Being in my mid thirties, I was lucky enough to enjoy the pleasure that a perfect large white male lab can give to a human female. He joined me when he was 14 weeks old, all white with a pink nose, falling in love with him immediately. Being single I seldom wore any clothes in the house, Charlie became a constant companion, when he was small sucking and licking my nipples, making me whimper … but enjoying every moment. The older and larger her grew, the licking with that magical tongue, moved all over my body, just before he was a year old, he started concentrating on the area between my legs, making me constantly wet. The more skilled his tongue became, started triggering climaxes, eventually I was enjoying these two and three times a day, topping this experience, he’d lick the juices clean enjoying mini explosions, something I never knew was even possible.

One afternoon just after he had turned a year old, I was on all fours, resting on the sofa, he was licking me, suddenly jumping up on my back, before I realized what was happening, his cock slid inside me, causing me to moan, a small jump sent that marvelous tool all the way in.

I had been playing with his penis, but until this moment I had no idea how big he really was. This was something I was looking forward to, but in no way was I ready at the speed he was fucking me. Gripping the sofa, trying to come to grips with how fast he was spiking my arousal. Plunging over the edge was coming so fast, it was all I could do to breathe, then his knot pressed against my opening. It was so big, there was no way it would go in without tearing me apart. Trying to turn, reaching back to stop him was useless, he was too big, too powerful, before I could even prepare, his rapid pounding forced it in me, the pain immediately replaced by pure pleasure, triggering the most intense orgasm I’d ever enjoyed. Body shaking, suddenly a new sensation of warm liquid flooding my insides, possibly launching a second explosion or an extension of the one I was enjoying, whatever it was, a euphoric feeling covering every cell in my body. Laying there, the waves of pleasure continuing to excite me, until he pulled out. Gushes of liquid rushed down my inner thighs, my pussy throbbing, nipples tingled, sliding off the pillows collapsing on the floor, curling up in a ball, sleep overtaking me.

Vaguely remembering him licking me clean, but what had happened left me in a hazy zone, one that didn’t leave quickly. Finally standing, taking a shower, grabbing something to eat, pouring a soft drink, taking it with me, settling down in an easy chair, looking at him relaxing near me. He raised his head, looking at me … in that moment I knew our relationship had changed, I was now his bitch to be used at any and all times he wanted me.

Moving between my legs, opening wide to allow him to complete access to me, a few licks over an excited pussy, I was back on all fours, enjoying him in me again.

I enjoyed him as my partner for a little over 9 years, then old age caught up with him, eventually forcing me to relieve his pain by putting him to sleep.

Loosing him was so painful, I couldn’t bring myself to replace him, even though I missed the enjoyment only a dog can give you.

Not wanting to forget what I had experienced, joining multiple beastality sites, showing clips of women who were enjoying what I had, reading stories of people who had become zoophilia followers.

Reading the stories, watching videos combined with a dog shaped rubber dildo cock featuring a large knot at the base. This was fun, it gave me climaxes, but nothing was like the real thing.

After four years, I was finally in a position of looking for a new companion, that was when a pop up ad appeared on my screen just as I closed down one of my favorite sites – advertising a virtual program for those who wanted to experience animal companions, but not having to take care of live animals. Reading more, any animal could be used, along with my choice of the kind of sexual encounter desired.

This one caught my interest, opening it up to see what was actually offered, it had so many different options, type of animal, type of sexual encounter, all this plus so many other options. Setting back looking at this offer, thinking of all the pluses this had vs having a live companion and not having to experience the loss in a few years.

Thinking about it for more then a day, finally logging in, entering my credit card number, beginning to fill in the needed information, while my head set was being rushed to me. What I didn’t know, as soon as my credit card was verified, a powerful subliminal program kicked in, targeted goal to hypnotize me into becoming a sexual slave to this program.

The visor was rushed over night, but by the time I had entered all the information needed, I had already fallen under its control. A program virus was now in my system, entering everything electronic I owned.

A program without the aid of the helmet, started running, with me in a semi hypnotic state, feeling a dog deep inside me, moaning when multiple orgasms hit me, laying back exhausted, still watching the screen, being taken deeper and deeper by the hidden messages.

I was up all night watching the screen, being taken deeper under their control, experiencing so many climatic explosions, my body was exhausted – by early morning, my eyes closed, falling asleep at my desk. Somehow the program caught that, switching to subliminal verbal messages, conditioning me deeper and deeper under the programs desires, while I slept.

Waking when the door bell rang, the shield had arrived, by now I was in an induced stupor, horny as can be, not able to think about anything but the sex I needed. Downloading the compatible software, slipping the headset on, I’m instantly facing three Charlies. All just alike, all showing big hard cocks, dripping precum. In my make believe world, dropping down on all fours, one of my companions mounted me, bringing back that familiar feeling I had missed for so long, surprising me, one pushed his cock deep in my mouth, making me gag at first, but soon the reflex was gone, enjoying all 12 inches of him pounding my my throat while one was not only fucking me, but this ones knot was slipping in and out of me, triggering mini explosions every time he pushed in.

Then to my total shock, the third one had somehow pushed the head of his shaft, just inside my anal opening, making me trying to stop him, but the other two were holding me firm. Before I knew it, that monster was plunging just as deep as his two brothers.

Loosing track of how long they used me or how many explosions my body enjoyed, eventually, my eyes shut from sheer exhaustion, head dropped down on the desk top, body slumped to the floor, sleep over took me.

Waking, looking around, confused … dried cum was all over me, my tummy normally was flat, now looking like I was several months pregnant. Not making any sense of what had happened, making it to the shower on wobbly legs, the warm water started the healing process. My ass easily could fit three fingers in it, the jaw ached and the tummy was still swollen, confused drying off, picking up my cell phone to see if any messages had come in, a video of what had happened to me was the only thing I could get. The virus now had me completely cut off from the outside world.

Mesmerized, I couldn’t put it down, it looked like they were really fucking me, all three were in the various holes. My mouth had cum running out of the sides, it looked like I was desperately trying to swallow the seed he was feeding me. Cum also ran out of my pussy and my ass, that explained the dried cum all over me, but it didn’t make any sense, this was all make believe, it was virtual. So confused, fixing something to eat, relaxing in front of the TV, the same video that was on my phone was playing on the big screen.

Nothing made any sense, the virtual program had become real. Picking up the headset again, looking it over, then placing it back on my head, instantly being plunged back into the same world, all three of my pets were waiting, Before I could get he device off, all three on me, sending me back into the erotic world of the perverted zoophilia. Moaning as my eyes rolled up in my head …. hours upon hours passed, before, as before I shut down.

Waking having no way of telling what day it was, how long they’d been using me. My breasts seemed so tender, pussy ached, there seemed to be no feeling in my ass it was beyond sore, tummy was even more bloated then it had been. The sofa was covered in dried cum, it was all over my body.

Walking into the bathroom, stopping in front of the mirror, a total shock made me scream, I was becoming a female dog, There were six very distinct nipples, all puffy, touching them made me moan … rubbing my tummy, it wasn’t due to the excess nectar I had swallowed, somehow I was pregnant with puppies. Ears were forming, hands and feet were becoming paws. In the shower I was bawling, what had happened to me, what had the program done?

Staying away from the headset, no longer sure if I was in the program or back in my world, but I could feel movement inside me, finally the need to get the damn thing back on, became to much for me to withstand, slipping it back on, I immediately watched in horror while I gave birth to 6 adorable puppies. All latched onto my nipples, the sucking sending me into a sexual frenzy again. The sucking continued, my pussy was exploding with mini orgasms, while one of the Charlies was between my legs, licking the discharge, keeping me on the edge.

How long this went on was a cloudy sexual haze to me, but like before, my body gave out, brining on a deep sleep.

Waking this time, my tummy was flat again, the multiple nipples had shrunk in size, i was feeling much better. A shower, some food and relaxing in front of the TV, slipping back on the head set, the three dogs began repeating what I had experienced the first time going under, on this time, the head set was no longer needed, I had been taken into the program, repeating the process of being fucked, becoming pregnant, giving birth, nursing the new borns, then the fucking starts again … I’ve become part of the virtual beastality program, still no longer sure wha is real or virtual, all I know for sure, my three Charlies will never die.

The End