(c) 2002 by CerfNurf

Part One

I was just coming home from work and on my front step I saw my sister Lee sitting there – crying her eyes out. I ran over and asked what was the matter, and she told me that her boyfriend had broken up with her and it really hurt. I put my arm around her and asked her to come inside so we could talk. She got up, then we both went inside.

I said, “let’s not spoil dinner… let’s just eat and drink and laugh a little. I’d already ordered Chinese and although my sister was only 17, I opened a beer for her, figuring ‘what the heck’ since I knew she was upset. As it was, our mom and dad were out of town for a week on vacation and I was in charge anyway. She took the beer, hesitating at first (she’d never drank… in front of her big brother anyway), but eventually, she’d downed that one and asked for another, which I supplied.

After more than a few beers in us before the food arrived, we ended up just nibbling on the stuff the delivery guy brought, and went on the couch and talked while we watched a video.

I accidentally put in an old porno video in and it’d started before I had a chance to realize what it was, and when my sister saw it she laughed and spit the mouthful of beer at me by accident, saying, “Wow! So THAT’S what you do when I’m not around!”

Embarrassed, I pulled the tape out and apologized. She said, “Oh that’s ok… I like porn anyway… it gets me hot.”

I said, “Geez sis… don’t tell me that – you never know WHAT that kind of talk will make me start be thinking next!” I was joking when I said it, but to be honest, I couldn’t help noticing how good she looked… petite, built nice, very sexy lips… if she wasn’t my sister – wait… WHAT WAS I THINKING?

Time to change the subject.

She must have seen me squirm a little, because she “pushed the point” and said, “Don’t tell me your ‘little sis’ is helping you think bad thoughts, huh?” While I struggled to behave myself and clear the thoughts that were starting to take over out of my mind, she came over to me and leaned forward, putting both her face only inches to mine and putting a great view down her shirt within eyesight.

She said, “It’s ok… I knew you were checking me out on occasion. I’ve seen you looking when I’d get out of the shower. It’s cool and I won’t say anything. To be honest, I watched you jerk off once through the crack in the door of your bedroom.” “You what? I can’t believe…” Then suddenly I thought to myself, ‘Wait… if we keep talking like this, what’s next? Are we just gonna forget we’re brother and sister and do it like we weren’t related.’ “You know big bro… and from what I saw, you ARE my BIG bro… I’ll make you a deal. I’m just drunk enough to say yes if you’re drunk enough to let me, and I’m horny enough to suck your cock dry if you’re horny enough let me.” WOW! I couldn’t believe I was hearing this! I went from helping my sis through some depressing stuff to actually contemplating eating her (in my mind) juicy pussy as I finger fucked her until she let me cum in her mouth. I got a little scared of what I was thinking and started to walk out of the room, but she turned me around and kissed me on the lips… a nice, sensual one.

“It’s up to you, but I love you either way,” she said.

Unable to resist her any longer I pulled her back to me and kissed her in a way that had NOTHING to do with anything brotherly. I started to kiss down her neck as she reached into my shorts and started to stroke my now ragingly hard cock.

My sister took my pre-cum and rubbed it on her lips, making them glossy and turning me on like you wouldn’t believe! I said the hell with hesitation and ripped her blouse off and literally pulled her out of her bra and started to suck on her nipples, easy at first but then harder and harder as she pressed them further into my eager mouth.

She responded as if I had done the best thing I could and she literally threw me on the floor and pulled my shorts down and turned around straddling my face while she took my entire cock into her mouth in one swallow, at the same time she was pulling her own shorts and thong panties down.

I couldn’t resist the hot, wet musky smell of her pulsating and glistening pussy, and with no hesitation what so ever, I thrust my tongue as deep into her as I could as she sucked on my cock like a million dollar whore.

After making enough slurping noises to wake the entire planet and us seemingly having a contest to see who would make the other cum first, I found that I couldn’t hold back any longer. As she gently scraped my cock against her teeth and tongued and deep-throated me, she whipped her pussy out of the way to prevent me from making her cum first. I shot spurt after spurt down her throat, groaning in ecstasy as she made sure to suck every drop of cum out of me.

While all this was happening, a big surprise awaited both of us.

My Great Dane (Apache) snuck up behind my sister and new love/sex object and started to lick her pussy. She started to move in shock but I held her lips on my cock and wouldn’t let go.

After a few seconds of sucking me off and being licked, she stopped resisting and started to push back towards Apache’s tongue, letting it go inside her – a first for her (and for me to be honest).

Then suddenly Apache leaped up and BAM!!! He jammed his entire 12-inches of doggie cock into my rather petite little sisters cunt. She let go of my cock and SCREAMED in shock and pain, and maybe a little lust. When I saw what was happening I started to stop everything and help her, but after a few quick thrusts I could tell that she was DEFINITELY into it.

In the process of all of this, I was getting SERIOUSLY turned on and started to crawl underneath her belly and lick her clit as the dog fucked her with a foot long pole. I knew that dogs get a “knot” that holds the cock in a female dog after it cums and didn’t know if it would hurt my sis, but she didn’t care as long as the cock fucked her, so I ate her with the dog cock in her and reached around and fingered her asshole.

THAT drove her over the edge and she came like her life depended on it!!! She had already gotten me hard again and was sucking my cock as she came… her clit literally swollen with blood and her pussy leaking cum (hers) like a river. I couldn’t stand it myself and when she finished cumming, I pulled the dog off, jerking it off for a few seconds to keep it hard, then laid down on the bed and pulled her on top of me, her back to my front and slid my cock into her asshole.

Then to my amazement my sister pulled the dog back to her pussy, facing the dog this time and then started to fuck it again as I fucked her in the asshole.

THIS TIME, there was no stopping that knot, as I literally felt it through the wall separating her pussy and asshole. It was so big and hard, it actually made my cock hurt, but hurt REAL GOOD, knowing what I was doing, where my cock was and WHO I was in! MY LITTLE SISTER! THIS WAS AMAZING!

Right about then, the dog started to cum, and man… what a lot of cum! I almost felt her pussy swell with cum in it, and it drove ME over the edge and I started to cum… which drove HER over the edge and SHE started to cum… The three of us – all cumming as if our lives depended on it! Amazing! After a few minutes of the most intense orgasm she or I had EVER experienced, I started to lick the cum out of her asshole and pussy as she started to suck my cock clean. That’s when Apache licked her face, then licked my cock clean at the same time, and when my little sis decided to pay Apache back for the best sexual experience ever and sucked his huge pink cock clean and dry… not caring what anyone would think.

THAT was the first of what would become many, many days of sex between sis, Apache and I.


Part Two

It was the best sleep I’d had in years and no hangover to boot! Sis and I had done something we should’ve never EVER done, and we didn’t care. Here I was, lying next to the most beautiful woman I’d ever made love to, knowing it was the ultimate taboo, and all I could think of was making her happy.

Her taste was still on my lips, and the slick yet sticky feeling on my cock from her love juices only made me excited instead of my normal “I need to clean myself off” mode. She happened to roll over with a smile, then a fearful look upon seeing me naked on the floor next to her.

The look turned to a smile when she saw me smiling at her. She hesitated, then kissed me tenderly on the lips, laughing when she realized she’d tasted her own love juices on my lips.

“Hey… now this is a situation, isn’t it?” I joked. “So BIG brother… where do we go from here? Is this an “oops,” or an “ok to more?” She asked. I didn’t respond with words… rather, I leaned over but instead of kissing her, I started to nibble on her neck very lovingly while I started to stroke her pussy very gently between her soft and slightly sticky lips.

I told her to stick out her tongue and said “this is as close as I get to being gay, so enjoy,” then I sucked on her tongue like she’d sucked on my cock, even licking up and down it and deep-throating it. Between that and the fingering I was giving her, she couldn’t take it and started to cum again. This time however, we couldn’t use alcohol as an excuse. We KNEW we wanted this – and BAD!

She started to push me over, straddling my face. She held her lower body over me, placing her now swollen clit in line with my tongue and she started to suck on my rock hard cock like it was oxygen and she was in space. The dog had woken up too and though sis had looked like she was gonna have second thoughts about a second time with the dog, she felt the dog’s tongue lick her slit at the same time it tickled my nose, making me laugh at both the feeling and the sight.

I decided to see what would happen now that we were both sober and had no excuse other than being horny, and boy, did she show ME what was next! She saw that I was getting turned on by watching that nearly six inch tongue go in and out of her pussy so she made me move and laid on her back while the dog slid the tongue in her like a wiggly flat cock. She used her love muscles to suck the tongue in while she continued to suck my own cock.

The sight of my little sister with a tongue-cock in her and my real cock in her was too much, and I shot and shot and shot so much cum that she was probably drowning but didn’t care as her own orgasm overrode all else. She swallowed all of my cum then turned her ass and pussy towards me and told me to get hard quick! I told her that I needed a few minutes but that if she wanted to let the dog have “round 2,” “go for it!”

That’s all she needed and this time, she got on all fours like a dog in heat and I guided his doggie cock into her. This time, she KNEW what was coming and drove toward it like an engine with a huge piston driving inside.

The dog must’ve thought he was making puppies and his life depended on it, because I’d never seen any creature fuck another like that! For the first time (since it was daylight and not drunk), I saw that huge cock impaling my petite little sister. It was an amazing sight, and I realized that I was getting jealous! I may have been getting turned on and horny as hell, but someone else’s cock was in her and not mine.

I decided to do a repeat of last night and had her lie on me with my cock in her ass while she had the dog fuck her from the front. The feeling of the dog cock and my cock sandwiching her love tunnel walls was too much for any of us, and the dog stopped and suddenly came, while I came again, causing sis to scream bloody murder while she came as hard as possible, head wagging left and right and howling like a honest to goodness bitch in heat!

Strangely enough, neither one of noticed our cousin Annie standing in the doorway (Annie and I were temporary roommates until her husband came back from a deployment in the Marines). There was no way we could hide what we were doing and no possible explanation, but beyond the shocked look in her eyes I saw something more so decided to take a chance…

“Annie, wanna play too?” I asked.

“But…” She said, hesitatingly but somewhat seductively. “I’m married.”

Not “you’re fucking your own sister!” or “you two are fucking a dog!” but “I’m married.” I took that as a hopeful sign and said, “Then I guess we’ll have to make sure nothing that happens is your fault, right?”

Before she could say another word, I walked up to her and, taking a scarf from her drawer, blindfolded her. She giggled as I slowly kissed her neck and cheek, then slowly started to both close the door which was partially open to the world outside and started to slowly open her blouse.

Behind me, I heard the audible “pop” of the dog’s cock know coming out of sis, and now she wobbled a little bowlegged toward us, still lustfully looking at my cock and sliding her finger over her clit. While I enjoyed this new player who I’d only looked at as a cousin a day or two before, my sis who I never knew had even kissed a girl had started licking up and down Annie’s love slit through her panties.

I could almost imagine the hard clit approaching the silk as my hand went down to Annie’s ass, realizing that like many girls now, she was wearing thong panties and unlike most girls I knew (but like my beautiful sister), had a perfect ass. I pressed a thumb into her asshole, pressing down making her clit press hard against my sister’s tongue. The constant stimulation and not being able to see who was doing what to her was having an effect on Annie.

My cousin started this low moan that kept getting louder and louder until she started to cum almost as loud as sis did with the dog in her. As she came, sis and I lowered her onto the floor and watched as her cum flowed out of her onto the floor and onto sis’ hand since she was fingering Annie on the way down.

Unlike my original miracle from the night before, sis was taking charge. She took a dildo I found in Annie’s drawer and started to slide it gently into Annie’s sopping wet pussy. I watched in amazement as I saw my little sister please my cousin on my living room floor. I couldn’t help but stroke myself back to hardness and slide into my sister as she slid the hard rubber cock into Annie. Annie started to slide her finger in sis’ pussy, feeling my cock in her and fingering sis’ clit as she stroked my cock.

I whispered in sis’ ear, asking her to slide her pussy over Annie’s mouth and see if she’d eat her. That also gave me a chance to kiss sis and suck on her up-to- this-point this morning ignored tits. I kissed and sucked on my sister as Annie slid her tongue up sis, tasting doggie cum along with sis’ pussy juices.

Realizing what she was tasting, she hesitated at first but sis kept thrusting the dildo into Annie, making her start to cum again, which made me want to be in my cousin for the first time. I traded places with sis, then slid my very hard and now somewhat sore cock into Annie. She was INCREDIBLE!

Her pussy sucked my cock in like it was made for it, and I held my cock against her swollen clit while I thrust into her, shallow then deep… shallow then deep… Annie quietly brought the dog over and decided to do something different… she slowly got the dog hard again and started to suck on its cock. Guess she was saying “thanks for the good fuck” to the dog and the dog responded by bucking into sis’s eager mouth.

She slowed doggie down, then brought the tip of his cock to Annie’s lips and while kissing Annie and licking the tip, she brought the tip to Annie and slowly guided it in. I’d almost forgotten I was having the time of my life fucking Annie as I watched her slowly, then rapidly suck off the dog. Sis was holding the furry sheath back, so Annie probably thought it was someone else that joined in and they weren’t circumcised.

Well… she was sorta right! I slid out of Annie and brought the dog over and guided the tip into Annie while sis put her pussy back over Annie’s face…

The End (?)