch juice and sticky dog come from nose to belly; she still felt hot dog come spurting over her swollen tits, dripping from her stiff nipples while she swallowed a random squirt from Mick’s come-dripping furry dick. The shattered runaway was twitching and gasping for breath as the women opened the gate and walked in to crouch beside her; Rex and the big wolfhound lay sprawled out panting on either side of the struggling blonde with the eager Harlequin arched up over her goo-slathered torso.

“Good morning, sweetheart puppies,” Denise said happily, patting the Dane’s shoulders approvingly as he hunched at the quivering teenager, “did you boys all stay up to keep Linda company last night? Of course you did, what good dogs, making sure she didn’t get cold or lonely out here. You’re all such good boys, I’m sure Linda really appreciates everything you did for her, too, don’t you baby? Tell these pretty puppies how
thankful you are that they spent so much time taking care of you, Linda, speak.”

The hollow-eyed blonde stared up from underneath the rutting animal and whispered raggedly, “Yes Denise, I’m thankful that the good–that the good dogs spent so much time with me.” The broken teenager gasped and choked back tears as the Harlequin rubbed his swollen cock against her and added, “I did a lot of thinking during the night and I–I think I should try and pay more attention when you and Sally give me suggestions, Deni. If I promise to be a good girl from now on, could I please come back in the house and sleep in my room again, please?”

“Promises are easy to make, sweetheart,” the brunette replied, glancing over at Sally, “it’d be nice to know that you really mean it this time. What do you think, Sally, are we ready to let Linda try staying in the house yet?”

“The rules are clear enough, I think,” the redhead answered, gazing down at the anxious teenager, “bad girls stay in the pen, good girls get to come in the house. Promises don’t mean a thing to me and I’m sure they don’t mean anything to our pretty boys either, sweetheart. If you want to get back in the house, it’s gonna take more than a promise; I think we need to see a sincere demonstration of real effort to be good and take advice.”

“Oh please, Sally, please just give me a chance, please,” Linda begged recklessly, “I’ll show you I mean it, I’m serious, I really am, just let me come back inside and I’ll prove it.”

“We don’t have to wait till you’re inside, angel,” Sally responded, reaching down to unsnap Linda’s leash, “you can prove yourself to all of us right here baby.” She slapped the Dane lightly in the chest and added, “Back off, big boy, let pretty Linda sit up now, back off good dog. Now sit up so I can take the chain off your hands, sweetheart,” the redhead continued, “that’s good. Now Deni can get your ankles loose and we’ll give you a chance to show that you know your job and you’re ready to work for us.”

The blonde got up awkwardly, shaking and wincing as she tried to work the knots out of her cramped calves and aching back. She staggered weakly and would have fallen on the cement floor if Denise hadn’t caught her and eased her down to sit on the beanbag again. Linda looked up as Sally dug down and fished something out of her brassiere and then reached toward her. The teenager held out her hand and the redhead dropped a shiny tube onto her palm; Linda stared blankly, wondering what lipstick had to do with her getting out of the pen.

“Put on some lipstick, good girl, go ahead,” Sally said with a smile, “that’s the first thing you need to do, go on and put some on for us, angel.” The redhead’s green eyes glittered as she watched the confused girl shakily apply hot pink color to her trembling lips; Linda looked up for more instructions when she finished putting the creamy lipstick on.

“Now you stay right there, good girl, stay,” Sally commanded flatly, turning toward the wolfhound lying in the corner. “Here, Mick, come here pretty boy,” she called, motioning the dog over in front of the apprehensive blonde, “lie down here in front of Linda, big dog. Now, sweetheart,” she continued as the animal flopped down in front of the shivering teenager and spread his back legs, “if you want to really show me that you’re a good girl, I want you to get down on your hands and knees and lean right in there and put a big kiss on that pretty cock right now. Kiss it for him, good girl, kiss.”

The pretty blonde took a deep shuddering breath, choking back tears and a groan of anguish at the redhead’s demand. Linda knew the woman would put her back in chains instantly and leave her for the animals again if she was anything less than totally obedient. Linda slowly raised her head and found Sally’s green eyes studying her closely; the girl remembered how she had been made to apologize earlier and decided not to wait for that command. The redhead gave a faint smile as the trembling teenager whispered, “I’m sorry I was bad and didn’t listen, Sally; please believe me, I’ll be a good girl, I really will, I promise.”

“I know you want to do the right things, baby,” the redhead responded, “so let’s just forget we quarreled and you can show the pretty boys how much you love them, what do you say?”

“Whatever you say, Sally,” the shattered blonde replied numbly, “I’ll try to do whatever you want, I really will.”

“That’s my good girl,” Sally said encouragingly, “you’re really going to be just fine, I’m sure of it. You can start right now and we’ll begin a new day; get down there and give a nice warm kiss on that pretty doggie dick, baby. Show me a full lipstick print on that big fuzzy cock.”

Linda slid off the bag onto her knees in front of the panting animal waiting expectantly before her. Her breath caught in her throat as she leaned slowly forward over the big dog’s cock, still in full erection after hours of humping at her. Sally crouched on the other side of the wolfhound where she could watch the girl closely and said, “Go ahead, good girl, do it now, kiss, baby, kiss it for him.”

The teenager held her breath as she bent close to the wolfhound’s cock and pressed her mouth briefly against the length of the warm shaft; Linda gave a short strangled groan as the slick hard-on twitched against her lips. She jerked back instantly, blinking through tears at the full pink print of her lips on the animal’s twitching erection. Linda wiped hard at her eyes as the wolfhound scrambled to his feet, scrubbing away the tears before they could trickle down her flushed cheeks. When her vision cleared, she realized that Sally was holding out the lipstick to her again as Denise motioned the German Shepherd over to lie in Mick’s place.

“That was very good, angel,” the redhead said approvingly, “you did Mickie very nicely. Now put on some more and do sexy Rexie the same way. Kiss, good girl, kiss it for big Rex too, and put a little tongue on it this time, angel.”

Denise and Sally watched in silence as the submissive blonde wordlessly put on more lipstick; the pretty teenager’s tears fell on the big dog’s bristly cock sheath as she bent over his furry belly without a word. The Shepherd’s dick was only half exposed and Denise made the teenager slide back the sheath with both hands to show enough head to put her mouth on. Rex gave a growl of animal enjoyment when he felt the teen’s lips open and her tongue flicker against his dick. The big dog gave the girl an approving lick on the knee before he clambered to his feet and moved aside.

Linda struggled not to gag or think at all as the massive Harlequin scrambled in to collapse in front of her, his huge erection thrust up toward her. The numb teenager silently took the lipstick from Sally and put on yet another coat of the hot pink color; she was just
starting to bend over the panting animal when the redhead tapped her on the shoulder and said “Wait a second, good girl, wait.” Linda froze and looked up at Sally across the waiting Harlequin’s hairless belly.

“Along the side is sweet, baby, but it really isn’t quite enough to do the job,” the redhead whispered softly, “I want to see one all the way around Prince’s pretty cock,” she reached over the big dog’s belly and slipped her index finger into the blonde’s mouth, “so it looks like this, see?” Sally held up her finger with the print of Linda’s lips all the way around the first knuckle and added, “Now make me one just like that all around that big dog’s pretty dick, baby, kiss.”

Staring numb at the Dane’s erection, Linda finally understood that the women had planned from the beginning to compel her total surrender to perversions she couldn’t bring herself to imagine. If she agreed to do whatever Sally and Denise commanded, she had the luxurious bedroom, delicious food and beautiful outfits; if she resisted, refused or failed to perform
to their satisfaction, she might be put out naked on the highway or tossed in the cold dark pen chained in place so she couldn’t stop the dogs from fucking her anyway.

Linda understood with wretched gratitude that Sally had been merciful last night; the chains were fixed so she could keep the animals from actually sticking their dicks in her and coming into her pussy. The next time Linda showed any defiance, Sally would fasten her where they could get right inside her and fuck her brains out.

Reality for the desperate runaway was the pen, the dogs and her velvet collar and tag; the lovely room and good food, the silk and lace were rewards for obedience, and real approval from the women only happened when the girl got so hot she betrayed herself with excited response to sexual enslavement. The future was guaranteed, she understood that now, she would service the animals and amuse her keepers in any case. Her only choice was whether she wanted to give herself to the women and animals in comfort and luxury or in fear and humiliation. She could say no, take the chain and sleep on cold concrete tonight or say yes and accept the exquisite orgasms and sleep on a velvet cloud.

Linda licked her dry lips, put on her lipstick, looked up calmly into Sally’s appraising green stare and whispered, “About halfway down for now, Sally, is that all right?”

“Halfway down will be just fine for now, angel,” the redhead answered with a smile, “there’s just one other thing I want you to do for us though, okay?”

“What’s that, Sally?” the girl asked hopelessly.

“Let’s have you smile pretty for the camera, baby…”

Denise and Sally watched with amused smiles as Linda slowly leaned down and obediently slid her lips around the length of the Harlequin’s sticky shaft, curling her tongue on the tip as she pulled back. The teenager sat up and gave one convulsive shudder as she stared at the pink print of her mouth around the dog’s cock. She licked her lips and turned to the women with the submissive look Aunt Jane always called ‘little Mary sunshine’.

Linda knew her only hope of avoiding the whole awful program with the animals was to keep the women happy until she could figure out some plan of escape. She would have to give Denise and Sally her cooperation while she waited for her chance.

“Can I please come back home now, Sally,” Linda said meekly, “I’ll be a good girl for you, I’ll try my best to be very good, please be patient with me, okay?” She looked from the redhead to the brunette and continued, “I know I can be good, you and Deni told me you think I can be good; you both chose me when you could have gotten any girl you wanted, you let me stay because you saw I would work out fine. That’s what you said, Denise, the night after you gave me the ride, you said I think she’s going to work out fine.” The teenager swallowed hard and added softly, “Now I’m sure Prince’s dick is definitely bigger than Rex’s dick, Sally, there’s no doubt; it’s not much bigger around, but it’s longer than Rex got when he–when they jacked off with me last night.”

“Well, now you’ve had a good chance to compare them,” Denise said with a smile, “it’ll be better for you now that you’ve seen them all up close and had them come for you and come on you and everything.” The brunette pulled the teenager to her feet and hugged her hard, giving her a warm kiss while Sally whistled the dogs into their quarters.

The blonde realized just how well-planned the women’s training program was when Denise led her to the corner where a hose with a showerhead attachment was connected to the stationary tubs. Deni and Sally gave the grateful teenager a warm soothing shower, gently lathering and scrubbing off sweat and come and dog hair; Denise shampooed and conditioned Linda’s tangled hair while Sally pulled supplies from a cabinet over the tubs.

The brunette and the redhead fondled the trembling blonde intimately as they dried her with a huge fluffy towel and rubbed her down with rich silky body lotion. Despite her sleepless, terrifying night and her agitated exhaustion, Linda’s eyes were shining and her nipples stood out firmly when Sally gave her a last kiss and a spray of Chanel Number Five. Denise gasped in astonishment when the teenager picked up the leash and snapped it to her collar, then handed the leather strap to the redhead.

“Take me for a walk, Sally, please,” she said softly, “I’d like to play in the sun and get warm. You want your good girl to have an all over tan, don’t you?”

“We certainly do, lover,” the redhead said encouragingly, “that’s a good idea for sure. Let’s go in and have some brunch and then we’ll spend the afternoon by the pool, how about that? You must be hungry as a bear, angel, working hard all night like that; let’s get some food together and we’ll all go play in the sun.” She led the blonde to the door and dropped the end of the leash as Linda stepped out. Linda stopped instantly and Sally gave her an approving kiss and said, “We’ll trust you to walk right and be good without anyone holding your leash, good girl. You know we want you to stay and you know how we need you to do things. If you really want to do your best and be a very good girl, you won’t make us tell you every single thing you have to do.”

“I’m sure you’ll be extremely good when you learn to trust us and just give in to your own impulses a little more, angel,” the brunette added as they walked up the lawn toward the house, “that’s what you should concentrate on. Baby, we know you get excited inside when you get into your work, and there’s really no sense in trying to deny your true feelings. You’ll only end up more miserable if you keep on fighting with
yourself about it.”

Denise led the fatigued blonde into the kitchen and started pulling food from the refrigerator, adding, “Deep down, you crave excitement, new experiences, adventure and sophistication, that’s why you ran away and found us in the first place. You crave this kind of learning program, honey, and Sally and I know it. You only get hung up when you start worrying about what your Auntie Jane or somebody else might think or what they want you to believe they’d think and then you won’t perform with the desire inside you that says more, more, I want some more.”

“Deni is giving you the gospel, lover,” Sally agreed as they piled rolls and cold cuts on a tray, “letting yourself obey those cravings is an critical part of doing your finest for us; believing in Deni and me is the other significant process. You have to accept that we aren’t going to hurt you, we care for you and we want what’s best for you too. I know that you’re excited by the things you’re learning and you really want to do more and do it better, but you don’t know yourself well enough to venture this without support and guidance.”

The redhead continued piling deviled eggs and fruit and nuts onto the tray as she spoke, “Denise and I appreciate what’s inside you better than you do, angel, we could recognize it right away. So our piece of the procedure is just to compel you to do the things you’ll love to do but can’t until you understand yourself better, don’t you see? We have to coerce you to realize your true identity before you’ll be able to confess it and then permit yourself to perform, that’s all.”

“That’s exactly right, angel, we’re not having you do anything you don’t really want to,” the brunette continued softly, “and that’s going to be real obvious to you once you break down and let yourself go with it, lover. Sally and I know you’ll choose to suck off Mick and Rex and Prince once you resolve to do a first-rate puppy blowjob. We have to observe and help you stick to it or you’ll never fulfill your complete talent, you’ll never know that it’s all right for you.”

Denise put a bottle of wine beside the tray on the teacart and started rolling their brunch toward the patio, talking over her shoulder to the trailing blonde, “By the time the younger boys can understand what you crave and you know how much you need it, you’ll have discovered more about yourself and by then they’ll be available to respond to your demands.”

When they had finished the picnic brunch, Linda lounged by the pool while Denise wheeled the dishes back to the house; the blonde swam and dozed in the sun as the women slowly finished off the bottle of wine. Sally looked over at Linda and said, “It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood, sweetheart, it’s sunny and warm here by the pool; wouldn’t you like to catch up on the lesson you didn’t get to finish yesterday, good girl?”

“Oh, Sally, can we, I mean can I try and make it up to you?” the blonde responded immediately, looking from the brunette to the redhead and back, “Yes, please, I’d like that a lot; I want to do good for you, but I think I need to take it a little slow at first. Will that be all right, Denise, please say yes.”

“Of course you can, good girl,” the brunette answered happily, “you should take your time and have some fun while you’re learning. We’d both love to see you working on your program at your own pace, baby; a good girl should take it the way it feels best.”

Linda glanced apprehensively at Sally, but the redhead only nodded and said, “Watching you rolling naked in the sunshine with a puppy and having fun will be nice, angel. Now do as Sally tells you, sweetheart, you know the rules.” The teenager winced as the redhead snapped the leash to her collar again and commanded, “Just sit right down here, good girl, you can do it by the pool today. Stay, good girl.”

Linda gave a sigh of acceptance and slowly slid from her chair onto the warm flagstones of the pool apron; the redhead spread a blanket for her as Denise headed for the kennel to release the hapless teen’s animal lover. She watched anxiously as the Harlequin dashed out the door and galloped up the lawn to the pool, while Denise strolled casually behind him. The eager dog trotted over to Linda, sniffed at the blanket and then instantly lay down on his side and stretched out beside the waiting teenager.

“Lie down there beside him, angel,” Sally commanded, releasing the girl’s leash, “just stretch out head-to-tail with the pretty boy, sweetheart; you can play with his cock while he licks you. Spread your legs for the big dog, baby, spread.”

The subservient blonde obediently lay down on her side facing the expectant animal and opened her legs; the Harlequin quickly wriggled closer and began lapping at Linda’s spread pussy, his stiffening cock already sliding from the sheath. The redhead took the girl’s hand and cupped it gently around the Dane’s huge balls, rubbing the animal’s hairless sack with Linda’s fingers. The big dog’s fervent licking intensified while Sally massaged his nuts with Linda’s hand, and the blonde gasped in mounting excitement as she watched the Dane’s hardon growing larger.

“All right, angel, you know what to do next,” Sally whispered, letting go of Linda’s hand, “pump the big dog’s pretty dick while he makes you happy. Stroke him, good girl, stroke.”

Panting hard as the amazing tongue lathered at her snatch, Linda reached and tantalizingly ran her fingers down the animal’s long red cockhead. Prince gave a yelping growl and lapped avidly at her cunt as he felt the girl’s first feather-light touch on his bare doggie dick. The Dane’s tail thrashed and his back legs instantly spread wide as he felt Linda slowly wrap her sweat-slippery fingers on his dick, and she sighed as she stroked meticulously up and down the length of the animal’s pulsing red shaft.

Gasping and giggling, the fascinated blonde pulled her hand away long enough to run her fingers over her drool-soaked bronze bush, then reached out and deliberately wrapped slippery fingers around the big dog’s long cock.

Propping her head on her right arm, the captivated teenager watched wide-eyed as the big dog’s sides began twitching while she gently stroked his dick. She was perversely enthralled by the texture of the hot smooth cock in her hand, and tried different rhythms and pressure while Prince quivered and whined at her cunt; the Dane’s enthusiastic licking and slavering at her pussy left no doubt he was elated at her caressing his cock. Prince growled approvingly as she tightened her grip and pumped harder at his slippery dick; Linda snickered when the sparse fuzz at the base of his cock sheath tickled her little finger at the end of every stroke.

Overwhelmed by the endless skillful lapping and the sweltering animal cock between her fingers, Linda lost all sense of time; her world contracted to the feel of the dog’s slick red erection filling her hands and the warm heavy balls she fondled. After some enthralled exploration of the thick twitching cock, Linda found exactly the right rhythm to make the Harlequin lick maddeningly at her steaming snatch; closing her eyes, she rhythmically jacked off the eager animal, groaning as his slippery-rough tongue frolicked over her pulsing clit.

Shattered by the exquisite lapping at her dripping pussy, shuddering with horror at fulfilling more of the redhead’s whispered perversions, the panting teenager slipped into a twilight zone of overwhelming lustful sensation, captivated by the swollen heat of the satiny dog dick in her hand and the animal’s excited whining.

Linda never even noticed when Denise and Sally knelt quietly beside her, watching with fascination while she masturbated the enthusiastic animal. Lost in a quivering erotic fixation, the excited teenager stroked and milked delightedly at the throbbing Great Dane dick while the dog quivered and whined with ecstasy between her thighs. Gasping for breath and dripping sweat on the dog’s quivering belly, the enthralled blonde never looked up as the brunette leaned over and casually started rubbing her nipples, watching her every move with delight. The golden-haired teenager and the big dog whined and moaned in unison as each fervently manipulated the other nearer to explosive coming.

The Dane’s dedicated animal licking sent shivers rocketing up the lovely blonde teen’s spine, and her cunt abruptly throbbed into volcanic coming as Prince’s cock throbbed under her fingers. Linda trapped her screams deep in her throat as the big dog lapped frantically at her spasming pussy; shaking and wailing in ecstasy, the creaming teenager avidly masturbated the whining Dane, milking his pulsing dick she twisted and jerked under his tongue. When the shivering blonde let go of his cock to fondle her stiff nipples, Prince’s sides were heaving with hard panting and the hair actually stood up on his back.

Linda’s gasping chuckles turned to groans as the Great Dane returned to working her snatch the moment she released his dick. Her explosive orgasm left the twitching teen too limp to even attempt to move when the big dog started lapping at her still-humming clitoris. Each caress of the scalding velvet tongue sent fireworks rocketing up from her snatch, and within minutes the exhausted girl was pulsing on the edge of another mind-blowing orgasm. She reached feebly back between the Dane’s legs to try for his sticky cock, only to have Sally instantly reach over and grab her wrists, holding her hands before she had any prospect of stroking him off.

Gasping and moaning, the sweating captive lay trapped and writhing, clutching the excited dog’s dick and heavy balls, pleading softly for release as he licked and licked at the aching but responsive young cunt. She pulled her hands off the Dane’s crotch and mindlessly rubbed her stiff nipples, tanned body heaving under the big dog’s relentless licking. While Linda clutched at her sweat-slippery tits, Prince gave another sideways wiggle, until his slow-wagging tail was actually brushing in her hair.

Linda opened her eyes to find the Great Dane laying right beside her face with hind legs spread wide, his enormous red-pink erection only inches away from her quivering lips. Still lapping maddeningly at her dripping pussy, the massive dog affected another quick sideways twitch, whining excitedly as he felt her gasping breath warm on his exposed doggie dick. The panicked blonde started to pull back from the animal’s crotch when Sally whispered, “No, no, baby, be still. Still, good girl.”

“You’re ready for your next lesson, angel,” the redhead continued with a smile, “time you started paying back for all the wonderful licking the pretty boys have given you. You’re right where you were yesterday, Linda. You learn a new command word now, baby; don’t forget what happens when you disobey. I want you to lean over and kiss that sweet doggie dick now, angel. Kiss it for him, good girl, kiss.”

Half-insane from his insistent tonguing, Linda reached and ran her hands over the Dane’s belly while Sally’s perverse command echoed in her brain. Cuddling the big dog’s dick and balls in both hands, the overwhelmed runaway leaned forward and huffed hot breath on his quivering cock; Prince yelped encouragingly and curled sideways at her face, tonguing urgently at her spasming snatch.

“Okay, big dog, I get the idea,” Linda whispered hoarsely, fingers dancing on the animal’s slippery cock, “I guess either I come across for you or you just keep going until you drive me totally crazy right here, is that the story? All right, you merciless fucker, you already got me too hot to quit now, there’s no getting out of it.” The panting runaway carefully leaned over the hot doggie hardon, wetting her lips as she fondled the animal’s hairless balls. “I guess I’m ready to learn this part;” she sighed softly, “Get ready for it, lover pup, it’s Linda’s turn now…”

Mesmerized by her own continuous creaming and shivering with forbidden fantasies, the frenzied blonde slowly leaned down forward and pressed her lips obediently against the Dane’s quivering cock. Prince gave a low moaning growl of satisfaction as he felt the pretty teen’s mouth slide over his dick; Linda gasped as the slick warm shaft twitched against her lips.

Captivated by the unexpected silk-smooth warmth of the animal cock, the panting blonde pulled back the hairless sheath to display every inch of Prince’s glistening hard-on and hesitantly kissed her way back up the length of the big dog’s red-pink dick. Sally and Denise watched with jubilant smiles while the enthralled teenager’s lips slid across the animal’s throbbing cock; Linda gave a moan of mortified desire as the big dog’s slippery erection pulsed under her increasingly passionate kisses.

The brunette and the redhead stared in delight while the Harlequin lapped eagerly at the quivering blonde’s bronze-curled snatch, growling with excitement as the girl’s lips roamed over his cock.

“Now try this, angel,” Sally murmured softly, “I want you to put a little tongue on it for him, Linda. Here’s a new word, baby; lick the big dog now, sweetheart. Lick, good girl.”

The Dane’s abdomen shivered as Linda put tantalizing fleeting licks and kisses on his cock, cradling his heavy nuts in one hand while jacking him off exquisitely against her slippery tongue. The dog’s warm and satin-slick dick on her tongue had become a spellbinding stimulation for the sweating blonde; the teenager curled on her side with a contented sigh and eagerly licked the animal cockhead, lapping in rhythm with the big dog’s steady tonguing at her dripping slit. With both hands full of the Dane’s genitals, Linda fell into an erotic trance, tongue spiraling the
sticky shaft while she licked docilely at the slippery doggie dick.

Prince laid his head on the teenager’s thigh and kept lazily lapping at her spread pussy as Linda licked his pulsing cock. The Dane gave brief licks at her responsive clit as Linda drifted into a trance of prolonged lapping, moaning softly with her drooling tongue crawling the big dog’s dick. She giggled against the feral hard-on when she felt the hot cock pulsing slowly at her lips; Prince whined eagerly when the enthralled blonde began rolling her head slowly back and forth, washing her tongue around the base of his hot dick. Recognizing that the moaning teenager was enthralled with her bestial blowjob, the Harlequin stopped licking the girl’s spread twat; the watching brunette leaned over to fondle her steaming pussy to keep Linda licking deliriously on the smooth warmth of Prince’s dick.

“That’s perfect, baby, you’re doing wonderfully,” the redhead crooned approvingly, “you’re doing him just right, Linda, and it’s good to see you enjoying yourself so much with the pretty boy. And now it’s time for the final part of your lesson, angel; I want you to put the big dog’s dick into your mouth now, sweetheart. Suck him off pretty for us, good girl. Suck.”

The mesmerized blonde pulled back from the Dane’s cock for a moment, staring down at the animal’s quivering, drool-slippery erection. Linda gave a soft gasp of ecstasy as the big dog’s tongue flicked over her clitoris, then leaned forward and slowly slipped the Harlequin’s swollen dick into her open lips. With a sob of anguished lust, the blonde rocked toward the Dane’s belly, sliding the animal’s dripping hard-on deep into her wet mouth, until the dog’s hot cockhead touched the back of her throat.

The Harlequin’s erection twitched against her tongue as Linda gave suck, pulling her mouth slowly back up the hot smooth length, washing the big dog’s cock with her tongue and sucking leisurely on the pulsing shaft. Moaning around the animal’s drool-soaked dick, the enthralled teenager began rocking back and forward over the Dane’s wet organ, sliding the dog’s warm cock over her tongue, pumping his dick and panting hard as she jacked him off excitedly into her willing mouth. Face buried between the dog’s spread back legs, the girl moaned deliriously and sobbed softly in squirming ecstasy as the huge animal humped excitedly into her mouth, his swollen cock never leaving her lips as he rutted deliberately against her tongue.

Shaking in deranged ecstasy as Prince’s skillful tongue washed languidly over her inflamed clit and flickered between the cheeks of her squirming ass, Linda stroked the Harlequin’s humping muscular haunches with both hands, sucking rhythmically on the animal’s pumping cock while Denise and Sally fondled the moaning blonde’s throbbing nipples. The entranced teenager was only half-conscious when the quivering dog froze abruptly in place, his rigid belly in a tight arch over her forehead; the amazed teenager had time for one gasp of surprise as the Dane thrust his swollen cock full-length into her mouth.

Prince gave a low wavering howl as the come surged to the tip of his cock; Linda lunged back too late from the animal’s pulsing dick, catching the first explosive spurt in her open lips. She gave a shriek of horror as Sally clamped a hand on the back of her neck and shoved her mouth back over the Harlequin’s spurting erection; Linda felt the big dog’s dick heaving against her tongue and the animal growled in ecstasy as he began pumping squirts of warm come down her throat.

The mortified teen gave a gasp of revulsion and froze in panic, poised over the animal’s gushing cock; Sally and Denise leaned forward eagerly as the dog’s pulsing dick pumped directly into the paralyzed blonde’s open wet mouth. Linda gave a choking moan as warm animal come splashed across her tongue and down her throat. Prince thrashed and kept coming as the girl swallowed convulsively over him, fur standing up along the length of his back, lapping frenziedly at her open cunt.

The redhead and the brunette smiled in satisfaction as shattered runaway swallowed again and giggled crazily over the big dog’s dick while Prince thrashed and rolled beside her. Groaning in a red frenzy of orgasmic hypnosis, the girl screamed shrilly on the dog’s pulsing cock, drinking the hot come in convulsive gulps as Prince shivered and howled over her forehead.

The sweating blonde jerked bolt upright in horror as Sally and Denise applauded loudly; she scrambled to her feet and shrieked in mortification and dismay as the women stood up and continued clapping with wide smiles of approval. Linda was petrified with embarrassment and shame as the brunette and the redhead pulled her into a close embrace with the big dog panting at their ankles. The redhead caught her by the wrist, turned Linda’s face toward her and gave the blonde a long and thorough kiss through the splashes of hot animal semen.

Linda closed her eyes and gasped in surprise as Sally’s tongue darted into her mouth; the redhead held the teenager in place for a long minute, working her tongue deeper between the blonde’s come-wet lips. Sally kept the girl locked motionless by the kiss as she trailed her fingers slowly down Linda’s cheek and over her collarbones. Linda’s eyes flew open as she felt the redhead gently rubbing the Great Dane’s warm come over her nipples; Sally’s green eyes locked on her and she held the teenager’s gaze, watching the look in the blonde’s eyes while she casually fondled the girl’s left breast.

The redhead dropped the Linda’s wrist and reached up to stroke the teenager’s right nipple; her soft fingertips circled the blonde’s sensitive areola, spreading sticky animal semen over the pink buds until they began to stand up against her touch.

“You were beautiful, baby,” the redhead whispered, “that was really good, especially for your first time. You did very well with Prince, angel. Might as well wipe off your mouth and lie down, good girl, do you want Mick or Rex next?”

All the rest of that sweltering afternoon, the brunette and the redhead watched as the big dogs squirmed over the mesmerized teenager, licking her steaming clit, guiding her tongue over slippery genitals, lapping her ass, lapping her heaving belly, sliding hot pink organs into her mouth. At first the animals licked her snatch hypnotically when they felt Linda’s lips and tongue on their doggie dicks, driving the entranced teenager to incredibly prolonged orgasms that made her give humming screams around the animals’ squirting cocks.

As Linda plunged deeper and deeper into sexual stupor, the animals realized the enthralled blonde couldn’t even think of backing off and simply lay down at her side waiting to be sucked. Denise or Sally played casually with Linda’s twat and licked her squirming ass, watching while Linda sucked off the dogs’ glistening red erections; bewitched by the constant erotic stroking between her legs, the delirious teenager licked and sucked the excited eager animals through orgasm after thrashing orgasm, giggling in satisfaction every time a big dog began howling and coming into her eager mouth.


Chapter Eight – Linda Learns to Enjoy Extra Responsibilities

Linda jerked awake with a gasp as Denise leaned down next to the headboard of the bed. “Still, good girl,” the brunette whispered, “you be still, it’s all right, easy good girl.” Linda was so excited to see the brunette she hardly noticed Prince slipped into the room as Denise lay down next to her. Denise slid close beside the teenager and cuddled her, rubbing the back of her neck and whispering huskily, “Let’s just go ahead and get comfortable, okay lover? Sally and I see that you’re really starting to enjoy your job with Fox & Hounds, you’re working so hard on it now.”

The blonde lay back on the soft down pillows, closing her eyes as the familiar pulsing surged between her legs. Linda’s full breasts quivered as Denise massaged her tits, bringing her nipples quivering erect; the girl quickly spread her legs while the busty brunette peeled her own panties down and shrugged out of her brassiere. Linda was too anxious to even pretend to resist when the brunette softly rubbed her breasts; the erotic massage was so soothing and so sensual she responded automatically when Denise slid down to kiss her stiff nipples. Slow kisses on her areolas brought the girl gradually awake and aroused; the auburn haired beauty looked up at Linda, licking the blonde’s nipples.

“Jesus that’s sweet, I’m so glad you came in tonight, what are you doing to teach me to do now, Deni,” Linda gasped, reaching to stroke the excited woman’s shoulders, “let me at least get halfway awake a little, please wait ” she broke off with a sigh as the woman stroked gently between her legs. Linda shivered as Denise’s nails trailed slowly across her bush; the eager brunette kissed the quivering blonde passionately, putting more tongue into the action as she fingered the girl’s sensitive clit.

“Watching you learn to relax and enjoy it while you cream for us all really makes me so excited, baby, I thought you’d like me drop by and show you something new,” Deni whispered, trailing kisses up Linda’s neck and sighing in her ear. “I could come all by myself watching you wiggle around by the pool, honey,” she added, drawing her fingertips casually over the blonde’s tingling snatch, “I thought since we know you better and you don’t have to pretend to be shy, you might like to get some private tutoring on a new lesson. You lie back and take it easy, angel, and let Denise show you how I help good girls relax, okay?” She kissed Linda’s pink nipples one after another while keeping her hand pressed against the shivering teenager’s pubes.

The aroused blonde thought briefly that she shouldn’t respond too quickly to the erotic toying with her snatch, but days and nights of constant stimulation left her always half-hot and ready. The torrid brunette’s steamy French kisses stirred an excitement the runaway was starting to crave more and more. Linda obediently returned Denise’s tongue-squirming kiss, laid back on the pillow and closed her eyes, tingling with anticipation.

Her hands clenched on the fur bedspread as the lion maned brunette sucked and licked her nipples, then trailed gentle fingers down over her ribs and onto her shivering belly. The mattress heaved as weight rolled into a new position and Linda gasped as a warm tongue stroked over her hipbones. The brunette caressed Linda’s nipples as the Great Dane slipped between the girl’s spread legs, panting as he licked the teenager’s bronze bush. The Dane’s warm breath huffed over the blonde’s hips, steaming over her thighs and crotch; Linda moaned softly and shifted on the soft mattress, tan thighs spreading wider as she wriggled. The waiting blonde remained invitingly still as the brunette leaned and kissed her gently while the Harlequin licked the sensitive skin around her bush.

Linda’s breath caught in her throat as the hot tongue slipped over her skin and stroked slowly toward her snatch; the blonde sighed and shuddered once as Denise kissed her lingeringly while Prince drooled on her curly bronze pubes. The excited brunette curled her tongue in the entranced teenager’s mouth and Linda’s cheeks flushed as her crotch warmed. Linda began breathing faster and her nipples stood stiffly erect, swelling as she got hotter; the teenager’s tan stomach twitched with the pulse hammering in her increasingly steamy snatch. Her quivering pussy began dripping as Prince licked faster at her saturated crotch.

Linda was beaded with sweat and panting for breath as the dog’s tongue lathered from her bush to her thighs and belly, then back down to her dripping clitoris. The long legged blonde moaned and shivers raced from her pulsing snatch over her belly; her tits erupted in goosebumps when Denise reached to spread her cunt wide for the eager animal. The teenager nearly screamed as the Dane’s slavering tongue stroked her totally exposed pussy.

The eager lapping parted the shaking girl’s soaked pubic bush, her delicate lips and throbbing clitoris completely open to the big dog’s slippery probing tongue. The blonde whimpered and shivers raced from her belly across her taut tits; the hair on her arms stood up and her tits were covered with goosebumps when Prince moved and his heavy paw raked her bare foot. Linda’s eyes snapped open on the huge Harlequin lapping at her saturated snatch.

“Jesus, when in the hell did he get invited in here, Denise,” Linda gasped, reaching to stroke the big dog’s shoulders, “I thought you and I were–I mean, I thought you wanted to me to–give me a second to get used to this, I don’t know about fucking around with both of you, please get him away from me, stop that ” She froze as Denise reached down to pet the dog between her legs while his dripping tongue lathered her bush; Prince never slowed the dedicated eager licking at the confused girl’s crotch.

“Please, stop it, Denise, Princie, no, no, now back up, down, Deni for Christ’s sake get him off me,” she begged quietly, hoping the brunette might make the dog move from her spread thighs, “please, Denise, I’ll be good for you, honest, now please make him get back, get down ” The instant the pleading blonde tried to move, the sweating brunette shoved her tongue into Linda’s mouth and the teenager again stopped instantly, kissing the woman hard, locked in Denise’s passionate embrace; she lay back in submission as Prince returned to the maddening licking, tail wagging as he slavered over the girl’s dripping bronze-curled pussy.

“Denise, I can’t handle letting you and him do it with me at the same time, please get him away from me, stop it,” Linda entreated, “get down, get back, get the hell out of here, I can’t stand it, you mustn’t make me do this so fast, please lover, don’t you want me to lick you, oh no no…”

The Harlequin ignored her pleading and continued lapping her bush and thighs. As the gasping girl started to sit up in bed, Prince gave a pleading whine and the brunette snapped her fingers near the blonde’s goosebumped tits; Linda collapsed in the pillow shivering while the big dog continued to his eager tongue job.

“Prince, you big bastard, please please get away from me, Denise please, you’ve got to make him stop that,” she implored, “aaahhhh, Jesus, I can’t stand that, you two are making me crazy, please cut it out…”

The huge Harlequin ignored the shivering teen’s desperate pleading, his wide tongue stroking deliberately at her twitching clit. She wriggled frantically on the bed as the hot tongue washed over her open snatch, spreading her lips wide, sliding over her clit like a velvet ribbon. The brunette seemed intent on feeding the desperate blonde to the big dog now that she held Linda’s pussy totally open, moaning in the girl’s ear and stroking her stiff nipples as the Dane worked on the gasping teen.

“God, god, Denise please please make him stop, I can’t stand it, that’s too intense, you’re driving me nuts,” Linda gasped as the woman’s roamed over her body, “ohh, no, you’re killing me, Prince, you sonofabitch, please please please get away, aahhhhh, Jesus. Ahhhh, please, Denise, no more, please no,” Linda whispered pleadingly, shivers racing over her belly and up across her shaking tits, “I really can’t do this, you can’t expect me to just lay here and let you and this fucker do it to me, please please don’t do that to me, it’s too much, ooohh, no, aaahhh…” Moaning and shaking, Linda dropped her head back, crying silently as the eager Dane lapped maddeningly at her melting pussy and the ravishing lesbian fondled her intimately.

“Oh my god, all right, I give up, I’ll take it, pretty girl,” the teenager gasped abruptly, straining to spread her long legs wide for the eager Dane, “I can’t stop you and I don’t even want to any more, go ahead and do whatever you want, do it all to me, I promised you I’d be a good girl.” Her nipples were achingly hard and her belly muscles locked as she got closer and closer to coming on the incessant licking.

“Ooohhhh, Jesus, that’s good, that’s really good, Denise, go on baby, make him do it for me, don’t stop your good girl. Ahhh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes,” she hissed through clenched teeth, feeling the orgasm building in her aching snatch while the brunette sucked delicately at her nipples, “do it now, Prince, mmmmmm, unnh, oooohhh, I can’t stand it, lover girl, I’m gonna cream all over….”

Linda felt like her crotch was being slowly electrocuted; it was like bolts of slow motion lightning striking her clit and running straight up her spine. The orgasm was so intense it seemed to short circuit her mind, leaving nothing but the mind blowing sensations of Denise’s lips wandering over her nipples as the Dane’s incredible tongue slid over her pulsating snatch. Belly muscles rigid, thighs and calves cramping, the moaning blonde lay writhing while the gorgeous brunette fondled her tits and the dog lapped at her melting bronze bushed cunt.

“Jesus, yes oh yes, Denise,” she whispered hoarsely, “I can’t believe it, make him please go ahead and do me some more, lover girl.” Her tits heaved with her panting and her thighs and calves pulsed as she trembled and twitched, starting to come again on the Dane’s constant skillful licking.

Twisting and writhing on the surging waterbed, the sweat drenched blonde moaned incoherently to the lovely brunette as her mind dissolved and gushed out through her spasming pussy. Denise gasped in her ear as Linda’s spastic snatch pumped juices over the dog’s dripping tongue. Biting her lip to keep from yelling aloud, the squirming teenager held onto the Dane’s collar, head rolling from side to side as her crotch exploded in waves of pounding orgasm. The excited animal lathered over her gaping snatch and slippery thighs, hot tongue dancing maddeningly over the clamping ring muscle of her drool soaked ass.

“Oooohh, aahhhh, yeah, that’s good sweetheart, that’s so good, Denise, go on baby, make him do it to Linda now, don’t stop now, girl. Aahh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes,” she panted, feeling the second redhot orgasm building in her throbbing snatch, “please do it now, Denise, mmmmmm, unnh, oooohhh, don’t stop now, baby doll, I’ve gotta have it now, Linda’s gonna come all over you….”

The moaning blonde felt like she was drowning in tidal waves of surging come, one rush of explosive orgasm after another flashing from her steaming pussy straight up her spine, crashing into her stunned brain. Linda groaned loudly and panted harshly for breath as Denise kissed and sucked at her sensitive nipples. The come seemed to last forever, leaving the shivering teenager exhausted and gasping, rolling her hips slowly under the Harlequin’s exquisite licking.

“Aaahhhh, god no, please, Denise, no more, please don’t do that again, Jesus,” Linda groaned aloud, shivers crawling over her belly and up across her shaking tits, “I can’t stand to do that again, we can’t just keep doing more, please please don’t do that to me, it’s too much, ooohhhh, no, aaahhhhh, god god god…”

Closing her eyes, the naked teenager slowly twitched her hips from side to side, swiveling her hot ass in circles to slide the flickering tongue around her dripping pussy. Denise licked eagerly at her stiff pink nipples as Linda reached down and spread her pussy open with her own hand, stroking the Dane’s neck with the other. Responding to Linda’s gasping praise, the big dog extended his operations, licking up her bush onto her twitching belly and hips, washing her entire crotch with dripping tongue.

“Mmmmmmm, oh yeah, that’s good angel,” Linda whispered, reaching over to caress Denise’s full tits gently, “I gotta admit it, that’s so good, go on Prince, go on Denise baby, do it to Linda real nice, don’t stop teaching your good girl. Aahh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes.”

Leaning forward, she petted and rubbed the slavering Dane’s shoulders, moaning softly each time the warm tongue tip lapped over her clit. Denise pulled her mouth off the teenager’s tits and licked the panting blonde’s open lips; Linda’s breath caught in her throat as the brunette’s wet tongue stroked her dry mouth. The teenager imagined she could taste her own nipples on the brunette’s flickering tongue. Cradling her goosebumped jugs in her hands, she held the taut mounds as Denise bent to suck her crinkled areolas until the tingling in her nipples made the girl shiver and sweat. Gasping, she collapsed the bolster, lifting her drool glistening tits away from the woman’s tongue.

“Oooohh, Jesus, that’s terrific, don’t stop now Denise, go on baby, make him do it all over me, don’t stop now, lover. Aaahhh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes,” she hissed through gritted teeth, feeling the approaching orgasm surging in her throbbing snatch, “do it now, Denise, mmmmmm, unnh, oooohhh, I can’t stand it, sweetheart, I’m gonna cream all over for you….”

Linda felt like her pussy was being slowly dissolved under the determined Dane’s tongue; slow motion lightning roared from her itching clit and up her spine, exploding inside her brain. The orgasm blacked out her thoughts, leaving nothing but the redhot sensations of coming and coming as Prince’s incredible tongue danced over her spasming snatch and the brunette’s tongue squirmed over her tits. Back and belly muscles knotting, hips pumping at the Dane’s jaws, the moaning blonde writhed in mounting ecstasy on the rippling mattress while Denise helped the animal get at her melting bronze-curled cunt.

The sobbing teenager thrashed and heaved on the tossing bed until the brunette slid to the end of the bed, grabbed her ankles and shoved them apart, holding her pulsing snatch wide open under the dog’s precision tonguing. Rubbing and squeezing her swollen jugs with both hands, the blonde screamed through clenched teeth as Denise held her spread open and in place for the determined Harlequin’s perfect incredible licking.

As the frenzied teenager had come to expect, Denise and the big dog showed no signs of giving up her dripping pussy when Linda finished coming. While the shaking blonde lay exhausted and panting, the busty brunette merely moved back beside Linda’s quivering thighs as Prince rolled onto his side, shifting to a slow and lazy lapping at the girl’s spread snatch. Propping herself up on her elbows, Linda watched the contented animal licking away at her cunt. When she glanced over at the sprawling brunette, the teenager was thrilled to see her pink clit standing from her spread brown bush; she stretched over and slowly slid her hand up Deni’s thigh, closer and closer to the panting woman’s vagina.

The Dane never stopped lapping her crotch as Linda gently rubbed beside the brunette’s exposed clit. Denise sighed softly as Linda’s fingers slid slowly over the lips of her slit; the blonde’s eyes widened and she gave a chuckle of satisfaction when she felt the slippery snatch quiver at her touch. Shifting carefully into place, Linda stroked the brunette’s crotch delicately while Prince obligingly licked the blonde’s sensitive clit in perfect rhythm with her motion. After a few minutes, the busty brunette’s clit was standing out from the furry mons; the excited teenager giggled as Denise wiggled sideways and opened her legs to give Linda better access to her pulsing crotch.

“You like that, huh big girl,” the girl whispered hoarsely, “you dig that on your clit, yeah. Well I know what you’d like a lot more; just take it easy, angel, and we’ll see if Linda can’t make it even better.” In one rapid twist, the desperately horny blonde rolled and spun on her hip before the Dane or waiting woman had a chance to move. She lay end for end to the busty brunette, crotch spread to the big dog’s velvet tongue and now able to reach Denise’s belly and crotch with both hands.

“Now, pretty girl, we’ll see how you like having some action that won’t quit,” she chuckled, “let’s see if Linda can make you a little crazy, too.”

She began gently caressing the brunette’s stomach and thighs, hands sliding slowly over the woman’s ribs and down onto her taut belly, inching closer and closer to Deni’s pink clitoris. Denise whimpered eagerly and twitched her ass as she felt the teenager’s teasing hands stroking nearer to her clit; the more the slavering Harlequin licked at Linda’s humming clitoris, the closer she moved to the sighing brunette’s snatch.

Panting hard as the amazing tongue lathered at her snatch, Linda teasingly rubbed her index finger over the brunette’s hot pink clit. Denise gave a moaning whimper as she felt the girl’s first delicate touch on her dripping dark furred snatch. Gasping and giggling, the excited blonde pulled her hand away long enough to run her fingers over her own drool soaked bush, then reached down and deliberately stroked slippery fingers over the busty brunette’s hot clit.

Denise moaned and spread her legs wide as she felt Linda’s fingers on her snatch and the teenager chuckled in triumph as she stroked delicately over the gasping woman’s open pussy. The eager teenager propped her head on her arm and watched the brunette twitch as the blonde slowly stroked the elated woman off.

Linda was fascinated by the feel of Deni’s hot clit and tried diverse strokes while Prince slavered and whined at her cunt; the Dane’s excited lapping at Linda’s pussy left no doubt he recognized and responded to women writhing in sexual heat around him. The brunette hissed and whispered encouragingly as Linda methodically stroked provocatively at her slippery snatch; Linda giggled when the damp curls around Deni’s clit tickled her fingers at every lingering stroke.

“Oooh, now that’s real good isn’t it babes,” the teenager crooned softly, “yeah, that’s real good for you, isn’t it lover? You like Linda playing with that pretty pink slit, don’t you Deni babe?” she chuckled gleefully as the brunette’s clit swelled in her fingers and whispered, “well Linda finally knows she likes it too, lover girl. Yeah, so it’s fine for all of us then, you just keep wonder dog doing me and I’ll practice doing more of this to you, won’t that be nice?”

“Let me show you a better way, baby,” Denise whispered quietly, “you’ll really love this one, I promise. Let’s all get shifted around till we’re really comfortable, okay?”

Linda watched in amazement as Denise rolled casually on the bed until the brunette sprawled between her and the Dane with her head tucked against the dog’s belly. Prince instantly spread his back legs as the ecstatic brunette ran her fingers teasingly over his hairless cock, reaching her other hand to pull the blonde’s caressing fingers back to her cunt. As she fondled the woman’s slick clit, Linda found that Denise’s teasing manipulation made the Dane lick maddeningly at her steaming snatch; closing her eyes, the girl kept slowly masturbating the excited lesbian, moaning as Prince’s slippery rough tongue danced over her pulsing clit.

Shaking with excitement, the panting teenager slipped into a twilight zone of delicious sensations, lost between the exquisite lapping at her dripping pussy and the steaming heat of the smooth clit in her fingers. The blonde, the Dane and the excited brunette panted and moaned in unison as they worked each other nearer to explosive coming.

Linda felt Denise’s clit throb as the brunette began an almost breathless sobbing; she opened her eyes as the dark-skinned beauty’s snatch flushed fiery red. The gasping blonde was stunned to discover the brunette had started sucking the big dog’s dick while Linda masturbated her. Before she realized what was happening, Denise’s snatch pulsed convulsively and the delighted blonde burst into giggles as the moaning woman began hot spasms of shuddering coming. The busty brunette shivered and jerked on the waterbed, clutching the dog’s stiff dick, rhythmically sucking the animal’s swollen shaft as Linda fingered her throbbing clitoris. Prince’s cock pulsed convulsively and the blonde giggled in excitement as he began shooting hot spurts of doggie come just as Denise raised her mouth off his dick.

The big dog writhed and heaved, viscous jets squirting up the moaning brunette’s arm and splashing over her rigid nipples as the gasping woman lunged back down onto his throbbing hardon. The Dane’s howling animal orgasm sent shivers rocketing up the teenager’s spine, and her cunt abruptly throbbed into volcanic coming, overwhelmed by watching Denise coming and sucking the animal’s cock as the shuddering animal lapped at Linda’s spasming cunt.

Linda trapped her screams deep in her throat as the whining Dane lapped frantically at her spasming pussy; shaking and giggling in ecstasy the creaming teenager continued fingering the squirming brunette, drawing muffled moans of come crazed ecstasy while Prince arched and shoved against Denise’s lips. Denise’s sides were heaving with hard panting and the hair stood up on the back of her arms when the shivering blonde slid her fingers off the brunette’s clit.

Linda’s gasping chuckles turned to groans as the Dane returned to lapping her snatch the instant the panting brunette took her lips off his dick. Her own explosive orgasm left the twitching teenager too limp to even attempt to move when the ravishing lesbian urged the big dog back to lap at her still humming clit. Each stroke of the hot velvet tongue sent fireworks rocketing up from her snatch and within minutes the exhausted blonde was pulsing on the edge of another mind-bending orgasm.

She reached feebly back toward the brunette’s legs to finger her sticky snatch, only to have Denise instantly grab her wrists, trapping Linda’s hands before she had any chance of stroking the woman off. Gasping and moaning, the pretty blonde lay trapped and begging for release as the raven haired dyke panted over the dog’s cock as he licked the teenager’s aching but still responding young cunt.

“Denise, you bitch, please please, I’ve got to get away from it for a while, you’ve got to stop that,” Linda babbled, tears leaking from the corners of her eyes, “aaahhhh, Jesus, I can’t stand any more, you’re making me crazy, please cut it out…” Denise merely shifted sideways slightly, ignoring the shaking blonde’s desperate pleading while the dog’s wide tongue washed maddeningly over the girl’s vibrating clit.

“God, god, please please stop for a minute, you slut, I can’t stand it, that’s too intense, you’re driving me nuts,” Linda gasped, “ooohh, no, you’re killing, me, Denise, you brainless crazy bitch, please please please get away, aahhhhh, Jesus…” As the desperate girl tried again to reach the brunette-haired beauty’s clit, the excited woman twisted sideways again, still keeping her hands clamped around Linda’s sticky fingers.

“Aaahhhh, please, Denise, not again, please don’t do that,” the frantic blonde begged again, shivers rolling over her belly and up over her drool splashed jugs, “I can’t stand for you to let him do that again, we can’t keep doing this any more right now, please please don’t do that to me, it’s too much, oohhhh, no, aaahh ”

Linda choked off as another thunderous orgasm roared up her spine; the brunette released her hold and the girl mindlessly rubbed her rigid nipples, tanned body heaving under the Prince’s relentless licking. While Linda clutched at her own sticky tits, Denise gave another sideways wiggle, raising one knee until her damp brown bush was actually brushing the girl’s blonde bangs. The ecstatic runaway opened her eyes to find Denise squirmed close beside her with legs spread wide, the woman’s pink clitoris only inches away from her quivering lips.

Wile obedient Prince lapped madly at Linda’s dripping pussy, the brunette gave a quick arch sideways, moaning urgently as she felt the teenager’s gasping breath warm on her exposed snatch. Half insane from the Dane’s insistent tonguing, Linda ran her hands up Denise’s inner thighs as insane urges flooded her brain. Caressing the busty brunette’s crotch with both hands, she leaned forward and huffed hot breath on the woman’s quivering clitoris; Denise moaned imploringly and began thrusting slowly at the blonde’s face, masturbating the sprawling Dane as he tongued Linda’s spasming snatch.

“Okay, babydoll, I get the idea,” Linda whispered hoarsely, fingers dancing on the woman’s slippery clit, “I see this is the next lesson. I get to go down on you and you keep him going while he drives me crazy on your pussy, is that the story? All right, you sneaky bitch, you and Sally already got me well-trained and I’m too hot to quit now, there’s no getting out of it.” The panting blonde carefully leaned over the hot pussy, wetting her lips as she fondled the moaning woman’s brown snatch. “So get ready to work on my report card, lover girl,” she sighed softly, “cause pretty Linda wants to try and earn a gold star tonight…how about this, Deni?lick, good girl, lick”

Mesmerized by her own continuous creaming and shivering with conditioned fantasies, the frenzied teenager deliberately ran her tongue over the bud of the auburn haired beauty’s quivering clit. Thrilled by the brunette’s pleading gasps of encouragement, Linda slowly kissed her way around Deni’s pink snatch, spreading the woman’s furred lips to lick her throbbing clitoris. Denise gave a moaning gasp of praise and sucked Prince’s cock deliriously as she felt the pretty blonde’s tongue wash over her snatch; Linda sighed as the brunette’s hot clit twitched against her lips and the dog’s tongue flickered over her cunt.

“Oh, Denise, you sweetheart, this is real real good,” she sighed, drawing her head back and from the panting woman’s vagina, “you and sweet Prince got Linda started on something wonderful, you know that? I never thought I’d say it could be good, baby, but I think Linda might really get into this. Go real slow on your good girl, lovers, we’re gonna have a lot of fun tonight, you’ll see…”

The teen wiggled around till she found a perfect three way position with the waiting brunette and the big dog, Denise’s face buried in the Dane’s crotch and Linda’s wet lips poised over the brunette’s expectant pussy. Denise’s pale belly shivered as Linda put tantalizing licks and kisses on her crotch and thighs, fondling her dark pubes and rolling her slippery tongue slowly over the woman’s exquisite clit.

The gasping brunette’s satin slick pussy under her mouth was a hypnotic sensation for the pretty blonde; she settled into position with a sigh and gently sucked Denise’s hot clit into her trembling lips. Fondling the woman’s curly twat with both hands, Linda drifted into a sensual trance, tongue curling around the hot joy-button while she kissed lovingly at the slippery snatch. Prince laid his head on the panting teenager’s thigh and kept lazily lapping at her pussy as Linda nursed the brunette’s pulsing clit. The Dane shifted to occasional licks at her melting clit as Linda sank into a seductive dream of contented licking, moaning softly as her eager tongue washed the brunette’s warm snatch.

Linda giggled on the throbbing pink button when the writhing woman’s thick pubic thatch tickled her nose; Prince whined happily when the panting brunette began rolling her head back and forth, flicking her tongue tip on the tip of his throbbing cock. The moaning teenager fell deeper and deeper into trance on the lesbian blowjob as the Dane kept licking her spread twat; Linda’s hot tongue crawling over her dripping pussy kept Denise sucking deliriously on the swollen length of the big dog’s dick.

Hypnotized by the hot clit between her lips and the animal lapping between her legs, Linda lost all sense of time; her world contracted to the feel of the woman’s slick pink vagina under her tongue and the melting hot pussy she fondled. Lost in a writhing sexual trance, the excited blonde kissed and licked delightedly on Deni’s melting snatch as the dark haired beauty groaned with ecstasy, muffling her moans by shoving the huge Harlequin’s dick full length into her mouth. The girl roused as Denise thrashed on the bed, sobbing ecstatically between the dog’s legs while Prince started into eager lapping at Linda’s dripping clit. Linda groaned with satisfaction when she felt the brunette’s furry cunt throbbing and her hot clit pulsing under her tongue.

Denise gave a single harsh scream around the animal’s dick as come spasms throbbed from her clit; Linda plunged her mouth on the woman’s exploding snatch, catching the first surge of orgasmic juices on her probing tongue. She sucked the brunette’s throbbing clitoris into her eager wet mouth, moaning on the slick button as warm juices flowed over her questing tongue. Prince whined and bucked as moaning Denise sucked his dick, hair standing up along the length of his back, lapping frenziedly at the blonde’s open cunt.

The pretty blonde giggled hysterically on the dark woman’s vibrating snatch, rolling her head back and forth while Denise arched and rolled beneath her kisses. The teenager massaged the woman’s clamping ass with both hands, jacking Deni off with her lips and tongue, curling her tongue on the lips of the dark bush to coax the last moans from the panting woman.

The gasping blonde, moaning brunette and shivering Dane lay side by side after the volcanic orgasms, panting hot breath on each other’s genitals as they recovered from the frenzied coming. When she stopped panting, Linda leaned over and lazily kissed the woman’s glistening clit, chuckling as the slick button twitched against her lips. Linda lifted her mouth from Denise’s melting snatch and stared as the greedy brunette licked slowly up and down the dog’s sticky dick, holding the Dane’s warm hairless sheath in both hands.

“Well, Linda girl, now you’ve done it,” Deni crooned, “you and Prince and I just got started into something that we haven’t finished exploring yet, not by a long shot. I think we’ll all really like playing with each other a whole lot, good girl, and there’s positions we haven’t even tried yet, you know?” She leaned forward for a slow suck at the swollen dog dick and sighed, “so you just lie back and relax, baby, while Prince and I have a little more. You don’t have to lick or move or do anything, lover; puppy and I want to take turns working on your pretty slick snatch till you don’t know who to lick first.”

Linda closed her eyes and waited submissively as the brunette and the big dog flounced around the bed; she found the Dane now lying beside her with hind legs spread and red pink erection inches away from her quivering lips. Denise licked tantalizingly at her dripping pussy as the dog gave a quick sideways twitch, whining excitedly as he felt the girl’s gasping breath on his wet doggie dick. Half crazed from the brunette’s methodical tonguing, Linda ran her hands up the Dane’s haunches as conditioned craving swamped her brain. Cuddling the big dog’s dick and balls in both hands, she leaned forward and huffed hot breath on his quivering cock; Prince yelped encouragingly and began humping sideways at Linda’s lips while Deni tongued her spasming snatch.

“Oh yes, Denise, I think I really do like this idea,” Linda whispered hoarsely, fingers dancing on the animal’s slippery cock, “I’m just gonna keep trading you and him back and forth, and you both just keep going until you drive me totally crazy for it, that’s tonight’s lesson. That’s all right, you made me do it till I’ve started to like it, you already got me too far into this to quit now, I don’t even want to get out of it any more.” The panting blonde carefully leaned over to the hot doggie hard-on, wetting her lips as she fondled the animal’s hairless nuts. “So get ready for your blowjob, honeypup,” she sighed softly, “it’s Linda’s turn to lick you now…”

Hypnotized by the constant erotic manipulation and programmed with induced animal fantasies, the entranced teenager willfully ran her tongue down the length of the Dane’s quivering cock. Prince gave a low moaning growl of contentment as the pretty blonde’s tongue curled over his dick; Linda laughed as the slick warm shaft twitched in her lips. Captivated by the silk smooth animal cock, the pretty runaway eagerly kissed up and down the length of the big dog’s red pink dick, pulling back the hairless sheath to get every inch of Prince’s pulsing hard-on.

“Oh, Prince you puppy sweetheart, this is a real pretty cock; Deni this big boy’s doggie cock looks so good,” she sighed, drawing back briefly and panting on the animal’s pink erection, “you guys really got Linda started wonderful, you know that? I never thought I’d ever admit something like this can be so good, big boy; but I guess Sally and Deni know me real well. Let’s go real slow lover pup, I’m gonna have a lot of fun with you…”

The delirious teenager snuggled into position with the eager brunette and the waiting animal, Deni’s mouth buried between her spread legs and Linda’s wet lips poised over the Harlequin’s expectant hard-on. The Dane’s abdomen shivered as Linda put tantalizing fleeting licks and kisses on his cock, cradling his heavy nuts in one hand while jacking him off exquisitely against her slippery tongue.

The dog’s warm and satin slick dick in her mouth had become a spellbinding stimulation for the pretty blonde; as Deni kissed softly at her clit, the teenager curled on her side with a contented sigh and eagerly sucked the animal cockhead into her trembling lips. With both hands full of the Dane’s genitals, Linda drifted into an erotic reverie, tongue spiraling the sticky shaft while she sucked docilely at the slippery doggie dick.

Denise laid her head on the teenager’s thigh and kept lazily lapping at her spread pussy as Linda suckled the Harlequin’s pulsing cock. The brunette gave brief licks at her responsive clit as Linda drifted into a trance of prolonged sucking, moaning softly with her drooling mouth enveloping the big dog’s dick. She giggled around the feral hard-on when she felt the hot cock swelling slowly in her lips; Prince whined eagerly when the delighted blonde began rolling her head slowly back and forth, wrapping her tongue around the base of his hot dick. Recognizing that the moaning teenager was enthralled with giving the bestial blowjob, Denise stopped licking the girl’s spread twat; the watching brunette panted over her steaming pussy to keep Linda sucking deliriously on the smooth warmth of Prince’s dick.

All the rest of that steaming night, the sweating brunette and panting Harlequin squirmed over the mesmerized teenager, kissing and licking her steaming clit, guiding her tongue over slippery genitals, lapping her ass, rubbing and stroking her heaving belly, sliding hot pink organs into her mouth. At first Denise licked her snatch hypnotically while she watched Linda’s lips and tongue on the dog’s cock, driving the entranced blonde to incredibly prolonged orgasms that made her give humming screams around the Harlequin’s pulsing dick.

As Linda plunged deeper and deeper into sexual trance, the dark-haired beauty realized the enthralled blonde couldn’t even think of backing off the big dog and simply lay on her side, playing casually with Linda’s twat and watching the dog’s glowing red erection while Linda sucked him off. Bewitched by the constant erotic stroking between her legs, the delirious blonde licked the quivering Dane through orgasm after thrashing orgasm, giggling in delight every time the big dog began throbbing and coming in her mouth.

When the shivering teenager was sexually hypnotized enough to eagerly obey any instruction, Denise rolled Linda onto her back, propped her head up on piled pillows and then had the big Dane climb up and mount the blonde’s shoulders while the brunette went down on the girl’s avid snatch. Face buried between the dog’s spread back legs, the girl moaned deliriously and sobbed softly in squirming ecstasy as the huge animal humped inescapably into her mouth, his swollen cock never leaving her lips as he rutted deliberately against her tongue.

Shaking in deranged ecstasy as Denise’s skillful tongue washed languidly over her inflamed clit and flickered between the cheeks of her squirming ass, Linda stroked the Harlequin’s humping muscular haunches with both hands, sucking rhythmically on the animal’s pumping cock while Denise kissed and licked the whining blonde’s melting pussy. The entranced teenager was only half-conscious when the quivering dog froze abruptly in place, his rigid belly in a tight arch over her forehead; the amazed blonde had time for one gasp of surprise as the Dane thrust his swollen cock full-length into her mouth.

Linda felt the big dog’s dick heave once against her tongue and the animal growled in ecstasy as he began pumping squirts of warm come down her throat. Groaning in a red frenzy of orgasmic hypnosis, the girl screamed shrilly on the dog’s pulsing cock, drinking the hot come in convulsive gulps as Prince shivered and howled over her forehead. Delirious and half-fainting, the exhausted blonde at last pulled her mouth reluctantly off the animal’s drained cock, licked the last thick drops from her lips and dropped instantly off to sleep with Deni still gently nursing her clit.

Linda roused early in the pre-dawn light to find Denise crouched on all fours beside her with enthusiastic Prince humped up over her back; the big dog arched powerfully on top of the brunette, who was gasping for breath and moaning so loud the teenager was sure Sally could hear them, soundproofing or no soundproofing. Linda was covered with snatch juice and sticky dog come from nose to belly; she vaguely remembered rubbing hot
canine come luxuriously over her swollen tits, feeling it drip from her stiff nipples while she kissed Denise’s pulsing furry cunt.

The busty brunette and the big dog lay twitching and gasping for breath as the teenager walked to the bathroom to shower off come and drool; they were both still panting hard as Linda dried off, slipped into a scrap of lace and sat down to wait for someone to bring her breakfast. The blonde was smugly certain that she could have breakfast delivered to her in bed if she demanded it. ?Bring it to me, hell,? the girl thought, ?Deni will feed it to me if I ask her; after all,? she smiled, ?I certainly was a good girl.?

The flirting blonde soon discovered that her half-joking prediction was indeed correct. With a smile and ‘please’, she could have Denise bring her breakfast in bed; with a whisper and an innocent look, she could have the brunette feed her every bite. The girl was unable to resist going through with it once she had dared to demand being fed, and the delighted brunette fondled her constantly as she lifted the fork to Linda’s lips.

Deni urged her through a plate of waffles dripping with butter and whipped cream, rubbing the blonde’s nipples to tingling erection as she delicately dropped each luscious bite into the girl’s mouth. When Linda shivered and leaned forward to the woman’s caresses, Denise laughed and put a cream-drenched bit of waffle on the end of her out-stretched tongue. The brunette leaned over to the startled blonde and smoothly thrust the warm, meltingly sweet bite between the girl’s lips on the tip of her tongue.

The stunned teenager flushed as she chewed and swallowed and licked her lips. Through the rest of breakfast, with waffle or strawberries or honeyed biscuit, Denise occasionally fed the compliant runaway bites off the tip of her tongue. By the time she finished, the teenager was breathing hard and eagerly returning passionate French kisses around an offered strawberry. It seemed the most natural thing in the world to the blonde when the brunette pulled her cheerfully from the bed and smoothly suggested they go downstairs for another practice session. They were halfway to the pool before the amazed girl realized she was eagerly anticipating another day of sucking the dogs off, and she felt a perverse thrill knowing that total strangers might be watching from all over the country while she ran her tongue over the animal erections.

During her morning practice session by the pool, Linda struggled to understand her rapidly deteriorating resistance to Denise and Sally’s demands; stretched out on a chaise lounge with faithful Rex languidly licking her snatch, the confused blonde tried to rationalize her accelerating surrender to the women’s diabolical training program.

The stunned teenager realized she was growing utterly enthralled with perverse sexual conditioning; she couldn’t deny the increasing thrill she found as the redhead and the brunette seduced her further and further into their bestial fantasies. While the eager Shepherd lapped her buzzing clitoris, the panting girl spent hours replaying her performance with Denise and Prince over and over again, trying to grasp the utter abandon that made her respond so wildly to the incredible animal/lesbian combination.

She reminded herself that she had planned to do just enough to convince Sally and Denise not to stick her back in the kennel, but the guilty blonde knew that rationale didn’t explain her enthusiastic participation with the ravishing brunette and her animal lover. Linda fought to keep her train of thought while gasping and sweating under the big dog’s exquisite tonguing, but hours of the dedicated animal’s delicate licking turned her mind into sexual Jello. Linda’s dwindling willpower broke once more and she reached down to pet and stroke the slavering animal laying between her spread thighs.

The obedient Shepherd responded perfectly to the distraught girl’s hoarsely whispered commands, slowing down his patient lapping and keeping the shaking blonde hovering at the edge of writhing ecstasy. Deliberately refusing to think about it any more, the tortured teenager concentrated on the big dog licking eagerly at her exposed pussy. She forced herself to keep her attention on her animal lover’s skill at her dripping cunt, trying to escape the whisper in her head that told her what she was becoming and how perfectly Denise and Sally had recognized that she really wanted this exquisite sexual slavery.

Linda was subdued and introspective when Denise and Sally walked her back to the pool after lunch for more lessons in canine fellatio. Linda realized with a flash of insight that the real horror and awful power of her training was that each practice was always less scary and less awful after every performance; it was always easier for her to do it again than to resist, every time.

Everything was easy, as long as she listened to Sally and Deni and let them tell her what to do. She walked docilely beside the women and calmly spread out her blanket and pillow on the warm flagstone apron of the pool while Deni went to the kennels to bring out her animal partners. Linda told herself again that she was only being sensible in performing with the animals to keep a little freedom of choice, that she was buying the chance to think about some eventual escape. The anxious teenager was so absorbed in her confusion and desire she barely heard the women’s praise and encouragement; the pretty blonde was determined to avoid thinking about what she was doing with the animals and willed herself into a trance, licking and sucking the big dogs obediently while Denise and Sally read magazines and sunbathed naked on either side of her.

The passive girl stroked, kissed and licked the dogs’ cocks methodically that afternoon while Denise and Sally lounged beside her, whispering praise and fingering themselves to repeated orgasms. Hypnotizing herself with the feel of warm cocks under her tongue, Linda concentrated on learning the subtle differences in the twitching hard-ons while the brunette or the blonde leaned over to lick her erect nipples or stroke casually between her legs as she sucked the animals off.

The overwhelmed teenager continued licking the delighted animals one after another until dinner, and the rhythm of Linda’s deliberate sucking never faltered when the dogs howled in orgasms and spurted hot come down her throat. Deni and Sally praised her lavishly when they didn’t have to wash sticky dog come off the girl before they went inside; Linda was brooding and withdrawn throughout dinner and the women exchanged winks and smiles as they watched the pretty blonde pondering her inescapable conversion to bestial fucking.

Sally made the teenager sit while the blonde spoon-fed her a delicious dessert of layered-cream parfait; as the girl licked her lips, Sally pointed outside to the waiting animals and the girl got up immediately and obediently walked back to her blanket. After an
afternoon concentrating on animal cock, the blonde found she was perversely obsessed with the big dogs’ tireless hard-ons and endless reserve of come; she was amazed that she could make the animals come and come for her with her skillful licking.

Never realizing that her refusal to think was a self-brainwashing process, Linda escaped again to the animal’s dicks and tried to suck Mick into exhaustion before bed. As Linda already knew, while Mick responded ecstatically to her determined effort, the attempt was only more practice in doggie fellatio. The big wolfhound kept coming in her mouth time after time as she massaged his furry balls and when Denise and Sally finally made her come inside after dark the animal was ready for more.


Chapter Nine – A Surprise Visit Makes Her Late For Dinner

As she stepped back into the bedroom wrapped in a towel, Linda was flabbergasted to see the Great Dane stretched out on the carpet; the big dog sprang to his feet as the naked teenager skidded to a halt, the bedroom door already closed at her back. The half-drugged teen thought that she must have left her door cracked open, and wily Prince had nosed it wide enough to slip in. Before she could move, the waiting animal bounded across the room and shoved his muzzle under the towel and up between her smooth, damp thighs.

“Oh my god, no, it can’t be,” she whispered as the big dog’s tongue flicked over her damp bronze pubic bush, “no, Prince, no please…”

The big Dane’s rumbling growl confirmed the suntanned teen’s suspicion; Prince was obviously determined to try licking her snatch without Sally’s permission and had no intention of letting her get away. While Linda stood paralyzed with indecision, ingenious Prince stepped forward and planted his huge forepaws between her ankles, forcing the surprised blonde to shift her feet apart as he sat on his haunches. The instant her knees opened, the heavy Great Dane wedged his shoulders between them and widened his stance.

Still high, unable to shift gears between fear and fascination, Linda stood helpless in the middle of the room, legs spread on either side of the big dog, balancing awkwardly with her freshly washed pussy spread wide over his gaping jaws. Prince wasted no time in settling in for some prolonged tonguing of the succulent teenage snatch; his hot panting huffed against Linda’s glossy rust pubic bush, sending shivers over her flat belly, making her pink nipples stiffen instantly.

The excited Dane’s drool slathered tongue washed up between the agitated teen’s shivering thighs, slithering from the back of her twat forward, spreading her sensitive lips and flicking over her exposed clitoris on every stroke. Trapped spread legged with the big dog lapping her contentedly, Linda groaned in stoned disbelief when she felt her crotch warm and her snatch buzzing with increasing excitement minute by minute. The Harlequin’s diligent licking escalated as her renegade pussy began to melt and juices flowed down onto his probing muzzle. The defenseless blonde beauty found herself breathing hard and straining up on tiptoe each time the tenacious Dane’s velvety tongue lathered over her clit.

“Aaahhhh, god no, please, Prince, please don’t do that,” Linda whimpered aloud, shivers crawling over her belly and up across her round jiggling tits, “they’re waiting for me to come downstairs for dinner, I can’t stand for you to do that, I don’t want Sally or Deni catch me with you doing this, please please don’t do that to me, it’s too much, ooohhhh, no, aaahhhhh…”

Linda squirmed even as she pleaded with the Dane, recalling Denise’s whispered promises about how she would start to crave that delicate slick tongue, the brunette fondling and stroking her to sweaty frenzy while describing a canine playmate lapping her dissolving snatch. The sudden graphic memory of her own gentle doggie masturbation made goosebumps stand out on Linda’s shaking breasts and her nipples crinkled into erection.

Closing her eyes, the naked teenager gave one soft moan of lust and dismay, then slowly began twitching her hips from side to side, swiveling her increasingly libidinous ass in circles, sliding the flickering dog tongue around her dripping pussy. As Prince lapped zealously at her bronze-curled bush, the lovely teenager reached down and spread her lips with one hand, stroking the Dane’s head with the other.Responding to her encouragement, the eager dog extended his maneuvers, licking up across her bush onto her twitching belly and down to her thighs, washing her entire crotch with deliberate lapping.

“Mmmmmmm, oh yeah, that’s good big dog,” she whispered hoarsely, scratching Prince affectionately behind the ears, “I didn’t want to believe Denise was right but I might as well admit it, this is just too fucking good, Prince, I should have believed her the first time she suggested it. Go on baby, do it to Linda real nice, don’t stop good dog. Aahh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes.”

Leaning forward over the big dog, Linda patted and massaged the slavering Dane’s neck and shoulders, moaning faintly each time the warm tongue tip lapped over her clit. As she bent down further and kneaded her way down his back, Prince pulled his dripping muzzle momentarily from between her legs and licked the panting girl across her quivering tits; Linda’s breath caught in her throat as the wet rough tongue stroked over her rigid pink nipples. Cradling her goosebumped tits in her hands, she held the soft mounds steady and the Great Dane licked her swelling areola until the electric tingling of stiffened nipples made the excited teenager weak in the knees. She stood up, gasping for breath, lifting her drool glistening tits away from the dog’s rasping tongue; Prince instantly shoved his muzzle back between her spread thighs and began working at her snatch.

Slowly, the anxious runaway crouched down right where she stood, holding her legs wide and pussy spread to the eager Dane. As her snatch dropped lower and closer to the rug, Prince craned his neck and finally lay down amicably between her ankles, never breaking the maddening tongue performance on her dripping twat. The sighing teenager rocked back, propping herself with her hands and lowering her ass to the carpet, then leaned back on her elbows watching the big dog working enthusiastically between her sleek thighs.

Purring in mounting ecstasy, the over stimulated blonde lay flat on her back and raised her knees, eyes closed, rolling her sensitive nipples between thumb and fingers, listening to the sticky lapping noises at her slit. Laying between the naked blonde’s ankles, Prince gave a low, contented growl as he realized her ass was now also wide open for his eager licking. Tits heaving as she panted for breath, Linda moaned aloud as the Dane’s broad velvet tongue spread the cheeks of her ass and flicked softly over the sensitive ring muscle. Her erect pink nipples were achingly hard and her belly muscles twitched as she got closer and closer to coming on the dog’s incessant licking.

“Oooohh, Jesus, that’s terrific, don’t stop now Prince, go on baby, do it all over me, don’t stop good dog. Aaahhh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes,” she hissed through gritted teeth, feeling the approaching orgasm surging in her dripping snatch, “do it now, Prince, mmmmmm, unnh, oooohhh, I can’t stand it, big dog, I’m gonna cream all over you….”

Linda felt like her pussy was slowly dissolving under the accomplished animal’s tongue; bolts of slow motion lightning roared from her yearning clit and shot up her spine, exploding inside her brain. Back and belly muscles straining, thighs and calves shaking, the moaning teenager lay squirming in ecstasy on the fluffy carpet while the ardent Great Dane panted and lapped at her melting rust bushed cunt. The gasping teen wriggled and heaved frenziedly on the floor until the big dog finally clamped heavy forepaws over her widespread thighs, pinning her pulsing snatch steady under his unrelenting tonguing.

Rubbing and squeezing her swollen nipples with both hands, the frenzied blonde wailed through clenched teeth as Prince clenched her spread cunt and electrified clitoris rigidly in place for his flawless awesome licking. The orgasm was so powerful it seemed to short out her thoughts, leaving nothing but the stupefying red-hot excitement of coming and coming as Prince’s fantastic tongue danced over her spasming snatch.

The Great Dane displayed no intention of giving up her dripping pussy when she had finished coming. While the shuddering blonde haired captive lay dissipated and panting, the big dog simply moved his paws off her thighs and rolled onto his side, switching to a slow and indolent lapping at her spread snatch. Heaving herself up onto her elbows, Linda stared down at the contented animal licking away at her cunt; when she glanced down at the sprawling dog, she was astounded to see Prince’s enormous cock sticking from the sheath in a red pink doggie hardon. Watching the big dog cautiously, the aroused teen licked her lips, then slowly bent her right knee and slid her foot closer and closer to the quivering doggie erection.

Prince whined softly and licked her a bit faster as Linda’s ankle slid slowly over the length of his cockhead; the blonde beauty’s blue eyes widened when she felt the hot slippery dick twitching against her foot. The ardent Great Dane never stopped lapping her crotch as she gently massaged her instep along the length of exposed cock. After a little careful maneuvering, she was positioned to caress the Dane’s erection lazily with her bare foot and ankle, and Prince obligingly lapped her clit in exact rhythm with her motion. After a few minutes, the big dog’s cock was standing out full length from the smooth sheath; Linda giggled as he wriggled sideways and opened his back legs to give her better approach to his pulsing hardon.

“You like that, huh big boy,” she whispered soothingly, engrossed by another of Denise’s insidious whispered fantasies, “you dig that on your cock, yeah. Well I’ve got an idea you’ll like a lot more; just take it easy, big dog, and we’ll see if we can’t make it even better.” With one rapid twist, the half-hypnotized blonde raised one leg, rolled sideways and spun on her hip before the excited Prince had a chance to growl. She wound up positioned head to tail with the big dog, crotch still spread to his velvet tongue, now able to reach his belly and haunches with both hands.

“Now, pretty boy, we’ll see how you like having some action that won’t quit,” she chuckled, “let’s see if Linda can make you a little crazy, too.”

The reckless runaway began casually caressing the Dane’s side and chest, hands sliding lingeringly over the big dog’s ribs and down onto his taut belly, inching closer and closer to the dog’s red pink erection. Prince whined enthusiastically and wagged his tail as he felt the teenager girl’s teasing hands stroking nearer to his cock; the closer she moved, the more earnestly he licked at her humming clitoris. Panting hard as the amazing tongue lathered at her snatch, Linda finally reached and tantalizingly ran her index finger down the animal’s long red cockhead.

It worked exactly the way Denise and Sally had told her; Prince gave a yelping growl and lapped avidly at her cunt as he felt the girl’s first feather light touch on his bare doggie dick. The Dane’s tail thrashed and his back legs instantly spread wide as he felt Linda slowly wrap her sweat-slippery fingers on his dick, and she sighed as she stroked meticulously up and down the length of the animal’s pulsing red shaft. Gasping and giggling, the astounded teen pulled her hand away long enough to run her fingers over her drool soaked blonde bush, then reached down and deliberately wrapped slippery fingers around the big dog’s long cock.

Propping her head on her right arm, the fascinated teenager watched wide eyed as the big dog’s sides began twitching while she leisurely explored jacking him off. She was perversely enthralled by the texture of the hot smooth cock in her hand, and tried different rhythms and pressure while Prince quivered and whined at her cunt; the Dane’s enthusiastic licking and slavering at her pussy left no doubt he was elated at her caressing his cock. Prince growled approvingly as she tightened her grip and pumped harder at his slippery dick; Linda snickered when the sparse bristly hair at the base of his cock sheath tickled her little finger at the end of every stroke.

“Oooh, now that’s real good, big dog,” the captivated teen crooned softly, “yeah, that’s real good for you, isn’t it baby? You like Linda playing with that pretty pink boner, don’t you Prince boy?” She hissed softly between her teeth, feeling the big dog’s cock swelling in her fingers as she massaged between his legs and said, “well Linda likes it too, lover dog. Yeah, big boy, that’s fine for both of us then, you just keep on doing that to me and I’ll practice doing more of this to you, won’t that be nice?”

Overwhelmed by the endless skillful lapping and the sweltering animal cock between her fingers, Linda lost all sense of time; her world contracted to the feel of the dog’s slick red erection filling her hands and the warm heavy balls she fondled. After some fascinated research with the thick twitching cock, Linda discovered exactly the right rhythm to make the Harlequin lick maddeningly perfectly at her steaming snatch; closing her eyes, she rhythmically jacked off the enthralled animal, groaning as his slippery rough tongue frolicked over her pulsing clit.

Shattered by the exquisite lapping at her dripping pussy, shuddering with horror at actually fulfilling one of the brunette’s whispered commands, the panting teenager slipped into a twilight zone of overwhelming lustful sensation, captivated by the swollen heat of the satiny dog dick in her hand and the animal’s desperate whining.

Linda never even noticed when the door to the darkened hallway swung slowly open and Denise and Sally slipped quietly into the room. Lost in a writhing erotic preoccupation, the enthusiastic teenager stroked and milked delightedly at the throbbing Great Dane dick while the dog quivered and whined with ecstasy beside her. Gasping for breath and dripping sweat on the dog’s quivering belly, the enthralled blonde never looked up as the brunette and the redhead came over and casually sat down on the couch, watching her every move with delight. The golden haired teenager and the big dog whined and moaned in unison as each enthusiastically manipulated the other nearer to explosive coming. Linda felt the hot lump in Prince’s cock heave as the Great Dane commenced a gasping growl; she opened her eyes as the dog’s swollen dick turned fiery red.

Before she understood what was happening, Prince’s cock pulsed convulsively, and the astonished teen burst into
shrieking giggles as he began shooting surprising hot spurts of doggie come. The big dog writhed and heaved beside the panting blonde, viscous jets squirting up the amazed girl’s arm, splashing over her rigid pink nipples as she fervently pumped his throbbing hardon.

The Dane’s mewling animal orgasm sent shivers rocketing up the lovely blonde teen’s spine and her cunt abruptly throbbed into volcanic coming as Prince spurted pungent come on her tits. Linda trapped her screams deep in her throat as the big dog lapped frantically at her spasming pussy; shaking and wailing in ecstasy, the creaming teenage beauty avidly masturbated the whining Dane, milking squirts of animal come as she twisted and jerked under his tongue. By the time the shivering blonde let go of his cock, Prince’s sides were heaving with hard panting and the hair actually stood up on his back.

Linda’s gasping chuckles turned to groans as the Great Dane returned to working her snatch the moment she released his dick. Her explosive orgasm left the twitching teen too limp to even attempt to move when the big dog started lapping at her still humming clitoris. Each caress of the scalding velvet tongue sent fireworks rocketing up from her snatch, and within minutes the exhausted girl was pulsing on the edge of another mind blowing orgasm. She reached feebly back between the Dane’s legs to try for his sticky cock, only to have Prince instantly clamp his hind legs shut, trapping her hands before she had any prospect of stroking him off. Gasping and moaning, the red haired captive lay trapped and writhing, clutching the excited dog’s dick and heavy balls, pleading softly for release as he licked and licked at the aching but responsive young cunt.

“Prince, you bastard, please please, I’ve got to get away from it for a while, you’ve got to stop that,” she babbled, tears leaking from the corners of her eyes, “aaahhhh, Jesus, I can’t stand any more, you’re making me crazy, please cut it out…” The determined Great Dane merely shifted sideways slightly, still disregarding the shaking girl’s futile pleading, his wide tongue washing maddeningly over her vibrating clit.

“God, god, please please stop for a minute, you fucker, I can’t stand it, that’s too intense, you’re driving me nuts,” Linda gasped, “ooohh, no, you’re killing, me, Prince, you brainless sonofabitch, please please please get away, aahhhhh, Jesus…” As she tried again to manipulate his cock, the big dog twisted sideways one more time, still keeping his hind legs clamped tight over her clutching fingers.

“Aaahhhh, please, Prince, not again, please don’t do that,” she wailed again, shivers rolling over her belly and up over her come splashed jugs, “I can’t stand for you to do that again, we can’t keep doing this any more right now, please please don’t do that to me, it’s too much, ooohhhh, no, aaahhhh ” Linda’s choked whisper broke off as the second thunderous orgasm roared up her spine.

She pulled her hands off the Dane’s crotch and mindlessly rubbed her stiff nipples, tanned body heaving under the big dog’s relentless licking. While she clutched at her sticky tits, Prince gave another sideways wiggle until his slow wagging tail was actually brushing in her hair. Linda opened her eyes to find the Great Dane lying right beside her with hind legs spread wide, his enormous red pink erection only inches away from her quivering lips.

Still lapping maddeningly at her dripping pussy, the massive dog affected another quick sideways twitch, whining excitedly as he felt her gasping breath warm on his exposed doggie dick. Half-insane from his insistent tonguing, Linda reached and ran her hands up the Dane’s thighs while Deni’s perverse suggestions whispered in her brain. Cuddling the big dog’s dick and balls in both hands, the overwhelmed runaway leaned forward and huffed hot breath on his quivering cock; Prince yelped encouragingly and curled sideways at her face, tonguing urgently at her spasming snatch.

“Okay, big dog, I get the idea,” Linda whispered hoarsely, fingers dancing on the animal’s slippery cock, “I guess either I come across for you or you just keep going until you drive me totally crazy right here, is that the story? All right, you merciless fucker, you already got me too hot to quit now, there’s no getting out of it.” The panting runaway carefully leaned over the hot doggie hardon, wetting her lips as she fondled the animal’s pulsing balls. “I don?t think fucking Denise needs to know this part;” she sighed softly, “well get ready for it, lover pup, it’s Linda’s turn now…”

Mesmerized by her own continuous creaming and shivering with forbidden fantasies, the frenzied blonde runaway slowly leaned down and ran her tongue hesitantly down the length of the Dane’s quivering cock. Prince gave a low moaning growl of satisfaction as he felt the pretty teen’s tongue slide over his dick; Linda gasped as the slick warm shaft twitched against her lips. The half-crazed teenager didn’t realize just how effective her doggie hand job had been for the aroused animal.

Captivated by the unexpected silk-smooth warmth of the animal cock, the panting blonde pulled back the hairless sheath to display every inch of Prince’s glistening hardon and hesitantly licked her way back up the length of the big dog’s red pink dick. Prince gave a low wavering howl as the come surged to the tip of his cock; Linda lunged back too late from the animal’s pulsing dick, catching the first explosive spurt in her open lips.

The mortified teen gave a gasp of horror and froze in panic, poised over the animal’s throbbing cock; Sally and Denise leaned forward eagerly as the dog’s squirting erection pumped directly into the paralyzed blonde’s open wet mouth. Linda gave a choking moan as warm animal come splashed across her tongue and down her throat. Prince thrashed and kept coming as the girl swallowed convulsively over him, fur standing up along the length of his back, lapping frenziedly at her open cunt. The redhead and the brunette smiled in satisfaction as shattered runaway swallowed again and giggled crazily over the big dog’s dick while Prince thrashed and rolled beside her, his pulsing cock spurting across the blonde’s taut breasts and dripping off Linda’s erect nipples.

The sweating blonde jerked bolt upright in horror as Sally and Denise applauded loudly; she scrambled to her feet and shrieked in mortification and dismay as the women stood up and continued clapping with wide smiles of approval. Linda was petrified with embarrassment and shame as the brunette and the redhead pulled her into a close embrace with the big dog panting at their ankles. The redhead caught her by the wrist, turned Linda’s face toward her and gave the blonde a long and thorough kiss through the splashes of hot animal semen. Linda closed her eyes and gasped in surprise as Sally’s tongue darted into her mouth; the redhead held the teenager in place for a long minute, working her tongue deeper between the blonde’s come-wet lips.

Sally kept the girl locked motionless by the kiss as she trailed her fingers slowly down Linda’s cheek and over her collarbones. Linda’s eyes flew open as she felt the redhead gently rubbing the Great Dane’s warm come over her nipples; Sally’s green eyes locked on her and she held the teenager’s gaze, watching the look in the blonde’s eyes while she casually fondled the girl’s left breast. The redhead dropped the Linda’s wrist and reached up to stroke the teenager’s right nipple; her soft fingertips circled the blonde’s sensitive areola, spreading sticky animal semen over the sun-browned buds until they began to stand up against her touch.

Linda couldn’t look away from Sally’s stare, and the redhead winked at her as she felt the blonde’s nipples stiffening under her fingers. The teenager felt the redhead’s lips smile through the kiss, and she gave a tiny moan when Sally chuckled deep in her throat, tongue squirming in the girl’s mouth. Denise watched approvingly while the redhead rubbed and stroked Linda’s wide areola until the blonde shivered and broke out in goosebumps, her face flushing red with embarrassment.

Sally kept rolling the teenager’s stiff nipples between thumb and forefinger until they were crinkled and fully erect, standing up stiffly against the woman’s touch. Linda was breathing hard and her forehead was still beaded with sweat; her come-sticky tongue twitched and then moved hesitantly against Sally’s, responding to the woman’s passionate kiss. Sally broke off the steamy kiss and stepped back with a wicked laugh the moment she felt the teenager’s reaction, leaving the mortified girl standing flushed and panting with her nipples swollen hard.

The redhead licked her lips and said, “Well, well, we wondered what was keeping you from getting downstairs for dinner; what a nice surprise this is for Deni and me, lover.” She turned and started toward the bed, adding, “Come on, baby; it’s time we had a little talk, good girl.”

“Watching you rolling around there with sweet Prince really made me so hot, babydoll,” the brunette whispered, trailing kisses up Linda’s neck and sighing hot breath into her ear. “I was ready to come myself just seeing you wiggle around and do him like that, honey,” she added, drawing her nails delicately over the captive blonde’s tingling nipples, “and I really am glad sexy Princie is the one you decided to break in with. You just carry on with what you were doing and let Sally and Denise watch you romp with him, okay?”

“Oh god, Deni, don’t even try to make a joke about it,” the red-faced runaway wailed urgently, “I can’t believe something like this even happened, I feel so dirty and miserable and ashamed. How could you both just sit there and watch me, you could have stopped him, you could have done something to make me snap out of it before I–I–”

“Snap you out of it, angel you must be kidding,” Sally said with a smile, “we’ve been waiting to see if you really have what it takes to fit in around here, and finding out you’re ready to do some first class doggie cocksucking means a lot.”

“Easy, good girl, take it easy, relax,” the brunette added with a big smile, “I told you before to just let yourself go for it, you already know about how your part of the program works. Of course you want to learn to suck these big cocks, that’s really why you’re staying here instead of trying to run away, angel. Besides, how will you ever show the younger boys what to do unless the experienced ones teach you how to do it first?” Linda’s eyes glazed with shock as the terrible impact of the brunette’s words sank in; she felt weak in the knees and her face went deathly pale as Denise chattered casually away about the two women’s horrifying plan.

“Oh my god, Denise,” the blond whispered pleadingly, “you won’t make me…you can’t really mean it. Oh Sally please, I’ll do anything you want, anything, just please–”

“That’s exactly right, angel, you will do anything we want,” the redhead interrupted softly, “and Deni just told you what that’s going to be. Let me make it clear for you one last time about what you’re going to be doing while you’re here, lover. Mick and Rex and Prince are going to fuck with you until you learn just how a big dog likes to have it, sucking, fucking, whatever they want from you. Denise and I will watch and help and instruct you until you do everything right for them, however long it takes for you to learn. Then as the younger boys mature, you’ll teach them how to fuck you until they’re perfect at it.”

“Easy, good girl, don’t be so tense,” the brunette chimed in, “you’ll love working out with our pretty boys, believe me, Sally and I will make sure you learn to love it. Honey, these big dogs are going to fuck you until you can’t get your breath, you can’t imagine how good it is. Prince’s big dick is so hot and slick you won’t believe it, baby; once you get some real doggie fucking you’ll think everything else is second class, lover.”

“Denise is right, baby, it’s addictive,” Sally said, staring into Linda’s panic-widened eyes, “once you’ve felt that furry belly over your back, you’ll never want to give it up. You can actually feel the cock swell up inside you before they come, it’ll blow your mind.”

“You’ll understand in time, angel, really you will,” the brunette whispered softly, ?it just takes a little time to admit it to yourself. It took Sally and me a while to understand, years ago when we first started Fox and Hounds. You’re going to love doggie licking and doggie-dicking, baby; Sally and I had to found out by accident, and it took us months to face the truth and then to admit it to each other. All women love animal cocks, it’s just that we’re not allowed to know it or admit it; you’ll go crazy for that hot doggie dick and you’re gonna love sucking them and fucking them, you’ll see.

“Oh Jesus, please, Denise, Sally, no more, please no,” Linda whispered pleadingly, shivers racing over her belly and up across her shaking tits, “You can’t really want me to do this kind of thing, I can’t just stay here and let you tell me to do awful shit like this,” she continued as the redhead and the brunette led her quickly over to the bed, “Please, please don’t ask me to do it any more, don’t let him do that to me again, it’s too awful to even think about, please, please don’t…”

The teenager choked back her tears as the redhead silently pressed her back and down onto the mattress while the eager Harlequin clambered up over the foot of the bed; the brunette fondled and stroked the trembling girl lasciviously, giving her brief kisses that interrupted Linda’s desperate begging as the animal settled in place between her legs.

“Now there, isn’t that better, baby, it’s much more comfortable to be on the bed with one of these big lovers, huh” Denise whispered to the babbling blonde, running her fingers lightly over the frantic teenager’s hard nipples. “These pretty boys really love eating your sweet pussy, honey girl, and Sally and I know you’ve never had anything as wonderful as this serious licking in your life. How about if we just stay here and keep you company while he gives you another treat; Sally and I want to watch him make you wiggle and sweat.”

“Oh yeah, all right, pretty boy,” the brunette crooned to the big dog, reaching over to spread Linda’s pubic bush wide for the eager Dane, “Pretty Linda won’t stop you and I know she really can’t wait for you to do her again, go ahead and do whatever you want, do it to her real good, good boy.”

There was no way the overwhelmed teenager could escape the stubborn animal licking eagerly at her crotch; Linda collapsed limp on the heaving waterbed, head hanging, tears rolling down her flushed cheeks. Understanding that the quivering blonde couldn’t refuse the redhead’s whispered instructions, the big dog gave a contented rumbling growl and began a slow motion washing of the teenager’s bare pussy. His tongue languidly flicked between the gasping runaway’s delicate inner lips and slid over her exposed clitoris while Sally and Denise held the girl’s hands at her sides and Denise petted the panting Great Dane approvingly.

Within minutes, Linda was moaning through her teeth and writhing against the redhead’s gentle grip, loins throbbing as her snatch warmed under the dog’s incessant licking. Her thoughts were racing and her brain screamed in panic even while she felt her pussy responding automatically to the exquisite torture of the dog’s velvet tongue. Linda’s crinkled pink nipples were now achingly hard and her belly muscles spasmed as she got closer and closer to coming on the unrelenting doggie licking.

“Oooohh, Jesus, that’s good, that’s really good for Linda, Prince, go on baby, do it nice for her now, don’t stop good dog. Aaahhh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes,” Denise hissed through clenched teeth, watching the pulsation building in Linda’s aching snatch, “Do it now, Princie, yes yes yes, pretty Linda can’t stand it, big dog, this pretty girl is gonna cream all over you….”

Powerless to escape the bestial licking, Linda clenched her fists against the women’s grip, knuckles white with strain, panting for breath as Deni encouraged the big dog and waves of mounting ecstasy flooded up from her dripping snatch. Even though her thoughts clamored with shame and total mortification, Linda’s hips rolled automatically back and forth under Prince’s lingering ceaseless licking, magnifying the sensation of each slow stroke.

Despite her resolve not to give in to the incredible sensation, the desperate runaway felt her drool wet ass tighten with every flicker of the scalding dog tongue over her lips. She whimpered in despair as she found herself actually stretching her legs wider for the big dog, straining with the tendons on each side of her snatch stretched like cables from the pale edges of her bush to the tan skin of her inner thighs.

“Jesus, yes oh yes, Linda, come now, baby,” Denise whispered hoarsely in her ear, watching the struggling teenager in delight, “I can’t believe how much you love it, go ahead and do some more for us, good girl.” The captive blonde’s tits heaved with her panting and her thighs and calves pulsed as she trembled and twitched, starting to come on the big dog’s constant skillful licking.

“Oooohh, aahhhh, yeah, that’s good sweetheart, that’s so good, Linda, go on baby, do it for Denise now, don’t stop now, girl. Aahh, oh, mmmmmm, yes, yes, yes,” the brunette panted, seeing the orgasm pounding in the writhing teen’s throbbing snatch, “please do it now for us, angel, mmmmmm, oooohhh, don’t stop now, baby doll, we’ve gotta have it all now, come all over for us, angel girl.”

Linda felt like her crotch was being slowly electrocuted; it was like bolts of slow motion lightning striking her clit and running straight up her spine. The orgasm was so intense it seemed to short circuit her mind, leaving nothing but the mind blowing sensations of coming and coming as the huge Harlequin’s incredible wide tongue slithered over her pulsating snatch. Back and belly muscles rock hard, thighs and calves cramping, the moaning blonde lay squirming between the redhead and the brunette while the massive Dane continued panting and lapping at her melting bronze-bushed cunt.

“Mmmmmmmmmm, unnnhhhhhhhh, nnnnnnnno,” she shrilled as the redhead and the brunette smiled down at her in delight, “nnnnoooo, dnnnt, aaaahhhhhh, ssttp ut, pplllzzz, unnnnhhhhhmmmmmmmm….”

Her whispered pleading and frenzied moans seemed only to encourage Deni to pet and praise the heavy dog, who immediately burst into wanton lapping at the helpless girl’s spasming crotch. Linda’s brain exploded into an immense red-hot fireball of orgasm and frenzied panic as Prince’s inescapable tongue probed between her exquisitely sensitive lips and slid up inside her dripping cunt.

Tears slid down her face and dripped down onto her neck as the frantic teenager squirmed on the mind boggling orgasm. Howling and whining as the women kissed her and fondled her heaving breasts, she goggled up in stunned disbelief as Denise and Sally watched the panting dog make her come, petting the eager animal, rubbing his ears and neck and whispering praise as he snuffled and drooled over Linda’s dripping bronze bushed pussy.

The come seemed to last forever, leaving the shuddering teenager exhausted and gasping, rolling her hips slowly under the big dog’s exquisite licking. The shivering blonde was speechless when the redhead and the brunette moved back from either side of her and climbed off the bed. The hapless teen watched in stunned amazement as the big dog floundered up at Sally’s command and squirmed around head-to-tail with, laying down into sixty-nine position.

Linda couldn’t believe it was happening until Deni leaned down and whispered softly, “You might as well go ahead and try a little more tongue on his dick, sweetheart, Princie knows you’ll cave in and give him some more head if he keeps licking you like that. Sally and I are leaving now, so you can either stop, or do whatever you want, angel. Just pretend we weren’t ever here, baby, go ahead and do what you really want to do and forget about everything else,” she added, laying her hand on the back of the blonde’s neck and gently massaging her head down toward the reclining animal’s spread back legs. “There’s no sense trying to convince yourself or us that you don’t want to do it, baby, you know you liked it and Prince knows you liked it and we know you liked it, we saw it all.”

“Well, Prince boy, now you’ve done it,” the brunette crooned to the waiting animal as the women started toward the door, “you just got Linda started with something that isn’t done yet; your lover-girl isn’t satisfied yet, not by a long shot. Denise knew Linda better than our good girl thought, I just knew our pretty runaway would really like playing with that big handsome cock of yours, good dog, and I don’t think she’s ready to give it up yet, okay?”

“Denise is telling you how it’s going to be, angel,” Sally chimed in with a smile from the doorway, “If you expect to stay here, you’re going to have to earn your keep anyway, but it’s good for you to find out you can enjoy it. No, don’t try to deny it, angel, you’re only a half-step away from licking that big cock again and you know it; you’ll enjoy it more and more as you get better at it, you’ll see. You might as well give in and accept it now, baby, you’ll be right back down on his dick again sooner or later and loving every minute of it.”

Linda glanced down from the redhead’s smile to the Great Dane and slowly reached out to stroke his slippery dick between thumb and forefinger as Denise and Sally stepped outside and locked her in with the waiting animal. The overwhelmed blonde closed her eyes and slowly sighed, “All right you motherfucker, but if you think you’re getting anything besides jacked off, forget it; you just lie back and please stop licking while Linda gets you off some more.” The lovely blonde curled slowly around and laid her head on the waiting Harlequin’s thigh, keeping her mind blank as she wrapped both hands on the animal’s quivering erection.

“You don’t have to lick or move or do anything, lover pup,” she whispered, “I’m just gonna work on your slick beautiful dick till you can’t keep it up any more.”

Through the rest of the night the mesmerized teenager stroked and fondled the big dog’s cock, clutching his nuts with one hand and caressing and stroking his heaving belly with the other while she pumped the whining animal through one orgasm after another. At first the Great Dane licked her snatch excitedly when he felt the girl’s constant hands on his dick, driving the entranced blonde to prolonged multiple orgasms that made her give purring screams while she watched the creaming dog in perverse fascination.

As hours passed, the delighted animal knew the hypnotized runaway wouldn’t let go of his erection and the big dog simply lay on his side in ecstasy, panting hard over her spread pussy while Linda jacked him off obsessively. Bewitched by the constant bestial hardon in her fingers and the maddening tongue on her body, the delirious teenager stroked the shivering dog through orgasm after thrashing orgasm, giggling in amazed delight when the Dane’s cock began squirting hot come over her sweating body.

In a flash of perverse inspiration, Linda rolled Prince onto his back and then knelt straddling his shoulders, crouched down over his upthrust cock with his muzzle thrust between her tan thighs. Shivering in ecstasy as his tongue washed over her inflamed clit and between the cheeks of her squirming ass, Linda cradled the Dane’s cock in both hands, pumping rhythmically on his spurting dick as he whined and lapped beneath her. The delirious runaway roused from her orgasmic trance sometime before dawn, Prince whining in ecstasy so loud Linda was afraid Sally and Denise would wake up.

Linda was covered with gummy Great Dane semen from nose to belly; she remembered rubbing pungent come luxuriously over her swollen tits, feeling it drip from her stiff nipples while she clutched Prince’s enormous pulsing hardon and massaged the animal’s hairless balls with her other hand. The big dog lay twitching and panting for breath as the sweating blonde slipped into the bathroom to shower off come and dog drool. She wrapped in a towel and was about to go downstairs for something to eat when she saw he was still panting hard, his still-swollen cock sticking out from the drool wet sheath.

Linda climbed carefully on her knees in bed beside the big dog and enthusiastic Prince instantly rolled onto his back, his thick red erection thrust up at the entranced runaway. Giggling hysterically to herself, the mesmerized teenager leaned over and deliberately held her tongue a half-inch over the sensitive tip of the big Dane’s dick.

“Okay, good dog, maybe we’ll try giving you just one little lick, just as sort of an experiment,” Linda murmured in horrified fascination, gripping his genitals in both hands. “But you have to be still and be quiet, good boy,” she added in a whisper, drooling down onto the waiting animal’s twitching erection, “I wouldn’t want Deni or Sally to know we decided to follow those instructions after all.” Sighing in ecstasy, the blonde rocked slowly forward, sliding the animal’s throbbing cock into her mouth.


Chapter Ten

Linda remained dazed and brooding as the days passed and her discipline sessions continued; Denise and Sally gave the obedient teen extravagant praise every night after a delicious dinner, then ushered her into the living room for more review of the videotapes. Every review was the same, watching herself on tape while Denise and Sally fondled and licked her to still more gasping orgasms. The flustered blonde lay awake for hours night after night in her beautiful bedroom cage, whimpering as she recalled the delirium of oral ecstasy with her eager canine lovers. The appalled teenager was stupefied with foreboding and depraved sexual yearning as she remembered her perverted pleasure while Sally and Deni encouraged her to go down on the big dogs.

After every session with the rutting dogs, Linda focussed on what she had done with the eager animals, and the debauched blonde spent hours replaying the scenario over and over again, trying to fathom what made her respond so incorrigibly. Linda told herself she had started out trying to do just enough to keep the women from tossing her back into the kennel; the girl knew she had quickly forsaken all composure and wound up a zealous partner with the animals.

Linda agonized anxiously as she took her morning shower, and brushed her teeth repeatedly to wash away the recollection of sticky dog come on her lips. She avoided looking at herself in the mirror as she rinsed her mouth, unwilling to face how she had performed with the rutting animals and how effortlessly Denise and Sally had persuaded her she really wanted to do it. The agonized blonde reminded herself again that it was much more sensible to perform with the avid animals while she had some option for action, to conserve some slender opportunity of eventual escape. The teenager struggled to evade the acknowledgment that day by day she was becoming more and more captivated and enslaved by her own debauched behavior.

The acquiescent girl stroked, kissed and licked the dogs’ cocks submissively for hours every afternoon while Denise and Sally gave her profuse compliments and fondled her to repeated orgasms. Linda concentrated on the dogs while Sally and Denise massaged her breasts and dallied between her legs as she sucked the animals. The teenager became more acclimated to licking the whining animals day by day and giggled in amusement when the dogs howled their orgasms and spurted hot come all over her.

The delighted women sponged layers of sticky dog come off the sex-crazed teen and permitted her to sunbathe and splash in the pool for several hours after lunch. After Linda had gotten warm and soothed, Denise waved to the expectant animals and the girl immediately hurried enthusiastically back to her blanket. The guilt-ridden blonde was growing perversely bewitched by the huge dogs’ continual erections and their ceaseless reserves of come; in spite of herself, it astonished and excited Linda that the animals could keep coming and coming on her after hours and even days of her increasingly accomplished licking.

Linda still believed it might be feasible to wear the animals out and tried every afternoon to suck just one canine hard-on into submission before the end of the day. To her constant frustration, although Mick, Prince, Rex and Denise and Sally were manifestly overjoyed by her exertions, the endeavor was completely ineffectual. Linda had repeated screaming orgasms from Denise and Sally’s attention, the dogs kept coming in her mouth day after day, and when the women took her inside after dark the animals were always eager for more.

Linda was constantly exhausted, perplexed and too overwhelmed to think when the women finished her lesson review at night, and Sally and Denise gently shooed her up to her room immediately after the brunette achieved Linda’s final orgasm. Frolicking in the pool, the constant ferocious orgasms and the perversely obsessive recollection of warm doggie cock against her tongue left the girl tormented and hollow-eyed as the days passed.

The stupefied blonde’s education agenda was the same brain-numbing practice of orgasms and animal masturbation in the morning, lunch and bestial fellatio by the pool with the brunette and the redhead till dinner, watching herself performing on videotape and repeating the commands every night. The women woke her up every morning and watched her do it all again, again the day after, and the days slipped past in a hypnotic stream. As the days passed, Linda became more and more promiscuously captivated by sucking off the big dogs; one afternoon she realized in a flash of shame that she had been licking the animals passionately for hours without any instruction from the redhead or the brunette.

After days of perpetual bestial euphoria, the languid teenager moved agreeably to whatever pose the redhead or brunette proposed and lounged contentedly beside the animals so Sally and Denise could toy with her clit while she sucked the dogs. The subjugated blonde ultimately became flawlessly conforming, taking the furry animal cocks in her mouth while the women smiled and fondled her approvingly and the dogs yowled and sprayed hot come over her tongue. Linda fell into dissipated slumber every night and woke from dreams of sweaty enjoyment and satisfaction without ever envisioning that her abasement was driving her closer to another assignment. Saturday night Denise and Sally kept her up after dinner; sitting tranquilly on the luxurious couch, the hapless blonde wondered what they planned for her next.

Sally moved the empty dishes to the kitchen cart, turned quickly around and gave the trembling girl a passionate kiss as Denise dropped to her knees in front of the captive teen. Linda couldn’t seem to move as Sally’s tongue darted into her mouth at the same time Denise licked deftly at the edges of her brickred snatch. The teenager gave one harsh groan as she squirmed her ass quickly to the very front of the cushion, spreading her legs wide apart to give Denise full access to her well-trained pussy. The flawless licking at her clit totally dissolved the girl’s resistance, and Linda closed her eyes and gasped for breath as she thrust her tongue deep into Sally’s mouth. As their steamy kiss continued, the redhead gradually turned and crawled slowly onto her knees on the cushion beside Linda; the blonde’s kisses trailed gently over Sally’s neck and down her collarbone as the redhead moved upward.

Denise’s lips worked hypnotically at the teenager’s wet pussy as the redhead slowly straightened up, bringing her full breasts under the girl’s eager kisses. Linda didn’t even realize what she was doing until she felt Sally’s nipple stiffening under her tongue; Sally gripped the blonde’s shoulders as the girl’s eyes snapped open. Linda glanced up to find Sally staring down at her while the teenager kissed and licked the redhead’s pale areolas. Linda moaned softly against the mouthful of Sally’s firm tit and brought her arms around the woman’s waist.

The gasping teenager couldn’t stop herself from crossing her ankles over Denise’s back as the brunette lapped exquisitely at her steaming pussy. Sally whispered encouragement as Linda reached up and began fondling the redhead’s breasts, licking hesitantly at the woman’s rigid nipples. The teenager brought her knees up and rested her heels on Denise’s shoulders, spreading her pussy wide to the brunette’s skillful kisses. Linda kept her tongue on the redhead’s stiff nipple as she dropped one hand down and fumbled blindly for Sally’s bronze-curled pubic thatch.

The panting blonde gave a low moan of absolute surrender as her fingers trailed through Sally’s curly bush and slid toward her slit. The redhead backed away instantly when the girl’s fingertips touched her clit; Linda stared at her in mute frustration as Sally drew her rigid nipples away from the blonde’s lips. The teenager gasped in sudden dismay as Denise abruptly stopped licking at her snatch and rocked backward from between her legs. Linda reached imploringly toward the brunette as she and Sally stood up and smiled down at her; the girl stroked the inside of her sleek thigh pleadingly and whispered, “Please, Deni, just a little more for me, please help your good girl..”

“I’m sorry, sweetheart, but it’s really too late tonight,” the brunette said, “it’s really sweet to know you want it, but that’s all for now, angel. Maybe tomorrow if you ask real sweet Sally will let you play with us a while; right now we have to run along so you can get your beauty sleep, baby.”

“Oh Deni, please, Sally please, how can you leave me like this?” The despairing blonde flung herself backward on the couch, bringing her knees up and spreading her legs until her bronze-bushed pussy spread wide for the smiling women; she reached down and began fingering her clit deliberately, adding, “You know I need help to relax when you get me all hot like this, Deni, please don’t go. I’ll be good, it can be like when you stayed with me before, remember?” Linda groaned and shivered as she masturbated slowly in front of them, staring into the brunette’s eyes as she continued, “I want you, I’d like to curl up with you like we did it before, please…”

“Oh angel, that’s so sweet, really it is,” the brunette replied, “I really hate to leave you when you’re so eager, but it really is bedtime, baby. You just calm down and try to relax and get some rest, sweetheart, okay?”

The overwrought teenager started crying as Sally and Denise walked to the door; the women turned at the doorway and looked back as the weeping blonde continued jacking off in front of them, writhing provocatively on the couch as she massaged her aching clitoris. The redhead waved Denise on into the hallway, smiled back at her and blew Linda a kiss as she stepped through the door behind the brunette. As Sally pulled the door shut, the frenzied girl broke into hopeless screaming, “Oh god no, please please don’t leave me like this, please make me come, please make me come. I want you to lick me, I want you to fuck me, I’ll do anything you want, please please please…”

“You see how quick you’ve come around to the right attitude, lover,” the redhead snickered malevolently with an exultant smile, “just get some rest, baby, and hold that thought for those pretty dogs, okay?” Sally started out the door, turned back to Linda and whispered, “What you really want is some more of that wonderful doggie cock, isn’t it angel? Deni and I will just keep you hot so that you’ll keep craving that fuzzy dick more and more. You’re already starting to like it a lot, baby, and before you’re finished with your exercises you’ll want those superb animal cocks night and day, sweetheart. You just play with yourself and imagine you’re with one of the pretty boys, good girl.”

Linda resisted her obsessive urges for more of the big dog’s cock for hours and hours after Denise and Sally had gone. The overwrought teen hustled anxiously around in her bedroom cage after dark, hearing the animals barking in their pens, standing inside her barred windows with her knees pressed tightly together. The teenager had surmounted nearly all misgivings or guilt about the escalating enticement to being snatched by Sally and Denise and the incredibly sensual things they had induced her to do.

Even more, Linda found she was becoming self-satisfied and corrupt by her scandalous and altogether brazen responses to getting mounted by the huge dogs and masturbated and licked by the two women. The electrifying memory of writhing and screaming under the obedient animal cock, the sensual recall of spastic ecstasy pulsing from her clit made her squirm at her vanity table, and fingering herself into sweating, gasping frustration in dark with images of the dogs and beautiful women growling in delight between her legs only made her more ardent and titillated.

The pretty blonde was overwhelmed with fevered hunger, tormented by the memory of muscular shoulders effortlessly spreading her clenching thighs and dogs licking her with luxurious tongue-thrusts. The feel of Mick’s tongue rasping over her shivered her tits into goosebumps as she sat on the bed in the moonlight, still stripped naked as Sally and Denise liked her. Closing her eyes brought vivid close-ups of the incandescent pink doggie cock pumping the first shot of sticky cream beside her as she jacked off another animal.

Forty minutes of erotic brooding left Linda sweating and shivering but resolute in her determination to go along with more fucking by the well-trained animals. After all, she debated herself ironically, everybody talked about safe sex; what safer sex could she practice than playing Lassie with Sally and Denise’s big horny dogs? They were clean, they didn’t sleep around (not with more than one good girl at a time, anyhow), and at this point it was certainly too late to worry about rumors spreading outside the grounds of Fox and Hounds.

“Get a grip, Linda,” the blonde murmured to herself, “and stick to your decisions about this. Admit it, this is not turning out to be a fate worse than death. You’ve got a beautiful place to live, mind-blowing orgasms with perfect obedience and total privacy and freedom. So people who don’t know how good it is would think it’s weird, so what. Denise and Sally are right, if more people knew, they’d be doing it too. They keep you safe and they keep you pretty, they love you and those pretty big dogs love you too. Let’s try and go with the flow here, give up this bullshit guilt and self-recrimination.”

“That’s right and that’s it,” she said aloud, jumping to her feet and fondling her crotch luxuriously in front of the long mirror, “I need to quit screwing myself up brooding about it and let them teach me the rest of it. In fact, I need to take some initiative to let those lover girls know I want a lot more of it. It’s time to stop thinking like a prisoner and start thinking like a participant.”

Accepting her bestial desire to crawl back under the skilled animals’ dicks brought a volcanic rush of clit-tingling memories. Linda slipped her hand into her crotch and closed her eyes, recalled twitching and moaning with faithful Mick lapping fervently at her dripping bush, heavy jaws panting between her spread thighs while Denise and Sally stared in fascination as he licked lovingly at her pussy. Breathing hard, the teenager mechanically stroked her joy-button with slow, torturous precision, concentrating on the remembered feeling of satin-smooth heat as her clit throbbed under the dog’s tongue.

Clamping her sleek thighs tight together, the panting blonde rubbed her throbbing clit like a miniature Aladdin’s lamp, waiting for the genie to give out the orgasm wishes. The mirror showed her nipples sticking out stiffly like pink champagne corks while a thin trickle of crotch juice slid slowly down her thigh. Gasping as the first surges of pre-come tightening pulsed out from her snatch, Linda crossed her ankles and writhed voluptuously around the hand buried in her pussy; she thrust her hips rhythmically against her stroking hand, squirming on the slippery, questing fingers, grinding her clit exquisitely on her wriggling fingertips.

A sudden flash of horny inspiration made Linda jerk her hand off her pussy and leap to the drawer where Denise and Sally kept the vibrator collection. Grabbing up the mechanical cock, she hastened to the vanity table and slathered the dildo with her slipperiest body oil and returned to the mirror opposite the foot of the bed. Standing spread-legged, the excited blonde bent sharply forward, worked her hand just down below her feverish ass, reached around behind and gently slipped the tip of the battery dick in. Slowly and deliberately relaxing her clenching hole, the teenager heaved a deep, gasping sigh and gave a half-twist at the base to turn the vibrator on.

Her mouth sagged open in breathless ecstasy as electronic rhythms jittered around and around her pulsing ring muscle, launching an irresistible rush of tingling energy through her abruptly humming ass and shivering up her spine. The blonde froze motionless in place, leaning stiffly toward the mirror with her right arm across her belly, hand rooted in her dripping bush while her left arm trailed over her back, hand carefully easing another inch or two of murmuring battery dick into her tight, squirming bunghole.

Panting silently, her mouth wide open in moaning pleasure, Linda stared at herself in the mirror, watching as goosebumps rippled over her shoulders and down her arms, while her heavy jugs went slowly pink and tautened into quivering globes.

She forced herself to slow her frantic fingering, nerving herself to keep her hand off her vagina, slipping her middle and ring fingers into her wet slit and lightly circling just the tips around and over her emerging clitoris. Within a few minutes, the ring muscle of her ass unscrewed and began pulsing gently, clamping and relaxing in rhythmic spasms that gripped the creamy dildo and slowly squirmed it deeper into her
throbbing rectum. Trembling in mute pleasure, the teenager dropped her head and squirmed around her golden crotch before the bevel-edged mirror; with no thrusting at all from her limp hand, the inexhaustible electric cock was creeping inescapably up her pulsating ass, driven minutely deeper and deeper every minute.

The delicious sensations in her ass made perspiration bead up on her forehead and trickle off her temples and cheeks as the machine crept into her. As her dilating rump got hotter and hotter, sweat popped out on her jugs, and the feel of salty sweat trickling down between her tits only made things worse. The steamy blonde’s nipples were achingly hard and she kept shifting and wiggling anxiously, dancing on her tiptoes in front of the mirror with the humming battery cock up her ass. The teenager was panting for breath and shaking like a leaf, the buzzing dildo clitoris driving her wild. The inescapable pulsations crawling over her squirming ass drove the silent blonde frantic with desire even as anticipation of Sally or Denise walking in made her bite her tongue to keep from smiling.

Linda was dripping with sweat and gasping for breath as the half-hidden vibrator snaked further up her dilating hole, sending delicate inescapable pulses up her smooth tanned back, down between her thighs, on to the fingertips massaging her dripping clitoris. The long legged blonde moaned noiselessly on her tiptoes and shivers raced from her pulsing snatch back to her twitching ass; the hair on her arms was standing up and her tits were covered with goosebumps. Her hips rolled mechanically back and forth under the ceaseless battery tickling, intensifying the pleasure with each lingering grind.

In spite her determination not to give in to the incredible sensation, she felt her ass constrict and dilate again with the tireless machine throbbing in her rectum. She sighed in mounting erotic preoccupation as she thrust and withdrew the vibrator slowly against the motion of her hips, rocking back and forth on the humming shaft, slowly jacking herself off both fore and aft as she sweated and squirmed before the mirror.

Twisting and writhing on her slippery fingers, the sweat drenched blonde moaned incoherently as her mind slowly dissolved and gushed out through her pulsating pussy. Biting her lip to keep from yelling aloud, the frenzied teenager’s fingers clung to the last inches of electric dick, her head rolling from side to side as her crotch exploded front and rear in waves of pounding orgasm.

Linda felt like her crotch was disintegrating; it was like slow motion electricity delicately shocking her clit and streaming uninterrupted up her spine. The blonde’s brain exploded into a red-hot fireball of orgasm as the inescapable machine probed between her sensitive goosebumped cheeks and maddening vibrations droned up inside her dripping cunt. Tears slid down her face, rolling down her tits and over her rigid nipples as the frenzied squirming teenager started on the mind boggling orgasm.

The come was so powerful it seemed to short circuit her intellect, leaving nothing but the mind blowing sensations of coming and coming as the incredible battery tingling jittered up her throbbing ass and her fingers crawled maddeningly over her pulsating snatch. Back and belly muscles rock hard, thighs and calves cramping, the moaning blonde stood paralyzed in front of the mirror, watching herself arch back on the electric dick while her fingertip clit tickling rasped away at her melting rust bushed cunt.

Helpless to control her delicious clit-and-ass masturbation, she clenched her fist over the end of the vibrator, knuckles white with strain, panting for breath as waves of mounting ecstasy flooded up from her dripping snatch. The moaning blonde felt like she was drowning in tidal waves of surging come, one rush of explosive orgasm after another streaming from her steaming pussy nonstop up her spine to shatter into her stunned brain.

The come seemed to last forever, leaving the shivering teenager exhausted and gasping, rolling her hips slowly; twitching, shuddering, Linda groaned feebly, panting desperately for breath and grinding mechanically on the shivering shaft up her ass. A flashbulb went off in the writhing teenager’s brain and she reacted instantly; as she straightened up, the vibrator slipped the last inch into her shaking ass, pulsing just inside the ring muscle and making her cheeks twitch convulsively. Linda jerked herself upright and stepped gingerly over to the vanity table again; she licked her lips as she pulled the second vibrator out of the drawer and carried it back to the mirror.

Spreading her legs wide, the sweating blonde reached down and gently slipped the tip of the second electric cock into her furnace-hot snatch. Slowly and deliberately relaxing her shaking snatch, the girl sucked in a deep breath and turned the vibrator on. Her mouth sagged open in amazed pleasure as new and different rhythms jittered inside her dripping slit, launching an instant incredible rush of energy through her buzzing twat and back into her already-clamped ass. The blonde froze motionless in place, standing tall before the mirror with her arm down over her belly, one dildo rooted in her dripping bush while her left arm trailed over her back, fingers carefully teasing at the murmuring battery dick inside her tight, squirming ass.

The shaking teenager nearly cried in excitement at the first faint scratching on her door; her shining blue eyes flew open, her head snapped around so fast she felt vertebrae grinding in her neck and her heart thudding in her ears. She waited, holding her breath until she heard the unmistakable sniffing and whining under her door; there was another, harder scratch against the door and a low growl from the hallway. As the half-creaming blonde straightened up, the vibrator slipped the last inch into her shaking ass, pulsing just inside the ring muscle and making her cheeks twitch convulsively. Linda clamped her ass tight over the humming shaft up and stepped eagerly over to open the door; Prince thrust his head in the second she cracked the door and kneeled inside.

The blonde had a sudden irresistible impulse to tease the big dog, to see what he would do if she broke the rules of the training program he was used to; with a muffled giggle, she moved from the bed to one of the heavy chairs. She sat at the front edge of the cushion, took off her sexy shoes and brought her heels up onto the seat in front of her hips, exposing her whole crotch to the waiting Dane. The well-trained dog instantly trotted across the room and sat in front of the chair, leaning forward and sniffing eagerly at her snatch.

“No no, Prince, no pussy,” Linda commanded firmly, grinning as the dog’s ears twitched and then flattened, “no licking, good boy, you stay, hear me, stay.” The Dane whined appealingly as he stared at the brickred curls framing her slit and the teenager laughed out loud.

“No licking, Princie, you hear,” the blonde giggled, reaching down to fondle her tingling crotch, “you just sit and watch Linda play with it a little, big boy, and suffer. You stay, big dog, you stay right there and just dream about it, that’s all.”

The Harlequin shuffled anxiously from foot to foot as the teenager slowly fingered herself, making brief yips and begging whines, his muzzle inches away from her snatch. The electrifying memory of writhing and screaming under the obedient animal’s attentions, the sensual recall of spastic ecstasy pulsing from her clit made Linda squirm on the chair, and fondling herself into delicious arousal with the big dog snuffling between her legs made her even more excited.

Linda slipped her fingers into her slit and closed her eyes, focussing of the image of twitching and moaning with faithful Prince lapping fervently at her dripping bush, heavy paws clamped on her spread thighs, Denise whispering approval in her ear as the dog licked lovingly at her brick-curled pussy. Breathing hard, the teenager mechanically stroked her joy-button with slow, torturous precision, suddenly caught and fascinated with the remembered feeling of satin-smooth heat as the Dane’s cock throbbed under her tongue.

The pretty blonde was almost overwhelmed with anxious desires, the memory of feeling Prince’s tongue rasping over her nipples shivered her tits into goosebumps as she sat on the edge of the chair. Clamping her sleek thighs tight together, the panting blonde rubbed her throbbing clit like a miniature Aladdin’s lamp, waiting for the genie to give her the three orgasm wishes. Gasping as the first surges of pre-come tightening pulsed out from her snatch, Linda crossed her ankles and writhed voluptuously around the hand buried in her crotch; she thrust her hips rhythmically against her stroking hand, squirming on the slippery, questing fingers, grinding her clit exquisitely on her wriggling fingertips.

The Harlequin abruptly backed away and lay down at Linda’s feet and began licking at his dick deliberately. Linda stared in amazement as the hugeanimal continued lapping at his cock, stroking his tongue enthusiastically over the red-pink shaft; the blonde didn’t realize she was watching the big dog with such intent fascination until she noticed the tingling crinkles at her tits.

The teenager looked down to her nipples and gave a startled gasp; she flushed beet-red as she saw that her areolas were crinkling, her nipples hardening. The mirror showed her nipples sticking out stiffly like pink champagne corks while a thin trickle of crotch juice slid slowly down the curve of her ass. She was revolted by her own arousal over the panting animal’s activity, but she couldn’t resist the warm tingling from radiating from the stiff peaks of her nipples, drawing her full tits into taut globes.

“Oh, Prince, you poor baby,” she whispered, staring in fascination as the animal continued lapping at his cock, “I didn’t realize it would be so hard for you, big boy. Linda doesn’t want you to really suffer, angel, I was only teasing. You don’t have to do that, pretty boy; I made you all hard and unhappy, so I guess I’ll just have to be a good girl and help you out, okay?”

The aroused blonde drew a shuddering breath and swallowed hard as she moved down to crouch beside the Dane, then slowly brought her hand up and massaged down the panting animal’s chest and ribs. Closing her eyes brought vivid close-ups of the incandescent pink doggie cock pumping the first shot of sticky cream before she slipped it into her avid lips. She was shocked and surprised and guiltily fascinated by the intensity of the sensations of her swelling nipples and tingling snatch as she began fondling the big dog.

She petted and stroked the animal luxuriously from neck to tail, starting down over his shoulders and along his heavy chest, working back over his narrow flanks and onto the muscular haunches. Accepting her bestial desire to crawl back for more of the skilled animal dick brought a volcanic rush of clit-tingling memories. The captivated teenager could still hear the ecstatic Harlequin yowling when she muffled her own screams by jamming the full length of his swelling cock into her mouth.

Beside the guiltily-aroused blonde Prince started whining urgently and licking frantically at his swollen, glowing red cock. Linda couldn’t look away as the big dog began twitching and jerking spastically next to her, tongue working determinedly over his swollen prick, washing it around with his tongue as he kept lapping furiously. The blonde imagined she could see the big dog’s nuts throb as he gave himself stroke after stroke; she gasped when the spasming Dane’s tongue missed his cock on one lick and the dog’s dripping saliva flew onto the carpet. When the Harlequin gave up on licking at himself and flopped panting onto his side, the blonde gazed down to her bare breasts, humiliated to see her nipples had stiffened fully erect while she watched the big dog.

“Get a grip, Linda babe,” the teenager murmured to herself, “and try using your head about this. By sheer luck, you have stumbled onto every schoolgirl’s hottest dream: exquisite orgasms on demand with no risks, total privacy, skilled, dedicated lustful doggie obedience, and you’re worrying and complaining. You know you’re gonna wind up doing whatever they tell you to do anyway, so you might as well go ahead and get into it. Why are you racking your brain over decisions you can’t change anyway; stop torturing yourself and go on and do it to him.”

“That’s right and that’s it, Prince boy” she continued aloud, stretching out beside the eagerly whining animal and fondling her crotch luxuriously in front of the long mirror, “I need to quit wasting time freaking out about all this and just go on and get totally into more of it. In fact, I need to take some time right now to get a lot more into it. Easy, good boy, wait for Linda.”

The Harlequin climbed onto the bed when she patted the mattress and lay back on his side as she pushed gently on his shoulder. The trembling girl stretched out head-to-tail alongside the big dog, the humming in her snatch and ass making her twitch uncontrollably. Linda reached and ran her hands up the Harlequin’s thighs when deranged craving swamped her brain. Cuddling the big dog’s dick and balls in both hands, she leaned forward and huffed hot breath on his quivering cock; Prince whined imploringly and began humping sideways at her face, tonguing deliciously on her spasming snatch.

Prince whined enthusiastically and wagged his tail as he felt the teenager’s teasing hands stroking nearer to his cock; the closer she moved, the more enthusiastically he wriggled and twitched under her groping fingers. The blonde suddenly came to the shocking comprehension that she was deliberately going to do sex with one of the animals without orders from Sally or Denise, without any force or threats or persuasion. Until this moment, Linda had been able to envision herself a victim, but if she went ahead with this, the pretty teenager would have to acknowledge that she wanted to do it, she was becoming a volunteer.

Panting hard, Linda shrugged and reached out and teasingly ran her index finger down the big dog’s hot red cockhead. Prince gave a yelping growl as he felt the teenager’s first feather light touch on his exposed doggie dick. Gasping and giggling, the enthusiastic blonde pulled her hand away long enough to run her fingers over her soaked bush, then reached down and deliberately wrapped her slippery fingers around the big dog’s long cock.

The Dane’s tail thrashed and his back legs instantly spread wide as he felt Linda’s wet grip on his dick, and the teenager snickered as she stroked meticulously up and down the length of the pulsing red shaft. Head propped on her right arm, the pretty blonde watched wide eyed while the big dog’s sides twitched as she excitedly investigate jacking him off for her own entertainment. She was fascinated by the feel of the hot smooth cock in her hand, and tried devising some new rhythms while Prince quivered and whined at her side; the panting Harlequin’s delighted growl left no doubt he was elated at her motivation in playing with his cock.

The big dog growled eagerly as she tightened her grip and pumped harder at his slippery dick; Linda snickered when the sparse hairs of his cock sheath tickled her little finger at the end of every stroke. Linda chuckled happily, feeling the big dog’s cock swelling in her fingers as she pumped deliberately between his legs. She swallowed hard as the animal’s cock throbbed and twitched between her hands, leaning down to watch as she spread her fingers and gently massaged his balls and cock sheath, slowly working at the animal’s hot red hard-on. It seemed somehow even more arousing, more satisfying to be playing with the big dog’s dick without any instructions from Denise or Sally.

Linda shivered as she pictured the women talking about her as they ran their errands; she thought of them wondering, trying to imagine what she might be doing with the pretty dog while they were gone. Well, they’d see it on the videotapes this evening anyway, and probably both work her over real good while they watched it, too. The teenager licked her suddenly dry lips and wrapped her slick fingers around the exposed doggie cock, thrusting back the furry sheath and caressing the smooth length; the Dane gave another moaning growl of entreaty as the blonde’s fingers circled gently, teasing around and around his cock. Linda chuckled and crooned soothingly in response to the big dog’s pleading whines; Prince kept up the groaning rumble, and she whispered back as she fondled his heavy balls and delicately played with the twitching animal’s dick.

“That’s right, pretty boy, let Linda do it for you,” she crooned, fingers dancing on the animal’s wet cock, “Linda really wants to make you happy, big dog, really,” she turned toward the big mirror and stuck her tongue out at the hidden camera, adding, “I’m gonna take real good care of you, sweetheart, just like Sally and Denise showed me. You lie still, lover, and let Linda have that big pretty cock for my toy. This one is just between me and you, pretty boy, ’cause I want to do it for you. Lie still, good dog.”

Prince whined and quivered but lay perfectly still while the giggling teenager played with his cock. When the Harlequin was panting hard and practically howling under her hands, Linda wrapped one hand firmly around his dick and began masturbating him determinedly. The big dog spread his hind legs wide apart when her fingers slipped onto the sparse fur of his cock sheath; she skinned the sheath back with one hand and felt the pink shaft swelling as she caressed the length of exposed dick with her fingertips.

The Dane wriggled in delight while she fondled his hot cock, twisting and rolling onto his back with all four legs sticking up; Linda chuckled as he dropped his forepaws on his deep chest. It was the same position he used when sitting up to ask for a biscuit, but the widespread hind legs and glowing pink erection left no doubt what the big dog was begging for. The teenager played gleefully with the dog’s throbbing cock, teasing him with slow caresses of her fingertips, periodically jacking him off with fast short strokes that made his belly jump and flutter. The Harlequin whined desperately while she masturbated him and Linda laughed with delight.

“I’ll bet it’s just like fucking a bunny, isn’t it lover?” She giggled again at the sudden image of Prince crouched low over a frantic fuzzy-white bunny and added “I’ll bet you’ll never dick Linda this quick no matter what Denise taught you. And you love it too, don’t you big dog, does Deni ever do this to you, loverpup? Not like this I bet, feel Linda do this, sweetheart; ooohh, make some more noise, baby, that’s sweet. You made Linda scream like crazy the first time, lover, and now it’s my turn. So come on, big dog, tell Linda all about it; I want you to talk to me, baby. I’ll bet I can wiggle your dick till you actually talk to me about how good it is.”

Her pussy clamped spasmodically and she pumped rapidly at the doggie hard-on, sliding the furry sheath back and forth with light pressure and the fastest rhythm she could manage. The big dog’s whine sank to a low wailing growl, a wavering canine groan of ecstasy the brought goosebumps to the blonde’s tight bouncing tits. She shifted sideways till she was lying right beside the Dane’s haunches and leaning over his red-pink erection. Cradling the moaning animal’s nuts in one hand, she kept masturbating him with whisper-soft high-speed strokes, watching intently while the big dog’s dick went slowly brighter red.

After some delightful research with the slick twitching cock, Linda determined precisely the proper rhythm to make the big animal shiver with ecstasy; closing her eyes, she continued jacking off the delighted animal. Shuddering with excitement, the panting adolescent slipped into a twilight zone of delectable sensations, enthralled with the distending heat of the satiny doggie cock in her hand. The pretty blonde and the big dog whined and moaned in unison as she playfully manipulated the animal nearer to explosive coming. Linda felt the hot lump in Prince’s cock heave as the Harlequin commenced an almost breathless yelping; she opened her eyes as the dog’s swollen dick turned fiery red.

Prince’s cock pulsed convulsively, and the delighted blonde burst into giggles as he began shooting hot spurts of doggie come. The big dog writhed and heaved, viscous jets squirting up the laughing girl’s arm and splashing over her rigid nipples while she zealously pumped his throbbing hard-on. The Dane’s howling animal orgasm sent shivers rocketing up the teenager’s spine, and her cunt throbbed as Prince kept on spurting pungent come on her tits.

Linda trapped her horny laughter deep in her throat as the big dog humped frantically at her jerking fist; shaking and giggling in ecstasy, the excited teenager continued jacking off the whining Harlequin, milking squirts of animal come while she panted and laughed. By the time the shivering blonde let go of his cock, Prince’s sides were heaving with hard panting and the hair actually stood up on his back.

While she clutched at his throbbing and come-sticky nuts, Prince gave a small sideways wiggle, shifting until his slowly wagging tail was actually brushing in her hair. Linda opened her eyes to find the panting Dane lying right beside her with hind legs spread wide, his red pink erection only inches away from her quivering lips. The massive dog effected another quick sideways twitch, whining excitedly as he felt her gasping breath warm on his exposed doggie dick. Half demented from her animal experiments, Linda reached and ran her hands up the Harlequin’s thighs when deranged craving swamped her brain. Cuddling the big dog’s dick and balls in both hands, she leaned forward and huffed hot breath on his quivering cock; Prince yelped encouragingly and began humping sideways at her face.

Saliva flooded her tongue and she licked her lips again and again while the excited Dane’s growling wavered in her ears; she leaned over the dog’s glowing erection, lowering her head and slavering down onto the exposed cockhead. Linda smelled the musky fragrance of her favorite men’s cologne, mingled with the rich exciting aroma of clean fur; she suddenly knew that Denise must have perfumed the big dog before she brought him upstairs.

The women must have anticipated that she would wind up sucking the Harlequin’s dick and put on the cologne to add extra enjoyment to her first (well, almost her first) voluntary blowjob. Glistening drool dripped from her lips over the wailing Dane’s dick and the backs of her lightly-clasping fingers, trailing back onto his bristly cock sheath and over his furry balls. The entranced blonde dropped her head until her mouth was less than an inch away from the animal genitals and closed her eyes; she kept salivating over the pulsating cock, panting hot breath over the shaft.

Drool soaked the big dog’s organ and Linda used her own lubrication to masturbate him even faster, with gentle, rabbit-quick flicks of her circling slippery fingers; the animal was writhing in delight, panting in abrupt deep gasps and rumbling through his nose in prolonged groans of canine pleasure. Linda panted in furnace-hot bursts over the big dog’s dick, dripping slaver in a thin stream as she whipped at his glowing red-pink cockhead. Clamping her sweating thighs hard around her pulsing pussy, she began rocking slowly, rhythmically squeezing her buzzing clit, drooling up and down the Harlequin’s genitals, panting on his dickhead, jacking the dog off feverishly until he was yowling continuously in ecstasy.

Fascinated, the teenager held the big dog on the frantic edge of orgasm, feeling the changes in the swollen knot of come at the base of his sheath and skillfully manipulating his dick in response to keep him always seconds away from creaming. Her cunt was aching and throbbing, shivers rippling over her bobbing, stiff-nippled tits; sweat ran down her forehead, falling onto the Dane’s cock, while her rust-bushed pussy dripped down to a spreading damp spot under her clamping ass. The big dog’s low wavering howl took on a note of frenzy and the teenager’s steaming snatch pulsed into accelerating pre-orgasmic throbbing; grunting with surges of increasing pleasure, she hovered over the writhing Harlequin, drooling and playing the animal dick like a musical instrument.

Linda held just her thumb and forefinger curled around the end of the cock sheath, varying the pressure of the circle on his cockhead to wring shrieking growls of anguished pleasure from the thrashing animal. The groaning adolescent was only seconds away from coming herself; her thigh muscles were clenching spastically and the ring muscle of her ass was squirming, dilating and clamping in increasing rhythm. She gave a harsh moan of pleasure, her head bobbed as she sighed in ecstasy and the tip of her drooling tongue touched the end of the dog’s red-hot cock.

“That’s right, big dog, you got the idea,” Linda whispered hoarsely, fingers dancing on the animal’s slippery cock, “I’m gonna come right along with you and just keep going until you go crazy with me all night long. I’m too hot to quit now, there’s no way you’re getting out of it.” The panting blonde carefully leaned over to the hot doggie hard-on, wetting her lips as she fondled the animal’s hairless balls. “So get ready for the best goddamn suck job you ever had, lover pup,” she sighed softly, “it’s Linda’s turn…”

Mesmerized by her own approaching orgasm and shivering with obsessive fantasies, the spellbound girl playfully ran her tongue down the length of the Harlequin’s quivering cock. Prince gave a low moaning growl of satisfaction as he felt the pretty young teen’s tongue wash over his dick; Linda gasped and giggled as the slick warm shaft twitched against her lips.

Captivated by the familiar silk smooth warmth of the animal cock, she gently kissed up and down the length of the big dog’s red pink dick, pulling back the hairless sheath to display every inch of Prince’s pulsing hard-on. The delirious teenager wriggled further around till she settled to the perfect comfortable position to suck off the waiting animal, lips poised over his expectant hard-on. The Harlequin’s taut abdomen shivered as Linda put tantalizing quick licks and kisses on his cock, cradling his hairless nuts in one hand while jacking him off elegantly against her slippery tongue.

“Oh, Prince, you beautiful furry sweetheart, this is real real good,” she sighed, drawing her head back, panting on the animal’s long pink erection, “Denise and Sally really got us started on something wonderful, you know that? I never thought it would be this good, big boy, but I think this might really be the best thing that ever happened to me. Let’s go real slow lover pup, I’m gonna have a lot of fun with you…”

Shivering in ecstasy as vibrator-driven pulsations washed over her inflamed clit and between the cheeks of her squirming ass, she cradled the Harlequin’s rump in both hands, sucking continuously on his twitching dick as he whined and writhed beside her. Linda felt like her snatch was disintegrating; it was like slow motion electricity delicately shocking her clit and streaming uninterrupted through her pulsing asshole and right up her spine. The big dog’s warm, satin slick dick in her mouth was a spellbinding feeling for the hypnotized blonde; clamping her ass on the rear vibrator, she settled on her side with a gratified sigh and tenderly sucked the full length of animal cockhead into her trembling lips.

With eyes closed and both hands full of hairless Great Dane genitals, Linda drifted into a sexual trance, tongue spiraling around the sweltering shaft while she sucked luxuriously at the slippery doggie dick. Prince laid his head on the girl’s quivering thigh and his ears perked to the dildo humming in her throbbing blonde pussy as she sucked his swelling cock. While the moaning adolescent was enthralled with giving the bestial blowjob, the Great Dane lay panting directly on her spread twat; his hot breath huffing over her vibrating pussy kept Linda sucking deliriously on the smooth warmth of his swollen and throbbing dick.

The blonde’s brain surged into a red-hot cloud of approaching orgasm as tireless machines throbbed inside her sensitive cheeks, maddening vibrations droned up inside her dripping cunt. The Great Dane gave an occasional brief lick at her buzzing twat as Linda fell into an orgasmic frenzy of sucking, moaning softly with her drooling mouth sliding on the big dog’s dick. Tears slid down her face, rolling down her tits and over her rigid nipples as the frenzied blonde writhed in the mind boggling orgasm.

The come was so intense it seemed to block out everything around her, leaving nothing but the mind blowing sensations of coming and sucking and coming, the incredible battery dick jittering up her throbbing ass, the Harlequin’s hot breath maddening on her pulsating snatch as she nursed at his dick. She giggled around the throbbing feral hard-on when she felt the sparse bristles of his cock sheath prickling against her lips; Prince whined eagerly as the lovely blonde began rolling her head slowly back and forth, wrapping her tongue lovingly around his exposed dick. Back and belly muscles rock hard, thighs and calves cramping, the moaning teenager lay paralyzed beside the squirming animal, writhing on the electric cocks dancing in her crotch, moaning continuously on the throbbing animal dick while furnace-hot doggie drool slid down her melting bronze curled cunt.


Chapter Eleven

Fascinated by the sweltering animal cock between her lips, Linda lost all sense of time; her world contracted to the feel of the dog’s slick pink erection under her tongue and the warm hairless balls she fondled. Lost in a writhing erotic fugue, the enthusiastic blonde kissed and licked and sucked enraptured on the throbbing Harlequin dick while the dog quivered and whined with ecstasy beside her.

Helpless to control her obsession with willful animal fellatio, the possessed blonde clenched her hand around the shaft of the dog’s dick, knuckles white with strain, panting for breath as waves of mounting ecstasy flooded up from her dripping snatch. She roused at last when Prince began writhing on the bed and whining anxiously between her legs, then started into eager low growling at her dripping clit. Linda felt the big dog’s hairless balls throbbing, the swelling under her hand at the base of his cock; recognizing the signs, she pulled the long Dane dick from her lips and saw the familiar red glow.

Prince gave one thunderous bark, his haunches heaved and the massive come-load surged down the length of his dick and over the moaning blonde’s tongue. Linda instantly plunged back to the animal’s pulsing dick, then started into eager rapid sucking at his pumping cock, catching the first explosive spurt in her open lips. She jammed the dog’s squirting erection full-length into her eager wet mouth, moaning on the long slick hard-on as warm animal come splashed down her throat.

The feel of hot canine semen gushing into her throat triggered the blonde’s long-delayed orgasm, and she sobbed with delight as her pounding pussy exploded into throbbing of ecstasy. The moaning blonde felt like she was surfing a tidal wave of surging animal come, one rush of explosive orgasm after another streaming from her steaming ass nonstop up her spine to shatter into her stunned brain. Prince thrashed and bucked convulsively as she sucked him, fur standing up along the length of his back. Linda held her tongue-tip just underneath the end of the animal’s pulsing cock, guiding the come jet across her tongue and into her open mouth.

She settled forward on the doggie hard-on, keeping her lips wide around the squirting organ, come splashing each time the Dane spurted against her twitching tongue. The pretty runaway giggled hysterically on the big dog’s dick, swallowing squirt after hot squirt while Prince thrashed and rolled beside her. She couldn’t gulp the spurting come as fast as the Dane could pump and trickles oozed from the corners of her mouth, dripping off his hairless cock sheath.

She laid her cheek on the dog’s taut belly and closed her lips around the base of the pumping shaft. Swallowing the mouthful of warm semen, the teenager curled her tongue around the big dog’s spasming dick and sucked avidly, fondling his throbbing balls and drinking hot come as he pumped it into her lips.

Her frenzied clitoris kept shooting lightning up her spine and the blonde used her own orgasm to prolong theanimal’s creaming, nursing his cock in rhythm to her own mounting ecstasy, moaning with pleasure and sucking spurt after hot spurt of sticky dog semen. The sweating girl milked the dog’s erection with both hands, jacking him off onto her lips and tongue, coiling her tongue on the point of his dick to coax the last spurts from the panting beast.

Her own furious come seemed to last forever, leaving the shivering girl exhausted and gasping, rolling her hips slowly; twitching, shuddering, Linda groaned feebly on the animal’s dick, panting desperately for breath and grinding mechanically on the shivering shaft up her ass.

The gasping blonde and the shivering Dane lay side by side after the volcanic orgasms, panting hot breath on each other’s genitals as they recovered from the frenzied coming. When she stopped panting, Linda leaned over and lazily kissed the animal’s glistening cock, chuckling as the doggie hard-on twitched against her lips. Prince raised his head from her sweating thigh and stared as the greedy blonde again licked slowly up and down his pink erection, holding his warm furry balls with one hand. Linda glanced down at the Harlequin and casually stroked his slippery dick between thumb and forefinger as she murmured endearments to the big dog.

“Oh Princie, that was so good for Linda,” the teenager whispered huskily, pressing a slow French kiss on the animal’s sticky shaft, “what a good good dog you are, giving that sweet cock up so pretty for Linda. Did Linda make you happy, lover?” She chuckled softly and ran her tongue luxuriously down the length of the Dane’s prick, adding, “I sure hope so, baby, cause you and the other pretty boys sure have been good to me. So let’s make sure you’re okay, sweetheart pup, how about it; Sally and Denise said I could be the best girl they ever saw if I tried, and I really want to try for all you pretty dogs. If I’m gonna do it and I want to do it, then I want to be the very best doggie cocksucker you ever had, big boy.”

The blonde rolled easily back to the Harlequin’s hard-on and used the inside of his muscular haunch as a pillow. Burying her face in his crotch, she licked slowly up and back down his sticky cock, circled her wet lips on the very end and gently slipped the pulsing length into her mouth. The big dog’s dick felt hot in her mouth and she sucked her way down the shaft until the wet, wiry hair on his cock sheath prickled against her circling lips. The musky scent of cologne and dog come made her drool on the slippery hard-on and the animal cock twitched against her tongue each time she swallowed.

The big dog’s warm and satin-slick dick in her mouth was a spellbinding sensation for the pretty blonde; within a few minutes, she settled on her side with a gratified sigh and tenderly sucked the full length of animal cockhead into her trembling lips. With eyes closed and both hands full of furry Dane genitals, Linda drifted into an exhibitionist fantasy, tongue spiraling around the sweltering shaft while she sucked docilely at the slippery doggie dick, imagining Denise and Sally breathing hard as they watched the tape this evening.

Prince raised his head from her sweating thigh and stared as the greedy blonde again licked slowly up and down his pink erection, holding his warm hairless balls with one hand. Clutching the Harlequin’s cock and balls with both hands, she sucked leisurely on the smooth pink shaft, keeping the panting animal on the edge of orgasm, barely able to back herself off the throbbing hard-on whenever the Dane became too excited. She roused at last when Prince began writhing on the floor and yelping anxiously between her legs.

Linda felt the big dog’s furry balls throbbing and the bulge swelling under her hand at the base of his cock; recognizing the signs, she pulled the long Dane dick from her lips and saw it had grown bright red. Prince thrashed and bucked convulsively as she licked him, fur standing up along the length of his back, lapping frenziedly at her open cunt. Linda stared down at the Great Dane and she casually stroked his slippery dick between thumb and forefinger as she whispered explanation to the big dog.

“Well, Prince boy, now you and I have really done it,” she crooned, “Linda’s just getting started on something beautiful, and you and I aren’t nearly done yet, not by a long shot. Sally and Denise know the truth, I really, really like playing with this pretty cock of yours, good dog, and I’m not about to give it up yet, you know?” She leaned forward for a luxurious slow suck on the smooth cock and sighed, “So you just lie back and relax, baby, while Linda has a little more. You don’t have to lick or move or do anything for Linda, lover pup. I’ve got all the action I need up my ass right now, so I’m just gonna suck on your slick beautiful dick till I don’t want any more.”

Mesmerized by the sweltering animal cock between her lips, Linda lost all sense of time; her world contracted to the feel of the dog’s slick pink erection under her tongue and the warm furry balls she fondled. Prince laid his head on the teenager’s thigh and kept lazily panting at her spread pussy as she suckled his pulsing cock. Linda floated into a trance of prolonged, gentle sucking, moaning softly with her drooling mouth enveloping the big dog’s dick. Lost in a writhing erotic preoccupation, the enthusiastic blonde kissed and licked and sucked enraptured on the throbbing Harlequin dick while the dog quivered and whined with ecstasy beside her.

She giggled around the throbbing feral hard-on when she felt the sparse hair of his cock sheath bristling against her lips; Prince whined eagerly when the entranced blonde began rolling her head slowly back and forth, wrapping her tongue around his exposed dick. The moaning teenager was absolutely enthralled with the sensations of the bestial blowjob; the Dane’s hot breath panting over her steaming pussy kept Linda sucking deliriously on the smooth warmth of his dick.

Through the rest of the warm night the mesmerized teenager kissed and licked the big dog’s cock, clutching his nuts with one hand and caressing and stroking his heaving belly with the other. For the first few hours the Great Dane nosed her blonde-curled snatch excitedly when he felt her lips and tongue on his dick, nuzzling the base of the vibrator and driving the entranced blonde to prolonged multiple orgasms that made her give muffled purring screams around his pulsing cock.

As time passed, the delighted animal realized the obsessed blonde wasn’t about to let go of his cock and simply lay enthralled on his side, panting hard over her spread pussy while the giggling girl sucked him off. Bewitched by the constant bestial hard-on under her tongue, the delirious blonde licked the shivering dog through orgasm after thrashing orgasm, giggling in delight each time the Harlequin’s cock began squirting hot come into her mouth.

Linda roused a little before sunrise, both herself and ecstatic Prince panting so loud she wouldn’t have heard Denise and Sally come in with a brass band. The avid blonde was covered with gummy Great Dane semen from nose to belly; she remembered rubbing pungent come luxuriously over her swollen tits, feeling it dribble from her stiff suntanned nipples while she kicked the animal’s pulsing hairless balls.

The big dog lay twitching and panting for breath as she peeked out and then tiptoed downstairs to the pool to rinse off the come and dog drool; the Harlequin followed her downstairs and trotted back to the kennel as she splashed in the warm water. By the time the satiated blonde got back inside, Sally and Denise had come downstairs and were fixing her breakfast.

Linda was exhausted, confused and too bewildered to speak after she finished a late breakfast, and Sally and Denise shooed her up to her room immediately after she finished. Memories of her long day beside the pool, ferocious orgasms and the shattering recall of hours of hot dog cock twitching against her tongue kept Linda awake for hours and left the girl obsessed and hollow-eyed when Sally and Denise woke her later that day.

The blonde’s schedule was the same brain-numbing routine of orgasms and animal masturbation in the morning, lunch and bestial fellatio by the pool with the brunette and the redhead till dinner. The women woke her up next morning and had her do it all again, and again the day after, and days after that. As the instruction sessions passed Linda became more and more compulsively engrossed in sucking off the big dogs; in a week she was enthusiastically blowing the eager animals one after another for hours without any instruction from the redhead or the brunette.

The overwhelmed blonde finally became perfectly conditioned, welcoming the hot animal cocks in her mouth; the women smiled and fondled the submissive girl approvingly while the dogs yowled and sprayed hot come over her tongue. After days of constant erotic hyper-stimulation, the dazed teenager moved agreeably to whatever position the redhead or brunette suggested and sprawled contentedly beside the animals so Sally and Den could toy with her clit while she sucked the dogs.

Linda fell into exhausted slumber every night and woke from dreams of sweaty gratification and pleasure without ever understanding that her calculated unthinking submission was drawing her deeper and deeper into calculated bestial fixation. On Saturday Denise and Sally kept her up well past bedtime; yawning and half asleep, the hapless blonde wondered what they planned for her next. Sally led the teenager upstairs and down the hall into her bedroom, rubbing the back of her neck and whispering huskily, “Come on up to your room with us, lover, it’s time for more lessons, okay?”

Linda felt a rush of expectation as the Great Dane and the excited Shepherd followed them down the hall; Sally stood smiling as Linda unbuttoned the redhead’s blouse and unzipped her skirt and the woman led her over to the huge dresser. The teenager watched their reflection in smiling satisfaction as she peeled the tall redhead out of her clothes; before Sally could speak, Linda pulled her gently up and kissed her passionately, sliding her tongue into Sally’s mouth and fondling her breasts with both hands.

“What are you going to teach me to do now, Sally,” Linda asked softly, running her fingers over the tall redhead’s lace-covered tits, “why don’t you let me show you what I learned with Deni, I’d like to–” she broke off with a gasp the woman reached down and stroked her gently between the legs. Linda froze obediently in place as Sally’s gleaming polished nails trailed slowly across her bush; the eager blonde kissed the panting redhead again, putting more tongue into the action as Sally fingered the teenager’s exquisitely sensitive clit.

“You’ve done really well for us so far, angel, really you have made wonderful progress, babydoll,” Sally whispered, trailing kisses from Linda’s nipples up her neck and sighing hot breath into her ear. “I know exactly what you learned with Deni and pretty Prince, I really got off thinking of you rolling around with them like that, lover,” she continued, drawing her nails excruciatingly over the blonde’s tingling snatch, “and since we all know you really like that hot doggie cock now, you’re ready to move on to some other possibilities. You just follow some suggestions and it’ll be fun and easy, angel, let Sally and our sweetheart boys help a good girl go crazy, okay?”

The aroused redhead leaned over and sucked Linda’s tanned nipples one after another while keeping her hand pressed against the shivering teenager’s throbbing pubes. When the girl sighed in surrender and dropped her hands, the woman turned to the dresser, pulled open a drawer and handed her a pair of elastic-laced thigh-high hose, a sheer pale blue with pearls swirled up the calf. “You want to put those on for us, angel,” she murmured, giving the blonde another brief tongue-flicking kiss, “you want to dress pretty for us tonight.”

The excited blonde speculated briefly what more she could do with the perverse beauty; she obediently slipped into the sexy stockings, wondering how Sally would direct her to some new piece of irresistible degeneracy. But by now the hapless teenager was accustomed to taking instructions and the redhead’s promises of more sophisticated animal sex stirred an excitement Linda had become obsessed with. Sighing in anticipation, she closed her eyes, returned Sally’s wet kiss and laid her head on the redhead’s shoulder, tingling with anticipation. Her hands clenched on the tall beauty’s waist as the redhead rubbed and stroked her nipples, then trailed gentle fingers down over her rib cage and onto her shivering belly.

“This lesson is just perfect for you now, angel,” Sally whispered as she toyed with the teenager’s bronze bush, “it’s your first chance to have two pretty boys make you happy at the same time, lover. Get dressed while I get you some shoes.” The compliant girl hastily slithered the stockings up and carefully straightened her seams as the redhead walked over to the armoire and pulled out Linda’s high-heel ankle-strap sandals, adding, “You want to stand up straight and be proud now, and I’ll watch while they work on you. Left foot, good girl,” as she fastened the catch at the blonde’s ankle, “that’s right, now right foot, stand up now.” The redhead guided the teenager over beside the mirror and said, “Now spread your legs for the good dogs, angel; spread good girl.”

Sally smiled in approval as the blonde immediately spread her legs to a wide vee in the now-familiar stance and stood waiting for more instructions. The teenager’s eyes widened as the redhead ordered the Harlequin to sit in front of her and the experienced Shepherd instantly moved to sit down behind her. Sally watched and nodded approvingly as Linda’s nipples stiffened from the dogs’ hot panting at her clit and ass.

The blonde closed her eyes and shivered in anticipation as the animals scooted in closer and began whining pleadingly in front and in back of her. The redhead waited in silence while Linda’s nipples hardened and her belly quivered in mounting desire; the aroused blonde finally opened her eyes and turned toward Sally with a pleading look.

“Please don’t let them tease me like this, big girl,” the teenager whispered, licking her lips, “it’s mean to get me all worked up and then make me wait like this, Sally, I’m your best student. Besides,” she added, reaching over to caress the redhead’s taut breasts, “you and Deni both know how much I like being teachers’ pet now. I want to do my best for all the pretty puppies and for both of you two, you know that.”

Sally moved toward the mirror and stood facing the eager teenager, straddling the massive Great Dane with her heels on either side of his haunches. “Now lean over to me and give me a sweet kiss, lover,” she whispered, staring into Linda’s eyes. The blonde’s eyes widened as she leaned forward and the position spread the cheeks of her ass; the redhead winked at her as she ran her tongue over Linda’s lips.

“That’s right, angel, you get the picture,” she murmured, fondling Linda’s erect nipples, “one big dog licking on you is nice, but he can’t be in two places at once. Just wait till you see how good it feels to get that terrific tongue from two directions at the same time. All right Prince, all right Rexie, make Linda happy good boys.”

Linda gasped and swayed toward the redhead as hot wet tongues flicked delicately up between her thighs from front and rear. The redhead kept caressing Linda’s stiff nipples as the Dane and the Shepherd nuzzled between Linda’s spread legs and began working up a slow rhythm, panting as they licked the teenager’s bronze-curled bush and shivering ass.

Prince’s warm breath huffed over the blonde’s spread slit while Rex snuffled and lapped between her cheeks. Linda moaned softly and shivers raced up her belly and back as animal drool crawled slowly down the insides of her sleek tan thighs. Sally stood directly in front of the quivering teenager, whispering softly and panting furnace-hot breath in her ear as she caressed the girl’s full breasts. The trembling blonde sighed as the redhead kept her bent forward and kissed her passionately at the same Prince and Rex lapped rhythmically at the girl’s ass and bush.

Linda’s breath caught in her throat as hot animal tongues slithered over her crotch and stroked slowly over the most sensitive areas of her crotch, the velvet touch of the big dogs’ licking accented by Sally’s lingering French kisses. The sweating blonde sighed again and thrust her tongue into the redhead’s mouth while the dogs drooled and snuffled at her curly bronze pubes and quivering ass.

Sally laughed softly into the entranced teenager’s mouth and rolled the girl’s swollen nipples between thumb and fingers; Linda’s eyes sparkled and she flushed glowing pink as she the felt the animals tonguing at her saturated crotch. The teenager’s tan stomach twitched with the pulse hammering in her increasingly steamy snatch. When her quivering pussy began dripping onto the Harlequin’s tongue, Prince began licking harder and faster at the trembling blonde’s delicious crotch.

Linda was dripping with sweat and gasping for breath as the dogs lathered over her bush and thighs, the Dane working up onto her flat belly as Rex licked the small of her back, then dropped back down onto her twitching ass. The long-legged blonde moaned and shivers raced from her pulsing snatch over her belly; the hair on her arms was standing up and her tits heaved with her gasping breath when Sally reached down and spread her cunt lips wide open for the eager Harlequin.

The panting teenager nearly screamed in delight as the Dane’s head came forward and his slavering tongue stroked over her totally exposed pussy. The eager lapping parted the shaking blonde’s drool-soaked pubic bush, leaving her delicate pink lips and throbbing clitoris completely open to the big dog’s slippery probing tongue. Rex’s sticky lapping at the sensitive ring of her ass slipped in and out of time with the Dane’s licking; when her puckered hole irised open and the Shepherd’s tongue thrust deep inside her ass, the teenager groaned in ecstasy as she returned Sally’s passionate kisses.

“I want you to look in the mirror while you give it up for the pretty boys, angel,” the redhead whispered, “Just turn your head and see how pretty you look with your legs spread for them. Watch, good girl, watch.”

Linda stared at her reflection in the glass, focusing on the huge Harlequin lapping enthusiastically at her saturated and thoroughly inflamed snatch while the excited Shepherd shoved his dripping muzzle deep between her cheeks and his drool-slick tongue slithered up insider her ass. The blonde laughed and blew a kiss to the redhead when she noticed that both dogs had developed massive erections while they lapped at her.

“Jesus, you’re right Sally,” Linda gasped, reaching out to unsnap the redhead’s lace brassiere; “we really are so pretty together, aren’t we. Can we do it again later, Sally, I want Denise to be able so see us like this.”

The teenager fondled the redhead’s bare breasts as Sally reached down and petted the dog crouched between her legs while his dripping tongue lathered Linda’s hot twat; behind the girl, Rex never slowed the dedicated eager licking at her squirming asshole.

The panting blonde shivered and moaned as the sweating redhead shoved her tongue into Linda’s mouth and the teenager instantly kissed the woman hard and locked her arms around Sally in passionate embrace. As the obsessed girl and the gasping redhead fondled each other, Prince and Rex obediently kept up the maddening licking, tails wagging contentedly as they slurped and drooled at the girl’s dripping pussy and clenching ass.

“Sally, I can’t keep standing up if you just let them keep doing this to me, please can we try another position,” Linda entreated, “let me lie down or get back or something, I can’t stand it much longer, don’t you want me to lick you or lick them or something, please…” The redhead ignored her pleading and the dedicated animals continued lapping her bush and thighs. Linda swayed and collapsed into Sally’s arms, trembling and helpless as the big dogs kept up their eager lick job.

“Please please get them away from me for just a minute, Sally please, you’ve got to stop make them stop that,” she implored, “aaahhhh, Jesus, I can’t stand that, you’re making me crazy, please cut it out…” The huge Harlequin made a contented growling deep in his throat, and the Shepherd ignored the teen’s desperate wriggling, his wide tongue stroking maddeningly against her quivering ass.

“God, god, Sally please please let me stop, I can’t stand it, that’s too intense, you’re driving me nuts,” she gasped, “ooohh, no, they’re killing, me, Prince, you sonofabitch, please please please, Rex get away, aahhhhh, Jesus…”

“Aaahhhh, please, Sally, no more, please no,” Linda whispered pleadingly, shivers racing over her belly and up across her shaking tits, “I really can’t do this, you can’t just stay here and let these fuckers do it to me, I’m gonna faint and fall on them, please please don’t do this to me, it’s too much, ooohhhh, no, aaahhhhh…”

She wriggled frantically in the redhead’s embrace as the hot dog tongues washed between her open legs, spreading her ass wide and sliding over her clit like a velvet ribbon. The redhead seemed intent on feeding the desperate blonde to the big dogs now that Linda was completely subservient, moaning deep in her throat and rolling Linda’s head from side to side with passionate kisses as the panting animals worked on the gasping teenager. Moaning and shaking, Linda clutched at the redhead’s waist and dropped her head on the woman’s shoulder, crying silently as the eager dogs lapped maddeningly at her melting crotch.

“Oh my god, all right, I’ll take it all, big girl,” the teenager gasped hoarsely, shifting her feet to spread her long legs wider for the eager animals, “I don’t want to stop it and I can’t stand to live without it, go ahead and do whatever you want, do it all to me, I’ll be a good girl.” Her nipples were achingly hard and her belly muscles locked as she got closer and closer to coming on the incessant licking.

“Ooohhhh, Jesus, that’s good, that’s really good, Sally, go on baby, make them do it for me, don’t stop your good girl. Ahhh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes,” she hissed through clenched teeth, feeling the orgasm building in her aching snatch, “do it now, Prince, mmmmmm, unnh, oooohhh Rex angel, I can’t stand it, lover girl, I’m gonna come all over the place….”

Linda felt like her crotch was being slowly electrocuted; it was like bolts of slow-motion lightning striking her clit and running straight up her spine. The orgasm was so intense it seemed to short-circuit her mind, leaving nothing but the mind-blowing sensations of coming and coming as Sally’s lips wandered over her nipples and the incredible dog tongues slithered over her pulsating snatch and ass. Back and belly muscles rock-hard, thighs and calves cramping, the moaning blonde stood paralyzed and writhing before the mirror with the gorgeous redhead playing with her tits and the two dogs lapping at her screaming bronze-bushed cunt and quivering hole. The come seemed to last forever, leaving the shivering teenager exhausted and gasping, rolling her hips slowly over the Harlequin’s exquisite licking.

“Jesus, yes oh yes Sally,” she whispered hoarsely, “I can’t believe it, make them please go ahead and do me some more, good girl.” Her tits heaved with her panting and her thighs and calves pulsed as she trembled and twitched, starting to come again on the constant skillful licking.

“Oooohh, aahhhh, yeah, that’s good sweetheart, that’s so good, Sally, go on baby, make them do it to Linda now, don’t stop now, girl. Aahh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes,” she panted, feeling the second red hot orgasm building in her throbbing snatch, “please do it now, Sally, mmmmmm, unnh, oooohhh, don’t stop now, baby doll, I’ve gotta have it now, Linda’s gonna come all over you….”

Twisting and writhing over the enthusiastic animals, the sweat-drenched blonde moaned incoherently to the lovely redhead as her mind dissolved and gushed out through her spasming pussy. Sally moaned deep in her throat as Linda’s spastic snatch pumped juices over the dog’s dripping tongue. Biting her lip to keep from yelling aloud, the squirming teenager clung to the woman’s shoulders, her head rolling from side to side as her crotch exploded in waves of pounding orgasm.

The excited Shepherd lathered all over her spread ass and slippery thighs, hot tongue dancing maddeningly over the clamping ring muscle and worming up inside the groaning teen’s ass. The moaning blonde felt like she was drowning in tidal waves of delicious come, one rush of explosive orgasm after another flashing from her steaming pussy straight up her spine, crashing into her stunned brain. Twitching, shuddering, Linda groaned loudly and panted desperately for breath as Sally kissed and sucked at her sensitive nipples.

“Aaahhhh, god no, please, Sally, not again, please don’t do it again, Jesus,” Linda groaned aloud, shivers crawling over her belly and up across her shaking tits, “I can’t stand for them to do that again, we can’t just keep doing this any more, please please don’t do that to me, it’s too much, ooohhhh, no, aaahhhhh, god god god…”

Even as she pleaded with the tall redhead Linda squirmed in exquisite pleasure over the velvet tongues; moaning in delight, she petted and rubbed Sally’s neck and shoulders as the woman reached down and delicately spread her melting snatch to the Harlequin’s tongue.

Closing her eyes, the naked teenager slowly twitched her hips from side to side, swiveling her hot ass in circles to slide the flickering tongues around her dripping crotch. As Sally licked eagerly at her stiff browned nipples, Linda reached down and spread her lips with one hand, stroking the Dane’s neck with the other. Responding to her panting encouragement, the big dog extended his operations, licking up across her bush onto her twitching belly and down to her thighs, washing her entire crotch with dripping tongue.

“Mmmmmmm, oh yeah, that’s good angel,” Linda whispered, reaching from the Dane’s collar to caress Sally’s full tits, “I gotta admit it, that’s so good, Sally, go on baby, do it to Linda real nice, don’t stop good girl. Aahh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes.”

As the frenzied teenager had expected, Sally showed no intention of giving up her dripping pussy when Linda finished coming. While the shaking blonde stood exhausted and panting, the tall redhead simply waved the dogs back from between Linda’s quivering thighs and pointed the trembling girl toward the bed. The redhead half-carried the sweating teenager across the room and chuckled softly as the blonde collapsed on the soft fur, moaning and shivering in post-orgasm spasms. Linda felt a bounce in the mattress as weight rolled onto the bed; she opened her eyes to find Rex laying right beside her with hind legs spread wide, his red-pink erection only inches away from her quivering lips.

The mattress heaved and tossed again as weight rolled into a new position and Linda gasped as a hot wet tongue stroked slowly over her hipbones. The redhead kept caressing Linda’s stiff nipples as Prince slipped soundlessly between Linda’s spread legs and lay on his belly directly in front of her, panting as he licked the teenager’s bronze-curled bush.

The Dane’s warm breath huffed over the blonde’s hips, steaming against her thighs and crotch. Linda moaned softly and twitched on the soft mattress, sleek tan thighs spreading wider as she shifted in the bed. Sally watched the contented Harlequin licking away at the teenager’s cunt. The massive Shepherd affected another quick sideways twitch, whining excitedly as he felt Linda’s gasping breath warm on his exposed doggie dick.

Half-insane from the animals’ insistent tonguing, Linda reached and ran her hands up the Shepherd’s thighs while exotic craving swamped her brain. When she glanced over at the sprawling redhead, she was thrilled to see Sally’s clit showing bright pink from her spread rustred bush. With the eager redhead watching carefully, the girl slowly leaned over, cuddling the big dog’s dick and balls in both hands.

Linda huffed hot breath on his quivering cock; Rex yelped encouragingly and humped sideways at her face, while Prince tongued maddeningly at her spasming snatch. The blonde stared boldly into Sally’s green eyes as she slowly moved her legs wider apart for the Harlequin and slid her ankle between the redhead’s legs. The Dane never stopped lapping her crotch as Linda gently rubbed her instep along the redhead’s exposed slit. Sally sighed softly as Linda’s ankle slid slowly over the length of her clit; Linda’s eyes widened when she felt the hot slippery snatch pulsing against her instep.

“Okay, Sally, this lesson is about being a good girl with two big dogs, I get the idea,” Linda whispered hoarsely, fingers dancing on the Shepherd’s slippery cock, “but what I’d really like is to get it from both of them and keep going until I can drive you totally crazy right here with us, is that okay? This is a wonderful lesson and you already got me too hot to quit now, there’s no getting out of it.” Linda shifted position carefully until she was positioned to stroke the redhead’s crotch lazily with foot and ankle while Prince obligingly licked the blonde’s sensitive clit in perfect rhythm with her motion. The panting blonde carefully leaned over to Rex’s hot doggie hard-on, wetting her lips as she fondled the animal’s pulsing balls.

“So get ready for it, all my lovers,” she sighed softly, “it’s Linda’s turn now…”

Mesmerized by her own continuous creaming and shivering with forbidden fantasies, the frenzied teenager slowly and willfully ran her tongue down the length of the Shepherd’s quivering cock. Rex gave a low moaning growl of satisfaction as he felt the pretty blonde’s tongue lave over his dick; Linda gasped as the slick warm shaft twitched against her lips.

Captivated by the silk-smooth warmth of the animal cock, she gently kissed up and down the length of the big dog’s red-pink dick while stroking her instep gently over Sally’s exposed slit. After a few minutes of rubbing, the tall redhead’s clit was standing out from the furry mons; Linda giggled as Sally wriggled sideways and opened her legs to give the girl better access to her pulsing bush.

“Oh, Rex, you furry sweetheart, this is real real good,” the teenager sighed, drawing her head back briefly and panting on the animal’s long pink erection, “you and Prince and Sally really got Linda started on something wonderful, you know that? I never thought it would be this good, big boy, but I think we’re all going to really get into this. Let’s go real slow lover pup, I’m gonna have a lot of fun with you…”

The delirious teenager wriggled around at Sally’s suggestion till she lay in a threeway position with the waiting animals, Prince’s muzzle submerged between her spread legs and her wet lips poised over Rex’s expectant hard-on. She gently caressed the big dog’s belly and inner haunches, hands sliding slowly over the furry ribs and down onto the taut belly, inching closer and closer to the red-pink erection. The Shepherd’s abdomen shivered as Linda put tantalizing fleeting licks and kisses on his cock, cradling his heavy nuts in one hand while jacking him off elegantly against her slippery tongue.

The big dog’s warm and satin-slick dick in her mouth was a spellbinding sensation for the pretty blonde; within a few minutes, she buried her face in the dog’s crotch with a gratified sigh and tenderly sucked the full length of animal cockhead into her trembling lips. Sally whispered encouragement and fondled Linda’s tits as she watched the teenager’s teasing lips and tongue stroking around and over Rex’s cock; the more enthusiastically the slavering Harlequin licked at her humming clitoris, the closer the blonde cuddled to the shivering Shepherd’s dick.

Linda gave a moaning whimper as she felt the redhead’s first touch on her dripping bronze-furred snatch. Gasping and giggling, the excited woman ran her fingers over the girl’s drool-soaked bush, then reached down and deliberately stroked slippery fingers around the blonde’s hot clit. Linda thrashed and her long legs instantly spread wide around the Dane’s shoulders as she felt Sally’s wet fingers on her snatch; and the redhead snickered as she watched Prince’s tongue stroke carefully up and down the length of the girl’s open pussy.

Head propped on her right arm, the redhead watched Rex’s sides twitch as the chuckling blonde excitedly took head from the Dane while sucking the Shepherd off. Linda was fascinated with the feel of the dog’s hot smooth cock on her tongue and tried different rhythms while Prince quivered and whined at her cunt. Linda’s excited licking and slavering at Rex’s dick left no doubt she was delighted at having the two big dogs writhing in sexual heat with her. The gasping blonde groaned ecstatically as Sally’s fingers spread her twat wide and Prince lapped harder at her slippery snatch; the redhead chuckled as the teenager’s curly bronze pubic hair tickled her fingers.

“Oooh, now that’s real good isn’t it babes,” the redhead crooned softly, “yeah, that’s real good for you, isn’t it baby? You like Sally and Prince playing with that pretty pink slit, don’t you good girl?” she chuckled gleefully as the blonde’s clit swelled between her fingers and whispered, “Well Rexie and Prince and I like it too, lover girl. Yeah, good girl, that’s fine for all of us then, I’ll just keep wonder dog doing that to you and you practice doing more of this to Rex, won’t that be nice?”

With eyes closed and both hands full of hairy Shepherd genitals, Linda drifted into a hedonistic reverie, tongue spiraling around the sweltering shaft while she sucked docilely at the slippery doggie dick. Prince laid his head on the girl’s tan thigh and kept lazily lapping at her spread pussy as she suckled the big Shepherd’s pulsing cock. The Dane shifted to occasional brief licks at her responsive clit as Linda drifted into a fantasy of gentle sucking, moaning softly with her drooling mouth enveloping the panting Shepherd’s dick.

She giggled around the throbbing feral hard-on when she felt the coarse hair of his cock sheath bristling against her lips; Rex whined eagerly when the lovely blonde began rolling her head slowly back and forth, wrapping her tongue around his exposed dick. While the moaning teenager was absolutely enthralled with the sensations of the bestial blowjob, the Harlequin continued licking her spread twat; his hot breath panting over her steaming pussy kept Linda sucking deliriously on the smooth warmth of Rex’s dick.

“Let me show you another way we can have fun together, baby,” Sally whispered quietly, “you’ll really love this one, I promise. Let’s get shifted around some more till we’re really comfortable, okay?”

Linda watched in amazement as Sally rolled casually around on the bed until the redhead lay sprawled beside her and the Dane with her redhead curls against the dog’s belly. Prince instantly spread his back legs as the redhead ran her fingers teasingly over the hairless cock, reaching over with her other hand to pull the blonde’s caressing fingers onto her cunt.

While she played with the slick twitching clit, Linda discovered that Sally’s tantalizing manipulation made the Dane lick furiously at her steaming snatch; closing her eyes, she continued jacking off the excited woman, groaning as Prince’s slippery-rough tongue danced over her pulsing clit. Mesmerized by the redhead’s melting pussy and the sweltering animal cock between her lips, Linda lost all sense of time; her world contracted to the feel of the dog’s slick pink erection under her tongue, the rhythmic lapping between her legs and the warm furry cunt she fondled.

Shaking with excitement, the panting teenager slipped into a twilight zone of delicious sensations, lost between the exquisite lapping at her dripping pussy and the steaming heat of the redhead’s wet clit in her hand. Lost in a writhing erotic tangle, the enthusiastic blonde kissed and licked and sucked enraptured on the throbbing Shepherd dick while the dog quivered and whined with ecstasy above her.

The blonde, the giant Dane, the excited Sally and ecstatic Prince whined and moaned in unison as each enthusiastically worked the other nearer to explosive coming. The obsessed teenager kissed and licked the big Shepherd’s cock, clutching his furry nuts with one hand and caressing and stroking the redhead’s heaving belly and twat with the other.

Linda roused from her trance when Rex began writhing on the pillows and Prince yelped anxiously between her legs, then started into eager rapid licking at her dripping clit. Linda felt the big Shepherd’s heavy balls throbbing and the bulge swelling under her hand at the base of his cock; recognizing the signs, she pulled the long Shepherd dick from her lips and observed it grow bright red.

Linda felt Sally’s clit throb as the redhead began an almost breathless groaning; the teenager stared down at her as the pale beauty’s snatch lips turned fiery red. The blonde was delighted to see the redhead had started sucking the Harlequin’s dick while Linda masturbated her and Prince lapped at Linda’s cunt. The whining Harlequin licked the teenager’s clit excitedly as Sally’s lips and tongue wandered over his dick, driving the entranced blonde to the exquisite edge of near-orgasm as she sucked Shepherd’s pulsing cock.

Before Linda realized what was happening, Sally’s clit pulsed and throbbed convulsively, and the amazed blonde burst into giggles as the moaning woman began sudden hot spasms of spastic coming, moaning on whining Prince’s swollen cock. The tall redhead writhed and groaned, clutching the Dane’s stiff dick in both hands and licking the exposed shaft while Linda eagerly pumped her throbbing clitoris and sucked rhythmically at Rex’s cock.

Sally’s frenzied groaning and sucking made Prince come within seconds; the Dane’s howling animal orgasm sent shivers rocketing up the teenager’s spine, and her cunt abruptly throbbed into volcanic coming as Sally kept coming and sucking the animal’s cock while he lapped at Linda’s spasming cunt. Prince’s cock pulsed convulsively, and Sally groaned in ecstasy as he began shooting hot spurts of doggie come down her throat; the big dog writhed and heaved, viscous jets squirting over the moaning redhead’s chin and dripping onto her rigid nipples while she zealously licked his throbbing hard-on.

Rex gave a low wavering howl as come surged to the tip of his cock; Linda instantly turned from the creaming redhead and lunged back to the animal’s pulsing dick, catching the first explosive spurt in her open lips. She jammed the dog’s squirting erection full-length into her eager wet mouth, moaning on the long slick hard-on as hot Shepherd come splashed down her throat.

Linda muffled her screams on Rex’s dick as the whining Dane lapped frantically at her spasming pussy; shaking and sobbing in ecstasy, the creaming teenager continued fingering the squirming redhead, milking muffled moans of come-crazed ecstasy while Prince twisted and jerked under Sally’s tongue. Rex thrashed and bucked convulsively as Linda sucked him, fur standing up along the length of his back. The pretty blonde giggled hysterically on the big dog’s dick, swallowing squirt after hot squirt while Rex thrashed and rolled beside her.

Linda couldn’t gulp the spurting come as fast as the Shepherd could pump and trickles oozed from the corners of her mouth, dripping off his naked cock sheath. By the time the shivering blonde let go of her clit, Sally’s sides were heaving with hard panting and the hair actually stood up on the back of her arms. The whining redhead milked the Dane’s erection with both hands, jacking him off onto her lips and tongue, coiling her tongue on the point of his dick to coax the last spurts from the panting beast.

The gasping women and the shivering animals lay side by side after the volcanic orgasms, panting hot breath on each other’s genitals as they recovered from the frenzied coming. Linda’s gasping chuckles turned to groans as the Dane returned to working her snatch the instant the panting redhead released his dick. Her explosive orgasms left the twitching teenager too limp to even attempt to move when the ravishing lesbian started the big dog lapping at her still-humming clitoris.

When she stopped panting, Linda leaned over and lazily kissed the Shepherd’s glistening cock, chuckling as the doggie hard-on twitched against her lips. Prince raised his head from her sweating thigh and stared as the greedy blonde again licked slowly up and down Rex’s erection, holding his massive balls with one hand. Each stroke of the Dane’s hot velvet tongue sent fireworks rocketing up from her snatch, and within minutes the exhausted blonde was pulsing on the edge of another mind-blowing orgasm.

She reached feebly back between the redhead’s legs to try for her sticky snatch, only to have determined Sally instantly clamp her legs shut, trapping Linda’s hands before she had any chance of stroking the eager woman off. Gasping and moaning, the pretty blonde lay trapped and writhing, holding the eager woman’s clit and furry lips, begging for release as the redhead licked the Dane and the big dog licked at the teenager’s aching but still-responding young cunt.

“Sally, you bitch, please please, I’ve got to get away from it for a while, you’ve got to stop that,” Linda babbled, tears leaking from the corners of her eyes, “aaahhhh, Jesus, I can’t stand any more, you’re making me crazy, please cut it out…” Sally merely shifted sideways slightly, still ignoring the shaking blonde’s desperate pleading while Prince’s wide tongue washing maddeningly over her vibrating clit. Sally glanced up at Linda and the Shepherd and casually stroked Prince’s slippery dick between thumb and forefinger as she whispered explanation to the pleading blonde.

“Well, good girl, now you’ve done it for all of us,” she crooned, “and we just started something with us that isn’t done yet, not by a long shot. I really like playing with this pretty cock, good girl, and we’re not ready to give it up yet, OK?” Sally leaned forward for a luxurious slow suck on the Dane’s smooth cock and sighed, “so you just lie back and suck Rexie off, baby, while I do Prince and he has a little more of your pussy. You don’t have to move or anything for me right now, lover; just go ahead and suck on your good boy’s slick beautiful dick till you don’t want any more.”

“God, god, please, please stop for a minute, you slut, I can’t stand it, that’s too intense, you’re driving me nuts,” Linda gasped, “ooohh, no, he’s killing, me, Sally, you come- crazy bitch, please, please, please get away, aahhhhh, Jesus…” As she tried again to work the redhead-haired beauty’s clit, the panting German Shepherd twisted sideways one more time, while Sally still kept her legs clamped tight over Linda’s clutching fingers.

“Aaahhhh, please, Sally, not again, please don’t do that,” the frantic blonde begged again, shivers rolling over her belly and up over her drool-splashed jugs, “I can’t stand for you to do that again, we can’t keep doing this any more right now, please, please don’t do that to me, it’s too much, oohhhh, no, aaahh…”

Linda choked off as another thunderous orgasm roared up her spine; she pulled her hands out the redhead’s crotch and rubbed her rigid nipples, tanned body heaving under the Prince’s relentless licking. While Linda clutched at her own sticky tits, Rex gave another sideways wiggle, shifting until his slow-wagging tail was actually brushing the girl’s blonde bangs.

Linda leaned forward again and huffed hot breath on the whining Shepherd’s quivering dick; Sally gasped encouragingly and began wiggling sideways toward Rex’s muzzle, licking at the sprawling Dane while he tongued furiously at Linda’s spasming snatch.

The panting blonde carefully leaned over to the hot throbbing dog dick, wetting her lips as she tugged the Shepherd’s head nearer to the redhead’s dripping snatch. Mesmerized by her own continuous creaming and shivering with illicit fantasies, the frenzied teenager slowly and deliberately spread the redhead’s snatch and guided the Shepherd’s muzzle to the warmth of the woman’s quivering clit. Sally gave a low moaning growl of pleasure as she felt the dog’s tongue wash over her snatch; Linda gasped as the Shepherd’s slick warm cock twitched against her lips.

“Oh, Sally, you sweetheart, this is really, really good,” the blonde sighed, drawing her head back briefly and drooling on the panting dog’s pink hard-on, “you really got Linda started on something wonderful, you know that? I never realized it would be this good, big girl, but I think Linda might really get into this. Let’s go real slow lover girl, I want us all to have a lot of fun together. If we just move around a little more, I’m sure we can all make each other happy.”


Chapter Twelve

Linda had just finished putting on her makeup and perfume and was brushing her hair at the vanity table when the door swung open and Denise and Sally came in with breakfast trays. Sally smiled warmly at the half-naked girl and said, “Stay good girl, you stay, I’ll bring it to you.”

She brought the tray over to the girl and set it carefully on the vanity; the blonde’s eyes widened as she saw the shining silver dish-covers, the huge glasses of milk and orange juice and a cut-crystal bud vase with a single red rose. The teenager’s mouth watered at the delicious smells wafting off the tray and her stomach growled as she swallowed. Denise set her and Sally’s trays on the coffee table in front of the couch and gave an admiring whistle as Linda turned toward them and the brunette eyed her silk-covered tits.

“That babydoll nightie looks good on you, angel,” the redhead said, “you really look good in blue, and I like the way it stops short of your pretty pussy. I’m sorry you had to wait for breakfast, good girl. I wanted to make everything perfect for you ’cause you’ve been so good, and you’ve been getting all prettied up for us while I fussed with things downstairs. I’m sorry, lover, I really am; you just sit right there and eat a good breakfast, good girl. Today is gonna be a very special day for you.”

“Thank you for fixing it for me, Sally,” Linda replied, shivering as the redhead’s words triggered immediate thoughts of getting her hands on the huge dogs again, “I knew I was very hungry, and it all smells so good I’m afraid I might start drooling any minute.”

“You just take it easy and take your time, good girl,” the redhead said sympathetically, “I’ve got your plate ready and Denise and I will have a snack with you before we get ready for the final lesson of your program. Take it easy, good girl, enjoy your breakfast.You’ve really made wonderful progress, lover, and today is graduation day.”

“That’s right, babydoll, you just relax and take it easy,” Denise said, “let Denise and Sally talk while you get a good breakfast, angel. What good things do you have for our good girl, Sally?”

“There’s fresh-squeezed grapefruit juice today, milk and English Muffins dripping with melted butter, and look,” Sally said proudly as she lifted the silver cover off the plates, “Pancakes with sausages and a nice fresh fruit salad, and,” she added, holding up an ornate covered dish, “another surprise, special treats for our good, good girl.”

The two women chattered casually with Linda as the teenager ate, and Denise and Sally took turns making conversation with the suddenly-paranoid blonde. Sally made sure Linda saved some of her milk again, then picked up the covered dish and set it on Linda’s lap, saying, “You’ll really like these fresh-baked shortbread treats, good girl.”

Linda’s mouth watered as she saw the familiar shortbread cookies, golden-brown and looking delicious, all in the exact bone-shape of dog biscuit treats.

“These are for our final review of what you’ve been taught so far, angel,” Sally said with a warm smile. “You’ve learned a lot of important techniques since you came to us, and we’re going to go over them all again before you have your final exam today. You know how this works, it’sjust like show-and-tell at school, baby; I’m going to give you a treat and say one of the command words. You repeat the word back to me and eat your treat and then tell us what that word means you do with the pretty boys, understand?” The redhead waited until Linda nodded eagerly, then handed the blonde a shortbread milk-bone and said softly, “Strip, good girl.”

“Strip,” the teenager whispered softly and took a bite of the bone cookie, “strip means I can take off all my clothes for you, Sally.”

“Very good, baby, you do a nice strip act for us these days. Deni and I have noticed that you only get dressed now so you’ll have something to take off for us. Still, good girl.”

“Still means,” Linda smiled and washed the cookie down with a swallow of milk, “still means I don’t want to move until you tell me it’s all right, Sally.”

“Excellent, sweetheart, that’s right; of course, you know when to stay still and when to move now, so we don’t use that one much anymore. Stay, good girl.”

“Stay means I should stay right where you want me to be, Sally.”

“That’s perfect, angel, wonderful. It’s nice that we can leave your door open and you stay now because you want to stay, not because we tell you to stay. Spread, good girl.”

“Spread,” Linda swallowed and licked her lips, “spread means I get to spread my legs for you or Denise or the dogs, Sally.”

“That’s right, baby, it does. And how much fun it’s gotten to be for you, now you love to do it, huh” Pet, good girl.”

“Pet means I get to pet the pretty dogs while they lick me.”

“Very good, angel, you’re doing fine. You looked awfully sweet petting Prince and Rexie while they worked you front and back the other night, too. Speak, good girl.”

“Speak,” Linda answered as she picked up another biscuit, “speak means I should tell you or the pretty boys how much I like it while someone makes me happy.”

“You know those very well, lover,” Denise said approvingly, “especially since you’ve started practicing on your own. Doing extra homework is a lot of fun, isn’t it,” she added with a wink. “Now let’s make sure you know the others. Feel, good girl.”

“Feel means that I get to touch and play with all those dogs’ pretty cocks, Denise, or play with you or Sally’s clit,” Linda answered, winking back at the brunette and taking another cookie.

“That’s right, sweetheart, our pretty boys like it when you feel them up. Watch, good girl.”

“Watch,” the teenager said, biting into the milk-bone, “means that I get to watch them get a hard-on while I feel them up, Denise.”

“Wonderful, baby, you know them all. Pump, good girl.”

“Pump means that I can jack the dogs off and make them come all over me while you and Sally and my fans watch.”

“You do such a good job on them, too, angel,” the brunette said, “they know how much you like to make them come. Now let’s try the newest commands. Sit, good girl.”

“Sit means that I get to sit in the chair with my legs spread and let the dogs lick me so everyone can see me come.”

“And we love it so much, sweetheart,” Sally said, “you really put on a good show with the pretty boys. Beg, good girl.”

“Beg,” the blonde said, swallowing her cookie easily, “means that I need to ask please to lick you and Deni and make you come, Sally.”

“That’s right, angel, very good,” the redhead responded with a warm smile, “and you do beg very sweetly for it too. You’ve done real well, lover, there’s only a few more. Kiss, good girl.”

“Kiss,” Linda replied quickly, “means I can kiss the big dogs sweet cocks, Sally, or put my mouth or your or Deni’s pussy.”

“Sweet Prince looks so pretty with your lipstick on his dick, doesn’t he, angel,” Denise said, “now do the next one, baby. Lick, Linda, lick.”

“Lick,” the teenager whispered with a smile, running her tongue deliberately over a bone cookie, “lick means I get to lick some hot dick, Denise, or put my tongue on your clit.”

“And a sweet little slit-licker you are, baby,” Sally replied, “you really do tongue magic on my clit, angel. Here’s the last word, Linda. Suck, good girl.”

“Suck,” Linda answered, drawing a slow deep breath, “suck means that I get to suck dog cock or eat pussy until someone comes in my mouth, Sally.”

“That’s wonderful, good girl, you really know them all, that’s perfect sweetheart,” the redhead said delightedly, “you’re so clever and you’ve practiced so much, that’s our good good girl.”

“You really do a good job for our pretty boys too, angel,” Denise said encouragingly, “those big dogs love to feel your tongue on their cocks, good girl, they really do.”

“And you get so much enjoyment out of it yourself, don’t you lover,” Sally asked wickedly, “you’ve finally admitted you like rolling around with our sweethearts and licking those doggie hard-ons, don’t you Linda?”

“Oh, Sally, I–I–” the blonde stammered in embarrassment.

“Baby, you don’t need to be shy about it any more,” the brunette crooned, petting the blonde gently, “Sally and I know you do like it, good girl. That’s why we watched while you did your lessons, so we knew when you stopped doing things because we told you to and started doing the big dogs because you want to. Remember the other day by the pool, you licked Rex’s dick three times, you went down on Mick two times and you sucked Prince off four times, without Sally or I saying a word. Now admit it, good girl, you found out that you like to have pretty dogs’ dicks in your mouth, didn’t you?”

“I did him four times,” the blonde gasped in amazement, “I lost count, I mean I don’t remember. It was so, so…”

“So fucking much fun that you got carried away and didn’t even remember we were watching,” the redhead said with a laugh. “You sucked the pretty boys off nine times, Linda, nine times. You can’t look me in the eyes and say it wasn’t fun for you.”

“Okay, okay,” Linda said, dropping her eyes from Sally’s amused green stare, “I got kind of carried away, it was a rush.”

“And it was a rush for all of us when you asked to have Mick stay with you when Sally and I had to go out, angel,” Denise said with a smile, “that was when we knew for sure you were finally ready to accept your own wants and desires instead of fighting with yourself about it, baby. It really is nice that you leave your door open so the pretty boys can stop in and see you whenever you want them. I think you’ll want them a lot more often after today, lover; after you get your first real fuck, you’ll crave a whole lot more of it.”

As they gathered up the breakfast dishes, Sally looked over at Linda and said “It’s a another beautiful day outside, sweetheart, it’s sunny and warm for graduation day; would you like to go out and give your date a bath first, good girl!”

“Oh, Sally, I’d love to, but won’t you tell me how I’m going to do today’s lesson?” the blonde implored softly, “won’t you please let me know what I’m gonna do next?” Linda stared into the redhead’s green-eyed silence and finally answered, “Yes, please, I’d like to give the dog a bath; will you come too, Denise, please say yes.”

“Thank you for asking, angel,” the brunette answered happily, “of course I will, I wouldn’t miss it for the world. I’d love to see you and one of our pretty boys romping in the sunshine and having a water fight, baby; and the lucky puppy should be clean for our good girl today.”

The teenager followed the women downstairs and Sally dropped the breakfast dishes into the dishwasher as they headed outside. Linda was stunned when the redhead walked right past the desk and ignored her six-foot chrome-linked leash. The blonde gazed wonderingly at Sally, and her heart leaped as the redhead responded, “You don’t have to wear a leash when you go out anymore, good girl.” She approached the delighted teenager and held up the snap-link, saying, “See, good girl, no leash today, Deni and I know you aren’t going to go anywhere when you can get all the wonderful dick you want here. Go give your lover pup a bath and take it easy.”

Linda paused inside the door and Denise and Sally turned to her in surprise. The blonde smiled boldly and stared into the redhead’s eyes as she shrugged out of the gossamer silk robe and said, “Strip, good girl. It’s hot outside and I don’t want to get that silk all wet giving a dog bath, big girl.” The teenager giggled and blew Sally a kiss as she added, “besides, I like having you two see me naked, I know it makes you horny.”

The sun-warmed stones felt delightful under Linda’s bare feet and the warm breeze whispered softly as the naked girl led Sally and Denise onto the patio. As the women walked her around the pool and onto the soft lawn the teenager’s excitement and anticipation slowly mounted. While Linda and Sally strolled in the sunshine, Denise galloped back inside and down the stairs into the laundry room, opened the window and dragged the hose in.

With the hose screwed to the faucet, the brunette cranked on hot and cold mix, snatched up some liquid soap and ran back up and outside to watch Linda give the big dog a good bath. Prince came bounding out the instant Denise opened the kennel door, ran full-tilt over to the waiting blonde and shoved his snout squarely in her ass as she bent over to pick up the warm-running hose. The teenager jerked bolt upright and swatted the animal hard on the nose.

“No, Prince, n,o no, bad dog,” Linda said, waving a finger in front of his muzzle, “No licking my ass and no pussy right now big boy, okay. We’re gonna do this just right for Sally and Denise, you hear me?” Sally says I can give you a real nice bath, sweetheart, you gotta get cleaned up for me, after all; show some respect, I expect you to treat me like a lady, understand?”

She moved the hose smoothly as she spoke, running the stream of warm water over the dog’s neck, shoulders and back; at the haunches, she started back up the length of his spine, waving the hose back and forth to soak Prince’s sides and legs. When the big dog’s upper body was drenched, she knelt down beside him, brought the hose around and squirted it up onto his chest and ribs, then slowly reached back and eased the warm stream over her own fingers and onto the dog’s genitals.

Prince spread his back legs automatically as he turned his head to stare at her. Linda ran the hose back over the Harlequin’s splendid nuts and hairless cock sheath, her fingers caressing the organ, then dropped the hose and squirted liquid soap down the big dog’s broad back. She lathered the animal luxuriously from neck to tail, sloshing foam down over his shoulders and along his heavy chest, working back over his narrow flanks and onto the muscular haunches.

The big Great Dane was wriggling with enjoyment, back and belly muscles twitching as the giggling girl continued massaging suds over him. Linda shot a puddle of soap into her hand and rubbed her palms together, then began lathering beneath the big dog’s chest and working her way slowly back over his arching belly. The blonde caught her breath as Prince dropped his head and gave a long doggie rumble of encouragement; her crotch throbbed sharply as the Great Dane spread his back legs again and turned around to gaze at her imploringly.

“Relax, lover-pup, you’re gonna do just fine, I promise you,” Linda laughed, then added in a whisper, “oh yeah, big dog, you are most certainly going to have a lot of fun today, you can count on that. Linda’s been dying for the chance to really fuck with you for days now, sweetheart, did you know that?”

The blonde was panting for breath as she worked her slippery hands deliberately back between the animal’s thighs, sliding her fingers daintily along each side of his warm dick. She swallowed hard as the big dog’s cock pulsated and twitched between her hands, leaning down to watch as she spread her fingers and gently massaged his balls and cock sheath, slowly working up a thick lather.

The excited girl licked her suddenly dry lips and wrapped her soap slick fingers around the exposed doggie cock, thrusting back the lathered sheath and caressing the smooth length; the Great Dane gave another moaning growl of appeal as the blonde’s fingers circled gently, teasing around and around his cock. Linda chuckled and crooned soothingly in response to the big dog’s pleading whines; Prince kept up the groaning rumble, and she whispered back as she shampooed his heavy balls and delicately toyed with the twitching animal’s dick.

Prince whined and quivered but stood absolutely still for while the snickering teenager dallied with his cock. When the Great Dane was panting hard and practically vibrating under her hands, Linda slipped one hand off his genitals, picked up the hose and began rinsing him. Streaming warm water over his crotch, she washed his lathered nuts, maneuvered easily over and away from his pulsing cock to his back and shoulders; the big dog turned again to look at her as he felt her let go of his member, and the blonde murmured to him as she hosed off the foam.

“It’s all right, sweetheart, don’t be sad. This is only the beginning, Prince baby; you’re gonna spend all day and maybe tonight with Linda, won’t that be fun” I promise you that, lover, it will be fun for both of us. I’ve thought about being with you a lot the past couple days and nights, honey-pup, and you and I are gonna do it till we can’t do it anymore, angel.”

She tossed the hose aside, smiled up at the watching women and leaned to whisper in the animal’s ear, “I’m gonna fuck your brains out, puppy-love; I want to make you come till you can’t move.” Laughing in delight, the excited blonde jumped up and dashed into the house to shut off the hose, leaving the Great Dane to shake in the late afternoon sun and roll himself dry in the warm grass.

When they had walked the girl back to her room, Denise and Sally poured the eager teenager some brandy from the crystal decanter and Linda sipped at it slowly while she smoked a joint as the women began to dress her. The warmth of the liquor soothed her stomach and calmed the butterflies while Denise slowly dried the drenched girl.

The blonde hesitated for a moment as Sally reached into the dresser and began taking out the lingerie the women had picked our for her, but the look of the exotic things they had bought specially for her final session with the Great Dane sent a shiver racing through the runaway’s crotch and she quickly peeled out of the towel Denise had wrapped around her. Denise took one look at the aroused blonde and dropped to her knees in front of the girl, panting harshly over Linda’s snatch; the teenager swallowed hard and then spread her legs wide without waiting for the brunette’s whispered command.

“Very good, good girl, now be still for Deni,” the redhead’s voice murmured approvingly, “be still good girl.”

When the waiting blonde remained obediently motionless, the horny brunette leaned slightly forward and licked gently at the delicate skin of Linda’s inner thigh next to her bush. Linda’s breath caught in her throat as the woman’s warm tongue slipped over the thin skin and stroked slowly toward her snatch; the sweating blonde gave a gasping sigh and shook her head once as Denise started a slow kissing at the edges of her pussy, drooling on the fringes of curly bronze pubic hair.

The slender brunette panted and licked around the captive teenager’s snatch, and Linda’s cheeks quickly flushed glowing pink as Denise teased her crotch. Linda was not surprised to find herself breathing faster and her nipples standing stiffly erect, swelling as she got hotter; the teenager’s tan stomach twitched with the pulse hammering in her increasingly steamy snatch.

Linda’s forehead beaded with sweat and she was gasping for breath as Denise’s tongue slithered around her bush onto her thighs and up to her flat belly, then dropped back down near her tingling clitoris. The long legged blonde moaned softly and shivers raced from her pulsing snatch over her belly; the hair on her arms was standing up and her tits prickled up with goosebumps. The teenager gently rested her hands on the kneeling woman’s shoulders and spread her knees to give Denise better access to her snatch. Linda gave a short moan of gratitude as the brunette’s tongue lapped delicately at her clit and reached out imploringly when Denise stood up with a wicked smile.

“What a good good girl you are, angel,” the dark-haired woman said, giving her another prolonged French kiss, “really, you are such a good girl for Denise and Sally, sweetheart, that’s just wonderful. I’d really love to romp with you some more, but we just have to get on with your graduation ceremony right now. You stay, good girl, you stay while Sally and I get you something real pretty to wear.”

Standing purposefully stripped, the excited girl downed another slug of brandy and stared as Denise glided the new stockings out of the wrapper. The nylons were thigh high and ultra-sheer white lace, a spray of flowers and bells in black embroidery up the ankle and onto the calf, and Linda was sure they’d set off beautifully against her allover tan.

The new stockings had starbursts of black sequins sprinkled up the thighs; they felt silky smooth gliding up her legs and she shivered as Denise bent to put them on her. Linda was pleased to realize how perfectly she responded to Denise’s skillful fondling and gratified to know she had been so ready to open her legs for the dark-haired woman’s ultimate caress. The blonde watched in thrilled anticipation as the women searched quickly through the dresser and the armoire, pulling out one piece of lingerie, then another, whispering eagerly to each other as they planned her ultimate commitment to bestiality. The full-length mirror showed Linda that her cheeks were flushed with excitement; her crotch was still moist from Deni’s teasing and her reflection’s nipples were standing out stiffly.

The exotic lace teddy with built-in garter belt was the most beautiful costume the women had offered her yet; it made her feel screamingly erotic, a bodice snow-white lace with a push-up half-bra that held her tits up and left them as totally exposed as if they were on
a plate. The front hem stopped just over the top of her trimmed bronze bush, with a near transparent train of lace ruffles running down over her ass almost to the back of her knees; matching the silk hose, the lingerie had random splashes of black sequins scattered over it.

The redhead fastened the back hooks for Linda and attached the stockings to the thin ribbon garter-straps, nodding approvingly as the runaway pointed out how the delicate snowy lace framed and accentuated her dark-blonde pubic ringlets. The elastic garter straps felt luxurious and decadent stretching down over Linda’s ass and hips, like fingers lightly fondling her whenever she moved. The lingerie was obviously designed to have matching panties, but the eager teenager definitely wanted nothing at all covering her snatch for this occasion.

Linda’s nipples stood out stiffly as Sally adjusted the lace half-cups of the push-up brassiere and the redhead was breathing hard as she watched the blonde wriggle in the stockings and garter belt. Quivering in anticipation as the women surveyed her lace costume in the mirror, Linda swallowed the last of her brandy and stared at her reflection in delight.

“Oh Sally, Denise, look how pretty,” she exclaimed, turning around before the mirror, “thank you both so much for getting me such pretty things. This makes my tits look like melons, and look at how nice it shows off my ass for you.” The blonde’s eyes widened as she stared at her reflection and she suddenly burst into laughter and snapped her fingers in sudden realization. “Oh my god, you two are too much,” she said with a giggle, pointing at herself in the mirror, “I didn’t see it until just now. With those black spots all over the white stockings and teddy, I look just like, like–”

“Go ahead, baby,” Sally said with a grin, “tell Deni and me what you look like.”

Linda tossed her blonde hair back and took a deep breath, making her full jugs stand out, then instantly dropped to her hands and knees in front of the mirror and looked up at the redhead with a sultry smile. “I’m your good girl, Sally, and I look just like a Harlequin bitch in heat, don’t I?” she whispered, licking her lips as she stared at her reflection.

“You certainly do, angel girl,” Denise replied with a chuckle, “and what a sweet hot little bitch you are, too. You and handsome Prince are going to be such a perfect fuck, these will be the best movies ever, you wait and see.” The brunette pulled Linda to her feet and gave her a lingering kiss, then dashed out of the girl’s bedroom to see if the ardent blonde’s canine lover was dry.

“What a pretty girl you are, angel,” Sally whispered huskily, running her hands over the blonde’s round breasts and down onto her hips. The red-haired woman caressed the teenager’s taut ass with both hands and whispered, “You’re a very good girl, Linda, you’ve been such a good girl. You look beautiful, sweetheart, Prince is gonna have a hard-on like a mule when he sees how pretty you are; there’s only a couple more things to talk over and then you’ll be all ready for your final lesson, your first real classic doggie-fuck.”

“Easy good girl, take it easy,” the redhead crooned soothingly, kissing Linda softly on the mouth and caressing her half-covered breasts, “it’s all right, you’ve learned everything and practiced a lot, it’ll be okay. All you have to do is listen to me and Deni and do everything we tell you. Prince is going to make you feel so good you’ll scream like a banshee for more of that hot puppy cock; and you know you’re ready to go all the way today, this is the payoff of all your lessons. Denise and I will tell you what you need to do good girl, take it easy.”

Breathing fast and trembling with bestial desire, the teenager swallowed the last of her fears and stared wantonly into the long mirror and the camera she knew stood behind it; her reflection gazed cheerfully back, a responsive blonde sacrifice in collar and lace, waiting in panting anticipation while her two cheerful trainers prepared her surrender to the binding accomplishment with her expert canine lovers. The Great Dane came in at an eager trot when the brunette opened the door; he dashed into the room and Denise stepped in and closed the door as hopeful Prince frisked around the room.

Satisfied with their preparations, the women led the blonde and the big dog into the middle of the room and the brunette removed another item from the armoire. Sally brought the consummate touch from the bottom shelf, found after hours of exploration through bridal stores and costume shops; pearly moir-silk wedding shoes with spike heels so high Linda could barely walk.

“All right, lover, I think you’re almost ready now,” the redhead declared, “except for one last detail. You made Princie all clean and got all dressed up for him, so he should be extra pretty for you. I got him some of the cologne you like so much, sweetheart, it’ll make our big pretty boy smell scrumptious for Linda. Let’s just try some on you, good boy, okay?”

Linda took the bottle from Sally and sprinkled the musky fragrance over the Harlequin’s back and massaged it into his fur, working down his sides and onto his taut belly; pouring a puddle in one hand, she stroked it inside the big dog’s muscular thighs. She cupped his heavy balls in the palm of her hand, fingers delicately caressing the almost hairless skin.

As the big dog’s dick swelled, she slid her hand out from under his nuts and gently gripped the smooth cock sheath; the animal gave an imploring whine and wagged his tail as Linda tenderly milked his dick a few gentle strokes. When the aroused Harlequin’s cock was hard and heated, the mesmerized girl deliberately released the throbbing member and clambered to her feet.

“Sit, Prince, sit boy,” she commanded while Sally and Denise watched with a satisfied smile, spreading her legs and patting the smooth inside of her thigh just below her snatch, “come sit right here for Linda, sweetheart, sit up baby.”

The blonde widened her stance and stood tall in her towering heels as the obedient animal moved to sit between her legs. When she felt the dog’s first sultry breath waft over her bush, she stroked his head and rubbed his ears; she gasped in delight as the warm tongue rasped against the silken lacework surrounding her bush.

“Slow, baby, go slow for Linda,” she pleaded as the Great Dane began working up a consistent rhythm, “go slow for me, lover, make it last so Sally and Denise and all my friends can watch. I want to be all wired up before I start on you, big dog.”

Linda felt her crotch loosen and throb as hot blood surged to her pubes. The scanty lace lingerie gave no cover at all to her responsive snatch, and within a minute her bush was moist as her deprived pussy dripped onto the dog’s tongue. Looking down, the blonde was thrilled with the vision of the impressive beast crouched between her thighs, jaws gaping as he licked slowly and deliberately between her silk-sheathed thighs.

The tall heels put her slit at the perfect height for the big dog’s lapping, and his broad tongue slathered across the width of her snatch, spreading her lips wide open. Spreading her legs wider, she swayed her hips from side to side, shifting and jittering until she was virtually dancing, shivering and gasping with her clit hovering over the skillful animal’s tireless licking.

Letting go of the big dog’s ears, she ran her hands down his neck and shoulders, then stroked up the insides of her stockinged thighs; the feel of the dog’s smooth coat encircled by her sheer stockings and sleek skin brought goosebumps out on her shoulders. Linda rubbed the lace ruffles of the embroidered teddy against her smooth round ass and brought her hand up to caress her swelling breasts.

Her mouth was dry and her breath came fast as she fondled the firm lace-supported globes and rolled her distended brown nipples between thumb and forefinger. Standing straight up, she dropped her head back and panted for air, playing with her tits and swiveling her crotch in lingering circles over the continuous doggie blowjob. The Great Dane gave recurrent encouraging whines as he continued tonguing her eager pussy toward meltdown.

Sally and Denise took the excited teenager’s elbows and gently maneuvered her backward onto the couch, with zealous Prince shuffling forward to keep his splendid tongue working between her thighs. Linda gave a husky moan of delight and spread her legs wide for the ardent animal, then lay back on the sofa and crossed her ankles over his lower back.

The blonde was gasping for breath and trembling uncontrollably; then she reached between her legs and peeled her lips back with both hands, giving the eager dog total access to her crotch. The Great Dane backed off momentarily and lunged instantly back to her exposed pussy with one delighted yelp; the panting girl gave a single scream of ecstasy as the animal’s drooling velvet tongue lapped between her lips and slithered over her pulsing clitoris.

Moaning in delight, Linda slithered further down on the couch and raised her legs straight up, spreading them in a wide vee that opened her dripping snatch and ass to the incredible mind blowing licking. The Great Dane growled in anticipation and switched to a willful lapping that washed from her squirming asshole over her spread pussy and flickered over her exposed clit with every stroke.

Groaning and trembling, the straining teenager held her legs spread rigidly for the skillful animal, gasping approval and encouragement while her feet slowly went numb from lack of circulation. When she couldn’t hold her shaking legs up any longer, she kicked off the high heeled bridal shoes, curled one leg around the Great Dane’s shoulders and slid the other down between his haunches, rubbing his cock with her instep while pins and needles prickled up her ankles.

Stroking the animal’s dick with her silk sheathed toes, the blonde giggled in delight when Prince whined encouragingly; her chuckles were broken by breathless whining of her own when the agitated Great Dane started lapping harder, tongue tip stroking exquisitely directly on her clitoris. Quivering with pleasure, the pretty blonde unwrapped her left leg from around the big dog’s shoulder and slid it down his side, working her foot back under his belly, lightly pressing his genitals between her paired insteps.

Pressing her soles together to trap the torrid shaft, she flexed her toes gently, massaging the animal’s throbbing cock in a prolonged rhythm that soon had him wriggling ecstatically as he crouched between her thighs. Linda found flawless control of the Great Dane’s licking when she matched the pressure on his pulsing organ to the waves of pre orgasmic pleasure surging in her twitching pussy. Within minutes, the trembling blonde and the big dog were moaning and whining in slow harmony, panting in unison and twisting slowly under each other’s manipulation.

The teenager was nearly stupefied by the continual slow throbbing in her crotch; it took all her concentration to maintain the delicate strokes that made the horny dog lap her just to the shivering edge of coming without letting him or herself get carried away. She gasped in every breath with sweat trickling down her forehead; every exhale was a sighing moan that made her tits heave while her nipples throbbed stiffer over the lacy demi-brassiere. When the excited animal attempted getting his front paws over her thighs and appeared ready to try mounting her on the spot, the writhing blonde knew it was time to switch positions while she could still manage both the Dane and herself.

“All right, lover, back off,” she said, sliding her toes away from the hot animal cock and nudging gently at the dog’s massive shoulder. “You have to wait, sweetheart, we can take our time. You and Linda are gonna fuck real good and real long when I’m all ready, but right now everyone wants to watch while I play with that pretty doggie hard-on of yours, okay?”

As the Great Dane stepped back, Sally helped the unsteady blonde to her feet, pulled a thick down comforter from the walk in closet and spread it out in front of the mirror. Linda was not surprised to see that Prince obviously recognized the blanket; he barked eagerly as the redhead unfolded it, then moved immediately to lie down before she said a word. Trembling with anticipation, Linda climbed back into her long pearly heels and strutted slowly over to animal waiting in front of the camera.

Kneeling by his belly, she stroked the Great Dane’s sides and chest, watching the pink doggie erection twitch as she worked her way leisurely back over his quivering gut. The big dog spread his hind legs instantly when her fingers slipped onto the nearly hairless skin of his cock sheath; she skinned the sheath back with one hand and felt the pink shaft swelling as she caressed the length of exposed dick with her fingertips.

The Great Dane wriggled in delight while she fondled his hot cock, twisting and rolling onto his back with all four legs sticking up; Linda chuckled as he dropped his forepaws on his deep chest. The Harlequin was on his back in the same position he used when sitting up to ask for a biscuit, but the widespread hind legs and glowing pink erection left no doubt what the big dog was begging for.

The blonde played gleefully with the dog’s throbbing cock, teasing him with slow caresses of her fingertips, periodically jacking him off with quick short strokes that made his belly jump and flutter. The Great Dane whined desperately while she masturbated him and Linda smiled at Denise and Sally while they laughed with delight.

“That’s excellent, sweetheart, you’ve learned your lessons really well,” the redhead chuckled, “so well that you’ve earned a reward for being such a good girl.”

“Sally is so right, angel,” Denise added with smile, “it’s time to practice that new command now, just because you’ve done so well. This one is very important, it’s the first one that really let’s our big boys treat you the way a good girl deserves to be treated. You need to get down on your hands and knees by the mirror for the pretty dog, lover. Down on all fours, Linda. All fours, good girl.”

The blonde suddenly swallowed hard as she realized she had unalterably arrived where all the women’s rehearsal had intended to tempt her; today was the debut of her career of total bitch service for the eager animals. Linda stared complacently at the two women until Sally took a deep breath and said slowly, “It’s time for some real dick now, sweetheart; the pretty boys have been waiting for this for weeks, and we know you’re ready to give them all that pretty hot pussy of yours now. All fours, good girl.”

Linda smiled and slowly rolled to her hands and knees and watched eagerly as panting Prince padded around behind her; her breath caught in her throat as she felt the Harlequin’s sudden hot panting at her ass.

“Oh, Prince, sweetheart, don’t start it that way, dammit,” Linda whispered, fumbling for words, “Lick Linda’s pussy a little, good dog, no, no, no, no ass-lick lover, go away, you hear me?” She gasped in shock as the big dog moved in from behind and sat between her spread ankles, then casually thrust his muzzle between the cheeks of her ass. The kneeling blonde was so overwrought that it took her a moment to comprehend the warm liquid slurping at her rear end. She nearly stood up when she realized that hundreds of people were watching the Harlequin lapping delicately between the cheeks of her ass, dripping saliva down the insides of her thighs.

“You be still now, good girl, you know what’s coming,” Denise whispered, kneeling down beside her and giving Linda a sip of the brandy, “Prince is really an ass man, angel, so just take it easy. Easy, good girl.” Linda gulped at the brandy and nearly screamed as the big dog continued lapping at her ass.

“Please stop it, Prince, no, no, Sally please make him do something else first, down boy, off,” she begged breathlessly, hoping to entice the watching women to make the big dog to pull his muzzle from her spread cheeks, “I said go, now get back, get down ”

Linda flailed blindly backward with one arm, then the other, trying to slap the big dog out from behind her; she was stunned when Denise and Sally grabbed her wrists from each side and pulled her hands to the floor, holding her in place to make sure she couldn’t reach the intent animal with either hand.

Despite the runaway’s piecemeal acceptance of Sally and Denise’s erotic dominance with the animals, the blonde was suddenly mortified by the mirror’s reflection as she knelt there, submissively watching the dog’s dripping tongue sliding into her ass. Now that she was really in position for the final act of bestial indoctrination, Linda couldn’t accept the prospect of people watching her underneath the expectant animal.

The confused teenager balanced on one knee and kicked back at the big dog; her leg slid past Prince’s shoulder and the clever Dane immediately stepped forward, planting his forepaws between her knees. When Linda brought her leg forward again, she had to keep her knees open wide around the dog’s feet. As she clutched frantically at the comforter tangled around her fingers, the Harlequin continued lapping lazily at her tight smooth ass, his tongue stroking between her cheeks and crawling over the sensitive ring muscle.

“Denise, you can’t let him do this to me, Sally please tell him to treat me better, stop it,” Linda pleaded, “get him back, get him the hell out of here, I can’t stand it, you mustn’t make me do that, I’ll fuck him or suck him off or whatever you tell me to…” The brunette interrupted the girl’s desperate begging by jamming her tongue into Linda’s mouth while still holding the blonde’s wrist pinned to the floor; Sally held her other wrist with one hand and fondled the teenager’s suntanned tits with the other, stroking her nipples gently.

“Don’t bother to try and tell us you don’t want it now, angel,” the redhead said with a chuckle, “cause we all know better than that. You’re our pretty little bitch and you like getting to act like one; this is the way Prince likes to take it, so just relax and give it up for him, lover. Just smile for all the people out there watching, angel; you’re on candid camera.”

The blonde dropped her head in despair as Denise and Sally giggled and continued feeling her up while the Harlequin lapped languidly at her twitching ass. After a few minutes of casual licking, Prince laid down directly behind the sighing teenager, sliding his forepaws forward; his chest and shoulders easily shoved the kneeling blonde’s calves further apart, opening up her crotch and ass to his deliberate tonguing. Linda gasped and groaned as the dog’s wet-velvet lapping washed over her snatch and up onto her dripping ass; each delicate stroke made her grit her teeth and sweat popped out on her forehead as she fought desperately to keep herself from surrendering to the incredible feeling.

Tears leaked from the blonde’s wide blue eyes as she felt warm slaver sliding slowly down the insides of her thighs; Sally and Denise stared directly at the teenager’s face as the big dog’s tongue worked deeper into her ass. Linda kept shifting her weight from one knee to the other, her ass and snatch were dripping with dog drool; the sticky slurping sound of the Great Dane lapping devotedly at her twitching hole seemed to echo in her ears. Worse yet, the steady familiar licking was starting to overcome her sudden disgust, and the teenager shivered as her hard ass began opening to the inescapable liquid stimulation.

“Prince, you big bastard, please, please get away from me, you’ve got to stop that,” she begged, “aaahhhh, Jesus, I can’t stand that, you’re making me crazy again, I don’t want to like this, please cut it out…”

Prince gave a satisfied growl as the kneeling girl’s squirming ass irised open under his skillful licking; the big dog leaned forward and started working the sweating girl in earnest, his wide tongue dipping deep between her cheeks and washing inside the hot, dilated hole. Linda’s heaving gasps changed to slow sighing groans as tingling waves of pleasure spread outward from her relaxing ass.

The tall blonde’s face flushed and she sobbed brokenly in mortified arousal as her crotch began throbbing under the Dane’s steady tongue job; before she realized it, she was rocking slowly from side to side, actually wriggling her spread ass back against the eager animal’s juicy lapping. When Denise and Sally abruptly let go of her wrists, the teenager looked to her reflection in the mirror and the redhead smiled and blew her a kiss as the brunette rested her hand on Linda’s steadily swaying hips. Her belly twitched, shivers raced up her back and down her muscular thighs, and she felt her nipples crinkled and stiff; almost overcome by the delicious tonguing in her ass, Linda snapped to attention as the Harlequin broke the hypnotic rhythm and heaved to his feet.

“Oohhh, what are you doing now, you bastard,” she sniffed, groaning as the slavering dog panted furnace-hot over her ass, “Jesus, you’re eating me alive and making me love it, what more could you possibly do to me, you big son-of-a-bitch!”

Linda turned to stare again at her traitorous reflection and was gawking at the mirror in horrified fascination when Denise quietly said “Get ready for him now, angel, and remember your fan club; people are paying thirty dollars a minute to watch pretty Linda give it up for the big dog. All right, Prince, now mount up, you get to mount the hot little bitch now, good dog.”

Before the astonished teenager understood that the ultimate fuck was finally happening, Prince reared up, clambered over her back from behind and mounted her like Lassie; the big dog’s front legs slid clamped down around her ribcage, trapping the already immobilized girl underneath him.

The surprised blonde stopped trying to talk to the women beside her and writhed helplessly as the Dane’s hot smooth belly settled on her back; she arched up ineffectually under the Harlequin’s heavy haunches, twisting futilely underneath the excited beast. Her eyes widened in shock as the slender tip of his smoothcockhead zeroed in at her dilated and dripping ass.

Her well-lubricated hole squirmed closed on the first inch of the Dane’s cock, and Prince gave an approving whuff over her shoulder. His hot belly arched off her back as he made the first powerful hump against her slippery ass; Linda whined frantically as the narrow end of the dog’s dick slipped easily into her drool-slick hole. Feeling the ring muscle iris open under his thrust, the big dog instantly shifted his back feet forward, arching his back in classic dog-fuck posture over the frenzied teenager.

“Aaahhhh, no no no please, Prince, oh Sally not there first, please not that, good boy,” Linda pleaded, sobs jerking her belly and shaking her taut tits, “I can’t stand it, you mustn’t please you mustn’t let him do it to me Denise, please please don’t do that to me, it’s too much, ooohhhh, no, aaahhhhh…”

Linda tried to keep her firm ass clamped tight as the Dane slowly humped her again to settle his hot cock in deeper; she bit her lip to keep from screaming as she felt the animal’s thrusting dick slowly sliding into her gradually loosening ass. The hot shaft widened behind the narrow tip, and the blonde’s sensitive asshole twitched and dilated as Prince’s strong thrusts spread her goosebumped cheeks.

Linda stared over at her reflection in amazement as Denise commanded, “Now fuck Linda, big dog, she wants you to fuck her in the ass, good boy, fuck Linda.”

Linda sobbed at the women’s treachery as enthusiastic Prince began dicking her asshole determinedly, jamming his huge dick into her so deep the sparse bristles of his cock sheath rasped her ring muscle on every thrust. Helplessly trapped under the massive Harlequin, the captive teenager burst into short panting groans as Prince began bucking energetically on top of her; Linda felt the big dog’s hairless nuts bumping and tickling down at the slit of her pussy. The long-legged blonde moaned each time the Harlequin’s distended dick stroked deep into her, feeling like a warm velvet snake slithering easily up her ass. Her breath caught in her throat each time the prickly cock sheath rubbed exquisitely on her pulsing asshole.

In spite of her loathing at the thought of hundreds of unseen perverted strangers paying Sally and Denise to watch every stroke of the aroused animal cock up her ass, the dog’s rhythmic dicking gradually ignited the gasping blonde, and her tanned nipples throbbed as chest fur rasped over her arched back.

Linda’s grunting sobs changed to deep gasping sighs as her ass cheeks started throbbing around the big dog’s skillful dick. As the exquisite slick penetration stimulated the blonde’s squirming ass, the ring muscle pulsed wide open, taking the full length of Prince’s swollen shaft. With the hot slick cockhead completely engulfed, the teenager’s hole clamped down, then surged into rhythmic spasms against Prince’s thrusts.

“Oh shit Sally, that’s incredible,” she gasped harshly, spreading her long legs wide for the eager Harlequin, “all right, big dog, I can’t stop you and I don’t even want to anymore, go ahead and do whatever you want, do it to me, good boy.” Linda’s crinkled nipples were achingly hard and her belly muscles twitched as she got hotter and hotter under the unrelenting doggie dicking.

“Oooohh, Jesus that’s good, Denise that’s really good, Prince, go on baby, do it for me, don’t stop good dog. Aaahhh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes,” she hissed through clenched teeth, feeling the animal’s hot organ swelling in her clamping ass, “do it now, Prince, mmmmmm, unnh, oooohhh, I can’t stand it, you can fuck me like a big dog forever…”

Linda hung her head and shivered as waves of pleasure rippled over her ass and flashed down her tight thighs and up her back. The suntanned teen felt the pulse racing in her steaming snatch and shivers raced over her heaving belly as she gradually responded to the Dane’s prolonged screwing. Slowly, the pretty runaway settled forward, pillowing her face on her forearms with her ass thrust up and back for the Dane’s hammering dick.

The shivering blonde squirmed her ass back against the heavy dog as he humped forward, jamming his swelling dick into her; her arms and tits burst into goosebumps as Prince whined ecstatically, his dick submerged in her sleek spasming ass. Feverish from feeling and watching the unrelenting animal dicking, she was just reaching up to stroke the Dane’s shoulders as Denise’s voice said, “Now slow down, good boy, slow down now, Princie.”

The hot cock stroking strongly in and out of her steaming ass made the impatient blonde frantic for more, and the teenager groaned in dismay as the Dane abruptly shifted to indolent slow motion humping, just when she was into taking a fucking from the big dog.

“Oh god, Prince, don’t stop now, Sally don’t tell him to do it slow, please get it on, step on it,” Linda begged while Prince humped tantalizingly at her wriggling rear “I can’t stand it, Denise you’ve got to make the pretty dog do better for Linda, go, go, g,o go…” The Dane ignored her pleading and kept dicking infuriatingly slowly in her clamping ring as the gasping blonde squirmed and thrust her ass backward at his cock.

“Prince, you big bastard, please please get a move on for me, you’ve got to either fuck me hard or stop that,” she pleaded, belly shivering as she arched her back, “aaahhhh, Jesus, I can’t stand that, you’re making me insane, Sally please make him cut it out, Deni please…” The smiling women totally ignored the shivering blonde’s desperate whispered moaning, watching with glittering eyes and petting the huge Dane approvingly as his warm slick shaft stroked lazily into Linda’s screamingly eager ass.

“God, god, please please fuck me now, I can’t stand it, that’s too intense, he’s driving me nuts,” she wailed to Sally and Denise as the dog maintained his deliberate cock action, “ooohh, no, you’re killing, me, Prince, you son-of-a-bitch, please, please, please do it hard for Linda, aahhhhh, Jesus…”

The big dog continued rhythmically humping and growling over the trapped teenager’s steaming asshole, ignoring her frenzied pleading and threatening. The unescapable lingering pumping into her dilating hole drove the captive blonde frantic with desire while the Harlequin’s massive weight kept her pinned on all fours in front of the elegant mirror. After twenty minutes of Prince’s devoted slow-motion dicking, Linda was gasping for breath so hard she couldn’t even try to beg the laughing women or the big dog anymore.

The shattered blonde crouched helpless under the diligently fucking brute, crying silently with the Dane stroking slowly between her trembling thighs, moaning as the hot slippery cock speared into her grasping, squirming ass. The enslaved teenager was panting too hard to scream as the Dane thrust leisurely into her again and again, his slippery cock stroking her totally open, twitching rectum. Every second, his satiny smooth dick parted the shaking blonde’s soaked cheeks, leaving her delicate pink hole and throbbing ring muscle dripping and yearning for more of the slick probing hardon.

“Aaahhhh, please, Prince, more, please please make your good girl come now,” Linda moaned pleadingly, shivers racing over her belly and up across her shaking tits, “I can’t stand it, you can’t just keep doing it to me, please please don’t do it that slow to me, it’s too much, ooohhhh, no, aaahhhhh…”

She wriggled frantically on all fours as the Harlequin’s hot cock sheath rasped her open hole, spreading her cheeks wide and sliding into her hot rump like a velvet poker. The big dog seemed satisfied now that her ass was totally open, making a contented rumbling deep in his throat and wagging his tail slowly as he labored over the gasping blonde. Moaning and shaking, Linda crouched obediently on the floor and dropped her head onto her forearms, crying hysterically as the eager dog humped maddeningly at her dilating hole. The long-legged blonde was completely helpless, trapped into programmed obedience with the determined animal dicking skillfully into her ass.

With a burst of total panic, the pretty runaway suddenly realized that the big dog would go on for hours, she knew he could last. If Denise and Sally just watched and let him go, the well-trained animal would keep on fucking her in the ass until she really started screaming out loud. Recognizing the quivering teenager’s powerlessness, Prince shifted his haunches further between her shaking thighs, his pink erection splitting her open asshole, fucking as slowly and deliberately as he’d been trained for it.

The overwrought teenager was panting for breath and shaking like a leaf, writhing and twisting under the inescapable cock, her buzzing crotch driving her wild. She reached back between her legs with one hand, fingering her swollen clitoris; she caught the big dog’s heavy nuts and rubbed the hot globes against her gaping pussy.

Linda felt like her crotch was being slowly dissolved; it was like slow motion electricity starting in her ass and running straight up her spine. Her screaming need for the orgasm was so fervent it short circuited her brain, leaving nothing but the mind blowing sensations of being fucked and fucking back as the Dane’s incredible dick slithered into her pulsating ass. Back and belly muscles rock hard, thighs and calves cramping, the moaning blonde was stupefied with desire while the big Dane continued panting and pumping at her melting hole.

The indolent doggie fucking seemed to last forever, leaving the shivering runaway exhausted and gasping, rolling her hips slowly under the giant dog’s exquisite dicking. Obviously electrified by the feel of the panting blonde’s squirming ass, the huge Dane seemed determined to keep on dicking no matter how Linda reacted. The dog’s powerful haunch muscles easily shoved her taut buttocks farther apart, pushing her ass wide open for the stiff cock.

“No, Prince, no, please,” she moaned, “oh goddamn, stop, please big dog, let me go, please don’t do that anymore, aaaahhhhhh, I can’t do it any more, please give me a break, oh god, help….”

There was no way to escape the obstinate animal dicking diligently at her ass; Linda crouched desperate and yearning under the determined beast, head hanging, tears rolling down her flushed cheeks, squirming backward against the giant Dane’s pumping hard-on.

The big dog gave a contented rumbling growl and kept up slow motion balling at the frantic girl’s open ass, his distended shaft stroking between her delicate inner cheeks and sliding easily in just an agonizing inch over the ardent blonde’s melting twat. Linda was moaning aloud and arching on the floor, loins pounding as her snatch dripped and screamed to come under the dog’s unrelenting dicking. Her thoughts were racing and
her brain screamed in panic even while she felt her asshole responding automatically to the exquisite tyranny of the Harlequin’s velvet cock.

Helpless, she let her head drop to her clenched her fists, knuckles white with strain, panting for breath as waves of mounting ecstasy flooded up from her dripping ass. Even as her thoughts clamored with desire and obsession, her hips slid mechanically back and forth under Prince’s languorous fucking, intensifying the delirious pleasure of each lingering stroke.

Linda felt her drool wet ass tighten with every thrust of the sensual dog cock between her clamping buttocks; she moaned in submission when she realized she was actually spreading her legs wider for the Harlequin, tendons on each side of her snatch stretched like cables from the pale edges of her bush to the tan skin of her inner thighs. Gasping, the panicked blonde slid into a red haze of desire as spontaneous crotch reactions took over; she realized she was babbling to the dog as she got closer and closer to a volcanic ass-centered come.

“Jesus, yes oh yes, please, please, please big dog,” she cried fervently, “I’ve got to have it now, please go ahead and do it to me, good boy.” Her full hard tits heaved with her panting and her thighs and calves pulsed as she trembled and twitched, starting to come at last on the interminable dicking.

“Oooohh, aahhhh, that’s good big dog, that’s so good, Prince, go on baby, do it to Linda now, don’t stop good dog. Aahh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes, oh Sally please,” she screamed, feeling the redhot orgasm building in her throbbing snatch, “please do it now, lover, mmmmmm, unnh, oooohhh, don’t stop now, big dog, please Denise, Princie, I’ve gotta have it now, Linda’s gonna come all over you. Fuck me now, Prince, fuck me hard, big dog, please, please fuck me, fuck me fuck me…”

Twisting and writhing under the panting animal, the sweat drenched blonde shrieked incoherently to the huge Dane as her mind dissolved and gushed out through her pulsating ass. Prince growled deep in his chest as Linda’s tight spastic ass clamped hard around his dripping cock. Biting her lip to keep from screaming over and over again, the frenzied teenager clutched at the tangled blanket, shaking her head from side to side as her crotch exploded in waves of pounding orgasm.

The enthusiastic Dane hammered at her squirming ass, his scorching hard-on jamming maddeningly inside the clamping muscles of her dripping hole. The moaning blonde felt like she was drowning in tidal waves of surging come, one rush of explosive orgasm after another gushing from her straining ass straight up her spine to crash into her stunned brain. Twitching, shuddering, Linda groaned feebly and panted desperately for breath as Prince pumped and labored over her saturated crotch.

“Please fuck me hard, good dog,” she howled hysterically, thrusting her hips up and jamming the Harlequin’s knot at the base of his hard-on against her pulsing hole, “come on now, Prince boy, fuck Linda, please fuck Linda real hard.”

Denise dropped down beside the gasping blonde, turned Linda’s face toward her and gave the girl a passionate kiss, tongue squirming in Linda’s mouth. Sally began petting the humping dog with one hand and fondling his bouncing nuts with the other. The redhead laughed and said, “All right, good girl, you beg real pretty for us, you can have it all now. Good boy, Prince, fuck Linda real hard, big dog.”

The Harlequin gave a fervent bark and diligently started hammering rapidly at Linda’s dripping ass; the obsessed blonde screamed in ecstasy as she felt the slippery animal dick spearing deep into her. She found that dropping her shoulders to the floor made the hot doggie cock dig in even deeper than before, the bristly sheath actually spreading her cheeks and shooting prickling electric sensations throughout her inflamed ass. Tightening pectoral muscles turned her jiggling full tits to taut globes, grinding her suntanned nipples into the fuzzy blanket; she felt the ring muscle of her ass clench as the first slow spasm of approaching orgasm pulsed through from her cunt.

“Oooohh, Jesus, that’s terrific, don’t stop now, go on baby, fuck hard, do it all to me, fuck Linda real hard good dog,” she cried through gritted teeth, “aaahhh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes, fuck me like you like it, fuck me like a bitch in heat, lover dog.” Feeling the approaching orgasm surging in her dripping snatch, the squirming blonde begged “Do it now, Prince, mmmmm, fuck Linda, unnh, oohhh, fuck hard, fuck me real hard, I can’t stand it, big dog, you’re gonna make Linda cream all over….”

Prince began whining eagerly as the contractions of her seething ass clamped down exquisitely on his swelling cock. Feeling the hot animal come load bulging at the base of the big dog’s dick drove the inflamed blonde wild; she rolled her hips voluptuously, grinding the animal dick onto her twitching ass while the Dane whined and humped furiously at her spasming hole.

“Oooh, that’s really really good, big dog,” the frantic teenager crooned hoarsely, “yeah, that’s real good for you too, isn’t it baby” You like fucking Linda’s ass with that big pink hard-on, don’t you Prince boy,” she chuckled, feeling the big dog’s cock pulsing in her hole as he humped, “well I guess you know Linda likes it too, lover dog. Yeah, good boy, that’s right, you just keep on doing that to me and I’ll get used to doing it right back at you, won’t that be nice?”

Absorbed in sexual frenzy, the delirious blonde writhed and shivered enraptured on the throbbing Dane dick while the dog quivered and whined with ecstasy between her legs. She was ready to scream again when Prince began writhing on top of her, yelping eagerly, then launched into unrestrained high speed dicking at her spasming ass. Linda felt the big dog’s hairless balls throbbing and the bulge at the base of his cock swelling inside her; she clamped her ass tight as Prince rammed the long dick deep into her hot hole.

Prince gave a low wavering howl as the come surged down to the tip of his cock; Linda instantly thrust her hips back hard onto the animal’s pulsing dick, catching the first explosive jet in her burning ass. She jammed the Harlequin’s squirting erection full length into her eager wet hole, begging for the slick hard-on as warm animal come spurted into her.

“Aaahhhh, please, Prince, do it now, please don’t ever stop,” she implored, shivers rolling over her belly and up over her stiff-nippled round tits, “P-please, don’t stop now, good boy, I’ll keep doing this with you forever, sweetheart, please, please don’t stop doing that to me, it’s too much, ooohhhh, aaahhhhh ” Linda choked off as the thunderous orgasm roared up her spine; she sensually rubbed her hard nipples, her lean tanned body heaving under the big dog’s unflagging dicking.

Prince shivered and bucked convulsively as Linda fucked frantically back underneath him, hair standing up along the length of his back, humping frenziedly at her hot spasming ass. The sweating blonde moaned deliriously under the big dog’s dick, clamping her asshole and drawing out squirt after scalding squirt while Prince thrashed and creamed inside her.

Linda’s spasming ass couldn’t hold the amount of jetting come the howling Dane kept pumping, and spurts gushed back out from between her grinding cheeks, dripping from his hairless cock sheath. The moaning teenager milked the long dog erection with her clenched ass, bucking his back legs off the floor with her hips, grinding her squirming ass hard on the squirting length of his dick to coax the last sticky spurts from the panting animal. As the satiated beast shifted some weight off of her, the exhausted blonde strained desperately back toward his withdrawing dick, her pink asshole pulsing for more of the animal hard-on.

“Oh, that’s good Prince, good boy, that’s wonderful, good dog,” she sighed, gasping for breath, “now you can slow down, big dog, you slow down, okay?”

The Dane instantly shifted to slow relaxed humping, his warm slick cock sliding effortlessly in and out of the submissive blonde’s dripping ass. As a matter of fact, she thought, this big fucker is probably used to doing it for hours and hours, the way you always hear about dogs screwing. Viscous animal come crawled slowly down the flexing curve of her wriggling ass and oozed over Linda’s thighs; a frantic switch of her hips jammed the dog’s dripping dick back into her sticky hole.

Breathing hard, the delirious blonde thrust and wriggled beneath the Dane, whispering “Go slow, Prince boy, slow down lover pup, slower, fuck Linda slower.”

The dog slowed down and slowed again, then stood statue still, quivering all over as Linda writhed and wiggled on his immobile cock. She moaned and giggled to herself as she rocked back faster at the big dog, switching her ass teasingly on the shivering animal’s throbbing dick and chanting, “Still, Prince, be still good boy, still, good dog, be still,” each time the Dane started to hump.

Prince whined imploringly in her ear but she commanded him to be still and the massive dog obediently stood dead stationary on top of her while she clamped her ass tight and fucked back onto his rock steady erection. Linda heaved and bucked under the motionless animal until she felt the torrid swelling at the base of his cock; the Harlequin’s whine turned to a low yowling as the giggling teenager fucked harder and the pressure of hot come built inside his aching dick.

“All right, big dog,” she cried, spreading her long legs wide for the impatient Harlequin, “I can’t stand it either sweetheart, go ahead, fuck hard big dog, do it hard, fuck Linda real hard, good boy.” Her stiff nipples were achingly hard and her belly muscles locked as she started coming again on the suddenly ferocious dicking.

“Oohh, Jesus, that’s good, that’s so good, Prince, go on baby, fuck me, do it hard for Linda, don’t stop good dog, aahh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes,” she hissed through clenched teeth, feeling the orgasm pounding in her aching crotch, “do it now, Prince, mmmmmm, unnh, oooohhh, I can’t stand it, big dog, I’m gonna cream all over you….”

Prince’s cock pulsed convulsively, shooting sudden hot spurts of doggie come. The big dog writhed and heaved, sticky jets squirting up into the writhing teenager’s ass and splashing out over her hot cheeks while she bucked avidly back at his throbbing hardon. Her round tits bobbed with panting and her thighs and calves cramped as the humping Dane trembled and twitched, both of them coming volcanically on the animal’s astounding dicking.

“Oooohh, aahhhh, that’s good big dog, that’s so good, Prince, go on baby, do it to Linda now, don’t stop good dog. Aahh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes,” she sobbed, feeling the red hot orgasm spasming back and forth from her ass to her throbbing snatch, “please do it now, Prince, mmmmmm, unnh, don’t stop big dog, I’ve gotta have it now, come on big dog, you come hard baby, cause Linda’s gonna come and come and come for you….”

The Harlequin’s howling bestial orgasm sent shivers rocketing up the moaning blonde’s spine and her snatch exploded into overwhelming coming as Prince kept spurting scalding come in her hole. Linda screamed deep in her throat, over and over again as the dog humped frantically at her spasming ass; shaking and sobbing, the creaming teenager kept bucking and thrusting at the yowling Harlequin, milking jets of animal come while she twisted and jerked under his dick.

When the shivering blonde finally collapsed forward and pulled away from his blazing cock, Prince’s sides heaved with hard panting and the hair stood up all across his shoulders and down his back. Linda lay gasping and groaning underneath the big dog, delirious with the intensity of their astounding orgasms. The brunette and the redhead hugged the shivering teenager and helped her up off the floor, half-carrying her to the couch as she staggered weak-kneed across the room.

“Oh sweetheart, what a good, good girl you are,” Denise whispered huskily, kissing the still-quivering runaway and rubbing the girl’s hard nipples. “You were so pretty with him, baby, it was beautiful watching you both come so good. What a perfect first-time doggie fuck, don’t you think, Sally?”

“You’re so right, Deni, that was just lovely,” the redhead replied with a smile, “our pretty girl looked so good crouched underneath that big puppy; and you both had so much fun, angel, that’s the best part, seeing you enjoy it so much.”

Sally stepped quickly over to the door and wheeled in a small tea cart with a silver ice-bucket holding a bottle of sweet champagne. The redhead peeled away the metal wrap and removed the cork with one expert twist, popping it up against the ceiling and catching it as it bounced back at her.

She poured and handed sparkling crystal glasses to the blonde and the waiting brunette, adding, “I’m proud of you, angel, you did beautifully and it certainly justified our faith in you, seeing big Princie come so hard in your hot ass. Let’s drink a toast to pretty Linda, the best and sweetest and most willing little fuck our pretty boys have had in a long long time.” The crystal stemware chimed softly as Denise and Sally clinked glasses with the pretty runaway.

“Oh Sally, thank you,” Linda whispered, blushing at the redhead’s praise, “thank you, Deni, I’m so glad to make you both proud of me. I’d never have done it without you two, I’d never have dreamed anything like this could ever happen for me, and I know I owe it all to you.”

The teary-eyed blonde took a long swallow of champagne and then looked up at Sally with a sudden giggle, adding, “And you both tricked me again, you sneaky bitches, that was mean and a dirty trick to pull on me, even if it was a terrific fuck. You know I wasn’t expecting to have to take it in the rear like that the first time, that was embarrassing.”

“But I wanted you to have it up the ass first, baby,” Sally replied with a smile, “it’s good for you to learn to surrender completely the first time. You have to overcome the last bits of those stupid old habits that make you guilty and ashamed, lover, and coming real good with hot cock up your ass is the best way to get rid of all that Auntie Jane garbage. A good stiff doggie dick is wonderful any way you can get it, angel, and you want to enjoy it every way there is. Now you can really let yourself go and get into it from every direction.”

“Sally’s right, sweetheart, you know she is,” Denise chimed in, giving the blushing runaway a quick kiss, “we only want what’s best for you, and we’ve planned it all for you from the beginning. Finish your champagne, baby, it’s time for the final lesson. You drink up and Sally and I will show you how to get on your back and take that wonderful cock into your cute little pussy, won’t that be nice?” Linda instantly gulped down the last swallow and sat the glass carefully on the coffee table.

“I’m ready right now, Deni,” the runaway whispered huskily, her nipples stiffening as the women watched, “just show me how we get it together, I want it now.”


Chapter Thirteen

The Harlequin gave a fervent bark and diligently started hammering rapidly at Linda’s dripping ass; the obsessed blonde screamed in ecstasy as she felt the slippery animal dick spearing deep into her. She found that dropping her shoulders to the floor made the hot doggie cock dig in even deeper than before, the bristly sheath actually spreading her cheeks and shooting prickling electric sensations throughout her inflamed ass.

Tightening pectoral muscles turned her jiggling full tits to taut globes, grinding her suntanned nipples into the fuzzy blanket; she felt the ring muscle of her ass clench as the first slow spasm of approaching orgasm pulsed through from her cunt.

“Oooohh, Jesus, that’s terrific, don’t stop now, go on baby, fuck hard, do it all to me, fuck Linda real hard good dog,” she cried through gritted teeth, “aaahhh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes, fuck me like you like it, fuck me like a bitch in heat, lover dog.” Feeling the approaching orgasm surging in her dripping snatch, the squirming blonde begged “Do it now, Prince, mmmmm, fuck Linda, unnh, oohhh, fuck hard, fuck me real hard, I can’t stand it, big dog, you’re gonna make Linda cream all over…”

Prince began whining eagerly as the contractions of her seething ass clamped down exquisitely on his swelling cock. Feeling the hot animal come load bulging at the base of the big dog’s dick drove the inflamed blonde wild; she rolled her hips voluptuously, grinding the animal dick onto her twitching ass while the Dane whined and humped furiously at her spasming hole.

“Oooh, that’s really really good, big dog,” the frantic teenager crooned hoarsely, “yeah, that’s real good for you too, isn’t it baby? You like fucking Linda’s ass with that big pink hard-on, don’t you Prince boy,” she chuckled, feeling the big dog’s cock pulsing in her hole as he humped, “well I guess you know Linda likes it too, lover dog. Yeah, good boy, that’s right, you just keep on doing that to me and I’ll get used to doing it right back at you, won’t that be nice?”

Absorbed in sexual frenzy, the delirious blonde writhed and shivered enraptured on the throbbing Dane dick while the dog quivered and whined with ecstasy between her legs. She was ready to scream again when Prince began writhing on top of her, yelping eagerly, then launched into unrestrained high speed dicking at her spasming ass. Linda felt the big dog’s hairless balls throbbing and the bulge at the base of his cock swelling inside her; she clamped her ass tight as Prince rammed the long dick deep into her hot hole.

Prince gave a low wavering howl as the come surged down to the tip of his cock; Linda instantly thrust her hips back hard onto the animal’s pulsing dick, catching the first explosive jet in her burning ass. She jammed the Harlequin’s squirting erection full length into her eager wet hole, begging for the slick hard-on as warm animal come spurted into her.

“Aaahhhh, please, Prince, do it now, please don’t ever stop,” she implored, shivers rolling over her belly and up over her stiff nippled round tits, “please don’t stop now, good boy, I’ll keep doing this with you forever, sweetheart, please please don’t stop doing that to me, it’s too much, ooohhhh, aaahhhhh ” Linda choked off as the thunderous orgasm roared up her spine; she sensually rubbed her hard nipples, her lean tanned body heaving under the big dog’s unflagging dicking.

Prince shivered and bucked convulsively as Linda fucked frantically back underneath him, hair standing up along the length of his back, humping frenziedly at her hot spasming ass. The sweating blonde moaned deliriously under the big dog’s dick, clamping her asshole and drawing out squirt after scalding squirt while Prince thrashed and creamed inside her. Linda’s spasming ass couldn’t hold the amount of jetting come the howling Dane kept pumping, and spurts gushed back out from between her grinding cheeks, dripping from his hairless cock sheath.

The moaning teenager milked the long dog erection with her clenched ass, bucking his back legs off the floor with her hips, grinding her squirming ass hard on the squirting length of his dick to coax the last sticky spurts from the panting animal. As the satiated beast shifted some weight off of her, the exhausted blonde strained desperately back toward his withdrawing dick, her pink asshole pulsing for more of the animal hard-on.

“Oh, that’s good Prince, good boy, that’s wonderful, good dog,” she sighed, gasping for breath, “now you can slow down, big dog, you slow down, okay?”

The Dane instantly shifted to slow relaxed humping, his warm slick cock sliding effortlessly in and out of the submissive blonde’s dripping ass. As a matter of fact, she thought, this big fucker is probably used to doing it for hours and hours, the way you always hear about dogs screwing. Viscous animal come crawled slowly down the flexing curve of her wriggling ass and oozed over Linda’s thighs; a frantic switch of her hips jammed the dog’s dripping dick back into her sticky hole.

Breathing hard, the delirious blonde thrust and wriggled beneath the Dane, whispering “Go slow, Prince boy, slow down lover pup, slower, fuck Linda slower.”

The dog slowed down and slowed again, then stood statue still, quivering all over as Linda writhed and wiggled on his immobile cock. She moaned and giggled to herself as she rocked back faster at the big dog, switching her ass teasingly on the shivering animal’s throbbing dick
and chanting, “Still, Prince, be still good boy, still, good dog, be still,” each time the Dane started to hump.

Prince whined imploringly in her ear but she commanded him to be still and the massive dog obediently stood dead stationary on top of her while she clamped her ass tight and fucked back onto his rock steady erection. Linda heaved and bucked under the motionless animal until she felt the torrid swelling at the base of his cock; the Harlequin’s whine turned to a low yowling as the giggling teenager fucked harder and the pressure of hot come built inside his aching dick.

“All right, big dog,” she cried, spreading her long legs wide for the impatient Harlequin, “I can’t stand it either sweetheart, go ahead, fuck hard big dog, do it hard, fuck Linda real hard, good boy.” Her stiff nipples were achingly hard and her belly muscles locked as she started coming again on the suddenly ferocious dicking.

“Oohh, Jesus, that’s good, that’s so good, Prince, go on baby, fuck me, do it hard for Linda, don’t stop good dog, aahh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes,” she hissed through clenched teeth, feeling the orgasm pounding in her aching crotch, “do it now, Prince, mmmmmm, unnh, oooohhh, I can’t stand it, big dog, I’m gonna cream all over you…”

Prince’s cock pulsed convulsively, shooting sudden hot spurts of doggie come. The big dog writhed and heaved, sticky jets squirting up into the writhing teenager’s ass and splashing out over her hot cheeks while she bucked avidly back at his throbbing hard-on. Her round tits bobbed with panting and her thighs and calves cramped as the humping Dane trembled and twitched, both of them coming volcanically on the animal’s astounding dicking.

“Oooohh, aahhhh, that’s good big dog, that’s so good, Prince, go on baby, do it to Linda now, don’t stop good dog. Aahh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes,” she sobbed, feeling the red hot orgasm spasming back and forth from her ass to her throbbing snatch, “please do it now, Prince, mmmmmm, unnh, don’t stop big dog, I’ve gotta have it now, come on big dog, you come hard baby, cause Linda’s gonna come and come and come for you…”

The Harlequin’s howling bestial orgasm sent shivers rocketing up the moaning blonde’s spine and her snatch exploded into overwhelming coming as Prince kept spurting scalding come in her hole. Linda screamed deep in her throat, over and over again as the dog humped frantically at her spasming ass; shaking and sobbing, the creaming teenager kept bucking and thrusting at the yowling Harlequin, milking jets of animal come while she twisted and jerked under his dick.

When the shivering blonde finally collapsed forward and pulled away from his blazing cock, Prince’s sides heaved with hard panting and the hair stood up all across his shoulders and down his back. Linda lay gasping and groaning underneath the big dog, delirious with the intensity of their astounding orgasms. The brunette and the redhead hugged the shivering teenager and helped her up off the floor, half-carrying her to the couch as she staggered weak-kneed across the room.

“Oh sweetheart, what a good good girl you are,” Denise whispered huskily, kissing the still-quivering runaway and rubbing the girl’s hard nipples, “you were so pretty with him, baby, it was beautiful watching you both come so good. What a perfect first-time doggie fuck, don’t you think, Sally?”

“You’re so right, Deni, that was just lovely,” the redhead replied with a smile, “our pretty girl looked so good crouched underneath that big puppy; and you both had so much fun, angel, that’s the best part, seeing you enjoy it so much.”

Sally stepped quickly over to the door and wheeled in a small tea cart with a silver ice-bucket holding a bottle of sweet champagne. The redhead peeled away the metal wrap and removed the cork with one expert twist, popping it up against the ceiling and catching it as it bounced back at her.

She poured and handed sparkling crystal glasses to the blonde and the waiting brunette, adding, “I’m proud of you, angel, you did beautifully and it certainly justified our faith in you, seeing big Princie come so hard in your hot ass. Let’s drink a toast to pretty Linda, the best and sweetest and most willing little fuck our pretty boys have had in a long long time.” The crystal stemware chimed softly as Denise and Sally clinked glasses with the pretty runaway.

“Oh Sally, thank you,” Linda whispered, blushing at the redhead’s praise, “thank you, Deni, I’m so glad to make you both proud of me. I’d never have done it without you two, I’d never have dreamed anything like this could ever happen for me, and I know I owe it all to you.”

The teary-eyed blonde took a long swallow of champagne and then looked up at Sally with a sudden giggle, adding, “And you both tricked me again, you sneaky bitches, that was mean and a dirty trick to pull on me, even if it was a terrific fuck. You know I wasn’t expecting to have to take it in the rear like that the first time, that was embarrassing.”

“But I wanted you to have it up the ass first, baby,” Sally replied with a smile, “it’s good for you to learn to surrender completely the first time. You have to overcome the last bits of those stupid old habits that make you guilty and ashamed, lover, and coming real good with hot cock up your ass is the best way to get rid of all that Auntie Jane garbage. A good stiff doggie dick is wonderful any way you can get it, angel, and you want to enjoy it every way there is. Now you can really let yourself go and get into it from every direction.”

“Sally’s right, sweetheart, you know she is,” Denise chimed in, giving the blushing runaway a quick kiss, “we only want what’s best for you, and we’ve planned it all for you from the beginning. Finish your champagne, baby, it’s time for the final lesson. You drink up and Sally and I will show you how to get on your back and take that wonderful cock into your cute little pussy, won’t that be nice?” Linda instantly gulped down the last swallow and sat the glass carefully on the coffee table.

“I’m ready right now, Deni,” the runaway whispered huskily, her nipples stiffening as the women watched, “just show me how we get it together, I want it now.”

Sally filled the girl’s glass again as the brunette walked over to Linda’s vanity table and picked up the upholstered brass bench-seat. Denise carried the velvet-padded bench over in front of the mirror and said, “I’ll bet you never even wondered about why the vanity has this long bench instead of a chair, did you angel?

“Well, you’re about to find out part of the reason Sally and I bought this. The bench is comfortable to lie on and narrow enough for our pretty boys to straddle, and it’s exactly the right height to let a big dog slip that wonderful dick straight into your twat. Drink up and come on over, baby, it’s time to deliver the doggie cock that your little clit wants so bad. See, Princie knows about the bench, he’s getting a hard-on already.”

The Harlequin was clearly accustomed to the performance and waited patiently while the teenager downed another glass of champagne and then walked to the mirror and lay back on the narrow bench. Linda spread her long legs wide while Denise and Sally began gently fondling her stiff nipples, and eager Prince moved in instantly when she patted her smooth inner thigh. The pretty runaway was thrilled to see how enthusiastically the heavy dog obeyed Denise’s whispered instructions while the redhead watched the blonde squirming on the bench.

The electrified blonde got hotter and hotter as the Harlequin lapped devotedly at her spread snatch while Denise murmured encouragement and Sally concentrated on fondling the ecstatic teenager’s erect nipples. Linda craned her neck to watch her reflection in the mirror, imagining her fans staring at her in fascination when Denise abruptly said “All right, Princie, now mount up, you mount pretty Linda now, good dog.”

Before the staring teenager could move, Prince instantly reared up and lunged over top of her; the reflection showed eager Denise helping the big dog mount the fervent blonde. The big dog’s front paws slid easily down on either side of the bench, his weight pinning the waiting blonde rooted in place, his thrusting dick sliding full length into her spread pussy. Linda tossed the champagne glass aside and
clutched recklessly at the Harlequin’s heavy shoulders, wriggling impatiently underneath the excited beast; she stared over at the mirror in anticipation as Denise commanded, “Now fuck this little bitch, big dog, fuck, Princie, fuck her good for me.”

Linda gasped as enthusiastic Prince began humping her snatch attentively, stroking his hot cock into her so deep the bristly hair of his sheath rasped her clit on every thrust. The excited blonde labored energetically underneath the ardent animal while Denise raised Linda’s legs and crossed her ankles over the dog’s diligently humping ass. Linda nearly fainted when Sally pulled a short length of velvet ribbon from her pocket and quickly tied the runaway’s ankles together over the eager Dane’s arched back.

Perfectly positioned under the massive Harlequin, the inflamed teenager moaned as the redhead smiled down at her and whispered “Fuck her hard, good dog, that’s good, fuck Linda real hard.”

Prince obediently began bucking devotedly on top of the impassioned teen as Denise softly whispered encouragement from her side. Linda felt the big dog’s heavy balls bumping and tickling at the crack of her ass, while the mirror displayed a moaning girl switching her hips under the panting animal rutting in her snatch. The pretty blonde whimpered in programmed ecstasy as the Harlequin’s distended dick stroked deep into her, feeling like hot velvet sliding on her responsive pussy; her breath caught in her throat each time the prickly cock sheath rubbed exquisitely on her pulsing clitoris.

In spite of knowing she should loathe the feral cock in her snatch, the vigorous rhythmic dicking quickly inflamed the gasping teenager, and she felt her nipples stiffen as the massive dog’s bristly chest fur rasped against her bouncing tits.

The big mirror showed every feature as Linda screamed deep in her throat and strained toward a shuddering orgasm, arms wrapped around the Harlequin’s neck. The shivering blonde thrust her hips up against the heavy dog so hard she lifted his back legs off the floor; Linda’s arms and tits burst out in goosebumps as the mirror showed Prince whining and writhing, his dick submerged in the spasming girl’s cunt.

The teenager felt the pulse racing in her steaming snatch and shivers raced over her heaving belly as Sally and Denise scrutinized her quivering progress toward climax. Feverish from feeling and watching the unrelenting animal dicking, Linda raised her arms and crossed her wrists around the humping dog’s neck; she was just reaching to stroke Prince’s shoulders as Denise’s voice said, “Now slow down, good boy, slow down now, Princie”.

The teenager groaned in disappointment as the Harlequin submissively shifted to indolent slow motion humping, just when the lovely runaway had gotten into the spirit of actually fucking the big dog. Worse yet, the brunette kept on chattering to the Harlequin on top of Linda, her hoarse whispers commanding Prince to do it real slow, and the dog obeyed Denise, disregarding all Linda’s pleading in favor of the voice he knew best.

The hot cock stroking idly in and out of her steaming snatch made the impatient blonde frantic for more, but Denise’s gasping orders kept devoted Prince humping lingering and tantalizing at the voluptuous runaway’s spread bronze-curled twat. Hopelessly the blonde arched her eager pussy up toward the dog’s thrusting dick, only to see Sally pull him back from her crotch; Linda was pinned helplessly under the big dog, listening powerlessly as Denise called the shots from beside her.

“Oh god, Prince, you can’t do it that slow, please get it on, Denise make him step on it,” Linda begged, “I can’t stand it, you’ve got to do better for Linda, go, go, go, go…”

The Harlequin ignored her pleading and proceeded dicking infuriatingly in her bush as the women applauded and inspired him to continued leisurely screwing. As the gasping juvenile commenced to heave and thrust on the bench, Prince one rumbling bark and snapped viciously at the air near her sweaty tits, disturbed by the conflicting commands; Linda collapsed back, trembling and writhing with desire as the dog reverted to his deliberate cock assignment.

“Prince, you big bastard, please please get a move on for me, you’ve got to either fuck me hard or stop that,” she pleaded, “aaahhhh, Jesus, I can’t stand that, you’re making me insane, please cut it out…” The huge Harlequin totally disregarded the shivering blonde’s desperate pleading, his warm slick shaft stroking lazily against her screaming clit. “God, god, please please fuck me now, I can’t stand it, that’s too intense, you’re driving me nuts,” the suntanned runaway gasped, “ooohh, no, you’re killing, me, Prince, you sonofabitch, please please please do it hard for Linda, aahhhhh, Jesus…”

The big dog continued rhythmically humping and growling over the trapped teenager’s steaming crotch, ignoring her frenzied pleading and threatening. The inescapable lingering pumping into her dripping bush drove the captive blonde frantic with desire while the Harlequin’s massive weight kept her pinned on the bench. After thirty minutes of Prince’s devoted dicking and Denise’s murmured instructions, Linda was gasping for breath so hard she couldn’t even try to beg the watching women to command the big dog anymore. The hypnotized runaway lay helpless under the obediently fucking animal, crying silently with the Harlequin stroking slowly between her trembling thighs, moaning as the hot furry cock speared into her throbbing pubes.

The enslaved teenager was near screaming as the Harlequin thrust leisurely into her over and over again, his slippery cock stroking her totally open, twitching pussy. Every few seconds his satiny smooth dick parted the shaking blonde’s soaked pubic bush, leaving her delicate pink lips and throbbing clitoris dripping and yearning for more of the slick probing hard-on.

“Aaahhhh, please, Prince, no more, please no,” Linda sobbed, shivers racing over her belly and up across her shaking tits, “I can’t stand it, you can’t just keep doing it to me, please please don’t do that to me, it’s too much, ooohhhh, no, aaahhhhh…”

She wriggled frantically on the bench as the Harlequin’s hot cock sheath rasped her open snatch, spreading her lips wide and sliding over her clit like a velvet ribbon. The big dog seemed totally satisfied now that the submissive girl lay on her back with her pussy absolutely open to him, rumbling deep in his throat and wagging his tail in perfect rhythm as he performed on the gasping teenager. Moaning and shaking, Linda lay limp on the bench and dropped her head back, sobbing silently as the zealous Harlequin humped maddeningly at her dissolving pussy.

The pretty runaway knew she was now absolutely committed to fucking for the watching women, trapped by the determined animal dicking between her spread thighs precisely as the kneeling brunette commanded. With a burst of total understanding, Linda suddenly realized that this overwhelming animal fuck could go on for hours; she didn’t have any idea how much of a performance Denise and Sally had in mind, and the big dog would keep on obediently fucking her at the brunette’s command until she was screaming out loud.

As if he understood what the quivering girl was thinking, Prince shifted his haunches tight between her shaking thighs, his pink erection splitting her open pussy as lingering and deliberate as he’d been taught. The hysterical teenager was panting for breath and shaking like a leaf, writhing and twisting under the inescapable cock, her buzzing clitoris driving her wild.

Linda felt like her crotch was being slowly dissolved; it was like slow motion electricity starting in her clit and running straight up her spine. Her screaming need to catch the orgasm was so fervent it seemed to short circuit her entire mind, leaving nothing but the mind blowing sensations of fucking and fucking as Prince’s incredible dick slithered into her pulsating snatch.

Back and belly muscles rock hard, thighs and calves cramping, the moaning blonde lay stupefied with desire while the big Harlequin continued panting and pumping at her melting bronze-curled cunt. The indolent doggie fucking seemed to last forever, leaving the shivering teenager exhausted and gasping, rolling her hips slowly under the giant dog’s exquisite dicking.

Obviously electrified by the smell and feel of the panting teenager’s blazing pussy, the huge Harlequin seemed determined to keep on dicking the gasping runaway as Denise told him, no matter how Linda reacted. The dog’s powerful haunch muscles easily shoved her thighs farther apart, holding her snatch wide open and imprisoning her inescapably under the hairless cock.

“No, Prince, no, please,” she moaned, waving her hands helplessly over the snuffling Harlequin’s head, “oh goddamn, stop, please big dog, let me go, please don’t do that anymore, aaaahhhhhh, I can’t do it any more, please give me a break, oh god, help…”

There was no way to escape the obstinate animal dicking obediently at her crotch; Linda collapsed limply under the determined beast, head hanging, tears rolling down her flushed cheeks. The big dog gave a contented rumbling growl and kept up slow motion balling at the frantic teenager’s open pussy, his distended shaft stroking between her delicate inner lips and sliding over her exposed clitoris. Linda was moaning aloud and writhing on the lounge, loins pounding as her snatch dripped and screamed to come under the dog’s unrelenting dicking. The girl’s thoughts were racing and her brain screamed with overwhelming need while her pussy responded enthusiastically to the exquisite persecution of the Harlequin’s velvet cock.

Helpless against her own frantic desire, Linda clenched her fists around the big dog’s collar, knuckles white with strain, panting for breath as waves of mounting ecstasy flooded up from her dripping snatch. Her thoughts clamored with desire and obsession while her hips slid mechanically back and forth under Prince’s languorous fucking, intensifying the delirious pleasure of each lingering stroke. The voluptuous runaway felt her drool wet ass tighten at every stroke of the sensual dog cock between the steaming lips of her pussy.

She groaned in final surrender as she realized she was actually spreading her legs wider for the rutting Harlequin, tendons on each side of her snatch stretched like cables from the edge of her bush to the tan skin of her inner thighs. Gasping, the distraught blonde slid into a red haze of desire as spontaneous crotch reaction took over; she heard herself babbling to the dog as she got closer and closer to another volcanic come.

“Jesus, yes oh yes, please please please big dog,” she implored urgently, “I can’t handle it, please go ahead and do it to me, good boy.” Her taut round tits heaved with her panting and her thighs and calves cramped as she trembled and twitched, starting to come at last on the interminable prolonged dicking.

“Oooohh, aahhhh, that’s good big dog, that’s so good, Prince, go on baby, do it to Linda now, don’t stop good dog. Aahh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes,” she panted, feeling the second red-hot orgasm building in her throbbing snatch, “please do it now, Prince, mmmmmm, unnh, oooohhh, don’t stop now, big dog, I’ve gotta have it now, Linda’s gonna come all over you…”

Twisting and writhing under the panting animal, the sweat drenched blonde moaned incoherently to the huge Harlequin as her mind dissolved and gushed out through her pulsating pussy. Prince growled deep in his throat as her spastic snatch pumped juices over his dripping cock. Biting her lip to keep from shrieking aloud, the frenzied teenager clung to the Harlequin’s neck, her head rolling from side to side as her crotch exploded
in waves of pounding orgasm. The enthusiastic Harlequin hammered slowly at her gaping snatch and slippery thighs, torrid hard-on dancing maddeningly inside the clamping muscles of the runaway’s sweat soaked snatch.

The moaning blonde felt like she was drowning in tidal waves of surging come, one rush of explosive orgasm after another gushing from her steaming pussy straight up her spine to crash into her stunned brain. Twitching, gasping and shuddering, Linda groaned feebly and panted desperately for breath as Prince pumped and labored over her saturated crotch; the desperate blonde knew she had to override the voice of the brunette beside her whispering instructions to the big dog.

“Now fuck me hard, good dog,” Linda howled hysterically, thrusting her hips up and jamming the Harlequin’s hot smooth cock sheath against her clitoris, “come on now, Prince boy, fuck Linda, please fuck Linda. ”

The big dog gave a fervent bark and diligently started humping rapidly at her dripping bush; the lovely blonde moaned in overwhelming ecstasy as she felt the slippery bestial dick spearing deep into her cunt. Raising her legs up over top of the bucking Harlequin’s ass, she squirmed and ground the doggie cock in even deeper than before, the knot at the base of his dick actually spreading her snatch and shooting prickling electric sensations throughout her inflamed pussy.

Tightening pectoral muscles turned her heaving breasts to taut globes, holding her stiff nipples erect against the Harlequin’s wiry chest hair; she felt the ring muscle of her ass clench as the first slow spasm of approaching orgasm pulsed through her cunt.

“Oooohh, Jesus, that’s terrific, don’t stop now Prince, go on baby, fuck hard, do it all to me, fuck Linda real hard good dog,” she shrieked through gritted teeth, “aaahhh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes, fuck me like you do for Deni, lover dog.” Feeling the approaching orgasm surging in her dripping snatch, the squirming blonde screamed “Do it now, Prince, mmmmm, fuck Linda, unnh, oohhh, fuck hard, fuck me real hard, I can’t stand it, big dog, I’m gonna cream all over you…”

Prince began whining eagerly as the contractions of her seething snatch clamped down exquisitely on his swelling cock. Feeling the libidinous bulge at the base of the big dog’s cock drove the inflamed blonde wild; she rolled her hips voluptuously, grinding the animal dick onto her twitching clit while the Harlequin whined and humped furiously at her spasming slit.

“Aaahhhh, please, Prince, do it now, please don’t stop,” she implored, shivers rolling over her belly and up over her stiff nippled tits, “We can’t stop now, good boy, we’ll keep doing this forever, sweetheart, please please don’t stop doing that to me, it’s too much, ooohhhh, no, aaahhhhh!” Linda choked off as the thunderous orgasm roared up her spine; she pulled her hands from the Harlequin’s neck and sensually rubbed her hard nipples, her tan body heaving under the big dog’s unswerving dicking.

“Oooh, that’s really really good, big dog,” the frantic teenager crooned hoarsely, “yeah, that’s real good for you too, isn’t it baby? You like Linda fucking on that big pink hard-on, don’t you Prince boy,” she chuckled, feeling the big dog’s cock pulsing in her pussy as he humped excitedly between her legs, “well Linda likes it too, lover dog. Yeah, good boy, that’s right, you just keep on doing that to me and I’ll practice doing this to you, won’t that be nice?”

Absorbed in a sexual frenzy, the delirious blonde writhed and clamped and shivered enraptured on the throbbing Harlequin dick while the dog quivered and whined with ecstasy between her upraised thighs. She roused from her sexual trance when Prince began writhing on top of her, yelping anxiously, then launched into eager high speed dicking at her spasming clit while Sally and Denise patted and praised him. Linda felt the big dog’s heavy balls throbbing and the bulge at the base of his cock swelling in her cunt; recognizing the signs, she clamped her ankles down and shoved the long Harlequin dick deep into her cunt lips, knowing it was glowing bright red with approaching come.

Prince gave a low wavering howl as the come surged down to the tip of his cock; Linda instantly thrust her hips hard onto the animal’s pulsing dick, catching the first explosive jet in her burning snatch. She jammed the Harlequin’s squirting erection full length into her eager wet slit, moaning for the slick hard-on as warm animal come spurted into her cunt. Prince shivered and bucked convulsively as the teenager fucked frantically under him, hair standing up along the length of his back, humping frenziedly at her hot spasming pussy.

The hard-fucking blonde moaned deliriously under the big dog’s dick, clamping her snatch and squeezing out squirt after scalding squirt while Prince thrashed and creamed inside her. Linda couldn’t hold as much spurting come as the howling Harlequin kept pumping, and trickles squirted from the sides of her snatch, dripping from his naked cock sheath.

The moaning teenager milked the hot doggie erection with her clenched pussy, heaving him off the floor with her hips, grinding her spasming cunt hard on the squirting length of his dick to coax the last sticky spurts from the panting animal. As the satiated beast shifted some weight off of her, the exhausted blonde strained desperately up to whisper in the big dog’s ear, killing the sound of Denise’s whispered commands.

“Oh, that’s good Prince, good boy, that’s wonderful, good dog,” she sighed, gasping for breath, “now you can slow down, big dog, you slow down, okay?” The well trained Harlequin instantly shifted to slow relaxed humping, his warm slick cock sliding effortlessly in and out of the teenager’s quivering snatch.

Linda rubbed the big dog’s ears and neck gratefully as she realized he wasn’t about to pull his dick away from her alluring pussy. As a matter of fact, she thought, watching herself writhe silently in the wide mirror, this big fucker is absolutely used to doing it for hours and hours, the way you always hear about dogs screwing. Denise and Sally watched enchanted as the blonde twitched her snatch off the Harlequin’s cock just as he began creaming again; the women stared as jets of doggie come sprayed over Linda’s dark blonde bush and splashed across her belly and hips.

Linda grabbed the dog’s collar and turned to watch her reflection in the mirror, crooning softly, “Come on, big boy, come come come, good Princie, what a good dog, come hard, lover dog, that’s right, you come all over your good girl, sweetheart.” Viscous animal come oozed slowly over the teenager’s hipbones and crawled slowly down the flexing curve of her wriggling ass; an expert snap of her hips jammed the dog’s dripping dick back into her pussy.

Sally’s green gaze panned up over her heaving stiff nippled tits as the blonde giggled and tugged the Harlequin’s head down to pant into his ear. Following the brunette’s whispered instructions, Linda stroked Prince’s slow humping ass with her foot while nuzzling the soft fur of the Harlequin’s neck; she wrapped her arms around the big dog’s shoulders and hugged hard, hearing his heartbeat speed up when she rolled her hips under his dick.

“Oooohh, Jesus, that’s terrific, don’t stop now Prince, go on baby, do it all over me, don’t stop good dog. Aaahhh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes,” she hissed through gritted teeth, feeling the approaching orgasm surging in her dripping snatch, “do it now, Prince, mmmmmm, unnh, oooohhh, I can’t stand it, big dog, I’m gonna cream all over you…”

Breathing hard again, the delirious blonde thrust and wriggled beneath the Harlequin and whispered, “Go slow, Prince boy, slow down angel pup, slower, go slower.” The dog slowed down and slowed again, then stood statue still, quivering all over as Linda writhed and wiggled on his immobile cock. She moaned and giggled to herself as she fucked faster at the big dog, switching her pussy teasingly on the shivering animal’s throbbing dick and chanting, “Still, Prince, be still good boy, still, good dog, be still,” each time the Harlequin started to hump.

Prince whined imploringly in her ear but the giggling teenager commanded him to be still and the massive dog obediently remained dead stationary over top of her while she clamped her snatch tight and pumped at his rock-steady erection. Linda heaved and bucked under the motionless animal until she felt the torrid swelling again at the base of his cock; the Harlequin’s whine turned to a low yowling as the straining teenager fucked harder and the pressure of hot come built inside his aching dick.

“All right, big dog,” she gasped, spreading her long legs wide for the impatient Harlequin, “I can’t stand it either sweetheart, go ahead, fuck hard big dog, do it hard, fuck Linda real hard, good boy.” The pretty runaway’s nipples were achingly hard and her belly muscles locked as she struggled to come on the suddenly ferocious dicking.

“Oohh, Jesus, that’s good, that’s so good, Prince, go on baby, fuck me, do it hard for Linda, don’t stop good
dog. Aaahhh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes,” she hissed through clenched teeth, feeling the impending orgasm pounding in her aching snatch, “do it now, Prince, mmmmmm, unnh, oooohhh, I can’t stand it, big dog, I’m gonna cream all over you…”

As the moaning blonde writhed and bucked underneath him, Prince’s cock pulsed convulsively, shooting sudden hot spurts of doggie come. The big dog writhed and heaved, squirting sticky jets up into the writhing teenager’s aching snatch and out over her clenching ass while Linda arched and strained under his throbbing hard-on. Her tits heaved with her panting and her thighs and calves cramped as the humping Harlequin trembled and twitched, coming volcanically in the blonde’s scorching twat.

“Oooohh, aahhhh, that’s good big dog, that’s so good, Prince, go on baby, do it to Linda now, don’t stop good dog. Aahh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes,” she panted, feeling the big dog’s red-hot orgasm spasming on and on in her throbbing snatch, “please do it now, Prince, mmmmmm, unnh, don’t stop big dog, I’ve gotta have it now, come on big dog, you come hard baby, cause Linda’s gonna come all over you…”

The Harlequin’s howling bestial orgasm sent shivers rocketing up the moaning blonde’s spine and her pulsing snatch screamed into overwhelming need as Prince kept spurting scalding come in her slit. Linda held screams in her throat as the dog humped frantically at her spasming pussy; shaking and sobbing, the half-crazed teenager continued bucking and thrusting at the yowling Harlequin, milking jets of animal come while she twisted and jerked under his dick.

When the exhausted animal pulled away from her blazing slit, Prince’s sides heaved with hard panting and the hair stood up all across his shoulders and down his back. Linda lay gasping and groaning underneath the big dog, delirious with the intensity of the big dog’s astounding orgasm, reaching desperately toward Prince’s neck while the Harlequin backed out from between her legs.

“Oh, no Prince, please give Linda some more, oh you furry sweetheart please don’t go away now,” she pleaded, straining after the retreating animal and panting after the dog’s steadily stroking erection, “oh lover, we really got into something good, Sally and Denise must really get into you getting trained to be this good, and they’ve got your good girl into it too. Please come back baby, Linda needs some puppy love so bad…”

Linda’s eyes glittered with gratitude and anticipation as Denise opened her door again and let Rex and Mick gallop in from the hallway to help her. The big dogs circled around the gasping teenager, nostrils flaring as they sniffed at her dripping snatch and lapped the beads of perspiration sliding down her breasts; the animals ranged themselves close in front of her as Sally commanded, “Still, Rex, still Mick, be still good dogs.”

The redhead and the brunette knelt on either side of the blonde and Sally said, “You’ve done beautifully with Prince so far, angel, and now it’s time for you to finish this lesson, good girl. Now that you’re craving an awful lot of fuzzy cock, you might as well start getting as much as you want to today. I know you want our pretty boys to get used to having you, so Deni and I will watch while they take turns making you come.”

“Don’t worry, sweetheart, it’ll be all right, it’s easy,” Denise said soothingly as Linda’s eyes widened with apprehension, “the pretty boys all like to share, they’ll wait their turns mounting, just to make it easy for you.”

“Just do whatever you really want to do, Deni and I are going to watch and you’ll do fine, good girl,” Sally said and turned to the waiting animals. “Stand closer, pretty boys, come here close so Linda can reach you. Stand close, good dogs.”

All through the afternoon and into the steaming night, the sweating brunette and panting redhead watched as the animals squirmed over the mesmerized teenager, licking her steaming clit, guiding her tongue over slippery dog genitals, taking turns mounting the weeping girl one after another, lapping her ass, sliding hot pink organs into her dripping pussy. Denise played with her own snatch while she watched Linda writhe and struggle on the dogs’ cocks, the animals driving the entranced blonde to prolonged orgasms that made her give pleading screams under the relentless pulsing dicks.

As Linda plunged deeper and deeper into sexual trance, the women realized the enthralled blonde didn’t even think of getting out from under the big dogs and Denise and Sally simply lay by her side, playing casually with each other’s twat and watching the dogs glowing red hard-ons spearing into Linda one after another. Hour after hour, the tireless animals took turns climbing on top of the squirming runaway, mounting over and over to bury their swollen dicks in the beautiful teenager’s hot pussy.

Bewitched by the constant ecstatic dicking between her legs, the aroused and delirious blonde fucked the quivering animals through orgasm after howling orgasm, giggling in delight every time one of the big dogs began throbbing and coming in her frenzied pussy.

When the shivering teenager was sexually hypnotized enough to eagerly obey any instruction, Denise waited until Linda was arching her hips under the wolfhound’s powerful thrusts, rolled the entranced runaway’s head to the side and then had the big Shepherd climb up and mount the obedient blonde’s shoulders. Face thrust between the dog’s spread back legs, the girl moaned deliriously and sobbed softly in squirming ecstasy as the huge wolfhound hammered her cunt while the delighted Rex humped inescapably into her mouth, his swollen cock never leaving her lips as he rutted deliberately against her tongue.

Shaking in deranged ecstasy as Mick’s skillful dicking pumped languidly over her inflamed clit, Linda stroked the Shepherd’s humping muscular haunches with both hands, sucking rhythmically on the animal’s pumping cock while the wolfhound drilled her melting pussy. The entranced teenager was only half-conscious when the quivering Rex froze abruptly in place, his rigid belly in a tight arch over her forehead. The amazed blonde had time for one gasp of surprise as the Shepherd shoved his swollen cock full-length into her mouth; Linda felt the big dog’s dick heave once against her tongue and the animal growled in ecstasy as he began pumping squirts of warm come down her throat.

Groaning in a red frenzy of orgasmic hypnosis, the girl screamed shrilly on the dog’s pulsing cock, drinking Rex’s hot come in convulsive gulps while Mick shivered and howled over top of her spasming snatch. Delirious and half-fainting, the exhausted blonde at last pulled her wet mouth reluctantly off the animal’s drained cock, licked the last thick drops from her chin and waited expectantly until Prince stepped easily over the end of the bench and thrust his hard-on between her lips, with dedicated Mick still slowly pumping her clit.

The submissive girl licked and fucked all the dogs’ cocks methodically and repeatedly during the afternoon while Denise and Sally lounged beside her, whispering praise, fingering themselves to repeated orgasms as they watched the pretty runaway devotedly screwing the eager animals. Hypnotizing herself with the feel of the dogs’ hot cocks against her yearning clit, Linda concentrated on learning the subtle differences in the twitching hard-ons while the brunette or the redhead occasionally leaned over to lick her erect nipples or pet the animal crouched between her legs as she sucked another dog off.

The overwhelmed teenager continued fucking the delighted animals one after another until dinner and the rhythm of Linda’s deliberate bucking never altered when the dogs howled in orgasm and spurted hot come into her aching twat and down the back of her throat. Denise and Sally praised her with delight while they lovingly washed sticky dog come off the girl before they led the half-fainting runaway downstairs; Linda was passive and self-absorbed throughout dinner and the women exchanged a wink and a smile as they watched the pretty blonde pondering her wholehearted conversion to fucking the eager animals time after time.

Sally made the submissive runaway sit while the redhead spoon-fed her a delicious layered-cream parfait; as the girl licked her lips, Sally pointed upstairs to the waiting animals and the teenager got up immediately and obediently walked back by herself to her velvet bench.

After spending the entire day squirming underneath animal cock, the blonde knew that she was totally perversely obsessed with the big dogs’ tireless hard-ons and endless reserve of come; she was amazed that she could make the animals come and come for her by the hour with her skillful fucking. Never realizing that her refusal to think about what she was doing was the ultimate self-brainwashing process, Linda returned to the animal’s dicks and tried until after midnight to fuck the dogs into exhaustion before bed.

As the voluptuous runaway already knew, while the animals responded ecstatically to her determined effort, the attempt was only more practice in fucking the already superbly trained animals. The big dogs kept coming in her pussy and mouth time after time while she massaged their throbbing balls, and when Denise and Sally finally made her come off the bench and over to bed the animals were ready for more. Denise and Sally slipped out with the big dogs after the exhausted runaway collapsed on the waterbed and fell instantly asleep; after she awoke and found them gone, Linda resisted her obsessive urges for more of the big dog’s cock for hours and hours.

She hustled nervously around in her bedroom cage after breakfast, watching the animals playing in their pens and standing inside her barred windows with her knees pressed tightly together. The teenager had overcome all fear or guilt about her increasing satisfaction at being snatched by Sally and Denise and the incredibly sensual things they had convinced her to do. Even more, Linda found she was becoming smug and decadent by her shocking and outright aggressive responses to getting mounted by the huge dogs and masturbated and licked by the two women.

The electrifying memory of writhing and screaming under the obedient animal cock, the sensual recall of spasmic ecstasy pulsing from her clit made her squirm on the bench in front of her vanity table, while fingering herself into sweating, gasping frustration in the morning sunshine with images of the dogs and beautiful women growling in delight between her legs only made her more anxious and aroused.

The pretty blonde was overwhelmed with fevered desires, haunted by the memory of muscular shoulders effortlessly spreading her clenching thighs and dogs licking her with luxurious tongue-thrusts. The feel of Mick’s tongue rasping over her shivered her tits into goosebumps as she sat on the bed after finishing her makeup, still stripped naked as Sally and Denise liked her. Closing her eyes brought vivid close-ups of the incandescent pink doggie cock pumping the first shot of sticky cream beside her as she jacked off another animal.

Forty minutes of erotic brooding left her sweating and shivering but firm in her decision to go along with more fucking by the well-trained animals. After all, she reasoned cynically, everybody talked about practicing safe sex; what safer sex could she practice than playing Lassie with the Sally and Denise’s big horny dogs? They were clean, they didn’t sleep around (not with more than one good girl at a time, anyhow), and it was certainly too late for her to worry about rumors spreading outside.

“Get a grip, Linda,” the blonde murmured to herself, “and stick to your decisions about this. Admit it, this is not turning out to be a fate worse than death. You’ve got a beautiful place to live, mind-blowing orgasms with perfect obedience and total privacy and freedom. So people who don’t know how good it is would think it’s weird, so what. Denise and Sally are right, if more people knew, they’d be doing it too. They keep you safe and they keep you pretty, they love you and those pretty big dogs love you too. Let’s try and go with the flow here, give up this bullshit guilt and self-recrimination.”

“That’s right and that’s it,” she said aloud, jumping to her feet and fondling her crotch luxuriously in front of the long mirror, “I need to quit screwing myself up brooding about it and let them teach me the rest of it. In fact, I need to take some initiative to let those lover girls know I want a lot more of it. It’s time to stop thinking like a prisoner and start thinking like a participant.”

Accepting her bestial desire to crawl back under the skilled animals’ dicks brought a volcanic rush of clit-tingling memories. Linda slipped her hand into her crotch and closed her eyes, recalled twitching and moaning with faithful Mick lapping fervently at her dripping bush, heavy jaws panting between her spread thighs while Denise and Sally stared in fascination as he licked lovingly at her pussy. Breathing hard, the teenager mechanically stroked her joy-button with slow, torturous precision, concentrating on the remembered feeling of satin-smooth heat as her clit throbbed under the dog’s tongue.

Clamping her sleek thighs tight together, the panting blonde rubbed her throbbing clit like a miniature Aladdin’s lamp, waiting for the genie to give out the orgasm wishes. The mirror showed her nipples sticking out stiffly like pink champagne corks while a thin trickle of crotch juice slid slowly down her thigh. Gasping as the first surges of pre-come tightening pulsed out from her snatch, Linda crossed her ankles and writhed voluptuously around the hand buried in her pussy; she thrust her hips rhythmically against her stroking hand, squirming on the slippery, questing fingers, grinding her clit exquisitely on her wriggling fingertips.

A sudden flash of horny inspiration made Linda jerk her hand off her pussy and leap to the drawer where Denise and Sally kept the vibrator collection. Grabbing up the mechanical cock, she hastened to the vanity table and slathered the dildo with her slipperiest body oil and returned to the mirror opposite the foot of the bed. Standing spread-legged, the excited blonde bent sharply forward, worked her hand just down below her feverish ass, reached around behind and gently slipped the tip of the battery dick in.

Slowly and deliberately relaxing her clenching hole, the teenager heaved a deep, gasping sigh and gave a half-twist at the base to turn the vibrator on; her mouth sagged open in breathless ecstasy as electronic rhythms jittered around and around her pulsing ring muscle, launching an irresistible rush of tingling energy through her abruptly humming ass and shivering up her spine. The blonde froze motionless in place, leaning stiffly toward the mirror with her right arm across her belly, hand rooted in her dripping bush while her left arm trailed over her back, hand carefully easing another inch or two of murmuring battery dick into her tight, squirming bunghole.

Panting silently, her mouth wide open in moaning pleasure, Linda stared at herself in the mirror, watching as goosebumps rippled over her shoulders and down her arms, while her heavy jugs went slowly pink and tautened into quivering globes. She forced herself to slow her frantic fingering, nerving herself to keep her hand off her vagina, slipping her middle and ring fingers into her wet slit and lightly circling just the tips around and over her emerging clitoris.

Within a few minutes, the ring muscle of her ass unscrewed and began pulsing gently, clamping and relaxing in rhythmic spasms that gripped the creamy dildo and slowly squirmed it deeper into her throbbing rectum. Trembling in mute pleasure, the teenager dropped her head and squirmed around her golden crotch before the bevel-edged mirror; with no thrusting at all from her limp hand, the inexhaustible electric cock was creeping inescapably up her pulsating ass, driven minutely deeper and deeper every minute.

The delicious sensations in her ass made perspiration bead up on her forehead and trickle off her temples and cheeks as the machine crept into her. As her dilating rump got hotter and hotter, sweat popped out on her jugs, and the feel of salty sweat trickling down between her tits only made things worse. The steamy blonde’s nipples were achingly hard and she kept shifting and wiggling anxiously, dancing on her tiptoes in front of the mirror with the humming battery cock up her ass.

The teenager was panting for breath and shaking like a leaf, the buzzing dildo clitoris driving her wild; the inescapable pulsations crawling over her squirming ass drove the silent blonde frantic with desire even as anticipation of Sally or Denise walking in made her bite her tongue to keep from smiling.

Linda was dripping with sweat and gasping for breath as the half-hidden vibrator snaked further up her dilating hole, sending delicate inescapable pulses up her smooth tanned back, down between her thighs, on to the fingertips massaging her dripping clitoris. The long legged blonde moaned noiselessly on her tiptoes and shivers raced from her pulsing snatch back to her twitching ass; the hair on her arms was standing up and her tits were covered with goosebumps.

Her hips rolled mechanically back and forth under the ceaseless battery tickling, intensifying the pleasure with each lingering grind. In spite her determination not to give in to the incredible sensation, she felt her ass constrict and dilate again with the tireless machine throbbing in her rectum; she sighed in mounting erotic preoccupation as she thrust and withdrew the vibrator slowly against the motion of her hips, rocking back and forth on the humming shaft, slowly jacking herself off both fore and aft as she sweated and squirmed before the mirror.

Twisting and writhing on her slippery fingers, the sweat drenched blonde moaned incoherently as her mind slowly dissolved and gushed out through her pulsating pussy. The frenzied teenager’s fingers clung to the last inch of electric dick, her head rolling from side to side as her crotch exploded front and rear in waves of pounding orgasm.

Linda felt like her crotch was disintegrating; it was like slow motion electricity delicately shocking her clit and streaming uninterrupted up her spine. The blonde’s brain exploded into a red-hot fireball of orgasm as the inescapable machine probed between her sensitive goosebumped cheeks and maddening vibrations droned up inside her dripping cunt.

Tears slid down her face, rolling down her tits and over her rigid nipples as the frenzied squirming teenager started on the mind boggling orgasm. The coming was so powerful it seemed to short circuit her intellect, leaving nothing but the mind blowing sensations of coming and coming as the incredible battery tingling jittered up her throbbing ass and her fingers crawled maddeningly over her pulsating snatch. Back and belly muscles rock hard, thighs and calves cramping, the moaning blonde stood paralyzed in front of the mirror, watching herself arch back on the electric dick while her fingertip clit tickling rasped away at her melting bronze bushed cunt.

Helpless to control her delicious clit-and-ass masturbation, she clenched her fist over the end of the vibrator, knuckles white with strain, panting for breath as waves of mounting ecstasy flooded up from her dripping snatch. The moaning blonde felt like she was drowning in tidal waves of surging come, one rush of explosive orgasm after another streaming from her steaming pussy nonstop up her spine to shatter into her stunned brain.

The come seemed to last forever, leaving the shivering teenager exhausted and gasping, rolling her hips slowly; twitching, shuddering, Linda groaned feebly, panting desperately for breath and grinding mechanically on the shivering shaft up her ass. A flashbulb went off in the writhing teenager’s brain and she reacted instantly; as she straightened up, the vibrator slipped the last inch into her shaking ass, pulsing just inside the ring muscle and making her cheeks twitch convulsively. Linda jerked herself upright and stepped gingerly over to the vanity table again; she licked her lips as she pulled the second vibrator out of the drawer and carried it back to the mirror.

Spreading her legs wide, the sweating blonde reached down and gently slipped the tip of the second electric cock into her furnace-hot snatch. Slowly and deliberately relaxing her shaking snatch, the girl sucked in a deep breath and turned the vibrator on; her mouth sagged open in amazed pleasure as new and different rhythms jittered inside her dripping slit, launching an instant incredible rush of energy through her buzzing twat and back into her already-clamped ass.

The blonde froze motionless in place, standing tall before the mirror with her arm down over her belly, one dildo rooted in her dripping bush while her left arm trailed over her back, fingers carefully teasing at the murmuring battery dick inside her tight, squirming ass.

The shaking teenager nearly cried in excitement at the first faint scratching on her door; her shining blue eyes flew open, her head snapped around so fast she felt vertebrae grinding in her neck and her heart thudding in her ears. She waited, holding her breath until she heard the unmistakable sniffing and whining under her door; there was another, harder scratch against the door and a low growl from the hallway. As the half-creaming blonde straightened up, the vibrator slipped the last inch into her shaking ass, pulsing just inside the ring muscle and making her cheeks twitch convulsively.

Linda clamped her ass tight over the humming shaft up and stepped eagerly over to open the door; Prince thrust his head in the second she cracked the door and eeled inside. The panting blonde noiselessly twisted the knob and led the expectant animal over to the bed.
The Harlequin climbed onto the bed when she patted the mattress and laid back on his side as she pushed gently on his shoulder.

The trembling girl stretched out head-to-tail alongside the big dog, the humming in her snatch and ass making her twitch uncontrollably. Linda reached and ran her hands up the Harlequin’s thighs when deranged craving swamped her brain. Cuddling the big dog’s dick and balls in both hands, she leaned forward and huffed hot breath on his quivering cock; Prince whined imploringly and began humping sideways at her face, tonguing deliciously on her spasming snatch.

“That’s right, big dog, you got the idea,” Linda whispered hoarsely, fingers dancing on the animal’s slippery cock, “I’m gonna come right along with you and just keep going until you go crazy with me all night long; I’m too hot to quit now, there’s no way you’re getting out of it.” The panting blonde carefully leaned over to the hot doggie hard-on, wetting her lips as she fondled the animal’s hairless balls. “So get ready for the best goddamn suck job you ever had, lover pup,” she sighed softly, “it’s Linda’s turn…”

Mesmerized by her own approaching orgasm and shivering with obsessive fantasies, the spellbound girl playfully ran her tongue down the length of the Harlequin’s quivering cock. Prince gave a low moaning growl of satisfaction as he felt the pretty young teen’s tongue wash over his dick; Linda gasped and giggled as the slick warm shaft twitched against her lips. Captivated by the familiar silk smooth warmth of the animal cock, she gently kissed up and down the length of the big dog’s red pink dick, pulling back the hairless sheath to display every inch of Prince’s pulsing hard-on.

The delirious teenager wriggled further around till she settled to the perfect comfortable position to suck off the waiting animal, lips poised over his expectant hard-on. The Harlequin’s taut abdomen shivered as Linda put tantalizing quick licks and kisses on his cock, cradling his hairless nuts in one hand while jacking him off elegantly against her slippery tongue.

“Oh, Prince, you beautiful furry sweetheart, this is real real good,” she sighed, drawing her head back, panting on the animal’s long pink erection, “Denise and Sally really got us started on something wonderful, you know that? I never thought it would be this good, big boy, but I think this might really be the best thing that ever happened to me. Let’s go real slow lover pup, I’m gonna have a lot of fun with you…”

Shivering in ecstasy as vibrator-driven pulsations washed over her inflamed clit and between the cheeks of her squirming ass, she cradled the Harlequin’s rump in both hands, sucking continuously on his twitching dick as he whined and writhed beside her. Linda felt like her snatch was disintegrating; it was like slow motion electricity delicately shocking her clit and streaming uninterrupted through her pulsing asshole and right up her spine.

The big dog’s warm, satin slick dick in her mouth was a spellbinding feeling for the hypnotized blonde; clamping her ass on the rear vibrator, she settled on her side with a gratified sigh and tenderly sucked the full length of animal cockhead into her trembling lips. With eyes closed and both hands full of hairless Great Dane genitals, Linda drifted into a sexual trance, tongue spiraling around the sweltering shaft while she sucked luxuriously at the slippery doggie dick.

Prince laid his head on the girl’s quivering thigh and his ears perked to the dildo humming in her throbbing blonde pussy as she sucked his swelling cock. While the moaning adolescent was enthralled with giving the bestial blowjob, the Great Dane lay panting directly on her spread twat; his hot breath huffing over her vibrating pussy kept Linda sucking deliriously on the smooth warmth of his swollen and throbbing dick.

The blonde’s brain surged into a red hot cloud of approaching orgasm as tireless machines throbbed inside her sensitive cheeks, maddening vibrations droned up inside her dripping cunt. The Great Dane gave an occasional brief lick at her buzzing twat as Linda fell into an orgasmic frenzy of sucking, moaning softly with her drooling mouth sliding on the big dog’s dick.

Tears slid down her face, rolling down her tits and over her rigid nipples as the frenzied blonde writhed in the mind boggling orgasm. The coming was so intense it seemed to block out everything around her, leaving nothing but the mind blowing sensations of coming and sucking and coming, the incredible battery dick jittering up her throbbing ass, the Harlequin’s hot breath maddening on her pulsating snatch as she nursed at his dick.

She giggled around the throbbing feral hard-on when she felt the sparse bristles of his cock sheath prickling against her lips; Prince whined eagerly as the lovely blonde began rolling her head slowly back and forth, wrapping her tongue lovingly around his exposed dick. Back and belly muscles rock hard, thighs and calves cramping, the moaning teenager lay paralyzed beside the squirming animal, writhing on the electric cocks dancing in her crotch, moaning continuously on the throbbing animal dick while furnace-hot doggie drool slid down her melting gold curled cunt.

Fascinated by the sweltering animal cock between her lips, Linda lost all sense of time; her world contracted to the feel of the dog’s slick pink erection under her tongue and the warm hairless balls she fondled. Lost in a writhing erotic fugue, the enthusiastic blonde kissed and licked and sucked enraptured on the throbbing Harlequin dick while the dog quivered and whined with ecstasy beside her.

She roused at last when Prince began writhing on the bed and whining anxiously between her legs, then started into eager low growling at her dripping clit. Linda felt the big dog’s hairless balls throbbing, the swelling under her hand at the base of his cock; recognizing the signs, she pulled the long Dane dick from her lips and saw it grow bright red.

Helpless to control her fascination with deliberate animal fellatio, she clutched the shaft of the dog’s dick, panting for breath as waves of mounting ecstasy flooded up from her dripping snatch. Prince gave a low wavering yowl as come surged to the tip of his cock; Linda instantly plunged back to the animal’s pulsing dick, catching the first explosive spurt with her open lips. The moaning blonde felt like she was surfing a tidal wave of surging animal come, one rush of explosive orgasm after another streaming from her steaming ass nonstop up her spine to shatter into her stunned brain.

She jammed the dog’s squirting erection full length into her eager wet mouth, moaning on the long slick hard-on as warm animal come washed down her throat. Prince thrashed and bucked convulsively as she sucked him, fur standing up along the length of his back. The pretty runaway giggled hysterically on the big dog’s dick, swallowing squirt after hot squirt while Prince thrashed and rolled beside her. She couldn’t gulp the spurting come as fast as the Dane could pump and trickles oozed from the corners of her mouth, dripping off his hairless cock sheath.

The sweating girl milked the dog’s erection with both hands, jacking him off onto her lips and tongue, coiling her tongue on the point of his dick to coax the last spurts from the panting beast. Her own furious come seemed to last forever, leaving the shivering girl exhausted and gasping, rolling her hips slowly; twitching, shuddering, Linda groaned feebly on the animal’s dick, panting desperately for breath and grinding mechanically on the shivering shaft up her ass.

The gasping blonde and the shivering Dane lay side by side after the volcanic orgasms, panting hot breath on each other’s genitals as they recovered from the frenzied coming. When she stopped panting, Linda leaned over and lazily kissed the animal’s glistening cock, chuckling as the doggie hard-on twitched against her lips.

Prince raised his head from her sweating thigh and stared as the greedy blonde again licked slowly up and down his pink erection, holding his warm hairless balls with one hand. Linda’s startling blue eyes stared down at the Great Dane and she casually stroked his slippery dick between thumb and forefinger as she whispered explanation to the big dog.

“Well, Prince boy, now you and I have really done it,” she crooned, “Linda’s just getting started on something beautiful, and you and I aren’t nearly done yet, not by a long shot. Sally and Denise know the truth, I really, really do like this pretty cock of yours, good dog, and I’m not about to give it up yet, you know?”

She leaned forward for a luxurious slow suck on the smooth cock and sighed, “and I might as well admit it, I really want more than that, lover-pup. If I’m gonna do it, I guess it doesn’t make any sense to not do it all the way; Deni’s right, it’s all good, everything they’ve taught me feels good and I want it all. So I might as well start right now; come on, good boy, Linda wants to go find Sally or Denise. It’s graduation day for this little girl.”


Chapter Fourteen – Investing In a Partnership

Shivering with anticipation, the suntanned blonde got to her feet, gently slipped the vibrators out of her dripping snatch and throbbing ass and tossed them on the bed. Ignoring the Harlequin whining urgently at her feet, Linda went to the armoire and pulled out her fanciest garter belt, black silk and lace, with lace-edged velvet ribbon-straps.

The horny runaway quickly pulled on the sheer black stockings with a spray of tiny black rhinestones up the ankles. The teenager’s fingers were trembling with desire so urgent she could hardly handle the snaps as she fastened the stockings to the garter straps. She took a quick glance outside and broke into a wide smile when she saw Sally and Denise lying naked beside the pool, sound asleep in the warm afternoon sun.

Slipping on her prettiest black satin heels, Linda stopped just long enough to kneel down and lick the waiting Great Dane back to full erection and then headed downstairs with the big dog trotting at her heels. The girl slowed to a quiet walk as she came out the French doors and walked across the patio on tiptoe when she saw that the brunette and the blonde were still dozing in the sun on air mattresses.

Denise was snoring softly, laying face down with her arms at her sides; Linda chuckled softly to herself as she looked down at Sally, sprawled on her back with her legs spread and one arm draped across her eyes. Eyes sparkling in anticipation, the voluptuous runaway silently spread out a towel at the blonde’s feet and crouched carefully between the woman’s ankles, ordering Prince with a whisper to lie down beside her. The excited girl’s nipples are already stiff as she reached out and gently laid her hand on the inside of Sally’s sleek thigh.

With one sinuous writhing, the desperately horny blonde rolled sideways on her hip and raised one leg, before the panting Dane or the sleeping redhead could move. Linda shifted and carefully edged forward onto Sally’s air mattress, lying on one hip between the woman’s legs, her own crotch spread to the big dog’s velvet tongue and now able to reach Sally’s belly and crotch with both hands. As soon as he realized Linda was keeping her legs open for him, the Harlequin scrambled close beside her, thrust his muzzle between her spread thighs and began lapping slowly at her exposed pussy. The eager teenager’s breath hissed between her teeth as the devoted animal’s tongue crawled over her clitoris; she leaned slowly forward over Sally’s hips as the dog continued tonguing expertly at her slit.

“Now that’s good, Princie, that’s a good good boy, don’t stop licking Linda. All right, pretty girl, we’ll see how you like having some action that sneaks up on you real slow,” the eager runaway whispered to the sleeping blonde, “let’s see if Linda can make you a little crazy before you wake up, lover.”

She began gently caressing the redhead’s stomach and thighs, hands sliding slowly over the woman’s ribs and down onto her taut belly, inching closer and closer to the red pink clitoris. Sally whimpered eagerly in her sleep and twitched her ass as the teenager’s teasing hands stroked nearer to her clit; the more enthusiastically the slavering Harlequin licked at Linda’s humming clitoris, the closer she moved to the sighing redhead’s snatch. Panting hard as the amazing tongue lathered at her snatch, the lust-crazed teenager finally reached out and teasingly rubbed her index finger over the woman’s hot pink clit. Sally gave a moaning whimper as she felt the girl’s first delicate touch on her dripping brick furred snatch. Gasping and giggling, the excited blonde pulled her hand away long enough to run her fingers over her own drool soaked bush, then reached down and deliberately stroked slippery fingers over the dozing redhead’s hot clit.

Sally shivered in her sleep and her long legs instantly spread wide as she felt Linda’s exploring fingers on her snatch, and the teenager sighed with satisfaction as she stroked carefully up and down the moaning woman’s open pussy. Head propped on her right arm, the eager teenager watched the sighing redhead’s sides twitch as the blonde carefully experimented, jacking the woman off gently, trying not to wake Sally up until she was actually coming.

Linda was sexually enthralled with the feel of Sally’s hot smooth clit in her fingers and tried several different strokes on the woman while Prince quivered and whined at her cunt; the Dane’s excited licking and slavering at Linda’s pussy left no doubt he was delighted at having two women writhing in sexual heat around him. Saliva flooded the blonde’s tongue as her fingers slid gently inside the redhead’s cunt and she licked her lips again and again while the ecstatic Great Dane’s whining wavered in her ears. The freckled redhead sighed contentedly as Linda positioned her fingers methodically and stroked harder at her slippery snatch; Linda giggled when the damp rust-red hair around Sally’s clit tickled her little finger at every stroke.

“Oh my god yes, all right, I’m gonna take it all, pretty girl,” the teenager whispered hoarsely, straining to spread her long legs wide for the eager Dane, “You won’t do anything to stop me and I don’t ever want to stop any more, we’ll go ahead and do whatever you want, I want to do it all to you, I promised you I’d be a good girl.” Her nipples were achingly hard and her belly muscles locked as she got closer and closer to coming on the incessant licking. Sally’s juices soaked the redhead’s bush and the eager runaway used the wetness to masturbate her even faster,with gentle rabbit quick flicks of her circling slippery fingers on the woman’s exposed clit; the unconscious redhead was writhing in ecstasy, panting in abrupt deep gasps, moaning in prolonged rumbling groans of lesbian pleasure.

“Ooohhhh, Jesus, that’s good, that’s really good, Princie, go on baby, do it for me loverpup, and don’t stop licking your good girl. Ahhh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes,” Linda hissed through clenched teeth, feeling the orgasm building in her aching snatch while she played delicately with her nipples, “do it now, Prince, mmmmmm, unnh, oooohhh, I can’t stand it, lover girl, I’m gonna cream all over….”

“Aaahhhh, please, Princie, again, please don’t stop doing that,” the gasping blonde begged again, shivers rolling over her belly and up over her stiff-nippled tits, “I can’t stand for you to do that any more but I can’t stop doing this to Sally right now, please please don’t stop doing it to me, it’s too much, oohhhh, no, aaahh ”

Linda choked off as another thunderous orgasm roared up her spine; she pulled her hands out the redhead’s crotch and mindlessly rubbed her rigid nipples, tanned body heaving under the Prince’s relentless licking. While Linda clutched at her own sticky tits, Sally gave an arching wiggle in her sleep, her wet pussy instinctively seeking more attention, shifting until her slowly thrusting bush was actually brushing the girl’s blonde bangs. The hypnotized runaway opened her eyes to find Sally’s hips pumping with legs spread wide, the woman’s pink clitoris only inches away from the aroused blonde’s quivering lips.

While obedient Prince lapped madly at Linda’s dripping pussy, the twitching redhead made another quick arching thrust, moaning urgently as she felt the teenager’s gasping breath warm on her exposed snatch. Half insane from the Harlequin’s insistent tonguing, Linda reached up and ran her hands down the woman’s sleek thighs while depraved urges flooded her brain. Caressing the moaning redhead’s crotch with both hands, she leaned forward and huffed hot breath on the woman’s quivering clit; Sally moaned softly and twitched on the soft mattress, sleek thighs spreading wider as she shifted her hips.

Linda lay quietly on her side with mouth inches away from the redhead’s snatch, whispering softly and panting furnace hot breath over the sleeping woman’s clit. When the sighing redhead remained invitingly motionless, the eager blonde leaned slightly forward and gently licked at the delicate skin of her inner thigh next to her bronze bush.

Sally’s breath caught in her throat as the ardent runaway’s hot tongue slipped over the thin skin and stroked slowly toward her snatch, but the velvet touch of the careful blonde’s tongue was gentle enough not to disturb her. The sweating redhead sighed again and slowly rolled her head as Linda kissed lingeringly on the woman’s curly rust-red pubic hair. The excited teenager panted and slipped her tongue around the dozing redhead’s snatch and Linda’s cheeks quickly flushed glowing pink as Sally slowly spread her crotch wider.

The entranced blonde closed her eyes and gradually dropped her head until her tongue was only a half-inch away from the woman’s genitals; she kept salivating over the throbbing clit, panting hot breath over the dripping slit. She leaned over the woman’s glowing clitoris, lowering her head and slavering down onto the exposed slit while she played with her exquisitely sensitive nipples. Linda panted in furnace hot bursts over the writhing lesbian’s pussy, dripping a thin line of slaver as she fondled the woman’s glowing pink clitoris.

Spreading her sweating thighs wide around Prince’s tongue in her pulsing ass, the sex-maddened runaway began rocking slowly back and forth, rhythmically squeezing her buzzing clit, drooling up and down the redhead’s vagina, panting on her clit, jacking the woman off feverishly until she was keening continuously in ecstasy.

Fascinated, the hypnotized blonde worked the gasping redhead slowly toward orgasm, feeling the minute changes in the hot knot of the woman’s clit and skillfully fingering her slit in response, keeping her from creaming too early. Sally’s cunt was hot-pink and throbbing, shivers rippling over her bobbing, stiff nippled tits; sweat rolled down Linda’s forehead, falling onto the redhead’s clit while her own curly bronze pussy dripped down to mingle with Prince’s drool in a spreading wet spot on the towel between her knees.

The redhead was breathing fast and her nipples stood stiffly erect, swelling as she got hotter; the woman’s freckled stomach twitched with the pulse hammering in her increasingly steamy snatch. Linda breathed in the musky aroma of Sally’s hot pussy mingled with the rich fragrance of the redhead’s perfume and Prince’s clean fur; glistening drool dripped over the gasping redhead’s twat and the back of Linda’s lightly-clasped fingers, trailing back onto Sally’s brick-curled bush and rolling down over her sleek freckled thighs. When Sally’s quivering pussy began dripping onto the mattress, Linda began licking harder and faster at the delicious crotch spread open in front of her.

Mesmerized by her own approaching orgasm and shivering with illicit fantasies, the frenzied teenager slowly and deliberately ran her tongue over the warm button of the red-haired beauty’s dripping clit. Sally gave a low moaning gasp of pleasure and writhed luxuriously on the mattress as she felt the pretty blonde’s tongue wash over her snatch; Linda gasped as the redhead’s slick warm clit pulsed against her lips while the eager Harlequin’s tongue flickered over her cunt.

Fascinated by the silk smooth warmth of Sally’s dripping clit, she gently kissed up and down the busty redhead’s red pink snatch, spreading the woman’s rust-furred lips to expose Sally’s pulsing clitoris. Sally was dripping with sweat and gasping for breath as the girl’s tongue lathered over her bush onto her thighs and up to her flat belly, then dropped back down onto her dripping clitoris. The long legged redhead moaned and shivers raced from her pulsing snatch over her belly; her tits prickled up with goosebumps when Linda reached up and spread her cunt lips wide open.

The sighing redhead gasped as the blonde’s head lowered again and her slavering tongue stroked over Sally’s totally exposed pussy. Within seconds, Linda’s the eager lapping parted the shaking woman’s soaked pubic bush, leaving her delicate pink lips and throbbing clitoris completely open to the gasping runaway’s slippery probing tongue.

Sally’s belly shivered as Linda put tantalizing brief licks and kisses on her clit, fondling her brickred pubes with one hand and rolling her slippery tongue exquisitely slowly over the woman’s clit. The gasping redhead’s satin slick snatch in her mouth was a hypnotic sensation for the pretty blonde; she settled on her side with a satisfied sigh and gently sucked Sally’s hot clit into her trembling lips. With eyes closed and both hands holding the woman’s rust-curled twat, Linda drifted into a sensual trance, tongue curling around the hot joy-button while she sucked gently at the slippery snatch.

Prince laid his head on the panting teenager’s thigh and kept lazily lapping at her spread pussy as Linda nursed the redhead’s pulsing clit. The Dane shifted to occasional brief licks at her sensitive clit as Linda fell into a daydream of gentle licking, moaning softly with her eager tongue washing the busty redhead’s snatch. Linda giggled around the throbbing pink button when the writhing woman’s wiry pubic hair ticked her nose; Sally whined in her sleep when the panting blonde started rolling her head slowly back and forth, flicking her tongue tip around the woman’s throbbing clit.

While the moaning teenager fell deeper and deeper into trance with the sensations of the lesbian blowjob, the Dane kept leisurely licking her spread twat; Prince’s hot tongue washing over her steaming pussy kept Linda sucking deliriously on the smooth warmth of the redhead’s clit.

Hypnotized by the hot clit between her lips and the animal lapping between her legs, Linda lost all sense of time; her world contracted to the feel of the woman’s slick pink vagina under her tongue and the melting hot pussy she fondled. Lost in a writhing sexual trance, the excited blonde kissed and licked delightedly on Sally’s throbbing snatch while the red-haired beauty quivered and groaned with ecstasy.

The long legged redhead made a soft whimper and shivers raced from her pulsing snatch over her belly; the hair on her arms stood up and her tits were covered with goosebumps when Linda shifted her weight and her knee knocked against Sally’s bare foot. Sally’s eyes snapped open, focusing on the panting runaway lapping enthusiastically at her saturated and thoroughly inflamed snatch.

“Jesus, when in the hell did we get started on this, angel,” Sally gasped, reaching to stroke the blonde’s shoulders, “I thought you were inside–I mean, I thought you wanted to be left alone–give me a second to wake up for this angel, I don’t want to miss anything about fucking around with both of you, please hold on for a second baby, please!”

Linda stared wickedly up at the woman, took a deep breath and said slowly, “It’s time for me to get some real dick now, sweetheart; this pretty boy has been waiting for hours now and I want to give him some while I lick that pretty pussy of yours. Back up, Princie; Linda’s gonna do all fours, good boy.”

Linda smiled and slowly rolled to her hands and knees and waited eagerly as the panting Prince padded up behind her; her breath caught in her throat as she felt the Harlequin’s sudden hot panting at her ass. Totally focused on the redhead’s pussy, Linda never even noticed when Denise awoke and rolled over on her side, watching with a delighted smile as the blonde knelt over Sally’s spread slit. The eager runaway gasped in excitement as the big dog moved in from behind and sat between her spread ankles, and then casually thrust his muzzle between the cheeks of her ass. The kneeling blonde nearly fainted at the intensity of the warm liquid tonguing at her ass.

Sally rose up on her elbows and stared in fascination while the Harlequin lapped delicately between the cheeks of the moaning runaway’s ass, dripping saliva down the insides of her thighs. The watching brunette sat up and gave the redhead a thumbs-up and a wink as the girl bent slowly down between Sally’s spread thighs.

“You be still for your good girl, you know what’s coming,” Linda whispered, leaning down over the redhead’s twat and giving the woman a quick wink, “You were right, Princie really is an ass man, lover, so why don’t you just take it easy and watch this one happen. Easy, big girl.”

Sally straightened up further to stare again at her and was gawking at the kneeling blonde in fascination when Linda turned and looked over her shoulder at the big dog and quietly ordered “All right, Prince, now it’s time to mount up, you get to mount Linda right now, good dog.”

Linda moaned in ecstasy as Prince reared up, climbed over her back from behind and mounted her like Lassie; the big dog’s front legs slid down on either side of her shoulders, holding the already wriggling girl solidly in place underneath him, crouched over the waiting redhead’s spread pussy. The astonished redhead’s eyes brightened as she realized that the runaway’s ultimate commitment to animal fucking was finally happening.

The ecstatic blonde stopped whispering to the woman beneath her and writhed up urgently as the Dane’s hot smooth belly settled on her back; she arched up enthusiastically under the Harlequin’s heavy haunches, twisting underneath the excited beast. Her eyes widened in delight as the slender tip of his smooth cockhead zeroed in at her dilated and dripping ass.

Her well-lubricated hole squirmed closed on the first inch of the Dane’s cock, and Prince gave an approving whuff over her shoulder. His hot belly arched off her back as he made the first powerful hump against her slippery ass; Linda whined frantically against the redhead’s clit as the narrow end of the dog’s dick slipped easily into her drool-slick hole. Feeling the ring muscle iris open under his thrust, the big dog instantly shifted his back feet forward, arching his back in classic dog-fuck posture over the frenzied teenager.

“Aaahhhh, yes yes yes please, Prince, oh Sally you were right, I needed it there first, please do it like that, good boy,” Linda whispered harshly between the redhead’s legs, muscle spasms jerking her belly and shaking her taut tits, “I can’t stand to be without it, you mustn’t please you mustn’t let me do without it Sally, please please Princie, do it just like that for me, it’s too much, ooohhhh, no, aaahhhhh…”

Linda tried to keep her hot ass relaxed as the Dane slowly humped her again to settle his hot cock in deeper; she bit her lip to keep from screaming as she felt the big animal’s thrusting dick easily sliding into her gratefully responding ass. The hot shaft widened behind the narrow tip, and the blonde’s sensitive asshole twitched and dilated as Prince’s strong thrusts spread her goosebumped cheeks. Denise crept silently around behind the panting runaway and stared in delight as the animal’s massive cock slipped deep into Linda’s wet ass.

Sally stared down at the teenager in delight as Linda stared straight into the redhead’s green eyes and commanded, “Now fuck Linda, big dog, she wants you to fuck her in the ass, good boy, fuck Linda real pretty for Sally.”

Linda cried in ecstasy over the reclining woman’s brick-red bush as well-trained Prince began dicking her asshole devotedly, stroking his hot cock into her so deep the sparse fuzz of his cock sheath rammed against her ring muscle on every thrust. Writhing in sensual trance under the massive Harlequin, the suntanned teenager burst into short panting groans as Prince began bucking energetically on top of her; Linda felt the big dog’s hairless nuts bumping and tickling down at the slit of her pussy.

The long-legged blonde grunted each time the Harlequin’s distended dick stroked deep into her, feeling like a warm velvet snake slithering easily up her ass. Her breath caught in her throat each time the prickly cock sheath rubbed exquisitely on her pulsing asshole. Already excited at the thought of Sally watching every stroke of the aroused animal cock up her ass, the dog’s rhythmic dicking quickly ignited the gasping blonde and her wide nipples throbbed as chest fur rasped over her arched back.

Linda’s grunting sobs changed to deep gasping sighs as her ass cheeks started throbbing around the big dog’s skillful dick. As the exquisite slick penetration stimulated the blonde’s squirming ass, the ring muscle pulsed wide open, taking the full length of Prince’s swollen shaft. With the hot slick cockhead completely engulfed, the teenager’s hole clamped down, and then surged into rhythmic spasms against Prince’s thrusts.

“Oh shit Sally, that’s incredible,” she gasped harshly, spreading her long legs wide for the eager Harlequin, “all right, big dog, don’t stop now, I don’t ever want you to stop anymore, go ahead and do everything you know how, do it to me, good boy.” Linda’s crinkled nipples were achingly hard and her belly muscles twitched as she got hotter and hotter under the unrelenting doggie dicking.

Linda hung her head and shivered as waves of pleasure rippled over her ass and flashed down her tight thighs and up her back. The suntanned teen felt the pulse racing in her steaming snatch and shivers raced over her heaving belly as she responded to the Dane’s prolonged screwing. Slowly, the pretty runaway settled forward, pillowing her face on the gasping redhead’s spread pussy with her ass thrust up and back for the Dane’s hammering dick.

The shivering blonde squirmed her ass back against the heavy dog as he humped forward, jamming his swelling dick into her; her arms and tits burst into goosebumps as Prince whined ecstatically, his dick submerged in her sleek spasming ass. Panting for breath, Linda began licking the redhead’s melting snatch in perfect synch with the obedient Great Dane’s eager dicking. The big dog continued rhythmically humping and growling over the crouched teenager’s steaming asshole, obeying her whispered commands and instructions.

The smiling brunette moved forward and stood beside the steadily humping Dane, petting his shoulders and stroking his back as he drilled the gasping runaway. The incessant pumping into her dilating hole drove the ecstatic blonde frantic with desire while the Harlequin’s massive weight kept her pinned on all fours over the moaning redhead’s dripping twat.

“Oooohh, Jesus that’s good, Sally that’s really good, Prince, go on baby, do it for me, don’t stop good dog. Aaahhh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes,” she hissed through clenched teeth, feeling the animal’s hot organ swelling in her clamping ass, “do it now, Prince, mmmmmm, unnh, oooohhh, I can’t stand it, you can fuck me like a big dog forever…”

After forty minutes of Prince’s devoted dicking, Linda was gasping for breath so hard she couldn’t even whisper instructions to the big dog anymore. The shattered blonde crouched over the redhead’s bush under the devotedly fucking Dane, weeping silently as she licked Sally’s throbbing clit with the dog stroking strongly between her trembling thighs, moaning on the woman’s dripping pussy as the hot cock speared into her grasping, squirming ass.

The enslaved teenager was panting too hard to scream as the Dane thrust continually into her again and again, his slippery cock stroking her totally open, twitching rectum. Every second, his satiny smooth cock knot split the shaking blonde’s soaked cheeks, leaving her delicate pink hole and throbbing ring muscle dripping and yearning for more of the slick probing hardon.

The big dog’s wavering growl took on a note of frenzy and the blonde’s steaming snatch pulsed into accelerating pre orgasmic throbbing; grunting with surges of increasing pleasure, she hovered over the writhing redhead, drooling and lapping the moaning lesbian’s clit in rhythm with Prince’s steady dicking. Linda held her index and middle finger alongside the redhead’s slick joy-button, varying the pressure on Sally’s clit while she used her tongue-tip to wring low shrieking groans of anguished pleasure from the writhing redhead.

The Great Dane’s skillful dicking held the groaning girl only inches away from coming herself; her thigh muscles were clenching spastically and the ring muscle of her ass was squirming, dilating and clamping in increasing rhythm.

“Aaahhhh, please, Prince, more, please please make your good girl come now,” Linda moaned pleadingly, shivers racing over her belly and up across her shaking tits, “I can’t stand it, you’ve just got to keep doing it to me, please please do it slow to me, it’s too much, ooohhhh, no, aaahhhhh…”

She wriggled frantically on all fours as the Harlequin’s hot cock sheath rasped her open hole, spreading her cheeks wide and sliding into her hot rump like a velvet poker. The big dog seemed delighted now that her ass was totally open for him, making a contented rumbling deep in his throat and wagging his tail slowly as he labored over the gasping blonde. Moaning and shaking, Linda crouched eagerly over the redhead’s steaming pussy and dropped her head onto the moaning woman’s thigh, crying hysterically as the eager dog humped maddeningly at her dilating hole.

The long-legged blonde was completely hypnotized, wrapped in programmed obsession with the animal dicking skillfully into her ass. With a flush of total confidence, the pretty runaway suddenly realized that she and the big dog could go on for hours, she knew she could last. If Sally would only relax and let her go on licking, the well-trained animal would keep on fucking Linda in the ass until she finally started screaming against the redhead’s spread slit. Responding to the quivering teenager’s urgent bucking, Prince shifted his haunches higher between her shaking thighs, his pink erection splitting her open asshole, fucking as deliberately and enthusiastically as he’d been trained to.

The overwrought teenager was panting for breath and shaking like a leaf, writhing and twisting under the inescapable cock, her buzzing crotch driving her wild. She reached back between her legs with one hand, fingering her swollen clitoris; she caught the big dog’s heavy nuts and rubbed the hot globes against her gaping pussy.

Linda felt like her crotch was being slowly dissolved; it was like slow motion electricity starting in her ass and running straight up her spine. Her screaming need for the orgasm was so fervent it short circuited her brain, leaving nothing but the mind blowing sensations of being fucked and fucking back as the Dane’s incredible dick slithered into her pulsating ass. Back and belly muscles rock hard, thighs and calves cramping, the moaning blonde was stupefied with desire while the big Dane continued panting and pumping at her melting hole.

The indolent doggie fucking seemed to last forever, leaving the shivering runaway exhausted and gasping, rolling her hips slowly under the giant dog’s exquisite dicking. Obviously electrified by the feel of the panting blonde’s squirming ass, the huge Dane seemed determined to keep on dicking no matter how Linda reacted. The dog’s powerful haunch muscles easily shoved her taut buttocks farther apart, pushing her ass wide open for the animal’s stiff cock.

“Now, Prince, now good boy, please,” she moaned, “oh goddam, don’t stop, please big dog, let me have it, please do that more, do it forever, aaahhhh, I can’t stand it any more, please give it to me, break Linda’s back pretty boy, oh god, help….”

“Suck me off now, good girl, do it for me now” Sally whispered huskily, “you want to suck Sally’s pretty clit now, good girl, please lick me right now.”

Linda gave a harsh moan of pleasure, her head bobbed as she sighed in ecstasy, and the tip of her drooling tongue washed lovingly over the groaning lesbian’s red hot clit. Sally gave a single harsh scream as come spasms surged out from her clit; Linda instantly lunged down to the woman’s pulsing snatch, catching the first explosion of orgasmic juices on her probing tongue. She sucked the blonde’s throbbing pubic slit completely into her eager wet mouth, moaning on the slippery lips as warm juices splashed into her mouth.

Prince whined and fucked convulsively as Linda clamped her ass tight and bucked urgently against his dick, hair standing up along the length of his back while the girl lapped frenziedly at the screaming redhead’s open cunt. The Great Dane gave one thunderous bark, his haunches heaved convulsively and the massive come load surged down the length of his dick and into the moaning blonde’s ass. When the Harlequin jammed his swollen cock deep into Linda’s ass and locked up over the shuddering blonde’s back, Denise slipped quietly away from the pool and headed toward the kennels at a trot.

The pretty blonde shrieked hysterically on the writhing redhead’s snatch, swallowing her gushing juices while Sally thrashed and rolled beneath her. The teenager massaged the woman’s hot snatch with both hands, jacking Sally off with lips and tongue, curling her tongue on the lips of the brick bushed snatch to coax desperate groans from the panting woman. The feel of Prince’s hot semen gushing into her ass was a trigger for the teenager’s long delayed orgasm and the girl sobbed with delight as her pounding pussy exploded into convulsions of ecstasy under the Harlequin’s skillful cock.

Linda settled forward on the writhing redhead’s pussy, keeping her lips glued to the gushing snatch, sobbing each time the Great Dane spurted animal come deep into her clamping ass. Sally laid her hand on the back of Linda’s neck, holding the girl’s tongue tip twitching on the button of the redhead’s pulsing clit, sliding her hot slit against the blonde’s open mouth and running the ecstatically sobbing girl’s tongue over herclit. Linda laid her cheek on the redhead’s shivering inner thigh and pursed her lips against the woman’s throbbing clitoris.

Swallowing the mouthful of the redhead’s hot juices, the delirious blonde jammed her mouth against the redhead’s spasming clit and sucked avidly, fondling the woman’s throbbing pubes and feeling the woman’s spread snatch pump against her lips. Sally’s frenzied clitoris kept shooting lightning up her spine and the ardent runaway carefully controlled the redhead’s orgasm to prolong the woman’s creaming, nursing her clit in rhythm to her own mounting pleasure, moaning with delight and bucking back against spurt after hot spurt of sticky dog semen.

Their frantic come seemed to last forever, and Sally was shrieking in ecstasy when Linda finally took the last trickling squirt from the Great Dane’s dick. The big dog’s sides heaved with labored breathing and the frantic teenager was gasping for air and giggling hysterically as she raised her mouth off the screaming redhead’s gushing pussy.

The panting Dane clambered off the shuddering teenager’s back and a sudden flood of animal come gushed from her ass as the big dog’s swollen cock pulled out like a cork. Linda collapsed face down while still kneeling between Sally’s spread legs, moaning and breathing in deep sucking gasps with her ass thrust up and sticky dog come running slowly down the insides of her thighs.

Sally scooted slowly back away from the moaning teenager with a satisfied smile, leaving the half-conscious girl in a warm puddle of snatch juice that slowly soaked into the panting blonde’s hair. Linda was still struggling to raise up onto her elbows as Denise walked back across the pool apron with Rex trotting at her side. The brunette winked at Sally as the redhead stood up from the air mattress and caught the eager Shepherd’s collar.

Denise stepped around Linda and then slowly eased down in the redhead’s place, lying back and sliding toward the gasping teenager until her auburn bush was nearly brushing the girl’s come-soaked blonde bangs. The hypnotized runaway opened her eyes to find Deni lying before her with legs spread wide, the woman’s pink clitoris only inches away from the aroused blonde’s quivering lips.

“Stay there, good girl, stay,” Sally whispered, leading the German Shepherd closer to the kneeling teenager, “you did just fine, angel, but you need to give Deni and Rex a chance now. Just stay right there, sweetheart, and let your big boy get in position,” she added as the anxious Shepherd strained toward the waiting blonde. “All right, good boy, Linda’s all yours,” the redhead concluded, releasing the big dog’s collar, “now mount up good dog, mount up and fuck pretty Linda”

Instantly, the aroused Shepherd lunged forward and reared up, arched over the gasping teen from behind and mounted her like a bitch; the big dog’s front legs clamped down around her ribcage, clutching the hapless blonde tight against his haunches. The lust-crazed blonde squirmed under him and writhed eagerly backward as the animal’s hot furry belly settled on her back; she arched up enthusiastically under the Shepherd’s heavy haunches, twisting frantically underneath the excited beast.

Rex’s swelling erection slipped straight into the moaning blonde’s dripping slit, and the big dog gave an approving bark as he jammed the pulsing boner deep into the eager teenager. Linda uttered a harsh scream of ecstasy as the Shepherd’s animal erection split her wet pussy, and her crotch instantly shivered into pre-orgasmic throbbing around the dog’s hot cock. The overwhelmed teenager groaned and shivered uncontrollably as the huge Shepherd lowered his head over her shoulder and began stroking deep into her dripping snatch.

While Linda moaned and shivered under the Shepherd’s dedicated animal dicking, Denise made another slight forward wriggle, spreading her legs wide and arching her hips until her damp brown bush was actually brushing the girl’s blonde bangs. The ecstatic runaway opened her eyes to find Denise’s pink clitoris only inches away from her quivering lips.

While obedient Rex stroked madly at Linda’s dripping pussy, the brunette gave a quick scoot forward, moaning urgently as she felt the teenager’s gasping breath warm on her exposed snatch. Half insane from the Shepherd’s insistent dicking, Linda ran her hands up Denise’s inner thighs as insane urges flooded her brain. Caressing the busty brunette’s crotch with both hands, she leaned forward and huffed hot breath on the woman’squivering clitoris; Denise moaned imploringly and began thrusting slowly at the blonde’s face, masturbating against the shivering blonde’s tongue as the big dog humped Linda’s spasming snatch.

“Okay, babydoll, I get the idea,” Linda whispered hoarsely, fingers dancing on the woman’s slippery clit, “I asked for it all, and I guess this is the final lesson. I get to go down on you and sweet Rexie drives me crazy on your pussy, is that the story? All right, you beautiful bitch, you and Sally already got me well-trained and I’m too hot to quit now, there’s no getting out of it.” The panting blonde carefully leaned over the hot pussy, wetting her lips as she fondled the moaning woman’s auburn snatch.

“So get ready to work on my report card, ladies,” she sighed softly, “cause pretty Linda wants to try and earn a gold star today. How about this, Sally? Lick, good girl, lick”

Mesmerized by the big dog’s continuous dicking and shivering with conditioned fantasies, the frenzied teenager deliberately ran her tongue over the bud of the auburn haired beauty’s quivering clit. Thrilled by the brunette’s pleading gasps of encouragement, Linda slowly kissed her way around Deni’s pink snatch, spreading the woman’s furred lips to lick her throbbing clitoris. Denise gave a moaning gasp of praise and Sally applauded as she watched the pretty blonde’s tongue wash over the brunette’s snatch; Linda sighed as the brunette’s hot clit twitched against her lips and the Shepherd’s throbbing erection hammered at her cunt.

“Oh, Denise, Sally, My God, this is real real good,” she sighed, drawing her head back and from the panting woman’s vagina, “you bitches and those sweet fucking puppies got Linda started on something wonderful, you know that? I never thought I’d say it could be so goddam good, but you were so right, I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of this. Let’s go real slow, lovers, we’re gonna have a lot of fun this afternoon, you’ll see?”

Denise’s pale belly shivered as Linda put tantalizing licks and kisses on her crotch and thighs, fondling her dark pubes and rolling her slippery tongue slowly over the woman’s exquisite clit. The gasping brunette’s satin slick pussy under her mouth was a hypnotic sensation for the pretty blonde; she settled into position with a sigh and gently sucked Denise’s hot clit into her trembling lips. Fondling the woman’s curly twat with both hands, Linda drifted into a sensual trance, tongue curling around the hot joy-button while she kissed lovingly at the slippery snatch.

Rex laid his head on the panting teenager’s shoulder and kept diligently stroking at her pussy as Linda nursed the brunette’s pulsing clit. The Shepherd whined encouragingly in her ear and humped eager at her melting slit as Linda sank into a seductive dream of contented licking, moaning softly as her eager tongue washed the brunette’s warm snatch.

Linda giggled on the throbbing pink button when the writhing woman’s thick pubic thatch tickled her nose; Rex whined happily when the panting blonde began rolling her hips back and forth, grinding her dripping pussy on the shaft of his throbbing cock. The moaning teenager fell deeper and deeper into trance on the lesbian blowjob as the Shepherd kept dicking her spread twat; Linda’s hot tongue crawling over her dripping pussy kept Denise moaning deliriously under the gasping teen’s eager expert licking.

Hypnotized by the hot clit between her lips and the animal humping between her legs, Linda lost all sense of time; her world contracted to the feel of the Shepherd’s slick pink erection jamming her vagina and the melting hot pussy she fondled. Lost in a writhing sexual trance, the excited blonde kissed and licked delightedly on Deni’s melting snatch and groaned with ecstasy, muffling her moans by shoving her wet mouth against the brunette’s spread pussy.

The girl roused as Denise thrashed on the air mattress, sobbing ecstatically Rex erupted into rapid eager fucking at Linda’s dripping clit. Linda groaned with satisfaction when she felt the brunette’s furry cunt throbbing and her hot clit pulsing under her tongue.

Denise gave a single harsh scream as come spasms throbbed from her clit; Linda plunged her mouth on the woman’s exploding snatch, catching the first surge of orgasmic juices on her probing tongue. She sucked the brunette’s throbbing clitoris into her eager wet mouth, moaning on the slick button as warm juices flowed over her questing tongue. Rex whined and bucked as the moaning blonde bucked back against his dick, hair standing up along the length of his back, humping frenziedly at the blonde’s open cunt.

The pretty blonde giggled hysterically on the dark woman’s pulsating snatch, rolling her head back and forth while Denise arched and rolled beneath her kisses. The teenager massaged the woman’s clamping ass with both hands, jacking Deni off with her lips and tongue, curling her tongue on the lips of the dark bush to coax the last moans from the panting woman.

Twisting and writhing on all fours, the sweat drenched blonde moaned incoherently to the big dog as her sanity dissolved and gushed out through her pulsating pussy. Rex growled deep in his throat as her spastic snatch pumped juices over his dripping animal cock. Every time she heaved forward under the animal humping at her snatch, Linda’s eyes locked on the brunette creaming in front of her, staring back into Linda’s face as she arched up for the big dog’s deliberate dicking. Linda’s grunting moans changed to deep gasping sighs as her ass cheeks started throbbing in rhythm with the big dog’s skillful dicking.

The exquisite slick penetration stimulated the blonde’s pulsating snatch and her lips split wide open, taking the full length of Rex’s swollen shaft. With the animal’s hot slick cock completely engulfed, the teenager’s spasming pussy clamped down, then surged into rhythmic spasms against Rex’s thrusts. Jamming her mouth on the brunette’s gushing snatch, the frenzied teenager screamed against the woman’s spread pussy, her head rolling from side to side as her crotch exploded in waves of pounding orgasm.

The excited German Shepherd hammered hard at the creaming blonde, jamming his throbbing erection full length into her gaping snatch, growling with satisfaction, his drool-slippery tongue washing maddeningly over the shuddering runaway’s sweat-dripping back.

As the frenziedly creaming blonde shrieked and babbled against the brunette’s dripping cunt, Sally stepped forward over Denise’s head and stood facing Linda and Rex. The teenager stared up over the brunette’s quivering belly in amazement, and Sally looked down at her with a smile as the redhead slowly knelt down over Denise’s face. Spreading her knees outside the brunette’s shoulders, Sally leaned forward and lowered her hips as Denise raised her head and shoved her tongue into the redhead’s ass; Sally quickly stuffed a pillow under Denise’s head and then sat up on the brunette’s face, looking down straight into Linda’s eyes while Denise eagerly licked the redhead’s spread ass.

The sweat-drenched blonde could hear the writhing brunette’s muffled moaning and the wet lapping of her slavering tongue between Sally’s spread cheeks. The teenager gave a sudden giggle as she realized Denise was tonguing into the redhead’s ass in rhythm with her own licking at the brunette’s dripping slit. Linda stared up over Deni’s auburn bush as Sally reached down with one hand and began fingering her own clit in sync with the brunette’s lapping in her ass.

“Oh shit Sally, that’s beautiful,” Linda gasped harshly, thrusting her ass back against the eager Shepherd, “all right, big dog, go ahead and do it to me, good boy, let’s see if we can all come together.” Linda’s nipples were achingly hard and her belly muscles twitched and spasmed as she got closer to her second hard come under the unrelenting doggie dicking.

“Oooohh, Jesus that’s good, Sally that’s really good, Rex, go on baby, do it for me, don’t stop good dog. Aaahhh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes,” she hissed through clenched teeth, feeling the animal’s hot organ swelling in her clamping snatch, “do it now, Rex, mmmmmm, unnh, oooohhh, I can’t stand it, you can fuck me like a big dog forever…”

Linda lowered her head and licked Denise’s clit, shivering as waves of pleasure rippled from her throbbing ass down her tight thighs and up her back. The suntanned teen felt the pulse racing in her steaming snatch and shivers raced over her heaving belly as she squirmed in ecstasy under the Shepherd’s prolonged screwing. Slowly, the pretty cheerleader settled forward, pillowing her face on the moaning brunette’s crotch with her ass thrust up and back for the Shepherd’s hammering dick.

The shivering blonde squirmed her ass back against the heavy dog as he humped forward, jamming his swollen dick deep into her dripping pussy; her arms and tits burst into goosebumps as Denise whined ecstatically, her tongue washing deep into the redhead’s dilated ass. Feverish from the unrelenting animal dicking, Linda was just building toward another incredible orgasm when Sally’s voice said, “Now slow down, good boy, slow down now, Rexie”.

The hot cock stroking strongly in and out of her steaming snatch made the impatient blonde frantic for more, and the teenager groaned in dismay as the Shepherd abruptly shifted to indolent slow motion humping, just when she was really eager for some more hard fucking from the big dog.

“Oh god, Rex, don’t stop now, Sally don’t tell him to do it slow, please get it on, step on it,” Linda begged while Rex humped tantalizingly at her wriggling rear, “I can’t stand it, Sally you’ve got to make the pretty dog do better for Linda, go, go go go…”

The Shepherd ignored her pleading and kept dicking infuriatingly slowly in her dripping slit as the gasping blonde squirmed and thrust her ass backward at his cock. Sally’s chuckle ended in a sighing moan as she continued masturbating with the writhing brunette’s tongue up her ass.

“Rex, you big bastard, please please get a move on for me, you’ve got to either fuck me hard or stop that,” she pleaded, belly shivering as she arched her back, “aaahhhh, Jesus, I can’t stand that, you’re making me insane, Sally please make him cut it out, please…” The smiling redhead totally ignored the shivering blonde’s desperate whispered moaning, watching with glittering eyes and stretching forward to pet the huge Shepherd approvingly as his warm slick shaft stroked lazily against Linda’s willing ass.

“God, god, please please fuck me now, I can’t stand it, that’s too intense, he’s driving me nuts,” she wailed to Sally as the dog maintained his deliberate leisurely dicking, “ooohh, no, you’re killing, me, Rex, you sonofabitch, please please please do it hard for Linda, aahhhhh, Jesus?? The desperate blonde broke off as the writhing brunette arched up and shoved her dripping pussy against the teenager’s open mouth.

The big dog continued rhythmically humping and growling over the trapped teenager’s steaming ass, ignoring her frenzied pleading and groaning. The inescapable lingering pumping into her spread pussy drove the helpless blonde frantic with desire while the Shepherd’s massive weight kept her pinned on all fours over the squirming brunette. After another ten minutes of Rex’s devoted slow-motion dicking, Linda was gasping for breath so hard she couldn’t even try to beg the groaning redhead or the big dog anymore.

The shattered blonde crouched powerless under the diligently fucking brute, writhing silently with Rex stroking slowly between her trembling thighs, moaning onto the brunette’s clitoris as the hot slippery cock speared into her grasping, saturated pussy. The enslaved teenager was panting too hard to scream as the Shepherd jammed leisurely into her again and again, his slippery cock stroking her totally open, spasming vagina. Every second, his satiny smooth dick parted the shaking blonde’s dripping lips, leaving her delicate pink clit throbbing and yearning for more of the slick probing hardon.

“Aaahhhh, please, Rex, more, please please make your good girl come now,” Linda moaned pleadingly, shivers racing over her belly and up across her shaking tits, “I can’t stand it, you can’t just keep doing it to me, please please don’t do it that slow to me, it’s too much, ooohhhh, no, aaahhhhh…”

She wriggled frantically on all fours as the Shepherd’s hot cock knot jammed against her open hole, spreading her pussy wide and slapping into her hot ass like a velvet-covered hardball. The big dog seemed satisfied to keep fucking slowly now that her hot pussy was totally open, making a contented rumbling deep in his throat and wagging his tail slowly as he labored over the gasping blonde. Moaning and shaking, Linda crouched obediently under the panting animal and dropped her mouth onto the brunette’s spread snatch, crying hysterically as the eager dog humped maddeningly at her melting pussy. The long-legged blonde was completely helpless, trapped into overwhelmed obedience with the determined animal dicking skillfully into her slit.

With a burst of total panic, the pretty runaway suddenly realized that the big dog would go on for hours, she knew he could last. If Sally just watched and let him go, the well-trained animal would keep on fucking her ass until she started screaming out loud over Denise’s pussy. As irelishing the quivering teen’s powerlessness, Rex shifted his haunches further between her shaking thighs, his pink erection splitting her cunt wide open, fucking as slowly and deliberately as he’d been trained.

The overwrought teenager was panting for breath and shaking like a leaf, writhing and twisting under the inescapable cock, her buzzing crotch driving her wild. Sally reached down between her legs with one hand, fingering her swollen clitoris; she stretched forward and rubbed the panting animal’s head and ears while he fucked deliberately into Linda’s gaping pussy. The dog’s powerful haunches easily shoved the shuddering blonde’s taut buttocks apart, pushing her aching slit wide open for the stiff cock.

“No, Rex, no, please,” she moaned, “oh goddam, stop, please big dog, let me go, please don’t do that anymore, aaaahhhhhh, I can’t do it any more, please give me a break, oh god, help….”

There was no way to escape the obstinate animal dicking diligently at her ass; Linda crouched desperate and yearning under the determined beast, head hanging, tears rolling down her flushed cheeks and dripping onto Denise’s bush, squirming backward against the giant Shepherd’s pumping hardon. The big dog gave a contented rumbling growl and kept up slow motion balling at the frantic girl’s dripping snatch, his distended shaft stroking between her delicate inner lips and sliding easily in just an agonizing half-inch from the ardent blonde’s throbbing clit.

Linda was moaning aloud into the brunette’s dripping slit and arching off the bench, loins pounding as her snatch dripped and screamed to come under the dog’s unrelenting dicking. Her thoughts were racing and her brain screamed in panic even while she felt her asshole clamping automatically to the exquisite tyranny of the Shepherd’s velvet cock.

Helpless, she let her head drop to the brunette’s satin-smooth thigh and clenched her fists around the edge of the air mattress, knuckles white with strain, panting for breath as waves of mounting ecstasy flooded up from her dripping ass. Even as her thoughts clamored with desire and obsession, her hips slid mechanically back and forth under Rex’s languorous fucking, intensifying the delirious pleasure of each lingering stroke.

Linda felt her drool wet ass tighten with every thrust of the sensual dog cock between her shivering thighs; she moaned in submission when she realized she was actually spreading her legs wider for the Shepherd, tendons on each side of her snatch stretched like cables from the pale edges of her bush to the tan skin of her inner thighs. Denise made a constant muffled groaning as she buried her tongue up Sally’s ass while the redhead stared into Linda’s eyes and continued masturbating. Gasping, the panicked blonde slid into a red haze of desire as spontaneous crotch reactions took over; she realized she was babbling to the dog as she got closer and closer to a volcanic ass-centered come.

“Jesus, yes oh yes, please please please big dog,” she cried fervently, “I’ve got to have it now, please go ahead and do it to me, good boy.” Her full hard tits heaved with her panting and her thighs and calves pulsed as she trembled and twitched, starting to come at last on the interminable dicking.

“Oooohh, aahhhh, that’s good big dog, that’s so good, Rex, go on baby, do it to Linda now, don’t stop good dog. Aahh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes, oh Sally please,” she screamed onto Denise’s melting pussy, feeling the redhot orgasm building in her throbbing snatch, “please do it now, lover, mmmmmm, unnh, oooohhh, don’t stop now, big dog, please Sally, Rex, I’ve gotta have it now, Linda’s gonna come all over you. Fuck me now, Rex, fuck me hard, big dog, please, please fuck me, fuck me fuck me…”

Twisting and writhing under the panting animal, the sweat drenched blonde shrieked incoherently against the brunette’s throbbing clit as her mind dissolved and gushed out through her pulsating pussy. Rex growled deep in his chest as Linda’s tight spastic pussy clamped hard around his dripping cock. Jamming her tongue into Denise’s spread pussy to keep from screaming again, the frenzied teenager clutched at the mattress, rolling her head from side to side, tonguing frantically at the brunette as her crotch exploded in waves of pounding orgasm.

The enthusiastic Shepherd suddenly hammered at her gushing pussy, his scorching hardon jamming maddeningly against the soft ridges of the shuddering teenager’s throbbing G-spot. The moaning blonde felt like she was drowning in tidal waves of surging come, one rush of explosive orgasm after another gushing from her pounding snatch straight up her spine to crash into her stunned brain. Twitching, shuddering, Linda groaned feebly and panted desperately for breath as Rex pumped and labored over her saturated crotch.

“Please fuck me hard, good dog,” she howled hysterically, thrusting her hips up and jamming the Shepherd’s swollen cock knot hard against her pulsing hole, “come on now, Rex boy, fuck Linda, please fuck Linda real hard.”

Denise arched up in squirming orgasm against the desperate blonde’s tongue, screaming in ecstasy with her tongue jammed into the shivering redhead’s ass. Sally’s pussy began gushing onto her fingers as the redhead started coming on the brunette’s face; the redhead quivered and groaned as the creaming brunette’s tongue squirmed deep into her spread ass. Sally laughed at the teenager’s frantic pleading and said, “All right, good girl, you beg real pretty for us, you can have it all now. Good boy, Rex, fuck Linda real hard, big dog.”

The Shepherd gave a fervent bark and diligently started hammering rapidly at Linda’s dripping slit; the obsessed blonde screamed in ecstasy against the brunette’s pussy as she felt the slippery animal dick spearing deep into her. Linda discovered that pressing her shoulders onto Denise’s thighs made the hot doggie cock dig in even deeper than before, his fat knot actually spreading her lips and shooting prickling electric sensations through her inflamed clit. Tightening pectoral muscles turned her full tits to taut globes, sliding her suntanned nipples against the come-soaked towel beneath her; she felt the ring muscle of Denise’s ass clench as the first slow spasm of approaching orgasm pulsed through from her cunt.

“Oooohh, Jesus, that’s terrific, don’t stop now, go on Deni, come hard for me; now come on Rexie, fuck Linda real hard good dog,” she cried through gritted teeth, “aaahhh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes, fuck me like you like it, fuck me like a bitch in heat, lover dog.” Feeling the approaching orgasm surging in her dripping snatch, the squirming blonde begged “Do it now, Denise, come on you bitch, mmmmm, fuck Linda, unnh, oohhh, fuck hard, fuck me real hard, I can’t stand it, big dog, you’re gonna make Linda cream all over….”

Rex began whining eagerly as the contractions of her seething snatch clamped down exquisitely on his swelling cock. Feeling the hot animal come load bulging at the base of the big dog’s dick drove the inflamed blonde wild; she rolled her hips voluptuously, grinding the animal dick onto her clamping pussy while she moaned and lapped furiously at the brunette’s spasming slit.

“Oooh, that’s really really good, big dog,” Sally crooned hoarsely, “yeah, that’s real good for you too, isn’t it baby? You like eating Deni’s pussy and getting fucked with that big pink hardon, angel,” she chuckled, watching the big dog pounding his cock into the screaming teen’s slit, “well I guess you know Deni and I like it too, lover girl. Yeah, good boy, that’s right, you just keep on dicking her and she’ll keep doing it right for both of us, sweetheart.”

Absorbed in sexual frenzy, the delirious blonde writhed and slavered enraptured on the brunette’s throbbing clit while the big dog quivered and whined with ecstasy between her legs. She was ready to scream again when Rex began writhing on top of her, yelping eagerly, and then launched into unrestrained high speed dicking at her spasming snatch. Linda felt the big dog’s bristly balls throbbing and the bulge at the base of his cock swelling against her sensitive lips; she clamped her ass tight as Rex rammed the long dick deep into her hot wet pussy.

Rex gave a low wavering howl as the come surged down to the tip of his cock; Denise instantly thrust her hips hard against the teenager’s squirming tongue as the first explosive jet squirted into Linda’s burning cunt. Linda bucked backward, jamming the Shepherd’s squirting erection full length into her eager wet hole, begging for the slick hardon as warm animal come spurted into her.

“Aaahhhh, please, Rex, do it now, please don’t ever stop,” she implored, shivers rolling over her belly and up over her stiff nippled round tits, “please don’t stop now, good boy, I’ll keep doing this with you forever, sweetheart, please please don’t stop doing that to me, it’s too much, ooohhhh, aaahhhhh ”

Linda choked off as the thunderous orgasm roared up her spine; Denise sensually ground her clitoris hard against the teenager’s velvet tongue while Linda’s lean tanned body heaved under the big dog’s unflagging dicking. Rex shivered and bucked convulsively as Linda fucked frantically back underneath him, hair standing up along the length of his back, humping frenziedly at her hot spasming ass.

The sweating blonde moaned deliriously against the brunette’s gushing slit, clamping her hot pussy around the throbbing hardon and drawing out squirt after scalding squirt while Rex thrashed and creamed inside her and Denise screamed her orgasm into the redhead’s spread ass. Sally shuddered into prolonged coming, her ass clenching around the groaning brunette’s probing tongue while the redhead urgently stroked at her throbbing clit. Linda’s spasming pussy couldn’t hold the amount of jetting come the howling Shepherd kept pumping, and spurts gushed back out from between her swollen lips, dripping from his bristly cock sheath.

The moaning teenager milked the long dog erection with her clenched pussy, bucking his back legs off the floor with her hips, grinding her squirming ass hard back against the squirting length of his dick to coax the last sticky spurts from the panting animal. As the satiated beast finally shifted some weight off of her, the exhausted blonde strained desperately back toward his withdrawing dick, her come-dripping pussy and puckered pink asshole pulsing for more of the animal hardon.

“Oh, that’s good Rex, good boy, that’s wonderful, good dog,” she sighed, gasping for breath, “Now you can slow down, big dog, you slow down, okay?”

The Shepherd instantly shifted to slow relaxed humping, his warm slick cock sliding effortlessly in and out of the submissive blonde’s dripping slit. As a matter of fact, Linda thought deliriously, this big fucker is probably used to doing it for hours and hours, the way you always hear about dogs screwing. Viscous animal come crawled slowly down the flexing curve of her wriggling ass and oozed over Linda’s thighs; a frantic switch of her hips jammed the dog’s dripping dick back into her sticky hole.

Breathing hard, the delirious blonde thrust and wriggled beneath the Shepherd, whispering “Go slow, Rex boy, slow down lover pup, slower, fuck Linda slower.”

The dog slowed down and slowed again, then stood statue still, quivering all over as Linda writhed and wiggled on his immobile cock. She moaned and giggled against the gasping brunette’s throbbing pussy as she rocked back faster at the big dog, switching her ass teasingly against the whining animal’s throbbing dick and chanting, “Still, Rex, be still good boy, still, good dog, be still,” each time the Shepherd started to hump.

Rex whined imploringly in her ear but she commanded him to be still and the massive dog obediently stood dead stationary on top of her while she clamped her ass tight and fucked back onto his rock steady erection. Linda heaved and bucked under the motionless animal until she felt the torrid swelling at the base of his cock; the Shepherd’s whine turned to a low yowling as the giggling teenager fucked harder and the pressure of hot come built inside his aching dick.

“All right, big dog,” she cried, spreading her legs wide for the impatient Shepherd, “I can’t stand it either sweetheart, go ahead, fuck hard big dog, do it hard, fuck Linda real hard, good boy.” Her stiff nipples were achingly hard and her belly muscles locked as she started coming again on the suddenly ferocious dicking.

“Oohh, Jesus, that’s good, that’s so good, Rex, go on baby, fuck me, do it hard for Linda, don’t stop good dog, aahh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes,” she hissed against Denise’s swollen clit, feeling the orgasm pounding in the brunette’s dripping snatch, “do it now, Rex, mmmmmm, unnh, oooohhh, I can’t stand it, big dog, I’m gonna cream all over you….”

Rex’s cock pulsed convulsively, shooting sudden hot spurts of doggie come; Linda was afraid she might pass out as the big dog’s shuddering animal orgasm blasted into her brain. The big dog writhed and heaved, sticky jets squirting up into the writhing teenager’s spasming slit and splashing out over her hot ass cheeks while she bucked avidly back at his throbbing hardon. Denise’s round tits bobbed with her panting and her thighs and calves cramped as the humping Shepherd trembled and twitched, both of them starting to come volcanically on the animal’s astounding dicking.

“Oooohh, aahhhh, that’s good big dog, that’s so good, Rex, go on baby, do it to Linda now, don’t stop good dog. Aahh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes,” she sobbed, feeling the redhot orgasm spasming back and forth from her ass to her throbbing snatch, “please do it now, Rex, mmmmmm, unnh, don’t stop big dog, we’ve gotta have it now, come on big dog, you come hard baby, cause Linda’s gonna come and come and come for you….”

Rex’s howling bestial orgasm sent shivers rocketing up the moaning blonde’s spine and her snatch exploded into overwhelming coming as Rex kept spurting scalding come in her hole. Denise screamed deep in her throat, over and over again as she tongued frantically at Sally’s
spasming ass; the redhead burst into harsh moans of ecstasy, jamming her fingers into her gushing pussy and grinding her ass on Deni’s probing tongue. Shuddering and sobbing against the brunette’s spread pussy, the creaming teenager kept bucking and thrusting at the yowling Shepherd, milking jets of animal come while she twisted and jerked under his dick.

When the shivering blonde finally collapsed forward and pulled away from his blazing cock, Rex’s sides heaved with hard panting and the hair stood up all across his shoulders and down his back. Linda lay gasping and groaning underneath the big dog, delirious with the intensity of their astounding orgasms. The redhead quickly stood up from the shivering brunette, and Denise helped Linda up off her knees, half-carrying her to a narrow bench as the blonde staggered weak-kneed across the pool apron.

“Oh sweetheart, what a good good girl you are,” Sally whispered huskily, hugging and kissing the still-quivering runaway while Denise rubbed the shivering girl’s hard nipples, “you were so pretty with them, baby, and it was beautiful how you made us all come so good. What a perfect little doggie fucker she is, don’t you think Denise?”

“Absolutely, Sally,” the brunette replied, leaning down to lick and suck the exhausted blonde’s areolas, “pretty Linda is definitely the finest, sweetest little bitch we’ve ever had, and today just proves how much she loves dog dicking and hot pussy. I told you, you were made to be an animal lover, sweetheart.”

“You just lie back here and relax, lover,” the redhead added, pressing the gasping teenager down onto the bench, “while Denise goes and gets Mickie for you, okay? Oh yes, angel,” she continued as the brunette hurried toward the kennel, “Just slide down here a little till your ass is right at the end of the bench, that’s right. Now you can spend the whole day fucking the big dogs, and Deni and I will take turns petting the pretty boys while the dick you and you suck us off.”

Linda was exhausted, confused and still too overwhelmed to speak after she finished a late night snack and Sally and Denise shooed her up to her room immediately after she finished. Memories of the long day laying beside the pool, ferocious orgasms and the shattering
recall of hours of hot dog cock sliding into her gushing pussy or jamming into her clamping ass with Denise and Sally grinding and twitching against her tongue kept Linda awake until dawn and left the girl haunted and hollow-eyed when Sally and Denise woke her late in the day.

The blonde’s training schedule was the same brain-numbing routine of orgasms and animal masturbation in the morning, lunch and bestial fellatio by the pool, followed by hours of overwhelming canine dicking with the brunette and the redhead watching until they all went inside for dinner.

The women woke her up next morning and watched her do it all again, and again the day after, and for days after that. As the training sessions passed Linda became more and more thoroughly absorbed in sucking and fucking the big dogs and licking the eager lesbians; after a week, the enthralled teenager was licking and screwing the women and their animals zealously for hours without any instruction from the redhead or the brunette.


Chapter Fifteen

After days of constant erotic hyperstimulation, the dazed teenager moved agreeably to whatever position the redhead or brunette suggested and sprawled contentedly beside the animals so Sally and Den could toy with her clit while she sucked the dogs. The overwhelmed blonde finally became perfectly conditioned, taking the furry animal cocks in her mouth as the women smiled and fondled her approvingly while the dogs yowled and spurted hot come down her throat.

The enthralled teenager completely forgot about the hidden cameras when she knelt beneath the rutting animals, bucking back against their pulsing cocks and shrieking in ecstasy as the Shepherd, the Dane and the howling wolfhound pumped her pussy and ass full of hot doggie come. The hapless runaway became perfectly conditioned to being dog-fucked while sucking off another of her canine lovers, her screams muffled by the mouthful of Great Dane cock as the German Shepherd creamed endlessly into her gushing snatch.

Linda fell into exhausted slumber every night and woke from dreams of sweaty gratification and animal pleasure without ever understanding that her deliberately unthinking submission was drawing her deeper and deeper into programmed obsession. On Saturday Denise and Sally kept her up well past bedtime; yawning and half asleep, the hapless blonde wondered what they planned for her next. Denise smiled and blew Linda a kiss as Sally led the teenager upstairs and down the hall toward her bedroom, rubbing the back of her neck and whispering huskily, “Come on up to your room with us, lover, it’s time for more lessons, okay?”

Linda felt a rush of expectation as the Great Dane and the excited Shepherd followed them down the hall; Sally stood smiling as Linda unbuttoned the redhead’s blouse and unzipped her skirt and the woman led her over to the huge dresser. The teenager watched their reflection in smiling satisfaction as she peeled the tall redhead out of her clothes; before Sally could speak, Linda pulled her gently up and kissed her passionately, sliding her tongue into Sally’s mouth and fondling her breasts with both hands.

“What are you going to teach me to do now, Sally,” Linda asked softly, running her fingers over the tall redhead’s lace-covered tits, “why don’t you let me show you what I learned with Deni, I’d like to ” she broke off with a gasp the woman reached down and stroked her gently between the legs. Linda froze obediently in place as Sally’s gleaming polished nails trailed slowly across her bush; the eager blonde kissed the panting redhead again, putting more tongue into the action as Sally fingered the teenager’s exquisitely sensitive clit.

“You’ve done really well for us so far, angel, really you have made wonderful progress, babydoll,” Sally whispered, trailing kisses from Linda’s nipples up her neck and sighing hot breath into her ear. “I know exactly what you learned with Deni and pretty Prince, I
really got off thinking of you rolling around with them like that, lover,” she continued, drawing her nails excruciatingly over the blonde’s tingling snatch, “and since we all know you really like that hot doggie cock now, you’re ready to move on to some other possibilities. You just follow some suggestions and it’ll be fun and easy, angel, let Sally and our sweetheart boys help a good girl go crazy, okay?”

The aroused redhead leaned over and sucked Linda’s pink nipples one after another while keeping her hand pressed against the shivering teenager’s throbbing pubes. When the girl sighed in surrender and dropped her hands, the woman turned to the dresser, pulled open a drawer and handed her a pair of elastic-laced thigh-high hose, a sheer pale blue with pearls swirled up the calf. “You want to put those on for us, angel,” she murmured, giving the blonde another brief tongue-flicking kiss, “you want to dress pretty for us tonight.”

The excited blonde wondered briefly what more she could do with the perverse beauty, how Sally would direct her to some new piece of degeneracy. But the teenager was accustomed to taking instructions and the redhead’s promises of more sophisticated animal sex stirred an excitement Linda had become obsessed with. Sighing in anticipation, she closed her eyes, returned Sally’s wet kiss and laid her head on the redhead’s shoulder, tingling with anticipation. Her hands clenched on the tall beauty’s waist as the redhead rubbed and stroked her nipples, then trailed gentle fingers down over her rib cage and onto her shivering belly.

“This lesson is just perfect for you now, angel,” Sally whispered as she toyed with the teenager’s bronze bush, “it’s your first chance to have two pretty boys make you happy at the same time, lover. Get dressed while I get you some shoes.”

The compliant girl hastily slithered the stockings up and carefully straightened her seams as the redhead walked over to the armoire and pulled out Linda’s high-heel ankle-strap sandals, adding, “You want to stand up straight and be proud now, and I’ll watch while they work on you. Left foot, good girl,” as she fastened the catch at the blonde’s ankle, “that’s right, now right foot, stand up now.” The redhead guided the teenager over beside the mirror and said, “Now spread your legs for the good dogs, angel; spread good girl.”

Sally smiled in approval as the blonde immediately spread her legs to a wide vee in the now-familiar stance and stood waiting for more instructions. The teenager’s eyes widened as the redhead ordered the Harlequin to sit in front of her and the experienced Shepherd instantly moved to sit down behind her. Sally watched and nodded approvingly as Linda’s nipples stiffened from the dogs’ hot panting at her clit and ass.

The blonde closed her eyes and shivered in anticipation as the animals scooted in closer and began whining pleadingly in front and in back of her. The redhead waited in silence while Linda’s nipples hardened and her belly quivered in mounting desire; the aroused blonde finally opened her eyes and turned toward Sally with a pleading look.

“Please don’t let them tease me like this, big girl,” the teenager whispered, licking her lips, “it’s mean to get me all worked up and then make me wait like this, Sally, I’m your best student. Besides,” she added, reaching over to caress the redhead’s taut breasts, “you and Deni both know how much I like being teachers’ pet now. I want to do my best for all the pretty puppies and for both of you two, you know that.”

Sally moved toward the mirror and stood facing the eager teenager, straddling the massive Great Dane with her heels on either side of his haunches. “Now lean over to me and give me a sweet kiss, lover,” she whispered, staring into Linda’s eyes. The blonde’s eyes widened as she leaned forward and the position spread the cheeks of her ass; the redhead winked at her as she ran her tongue over Linda’s lips.

“That’s right, angel, you get the picture,” she murmured, fondling Linda’s erect nipples, “one big dog licking on you is nice, but he can’t be in two places at once. Just wait till you see how good it feels to get that terrific tongue from two directions at the same time. All right Prince, all right Rexie, make Linda happy good boys.”

Linda gasped and swayed toward the redhead as hot wet tongues flicked delicately up between her thighs from front and rear. The redhead kept caressing Linda’s stiff nipples as the Dane and the Shepherd nuzzled between Linda’s spread legs and began working up a slow rhythm, panting as they licked the teenager’s rust-curled bush and shivering ass. Prince’s warm breath huffed over the blonde’s spread slit while Rex snuffled and lapped between her cheeks.

Linda moaned softly and shivers raced up her belly and back as animal drool crawled slowly down the insides of her sleek tan thighs. Sally stood directly in front of the quivering teenager, whispering softly and panting furnace hot breath in her ear as she caressed the girl’s full breasts. The trembling blonde sighed as the redhead kept her bent forward and kissed her passionately at the same Prince and Rex lapped rhythmically at the girl’s ass and bush.

Linda’s breath caught in her throat as hot animal tongues slithered over her crotch and stroked slowly over the most sensitive areas of her crotch, the velvet touch of the big dogs’ licking accented by Sally’s lingering French kisses. The sweating blonde sighed again and thrust her tongue into the redhead’s mouth while the dogs drooled and snuffled at her curly rustred pubes and quivering ass.

Sally laughed softly into the entranced teenager’s mouth and rolled the girl’s swollen nipples between thumb and fingers; Linda’s eyes sparkled and she flushed glowing pink as she the felt the animals tonguing at her saturated crotch. The teenager’s tan stomach twitched with the pulse hammering in her increasingly steamy snatch. When her quivering pussy began dripping onto the Harlequin’s tongue, Prince began licking harder and faster at the trembling blonde’s delicious crotch.

Linda was dripping with sweat and gasping for breath as the dogs lathered over her bush and thighs, the Dane working up onto her flat belly as Rex licked the small of her back, and then dropped back down onto her twitching ass. The long legged blonde moaned and shivers raced from her pulsing snatch over her belly; the hair on her arms was standing up and her tits heaved with her gasping breath when Sally reached down and spread her cunt lips wide open for the eager Harlequin.

The panting teenager nearly screamed in delight as the Dane’s head came forward and his slavering tongue stroked over her totally exposed pussy. The eager lapping parted the shaking blonde’s drool soaked pubic bush, leaving her delicate pink lips and throbbing clitoris completely open to the big dog’s slippery probing tongue. Rex’s sticky lapping at the sensitive ring of her ass slipped in and out of time with the Dane’s licking and the teenager groaned in ecstasy as she returned Sally’s passionate kisses.

“I want you to look in the mirror while you give it up for the pretty boys, angel,” the redhead whispered, “Just turn your head and see how pretty you look with your legs spread for them. Watch, good girl, watch.”

Linda stared at her reflection in the glass, focusing on the huge Harlequin lapping enthusiastically at her saturated and thoroughly inflamed snatch while the excited Shepherd shoved his dripping muzzle up her ass. The blonde laughed and blew a kiss to the redhead when she noticed that both dogs had developed massive erections while they lapped at her.

“Jesus, you’re right Sally,” Linda gasped, reaching out to unsnap the redhead’s lace brassiere; “we really are so pretty together, aren’t we. Can we do it again later, Sally, I want Denise to be able so see us like this.”

The teenager fondled the redhead’s bare breasts as Sally reached down and petted the dog crouched between her legs while his dripping tongue lathered Linda’s hot twat; behind the girl, Rex never slowed the dedicated eager licking at her squirming asshole. The panting blonde shivered and moaned as the sweating redhead shoved her tongue into Linda’s mouth and the teenager instantly kissed the woman hard and locked her arms around Sally in passionate embrace. As the obsessed girl and the gasping redhead fondled each other, Prince and Rex obediently kept up the maddening licking, tails wagging contentedly as they slurped and drooled at the girl’s dripping pussy and clenching ass.

“Sally, I can’t keep standing up if you just let them keep doing this to me, please can we try another position,” Linda entreated, “let me lie down or get back or something, I can’t stand it much longer, don’t you want me to lick you or lick them or something, please…” The redhead ignored her pleading and the dedicated animals continued lapping her bush and thighs. Linda swayed and collapsed into Sally’s arms, trembling and helpless as the big dogs kept up their eager lick job.

“Please please get them away from me for just a minute, Sally please, you’ve got to stop make them stop that,” she implored, “aaahhhh, Jesus, I can’t stand that, you’re making me crazy, please cut it out…” The huge Harlequin made a contented growling deep in his throat, and the Shepherd ignored the teen’s desperate wriggling, his wide tongue stroking maddeningly against her quivering ass.

“God, god, Sally please please let me stop, I can’t stand it, that’s too intense, you’re driving me nuts,” she gasped, “ooohh, no, they’re killing, me, Prince, you sonofabitch, please please please, Rex get away, aahhhhh, Jesus…”

“Aaahhhh, please, Sally, no more, please no,” Linda whispered pleadingly, shivers racing over her belly and up across her shaking tits, “I really can’t do this, you can’t just stay here and let these fuckers do it to me, I’m gonna faint and fall on them, please please don’t do this to me, it’s too much, ooohhhh, no, aaahhhhh…”

She wriggled frantically in the redhead’s embrace as the hot dog tongues washed between her open legs, spreading her ass wide and sliding over her clit like a velvet ribbon. The redhead seemed intent on feeding the desperate blonde to the big dogs now that Linda was completely subservient, moaning deep in her throat and rolling Linda’s head from side to side with passionate kisses as the panting animals worked on the gasping teenager. Moaning and shaking, Linda clutched at the redhead’s waist and dropped her head on the woman’s shoulder, crying silently as the eager dogs lapped maddeningly at her melting crotch.

“Oh my god, all right, I’ll take it all, big girl,” the teenager gasped hoarsely, straining to spread her long legs wide for the eager animals, “I don’t want to stop it and I can’t stand to live without it, go ahead and do whatever you want, do it all to me, I’ll be a good girl.” Her nipples were achingly hard and her belly muscles locked as she got closer and closer to coming on the incessant licking.

“Ooohhhh, Jesus, that’s good, that’s really good, Sally, go on baby, make them do it for me, don’t stop your good girl. Ahhh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes,” she hissed through clenched teeth, feeling the orgasm building in her aching snatch, “do it now, Prince, mmmmmm, unnh, oooohhh Rex angel, I can’t stand it, lover girl, I’m gonna come all over the place….”

Linda felt like her crotch was being slowly electrocuted; it was like bolts of slow motion lightning striking her clit and running straight up her spine. The orgasm was so intense it seemed to short circuit her mind, leaving nothing but the mind blowing sensations of coming and coming as Sally’s lips wandered over her nipples and the incredible dog tongues slithered over her pulsating snatch and ass.

Back and belly muscles rock hard, thighs and calves cramping, the moaning blonde stood paralyzed and writhing before the mirror with the gorgeous redhead playing with her tits and the two dogs lapping at her screaming brick bushed cunt and quivering hole. The come seemed to last forever, leaving the shivering teenager exhausted and gasping, rolling her hips slowly over the Harlequin’s exquisite licking.

“Jesus, yes oh yes Sally,” she whispered hoarsely, “I can’t believe it, make them please go ahead and do me some more, good girl.” Her tits heaved with her panting and her thighs and calves pulsed as she trembled and twitched, starting to come again on the constant skillful licking.

“Oooohh, aahhhh, yeah, that’s good sweetheart, that’s so good, Sally, go on baby, make them do it to Linda now, don’t stop now, girl. Aahh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes,” she panted, feeling the second redhot orgasm building in her throbbing snatch, “please do it now, Sally, mmmmmm, unnh, oooohhh, don’t stop now, baby doll, I’ve gotta have it now, Linda’s gonna come all over you…”

Twisting and writhing over the enthusiastic animals, the sweat drenched blonde moaned incoherently to the lovely redhead as her mind dissolved and gushed out through her spasming pussy. Sally moaned deep in her throat as Linda’s spastic snatch pumped juices over the dog’s dripping tongue. Biting her lip to keep from yelling aloud, the squirming teenager clung to the woman’s shoulders, her head rolling from side to side as her crotch exploded in waves of pounding orgasm.

The excited Shepherd lathered all over her spread ass and slippery thighs, hot tongue dancing maddeningly over the clamping ring muscle. The moaning blonde felt like she was drowning in tidal waves of delicious come, one rush of explosive orgasm after another flashing from her steaming pussy straight up her spine, crashing into her stunned brain. Twitching, shuddering, Linda groaned loudly and panted desperately for breath as Sally kissed and sucked at her sensitive nipples.

“Aaahhhh, god no, please, Sally, not again, please don’t do it again, Jesus,” Linda groaned aloud, shivers crawling over her belly and up across her shaking tits, “I can’t stand for them to do that again, we can’t just keep doing this any more, please please don’t do that to me, it’s too much, ooohhhh, no, aaahhhhh, god god god…”

Even as she pleaded with the tall redhead Linda squirmed in exquisite pleasure over the velvet tongues; moaning in delight, she petted and rubbed Sally’s neck and shoulders as the woman reached down and delicately spread her melting snatch to the Harlequin’s tongue. Closing her eyes, the naked teenager slowly twitched her hips from side to side, swiveling her hot ass in circles to slide the flickering tongues around her dripping crotch.

As Sally licked eagerly at her stiff pink nipples, Linda reached down and spread her lips with one hand, stroking the Dane’s neck with the other. Responding to her panting encouragement, the big dog extended his operations, licking up across her bush onto her twitching belly and down to her thighs, washing her entire crotch with dripping tongue.

“Mmmmmmm, oh yeah, that’s good angel,” Linda whispered, reaching from the Dane’s collar to caress Sally’s full tits, “I gotta admit it, that’s so good, Sally, go on baby, do it to Linda real nice, don’t stop good girl. Aaahhh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes.”

As the frenzied teenager had expected, Sally showed no intention of giving up her dripping pussy when Linda finished coming. While the shaking blonde stood exhausted and panting, the tall redhead simply waved the dogs back from between Linda’s quivering thighs and pointed the trembling girl toward the bed. The redhead half-carried the sweating teenager across the room and chuckled softly as the blonde collapsed on the soft fur, moaning and shivering in post-orgasm spasms.

Linda felt a bounce in the mattress as weight rolled onto the bed; she opened her eyes to find Rex laying right beside her with hind legs spread wide, his red pink erection only inches away from her quivering lips. The mattress heaved and tossed again as weight rolled into a new position and Linda gasped as a hot wet tongue stroked slowly over her hipbones. The redhead kept caressing Linda’s stiff nipples as Prince slipped soundlessly between Linda’s spread legs and lay on his belly directly in front of her, panting as he licked the teenager’s brick-curled bush.

The Dane’s warm breath huffed over the blonde’s hips, steaming against her thighs and crotch. Linda moaned softly and twitched on the soft mattress, sleek tan thighs spreading wider as she shifted in the bed. Sally watched the contented Harlequin licking away at the teenager’s cunt. The massive Shepherd affected another quick sideways twitch, whining excitedly as he felt Linda’s gasping breath warm on his exposed doggie dick.

Half insane from the animals’ insistent tonguing, Linda reached and ran her hands up the Shepherd’s thighs while exotic craving swamped her brain. When she glanced over at the sprawling redhead, she was thrilled to see Sally’s clit showing bright pink from her spread bronze bush. With the eager redhead watching carefully, the girl slowly leaned over, cuddling the big dog’s dick and balls in both hands. Linda huffed hot breath on his quivering cock; Rex yelped encouragingly and humped sideways at her face, while Prince tongued maddeningly at her spasming snatch.

The blonde stared boldly into Sally’s green eyes as she slowly moved her legs wider apart for the Harlequin and slid her ankle between the redhead’s legs. The Dane never stopped lapping her crotch as Linda gently rubbed her instep along the redhead’s exposed slit. Sally sighed softly as Linda’s ankle slid slowly over the length of her clit; Linda’s eyes widened when she felt the hot slippery snatch pulsing against her instep.

“Okay, Sally, this lesson is about being a good girl with two big dogs, I get the idea,” Linda whispered hoarsely, fingers dancing on the Shepherd’s slippery cock, “but what I’d really like is to get it from both of them and keep going until I can drive you totally crazy right here with us, is that okay? This is a wonderful lesson and you already got me too hot to quit now, there’s no getting out of it.”

Linda shifted position carefully until she was positioned to stroke the redhead’s crotch lazily with foot and ankle while Prince obligingly licked the blonde’s sensitive clit in perfect rhythm with her motion. The panting blonde carefully leaned over to Rex’s hot doggie hardon, wetting her lips as she fondled the animal’s pulsing balls.

“So get ready for it, all my lovers,” she sighed softly, “it’s Linda’s turn now…”

Mesmerized by her own continuous creaming and shivering with forbidden fantasies, the frenzied teenager slowly and willfully ran her tongue down the length of the Shepherd’s quivering cock. Rex gave a low moaning growl of satisfaction as he felt the pretty blonde’s tongue lave over his dick; Linda gasped as the slick warm shaft twitched against her lips. Captivated by the silk smooth warmth of the animal cock, she gently kissed up and down the length of the big dog’s red pink dick while stroking her instep gently over Sally’s exposed slit. After a few minutes of rubbing, the tall redhead’s clit was standing out from the furry mons; Linda giggled as Sally wriggled sideways and opened her legs to give the girl better access to her pulsing bush.

“Oh, Rex, you furry sweetheart, this is real real good,” the teenager sighed, drawing her head back briefly and panting on the animal’s long pink erection, “you and Prince and Sally really got Linda started on something wonderful, you know that? I never thought it would be this good, big boy, but I think we’re all going to really get into this. Let’s go real slow lover pup, I’m gonna have a lot of fun with you…”

The delirious teenager wriggled around at Sally’s suggestion till she lay in a three-way position with the waiting animals, Prince’s muzzle submerged between her spread legs and her wet lips poised over Rex’s expectant hardon. She gently caressed the big dog’s belly and inner haunches, hands sliding slowly over the furry ribs and down onto the taut belly, inching closer and closer to the red pink erection. The Shepherd’s abdomen shivered as Linda put tantalizing fleeting licks and kisses on his cock, cradling his heavy nuts in one hand while jacking him off elegantly against her slippery tongue.

The big dog’s warm and satin slick dick in her mouth was a spellbinding sensation for the pretty blonde; within a few minutes, she buried her face in the dog’s crotch with a gratified sigh and tenderly sucked the full length of animal cockhead into her trembling lips.

Sally whispered encouragement and fondled Linda’s tits as she watched the teenager’s teasing lips and tongue stroking around and over Rex’s cock; the more enthusiastically the slavering Harlequin licked at her humming clitoris, the closer the blonde cuddled to the shivering Shepherd’s dick.

Linda gave a moaning whimper as she felt the redhead’s first touch on her dripping bronze furred snatch. Gasping and giggling, the excited woman ran her fingers over the girl’s drool soaked bush, then reached down and deliberately stroked slippery fingers around the blonde’s hot clit. Linda thrashed and her long legs instantly spread wide around the Dane’s shoulders as she felt Sally’s wet fingers on her snatch; and the redhead snickered as she watched Prince’s tongue stroke carefully up and down the length of the girl’s open pussy.

Head propped on her right arm, the redhead watched Rex’s sides twitch as the chuckling blonde excitedly took head from the Dane while sucking the Shepherd off. Linda was fascinated with the feel of the dog’s hot smooth cock on her tongue and tried different rhythms while Prince quivered and whined at her cunt; Linda’s excited licking and slavering at Rex’s dick left no doubt she was delighted at having the two big dogs writhing in sexual heat with her. The gasping blonde groaned orgiastically as Sally’s fingers spread her twat wide and Prince lapped harder at her slippery snatch; the redhead giggled as the teenager’s curly bronze pubic hair tickled her fingers.

“Oooh, now that’s real good isn’t it babes,” the redhead crooned softly, “yeah, that’s real good for you, isn’t it baby? You like Sally and Prince playing with that pretty pink slit, don’t you good girl?” she chuckled gleefully as the blonde’s clit swelled between her fingers and whispered, “well Rexie and Prince and I like it too, lover girl. Yeah, good girl, that’s fine for all of us then, I’ll just keep wonder dog doing that to you and you practice doing more of this to Rex, won’t that be nice?”

With eyes closed and both hands full of hairy Shepherd genitals, Linda drifted into a hedonistic reverie, tongue spiraling around the sweltering shaft while she sucked docilely at the slippery doggie dick. Prince laid his head on the girl’s tan thigh and kept lazily lapping at her spread pussy as she suckled the big Shepherd’s pulsing cock. The Dane shifted to occasional brief licks at her responsive clit as Linda drifted into a fantasy of gentle sucking, moaning softly with her drooling mouth enveloping the panting Shepherd’s dick.

She giggled around the throbbing feral hardon when she felt the sparse hair of his cock sheath bristling against her lips; Rex whined eagerly when the lovely blonde began rolling her head slowly back and forth, wrapping her tongue around his exposed dick. While the moaning teenager was absolutely enthralled with the sensations of the bestial blowjob, the Harlequin continued licking her spread twat; his hot breath panting over her steaming pussy kept Linda sucking deliriously on the smooth warmth of Rex’s dick.

“Let me show you another way we can have fun together, baby,” Sally whispered quietly, “you’ll really love this one, I promise. Let’s get shifted around some more till we’re really comfortable, okay?”

Linda watched in amazement as Sally rolled casually around on the bed until the woman lay sprawled beside her and the Dane with her long, tangled redhead curls against the dog’s belly. Prince instantly spread his back legs as the redhead ran her fingers teasingly over the hairless cock, reaching over with her other hand to pull the blonde’s caressing fingers onto her cunt. While she played with the slick twitching clit, Linda discovered that Sally’s tantalizing manipulation made the Dane lick furiously at her steaming snatch; closing her eyes, she continued jacking off the excited woman, groaning as Prince’s slippery rough tongue danced over her pulsing clit.

Mesmerized by the redhead’s melting pussy and the sweltering animal cock between her lips, Linda lost all sense of time; her world contracted to the feel of the dog’s slick pink erection under her tongue, the rhythmic lapping between her legs and the hot dripping cunt she fondled. Shaking with excitement, the panting teenager slipped into a twilight zone of delicious sensations, lost between the exquisite lapping at her dripping pussy and the steaming heat of the redhead’s wet clit in her hand.

Lost in a writhing erotic tangle, the enthusiastic blonde kissed and licked and sucked enraptured on the throbbing Shepherd dick while the dog quivered and whined with ecstasy above her. The blonde, the giant Dane, the excited Sally and ecstatic Prince whined and moaned in unison as each enthusiastically worked the other nearer to explosive coming. The obsessed teenager kissed and licked the big Shepherd’s cock, clutching his furry nuts with one hand and caressing and stroking the redhead’s heaving belly and twat with the other.

Linda roused from her trance when Rex began writhing on the pillows and Prince yelped anxiously between her legs, and then started into eager rapid licking at her dripping clit. Linda felt the big Shepherd’s heavy balls throbbing and the bulge swelling under her hand at the base of his cock; recognizing the signs, she pulled the long Shepherd dick from her lips and observed it grow bright red. Linda felt Sally’s clit throb as the redhead began an almost breathless groaning; the teenager stared down at her as the pale beauty’s swollen snatch lips turned fiery pink.

The blonde was delighted to see the redhead had started sucking the Harlequin’s dick while Linda masturbated her and Prince lapped at Linda’s cunt. The whining Harlequin licked the teenager’s clit excitedly as Sally’s lips and tongue wandered over his dick, driving the entranced blonde to the exquisite edge of near-orgasm as she sucked Shepherd’s pulsing cock.

Before Linda realized what was happening, Sally’s clit pulsed and throbbed convulsively, and the amazed blonde burst into giggles as the moaning woman began sudden hot spasms of spastic coming, moaning on whining Prince’s swollen cock.

The tall redhead writhed and groaned, clutching the Dane’s stiff dick in both hands and licking the exposed shaft while Linda eagerly pumped her throbbing clitoris and sucked rhythmically at Rex’s cock. Sally’s frenzied groaning and sucking made Prince come within seconds; the Dane’s howling animal orgasm sent shivers rocketing up the teenager’s spine, and her cunt abruptly throbbed into volcanic coming as Sally kept coming and sucking the animal’s cock while he lapped at Linda’s spasming cunt.

Prince’s cock pulsed convulsively, and Sally groaned in ecstasy as he began shooting hot spurts of doggie come down her throat; the big dog writhed and heaved, viscous jets squirting over the moaning redhead’s chin and dripping onto her rigid nipples while she zealously licked his throbbing hardon.

Rex gave a low wavering howl as come surged to the tip of his cock; Linda instantly turned from the creaming redhead and lunged back to the animal’s pulsing dick, catching the first explosive spurt in her open lips. She jammed the dog’s squirting erection full length into her eager wet mouth, moaning on the long slick hardon as hot Shepherd come splashed down her throat. Linda muffled her screams on Rex’s dick as the whining
Dane lapped frantically at her spasming pussy; shaking and sobbing in ecstasy, the creaming teenager continued fingering the squirming redhead, milking muffled moans of come crazed ecstasy while Prince twisted and jerked under Sally’s tongue.

Rex thrashed and bucked convulsively as Linda sucked him, fur standing up along the length of his back. The pretty blonde giggled hysterically on the big dog’s dick, swallowing squirt after hot squirt while Rex thrashed and rolled beside her. Linda couldn’t gulp the spurting come as fast as the Shepherd could pump and trickles oozed from the corners of her mouth, dripping off his bristly cock sheath. By the time the shivering blonde let go of her clit, Sally’s sides were heaving with hard panting and the hair actually stood up on the back of her arms. The whining redhead milked the Dane’s erection with both hands, jacking him off onto her lips and tongue, coiling her tongue on the point of his dick to coax the last spurts from the panting beast.

The gasping women and the shivering animals lay side by side after the volcanic orgasms, panting hot breath on each other’s genitals as they recovered from the frenzied coming. Linda’s gasping chuckles turned to groans as the Dane returned to working her snatch the instant the panting redhead released his dick. Her explosive orgasms left the twitching teenager too limp to even attempt to move when the ravishing lesbian started the big dog lapping at her still humming clitoris.

When she stopped panting, Linda leaned over and lazily kissed the Shepherd’s glistening cock, chuckling as the doggie hardon twitched against her lips. Prince raised his head from her sweating thigh and stared as the greedy blonde again licked slowly up and down Rex’s erection, holding his massive balls with one hand. Each stroke of the Dane’s hot velvet tongue sent fireworks rocketing up from her snatch, and within minutes the exhausted blonde was pulsing on the edge of another mind blowing orgasm.

She reached feebly back between the redhead’s legs to try for her sticky snatch, only to have determined Sally instantly clamp her legs shut, trapping Linda’s hands before she had any chance of stroking the eager woman off. Gasping and moaning, the pretty blonde lay trapped and writhing, holding the eager woman’s clit and furry lips, begging for release as the redhead licked the Dane and the big dog licked at the teenager’s aching but still responding young cunt.

“Sally, you bitch, please please, I’ve got to get away from it for a while, you’ve got to stop that,” Linda babbled, tears leaking from the corners of her eyes, “aaahhhh, Jesus, I can’t stand any more, you’re making me crazy, please cut it out…”

Sally merely shifted sideways slightly, still ignoring the shaking blonde’s desperate pleading while Prince’s wide tongue washing maddeningly over her vibrating clit. Sally glanced up at Linda and the Shepherd and casually stroked Prince’s slippery dick between thumb and forefinger as she whispered explanation to the pleading blonde.

“Well, good girl, now you’ve done it for all of us,” she crooned, “and we just started something with us that isn’t done yet, not by a long shot. I really like playing with this pretty cock, good girl, and we’re not ready to give it up yet, OK?” Sally leaned forward for a luxurious slow suck on the Dane’s smooth cock and sighed, “so you just lie back and suck Rexie off, baby, while I do Prince and he has a little more of your pussy. You don’t have to move or anything for me right now, lover; just go ahead and suck on your good boy’s slick beautiful dick till you don’t want any more.”

“God, god, please please stop for a minute, you slut, I can’t stand it, that’s too intense, you’re driving me nuts,” Linda gasped, “ooohh, no, he’s killing, me, Sally, you come- crazy bitch, please please please get away, aahhhhh, Jesus…” As she tried again to work the redhead haired beauty’s clit, the panting German Shepherd twisted sideways one more time, while Sally still kept her legs clamped tight over Linda’s clutching fingers.

“Aaahhhh, please, Sally, not again, please don’t do that,” the frantic blonde begged again, shivers rolling over her belly and up over her drool splashed jugs, “I can’t stand for you to do that again, we can’t keep doing this any more right now, please please don’t do that to me, it’s too much, oohhhh, no, aaahh ”

Linda choked off as another thunderous orgasm roared up her spine; she pulled her hands out the redhead’s crotch and rubbed her rigid nipples, tanned body heaving under the Prince’s relentless licking. While Linda clutched at her own sticky tits, Rex gave another sideways wiggle, shifting until his slow wagging tail was actually brushing the girl’s blonde bangs. Linda leaned forward again and huffed hot breath on the whining Shepherd’s quivering dick; Sally gasped encouragingly and began wiggling sideways toward Rex’s muzzle, licking at the sprawling Dane while he tongued furiously at Linda’s spasming snatch.

The panting blonde carefully leaned over to the hot throbbing dog dick, wetting her lips as she tugged the Shepherd’s head nearer to the redhead’s dripping snatch. Mesmerized by her own continuous creaming and shivering with illicit fantasies, the frenzied teenager slowly and deliberately spread the redhead’s snatch and guided the Shepherd’s muzzle to the warmth of the woman’s quivering clit. Sally gave a low moaning growl of pleasure as she felt the dog’s tongue wash over her snatch; Linda gasped as the Shepherd’s slick warm cock twitched against her lips.

“Oh, Sally, you sweetheart, this is real real good,” the blonde sighed, drawing her head back briefly and drooling on the panting dog’s pink hardon, “you really got Linda started on something wonderful, you know that? I never realized it would be this good, big girl, but I think Linda might really get into this. Let’s go real slow lover girl, I want us all to have a lot of fun together. If we just move around a little more, I’m sure we can all make each other happy…”

The excited teenager wriggled further around and tugged at the willing Shepherd’s collar till she arranged a perfect four-way position with the waiting beauty and the big dogs, Sally’s mouth buried between the Dane’s spread legs as he lapped the blonde’s crotch and Linda’s wet lips poised over Rex’s dick while he licked the redhead’s expectant pussy.

Sally’s flat belly shivered as Linda put tantalizing brief licks and kisses Rex’s cock as he lapped at Sally’s clit; the redhead fondled the Harlequin’s hairless genitals with both hands while Prince rolled his wide tongue exquisitely slowly against the teenager’s slippery snatch.

The panting Great Dane’s warm and satin slick dick in her mouth was a hypnotic sensation for the ecstatic redhead; Sally settled on her side with a satisfied sigh and gently sucked the hot cock into her trembling lips. With eyes closed and both hands full of coarse-furred Shepherd cock, Linda drifted into a sensual trance, tongue curling around the hot shaft while Rex licked gently at the redhead’s slippery snatch.

Prince laid his head on the panting teenager’s thigh and kept lazily lapping at her spread pussy as Linda nursed the Shepherd’s pulsing dick. The Harlequin shifted to occasional brief licks at Linda’s sensitive clit as Sally fell into a daydream of gentle licking, moaning softly with her eager tongue washing the big Dane’s cock. Sally giggled around the dog’s throbbing pink shaft when she felt the dog’s sparse pubic bristles tickling against her lips; Rex whined eagerly when the panting blonde began rolling her head slowly back and forth, rolling her tongue tip around his throbbing cock.

While the moaning teenager was totally entranced with the sensations of the circle of bestial blowjobs, the Dane kept licking her spread twat; Rex’s hot tongue dancing over her steaming pussy kept Sally sucking deliriously on the smooth warmth of Prince’s dick.

Hypnotized by the hot cock between her lips, Linda lost all sense of time; her world contracted to the feel of the Shepherd’s slick pink hardon under her tongue and the redhead’s wet pubic hair curling over her fingers as she held the woman’s lips open to Rex’s licking. Lost in a writhing sexual trance, the excited blonde kissed and licked delightedly on the throbbing dog dick while the flame haired beauty beside her quivered and groaned with ecstasy, muffling her moans by jamming the Harlequin’s dick full length into her mouth.

Linda roused when Sally began thrashing on the bed and sobbing ecstatically between the dog’s legs while Prince started into eager rapid licking at the blonde’s dripping clit. Linda felt the big Shepherd’s furry cock throbbing and the animal’s dick swelling under her tongue.

Sally gave a low grating scream as the come spasms surged out from her clit; Rex licked furiously at the woman’s pulsing snatch, lapping up the first explosion of orgasmic juices from her open lips. Sally sucked the Harlequin’s throbbing dick into her eager wet mouth, moaning on the slick hardon as warm dog come splashed into her mouth.

Prince whined and bucked convulsively as Sally sucked his dick, hair standing up along the length of his back, lapping frenziedly at the blonde’s open cunt. The pretty blonde giggled hysterically on the big Shepherd’s cock, swallowing the dog’s hot juices come
Sally thrashed and rolled beside her. The teenager massaged the big dog’s hot cock with both hands, jacking Rex off with lips and tongue, curling her tongue on the tip of the bristle sheathed dick to coax the last moaning growls from the panting animal.

The gasping blonde, the Shepherd, the moaning redhead and shivering Dane lay in a twitching circle after the volcanic orgasms, panting hot breath on each other’s genitals as they recovered from the frenzied coming. When she stopped panting, Linda leaned over and lazily kissed Sally’s glistening clit, chuckling as the slippery button twitched against her lips. Linda raised her head from Sally’s sweating thigh and stared as the greedy redhead again licked slowly up and down the pink dog dick, holding the Dane’s warm hairless sheath in one hand.

“Well, Linda girl, now finally we’re all in the groove together,” she crooned, “you and Rex and Prince and I all really like playing with each other a whole lot, good girl, and there’s positions we haven’t even tried yet, you know?” She leaned forward for a luxurious slow suck on the smooth dog dick and sighed, “So you just lie back and relax, baby, while Prince and Rex and I teach you a little more. You don’t have to worry about who to lick or where to move or anything, lover; I want us to take turns working on each other till you don’t know who to lick or who’s licking you.”

Linda turned to find Prince laying right beside her with hind legs spread wide, his red pink erection only inches away from her quivering lips. Sally lapped maddeningly at Linda’s dripping pussy as the massive dog gave another quick sideways twitch, whining excitedly as he felt the blonde’s gasping breath warm on his exposed doggie dick. Half demented from the redhead’s insistent tonguing, Linda reached and cupped the dog’s cock with both hands when deranged craving swamped her brain. Cuddling the big dog’s dick and balls in both hands, she leaned forward and huffed hot breath on his quivering cock; Prince yelped and began humping sideways at her face while the redhead tongued furiously on her spasming snatch.

“Okay, Sally girl, I get the idea,” Linda groaned hoarsely, fingers dancing on the animal’s slippery cock, “all right, you merciless fuckers, you got me hot to start this whole deal so let’s make the most of it.” The panting blonde carefully leaned over to the Harlequin’s hot hardon, wetting her lips as she fondled the animal’s hairless balls.

Hypnotized by the continuous creaming around her and shivering with forbidden fantasies, the frenzied teenager slowly and willfully ran her tongue down the length of the Dane’s quivering cock. Sally gave a low moaning growl of satisfaction as she saw the pretty blonde’s tongue lave over Prince’s dick; Linda gasped as the slick warm shaft twitched against her lips. Captivated by the silk smooth warmth of the animal cock, she gently kissed up and down the length of the big dog’s red pink dick, pulling back the hairless sheath to display every inch of Prince’s pulsing hard on.

“Oh, Prince, you sweetheart, your pretty cock is different than Rex’s, Sally was right all along,” she sighed, drawing her head back briefly and panting on the animal’s long pink erection, “having a choice of big cocks is something wonderful, you know that? I never thought we would be this good, Sally, but I think we’re all really beautiful together. Let’s go real slow lovers; we can have a lot of fun with each other…”

The delirious teenager switched further around with Sally and the big dogs till they lay in new positions. Sally’s knelt on all fours, face submerged between the blonde’s spread legs and Linda’s wet lips poised over the Harlequin’s expectant hardon. Rex climbed up over Sally’s back and began humping the redhead energetically as she sucked Linda’s clit.

The Dane’s abdomen shivered as Linda put tantalizing fleeting licks and kisses on his cock, cradling his heavy nuts in one hand while jacking him off elegantly against her slippery tongue. The big dog’s warm and satin slick dick in her mouth was a spellbinding sensation for the pretty blonde; within a few minutes, she settled back on her bunched pillows with a gratified sigh and tenderly sucked the full length of animal cockhead into her trembling lips.

With eyes closed, Linda gently tugged the Dane’s collar until he mounted over her shoulders and began thrusting his cock into her mouth; hands wrapped on the Harlequin’s genitals, Linda drifted into a hedonistic reverie, tongue spiraling around the sweltering shaft while she sucked docilely at the slippery doggie dick. Sally laid her head on the teenager’s thigh and kept lazily lapping at her spread pussy as Linda suckled the Harlequin’s pulsing cock and the Shepherd settled over top of the redhead in a classic dog-fucking.

Sally shifted to occasional brief licks at the blonde’s responsive clit as Linda drifted into a moaning rhythm with Prince humping in her mouth, groaning softly with her drooling mouth enveloping the big dog’s dick. She giggled around the throbbing feral hardon when she felt the short sparse hairs of his cock sheath bristling against her lips; Prince whined eagerly and humped powerfully at her lips when the lovely blonde began rolling her head slowly back and forth, wrapping her tongue around his thrusting dick.

When the moaning teenager was absolutely enthralled with the animal dicking in her mouth, the redhead slowly licked the girl’s spread twat; the redhead’s hot breath panted over Linda’s steaming pussy as Rex crouched over the woman’s back, hammering his bristly cock into Sally’s dripping slit.

All the rest of the dreamy afternoon the sweating redhead and panting animals squirmed over the mesmerized teenager, kissing and licking her steaming clit, guiding her tongue over slippery genitals, lapping her ass, rubbing and stroking her heaving belly, sliding hot pink organs into her mouth. At first Linda licked her partners excitedly when she felt lips and cocks and tongues on her cunt, giggling as her tongue drove the redhead and the big dogs to multiple orgasms that pulled howls and screams from her eager lovers.

As time passed, the delighted redhead and the frantic animals knew the entranced blonde wouldn’t back off and simply swarmed around the girl, playing with Linda’s twat and presenting glowing redpink clit and hardons for Linda to suck. Bewitched by the constant ecstasy of tongues between her legs, the delirious blonde licked and sucked the shivering redhead, Dane and Shepherd through orgasm after thrashing orgasm, giggling in delight when the big dogs kept throbbing and coming in her mouth.

Sally eventually wound up on her hands and knees between Linda’s thighs, licking the reclining blonde luxuriously while the big Shepherd crouched over the girl’s shoulders, cock thrust between the moaning teenager’s wet lips. The runaway gasped as Sally hissed a whispered command for a new position and the huge Harlequin arched obediently over the kneeling redhead and started fucking the eager woman squarely in the ass.

Linda roused to thunderous orgasm watching Prince fucking Sally right over top of her, the redhead slurping at the moaning runaway’s clit and groaning so loud the blonde was afraid the big dog was hurting her. Shivering in ecstasy as the redhead tongued at her inflamed clit and between the cheeks of her squirming ass, Linda cradled Rex’s thrusting rump in both hands, sucking endlessly on his pumping cock while the big dog fucked hard against her tongue.

Just before the panting animal was ready to come, Linda pulled the Shepherd’s throbbing cock from her mouth and gasped urgently “Please let me up, Sally, I want to change positions. Let’s do something really special, please?”

The eager teenager slipped out from under the panting Shepherd and the puzzled redhead’s lips and then quickly rolled up onto all fours facing Sally and the steadily fucking Great Dane. The giggling blonde scooted forward until she was face to face with the redhead and whispered, “Now mount up, Rex boy. Come on, big dog, get up here and fuck Linda real good now. Fuck me, big boy, come on and fuck me real hard.”

Sally watched in delight as the eager German Shepherd instantly clambered up over the chuckling teenager and jammed his hot cock deep into the gasping blonde’s dripping pussy. The big dog humped hard against the fervent teen, and as the throbbing animal dick speared into her wet slit, Linda leaned forward and locked her mouth against Sally in a passionate French kiss. She moaned into the redhead’s mouth as Rex arched up over her back and settled into steady fucking; Sally thrust her tongue deep into the groaning blonde’s mouth while the enthusiastic Dane continued diligently dicking at the redhead’s twitching ass.

Even as she shuddered with ecstasy under the big Shepherd’s cock, Linda couldn’t help thinking what a great video this would be. The eager teenager could already picture the beautiful image—she and the gorgeous redhead in mirror-image positions, locked in a torrid kiss while the massive Dane and the panting Shepherd hammered steadily into the crouching females.

Rex gave a fervent bark and diligently started hammering rapidly at Linda’s dripping slit; the obsessed blonde screamed in ecstasy into Sally’s mouth as she felt the slippery animal dick spearing deep into her. She sucked the redhead’s squirming tongue as the hot doggie cock dug in deeper, the bristly sheath actually spreading her cheeks and shooting prickling electric sensations throughout her inflamed ass.

Tightening pectoral muscles turned her jiggling full tits to taut globes and she felt the ring muscle of her ass clamping as the first slow spasm of approaching orgasm pulsed through from her cunt. Feeling the approaching orgasm surging in her dripping snatch, the squirming blonde moaned “Do it now, Princie, mmmmmm, fuck Sally, big dog, unnh, ooohh, fuck hard, fuck me real hard Rexie, I can’t stand it, big dog, we’re gonna all come together now….”

Prince began whining eagerly as the contractions of Sally’s seething ass clamped down exquisitely on his swelling cock. Feeling the hot animal come load bulging at the base of the big dog’s dick drove the inflamed redhead wild; she rolled her hips voluptuously, grinding the animal dick onto her twitching ass while the Dane whined and humped furiously at her spasming hole. Absorbed in sexual frenzy, the delirious redhead writhed and shivered enraptured on the throbbing Dane dick while the dog quivered and whined with ecstasy between her legs.

Linda was ready to scream again when Rex began writhing on top of her, yelping eagerly, and then launched into unrestrained high speed dicking at her spasming pussy. Linda felt the big dog’s fuzzy balls throbbing and the bulge at the base of his cock swelling inside her; Sally clamped her ass tight as Prince rammed the long dick deep into her hot hole. Prince gave a low wavering howl as the come surged down to the tip of his cock; Sally instantly thrust her hips back hard onto the animal’s pulsing dick, catching the first explosive jet in her burning ass. She jammed the Harlequin’s squirting erection full length into her eager wet hole, begging for the slick hardon as warm animal come spurted into her.

The Harlequin’s howling bestial orgasm sent shivers rocketing up the moaning blonde’s spine and her snatch exploded into overwhelming coming as Prince kept spurting scalding come into Sally’s ass. Rex shivered and bucked convulsively as Linda fucked frantically back underneath him, hair standing up along the length of his back, humping frenziedly at her hot spasming pussy. Sally screamed deep in her throat, over and over again as the big Dane humped frantically at her spasming ass; shaking and sobbing, the creaming redhead kept bucking and thrusting at the yowling Great Dane, milking jets of animal come while she twisted and jerked under his dick.

The panting Shepherd suddenly locked in a rigid arch over the writhing blonde; Rex gave a thunderous bark as come exploded from his pulsing cock, spurting into Linda’s gushing slit. The sweating blonde moaned deliriously under the big dog’s dick, clamping her snatch and drawing out squirt after scalding squirt while Rex thrashed and creamed inside her. Sally’s spasming ass couldn’t hold the amount of jetting come the howling Dane kept pumping, and spurts gushed back out from between her grinding cheeks, dripping from his hairless cock sheath. The moaning teenager milked the Shepherd’s animal erection with her clenched snatch, bucking his back legs off the bed with her hips, grinding her pulsing pussy hard on the squirting length of his dick to coax the last sticky spurts from the panting animal.

As the satiated beast shifted some weight off of her, the enthralled redhead strained desperately back toward his withdrawing dick, her pink asshole pulsing for more of the animal hardon. Viscous animal come crawled slowly down the flexing curve of her wriggling ass and oozed over Sally’s thighs; a frantic switch of her hips jammed the dog’s dripping dick back into her sticky hole. When the shivering redhead finally collapsed forward and pulled away from his blazing cock, Prince’s sides heaved with hard panting and the hair stood up all across his shoulders and down his back. Linda laid gasping and groaning underneath the big Shepherd, delirious with the intensity of their astounding orgasms.

Linda was covered with snatch juice and sticky dog come from nose to knees; she remembered rubbing hot canine come luxuriously over her swollen tits, feeling it drip from her stiff nipples while she kissed Sally’s come-dripping frizzy cunt. As the panting German Shepherd climbed off her back, the gasping blonde rolled onto her side, giving the shivering Sally a final lingering kiss. There was a sticky sucking noise as the satiated Harlequin pulled his swollen cock from the exhausted redhead’s ass.

Sally moaned with satisfaction while hot viscous Great Dane come poured from her clamping asshole. The exhausted redhead and the big dogs lay twitching and panting for breath as the teenager walked to the bathroom to shower off come and drool. Linda could hardly wait for dinner and a chance for Denise to watch her new video.


Chapter Sixteen – New Kid in Town

As day after sun-warmed day slipped past, Linda almost forgot about the world outside, obediently licking the eager women and screwing the enthusiastic animals in varying combinations. The pretty blonde spent some sleepless nights before she realized she now really needed to have a warm canine cock at bedtime. Sally and Denise smiled in amused approval when the blushing girl stammered out her problem and asked permission to bring a big dog up to her bedroom every night.

The brunette and the redhead quickly agreed and watched in silence while the exhausted blonde pillowed her head on Mick’s furry belly and slid her lips instantly down the animal’s swollen cock. Linda nursed the dog’s dick in sighing contentment, sucking leisurely at the softly whining wolfhound for almost an hour before drifting off to sleep with the pulsing cock between her lips. After that night, Denise and Sally simply waved and blew the girl a kiss when she strolled casually back to the kennels to choose her animal pacifier for the night.

The suntanned blonde was in the back yard crouched on all fours underneath the Harlequin when sudden inspiration struck her. The sweating teenager fought to concentrate on her idea as the steadily humping animal arched over top of her, his smooth hot cock spearing her dripping snatch with maddening rhythm. Linda rocked mechanically backward against the dog’s powerful thrusts and clamped tight on the throbbing hardon as she pondered and probed at her gradually unfolding plan.

The girl was so preoccupied she scarcely paid attention as she swiveled her hips rhythmically under the panting animal, grinding his pulsing erection deeper into her hot bronze-curled cunt. She was caught by surprise and gasped in amazement as the whining Dane suddenly locked in place on top of her, slamming his pulsing cock full-length into her dripping slit and pumping spurt after spurt of hot dog come into her spasming pussy.

The blonde gave a squeal of astonishment as she felt the big dog’s throbbing dick jetting up inside her like a fountain of come; she dropped her shoulders to the ground and purred with contentment, raising her clamping snatch to take the last inch of swollen doggie cock. You learn something new and delicious with these fabulous fuckers every day, Linda thought with a smile.

When the satiated Harlequin finally pulled his pulsing shaft out and lurched off her back, Linda stayed patiently crouched, warm and dreamy as eager Mick closed in on her. The blonde waited while the aroused animal pranced close around her, pink hardon pulsing for the suntanned teenager. The girl spread her heels wide and arched her back with a harsh gasp of anticipation as the wolfhound moved forward expectantly.

Linda dropped her shoulders until her face was flat on the ground. With a quick check to make sure she could swivel her snatch around a pivot of thrusting dog cock, the delighted blonde settled back with a sigh and edged her knees a little wider, spreading the lips of her tingling pussy as the wolfhound moved forward.

“Mount up, big boy, that’s a good dog,” Linda whispered urgently, patting the inside of her thigh, “mount Linda now, sweetheart, Linda wants you right now. Aaahhhh, yesssss,” she hissed as the big dog arched over her hips, furry cock sheath sliding over her clitoris, “that’s my good good boy, Mickie, that’s Linda’s lover puppy.” The gasping blonde broke into goosebumps as the wolfhound’s hot dick slipped easily into her eager slit, the soft-furred hilt of the animal cock rubbing luxuriously into the lips of her snatch.

“Go slow, big dog,” the girl whispered huskily, shoving her hips up and back against Mick’s powerful humping, “go slow, lover, make it last for Linda. Yes, oohhhh yes yes yes, just like that, good dog, that’s just right. Just keep that up, pretty boy, while Linda does some more thinking…mmmmm, that’s my sweetheart…..”

The teenager spent the rest of the day on her hands and knees in the yard, mulling over her idea as the enthusiastic animals swarmed around, mounting her one after another for hours. The sweating blonde shrieked and sobbed as spurting dog cocks thrust her to orgasm after screaming orgasm throughout the afternoon. When her aching knees would no longer support the weight of the rutting dogs, the girl staggered to her feet, tottered over to a lounge chair and collapsed on her back, leaving her knees spread wide for the Shepherd clambering up over top of her.

The animals kept mounting obediently every time the blonde roused enough to rub her come-drenched snatch and beg for another doggie hardon. By the time she had sorted out the main points of her great idea, Linda was moaning constantly with tears sliding down her face while Prince rhythmically stroked his swollen cock deep into her bush. Sally and Denise found the teenager with her arms and legs wrapped tight around the Dane’s body, grinding her clit up against the humping animal’s hairless dick, whispering instructions and praise in a half-hypnotized chant.

It took four more days of nonstop screwing for Linda to figure out every angle of the plan and a cover for every contingency. The blonde had already decided how to broach the subject with Denise and practiced her presentation on a big dog every evening. In bed at night she rehearsed answers to every question she imagined the woman might ask, murmuring softly against Rex or Mick’s throbbing cock, emphasizing points with deliberate strokes of her tongue while the animal panted and whined at her skillful tongue. Imagining the brunette shivering under her caresses, the teenager gauged her argument against the twitching Shepherd’s swelling erection, adding tantalizing kisses and delicate licks to each new aspect of the unfolding plan.

Growing impatient when the big dog’s thrashing disturbed her concentration, Linda jumped out of bed to grab a pair of stockings from the bureau; knotting the pair into a silk rope, the frustrated girl quickly short-leashed the animal’s collar to the bed frame and swarmed back down onto his dick. Sliding her left arm under Rex’s side, the determined blonde caught the panting Shepherd’s left haunch under her armpit as she curled forward into his crotch. She scooted down further in the big bed, pulling the tied-down animal out full-length until his swollen cock thrust rigid to her lips, her shoulders easily shoving the dog’s hind legs wide apart.

Curling her left arm around his back, Linda held the trapped Shepherd in place, rubbing his back while she fondled his furry nuts and kissed the bristly sheath of his glowing erection. Picturing Deni writhing helplessly in place of the leashed whining Shepherd, Linda slavered over the animal’s hot dick and began her dress rehearsal. Licking and whispering, the blonde nursed the helplessly twitching dog, sucking and arguing through her presentation for nearly an hour, persuading with luxurious kisses.

After holding the trapped animal jerking on the edge of orgasm, she finally silenced his whining by sliding the length of his swollen and pulsating cock halfway down her throat while he exploded into howling orgasm. After two more nights of practice, Linda knew she was ready to try her plan on the brunette; Denise’s eyes widened when the teenager begged her to spend the night instead of asking for one of the big dogs.

The blonde dressed in her sexiest babydoll nightie to seduce the woman, wearing her fanciest hose with the lacy garter belt she knew Denise liked best. She met Deni at the door with a prolonged French kiss and began stripping the brunette as they moved toward the bed; Denise was shivering with desire by the time the girl peeled her out of her panties and gently pushed her backward onto the wide bed. Linda rolled immediately between the brunette’s knees as she leaned back against the piled pillows, crouched over the woman, kissing her way tantalizingly down over her shoulders and onto her breasts, licking gently at her dark nipples.

She began gently caressing the brunette’s stomach and thighs, hands sliding slowly over the woman’s ribs and down onto her taut belly, inching closer and closer to the red-pink clitoris. Denise whimpered eagerly and twitched her ass as the teenager’s teasing hands stroked nearer to her clit; panting hard, Linda finally reached out and teasingly rubbed her index finger over the brunette’s hot pink button.

Denise gave a moaning whimper as she felt the girl’s first delicate touch on her dripping brown-furred snatch. Gasping and giggling, the excited blonde pulled her hand away long enough to slide her fingers into her wet mouth, licked them deliberately past the second knuckle, then reached down and delicately stroked slippery fingers over the brunette’s hot clit.

Denise shivered and her long legs instantly spread wide as she felt Linda’s exploring fingers on her snatch, and the teenager sighed with satisfaction as she stroked carefully up and down the moaning woman’s open pussy. The freckled brunette sighed contentedly as Linda positioned her fingers deliberately and stroked harder at her slippery snatch; Linda giggled when the wet curls around Deni’s clit tickled her little finger at every stroke.

“Oh yes, I’m gonna spread you right out and take it real slow tonight, pretty girl,” the teenager whispered softly, spreading the woman’s long legs wide, “I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about us the past few days, and I want to show you how much I’ve missed you. Deni’s nipples were achingly hard and her belly muscles trembled as she got hotter and hotter on the girl’s incessant fondling.

The determined runaway began to masturbate the woman faster, with gentle quick circling of slippery fingertips; the brunette was shivering in delight, panting in deep gasps between prolonged moans of lesbian ecstasy. Denise gave an arching wiggle, thrusting until her slow-switching bush was almost brushing the girl’s blonde bangs; the twitching brunette made another quick arching thrust, moaning
urgently as she felt the teenager’s gasping breath warm on her exposed snatch. Linda ran her hands down the woman’s sleek thighs while the sure success of her plan flooded her brain.

Caressing the pleading brunette’s crotch with both hands, she leaned forward and huffed hot breath on the woman’s quivering clit; Denise moaned softly and writhed on the soft mattress, freckled thighs spreading wider as she shifted her knees. Linda lay on her belly with her mouth an inch from the brunette’s snatch, panting furnace-hot breath over her clit.

“I can’t let us get carried away yet, sweetheart,” she whispered softly, her lips brushing the damp curls around Deni’s slit, “I told you I’ve been thinking everything here and there’s something I need to talk with you about.”

When the gasping brunette stayed rigid with anticipation, the eager blonde leaned forward and gently licked at the delicate skin of her inner thigh next to the thick bush. Denise’s breath caught in her throat as the ardent runaway’s hot tongue slipped over the sensitive skin and stroked slowly toward her snatch, but the velvet touch of the artful blonde’s tongue was slow and carefully measured. The sweating brunette sighed and rolled her head from side to side as Linda kissed lingeringly over the woman’s curly dark brown pubic hair.

“Deni, I’ve had a kind of idea that I want to ask you about,” the excited teenager continued casually, quickly sliding her tongue over the brunette’s snatch; Linda’s eyes sparkled and flashed in triumph as Denise reached down with one hand and spread her slit wider. The blonde dropped her head until her lips and tongue were hovering over the woman’s pink vagina; she was salivating over the throbbing clit, panting over the dripping slit while Denise gently rubbed her cheek. Linda leaned over the woman’s wet clitoris, lowering her head and slavering down onto the exposed slit while Deni fondled with her own rigid nipples.

“I’ve been very happy and I’ve learned a lot since I’ve been here with you and Sally and the boys,” she whispered in furnace-hot breath over the writhing lesbian’s pussy, “and now that I realize how good things can be, I want more, lover. I don’t want you two to have to hide me or keep me a secret and I don’t want to stay a runaway forever. I want to be able to be a real partner in Fox and Hounds, and I think I see how it can happen…” The suntanned teenager paused to let the brunette think that over, dripping a thin line of slaver as she fondled the woman’s glowing pink clitoris.

“There’s two different things that we need to happen, lover,” the blonde continued, her phrases broken as she put tantalizing brief licks and kisses on Deni’s clit, “first is making sure we get another girl just to take care of the good dogs for a little while,” she whispered, fondling Denise’s dark-brown pubes with one hand. “And the second thing is getting me back to Aunt Jane’s house and in control of my inheritance.”

Linda looked up as Deni’s eyes widened, rolling her slippery tongue exquisitely slowly over the woman’s clit and added, “My folks were both killed when a train hit their car, Deni, a signal wasn’t working or something; the railroad had to pay off big, there’s like more than a half-million dollar trust fund, I’m not supposed to get it till I’m eighteen. Now here’s my idea, baby, listen to this…”

The well-rehearsed blonde held the gasping brunette on the frantic edge of orgasm while she whispered softly over the woman’s pussy, feeling the minute changes in the throbbing pulse of the Deni’s clit and licking leisurely at her slit in response, keeping the brunette seconds away from creaming. By the time the teenager slowly licked and kissed her way through her plan, Denise’s cunt was aching and throbbing, shivers
rippling over her bobbing stiff-nippled tits while she strained toward the blonde’s teasing tongue. Sweat rolled down Linda’s forehead as she fought to keep herself from giving in to sucking Deni’s pussy, salty drops falling onto the brunette’s clit while her own curly bronze pussy dripped down to a spreading wet spot between her thighs.

“…and I think it would work fine for all of us,” the blonde sighed, licking delicately at the gasping brunette’s hot slit, “don’t you, lover? I don’t expect you to answer me right away, Deni,” she added, kissing the shivering woman’s pulsing clit, “just lie back and think about it while Linda takes care of you, okay?” She planted her open lips against Denise’s spread snatch and sucked the brunette’s pussy into her mouth, thrusting her tongue up into Deni’s slit, sending her into moaning orgasm before the woman could say a word.

Linda had to go through the whole thing again the next day, after Denise talked to Sally. Knowing what turned Sally on, the blonde made sure she was in a chair with Mick lying between her ankles when the redhead came out to the pool to talk with her. The teenager slowly spread her legs wider for the animal’s tongue as she answered Sally’s questions, sweat beading on her forehead and rolling down her cheeks as the wolfhound lapped devotedly between her sleek thighs.

“I have to admit this sounds real good, angel,” the redhead said finally, smiling in satisfaction as the blonde moaned and twitched under the big dog’s tongue, “but I still don’t think there’s much chance of finding a sweet volunteer like you. If you can figure out where we’ll find another pretty runaway to take your place, we might be able to talk some more.”

“Well, I did some thinking about that myself, Sally,” Linda gasped, rubbing the wolfhound’s ears as he licked deliberately at her spread pussy, “and you’re probably right, I don’t think we’re likely to find another runaway as easily as I turned up. That’s not such a big deal though, really; if we look around, I’ll bet we can find a way to, well…like draft a volunteer, you know…”


Kinya didn’t realize she had missed the church bus back home until well after choir competition was over. She’d wandered into a room at the back of the auditorium for just a minute while the last choir was singing, and somehow she got so absorbed in conversation with the friendly white girl that she lost all track of time. When the cute little blonde finally stopped chattering and waved goodbye as she slipped out the back door, Kinya realized with dismay that everyone else was gone and the rest of the building was empty.

She ran outside in time to see the last set of departing bus tail-lights disappear in the distance. It was pitch dark and pouring as she stepped out, the wind whipping sheets of rain across the empty lot; the black girl turned back, but the door had locked behind her. The pretty soprano’s shoulders sagged as she tugged at the door again, realizing she was stranded in a strange town 200 miles from home.

The girl wondered how she would explain when she called Mama and where she could wait while someone came for her. After months of pleading and begging Mama to let her go to the choir competition and now this on top of it, Mama’s old-fashioned attitude was sure to get worse. I’m nineteen years old, Kinya thought sullenly, I think I can take care of myself for one night. I just want to learn new things and have experiences that will help me grow, and what I do but make a stupid mistake the first time I’m allowed away from home.

She took a deep breath and was almost ready to plunge across the huge empty lot to the pay phones when a shiny van pulled over to the curb beside her. The teenager saw a young brunette woman winding down the passenger side window as the truck came to a stop.

“Hi, babes, need a ride?” the dark-haired woman called as lightning speared the sky and the rain began pounding down.

“Wow, yes, thanks, you’re a lifesaver,” Kinya said, “I missed my bus; I thought I was gonna have to hitch in the rain, get washed down a sewer and disappear forever. Which way are you headed?”

“I thought I was supposed to ask you that,” the dark-haired woman replied with a laugh, “someplace warm and dry, sweetheart, where do you wanna be on a night like this; just catch that side cargo door and jump in before you get soaked.”

The side door scraped along the slide-track as Kinya jerked back on the handle. Kinya gave a quick prayer of gratitude at getting a ride so easily and scrambled quickly into the dark interior; she barely noticed there was no dome light on as she plunged inside. The shivering black girl had only a brief glimpse of the dark interior, some kind of curtains just behind the front seats, a half-naked blonde girl thrusting something toward her.

Kinya barely had time to realize it was the same blonde she’d just been talking to, and then she felt the stun-gun spark against her arm as she pitched forward onto the carpet. She heard the door slam as she twitched helplessly on the floor and the van pulled quickly out onto the highway. Muscles jerking and quivering, Kinya still wasn’t sure what happened; she sprawled like a broken puppet as hands pulled her floundering up onto the back seat. There was a ringing in her ears and her hands and feet felt numb and tingly.

Confused and weak, every muscle quivering, Kinya tried to focus on the pretty blonde dressed only in lace panties as the girl gently pulled her right hand up to the metal bar at the back of the seat frame. Before Kinya could move, Linda took a strip of wide velvet ribbon tied to the bar and looped it around her wrist, tying a neat bow to anchor the choirgirl’s arm in place. The shivering black girl couldn’t make her arms or legs move as the nearly naked blonde dragged her left arm into place and tied that wrist solidly to the seat.

As Kinya opened her mouth to scream, Linda wrapped a length of ribbon across her mouth and pulled it deep between her lips and tight over the cheeks, making a fancy bow beside her ear. The twitching choirgirl tried feebly to kick as the bare-breasted blonde pulled her left ankle over and lashed it tight to something fastened to the floor. The trapped black girl’s angry yells came out as muffled moaning noises while the blonde shoved her right ankle across the carpet, tying it solidly in position.

The longhaired girl watched as Kinya heaved and jerked uselessly at the velvet straps holding her spread-eagle on the back seat. Satisfied that the captive choirgirl was firmly tied down, the suntanned blonde settled next to her and whispered in her ear.

“You might as well just relax and get ready to enjoy the ride, angel,” Linda breathed huskily, “like they say, leave the driving to us, okay? Don’t worry, baby, you won’t get bored, I promise; in fact, I guarantee this’ll be the most exciting thing that ever happened to you.”

Leaving the helpless black girl struggling helplessly on the seat, the blue-eyed girl slipped through the curtain blocking off the driver and passenger seats. Kinya saw her silhouette against the fabric as she told the driver, “We’re all set, Sally, she’s nice and comfy, no problems. I think she’s gonna work out just fine, we might as well go for a spin.”

The choirgirl jerked desperately against the ribbons at her wrists and ankles, but it was like trying to pull down a brick wall; her brain went into screaming panic and she whined and gurgled behind the ribbon gag covering her mouth. Kinya abruptly froze motionless when she saw the dark mound behind the driver’s seat moving. Her eyes widened as the biggest German Shepherd she had ever seen got stood up and came back toward her.

The pretty black teen sat dead still and watched nervously as the huge animal approached; she flinched when the Shepherd sniffed at her toes and his cold nose slid over her bow-wrapped ankle. The captive black girl thought she’d die of embarrassment when the dog casually poked his muzzle under her long skirt and began sniffing his way up the smooth skin of her inner calf toward the thigh. The big dog sat soundlessly between her spread legs and leaned forward in front of her, tongue hanging as he sniffed at Kinya’s thin cotton panties. The Shepherd’s hot panting huffed over the trembling black girl’s leg, steaming against her thighs and crotch.

Kinya squirmed and wriggled helplessly on the seat as the dog nosed further up between her spread legs, her skirt sliding over his neck and down his back. The choirgirl nearly fainted in shock when she felt the huge Shepherd’s hot breath huffing over the front of her panties; her screams emerged as shrill nasal whining while the big dog nosed eagerly at her cotton-covered crotch. The desperate black teen tried swiveling her hips away from the dog’s questing muzzle, but all her frantic wiggling didn’t seem to discourage the animal at all.

Kinya screamed in horror when the big dog’s rough tongue rasped over her thinly-covered crotch. She heaved frantically against the ribbons anchoring her wrists and ankles, whining shrilly and squirming frenziedly as the Shepherd began delicately licking at her crotch and thighs. Kinya’s gagged as the sweltering dog-tongue rasped at the thin material stretched over her snatch, but the velvet touch was inescapable.

The squirming black girl shrieked in her throat as the big dog started a slow steady lapping at her pussy, drooling on her frizzy black pubic hair. The dog panted and slavered over the anguished choirgirl’s snatch and her panties soaked as doggie saliva saturated her crotch.

Kinya gasped and retched as the Shepherd’s tongue lathered over her thinly-covered bush onto her thighs and then dropped back down onto the light fabric covering her crotch. The black girl made a pleading whimper through her velvet gag, shuddering from her taut thighs over her belly; the Shepherd ignored the shaking spade’s desperate whining, his wide tongue stroking rhythmically against the cotton stretched over her sensitive clit.

The big dog soundlessly continued lapping and snuffling over the trapped choirgirl’s squirming crotch regardless of her whimpering pleading and thrashing. The Shepherd growled once between her legs and Kinya stopped twisting and screaming, frozen in fear with his gleaming fangs inches away from her bush; the big dog never slowed the eager licking at her crotch. Kinya collapsed against the seat, sobbing helplessly as the animal continued to his eager tongue job. As soon as she lay still the dog intensified the maddening licking, tail wagging contentedly as he slavered over the choirgirl’s dripping black pussy.

In spite of her terror and mortification, Kinya started breathing faster and her nipples stiffened inside her skimpy bra; the choirgirl’s stomach twitched as the pulse raced in her steamy snatch. When her quivering pussy began dripping into her soaked panties, the big dog licked harder and faster at the delicious spade crotch spread open in front of him; the hair on Kinya’s arms was standing up and her full tits broke out in goosebumps as he lapped her. The inescapable tongue swarming over her thinly-covered bush made the captive choirgirl squirm and sweat despite her terror of his gleaming fangs and the ribbons that kept her lashed helpless against the seat for him.

After twenty or thirty minutes of the dog’s interminable licking, Kinya was gasping so hard she couldn’t even try to scream anymore. She lay helpless on the seat, crying breathlessly with the aroused Shepherd wedged between her thighs, moaning as the fiery rough tongue danced over her throbbing pubes. She blinked frantically through the tears when there was a sudden lapse in the rhythm of the dog’s incessant licking. When she saw the bare-breasted blonde moving back toward her, the desperate black girl tried to beg for help, grunting and mumbling behind the gag; her eyes brightened with hope as the dark-tanned girl settled beside her.

“Hello again, angel, my name’s Linda, and I know from your ID that your name is Kinya. You’ve already met Rex, sweetheart,” the blonde whispered, “you’ll have to forgive him for being so forward; he wants to make friends so quick. Sally and Deni were sure he’d like you, and I know you’re gonna love him, angel.”

Kinya’s eyes widened in anxiety as the half-naked girl reached over and tugged open her sweater; the black girl snapped into full-blown panic when Linda started unbuttoning her blouse. She writhed helplessly as the topless blonde spread her blouse wide, exposing the choirgirl’s full jugs with stiff nipples standing out against the skimpy cotton brassiere. Kinya groaned in horror behind her gag as Linda’s hands moved down to her long pleated skirt and the blonde methodically ripped off one button after another, tearing open the skirt front nearly up to her waist to give Rex better access to her snatch.

Kinya’s round breasts bounced as the blue-eyed girl snapped the seam between the cups of her bra, leaving her full dark-brown nipples quivering erect. Kinya was too frantic to scream when she felt Linda softly rubbing her tits; the gentle massage was so casual and deliberate the sheltered choirgirl couldn’t believe it, especially when the half-naked blonde focused on fondling her stiff nipples. The feel of the young girl’s kisses on her areolas drove Kinya to a frenzy of helpless thrashing and whining; the blonde-haired beauty crouched close beside squirming black girl, looking up at Kinya while licking sensually on the choirgirl’s stiff and sensitive nipples.

“Hearing you rolling around back here with Rex really made me so hot, babydoll,” the blonde whispered, trailing kisses up Kinya’s neck and sighing hot breath into her ear. “I was ready to come myself just hearing you wiggling around with him, honey,” she continued, drawing her nails excruciatingly over the captive black girl’s tingling nipples, “and I really think sexy Rexie wants to get to know you better now that we have the chance. You just lie back and take it easy, angel, and let Linda help you relax for him, okay?”

She leaned over and sucked Kinya’s dark chocolate nipples one after another, keeping her hand pressed against the shivering choirgirl’s throbbing pubes. Kinya sobbed in despair as Linda pushed the Shepherd’s muzzle away from her crotch and tugged gently at the front of her panties. The desperate black girl writhed and jerked against her bonds, horrified to imagine what the bare-busted blonde had in mind.

She got her answer as the girl caught the elastic of her panties and jerked abruptly, snapping the string, ripping the shredded panties completely away. The captive choirgirl screamed hysterically behind her gag as the big Shepherd lunged forward again and his slavering tongue stroked over her totally exposed pussy. His eager lapping parted the shaking black girl’s drool-soaked pubic bush, leaving her delicate pink lips and throbbing clitoris completely open to the slippery probing dog tongue.

“Now there, isn’t that better, baby,” Linda whispered to the sobbing black girl, running her fingers easily over the frantic choirgirl’s hard nipples. “Rex really loves eating pussy, honey girl, and you’ve never had anything as wonderful as his licking in your life. How about I just stay here and keep you company while he gives you a treat; I want to watch him make you wiggle and sweat.”

Kinya screamed in mortification, shudders heaving her belly and shaking her round tits; she wriggled futilely in the seat as the Shepherd’s wet tongue washed her open snatch, spreading her lips wide and sliding over her clit like a velvet ribbon. The big dog seemed even more intent now that her hot pussy was totally exposed to him, rumbling deep in his throat and wagging his tail as he worked on the gasping choirgirl. Moaning and shaking, Kinya collapsed on the seat and dropped her head back, crying silently as the eager animal lapped maddeningly at her melting pussy. She realized she was totally helpless, tied spread-eagle and powerless to stop the obstinate animal licking eagerly between her legs.

With a burst of absolute horror, Kinya suddenly realized that Mama wouldn’t even knew she was missing for hours; everyone thought she had caught another bus, she wouldn’t be missed and this crazy half-naked bitch could let the canine demon between her legs keep doing it to her until she went insane. At the smiling blonde’s softly whispered command, the dog sat deliberately on his haunches between her knees, his wide tongue lathering over her open pussy as fast as he could lick. The mortified choirgirl was panting for breath and shaking uncontrollably, her buzzing clitoris driving her wild. Shrieking shrilly against the gag, the horror-stricken black girl heaved and thrashed desperately against the ribbons pinning her wide open for the Shepherd’s attention.

“That’s right, angel, fight it, that’s real good,” Linda purred, kissing the frantic choirgirl’s nipples, “work hard, you try real hard, baby. Rex really likes to feel pretty girls squirm when he eats ’em and we just love to watch. I want you to try everything you can think of, sweetheart, watching you fight to get away from it is really sweet.”

The choirgirl gasped with relief as the blonde straightened up and stopped sliding her tongue over Kinya’s stiff nipples. Her relief turned to sobs of despair when Linda reached down and ripped off three more buttons, spreading her skirt completely open and leaving the horrified black girl stripped practically naked before the eager Shepherd. Overwhelmed by shame and disgust, she shrieked incoherently against the velvet ribbon gag and jerked her hips away from the animal’s probing tongue.

The Shepherd growled once between her legs and Kinya gave a muffled scream behind her gag as the dog abruptly snatched the waist of her torn-up skirt in his fangs and snapped his head back and forth savagely, shaking the girl like a doll. The last buttons snapped instantly and the animal jerked the tattered rags completely away; the stunned teen sprawled against the seat trembling as the now docile animal resumed the awful licking, tail wagging happily as he drooled over her dripping pussy.

The black girl burst into choking screams again as the blonde reached down and started petting the dog while the animal lapped delicately at her exposed clit. Kinya struggled uselessly against the ribbons as Linda giggled and whispered praise and encouragement to the enthusiastic dog.

“Oh yeah, all right, pretty boy,” the blonde crooned to the big dog, reaching over to spread Kinya’s pubic bush wide for the eager Shepherd, “Pretty Kinya can’t stop you and I know she won’t say a word about it, go ahead and do whatever you want, do it to her real good, good boy.” The black teen’s dark nipples were achingly hard and her belly twitched as she got hotter and hotter on the unrelenting doggie licking.

There was no way the frenzied choirgirl could escape the obedient animal licking eagerly at her crotch. Sensing that the quivering black girl had no way to resist, the big dog gave a low growl and began slowly washing the retching choirgirl’s bare pussy, tongue languidly flicking between her delicate inner lips and sliding over her exposed clitoris. Within minutes, Kinya was moaning through the gag and writhing against the restraints, loins throbbing as her snatch warmed under the dog’s incessant licking. Her thoughts were racing and her brain screamed in panic and shame even while her traitorous pussy responded terribly to the exquisite torture of the velvet tongue.

“Oooohh, Jesus, that’s good, she’s really good, Rex, go on baby, do it nice for her now, don’t stop good dog. Aaahhh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes,” Linda hissed through clenched teeth, watching the pulse in Kinya’s burning snatch, “do it now, Rexie, mmmmmm, yes yes yes, pretty Kinya can’t stand it, big dog, this pretty little spade is gonna cream all over you….”

Powerless to escape the bestial licking, Kinya clenched her fists and screamed behind her velvet gag, panting for breath as waves of awful ecstasy flooded up from her dripping snatch. As her thoughts raced with fear and total mortification, her hips rolled mechanically back and forth under Rex’s lingering licking, adding to the intensity of each slow stroke. Despite her determination to fight against the horrible feeling, the choirgirl felt her ass tighten with every flicker of the scalding dog tongue over her lips. She whined in disgust as she found herself spreading her legs wider to the big dog, straining the tendons at the side of her snatch like cables from the edge of her drool-soaked nappy bush to the sensitive skin of her inner thighs.

“Jesus, yes oh yes, Kinya, come now, baby,” Linda whispered hoarsely in her ear, watching the struggling choirgirl, “I can’t believe how much you need it, go ahead and do some more for us, good girl.” The captive black girl’s tits heaved as she sobbed, her thighs and calves pulsed as she trembled and twitched, starting to come on the big dog’s skillful licking.

“Oooohh, aahhhh, yeah, that’s good sweetheart, that’s so good, Kinya, go on baby, do it for Linda now, don’t stop now, girl. Aahh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes,” the blonde panted, sensing the orgasm pounding in the writhing teen’s throbbing snatch, “please do it now for us, angel, mmmmmm, oooohhh, don’t stop now, baby doll, we’ve gotta have it all now, come all over for us, angel girl.”

Kinya felt like her crotch was being electrocuted; it was like bolts of slow-motion lightning striking her clit, running straight up her spine. The choirgirl’s first orgasm was so intense it short-circuited her mind, leaving the shattering guilty sensation of coming and coming as Rex’s incredible tongue slithered over her pulsing snatch. Back and belly muscles rigid, thighs and calves cramping, the sobbing black girl sat paralyzed while the massive Shepherd panted and lapped at her melting black-bushed cunt.

“MMmmmmmmmmm, unnnhhhhhhhh, nnnnnnnno,” she shrilled through the ribbon smothering her cries, “nnnnoooo, dnnnt, aaaahhhhhh, ssttp ut, pplllzzz, unnnnhhhhhmmmmmmmm….” Her muffled pleading and frenzied moans seemed only to encourage the dog, who burst into excited licking at her spasming crotch.

The disgusted choirgirl’s brain exploded into a revolting fireball of orgasm, panic and mortified shame as the animal’s inescapable tongue probed between her exquisitely sensitive lips and slid up inside her dripping cunt. Tears slid and dripped from her rigid nipples as the frantic black girl squirmed into her first mind-boggling orgasm.

Howling and whining around the ribbon strip, Kinya gagged and retched as the smiling blonde watched the big dog make her come, petting his neck and murmuring praise as he snarled and drooled over Kinya’s dripping ebony-bushed pussy. The overwhelming orgasm seemed to last forever to the sheltered choirgirl, leaving her shuddering, exhausted and gasping, rolling her hips slowly under the big dog’s exquisite licking.

Kinya was stunned and paralyzed when the huge Shepherd kept on lapping eagerly at her dripping, quivering snatch. Aroused by the taste of the horrified choirgirl’s dripping young pussy, the big dog seemed impatient to keep on licking no matter how Kinya reacted. As the unnerved black girl tried to slide her ass back on the seat, the blonde whispered a command and Rex reared up on his haunches and clamped his forepaws over her legs.

The dog’s powerful shoulders easily shoved her thighs apart, keeping her hips pinned inescapably and holding her snatch wide open at the front of the seat. Kinya wailed desperately to the watching blonde as the big dog lathered at her dripping snatch; her gaze locked on Linda’s face, pleading for relief from the mind-blowing animal lapping between her legs. The sweating black teen moaned in despair when the smiling blonde picked up the choirgirl’s ruined panties and used them to wipe away the sweat trickling down her forehead.

“There, that’s better for you, huh babes,” Linda crooned softly, blotting Kinya’s tears with the scraps of tattered cotton, “Linda knows how Rex makes a girl sweat, and we wouldn’t want anything to distract you from his wonderful tongue, would we? Oh I know, don’t worry, sweetheart,” she added, smiling as the captive black girl wriggled frantically and muffled begging whined behind the gag, “I know how much you want to give up more of that sweet spade pussy for him; don’t worry, angel, Linda isn’t gonna make him stop. You’re just starting to get the good stuff, angel,” Linda whispered huskily, petting the Shepherd as he licked steadily at the sobbing black teenager, “you won’t believe how good it is once he gets warmed up. Let’s see if Linda can pump up a little more enthusiasm for you, babydoll.”

Kinya watched in unbelieving horror as the lovely blonde slid down next to the huge Shepherd, reached between his legs and started playing with the animal’s hairy organ. The choirgirl retched as the big dog’s penis swelled quickly and pretty Linda pumped the furry dog tool meticulously, whispering praise while the Shepherd’s tongue crawled over her crotch. The animal growled between Kinya’s knees as the blue-eyed blonde giggled and pumped his dick, his tongue lathering Kinya’s pussy as fast as he could lick.

Whimpering shrilly against her muffling ribbon, the horror-stricken choirgirl heaved and thrashed desperately against her bonds, pinned wide open for the Shepherd’s deliberate attention. Her muffled pleading and frenzied moans seemed only to encourage the watching blonde, who started a high-speed pumping at the panting animal’s swollen cock. As the shaking black teen tried again to scoot her ass back away from the big dog, Rex reared up and snapped his fangs on her left sleeve, heaving backward until material shredded. Linda laughed out loud as the Shepherd grabbed again near Kinya’s shoulder and ripped the whole sleeve away, long shreds dangling from the cuff at her velvet-tied wrist.

“No no, Kinya, you need to be a good girl, be still,” Linda said sharply, “puppy won’t like it if you make him disappointed, you don’t want him to get angry, so be still, good girl, still.”

Kinya lay obediently still as the animal chewed and jerked her other sleeve, ripping her blouse away, leaving tatters trailing beside the dark mounds of her breasts. She gagged with disgust as the big Shepherd licked the salty sweat off her tits, tongue crawling repulsively over her stiff nipples; the eager dog dropped back down and clamped his paws over her legs. Gritting her teeth to keep from throwing up, the frenzied choirgirl arched futilely up against the animal’s heavy forepaws, shaking her head as the excited Shepherd slavered over her, tongue dancing maddeningly at her slime-soaked pussy.

Kinya realized with horror that the huge animal wouldn’t stop while the gorgeous blonde-haired maniac kept fondling his throbbing organ; her gaze locked on the blue-eyed blonde kneeling beside her, eyes pleading for release as Linda stroked the dog lapping her disintegrating snatch.

“I think you’re ready for the final lesson, baby,” Linda cooed tenderly as sweat beads rolled down the black girl’s forehead, “watching you give it up for sexy Rexie has me about ready to come myself, but I saved the best for last.”

The horrified choirgirl literally couldn’t believe her eyes when the lovely blonde curled up beside the panting animal and leaned in underneath his belly, saying “I know you can’t thank me now, it’s all right; you can pay me back later. You watch now while Linda shows you how to really get the most out of one of these pretty boys, okay?”

The stunned black girl’s eyes widened in amazed disgust as Linda crawled in until her lips were inches away from the whining animal’s red erection and added, “You’ll want to watch real close, sweetheart, you’ll need to know this later.”

Linda looked up at the captive choirgirl and winked wickedly, then turned back and deliberately thrust the dog’s organ into her mouth. As the pretty blonde’s lips slipped down the length of his cock, the Shepherd lowered his head over Kinya’s snatch again; Kinya screamed and gagged behind the ribbon as Rex gave a low whine of delight and launched into furious lapping at her snatch while Linda sucked him.

Kinya’s muffled cries and groans turned into breathless shrieking as the frenzied choirgirl thrashed helplessly on the seat. Twisting and writhing, the sweat-drenched black girl moaned and pleaded with the bare-breasted blonde as her sanity dissolved and gushed out through her pulsating pussy. Rex growled deep in his throat as her spastic snatch pumped juices over his dripping tongue while Linda licked happily up and down his glistening red organ.

Gritting her teeth around the gag to keep from throwing up, the frenzied choirgirl heaved futilely against the seat back as her crotch exploded in waves of pounding orgasm. The excited Shepherd slavered over her gaping snatch and slippery thighs, tongue sliding loathsomely over the clamping ring muscle of her drool-soaked ass.

The sobbing black girl felt like she was drowning in tidal waves of surging come, one rush of explosive orgasm after another gushing from her steaming pussy straight up her spine to crash into her numbed brain. As the incredible shuddering spasms shook her bobbing jugs, Kinya realized with horror that the huge animal still refused to back off and the enthusiastic velvet tongue was still there. Muffled cries and groans
turned into a constant nasal moaning as the hysterical choirgirl thrashed helplessly on the seat with eager Rex crouched slavering between her thighs.

Kinya’s mind shattered in a red cloud of orgasm, guilt and horrified squirming desire as the dog’s inescapable tongue probed between her exquisitely sensitive lips and slid up inside her dripping cunt. Tears mingled with the sweat dripping from her throbbing nipples as the shrieking choirgirl started on another mind-boggling orgasm.

Howling and whining through the gag, she could not keep herself from straining toward the panting Shepherd and pressing her knees against his shoulders as he snuffled and drooled over her avid ebony-bushed pussy. Limp as a dishrag and sobbing uncontrollably, Kinya groaned and giggled crazily through the strip of muffling velvet, wriggling and thrusting her bush at the eager animal slavering between her thighs. Alternately begging, screaming and praying behind the gag, the delirious choirgirl gripped the seat back with both hands, spreading her thighs wide to hold her dripping lips apart, exposing her throbbing and demanding clit to Rex’s velvet tongue.

Kinya screamed and fought the overwhelming ecstasy, sobbing behind the muffling ribbon, gagging and retching as the dog made her come; as the endless doggie cunnilingus kept on, the demented choirgirl couldn’t even recognize separate orgasms. She kept coming and coming and still coming, on and on as the dedicated animal lapped and licked at her screaming snatch. The black girl gave another hoarse scream as the blonde’s tongue flicked against the big dog’s dick and passed out. Kinya was never sure how many times she fainted; when she came back to consciousness, the van was stopped, the blonde-haired degenerate and her dog were gone; she saw the brunette woman and a pale redhead sitting on either side of her.


“…has been disconnected. If the name appears in your directory, the listing has been changed. Please hang up and make sure you are dialing correctly. This is a–”

Linda banged the receiver back on the hook and swore in frustration. It was her third call from a different phone booth in the bus station, she’d tried once more in hopes it was some mistake. The teenager couldn’t believe it when she got the first recording, but she couldn’t deny it now; there was no answer at Auntie’s number, not even a ring, just the jerky tape message that the phone had been disconnected. The blonde had spent the long bus ride from the station in the town nearest the kennel rehearsing her apology and explanation to Aunt Jane and she was stunned to realize she might have trouble at this stage of her plan. The old maid had never taken a vacation in Linda’s lifetime, so where could she be now that Linda finally needed to talk to her?

One final flash of inspiration sent the anxious runaway searching through the yellow pages with shaking fingers; Auntie never did anything without talking to her lawyer, Mr. Kravitz would know what had happened. Linda told the secretary her name and waited in nervous anxiety until Kravitz picked up the call. When the old man told her the news, the blonde hung up in numb silence and cried quietly in a chair by the door until the cab came to pick her up. Her eyes were swollen and tears streaked her cheeks as she walked into the attorney’s office; she was still weeping silently while he talked for nearly an hour.

“…you couldn’t have known, she absolutely forbade any mention of her illness around you, Linda,” Kravitz concluded, shaking his head in regret. “I of course urged her to let you know that her condition was terminal, particularly when the pain became severe and you two began to quarrel.”

“Oh god, Mr. Kravitz, I feel so terrible,” Linda sniffled, “if only I’d known, we could have worked harder or something. And if it hadn’t been for the wonderful ladies who took me in, I’d never have come back, I’d never have known. They did so much for me, Mr. Kravitz, they made me really think about what I want and what I need to do and how to learn to like a job and responsibilities and everything, all the things Auntie tried to show me. Oh god, what will I do now, I thought everything would be okay once I came back and explained and apologized, now everything is screwed up…”

“Well, this probably isn’t the best time to mention it, but things aren’t all bad,” the lawyer replied understandingly, “your aunt knew she had to make some plans after you ran away. She had put off telling you what she intended to do until it was too late to take you into her confidence, but we made the best arrangements I could develop to under the circumstances. Since she had never charged you with being a runaway, it left some avenues open that made things easier. Before I go into the details of her will and your inheritance, there is one important item
to explain; does the term emancipated minor mean anything to you, my dear? If not, please listen carefully…”

It took a couple of weeks to get through the court forms and getting the estate settled and all the insurance paperwork finished and then finally have her new ID delivered. The new driver’s license and the checking and savings account books were brought to the house by a young lawyer named Jack, the youngest partner in old man Kravitz’s office. Jack had been very friendly since the first day Kravitz had introduced him to Linda, and eagerly volunteered to take over all the donkey work of dealing with the estate details. After he handed her the license, her savings account info and checkbook, Linda walked the young lawyer to the door; she was just ready to say thanks and goodbye when Jack reached into his satchel briefcase and pulled out a large beige cardboard folder.

“I think that takes care of the last of the professional details, Linda,” he said, smiling and looking directly into the surprised blonde’s eyes, “and now that the business stuff is all finished, I was wondering if maybe I could ask you for one little personal favor?”

“Why sure, Jack, I guess so,” Linda replied uncertainly, “I mean, I really do appreciate all the help you’ve given me, so if there’s something I could do show my gratitude…” She trailed off in bewilderment as he extended the manila folder and placed it in her hand with an even bigger smile.

“I was hoping,” he said, handing her a pen as she glanced down in confusion and began to open the folder, “that maybe you’d autograph a couple of these for me…”

Linda pulled open the folder in total mystification and then gasped and burst into laughter when she realized the contents: the first thing she saw was an 8 by 10 color computer photo printout of her, down on all fours with Rex mounted on top of her like Lassie. She
flipped to the next photo, a close up on her face, looking into the camera with a smile as she sucked Prince’s cock with come dripping off her chin. The folder was filled with still prints from her videos, all shots of her sucking and fucking the Shepherd, the wolfhound and the massive Harlequin. Linda looked up from the photos and found the young lawyer watching her with a huge grin.

“I recognized you the minute I walked into Mr. Kravitz’s office that first day,” he said simply, “I’ve got all your videos from day one at the kennel, and I’d say I’m one of your biggest fans. I’d really love to have your autograph on a couple of those pictures, and maybe someday you could tell me how you got into that situation, and how you managed to get out.”

“Sure, Jack, I’ll sign a couple of them,” Linda said with a chuckle, “anything for a fan.” She quickly scrawled ‘Love & kisses from Linda, big boy’ on the top two pictures and handed the pen & folder back to the smiling attorney, adding, “Maybe sometime I’ll talk more with you about what happened.”

“And maybe some day, if you’re really lucky,” she continued, walking him out the door and staring him straight in the eye with a smile, “you might catch me in the right mood and I’ll give you a private show.”

Linda gratefully locked the door as the young lawyer drove away, and then closed all the blinds before wriggling out of her clothes; the delighted blonde gave a loud whistle and burst into laughter as the year-old Pyrenees stud galloped into the room and eagerly thrust his muzzle between her legs. The nearly-grown snow-white pup weighed over a hundred pounds and was barely sexually mature; he was a smart and obedient dog and had learned amazingly quickly under the teenager’s skilled training. Linda spread her legs, leaned back with a sigh of satisfaction and picked up the phone as her big fuzzy bear licked lovingly at her spread snatch. She rubbed the animal’s ears as she dialed and waited for the distant phone to ring.

“Hi, Sally, it’s your lover-girl,” she giggled when the redhead answered, “Did you guys get my card? Yeah, it is amazing; I still didn’t believe it until all the paper shit was finished. Oh yes, the house, my inheritance money, plus insurance and savings and I still don’t know what all; I just got the checkbook & my driver’s license today. I’ll show you all the stuff when I come up this weekend, okay?

“Yes, you nosy bitch, I did get a dog of my own, he’s right here at my feet while we’re talking; no, a Great Pyrenees, he’s all white and furry and beautiful. The breeder said he’ll go about a hundred and eighty pounds when he’s full grown, I’m not sure I’ll be able to hold him up. If he gets me pinned over a footstool or bench or something I guess I’ll just have to fuck till he gets tired of screwing. How are you all doing down there, is Deni around? All out by the pool, hey, I can imagine what’s going on; is Kinya there by any chance, I’d like to talk to her. Oh, I’m sure she’s a little tied up right now, I thought she might need a lot of training. Spending every night out in the pen is she; she must be a bad girl. Just hold the phone next to her ear, lover.

“Hello sweetheart, how are you? This is Linda, you remember me, we met at the auditorium, and I was with Rexie the night we picked you up. Oh no, baby, you don’t understand, it’s going to be wonderful for you, you’ll see, the pretty boys are only being nice to you like Sally and Denise taught them. Of course I’ll help you, angel, I’m going to show you all kinds of things just as soon as I get there. Kinya, that’s not the kind of help you really want and I know it, just forget all about that and try letting yourself go. Yes I will help you; I’ll help you learn everything you need to know no matter how long it takes for you to understand. I’m sure we’ll find you’re really a dog lover at heart…

“Now is that any way to talk, how can you be so ungrateful? Yes I do know what they’re doing to you and I know you’re going to accept it more and more as time goes on. I’m really disappointed in you, angel, you shouldn’t say things like that to me, you know
you’ll regret it later. I can see I’m going to have to spend a lot of time with you when I come back, baby; I’m sure I can make you love me after a while. Now screaming like that won’t help, I can’t understand a word you’re saying with you crying that way…

“Oh hi, Denise, I can’t wait to see you again. Oh yes, I can hear her all right, sure is noisy isn’t she? Yeah, I think it’s exciting too, good thing you’re out in the boonies with plenty of privacy. Oh I think we can bring her around all right, I’ve been doing some reading and I have a couple ideas. Have you ever seen those electric shock collars they advertise in the dog magazines? No, not for the pretty boys, you doofus, for that pretty little piece of dark meat you have tied in the chair. Uh-huh, I’ll bring it with me when I come this weekend. I love you too, Deni, bye…”

Linda dropped the phone back on the cradle with a giggle and slid easily off the couch beside her fuzzy loverpup. The teenager spun on her hip to lay end for end with the dog, opened her legs and slid her hands over the animal’s belly as the excited yearling began faithfully lapping at her pussy. The dog whined imploringly as the blonde’s fingers danced over his furry cock sheath and the girl giggled again as she leaned over the swelling pink hardon.

“That’s right, baby, lick Linda real pretty,” she coaxed, skinning back the sheath to expose the full length of the young dog’s swelling erection, “yes yes yes, that’s my good, good boy, oh baby that’s wonderful. You go on lover, go on and lick Linda sweet,” she added, leaning over the animal’s sensitive dickhead, “it’s time for Linda to show you what a real dog treat is…”

The End